Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1909, Page 20, Image 20

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Last Four Days "Red Goose" Drawing Contest-"Willamette" Sewing Machines $2.00 Down, $1.00 WeeklyT-TakeJAdvanUgg t
Today, 'The Meier ? Prafok Stores' 1 034th Friday Surprise Sales
"Toykud" Now Ready-Portland's Largest an
d Best Toy S
Perrin's Gloves
$1,12 the Pair
For today, a great Friday Bale of
"Perrin's" Kid Gloves for women;
2000 pairs in cape and pique, one and
two-clasp; real kids; black, white,
tan, gray, brown, mode, red; all sizes;
every pair full guaranteed; regular
$L50 values, on sale Q 1 1 O
at this low price, pr. D I 1
1000 Women's
Umbrellas 69c
We offer today a great sale of 1000
Women's Umbrellas at a low price
26-inch size, fast black covering;
large assortment of bandies, includ
ia plain Directoire; great LQ fs
value at this special price W 37 V
Child's Umbrellas
500 Children's 22-inch School Um
brellas, with natural Congo crook
handle; great special val- O
at low price,
Underw'r 79c
We offer today a great Friday sale of
"Harvard MiEs" Underwear for
women; vests and tights; vests are in
high neck and elbow sleeves; ankle
length rights; wool mixed garments;
well made and finished ; 9 Q
form fitting;, $1.50 value 7 is
For today, a great Friday sale of
Women's Neck Ruching, 6 neck
lengths in a box; all white and as
sorted colors. Take advantage of sale,
75c Values 47c Box
For today, 300 dozen Women's and
Children's Handkerchiefs, in plain
white and colored borders; also soft
finish flaxette ; regular 8 l-3c Jt
values, on sale at this price HP w
$1.50 Collars
For 73c Each
For-today, a. great Friday Surprise of
Women's White Point de Venise
Laee Collars, Chemisettes and Yokes;
also Coat Sets; grand variety; best
$L5 and $L50 values, on 9
.sale. at this special price C J V
Opting Flannel
7 c Value at 5 c
For today, IX) yards of Superior
Quality Outing Flannel; splendid
styles and colorings; best of value;
Buy all yon want of it at this C
special low price, the yard J V
White Madras
25c Value lie
Today,, in the White Goods Dep&rtm t,
000 yards of 32-inch White Madras;
best patterns; wonderful value at this
special low price, the 1 1
yard take advantage 1 1 C
Linen Specials
We offer today 2500 yards of Extra
Heavy All-Linen Bleached Table
Damask, 72-inch; best patterns; great
assortment for your selection; regular
$1.25 value, on sale at
this very low price, yard
For today, 300 dozen All-Linen Nap
kins; best patterns; large size; $4.00
values, on sale at
this low price, doren
21b. Squares of
Butter for 75c
For today, in the Basement Grocery
Store, our great weekly offering of
5000 squares of Good Creamery But
ter at s price far below the market
value; full 2-lb. squares; buy all you
want of it at this law price, per
square. No phone orders filled; no
delivery except with other goods;
Take advantage of the
low price of, per square
Great values in all lines of Groceries.
- j
75 c
50c Men's Hose at 17c
For today's big 1034th Friday
Surprise a marvelous offering in
men's hieh-erade hosiery 3000
pairs in "plain and mercerized silk
lisles Embroidered and woven
novelties Fancy stripes and fig
ures, also plain black, tans, grays
and browns. reens and blues
J Also fine " cashmere wool hosiery
7 in black, gray and oxford Men s
fine hosiery selling regularly at
prices up to 5Qc a pair
Your choice, at the pair,
See Morrison-street Window Dis
play Look to you needs now
Sale 500 Dozen
35c Men's 'Kerchiefs at 1 8c
For today, 500 dozen men's pure linen Initial Handkerchiefs
corded sheer linen, with hand-embroidered initial ; best
35c values; buy all you want of them at the low price of
500 Boys' $6 Suits $3.63
For today, another great special sale of boys' Combination Suits,
with 2 pairs of Knickerbocker trousers to match; materials in fancy
cassimeres, fancy cheviots, fancy blue worsteds,
new and snappy patterns; all sizes $5 and $6 vals.
200 dozen Children's Rompers,
in tan and blue chambrays, pink
and blue checked ginghams,
blue checked Hickory ginghams;
neatly trimmed in white, with pocket and belt effect;
regular 75c values, during this sale at only, the garment
Try our Friday Surprise Luncheon to
Aav. You will be pleased with the
menu, the service and the1
price of luncheon is only
Clam Chowder
Fried Tenderloin of
Minced Lamb with Green Peppers
Koast Teal with Dressing
Mashed Potatoes, Carrots in Cream
Rice Pudding
Tea, Coffee, Milk or Buttermilk.
$3.00 Shoes $1.98
The Big Third Floor Shoe Store an
nounces for today another grand
bargain in standard $3.00 footwear:
Patent colt, with neat kid tops and
blue or black cloth tops, glazed kid
with patent tips, and gunmetal calf
in lace and blucher styles; heavy or
light soles, Cuban or military heels ;
all sizes and widths; 1 ( Q
reg. $3.00 values, at & 1 iO
Plaid Silks
at 98c
Friday sale of 2000 yards of new
Plaid Silks in light and dark color
ings ; all the best styles ; Q O
$1.25 values, at low price O V
Sale 300 Trimmed Hats
$10.50 Values for $4.95
For' today the season's
greatest sale of women's
trimmed millinery A spe-
cial lot of 300 hats, prod
uct of our own workrooms,
copies of the season's new
est and best styles New
shapes, new effects Trim'd
in fancy feathers, wings.vel
vet, etc. Hats for street and
dress wear Hats for both
women and misses Styles
to please every individual
fancy Values in the lot up
to $ 1 0.50 on
sale at, each
300 Women's and Misses' Silk and Velvet Hats, trimmed in fancy
feathers, ribbons and velvet; new, pretty styles; 1 Q C?
values up to $8.50, on sale at this low price, each J J' J
Our entire stock of Untrimmed Shapes in silk, velvet and felt, all
colors; great variety; take your pick from the en- Pp!fp
tire stock shrewd buyers will take advantage of this
Special Sale of Solid Gold Jewelry
$1.50 to $15.00 Values V2 Price
Today, in the Jewelry Department, main floor, annex, a sale extraor
dinary of a manufacturer's line of Solid Gold Jewelry, including
solid gold brooches, solidlgold chatelaine pins, gold-mounted back
combs, etc., etc; all new, pretty pieces in grand assortment; brooches
and combs in plain or stone settings; values ranging from $1.50 to
$15.00 each on sale at y2 regular price. This sale offers great 1 A
opportunity for buying Christmas gifts at a saving of just
$1 Comb. Garments 98c
jro&r Petticoats $10.50
$6 Princess Slips $3.98
The greatest of values in women's undergar
ments for today's big 1034th Friday Surprise
Every shrewd buyer should take advantage of
these splendid bargains Find them on 2d floor
Women's 2-piece Combination Garments, corset cover and
drawers or corset cover and short skirt; fine cambric and
nainsook materials, trimmed in lace and embroidery; large
variety for your selection; regular $1.50 and Q Q
$1.75 values, on sale at the low price, per garment J O
Great sample line of Women's Fine White Petticoats; beau
tiful materials in lawn and nainsook, elaborately trimmed in
lace, wide embroider', tucks,. insertion, beading and ribbon;
handsome new, white underskirts ; $13.50 fl B C
to $20.00 values, on sale at, each, only J) 1 V J w
Women's Princess Slips, corset cover and long skirt com
bined; made of fine nainsook material and trimmed in lace
and embroidery; regular $5.00 and $6.00 rt AO
values, on. sale at this very low price, each P7CJ
Cf rxmjn C Special lot of French Hand
$OiJU UOWUi Made Gowns, with embroidered
at Each, $2.98
low neck
$6.00 values, on sale at the low price, each
For today, in the Sec
ond Floor Waist Store
a special lot of Wom
en's Long Kimonos,.
made of fine quality heavy German fleeced flannelette. Three pretty designs and
trimmed with one-inch satin bands on cults, pockets ana aown ironi, U" J Q
Long Kimonos
$3.50 Vals. $1.95
girdle and cord at waist; splendid colorings; $3.50 values, for low price
Women's Silk and Wool
Qne-Piece Dresses SSTiS
$35 Values $ 1 4.45 Ea.
The big second-floor Garment Store offers for
today's big 1034th Friday Surprise a sensa
tional bargain in women's silk and wool one
piece dresses Over 400 garments for your
selection All the season's most desirable
fashions and materials Made . up in Princess
and moyen age styles, with panel front em
broidered in soutache braid; also belt effects
with dainty yokes of lace and fancy tucking
Full length sleeves of material or part lace;
skirts with pleated flounce, gored with set-in
pleats or plain draped effects Materials in
broadcloth, serge, wide wale diagonal and
messaline silks The color assortment includes
navy blue, raisin, black, green, Copenhagen,
mustard, garnet and gray Handsomely made
and finished throughout Suits selling regu
larly at prices up to $35 each Your choice
at this low price each All
sizes for women and misses
See Fifth-street window display Great No
veraber sale of women's tailored suits at re
markably low prices Look to your needs
$ 1 4.45
Cut Glass Bargains
For today's 1034th. Friday Surprise Sale we quote these low prices:
25 Brilliant Cut-Glass Water Pitchers," $5.00 values... $3.49
50 Cut-Glass Vases, regular $i50 values, at low price of. .. .$2.99
100 Gold Bohemian Glass Nappies, regular $2.25 values $1.69
1000 Fancy China Plates, regular 50c values, each.. 35
1000 Fancy China Plates, regular 25c values, each 17J
Great special values in Kitchen Goods. Visit this department Friday.
$6 House Coats $3.65
For today in the men's iSTV'
clothing department, 3d ( Wl
floor, the season's first : Jr" t(
great Christmas sale of fwT
men's all wool Smoking
Jackets Fine materials f!!SvSjK
with plaid back collars p5 "rOv '
and cuffs in a variety of Mfin
colors Grays,browns, ifT!I4
greens, olives, tans and 0-
maroons Well made kQPjsiV
and finished AH sizes jgjC
Large variety for your SSX'SO
selection Best $5 and lf j MTO
$6 values r C 1
on sale at $JOj UfellS
Chance to buy Christmas gifts at' a big saving-See big
window display Mail orders carefully, promptly filled
40 Patterns of
At $1.29 a Yard
For today, a great Friday sale of 40
patterns of extra quality Axminster
Carpet; beautiful Oriental patterns;
tans and browns, as well as self-colorings;
40 patterns for your selection.
The best regular $1.75 values on sale
At $1.29 a Yard
Includes Sewing, laying and lining.
$2.00 Swiss
Flouncing 69c
Today, in the Lace Department, 2000
yards of new Swiss Flouncing and
Bands, 3 to .18 inches wide. Designs
in Baby Irish, Eyelet, Filet and Blind
Work; suitable for lingerie gowns and
nndermuslins ; values to $2
a yard ; on sale at, yard 3r K
500 Walking Skirts
$7.50 Values at $3.85
For today, a great special offering of women's and misses' Keady-to-TVear
Walking Skirts, in Panama cloths, serges and fancy mixtures,
in green, navy blue, tan, browns, grays and shepherd plaids; gored
and pleated effects; well tailored and finished P" O tfj C
throughout; Values up to $7.50 each, on sale at, each, ijf J K'J
200 Women's Coats
$22.50 Vals. $13.85
For today, in the Big'Second Floor Garment Store, a special lot of
Women's Long Semi-Fitting and Tight-Fitting Coats, made in
pleated side effect, military collffr and fancy button trimmed; grays,
greens, tans, blues, red, browns, black and fancy fl 1 Q C
stripes and mixtures; values to $22.50, at, each CP 1 JeCriJ
500 Fine Couch Covers
$3.50 Vals. $1.89 Ea.
The Upholstery Dept., third floor, offers for today 500 Cashgar
Couch Covers, full size, 3 yards long and 63 inches wide, finished with
heavy fringe; four patterns for your selection; blues, reds, tans and
green; soft colorings and combinations; $3.25 and fi 1 Q f
$3.50 values, on ' sale at this very low price, each lP 1 r
tore Floor
Friday Sale in
300 Dolls' Collaspible Go-Carts, stoel
axles, and wheels; exact duplicate of
a regular size go-cart ;
best $1.25 value, on sale at & W
Special lot of White Enameled Fold
ing Doll Beds, with woven-wire mat
tress; 18 inches long; 35c 1 Q
values, on sale at, eseh r W
Same bed as above in 24-
in; 60c value, on sale at
3 special lots of Children 's Hardwood
Folding Desks at unusually low
prices. Three sizes to select from:
Regular $1.25 Values at 89c
Reg. $1.75 Values at $1.23
Reg. $2.25 Values at $1.79
Special lot of Mechanical Trains, en
gine, tender and 2 cars and 4 pieces
of circular track ; regular 9 Q
$2.25 value, on sale at only
17-piece Toy Tea Sets;'
best 50c value, on sale at
75c Iron Dump Wagon 49
$1.25 Magic Lanterns on sale at 89
Wood Sale
For today, 1000 Glove and Handker
chief Boxes; new stamped designs in
grand assortment; ovals, oblongs, cir
cular and heart shapes; 3-ply panels,
calendar panels, etc., etc. ; 1
values up to 25c each, for , 1 J
Platinum P'nts
$1 Vals. 39c
Great Friday sale of Platinum Points
every point tested before leaving
the factory; best $1.00 values on sale
on the fourth floor at O f
this very low price, each W
Complete stock of Pyrography Wood
and Supplies of" all kinds. Brass
Piercing and Hammered Brass Out
fits at the lowest prices found here.
Semi-Made Corset
Covers, Only 98c
Great Friday sale of 500 semi-made
Corset Covers, embroidered on lawn
and dimity designs in eyelet work.
These semi-made Corset Covers make
a pleasing Christmas gift ; Q tf
best $1.50 values at only y O V
50c Hose
For today, great Friday sale of 5000
pairs of Women's Extra Weight bull
Fashioned Mercerized Lisle Hose, ex
tra wide: full tops, high spliced, dou
ble heels; blacks and tans; all sizes;
best 50c values, on sale J
at the very low price of J & j
Veiling Remnants
Half Price
Friday sale of 2000 Veiling Rem
nants; Tuxedo, fine and heavy
meshes; black, white and assorted col
ors; all styles an.d all grades on fo
sale at one-half regular prices '
$3 Handb'gs
$1.79 EaSh
Another great Friday sale of Wom
en's Hand Bags, iu fine goat, seal
leather, all leather lined; fitted with
coin purses and card cases to match ;
plain and broken patterns; single or
double strap han- f f
dies; $3.00 values, at 1 &
85c Values at 49c
Friday sale of 1000 beautiful Holly
Cabinets; contain 2 quires of the fin
est linen paper and envelopes to
match; regular 85c values, A Q
on sale at this price, box Ht? r V