Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    Comb'tion Suits Vz Less
Every combination suit in our
.stock is on sale at a full third
below the regular price. They
come, in corset corers and draw
ers or corset covers and skirts.
Also in 3-piece suits or princess
slip effects; domestic or hand
made; finest materials; lace or
embroidery trimmed. . Regular
price from $1.75 to $27.50. Your
choice of any for
today at
Women '8 Nightgowns of fine
nainsook or longcloth; some
slightly soiled; a limited number.
Regular values from $2.50 to
$15.00. Your choice today
at just l&
Brassiere Waists worth 60c; sizes
40, 42 and 44; while they QCp
last at th low price of... Jub
Corset Department Brassieres, or mist confiners,
with reinforced strap through back to support Qfin
and reduce flesh. Regular $1.25 vals., all sires. UdU
Men S Weather Underwear
. i i '
Regular $1.00 Values 85c
Prepare for cool weather. You must ex
pect it and you should be ready. This spe
cial is in men's fine garments in Winter
weight, combed Egyptian yarn, Cooper
neck and cuffs; splendidly finished; colors
blue, salmon or ecru. "We have every size
in these garments. They're not odd lots,
but a regular line of splendid $1.00 Q E n
underwear. For today at only Odu
Unequaled showing of Men's Bath Robes,
House Coats, Dressing Gowns, etc. Lowest
prices in Portland.
$L00 Otitim Flannel
Night Shirts for 85c Each
Sleep in solid comfort, and economize on that com
fort by taking advantage of this nightshirt special.
On the two that you need the saving is just 30c
well worth your while. They're good heavy out
ing flannel, nicely trimmed, with full, long bodies ;
wide range of patterns; regular $1 values; OP
today at the extraordinary low price of . . . Odu
We lay aside till Christmas or when you
want it delivered any Bath Robe, Smok
ing Jacket or Dressing Gown in our stock
on a partial payment. Select and make de
posit before your selection has dwindled
to a fraction of the number we now show.
Olds Wortunan & Kin
Child 's 30c Aprons 19c
Save more than the price of
these aprons by keeping the
little tots' dresses clean and
make them wear longer.
They are fast colors and good
materials; easy to launder;
made of good quality ging
hams or percales. Come in
Mother Hubbard or Buster
styles; ages 2 to 12 years.
Let the children share this
week in -the Apron-Depart
ment bargain. Bring them
in today and buy
regular 30c values at. .
Children's 50c Aprons
today at low price of. .
Children's 75c Aprons
today at low price of. ,
Children's $1 Aprons
Special today only
Women's Aprons, good large ones; Mother Hubbard
style; splendid quality ginghams, several sized CQ.
checks in blue, brown or green; reg. 70c val.. Jub
Offer for Today a Grand Double Lot of Housekeepers' Day Specials Which Could Not Be Run Before So Are Included With
OUR 344
$15.00 Cushion Tops
At $3.98
tiSf ?lV
r 3 M
They are complete slips,
ready for filling ; hand-embroidered
in endless va
riety of designs, including
the very popular arts and
crafts patterns, done in
Grayonne embroidery ; the
materials are white or
brown linen, jute, art
denim or lawn. Decidedly
handsome patterns and plenty of them. Three prices as follows :
Lot 1, reg. values to $15, specially priced for today at $3.98
Lot 2, reg. values to $10, specially priced for today at $2.98
Lot 3, reg. values to $5, specially priced for today at $1.98
Haviland China for 3 Less
Real Haviland china bouillon cups and ramakers, a
large line, regularlv worth up to $45.00 the dozen at
Cup and saucers, regularly
worth $10.50, the doz..$7.00
$13.50 set for only... $9.00
$18.00 set for only. .$12.01)
Cups and saucers, regularly
worth $20 dozen at $13.35
The $26 grade, doz. .$17.35
The $33 grade, doz. .$22.00
Regular $45.00 grade, the dozen, special, only. . .
Bouillon Cups and Saucers,
regularly $22.50 per dozen;
on sale for only $15.00
$24.00 grade, doz.. .$16.00
$39.00 grade, doz... $26.00
Bouillon Ramakers and Sauc
ers, regularly $13.50 the doz
en; on sale for only $9.00
$21.00 grade, doz...$14.00
$29.50 grade, doz... $19.50
After-Dinner Coffee Cups and
Saucers, worth $8.50 the doz
en; on sale for only.. $5. 65
$10.00 grade, doz ,...$6.65
$15.00 grade, doz...$10.00
Chocolate Cups and Saucers,
regularly worth $7.00 the doz
en; on sale for ,..$4.67
(12.00 grade, doz $8.00
$24.00 grade, doz... $16.00
Armia Dress Shields,
all sizes and styles,
every pair warrant
ed ; regular values
to 35c; special 14
Silk Thread, 100-yd.
s p o o Is, all wanted
shades, i n c 1 u d ing
black, at, spool, 3
Safety Pins, good
strong wire, all sizes,
special, card 3
Postcard Albums,
beautiful cloth back,
hold 300 cards, spe
cial, each 29
Postcard Albums,
finely decorated
cloth back, hold 500
cards; special price,
each 49
' 'Kleanwell
Brashes, on
sale at, each.
Hair Rolls, 24-inch
sanitary rolls, in all
shades; values from
35c to 50c, on special
sale at, each. . .25
Hair Barettes, plain
or carved, shell and
amber, smooth fin
ish, 35c and 50c val
ues, special at 23
Jet Hat Pins, extra
length, neat designs,
solid head ; special
fricp. pnch -.."IO
Vt j
$65.00 Room Rugs
for Today at $52.50
A sensible suggestion for a practical
Christmas gift, and we're sure that
when Portland home-fitters read this
announcement, many a home will be
brightened after Christmas by the in
stallation of. one of these handsome
rugs as Christmas gifts. They are best
grade iVeneh Wiltons, size 9x12 feet,
in extremely handsome patterns and
colorings. Regularly sold CRQ Kf
at $65 each. Special today. . . UuZi JU
Another lot of Wilton rugs; good assortment
of patterns and colorings, regularly CQG flfl
sold at $48. Today- and Saturday OJUiUU
Room-size Axminster rugs; very fine quality;
come in Oriental or floral designs ; very rich
colorings. Regularly priced at $30 01 Q CO
each; for two da3-s only, special 0 wi JU
Tapestry Brussels
Rugs, size 9x12 ft.;
very best quality
tapestry. Reg. $20
values, spl $14.75
Tapestry Brussels
Rugs, 9x12, good
quality; regular $18
values at . .$12.95
Sped' Is
Brown's Wonder
Face Cream, regular
50c size, sp'l., 39
Dr. Graves Tooth
Powder, on sale, spe
cial, the can 11
PozEoni's Complex
ion Powder, regular
ly 50c, special, 29
Peroxide of Hydro
gen, 8-ounCe bottle,
regularly 25c, spe
cial at, bottle.. 17
Bathasweet, a pow
der for the toilet and
bath; regularly 25c i
special at 19?
20 - Mule-Team Bor
ax, large size can,
sifter top; regularly
256, special at 17
Ingram's Zodenta
Tooth Paste, regular
25c values, on spe
cial sale at . . ..14
Fluff's Moil net, a
perfect shampoo for
the hair; regularly
lOo the package, on
special sale at...7
Colgate's Dental
Cream, large size
tube, special at 20
Colgate 'a Rapid
Shaving Powder,
tegular 25c size, on
special sale at 18J
Holmes "Frostilla"
for the toilet; regu
larly 25c; oh special
sale at ..18
Eastman's Benzoin
and Almond Lotion,
for preserving skin
and complexion X2?
$20. 00 Trimmed Hats
$5 Each
This includes our en
tire stock of beauti
ful and stylish trim
med Fall Hats. The
assortment is truly
superb and the val
ues are beyond com
pare. The most mod
ish shapes in black
velvet, silk, felt or beaver or in the correct colors. They
trimmed with ostrich plumes, fancy feathers, wings, quills, rib
bons, silk and velvet. Every one in the lot is a fresh, new
model, and the regular values run to $20.00 each. QE flfl
Your choice today at the very low price of OUiUU
20c Towels at 12Vzc Each
A lot of 400 towels, fine mercerized, hemstitched huck towels,
made with fancy damask border. You will wait a long time
for a better bargain, and they're towels that you'll be proud
to own ; sell regularly at 20c each ; special for today 1 Q I p
(the regular Housekeepers' Day special) at low price. . . I L2i
35c Neckwear, Today 17c
Women's Stock Collars, croat
stocks, box ruchings (6 neck
lengths to a box) jabots, and
hand embroidered linen col
lars; regular values up to 35c
each, all bright ne.w
goods; for today at lib
Women 'b Venise Lace Stock
Collars, Coat Sets, Chemises,
Yokes, etc., come in white or
ecru color; large assortment,
and the regular values run to
$1.25 each. Special for CQp
today's selling, each..... Ddu
Irish Point Curtains at $2.35
Ecru color Irish point curtains of wonderful beauty and value, at
prices that average over a third less than their real value. A lot
Ave have just received and secured at a portion of their real worth
Have plain center or
very ncn
as fo
Regular $4.00 values the
pair, low price 01
Regular $5.00 values the PQ OC
pair at low price of only.
Regular $7.UU values tne
pair at low price of only.v
scroll work effects; underpriced
lows :
Regular $6.00 values the PO Pfl
pair at low price of onlvuuiUU
Regular $7.50 values the OA C(1
pair at low price of only.vTiwU
Regular $9.00 values the OP fin
pair at low price of only uUiUU
Specials in the Hair Goods Department
This new department is showing a magnificent line of hair goods the largest
stock ever brought to Portland. It must be condensed to make room for holiday
goods, and this lack of space forces radical reduction. We're well supplied with
every shade of hair in the naturally wavy or straight convent cut hair. Switches,
pompadoursand transformations regularly sold at $10 and up fo Pffre
are on sale here today at only r ..............
10 BE FOUND HERE ONLY. Natural wavy braids in assorted shades, 36 inches long; also
gray natural wavy switches 30 inches long in assorted shades.
SPECIAL. 30-in. Switches, natural wavy hair, several shades and regular $18 values, at $9
Women's $3.50 Shoes $2.49
This lot includes many splendid makes, including Pingree Gloria
and Val Duttenhoffer & Sons' $3.40 and $4.00 shoes. Eight styles
are made with hand-turned soles for tender feet; 11 styles have
extension soles, splendid for street wear. They come in patent
leather, kid or gunmetal calf. We also include eight styles in the
La Bonte $3.50 shoes. These come in button or lace, patent, gun
metal calf and dongola kid. There are many shapes and PQ MQ
lasts. The values range up to $4.00 the pair. On sale at. .0 tit U
In addition to the above lot we include a gathering of odd lines and
broken sizes, which come from Wright & Peters, liallahan OO Q
& Sons and other makers of equal worth. Values to $6, at. .0iktJ
One-Piece Dresses g&g $13.98
The illustration is an exact picture of one of the styles, but it shows only ONE where
there are over a DOZEN equally as good. There are over 200 brand new, fresh and
charming frocks in this lot, that have just reached us as the result of a special pur-
chase. The materials are broadcloths, serges and moire or plain
taffeta silk. Plain-tailored styles, trimmed with buttons to match,
or handsomely decorated affairs. Values to $38.50.
TTV ' 1 YO J Qfiff-Q A splendid lot, in the most approved styles and wanted
1 LlllLf I CtX hJ materials. All sizes, large selection of colorings and
patterns. They come in plain colors and fancy effects and the regular 'frcyJi QQ
values run to $48.50 each, and offered as a great special for today at P O,
Women9 s Underwear
Kir i itZ
Fleeced Vests and Pants, sizes 4, 5 and 6; regu
larly 75c the garment, now selling at this price
Women's elastic ribbed Vests and Pants, Winter QQp
weight, reg. worth $1.50 garment, special today 300
Women's swiss-ribbed Underwear, every garment in
this style specially underpriced for today. This in
cludes vests, pants, tights and union suits. The QQp
regular $1.00 grades, selling at this price, garmt. Oub
Children s fast black rib'd
Cotton Hose in medium or
heavy weight, sizes 5 to
9Vt, regular 25o lip
1 IV
Women's Seamless Cotton
Hose, fast black, embroid
ered instep or fancy col
ored bootlace hose; IQp
f Women's fast black Cot
ton Hose, in all sizes; reg
ular values up to 1 Cp
2-c, special at, pair
values, special, pair
Bots' Wash Waists, light,
dark or medium shades;
regular values up to fQp
35c each, special at
A striking special on
splendid quality ribbon in
many shades, widths and
Moire Taffeta Ribbon, 5
inches wide in a full line
of colors, regular IQp
price 30c the j-ard. . I.Uu
Taffeta Ribbon, 5 inches
wide, hair-bow quality,
all staple colors, special the yard
at the very low price of
Taffeta Hair-Bow Ribbon in all leading
shades, six inches wide, special
today at the low price, per yard.
$1.25 Yard-Wide Taffeta 98c
A fresh shipment has just been received and now we can supply all the bargain
seekers who come. Not only can weTell you the Yard- Wide Silk for which there is
such an insistent call, but we'll make it lower than you can find the same q
grade elsewhere. We call it "Security Taffeta," it is guaranteed to give y Q Q
good wear fast, lustrous black, sells regularly at $1.25yard, special jU
FANCY SILKS No better holiday giftjs to be had than a dress pattern of these. Q
l ney are inc rcgumr i. & . v. ... , . . . . -
and American make, asoy Ptra
om, a special for today at I & TlCe
A . f rrA C Colored Dress Goods in Voiles, plain or striped effects,
I Pare.t Clormnn ftnrl Amvrimn make, also l
silk and wool voiles, 100 shades to choose from, a sp
21 c
'Kerchiefs 17c
We continue for today
the handkerchief special
that has created a furor
in the past Week. The lot
contains hahd-enibroid Yd
'kerchiefs, convent - em
broidered, pure Irish linen
with hemstitched border,
embroidered' Swiss with
scalloped or hemstitched
edges, valued up to 50c each 17?
Fancy ribbons in the Dresden effects,
Persian designs, stripes and plaids,
regular 35c and 40e values at IQp
the unusually low price of yard. I Ju
Women 's Gloves 79c
Women's Mocha Gloves, in one-clasp style; half or
full pique stitched; come in brown, red, green 7Qp
or navy; regular vals. to $1.75 pair, special
Misses' Kid Gloves in all sizes; brown, tan, 7Qp
black or navy; regular $1.25 values, special Iww
Women's Cashmere Gloves in black, navy and AQf
brown; all sizes; 7oc values, special, the pair Hub
Women's 16-button Kid Gloves, in odd lines and
broken sizes, some slightly soiled. Regular TQp
values to $4.00 the pair, on spfedial sale, pair '
Chiffon, 42-inch and 45-
Women's Scarfs, Head
Drapes and Shoulder
Drapes for evening wear,
chiffon with metal dots
or novelty nets ,vith
ppangles; values CO QQ
to $6".00, at, each 4t.00
inch, for waists and gen
eral dressmaking uses;
regular $1.00 grade, oo
sale at the Veiling CQp
Counter, yd., only Uuu