1U - . I UUIt r-s.- ! . I ZTl HHP WASTED MALE. ' SITUATIONS WANTED MALE " j , , , ... uk Koom. la Frlvt. .- . r ki-4i, r. i .1 i r.. i For Sale Hoom. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOMB IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD, fjp'endld view of mountain ant. i1tt; beautiful. commodious, convenient, new; Tiy Improved grouads. lOux '0- t hard-surfaced street; price Buer ee owner. Co2 Corbett bloc. WEST SIDE A modern and up to date 7 iom houM. 2 bath.. 2 toilet. hardwood floor. etc; must 11; owner intends leav ing city: will also sell furniture If de al red. Phone Main 57 m NEAR PIEDMONT CARBARNS New modern 6-room house, half mock to oar'. ;luUO. eaay terms. 40T Gerllnger Wdg. MOUKHV every wav. ft-room new bungalow; Central Alblna; 2S5, terma; the growing- "xOKTHWEST flEALTY. 617 Bd. Trade. WHEN morln call up Van Horn Transfer i n. M. 181K. A 10S4; all covered OM. and experienced men. FOR SALE Hy owner, the handsomest bun(ta:ow In Irrlngton. 409 Eaat 20th at. North. Call and see It. HOME built to order on your own terma: satisfaction guaranteed under bond; In vestigate plan. R. C. Young, box 404. in ACRES with modern house. 104 Cedar it., near Metzger. north of Fir-land bta :ion Mount Soott line. Anton bcnop. EAST ?.-d and Salmon, owner. 6-room mod ern house. John Horn. Tabor IPS. 9 BLOCKS Steel bridge, modern 6-room cot tage. iilOO. 308 Crosby at. IP you want to buy the best piece of close-in acreage- tiire l near Portland, see nie Mr 10 acres. 3 blocks from the car: all cleared and In full-be-rtng strawberries, rasp bcr r.e. grap and other fruit: uldn,Vt Wlter to be cut Into lots i or acre tracts and can be subdivided at a big Proftt or v caa mlse enough fruit to keep you. th a rlace lo a snap with a great future, and if you mean business. I will show If to Vu but don't bother me out of J1- ,h first real buyer that sees this ,. s don't want to waste time ""7 hunters: will ell all or half : .m '"ilt S. D. Vincent. 420 Lumbermen a bldg.. cor. 6th ard Stark. . Z T7T -T.-rTnW 1 TVS' ROAD. 10 OR -0 AV t.r..-i. - r.i-, i 20 acres on Section Line road. 8 miles r."? oyc..?r- ? acre, in strawberries: ".II hons. ".rid land that will grow any thing: :--cr- tracts across th road for .7n0 per acre: price .o( tm. is !t:t..o per acre for quick sale; part cash .ill sell 10 acrea or all of It. See the owner. 317 Board of Trade bid. 4th and Oak. sta. I AM GOING AWAY. Will sell my ten acrea. 4 miles west or Courthouse. Just outside city '""" a" In cultivation, fine uarden land "ew.-: room bungalow, modem. lighting sna water svatem; good barn; on macadam- .. n.n onrllnes: irana view- nrlre I'.lliOO: any reasonable otter will he accepted; I don't need mc ran. Will take good house as part pay. Phono Main 1652. EIVERDALE. I win sen ait ur a n . ....... - v....rnl K-acre tract at Riverdale, will cut up nicely Into single acres or more, tract la wooded and commands unex celled view of river, city and mountains; secure for yourself a choice country home site in this most exclusive residence sec tion of Portland, F. C. Graham. b2i C. of C. . FRUIT AND DAIRY LANDS. 5 10 20-acre tracts, choice walnut and fruit lands, all level. In high state of cul tivation, one-hour ride on electric road, steamer transportation fare So rents, fruit belt of OreBon: see us before It is too late, large tract, with or without irrigation, easy terms. DEAN LAND CO.. Owners. SI2 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. 10 ACRES FOR SALE. One mile south of Linneman Junction. -H- r . k. nAW 7-ronm hunsaloW. on u. 1 -. " ' ' " - hot and cold water, good barn and out buildings: young wiiiwu. -- Rosa Helney. Gresham. Phone Gresham PRIMROSE ACRES Cholos acreace on tl.o West Side. 20 mln- 1i;es irom cellar vi nij. ' - . tracta: this will make you a living and pay for Itself; .v caoh will .tart you: Prt " t-.aa i n ITAlllnv bide mm ail. vu q 5 ACRES Willamette River front, opposite ttswego, a dchuiuui " . - - would sell part, terms. H. G. Starkweather. Milwaukle. Or., R. V. D. ACREAGE in large or small trect. cn car line, ciose in; choice river front; 500 acre. . Klnnev Sc Siampher. 31 Lumber Exchange bldg.- A 4SS1. fi ACRES between Portland and illllsboro at JI1.7.K): this la fine tll. all cleared. Queen lnv. Co.. 4lu Failing btdg. 16 ACRES on Oregon City carlina; t per acre; one-inim c.wu. . ' trades. Owner. AG C2. OregonUn. it acrfs west of enth t.. deslraolo for platting: central. 334 Mill at. Homesteads. M ' i jr. ri- i i '.i. One 4.O0O.OU0 feet rellnqulahment, on thOnalIrel'inquishment. 1.3O0.0O0 feet. SO acres, bottom iana. gowi uwuo provements. . . , . One relinquishment. 3.5O0.O0O feet saw limner. V mile hwu A row good homesteails left In Tllls- mook and Lincoln tonnuw. . ( , Relinquishment to trade lor Portlejxl lot. XIMMO. RUNEY 1AVIS. 13 Hamilton Bldg. Our field man Just In from Central Ore gon: we orcr special raiv . party: Inducements that will satisfy you. Call today and get particular, in regard B. S. CIH5K CO.. S03 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or. AM RETURNING TO MY HOMESTEAD IN CENTRAL OREGON In a few days, and will take a few people with me to locate on nne etouiki a.umk 1 " ' " - now building; tin making low rates on mis trip; sve l"r J ' ' " - - , ALVLN S. HAWK. Printer. SSi Third St, RELINQUISHMENT 80 acre. Winter 'PP' Joining land JR0 per acre, cheap. C. H Plggott. 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. For Sale Fruit Lands. APPLE LAND IN MOUNT HOOD Clackamas County. western foothill slope ot Aioun nuuu, J" " 1 11 - - -land on the line of Mount Hood Electric Railroad, offers the best opportunity In Oregon for commercial apple growing; get our Western Hood Illustrated booklet tell ing about this Ideal fruit section where soil, water, air anu urauiagw, m elevation (some 100 feet), are. all that could be desired for commercial orchard- nf interested In fruit growing It will pay you to Investigate this Mount Hood dis trict, which is undergoing a marvelous development, and hundred, of acres to be set to commercial fruit. An aggressive fruit growers' association will direct sci entific care and planting only the. best commercial varieties, vlx.. Spits, New town, Jonathan. Red Cheek, etc Don't delay If you want the best investment proposition on the market, as present fnw prices, from $30 per acre up. will double by Spring; any size tracts from 10 acres up. Considering the close proximity to the city with best of roads, no other fruit section compares with It. We wHl gladly show you. VANDTVN 4 WALTON, 515 Chamber of Commerce. . JUST HALT PRICE For a me-Year -Old Orchard. I.asi week we told you of a chance for a tWr orchard at half price: 100 acres of the lfV acres has been spoken for; $! pet acre. st to varieties you prefer, and cared for f ir one year. Including all out of treas. cultivation and even taxes: take tno re maining acres In 10-acre tract or over: land perfect: YOU must hustle If you get In on tni. F. W. Power & Co.. 224 Henry bldg. THIS IS GOOD. . 4 ACRES of Mosier apple land .for $7 There Is no better Investment for the man of .mall means. If you haven't all the money let me help you. 1 ran also sell you land on Installment plan. THUS. McCUSKER. 206 Couch Bldg. A S-ACRE orchard In the Rogue River Val ley spell. Independence. Investigate our Installment plan: large orchards handled for svndlcates; reputable representatives wanted: free booklet. Benson Investment Company. Medford. Or. HOOD RIVER apple orchard good paying basis, building., terms. 334 MI'I st. For Sale linrn. HOTE HOPKINS. SALEM. OR. Lsrret list of valley farms In the stata FREE BIOS ALWAYS ON HAND. BO ACRES fruit lard, unimproved. 4 mi'es Casadero. $1'5 acre: will trade for city property. 3u2 fiweUoad, bide -Fa 90-ACRE FARM. . .., One of the best places in l ashlngton County, only lr. miles from Portland and right in the line of proposed extension. 45 acre. In cultivation, .".-room house, barn and chicken-house. One well, three-vear-old fanillv orchard of .K trees; jotl do not get an -old. run-out farm when you buy his. for this lnnd has all been cleared within the past four years: price i0-u. vou cannot buy adjoining land for less than v''H the acre. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 2ii0 Chamber of Commerce. MALHEUR COUNTY. f.o acres on stase line. 2S0 bottom, bal ance rolling, ready for plow; running water: will bear inspection; ilO per acre. C. D. ELDER. 2S1 Washington St. 40.000 ACRES fine farm land. Eastern Ore gon, on line oi r. r. nw buv from 44 acres upward at f0 per acre; $t.."0 cash, balance can be paid in 3 years. P 342. Oregon lan. gEND for our list of Willamette Valley . , . 1 .. ahnn-'n fr.W iarms criore uuvmi. Olmstesd Land Co.. Salem Or. TO EXCHANGE. WIDOW who must give up home plans on account "Ji in ..... beautiful building aite of over four lots, splendidly sltnated on Portland Heights, worth lia.OvO. and will exchange for prop erty of equal value downtown; no objec tion to old reildcnce If location is good. M &oti. Oregonian. WILL trade for city, suburban or farm property. IV acres in aunuit vines- a 9-room house and 10 lots, which are all planted in fruit; price ...0i); in Thalheim. Cai.. 25 mile, southwest of Stockton. Cai., Address Louis W inkier. Box 85, Lenta. Or. WILL exchange desirable 13-room fur nished house. Including upngm piano u some cash, for cottage or lota or acres; choice location for renting- room. Ad; dress owner. 741 Oliaan sL EXCHANGE Choico 9-acre tract, make W) lots: also D-room nuuw , , . . garden land, and liO fine residence lots, will trade all or part. Deal with owner and save commission. AC 55& Oregonian. QUARTER-BLOCK best part Irvtngton and small i in iu luma. . Portland income property. AB wih ore gonian. I WII.L trade lot 13. block S. LaDene Park (corner 4UX1W). vniuo "'-" Phone Main 4o73. or call room 202, Ger Ilnger tldg. MODERN 8-room house. Baker City. J3600; juatrn . ' 1 1 ' - -. 32-33 Lafayette Bids., Wash, and Sin- ABOUT 100 acres good fir timber suitable lor corawoou, iiu" " ...... ... - Oregonian. 'NCOME propertv. cottage and lot, to ex- ' . i t j I? 1 nr- wnntl cnange tor " " ' u - . - ' -passenger auto. J. B. Fryer. Carlton. Or. TOD can trade any kind of property at room ii - J IV, acres hay land, Idaho Write for de scription. -It ox oj. mutcumc, M.. WILL get you anything In trade for any- . . . . J - it.nr. hlnr Ulinx juu in. . . - " A GASOLINE drag saw in good condition. Oregon r uei o., oo. . ......e...-". OB SALE T1MJXEB IAXDS, TIMBER TIMBER TIMBER. Wo buy and sell timber land; quick re sult, and perfect satisfaction; principals nly' F. L. BOTSFDRD CO.. 536 Worcester Bids. 1IMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattla. 829 Chamber of commerce Portland. WE are headquarter, for timber and lum- her enterprises i " ' , , , . Elampber. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. l0.0O0.0O0 FEET good pulp timber close to Columbia River, il per thousand. 9-0 Board of Trade bldg. MY patent on 8.000.0O0 homestead, for J500 11 taKt'n vii -o - Marquam bldg. TIMBER land, bought and ldnr?Rer,,e . . r I vrt -ritclceu. 2o4 McKay luuieu nii.i Udg.. Portland. Or. TIMBER and homestead relinquishments. 327 Worcester block. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE decided to buy a home in Portland: I will pay from hjwi to ov mi and lot near 5c carllne; state location, prlcr and best terms; no agents. P aod. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE. 1909. 5-passenger, 17 mod . n , ,. ...... ...innai ni-rtpM artier: el UU1CK. luiu "l"wr-"i '.r in n. will trade for real estate. AE 051, ore gonian. ' WANT acreago suitable for platting Into town lot or small tracts; must be close to cariine and reasonable terms. V 5C3, Ore gonian. WANTED Five-room bungalow. Irvington district. aDoux twm; n.n.-...". - . 3960. WANT 5 to 15 acres lor chicken rancn. will pay casti. J. J- uruci, - ave. and E. Ankeny. WANTED To buy a corner lot with norm or east front, oa west oiuj. i Ing location ana teruis, rt jji. v. II AVE buyers for vacant lots; If yon have anytmng to - - Trade bldg. WANTED IIMBEB LAXsa. TIMBER claim relinquishment wanted. Give partlculais in first letter. Address Box 442. Portland. Or. 10.0O0.O0U nrsi-ciass nr. , ' V. V. Immediate use. 733 Marquam bldg. Main a..j.e. L SNAP 160 acres timber land; will cruise 6,000 000; good transportation; title clear; near Chinook. Wash. AB 558. Oregonian. IV Crook. Wheeler and Kalama counties. Murdock A Young. 411 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER lands wanted. C- J. 304 McKay Mdi. McCracken. FOR RENT FARMS. WILL, rent my home place to reliable party - - 1,.., L.. T- - on n iti1.. in flrst- ....!. i. .(n amnll irrhard' a acre. r.ar,hi.i-i-lea and 'strawberries and other small iruns; aii icm-ru, good barn and outbuildings, good water; 7 miles irom rurumiu. -s -" carllne; rent reasonable. See Brown, 411 toucn mug. FOR BALK. Horses, Vehicle, and Harness. HORSES AND WAGONS. VV t naVO just ici.-et.au w c "i - - work horse, ranging in weight from 1000 pounds to 1500 pounds; price, reasonable ana norsea (u...!.. . VAr.H.-w. W also have on hand: 10 delivery wagons. 5 farm wagons 1 furniture wagon. 7 buggies. IrlAWTHORNE-AVE. STABLES, 420 Hawthorns Ave. FOR SALE or rent a team, with goose neck furniture wagons, to rent by month or year: we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes. day. week, or month. Phones East 72. B 1869. Haw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne aye. FOR PATE cheap, team of yellow bay mares, 240O lbs., T and 8 ysars old. inquire Central Stables. ONE plug horse $10: good express, covered, good horse, good harness. $t!5; big horse, 150H lbs.. $100; big roan, $05; four young, small. $20. 16th and Savler; take S car north. WILT, sell all or part, pair of bays, weight 2350 lbs., good harness and nearly new delivery wagon, with top: must be sold at ouce- can be seen at Kramer's New- York Slabiea. 15th and Alder. YOUNG small team, well broke, new har ness and express wagon at a sacrifice. H. W. Miller. 41st and Holgate sts. FOR SALE cheap, one 5-year-old draft horse, weight 1600 pounds. 144 East 2d st. North. 0 HEAD of work horses for sale or hire, weighing from 12V0 to 1400 lbs. G. K. Lowitt. 14 SOth St.. Montavllla. HORSES, mare., rigs ard names, of all kinds for sale. 2U4 Montgomery. HUBERT HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent Hones, vehicles: low rate, on business rlga For Sale THE 3IORMXG OKEGOXIAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2G1WM Piano. Organs and Monica! Instrument.. CASH for high-grade piano; stata price. 514 East Oak st. Automobnea. AUTOMOBI LES for sale. $350 and up. Geo. R. Flora, 470 E. Burnside t AUTOMOBILE and marine gas enclne. re paired. James D. Fail. 244 2d st. Miscellaneous ANNUAL SALE OF UNREDEEMED . WATCHES. Solid gold watch, fitted with a 21-jewel Waltham watch, t35. This watch 1. worth ''a b. W. Raymond Elgin movement. This watch could not be bought new for less than IS5. I will sell It to the first person calling for it with $40. Solid gold watch, full Jewel Waltham. This watch originally cost $45: will Mil fSolld" gold hunting Mansard Louis XIV shape, fitted with a full-Jewel Elgin. Or.gl ual cost $5. Sale price only 40. A sixteen size 14k gold-filled case, beau tifully engraved with a full-jewel filgla movement, for $12. Twenty-year 14 karat gold-filled Dueber with a 17-Jewel Hampden, for $15. AT UNCLE MYERS'. 143 Third. FOR SALE Second-hand Underwriter", fire pump. 18x10x12; capacity 1000 gal lons per minute: this pump has had only 30 days' service and Is as good as new. Will be sold at half price. Apply to Stand ard Oil Company, East Portland. SAFES 12 second-hand safes very cheap. We move on Dec 1st to 87 5th st. We' are now giving the biggest cut ever known on new Herrliie-HaIl--arvln safes. Call or write today. Pcrtland Safe Co.. 92 7th st. BE.ST dry 4-fnot fir wood delivered to resi dence at $5.25 per cord pole; oak $7.50 per cord. Kirk Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 5445. UNCLE MYERS has only one .tore. Look for the name. FOR SALE, 600 to 800 cords or fir stumpage, or will plve one-half Interest for cutting; one block from station. AC 557. Ore gonian. SEWING MACHINES Second hand ma chines, drop head and box top. of all makes, at very low prices. White Sewing Machine Store, 42 Washington, cor. lltn. TYrfiffr.ITEKa. all maae., zv to w, ruiiy guaranteed; easy payments; rentala. $S per month. Pacific stationery A Ptg. Cow 203 2d su SHF.RIFF-S sale of Olympla restaurant. 203 Washington su, Vancouver, Wash., at 10 A. M. Friday, Nov. 26. 6000 .SEASONED cedar fence posts. 8 feet, large: for sale cheap. Apply L. M. Scott, 810 Oregonian bldg., or phono Main 7070. THREE launches for sale or will trade for Soattle or Portland property. A. R. . Badger, Toledo. Wash. ISO WELL-BRED sheep, $900; wouid sell part at same rate. H. G. Starkweather, R. F. D- Milwaukle, Or. EIGHT airline Tjamberson cash and parcel carriers, almost new, at a discount. 171 Third st. GREEN and dry slab wood, box wood, cord wood and coal. Multnomah Fuel Co. Phone Main Si.44. A 2114. 600 BUSINESS cards $1 if you mention thl. ad. Rose City Prlntery, 192 hi BA. BOO BUSINESS CARDS, $1.25. Ryder Pt. Co- 257 Burnalde at. Main 6038. FOR SALE Good milch cow. 1966 E. Wash ington st. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter: in use 6 months. Call 612 Huniermeni bldg. GOOD sewing machine for sale, cheap. 11 7z -II i .....I. o . . . . FOR SALE Two fresh milch cow.. Phone beuw oou oj. MANURE for .ale. Phone East 1775. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. RESPONSIBLE party will give excellent trusty and good traveler- if color black or bay aid suitable, will buy on terms. AE 553, Oregonian. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and .hoes; We also OUJ nouacuvm " i.i.n.i.n-. highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 47 3d St. North. Phone Main 9272. HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furnl- - j .j A..l..n UmiK Phniu Ualn 8078. B 1034. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furnl- . . ... . i .. ..I M - .1 . u.Anri.han mn'B ana lauies cioiu.ua. . vw. -. v.u.. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction O wn . - 244S. Main 6831. WK buy. sell or exchange anything-; pay hlgh- FOUR floor showcases eight feet long; must WANTED 10 to 20 feet second-hand win- UOW Sit.S II. 1 11 line r.aoi -om. B'OT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. HELP WANTED MALE. HOTEL porter for out of town. Call at 203 "V. JL 9 .ill 5 D- M Knti.r- nenry piuk.i num . . day. Nov. 27. FIRST-CLASS plumber who can Invest some money In business; must understand domestic water heating thoroughly. Call at factory office. East 9th and Alder. Range Boiler Insulator Mfg. Co. WANTED Reliable man, used to farm produce- will pay good salary; also share of profits; small Investment required. Par ticular. 417 Board of Trade bldg. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estata; good commission: experience unnecessary. Call at ofnee, Gregory Heights, end of Rose city carllne. WE want a first-class meatcutter, one ca pable of managing a market. Address, giving references as to character and abil ity, a 627, Oregonian WANT man to take contract to clear 10 to acres imiiu i'i . . . . i . . . o,v Kd. L. Hawe, Hotel Portland. EXPERIENCED man for men's furnishing j . .. .1.. nna fn. ihnM deiiart- UPB1 klllCllk, I'll " '-' ' - ' ' " '- ment. AC 533, Oregonian. i atuivc man tf bli?h-clasa well-dressed. who has handled ladles' line.. Call bet. 9 and 12 today; first-class pay. 93 Oth St. vv A. xnis ciAiiwi.ui " - - . - and mixers.- . New church, Kst 11th and Pine. ti - 'T 1. I A irrnnv hnv to make himself generally useful "n overall factory. 75 First .t. EXPERIENCED demonstrator for depart ment store. Apply at ofnee of the Man tle Lamp Co. of America, 543 1st St. IF you are a neat young man with $200 cash and willing to show property. It will pay you to call on me. 225 5th st. WANTED Registered dentist at once. Chi cago Dental Parlors, cor. 6th and Wash ington. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial . .1,11 l-- - Inl 1-.1..K .lv Aosiraci ii. . -'.! i.iiiiiini lu.. m u PHOTO coupon and portrait agents; extra COHimiBSIUU U n I . .1 u ill. n . U i nil in, .1 -i . . ' land bldg. EXPERIENCED window -trimmer and - card writer; steady position. Apply Immediately, 171 Third. WANTED 2 stove plate moulders for floor. Apply to Albion Stove Works, Ltd., Victoria, B. C. WANTED An all-around man in the meat market. Address Box 361, Eugene, Or. LIVE photo coupon portrait agents; good money-maker. Davis. 342V Washington st- WE secure positions for our membera Special memDerauiy. x. -n. a. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages; . oik Cnmrnnriilal hlrtolr perinBuvui. " - - PHOTO coupon agent; best seller la the city. R. M. Hogan. 620 Ablngton bldg. . FURRIER wanted; first-class cutter. Ad dress Fred Foster, furrier. Victoria. B. C. WANTED Boy with wheeL Plummer Drug Co.. Jd and Madison. WELL dressed man to solicit advertise ments. j4r. Benton. B7 North 20th. BARBER wanted Saturday. Sellwood. 1683 E. 13th, SAB&E8 wanted for Baturdafe 268 1st it. . . . r t-. t-.a ac v.-( T I lll'S CALL! i p mjiiuir iii' J . ' ' ' - - ' . . . Are you a gentleman, with the appear ance, business capability, etc. of Inter esting people Into investigating with a view to investing In a manufacturing In dustry of world-wide scope, who are in stalling a plant in Portland? Our business is in the machinery line, ia similar and ranks with the McCormick Reaper. Com bined Harvester, etc. Only men of char acter (not financially embarrassed) need apply. 9 to 12 A. M., t03 Worcester Bldg; FIRST big shipment December 1. 10' A. M. Make reservations early; 1000 station men wanted; Copper River Rj.. Cordova. Alaska: solid rock, per cu. yd.. $1.20: loose rock, 6tw earth. SOc; grubbing. $10 per station, tunnel?. $05 per Ureal f;.; camps run all Winter; o miles of heavy solid rock side cutting to be let to stationmen; no sub-contracts' fare $ir.. Call or write for full par ticulars. M. J. Heney. 514 Colman block, Seattle. Wash. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduate, last year! men and omen to learn barber trade In eight weeks, help to secure positions, graduates earn from SIB to $25 weekly; ixpert instructor; tool, free; write for catalosue. Mobler System of College.. 8 North 4tn t.. ronisnu. vrr. WANTED Men at Los Angeles; we have 20 Jobs in plumbing, electricity, bricklaying, automobillng, and teach you the trade without any cash expense: only few month, reaulred: catalogue free. Lnitea Trade School Contracting Co.. Lo. Angelea WE CAN USE A FEW MORE SALESMEN. Top-notchers, who can stand prosperity and keep up steam when earning big commissions. American Trust Company, 200 chamber of Commerce. WANTED An experienced stock salesman to sell the stock of a life insurance com pany. An attractive and unique plan adopted to assist the salesman In getting quick and large sales. Address with ref erence. AJ 535, Oregonian. WANTED Young men, honest and Indus trious, to prepare for Civil Servlco positions; clerks, carrier., railway mall, etc.; thou sands appointea; euuauw promotion-. Call or write. Pacific States Cfcnooi, allium i'iu. CABINET-MAKERS who would like to havs an interest In the business can secure per manent position in one of the best, pay ing factories in Portland. Call Sunday 10 to 4 or weekdays. Phones E. 409. B 1131. Factory 475 East Alder at. COMPOSITOR, apprentice or two-thlrder. for well-equipped Job office In Portland: good place for advancement; experience not bo Important as lndustlousness, faith fulness and willingness to learn; give par ticulars In reply. 1 547. Oregonian. W N'TKD Reliable young man with some . 1 t.ir. i-harvn Of piUmDing Mifcnmwj w ZrZ piumrung department inr uunume tlon; steady work on salary to competent party. ou.. rienry uiun. -. J 1 1 tw knarillncr-hnillH Oil rancn; man anu wn .. preferred. Address, at oni-e, siawns v perienco and references, to B. S. & I L.O., nay (jreeK, truuiv uum.j', WANTED An automobile driver, a mar will do trucking in warehouse; nrot?e" need apply; give reicicuuc gonian- vv.AT mi loir dishwasher wanted. Stein's restaurant, .004 onma., m ma.mj v..-- HEIP WASTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED Artist to draw music and do lettering, international von' MUSIC, irtt wvai. rtiiv. WANTED Vaudeville and dramatic per formers, singers, etc v-u-n 097 " lngton at. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sitions tO A-X inLruutyia. n n HELP WANTED tTSMALE. n. -v't t t-. a ..aion ri t-1 for nrtoklnz ana eenerai huujicwiihi. ....... j lour adults; new house, every modern convenience; good wages. 7S2 Hoyt st. Phone Main 4744. A WOMAN who understands cooking and general nousewor, iiu &uuiw . reference required. Call at flat ,3, 564 Couch St., bet. 8 A. M. ana 1 r. Al. wi'TKn r.adv to take charge small room lllg-nOUKC 111 1UJ nuirciivc, i , no objection to one child. AD 5o9. Ore gonian. WANTED Cook and second girl. Bmall ramliy. gooa was". U1U31 ii" 6" ,, erenres. Phone Sellwood 14S8, Or call llou Milwaukle St. HANSEN'S LADIES AOINt-i. 434 Washington St., cor. 7th, up stains. Phone Main 2002. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand and type writing: expert method. 304 12th st. Main 6800. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible" position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth- cniia oiag., iu anu ttMuunivi. GIRL for general housework and cooking; two in family; good wages. 585 Marshall, near lSth st. WANTED Housekeeper fox small family in the country'. Address Box 10S, Dufur. Or. LADIES at borne day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain. $1.50 dox. upward: toady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 32di Washington St.. Room 307. ' Main 8S36 or A 324t6. WANTED Young lady pianist and sing er. Phone Bt. Helens, Or. Ask lor Wm. Londry. Telephone call paid. GIRL for general housework and cooking; two In family; good wages. 0S5 Marshall, near 18th st. FREE office, typewriter and phone In good office building for little service. 515 Rothchlld bldg. WANTED Young woman experienced book keeper for wholesale house. X 553. Ore gonian. GIRL to aslst general housework, small family. Phone Main 51MKI. 745 Overton at. 3IRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. GIRL, wanted for light housework. 36S 13th st,; good home for right party. GIRL for plain housework. Call at 425 East Lincoln. WANTED A first-class sktrtmakor at Llpman. the taylor. 129 Fifth. APPRENTICE girl for ldles tailoring and fancy gowns. Moore Trading Co.. 415 Alder. LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by expert, 0 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. WANTED A capable cook and general worker. 445 Morrison st., cor. 12th. WANTED Girl for general housework. 776 Overton st Apply after 10 A. M. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. uiw r.-iin.ln vmiiif man from the East. u'int. V nosltlon In general- mdse stare In country town; 8 years' experience; sal ary no object as I wish to get busy. P 558, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, 12 years various experience, open for engagement; experiencea in lumber; first-class ref erences. N S58. Oregonian. POSITION wanted as salesman In whole sale or retail store; have had over -5 years of experience as salesman, and can furnish Al references. R 559, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and general office man; ex perienced In lumber business. Y 555. Ore gonian. PKitI K.NOKO hotel clerk would like po sition, day or night. AD 556. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. - " YOUNG man wants steady Winter's work; chicken - ranch preferred. Apply AC 555. Oregonian. FKOFE-StilONAL Japanese house cleaners and cooks, work by the hour. Phone Sell wood llir-J. STRONG young man wants any kind of emploment for couple of months; Is good teamster. AD 555, Oregonian. HOUSE and window cleaning, floors re waxed. Main 6573, evening 8. Thomas Green. POSITION with wholesale house In shipping department; 8 years with one firm. P 55. Oregonian. MAN and wife want to work on farm, phone Main 3360. room 10. YOUNG man. ii3, wants employment right away. AG 550, Oregonian. CARPENTER and builder, new or repair work, 4 Falling: it. Woodlayn lit. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook. Roy Tsubol. wisnes a position Buu"1 Juki up. Nippon Florist. Axleta. or 28T. wlages Box - i.w ..11 .h ild YOUNG, retlnea wiaaw w"-" ViLiiihi wisnes wont lor " --- . ences. Aii ooo. ureB""". YOUNG Japanese man. graduate of gr-a m- mar scnooi. wanw t- vim'.."" boy or to do any kind of work, r Box 512, Arleta, Or. ator WANTED Management of rooming house Dy renapie ana ksiiuicui- K rVa Can furnish best of references. O 559. Ore- gontan. TO LEARN retail grocery business; w . . i. 11.1.1. man A (1 nrC ill Address WOIK lur DtluiU, cimui Box 4 SI. P. O. ' a YOUNG man wants to learn shoe business can rurnisn DanK ri?i f".w. object. AE 5ii. Oregonian. no YOUNG MAN attending, business college wants piace 1 wuia mi wi -- AD 503. Oregonian. WANTED Position by first-class salesman. six years or experience wii.;i bhii.j cialties. Address AE 554. Oregonian. WANTED Land to clear, by two men; new svsiem, no puwuer ui umi, -m.. . , ticuiars. Box AD 557, Oregonian. ' JAPANESE boy wants position cook and nOUSeWOCK. AtU Uicsuiuau. CHINESE wants to do porter or Janitor -1 X- t. nrui.nnian SITUATIOrT WANTED FE31AMC. Bookkeepers and gtenographera. COMPETENT stenographer wishes steady position, moderate aaimji. a h.ip " - Dressmakers. WHO is Madam Brown? The best and cheapest dressmaker in roruana. rnu cess gowns 10 and up: style and work manship guaranteed. HQS Alisky bldg. EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like few "more engagements by the day. Wood lawn 1712. Nurses. EXPERIENCED children's nurse, could'take infant, ansa iioer. iiaua, o. Ai!i& - Miscellaneous. wishes to care for children or In valid going East for half of her expenses Inquire Young Women's Christian Asso ciation, hours 10 till 4. I CAPAbLiN woman couiv, i....i u.n.i, tel. chambermaids, waitresses. nurses.St. liOUls. wasn. -oai" -w . " i ... GERMAN nursery governess would like po sition. Phone Tabor 544. LADY wishes position as waitress. 8902. Main WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees " 'I'-' V. ,1 H ...lilv OUtnt lurniaiiou, -i..- good territory. Address Oregon "Nursery tompuy, wiu-ki w SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling cuuiw nu.D-. 3 -' fit free. Capital City Nursery Company Salem. Oregon. - W ANTED Good live agents for one of. the best sellers on the market. Apply 413 Fenton bltlg. WANTED 4 or O BUlltuuta mi me. """I- get in quick. Room 5. S7 Vt 6th st. hours 1 to l- ana a i-o . Agents, big money "made selling our nursery stock; greai uciumiu. n"-- mission weekly. Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. WANTED TO RENT. HOME wanted by bachelor. W. Oregon correspondence solicited; small Income Address AE 553. Oregonian Rooms. TWO or tnree luriiisucu nuuDuaH.ua walking distance preferred; state comfort and. rent, r ow, wi cjjuiiiu. WANTED Two unfurnished housekeeping Oregonian. Rooms With Board. MAN wants room or board within 15 min utes OI LniUU i.iiwt., uuiiiti'i.i v A.n iiii uiceuiuoii. Apartments. WANTED By a few reliable gentlemen, i lour or uv ivni ii.iiviii. .-...-1..-- mnt. pieferahly a stone or brick building; walking distance. X 556. Oregonian. ROR RENT. 1 ununited Rooms. HOTEL SAVOY. ... i I.-:... Ki.llilinff- tlist Onetltfl: niOUt.Ul uiii-ii .1U.1U...0, j . ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; hot and cold water In all rooms: STEAM HEAT private baths, excellent location, just off Washing- . . .. .!. K,. .Hair nr month- ton St.; special i.ii" uj " u.iika Homelike Homelike NEW SCOTT HOTEL . . . . Seventh and Ankeny Sts. IN Till;; a r-Ait l jv AdxM i- ... One whole year of redecorating, refitting na returnismng ... I-. ------ 1 -1 -ilii- A delighttul Winter home at reasonable rates for those who appreciate cleanliness and comioru r:i n i- HOTEL RAINIER. 14t) ROOMS. - .-. . - T..n, llL'DflT 1 rLUt-i r IV 11 -11 fin VI i - New, modern, fireproof bulldinf, heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, hnest beds that money can buy. and it doesn't, cost any more than some cheap ioaginS-iiuu, nice large office on ground floor; every- per day; :i-5y and up per week. Call and see us- J.-8 win st. THE BUCKINGHAM. . .-.-.ur a a n IT. NTT StrOclal low rates vy wn. STliAM HHAT, PRIVATE BATH 9, hot and cold water in all rooms, elegantly "fnd. directly opposite Portland Hotel. tf 1am- MU 8t. T agem?nt; ewly renovated throughout: 70 outBiae roomn, "v'' - u e?c; room, ,10 month up; suite, with running water, " . public parlor; phonea and patns tree. HOTEL ANTLERS. Boo? single or en sufle; SPECIAL low monthly rateS: steam heat, private baths, hot and cola water In all rooms; beautltully fuinlsueu; tourioi n.u . HOTEL LENOX, cor ; 3d and Main jtj. COnabie pricea, " ' - - poslte tne KiWnffi. -mr; eam heati , I n ,1 nn.-n at W W II T-Tt I Tt n t reasonable: iitiuwn" THE MERTARPER. I?" fhn?: e?y modern convenience; hot water In all rooms: very rao" DFSIRABLE unfurnished rooms in Burk "PiJKr w.it H.nnslde and Union ave.. on cars convenient to all parts of city. Inquire on pteiuu". HUllJ Dlicniiaiii. , . . Washington and 17th, nrst-ciass furnished SSSfinsl. or en suite; all modern con- jsvw Wo.hlno-rAnr elegantly furnished outside rooms, modern . conveniences, picmj - - - THE ESTES-Good room rZ gtark, corner oi. uiiRVISHED rooma, Elm Place, formerly ETn court Aaner. 414 Yamhill and Eleventh. FURNISHED rooms and apartments, steam 'V11 ...... w,.t v, iv,r.n Tha H viand. heat, uauuo. 4 'JO Morrison. r-r it AN newly furnished rooms, $3 to 4 -L,EA .ifli it W ,irriinn t. ner weet " THbait: 'SXluT: n d.,7 to u w THE HEX Modern rooms. j WCelt- 0 4 .1 H IV no. i n. i THE BRAE-SIDE. 428 A'J1" Modern, tral. 3. $4. 5 per week; transient. hMrnl-hed Rooms in Private Family. VF.WLY furnished front room: free phone, . bath; private imnni roa PEXX 34 Haxrlson, Main 3205, j , ki. hua,irifiii locatic V L It I iaeau-auio ' n. ....... west tiae. au convrmeu '"'i, A-"7 walking distance- Rent reasonaole. leie phone Main 5613. ONE furnished room with use. of piano and . l.,lnnr m C - fi Weif TOT pnonfi kiiu auuiiB-iui..i i". - - one person and J2.0O for two. J0 Mar ket at. 258H 13TH ST. Nicely furnished room. new house, every convciucuvc, t-' - only. F1NE front alcove room;-house modern; choice location; private lainm. ojo . man st... bet. West Park and 10th- LARGK. handsomely furnished room, suit able tor two, -i..JO per wi-m, oni.. . $2: all conveniences. 227 7th st. NICELY furnished front room. In private . v.A.h .1 1 1 11 .1 n n-nlklni? rils- xamny; ga. u.i-ii j,. ---o tanee. 472 Taylor st.. near 14th st. SUITE of three rooms furnished for house keeping; gas anu oavu; .cu. l:i7 Grand ave. North. NEWLY furnirhed large front room. Blngle rooms, sxu aim 91. uc... nbui . modern. A :$ 575 Couch NICE front room, newly furnished tvith modern conveniences, suiiaDie lor a w a. $12. 383 llth St. Phone A 7733. XEWLY-FURNISHED - front view alcove roonr. suitaoie 101 iwu. iuni.i- ...... "-.- 12S 14th st., near Washington. Main 3000. ' i.v.1. with hnn rH - Tnnd- Clay. Main fi4J 1 1 V.iln Oi", FOR RENT Two adJolnlnR furnlshea rooms, suttanie . ior auusccciJinj,. " i" Pettygrove st. STRICTI-Y modern home, beautiful room for COUpie, ocai mum -ou. Marshall. FURNISHED room to rent ; board lr de- sirea. xij a A 'FEW finely furnished rooms for gentle . -11 ...t, i. PlimiA Main TiiS.I LliUll . ail Lumcinvm. VERY desirable "room, easy walking dls LARGE, well-heated room, suitable for two. every conveiiieiii;-. oul jvh. oi, NEAT rooms infamtly, $10 and $12; heat, Data; whikuib uiaiu. - 309 11TH. pleasant front room. 1 or 2 pen- tmAn. mnBrn fr n vnri i pn fps rCH-SOnabi Kooms With Board. 710 Washlnson st.. near Kin?, brand new. eiegauny iuiiuaut-u, V - a private pain, iciciiuunc , u. mum of expense. If you want the best in tne eiiy ior mc . spect; dinins-room in connection. PORTLAND Women's Union. 2'2d year, room Drary. aiu riauucia -. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. ISo 5ta su airs. Jki. j- uiov"c "i THE Manson Homelike boardinjt-house, large general panor. eiegaiu. rouma. sep arate table board $5.50. Ccr. &th & Jf ferscn. ELEGANT front rooms, well heated, fine t-r.t-.ta hnerr). Kctl 11 f t t II 1 1 V lnrfltsd Milln THE COLONIAL. 165 ar-d ltfl 10th St.. cor able ratea ROOM and board at 53o Couch st. The Sterl II (S- - t "THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or Rooms With Board In Private Family. LARGE, modern furnished room with board St., hear Flanders. Phone M. 5513. COMFORTABLE. refined home, splendid room ior coupie, dcsi iauio duuiu. iu Marshall. BOARD and room, plain home cooking; walk Jllg uisutiiLT:. ooi oi. rmAOAiN i nuuiiy i '"Mil, fivuu 1 . , FURNISHED room in private seminary if .loircl Phnnp Unin KlIlO. 140 Pleasant front parlor for 2; modern f-,,-,, mm I, out 17(1 Miun tt. Apart ment. ufivp iPiRTMRVTS 14th and Columbia, DUllQing", COIIipil'i' uiat-Luw.t, . t. ,i w.- in 2, 3 and 4-ruom family apartments; pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compre.-ced air Cit'ttlUIlg, JttHUUl ci -v , - . " " Jirj-U-i-ni'. The most exclusive furnished apart riti IT 1 A XI ments in me vn-y. niit-""!" - and reception hall, botb phones, electric , ...i, vr nr. lAth.ct .-nr. ft24 Marshall st. a c t at iionm-hAalnH n nartment. nar ;n.. Wo Dsman t-- ht.ct in th i-itv for tiie money. $30. Apply Janitor, lst ana Kearney. COMPLETE furnishings of three-room apartment ioi oaic, ucu vmj- v....-, $3O0; party buying can rent, apartment in t . a t"r F.TTE aDartmenta. 3 rooms furnished rnTnnitP. evervthine new. lith. near Salmon. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur- msnea apartinenis. i "s. 16th-sL cars North, get off at Marshall. Flat. excluslve five-rom flats; extra servant a . ; . U AinK flat' Ksif) II t i- room m Dauciu n.n -h 1 7 , fully paneled dining-room, large, old-fash- ioned tireplace. polished floors, separate au tomobile garage with each fiat, etc. etc. ; every conceivable convenience; close in, in best residence section. For particulars ap ply W M. ConkJin & Co., Inc., 4i7 "Wells- Fargo Diag. a. -"tt,u WHEN moving call Up Van Horn Transfer Ons, ail C'AiJci icut-ta FOR RENT 8-room lower flat, newly tinted. , -v- .u oith -f Phntia Ir. Rand M. liutt. MODERN 7-room flat, 146 N., 24th st. Jr'none Aiain -ov. , 3 ana i-rum na-to. niuu..., v ...... . sonable. Inquire afternoons, 2o Hall st FLATS, 731 Hoyt st... near 22d. rooms ana Datn. uiiiuua n m- -- ELEGANT up-to-date upper flat; every con . ..1... Coll at "t-iKti. Mill St. veuiBuce, auuiio. i-mi " Housekeeping; Kooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall . Newly furnished for housekeeping, includ ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water Dams, lauimrj. cli"".' - n furnisnea aparimenu ii v' " single housekeeping rooms, J2.50 week up. best in city for money; short distance from Union Depot. 'S- or lath-st cars north. get off at Marshall st. Xo dogs allowea WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. S moiit-ii, .i mi ----. . --. . imfiim uhpi house. 810. 3IH 2tfth North; "W" car from depot, on ,'ld or. Morrison to atith, block nortn. iii.iiwTi a iT 17th. near "Yamhill: take uinwi-.x. - --- - . . w. car at '" -'V,; room nouscKt-yiuB un by month $20 and up: hot and cold water. . .. j L...111. Yi.ua M uln Jnlli A 41 .lit. tatns anu v"w i"-a - " HOUSEKEEFING rooms, newly kalsomlned and furnisnea. tree usui. au u.i.i, room ana Doani. -. r.iuii. anuuu li near lirana aic. r-ooiira m w-j. G fcA&i ftiunn.io.-i.i. w.. i..,- ...... . . pletely furnished housekeeping-rooms; rea- sonaoie. HE MILNER. 350 "4 Morrison, cor. Park. home apartments, an uoqviui:ui.c .a weeK. clean iui. iiiiuannwii.iiB -. . i ....v. lm Cl.nt.in IT oar neat, lauimij. u.m. .n m........ w 1 ..DU weea, wro, cici '"'''''- " rOOms; laUlluij. L-mn. - riCE furnished housekeeping-rooms, $14. oa bom v.aiiiiiiiw, , -". Housekeeping Kooms In Private Family. . r nfiDuTLiiM ? ninolv furnished house imnTiiiiD- nnnmn. Also furnished room. A 7741. TWO large rooms for light housekeeping, $10, pnone riiuii SI CROSBT. near Steel bridge; excellent .lo cation; DIOUUH nuuDn, ..vw. CLEAN and neatly furnished housekeeping . . .j, . . rooms; iiws pimmi Mo..... FLTRNISHED housekeeping rooms. 425 B. A U Dhnll. TT,1t 117. FO!rR furnished housekeeping rooms, bath grounu noor, tio ui"iu. .07 nun, tTi.t.T v timl.tinl hrai.lf.nnlnff mnin. eat aai lhU SUA juarnsoa at Xe WaUon'rnodernand fully '"-Ished S- car south to Front and P"fr east to 134 Porter si. I Phone bellwooa lion. NICELY furnished housekeeping o ofTice"a"diVn f."'Vronr ca,-line; no chll dren. Si)'J Market St. - NEWLY furnished front room with large closet, modern run y. " ,111, t leges if defired. reasonable, olio 11th st. Phone A 7753. NICE front room for 1 or 11 """'"'"""i aiso cheap suite ot '""r " i V 'si -KVcrett St.. block off Vah. Phone M. al.-. THREE unfurnished housekeeping room $10 per montn. newiy iuuiii-.. -'-.--" 1 per week. 51 Mill st. Main i4.5. SWELL front suite In Private " water. Kain. nrat. lauiwuj. gat: S27.T.O. Phone Main gi4f. THREE nicely furnishecl nouwii rooms. Including private nam. i.u ...... near Harrison. ONE or two desirable furnished rooms, with use of KttcltejL; tnoucrn; aiRni otiO 12tit Jit. RONT alcove room, furnished for light housekeeping. 4:.l Yamhill. ELEGANTLY furnished housekeeping suite. oiSit t;th st. ROOMS housekeeping suite, furnace, also housekeeping room. 421 7th st. TWO LARUE room can be further subdi vided. ;M -YloiTiAOn st. 3 FRONT housekeeping suits, phone, bath. neat. . pet w WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new 'urnt- ture. nuy it juuiciouoij- .nu o- wil lexceed your niovlr.g expenses. Our NU-ltENT PRIC1SS made us one ot the largest luinlture houses in the cltjf In less than two years. Lookers are shown the same courtesy MOIiGAX-ATrHl.EV FURNITURE CO.. Grand Ave., for. Kml Slark Ht. East Ankeny. Montavllla and East Bids line cars pass our door WHY RENT 7 With our organization, elimlnatlrg mid dlemen's profits we can build you any priced house for cash or on easy terms ana save you money; plans and esiin.ates free; a postal will lirlnwr lull details R. BAILEY. Postoffice Box 473. NEW 6-room modern cottage. $15.00; -roora apartment, $10.00; esrauilsliea note, o rooms partly furnished. $2i.in; all on car line. South Portland, and B-room modem. Second si., walking distance. $12. C. H. Piggott. owner. 14 Muikey bldg. YOU will be much pleased and won paia it ou call at our rental department. HART MAN & THOMPSON', Chamber of troiiur.erce. (-BOOM residence. 7H0. Lovejoy St.. near 24th st orth. sr.i; ansiocratic dcibu borliood. Apply Wakefield. Fries & Co, 83 4 th St. FOR RENT A cozy 5-room cottage at 3J.- Cllntou St., on --w-ll cai-nne, in. month. C. F. Ptluger & Co.. 4-6 Mulkey bldg. A NICE, modern ticuse snouiii nave iiwuhb furnishings tnriugnout; Miutn easy termo at Ca-lcf Lroa.. 360--iO Last Mor rison St. IF vou want to rent A house SEE ME. l; ycu want to ront VOL' R house Slili MR Thafs mv business. S. O. Vincent. Rentals Real Estate and Ins. 420 Lumbermens BL MODERN house, 1 rooms, .furnished or un furnished. 716 h.ast uurusiue. j-uuiiw East 1SC9. HOUSE of & rooms and hath. (V." East l'.lth st. North, near .Everett. Inquire lul 6th st. ' Main 6278. UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished complete by Laiet tiros, easy itm 11. n Eastern prices. j&O-'irO East Morrison St. FOR RENT 6-room lrvlngton houeo. $25. F. t . Bowman t:o.. corner i.in anu .... uni son. Phono East llir. VERY desirable ti-room house, 403 San Ra fael St., near t-uion c, x nwno - ll85. C 1101. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 101 N. A l'.iSl. All covered wag on., all experienced men. 7-KOOM. modern house, Lo veiny, near 21th. Inquire at 515 chamber of Commerce. I. S20 OOKBETT St.. modern, $26. on S car line. Keys S2ti corbett. FOR RENT 6-room modern house. 1st and Broadway. 2o tt acres, lots of fruit. 1 Mllwaukie. Phone 'labor "174 9-room house; l'-urninhed Houses. FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage, rent $15: 1 block west .Mount Scull car. oil ' at sec tion Lino road. Call at 1370 Last ca ruilier.t FURNISHED houtte inr rent for Winter months: new handsomely furnished house of eight rooms: Nob Hill district; reference requited. L 5.VJ, Oregonian. FURNISHED house of 7 rooms at Piedmont. 100x100. on corner, electric lights, piano, small barn and fruit trees; ;;o. unfur nished. $22.00. Inquire 412 Sherlock bldg. NEATLY furnished 5-room cottage with, buth. gas and cement basement; lull -lot. will lease: terms S-'.l per month. call K!3 E. Irving, cor. 2ttth. NEWLY furnished four rooms, beautiful neighborhood. 7 minutes to 1. O.. only re sponsible parties need answer, street. 367 10th MODERN 6-room furnished lioufc. furnace and fireplace, good neighborhood. Address K .14';. Oregonian. 6-ROOM. very reasonable. Woodlawn 3003. 1170 E. 16lh. N. FURNISHED house; modern, central; adults. Cor. West Park. 3s4 College. Houses for Rent. Furniture for Sale. SWELL FLAT. 12TH fr Strictly modern 5-room flat: rent $.10; fur niture li verv swell: cost over $1000; for sale at a bargain. $600; owner leaving the. C'tV- GRUfasl & ZADOW. 317 Board ot Trade Bldg., 40i and Oak. B RG VIN" Eight-room completely furnished "h'JU-e. $150: live rooms can be rented out: rent only $16: South Portland; gas; going East. V 500, Oregonian. 11 ROOMS. 12TH AND MORRISON 11-room modern house; rent $..5, with rooms rented for $100: furniture is good and includes nice piano: price $1000. GRUSST & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak- E-ROOM modern cottage for rent, now fur niturc for sale cheap; good location for roomers, easy terms. 10 E. 2,ith. near Ankeny. , FURNITURE 6 rooms, new, cleap. weath ered oak dining furniture: W'lttl together; house for rent. J02 North -4tn. BARU41X-Part of furniture of seven-room, strlc'tly modern flat; central, light, desir able. 22S',i 10th St.. near Salmon. COMPLETE furniture of large 7-room house. 675 Multnomah st., for sale very cheap; house for lent. 1. H. Edwards, 101 1st st. uni'sR FOR RENT Furniture for sale, HLA- R rooms. 347 Couch sL, between chean: 6 rooms. 7th and 8lh sts. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. 37 East 30th st. NEW furniture for sale, 6-room flat. 42D Columbia st. 10-ROOM house, all occupied: furnace heat. $400 cash, balanco Installments. 3SS nth. Htores. trot? RENT Four-story and basement brick F s ore bui:dlng. 100x165. S B cor Front and Pine sta Apply C. A. Dolph. Mohawk bldg. FOR MFAT MARKET and drug store takl Waverlv- Richmond car. Inquire at grocery. 41st and Division st. FOR RENT New store. 16th and Washing ton sip. Inquire Mr. Rose. 723 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Lease m slore building; good lo cation. Main 2076. STORE for rent. 3d st. near Jefferson, $30. Apply W. G. Cox. 222 Failing bldg. Offices. PRIVATE office to rent In sew Lewis blag., with use of reception room and phone I ready Jan. 1; state business. P. 557, Ore gonian. DESIRABLE office room for rent in Burk haid bldg.. East Burnside and Union ava. Inquire on premises. FOR RENT A few oBices m couch bids! Atul Room 50 It