7 f I? THE MORNTNGr QREGOXtAX TIITTIISPAY, XOVE3IBER 25, 1909. p r. WHEAT IS UP 1G1 Another Advance In the stem Market. Blue- REPORTED SALE AT $1.13 Tatcnt Flour Xow at $8 Yer Barrel, According to the New Prices An- nonnced Yesterday Oats v Market Is Tncertain. Bluestem wheat went up another notch yesterday, when the buyers quoted a price of fLia on track hee. Bel; ere asked ti l g-eserallr and It wai reported there wii one emie at that price. There waa so afcanse made In club or the other varieties. The market wa strong everywhere, country advleea reporting fanners as Indifferent to buyers offers. Barter wu very Urm, with holders In clined to ask over :s for both feed and brewlDj. tint It le not known1 that any busi ness tuts been done beyond this price. Oats were quoted steady at $30 9 30. St. There was a difference of opinion as to the aotnal condition of the market, some large dealers declaring that prices were on too low a basis, while others said the market, at present prices, was shaky. The eipeoted advance In tSe local flour market wss announced yesterdays Tha rise on patents was 20 cents, snaking the new price 16 per barrel. Valley rrades were ad vanced 20 cents to li.50 per barrel. There was alio an advance of tl per ton on shorts and 60 cents per ton on rolled barley. Local receipts In cars wei reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 67 Tuesday ...... 17 Wednesday ... IS ' Tfear ago 41 Season to data.r523 year ago 7272 14 14 10 2 1 747 113 7 1 7 664 613 It 3 13 15 1301 1441 15 331 1120 WIND-CP OF THE TCKSEI MARKET. Prices Close Strong at iVA to 3d Cents. Ket-rliils Very SmalL Tha most remarkable Thanksgiving turkey season the local trade has ever known oame to an end yesterday. Except -to a few speculators the deal was successful; to the shippers and raisers It was highly so. The receipts yesterday were very light, as everyone expected, and th birds wera quickly snapped up at 27V4SS0 cents, buy ers discriminating but little between culls and choice. . . The retnllers exhausted th.slr supply at an early hour in. the evening, and but . for so:no belated receipts yesterday would hava had nothing to sell aftr tha noon hour. The retail prices were 30 to 35 cents. That the supply of turkeys In Oregon this year was inadequate was amply proved by the course of the market. Bad roada held back some small shipments but had they arrived they could have hardly affected tha market. It was the strong competition by Seattle amli San Francisco buyers In Jhe producing districts 'that made tha Portland supply so Usbt and prices so high. .,.. ' Tha market for live poultry "was slower yesterday, but all prices were well main- talned. DECREASE IN OCTOBER BEER SALES. Output 194.S70 Parrels Less Than In Bams .Month J.t Year. The beer output of the United State brew eries In October, according to tha Government return Issued yesterday, was 4.4S1.286 bar rels, a deoTeasa of 1SH.7S0 barrel a com pared with October last year, 483.118 barrels less than In October, 1007. and 10M4r bar rel les tian produced In . tha corresponding mocta of 19MJ. There was a fj.tr amount of business) la tha local hop market yesterday, but there were no definite reports of operations by exporters. The Peavey Hop Comrany purchased about Boo bales, ' " McNeft Bros, bought 360 balea at 18 to 19 "cents and H. I. Hart made ahumber of pur chases. ' " A Neve. York w'.ra stated that Hugo Loewl had bought 1000 bales of New Tork Btata hop for export at Si ceuta. JCtiO RECEIPTS SHOW SOME INCREASE. But Stronr Demand Readily 'Absorbs AU Offerings. Thara has been some Incresse In g re ceipts In the past two days. Thl larger movement, howover. Is only temporary and was to 'be expected, preceding the holiday. There was a placeyor allof them, however, and the market raa held Arm at 45 cents. Creamery men reported a somewhat easier feeling In ' the butter market yesterday. "This was due. nnt to any larger local make. but to Increased offerings cf Eastern butter. Trices were without change. The cheese market was quoted firm In view of the shortened supply. GOOD KRl'IT TBArE IN FORENOON. ront Btrrt Diln- liiihy RmoTlnc Ooodi 1'rom Uas-m mt, Business In the fruit and vegetabl mar kt u active up to noon, whan th ra t!lcr wnt wer uppl!ed. " Th Front treat dealers were occupied mast of tha tfay In (ettlnff their basement goodout of reach of high water. Tha receipt Included two car f rlpa oranges and threa cars of bananas, two pf thein a; re en. O.-aTes craned up welL Trices Ihroirjh- imt tha list nere preceding- day. practically those of tha Bank riraiina;. Rank clrarlr.KS cf tbe Norihwestern cltlea jes araay wen as Toliows: Clearincs. Balances. t'orrland Jl.2f4.9l7 ?114.9T1 Seattle . '1 a com & 30,405 63.J45 74,211 70ti.3U 1JORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour, Fed, Etc. ' : WHKAT Track prices: Bluesteth,. 1.U; c'i:b : rt'i KiL-f!an, O'c; Valley, 41; Turkey. rel, $1.04: 4i-f..!d, fl.H. V A K L.K Y Foe d. JUS; b re wing, ??9 per ten KI.Ol'R Patents. JC per barrel; straight, $ 4 . 0 ; export. Valley, $5.50; graham. $5; whole wheat, quarters, $5.20. ' COItX Whole. :;3 .50; crocked, ' $34 50 X er ti'tv M II.KSTT'FFS Ttran. $20 per ton; TnM-rl'T'i:-. nnx, $-S.50 29.10; roiled bar.ey. J .' . . 0 ii 30.0". f'ATri No. l wlii"1. $:030.50 per ton. HA TimMiiy. Wiilametto Valley $15 J V.i per ton; Krfiern Oregon, UStfJO; ail'.tlfa, $10 y 10 M; clover. $15; cheat, 14 13. B0; e;ra!n hay, Jl. 10. VeRctablcs) and Fro Its. FRE?1I FliUITS Apples. $1S box; peaiw, f&lSO rr box: rrap, lll.SO lr , crarf. 10c igt ba-!iet; Spaniel Ma!ara. $7 per barrel; quinces, l.2Z$ 1.E0 per box; cranberries, $3r9.S0 per bar rel; persimmon... $1.51 per box. POTATOfc:. iuyir.g prices: Orr(rn, 601T 70c pr s.vt;.-t potatoes, 4c per pound. TKOPICAL FnriTS Or.ir.5PS. J2.75l; lmcns. f:ncyt Ji; choice. 15.50; grapa fruit 13-50 t 4 per box; bananas, S y i VjO Psr pound; pomegranatet. 11.50 per box. VEaETABUES Artichokes, 75o par dosen; beans. 10c 'per pound; cabbage. Q 10 per lb.; cauliflower. 0c31.25 per doz.i celery, IJ-SO-ff per crate; eggplant,' J1.7S per box; -rarlic 10c per pound; horseradish, SflOc per dozen; hothouse lettuce, .Sift? 1.25 per box; peas, lOo er pound; peppers, $1.60 per box; pumpkins, lttlc; radishes. 16c per dozen; sprouts, fa per lb.; squash, 1161.16; tomatoes, 75ciJ$l.' SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. 76c (B SI per sack; carrots, si; beets, il.tt; ruta baras, SI. 10 per sack; parsnips, $1.25. ONIONS Ore-ran. 11.25 31.50 per sack. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery extras. S6c; fam-y outside creamery, o2V430c per lb,: store. 224o:4o. iButter fat prices average Xc pf-r puund under regular butter prices.) EGGa Fresll Oregon extras, 45o per dozen; Eastern, 32'a33o per dozen. CHEESK Full crrani twins. 17'iSUo per pound: Young Americas, 1Sj19c. POtT,TP.T Her.s. 10c: Pprii:-.-3. 13c; roost era. BitlOe; ducks, lflc; gettv. lo'-ic; turkeys, live. I'iVi ft26c; dressed. 27Vc30c. PORK I-'an-jy. Hki per pound. VEAL Extras, JIVjO per pound. Provision. BACOX Fancy, 27c per pound; standard. 22c: choice. 21c: English, 2Otf20H-- DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 15jc; smoked. 16'tc; short clear backs, heavy dry salted, 15!Tc smoked. 16 54c; Oregon exports, dry salted. ISoi smoked. 17c. HAMS 10 to 13 pounds. 17Ho; 14 to 1 pounds. 17'4c; IS to 20 pounds. 171ao; hams, skinned. 18c; picnics. 13Vc; eottaga rolls, 15c; boiled hams. 14025c; boiled ptenlcs, 31a LARD Jfettls rendered. 10s. 17Ho; stanr dard pure 10s, ltteo; choice. 10s, lSjC Compound. 10s. llo. SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each. 60c; dried beef sets. 19c; dried beef outsides. 17c; dried beef Insldes. tic; dried beef knuckles. IOC PICKI.ED OOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet. S1J.60: regular tripe, 310; honeycomb tripe, iimeh mnnifi til. 60: mess beef, ex tra, 1 12; mess pork. S25. ' 12 ttrtrri FniltS. FtC .- CRIED FP.l'IT Apples, SHc P poimd Tv.rl.es. 7!i8c: "prunes, Italians. 0 tu. n-..nBa T.'rrli 4 ?a fle : currants, ur' aa',k Bur: currants- . washed, ..... in,- ir- "white fancy. 50-lfc. bosres, cAi.vnv f-ninrnhla River. l-nound tails, 1 ner dosen: 2-povmd tails, tiltr.: 1-pound a'-iou- Alaska, pink. 1-pound i a tails. 11.45: sockeyes, -1 nound talis. S2. i rocfEK Morha. 2.13 ISc: Jnva. ordinary, 17ft 20c: Costa Rica, fancy. 1B3 20C; good, l?lSr-- ordinarv. lliffiloo per pound. NUTS Walnuts. HtflSc per pound. Bra ill nuts. 12V415c: filberts. H-SlOc; al nrniili liu. THc: ' chestnuts, Ohio, 20cl enrnenuts. UOciel Jjer dozen. BEANS Small white. B'tc: large white. au- T.ima. 5ic: bayou. IS'ic; pink. 4!c. SUGAR Granulated. 5.75; extra C, S5.S5 golden C. 6.19: fruit and berry sugar. S3.S5: beet, S5.85: cubes (barrel), Jti.30 powdered (barrel), 16. Terms on remit tances within 13 days, deduct per nound If later than 15 days and within 30 SO davs. deduct He per pound.' Maple susar. 10 1 18c per pound. SALT Granulated. S13 per ton. S1.90. per bale: half around. 100s. J7.50 per ton; 5os, SH per ton. HONEY Choice, S3.2r.3.B0 per case. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS ltk'9 ctlp. lSS23c; IKS crop, nnmin.l . 1 f((,7 rrnil 1 1o - 14) CrOU. SC. , WOOL Eastern Oregon, H6 3a pound. MOHAIR Choice. 24c pound. CASCARA BARK 4',Jc per pound. HIDKS Dry hides. ISSl'Jc per pound dry kip. 17S18C pound; dry calfskin, 19 21o pound: salted hides, 1W',4 lie; salted calfskin, 134iluc pound; green, lc less. , FURS No. 1 akins: Goatskins, lGc SI. 2,1; badger, aofr 50c; beatv B -J 20; beaver. SO.503,4.60; cat; wild. 75cqit.50; eouxar. perfect head . and claws, 3-10: fisher. dafk, t7.B0 u 11: pale, $4.90i7; fox, cross. S35: fox. gray. 80S?Soc; fox. red, SSSS; fox. silver. So5sl00; lynx,, $8U 15; marten, dark. 812; mink. $3.50C.50; muskrat, 15fi-2oo; otter; S2 50S4; raccoon. 8075c; sea otter. $ 10O$f250. ' as ' to ' sjse and color; irktinks. ESafiOc: crvet at. 10ifl5c:, wolf. 3&'3-60; coyote, 75cS1.23:,wolverin'V, dark. S34D; wolverine, pale, $22.50. Oils, Turpentine, Etc COAL OA Pearl astral and'stax. cases, 10c per gallon;, eocene: leases, 2Jc per gallop; Elaine, -cases, ' 2Sc per gallon; extra star, cases, 22o per gallon; water white. Iron bar rels, 11 per gallon; wood" barrels, '15Ho per gallon; special water white. Iron barrels. 15c per gallon. v GASOLINE Red crown and motor, gaso line. Iron barrels, -10c per gallon;' cass. ; per gallon; ed gasoline, iron barrels, 80c per gallon; cases, 37 Ho per gallon. - . i l:KNZINli: V". .M. and . naptha.' Iron bar r.tls. 134c per gallon; -cases, iO'.ao ppr gal Ion: engine dlstlliate.-lron barrels, 9c. per ca on: cats. ltc l'Qr gajlyn. TtKPK.Ml.M-: in casta, 7No per gallon; wood barrels, 75Vjc per. gallon; aroturps (turpentine substitute). Iron barrels, 33c per gallon;- cases, 4lc per gallon. LINSEED OIL Raw. in barrels, 71c boiled. . In barrels, 73c; raw, in eases. 7tfc boiled. In cases, 7Sc. , TURKEYS ABE PLENTIFUL SCPPI.Y IX SEATTLE E.TH.VCSTEl). WAS-NOT But I,HUe Stock Is Carried . Over. However Prices Steady a 2 8 to SO Cents. . SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 24-r(Special.) Turkeys did not clean- Hip today. Nearly every dealer In town has a lew birds left. In spite of the carry-over stocks, prices held steady at 23 and1, 3 centa. Few sales were made above 30 today. Cull stock moved slowly. Hens were In ver" brisk .demand everything cleaning up. There waa a good demand lor seese, but stocks were light. Effjs sno-ved briskly. , Two carloada of Hood Rlve applea reached Seattle today and two more af In transit. Tha fruit consisted of Iten ta v!snnd Spitx enberg; varieties. The latter are offered at J2.75: the former at $2 ft 2.30. . ' -f Three chests of Southern California straw berries reached here under Ice. Grapes are all cleaned up. Overripe n toe Jc sold as low as 25 cent a. The holiday trade waa- the best ex,Krienced here in sevcrat years. Wheat was Ann. prlceft are mixed, owing to the recent advonow In the country. The bay market Is stiffening. Traffic troubles and the poor fconditton of country roads have delayed shipments. QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Trices Tnld for Produce in tha Bay City Market. PAN FRANCI?Cl Nov. The follow produca. Jng prices were quoted til market today: Vegetables Cucumbers, fT'.-p STc; strlnj? beans. 4&7c; tomatoes, SOcfyl; garlic, 4 W 6c; preen pgas, 4se; efffc-plant, 7aci$l. llJMstufTs Tran. $-!riiKj3U: mKtdlinfiS, Du ter Fancy creamery, oCUc; creamery second a, ! !t c ; fancy dairy, 2lc. k Kgtfs Str. iWc; fani y ranch. 6flo. Cheese Nw, 17 a i&v I young Americas, 17619c. -U ay Wheat, $17.-in; wheat and okta, S144J17; alfalfa, Ujl2; stock. f7l0; bar Icy. $10S1 lo; straw, per bale. 50 70c. FrulU Apples. choice, 75c90c; com mvn, HbltWtc; baflanas. TS't-' 3.0; limes, $4&A; lemons. choice, $: Suii 1; com mon. $1.75 i I. 75: orange?, carols, 1.5C.75; liliKVtpples, ;;i3.50. ' Wool riouth Plains and - San Joaquin. 6&lCc; Spring Humboldt and Mendocino, 13 lot . Hops 20g23rf per pound. -potatoes (.regun ilurbank 75cfj ?1 ; Salinas Hurbanks, $1. 15gl.au; sweets. l.ft. K,ceipt. Flour, 10.903 quarter iaacks; wheat, tfilS ema!; barley. 7330 centals; oat CQ c e ttt a I s ; bsa nn. 2512 sa ofc s : po t at oe s, 275 itaoks: bran. i0 sacks; middlings, lo sacks; haf, 2S8 ton?; Wool, Zl bales; hiief, 3670. Wool mt St. IxmU. H ST. LOUIS, Nov. 24. Wool, dull; Medium grades, combing and clothing. 4r30c; light fine. 227c; heavy fine. 14322c; tub washed, :6&y3c. t' : , 'mt York Cotton Market. NETT TOHK. Kov.24. Cttoa closed ate a ly at a net Jcs of S to lo polr.taw PRESSED 'FOR SALE Liquidation Continues in the . Copper Group. NEW YORK CENTRAL WEAK K catling One of the Strongest' Fea tures ' of the Market Wall . Street's View on Stand-' ard OH Case. NEW YORK, Nnv. 24. The contrast of the wide movements in opposite directions of a few stocks today did not conceal the unsettlement In the speculative sentiment over the Issues preeentetd In the Standard OH case. A feature waa tha alteration In the at tue of corporation authorities toward the policy of moving for repeal or modification of the Sherman anti-trust law. . This change was accompanied by intimations from Wash ington that the views mt the administration regarding changes in the law had been modified In tKe ' f ace -of the Standard Oil decision. It was asserted thnt so effective a weapon against the power of the corpora tions waa disclosed In the decision that a. dtermlned and effective opposition would be offered to any effort to change it. Larg speculative activity centered In "the copper stocks and fears that the pro posed consolidation jt copper producers would be' prevented by the Sherman law caused selling pressure to be resumed in that group. The extreme depression shown by New Tork Central was attributed to the an nouncement of subscription rights of stbek liolders to tha new stock at par. The sub scription rlKhts were dealt in In the out side markets at six to five a fraction. This seemed only "to Increase the pressure to sell the present stock to obtain resources for securing- the new stock, at par. Heading resumed Its function of s, sup porting fuotor against the tone of depression elsewhere In the market. The buying of the stock was concentrated and said to come from banking interests connected with th company. Wabash preferred reacted sharp ly from its advance of yesterday, owing to the disbelief in the rumors of A merger with th Delaware, Lackawanna & Western. There was a further engagement of gold for shipment to South. America. The eve of the Thanksgiving holiday reduced the volume of the transaction to some extent. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, 3.k2.000. Uplted States 4s coupon declined on call. CLOSING 6T0CK QUOTATIONS. Closing Hfuh. TO14 84 13. Low. ild. . M4 WS 4S 46 Rati 72 48 "5 2S ' IS 'i A!i:.i Chalmera pf. 706 64 Vi S7; 48U 4(1 Vi M 73 ?4 69 45 2l! 1514. 0 1)9 H 11I& Arcal (Jopner .134.400 Am Agricultural loo A m Ueet SusMr . . Am Can pf ... Am Car' & Poua.. Am Cotton OU .. Am Hd & Lt pf. Am Ice Perurl . . . 00 8.IV10 2(K) 300 . lliO Sitv; 15ii Am Linseed oil Am lAteomotlvo Am Smelt v Ref.. 20,100 'iW.i, do -preferrsi ZOO 1.30O 1X5 300 .n; Am Sugar "tef .. Am Tel ,Tel Am Tobacco pf .. Am V)olpn ..... Anaconda Min Co. Atphlsun ..... . , do preferred . . . Atl Coast Line.... Bait & Ohio io preferred . . ; 124 124ti 142V5 14--M4 i)0 09 . S4 . 84" 49 4i 119 118 104, 104 100 1,000 3O0 s66 84 60U 110 104? i;i4 116 H5T4 10 T!i-th!ehem atcol, . . Prook Rao Tran. 1,200 700 1 200 7yi; lT"i 4Si 108- 'ss' 1S2X. lMS Canadian Pacific .. Central Leather .. 17(1 4"5 108-i co. preferred . . . 108 '.J 815 ;gru2 ' is'i Central of N I , . Che.s- A Ohio Chicago A Alton 1. Chicago Qt West. Chicago N V C. M & St Paul.. 10.400 87ii 1.6O0 . 400 8.900 V8o6 loo- 700 2 (i oeo '300 R(0 l.floo .. 200 " 201J 1K214 10654 J?('J 1R4 75 C. Cv C & St L... Colo-Fuel & Iron.. Colo & Southern . . 4S O.) 81 80 cio 1st prcf rred .' do 2d preferred. 81 Consoiiilated Gaf. . 149 S :2! 184 J4 -47 84 'S2 Cxrn Pvonucta ... Del Hudson D 1 R Grand ... MO isSh 4S hi 184 K 47a? 83 T$ do preferred rMstilJerH- Seourt .. . 3M, 48 K. 39V5 11H El-lo . do 1st preferred, do. 2d preferred. . General Electric . . S.900 B.4"iO l.OtW) HX) 4.8O0 15.000 400 1H4 142-74 01 14711 22 1 1 107 mo 141 80 Gt Northern pf ... Gt Northern Ore Illinois Central . . Interbc-rouph. Met.: sou 147W, 14 I1' 22 64 Oft 107 24 -H IBti BUS do preferred Inter Harvester . . Inter Marlrio pf. . Int Paper ....... Int ' Pump . ....... 206 " ist-4 wa Central .... K C Southern ... 100 43 4 70'ti 151 --ii 43U 1 151 r3 133 47 iiiii 87 43 14 70i 151 62-4 6S8J . 47iJ T34 110 88 55 127-4 4fifl4 115 143 4 43H 131 113"J W4 51 vi 192 SO 11i 4BH 1".5'4 S814 78i.'. r.R'4 32 7) . 72- 88 14 1203$ 31 do preferred . . . loo Louim-il!e & NpbH, -l.fioo Minn ft St IjOuIk. M, St P 6 S M. xy 3.114 l.lOi) .134 2..T10 filV4 6.100 ' 48 Missouri Pacific . . Mo. Kan & Texas do preferred . National Mlscuit .. ROO 2,300 utlonnl lal ... Mex Nat Ky lat pf x i entrai .. N Y. Ont &'West. Norfolk & Wst.. N'-rth American .. Northern Paclflo .. 40,800 BOO a.f'i'o 200 6.100 300 14.71-0 800 , 127 4S tM-'4 78 143 i 4314 131 '4 113-& 78 144-S 44 132', 114i Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People' . . I . C C 4 St IXJUL1. I'rerwi Steel Car.. 1,300 52'i 51 Pullmin Pal Car. Hy Steel Spring 50O 5" 14 172 47 K.-5',; 30 'I 78 -S 57 3314 129 31 'i 69 41 'na" 2()1 Si 102H5 81 H 8-81 125 02 49i; 21 1 57 50 ic-t'4 41: 105i 3Si f! .12 "a 71 88 12S14 30-J 69 40 3414 Reading 291.800 Kepubilc Sleol 1.000 do preferred 20O 7.3'-0 6.5O0 1200 B.Of'O 2.1TO 4O0 S7.10O 4,700 100 " 1.200 6'0 ROO Puck Island Co .. CD preferre-i Ft L & 9 F 2 pf. kit L Southweatern do preferred . . t Sloos-ShetTleM Pouthern Pacific .. Southern Hallway. preferred . . . TVnn Copper .... Texas Pacific. Tol. St I, & 'Wast. 63 "4 do preferred ... nlon Pacltlo do prefeiTed- ... ' S Kenlty , S Ruhber . 81 .(too , 100 . .7"0 .103.5OO . l.fiOO 1(1214 fi2U Pit' L'll' ST4 Si.? (10 V. 87 14 124 5914 1 S Steel do preferred tah Copper S5,4'0 61 48 M 20 a 55 'i 32'4 84 14 78 Va-Caro Chemical. I 3fJO 41) Vnbarh 20 ti i?2 do preferred , . . . 29.1lX 6' Western Md We: InghonflO Else "Western t'nlon 70O S5 1.C0O --79 841 IVheel-.t I. Prt.. Wisconsin Central. 100 day. 5.1 50 852. 600 she res. 150 Total alea for th NEW TORK, Nov. 24. Closing quotations: S ref 2s reg.100 !X T C gen 3U.S. 91 -do coupon. ... loo INorth pacific 33.721 TJ S 3s rcg IOI 4 INorth Paclflo 4S.102 V do coupon 10 1 14 IT nlon Pacific 4s.K2u U S new 4s MJ.1151S Wh Central 4s.. 94 do coupon. .. .llilvi Japanese 4s .... 87H D & R O 4s. . . 86 I Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Not. 14. The conaltlon of the Treattry at the beginning of business aay was as iouows: Trust funds Gold coin.... .I8SI.1S4.81I . 488.490.000 . 4,000,000 . 4S6,4rf0,0li0 liver dollars Siiwr dollars of 1890 Ivor certificates outstanding.., General fund Standard silver dollars In gen eral fund S.SJ7.7IT Current liabilities , 104,27,:S4 "Working balance In Treasury of- m-es J7,16I,SS8 In banks to credit of Treasurer of the United States S6.8J5.839 H.J69.103 1. 400. 265 4,209,587 Subsidiary silver coin .- Minor coin Total balance in-general fund.., Money, Exchange, 'Etc. SAN" FRANCISCO. Not. 34. SUrllnr. 0 aj. J4.84; sight. !4.S7fc. v- .. Sllvr bars 60 He. X Mexican dollars 45c. Drafts Sight, 8c; telegraph. 4a LONDON, Not. 14. Bar silTer quiet. Sd pjr ounce. Money 1-Jio per oent. The rate of discount In ths open market ir short bills Is 44 per cent; three months, per cent. Consols for money, tt 8-16; for account, NEW TORK, Nov. 24. Prime mercantile aper, bgs'A percent. Sterling exebang-e strong, wiia cai business In bankers' bills at $4.S.1SOt4.390 for 60-day bills: and at 44.8755 for demand. Commercial blils. 4.83 34.S3 Bar silver 50 c - ' Mexican dollars, 430. 'Bonds Oovernment, easy; railroad, ir regular. ' Money on call firm, 4$?5 per oent; ruling rata, 4 par cent; closing bid. and offered, 4 per cent. Time loans dull and steady; 60 days. S per ceitt; 80 days, l per cent; six months, 44 per cent. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. Nov. 24. Standard copper on th3 Xw York Metal Exchange was wsak again today. - London makef was strong at the olose. recovering part of an opening decline, with spot quoted at 59 2s 6d and futures at f 60 Es. Local dealers' report that the situation is still unsettled, with prices more or less nominal, Electrolytic at 13.00 913.60c and casting at 12.S7,il3.37c. , Tin ciasea weaK, witn spot, anu Novem ber quoted at S0.S881.06c; December at Sa 95 . 'd 3l.05c : January. 30.95 2 SI. 10c The London market was lower, with spot quoted at 140 7s 6d and futures -at 142 7s 6d. T,ead was Quiet, with spot quoted .a744.424c New York, 4.20i34.25c East Ht. Louis. The- London market was un Spelter quiet, with spot quoted at 6.3Q$ s.4& New York' and 6.152S.25c East tit. Louis. London was unchanged at 23 2s fid. Tha English iron market waa lower. Lo oally iron was gasy. BEST STOCK AT THE TOP FANCY HOGS AGAIX SELL AT $8.10 AT TIffi YARDS. Good Demand for Prime Cattle, Receipts Are Light Xo Trading Today. The livestock market waa In good trim vemnrdav and the beat Quality . ttock olt tit top Quotations. Trade was fajrly active. ReeelDts were 63 cattle. 13 calves and 41 J Two lota of fancy hojrs sold at J8.10 and others' . close to the same grade brought fSJOS. '; There was a .sale of a small bunch, of ood cows at :;.00 and the best steers r , J AM n. d r.l Tber will be nu trading or weighing at the stockyards today. Shippers at the yards yesterday were: Frank Dinges, of Junction City, with ona t r nf ruttla hnd hoirn: T3. G. YounK Co., Of Oakland, one car of hogs; E. Connell, of Deer- talanii. 19 cattle: J. L. Alnswortll. OI Shoshone, Idaho, one car-of nogs; Albertson.' of Shoshone,' Idnho, one Albert car of hOKs; W. V. Ladd. of Lewiston cars of cattle, and- P. D. Long, Idaho, two of Ontario, 5ne car of bogs. The dav's sales were mm follows: Wt Price. 67 hogs.. 219 tSM ID hoes.. 2SS 8.O.") 02 hogs.. 240 8.10 12 hogs.. ai4 810 4 hogj.. l.'iO 7.50 19 steers. 1 OS 1 ' 4 00 7 cows. .lOoO 8.00 1 steer. 10o 4.00 ;t steers, list. .: 4.50 20 steers. 1215 4.50 28 cows.. 1023 3.3.1 vt. Price S3. 3.70 2.50 8.00 8. 00 SOU 8.00 3.25 2.25 4.50 Prices. quoted at the yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Best steers. I4.2&4.50; fair to good. $3.854; medium and feeders. 3.50 3.76; best cows, 3. 50Sf3. 05; medium, S3 3.25; common to medium, $2.502.7o; bulls. ?22.50; stags. 2.80(fiS.B0; 'calves, light. S5.255.50; heavy, $44.75. HOGS Best, SS8.10; medruin, J7.50J 7.85; stockers. 4 8 4.75. , SHEEP Best wetlrsrs. J4.254.50; fair to good. $3.764; bes ew&s, $3.764; fair to good. 13. 50)3. 76; lambs, $505-3o. F.astern Livestock Market. ' CHICAGO. Nov. 24. Catt leEstimated receipts. 14.000. Market, steailv. 10c higher. Beeves. 4. 00(39.15; Texas steers. 4-1. fJ 4.80: Western steers. S4.00Q T..40: stockecs and feeders. 3.10'u,5.20: cows and hellers. 2.10 6.5; calves. U.255 8.75. Hogs Estimated receipts. 22.000. Market. 5c higher. Light; $T.00(rf8.0S: mixed. Sl.BS'tp 8.15; heavy. 7.708.20; rough. 7.70't'7.!u; good to choice heavy, J7.90iirS.20; pigs, lfb.40 7.G5: bulk of-salcs. $7. V 5 fi 8. 10. Sheep Estimated receipts. 20.000 Mar ket, strong Native. S2.7;.J'4.U0; Western, 2.9054.!H; yearlings. 5.2540.40 native, 4.75j7.40; Western, S.75 iambsT KANSAS CITY. Nov. 24. Cattle Re ceipts. 9110O. Market, steady. -Native steers, $4.808.5O: native cows and heifers, $2.2.V-j 6.00; stockers and feeders, $3.00ii5 0O; Western steers, $4.005.00; Western cows. 2.754.5(l. Hogs Receipts, 16,000. Steady to strong. rreavy. 7.95T' 3.10; packers and tyltohers, 7.8OS.05; light. t7.3o7.93; pigs, .25tf 7.15. , Sheerj Receipts, 8000; Steadv. Muttons, 4.50'-3.60; light. ."i.75'(7.5B range weth ers and yearlings, $4.20 if 6.00 ; range ewes, t3.25SS.25. ' .... . Eastern MlnJnsr Stocks. BOSTON, Nov. 24. Closing Quotations: Adventure . . Amalgamated 5'Mohawk 62 4 89 INevada 45 old Dominion 11H Osceola 80 Parrut 105 Quincy ...... 630 Shannon .... 38 "i Tamarack ... 83 "4 Trinity .9 L' S Mining. .. 1014 Utah ,.. 102 Victoria ..... 7?4 24 Ariz Coin. Atlantic Butte Coal Cal & Ariz Cal & Hecla. . . . Centennial Copper Range . . Daly West Franklin . .. 159 . . 30 , . 8(1 ..104 . . (It! .. 11 .. 55 . . 4014 . . 31-! .- 7 ..145 . . 64 Gran by Greene Cananea.124 Winona Isle Rovale ... 210Vi Wolverine ... Mass Mining ... 7 -North Butts Michigan Oil Dried Fruit at w Vork. NEW TORK, Nov. 24. Evaporated ap ples, easier; November delivery, 8c. Spot; fancy new crop. 11c; choice 190S, 9 10c; prime, 8c; common to fair, 6I47I,4c. prunes, firm; California up to 30-40s, 24 '9c; Oregona. 6"&9c. Apricots. Urm; choice, TliJiJllUc; extra choice, 111411c. and fanry, 13-3 12Hc Peaches, strong; choice, 6 14 & 7c; extra choice, 7-57140; fancy, 71iJ?Sc. v Raisins, steady; loose muscafel, 45c; choice to fancy, Hii ff64c; seedless, 83 5V4c: London layers, $1.201.25. C offee and Sugar. NEW TORK. " Nov. 24. Coffee futures closed steady. Sales, 85,3Ch bses. Including November and December at 6.30c, January at 0.35c. March at 6.45o, May at 6.60c and, July 6.651(O.70c. Spot quiet. No. 7 Rio. 8c, nominal; No. 4 Santos. 84S74c Mild, quiet." Cordova, BSllHc T Sugar Raw, quiet. Fair refining. 3 S6g3 92c; centrifugal. 96 test. 4.3C'ti4.42c; molasses sugar, 8.6133.67c. Refined, quiet. Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO, Nov. 24. putter Steady. Cream eries, 2t4i21c; dairies.. 24'o-'So. 1,-gs Receipts, . 4t48 ca-ses. - Steady, at mark, cases Included. ilOfc-fciloHc;. firsts, 2&!4c; prime firsts, 30J4o. .. Cheese Firm. Dalslesw lOVi'S-lOHc; twins, 16 $164c; Toung Americas, 1057-16!4c; long' boms, 16c. , ' . METHODISTS TO CONFER l-'orty Leading Ministers Expect lo Attend Meeting Nest Week., The annual Portlnnd district convention of Methodist Episcopal Churches will be held in the Taylor-Street Methodist Church next Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. Forty leading; Jcthodist minis ters r"vV'estern Oregon will be present. Discussions of methods of church work ,a.nd the division of missionary funds are some of the leading topics to be dis- uesed. The business meetings will ho held during' the daytime and the evenings will -be devoted to -mass meetings. The Ladies' Aid Society will serve luncheon on Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday evening will be given over to the Portland District Epworth League rally. An effort will be made to or ganize mission study classes. Addresses will- be delivered as follows: "Xeeds of the Field," Dr. D. L. Kader; "Work of the Missions," George B. Blake; "Tith ing," W. H. Ney. Discussion will follow each address. The Methodist Church Ex tension Society will meet Wednesday evening. PILES CURED IN 6 to 1 DAVS. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding piles to 8- to 14 daya or monejr refunded, 60c, 2T cows.. 1007 22 cows. . 1 cow... 81 hogs. . 109 R5 hoss. . :W 30 hoes:. 211) 86 hoes. . :'io 7 cows.. 942 1 bull. . .IKU'i 7 steers. 1140 PHEMIUMGUTDOWIt December Wheat Approaches Price of May. , HEAVY SELLING BY LONGS Million Bushels of Duluth and Ne braska Wheat ta Bo Shipped to Chicago for Delivery on Xcxt Month's Contracts, . CHICAGO. Nov. 24. The liquidation of December wheat by a leading long waa one of the chief features of trading In the mar ket and as a result of tho selling pressure. the premium of this option over May was cut down materiallv. A report that a lead log elevator Interest had purchased, In the neighborhood of 1,000.000 bushels of Duluth and Nebraska wheat to bo shipped here for delivery on December contracts was partly responsible for tho heaviness of the nearby option. The market displayed considerable firmness at the start, owins to covering by shorts, based on wet weather reports from Argentina. A rather weak tone developed, owing to profit-taking in December, but the market, again became- quite firm because of renewed buying by shorts. The range for the day on-Decsrnber was between $1,084 and $1-09. May sold between 1.06 '4 and and $1.00 ' 1.0t"4. Final quotations were He lower to He higher. Unsettled weather In the corn belt brought out moderate covering by shorts, resulting in a firm tone. In the corn market the greater part of the day. At the close, prices were unchanged to a shade higher. Trading in oats, was extremely qnlet and prices moved within a He range.' The close waa steady, with December and May pre cit-ely at the same point as on the previous aay, wnile July wns only a shade higher. T'rovlrlons closed 0 to 40c higher. The Board of Trade will be closed' to morrow. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. l-08?4 1.06 14 .9754 Close. U.osh 1.06 14 97i Dec . -May. Il.US'4 I1.09'-i 1 06 1.06 -i .9754 July. CORN. Dec. May. .60 -6154 61 .60 .62 -6H1 OATS. .S9V4 .42 .3914 .60 -614 .60 .60H 6li .61 July. Deo. , May. .39 -41T4 .39 .8 .4114 .89-4 .89 .41 .35-, Juiy. MESS PORK. 12.00 13.15 12.00 Jan . 12.10 U.62H May 11.65 11.66 '- '11.55 SHORT RIBS. Jan . . 10.80 11.05 10.80 May 10.62H 10.80 10.624 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. I'.ye No. 2, 74 H 76c. Barley Feed or mixing, SI Q 53c 10 5 10.72 fair to Choice malting, ony bbc, Klax seed No. 1 Southwestern, Si. 70 Ko. 1 Northwestern, ?1.S0. Timothy seed-?2.50 3.40. Clover O.f.Ota-l. Pork-)-M ess, per barrel, $23.7534. Lard Per 100 pounele-, $13.3-0. Short ribs Sides (loose),. ll.JT9 U.H. , Sides Short, ctefTr ' (boxed), I11.S2V4(2 11.75. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 2SS,o00 bushels. Primary receipts wore Sou, 000 busnels, compared with 1,15.- (K10 bushels the corresponding day a year aifo. .st!mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 46 cars; corn, 250 cars; oats, 119 cars; bogs, 24,0 00 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels S9.500 22,300 Wheat, - bUBhels 73,200 2?. 300 Corn, bushels 316.200 98,200 Oats, bushels ...2K8,SO0 160,700 Kyc, bushels 2. 000 1.000 Barley, bushels ..126,000 - 48,700 MAJUCETS OF THE NORTinVKST. One Dollar Offered for Bl ueet em Wheat at lindltton. PENDLETON, Or.. Nov. 24. One dollar per' bushel Is being offered for bluestem wheat by the local buyers, but none Is be ing offered for sale. Only a very small quantity of bluestem remains in the hands of the growers, and. all tbis which Is not used for seed will be taken by the mills at prices higher than the shippers can pay. ina buyers are offering 90 cents for club while the mills are offering as high as 95. with the result that the few small sales being made are all going to the mills. The largest sale made this week occurred Mon day, when, W. W. Harrah sold 7000 bushels at 90 cents. This Is the only sale of conse quence reported In many weeks. Several farmers are still holding their club wheat for $1, and expect to be able to command this price before Spring. 1 . ; LEWISTON. Idaho, Nbv. 24. (Special.) Grain markets unchanged. Wheat, blue stem, 93c; forty-fold. 85c; club and turkey red, 83c; red Russian, 79c; oats, 1.16 1.20; barley feed, ,1,101.13V4. TACOM A, Wash.. Nov. 24. Wheat Milling.- bluestem. $1.11; club, 11.00. Export, bluestem, $1.09; club and rod life, 99c; red Russian, St:. SEATTLE, Nov. 24. Export wheat, blue stem. $1.0? 4; club and fife, 7!4c; red Rus sian, 94 He. Grain and Produce at New York. ' NEW YORK. Not. 14. Flqui- Receipts, &0.250 barrels: exports, 932S barrels. Steady, With slow demand. Wheat Receipts. 08,800 buahels; exports. 180.B21 buBhels. Spot, firm; No... 2 red, $1.27 asked, domestic elevator: No. 2 red, S1.2tf nominal t. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, 41.21 f. o. b. afloat." nominal. There was a firm market In wheat early, but tha prices lost most of the advance under liqui dation on reports 'of heavy purchases la the NorthA-est to till December contracts The market closed barely ateady at net Icnv'er for December and i&a net blgner for other positions. December closed at $1-10; May, Sl.ia,; July J.04i. Hops and hides Quiet Wool and petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. , 24. Wheat, firm; barley. teady. fcpot -quotations: Wheat Shipping, l. 80- l.M per "cental; milling, $I.g2Vj per cental. liarley Feed, W.4.Vfl.l.4;Vi per cental; brew lnK, $1.4"Vj4iI.4!i.'4 per cental, Oats Red. - 1.W-1.70 per cental; white, Xl.ttuQl.05 per cental; black, t2.40s-2.S3 per cental asked. Call board sales: Barley May, tl.Bl per cental bid; $1.51 per cental asked; Decem ber, S1.44?i per cental. .Corn Large yellow, $1.70-51.75 per cental. European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL, Not. 24. Wheat December, Ss Hid; March, 7s 9Vid; May. 7s 7Td. Weath er, flue. . LONDON, Nov. 24. Cargoes , quiet but steady, . Walla Walla - for shipment, 40s to 4l 'M. Knelish country markets quiet but steady. French eountrx markets, quiet but steady. Grain 'Markets of the Northwest. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 24. Flax. $l.77. Corn No. S yellow, 69ta-0flic ' Oats No. 3 white, 37'ati8o. Uye-"-No. 2, Ci54fj70Vic. MINE LEFT IS MINE LOST Cliicf: Justice Moore Holds Claim Quit la Open to New Locater. S-ADEM Or., Nov. 24. (Special.) In an opinion by Chief Justice Moore in the case of George Strickland versus the Commercial Mining Company the princi ple is laid down by the Supreme Court that "where the appearance of a mining claim unmistakably indicates an abandonment- o the premises for many years, OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST CAPITAL 51,000,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $500,000 OFnCPTRS. W. M. tADD, President EDW. COOKINGHAM, .-President. W. H. DUNCKLET, Cashier. R S. HOWARD, JR.. Astft Cashlar. L. W. LAJ3D, Ass-L Cashier. WALTER H. COOK. Ass't. Csshlu. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit We Issue Letters of Credit, Foreign Drafts, and Travelers' Checks THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures ag-ainet dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs, Ii assures a sanitary and durable street. It'assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHI0 INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 BECK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. psiiaril.i 9 "CARMANIA" Jan. 22. Mar. 5 - . . . . . wr ( a XV I sirrTj 1 wiD - For Full Particular and TKE CUNARD STEAMSHIP CO.. Ltd. Ntw Tork, Boston, Chiciro, jUfnnrnnolla PbllBilphta, Bt. Loalt, 8aa Fmnoieco, Toroutoaud Montreal, or Local Agent. and no stakes or other monuments mark the boundaries, such evidence -warrants the assumption that all possessory right thereto has been relinquished and. authorizes another location thereon." Tho Circuit Court of Baker County is affirmed by tha decision. Other decisions rendered were: Bank of Commerce, Limited, versus Charles Bertram, appeal from Union County; affirmed, opinion by Justice McBride. Flnley Morrison" et al versus Pardee F. Hall et al. appeal from Multnomah County; motion to affirm allowed, opin ion by Justice Slater. A. B. Stewart and D. M. Stewart versus Frank M. Temple ton, appeal from Wheeler County; af firmed, opinion by Justice Kins- "BOfilTA" LEGALLY 10 TACOMA WOMAN CLEARS NAME OF IIEIt SISTER. Finds Goldfleld Woman Was Keally JIarrled to Man She Killed. TACOMA, Wash., Nov. .24. (Special.) After searching the' records in San Fran-. cIpco for proof! that her sister, known as "Bonita, was legally married to Webb H. Parkinson, the wealthy mining bro ker, whom ehe shot and killed, In his room at Goldneld, Aev., several weens ago, then ending her own life, Mrs. The rosa Murphy hag returned to her home In Tacoma. Mrs. Murphy declares that Parkinson married her sister, Mies Annie Sopp, but refused, to acknowledge her after a child had been born and died, but left her to earn her living the best she could as a mining camp vaudeville artist. She per formed In various houses along the Coast. "While on one of her theatrical trips." paid Mrs. Murphy, "she met Webber II. Parkinson, then a struggling miner. Later he became one of the most sue cfesful brokers at Goldfield. The records of the County Clerk's office at San Fran ctsoo show that Parkinson and my sister were, granted- a marriage license May 1.1, 190S. At Berkeley I found the priest. Father Butler, who married them." Mrs. Murphy has many letters from Parkinson to her sister, in which he as serts his love and refers to his baby as "my boy." He signed himself "From Tour True Husband." At the time of the shooting "Bonita" was asked if she had shot herself, to which she replied: "Yes." Questioned as to who shot "Webb," she declined to respond. In aijewer to hef identity, the dying woman responded, 'Mrs. Parkinson Mrs. Webb Parkinson." The woman had made appeals to Gold field papers to show herself a legally wedded wife before she committed the deed. She died before the arrival of her sis ter from Tacoma. M'CREDIE GOT 10,000 VOTES Total Cast for Cushuian's Successor Made Known. OLYMPIA. Wash., Nov. 21. (Special.) Judsre W. W. McCredle was elected Con gressman .to succeed Francis W. Cush man bv V128 votes, as agrainst an aggre gate of 8434 votes cast for the other Ave candidates, according to the certificate rendered to Governor Hay by Secretary of State L M. Howell. At the special Congressional election No. 2 a total of 1S.562 votes wera cast m the 13 counties of the Second District. Ernest Lister, Democrat, had 6323; Her mon, Socialist, 1129; Harlan, Independent, ITS; Kopkhlll, Prohibitionist. 623; Carlson, Socialist-Labor, IBS; scattering, i; Diana, 8; total, 18.52. Elk Creek to Bo Inspected. ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 24. (Special.) Members of the Clatsop County Court will leave on Friday morning for Elk Creek, . . V. U erAnf rt V. n hlo lUal nn "J "ici th banks of that stream with - view DIRECTORS. EDWARD COOKINCIHAa, HENRY X 80KBKTT, WILLIAM LADD, CHARLES IjlIDD. J. WESLEY LADD, 8 B. LINTHICUM. FREDERICK B. PRATT, THEODORE B. WILCOX Offer the unsurpassed in Luxurious and Comfortable Ocean Travel ' By the great 20,000 loo steamers xrtitUiMH ivov.ii. Jan. a. reo.is Inn .u-rw ttirhmo h Warlrl ncA vn iam rAA m rnK c Unf. in at I Si bcreb. I4.3UU ton Btstrvationt apply f to determining; the feasibility of con structing a bridge across the creek a short distance abovs its mouth. Portland Seattle Spokano DowTiing-Hopkins Co. 'BROKERS ' Established 1893. ROOMS 201 - 304 COUCH BtDO, STOCKS AND BOXDS PRIVATE! GltAI.V WIRES TRAVELERS' GUIDE. All Modern Safety Devices (Wireless, ta.)j. lAadou rurin Hamburg. Pennsylvania, Nov. a7Prea Grant. ..Deo. 3-1 VValdersee Deo 4tKals. A. V. ...Jso tAmerlka Dec. lljtl'ennaylvanla. .Jan. 9 Bulgaria Dee. 18;t. Walderaes.. Jaa lSi tlitts Corleton a la Carte Keatauraut. Hamburg direct. Italy, AND THE ,Nile CONVENIENT LV REACHED VY OUR IflEDITERRANEAN SERVICE The splendid. Inn teambtp CINCINNATI. MOLTKG, & U.UDH'KO sa." December 9, January 6, 25, 20, etc., fa Gibraltar Naples and Oenoa (with occa sional calls at the Azorea and Madeira Is-, lauds). Excellent connections wltn steuner; of Hamburg & Anglo-American Nils Co.': services ud the Nile through KO FT. Tou.-lst Dvpt. tor Trips Everywhere. ItumburE"Anierioan Line, 100 Powell St., San l"ranci!, and I-ttl Agents, Portlnnd. f aMs $325 AND UP EBssasirr iiOTflMimiEU 80 ,DAYS MiiMKMaEfli I Grand CnJ by S. S. CINCINNATI, from N. Y Jul K. 13 ori m ten sod Hctr I Und. Serai for ikustrucd book. E Hamburg AmerieanLine pnwEI.I, ST.. SAN PTtANf"IH"0. NEW ZEALAND New Service via Tahiti. . Delightful South Sea Tours AUSTRALIA for Ilaat, Health and Pleasure. New Zealand,- the "World's Y'onclt?rl;ind. Ucysnrs, liC Ijikes. etc. Tbo favorite S. S. ilarlpota sails from San Franrlsco Nov. Dec. US. etc., connecting at Tahiti with Union 1.1ns for Wellington, N Z. The only paHwngor line from U. . to New Zealand. Wellington and back. J:M0: Tahiti and back, $11:3. 1st cla.'-s. SOUTH SEA 1st, AN OS lull of them I, thr'-e months' tour, Km.' JJook now tor sailings of Nov. 2. Line to Itawull, JllO round trip. Snlllnfts every 21 day. OCEANIC H. S. CO., aVi Market street, San Francisco. SAN FRAN. PORTLAND S. S. CO. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland, 4 P. M. SS. Kansas City. Nov: 20, Deo. 10. bH. Koe City, Jec. 3, 17, etc. From Pier 40, San Francisco, 11 a. M. K!S Rose fits'. Nov. 27, 1VO. 11. (.S. Kansas City, Dee. 4, Hi. M. J. ROCHE, C. T. A.. 142 .Id St., J. W. Ransom, Dock Agent. Alnswortll Dock. Main 402; A 1102. Phones Slain 2118; A 123 1. NORTH PACIFIC S.S. CO. For Eureka San Fran cisco and Los Angeles diioct. Sail every Tuus day at 8 P. M. Ticket ofllca 132 Third, near Alder. Phones M. Is 14, A 1314. Send for folder. II. YOUNO, Agt. COOS BAY LINE The iteamnr BREAKWATER lav9 Port lend every Wetlnefeduy. 8 1. Al.. from Alae worth dock, for urtli Bend. MartUilleld iuil (.'ooa Buy points. Freight received until 4 P M. on day of sailing. Passenger fart, first oiasa. HO; iecoDd-ciaa. $7, including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third' , lna wajhington j pbons Mln 2d and Avashinston sir( or Ainiworia aociu r 4 h