Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 25, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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MILKUWTOllSilSiiOWto II ,., 0 - a on.- M Ji J
Til RFCN . I, stSl HCD Kltr-TvllllY HKHIIi) VIK
Mayor to Sign Immediately
Ordinance Enforcing Dairy.,
and Herd Scrutiny.
Dealers Gl-ren Ample Time to Be
Prepared to Comply With Strict
Measure Fees Ample to
Pay Inspectors.
Prohibits the sale of milk or
cream In Portland from any dairy
without a certificate of inspection
from the Board of Helth. showing
the herd has been tested and Is free
from tuberculosis or other disease.
It requires an applicant for a
Iloense to give his nama and place
of residence, declare whether he Is
a producer of milk or cream and give
the exact location of his dairy and
number of cows In his herd.
An applicant must produce a cer
tificate of Inspection from the State
Dairy and Pood Commissioner that
the dairy Is conducted In a sanitary
manner and from the Board of
Health that his cows have been In
spected and are free from disease.
A nominal Inspection fee Is
charged, and not to exceed three
lnspectora to work not to exceed
four months annually, are authorised.
Without a dissenting vote, arid at the
request of Mayor Simon, the City Council
yesterday morning passed the pure-milk
ordinance, drafted by a committee of
citizens appointed by the Mayor. Show
ing the great interest he takes In this
subject, the executive wilj immediately
sign the ordinance. Its provisions are to
take effect July J, 1910. and the dairy
men will thus be given ample time in
which to arrange their affairs jso as to
be able to comply with it.
Law Made by People.
When the ordinance-came up for action
before the Council. Mayor Simon, who
was presiding, explained that It had been
carefully prepared by a committee of cltl
lens, who had given it much time and
attention, and that it was very important
that it should be passed.
Councilman Belding was the only mem
ber of the Council who asked any ques
tions or who objected to the ordinance.
He intimated that he wished a provision
against impure cheese and butter. He
criticised tne measure because it had no
such clause. Mayor Simon and Council
man Baker explained that, as It provides
that no impure milk or cream shall be
sold In Portland, ic necessarily forbids
the disposition of impure butter and
Mr. Belding. however, was unable to
see it In that light, and continued to
criticise the measure. He said that, in
his opinion, any dairyman could send his
diseased cows, when detected by the in
spectors, to another section of the state,
and that their product would be used for
butter and cheese and be. shipped here, '
where It would be sold.
"It Is very important," spoke up Mayor
Plrnon, "that this ordinance be passed at
this time, and I hope that no capUous
objections will be interposed. The chair
suggests to Mr. Belding, if he has
any further legislation along these lines
that he wishes enacted, that he bring It
up at a future meeting."
Law Passed Unanimously.
The vote was then taken, and every one
of the 13 Councilmen present voted fa
vorably to Its passage. A number of
. those who have steadfastly worked for
such a measure, cheered when the vote
was announced by the Mayor.
The ordinance creates an inspection
.system, provides three inspectors for three
months" work each year at salaries of
(125 a month, and fixes a nominal rate
for licenses to sell milk and cream in
the city. It prohibits the sale of either
product within the city limits, after July
1. 1910, unless the proprietor of the dairy
has obtained from the State Dairy and
' Food Commissioner a certificate of sani
tary conditions and from the Board of
Health that the tuberculin test has been
made of each cow in the herd and that
all are free from tuberculosis or other
Careful Check Possible.
Under the provisions of the ordinance,
it is believed that a close check may be
kept upon all of the milk and cream sold
in the city. Through the system of In
spection, all cows must be tested, and
unless they are found free from-'tubercu-losis,
no certificate will be issued by the
Board of Health, and the dairyman will
be unable to procure from the City Audi
tor a license to sell milk or cream. If
all the cows are free from disease, and
the dairy Is found in a sanitary condi
tion, the certificates will so state, and the
license will be issued upon payment of
the regular fee.
It is believed by those framing the or
dinance that, with the co-operation of
Etate Dairy and. Food Commissioner
Bailey, the supply can be kept pure. The
Inspectors provided for in the ordinance.
It is said, will be able, by working three
months in the year, to make the nece-W
sary tests of the herds that supply Port
land with milk. Their salaries will bo
more than met by the fees from the li
censes issued.
Liberal Purses Offered at Meeting of
State Association.
The Oregon State Dairy Association
will hold its annual convention at the
Woodmen's Temple at .Eleventh and
Alder streets Thursday and Friday, De
cember 9 and V-
Theodore B. Wilcox renewed the prise
of the Portland Flouring Mills for $100
to be awarded the best and most com
prehensive display of dairy products.
This purse will be divided Into two
prizes $55 for first and $35 for second.
The Portland Commercial Club will
give a Joint reception, with luncheon and
music, to members of the Oregon State
Dairy Association and State Horticul
tural Society on Thursday evening, De
cember at 8 o'clock.
Great credit Is due the energetic work
of the soliciting committee, composed of
T". B. Townsend, of the T. S. Townsend
Creamery Company; W. C. Dey, of the
Washington Creamery Company; C. M.
Egbert, of the Haxelwood Cream , Com
pany, and F. H. Wiencken. of the Sun
set Creamery Company. The committee
submits the following report of Indi-
viduals "and firms that contributed to
the prize fund:
Haxelwood Cream Co $25.00
T. a. Townsend Creamery Co 25.00
Washington Creamery Co 1J.00
Sunset Creamery Co I5-0"
Weatherly Creamery Co ,'
Oregoa Creamery ......... 5.00
Damascus Creamery 25.00
Brandos Creamery ... .. 10.00
Klock . Produce Co . 25.00
Portland Dairy Association ............. 25.00
Oregonlan Publishing Co- - 25.00
Ladd A Tllton Bank 26.00
First National Bank 25.00
The Journal 25.00
La Grande Creamery Co 30.00
Davenport A Thompson 25.00
J. C. Alnsworth 6 00
Vancouver Trarj-fer Co 2.50
Aibera Bros. Milling Co 16.00
Lensch Bros 600
The Stephenson Co 600
H. Metxger 6.00
Oregon City Transfer Co 2 50
Kellncff Transfer Co 2 50
Bverding 4 Farrell , 6.00
Monroe .Crlsell 16 00
Pace Son 10.00
Bell sc Co - 0O
West Owen -
Henry Everting f w
Crescent Paper Co 6.00
Lang Co... 6.0O
BlsJte-McFall Co 6.00
Mason-Ehrman Co 5.00
The committee feels the need of $300
more, and subscriptions reported to Chair
man T. S. Townsend will be appreciated.
Regular Liner fndergolng; Repairs
at Kobe, Japan, Will Miss One
Trip Rygja Reaches Astoria,
The British steamship Knight of St.
George has been chartered by the Port
land & Asiatic Steamship Company to
take the place of the steamship Sella,
recently disabled by grounding in the
Kurushima straits. The British steam
ship will be deliveredto the Portland &
Asiatic Steamship Company at Nanaimo,
B. C, December 10. She will coal and
proceed to Portland for cargo and will
follow close on the heels of the steam
ship Rygja. The latter craft arrived In
the river yesterday morning and is due
at Portland this forenoon.
In crossing the Pacific the Rygja con
sumed 21 days, four days longer than
the scheduled time. Storms delayed the
vessel. She is in with a large amount
of sulphur and jute. Today being a
holiday, the vessel will not enter and no
work will be done.
The steamship Knight of St George
has been chartered for one trip only and
on completion of the repairs to the
Selja, now in progress at Kobe, the Nor
wegian steamship will return to the
Trans-Pacific service.
Practically all the space on both the
Rygja and the Knight of St. George has
been engaged for the outward trips. The
bulk of the space on each vessel has
been reserved for flour and fully 75,000
barrels will be sent to the Orient on the
two steamships. Lumber exporters are
also seeking space and each steamship
will carry a large amount of heavy
Vessel Not In Distress as Previously
Reported by Wireless.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 24. (Special.) The
report received by wireless last night
that the Columbia River lightship had
gone adrift proves to have been an error.
The Norwegian steamship Rygja was
alongside the lightship-for several hours
and the vessel was at her moorings when
the steamship crossed in this morning.
The lighthouse tender Manzanita went
out this morning to give assistance, but
found the lightship In good order and
the cutter Manning was preparing to
leave out when news was received that
the lightship was safe. '
The steamer Santa Clara, which was
barbound here for several days, crossed
out for San Francisco this morning.
The oil tank steamer Ascunslon arrived
off the mouth of the river last evening,
but has been unable to come in, and a
wireless message from her master, Cap
tain Brldgett. says he will not attempt
to cross the bar before Thursday morn
ing. Captain Svendsen. master of the Nor
wegian steamship Rygja, which arrived
this morning, 12 days from Yokohama,
reports encountering a heavy gale prac
tically all the way across the Pacific
The Rygja arrived off the month of the
Columbia at midnight and came In with
out a pilot, as she did the last time
she visited this port.
Inspectors Take Up Collision Case.
L. C. Weir, master of the steamer
Pronto; K. H. Berry, master of the
steamer Wauna: George Glldez. a pilot,
and several employes of each vessel were
closely questioned yesterday by Local In
spectors Edwards and Fuller regarding
the collision between the two vessels on
the morning of October 16. The testi
mony went to show that the vessels were
navigating in the fog and that the Pronto
and. Wauna were each blowing the fog
signals as prescribed by law. The Pronto
had a scow In tow and evidence went
to show that the master stopped his
on into tne joints
and renders them
trouble, driving
. MY FREflvBOOK tells
you how to apply Electro
Vigor. It Is a book of
10O pages full of Illustra
tive methods of driving
disorders from the body.
1 have a book for man.
one for women also. Cut
'oat the Coupon now, mail
It to me. and you will
get this book free. You
can't afford to be without
this Information. If you
cannot call send me the
cotsson. Office hours, 9
A. M. to . P. M. Sundays
and Saturdays tOf S P. M.
Nama . .".
II I ill III A M 1.7II 1 IF ililLft lJP lfl aVaA. JJLL AIUVAA III
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Vienna, YT. Va. "I feel that I owe
the last ten years of my life to Lydia
table Compound.
Eleven years afro I
was a walking
shadow. I had been
under the doctor's
My husband per
suaded me to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's
vegetable Oom-
Sond and it worked
ke a charm. It re
lieved all my pains
and misery. 1 advise all suffering
women to take Liydia JS. JtlnKnam 3 Compound." Mrs. EaatA
Wheaton, Vienna. W. Va.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases of any similar medi
cine in the country, ana thousands of
voluntary testimonials are on file in
the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., from women who have been
cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul
ceration, displacements.fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every such suffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a trial.
If ; -u would like special advice
abou vour case write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn. Mass. Her advice is free
and always helpful.
For. Indigestion
Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach. Weak Stomach,
or In fact ANY Stomach Trouble caused by
Indigestion. Get a bottle today and try it,
Kodol is guaranteed to relieve you and if it fails
your money will at once be refunded by the
ilealer from whom you purchased It. Every tab
lespoonful of Eodol digests 214 pounds of food.
engines when he heard the fog signal
of the Wauna.
Marine Xotes.
The French bark Neuilly arrived up
yesterday from Astoria In ballast.
The steamship Kansas City Is scheduled
to. sail for San Francisco tomorrow after
noon. The steamship F. S. Loop sailed last
evening from Kalama with a full cargo
of lumber.
With passengers and freight for Coos
Bay ports, the steamship Breakwater will
sail this morning.
Captain Frank B. Turner, of Van
couver, B. C, is spending Thanksgiving
day with his brother, Captain J. I
Turner, at Astoria. Captain Frank Tur
ner is accompanied by his wife.
Arrivals and Departures.
POBTLAXD. Nov. S4. Arrived French
bark .Neuilly, from Kahulul. Sailed Steam
ship TsmapeU, for San Francisco, from
Prescott; steamship F. S. Loop, for San
Francisco, from Kahuna. '
Astoria. Or., Nov. H. Condition at th
mouth of the river at 6 P. M., rough; wind,
south 18, miles: weather, cloudy. Arrived
down during the night Steamers Argo,
Geo. TV. Elder and Nome City. Arrived at
7:30 A ' M. and. left up at 13 noon Nor
weKlan steamer Rygja, from Hong Kong
and way- ports. Sailed at 8:40 A. M.
8tfamr Jeo. Vi'. Elder, for San Pedro and
way ports. Sailed at 825 A. M. Steamers
Nome City and Santa Clara, for San Fran
cisco. Outside steamer Asuncion, from
San Franclsoo.
San Francisco. Nov. 24. Arrived Steamer
City of Para, from Ancon; Lurline, from
Honolulu; Arias, from Seattle; Santa Bar-1
bara, from Grays Harbor. Sailed Stoamer
Thomas L. Wand, for Portland; bark Knight
of the Thistle, for Tacoma; steamer Thomas
Wand, for Astoria; 'steamer Falcon, for
Portland; steamer Mlssourlan, for Sallna
Hong Kong, Nov. 24. Arrived previously,
Korea, from San Franolsco via Honolulu and
Yokohama, Nov. 24. Arrived previously
Nippon Maru, from San Francisco via Hono
lulu for Hongkong.
Tacoma, Nov. 24. Arrived British steamer
Oanfa, from Seattle; steamer Buckman and
:camer Governor, from tieattle: steamer Sea
pora, from halibut banks. Sailed Steamer
Kamses, for Can Francisco and Hamburg;
steamer Arlzonan. for Honolulu.
Loa Angeles. Nov. 24. Arrived Steam
schooner San Juaclnto. from Grays Harbor;
steam schooner Fair Oaks, from Grays Har
bor. Stilled Steam schooner Redondo. for
Coos Far; steum schooner Oalos, for Aber
deen; steam schooner Yellowstone, for Port
land. Seattle. Nor. 24. Arrived Barge f-t.
Rheumatism is not bad luck. It Is the penalty of
violating Nature's laws. Fire, flood, draught, storm
and earthquake are beyond the control of man, but
rheumatism can be cured.
When you feel that grinding pain in your joints
you can appreciate the feeling of a man burned at
the stake or having his bones broken and twisted on
the rack. It is merciless, sleep-destroying, agonising.
It lets un at times for an hour or two, only to turn
loose again more pitilessly than ever. It leaves one
joint and moves to another with doubled intensity.
It eats up all your vitality, exhausts your patience,
and unless yon can conquer it by using Electricity,
which is the only remedy on earth that will cure
It. It may reduce you to a chronic rheumatic crip
ple, with Joints enlarged, twisted and deformed,
and strength enough only to limp around.
Rheumatism gives many warnings, and It is easy
to cure It if you take it lh time. When you feel the
first stiffness in your knee joints, shoulders or back,
the first pain in your back or shoulders, if juu at
tack it then you can easily drive It out of your
body. But If you let these "eome-and-g-o" pains
come often they will settle down and stay with
you. Cure them at first and you will . be sawed
many years of needless suffering.
Drugs fall because they lack the element which re
stores fresh life and .vigor; they store up no vitality: they
hum through your system like a flaring flame consuming
everything In the yay. wrecking the vital organic system,
to relieve, but for a moment, the torturing aches and pain.
Electro-Vigor pours out a continuous stream of elec-trlc-llfe
which permeates the system like a clear, cool
river, blinring life and freshness In Its pathway. It pours
of the KJieuraatic, vitalizing tne tissues
capable of throwing off the cause of the
rheumatism forever from the body. -
Please send me, prepaid, your free 100-page
. " " u
Come to my office and let me give you the real facts con
cerning your case. I will do this free and searching examina
tion without placing you under the slightest obligation to take
treatment unless you desire. If you are a young man, re
member that a young man's neglect is an old man's regret. If
you are an old man, get the "today habit" it is better than
ten tomorrows.
A mote in the gunner's eye is as bad as a spike in the gun.
The cankerworm of delay causes half ygur troubles in this life.
If your health is impaired from any cause, and you have
not detected it, it is your own fault.
' Nature never took an unfair advantage of a man in the
world. You may have violated her laws time and again, but
no matter how indiscreet or unjust to yourself and Nature, she
never allowed the natural results of this violation to take
place without sounding the alarm in ample season for amends.
If at times you are unable to sleep soundly, no matter how
comfortable the bed, if the muscular system, as well as the
nervous system, is partially or completely exhausted because
it has been overtaxed, remember, that judicious treatment is
necessary to' prevent an ultimate breakdown, for these are
among the many symptoms Nature sends out as a warn
ing. Nature wants you to
Take Advantage of This Warning
and help yourself before it is too late. When the system needs
more water or food, thirst and hunger remind you of this fact. ,
When you have headache, dizziness, lack of memory, physical or mental debility, it is an an
nouncement by Nature that something is wrong, and if you are not sure what it is; better con
sult a doctor whose experience qualifies him for examination and decision.
Early in my professional career I realized that the maladies of mankind were too many and
vastly complicated for any one man to master and gave up the impossible task. I put aside
a flourishing general practice and prepared myself 'for the duties of a specialist. I sought the
leading hospitals, studying and practicing under the most learned modern professors in my line
of specialty practice. My purpose was to acquire such skill, experience and scientific equip
ment as would be most useful to me and beneficial to my patients. How well I have succeeded
thousands of cured patients will testify by reputation in the cure of
Varicose Veins, Blood and Skin Disorders, Kidney
and Bladder Troubles, Ulcers, Sores, Painful Swell
ings, Nervous Debility and All Other Ailments of Men
I determine the condition by a scientific analysis of the urine, and the severe urinary
troubles I have cured by my systematic course -of treatment, after being unsuccessfully treated by
other specialists, give me such confidence in my method to assure you a cure.
My consultation and advice is always free, whether you take treatment or not. If you cannot
call at the office, write for self-examination, blank. Many cases cured at home. Office hours, 9
A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12 A. M. All advice in plafn envelopes.
David from Lady smith. Sailed Steamer
Yucatan, from Valdez; British steamer
Oanfa. for Tacoma. The American barkeji
tlne Marv WlnKleman, which grounded at
Point Hudson. In Port Townsend Bay dur
ln the storm yesterday, was successfully
floated today. She was not damaged and
was allowed to sail for Tongotabu, Friendly
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. Low.
10:65 A. M .t feet4:62 A M 2.1 feet
11:55 P. M 7.T feet5:4B P. M -0.6 feet
Commercial Society Publishes At
tractive .Brochure.
Portland's Commercial Club has just
Issued Its yearly bulletin containing the
constitution and by-laws, roster of mem
bers, house rules and other data. The
booklet Is attractively arranged and is
an Improvement over previous numbers.
In the front of the book Is a historical
WO. 2.
e . .
B UD . s7B MB
1 Bare given personal inspection w uo -;
must say -y "t, ?FlVZZaW Medical College.
W Guaranf at M.t.S. T. No. 2 wilt Cura or Wa Will Refund Your Menaj
" RHEUMATISM, no matter how long tandlnj.' Any case f ;nfl."1re5,u8eeI
or Enlarged Prostate Gland, no matter if the P"?" Z?J?l-?v.l
hsscured many eases of Paralysis, Locomotor Ataxia, Spinal l"Swlto!!m
diseases of the nerves and has remoted from the system cancel 'and ancerous '1
M. I. S. T. has been on the market lor over aj years. dq nas V" 1 " TTn .-iTe and abso
It 1. prescribed b, laadirur Physician, SLTo ffl'Si W
It Is prescribed by leattin
" or refund your money.
RmedT for yourself wa will send you one weea s Treatment uj uj" . : , - ,
whenTured yourself 'you will remrhend It to others. Write confidentially to our medical de
pertinent, giving symptoms. II per box, or six boxes for . -
ADDRESS EBEN PtRRt, Mgr., 332 Sherlock Bldg. Third and Oak Streets, Portand, Oregon
Save Tlals for Future Reference.
Phone Main 7924.
ss-r- s""- 111
Corner Second and Yamhill Streets.
sketch of. the club since its organization
in 1893. The list of those who have
served as presidents is as follows: E. J.
DeHart, Charles F. Beebe, Gus Simon,
Whitney L,. Boise, Edward T. Williams.
H. M. Cake, F. 'W. Leadbetter, Q. W.
Hodson, Dr. J. R. Wetherbee.
The officers for 1909 are mentioned and
articles of Incorporation with amend
ments and house rules are Indicated.
The membership list shows 800 resident
members, 180 honorary members and 40
life members. An unusually attractive
Thanksgiving menu -was Issued yesterday:.
It contains an elaborate bill of fare and
photographs of clubrooms.
Oregon City Attorney Dies Insane.
OREGON CITV, Or.. Nov. 24. (Spe
cial.) The body of Harry Sladen, rvho
died yesterday at the State Insane Asy
lum, was brought here tonight for cre
mation. Sladen was once a prominent
attorney of Oregon City, but he had
been Insane for years. He ts survived
by a -widow and four children, resid-
ni m t K. T. on the human system, and
Blood Tonic
heart. If yon are suffering from any onronio disease yon are urgea
towrite to us. no matter how many doctors or kinds ofm-dicines
Tonhaveled without relief. WE GUARANTEE TO CURE YOU
That yon may juoge oi 'ZZ
Honrs, 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Open Sundays lO A. SI., to I P. 31.
Portland, Or.
ing at Fern
Oregon City.
Ridge Station, north of
T5Sk V J
I Core Mem
"I claim to know a great deal
about a few ailments, rather
than a little 'of all human ills"
Different doctors have different Ideas in
regard to cures. Some call a suppression of
symptoms a cure. They dose for drug ef
fects and claim that nothing more can be
done. But the real ailment remains and will
bring the real symptoms back again, per
haps the same as before, but. very likely
leave the patient in a much worse condi
tion. I claim that nothing less than com
plete eradication of the ailment can be a real
cure. I treat to remove the ailment, and
not merely the .symptoms. I search out
ever .root and fiber of the ailment, and I
cure to stay cured.
I not. ,onIy cure all nervous conditions
promptly, but I employ the only treatmont
that can possibly cure such ailment perma
nently. It is a system of local treatment
entirely original with me. and it Is Just as
substantial as it is broad.
I Cure the Cases That
Others Cannot Cure
A bold statement, but Just as true as "It
is bold. Not all cases that others fail to
cure are curable by my methods, but fully
90 per cent of them are. The way to learn
whether your case Is curable Is to consult
me., I know exactly what can be done in
every instance. I ought to know this, for I
have done nothing else other than treat
men's ailments for twenty-five years. If
your case is curable I will treat you. If It
isn't I will not If I treat you, and if you
so desire.
You Can Pay When Cured
Others dose the system with
mineral poisons scarcely less dan
serous than the ailment itself. The
bst they hope to do by this treat
ment is to keep the aliment from
manifesting; its presence upon the
surface of the body. Under my
treatment the entire system Is
cleansed. The last taint vanishes
to appear no m o r e. I employ
harmless blood - cleansing; reme
dies. They are remedies hereto
fore unknown in the treatment of
this ailment. They cure by neu
tralizing; and absolutely destroy
ing; the poison In the system.
Such cures cannot be other than
complete and permanent.
Free Museum
Our S10 000 Museum of Anatomy Is now open to male visitors. The
largest and finest exhibit on the Coast. All men visiting Portland
should see this educational exhibit, showing the human body in wax re
productions. Advice and Consultation Free
Come and have a private talk with me concerning- your allme-nt.. Even
If you are not prepared to undergo treatment at this time, I can always
'srive helpful suggestions to men who are ailing. If you cannot come to
Portland write for particulars of my system of home treatment. Inter
esting literature and colored charts if you will call.
I See All My Patients THE DOCTOR
Personally. THAT CUKKS.
I hire no substitutes and have no medi
cal company.
FEE FOR A CURE Is lower than an)
specialists In the city, halt that others
charge you ana no exorDiiant price mi
I am an . expert specialist, have haa
JO years' practice In the treatment ot
diseases of men. My offices ate the best
equipped in Portland. My methods are
modern and up-to-date. My cures are
quick and positive. I do not treat symp
toms and patch up, I thoroughly examine
each case, find the cause, remove It and
thus cure the disease.
1 'I KB Varicose Veins, Contracted
Ailments, Files and Specific Blood Poi
son and All Ailments of Men.
C'l'KE Olt NO PAY I am the only
anei'la llt in Portland nho makes no
charge unless the patient Is entirely
satisfied with the results accomplished,
aad who gives a written guarantee to ,
refund every dollar paid for services,
If a complete and permanent cure as
not effected.
jViffyTaj Visit Dr. Lindsay's private
la-" Museum of Anatomy and
know thyself. In health and disease. Ad
mission iree. jonsuiiatron iree. 11 un-
able to call, write for list ot questions.
Office hours 9 "A. M. to 9 P. M.: Son
days 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
128H Second St., Cor. ' of Aides,
Portland, Oregon.
B. Blnehart, of Boise. Idahs,
Drs Tse and York cared my
kidney and stomach troubles,
from which I had suffered 1J
years, after doctoring all the
time and rotting no benedt, be
sides spending thousands ot dol
larst For th good of tbo pub
lic I write; If yon an a sick
person, call on or write
See A York Chinese Medicine Co.
l2Vk llrst &U, Cot. Aider.
Dr. Sanderson's Compound
Savin and Cotton Root Pills,
the best and only reliable rem
the most obstinate cases In 8
to 10 days. Price $2 per box. or 8 for
J6: mailed In plain wrapper. Address T.
J. PIERCE.SllAllsky Bldg., Portland, Or.
Tonmr Ming Chinese
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cures all diseases of
men and women. Consulta
tion and jfulse diagnosis
free. - If you live out of
town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank.
47 Taylor St., bet. ad and
The Leading; Specialist.
My Cures Are
In all my work I am
t h o rouKh, painstaking
and careful to give just
the ripht treatment re
quired in each individu
al rase. For 25 years I
have been proving- my
sbility and my business
methods have always
been strictly reliable.
My unqualified success
Is due to a thorough
medical education, sup
plemented by years of
experience In men's spe
cial aliments only. My
treatment is as correct
as modern science can
make it. Others may
offer Inducements sucl
as cheap treatment or
quick treatment, but my
foremost claim Is for
thoroughness, which in
the long; run In EVERY
CASE means the
cheapest and the best.
A thorough cure without pain
or cutting;. Every case of Vari
cose Veins I treat proves the
superiority of my mild and
harmless method, and the folly
of resorting to surgery. In
most Instances it is even un
necessary to detain the patient
a single day from his business.
The treatment I employ is dis
tinctly my own. and can be had
at my office only. Do not sub
mit to the knife and hospital
expenses, when a complete and
permanent cure can be had
without the loss of time, and
without pain or cutting.