if ' . " : . I REAL ESTATE. . u, 1 , WTOOAT. T reWTOPAT. EW TODAY. , REAL ESTATE. J"""l " 'Acreage. ) A Fruit Farm Auction Prices AT ALii CASH. Private Sale, $5000 Inventory Value. E acrea bearing "orchard $ 3000 (Annual net fruit sales JI500.) 16 acres cleared apple land 10 acres fmlt land, some timber I'-O 1 6-room house with porches loOO 1 i-storv fruit dryer, complete WOO 1 bam. S2x44 feet 400 1 shed, brick cellar and storeroom... ISO 5 chicken houses. 12x16, 12x40 76 1 cement, and brick-lined well... 60 1 fine bay team 2fJ 1 lot harness 25 2 cows and heifer (Jersey) 75 1 steel wheel wagon 40 1 steel wheel hayrake 1 mowing machine 40 1 two-section itprintr-tooth harrow... 20 1 new disc harrow - 1 old sprinK hack 21 ' 1 lot farm tools, etc 20 1 lot timothy hay 1 lot cord and rick fir wood '43 6 doe. Brown Lephorn chickens.... 30 Totaf tlOAOO ALSO, a fine, creek will furnish all irri gation wanted In addition to water power for electric li?ht dynamo, machine shop, etc.. etc. ALSO, a magnificent scenic view, facing the Columbia River, with mountain and -al1ey. This W-acre farm Is but one mile from a arrowing city, near Portland. Six daily trains pass by the place at only half a mile distant. The surrounding neighborhood is of the highest type; fine farms and homes near by. Soli Is perfectly drained, of the very best quality for fruit culture. Does It seem possible that a man MUST sen at this low figure of FIVE THOU SAND DOLIxARS CASH fJ5) TTHKN "W ORTH ABOUT DOUBLE? , Xo trades or discounts accepted. BF-ST OF REASONS FOR TKIS SACRI FICE. A QUICK DEAL for a sensible person. THI3 PLACE WOULD BRING $7fi00 KENT HPRIXO. We have other good fruit farms for sale. Including many in the great Hood River Valley. Oregon. Call and see us. Hand Investment' Co. Third Floor Corbett Bldgr, Portland. Or. 50x100 , S1250 lOOslOO ..S1500 80x125 S1750 80x125 S2000 50x100 $2975 These Axe All Good Building Sites. Chapin & HerLow 332 Chamber of Commerce. BURNSIDE-STREET ' CORNER 50x100, Vith 100 feet frontage on Burnside street; price 640,000. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones, Main 8699, A 2653. . The Cheapest Lot ' on Portland Heights, worth $3250 sacrifice for $2SoO. as 1 need the .money, 50x100 on Elm. between 19th and Chapman. Bitulithic street, good view, fine trees, all improvements raid for; 10 minutes' car-ride, 20 min utes' walk. Any reasonable terms to suit buyer. Owner, 21S Failing Bldfr., Third and U ashir.gton. DON'T BE BLIND To your own Interests. Fut that Idle money to work and get ready for Spring activity in real estate. 1 have soma platting stuff that will make you money. S. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett Bldg. STORAGE Good dry storage space, clear of hich water. Rates reasonable. PORTLAND WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER CO. East Second and Wahincion Streets. Telephone, East 5607 and B 2215. Great Bargain New modern residence, nine rooms and sleeping porch. Flrst-ciaus in every way; eleeantlv Ilnished and t.nted; shades and flxturesineluded; best locality In Irving ton. iiL-ar car. Value Price $500; J2000 down, bal ance easy. Owner. Y 540. Oreftonian. East Side Trackage 200x"00, an the tract close to Morrison-street brldpe. 50x100. on the 8. W. cor. East 1st and East Oak sts. Trice 110.000. 1-3 cash, bad. 6 per cent. . EDW. P. MALL CO., 30D-31O Ablnsrton 111 day MORTGAGE LOANS Unt ratea and terms to antt spe cial rates and favorable terms oa lance loans on business properties. Funds Loaued for Private Investors. A.H.BIRR&LL CO. 203 McKay Bide-. 3d A Stark. S450 Lot 42x55. near the Irvington Club; linni if desired. G. IV THOMAS. 87 Oak St.. Room BCTLDIN' and furniture, net Income $250 U month, naif sua. S3 M1U St. The Man that knows it all never buys real estate. The" real 'estate money-makers are those that can see vchat the future pros pects are. To Such , we offer these good buys : A business lot for $1300. We have a tenant ready to lease a building on this. 92x230 feet in Woodstock, $1250. 50x100 on 9th street, corner lot ; this will make you mon- i $ a ey Priee $22,500. i I Portland Trust Company S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. Sts. 3 MORTGAGE Lowest rates and terms to suit. Special rates for business properties. Funds loaned for private investors. JM. E. THOMPSON CO. Corner rpurth and Oak Streets. Phones. Main 6084, A 3327. Place Your Fire Insurance With Us. MORRISON STREET Quarter block, 100x100, $100,000 apartment house to be. built across the street. Best buy on Morrison st 352000 E: J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. READ THIS 12 lots corner of E. 28th and Knott, $7400, or $617 per lot; worth $1200 each. One-half cash. ' 5 See Us Today. Columbia Trust Company Board of Trade Bldg. 84 Fourth St. West Sids Bargains . BOxlflO. corner, on Johnson, near 16th sts.; Improved with fino buildings, netting over 6 per cent income: $1S,0U0. 45x30 lot and lurse house on Couch, near lfith sts.; $16,0o0 If sold within the next few days. 60xl'), N. K. corner of 17th and Market, Improved with store buildings, and dwell ing for only $0oo0; brings 6 per cent in come on that price. 30x100 lot and fine S-room house on Qulrabv, near 19th sts.; $50o0. :uo) cah down, bal. on or before 9 years at 6 per cent. C. F. PFLUGER & CO. Rooms 4-6 Mulkey Bids-. 2d and Morrison. (In business since 1SS0.) IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE CHEAP CMATILLA COUNTY, ORKGOSi NEAR ' COU'MBli RIVER. Beveral desirable desert land relin quishments or assignments: also . pat ented land. Ditches 11 constructed: oldest water ri(rlit on the I'matilla River; soil volcanic ash, Rilt-edKe fruit land, within 3 miles of O. R. & N. line. Jow price for only short time. Address or call on W. J. STAPISH. ' 516 E. Mali St., Walla Walls, Wash. Williams Ave. Snap Chenpest quarter block on Williams ave.. luoxiou. with fine, large. 6-room house. Oner must have money. Price is.JSuOO, but we want your offer. Look at it today before some one else snaps It up. J000 cash will handle. Grussi & Zadow 817 Board of Trade Hide-. 4th qad Qk I East Stark Street . Price $4750 50x100. S. E. cor. East 9th and East Ftark. This Is the best buy on the street, EDW. P. MALL CO.. 800-310 Ablnsrtoa Bldsr. Grand Avenue 3 lots on the S. W. cor. Grand ave. and F.ast Hoyt. Hurry; the price Is way down. . EDW. P. MALL CO.,' 3QO-310 Abington Bldg. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Ratea. Building; Loan. Installment Loan. Wm. MacMaster 302 Worcester Block. OANS Investors tut: 3IOHXIXG oregonian, Thursday, UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Portland Heights 16th and Elizabeth Sts. Modern house, 7 rooms, built-in bookcase, sideboard, bureaus; plenty closet room. Newly papered and painted. LOT 60x100. Splendid View $2500 Cash-Balance Mtge. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Main 6494, A 2494 WHILE YOU ARE PAYING RENT The other follow, who is earning the Eorue Income as you, is paying for a home of his own at Gregory Heishts. and wnm he gets his home paid for you will still be paving rent unless you turn over a new leaf very soon. Sow Is the time to pot started. There is nothing to bo gained by delay. "We sell the lots as low as JloO on terms of 5 cash and $2.50 per month. We alFO build homes for all purchasers who desire it for small montbly install ments about equal to present rentals. Orrgory Heights is located in one of Port land's finest residence districts. If. tSi TNVF.STMENT CO Take Rosa City car at Third and Yam hill; go to end of carllne. Office on the property. VAREHOUSE SITE 100x100 on loth St. 200. ft. trackage, ?30,000 Geo. D. Schalk 284 Stark St. Main S92-. A 2392. Place Your FIRE INSURANCE With M. E. THOMPSON CO. Cor. "4th. and pak Sts., Henry Bldg. - Phones, Main C0S4, A 3327. We have Money to Loan. ( For a Few Days 100x114 and that Btrictly modern 9 room bouse and auto garage on the southwest corner Kast 20th and East Ash street. Beautiful grounds, with plenty of good fruit trees and flowers. For a few days can make price ana terms that will interest you. EDW. P. MALL CO., 809-310 Abington Bids. Safe Investments S3000 4 lots, 2 houses, 1 large barn, in block 2, Mount Tabor Villa. S5000 2 good houses. No. 40 E. I8th N. and 865 E. Couch sts., corner. Terms. J. S. WELLS CO.. 636 Chamber of Commerce Bldjr. flEOKGK BLACK, FCBLIC ACCOUNTANT, (All Branches.) S28 Worcester tildg Phomi stain 8371. A 01g. KEAi ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, tf. V. Co. M. 3J43. 30 Hamilton bids Beck, "William G . S12 Falling- bldg. Blrre'l, A H. Co.. iU2-3 McKay bldg. Heal estate. Insurance. mortsaK". loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 602 McKay Did. M. 49. Chapin Herlow. S32 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B . & Co., 60.1 VTorbelt bldg. , FleMe. C. E- & Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co, ,MalD 183. 206 Oregonlan. KIRK & KIRKHAM. Lumber Ex., 226 Stark. Parrfsh, Watklns Co, 2J0 Alder at. Schalk, Geo. B, 284 Stark V Main or A Sharkey. J. P. & Co.. 122H Sixth at. Ih Oreson Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah at. (Uolladay Addition). Walker. S. T., 601 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. l or Sale Lots. TWO 100x100 lots, Woodstock, 8 blocks from car. 2 blocks from school; flSOO; terma Owner, 32S 3d St. . ' IRVINGTON Choice residence at a bar gain. Let me show you. A. Backus. bl9 Board of Trade bldg. 550 FOR a lot 3"ixlOO on Monroe, near I car; must be sold this week. Room SI, 2liS Stark. Phone A 100S, or C 1287. IF you own lot will build you a hous- on terms. Eastman Co., 303 Abington bldg. Main 3236. TEN I3CO South Mount Tabor lots. If sold this week. only-$lSO each, cash. 217 Abing ton bldg. WEST SIDE LOT, (10x100 FEET. Price $175. easy terms. 5 cent cariare. Set owner 614 Board f Trade bldg. ONE lot on 14th st., bet. Klllngsworth and Ainsworth; cheap- Owner, 41S Manhattan atreet. IRVINGTON lot, tllio to S!2.V; paved atrect. A. Backus. 618 Board of Trade bldg. CLINTON ST. 50x100, sightly lot; beautiful building alte; llOoO. Call 410 Falling bldg. TWO Una lots In Alberta district, $1000. 420 Lumer Exchange. sssoo DO NOT Build before you see us: we can lave you money; building loans. MURK AY & COOK. 703-T04 Rothchtld Bldg, Mala tJ5. PORTLAND It's what you have been loot ing for.- TRUST ' , 10 acres In Milwaukee Heights, CO. all In bearing grapeB and ber ries. Good weil, small house within 3 blocks of car, ftne view. This is a buy. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. PORTLAND There Is nothing to equal It; quarter block,, facing east, TRUST grand view; this Is worth the money. I'rica $1300; location CO. In the best part of the Kose City park district. -PORTLAND TRUST CO.. -" B. 'E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. ' THANK3Q1VLNG OFFER. Patronize "L" car to Blanaena St., walk wpt to MontanA and see the pride of North Alblna on your lelt: full bock. 8 lots 5tx 100. water, sewers, cement walks; close to high school, carbarr.s. flour mill, O. R. & K. shors. A sacriiife at $: contractors, speculator: note. C. H. Dtxter. owner, 251. V'ashington art., or Franklin Hotel. IBVINGTON". We have one of the finest up-to-date -room bungalows that has even been built In the city; price r.50u. easy terms; call at our offlc'e and let us show it to you; you will buv if 3'oit see it. KUFP-KLEINSOHSE LAND CO, 41S Board of Trade Bldg. IRVIXOTON. StriaUy up-to-dato 7-room bungalow, streets paved and paid for; this place Is sure' to please; cist $i;100 to build It; owner going Efist and mut sell at a sacri fice.; price $aC.r.o. easy terms. RUFF-KLEINSORUE LAND CO.. 41S Board of Trads. IRMNGTON-HOl.LADAT DISTRICT. INVESTORS READ. 60x100 lot near Hancock st. for $1350; good terms. R. F. BflTAN & CO., 605 Chamber or Commerce. M. 1983. A 1227. IF you want to mako .oui eaey meney ,n the next or 8 mouths, buy that KVacre tract 1 am advertising in the acreaB column. It is ) goxl 1 will rake half of it with you. S. D. Vincent, 420 Lumbermn'a. IRVINGTON. Lot 50x100 on ISth st.. near Thompson, for $1475. adloinlng- lqls sold for J10O0; don't mifS this 6tiap. rhone M. OOrt, or call at 418 Board of Trade. SIX lots, unexcelled view of clry. snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for fnle at a Kreat bargrain b? owner. (410 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 034. BEST hulhllng lots oo Tillamook t.. ad joining Laurelhurst; fully improved; re stricted district; below value. Phone Ta, bor 431. B 20SO. TWO lots In Irvtnston. on 21st st. between Stanton and Siskiyou, at a price away he low value, on account of sickness must be sold. M. R. Lewis. 423 Abington bids. 4H FULL LOTS, 2O0. Each. South Mt. Tabor district; must he sold this week to satisfy a mortgage. Phone owner. Tabor 14!S, evenings. IRVINTTON lotc. one on ISth st. and one on 19th. bet. Stanton and Siskiyou; fl2M; the price will be JK'-.IO Dec. 1. A. BACKUS. .MO Board of Trade Bldg. -FOR SALE. Extra large coiner lot. very choice, all Improvements In, beautiful Alameda; no agents. Woodlawn 2201. IRVTNGTON lot on 24th at., near Knott at. $1350 a snap. A. BACKUS, 519 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE 100x100 corner. E. 9th St.. Hol laday Additlen; bargain; no agents. X 559, Oregonian. - IRVINGTON QUARTERS $2710. and up. A. BACKUS, BID Hoard of Trade Bldg. For Sale Houses. CALIFORXLA BUNGALOW. O0. A real swell, brand now, up-to-dnte bun galow, 5 rooms; pmelllod waiiL-cotlhg and beam celling in dlr.ir.jr-room ; living-room is 14x2!) ; clinker brick fireplace, electric lights, in fact it has ail the iafst imprm-emcnts; o Lit Knvioo on lbth. near Alberta; price $o000. $5u0 cash. .$20 per month; beats paying rent. GRUSSI 4Y ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade ElJg.', 4th and Oak. PORTLAND TOII KNOW that it 13 get ting harder every day to nnd TRUST a West Side home; we have bne that is located in the best CO. part of North Portland, paved street, within half block .of car; price 05CKi; It's cheap at that: about half cash. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. POWELL-STREET HOME. $300. Down and balance $20 per month buys a dandy Fi-room bungalow on corner lot facing caiiine. west of 16th t, only 14 minutes' ride from 3d and Morrison; this house has o lare rooms and are well finished; pay rent to yourself; perfect title. FRANK I- M'OUIRB. M8 Board of Trade. t LARGE, NEW. FINE. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. Foot Portland liishta, walking distance, near 14th St.. high up. with grandest view In the city.' never can bo obstructed, 5 bedroomB1. hardwood floors, living-room 20x21, brand new; owner cannot occupy; large porches all around, 2 toilets, laun dry, bath and shower, new ideas, etc.: verv tine scenic home, only $7000. Phone East or B 1S94. A BEAUTIFUL Cement block house; eight HOME rooms ' Finest flinish, PIEDMONT Large porches, Two fireplaces, TERMS .Hardwood lloors. Our book may bo of help to you if you are thinking of building. It's fr tor the asking. PORTLAND BUILDING- ASSOCIATION, 212-213 Commercial Block. IRVINGTON HOilE' BARGAIN. T-room house, new, modern in svery de tail; hot-water heated; two fireplaces, hardwood floors; full lot, 50x100; all street improvements in and paid; faces east; 1 block from car; price 55500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main fcOlttf. A 2"r3. PORTLAND You have been looking for a place to move right into, a TRUST place that is not too far out; , how docs East 2'lth St., near CO. Belmont, suuud; see ut about this. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. , : NIH HOME CHEAP. Modern O-ruom 2-tory eviuure houre, near ly new. -ear Aiuibell. 1 block from car; corner lot, 41x100; price $2eio0, pari -cash, bulance monthly; it will pay ou to see thU, as It Is a. nice place an.l a bargain. GRUR-U & ZADOW, - -817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $10 A MONTH, HOUSE. Ready to move into; 2 good lots; you can get it, for our own at the price of $10 a month; order the transfer man to move you right In. Call at Gregory's office in Gregory Heights. Take Rose City car at 3J and Yamhl.l. get oiT.at end of carllne; office on the property. NORTH MT. TABOR. Beautiful, high and sightly lots, 40x 117 and 33 l-3x'.40 with water, graveled streets, etc., $550; 10 per cent down, bal. $10 per month. CHAPIN HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. . Main Ki52. A 4770. THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS. $2C.oc Strictly modern house, 6 rooms, fractional lot, leas than' cost. $sr.O Quarter block, small house. 2 blocks from carllne. $to0O Good o-room house, lot S4xl00; street paved; suttefactory terms. C. B. LUCAS, Corbett Bldg. SWELL homo, prominent corner. Piedmont. 100x100; will please particular" family; price right: see it. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32-33 Lafayette Bulg.. Wash, and 6th Sts. 1 HAVE a new home of 9 rooms which I built for myself this Summer; it is prfect in all of Its details; circumstances compel me to sell; if you want a bargain, call Whltne. Woodlawn 165:. 60-FOOT lot and 5-room cottage. $5200, part cash, balance on time; lO minutes to business part West Side; no agent. S 557. Oregonian. " v FLATS, close In. Went Side, pay 20 per cent cn money invested. Particulars Portland Heal Estate Co., 217 Abington bldg. $12.M buys a 4-room modern cottage. Call before Monday. 104 East 67th st. North. 4 LARG53 rooms, modern, 'on 61st St., ona block from car: will sell equity cheap or xchangs. Tounr Bros, Gerlln;er hidg. November 25, 1909. New S-room bungalow, close In, and only 1 block to car. .Basement full, fine attic Par-eled dining-room, and beam celling. Large Dutch kitchen. ' Tinted walls. , . . . The best of pfumbing throughout. If you want a nice home for nrne monev see this; today we are open. Take W-R or W-W cars, get off at 2BtU and Clinton St., and we will show yoa It. W. M. CONKLIN CO.. Phone Sellwood 49 or Tabor S08. WILL SACRIFICE. . 5-room house, extra well built and very comfortable; full basement, nice bath and toilet; nicely tinted; lot 50x100; fine loca tion; '4 block to ooe of the best carlines on East Side. This can be had for a little cash, balance monthly, eo us at onto. DIETZ-ML'ELLF.R. CO.. S15-316-1117 Abington Bldg. PORTLAND The Best in Portland. v TRUST That's a strong statement, hut you will say the same aiter you see this 7-room bungalow. We cannot begin to tell vou of the architec tural beauty of this home; every time we go. into it we tlnd something elue to admlrX You will wonder why it Is being offered at 4."iO!. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. CO. PORTLAND Will be ready to move into within a week or two; B TRUST ' rooms all on ono floor; east front; large wmdows, bri-k CO. pillars; everything tasty; prie onlv $3500; easy irnis. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. - S. E. Cor. Third nnd Oak Sts. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. 6-room modern Queen Anna house, large verandas and sleeping porch, fine v!w of river and mountains; on paved sttegt, 1 block from oar; price $7."On; terms. H. 1' PAI.MKR-JONK.S CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Plumes Main fctil'D, A 2oo3. PORTLAND FOR LOCATION, PKICE and FUTURE VALUES that nice TRUST ft-room home on WaV-o St. is hard to beat. IOOK. price CO. only $::350; location near East 27 th st. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. 8. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. ' ' HIGHLY TMPP.OVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains ana rlvsrs; beautiful, commodious. convenient, new; nicely improved grounds, lotlxlOO. frontln hard-surfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner. C02 Corbett blpck ' JtUST SELL 5-room mo'tern bungalow, 15 minutes from 3d anrtW orrlson ; look this up; price - S:-i50; $3i0 down, $15 per mouth balance. T ois", Oregonian. WEST SIDE A modern and up to data 7 room house. 2 baths, 2 toilets, hardwood floor, etc.; must sell; owner Intends leav ing city: will also sell furniture It de sired. Phono Main o703 ELEGANT NEW IRVINGTON HOME, i b very large rooms, with separate ac commodations for servants, beautifully ar ranged and finished, occupied by own-er. 4S9 East 17th near Thompson St. 83300. LOOK HERE Modern S-room bungalow, close-to car. u minutes' rldo..$3f0 cash. $15 per month. Phone Woodlawn 74 or call at 9S7 2Uth st- North. NEAR Piedmont car barns: just completed a modern G-rooin bunpo-cottage; nitty and tin to date; on eiisy terms. Call on owner nt 410 Failing bldg. NEAR PIEDMONT CARBARNS. New modern ll-room house, half block to car'. $3000, easy terms. 407 Gerllnger bldg. , Ml'nERV every wav. 6-room new bungalow; Central Aibina; $2?50. terms; the growing "NORTHWEST REALTT, C17 Bd. Trade. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer 'o., M. 101S. A HiSt; all covered waguns, and experienced men. FOR - SALE By owner, the handsomest bungatow In Irvlngton. 400 East 20th St. North. Call and see It. HOME built to order on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under bond; In vestigate plan. -R. C. Young, box 4064. 1W ACRES with modern house. 104 Cedar at near Metxger. north of Firland Sta tion, Mount Scott line. Anton Schon. OWNER 6-room house. Ivnnhoe, Mi. Scott car. 3 blocks south Anabel Station. John Horn. Tabor WS ' EAST f.nd and Salmon, owner. 6-room mod ern house. John Horn. Tabor IPS. 3 BLOCKS Steel brldse, modern B-room cot tage. $3300. 300 Crosby st. MODERN 6-room house. $3000; $100 cash. $2; monthly. Phone Woodlawn 1700. For Sale Business Property. 17TH and Market, .a nice full 50x100 corner lot Improved, with store bldg- and dwell ing, earning S30 per month, for only $0'Hio: lot alone-worth more money. C. F. I flu ger & Co.. rooms 4-tt Mull'.oy bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. " lf,.000 Corner lot with stores paying $1.5 per month; close in. Enst Side. AKCHIRALD. 253 Washington St. Mlscpllaneoas. ARE-you iooklng for a farm or acreage? Don't fail to call at "THE CROSSLEY COMPANY," 708 and 700 Corbett Bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat you right It surelv will be to your advan tage to see us before buying. We don't publish our list. Acreage. R1VERDAI.E. I will sell all or any portion ot -my beautiful S-ar-re tract at Klverdale. will cut up nicely into slnsle aires or more, tract is wooded and commands unex celled view of river, city and mountains; secure for yourself a choice country home site In this roost .exclusive residence sec tion of Portland. F. C. Graham. 82. C Of C. FRUIT AND DAIRY LANDS. 5 10 20-acre tracts. choice walnut and fruit lands, all level, In hluh state of cul tivation, one-hour ride on electric road, steamer transportation fare c.'i cents, fruit bait of Oregon; see us before it is too lato. large tracts with y: without irrigation, easy terms. DiAN LAND CO.. Owners, 022 Chamler of commerce. Portland. Or. ACREAGE S.VAP. 6 1-8 acres of cry fine land, all under cultivation, on Villa ave.: can be bought at a great sacrifice; owner must raise monev in the next few days: part cash, balance 6 per cent. See uV about it. GKUSSI & ZADOW. S17 Board of Trado Bltig., 4th and Oak. PORTLAND The chance of a lifetime; 10 acres all In bearing within 3 TRUST blocks of the car; . cent fare; small houQv good well. CO. beautiful view. PORTLAND TRUST CO., S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 10 ACRES FOR SALE. One mile south of Linnenian Junction, on O. W. P-. with new 7-room bungalow, hot and cold water, good barn and out buildings; oung orchard: all cleared. Ross Heiney, Gresham. Phone Gresham PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage or. tre 'e.--t Side. 20 min utes from center of city, in 1 and 2i4-acr tracts- this will n ake you a living and pay for Itself; $50 caeh will start you: price to suit ali. Call on Trustee, 410 Falling bldg. IS ACRE- hi mile to station on S. P. : all tine hind; Loose, barn, lenced; orchnrd email trult ar.il lorries of all kinds; price only $25tH, and a snap. Cail rffcd see this. Young line., f.12 Gerlinger b.Jg. 40 ACRES near Columbia River, Cow.itx Countv, 5 In cultivation, balance easily cleared- ftne soil, house, spring water, only $000; $4O0 cash. Atlas Land Co.. 420 Lumber rlxchange. FINE Investment. 40-acre tract on Crooked Creek, Wash. Some bottom, some tim ber. Controls right-of-way; price $H00. Inquire owner, caio of Sun, Calhlamet, Wash. ; ' 5 ACRES Willamette River front, opposite Oswego, a beautiful building site, $;;.S75: would sell part, terms. H. G. Starkweather. Milwaukie, Or., R. F. P. ACREAGE In large or smnll tracts cn car line, close in; choice river front: 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney Stampher, 531 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4MSL 1 ACRES on Oregon city canine; $3ln per acre; one-t'nlrd ca-s-li: this Ik a snap; no trader. Owner. AG 552. Orrgonian. ACREAGE near town pn carllr.e; pnlca, terms right. M 55S. Oregonian. ', 17 ACRES west of 60th. St., desirable for nlattlns; central. 334 Mill st. 1909. ' 13 IF you want to buv the best piece of close-in acreage there Is near Portland, se nje tor 19 acres. 3 blocks from the car; all cleared and In full-bearing strawberries, raspber ries, crapes and other fruit; couldn t ne better to be cut into lots or acre tracts and can be subdivided at a big profit, or you can raise enough fruit to .keep you: this place is a snap with a great future, and if you mean business I will show it to you, but don't bother me out of curiosity: tr.e first real buver that sees this wl.l take it. so I don't want to waste time with cur.my huntere; will sell all or half; come quick. 8. D. Vincent, 420 Lumbermen's Plug. IF you want to buy the best piece of close-in acreage there is near Portland, see 1M for 10 acres, 3 blocks from the car: all cleared and In f ull-bcirlng strawberries, raspber ries, grapes and other fruit; couldn t oe better to be cut Into lots or acre tracts and can be subdivided at a big profit, of you can r-aiae. enough fruit to ke-p you; this place la a man with a great future, and II vou mean business, I will show it to vnu, . but don't bother me cut of curiosity: the fl'st ral buyer that sees this will take It, so don't wan: to wnste time with curiosity hu.ite.rs: will sell all or haif: come quick. S. D. Vincent, 420 Lumbermen's blCg.. oor. 5lh and Stark. Homesteads. HOMESTEADS. One 4.000,000 leet relinquishment, on the Siletz. ... .A One rellnouishment. l.SOO.OOO t-'t. 0 acres, bottom land, good house and Im provements. , , One relinquishment, cloe to Portland. One relinquishment, 3.5O0.OO0 feet saw timber. i mile from railroad. A few ood homesteads lt::t In l.na mook and Lincoln Counties. Relinquishment to trade for Port, ana lot N1MMO. RUNF.Y i DAVIS, 13 Hamilton Bids. FREE LAND IN OREGON. Send your aadress or call and get our booklet that tells -all ab'b-.it the .120-acin homesteads in Central lu-igon; three ra:l roada now building on direct line towards the property. We are making si-eeial olfeis on locations for tl.o next :k dajs. B. S. Cook & Co., -5oS' Corbett Bldg. AM RETURNING TO MY HOMESTEAD IN CKNTRAL, OK1CGON In a few days, and will take a iew people with me to locate on fine ground along the new railroads now building; am making low rate.! on this trip; sea ma and arrange to go. ALVIN S. HAWK, Printer, Ss V 1 hiid ift. ONE 5,000.000 and one I.oOU.Ooo homestead relinquishment -In midst of the heavy tim ber in Silets: $7w and $12ou. 733 4nr uani bldg. Main 314. RELINQUISHMENT. 80 acres, sagebrush, cheap, near station North Bunk It)'.; well good water., Holmes, room 401, Ore gonian bldg. RELINQUISHMENT SO acres winter apple land, one mile from town and R. K : joining land J.".0 per acre, cheap. C. H Piggott. 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. WE can locate you on a hom&jtead in Benton Co.. for $12.1. 24SVj tark st. For Hale Fruit Lands. THE -DALLES. OREGON. A GREAT COUNTRY. BECOMING WELL KNOWN FOR FRUIT AND GRAPES. LAND IS CHEAP. $:i( PER At'HE BUYS BEST LAND. PRICES ARE NOW CHEAP. - YOU KNOW HISTORY OF OTHER URl'IT SECTION. BUY EARLY AN!) HAVE MONET. CALL AND TALK IT OVER. 332 CHAM BUR OF COMMERCE. CHAPIN & HERLOW. APPLE LAND IN MOUNT HOOD , DISTRICT. Clackamas County, western foothill slope -of Mount Hood. 30 miles from Port land on -ho line of Mount Hood Electric Railroad, offers the bet opportunity m Oregon for commerclal'app'.e crowing: get our Western Hood Illustrated booklet tell ing about thU Ideal fruit section where soil, water"alr and drainage, as well a ele&itlon (some 1200 f.'eti. are all that could be desired for commercial orchard ing. . .,, If Interested In fruit growing it will pn you to investigate this Mount Hood dis trict, which is undergoing a marvelous development, and hundreds of acres to he set to commercial fruit. An acgresi-ive fruit growers' association will direct sci entific care and planting only the best commercial varieties. viz.. Spitz. New town. Jonathan. Red Cheek, etc. Don t delay if you want the best Investment proposition on the markot. as present low prices, from $m per acre tip. will double by Sprlug; any size tracts from 10 'acres up. considering the close proximity to the cltv with best f roads. .DO other fruit section Tompares with it. We will glndly show you. VANDUYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber of Commerce. JUST HALF PRICE' For a One-Year-Old Orchard. Lost week we. told you of a chance for a young orchiird a( half price; Ion acre.H of the 100 acres has been spoken for; $100 per acre. s.-t to varieties you prefer, and cared tor for one year, including all cost of tree.-., cultivation and even taxes; take the re maining 00 'acres in lo-aero tracts or over: land perfect; YOU must hustle if yor get In, on this. F. W. Power & Co., 224 Henry blag. A 5-ACRS orchard In the Rogue River al lev spells independence. Investigate our installment plan; large orchards handled for syndicates; o-puluhle representatives wanted; free booklet. Benson Invcsllucnt Company, Medford, oi . I HAVE IO acres of fruit land on the rail road and only one hour's ride Irom Port land at $ir.o per aero; this Is a snap. P UJ.k ui esonmn. HOOD RIVER apple orchiird. good paying basis, bulldinga. terms. 334 Mill st. Tor Sale Farms. LO OK $ 4 1 00 )ti;s farm 41 acres. 2.'. acres cultivated. re.t easily cleared; K..od bouse, barn, well fenced and watered; team, wagon, harness, farm Impl.-meius. 8 cows. 15 tons hay. 10O sacks potatoes in bain. 1 acre In eroun.l. loo sacks routs, chickens, some furniture. 12 miles Irom Vancouver. 21'. miles from Camas. W. A. Hodel. 131 13th, St.. on. High School. Nu agents. a 40 ACRES FOR !."0. Good soil, lies well for apple orchards; about three miles front - Stevenson mia railroad; on account of low price owner demands all cash; one and one-quurter million feet timber, also cor.lwood; you can "iiITord to buy without going to see it. GODDARD Jt WlllDKICK. 243 Stark St. 1 SO CRES on Oregon Electric. 45 minutes from Portland; Southern Pacific haw sui tlon and switch on land; O'l acres cleareO. about 3-' of which is best beaverdam land In state; buildings, young orchard. Call on owr.e's, BENNETT & DERBYSHIRE, 20r Swelland Bldg. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR. FOR PALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, .; miles from railroad and good town; this land Is very suitable for planting and Is at present In good condition: price $2." per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William . MacMaster. 302 Worcester block. Portlaffd. Or. MALHEU-l; COUNTY. 640 acres on stage line, 20 bottom, bal ance rolling, ready for plow; running water; will bear Inrpectlon; $10 per acre. C D. ELDER. 2S1 Washington St. 2O0-ACRE- dairy ranch for lease; stock for sole: will take $!loo cash. OREGON BAND CO., , t Stark. TWELVE acres, ten miles east Portland, line land, spring covered small brush, $150 per acre, $500 cash. S 500, Ore-, gonian. BE-ST farm on Columbia River: boat landing and railway station on place; 700 acres; good improvements; take 6 In eity property. 2:;2 Worcester bidg. HOYE & HOPKINS. SALEM. OR. largest list of valley farms in the state FREE RIGS ALWAYS ON HAND. 80 CRES fruit lar.d unimproved. 4 miles Cazadero. $2." acre': will trade for city property. 3.12 Swetlnnd bldg. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying;, lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. FOR-SALE Small farm by owner; no agents. W 664. Oregonian. INU.NO dm . r,i. 40 acres 30 acres in cultivation and bal ance cut, Bplit. slashed and ready to bum; good 7-room houiu. large barn, other out buildings; hay I" barn goes with the place, us weil as 4 seres of ka.. lota of corn, cur rote and oUier feed-sufficient to feed inn stock all Winter; 0 acres of rutato,.s. fill oi.ei, too, that are not dug yet; aim good team of mares, 5 cows. S head young e!..cK. chickens. 1 br.wd sow and plus. nnrn. ... wagon, hack. 2 p.ow.1. 2 eul:i .tors, planet. Jr. seeder, hav mower and ruse, other im plements and tools; the household good: good lamily orchard, creek, si rings year round: no r..Jk ur gravel, so wau'.e land. Price wan over fVoou, hut for immeuiats ' sale il71k. $2J( rah. Considering sll. I at!on, tr.uulorlaiI.Ji. ;.. tli'i is dirt cheap; only $5750 until Nov. S'). Buy it lor an investment. rTP IF YUIWAXT A SMALL. rAIi.M. IIT , THIS. 1, acres on good road, B iniUw from Portland: all In cultivation; $Jm lr core: g.v.l improvement, adjacent land hei.i a J.i5o and $4'-o p. r acre; owner got this on debt and will fncr:l..o it for Immediate f.i.e. Fine for chicken vegetal.:. -ft iruit and ju ries; Jl'viuo. 40 achi-h. , 40 acres-! 0 in cultivation: Sop cor. s wood: line home. !.'.. etc e c. ; Us n frx.m Oregon Electric and S. 1., r.o n.lnutes fern Portland. only $'-'. 'a ta"n- oer lw line faric.o lUt.d. C 1. BAMRKUGl.R. 60S Chamber - f Ciumeice. Main 6V-. APPLE .SPECIALS. , B-acre Hood River oie-uaul homo, app.o trees 3 room hous.'. barn, cellar, on rp.l near town: running water, t.-lrii.ione, elv- t.,.!s. etc.. $4.V.'-. 15'.' ''.I., balaine on time. 20-acie exceptional orchard h-nie on bii-KS or Umpqiw. 2 mile mm i:o.-ii.irK: beai.i'i. Spitz, no, rKy. Newtown, ioclin--. and ..ther nulls: mo.i. rn l.-r . in )ioi..-e. w A i,.., .i. wuter. etc : K-'d Imi-Uaueiit Heel. Willi sppla i-lc-i. h. lh ma.-., etc.. h"r.- s. linrne.s.. s tw o-S'ory clii. ken-l'-.ue, en1.. w.ign.-. btu-gy. s and - i:il',ilciruL n.'ov win.lnii;i. ':l-co-gall..r tank, waicr I'lped i.i.o. e. c.r.len and lawn: . of ti.e O.-.-crt of ..r,...e.S CoUUU llOlIH; $',o...oil. pan c.io. l.a'-an'e brines owner to I'orilan.i. s. husint sm m'uat !!. or will tlvi.U ..r or-lieiiv .-.. in. HAKI'MAN .v TIL '.Ml --' -('.'.amber of t'oiauiene. We ban oll.e.s. fine acre "f tliou-in.l.-. "It will ray you to our lift.! t,0N'o. 310-7 a'l in eulllvnl lior, 4-rom hous- will, lo.sement; 1 eisi of li.ivt.ui, oifi;. mi; viy feriiu. $1300-N!o 347 -40 acres I Ivev bottom. :'.i . iol.es Iroin I .avion, or. $70 nor a, rc-No. :::n.- 2.;:. acre. -' cuUI-.at.on. ill! dl fenced, good nuu.k !" ' !'.rU':. ,:( ..nii $r.o ??:?. ?i'r:'i.."L-t'i'1,''.7r.m: land adjoin ing for stle nt i"0 per acre: tU'sn''Y" must ho sold wimin Jo dsy: if ' want a fruit, dairv or grain tn n n the Wllliunelt" v.illev, or a giain or sock i-inih in Eastern Oregon, eoiu n'unleate with W. J. Smith 13S Cham-l-cr of t'ominerce, Portland. OO-VKK I-iVRM-One of the 'best jila'es in Woshlnglon Countv. only 1.. miles fr-m '"nn right in tli.i lino of proposed extelisl l. A-, acres in cultivation, f.-i-oom house, barn and cliickcn-lipuse, we I. j thr.'C- year-old family orchard of .V t"":'' do not gei an "Id- run-out farm -when yo i b v -hi" for this land has all been eleared within the past four l"f ' 'I'"'- you ennnot buy adjommg loud for let-" tlian .2"0 the acre. AMKR1CAN OTKUST COM PAN T. 2nn Cliiuiiber of Commerce. GREAT FARM BUV (WVi acres all loo Beret,, ,?i..u" I v : . , ...i .1,1, Ilk. inches' of w.ite:- r:eht; 4"0 . lev h is prisluclnir em"ik,'li ii, res in mea low. wuili. .c . h.iv fo- 12. o head ot eat: o : balance reaef to' plow: will produce large crops wheat, baric- ur.,1 rye; sod -"x-room li . an.f large ham; 32" acre, with spring M n, rcs of meadow; a'..- 40 sores with '; l.Ti spring; this entire tract ad und.-r fence! a Splendid investment for a sto,k ranch or grain faun. c.K.-r CiU on H. S. Co"k A Co.. hOS Corbe.t bldg.. Portland. Orrgoli. SO ACRKS FOR $1200. irvou have s7oii to Itii'st. can sell ovl So acres and you enn resell It for at least $3" per acre before the balance Is due The best chance to mnkft a lug u.llt'wl.h a little raonv that we kw of First-class soil, bolter than lloort River In some respects; three miles from SLovenson: . lies well; can nil be cult -vntt-d; fine for uppl. s. :l miles from uill- 'Ul' GODUARD ei WIMHRICK, 2-13 Stark St. SO-Ai'KE FARM FOR $20OO. I his little farm linn 20 acres cleared land. -7 acres in high slate of cultivation and 111 acres of good timber. It has a 4 -room house, a go-.d btil'u and orchard. Team, wayon. harness. 2 cows. 2 calves, 1 plow and harrow, 4 tons of hay. Located In 'Clackamas county. RALPH Ai'KI.EV, DO,-, Corbett Building. li!U ACRES. 1 mile from Columbia River and rail road 2'4 mil's from Stevenson. Skamania Countv.' Wash-: first-class oil for uppl.. orchard, watered by spring and cre.-K, sojno cordwood; In two years will Ptol' nSlv be worth $!"U per acre; can sell lor few dues onlv for $2r.o,l. cidDU.Mill & U'll-'.URICK, , o 13 Stark rt. H',0 ACRES FOR $.11100. Will make good dairy ranch now and start your' apple orchard; part in cultivation- cordv.oo.l alone will p;ky for tlm place- good Hume direct to Columbia, ltiker: about- 2'j miles from Stevenson; terms. Se us for particulars. GODDARD WIElHtlCK, 213 Slark St. .10 ACRES, only S miles from the heart of the cltv. nnd 1 mile ens-t of the Oregon ctiv carllne: acres aro clear, imlan.e timber- I. nest of soil, no grin el. all level, adjoining n tin ' vegetable ranch. Can hi bought at flton pur a, re If tuk.-ri now. I . F. PfliiKcr .'v Co., rooms 4 uaid, 1 Mulkey bid x.. 2d and Alorrison ats. 4O00 A.'Rl-:s line farm land. Eastern Ore iron, on line of V.. R. now building; can buv from -IO .ire;i upward at $....,0 per acre- $ 1 Ml cn.sh. leilnnee can bo paid 111, years. TO KXCIIANa-E. WIDOW who must give up home plans on account "f death In family will exchange, beautiful building site of ov-r four lots, splendidly situated on Portland Heishis. worth Jlo.l-oo. and will e.v. -halite for prop erty of t.iiial value downtown; no ol. lec tion to old residence It location Is good. M ucol. oiei,oniiui. yuJl,; fuio aci-ene trio Is closo In on Salem electric for eiiy property or apartment house to value iluoo to SiVol. also sev eral food fan. is lu trade for ri-sidcncos. I'Lool'llI.TEi; BROS.. 4 1 i Couch Hl.li. 30 iclii'.-t mar Van.'-iiver: 12 aflri In, ji-UIKO.; -.11 el- ire 1 ,.-,,; o acres in tlni-iTSr- l ni'le locn r-i ili.-n; lino pvuno dryer, ....-t listi.; new noun-, all lev.!; will ex change f.-i. I 'or; laud prop,.!-!)'. Voting Bros.. G.-il.nmr bidg. Wll.l. excliane desirable l"-rO(m fur nisl.ed, house, including upright piano and some cash, for eottuao or lots or acres; choice location for renting rooms. Ad dress owner. 741 Giisan st. WILL exchange mv lot near K illlngsworttl ave. value icon, and pay a cash dlffcre-ss e for a mat grocery in residence district. .-' .".:.'.. "ir.'i-..l:l,tn. y.'.n Eorl TY In moflern East Side home for fruit land; Hood itu-r j.r. f, rr-tl. M. Mac Itae. Cornelius Hotel. ABOl'T liKI acres good fir timber suitable for cordwood, close to railroad. AF 651, Ore-Toulan. INCOME property, cottage and lot, to ex ' change for timlier land on 11. R. or good .-.-passenger auto. .1. B. I-'ryer. Carlton, or. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 10 lit Board ot Trade. 100 urns hay land, Idaho Write for de scription. Box 50. (J-iUedale, W a.stl. WILL get you cnytlnng In trade for any thing you' have. 322 Hcurv bldg. Fp R N1TUK 1-1, 2d-room house. 2 hlo'-ks Port land Hotel, for real estate. Main 77f.l HAY 15 city lot to trade for furnituro for 4 or 5 rooms. If A GASOLINE drag paw in cc.od condition. Oregon luti.i".. " ... l anno. WANTED TO REST FARMS. WE have a client That wants to rent a Inrm of So to 100 n.-re; another pni-ty wanls to rent n f.irm suitnhle for stock- raisinc. .'-l. and 41 h sti E. Tl'jioipn.'n . Phone Main Cos-!. A 1'OIt RENT FARMS. FOR RFNT At Southeast Mt. Tabor, five acres with a gre.it variety of fruit and ber rifs. good six-room house, barn and chieken houe; Bull Run warer. Apply to Sheehf Bros.. 130 13th. at., near Washington, t