10 riIJ2 MORNING OREGOXIATf, ; WEDXESDAT, XOYE3IBER 24, 1909. i FLOUR WILL GO UP General Advance Will Take Place This Week.' OUTSIDE MILbS HIGHER Wheat Prices Lifted at AH Points In Hie Northwest Acute Sbort- In the Turkey Market. ace The steady advance In wheat prices Is lifting flour values mud a general advance In local quotations will probably be an-nor-mced this vMk, The advaauca wilt amount to 20 or SO cents a barrel and will attaot all doroeetlo gradea Exports mar remain aa now quoted. One of the outside mill which markets a part of Its product In this city yesterday, advanced Its list 20 cents, but aa this particular mill only went up BO cents at the recent advance, the rise puts Its price only 10 cents above tha local mills. The flour trade Is active In all oirartara and some of the millers are un able So All all their orders. The local wheat market la decidedly etro-or and prices were raised yesterday po-nina- thm In line with the high prices Tbcln-r paid In the country. Bluest em Is now quoted here at $1.11. wille on the Sound blues-tern hss sold at 11.12. dub wheat la again on the $1 basis. The wire trouble yesterday made It difficult to learn what was being done tn the country In the way of new business. There was a good demand for oats and barley and both were quoted Arm. particu larly the latter. Prices were unchanged. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Stonflay T 14 14 T 19 Tuesday IT 2 lO 1 S Tear ago 2.1 4 Ii 8 S Season to date.T.r.'X-i R2 74.1 6W 12s. Tear aao T211 1103 812 BIS 1429 lemons, fancy. $; - choice. S5.50; grape fruit S3.50&4 per box; bananas, lr&feo per pound; pomegranates. $1.60 per box. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75c per dozen; beans. lOo per pound; cabbage. W lc per lb.; cauliflower. 90c $1.25 per dox.; celery. $2.60 per crate; eggplant, $1.75 per box; garlic, 10c per pound; horseradish, 9rl0o per dozen; hothouse lettuce, $19 1.26 per box; peas. 10c per pound; peppers, $1.50 per box; pumpkins, lfe'lfec; radishes, 15c per dozen; sprouts. 8c per lb.; squash, $161. 10; tomatoes. 75cS ISO SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. .76c Oil per sack; carrots. $1; beets. $1.25: ruta bagas, $1.10 per sack; parsnips, $1.25. ONIONS Oregon. $1.25 1.10 per sack. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery extras. 16c; fancy outside creamery, 324 36o per lb.; store, 2H424c. (Butter fat prices average luc per pound under regular butter prices.) EOUS Fresh Oregon extras. 42445o per dosen: Kastera. 32?3Sc per dozen. CHEESE Full cream twins. 17ilSc per pound: Young Americas, 184 19c, pott.tr v Menu. 15c- Spring.--. 15c: most- era. tXnplOc: ducks. 16c; f-" 10',4c;turkeiu Ilvo. 224B2.V-; dremea. '-'-c. PORK Fancy, l"e per pound. VEAL. Extras. 11 He per pound. , Provision. BACON rancy, 27c per pound : standard. 22c: choice. 21c: English. 2020c. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears. MB E MERGER Probable Failure of Copper Plan Depresses Stocks. EFFECT OF ; 0IL DECISION Kca1 Ins Helped by the Extra Dlvl- - dend on Central of New Jersey.- Short Covering Causes -t ' Late Rally. YORK. Nov. ' 2$. The decision the legality of the Standard Oil rv salt. 1614c: smoked. l4c; short clear I against backs, heavy dry salted, 15 He; .smoked. I Company In Its present form continued the lV4c- Oregon exports, dry salted. Ho; I disturbing Influence of the stock market .1 .1 today. It waa most acutely manifest In HAMS 10 to it pounds. 17Hc: 14 to Is pounds. 17 He; It to 20 pounds. lTttc; hams. skinned. 18c; picnics, 13c. cottage roii 15c: boiled bams. 24025c; boiled picnics. 21c T.inri Kettle rendered. 10s. lT4e; Stan dard para, 10s. lHc; choice. 10s. 15tt- Compound. 10s. llc. ins group of copper Industrials. The reason for this was not that those companies are particularly vulnerable to the effect of the decision, but that an ani mated speculation and sharp advances in prloes of those stocks have been placed on the assumption of a coming combination of copper producers on much the same lines as are prohibited by the court's decision In cvr.-j-n -BKEir Reef tongues, each, 60c; I the Standard Oil casea dried beef sets. lc: dried beef outside--, 17o; Assurances were given yesterday, with dried beer sets. ' "7 b. knuckles, "'or of authority, that the plans for har dried beef Jnsldes. tic; dried beef knuckles. monlrlnJf coppw. uniti would be In $0c . I nowise affected, hv the new develonments. for 60-day 'bills and at $4.8755 for demand Prime mercantile paper. 5ff5 per cent. commercial Dills, $4.B3 r4.S3H. Bar silver, 30 c. LONDON. Nov. 23. Bar silver, steady, 23&d per ounce. Money, 4 jj 4 H per cent. The rate' of discount in the open market for short bills is 44 per cent; for three months bins, 4 per cent. Consols tyr money. 82 H; for account, 82. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23. Sterling on London. 6 day s. J4.S3', ; sight, $4.87 H. Silver bars, BO-Sic Mexican dollars, 45c. Drafts, fght, 2c; telegraph, 4c. WIIX CONTRACT .EARLIER THAN I'SCAL Boston Wool Dealers. Will Soon Bend Buy ers West. BOSTON.' Nov. "23. A small1 selection has placed the local--wool market on a very quiet basis. There Is some sampling of California and Texas 12-menths stocks, but trade Is very dull 4n territory and fleece wools. Interest in the 1910 clip Is not so marked, although all dealers are preparing to have representatives In the West earlier than usual. Scoured values: California Northern, 770c: Middle Country. 63 5t 6"c ; Fa 1 1, free. 50B52c. Oregon Eastern, No. 1. staple, 78-8 80c; Eastern, clothing, 7U72c; Valley, No. 1, BTfiOSc. -PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet. Today, however, assertion were current that OREGON HOP TRADE Is QUIETER But California Market Is Ai--tlre and Strong. After the exciting period the Oregon hop market has recently gone through, trade haa naturally quieted drnrn. This Is not be- $13-0 regular tripe, $10: honeycomb tripe, I tQe abandonment of the whole proect was $121 lunch tongues, $1.50; mess beef, ex- t considered, pending the final clearing up tra, $12; mess pork. $z. I nrirf Fruits. Etc DRIED FRUIT Apples. 9o per pound TUfcSc- nrunes. Italians. , r,.n-h aaac: currants, un washed. cases, DHc: currants, washed, rases 10c: figs, white fancy. SO-lb. boxes. 6ttc: dates. 8'o8c of the questions involved by the appeal of the Standard Oil cases to the highest court. Corporation lawyers and Influential finan cial leaders seem united In formulating the view that the consequences of tha Standard OH decision would be so danger ous and so harmful that steps will be taken by- the law-making body to obviate them, upon ltg assembling in December. There Is recognized the political difficulty PRICES HOLD STEADY LIVESTOCK TRADE ONLY FAIR- I.Y ACTIVE. a at ,-o rnhimhia River. 1-pound tails, I that would arise from what would be. In 2 per dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.95; 1-pound 1 effect, a bill for the relief of the bast hated flatm) x2 10; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis, j of all the corporations In the popular esti- 90e; red. 1-pound talis, fl.ee: socaeyes. i nminil tails S2. cni--iprE vibe. 24W28c: Java, ordinary. 17e20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 13 20c: good. 16?lSc; ordinary. 12lttc per pouna. NCTS Walnuts. 1418c per pound. Bra zil nnt iu.filSe filberts. 14a15c; al monds 14Ht15tic: chestnuts, Ohio, 20c; MMMtinliL ftucfifl ner dozen. BEANS Small white, 6fce: large white. i Hi. umi. &uc: bavou. 6Wc: pink. efte. SUGAR Granulated. 8.75; extra C $5.25; golden C. W45; 'lt and berry sugar. S3.R3: beet. t5.6o: cubes toarrei;, o.o. nowdered (barrel). $6. Terms on remit tances within IS days, deduct e per mation. This consideration raises doubts of the readiness with which relief will be obtained from the vlls complained of by tne corporations and tha sweeping applica tion of the terma of the law to all these combinatftms. The declaration of an extra dividend on Central Railroad of New Jersey rallied Reading from Its acute depression, owing to its share in the benefits through hold ings of stocks of Central Railroad of New Jersey. i A rise In New York exchange at Chicago to 25 cents premium showed the relation of pressure from the interior upon New lork lor funds. . Foreign exchange rates rose quite strongly. TM short interests built up In course of aijtn nf inr less demand, but Is due to the firmer feeling on tlie part of growers. Recent I pound. If later than 15 days and within SO I the decline furnished sufficient requirement purchases at 20 to 22 cents could not be dn- Muple plicated now. The market Is practically blocked again and It will probably require advance In the blda to get It started once more. A fsw late purchases nsder the 20- cent mark came to light yesterday. Includlnr a 64-haIe lot bought at 1 csnta, also the P-rter lot of 64 bales at Forest Grove, for which McNeff paid 18 cents. Several Inquiries were received yeaterda from London by dealers who did not partici pate In the recent export buying. FHt as they could not All orders under 23 to 25 cents for the quality required, nothing wea dose In executing them. The condition of the "London market was shown by the following cable celved by Isaac Pincus ft Sons: "Market flrmer. Indications of an advance. Demand good and everything: offered taken. Every prospect of market advancing.' Several wires were received from California reporting a Arm and active market. A dis patch from Santa Rosa stated that Hall pur chased yesterday 85 bales from Mrs. Furmex at 23 cent the Hull lot of 150 bales at 24 cents and the Smith lot of 2 bales at 23 cents all Sonoma; bo pa The Uhtaoanna bought 85 bales) of Sonomaa from Mrs. Leg gatt aX 24 cents and a lot of 10O bales of Bao- ramentosi at 21 cents. A CTTE SHORTAGE IX TVKKKY MARKET For First Time In History of Trade Jobbers Forced to Buy From Retailers. So acute waa tha shortage of turkey on Front street -restarday that Jobbers, with mttit orders to fill, were compelled to kuy stock from retailers at retail prices. There were several transactions of this sort at fO cents. As waa expected, receipts were very light. One firm got 400 birds, but it had received but little previously, and the other houses got practically nothing. The high prloes have naturally excited the country districts and soms shippers offered what were really Christmas turkeys, but it was too lata to close with them. The market, on what was tha last whole sale day of tha season, opened strong at 25 cents and before noon turkeya were selling at 27 .and 28 centa At the latter figure come late orders were filled' for Seattle. lAv turkey were quickly snapped up at 22H and 25 centa Everything else in the poultry line was strong. Live chickens sold at 15 cents, dressed ducks at 18 cents and dressed geese at 17 H centa There were no new developments in eggs. 80 days, deduct He per pound. nMr. ISfflSa ner pound. SALT Granulated. $13 per ton. fl.90 per bale: half ground. 100s. f7.S0 per ton; tvs. $8 per ton. nor. i cnoice. .v Hops, Wool. Rides, Eta. HOP3 1W crop, le23c; 1908 crop, nominal. 1907 crop, 12c: 1906 crop. 8c to work an effective rally In prices. South ern paclfio showed some positive strength on the ground of the strong annual report. jonds were easy. Total sales, par value, $4, CSS. 000. United States bonds were un changed' on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. doling Sales Allis Chalmers of 7iio WOOL Eastern Oregon, 16233 pouna. Amsi copper ....217.2UU MOHAIR Choice, 24c pound. -m Agricu.tunu .. auo CASOARA BARK 1-4! c per pound. J.Jjg mut-a ury nines. v' k"""". i Am Car A Foun dry kip, 1718c pound; dry calfskin, lww I Am Cotton oil . lie pound: salted hides, 10V4 llc; salted I Am tia it Lt pr r. if .kin ism 18c nound: green, lo less. i ncunun FURS No. 1 skins: Goatskins, Iocsef f"1.25: badger. 25 00c; bear. 020; beaver, $9.5068.60; cat, wild, 75c(tfl.50: cougar, perfect head and claws, $3 10; Usher, .... J. on. si-i. I Am Tobacco pf .. ' K. WD IUJ. K I " J 1 jvu, ' . ' . T . I A ... 1 I .1. fox. silver. tS5100; lynx. $S15; marten. I Anaconda Mlu'oo! 14.8O0 e.H'O 74 1,600 6 40. 4(1 1.000 2Vs 3O0 15 dark. fS12: mink. $3.505.50; muskrat. 150 230; otter. -fj.504; raccoon. 0O75c; sea otter. fl00gl250, as to size and color; skunks, 55 80c: civet cat. 10 15c; wolf. $3'tf8.0: coyote, 75c$1.25; wolverine, dark. $3jj5; wolverine, pale, .f J 2.S0., .. i Am Lint-wed Oil Am Locomotive Am Smelt 4 Ref. 09,600 103V4 uo pniiraa ... i.uo lld ill Am "Sugar Ref .. 1,100 lHOVi Am Tel tc Tel .... 4,500 143 142V WW V'.t V vu 34 Yt 34 01 "4 Hogs Move at the Yards at $8. - Cattle at Good Prices Ke- celpjts Not Large. There were moderate receipts of livestock yesterday.. . Trade was rather quiet and prices were steady. The arrivals for the day were 201 cattle, 210 sheep, $32 .hogs and 7 horses. Most of the business -yesterday was In the hog line. Several lota of 9000 hogs were moved at $8 and- a heavy one at $7. Cattle and steers sold at fair - prices. Shippers at the yards were E. Connell. of Deer Island, who brought in 40 cattle by boat; L. , E. West, of Wellsdale, two cars of sheep; H. C. .Strickland, of Welser. three cars of hogs and. one of cattle; E. E. WlllarA four cars of cattle from Ontario and Binter City, and A. S. Milne, of The Dalles, one car of hogs. . Tbs dayi sales were as follows Number. Weight. Price- Hogs 85 220 $8.00 Hog 1 4K0 7.00 Hogs 80 216 8.00 Hogs St 210 8.00 Cows 27 942 3.25 Bull 1 1300 2.25. Steers 27 1140 4.50 Prices quoted as the yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Best steers. $4.604.65; fair to good. $4 4.25; medium and feeders, $3.50 ta'3.75; best cows, $3. 50533.75; medium, $.1 3.25; common to medium, f2.508.?5; bulls, $292.50; Megs, $2.5063.50; calves, light, $a.25t 5.60; heavy, $44.75. HOQS Best. $8 8. 10; medium, $7,60 9 7.85; stockers, $4 4.75. SHEEP Best wether. $4.254.50; fair to good, $3.75f4; best ewes, $3.T54; fair to good, $3.5003.75; lambs, $56.35. LAST PRICE LOWEST Chicago Wheat Market Closes "; Weak After Strong Start. DUE TO ARGENTINE NEWS $1.08 $1.08 T4 Atchison do preferred . . Atl Coast Line .. Bait & Ohio do nreierred .. Bethlehem Hteel . lino ok Kan Trjin Oanadtan Pacific- . Central Leather 4 do oref erred . . Central of N J.-., Chae A Ohio Chicago & Alton . Chicago Gt Wut Oils, Turpentine, Etc COAL OIL Pearl, astral and star, cases. 18c per gallon; eocene, cases. 22c per gallon; Elaine, cases, 2So per gallon; extra star, eases, 22o per gallon; water white, iron bar- I Chicago & X W... . rels, 11 Ho per gallon; wood barrels. 15 Ho per gallon; special water white, iron barrels. 15o per gallon. GASOLINE Red crown and motor gaso line, iron barrels. 16c per gallon; cases, 23o 15.5HO 11U4 3UO 10444 XK) 135 2,0iK) 1164 2110 l-i 700 ' S414 ,000 77" 1.500 176 Vi 175 ,00l 4W- 4f 200 108T4 106 11814 llii 104 104Vi 134 y, 1.14 Vi 115 116i 91 91 33-4 34 78 77 8.600 i!666 C. M A St Paul.. 9,700 . 1651i . k, at di Colo Fuel & Iron. . 7.T00 50 Colo & Southern... 400 55T do 1st preferred. 3X uo 2a preierrea. nw o ,, i. v...-.i. on. t-.iw ino Kallnn: cases. 37V,o ner gallon. I Iel A Hudson i5Ezi v. M. ana napma. iron oar- i jli c n u ranoe rsls, li'na per gallon; cases, 204c per gal lon: engine distillate, iron barrels, 9c per aallon: canes, l uo per gallon. TLKPEatims in cases, i c per gallon; wood barrels. 76fec per gallon; aroturps tturpentlne substitute). Iron barrels, 38o per gallon: cases, 45c per gallon. LINSEED OIL Haw, In carrels. Tic boiled. In barrels, 73c; raw. In cases, 78c boiled, in cases, 7Sc. do oreferred Platinum' Securi.. trie do 1st preferred, do 2d preferred . General Electric . . Gt Northern pf ... Ore i 10 9O0 4,700 "'200 1.400 4T0 &K) l.ono l2i4 7.5'0 144'i 4.700 8014 CRANBERRY MARKET IS WEAK. Sales Are Slow, Owing to the Scarcity of Turkeys. With one exception, everything In the fruit and vegetable line was firm yesterday. The exception was cranberries, the market for which was decidedly weak. The slow demand, for cranberries was due to the cskrclty of turkeya Grapes cleaned up readily at $1.50 for the best California varieties. Oregon Concords. probabry the last of the season, were Arm at 15 cents per basket. The orange mar ket waa arm In response to strong Califor nia advice Two cara of bananas were received. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. Nov. 23.- The market for standard copper was lower and weak today. with spot closing at 13 18.50c. November and December 1313.diHc, and January 13'u' 13.30c. The London market also closed weak, with spot quoted at 159 and futures at too 7s Sd. The London sales include 400 tuns of spot and 2200 tons of futures. Local dealers say that the copper market Is very unsettled tn consequence of the effects of the Standard Oil decision on sen timent regarding the proposed merger of copper producers and that quotations are entirely nominal, with lake running from about 13.25 13.75c. electrolytic 13 a 13.50a and castings 1:1 87 "4 tr 13 S c. Tin was weak. Spot closed at sl.35'9 tl.40c The London market closed easy. with spot, at 142 and futures at 1144 2s ed. Lead was quiet: spot 4.37 14 4.42'a New Tork, and 4.20 4.20 East St. Louis. The London market was lower at 13 2s dd. Spelter was quiet; spot V30& 6.45c at New York and 6.25c asked at East St. Louis. The London market declined to 23 2s 6d. Locally iron was unchanged. 200 14H3 1S.0O0 22V 9.700. 56 4 l.noo lonai 1.2V 24 'i 4O0 1flJ 400 61-S "ilaoo '44" 2.3 151 1B0V4 1.000 1.15H 133 70 48 32 48 39 1K 140 7- Ull li 212 10714 24 U 61 Gt Northern Illinois Central Interborough Met.. do preferred . , . Inter Harvester Inter-Marias pf .. Int Paper Int Pump 1 Iowa Central .... K C Southern .... do preferred . . . Louisville & Nash Minn 4 St Lol. Missouri Paclflo .. Mo. Kan A Texav.. do preferred . . , National Biscuit ... too 114 114i 114U National Lead ... 1,700 , 89 8"H M14 Eastern Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 23. Cattle Receipt-, esti mated, 8000; market, steady. Beeves, $3.853 9; Texas steers, $3.703-4.70; Wtcrn steers, $43 7.25; stockers and feeders, $2.10-ii5.0; cows and heifers. $3.1065.26: calves. $i8.50. Hogs Receipts, estimated. 34.JW: marKei, steady. Light. $7.55rf; mixed $7.6iWi.lB: neavy, T.tKsa.lt): rougn, $i.xi i.o.; gooa 10 choice heavy. $7.8o'rjS.15; piss, $J.25Ca7.60; bulk of sale. 7.WtiS.10. Sheep Hecelpts. estimated, 23,000; market. steady. Native, $2.764.90; TVeiWern, $2.90 4.60: 'yearlings. $5.251.40: lambs. native, 4.757.40; 'Western. $4.767.25. celpts,' 18.000 head. Market steady, to 100 ln-r. Native steers. S4. 8008.60: native cows and heifers, $2. 25 ft. 00; stockers and feeders, $35. 10; calves. $4tf7.&0; Western steers. fT5.0O; w estern cows, , t o 'fl's.u". Hogs Receipts. 20,000 head. Market 6c to 10c lower; heavy, $7.908)8.05; packers Jd butchers, $7.76S; light, f7.307.75; pigs, $0.257.15. Cheep Receipts. 10.000 head. Market, eaBy. Muttons. $4.2.l5.50; lambs, $5.75 7.40; range wethers and yearlings, $4tl; rangs ewes, f3.25 4 5. OMAHA. Nov. 23 Cattle Receipts, 7000 head. Market, steauy; native steers, $48; canners. $2. 50 3. 2.1; calves. $3.607. Hogs Receipts. 6000 head. Market, steady. Heavy, $7.S0a7.95: mixed, $78."i? 7.90; light. $7.ROg7.9214 : pigs, 0.oO7.70; bulk of sales, $7.85 7.92 Sheep Receipts, 8000 head. Market, steady. Yearlings, $5.15 6.25; wethers, I4.405.40; ewes, $4 4.85; lambs, $6.75 7.50. 2. 4' 10 14.100 69 T SEATTLE FLOUR IS UP PRICES OF PATENTS RAISED CO CENTS A BARREL. Early Unfavorable Crop Reports Are Contradicted Declines in the Minneapolis and Du luth Markets. CHICAGO. Nov. 23. Unfavorable crop news from Argentina, which caused a strong opening here, was supplemented by predic tions of falling off In the movement of wheat from Russia and by a decrease of 1.780.000 bushels In the European visible supply for the week. These influences held the market strong during the first half of the session, pit traders and commission houses being fair bidders. In the final hour, the market yielded to quite general profit taking, brought out by a dispatch from Argentina to a local concern which dis credited the earlier advices concerning weather conditions In that country and claimed that clear weather was quite gen eral and that harvesting had begun in the Northero. districts. The market waa also weakened by a decline at Minneapolis and Duluth. The close waa almost at the bot tom. ' Corn was firm early in the day. Later, however, the market eased oft In sympathy with wheat. The close was at about the lowest point, with prices unchanged to hi He higher. Trading in oats was extremely light nd the market was steady. . Prices at the close were a shade lower to Ho higher. Provisions were firm. Prices at the close were 2ic to 15 17c higher. The .leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT, t Open. High. Low. Close. Dec $1.0?4 $1.09 Mav I.O61, 1.06 July 97. ".97 CORN. Dec 60H .60H Mar 61 "4 .61 July 60 74 .61 OATS. 1?C $9 .39 May 41 .41 July 29? .39 MESS PORK. Jan 50.80 21.00 May 20.00 $0.20 LARD. Jan 11.92 12.00 May 11.42 ',j 11.60 SHORT RIBS. Jan.- 10.66 10.76 10.65 May ......10.45 10.66 10.46 cash quotation were a toitows: 1 lour e lrm. ' Rve No. 2. 76c Barley Feed or mixing, 61 63c; fair to choice malting. 69$66o. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $1.11; No. 1 Northwestern. $1.81. Timothy seed $2.60(33.40. Clover 9.6014. Mess pork Per barrel, $2S.7514. Lard Per 100 Bounds. $15.30(318.85. Short ribs, sides (loose). $11.37 11.62. Sides, short clar (boxed), $11.62 14 011. 7 a. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 92,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 828,000 bushels, compared with 1,609, 0O0 bushels tlve corresponding day .a year ago. The world s visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, 835.000 bushels. Estimated receiDts for tomorrow: Wheat. 45 cars; corn, 223 cara; oats, 82 cars; hogs, 29,000 head. Daily movement of produce: t Reselpts. Flour,' barrels 23.600 Wheat, bushels 60,000 Corn, bushels 865,000 Oats, bushels 288,600 Rye. bushels 3,000 Barley, bushels 82,600 THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. 0. AINSW0RTH. President E. W. SCHMEER, Cashier. E. LEA BARNES, "Vice-President A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Caslder. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS Drawn ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES 1.0 6 .97 .$0 .61 -SO?, .$9 .41 .89 JO. 80 20.00 ll.S 11.42 1.06 .60 .61 .61 .39 .41 9 20.90 20.76 11.95 11.50 10.75 10.66 lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Shipments. 27.900 68.800 144. SOO 833,700 '48,700 THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. Ii. assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures, conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHI0 INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 BECK BUILDING. PORTLAND, OR. Mex Net Ry 1st nf N T Central 6.0OO i.nK I3rv! X T. Ont & West. 300 4(5H4 4rtii Xorfolk tVeat.. 1,50 ( fts North American .. 1VX1 7H 77 "Northern Paclflo .. T.om 14.1 142't 42i 131 B.I 52 50 l.'tl 4i 5 78 143SJ 43 114 14 102 50 1HT ! "9 Grain Markets of the Northwest. JLEWiyrOX, Idaho. Xov. 23. (Special.) . Grain markets unchanged. Wheat B'uestem, Sic; 40-fold. SSc: club and Turkey red, S3c; red Russian. 79c; data. 1. 1631.20; barlejr. reed. 1.10sl.l2. Dried I'm it at New Tork. NEW YORK, Nor. 2S. Evaporated ap ples quiet, November delivery S'c: spot, fancy new crop. Halite; choice 1908. 9 10c; prime, 6a'S4c; common to fair, 6fci, u Sc. Prunes, firm. California, up to 80-40S. "i -: Oregons. Joc. Apricots, strong;. Choice. llSll4c: ex tra choice, HHttllKc; fancy. i;?12i.o. Peaches, strong. Choice. Sifi7c: extra Choice, 7i Tijc; fancy, 7"k5ff8c. Raisins, unsettled. Loose muscatel. 4fft 5Hc; choice to fancy seeded. BfaB'ic: seedless, 3dS!sc; London layers, fl.20 19.SO0 J2Si, 4.40O 32 72 S8 1 31 2.510 2.100 2,0 SOO S"0 S7.0-10 Sen 41 .).; 63 . 2.4O0 .173..V0 B2 Bank ClMlngs. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday w-sre as follows: Clearings. Balance. 11.41 ..;; 2.124.0PS l,oy2.;t7 Portland Seattle . Tacoma Spokane 770,7 123,Ob5 891.87 S7.043 1O1.40S PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour, Fred, Etc. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. 11.11; fiub. HI; Tefl Russian. 9Sc; Valley, 1; lurKey rea, '.-; o-loiu, BARLEY Feed, -'S; brewing, JIS per ton. FLOUR Patents. .1 70 per barrel; s-.ratght. I4.60; flears. $4.60; exports, f4.25; alley. $3.So: grahnm. $; whole wheat. Quarters, 55.20. CORN Whole. $ 33 30; cracked. 434 50 per trn- MILLSTT-FFS Bran. 2 per ton: mid dlings. 33; shorts, J27.&0; rolled barley. s-.ty . OATS No. 1 white. 30S3O.5O per ton. HAT Timothy. Willamette Vnlley fie 19 per ton; ta.itern Oregon. tl802O; alfalfa. flei.50; clover. 15; cheat. 114 013.60; rain hay, S1591S. Coffee aad Sugnr. NEW YORK. Nov. 23. Coffee futures closed steady to 10 points lower. Bales were reported of 27,000 bags. Including No vember at 6.35c; December, 6.30c; January, .3Sc: March, ft.40i ft. 45c: May. 6 5r. i6.60c: July, 6.65c; September, 6.65 '-) 0.70c. Spot cof- ree. quiet, no. t Klo. SHo nominal: No. 4 Santos. 8feSc: mild, qulei; Cordova. 8 llttc. Buga-r Raw. quiet; fair reflnlng, 8.88( c: centrifugal, 96 test. 426i4 42c mo lasses sugar, 3.61 S3 67c: rellned. steady. Dairy Produce- In the East. CHICAGO, Nov. 23 Butter Steady: creameries, 26031c; dailies, 244j2Sc. fc-gga Kecelp-p, 0,14 .rases; steady at mark, cases Included, 2023c; flrsts, mvic; prime flrsts. 3-0 4c Cheese Firm; daisies. lilHc: twins. 1616H; Young America, lUfilsVic: lone horns, 16c. S.SM 12514 81.400 2 49 5 .1.1 85". 78 46 105 .T 7t 54 Sl S8 127 .m 6S .19 34 -ii M B9 mp 102 bo'" S7f 124 r..-4 I I'aclflo Mall 1 TOO 44 Pennsylvania 27.700 132 People's Gas .'. P. C C A St L. . . 200 95 Pressed Uteel Oir. 2,500 cf2 Pullman Pal Oar TT... Ry Steel Sprlnr.. l.W0 51 Reading "02 R0O 170 Republic Steel ... 1.700 47 do oreferred 40O 10.1U do preferred ... l.aoa St L S F 2 tf. l.soo St L S-mthwestern 3.3'0 oo rrererred . . . kh) SlossSheffleld .... 700 Southern Psclfle .. Couthern Railway. do preferred . . . Tenn Copper Texas Pacific. Tol. St L A Weat. do -Drefesred Lnian t-acinc do preferred TT S R-vilty t a Rubber . U S Steel do preferred Ttah Copper Va-Caro Chemical. 1 son Wabash 13.800 do preferred ... 45.200 Wertem Md 1.700 3.1 .12 H2 Wej-tlnghouse Bloo l.Ooo 85 S4 84 Western Union ... 1.4.10 78 77 7811 Wheel A L Erie S Wisconsin Central. 200 60 IW 60 Total sale for the duy.M. 250.000 shares BONDS. !EW TORK, Nov. 23. Closing quotations: U. 8. ref. 2s r eg. 100 INTflO 8s 90 do coupon. . . .100 North Paclno Us. I0214 XT. S. 3s reg 101!North Pacific 4s. 72 do coupon. . . .101 Tnton Paclno 4s. 102 TT 8 new 4s reg.llSH Wlson Cent 4s. rt do coupon. .. .116K Japanese 4s 87 D fc R G 4S 96 I 46 105 wi 55 .12 7Hs R1 12S 31 8 40 34 53 li 08 SOI K'2 81 B s 125 00 48 ' 4S 21 ' 21W, B2 f.6 Wool at St. Louis. PT. LOUIS. Nov. 23. Wool. dull. Medium grades combing and clothing, 24i30c; light fine. 23327c: heavy fine, 144?22c; tub washed, 263Sc. . Vegetables and Fruits. FRESH FRUITS Apples. $131 box; peana 151.50 per box: grapes, J 11 60 per crate. 15c rer basket; 6panis! Malaga. 7 per barrel: quinces. 11.16 J. it per box; cranberries, 60 per bar rel; persimmons. $1.50 per box. POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon, 64f TOe per sack; sweet potatoes, lc per yoond. IROMCAL FRUITS Oranges, l.Til4 New York Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Nov. 23. Cotton closed steady, net decline of 15 lo S points. Ifopl Indians Threatening. . SAX BERNARDINO, Cal.. Nov. 23. Robert Cooper an two nephewg arrived here toiay from OraibI on the Arliona Kew Mexico border, bringln-; Informa tion that wettlers are fjeein-f from a threatened uprising of Uopl Indiana. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Nor. 23. The condlton of the Treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as follows: ' Trust funds Gold coin $881,741.8(19 Sliver dollars 486.818,000 Sliver dollars of 1890 400.000 Silver certificates outstanding... 486,818,000 General fund Standard silver dollars In Gen eral Fund $ 3.017,840 Current liabilities 104,051,822 Working baience in Trees, offices 28.787.458 In banks to credit of U. 6. Trees. 36.814.126 Subsidiary silver coin 16.401. 5t2 Minor coin 1,427,091 Total balance in General Fund. . 85. 352.034 Turkeys in Good Supply, but Rain Checks Demand Jap Oranges Are Arriving. SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. -23. (Special.) Flour prices were advanced here again to day 20o a barrel, making the price 15.95 in small lots and $5.80 In carload lots. Bran was nut un to $25.50 and shorts to $27.50. Wheat prices were unchanged, altheugh prices at country points justify even higher prices than are quotea nere. itecent ad vances have cut down all speculation here. Turkeys were In fair supply today and the consuming demand was not as good as expected, owing to the rain. Nevertheless, the wnolesale price of fancy stock went as high as 81c. Good stock was offered as low as 28c. An unusually large number of culls are offered and these dealers are having some difficulty in disposing of. Tur keys reached here from Portland that cost 2S cents there. Hens were In better supply today and In very brisk demand. Grapes are In very heavy supply, but deal ers have enough orders on their booka to clean up available stocks. Oranges are weak at $4 for Valencies and $3.25 for navels. The first Japanese oranges have arrived. Money, Exchange, Etc NEW. TORK, Nov. 23. Money on call, 4Ki per cent; ruling .rate and closing bid. 4i per cent; offered at S per cent. Time loans, firm; 60 days, 66 per cent; 80 days, 4B per cent; six months, 4 4 per cent. Merlin exchange strong with actusl QUOTATIONS AT 8.4 V FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23 The follow ing prices were quoted In the produce market today: Vegetables Cucumbers. 6.'gS5c: string beans, 4 7c ;. tomatoes, 50c$i; garlic, 41 6c; green peas. 4'SSc; eggplant. 75cal. ' Mlllstufts Bran. $28.5030: middlings, IMS SU'rf 37.50 Butter - Fancy creamery, 32c; creamery seconds. SO He; fancy dairy, 29c. Eggs Store. 6Uc; fancy ranch, 5c. Cheese New, 1718c; young Americas, 17619c. Hay wneat, sioccriv; wneat ana oats, $14&1T: alfalfa, i9m.l2; stock. $7wl0; bur ley, $103)13; straw, per bale. 5O07Oc Fruits Apples, choice, 75c&90c; com mon. SO'Ei'tttc; bananas, 75cn$3.5o; limes. $45; lemons. choice, $3 50414; com mon. $1.7oi2.75: oranges, navels, $1.G02.75; pineapples, $3j3.50. Wool South Plains and San Joaquin. 8-fflOc: Spring Bumboldt and Mendocino, 139150. Hops 2023c per pound. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 90c?$l; Sulin-aa Burbanks, $1.15(al.30: sweets, tin 1.25. Receipts Flour. 8026 quarter sacks; wheat. 3010 centals; barley, ltDO centals; oats. 4020 centals; beans, 1371 sacks;, pota toes, 1070 sacks; bran, 25 sacks; middlings, 70 sacks; hay, 324 tons; wool, 43 bales; hides, 270. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Nov. 23. Closing quotations: Adventure . .. AUouez Amalgamated Ariz Com Atlantic Butte Coal. . . . Cal & Ariz. . . . Cal fc Hecla. . Centennial . . . Copper Range. Franklin . 5V4lMohawk 57 I Nevada 89 (Old Dominion. 44 4i 'Osceola 11 iParrot 30?t'Qulncv Shannon Tamarack Trinity IT S Mining.... U. S. Oil Utah . .104 . .680 .. 48 . . S3 1 Granby 102 Greene cananea. 125 Victoria Isle Royale 26 Winona 7 Mass Mining.... Wolverine 14"i 3 27 5314 15 30 Vi 86 U 1 61 11 5.1 37 V.. . .'i'.i Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK, Nov. 23 Flour Receipts. 61,500 barrels; exports. 8300 barrels; slow, with pribes unchanged. Wheat Receipts. 307.900 bushels. Spot, steady; No. red, $1.27 asked domestio elevator: No. 2 red, $1 26-4 nominal, t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern, Duluth. $1.17i nom inal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter. $1.19, nominal, f. o. b. alloat. Following the firm cables and on reports of unfavorable weath er in Argentina and on fears of manipula tion In December, wheat advanced oc. but developed weakness late In the day under liquidation and closed at a net de cline of c for December and tic up to hie down for other positions. December closed at $1.16 ; May. $1.13. Hops and hides easy. Wool quiet. Petroleum steady. ' Changes In Available Supplies. NEW TORK, Nov. 23. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Braastreets show the following changes In available supplies as compared with pre vious account: Wheat United States, east of tha Rocky Mountains, decreased 326.O00 bushels. Canada Increased 2.861,000 bushels. Total. United States and Canada. In creased 2.535.000 bushels. Atloat for and In Europe decreased 1.700, 000 bushels. Total American and European supply in creased 835.000 bushels. Corn United States and Canada, creased 54.000 bushels. Oats United States and Canada, creased 56,000 bushels. By the WHITE STAR LINE Alternate Sailing from New Tork Boston by the Sixth CRUISE ol w AD ADI-fT tne 2i.IWi.lJ I IS To MADEIRA, SPAIN MEDITERRANEAN PORTS PALESTINE - AND EQYPT 4 r sr-isrv .sr awe m m l uuiiLlvi 1 J Cedric""CeltIc Largest Stsssisrs la Ike sra-le. sis Dm CKETIC. CANOriC and ROMANIC Seed lor Ssiliee Li ssd iflartntW Praa-rssi la say OAcs er Agflaey Leaves NEW YORK JAMUABY HOtta. ltl Al sip-SMfS inrlsAirl ler 73 47 at $400 and np For Beautiful fnanm givine Act nortacvlars. mrUtCM V1BS Iilf. . White Star Line, Seattle, or Local Agenta. ln-In- Grain at San Frantrlsco. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 28. Wheat and barley, firm. pot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $l.S03tl.S5; milling, $1.82. Barley Feed, $1.45 91.47; brewing, $1.47 01. 48. Oats Red. $1.6091.70; white, $1.6081.65; black, $2.402l5. v Call-board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley May. $1.6114; December, $1.45. Com Large yellow, $1.70311.75. Grain at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 23. Wheat. Decem ber, $1.04?d; May. $1.05 1.05 ; Cash, Nb. 1. nam.. ji.imafl'Hiift; iso. 1 wortnern, $l.O6(&1.06; No. 2. $104 .1.04. Flax. $1.78'. Corn. No, 8 yellow, 5!60e. Oats, No. 3 white. 374i3Sc. Rye, No. 2, 6S4460c. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Nov. 23. Cargoes firmer. In sympathy with America. -Walla Walla, for shipment. Bd higher, at 40s 3d. English country markets, quiet ' but steady; French country markets, firm. the business In bankers bills at $4. 83753-4.63 80 1 Michigan 6Nortli Butteli.; i PERSONALMENTION. B. X. Stevens, of Salem, is at Ramapo. Judge Foley, of Montana, Is at the Hotel Oregon. His home la at Helena. K. S. Snelling:, a prominent attorney of Cathlamet, is a truest of the Imperial Hoter. F. It. Beala. a prominent merchant of Tillamook, is in the city registered at the Perkins. IL C. Atwell. of Forest Grove, presi dent of the State Horticultural Society, is a guest at the Cornelius. Howard S. Dudley and J. r. Hurd. prominent timber and land operators of Medford, are registered at the Portland. D. H. Welch, who has a prominent part in the commercial world of As toria, arrived at the Corneliua last night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ford, of S2 East Eleventh street, are receiving congratu lations on the birth last Saturday .of a daughter. Charles French, an old Portlander, arrived in the city yesterday. He Is now a Government appointee at Wash ington. K. H. Cox, of San Francisco, in charge of the Western affairs of the Booth-Kelly dumber Company, Is a guest at the Portland Hotel. CharJea-R Hurley, of Tacoma, head i of the Hurley-Mason Company, Is visit ing Portland on business and is regis tered at the Portland. E. H. Cox, general manager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, is at the Hotel Portland in conference with his business associates. Aubrey L. White, a Spokane millionaire connected with J. P. Graves In the Spo kane Traction Company, and wife and Miss Simms are guests at the Portland Hotel. Ex-Senator McBrlde, with his family, arrived at the Nortonia yesterday morning. They have been summering in the country for the health of the Senator, J. G. Bellows arrived from Copper River, Alaska, at the Hotel Perkins yesterday morning, and has met a num ber of people who Are interested in that district. At the Hotel Perkins is William Dun can, one of the oldest missionaries of the Evangelical churches to Alaska. He is the founder of the town of Mel- lakahtle. Rolla G. Lafferty, of Portland; W. H. Holmes, of Salem, and George A Weldon, of Palouse, Wash., have been admitted to practice as attorneys be fore the Interior Department. H. F. Davidson, president of the Davidson Fruit Company at Hood River, arrived at the Perkins last night. He states tltat since the an nouncement of the awards at the National Apple Show the Inquiries for Oregon fruit have materially increased. According to A. A. Jayne, an attorney of Hood River, who arrived at the Im perial last night, there will be no lack of Thanksgiving produce in the vicinity of Warrendale, the scene of Monday's wreck on the O. R. & N. He says that turkeys, chickens, pigs and beef are scattered all over the scene of the wreck. NEW YORK, Nov. 23. (Special.) Northwestern people registered at New Tork hotels today as follows: From Portland G. A. Stockdale, at the Latham; P. J. Walsh, at the Grand Union. From Spokane W. H. Wright, at flie St. Andrew. From Seattle Mrs. A. W. Hlggins, at the Marie Antoinette; C. M. Best, Mrs. C. M. Best, at the Hoffman; F. M. Holmes and wife, at the Navarre; J. S. Wheeler, at the Herald Square; J. W. Spangler, W. I Patterson, at the Hotel Astor; H. K. Stone, at the Bartholdl; J. B. Alger, at the Park Avenue. - , TWO COMPLAINTS FILED written the Commlselon that he shipped a package of household goods to Port land, prepaying the freight of 3.6S. At Portland, he claims, they were held for additional charges and the shipper was not notified. When the goods wer finally restored to the shipper they had been stored for a year and the railroad company collected $4.65 storage. IWILWAUKIE CASE CLOSES Decision on S-Cent Fare Matter Ex pected in Six Weeka. SALEM. Or., Nov. 23. (Special.) The case of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company vs. the Oregon State Railroad Commission was argued in Su preme Court today. This Is the case in which the railroad company refused to put a five-cent fare into effect betwoen Portland and Milwaukle, as ordered by the Railroad Commission. A number of Milwaukle people were in attendance on the hearing. At the original hearing, about three years ago, the Portland suburb objected to tha payment of a ten-cent fare and asked for a ruling giving them transfer prlvlliges when their streetcars reached the city limits. Their case was sustained by Judge Galloway, of Marlon County, and an appeal wae taken by the corpora- , tlon. A decision of the controversy is expected in about six weeks. A Russian bank in Huei-toa Avra - direct line of Russian steamers to South America are protected t St p.i.,h owing to the continued Increase of Russian -..mi 11 American irarte. I TRAVELERS GCmiS. SAX FRAN. PORTLAND a 8. CO. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland, 4 P. M. UN. HaiiMiH City, Nov. 2, lec. 10. S3. Rose City, Dec. 3, 17, etc. From Pier 40, San Francisco. II A. M. MS Kow City, Nov. 27, lec. 11. SM. Kanxas City, Dec. 4. 1H. M. J. K41CHE, C. T. A., 142 Sd St.. J. W. Ransom, Dock Agent, Ainsworth Dock. Main 402; A 1402. Phones Main 2X8: A 1234. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. State Railroad Commission Hears From Coast Shippers, SALEM, Or., Nov. ' 23. (Special.) The State Railroad Commission received a complaint today from T. P. Fish, of To ledo, Lincoln County, to the effect that one of three cases of shoes shipped In July from St. Louis has been lost and that the Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany has failed to take any action to make the lose good. The case of goods is -alued at $68.70. Walter 8. fiimpson,. of andon, . haa For Eureka San Fran cisco and Los Angeles direct. Sail every Tues day at S P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder. 1'hones M. 1S14, A 1114. Send for folder. H. YOUNG, Agt. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port- ' land every Wednesday, a P. Al., from Alns worth dock, for Sorlh Bend. Marshtleld and Coos Bay polnta Freight received until 4 P. M. on day of sailing. Passengsr fare, first class. $10; second-class. $7. including berth and meals. Inquire olty ticket office. Third and Washington street, or Alnswortb dock. Phone Main 268. CANADIAN PACIFIC WEEKLY EAILI-NOS BETWEEN MON TREAL. QUEBEC AND LIVBRPOOU Nothing bettsr on the Atlantic than out Empresses, 'wireless on all steamera F. R. JOHNSON. P. A. ;- -ThIrl-St., -Portland, -fin