THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 34, 1909. MILK LI TO PASS; DAIRYMEN WILLIE Food Commissioner Bailey Recognized and Will En force Ordinance. Is NEW LAMP POST IS VETOED Proposal to Introduce Design That Limits Competition In Lighting In Favor W ith Neither the Mayor Xor Council. In all probability, the City Council, which will meet at 9:30 o'clock this morning, will pass the proposed pure milk ordinance, drafted by a committee of citizens at the request of Mayor Simon. It has been recommended for passage bv the Committee on Health and Police. Also. Ptate Dairy and Food Commis sioner Bailey Das given assurance that , n-m Ho il in his power to assist in Its enforcement. The dairymen seem sat isfied to work under its provisions. Mayor Simon and his committee and Commissioner Bailey and the dairymen m,t aether at the City Hall yesterday morning, at which the situation was nd Mr. Bailey assured those present that he stands ready to aid In nforcin anv pure-miiK ia. i"c iov rpntp. an Inspection system and provides for Inspectors not to exceed three, who shall work not more than four months each year In cleaning up the dairies and testing the herds. Com- rr,ilnt,er Bailey's office is nuiy recw nlzcd In the ordinance, and he has power to name anv of the city's Inspectors ,i,t d.nniiMi. for the purpose of giving them authority to Inspect herds outside the city limits. Mayor Simon's veto of the ordinance designating a certain type of lamp-posts - on the East Side will be sus- hr the Council, nrobably by unanl , ... vnio ntr Engineer Morris and manv others declare that the style of post is bad, and should not be sancuonea. Th.r. no. n remonstrance against It by business men. also. It is said that the post eliminates competition in lighting, -hih the Mjivor will not tolerate. t. i n-nhnhle that the Council will adopt the report of the street committee, w...rr,monriinir that Portland and Wil lamette boulevards be not taken over by the municipality. Councilman Ellis made this recommendation, owing to the great nrn,..t that tu made when he an- mmr-e the nlan to take over those crnfares and to have them Im proved. While the county owns them, it maintains them without cost to the abut ting property, and the Interests tnus ai fected do not wish the change. MARY WELCH WILL ASSIST Miss Loverldge Is Given Help as Hospital Superintendent. After 20 years of continuous service as superintendent of the oooa oamart tan Hospital. Miss Emily L. Loverldge, hii tm remaining in active control, will be assisted by Miss Mary G. W elch, superintendent of nurses, who has been annointed assistant superintendent. Th. xhnnirA will be made December 22, Miss R. M. Jolly has been appointed nunerlntendent of nurses, uuier bp polntments made with the Idea of sys tematizing the hospital work are: Miss r.nri H. Slater, surgical nurse, and Miss Gertrude Corey, night superin- Th. renutatlon Miss Welch has made with the training school for nurses will her retirement a matter of re- wrmt to local nhvsiclans. Although rirH dlsclnllnarlan. Miss Welch Is not unpopular with the nurses, owing to the- fair-minded manner In which she deals with matters affecting the esprit r,f ttijt tr.lnlnff school. Miss Jolly, the new stfperlntendent of nurses. era duated In 1895 from the -Rnisconal Hospital at Philadelphia and has continued in active work ever since. After spending two years in a departmental position In her alma ma er Miss Jollv was appointed superin tendent of Columbia Hospital. Colum bia. S. C and for the past five years has been superintendent of Cottage state HoBDltal. Phillipsburg. Pa- It was Intended that Miss Jolly should take uo her position three months ago, hut the sudden death of two nieces and the long illness of her sister after the three had partaken of some poisonous article of diet, caused a postponement In her plans. Miss Slater graduated from a Buffalo hosDltal and has latterly been in charge of a floor of a Seattle hospital, while Miss Corey graduated from and .has held executive positions In the County Hospital of Ixs Angeles and other In stltutions. TAILOR IS OWN DETECTIVE Theft of Cloth Thought to Revea Systematic Stealing. Ixiuis Weismandel. the Troprletor of cleaning and pressing establishment, at ?J Fourth street, was arrested last night upon a warrant charging him with the larceny of ten yards of cloth, which were stolen from the tailor shop or William I.lnd, 2S4 Yamhill street, on the night of October 1. Welsmandcl's arrest is the culmination of systematic detective work on the part of Mr. Lind. the victim of tlie robbery. When Mr. IJnd's place was broken Into he secured samples of the same kind of material which had been stolen from him and sent them to all of the dry goods houses and pawnshops in the city. Weis madcl applied yesterday afternoon at the wholesale house of McBrlde & Co., at Fifth and Alder streets, and attempt ed to buy a piece of goods, showing the same sample sent in with a warning by 1,1 nd. While they occupied Weismandel by showing him other goods, one of the employes of the wholesale house no tified Mr. kind, who notified Captain Moore, of the detective department. An officer was sent to take Weismandel Into custody. A search of his place revealed the piece of stolen cloth. He said that a man had sold it to Mm. Weismandel'a case had greatly Inter ested the detective department. It Is said that a small gang of clothes thieves exists In the city which operates from one or two pressing establishments which act of "fences." LAST FIGHT ON SALOONS The Dalles Preacher Delivers His Final Assault. THE DALLES. Or.. Nov. 23. (Special.) Rev. D. V. Poling delivered what he announced would be the last of bis serie of addresses on local conditions at the Congregational Church laet night. The talk for the most part was deliv ered in a dramatic and sensational man ner, and air. roung wem num treme to the other in his remarks con cerning The Dalles. After saying ino town was known from Apusta, Ale., to the state of California as being one 01 the most wide open cities on the Pacific Coast, he concluded by referring to It as one of the best and most beautiful munici palities of its size. Dr. Poling announced at me conclu sion of the services that in compliance with numerous requests he would address a mass meeting to be held at the opera- house tonight. Under the heading. "Reform fcociety, local paper makes the following an nouncement: "The right to the use 01 this column has been purchased by the Reform Society of The Dalles." no constitute the membership and who h officers of the society are. is not known. Owlni to the absence from the city ot Prosecutor Menefee. caused by the death gTEAMEB 1XTEIXIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Nsroe. From. Date. Breakwater, .v. .Coos Bay. ... In port Arm Tillamook In port Kiniu City. . . fcan rancico ; Sue H. Elmore. TlllamooK Nov. Falcon San Francisco Nov. Alliance Cool Bay Nov. F.oenoke.. San Pedro... Nov. Rom City San Franclaco Nov. Geo. W. Klder. .San Pedro. . . Dec. 2t J4 '. n 3 vanHk Thun. . .Honckone. . . .fan. Eelja Hongkong . ..Indefl't Scheduled to Depart. Nam:. For. Date. Aro Tillamook. ...Nov. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... Nov. Breakwater Coos Bay Nov. v.iinn San Francisco Nov. 24 24 24 26 Kansas City. . . San Francisco Nov. -'. Alliance Coos Bay Nov. -7 Roanoke -San Pedro... Nov. JO Pose City San Francisco Dec. 3 Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. .. Dec. 7 Henrlk Ibien. . Hongkong. .. .Ian. 12 Selja Hongkong. . . Entered Tuesday. J. B. Stetson. Am. steamship (Bon I field), with general cargo from San Francisco. Breakwater. Am. steamship (Mac uran), with general cargo from Coos Bay. Tamalpals. Am. steamship (Ander son), with ballast from San Fran cisco. Cleared Tuesday. J. B. Stetson. Am. steamship (Bon lfleld), with 200.000 feet of lumber for San Franclaco. Breakwater. Am. steamship (Mac genn). with general cargo for Coos Bay. Hornet. Am. steamship (Marxen), with 700.000 feet of lumber for San Francisco. Tamalpals. Am. steamship (Ander son), with 650.000 feet of lumber for San Pedro. of a relative, no action has been taken against the saloon keepers charged with selling liquor to minors. KANSAS CITY OVER BUR STEAMER FINALLY REACHES ASTORIA PORT. Santa Clara's Passengers Will Miss Thanksgiving ,Day at Home. ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 23. (Special.) The steamer Kansas City crossed in tms morning after remaining outside the bar nearly 2 hours on account of the gale. The vessel was In no danger at any time and passed In over a moderate bar this morning. The steamer Santa Clara, which la still bar-bound here, with no chance of getting out before tomorrow, at least, has on board several passengers who were en route to San Francisco to nnnd Thanksgiving with relatives. Captain Oueguen. of the French bark David d'Angers. arriving from London, renorts SDeaking the British ship Wis- combe Park on October 31. In latitude 16:17 north, longitude 121:20 west. The ship was 16 days out from San Francisco for Liverpool and reported "all well. AMPHIBIAN IS PUZZLER Creature With Slimy Coat Found Far From Its River Home. In the heavy rain storm about 8 o'clock -esterdav morning. H. M. Grant, who live at Thurman and Thirty-first streets, Willamette Heights, discovered on his lawn a strange creature. A few folk who saw it say it is a water dog, but most of those to whom it was shown don know its name, habits or habitation. Evidently it is an amphibious animal. This specimen is about 10 Inches lonjf. with iiKlv bulging eyes and a slimy coat, If It is a water dog. how did it succeed In climbing an elevation of 200 feet above the river level? What instinct prompted It to seek such a height? One man as serted that very young animals have been conveyed In water pipes and released at the faucet, but this one is large enough to choke an Inch and a half pipe. ' Mr. Grant has no theories on the sub ject. He Is simply the discoverer and the captor, and he submitted alive in a tin bucket the evidence itself, not his notes, to the members of Portland's informal zoological society, who visited his offioe in the Chamber of Commerce building. A CLEVERSCHEME. A home Thanksgiving dinner minus work. Order your pumpkin and mince pies. Royal plum pudding and a box of Pearce's nut chocolate from the Royal today and. have your pies freshly baked for tomorrow. Either branch. Royal Ba kery & Conf., Inc. Only One "BRPMO QtlNINE." That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUI NINE. Tronic for the signature of E. W. GROVE, t ied the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 23c that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold." druggists. Book contain- ing valuable information mailed free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta, Ga. QRMK QUESTION IS TO BE THRESHED Public Meeting Is Called for Monday to Settle Lease of City's Property. FULL DISCUSSION ASKED Superintendent Mcintosh Asked to Resign and Foreman Johnson Is Put In Charge $25,000 Worth of Bonds Sold at Premium. Members of the sub-committee, repre senting the Port or r-oruana, m ranged for a public meeting at 3:30 o'clock next Monday afternoon, when tney win hear arguments for and against the pro posed leasing of the city's dry dock to private interests. Every person having anything to say on the subject is asked to attend the conference in the rooms of the Port of Portland at the City Hall. W. D. Wheelwright is chairman of the sub committee which has called the meeting. The other members are J. C. Ainsworm and C. F. Adams. The Port of Portland held a special meeting yesterday afternoon, and after the routine business has been disposed of, went Into executive session, when the res lunation of Robert Mcintosh, superintend ent of the municipal dry dock, was re ceived and accepted. No action was taken towards selecting a successor to Mr. Mc intosh, although it was announced that the drydock temporarily would be in charge of the foreman, C. L. Johnson. This arrangement probably will be con tinued until the question of the advisa bility of leasing the plant is finally de termined. H tendered mv resignation, said Mr. Mcintosh, after the meeting, "because it was requested. I was given to understand by the members of the Port of Portland that they desired to dispense with the sen-Ices of superintendent as a measure of economy. I complied and submitted my resignation." "The request for the resignation of Mr, Mcintosh was purely for economical rea sons." supplemented C. F. Swlgert. presi dent of the Port of Portland. "We did not feeel we could afford to employ both a superintendent and a foreman, and for .the present the foreman will perform the duties of both positions." Mr. Mcintosh had been In the employ of the port as superintendent of the dry? dock for about six years. The Job paid a salary of J20O a month. At yesterday's meeting the commis sioners accepted the bid of the Security Savings & Trust Bank for 25.O0O wortii of bonds, payable July 1. 1911. This insti fution's bid carried with it a premium of J358. The only other bid submitted was from W. F. White, whose proposal included a premium of J250. The proceeds of this bond sale will be applied to the payment of the first in stallment of 25 per cent on the contract cost of the tug Oneonta. which is being built by the Willamette Iron & Steel Com pany, and will be used on the bar. The initial payment on its construction cost fell due yesterday. Pilot Goes to Sleep on Watch. William Dunn, formerly pilot on the steamer Weown. who, or. October 18, ran the vessel on the rocks at Cape Horn, has pleaded guilty to being asleep on watcli before Local Inspectors Edwards and Fuller. The Weown was bound up stream and the pilot went to sleep. The vessel struck the cliffs of Cape Horn a glancing blow and a portion of the guards was torn away. Dunn made no de fense He admitted that he was the cause of the accident. The extent of punishment that will be meted out . to the pilot has not been determined upon by the board. Steamers Load With Lumber. RAYMOND, Wash., NoV. 23. (Special.) The barkentlne Benicia is loading lum ber at the Qulnault Lumber Company's mill for San Pedro; the steamer Saginaw is loading at the same mill for San Diego. The. steamer Wasp is loading at the Willapa Lumber Company's mill for San Pedro. The steamer J. Marhoffer is load ing at the Columbia Box & Lumber Company's mill for San Francisco. The schooner Wanona is loading at the Siler Mill Company's mill for Guaymas, Mex ico. Kansas City Arrives 24 Hours Late. Fullv 24 hours late from San Francisco, the steamship Kansas City. Captain Kid ston. arrived up last evening at 6:30 o'clock. She crossed in at 8 yesterday morning, having been outside the bar for several hours on account of the heavy weather prevailing. The Kansas City brought passengers and freight. Dredge Oregon Comes Off Drydock. In command of Captain Charles Peters, the dredge Oregon, of the United States Engineers' fleet, will leave the latter part of the week for Grays Harbor. The dredge was lowered from the Port of Portland drydock yesterday and towed to the Government mooring near ciaremont. She will be placed in shape to be towed around and will be ready within a few days. Marino Notes. The steamship Breakwater is scheduled to sail for Coos Bay ports this evening at 8 o'clock. The steam schooner Olympic dropped down from St. John to Linnton yester day afternoon. E. A. Beals, District Forecaster, spent yesterday in Portland. Mr. Beals Is visit ing stations of the Northwest. With passengers 'snd freight for San Is to love children, and no home can be completely happy without them, yet the ordeal through, which the expectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear mm POISOIl TUIEDTO TCHIHG ECZEMA On Hands and Face Torment Pre vented Sleep Sufferer Had to Give Up His Work Specialists and "Cures" Utterly Failed. IS CURED AND CALLS CUTICURA WORLD'S BEST while a conductor. I was poisoned from the brass railings on the cars. I contracted salt-rheum or eczema on my hand. In wiping the perspiration from my face, I poisoned my nose and ohm ana was nnauio to shave. I had to give up ray position and was treatea dt specialism, to no avail. I tried every remedy I was told rf and j-w-.1t bo much medicine that I felt like a walking drug shop. The doctors could only relieve me for a little while. . t. " One day I chanced to see a Cuticura advertisement and thought I would try the Cutioura Remedies, but I had no faith at the time as I had been deceived by so many so-caMed 'oures. After three applications of Cuticura Oint ment, the itching ceased and after using two boxes I was completely cured and shaving does not interfere with it what soever. My nose is as clear as ever and I am now a well man both in bod v and mind. I consider the Cuticura Rem edies to be the best in the world and I trust some poor sufferer will see this and be benefited thereby. "I used Cuticura-Soap, Ointment and Pills I can also sav the suffering was Intense. It itched and burned eo that it was impossible to sleep but thanks to the wonderful Cuticura Remedies I am now well. I enclose my Photo graph which vou may publish. Harold Ayers, 783 Jefferson Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 7 and 19, 1908." For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irrita tions, inflammations and other un whole some conditions of the skin and scalp .r.4 for the Drevention of the same, as weU as for the sanative, antiseptio cleansing of ulcerated, inflamed mucous .nrl other uses which readily suggest themselves to women, Cuticura HrtATk Ann I ULlCUrtt villliucui, wl when neceesarr by Cuticura Resolvent, are indlsDeiwaDle. Sold throughout the world. Potter Dm 4 Chum. n-i- Tna Dintnn TM SreuSmr Bk. mllVa tree, tells .11 miOw netd to know bout treatment nd cure ol nundreoi ot dlaeaaes ot tne sun sc&ip uu uw. Pedro and way ports, the Bteamamy den w. Elder sailed last evening. with a full careo of lumber for an EVnnrlKcn the steam schooner Shna-Yak sailed at 7 o'clock yesterday morning:. Mrs. John McNulty. wife of the local hvdroeranher. has returned to Portland from a visit with relatives in New York. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND. Nov. 23. Arrived Steam hln Kansas i City. Irom aan rw'- .t,iT, Ttainlar. from San Franclaco; .te-mnhin Yosemite. from San Francisco. Sailed Steamship George W. Elder, for San Pedro and way; steamship Slma-ian, ior San Francisco. Nov. 23. Condition at th. mouth of the river at 6 P. M. Rough; wind south, 36 miles; weather cloudy. Arrived Astoria, yjr at 7:30 and left up at 10:30 A M.. steamer vni. frnm Sa.n Francisco. Arrived at 8 nd left tiD at 10 A. M.. steamers Kansas ft... D.tnifl. fmm .San Francisco. Ieft up at 10:30 A. M.. French bark Neuilly. San Francisco. ov. - e.n- hi .ir r.j!co. from Portland. Sailed at" 12 noon, steamer Catania, for Portland. Sailed at 3 P. M-. steamer, lumbia River. Sailed yesterday. for Co- steamer Tallac, for Portland. San Pedro, Nov. 23. Arrived yesterday, steamer Geo. W. Fenwlck, from Columbia 'V5I -c m- Arrived Steam er Jim Butler. Grays Harbor. Sailed steam er Mancnuria, nong jvus; -arlne. Hllo; steamer Catania. Portland, steamer Umatilla, Victoria; steamer Willapa. Willapa Harbor: steamer Coaster, Astoria. Los Anselea, Nov. 23. Arrived Steamer r.,nr from Seattle: steam schooner Wellesley, from Coos, Bay. Salled Roanoke. for Portland; steamer snmin. for Seattle; steam Steamer Admiral schooner Carter, fr Portland . . , Seattle! Nov. 23. Arrived Steamers Buckman. Mackinaw and Washtenaw, from San Francisco. SailedSteamer Tamplco, for San FranciBCO via Everett; steamer San Mateo, for Everett; Japanese steamer Akl Maru, for the Orient; steamer Arlzonan. for Tacoma; steamer Queen, for San Francisco; ateamer J. L Luckenbach. for Comox. Tacoma, Nov. 23. Arrived Kosmos liner t. Kan "FranclBco: steamer Arl- soran. from Seattle: schooner W. H. Tal- I bot. from Port Townsend : steamer Watson. WONDERFUL LASTING SPEEDY CURES PLACE ME WITHOUT A SUPERIOR Use Every Scientific System to CURE FOREVER the Mast Stub born Cases of AILMENTS OF MEN, and MUST Say My Twenty YEARS' Experience Has Been Most Satisfactory to ME, CALL and Today It Is an Undisputed Fact That I Have DON'T TODAY the largest Practice in Portland in My Specialty. DELAY Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Until Benefited For the Next Few Days MY FEES DURING THE ABOVE PERIOD WILL BE HALF OF THAT CHARGED BY OTHER SPECIALISTS Nervous Diseases Do you feel that you are not the man yon once ere? Do you feel tired In the morning and easily exhausted? Is your back lame? Is your memory failing? Do you have! difficulty in concentrat ing your thoughts? Do vou notice a loss of am bition? If yoji suffer from any or all of the above symptoms you cer tainlv do not desire to remain so. What you want is to be made strong and vigorous mentally, as nature intended. I Cure It In 30 to 60 Day Quick results, lasting cures. I Am No Incurable Cases Accepted VARICOSE VEIVS. TISSUE WASTE.' PIMPLES. HEADAtKE. LAME KIDNEY OR BLADDER DISEASES ARE MICKLV, SAFELY AXD SURELY CURED FOREVER. Last vear I cured many cases that had failed to get even a little relief, though 'thev had spent hundreds of dollars. I solicit particularly those who have failed elsewhere, and who are anxious to be made well and strong, no matter how long you have suffered. I will cure any case of niti'pasthfvia or BLOOD POISON in the world or will not ask a sln gle pnn y "or iir servfeisT With my methods failure is impossible if I accept the case. Free Museum for Education of Men It Is well worth your while even though you do not need a Doctor to visit our wonderful FREE exhibit. I DO NOT PATCH UP. I CURE FOREVER. Call to see me If possible. Write MEDICINES FROM THE OREGON MEDICAL HOURS 9 A. M. TO 8 P. M. SUNDAYS. 10 A. M. TO 13 O'CLOCK. SEPARATE PARLORS FOR PRIVACY. FECIAL The doctor GUESSES. The doctor TREATS. The doctor relieves the symptoms. A good doctor has SOME instruments and equip ment for all ailments. MEN'S AILMENTS MY SPECIALTY I have treated hundreds o, men SvT'inV and thoroughly scientific methods of To those in doubt as to their true U"at-vrr anyone. I tr at curable cases only Free Museum Dr. Taylor's $10,000 Mu seum of Anatomy Now Open. FREE TO" MEN OBSTRUCTIONS My treatment Is absolutely painless, and perfect re sults can be depended upon in every instance. I do no cutting or dilat ing whatever. Offlee Hoiiri A. M. to P. M. Dally Snnd7. 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Co. FOR EVERY Persons who at middle age should feel the full strength and energy of youth are often rheumatic, nervous, irritable and inclined to worry tow much. There are spells of utter weari ness, life is made miserable by con stant lameness and dull backache and sleep is disturbed with pain and dis tressing urinary disorders. You have tried to shake this off and wonder why you can't. Probably you have missed . the hidden cause sick kidneys. Prompt treatment with Doan's Kidney Pills would right things quickly. An active life weakens the kidneys and something must be done to stimu late the little filters of the blood, to keep them working as they should. Every day of your life the 'blood gathers up a dangerous amount of uric poison, and if the kidneys do not pass it all off with the urine, there is bound to be serious trouble. Uric acid weights the blood, clogs the circula tion, weakens the heart, dulls the brain, irritates the nerves and forms little jagged crystals in . the muscles and Joints that cause acute pain when these parts are moved. These pains you know as sciatica, rheumatism. DOAN'S KIDNEY Ite Sold by all dealers, If Unguis' IttYMirnwys from San Francisco and down Sound ports. Hongkong. Nov. 23. Sailed Steamer Monteagle. for Vancouver. Port Said, Nov. 23. Arrived Steamer Antilochus, from Clyde for Tacoma. Tides at Astoria Wednesday. High. Low. 10:10 A. M S.8 feot!3:S8 A. M 4.S5 feet 11:00 P. M....T5 feetU:55 P. M. 0.3 feet Trunks, suitcases and bags. Largest variety at Harris TrunK tJk Blood Diseases may be either hereditary or contracted. The for mer causes eczema, rheu matism, pains, etc. The latter begins with a small pimple, followed by sores In the mouth and throat, which have the appear ance of white patches, spots or sores on the body, face or scalp, fall ing hair and eyebrows, and later on other terrible symptoms such as paraly sis or locomoter ataxia, cancerous g r o w t hs, de cayed bones and flesh. I Overcome It In AO Days. Symptoms disappear in 1 to 8 weeks. for Men I DIAGNOSE BY EXCLUSION. NO MISTAKES MADE. for question list If you cannot call. 1.50 to $6.50 A COURSE. INSTITUTE 201 Vi Morrison St. Portland. Oregon. The specialist KNOWS. The specialist CURES. "The specialist goes farther and removes the cause. A good specialist has ALL scientific mechanical aids for his specialty. wn "f&on 0rlK,na1' dUt,nC treatment i employ Berious resulU that may follow neglect. condition Y0; If your case is one of the treatment, nor will I urge my services upon and cure all cases I treat. CONTRACTED AILMENTS. Every case of contracted ailment I treat is thoroughly cured; my patients have no relapses. When I pronounce a case cured there is not a particle of Infection or inflamma tion remaining, and there is not the slightest danger that the disease will return to its original form or work its way into the general sys tem No contracted ailment Is so trivial as to warrant uncertain methods of treatment, and I ejP" ciallv solicit those cases that other doctors have been unable to cure. YOU PAY WHEN CURED Consultation and Diagnosis Free ILL THERE But Many Tired, Rheumatic, Nervous People Don't Know How to Find It. "Every Picture Price 5o cents. Foster-Muburn Co., Buffalo. N.Y.. Proprietors RHEUMATISM Call -for Free Uricsol Booklet on Treatment and Diet, at Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland, or write to Uricsol Chemical Co., Los An geles, Cal. CGeeWo INE CHINESE DOCTOR This craat ChlneM doctor Is well knows throughout tn Northwest because of his wonderful ind marvelous cures, and Is todar her alded br all his oatlents as the rreatest of hie kind. He treats an and all dleeaaes with powerful Chlneee roote. herbs and barke that are entirely unknown to the medical eclonee of thl country. With these harmless remedlet be suarantees to cure catarrh, asthma. Ions; troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney troubles, alee private diseases of men and women. CONSULTATION FREE. Patients outside of city write for blanks snd circulars Inclose 4e stamp. The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 16ZV& First St.. Near Morrtsoa. Portland. Or. BING CHOONG CHINESE DOCTOR Blng Choons; Medicine Co., 133 First st, Portland Or. Gen tlemen I take pleasure in statin? that your treatments for throat, liver and lungs have given a speedy cure, and heart ily recomm end your treatments. H. L. GOODWIN. Vancouver, Wash. OT T TOI Inir(H-t. AskffwClil.ClTEft.TER1 DIAliU.ND BRAND PILLS, for 841 van known as Best. Safest. Aiwa Rcliabla L SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYUJ Judical AM jwr vniniiiori V bt-c.-ir's IMftmond UodAl 1MIU In Red and 41 old netaUlcXT boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Vi Tak other. Bar f tobp DR. TAYLOR, The Leading Specialist. VARICOSE 'EI'S. Without using knife, ligature or caustic, without pain and without detention from Dusiness I cure Varicose Veins in one week. If you have sought a cure elsewhere and been disappointed, or If you fear the harsh methods that most phy sicians employ in treating this dis ease, come to me and I will cure you soundly and permanently by a gentle and painless method. Don t delav. Varicose Veins have their dangers and bring their disastrous results. If you will call I will be pleased to explain my method of CUSPECIFIC BLOOD POISON No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but harmless blood cleansing remedies that re move the laat poisonous taint. Ailing; Men Out of Town Who Can not call, Write for Dlafnoala Chart. 2341 Morrison Street Cor. Second, Portland, Or. IS A CAUSE lumbago,, gout or neuralgia, accoraing to where they occur. Uric acid grains are seen as sediment in the urine. Passages become irregular scanty and painful. Night calls annoy and weary you. Bloating occurs in time, agonizing attacks of gravel, and there is danger of running into dropsy, stone In the kidney, diabetes or Brlght s disease. Don't allow the kidney trouble to get worse. Start using Doan's Kidney Pills which have cured thousands and must surely help you. PORTLAND PROOF. Mrs. A. M. Kollabaugh. 328 Grant street. Portland, Or., says. "For two or three years my kidneys were dis ordered and caused me much annoy ance. Unlike most cases, I did not suf fer a great deal from backache, being bothered principally by Irregular and painful passages of the kidney secre tions. Learning about Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured a suppjly at the Laue Davis Drug Co. I soon felt their bene ficial effects and after I had finished the contents of one box, my condition had Improved In every way. I hold a very high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills and cheerfully recommend them." PILLS inkfRiiBisTha Its Yw Iw THAT ARE AILING, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN COME TO ME AND BE CURED I See All My Patients THE DOCTOR Personally. THAT CURES. I hire no substitutes and have no medi cs I company. FEE FOR A CURE is lower than any specialists in the city, half that other charge you and no exorbitant price for medicine. I am an expert specialist, have had 30 years' practice in the treatment of diseases of men. My offices are the best equipped In Portland. My methods ara modern and up-to-date. My cures ara quick and positive. I do not treat symp toms and patch up, I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, remove it and thus cure the disease. I CI KB Varicose Veins, Contracted Ailments, Piles and Specific Blood Pol son and All Ailments uf Men. CL'HK OK NO PAI I am the only specialist in Portland who makes no charge unless the patient Is entirely satisfied with the results accomplished, and who Kives a written Guarantee to refund every dollar paid for aervlcea If a complete and permanent cure is not effected. fluT Visit Dr. LIndsay"a prlvata Museum of Anatomy and know thyself, in health and disease. Ad mission free. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. DR. LINDSAY Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.: Sun days 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. 128 Second St., Cor. of Alder, - . Portland, Oregea. Women a Specialty The well known S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Company, with wonderful herbs and roots, has cured many suffer- JS jjfJ'.V ers when all other rtniedles sL-rist'i-Js have failed. Sure cure for ' L V,rHi female, chronic, prlvata dle MRS S K nHAN- nervousness, blood pol llllltf.lJ.n.lllll80n rheumatism. asthma, throat, lung trouble, consumption, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No operation. Honest treatment. Examination for ladles by Mrs. S. K. Chan. THE CHINESE MEDICINE CO.. 226V4 Morrison St., Bet. First and Second. Portland, Oregon. INJECTION BROU Gives Prompt and Effectual Relief without inconvenience, in the MOST OBSTINATE CASES No other treatment required. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. i.illttnartlri! J 5 MEN 1 iiisaHsUa'ta&i V. a