13 Centrally Located Modern Improvements IMPERIAL JJOTEL Headquarters "There's Eeason' Seventh and Washington PhiL MeUchan & Son. Props. Voum Distance Phon la Every Room. Rates $1.00, THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN FLAX HODERX KESTAUBANT COM QNB """"" POT, T. AW. CORNER SEVENTH 'AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up EUROPEAN PLAN WRIGHT - DICKINSON HOTEL CO, Props. tneater. F. J. Richardson, Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. BEAUTIFUL GRILL ROOM European Plan Ratea to Families Our Boa Meets All Trains Sample" Suites with Baths lor Commercial Traselers, MODERN COMFORTS MODERATE THE NEW SEWARD Corner 10th and Alder The leading hotel of Portland, opened July 1309. Modern in every detail, furnished la elegance. Most beautiful corner lobby In Northwest. Commodious sample rooms. European plan. Rates $1.50 and up. 'Bus meets all trains. TV. M. SEWARD. Prop. At IPWiH twsPS ate? Newly Furnished Throughout. Private turns. !' , f'- y- ' - w i Chicago's Oldest Kesidcnt Dies. CHICAGO. Nov. 22. Mrs. Rosina Bond HoUnee. who is thought to have resided in Chicago longer than any other person, died at the house of her son. John Holmes yesterday. She had lived here 76 years. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main SM. . aaXREXARlf. Main SM. BlllAN'C OFFICER. Eat n. AMISEMEXTS. TOMORROW NIGHT GRAND MASQUERADE SKATING CARNIVAL Exposition Rink MASKS FOR SALE AT RINK. DOORS OPES AT 7 O'CLOCK. Band Music Every Afternoon and Evening. Roller Skating a Clean. .Wholesome, Exercise. , - f" rsTTP I RE AX ESTATE. ' Z I wat fsta tf , 1 REAL ESTATE. I . - WW irAniv r ' i " I 1 ... m mm $1.50, ' $2.00 kiMhiS. HEADOC A RTHS FOR TOURISTY, sad COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- -special rates made to families and In gle gentlemen. Tbe man,fwat will, ba pleased at all times tn sbow room and TP prices. A mod ern Turkish Bath establishment tn tne hotel. Hi C. BOWERS, Manager. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. Opened June, 1908. A hotel In the very heart of Portland's business ac tivity Onlv hotel equipped with wireless telegraph. Every convenience for comfort of commercial men. Modern in every respect. Kates 1.00 and up. Cafe and grill; music during lunch, dinner and after Pres. a. Swetlnnd, See. PRICES i J -J.-J ' ) - ' - i ..nd THE CORNELIUS "The House of 'Welcome," corner Park and Alder. Portland's newest and most modern hotel. European ,plan. Single, $1.50' and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our omnibus meets all trains. C. W. CORNELIUS. H. E. FLETCHER, Proprietor. v . - Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner FonrteenLh and Washington New Hotel, Elegantly Furnished Rates, $1.00 and Up Special Ratea for Permanent European Plan. Bus Meets AU Trains. ' M. E. FOLEY. PROPRIETOR. CORNER THIRD AND MAIN STS. European Plan Rates $1', $1.50, $2 Pnones In every room. HOTEL COLUMBIA Vancouver, W'nah. 1 Under New Management. MODERN CO 31 FORTS 1,1 VF t-f 1". I C . ' - ' Send Tour Friends Here, the Best Is jione to ijwju i iioiii. First-Class Bar and Cafe in Connection. f ree HUH iJ--fL3 All aia.n-. MRS. SRKTHXA S. PHELPS. Proprietress. Phone Main 621. AMCSEMENT8. MAIN 6. A 10S0. Matinees Ex. Sundays and uouaaya. 15-2S-50S SIGHTS THr-ATER 15-25-5M5B WEEK NOVEMBER I. Florence Bindley, preenting "An After noon at Home." Eva Taylor and Company in "Oreamona." Stella H. Morrlalni. The Four Floor, Rosa Roma, .lohn Birch, Meyers and Rosa. Pictures. Orchestra. .. GRAND WEEK OF NOVEMBER 23. TOM LINTON , AND HIS Jungle Maids 8 PEOPLE 8 ' D...tl..n 1w4n AV. . Horfter & Aaflt Von Mitzel & Manarr1 Joseph luo a mmaft lnza & Lore lis Fred Bauer GrandaM'.ope -? 1 C Anv Cain Matinee Kvery Pay Kxcent Boxes. Evening Performances. 7:30 and Vl5, Lower Floor, II ."c; Balcony.. 15c; Boxes, 50c- PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of All Nations. Week Commencing November 22, 1009. Attraction Extraordinary. t Opt. Stonewall and His Educated Sealion "Dick.". GOLDEN ARDITH In the Roaring Karcelet, "Wanted An Assistant." TV. S Harvey & Go., Swift & Casey, Leo White, Glen Burt. Jarvis, Mann & Jurenda. Popular orlces. Matinee dally. Curtain 2:D0. 7:30 and 9. STAR THEATER UN EQUALED PICTUBB SHOW. Breezv Western Comedy, , "THE BEST MAS WINS" AND 3 OTHER TIMELY NEW THINGS 3 JEAN WILSON. 10c Any Seat. Dally Matinees. Programme Changes Tomorrow. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1909. AMUSEMENTS. . . ' . IttrS.lI.oU. ' r Sale-Houses. '" " : BUNdALOW THEATER and Morrison Phone Main 117: A 4234. I TonlKht 8:15. I I imperial Matinee I Tr,m"rroiv Night. 1 Tomorrow I Henry B. Hatrls Presents James Forbes' Brilliant "ornerly. "THE TRAVELING SALESMAN." Prices 1.0. 75c. 50c. I'm the Assassinator of T-orrow. SEAT SALE orEXS TODAY. THANKSGIVING ATTRACTION BUNGALOW Special Price Matinee Thursday Saturday. Thursday. Friday, Saturday Nights. H RIGHT JORIMER. Stupendous Scenic Spectacle. "The Shepherd King" i Evenings. 1.50 to 50c; Mat. $1.00ioSc. PORTLANP THEATER Main 443 A 70113. Rnsselt Drew Mars. Sam S. & Lee shubert present tonight and four nights, -with Thursday (Thankrgiving day) -naatinee. MR. CHARLES CHERRY, " ."THE BACHELOR" By Clyde Fitch. Prices, evening. 50c to $1.50. Mat. 50c to SI THEATER Main 2, A 53A0 Ceo. l- Baker, Manager Tonlsht All This Week .MU4 Rf"VTI"V4i .e Irramatlratlon of Mary J. Holmes' IHmnul rtory ' "LENA RIVERS" A til..- evervone wants to see. Bargain Mr. Wp'd.. 2.c. all seats. Thanksgiving Mat. ThnniHflV Snnvenir Mat. Sat. Evening prices. to $1; Mats., (except Wed.), 2 and 50c. LYRIC THEATER Phones Mam 465, A 1028. Prices 30. 20 and 10 cents. Tbe Atbon Stock Company.. in THE STRANGE AO VENTURES ' OF MLSS BROWN Gold JWatch Given Away Friday Evening--untines Siinrtftv. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2:15. Every evening at 8:15. Next "The sign or tne r our, oy a. Conan Doyle. NEW TODAY. East Side Income Property 53x50 on East Pine street, near Grand avenue. Rents $51 per month. Price, $8000; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. - Phones, Main 8699, A 2653. IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE CHEAP UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, NEAR COLUMBLA R1VEB. Several desirable desert land relin quishments or assignments; also pat ented land. Ditches all constructed: oldest water right on the Umatilla River; soli volcanic ash, gilt-edge fruit land, within 3 miles of O. R. & N. line. Low price for only short time. Address or call on, W. J. STAPISH. 516 E. Main St., Walla Walla, Wash. A SWELL HOME Beautiful bungalow In a popular district; good car service; only S3 I SO $500 cash handles it, balance on easy monthly payments; this is a beauty and cannot be beat for price and terms; large lot 75x100;"' restricted district; it will be a pleasure to show you this bouse. RABB & PATTON 80 Fifth Street. Williams Ave. Snap Cheapest quarter block on Williams ave.. lOOxlOO. with fine, large, 6-room house. Owner must have money. Price is J8000. but we want your offer. Look at it todav- before some one else snaps it up. cash will handle. Grussi & Zadovv 317 Board of Trade Bldg 4th and Oak Mortgage Loans on . Improved City Property BnlldlDff Loans. Installment Loans. Wm. MacMa'stef 302 Worceater Block. . Great Bargain New modern residence, nine rooms and sleeping porch. First-class in every way; elegantly finished, and tinted; shades and nxtures mciuaea; dcbi lucamy iu i mis' ton. near car. ' Value $SS0O. Price JtWX; $2000 down, bal ance easy. Owner, Y 540. Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and term, to aultt spe cial ratea and favorable terms on large loan, on business properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investors. A.H.BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d A Stark. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS . New 5-room house, everything mod ern and up to dale; hardwood floors; full lot, with fine view. Price, $4250. Easy terms. RUSSELL A BLYTH, Commonwealth Building. Kings Hill We have for sale one of the most desirable residence properties in this exclusive neighborhood; house contains 10 rocmS, with 100x100 feet of land. RUSSELL & BLYTH, Commonwealth Building. WHEAT LAND I handle aiy own wheat land: will take small cash payment, good Port land property or secured notes for first payment, and take ' OSE-HALF of crop until land is paid for. J. O. ELROD, 519-520 Corbett Bid.. Opposite Post office. lOOxlOO Near 23d and Thorman Sts. Price for quick sale $7000. Also 25x100 on Thurman st near 22d. 92000. Half cash. A. BACKUS, 519 Board of Trade Bldg. S5000 INVESTMENT S PEK CENT NET. Over Vi block. West Side. Trackage, two railroads. Splendid speculation. LEWIS, 251 Washington St. GEORGE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. A11 Branches.) 823 Worcester Bldg. Phone Main &S71. A 401s. BUILDING and furniture, net' income 2d0 per month, ball cash, 234 M1U mU In J U WHILE YOU ARE PAYING RENT The other-fellow, who is earning the same Income as you. Is paying for a home of his own at Gregory Heights, and when he gets his home paid for you will still be paving rent unless you turn over a new leaf very soon. Now is the time to get started.. There is nothing to be gained by delay. We sell the lots as low as lloO on terms of Jo cash and $2.50 per month. We alao build homes for all purchasers who desire it for small monthly install ments about equal to present rentals. Gregorv Heights is located in one of Port land's finest residence districts. i S ten a. IV i INVE5TilENT C0. Take Rose City car at Third and Yam hill: go to end of- carline. Office on the property. ' ' Reed Institute May want this, but It Is yours at S1333.33 1-3 An Acre i If You Come First 3 ACRES BARR ROAD, About mile east of Laurelhurst. All , level and adjoining the COUNTRY CLUB. . The last large platting property in the center of Portland, where lots will sell from S600 to SIOOO ' This Is Positively the BEST BARGAIX In Acreage in Portland. $40,000 short time only. v Liberi! Terjns. JOSEPHH.JOHNSTOll OREAirallO; LOAN& RENTALS INSURANCE, 32-3.1 Lafayette Bldg-, Washington and Sixth. THE ADVERTISER la a competent and experienced business mn. well and favorably known In Port land and throughout the Northwfest. He- would like to embark in some enterprise on January 1, in which his Industry, man aging ability, thorough qualifications and wide acquaintanceship can be made to offset cash advanced by some person or Al.t,n,,n.K nrr rrrtlfp" be com- CUMUCl 11. iyjuiuufti, " " " ' - mands Ao money for Investment purposes. This matter will Dear lnveousaiiun, reliable man is wanted in some line that inner HMwnH on financially interested help as manager or otherwise for success. Prominent local references given, rer- ........ i inmTlaur if Hsirpii. Address, .in confidence, D. P. ADDISON, P. O. Box 121, Portland, Oregon. MORTGAG! IS Lowest rates and terms to suit. Special rates for business properties. Funds loaned for private investors. M. E. THOMPSON CO. Corner Fourth and Oak Streets. Phones, Main 6084, A 3327. Place Your Fire Insurance With Us. Place Your ' FIRE INSURANCE With M. E. THOMPSON CO. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. Henry Bldg. Phones, Main 6084, A 3327. We have Money to Loan. SDNSYSIDE BCNGALOW $500 CASH ' S500 Balance S25 monthly buys new and modern bungalow, five rooms, mission finisii, paneled dining-room, beamed ceilings, built-in buffet, large kitchen, pantry, porcelain sink with back, plenty OI SlieiVing, Drooill tiuaci, w uuu nit, wash travs. full cement basement, dou ble floors and walls, large bath with porcelain tub and medicine .chest, two large verandas. - Combination brass-fixtures anil window shades go with the house. This is a ffne little Jiome in a good neighbortnod, with the best car service in the city, and an excellent buy for .3000 on aoov.e terms, inquire ai 1111 Kast Alder st. Phone Tabor 431, B 2080. K.T5AL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, IT. V. & Co. M. 3349. SO Hamilton Diag. . . m . n -.in., 23eCK, William I., oi- r 1 Blrrell, A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurant.-, uigun,, , Brubaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. M. Chapln Herlow, 532 Chamber Commerce Cook, B. o. -o., su -uru" uiw. Fields, C. E. A Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co.. Main 188. 206 Oregonian. KIRK KIRKHAM. Lumber Ex., 226 Stark. Parrish, Watkins & Co., 250 Alder st. Bchalk. Geo. D., 264 Stark st Main or A Sharkey. J. P. & Co., 122 A Sixth st The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and UUltnornan st. tnou&uuy rfvuvi,nw. Walker. S. T., 604 Corbett bldg. KE.AL ESTATE. For Sale Ixits. FOR SALE at a bargain It taken at once. ,hnlrA r.ftrldrt lot In Belle Crest Subdivi sion. Address W. B. Kindle. 918 East Yamhill st. . piRmtnMT anon Trine Tint on Rodnev ave.: you'll have to hurry. Howard Land Co., 519 Swetland, bldg. j IRVINGTON lot. 14th St.. between Siskiyou and Stanton; $1250; east facing; $230 cash, balance terms to suit. A. BACKUS, 519 Board of Trade Bldg. IF you own lot will build you a house on terms. Eastman Co., 303 Abington bldg. . Main 3236. WEST SIDE LOT, 50x100 FEET. Price $175, easy terms. 5 cent carfare. Sea owner 614 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON PARK lot 50x100. $500; $0 cash, balance $10 month. 302 Swetland bldg. Main 3D60. , IRVINGTON 100x100. S. W. cor. 29th and Schuyler; owner writes "sell it," the price is cut to $2000, Vi cash. East 1820. BEAUTIFUL, sightly block .at Woodstock, $1250: this is considerably below the mar ket. See owner, 410 Failing bldg. ELMHURST lot. BOxlOO, $550; $100 cash, $16 month. 302 Swetland bldg. Main 39rt0. IRVINGTON lots, $1100 to $1250; paved street A. Backus, 519 Board of Trade bldg. BARGAIN Choicest 100x100" corner In Irvington Heights. Phone Sellwood 1283. THREE lots bet. Kifllngsworth and Alnsv jajorth, cheap. Owner, 418 Manhattan at, LOA 60MB GOOD BUYS. 60x100 on A! bins, near Humboldt; D50; sewer, gas. water Included. SOxlOt on cor Morgan and Villiams: 330O. oxlOi on Rodney. 1M, blocks north ot KllUngsworth: 1100. Rnxl2,t, Millard ave.; water; MH. Two lots. Council Crest Park; JlSoO; $650 will handle. . , Two lots. Rose City Park; J1100-; less than two blocks to car. Ten lots 4 blocks to Alberta car; -water; J350O. V.'. J. BAKER. 518 Board of Trade Bldg. BUT THE BEST. LAURELHURST LOTS $750 to J1250 each, nothing so-good in Portland, at any such prices. Investlsjate our prices and terms. Take the Montavilla car and see Laurel hurst today. I LAURELHURST CO.. . 822 Corbett Bldg. Phones Main 1503,, A 1515. . BEST BUT IN PORTLAND. LAURELHURST lots are the best in vestment in Portland today; prices ioO and upwards. 10 per cent cash and bal ance on easy payments. See Laurelhurst today. Take Montavilla car to 3Sth st. LAURELHURST C., 622 Corbett Bldg. Phones Main 1503 I t A 1515' LAURELHURST. - SEE LAURELHURST today If yoa want the best low-priced lots in Portland. Take Montavllfa car to 38th street. LAURELHURST CO., 522 Corbett Bids- Phones Main 1503 . , A. 1515. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Full view lot, in midst of costly homes, on Raleigh st.: 2 Vi blocks, to car; on y S2300; this will double in value In couple years; if you want a superior building site, act quickly. Address AL 520, Ore gonian. HOLLADAY PARK. Multnomah street lot 50x100 $1750 A fine building site, between lDtli and 21st st. ; Improvements in and paid. Terms, tyOO down, balance on time. I HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DO YOU. want a sna in a business lot with a great tuture .' c-ee iui umo ql , on Sandy road. , right in the center of a large restricted district; J300 cash will handle this. Come quick. Double your money In 90 days. No dealers. S. D. Vincent. 420 Lumbermens bldg. VACANT LOTS AND HOMfA Lots. East Front, $50O. Vo casn. $10 per month; few for SSOO. $30 cash. ?o per month: bungalows and cottages from S240O up, $300 cash, bal. like rent. American Investment Co., 24th and Al berta sts. Phone C- 1310. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. If you are looking for a bargain on the , t , i.. trrA vfw lor. near car for J1S00; $830 will handle; don t mi. this chance; It s a goua Dargaui. " J. Baker. 618 Board ot Trada oldg. SIX lots, unexcelled view of city, snow- ... ...., Tn. at n Vnllevt cappea muuuiauis mm x " the first lots selected on Council Crest, for sale , at a great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. phone Main 834. 100x100, Vancouver." $'AXH. This is $300 below value, owner leaving town and must nave tne money. 420. Lumber Exchange. BEST building lots on Tillamook St., ad intr,tn T.mirihiirsr: fullv ImDroved; re stricted district; below value. Phone Ta bor 431. B 20MJ. 53x100 ONLY $30 CASH. . Balance $270 payable $5 per month, on Mt. Scott carline. 5c fare, city water. MARTIN J- H1GLEY. 132 Third bt. 4 V. FULL LOTS, $200. Each,' South Mt. Tabor district; must be sold this week to satisfy a mortgage. Phone, owner. Tabor 14'JS. evenings. IRVINGTON. If you want a finely-situated a block, see Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Com merce. ' TWO 100x100 lots, Woodstock, 3 blocks from car, 2 blocks from school; $1200; terms. Owner, 328 3d st. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON? FOR SALE BY OWNER. -, 8-room modern house, comer- lot finxiw. full basement and laree attic, garage, hot water heating apparatus, combination gas and electric fixtures, first-class plumbing; this house rauft be eeen to be appreciated; a good buy for any one wishing a home. Apply 481 Tillamook st. EAST ANKENY ST. HOUSE. Good- 8-room. 2-story house' on East Ankenv St., west of 24th; a good com fortable home at a real bargain; lot is 50xS0 and price is only 30U0. part cash, balance $0 per month. See it before too late. , . ' GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trad Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE., New, attractive Holladay home, espe cially well built; cr. lot, hard-surface sts.; S rooms with reception hall; value good: terms; owner would keep possession If defc sired up to one year and apply liberal rental on purchase price. B olti. Orego nian. $10 A MONTH, HOUSE. Ready to move into; 2 good lots; you can get it for vour own at the price of $10 a month; order the transfer man to move you right In. Call at Gregory's office In Gregory Heights. Take Rose City car at 3d and Yamhill, get off at end of carline; ofTico On the property. $2700. NEW. S-ROOMS; $t10 CASH. Its a- little park, too, 50x100, stable, new lawn, modern, toilet and bath, electric lifhts in, 100 feet to car, largo front, beamed porch. 2 back porches, extra large basement, balance your own terms. Call CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious. convenient, new; i nicely improved grounds. 100x100, fronting hardiurfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner. 602, Corbett block. ' GOOD 10-room "bouse on 50x100 cor. lot in South Portland, on pavH street In flrst ctass condition: full basement, nice lawn. 150 feet of roue bushes: will take Holida lot or lot in vicinity of 20th and Ankeny sts. as part payment. See Baker, ol9 Board of Trade bldg. ' J FOR SALE Beautifully furnished, modern lower flat, close in, West Side, good In come from rooms; furnace heat, electric lights. gas range and water heater; everything complete at a sacrifice, no agents. Y 553. Oregonian. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. MODERN HOME. A magr.lffrent view, on carline. 1004 Thurman. $1500, part cash, 6 rooms; see It. then see me. MARTIN J. HIGI.EY. 132 Third St. jjno Fine modern little house on East Side 25 minutes' walk from 3d and Wash ington sts.; ,flno neighborhood, all street and other improvements in and paid for; about 12 cords of first-class wood go . with it. G 537. Oregonian. T HAVE a new home of 9 rooms which I built for mvself tills Summer: It Is perfect In all of lt details; circumstances compel me to sell: If you -want a - bargain call Whitney. Woodlawn 1659. NEAR PIEDMONT CARBARNS. I New modern ll-room house, nait dioci. ' . injif! trm J07 Cerlinarer tn cuii , - - bldg. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., M. 11.18. A 19R4; all covered wagons, and experienced men. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow In Irvington. 409 East 20th st North. Call and see it 5-ROOM cottage, bath and hot water, plumb ing: full lot walking distance; $1700. H. Hatfield, lKiti 4th st. HOME built to order on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under bond; In vestigate plan. R. C Young, box 4064. A NICE home for $1050, near 2Sth and East Ankenv; $500 cash; balance like rent. MARTIN. J. H1GLEY. 133 Third St Hi 4.CRES with modern house. 104 Cedar st near Metzger, north of Flrland Sta 1 -ion Mount Scott line. Anton Schon. 3 BLOCKS Steel bridge, modern 5-room cot tage, $3300. 309 Crosby st. NEW 6-room modern house, corner Lyman and poston sts.: $2000. Room 1. 83 Sth st. SMALL house and lot. Kern. Park, $600; terms. 828 Board of Trade. MODERN 6-room house. $3000; $100 cash. $25 monthly. Phone Woodlawn 1799, SNAP. MODERN 6-ROOM HOU9B FOR $2100. It has S large bedrooms, rj ' eeptlon hall, porcelain bath, fine linen closet, living and dining-rooms, beautifully tlnt d built-in china elosei. elec tricity and electrical fixture!., . front and rear porches, doublo floors and walls, cement base ment; lot SOxloO, near one- of tha best "public school In the city. . $600 down and $10 a month. RALPH ACKLE'J. 605 Corbett Bldg. WILL SACRIFICE. 5-room house, extra well built and very comfortable; lull basement, nice bath and toilet; nicely tinted; lot 50x100; fine location- M. block to oite of the best carlines on East Sitre. This can be had for a little cash, balance monthly. See us at once. DIF.TZ-MUELLER CO.. 315-316-317 Abington Bldg. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, ROSE CITY PARK. New, strictly modern and up-to-data 6-room bungalow, on corner lot 100x100. on Tillamook st.. in Rose City Park: bungalow Is modern in every respect and has latest improvements: furnace, fire place, paneled dining-room, beamed cetl lnss. In fact nothing missing; price ?a-a0, ifiioO cash, balance to suit. GRCSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board ot Trado Bldg., 4th and Oak. A BEAUTIFUL Cement block house; eight HOME rooms Finest flimsh. g PIEDMONT Large porches. Tivo fireplaces, ' TERMS Hardwood tloors. Our book may be ot help to you if you are thinking of building. It's tree for the asking. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, 312-213 Commercial Block. IRVINGTON HOMES. $40(M 50x100, 6-room house, all modern:' Cla'kamas St.. bet. 24th and 25th. src.io Lot SPxlflO. 22d st., near Thomp son; new modern house, with sleeping porch, hardwood' floors, 2 fireplaces, furnace, full basement; can put 3 rooms In attic; must be sold In lf days. M B. THOMPSON. Main 60R4. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. Phone A 3J27. WEST SIDE HOUSE, $300. Good large 6-room house on Corbett St.. near Glbbs. can be bought for a short tim for 25U0; $300 cash and 20 per month; worth $3l)ul); has gas. nice bath and basement: bargains like this not found everv dav. See it before too late. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 BoarS of Tradj Bldg., 4th and Oak. For Sale Business property. GOOD FISHIN'. Business lot 41x135, only 40 fret from prominent East Side Hank, $3500. Fishing's good around this bank. $H.c'i WILL BUY Half block UNION AVE.. If taken this week. Don't delay; It's a good business center. ' " JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32-33 Lafayette bldg.. Washington and 6tli. A SNAP. $2750 Store (rented) on lot 50x100. cor. wuitnn-oTrh nnrl Murvland ave.: must be sold this week; cash $35v0; compelled to M.CrE.?THOMPSON, Main 6084. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts Phone A 3.12 1. 17TH AND Market', a nice full 50x100 corner lot. improved, wun tinne hj -s. earning . $30 per month for only $tHHiO; lot aione worm moie iu-n.ri . . . . - ---- -& Co., rooms 4-6, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and M ir-rii-on sts. Miscellaneous. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage! Don't fail to call at "THE CltOSf'LEY COMPANY," 70S and 700 Corbett Bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat you right It surely will be to your advan tage to ?ee us before buying. We don't publiBh our list. OSWEGO REAL ESTATE CO.. Oswego, Or. Farm, acreage ami town property; take S. P. train at Jefferson st. depot and come "and watch Oswego grow. ATTENTION, INVESTORS. The best investment in the famous city of Hood River; ideal scenery and climate. Address X 544, Oregonian. Acreage. IF vou want to buy the best piece of cl"-sc-in Bcrease there is near Portland, see me for 10 acres, 3 blocks from the car; all cleared and in full-bearing strawberries, raspber ries grapes and other fruit; c.iuldn t 1 tetter to be cut into lots or acre tracts and can be subdivided at a bis r'"Jlt. or you can raise enough ' fruit to keep sou: this place is a snail with a great future, and If you mean business. I will show it to you. but don't bother me out of curiosity: the first real buver that sees this will take it. sr. don't want to waste time with curiosi y hunters: will sell all or, half ; come quick. S. D. Vincent, 420 LumHermen's bldg., cor. 5th and Stark.- RIVE It DALE. I will sell all or uny portion of my beautiful 8-aere tract at Hiverdale. will cut up nirolv into single acres or more, tract is wooded and commands unex celled view of river, city and mountains: secure for vourself a choice country home site in this most exclusive resilience sec tion of Portland. F. C. Graham, &2. C. of C. FRUIT AND DAIRY LANDS. 5 10 20-aere tracts, choree w-ahiut ana fruit lands, all level. In high state of cul tivation, one-hour ride on electric road, steamer transportation faro 35 cents, fruit belt of Oregon; see us before it Is too late, large tracts with or without irrigation, easy terms. m DEAN LAND CO.. Owners. 622 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. ACREAGE SNAP. 6 1-S acres of very fine land, all under cultivation, on Villa ave.; can be bought at a great sacrifice; owner must raise monev in the next few days; part cash, balance 6 per cent. See us about it. 1 GIll'SSl it ZADOW. 317 Board of Trado Bids.- 4th and Oak. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side. 20 mln utes from center of city, in lli and 2',rj-aer tracts- this will make you a living and pa. for itself' $5o cash will start you: price t suit all Call on Trustee. 410 Failing bldg 77 CRES. all practically under cultivation, buildings. 1 mile to Montavilla car. $35,-000- terms. The only tract for the money In this locality. Owner. W 55J, Ore gonian. ACREAGE in large or small tracts on car line, close in; choice river front: 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stampher, 31 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 48M. gOCRES. close to railroad; enough tim ber to pay for place. Frary & Seltz. 132 5th st. ' 5 ACRES, closo In. soli and location ideal, part cash, balanco terms. 412 lOLh st. i - 17 ACRES west of ooth st., desirable for platting: central. 331 Mill 3t. ' Homesteads. FINE HOMESTEADS l.V TILLAMOOK CO. 2 relinquishments, best we ever had. 10 timber claims from 6.000.000 to O.ooo.oo each. ' 2 timber relinquishments, exceptionally good. 10 timber claims; will run from 3.000, 000 to S. 000. 000 feet each. Homesteads In Eastern Oregon. NIMMO, P.UNKY & DAVIS. 13" Hamilton Bldg. FREE LAND IN OREGON. Send your address or call and get our booklet that tells all about the 320-acre homesteads in Central Oregon; three rail roads now building on direct line towards the property. We are making special offers on locations for the - next 30 days. B. S. Cook & Co.. 503 Corbett Blilt. IF you have your homestead right It will pay -to look this up. 160 acres, running water, log house. 100 acres good , fruit land, county road to claim, ,6.10,000 feet saw timber; price $100; gr- at snap. War ren B. Hartley, 514 Swetland bldg. For Sale Fruit Lands. JUST HALF PRICE ' For a One-Yeai'-OId Orchard. Last week we told you of a chauce for a young orchard at half price; 100 acres of the 1130 acres has been spoken for; $100 per acre, 'set to varieties 'you prefer, and cared for for one year, including all cost of trees, cultivation and evtm taxes; take the re maining OO acres in 10-acre trauts or over: land perfect; YOU must hustle If you get in on this. F. W. Power &. Co., 22 Henry bldg. ' HITHER HOOD . FRUIT LANDS. JUST Ai GOOD AS ANY OTHER PART OF OREGON. ' WE GUARANTEE Deep shot loam soil. No cold east winds. Free from late and early frosts. Proper elevation. Ideal air drainage. Abundance of. moisture. If not found as represented, we will pay you $10 per day for vour time spent look ing over HITHER HOOD. Our specialty is 10 and 20-aere tracts. PRICES RANGE FROM iOO to $1-3 PER ACRE. , . GET OUR BOOKLET and arrange to go with us and look the country over. CHAPIN- & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. THE DALLES. OREGON. A GREAT COUNTRY. BECOMING WELL KNOWN FOR FRUIT AND GRAPHS. LAND IS CHEAP. $110 PER ACRE BUYS BEST LAND. TRICKS ARE NOW CHEAP. YOU KNOW HISTORY OF OTHER FRUIT SECTIONS BUY EARLY AND PAVE MONEY. CALL AND TALK IT OVER. 332 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CHAPIN & HEKLOW. APPLE LAND IN MOUNT HOOD DISTRICT. , Clackamas County, western foothill slope of Mount Hood 30 miles from Port land on the line ot Mount Hood Electrtrs Railroad, offets the best opportunity in Oregon for commercial apple growing, get our Western Hood Illustrated booklet telling about this idoal fruit section where soil, water and air dralnugo as well as elevation, some 1200 feet, all that could, be desired for commercial orcharding. If Interested in fruit growing it wll pav vou to investigate this Mount Hood district, which Is undergoing a marvelous development, and hundreds of acres to be set to commercial fruit. An aggressive fruit-growers' association will direct sci entific earn and planting only the best commercial varietks. vu.. Spitz. Newtown, Jonathan. Red Cheek, etc. Don't delay If vou want the best Investment propo sition on the market, as present low prices froiji $30 per acre up will double by Spring: anv slzo tracts from 10 acres up. Considering the closo proximity to the city with best of roads no other fruit section compares with it. . ' We will gladv show you. VANDUYN" rfc WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. HOOP RIVER apple orchard, good paying basis, buildings, terms. 334 Mill st. For . Salt: Farms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. For sale, two fine farms, one of 4--acros, the other ot St'..', acres, ad.tolnins making one tract of 12S7 acres, in Linn County. Willamette Valley, In four miles of It It. station, houses and barns on each, orchard, all fenced, partly in culti vation, suitable for any kind of fruit, es pecially apples, fine rich soil adapted, for trult grain or hav. convenient for colony or stock ranch; price S25 per acre, good terms; also, a slock farm, good house. barnB and orchard, all fenced; 1000 acres in ono-half mile of above farms for snln cheap; also a highly Improved farm ot 640 acres In Beiitn County, near It. II. station, with horses, cows, sheep goats, farm machinery, good houso and barn, for sale at a bargain; schoolhouses cl,js-r to each of above tracts. Address B. M. Payne P. O. Box 244. Albany, Ol CHEAT FARM BUY 1010 acre $12.50 lr acre; GSO acres all lcvil with lot) inches of water right. 4e a?res in meadow, which is ,.r.viuc,ng enonsh hay for 12W head ot cattle; balance rea to plow- will produce H'Re iro5. oat.-, wheal barley and rye; good -ronm to ami large barn: 32" mens with spilng. ac.es ot meadow; also 40 acres with excel lent spring: in s ciuie ; -" .k lor a slock fence; a f-ienoi'i mirou...... ranch Call or grain farm. on it. Cook & Co., 503 Corbett bldg.. 1 rtland, Oregon. 40 ACRI 30 ucres In cultivation; good 7 good barn. 1 team mares, i....,.i vnmiir stork, a lot of room hous good coV.- io'hous; place fenced and cross - ehteken fence.! good family orchard 4 acres, kji. , ,il vin.lM of root cniii. nay in u". " fa'nf machin-rv: IS mile- '". . Mnd boat landing, good roa d... on K. t. t ohono in house: 6 acres of siuids In ground. i TousXl.i furniture: this is a flrst- Place and a bargain at $wh-j; ,1000 cash. guo.;a terms on balance CHPIN & HtvlU.OU. .'..''J Clamber of Conimerr-e '-, ACRES in the Wlllametto Valley, with 11 ares in bearing orchard. 8 acres In cult -vat ion. balance In pasture and brush all finest of soil; sightly and onl ' mil, If it. station; small house and .stable elet -trie road surveyed half mile off; property will double in 2 years; will give a snap on U r CaBRONO-STF.ELR CO.. 110 Second St. - ACRE BARGAINS $,10001 acre fruit trees, ,',-room modorr. h.a'e chicken-hoi..- and sheds win.lmlh. V;0 bt'rrel tank, entire trad and lawn piped for sprinkling : ... V. '. carline. within 2''$50for'hou 'and acre of above prop-. MtyD. THOMPSON. Main 6084. Cor. 4th and oak Sts. Phone A o.l... -e'iVv0 F'lV' ii J...V,. .., n-d watered; team, wagon. .' s farm iuUn.onts. 3 cows. 15 ton, 1,'iv too sacks potatoes In barn. 1 acre ground. IOO sack:-, roots, chickens, some mSom1 m .JiRhSchool, No agents in state; buildings, young orchard. Call oa WiTF9NNETT & DERBYSHIRE, 201 Swetland Bidg. 30 -CRES, only S miles from the heart of the city, and 1 mile east of the Oregon Cltv -arlliie; 25 acres are clear, bajanes ti nboN finest of soil, on gravel, a" '"'el. adjoining a fine vegetable ranch. C.n be bought at SHOD per acre if taken now CI. I'tluger Co., rooms 4, o Mulke DWl,., 2d and Morrison els. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR FOR SALE 1700 acre, choice land on good M0 mllen from railroad and good town, this and is verv suitable for platting and Is ,t present in good condition; price $2, Ser aere For pirtleulars and terms apply To William Mar-Masler. 302 Worcester block. Portland. Or. It'll ACRES near Yamhill; 100 acres in culti vation , I."", acres easily cleared; good 0 roo house, bam.- . granary hop-dryer horses, cows. hogs, mplcnents . take, good city or suburban property to bal. Value. S. C. Priestley, 414 Dekum bldg. WHEAT LAND FOR SALE-S-0 acres near new It. It m Centra Oregon- 2 good houses, barn, well -and whidrnlil; 8 acres orchard: $1.. per aero: also 160 acres well improved at 2. p-'i "ere. F. C. Trefry. Hotel Ramapo. Port land. so-ACKH farm IS miles from Portlir.d. by train or boar: 4d a-res cleared, including 14 acres of apple .' es In bearing; lies on ,wo eountY roads; land level and shot sr.Ii: elegant Improvements; ,.oo. Room 1, bo Sth St. - . 1fiO 4CRES 3lj miles from Crawfor.lsvllle, good road. 3 million feet timber, bouse, barn and orchard; b acres under cultivation- creek through the place; a bargain at $14 per acre, good terms. B. S. Cook & Co.. 503 Corbet t bldg. 40 000 -ACRES fine farm land,. Eastern Ore gon, on line of R. It now building: can boy' from 40 acres upward at $...o pr acre; $1.50 cash, balance can be paid in 5 years. P 542. Oregonian. SEND for our list ot Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. FOR PALE Small farm by owner; no aaento, ,W 554, Oregonian.