THE MORXIXG OREGOXI AX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1909 "nn qw.," TnHAv m Tov Dent. 4th Floor 700 Entries Judees: Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Mrs. J. P. O'Brien u j n vjii v ww a x-f j r -- . C - . j j , Great DemonstFation of "LrGrecque" Corsets by Mrs. L. Petree We Are Portland Agents for "Nemo" and "Mme. IreneCorsets Store Open To nightUntiI9:30 Bu tterick Dec. Patterns Ihe Meier (! Frak'ThaEksgivmg Shopping Bulletin $4.00 $8.00 Table Linens 72-in. bleached Damask, very 9 C best patterns, reg. $1, at, d. & Jb 66-inch unbleached Damask, JQ 60c value, at, the yard J v 8-4 bleached Damask Cloths, beautiful new patterns; reg. $6 T A values, at, special, each. J HP r w 8-10 bleached Pattern tf C C f Cloths, $7 values, at.'.. pJJv 8-12 bleached Pattern J 9 C Cloths, $9.00 values, at. JU 26-inch Napkins to match the above cloths: handsome patterns, beautiful quality; regular $8-00TL values, at, the dozen... J0 J W 3-4 Napkins, best pat terns. $3 values, dozen.. 24n.Napkins, best pat- terns, $3.50 vals., doz.. &4-r JJ Two special lots hemstitched Table Sets, at these Thanksgiving bargain prices: 8-10 hemstitched cloths. 22-inch hem stitched napkins, regu lar $10.00 values, set. 8-12 hemstitched cloths and 22-inch hem stitched napkins; a fl 1 reg. $12 value, at... tj IVtvU Great special Thanksgiving bargains in all lines of fine-Table Linens. The best values we have ever offered; see them. Oriental Rugs Special lot of Khiva and Bokhara Rugs, beautiful designs and colorings; average size 8 feet 6 inches; magnificent new and antique rugs; regular $200 and $225 values, now sell- fl 1 9 C f ing at. each.... tjj 1 f L JJ Special lot of Khiva and Bokhara Rugs, every one a gem; select pieces; aver age size 6 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 6 in.; reg. $125.00 values, q f y ( now on sale at, each JJ C TT J J Royal and Princess Bokhara Rugs, beau tiful colorings; select pieces; average size 4 feet 6 inches by 6 feet; best regu lar $"5 vals., special fl A A Thanksgiving price. JP H? HP 40 choice Kazak Rugs, beautiful color ings; average size 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 in. ; best reg. Q C C $.50 values, at, each. J J Children's Dresses $6 Values $2.85 Special lot of misses' and chil dren's Dresses in serge, cashmere and alpaca materials, blue, brown and red-colored plaids; made with full pleated skirt and some trim'd with fancy braids; ages 6 to 14 years; great variety for your se- j ... i At A 1 - lection; values up lo o.uu, on saie yi at this, very low fl f C Th'ksgiv'g price.. tPeO $12 Capes at $8.85 ea. Special lot of misses' and chil dren's Capes, serge and cheviot ma-' terial, lined throughout with red flannel, made with military collar and trimmed with- gold braid ; blues, grays, greens tf Q C and browns; ages 6 to 16 yrs.; best $12 vals.. 4rJ(eUr- Men's $4 Shoes $3. 19 A Sflle of Boys Shoes Thanksgiving sale of 1000 pairs of men's Shoes, in box calf and glazed leathers ; Blucher and lace styles, heavy 1 Q Goodyear welt soles; all sizes; best $4.00 values JJ 7 Thanksgiving sale of 1000 pairs of boys' and youths' Shoes in box and kangaroo calf, Blucher styles, with tipped toes; good, strong School Shoes; great Thanksgiving values at these rf 1 (f A low prices; 9 to 13, $1.29 pair; 1 to 5y2, at J) 1 tj A Great Sale of Blankets 1000 pre. full-size white California wool Blankets, T Q pink and blue borders ; best reg. $8 vals., the pair. & O O Zr 1000 pairs white Oregon wool Blankets, full size C f C and colored borders ; fine quality Blankets ; $7 val. Jj J r 9 Thanksgiving Glove Sale 3000 pairs of women's fancy-back Cape Gloves, best quality skins, broadstitched backs, all sizes, tans and white; best $2 values, Thanksgiving fl? 1 C 9 price, the pair, only. . J m J C Complete lines of new Gloves, both "Perrins" and "Trefousse" makes, plain and fancy stitching, all new color ings; all grades; every pair fully guar anteed ; the best Thanksgiving values. Irish Crochet Neckwear ?5c to $25 Values At 1-4 Off Great Thanksgiving sale of women's real Irish crochet NeckwearStocks, Tabs, Rabats, Jabots, ' Collars, Revers, Bows, etc.; $7 to $25 values, on sale at one-fourth off the regular selling prices. The Uzar" Umbrellas 1000 women's "Uzar" Umbrellas, 26 inch, best paragon frames, guaranteed silk and linen covering; handsome han dles, in boxwood and ebony. Great val ues for our Thanksgiv- fl l C ing sale, each, Jj3 and. 9 ) JJ Mail orders filled. Butterick Patterns. Men's Suits, Keg. $25 Vals. $16.35 A great Thanksgiving special in men's high-grade "union-made" garments, of strictly all-wool materials, all the latest fashions; greens, olives, browns, dark grays, new fancy blues; all sizes, regular and stouts; high-grade apparel suitable for business or dress wear; suits that are handsomely tailored and finished throughout; regular $25.00 values, at this remarkably low 1 C price, per suit P M we J "J See Sixth-street window display Great vals. in men's Overcoats and Raincoats. Men's Worsted Trousers Special $3.10 Thanksgiving sale of men's high-grade pure worsted Trousers in neat patterns and colorings grays, dark browns, greens, dark mixtures, etc Trousers suitable for business or dress wear. Take ad- C O 1 f vantage of this great Thanksgiving sale j) J 1 KJ en's Suits $22.50 Vals. $15.15 I Young M of age, latest college fancy cheviots and $15.15 200 new Suits for voune men up to 20 years cut; snappy garments, in fancy cassimeres, striped worsteds; blue, green and tan effects beautifully tailored throughout. $22.50 vals. 300 dozen boys' Blouse "Waists in fast-colored chambrays, light-colored piques, tan and blue-striped chambrays and black 1 sateens. Great special Thanksgiving value at. w 1 V Great special values in boys' Suits, third floor. Thanksgiving Dinner $1.00 For tonight, 5 to 8:30, our first great special Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner; a dinner that will compare favorably with any you ever sat down to. Our chef has planned to make the menu the greatest advertisement ever enjoyed by our res taurant. Reserve your table by phone. MENU Toke Points on the Hair Shell Chicken a la Relne Salted Almonds Olives Fried Fillet Sole, Tartar Sauce Potatoes Dauphlne Baked Ham, Champagne Sauce or Braised Sweetbreads Montebello Stuffed Tounjf Oregon Turkey Chestnut Dressing or Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus Fried Sweet Potatoes or Mashed Potato String Beans Waldorf Salad English Plum Pudding or Hot Mince Pie Hard and Brandy Sauce Roman Punch Cafe Nolr 50c Hdkfs. 38c Thanksgiving sale of 500 dozen women's pure linen Handkerchiefs, colored cor ners and hand-embroidered initials;. all new, pretty Handkerchiefs; best 50c values, on sale at this won- 1 J derfully low price, each . . . v U V Women's Und'wear 75c Values for 41c 200 dozen women 's fleece-lined Under wear, in white and cream, fine rib, all sizes, high neck, long-sleeve vests, ankle length drawers. 75c values, A, 1 Thanksgiving sale price .... rV V Sale 2000SilkPetticoats $6.50 Val $3.95 $2.50 Petticoats $1.52 Lot 1 A remarkable offering of 2000 Taffeta Silt Petticoats a treat purchase from ona of the largest and best maanfactnrera lp the cotmtry;. made of a roperlor goallty taffeta silk, deep tack ad flocD.ce; black, tan, garnet, dark gray, pink, navy bine, green and other good shades; well made, full width and regu lar $6.50 value; ytrar choice at O this Bpoclal loir price, each Lot 2 1000 Colonial and mercerized Taffeta Petticoats splendid material, made with a deep single or doable fkranoe and five tows of 14-izieh bands and embroidered raffle; regular valnes up to $230 e, on aale fl? 1 C tt-thk special low prioe, each J 1 JmSt Sale of 700 Children's Fur Sets Regular $5.50 Valaes at $3.85 Per Set Great special lot of children's Fur Sets in imitation ermine or mnsfcrat, made up with fancy tah oottar and elaborately trimmed with beads; latest style square muff, with eord and three beads to match collar; makes & pleasing Chritftmai gift 5 O C Our $3.50 Coat Sweaters are $2.59 Each Our 50c-75c Four-in-Hands are 35c Each Men's $2.50 Underwear at $1.50 Garment Special lot of women's and men's Coat Sweaters, of fine quality of 4Csre worsted, two pockets, large pearl buttons, new weaves, solid colors 300 dozen men's fine FourMn-Hand Ties, made full Trench fold, X dark colorings, beautiful patterns, endless variety. 50c and 75c values, ea. Men's high-grade worsted. ribbed Underwear, fine, form-fitting gar- gl (ft ments in natural, light blue and gray; $2.50 values, now on sale at.. AjJ 1 -JJ "Ajax" Sox, 6 months' guarantee, 6 pairs in a box, special sale at, the box.Sj51.50 m w . an... S&OflEET V U5 C Big Sheet Music Sale 19c ' BEIKO FEATURED AT THE OBPHEl'M THIS WEEK, "JUNGLE MOON" "I'm Happr All the Time," "Meet Me on the Board 'Walk. Dearie." "I'd Rather Be a Minstrel Man." Come and hear tneee numbers demonstrated. From 4 P. M. to 6 P. M today, special at, per copy.. 1B. PREVAILING BITS, POPULAR, OPERATIC AJTD CLAS SICAL, 19c. "Chocolate Creams" (the new "Portland Bag"), "Come Down. Nellie, to the Old Red Barn": "Blue Blazes Ragr," "Wild Cherries, "Have You Got Another Girl at Home Like Mary?" "Longest Way Round Is the Sweetest Way Home." "In Dear Old Tennessee" (new). Songs from "Three Twins," "Dollar Princess," "Goddess of Liberty," "Fantastic World." tor young folks; regular $50 values, ea. Mail orders care f ally filled l.1 1 1 II ' Entire Stock of New Tailored Waists at Great Reductions Sweeping redactions on our entire stock of women's Tailored Waiste in linen, madras and pique; made with Yt, y2 or 1-inch tncka, em broidered down the front or plain front with aide pleats and pocket; all new, this season's tailored waists; latest fashions, best materi als and qualities; all sizes; large assortment; valnes we know you cannot equal In the city. Prices: Regular $2.50 Waists, ea, $1.98 V-g Regular $3.00 Waist, ea, $238 Regular $3.50 Waista, ea, $2.78 Regular $4Q0Waist8, ea, 83. 15 Regular ?5J)0 Waists, ea, $3.95 Recrnlar $5.60 Waists, ea, S4.28 Regular $6UK) Waists, at, each, 84.78 Regnlar $10.00 Waists, at, each, $ 7.95 Regular $7.00 Waiata, at, each, 85.58 Regular $12.00 Waists, at, each. $ 9.55 Regular $8)0 Waists, at, each, $6.35 Regnlar $13.50 Waists, at, each, $10.65 Mail orders will be promptly and, carefully filed.. Great valnes in Silk Waists, also. r "We are showing a magnificent line of new Silk Tea Gowns, Ki- A CQ vPW-IS monos and House Dresses ; beautiful models, new effects, very and TI attractive prices. We ask the pleasure of showing them to you. IVllllOIldk Great special values in Undernmslins all this week. See them. - I Sui!i ft 7.. WIFE FORK TARGET Portland Divorce Seeker Ac cuses "Hubby' GRABBED HER BY THROAT Mrs. Julia Fernan Alleges She AVae Shamefully Treated hy Sponse. Judge Bronaueh Grants Half Dozen Separations. Mrs. Julia A. Fernan has filed a di vorce suit a-ainst Daniel U Fernan. a drayman, employed by the Oregon Trans fer Company. She married him at Ket chikan. Alaska. January 1-4, 1907, but be fore a year bad passed her troubles be (ran. They moved to Seattle, and there her husband cursed and kicked her on the Btreet one day, she alleged, compell ing her to call the police. Then Fernan left her. But in a few days she received word from him that he had come to Portland. She followed him. and they went to live at J34 Fifth street. Her husband threw a heavy shoe at ber July 10. she says, after having gTabbed her by the throat with a threat to choke bar to death. On Christ mas day. 1908. Mrs. Fernan says she was made the target for a fork, which im bedded itself in the dining-room door. Couple Move Often. Last' April the couple had moved again, and were living at 107 North Seventeenth street. The woman says her husband wished her dead three weeks before the birth of their youngest child. On July 4 last she stepped out of the house to see the fireworks, and was given a hair-pulling by her husband in the presence of neighbors, she says. Last month her life was threatened, and last Monday, when she asked her husband to cut some wood, he threatened to throw a platter of meat at her. She alleges she tried to telephone for the police, and that her drayman hueband jerked the telephone from the wall. She wants S37.S0 a month alimony and $50 attorney's fees. Eva Meyers brought a divorce suit yes terday against Charlea E. Meyers, alleg ing nonsupport and desertion. They were married at Salem, July 15, 1903. Circuit Judge Bronaugh granted six divorces yesterday morning, and denied one. because of insufficient corroborating evidence. The one denied ie that of L. H. Curtis against Elizabeth Curtis. They were married at Aotln. Wash ..June 2, 1906. The husband accuses his wife of desertion. Among the decrees granted was one to Mrs. Ella C. Garrison, wife of Lloyd A, Garrison, a tinner. Mrs. Garrison com plained her husband refused to pay her doctor's bills while she was eick. Woman Gets $50 Monthly. Mrs. Garrison waa allowed $50 a month alimony yesterday, and $250 attorney's fees, as she testified that her husband earns U and $4.50 a day. The child will remain for the present In the custody of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. BIssonette, of Laurel wood, its uncle and aunt, l'he Gar risons were married at Camden, N. J., No vember 29. 1904. . Elizabeth Hutchinson was another who drew a blank in the lottery of love. She was confined to her bed for ten weeks at the hospital, she said, having undergone an operation, but Robert A. Hutchinson, her hueband, visited . her only . a few times, and then only when drunk. Neither did he provide for her needs, she said. They were married. November 2. 1908. Judge Bronaugh granted the divorce. Frances M. Twist secured a divorce from "William Twist, whom she married at Phoenix, B. C November 12, 1899. He failed to contribute more than $20 for her support between August,- 1307, and April, 1908, she said. Her maiden name, Shu bert. was restored.' Threatened with death by being riddled with bullets. Minnie P. Woehrle was In the Circuit Court yesterday to tell her troubles, and succeeded in securing a di vorce from G. C. Woehrle. They were married at Jeffersonville. Ind., April 29, 1SSS. Mrs. Woehrle said her husband once eat by her bedside all night with a shotgun In his hand, threatening to shoot her if she made an outcry. Desertion was the ground for the fol lowing decrees: Sadie A. Hatton from George C. Hatton. married June 3. 1903; Georgia Allen from Fred Allen', married at Grays River, Wash., November 9, 1904. Circuit Judge Gantenbeln refused yes terday morning to grant a divorce to Mary Falkenberg or to Joseph B. Falken berg, saying neither had ground for It, STILLTHERE. Many are Improving the opportunity to make money by buying lots before prices advance. They will take Broadway car Sunday. November 21, to Thompson and Twenty-second streets. Our machine will meet them there from 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. for a short visit to Alameda Park. Exten sion Broadway carline and street Im provements under way, which will double money invested In a year. Don't stop for weather. We won't. AT ANY SMITH MARKET Trl. ,-nminsr to Smith's Alder-street Market, be careful get in the right place. The Beef Trust has put its markets down get Smith's meats at Smith's wonderfully cheap prices you must get in a Smith market. there to fool the public. To Sirloin Beefsteak, Hamburg Steak, Breast Roasts of Veal, First cuts of Shoulder Roast Veal, Veal Stew, t The best Rump Roast Veal, Beef Tongues, Beef Tripe, Shoulder Roast Mutton, Lamb Liver, Shoulder of Lamb, First cuts Shoulder Roast Lamb, Liver Sausage, Bologna Sausage, Prime Rib Roast Beef, PER LB. 10c Tons and .tons and then some more tons of Smith's fresh Ore gon Chickens, dressed in our own sanitary poultry, plant. You can pet them at any Smith market. Chickens, per lb 15f Chickens, per lb. ............ X8 Chickens, per lb.1. 20 Fine fat Turkeys. 25 Fat Ducks ...25 Fancy Fat Geese. .20 Wild Hare and Wild Geese in Plentiful Supply Smith's Absolutely Purel Lard, Fresh Pig Pork" Sausage, everybody eats it, Smith Veal Sadsage, Best Tenderloin Steak, Legs of Mutton, Fancy cuts, of Shoulder Roast Veal, Prime Rib Roast of Beef, the best cuts, Fancy Shoulder Roasts of Veal, Shoulder Veal Cutlets. Best cuts Shoulder Roast Lamb, Lamb Shoulder Chops, Halibut, PER LB. 12!c Salmon. All the above meats, etc., and the following groceries at Third and Jefferson Sts. Phones: Main S751, Automatic A 441S Phone in your orders. Uet j our oroer in ior asi oiae aeiivery oewr o ciock. Beef for Soup 3 Beef Stew 5- Boiling Beef 5-6? Brisket Corned Beef 6C Plate Corned Beef 6 Rump Corned Beef S Beef Hearts 5 Mutton Stew 5! Pork Hocks Best Shoulder Roast Pork. . . '. . .15 Breakfast Bacon, it's Smith's 22'.. Smith's Norway Fresh Creamery Butter, per sq 75 Smith's Norway Butter, with tub label 70 Other Creamery Butter 65 Smith's Eggs 35 We have put on extra delivery wagons. 18 lbs Granulated Sugar 31. OO 3 qts. Cranberries 2oC Fancy Bartlett Pears, per can 1 3 cans Tomatoes 2 i 3 .cans Corn 3Q& 3 cans Salmon . . 2P 3 cans Pumpkin 25 2 cans Pineapple 25C 2 cans Y. c. peacnes ic Minced Clams, per can lOe Fancy Imported Olives, per qt 30 Sweet Pickles, per qt 20C Sauer Kraut lO per qt, per gal. -35 15 cans Milk 81.00 5 lbs. Sultana Raisins 25 English Walnuts, 2 lbs 35 Brazilian Nuts, per lb 15C Black Walnuts, per lb l-Q? Celery, stalk C 6 loaves Bread Zoc Corsican Citron 20c Candid Lemon and Orange Peei. lb 12 Crackers, per box 81. lO Brooms, each...: 35rf 4 lbs White Beans 25 4 Jbs. Dried Prunes 25c 3 lbs. Dried Fis 25 3 lbs. Dried Peaflipa 25c 3 pint bottles Catsup 25 2 1'ancv Norway Mackerel 25t Salad Oil, per gal 70 FRANK L. SMUT H M EAT CO, "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST"