Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 20, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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    Rooms With Board la Private Faa-Uy.
I tRGE. clean, pleasant furnished rooms,
with home cooking; bath, phones. gas.
electric .lights; walking distance: 1 blocs;
to car; homelike and private. 320 Mont
gomery. TWO desirable front rooms, single or con
necting, newlv furnished, strictly modern;
flr!-elae hoard; two In room. $24 month
each; prefer those employed; ten
utes' walk to P. o. 404 Clay. Main 94-5.
I HAVE a room would rent to man and
wife or to 2 ladies; could have home priv
ileges, no other roomers; will give board
If desired. 10 East 13th st.
HEINZE APARTMENTS, 14th and Co.umbla
4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brtclj
building, oempletcly flrst-clnss. furnished
in 2 and 4-rcom family apartments; prl
vste bath, reception hall, steam heat hot
water, elevator, free compressed air
cleaning Janitor service; some unfur
nished; rent very reasonable.
The most exclusive furnished apart
ments In the city; three-room suits, hath
and reception hall, both phones, electric,
elevator: take W or J(Jth-3t car. 624
Marshall St.
MODFRN ourslde corner apartment. hlgh
prlced fumed oak furniture. Wilton rugs.
iavlland china; everything good as new;
bargain $250. Apartment No. 42, IOj
King St.
FOR RENT Klegantly furnished 5-room
flat, all modern conveniences. 362 3d St.,
flat 3.
ri.ATS. 7IH4 Hoyt St.. near 12:1. rooms
ft and bath. Inquire 13 th st. Malu 2.8-
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVTH. 12th and Marshal! sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot wator
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
aingle housekeeping rooms. $2..v week up;
beet In city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. -8" or lrtth-st cars north.
. u.Hhall ml Vo ilAfL
WBlJeFrRMSHEI) houeekeeplng rooms. 2
IS month, n for $12; cottage. $16. $2o. $20;
flat, 4 rooms. $16: unfurnished house, flu.
3ri4 2mh North: "W" car from depot, on
Sd or Morrison to 26th. block north.
ONEONTA. 1ST lTth. near 'Yamhill; take
W car at depot: furnished 2. 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites by week 5.0.
by month $20 and tip: hot and cold water,
laths and phones free. Main 4t.9.. A 4..1J.
Ea.FX.ANT 3-room suite; piano, phone, block
from Portland Hotei; suitable for light
housekeeping: references. Call 165 lark
at., bet. Morrison and Yamhill.
I SINGLE and suite housekeeping rooms: bath,
gas. phone, heat; ciean and rc-pectable.
FURNISHED housekeeolng-room, also sin
gle rooms. 3.12 Williams ave. Phone C
THREE very rice large modern housekeep
ing rooms, suitable for 4 persons. .w)
2d st.
Jeffersoolan. 514 Jefferson. 8-room apart
ment, every convenience, fine furniture.
THE MILNER. 3S0H Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
461 EAST Morrtson. cor. East 8th. completely
furnished house keeping room, reasonable.
11.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car.
$1 50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gaa. 194 Sherman.
KICK furnished housekeeping-rooms, $14 00.
631H Washington St., cor. 20th.
649 MORRISON ST. 3 or 4 large first floor
room a
Housekeeping Rooms la Private Family.
NICELY furnished large front room, clean
and very pleasant: ground floor; overlook
ing river and city; bath, phone, lights,
walking distance, only $13; same on sec
ond floor. 112. Phone Sell. 1109.
SUITE of 3 or 3 large, well-furnished,
housekeeping rooms, gas. bath, telephone,
rag stove, pleasant, quiet, neighborhood,
2 car lines. Tel. East 6260. 772 E. Taylor.
TWO suite, very nicely furnished house
keeping rooms; gas range, furnace heat,
phone, lath. 153 13th St.. corner Mor
rison. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. In
Irvlnp-ton. 821 East Sth St. North. Phone
' East 219.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam beat, hot
water, free phone; rent by week or
month: centrally located. :l.10 Alder.
FOR RENT Two desirable rooms, front,
unfurnished housekeeping rooms; walk
ing distance. 392 1, Sixth.
2-ROOM suite In lovely Nob Hill home;
steam heat, hot water, every comfort,
very reasonable. Phone Malu 8748.
2 WELL-FURNISHED rooms; furnace heat,
gas range, free phone and buth; $13 per
month, 309 Johnson St.. near l"th.
HIGH-CLASS apartment, suitable 8 adults,
piano, bath, ail modern conveniences; $40
per month. 52S Morrison, near 16th.
SLEEPING-ROOM, kitchen privilege; clean,
quiet place; $14 month. 528 Morrison.
TWO nice rooms for housekeeping, bath.
Phone. $15 per month. 300 Everett.
TWO nice front housekeeping rooms, bay
window. 4:i 7th. car. Hall.
FIVE nice light housekeeping rooms, un
furnished; phone and bath. 595 Madison.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. bath,
gas and phone S4S Montgomery.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
204 Williams ave.
S34 CLAY Unfurnished housekeeping room.
Phone Main 7147.
ELEGANTLY furnished housekeeping suites.
3M 6th st.
291 CROSBY, near Steel bridge; excellent
Iccatlon; 2 or 3 rooms, modern.
SINGLE and housekeeping rooms for rent.
54 20th at. North.
TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms; sink,
gas and bath. 405 1st at., flat K.
4-ROOM furnished flat. 1st floor, furnace,
gas. wood ranges. 421 7th st.
HAWTHORNE PARK Cement basement,
furnace; 4 rooms and large hall and bath
room -$30 per month "0.
Room 1, Worcester Bldg.
MODERN a-rooro house, attic, concrete
basement, gas and electricity; East 20th
and Yamhill sts. Apply 701 East Salmon.
Phone B 184S.
fa ONLY for Winter, new 6-room house,
also 10x14 extra building. 4 lots, nicely
fenced 15 minutes out on Oregon electric;
good chicken place. Fhone Seliwood 1109.
IRVINGTON 8-room residence, rent fur
nished, partly furnished or unfurnished;
lease 6 months or longer. Phone East
FOR RENT New 8-room house. 31st and
Hswthorne ave.. block from carllne.
Wm. F. Brady, S16 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Mala 1SSS.
A NICE, modern house should have mod era
furnishings throughout: Ea.tern prices and
easy terms at Calef Bros.. 300-370 East Mor-r-.son
IF yon want to rent A house SEE ME.
If you want to rent YOUR house SEE ME.
That's my business. S. D. Vincent, Rentals
Real Estate and Ins. 420 Lumbermen BL.
7-ROOM. modern house, Lovejoy. near 24th.
Inquire at 313 Chamber of Commerce. L
VERY desirable 6-room house. 402 San Ra
fael st. near Union ave., $23. Phone East
less. C I4il.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, line
condition, 3Ss San Rafael St. Phone East
HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. 69 East
19th st. North, near Everett. Inquire 132
6th st. Main 627S.
6-ROOM cottage, 10 minutes' walk from Steel
bridge; 311. In .Jul re 4,5 E. 7th North,
corner Tillamook.
UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished
complete by Calef Bms.' eaey rent plan at
Eastern price. 360-37O East Morrison St.
113 6-room house with bath, gas, full base
ment and lot Owner. Bog 602.
JO-ROuM corner house. Nob Hill district.
$45. Phone Main 9091.
5-ROOM cottage on East ;7th. near Clin
ton. $14. Phone Seliwood S3?.
I in ( rooms, graded St.: 2 blocks care.
Apply 430 Magnolia St.. Woodlawn.
FOR RENT 5-room modem cottage, rent
,16. 0 Taggert U; "W-W" car.
I I . .. ----,.-T-I-TirK I ROI)Ml(i-HULStS. I
WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furni
ture. Buy It Judiciously and the savings
wll lexreed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICKS made us one of
the Isrgest furniture houses In the city
In less than two yeara
Lookers are shown the same courtesy
as buyers.
Grand Ave., Cor. Kast Stark SU
East Ankeny. Montavllla and East Slda
line cars pass our door
With our organisation, ellmlnatlrg mid
dlemen's profits wo can build you any
priced house for cash or on easy terms and
save you money: plans and esttn.atea free;
a postal will brln- 'nil detalla
R. BAILEY. Postofflce Box 4.3.
NEW 6-room modern cottage. $15.00; "-room
apartment. $10.00; established hotel. 23
room partly furnished. $23.00; all on car
line. South Portland, and 6-room modern.
Second st.. waiklng distance. $12. C. H.
Plggolt. cwner, 14 Mulkey bldg.
8-ROOM residence, 790 Lovejoy St., near
24th t. North. $."."; aristocratic neigh
borhood. Apply Waketleld. Fries & o..
S3 4th st.
Furnished Houses.
IRVINGTON 7 rooms. completely fur
nished; 1 block from Broadway car. on
East 21st St.; will lease for 6 months or
more; garage. Owner, 2S Hamilton bldg.,
5-ROOM modern cottage for rent, new fur
niture for sale cheay; good location for
roomers, easy terms. 10 E. 2tith, near
FURNISHED house of 7 rooms at piedmont.
lOOxlOO. on corner, electric lights, piano,
small barn and fruit trees; $:in. unfur
nished. $22.50. Inquire 442 Sherlock ,bidg.
FOR RENT An elegantly furnished. 7-room
new home, baby grand piano, etc. Heights
Belknap. Care liobart-Curtis.
MODERN 6-room furnlrhed house, furnace
and nrplace. good neighborhood. Address
K 543, Oregon.
8-ROOM modern dwelling, completely fur
nished. 3S7 East 13th St. North; rent $3a.
Psrrish. Watklns Co.. 230 Aider St.
FLRVISHED 5-room house, near Cathollo
Church; reasonable rent. Phone Seliwood
Houses for Kent. Furniture for Sale-j
Nice mod-tn 11-room h ' e: rent Stio; lur
nace heat: $115 worth of T.un renteu; tur
nlture. Is verv swell and for .-iIp; lady leav
ing the city; look at It toilay; It Is in a tins
.117 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
FURNISHED five-room flat to rent, furniture
for sale; this Is very conveniently located.
3.vl, Columbia st., and rent at the low
416 Abington Bldg.
Swell 7-room f:at on Washington at.:
rent $41 with $V worth of r-om rented:
furniture is rich and new and fof sale at a
bargain, only $.V.
317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
6-ROOM flat, strictly modern In every de
tail, rent $:'.5; furniture Is beautiful, all
new one month ago; close In location.
West Side: price 40; can make rent
out of three rooms If desired. H. W.
Garland & Co.. 191 4th St.
g-room house. In walking distance; neat
and ciean: 6 rooms rented: clearing good
money and your own rom free: price $430;
easy term. 289 Wash. ft., room 301.
DESIRABLE 8-room modern corner resi
dence. 675 Multnomah t.. Holladay Park.
$:f0; complete furniture for aale at very
low price. T. H. Edwards, 191 1st st.
FOR SALE Elegantly furnished 3-room
apartment. Inquire of Janitor. Helntx
FURNITURE of a 5-room lower flat for
sale at a sacrifice; all new; oost $350.
Apply 226 Occident st.
FURNITURE 6-room house: hot water and
bath connections: price $130; rent $15 per
mo. Inquire 451 East Clay t.
FIVE ROOMS, modern, good as new; clean
and comfortable. 27 East 30th at.
FIVE-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for' sale;
nearly new. 26814 Chapman et.
Store room 25x70 feet at 326 Flanders
st - excellent location, reasonable rent. In
quire of Dooly & Co., 1117 Board of Trade
FOR RENT Four-story and basement brlca
tore building. 100x163. 8. E. cor. Front
and Pine ata Apply C. A. DoJph, Mohawk
NEW brick stores: good location grocery,
market, millinery, kalsomlner, etc. Main
LARGE store room with naturally lighted
shop In basement. 551 Morrison at.
OFFICES, $13.50 and up.
Desk room ; furnished of flees.
Suite for dentist and physician.
All-night elevator service.
Best location. 303 Swetland bldg.
FOR RENT 2 office room at 22214 Morri
son st. - rent very reasonsble. G. H. Dam
mcier. 321 Board of Irade bldg.
DESIRABLE office room for rent in Burk
hard bldg., East Burnside and Union ave.
Inquire on premises.
FOR RENT Ground-floor office at 252 Alder
st.. best location In the city; rent reason
able with lease.
OUTSIDE deskroom for rent cheap In new
Henry bldg. R 536. Oregonlan. '
DENTIST'S elegant office In good location
for sale cheap. F 341. Oregonlan.
FOR RENT A few offices In COUCH bldg.
Apply Room 501.
EILERS RECITAL HALL for hlgh-clas re
citals, lectures. meetings; splendidly
lighted, ventilated, heated. free from
atroet noises; seating 3O0; equipped with
pipe organ, grand pianos and automatio
musical devices. For rates apply Adv.
Dept.. 2d floor, Eilera Piano House, 353
Washington t. ,
FOR RENT Upper flat. 6 rooms, hardwood
floor, most desirable location on Nob
Hill, to responsible party only. Phone
Main :i.
MERRILL'S Dreamland Daaclng Academy,
lilOxlOO. polish maple aurface, laid octagon,
finely Illuminated for ball, parties, meet
ings, lodge etc. Merrill, 7th and Oak.
BALLROOM, good location. In good condi
tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones, 800 Front.
GARAGE for Urge machine, vicinity 23th and
Johnson. Wakefleld-Fries A Co.. 85 4th.
FOR LEASE Hall. 20x30, suitable for lodge
or association purposes; heat, light and
Janitor service furnished. Inquire 711 Cor
bett bldg.
DO you went to sell your business or rooming-house?
Do yoa want to buy a business?
See us.
427 Henry Building.
FEW hundred shares Almeda Conso'idated
stock on account of slckuess. Call quick.
Washington Oregon Realty Co., :lOS
Merchanta Trust bldg. Phone Main 2404.
FOR SALE Half Interest In well-established
transfer business. Inquire room 503
Fenton bldg.
FOR SALE Moving-picture show In town of
20,00(1; will trade or give term. Address
AL 536, Oregonlan.
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 223 Abington.
COUNTRY store: good one: owner must sell
quick; best of reason. Call today. 417 Board
of Trade bldg.
S 31 ALL restaurant for sale or trade. Phone
M. 26.
A GOOD buy In a butter and egg stand. 2 72
Stark st. '
RESTAURANT with long lease, money
maker, sacrificed for cash. 273 Stark L
$2 FOR 1000 business cards; 20. 7.1c. Rose
City Prlnterr, 192 ' 3d st.. near Taylor.
BARGAIN Pool and clear store: rent $.0;
three years' leae. 317 Ablngtorr.
$lfn.ono wanted In manufacturing concern;
water front. AK SIB. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Confectionery store. Phone Main
SNAP la a Uttle grocery. 172 Stark at.
A PARTY who has placed a manufacturing
business on a paying basis In the cities of
Seattle. Portland and Spokane has now
discovered another article the manufac-
. ture and sale of which will be as suc
cessful as the first; i In need of addi
tional capital, and will take partner; his
present position and reputation In this city
will not allow him to take advantage, and
a few hundred dollars will start the busi
ness. Address AG 541. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE A weekly newspaper in a grow
ing town In Clark County. Washington.
ha a circulation of 300 and a fine list or
advertisers; also a large Job business: Is
netting at present $150 to 200 per month;
office is furnished complete; this I a One
opening for one wishing a good business
Wrlle at once to the Camas Realty Co..
Camas, Wash.
Nice clean stock of groceries and hard
ware ele In .on the E-iet Side: daily alfS
$lim and growing: owner going away and
muft sell: will Invoice ahout $:jcm; I 10k at
it today; it will snilt you.
317 Foard of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
MERCHANTS or Investor lonklng for legiti
mate openings for business In this terri
tory can obtain valuable Information by
calling on this agency. Good opportunltlea
r mercantile or manufacturing lines
416 Abington Bldg.
We have f'-.r lease a stort room In the
best location in the city for a cafeteria or
restaurant, at $50 per month less rent than
any other store in the r.eighnorhood: close
to 6th and Washington sts. See us for full
317 Board of Trade UK's.. 4th and Oak.
WILL sell our meat market, established
five years, connecting with large gro
cery and general merchandise store: sales
ahout $30 per day; best suliurb to Port
land; fine opportunity, chtap rent. AH.
543. Orcgonian.
If vou want to buy or sell, no trouble
to talk It over with you. Call or phone
Main 74S9. 320 Lumbermens bldg., 5th
and Stark.
LOCAL n-anufacturer has proposition to
make party wishing investment with serv
ices: factory running full time and earn
ing large profits on capital. Cull or ad
dress lt IS I. Mfg. Co.. Cor E 9th and
WANTED A partv who understands the
dairy business, must take active part and
have some money.
:Z2 Alder St.
I HAVE names of 30.0O0 people on Pacific
Coast and a full line of goods for mall
order business; want $500 and partner at
once, or will sell names at cost. Address
AG 344. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Moving-picture show, city of
20,000 inhabitants: one of best-equipped
houses In state; doing splendid business;
investigate this before buying. X 63S,
Complete dairy outfit Tor sale cheap:
25 head thoroughbred cattle, wagons, milk
cans tc. : 40 tons good hay. Inquire
I 'Ren Schuebel Office. Oregon City, Or.
$25 MADE $650 In seven months; $170 mads
millionaire: complete story in our publi
cation, "California Oil Fields." Sample
copy free. Sagar 4; Loomis. San Fran
cisco. OFFICE BUSINESi.-S Active man can make
$200 as partner; reference furr,Uhed and re
quired. For particulars call room 523 Lum
ber Exchange.
IF you are looking for a good cae-h grocery,
we have one doing a business of $100 daily:
on account of sk'kne-9 can be bought at In
voice Call room 523 Lumber Exchange.
MINE property for sale; carries gold, copper
and silver; free milling ore; big chance for
right parties. Address owner, F. B.. 301
First St.. city.
DO YOU want supplies or rent film? VVe
are independent, do not belong to the
trust. Pacific Ftlm Co., 3113 Rothchlld bldg..
Portland. Or.
FOR SALE cheap. 1500 shares of non-aswsva-ble
etock In the famous Leroy mining prop
erties, located in the Bohemia mining dis
trict. Address P. O. Box 442, Portland.
RESTAURANT, good location, clean place,
fine light, good rnnge, dishes: profitable
investment for the right person. Bagley,
407 Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and Ald-er.
FOR quick sale, a grocery that is a grocery,
at invoice: owner has other business that
requires his attention; sales over 6IW per
month. Apply today. 333-335 Union ave. N.
L N ROSENBAUM. lawyer, financial agent,
promoter, developer of corporations, enter
prises, syndicates. Bond Issues $100.(KKJ
upwards negotiated. 311 Fern blk.. Seattle.
FOR SALE CHEAP Confectionery, cigar
home bakery and groceries: everything
brand new; good location; living rooms.
2i Russell. J. G. Casey.
NEW Independent American films, the kind
that get you the money; film service, $12
week. 6 reel. Independent Western Film
Exchange. Swetland bldg., Portland. Or.
FOR SALE General merchandise stock, T
lots and buildings in a rich agricultural
district, four miles from railroad station.
Address Box 63. Sublimity, Or.
3-ROOM rooming-house. finely furnished,
paying $35 per month above expenses.
Has to be seen to be appreciated. Only
$500. half down. 272 Stark st.
WE can locate you In paying business. Be
fore buying be sure and pee us. Kinney
& Stampher. 531-332 Lumber Exchange
bldg Phone A 4881.
$750 WILL buv well-established mall order
business; will gladly explain reasons for
selling; see me at once. Address AG 340,
A FEW hundred dollars buy a half interest
in a good honest business that should pay
better than $150 monthly; good future for a
hustler. Call 607 Beck bldg.
SALOON and restaurant, well located: trial
given; saloon sales average $40 daily:
price for both $10n. Particulars 28614
Washington St.. room 612.
REAL ESTATE partner wanted to Join owner;
well-e.stnbliied business: this should easily
clear $2i'0 per month; little money nec-Ied
Particulars 2S614 Washington fit., room 612
WE have 3 established business firms Tent
ing partners with some cash. ThesTare
money-makers. Investigate. Northwest
Realty Co., 617 Board of Trade bldg.
CASH STOR4C Owner wants honest partner,
willing to work: $4o0 required: pay you $100
month. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg.
DO you want to buy a rooming house, cigar
stand or a good business. See Northwest
Realty Co., S17 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Partner in new established mail
order business; $600 needed. Address AG
543, Oregonlan.
MOVING picture operator with new "Pathe"
machine wishes partner having good loca
tion for theater. L. Bx 341, Kalama,Wash,
YOUNG man will Invest $100 In business
that will pay a weekly salary. AC 541,
PARTNER wanted able to check goods, etc.;
pay energetic man $25 week; $2j0 required.
417 Board of Trade bldg.
SMALL grocery and confectionery for sale.
Invoice, cor. Millard ave. and Mt. Scott
carllne. Phoife Tabor 477.
FOR SALE or trade, meat market, with
ice machine: receipts $150 per day; in
vestigate. Y 542, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Four-chair barber shop, com
plete; easy terms. The Ames Mercantile
Agency. 416 Abington bldg.
PARTNER $23 week profit: other partner
will give Instructions. P 537, Oregonlan.
S-CHAIR barber shop for sale; good money
for right man. Call at 522 Washington.
CLEANING and pressing btislnes for snle
cause sickness. Phone Tabor 3tiO.
8nap. $45. Call East 4127.
105 4th St., wtll consider a lot
GROCERY Good buy: 10 acres fruit land.
$100 down. 31314 Washington, room 30.
3-CHAIR barber shop In city, fine location,
easy term. 1S5 Holladay ave.
FOR SALE or will take part In trade, rooming-house
34 rooms, 2 halls; good location,
long lease. B 641, Oregonlan.
22 ROOMS, all housekeeping: desirably lo
cated; price $17oo. terms. 2S0V, Washing
ton St.. room 612.
TRANSIENT house. 14 rooms: 2-year lease;
exceptlonallv well located. Washington St.
Call 28t5 Washington St.. room 612.
SO-ROOM mill hotel, doing good business In
St. Johns. Phone Richmond 1081.
FOR SALE Furniture 16 rooms rooming
house. 8S7 Taylor. Owner, No agents., 10 ....
24-room house: cheap rent: long lease:
housekeeping: all rented; clears over $100
per month; for quick sale, price $1400. easy
20 rooms, close In: transient; good furni
ture and new piano: $1273.
S-room hou..: walking distance; rent only
$10- income $45 and 2 nice rooms for your
self; stop paving hlig room rent, when you
can buv one like this for $450 nn easy terms
and collect rent Instead of paying It. -so
Wash. St.. room 301.
QUICK SALE Transient house, 8 rooms; ele
gantly furnished: all new: clears $i Pr
month above expenses; pre $55'. very easy
terms. Call today. 2Sij Washington St..
room 612.
IF you want to buy or sell roominj-houe
see us. as the of the business goes
to our office. H. W. Garland & Co.,
191 4th st.
NEWLY furnished, steam-heated room in
private flat: bath, phone, lights; splendid
location: only ::.50 per week. 364 Couch
at., flat 1. Phone A 7605.
IS ROOMS Nice furniture, splendid location;
price $1250. Particulars 286',? Washington
St., room 612.
9 WELL-FURNISH ED housekeeping-rooms:
good location; all full; low rent. Inquire
494 Kerby St.
BARGAIN 17 rooms: furniture good: well lo
cated; 2-year lea--e: price $lioo. terms Par
ticulars 2MVj Washington St., room bl
A LIMITED amount Oregon Trust accounts
taken inexehange for furniture, etc.. or
all cash paid if preferred. Cohn Bros.,
180 1st sT.
Money to lxan Real Klate.
MONEY to loan on Improved Purtland prop
erty or for building; long time, with privi
lege repaying all or pan of lean after two
Financial Agent. 603 Concord Bldg.
MONEY to loan on Improved property. If
for building purposesh. Interest does not
commence until actual disbursement of
fenda Liberal repayment option. Co
lumbia Life & Trust Co.. 214 Lumber
Excbangs bldg.
ON IMPROVED city property or for build
ing purposes; 3 to 8 years time; liberal re
payment privilege; money advanced as
building progressca The Equitable Sav
ings & Loan Association. 210 Stark at.
MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other
real estate securities, bought on city
' property or lands anywhere In Oregon or
Washington. H. E. Noble, 310-317 Lum
bermens oldg.. Sth and Stark sts.
PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per
tent on real estate security.
ED W. P. MALL as CO.,
30U-310 Abington Bldg.
WW have good buyers for Oregon Trust
Savings accounts also telephone bonds and
German Bank accounts; highest price paid.
6o7 Beck blUg.
$500,000 ON improved city or farm prop
erty, building or Ismail loans at lowest
rates: large loans a specialty. J. H. Mo
Klnzie Co.. 514-15-16 Gerllnger bldg.
IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $500, on all
securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10.
Washington bldg. Phone Main 302.
$"U0 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty,
building loans, lowest rate. W. G. Beck,
312 Failing bldg.
FIRST and second mortgages and contract
purchased on Oregon and Washington lands.
B L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg., 86 6th t.
WB want to make two $15t.O loans on Im
proved city property;, no commission. Call
913 Board of Traiie.
MONEY at 6. 7. and 8 per cent on city and
farm securities. S. S. Gillespie. 201 Fenton
MONEY' loaned, building purposes, if consult
ed before building begins. 502 Henry bldg,
State fund loaned, 6 per cent. W. B .Thom
as, state agent. Multnomah Co.. 4JtC. C.
MONEY loaned on' real estate mortgages or
cortracts. W. H. Nunn. 419 Sherlock bldg.
RKAL estate loans; reasonable terms. W.
Moore. 41)3 Corbett bldg
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat
eral security. C. W. PalletC 304 Fenton.
PRIVATE money loaned on real estate
mortgages. H. Miley, room 204 Gerllnger.
MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per
cent. Frary & Seitx. 132 Sth it.
lONEY to loan on improved city property.
Wm. MacMaster, 302 Worcester blk.
WILL loan $5000 or less. Farrington, 416
Commercial club bldg.
WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign
money; loans. Lewis & Co., 251 Wash at.
FOR MONEY Any amount, reasonable rate.
Bee Prudhomme, 636 Chamber of Commerce.
Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries.
It you knew how easy our terms are you
would not be short of money. Don't be
bothered with a lot of small debts; let us
furnish the money to settle them.
Real Estate. Furniture and Pianos (with
out removal). Storage Receipts, Life In
surance Policies. Horses, Jewelry and Dla
' nionde. and all kinds of securities, on eaey
weekly or monthly payment.
We Buy First and Second Mortgage.
All Business Strictly Conlidential.
12 Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d. Main 2084.
Steadily employed ean borrow' $10. $20, $2u,
$o0. JHU. $50. $75 or $100 of the
All we ask is your personal note; no
mortgage; no indorser or security; every
thing strictly confidential.
$10 reortld In Installments of 45c.
$20 repaid In installments of 70c.
$50 reiiald In Installment of $2.00.
Larger amounts in proportion.
8 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; Wednesday and Sat
urday evenings to 8 o'clock.
308 Falling Bldg,
We are the only company In the city
of Portland organized and incorporated
under the laws of the State of Oregon
loaning money on furniture, pianos, etc..
without removal; storage receipts, real
estate contracts, salaries; also confiden
tial loan made to ladies; no inquiries
Loans of $10 to $100 may be obtained
from us on short, notice, and at a verx
small cost to the borrower.
It will pay you to Investigate our new
credit plan.
012 Dekum Bldg.
Installment loan on pltnus, furniture,
warehouse receipts, horses, lusurance poli
cies and all kinds of securities; HEAL ES
TATE LOANS from $3UO0 -up.
416 Abington Bitit. .
MONEY advanced salaried neople, house
keepers and others upon their own name
without security; cheapest rates, easiest
payments; of Hues In 66 principal cities;
save yourself money by getting my term
first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange.
Quick loans made in iunu from $20 to
- $300 for 80 to 90 daya, on furniture, pianos
or other good security. Room 320 Lumber
men's blag., Sth and Stark
TE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable Interest for long or short
time. A. M. Delovage, Jowelsr. 269 Wash
ington st-
EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 321 Abington bldg.
Money on installment plan.
SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and
easy to pay. F. A .Newton. 615 Henry
bldg-.. cor. 4th ami Oak sts.
MONEY leaned salaried people; easy payment;
no publicity. Room 427. Henry bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel,
lhe Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg.
LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds
and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d St.
Loans Wanted.
WANTED For client, $1000 and $2000: good
real estate security. Taggart. 416 Cham
ber of Commerce.
A LOAN of about $400 at once. AF 644,
THE LADY who toolc by mistake a silver
and pearl handle umbrella with monogram
C F. K. from ohrlstensen, Wednesday ar-
ternoon. will phone Main 5458. evening,
she will receive hers in return.
LOST A muff, containing a purso w-lh a
large sum of currency and valuable pa
pers. Return to Mrs. Overstreet. Imper
ial Hotel and receive reward.
A PURSE with about $6 in silver and two
checks, one $2.5o and other $M. Finder w:li
be liberally rewarded if returned to -.l-Sn
Washington. Jordan & Garbade oftico.
LOST On Portland Heights. Wednesday af
ternoon, bet. Clifton and Spring sis., ame
thyst and pearl breoch. Return to 483 -otn
St.. Portland Heights.. Reward.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vtted. returned same day. 22S Front st.
Phone Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled
hair Factory. H. Metzgcr. ,
COW, black and white spots; heifer, red
and white spots. Answer to Klawska. li
LOST Lady's brown mink fur, bet. Main
and Hawthorne ave. on -20th. Lall 404
Lincoln st. Phone B 2743.
FOUND A bav horse; Owner can have horse
by paying expenses.. Two blocks north 01
Lents Junction, Mount Scott line.
LOST Black water spaniel; answers to
"Don;" reward. Address W. H. Fisk. care
North Pacific Dental College. ;
T OST i small keys, on Sth or Morrison
sts.. Wednesday. Return clerk Perkins
LOST Wednesday evening, brown mink fut
on Claremont road; finder phone Main 1166.
Liberal reward. ,
LOST Horse: chunky sorrel, blind in one
eye. E 463i; O 172.
Proposal lnvlted-
Stone, terra cotla. brick and concrete
work. sealed proposals will be received
at the office of Whldden & Lewis, archi
tects. 701 Corbett building. Portland. Ore
gon, until 12 o'clock noon, on Monday,
December 9. 1909. for stone, terra cotta,
brick and concrete work, and for sii n
other work as called for in spec.ftrations.
for the east wing of a new Courthouse to
be erected for the County of Multnomah.
State of Oregon. Plans and specifications
may be obtained at the olTlue of the archi
tects. No proposal or bid will be consid
ered unless accompanied by a check pay
able to the order of the County Court or
Multnomah county, certified by a responsi
ble bank, for an amount equal to 10 per
cent of the aggregate proposal, to be for
feited as fixed and liquidated damages in
case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter
into contract and provide a suitable bona
for the faithful performance of said work.
In the event the contract is awarded to
nlm. The right to reject any and all
bids Is hereby reserved. Frank S. Fields,
County Clerk. .
PORTLAND?" Or. Nov. 19, 1909 Sealed pro
posals for furnishing lockers for the Jeffer-
son High School will be received at the
school clerk's office, City Hull, until Li
o'clock noon on Monday. Nov. 2.'. 1909.
Plans and specifications may be seen at
the architect s ofTice. M. H. Whltehouse.
623 Lumberman's bldg.. Sth and btark sts.
TO WHOM It may concern I have sold my
interest In the Gilman bar at 144 urst
St.. J. W. Doane.
SILVER'S Kosher Grill. 27014 Stark St..
opposite Chamber of Commerce, will open
Friday, November 12.
I WILL not be responsible for debts con
tracted by Mary Rua. my wife. By Charry
Architects, contractors, engineers, get Paclfio
Bu:lder & Engineer. 401 Board of Trade.
"THE JAHN." 3S4 Yamhill t.. cor. West
Park Selected ladies' hair goods, stylish
puffs, switches, artistic wigs, toupees,
transformations that defy detection; the
very latest French system of hair dyeing;
save time, money and disappointments;
our system of dermatology will cure the
worst kind of scales, tetter and dandrurt;
experienced French wigmaker and Marcel
waver in attendance
OXYGEN will cure any curable disease,
either acute or chronic, when adminis
tered by means of the OXYGENATOR, call
or write tor particulars. Office hours. 1
to 2. The uxygenator Co., loom 502 -wetland
Diseases of women and children. Ladles,
you can avoid surgical operation by con
sulting me; electric treatment for nervous
diseases; private hospital accommodation.
Rooms 505-506 Commonwealth bldg.. 6tll
and Ankeny. Phones. Main 4017, A 2411.
HAIR GOODS at factory prices;' French and
German hair switches, 95c and up; Paris
styles in hairdressing; scientific face and
scalp massage, dermatology, bairdrosaing
and manicuring taught. Aza H. Ribbecke.
Grand Leader, uth and Alder ats.
graduate; rheumatism, nervous una stom
ach disorders under physician directions;
baths. No. 7' East Eleventh street, second
door south from East Ankeny carllne.
Phone East 200, Home B 1803.
"THE JAHN," 3S4 Yamhill St.; phones Main
5174, A 3544 High-class ladies' TurKisil
and electric baths; removing of super-
. Iluous hair, moles, warts, etc., by the elec
tric needle; painless and permanent; the
only system indorsed by all physiciana
Electricity used; most sanitary treatment
for the let; no cutting; no soreness; sat
isfaction. 3U2-303 Oretfonian hldg. Main
4645; hours. 1 to S P. M. ; Sunday. 10 to 3.
LADlEt Ask your druggist for Chichester
Diamond Brand Pills. For 23 years known
as the best, saiest. Reliable. lake no
other. chichesters Diamond Brand Pill
are sold by druggist everywhere.
Physician and surgeon; treats womeri
and children exclusively; private hospital
accommodations; examinations free. Main
4047. A 2411. 506 Commonwealta biug.,
0th and Auseny.
Diseases of women and children. No
charge lor consultation. Room 10. Grand
Theater bldg.. Washington and park sta
Main 3928. A 5007.
EXPERT hand and electric vibration treat
ment and tub baths for ladles and gentlen.en
given by Herra T. Teras. 143 11th St., cur.
Alder, Portland, Or.
OSTRICH plumes cleaned, dyed and curled;
fur and velvet hats made over to best sat
isfaction. Ostrich Plums Co., 303 W gsh
lngton. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly
cures blood and kin diseases, sores, ul
oers. swollen glands, kidney, bladder and
pile, lsl 1st St.. Portland.
LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills are
positively the best. Take no other. Price.
$2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Addreas T. J.
lerce, 311 Aliaky bldg.
SKILLFUL and scientific treatment of all
diseases peculiar to women; cures effected
in every case, without operation, pain or
danger Dr. pierce, 311 Alisky bldg.
ITALIAN gentleman of college eduoatlon. Just
arrived from New York, would teach
French and Italian with quick, method. Ad
drees Uiuberto Cervello, 324 Henry bldg.
DRESS suits for rent, aH sizes. $l.i0 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark.
CANCERS tumors, paralysis, spinal and all
stomach trouble cured; natural way. 771
Alberta t. Mrs. l. Allerson, healer.
Mme Courtwriglit. skin and scalp treat
ments, facial deformities corrected, plas
Uc surgery. 225 Fliedne- bldg. M. 50-,-.
WOMEN Whatever your aliment, call on
Dr Ketchum. Office hours 9 A. M. to 5
P. M. liOls 3d SU Main 8770.
ness Price 1. Money refunded if It
fails. T. J- Pierce, ail Aiisgy oiug.
25c box. restore lost vitality, stipe, Taylor
Drug o.. --
JOHN LIMNELL. Swedish graduate, mas
ur mechano-hydrotherapeutic treat
ments 417 Oregonlan bldg. Main 7757.
DR CORA TALBOTT; 20 years' experience
in diseases of women; consultation free
and conlidential. Hamilton bldg.
ENDLESS HAIR ROLL Any thickness, any
color. 428 E. 9th. E. 2211.
BAIM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 800
rsiisan st. Main 9215. Agent wanted.
MOI ES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bdg. M. 3473.
SEND $1 and birth date for horoscope to
,Vv' Hermes, SU Johni,
DR. C. S. CARTER, suite 401 Merchanta
Trust bldg.. corner 6th and Washington.
Practice limited to diseases and disorders
of women. The doctor's adv ce Is free,
consult him in absolute confidence, pri
vate sanatorium if desired. Hours: 10 to
1; 2-4; 6-8. Sunday, 10-1.
Assuyer und Analyst.
622 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M. 5980.
FOOD commercial and drug analysis.
Clarke. Woodward Drug Co., Portland. Or.
Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem
ists and assaycis. -U4 :i W ashington st.
and ore-testing worn. 166 Morrison su
Attorneys at Law.
S S HUMPHREY, atty.. 737-739 Cham.
Com. inieifitate Adjustment Co., collec
tion dept.
H 11. KIDDELU attorney-at-law, 733
Chamber commerce. Main 4i61. A iitii.
Commercial, county and ilunlclpal.
Auditing, investigating and systematizing
324 Worcester Block Pnoue .Maui ujiii.
H a MOSEK. accountant and auditor;
business or corporations estates, counties,
municipalities -olicitcd. 2jU1 3d. M. ..484.
Carpet Weaving.
KLGS made from old carpets; also Colonial
rag rugs woven- -Noiunvest uug Woras,
lo Lmoii ave. East 3oo. xi 1-So-
WM ESXELLE and Flossie Deveuy. the only cn.roi.oa.-. m tne city Pa. ion.
U2 u.-., S- vv. cor. -a uu Al
Uer. PUolie Ma.u 13uL
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 429 rl.e-ner biu. Pnone Main o4...
ECONOMY loot and scalp specialist; bunion
sceptics Invitea. 16. .fars. St. A -o.8.
CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs.
Duntuu. TUtoid olus .lv. 204. 10t nd -tor.
COMMERCIAL, prooate and real estate law.
bonded reproseiitauvea everywhere. Na
tional AdJ-stmeul Co.. U20-U27 .Board of
'1 rade.
Commission Merchant.
TAILOR. YOUNG At CO., snip brokers, com
inisslou merchant. Snerlock Porl-
Silks, rugs, taiicy goods. 70 6ttt.
i ncins.
prot. vv'ai winsons Dancing fcchool. ic
per lesson, incluuuig teachers, musio witn
each lesson every morning, atteriioon and
eve Guarantee to loacn anyone to dance
or "retund money. teelling-rilrsch Hall,
386 v. wash. st.. near lotn st.
guarantee; classes, private; orchestral mu
iic; beautiful nan .ur rent, al
taus only. Phone
Miss Gianstioi... dancing teacher. Main
Dog and Horse Hospital.
DR. BROWN. D. V. S.. D. 0. M. Office 324
Flanders st. kiain 4086, A 4080.
Electric Motors.
Motors tor relit or sale. 213 d st.
Feed Stores.
Z1GLER & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, car
menu shingles. 31 Grand ave. E. 482.
Glass and Glazing.
GLASS and glazing. Tlmms. Cress Jk Co.,
145 1st su Main or A 2Q23.
COME 24914 Holladay ave. for shampoo, scalp
treatment, hair work. East 6Q66.
Janitor Supplies.
thf WESTERN Sales Co., 44 2d st. Janl
'Jr and building supplies. Phone Main 6763.
Leather and llndings.
CHAS. I. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front .father
of every v-y-. ,,. s
tablished I80S. lo -
5, A 2133. Jol.nnle on the spoU
RAND and orchestra Instruments, musical sun
dries Victor talking machines, records.
Se.berllng-Luoas Music Co.. 134 2d st.
HELEN E. BAUER, piano teacher: Eastern
conservatory grauuate; lesBOus, too. 120
East Main st.
i.-mil TH1ELHOHN, violin teacher, pupil
T'of Cevtik. A 4100. Pine 334. Main 3045.
M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 Salmon
St. Main .a-iv. o..s-. .
PIANO LESSONS very reasonable.
Osteopathic I'hyslcian.
415-10-17 Dekum Bldg., anu ws.fc
Phone.ofUce. Main 349; res. East or B 1028
LeKoy Smith. tSTJ'J1 Ittt
post grau uvi. "
1'aiuts, Oils and Glass.
uasml'SSEN at CO., Jobbers, paints, oils.
7ss. sasl. and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Tatent and Pensoon Attorney.
K C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ent's, infringement cases. 604 Dekum.
THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 404
Worcester blug.. Oscar fauber. Portland.
Zaice near 24th N. anaturasta. aiii
Rubber Stamps.
a 1 so seals, stencils, office stationeiy, etc s. 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Storage and Transfer.
C O. PICK Transfer 4: Storage Co., office
and commodious iuur-s...y u..c -. -
house, separate Iron rooms and -reproof
r..r valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and
Pine sta. Pianos and furniture moved and
packed fur shipping. Main 396, A 1996.
General trauslerring and storage; safes,
iaiios and turnilure moved anu packed
tor shipment. 209 Oak St.. bet. . root and
1st. 'ielePuones Mam 34. or A 2-4 f.
OREGON TRANSFER CO. established 1870.
Tiansler and Forwarding Agents storage.
Office 310 Hoyt St.. between 5th and Oto
phones. Main 69. A 1169.
THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d sU Sales
at factory price. Second-hand safes. ,.
Showcase. Bank and Store Fixtures.
THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand
Kaplds Showcase Co.. 0th and lioyU R.
Lutke, Mgr.
THE Jaa. I. Marshall Manufacturing Co..
manufacturers showcases, cabinets, store,
office fixtures. 289 Couch sU Main 2703.
STOVES connected and repaired. Mala 1110.
614 Fronu
Taxidermist and Furrier.
OREGON'S best taxidermist; expert In all
branches. C. M. Harris, 495 Washington su
WE ARE the exchange for the largest type
writer concern on this Coast; investigate;
all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex
change. 287 It Washington su
SPECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold re
paired. P. D. C. CO.. 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Wood and Coal.
BOX, planer and cord wood in any quantity.
Standard Wood Co.. East 2315. B 1696.
Wall Paper.
ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st. Wall paper,
lincrusta, loom moulding, etc.
Southern Facitlc.
Leaving Portland
Ashland Pssenger .........
Cottage Grove I'asscngei . . . .
Sh-sta Limited
California Express
San Francisco Express ......
West Side
Corvallis Passenger
Sherloan passenger
Forest G.ove passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passanger. . . . . .
Arriving Portland
Oregon Express
Cottage Grove Paasenger. . . .
Roaeburg passenger
Portland Express
Shasta Limited
West Side
Corvallis passenger
Sheridan passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove l'assci.ger
Forest Grove passenger
8:13 a. ra
4:15 p. m.
6.00 p. nil
7:43 p. m.
1.30 a m.
7:20 a. m
4 :00 p in.
8:30 a m.
1:00 p. m,
5:40 p. m.
7:30 a. m
10:40 p. m.
5:30 p. m,
11:00 a. in.
9:30 p. 111.
6:35 p. m
10:30 a. ra,
8:00 a. m,
1 1:50 a. m.
I 4:40 p. m.
Northern Pacific.
Leaving Portland 1
North Coast Limited via Pugetl
Sound 110
Nortli Coast Limited via North
Bank I 7
Atlantic Express via Pugot Soundjl2
Atlantic Express via North Bank 9
Twin City Express via Pugetl
Sound ) 3
Twin Citv Exuress via Northl
:0 a- ns
:00 p. m.
:15 a. m.
:00 a 111.
;00 p. m,
Bank 1 T:
:00 p. ra.
Eastern Express, via Puget Sound12
Eastern Express via North Bank; 9
Missouri River Express via Pugetl
Sound 110
Missouri River Express via Northl
Bank 1 1
1- a. m .
00 a. m.
00 a. m
00 p. m.
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle
Express, Grays Harbor, Olympia!
ana South Bend branches
Portland-V ancouver special
Puget Sound Limited, Grays Har
bor and South Bend, branches. .
Yacolt passenger
Arriving Portland a
North Coast Limited via North
IS a. m
00 a. ni,
00 p. m
00 p. m
Bank I
:00 p. m
:00 a. m
:00 a. m
:85 p. m,
:00 p. m
:00 a. m,
North Coast Limited via pugetl
. . . .1
Northern PaclllC
Nuith Bank. . . .
Northern pacific
Puget Sound
. . .1 a
Pacific Coast Express via Northl
Vu.-it-... r.inat K-ure via PugeU
Sound i 7
Western Express via North Banki 8
Western Express via I'uget Souud10;
Missouri River Express via Northl
Bank I
Missouri River Express via Pugetl
Sound I
Po.tlaiid-Tacon.a-Satlle Explcsa
and from Olympia, south iiendl
and Grays liaiuoi I 4
Puget Sound Limited 18
Vancouver-Portland special Ilo
Yacolt Passenger !
:uo p. nu
.30 p. nu
:O0 a. m,
:00 p. m.
00 p. m,
3a p. in.
30 p. nia
00 a. m.
Oregon Railroad Jfc Navigation Co.
Leaving Portland
Tcndleton passenger
chl. ago-porllalid Special ....
Oregun-Vt ashiiigton Limited ..
buo-spokane-Poi Hand
Eastern Express
Arriving Portland
Fast Mail
Oregon-W aslilngtou Limited ..
Oregon Express
Local Passenger
Chicago-Worllaild Special
I 8:00 a m.
1 10:tH a m.
6:35 p. lm
1 :uo p. 1
6 ;OU p. Uk
7:30 a. m.
, 8:00 a. ni,
, 8:40 a. m
. 9:00 a. in.
.! 6:15 p. in,
.1 0:00 p. m.
Astoria Columbia Klver.
Leaving Portland
Seaside Express
.Astoria Express ....
Rainier Passenger ..
Rainier Passenger ....
Arriving Portland
Porllanl Express ...
8:00 a. mi
6:30 p. 11..
1:16 p. lu,
6 : 10 p. im
12:13 n. m.
Portland Express
10:00 p. m.
-OlllttI.U .Af'eoB '7 :, .
Rainier and Purtland Passangsr. . ;10:.5 a. m.
Rainier and Portland Passenger. I 5:20 p.m.
Canudlnn Focillo Hallway Co.
Leaving Portland I
C. P. R. Short Line via Spokaoel 7:00 p. mi
Via Seattle .112:13 a. nj
Arriving Portland ,'
C. P. 11. Short Lino via Spokane! 0:00 a. nv
Via Seattle I 7:00 a. ro.
Southern l'aclllo.
Leaving Portland
Dallas passenger
Dallas Passenger ....
Arriving Portland
Dal:aa Passenger
Dallas Passenger
7:40 a. ns.
4:30 p. Ul
.110:15 a mi
.1 5:05 p. m,
Spokane. Portland 4fc Seattle Railway Csv
Leaving Portland
Inland Empire Express :00 a, ra.
For Chicago bt. Paul. Omaha, Kansas
City St. Louis', Killings, Spokane, Cheney.
Lauiont, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco,
Roosevelt. Giaiiddalles. Lyle. White Salmon,
Stevenson. Vancouver aud luterinediate la-
Columbia River Local 5:00 p. m,
North Bank Limited ....7:00 p.m.
For Chicago St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas
City. SU Louis. Billings, Spokane. Cheney
liinont, Washtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco.
Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle. White Salmon.
Stevent-on. Vancouver and Intermediate sta-
Arriving Portland
North Bank Limited 8:00 a.m.
Ftom Chicago. SU Paul, Omaha. Kansa
Citv SU Louis Billings. Spokane. Cheney,
I.amont, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco,
Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, Goldendala,
White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver ami
intermediate stations.
Columbia River Local 12:25 p.m.
Inland Emrire Express 8:15 p. m.
From Chicago bt. Paul. Omaha. Kansat
City, SU Louis. Billings, Spokane. Cheney,
Lan.ont, Wushtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco,
Roosevelt. Granddalles. Lyle. Goldendala,
White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and
intermediate stations.
Time Card Oregon Electrle Railway Co
Leaving Portland for Salem and Int.
stations 6:30, 7:40, 9:55. 11:35 A. -M. ; 2:OU
3:45. 6:20, 11:00 P. M. Limited lor Tualatiu
and Salem 8:50 A. M. Local fur Wilson
vllle and Int. stations 5:15 P. M. Dally
except Sunday for points on the Salem.
Falls City at Western Ry. via fcalom 8:39
A. M-. 2:00 P. M. Sunday only 9:65 A. M.
Leaving Portland for Forest Grove an.
Int. stations 6:43. 8:30, 10:10 A M.; 12:13,
2:15. 3:30, 5:35, 8:25, 11:15 P. M.
Arriving Portland from Saicm and In
stations 9:00. 11:00 A. M. : 12:05. 1:15. 3:o,
6 15 8:20 lu:40 P. M. Limited from Salem
and 'Tualatin 3:05 P. M. Local from Wll
sonvllle and inu stations 6:53 A. M.
Arriving Portland from Forest Grove an4
Int. stations 7:50. 9:35, 11:25 A. 1:3
2:55. 4:33. 6:25. 8:10. 11:00 P. M.
Portland Railway. Light & Power Company.
Cars Leave.
Ticket Office and' Waiting Room,
First and Alder and East Wator
and Eus; Morrison Street.
Oregon City t oo. 6:30 A. M. and every
80 minutes to and Including 9 P. M.. then
10-00. 11:00 P. M.; last car mldulghu
Gresham and intermediate points 6:55,
7-45 8 45 9:45. 10:45 A. M.. 12:45, 2:45.
3:45. 4:45, '5:45, 6:45, 11:86 P. M.
Falrvlew and Truutdale 6:55. .:45. 8:43,
9-43, lu:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45, 8:46. 4:45.
5:45, 6:43 P. M. .
Cazadero and intermediate points 6:55,
8:45. 10:45 A. M-. 12:45. 2:45. 4:45. t:i
P. M.
For Vancouver
Ticket ortlce and Waiting Room. Second
and Washington Streets.
A M. 6:15 6.50, 7:25. 8:00. S:35. 9:10.
9:50. 1d:30, 11:10, 11:50.
p M I2:;"0. 1:10, 1:50. 2:30 3:10. 3:50.
4:3J, 5:10. 5:50, 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:15. 9:25,
10:35, "llu.
On third Monday in every month the last
car leaves at 7:05 P. M.
Dally except Sunuay. Dally except
Leaving Portland for Burlington and Int.
stations: 6:15, 7:13. 8:15, 9:15. 10:15. 11:1S
A M., 1:13, 2:15, 3:15, 4:13, 5:15. 0:15 P. M.
For LInnton and Int. stations Saturday and
Sunday only. 8:10. 10:00, 11:45 P. M.
Arriving Portland from Burlington and
Int stations, 8:00. 0:00. 10:00, 11:U0 A. M.
12:00 noon, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00. 6:00, 7:00.
b"oo P M. From LInnton and Int. stations,
daily except Sunday. 7:00 A. M. From Linn- .
ton and Int. stations, Saturday and Sunday
only. 9:25. 11:15 P. 31.
Portland. Oregon.