Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 20, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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    .X .
REAL tMAIE, svc.i, - I
For Sale Houses.
new Irvington home. 9 very large
1th separate accommodation for
beautifullv arranged and finished:
bv owner. 498 East 17th, near
rooms, w
t. ; $o"0.
A BARGAIN" If taken quick. 8-room modern
home. Ladds Add. Room 5. Lumbermen a
bid. Phon M. 8073. East 2725. Thos,
Yiganv. owner.
For Hale Business Property.
SOxino. corner Maryland and Klll'lngsworth
aves : small Income; will sell at bargain
if taken at once.
Main Wl', as it
Barms. 2:-5 Chapman.
I will sell all or any portion of my
beautiful 8-scre tract at Rlverdale. win
cut up nicely Into slngie acres or more,
tract is wooded and commands unex
telled view of river, city and mountains;
se-ure for yourself a choice country noma
fl'e In this most exclusive residence sec
tion of Portland: will build your home,
conforming to your own plans on easy
terms if desired. F. C Graham. S27
at C.
i acres; 16 in cultivation; on Southern
Pacific R. R. : line level land, best of aoll.
running water; 5 sjrres of line timber; no
buildings: 1 mile to college and high
school: $5 per acre: $4o cash, balance
to suit: li per cent for all rash.
7', acres, same as above. $80 per acre;
$2io cash, balance to suit.
Deal with owner. P. Relmers. 709 Cor
belt bldg.
5 10 20-acre tracts, choice walnut and
fruit lands, all level. In high state of cul
tivation, one-hour ride on electric road,
steamer transportation fare S5 cents, fruit
belt of Oregon: see us before It Is too late,
large tracts with or without irrigation,
easy terms.
DEAN I.AXD CO.. Owners.
622 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or.
A SNAP, 220O.
About 2 L acres on the new Salem
f:itctrlc. at Ryan Place. 17-mlnute car
irle from foot of JefTerson St.; all fenced,
adjoining lots selling for $2r.O; you can
make your own terms. AB 544. Ore
gunian. BRITISH COLUMBIA LANDS, along the
Grand Trunk Pacific, the Last Great West.
We know the territory and have seen the
land. Can offer tracts from ;) to 6O.OO0
acres at low prices. Glad to give particu
lars. Williams 4 Murdoff. Lid., Vancou
ver. B. C
ACREAGE In large or small tracts cn car
line, close in; choice river front; T00. acres
to subdivide. Kinney it Stompher. 131
Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4SM.
75 acres, close to Cazadero; 80 acres,
six miles from Scappoose.
FKARY 4 SEITZ. 132 Mh St.
8 ACRES, well improved, one block from
Jennings I.odge station: for sale cheap
if sold quick; can give best of terms.
C. D. Slocum. owner.
IF YOU want acreage. West Side on carllne
, and only 5 miles out, call 514 Swetland
6 AIRES, close In. aoll and location Ideal,
part cash, balance terms. 412 loth at.
2 relinquishments, best we ever had.
lo timber claims from 6.OU0.0I10 to
O.OoO.oon each.
2 timber relinquishments, exceptionally
10 timber claims; will run. from S.00O,
0OO to 8.0OO.0OO feet each.
Homesteads in Eastern Oregon.
13 Hamilton Bldg.
HOMESTEADS in Douglas County, only T
miles from railroad; 7.000.000 feet timber
and good cabin. Look this up.
Have one claim in Wasco County.
514 Swetland Bldg.
rnotu house and 3"xlo lot. situate between
19th and 2'hh, on Qulmby at.; 3 lots. 2
blocks further north have recently brought
$:tf.0: this will be worth a fortune aa
soon as the Chicago. Milwaukee A 31. Paul
R. R. reaches Portland: only $5000 If taken
at once; $2000 cash, balance on or before
years at 6 per cent. C. F. Pfluger
Co., room 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morri
son sts.
Oswego, Or.
Farm, acreage and town property: take
S. P. train at Jehrson St. depot and
come and watch Oswego grow. .
RIGHT ON THE United Railways track. 50
acres of land, situate only 2 miles S. W.
of Burlington; grand proposition for sub
dividing: can be bought fr $125 per acre;
worth $500 per acre as soon aa Hue is In
Miration: all cash or nearly so. C. F.
Pfluger A Co.. room 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d
and Morrison sts.
DO YOU want a snap In a business lot with
a great future? See me for one at $10K.
on Sandy road, riyht in the center of a
large restricted district;. $300 cash will
handle this. Come quick. Double your
money In 10 days. No dealers. S. D.
Vincent. 420 Lumbermena bldg.
$10000 Income property on Overton at., pay
ing 7 per cent. M. E. Lee, room 411 Cor
bett )ldg.
AI-BINA warehouse site on Improved corner
and railroad spur near ferry. Tel. "Wood
lawn 1693.
For Sale
-Fruit Lands.
I HAVE an 8-rre piece of apple land 5
mile back of Lyle. on county road, that I
want to sell so that 1 can improve the rest
of my place. This Is a beautiful knoll and
surrounded by growing orchards all A1 ap
ple land: I will sell f..r $V an acre If taken
at once;' half cash. F 543, Oregonlan.
For Sale Farms.
A BARGAIN A nice 40-acre place1 only
about 8 miles north of Portland and
near the Germantown road: the land lies
all level and is partly improved; house
and barn: orchard: can be bought at
$100 per acre; X, cash. O. F. Ptluger ac
Co.. rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor
rison sts.
TRACK. Near Woodhurn; rich farming section;
good chance for a man to go Into farm
produce business; hops, onions, potatoes
and hay or grain; with one acre of land
right at the station; price, SO0; $.100
cash, balance to suit. For particulars sea
owner. P. Relmers. 709 Corhett bldg.
A 25-acre Improved farm. 74 miles
from the center of Portland. This land
will bring you $r00 per acre within three
years: you can buy It now at a figure that
will pay SO per cent on your investment.
423 Henry Bldg.. Cor. Fourth and Oak.
acres choice land on good county road. 3
miles from railroad and good town; this
land Is very suitable for platting and is
at present in good condition; price $25
per acre. For particulara and terms apply
to William MacMaster. 302 Worcester
block. Portland. Or.
14KH ACRKS. all fenced WAI.LA WALLA
DISTRICT: this land has raised over 40
b'mbels per acre: fine spring on place; price
$22 ier acre: nothing joining this for less
than $: easy terms; can rent It. you get
one-third In warehouse.
441 Sherlock Bldg.
SO ACRES on Oregon Flectrfc. 45 minutes
from Portland: Southern Pacific has sta
tion and switch on land: 50 acres cleared,
about 35 of which Is rewt beaverdam land
In state: buildings, young orchard. Call
on owne.s.
201 Swetland Bldg.
16o ArRFA very rich river bottom lard: does
not overflow; only SO miles from Portland;
boat landing, on "the place. mile from
railroad station: Meal for platting in & or
To-acre tracts; a big bargain at $11,000. M.
E. room 411 Corbett bldg.
.i nl ACRES fine farm land. Eastern Ore
gon, on line of R. R. now building: can
buv from 40 acres upward at $5.50 pr
acre; $1.50 cash, balance can be paid in
5 years. P 542. Oregonlan.
SO ACRES, 3 miles from Sliverton; will
tP-ka part in Portland property; have to
move on account of sickness. "Write O.
Terry. Sliverton. Oregon.
Largest list of valley farms In the Stat.
For Sale Farms.
THE NEXT 30 DAYS: 323 acres of as
good land as there Is in Yamhill Co.. and
only $50 per acre (land adjoining is for
sale at $100 per acrei: only 2 miles
from town, electric R. R surveyed
through the place; this is the biggest
bargain you haie heard of In a long
time: let me tell you all about it. W. J.
Smith, 43S Chamber of Commerce.
SEND for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying: lands shown free,
Olmstead Land Co.. Salem Or.
Stock of general merchandise, store
building, dwelling, at good country point;
trad for a farm; $8.V0.
Stock of general merchandise in good
town; w-ill take property in Fortland as
part pay; $S0ciu.
stork of general merchandise; trade for
good land; will run about $2.".0o0.
General country stock; trade for land or
town property; about $2,100.
Stock of furnishings, shoes, etc.; trade
for land or town property: $:tooo.
Stock of hardware, furniture, paints,
oils, lumber, etc.. with buildings; trade
for a farm: $13,000.'
511 Gerlinger Bldg.
80 ACRE3 unimproved land, near 0!ympla;
actual cash value $2400: will trade all or
half for or on -lots or house and lot; new
electric road will Increase value to $100
per acre. S. D. Vincent. 420 Lumber
mens bldg.
WILL sell or trad.-, 20 acres of land, under
cultivation; si-k'ndid soil, 4 blocks from
school, for rooming-house or residence In
Portland. Owner, phone East 5sr2-
H AVE 53 acres of land; 40 under cultiva
tion; one mile east of tiheridan: 5-room
house, good .arn and orchard; will con
sider good rooming-house or city property.
Owner. Phono East 552.
WILL exchange my lrvlngton home for
vacant city properly: it has all the modern
improvements, is near the carllne and in
a fine neighborhood; lfa an 8-room house.
R 520. Oregonian.
GARIBALDI BEACH lots, choice location,
sure to doubie in value, on beautiful lake,
100 vards to beach. 2o0 yards to R. R.
station, for small automobile. F 542. Ore
gonlan. $7000 EQUITY In 600 acres of land 38 miles
from Portland on river and.R. R-, for good
modern hou; this is an A No. 1 deal. Call
or address F. W. Lambert, 287 Wash. St.
A 2125.
WILL trade off small mfg. business; con
sists of formula and stock on hand. $.0O.
What will you trade for it? Inquire loll)
Board of Trade.
$1000 GILT-edge manufacturing stork, lo
cal Incorporation. $1,500,000 for city real
estate or acreage. Give location and de
scription. Y 644, Oregonlan.
I WANT Spokane lots for Portland home or aa
part payment on home. See Joe Nash,
owner, at Millard ave., on the Mount Scott
FOR sale or will trade for vacant lot, mul
tiple drawer National cash register, worth
$450. Phone Woodlawn 2434.
YOU can trade any kind of property at
room 1019 Board of Trade.
WE trade anything you have for something
you want. 314 Gerllnger bldg.
WILL get you anything In trade for any
thing you have. 322'Hnry bldg.
A TRACT of seven-forties of Al yellow fir:
will crule 6H million; in township 17 south,
range 4 east. Price $4o00. $15uO caeh. bal.
in 1 or 2 years If taken soon. C. L. Beek
man. 301-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone
.Main T2U0.
Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce,
100,000,000 high-grade yellow fir, near log
ging stream, $75,000; reasonable terms;
mill can be secured In connection if de
sired c C. Shay, 61ft Ablngton bldg.
TWENTY-TWO million feet fir on 4J0 acres;
right out on driving stream, to exchange for
income property. Stanfer Bros.. 441 Sher
lock bldg.
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A
Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SALE cheap, two timber claims In Skis
law country; cruise eight million each. Ad
dress P. O. Box 442. Portland.
110.000.000 FEET timber. Coquille River,
sell all or part. Address "Owners," Box
608, -Portland, anl arrange interview.
HAVE 30,000,000 feet fir logs which will
cut BO per cent clear; can be manufac
tured cheaply. AN 539, Oregonlan.
11 SECTIONS land. Klamath and Lake
counties, all or part. Address "Own,"
Box 60S, Portland, and arrange Interview.
A SNAP: 160 acres timber land; will cruise
6 million; good transportation, title clear,
near Chinook, Wash. K 542. Oregonlan.
TIMBER lands bought and sold, properties
looked after. C J. McCracken, 304 McKay
Udg.. Portland. Or.
$lO0 ACRE, 519 acres, subdivided, good as
Gresham. $400; or Garden Home at $450
acre. -AH 530. Gregorian.
TIMBER and homestead relinquishments.
327 Worcester block.
YOU HAVE property for sale or you would
not be Interested In this column. Our Fall
business has been excellent and we have
not enough property on our lists now t?
meet the demand of our buyers. Liberal
advertising and hustle spells success in
selling. If you want to sell, all we ask
for is a reasonable trial. All we charge
Is regular commission. No sale, no
charge and no extras. Come In and talk
It over. West Side property usually turned
In 30 days, if price Is rtfht.
S32 Chamber of Commerce.
"WANTED To buy 6 or -room bungalow
from owner: walking distance Catholic
Church; state price, location. J 643. Ore
gonlan. WANTED Large tract suitable for nursery;
lw0 acres or more.
Chamber of Commerce.
CASH paid for lots convenient to Alberta,
"Woodlawnr St. Johns carllnes: give lot,
block, addition and price. C 637. Orego
nian. HAVE client for $25,000 income property.
Vanduyn A Walton. 513 Chamber Com
merce. VACANT lots in Vernon; also .Improved
property: owners only. Ault & McCoy.
Phone Woodlawn 2305.
WANT rlose-ln acreage on West Side: must
be reasonable and near car. Give full par
ticulars E 540. Oregonlan.
"WANT property on Broadway bet. Williams
ave. and river. E 541. Oregonlan.
"WANTED To rent. farm, everything fur
nished, by experienced farmer, with op
tion of buying in 3 years, or will work
by month. F 544. Oregonlan.
40 ACRES finest apple land In Hood River
Vallev for sale or exchange. SJanfer Bros..
441 Sherlock bldg.
Ten acres, one mile from city limits,
on Section Line road. 7Vi acres all cleared;
has good five-room house, large barn,
chicken house and outhouses; all fenced;
fine well and pump; liberal rent to right
party. See owner. 171 3d St., near Yam
hill. .
jjAVE two cash buyers for improved farms,
"please send complete descriptions. C. L.
Bamberger. 50S Chamber of Commerce.
TIMBER lands wanted. C. J.
304 LicKay Mdg.
Horses, Vehicles and Ha me
FOR SALE 1 horse, light single harness,
2-seated surrey and light spring wagon.
349 Grant st.
HORSES, mares rlgt and harness of all
kinds for sale. 3U4 Montgomery. I
AT lth and Savler. heavy and light horses
cheap; take "S" car north.
. t -.. ... f .v.vT.mrUX 1 B1TCAXIONS WANTED-MALE. f KOB RENT.
. niRSAIl. I nnn- y a.i lci .u.w.j. i , ,
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
We have Just received a ear of No. 1
work horses ranging In weight from 1000
pounds to 1500 pounds; prices reasonable
and horses guaranteed as represented.
We also have on band:
10 delivery wagons.
S farm wagons
1 furniture wagon.
7 buggies.
4 carts.
420 Hawthorne Ave.
Multnomah street lot 50x100 $1750
A tine building site, between 19th and
21st at.; Improvements In and paid. Terms,
$yoo down, balance on time.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
3700-LB TEAM, $70 ; - 2400-lb. team, $100:
one 1100-lb. horse, good top express
wagon. 1 cheap 3-sprlng wagon. 1 good
, open buggv. 2 old buggies, will exchange
for cows: must sell: going out of busi
ness. Kenilworth- Transfer Co., 809 East
2Sth St., Woodstock car to Gladstone ave.
WILL sell all or part, pair of bays, weight
2."i."o lbs., good harness and nearly new
delivery wagn. with top: must be sold at
once; can be seen at Knuner"a New York
Stables, 15th and Alder.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons, to rent by month
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes. day. week, or
month. Phones East 72. B 1S69. Haw
thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Three 7-year-old horses, weight
1300 lbs. each, sound and true In every
wav; will sell cheap or trade for part
payment on house and lot In East suburbs.
J. R. Shellenberger. 41st and Holgate.
If you want a finely-situated 4 block, see
Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Com
merce. TWO span and heavy draft horses, young
and sound weighing 2800 and 3250.
Phone E 4S04.
TRUCK in 'good condition; canopy top; $75;
terms. Phone Main- 7110 or call at 331 'A
lith St. N.
BAY HORSE. 950 lbs.. 8 years, fat, gentle
and good driver, single, double or sadlle,
$40. 2t;3 Russell st.
7-YEAR horse, suitable for delivery wagon.
Eastman. 303 Ablngton bldg.
HUBERT & HALL 3S0 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments.
BEAUTIFUL mahogany upright piano, will
be sold for amount loaned on same. Call
room 10. Washington ,bldg.
EDISON phonograph and records, cheap,
separately or together. 3S5 E. Burnslde.
Birds, Dogs, Pet Stock.
BLACK female -fox terrier with ten lovely
coal black puppies, cheap. Box 101, R. D.
No. 2. Hillsdale.
TWO Persian kittens, males. 7 months old,
full pedigree: one orange, one tiger, cheap.
F 540. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE 20 "speyed" Collie pups. $10
each, express paid, worth double. Shade
land Farm, route 2, Amity, Or.
WE are in the market for a good second-hand
four or five-passenger automobile, com
pletely equipped for Winter work.
RABB & PATTON. 90 Fifth St.
AITOMOBILE wanted. will exchange
equity in WestmoreIand lot and brand
new standard make piano, $850. AB 641,
AUTOMOBILES for sale and exchange. Geo.
R. Flora. 470 East Burnslde St.
AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re
paired. James D. Fall, 244 2d st.
Corrugated Iron:
Corrugated Iron.
Rubber Roofing.
Rubber Roofing.
$l.ou per square.
Sledges, "Wedges.
Sledges. "Wedges.
Positively new,
5c pound.
244-250 Front S.
GAS range, coffee urns, computing scales.
cash registers, refrigerators, glass-front
counter, restaurant dishes and other sur
plus fixtures, almost new, very cheap;
also sell the business, good bakery and
delicatessen separately. 409 -E. Burnslde.
Send us one dollar and we will send you
receipt used try prominent liquor houses
for making whisky sold by many saloons
Oregon Prescription Co.. room 28. The Dex
ter. 12th and Washington, Portland, Or.
UNCLE MYERS has only one store. Look
for the name.
SEWING MACHINES Second hand ma
chines, drop head and box top, of all
makes, at very lew prices. White Sewing
Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th.
TWO iron beds, springs and mattresses, also
two SxlOH ingrain rugs, all new, never
been used; $10 If taken at once. 830
Union ave. North.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully
guaranteed; easy payments: rentals, $3
per month. Pacific stationery A Ptg. Co,
203 2d SI
NEW oak roller-top desk and office- chair,
cheap. Call 1122 E. Grant St., Hawthorne
ave. carllne.
PHYSICIANS Bausch A Lomb, analytical
microscope, complete, cheap. Room 10
- Washington bldg.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak
wood at lowest market prfces. Hoover,
813 Water st. Phone Main 7451, A 6445.
GREEN and dry slab wood, box wood, cord
wood and coal. Multnomah Fuel Co.
Phone Main 6p40. A 2116.
MUSHROOMS, ypu delicious morsel, catsup,
picketed mushrooms can be had 413 Main
st. phone Main 3454.
FOR SALE One L. C. Smith typewriter, as
good as new, at a great bargain. 607 Beck
SECOND-HAND lumber and timber for sale
cheap. N. w. corner I4th and couch sts.
CARLOAD body wood, $4.16 per cord on car.
Phone East 1141.
Co.. 857 Burnslde SU Main 5538.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; w also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 3d st. North. Phone Mais' 9272.
HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furni
ture. Woodard's Auction House. Phone Main
8078. B 1034. .
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni
ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's
and ladles' clothing. E. 1061. $4 Grand ave.
"WANTED Late model No. Remington;
must be in good condition and cheap.
Phone East 3343.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A
2445. Main 8951.
8POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1007.
WB buy. sell or exchange anything: pay high
est prices; sell for less. M. 6297. '
TEAMS wanted. Phone Woodland 1.
FIRST-CLASS tailors and finishers wanted.
Apply B. & C. Tailoring Co., 142 - 4th
' st.. top floor.
REGISTERED drug clerk, one that thorough
ly understands his business. AK 537, Ore
" gonlan.
PHOTO coupon and portrait agents; extra
commission on sales. Hubner Studio, Swet
land bldg.
STRONG BOY with wheel. Apply at once.
373 Yamhill st.
COMMERCIAL teacher, $90 per month. S14
Swetland bldg.
BARBER wanted for Saturdav; good man.
105 N. 6th st.
DELIVERY BOY wanted with good refer
ences. Call 88 Mi 3d St., room lo.
GOOD outfit for hauling 3-ton loads of
coal. Call room 3 Chamber of Commerce.
LIVE photo coupon portrait agents: good
money-maker. Davis. 34214 Washington st.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membership, T. M. C A.
HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages;
permanent- 219 Commercial block.
WANTED Three plasterers. good wages;
gang trtmmerman. $3: edgerman. $3; cut-off
man. $2.50; ratohet-setter. $2.50; pondman,
$2 25.
Ten laborers. $2.50 to $2.76.
Man and wife on ranch Eastern Oregon,
Chef for restaurant in city, $20 week.
Large list of other work.
Main Office 12 N. 2d St.
FIRST big shipment December 1. 10 A. M.
Make reservations early; 1000 station men
wanted: Copper River Ry., Cordova. Alaska;
solid rock, per cu. yd.. $1.2u; loose rock,
fl'lc; earth. 30c: grubbing. $10 per station;
tunnels, $55 per lir.eal ft.: camps run all
Winter; 90 miles of heavy solid rock side
cutting to be let to statlonmen; no sub-contracts;
fare $15. Call or write for full par
ticulars. M. J. Heney, 514 Colman. block,
Seattle. "Wash.
WANTED About 25 students to learn
drafting, engineering and mathematics
at low cost, bv a new method; evening
class; no books: those desiring to take
advantage of a salary-raising proposition,
communicate at once to W. B. G., Box
AF 540. Oregonlan.
Y'OUNG MEN to learn automobile business
by mail, prepare for position as chauffeurs
and repair men; we make you expert in
10 weeks; assist you to secure positions:
pay big: work pleasant: demand'for men
great; reasonable: write for particulars
and sample lesson. Empire Automobile
Institute. Rochester, N. Y.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks, help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert Instructor; toola free; write lot
catalogue. Moh'.er System of Colleges. 84
North 4ih at., Portland. Or
WANTED Men" at Los Angeles; we have 20
lobs in plumbing, electricity, bricklaying,
automobiling, and teach you the trade
without any cash expense; only few
months required; catalogue free. Unites
Trade School Contracting Co., Los
Angeles. "
THE UTAH CON. CO. and their sub-contractors
on the Natron Klamath Falls ex
tension of the S. P. need men at Natron on
34 miles of new work; general construction
hands; wages $2.25 up; good Winter camps
and houses. Apply to shipping agent, 2H
N. 2d st., near Couch. Free transportation.
WANTED 3 first-class salesmen, those
having had experience in selling books,
-bonds, insurance or real estate; you must
be a live wire; I will pay big money to
the right men. Call or write 207-8-9
Henry Udg. See Mr. Cooper.
AT once, experienced salesman for out of
city; insurance man preferred: must be able
to show past results; A-l proposition for
high-class man; strong backing from your
employer goes with this offer. K 641, Ore
gonlan. WE want to correspond with a first-class
tailor, one who can cut, fit and make
up a suit In latest and most fashionable
stvle. Send reference and state partic
ulars whether wages or interest In busi
ness. N. Brown & Sons, Burns. Or.
CABINET-MAKERS who would like to have
an Interest in the business can secure per
manent position in one of the best pay
ing factories in Portland. Call Sunday 10
to 4 or weekdays. Phones E. 409, B 1131.
. Factory 475 East Alder st.
WANTED Young men. honest and Indus
trious, to prepare for Civil Service positions;
clerks, carriers, railway mall, etc.; thou
sands appointed; good entrance salary, with
promotions. Call or write. Pacific States
School, McKay bldg.
BOYS can make good money during spare
time selling Success magazine in offices
and on the streets; special inducements
to hard workers. Call 8 to 9 A. M., or 4
to 6 P. M., Parsons, 348 Oak st.
FIRST-CLASS plumber who can Invest
some money in business; must understand
domestic water heating thoroughly. Call
at factory office. East 9th and Alder.
Range Boiler Insulator Mfg. Co.
600 R. R. construction laborers for new
S. P. R. R. work; free fare, ship dally;
come at once.
C. R. HANSEN A CO.. 26 N. Second St.
STRANGER. attention; wanted young man.
partner, $80 to $150 montnly profit, small
capital required, no canvassing or solicit
ing; experience unnecessary. 326!4 Wash
ington at., room 417.
PRINTER WANTED All round, -'no boozer;
steady Job and $20 per week to right man;
ohanee to learn Junior linotype. Journal,
South Bend. Wash
TWO hovs wanted, with wheels, to work
Saturdav? half a day Sunday and 3
hours after school; good wages. Apply
332 Alder st-
WANT reliable man with $1000 as partner
in well-established family liquor store: sal
ary and profits. Inquire at 1019 Board of
STEAM shovel craneman, $110; fireman,
Dick Talbot, call early.
C. R. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2d St.
MAN to sell a good line of quick-selling
household goods on the installment plan;
no former experience necessary; big com
missions. J. D. Sherman. SO Grand ave.
WANTED 500 men.- Come this week. Buy
$35 and $40 suits, overcoats and rain
coats at $18.75. All latest styles. Truly
Warren, 315 Oregonlan bide.
A first-class man with a special knowl
edge of alterations on collars.
WANTED Railway mall clerks, commence
ment salary, $8o0; Spring examinations ev
erywhere; candidates prepared free. Frank
lin Institute. Dept. 309 H, Rochester, N. Y.
WE want a first-class meatcutter, one ca
pable of managing a market. Address,
giving references as to character and abil
ity, G 527, Oregonlan.
PAGE-DAVIS CO.. Page bldg.. Chicago,
wants a few ambitious men to learn to
write advertisements; they can earn $25
per week: write today.
MAN. with business ability can obtain in
terest In profitable established business
for small amount. Apply 207 Ankcny su
WANTED Experienced creamery man and
wife; state wages desired. XX 600. Ore
gonlan. SOMETHING strictly new for coupon agents;
you can't beat It anywhere: investigate.
Houghton, fotografer. Selling-Hlrch bldg.
SALESMEN, all lrnes. bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial Ab
stract Co., 4( Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Physician, registered in Oregon,
as an as.s1sta.nt In specialist's ofTlce. AF
542. Oregonlan.
FREB Will show you free how to earn $15oo
in BO days with $250 worth of our gviods. 488
Washington. Commercial Hotel, room 25.
BOOKKEEPER first-class wholesale gro
cery; state age. experince, references,
phone number. AB 542, Oregonlan.
BOYS wanted at Multnomah Mohair Mills,
East end of Umatilla ave., Sollwood;
steady work.
WANTED Man to take contract logging cedar
poles. Inquire at Pacific Employment Co.,
12 N. 2d st.
WANTED Man to carry banner on the
streeti?; all Winter's Job-to right man. Greg
ory Inv. Co.. 41S Corbett bldg.
PRINCIPAL graded school: normal or col
lege graduate; $90 per month. S 644.
Oregonlan. v
CLOTHING SALESMAN to work Saturday;
chance for a steady place for first-class
man. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store.
WANTED Plasterers and brick mason, at
15th and College.
HOTEL cook. A 10: housekeejier. country.
St. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039.
WANTED Boy with bicycle. 351 Alder st
2 BARBERS wanted Saturday. 26 1st st.
GIRL wanted for general housework: two
in family. 751 Weidler St.; take Broad
way car and get off East 22d st.
COMPETENT girl for hotwework In small
family; good wages. Call 647 Broadway.
GOOD' girl for general housework, three In
family; good wages. 595 Gllsan st.
WANTED Hair dressers and hair workers;
highest salary. Grand Leader, 5th st.
GIRL wanted for light housework. 247 Lin
coln si. Main 11839.
3 1 R LP WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
2 GIRLS for e-hootlng gallery. Apply Mies Ross
Fleming. 24(1 Ui Frist St.
A GIRL to assist in general housework in
small family. B 2512.
OIRL to do general housework. German
preferred. Inquire 601 Schuyler SL
NOVEMBER 20, 1909. .
I WANT three saleswomen, used to calling
on business people or having had exper
ience In the selling of insurance stock;
bonds, books or real estate: if yon have
selling ability, you can hear of some
thing of interest by calling 207-8-9 Henry
bldg. See Mr. Cooper.
ANY lady with some business ability can
earn good money by inducing her friends
to purchase their Fall and Winter wear
ing apparel from an old-established firm.
T 542. Oregonlan.
Permanent positions to experienced and
competent workers. Apply to Mrs. Rich
ards, In charge of alteration department.
WANTED for housework, girl In high school
or business college, family two adults: no
washing; good wages. Phone mornings.
Main 1157.
WANTED Stenographer who is an accu
rate clerk: reply in own handwriting,
stating experienoa and salary expected. S
640. Oregonlan. " r
SADIES at home day or evenings, applying
' transfers on porcelain. $1.50 do, upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
GIRL, expert double needle machine operator;
also finisher wanted. Pacific Tent & Awning
Co., 27 N." 1st St.
&4SW Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
ponilble position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for light housekeep
ing; good home and reasonable wages. AM
639. Oregonlan.
WANTED Housekeeper for elderly gentle
man; no objection to small child. Ad
dress M 635. Oregonlan.
STRONG and capable girl for general houee
work; must understand cooking; best wages.
Main 2929. A 4940. 809 Lovejoy St.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
must be good cook; no washing; good
wages. Apply mornings. 741 Irving st.
GIRL wanted for general housework, small
family, no children. Apply 688 Halsey st.
Phone East 934.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housew4k- Call mornings, 69 N. 23d St.,
flat No. 4.
326ii Washington St., Room 307
Maln 8S33 or A 3266.
WANTED Housekeeper for elderly gentle
man; no objection to small child. Ad
dress M 535. Oregonlan.
WANTED Girls for Illusion show In city,
experience not necessary; also want cooch
dancer. Apply Museum, 6th and Flanders.
WANTED Young girl to do upstairs work;
must have references. Inquire Mrs. W. J.
Burns. 153 19th st. North.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
394 College st.
GIRL or woman wanted for general house
work. Call 628 4th st-
W ANTED Good cook; two In family. 801
Marshall St.
GIRL for housework, small family, good
home, good wages. 491 Davis st.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Overton st. Apply after 10 A. M.
WANTED Girl for
Phone Main 1906.
general housework.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sitions to A-l instructors. 614 Swetland.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man of good character desires po-
sltion as stenographer; has had 2 years'
experience; Gregg system of shorthand
and touch typewriting used; have had
some experience in legal work. X 625,
WANTED Position In grocery or general
merchandise store by thoroughly expe
rienced man; experienced with country
trade: also speak German ; best references;
city or country. N. 8. Berg. Portland. Or.
YOUNG single man desires position as clerk
in general mdse. store in country town.
Eight years' experience and wages rea
sonable. Can suit an honest employer
J 539. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position In retail hardware store
by experienced hardware clerk; can keep
books and use typewriter; salary not essen
tial to start; references. D 538, Oregonlan.
POSITION, preferably outside, is desired
by young Scotchman, age 30, good, clean
record as office man. AE 638, Oregonlan.
AN Easterner of gooM address wants posi
tion; worked in bank and can give bank
references. G 544. Oregonlan.
CAPABLE office man, experienced In cor
respondence, credit and general office
work. S 542, Oregonlan.
MAN stenographer, competent, experienced
in law and commercial work, also book
keeping. AN 536, Oregonlan.
MAN of sterling worth and character with
highest possible references will take em
ployment with firm or individual needing
a trustworthy man of more than ordinary
ability; personal interview solicited. G
540, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man with office experience, office
manager, field manager, wishes position
of responsibility where good first-class
service is appreciated; references as to
character and ability. W 541, Oregonlan.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants' steady place do
chores around place: understands horses,
garden; can milk; small wages and good
home wanted: will do anything. Jong
nans, Lents P. O.
GERMAN wants management of ranch,
stock preferred, but first-class at general
farming: wife to cook for help; A-l refer
ences. P 538. Oregonia.
EXPERIENCED man wants Janitor situa
tion or take contract slab wood or lumber
handling. Apply 1083 Front St., "Nlcko
lous." A YOUNG lady wishes a position s nursery
governess to young children; can speak
French fluently: salary not less than $30.
V 543, Oregonlan.
A YOUNG M A N desires place .to worktor
board and room before and after school
hours; good references. Address H. V.
B., 148 5th' St.. third floor.
COMPETENT piano player: familiar with
motion picture work. Lock Box 341, Ka
lama. Wash.
JAPANESE, experienced Janitor and furnace
man. wants position at once. D 541, Ore
gonlan. GOOD barber wants steady position;
suburbs preferred. Address Y 541, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG man will Invest $75 In business that
will pay a weekly salary. AL 637, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG MAN attending business college
wants piace to work for room and board.
AD 503. Oregonlan.
PORTER or Janitor work for private fam
ily reference. Prince Paries. Phone Main
- 1974.
EXPERIENCED colored janitor wants work
late evenings and early mornings. Mala
W'lLLING Japanese wishes situation as gen
eral hotel worker and office; has experience.
Call at room 6. 30Vi Third st. N.
YOUNG Japanese wishes any kind work at
night for few hours. AE 540. Oregonlan.
BAKER wants work on bread; active, re
liable workman. W 540. Oregonian.
MAN with 5 trades wishes position of some
kind: mechanic. R 537, Oregonian.
WANTED, by Japanese boy. any kind of
work. 262 y, Everett. Frank E. K.
BOY 17 years of age wants housework. Apply
AE 541, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS piledrlver foreman wants
work in city. S 543, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man wants to make R. R. ties.
Inquire R. R... Box 237. St. Johns. Or.
JAPANESE wants situation In grocery or
any store. P 543. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE wants situation to do any kind
of work. P 644. Oregonlan.
CHEF'S assistant or kitchen helper; temper
ate; can cook orders. X 543, Oregonlan.
BARN ESS-MAKER wants position, first
class man. V 541, Oregonian.
SCHOOL boy. 15. wishes work for board and
room. O 540, Oregonlan.
CARPENTER and builder, new or repair
work. 48 Falling at. Woodlaya 123.
POSITION as chauffeur bv reliable, steady,
middle-aged man. AH 820. Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG LADY, 4 years' experience com
mercial stenography and general office
work, desires position: knowledge of book
keeping; good references. R 643, Ore
gonian. RESPONSIBLE lady wishes office position;
reasonable. E 644, Oregonian, or phone
A 3219.
FOR good, experienced stenographer that
can spell, phone A 5446.
WANTED Position as assistant book
keeper; references. Phone A 43S5.
WANTED A position as bookkeeper; good
references. L 537. Oregonlan.
WHO is Madam Brown? The best and
cheapest dressmaker in Portland. Prin
cess gowns $10 and up: style and work
manship guaranteed. 208 Allsky bldg.
CHILDREN'S sewing, night gowns to or
der; dolls dressed. Phone mornings.
. East 4642.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes posi
tion with rooming-house or hotel; best
of references. S 641, Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted as housekeeper for
Catholic widower. K 544, Oregonian.
CAPABLE girl wishes position as nurse for
children in family. Inquire Young Wo
men's Christian Association. Hours lo to 4.
MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse, thoroughly
experienced; references given. Phone A
PRCTICAL NURSE, best references. 1275
E. Yamhill st- B 282. '
NURSE, maternity preferred: will take
charge housework. Main 239, A 4t75.
WANTED By young French lndy. position
as governess or teacher of French. Ger
man, needlework: best references. Phone
East 16S. 82-3 10th st.
EXPERIENCED manicurist wants position,
preferably In barber shop. AB 543, Ore
gonian. PRIVATE lessons in shorthand and 'type
writing, expert method. 304 12th at.
Main 6S90.
WILL do halrdressing, shampooing and
scalp treatment in your own home; East
Side preferred. Phone Sellwood 53.
BY Scandinavian girl, place as chamber
maid In rooming-house. T 544, Orego
nian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes chamber
work or housekeeping for widower. Phone
C. 1244.
YOUNG lady wants permanent position as
private branch exchange operator. Y
543. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by a first-class cook; best
references; boarding-house. E 543, Ore
gonian. LADY' wishes position as waitress; expe
rienced. Phone Main 8902.
ELDERLY woman wants situation in small
family. Apply ISO E. 86th St.
GERMAN girl would like position as nursery
governess. Phone Y. W. C. A.
LADY will teach English to a few Japanese
or Chinese. Call 341 Harrison st.
WANTED Position by first-class .waitress.
Call East 68, room 8. -
WANTED A few experienced real estate
salesmen, energetic and Ible to show re
sults; permanent position and good pay.
319 Lumbermens bldg.
AGENTS wanted everywhere for a book,
title 'What the Soql of Mankind Is: Its
Attributes and Its Immortality." Copy
righted 1909. X 542, Oregonian
W ANTED Salesmen who can sell trees;
outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly;
good territory. Address Oregon Nursery
Company, Orenco. Or.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company,
Salem. Oregon.
WA NTKD Live agents to sell coupons for
Christmas photos; good nioney-niaaer. .
Elmore Grove. Call 362 Washington st.
Agents, big money made selling our nursery
stock; great demand, fine line, cash com
mission weekly. Salem Nursery Co-. Salem.
WANTED To rent rooming-house, from 30
to 50 rooms; good location; man and
wife; can give good reference. AC 54o.
WANTED To lease foundry and machine
shop in operating condition, in or near
Portland, for number of years. AB 642,
ADULT family of 3 deBire small furnished
modern house, or will act as caretakers
for few months; best of references. P
588, Oregonian.
WANTED Two rooms East Side, heat,
light and gas range, by couple with two-year-old
child: walking distance. Ad
dress AF 641. Oregonlan.
WANTED A good home for Invalid for
3 or 4 months. V 540, Oregonian.
ROOM, with or without board; private fam
ily; Jewish preferred; references. AB 640,
Rooms With Board.
WANT a room with board for an 8-yei.r-old
boy. P 541. Oregonlan.
Business Places.
WANTED To rent furnished office with
reception office In connection. AC 540,
Oregonian. -
6 ROOMS for rent, $12.50. Phone C 1711
or East 3829.
Furnished Rooms.
Homelike Homelike Homelike
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redecoraiing. refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delighttul w'inter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout: 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
THE MERTARPER, 120 13th. cor. Washing
ton, brand new. handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water in all
rooms: very reasonable terms.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. -3d and Main sts.,
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
poslto the Plaza.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647.
HOTEL ELWELL 7th and Alder; new,
modern rooms, steam heat, running water,
free phone, private bath; by day. week or
month, reasonable.
THE MERCEDES 20th and Washington:
elegantly furnished outside rooms, modern
conveniences, plenty of heat. $12 and up.
LARGE basement room with fine light and
air, steam heat, electric light, $3.50 week.
024 Marshall st.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 32714
Stark, corner til. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE RANDOLPH. 8d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, heat; 60s to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 per
week- 548 M wasnington st.
THE BRAE-SIDE, 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, $3, $4, $6 per week; transient
Furnished Rooms.
' 14) ROOMS.
New. modern, fireproof bulldlnf. steam
heated hot and cold running water la 1 all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds thai
money can buy. and It doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house,
nice large office on ground floor: very
thing first-class; rates. 50c. 75c and $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 eth st. North.
13H4 Eleventh St.
NEW. modern brick building. Just
and cold water In all rooms; STEAM
HEAT: private baths: excellent location.
Just off Washington st. Special rates by
week or month.
Fpe'lal low rales by the week or month:
cold water In all rooms, elegantly furnished:
directly opposite Portland Hotel. 30 Yam
hill st. .
Corner loth and Washington Sts.
Rooms, elngie or en sufte; SPECIAL low
monthly rjtes: steam heat, private ba'ha,
hot and Colo water In all rooms: beautifully
furnished; tourist trade solicited.
FURNISHED rooms, new building and new
furniture, hot and cold water, free phone.
The Wliito House, cor. First and Mill sts.
fcURNldHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court 'Annex. 414 Yamhill and
ROOMS for rent,
;iS5 Yamhill st.
steam heat, free phone.
THE BUTLER I-arge. comfortable rooms,
close in; low rates. 4o9i.j Wash.
Furnished Room In Private Fainlies.
LARGE. :ilea-ant corner room for gent.e
man. on West Park; hot and cold water;
desirable for middle-aged gentleman winn
ing comfortable, homelike place. Phone
Main aouO.
A SUITE of rooms, private family, first
floor, suitable for two gentlemen, with
heat and bath. 495 East Ankeny, cor.
PRETTY room in modern fist, within walk
ing distance; every modern convenience;
permanent; gentleman preferred. Phone
Main 5s2t'..
VERY desirable room, beautiful location.
West Side, all conveniences, furnace heat,
walking distance. Rent reasonable, lele
photie Main 5613.
FINE front alcove room; house modern:
choice location: private family. 3SS Sal
mon st., bet. West Park and 10th.
SUITE of 2 front rooms, newly furnished
In mission, strictly modern, snap, $22 50.
40:: 12th st., near Montgomery.
VERY desltable. sunny rooms, single or en-
suite, for gentlemen; all modern conven
iences. Phones Main 62t3, A 3063.
$10 NICELY furnished room: gentlemen
preferred. 130 N. 16th, or AF 543, Ore
gonlan. FURNISHED alcoe. suitable for two or
three: furnace heat, electric lights. 4S5
Alder St.
NICELY furnished front room. modern,
very reasonable. ISO 17th St., cor. Yam
hill. VERY desirable room, fine location, all con
veniences, piano rent $', walking dis
tance. East lth and Salmon. East 526,1.
NICELY furnished room, modern conveni
ences, heat, breakfast if desired. 110S
East Yamhill.
LARGE room, modern conveniences, on.
Johnson st. near 23d; references. Call
forenoons. Main 6314 or A 2662.
NICELY furnished room, private family, rea
sonable. 10K8 East Alder st.
NICELY furnished room at 654 Third St.,
for young man.
268 H 13th ST. Nicely furnished room, new
house, every convenience, gentlemen only.
ROOM suitable for gentleman; modern, cen
tral. 188 12th st. Phone Main 4392.
FINE- corner room, large closet, heat, hot
and cold water. 542 Morrison
NEWLY furnished rooms In private family;
gentlemen preferred. 83 W. Park st.
NEAT rooms in family, $10 and $12; heat.'
bath; walking distance. 430 Jefferson st.
FURNISHED large front room, heat, light,
bath, $10. Phone Main 5350. 295 11th St.
NPjATLY furnished room, bath and phone,
$2 per week. 3110 Everett.
2, FURNISHED rooms In private family. 449
Hawthorne ave.
NICELY furnished room. 8S0 11th St.
Phone Main 495.
TWO furnished rooms for 2 or 3 gentlemen;
reasonable. 146 Hamilton ave.
$2.50 NEWLY furnished room, walking dl
tance. 294 11th st. Main 33S8.
Unfurnished Rooms.
DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms In Burk
hard bldg.. East Burnslde and Union ave..
on cars convenient to all parts of city.
Inquire on premises.
TWO splendid, light, furnace-heated rooms,
best table board. 761 Marshall st.
Rooms With Board.
710 Washln-jon St., near King, brand
new, elegantly furnished; every room has
a private bath, telephone: the maximum
of convenience and excellence, the mini
mum of expense. If you want the best
in the city for the money, call and in
spect: dlnlns-room in connection.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary. 610 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt, Woman's Exchange, 1S6 6th
st- Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt-
THE Manson Homelike boarding-house,
large general parlor, elegant rooms, sep
arate table board $5.50. Cor. 6th A Jef
ferst n.
THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th St., cor
ner Morrison, colect family hotel; reason
able rates.
ELEGANT front rooms, well heated; fine table
hoard: beautifully located. Main 2940. 374
Park St.
ONE large front room, suitable for two; all
modern conveniences, with board. 4;lS
Yamhill st.
'THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or
without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th.
404 MADISON St.. cor. 10th, rooms with
board; good home cooking.
Rooms With Board In private Family.
2 NICELY furnished front rooms, single or
suites, with board, in private family. 310
10th st.
LARGE sunny rooms, good hoard, all con
veniences of nice home, very reasonable;
employed people. 120 N. ISth. Main 1070.
LARGE front room with good board suit
able for two or three gentlemen at $23
each. Phone A S875 or 549 Yamhill.
NICE ROOM suitable for two, heat, piano,
home cooking: 10 minutes' walk; $5 per
week. 2uS 12th st.
BOARD and room. bath, phone, use of
piano, home cooking. $6 per week. 191
lth, near Yamhill.
NEWLY furnished rooms with first-class
board, private family; bath, steam heal,
walking distance. 232 N. 15th at.
NEAT, newly furnished room, with board,
for gentlemen; near two carltnes; also
walking distance. Phone East 41111.
2 CLEAN, bright rooms, with board, for
four, $20 each. 695 Everett.
ROOMS and board, heat, phone and bath,
walking distance. 327 W. Park st.
ROOM and board for 4 gentlemen or ladles.
$18.50; walking distance. 331 East 12th.
BOARD and room for 2. modern, walking
distanoe. 194 North 17th. Main 4294.
FRONT ROOM with board for 1 or 2;
easy walking distance. East 541S.
LARGE front room with board. 129 14th.
Main ,12iIH.
LARGE front room suitable for 2: all homo
-comforts; private family. 335 Montgomery.
$42 Pleasant front parlor for two; modern
conveniences: furnace heat. 470 Main st.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
no children. 27 N. 11th st. Main .")7,.12.
LARGE, warm, nicely furnished room, heat,
bath, phone, close in. 632 Flanders.
SINGLE room with board for gentleman;
refexencea required. 284 Vi Park. A 2618.