' . ' 23 TIIE MORNING- OREGOMAN. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1909. i . 1 FDHGEPRIGESDiN Bears Still at Work in the Hop Market. SALES AT 18 AND 20 CENTS Statistical Review, Showing the Ac tual Shortage In the World's Supply, Prepared by G. Mueckc, of This City. The slump In ths hop market continues unchecked. -Bearish manipulation by short tellers In th Eut and the waiting game being played by the Sngllsh buyer tn weakened the market so tbat value bare declined materially. Tba -weak situation baa been farther aggravated at this end by the irrowlnr. desire of numerous farmer to find buyers for their crops, without much regard for the price consideration, Tha reault of thla combination of bearish buyer and weak-kneed seller la tbat hops sura now pasalnr out of fust hands at It and 0 cents. Four or ava lota, ascresatlns snr 100 bales, are reported to bare been sold yesterday at It cents, while In the Aurora, and Eocene sections there war sales of earloada at 20 cents. The latter were described as fairly oo primes ana the lt-oent hops as mediums. No choice , hops are belns; sacrificed now. but at the rata Ova others ara sous; tne oesi wmim only be worth about J cents. Nothing; apparently can ba done to stay the downward cdurse of the market as lone as there ara sellers at the bid prices. It la noted that the speculators and dealera are not lettlnr o at the current market level. The larger holders have faith that the thing will soon right Itself and prlcea reacn a point that the technical position of the mar inate tustlnea. An Interesting statistical renew of the world's market has been prepare oy . UunrkiL of this city, based on official data. showing -the actual shortage of hops that exists. The figures, which ara inieninora, equal to lie pounu iui.ww. !. . ltOt. ' 10T. ."air M6.TW .t00 Ar.,emeU,n,arr.lS... .1..... I.I.0JJ France n.wv B Holland . . . 0.0". Ku"a :o "(oa EUreuP",3;7.1S 1.0M..TW I.M5.8W Great Britain ""n.ttl ...... U.0M " World's crop. ,...,. ,.ttl total a, The world's annual consumption of hops in tr3 last two years has been officially, as well as by statistical experts, shown to . . i sMimA centners. There fore, the world's consumption for three years Is 5.400.0OO aentners ana " ..! .... . ...-. i. .hn-wn above to be 4.9S0.- 000 xentners. leaving an apparent deficiency of 430,000 xentners. Allowing lor a supply of 60.000 xentners of stocks of 1904 and other years, shows a positive shortage for the brewing season of 1SOI-10 of 4S0.M4 xentners. THANKSOimO TtKKKY MARK.KT. Coarse ef Prices Will IX-pend eo the Ontslde Demand. There Is always much uncertainty as to what the Thanksgiving turkey market will be. and this year It Is more of a puxxle than ever. The large handlers frankly acknowl edge they cannot predict the outcome, but ail agree that there will ba no ahortage. unless the demand on Oregon ahould be i - h.Mlid Aver what It was last year. Reports coming In from the Valley turkey sections Indicate that the crop Is about the same as last season, which, as everyone knows, was ample. The local consumption should be greater than last year, because of the growth of population and the general prosperity, but what will have the most effect on prices will be the shipping de mand, and this la something no one can figure out Just now. The Seattle buyers are snaking frequent Inquiries here but as yet have placed no orders. If they should come in strong at the beginning of the week, stiff prices may prevail, but If the Northern peo ple have ordered the bulk of thelr-eupply from the East the proepecta are that Port land will have a surplus of turkeys and a broken market. . A good many dressed turkeys came tit yesterday, hut there was a slow demand for them. The best were held at 29 cents. ' Chickens were sluggish and weak. Game was In light supply. The egg. butter and cheese markets were firm and unchanged. FI-l RKY IX THE MOHAIR MARKET. Trade en a Large Scale and Demand le g gttimate. The activity In the Eastern mohair mar ket still continues, according to the New York Journal of Commerce, which says: The leading handlers of this fibre re ceived numerous Inquiries from manufactur ing concerns and succeeded in disposing of another Isrge quantity at full prices. The market has been pretty well cleaned op of the best description of domestic mohair, but as the supply will be augmented shortly buyers will bo able to provide themselves with stock during the near future. The call for thla nbre Is the keenest known In rears, and the breadth of the demand convinces holders that the wants of the mills are far from being satisfied. A couple of years ago there was a sharp flurry In mohair, but the opinion here la thst the present activity Is not only larger but more stable. The last time mohair moved briskly there was con siderable speculative buying, but the ma terial being purchased now la moving di rectly to manufacturing centers. WHEAT MARKET Ql IET BCT 6TKOJ.G. Gains Additional Strength From the Ad vance In Hour. The advance In flour prices, which was i in t Northwestern markets yes terday. Is expected to strengthen the wheat market further, -axheat waa strong locally and at Interior points, and not much bual ness was reported. Club was quoted by local dealers at 97 cents and bluestem at tl.08. Loral receipts. In cars, were reported, by the Merchants" Exchange as rofiows. Monday Tusaay "Wednesday .... Thursday Year ago treason to date. 8t 11 25 11 14 M . i 5 1 .3 ?.i n 3 2 S 47 7 8 0 3 58 13 11 4 8 ,31S T!K K'9 541 1562 LKI0 1070 274 6U 13114 More Green Oranges Received. Another ear of Navel oranges arrived yea terdav Thev were of good quality, though not as well colored as the last car .that came In Grapes cleaned up well at Arm prices. Soma Coralchons were received from -an fomla. and brought 1 -5 per crate. In general the fruit trade was alow. Sweet potatoes were scarce on the street. Onvna Annies la the East. The. condition of the New York market lor western apples r reponcu or mv x-.un the box apples, and a good many lota of Hood Klver and other far Western stock la on the market, but there Is no pressure to Soma sales of fancy Bpltienberg stock were reported here at $4 per box. The Inside quotation was given at 1.60 per box. The other varieties of Western apples, aa to kind and quality, sold at from tl.10 to 13.75 per box with an occasional lot igolng out higher. .' Advance la Unseed OH. A 2-eent advance was announced In lin Me4 all prices yesterday. The new quotations are: In barrels, raw- Tl cents, boiled 73 cents; In cases,' raw 76 cents, boiled 78 cents. . Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balance. Portland Il.411.7i3 (211.259 Seattle 1.S65.350 333.267 Tacoma 943. S00 74. 70S Spokane 730,72! 4t.319 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed. Etc. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. 11.0S; club. 7c: red Russian. 4c; Valley. 3i& te; Turkey red. 96c: 40-fold. Sc. , BARLEY Feed, 137.60:!; brewing. Jit per ton. FLOUR Patents. $5.75 per barrel; tralght. (4.65; clears. (4. So; exports. (4.U3: Valley 14.90; graham, (4.70; whole wheat, quarters, 14.90. CORN Whole. 131; cracked, $34 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Bran. J6 per ton; mid dlings. (39; shorts. (27.&0; rolled barley, (2r(0. OATS No. 1 white, (25J0. ' HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley. XH9 17 per ton: Eastern Oregon, ll20; alfalfa, (1(914; clover, 114; cheat. ia14.(9; grain hay. (14 9 IS. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery extras. 36c; fancy outside creamery, 3243fio per lb.: store, 12 V, 2c (Butter fat prices average ltoo Per pound under regular butter prices.) EOtJS Fresh Oregon extras. 42V4So per dozen; Eastern, 32jfSSo per doxen. CHEESE Full cream twins. 17H18o Pr pound: Young Americas. imlc POULTRY Hens. 12V311c: Springs. UHtl He; roosters. 9 10c: ducks, lzli 15"c; geee10iso; turkeys, live, 18317c; dressed. 202 22c. Pi. TiK Fancy. lOfflOHe per pound. VEtfF.nrflL 11a nar DOind. Vegetables and Fruits. FRESH FRUITS Apples. 1S box; pears, 3 131.50 per box; grapes. 60c S t 1-5 per crate. lJtflSc per basket; Spanish Malaga. $7.50 per barrel; quinces, (l.2SSf 1.60 per box; cranberries, $9 50 per bar rel; persimmons. (1.S0 per box. POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon. 60 Mo per sack; aweet potatoes, 1C per ponnd. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, 327503; lemons, fancy. (S; choice. 16 60; grape fruit IJ.S0ff4 per box; bananas, per pound: pomegranates, (1.60 per box. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75o per dosen: beans, loo per pound; cabbage, 4y lc per lb.; cauliflower. 90c Si 25 per doa.: celery. 504jS5c per doxen; eggplant, $1.75 per box; -garlic, 10c per pound; horseradish. 9 4710c per dosen; bothouse lettuce, $14? I. 1 per box; peas, 10c per pound: peppers, II. 60 per box; pumpkins, l&lVic; radishes, 16c per doxen; sprouts, tc per lb:; squash. tiei.10; tomatoes, 76c6$l. SACK VEGETABLES Tnrnlps. 75cftt per sack: carrots. $1; beets. $1.25: ruta bagas. $1.10 per sack; parsnips. $1.25. ONIONS Oregon. $L251.50 per sack. WILL PCSH BLEACHED FLOCK TRIALS. Government Wants lWWoo on All Points Involved. WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. With reference to the controversy between the Department of Agriculture and the flour millers-of the coun try, as to the legality of manufacturing bleached flour, the statement wa made today at the department that It waa the purpose of the Government authorities to bring to trial a case that would involve all the points In dispute. The lows, cases, the postponement of which was secured yesterday at Minneapolis until late in February. It was pointed out at the department, did embrace all the points' upon which the Government desires to secure a de ration. It la desired to make a thorough test of the right to' manufacture bleached flaur. which the department has declared to be con trary to the pure food, law, and to that end P. C. Butler, of Ulnneaota, has been em ployed as special counI to prosecute the bleached flour caeea . Selaurea of flour al leged to have been bleacbed In violation of the law were made. Dairy Produce In the East. rmrm Nov. IS- Butter Steady: cream eries. 230e; dairies. 24828c. FTgrs Receipts 4 7s. I canes; steady at mark, cams Included. 20tt4jibc; urns. S8Hc; prime first. 2uc Cheese Firm: dalMee. leX&IWr.; twins, 18 ieu,c; Young Americas, lUfclSisc: long horns. 18c. krw VORIT. Nov. 18. Butter Stronger: creamery specials. Slftc; extras. 30Hc; third to firsts, Ztfoauc Cheese Firm, rnlcnangea. Eggs Steady, unchanged. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Nov. IS. Coffee futures rinsed Arm at a net advance of 10 to 20 points. Bales $25 bags, including iMiwmotr S.t S.4c; Jecemorr. -.. . - . 46-50c; March, l5jt.0c; April. .0c; May, .464-7ic; July, 6.7t4(.'5; Septem ber. .75.85. Spot, quiet. No. 7 Rio. 8Vi$ic; No. Santos. 8ietT4c. Mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, lHic. , Sugar Raw, steady; fair, refining. S.2c; centrifugal . test. 4.42c; molasses sugar, $.7c. Refined, steady; crushed. 6.9ic; pow dered, 6.ic; granulated, .:ac. New York Cotton Markets. ... .. r t- .xtm. II PVittnTI Rnot clft.ed KK" V..1V , .; 14 Bile: mli'dllng gulf. 15.1SO. Hales, 61011 bales. Futures etaBKd ateitdy. November. 14.i8c; Ilecember. . . .. , . x... VAK.tian 14 Allf ' 14.ue; Jan. ry. . :. alarc.l, 14.04C; aptu, o "1. r? . A, 15 03c: June. 14 Ptto; August, 14.3Ci beptem- beT. lS.CSc; October. 12.3-c Wool at St. Louie. . r,-,n is WmiI Oiitet terri- tory snd Western mediums, 24io; fine me diums, 22S2oc;- fine. 1420c. , - Gold Taken for BraaU.. a IVUman 13 . . A Co. today engaged $500,000 In gold for export to Braxtl. - RICH LANDS WITHDRAWN Southern Idaho Hit by Government ConservationnUng. .Tu-ilSFl Idaho. Nov. IS. (Special.) For the first time In the history of South ern Idaho the conservation ruling of the Interior Department was exercised today. It was occasioned when the local land office officials were notified to withdraw from entry and final proor nve entries on land along the shores of the Snake Klver, between Garnet and Henrys Ferry, north of Bruneauv An excellent power site Is located at this point, and fearing- that private In terests would secure the land and take the power, the Commissioner of the Gen- . . 1 I nnrt I ITnf. IW111ffiUU I 1 1M W4L11- drawal. The Government will buy the ftiAM imnmwmntii -ind maintain all legal right over the territory, eo that In the future it can deal wnn private in terests that want ir.e power aiie. FARMER LANDS YEGGMAN Idaho Ranchman to Get $200 Re ward for Capture. inioD toVia Nov. 18. (SDeclal. George Brown, who has been blowing safes In Western Idaho and Eastern Ore gon towns during the past three months, was captured after an exciting chase near Welse'r yesterday after he had used nitro i i n - in .miriTiir a. a f e. at the Mid- vale postofflce and another strongbox In the store of the Midvale Mercantile Com pany. t-i ,o hrnne-ht to bay in Mann Creek Bottom. A reward of VXO was offered by the postal autnoniiea and this will go to Lolly, the farmer who made the "arrest. ALLSTQBKS STRONG Market Affected by.Wells-Far-go Melon-Cutting. BUT TRADING NOT ACTIVE Revival of Interest In N the Copper Group Foreign Money Tosl tlon Shows Improvement. Bonds Are Firm. NEVY" YORK, Nov. IS. The strong tone of stocks today waa not accompanied by animation In tha speculation. The most striking incident of the daye news was the announcement of the "melon-outtlng" by the TVells, Fargo Express Company. The maximum dividend distribution on this stock, uo to the present, has been 10 per cent yearly, the advance to that rate rep resenting a concession to demands from a clamorous minority of the stockholders. The high record price for the stock before the present year was 325. Todays an nouncement Induced sales at 560. - The distribution amounts to three times the par value of the outstanding stook In cash, calling for $24,000,000, while theT capi tal la Increased to three-fold at the- same time and the Increase Is offered to present stockholders at Tar. The -reinvestment of capital to be distributed might Involve some Ingenious reason as to the direct profit ac cruing, but the effect Is sufficiently brilliant to appeal to investment holders of all sim ilarly situated corporations. The collateral topic came up for discus sion how far this action might anticipate possible Inquisitorial activities by Govern ment autnorltiea and leglslatora as to the conduct of an Industry that yields such prolits. especially In view of the contentions by the National authorities for Inclusion of the express companies as common-carriers. Various other high-grade Investment stocks rose buoyantly, especlall those for which the possession of "concealed assets' Is claimed. The anthracite coal carriers come wrthln this range. The coppers were re vived to some extent and there, were re ports of some recent large sales of the metal, which were put forward, however, without official authority attached. The Issuance of the call for reports of the condition of National banks at the close of business November 16 has been expected to relieve the banks from some constraint In granting accommodations which they have been under while awaiting this call. The building up of the Bank of Englatid reserve to O4.U0 per cent to liability gave a strong Impression of the effectiveness of the recuperation of that Institution, Foreign financial markets seamed somewhat de pressed today, however, with the political complication threatened by the rejection of the British budget. There was another engagement of gold made In New York for shipment to South America, raining the total outgo for the present banking week on that account to $4,4O0.tK)0. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, $.1.M2,vO0. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. cma..:.. High. Low. Bid. Allls Chalmers pf. 06 15 a 4U 46 M 74 6SH, ADUl copper ..... v.ww Am Agricultural .. . 1O0 Am Bet dugar .. 6M Am Can pt - 2.0U0- Am Car As Foun. Am Cotton Oil ., MW Am Hd 4k 1A pf. 1DO m ic,.H . 1 4t)4 4 47 85 Vs 75 40 2Bi iV 46 84 7V 46 2i Am Linseed Oil Am Locomotive .. 60O 62 Vi 3?i 6-la Am Smelt A Kef.. 14.SO0 llNV 101 11X1 1J preferred 6W0 lis 112 112 Am Sugar Kef - 1.3lK 124 123, 323 Am Tel & Tel 6.oO 144 143 143 Am Tobacco pf . . ltw lol 100 100 Am Woolen nda Mia Co. 21.800 54 . 82 ,M' Atchison a.SfO 13UJ4 12ois 12o do preferred ... ouo i xmya in .. ..... .k... td ifir. Atl Coast Line ... Bait at Ohio . .. do preferred . . . Rthkhein Sreel .. 400 HON 116 H6V4, 1 500 35 84 34 1, 2.100 77 77 77 3:i0 177 177 177 4,7ip0 48 47 47 Brook Rap Tran. . Canadian Pacific .. Central Leather .. 200 lC'J Jim lf!a Central of N J.... 1.300 87 6,800 89 Mm sia Ches 4 Ohio Chicago & Alton .. r)iii.ar.i fit West- S 88 T4 67 20 iO Chicago & N W... 700 184 183 184 f ai A st f aui . . a,2oo 156T 156 156 77 61 66 8" 7 142 C. C, C & St L... Colo Fuel Iron.. Colo ft Southern . . 1IK1 78 60 66 80 27j0 r.2 67 80 800 21 K) 100 do lwt prererrea. fiH rifrtferreil . Ml so Consolidated Gas. . Corn Products . . . 800 142 142 700 22 ife 22 V Lel & Hudson ... D ft R Grande . . . 3,000 1X0 600 48 100 84 400 37 185 47 33 4 4 187 47 84 37 34 4 40 163 14.'! DUtllleiV Securl 61)0 34 do IrI preferred. l,w 4U 4tlU General Electric . 1H3 (.it Northern pi . . t;t Northern Or . 3C0 143 142 , t. .i si . si ei -..,. i 9,. lirt.v HAK 1471C Illinois wniisi .. " ' --.. . o,7 lnterborouxh Met.. 14.2iK 24 23 23 do preierrea 8.2iiO 87 66 66 l.SoO 1I1 !"( 1"" Inter-Marine pr .. 28 24 25 Int Paper ir. 63 13 62 15 82 28 45 71 152 Int Pump . . 1.100 Iowa Central .... K C Southern 11,300 48 71 44 71 152 KOI do i. referred ... to" Louisville ft Nash in., ji St T.nnla. 70 152 30 52 M. ft P ft S S 11. i" 1;4 136 136 Mleaourl Pacific .. S.w0 72 1 1- 6u 49 6H Mo, Kan ft Texas oo.-ou An nmr.rrPd ... '"ioo ii3 iisvi 113 4,400 80 89 8!) 65 1.500 132 132 1".2 8.6V.0 48 47 48 HM 85 85 95 1.9H0 8n 78 78 National Biscuit .. National Lead ... Mex Nat Ry 1st pr N T Central N Y. Ont ft Wert. Norfolk ft West. North American .. Northern Pacine .. Pacific Mail Tennm-lvania ..... 6.8K 14.'. 144 144 1.100 44 43 44 t,WQ 134 . 133 133 600 113 118 113 People's Gav .... P. C C ft u... r.w. steel Car. 1.400 64 85 64 "so," 1RC - - .s 182 60 166 4S 106 40 80 66 ?E5a Pullman Pal Car, Kt seel spring.. Reading 154.8110 16 Retiubllc Steel ... i4,tn" if 47 do preferred Rock Island Co 4.6" 40 4fl Hv Trrreii 1.0 i 3im 80 66 33 ( 65 Ft L ft S F 2 pf. St L Southwestern 8,2iO do prefonvd ... 2" 32 7'.i 72W rSrn'clflc-:: 12.81 lJO 15 130 82 81 81 I Is"! 1 1 Routhern Kaliway. j.i.i-- o-- An. nreferred ... 1.2oO 71 U 711 3,V5 64 7111 Tenn Copper l.o 41 Srt 64 fifi 4.1 Texas ft .raeinc .. i.i-"-Tol. St L West. 4i) Aa nreferred ,v 6.". 68 2itt 1"2 82 63 81 126 6ft 20 63 34 85 8f. 4 611 Union Pacific do preferred ' S7.R'" 203 2i'2 11 n ttemiy TT CS Vlohhee 1.80A 63 81 i 50 80 126 68 48 20 63 34 8.1 81 II S Steel 61.2V d preferred l.aoo 127 9.0O0 68 I Ukll V.M". Va-Caro Chemical. Wabash do preferred . . . Western Md Westlnghouse Bleo TXl0m T'nlfm 4! -i 2l 64 .14 82 4 8.000 8,000 1O0 400 8.400 t I m. T . TTj- ' . .... f'....l 1 AA XI) 60 SO Total sales for the day. 740,300 snares. BONDS. TJ S. ref. 2s reg.100 IN T C O Ss.. 80 do coupon 100 North Pacific 3s. 72 tt g 3s reg 101'North Pacific 4a. 102 do" coupon 10111'nlon Pacific 4a.H2 TJ 6 new 4s reg.ll5lwiacon Cent 4s. 84 do coupon 116JJapaneae -4s. . T . 87 D ft R G 4a 97 j Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON. Nov. 18. Closing quotations: Adventure ..... ii'Mohawk . .' 13 Allouex 50 (Nevada 28 Amalgamated .. 85 Vi 'Old Momtnion ... 34 Ariz Com 46 Oscila .1.19 Atlantic ....... 12 Parrot 30 Butte Coal 83 Quincy 87 Cal ft Arix 108 Shannon 16 Cal ft Hecla 670 (Tamarack 8i , . rtftU "Trlnll v 1 1 Vi i'opper Range!" 86jU S Mining 86 Daly West....:. 9 US Oil.... 38 Franklin 17 Ctah , 46 Granby 104 Victoria J Greene Cananea. 14! Winona 6 Isle Royale 28 Wolverine 14S Mass Mining 6'North Butte 68 Michigan 6 I Money Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. Nov. 18. Prima mercantile paper, 6tr3 per cent. Sterltng exchange firm, wlfh actual business la k.-i,., hjs tx f4.4i340w4.835O for 60-day kin. mt u R72S for demand: commercial bitiA $4.82He--83H. Bar silver, 50c. Mexican dollar 43c " Government bonds steady: railroad Arm. Money on call firm, per cent; ruling rate, 44'9 per cent; closing bid, per cent; offered at 4 per cent. Time loans easier; 80 dayi 5 per cent: 90 days, 4 per cent; and six months. 44644 Per cent. SAT FRANCISCO. Nov. IS. Sterling on Ixmdon, 60 day $4.S3ft; sight. 4.6il4. Silver bare, B0c. Mexican- dollars. 45o. rrafts Sight. 4c; telegraph. 7c. ' LONDON. Nov. 18. Bar silver, 2S 6-16d per ounce. Money 3V-4 per cent, i I The rate o discount In the open market To. I short hills 1 i4 per cent; lor three monms uin, -i n i-w Consols for money. .82 7-14; for account, 82 8-16. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. J8. The condition of the Treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: s . Trust f untie Gold coin "&25 Silver dollars - 4l'i:S'i5X Silver dollars of 1890 HJ'hSS Silver certlncatee outstanding 4bS,3-o.ouo General fund Standard silver dollars In general fund l.OHl.Urtl CurVent liabilities ........... Working balance In Treasury offices ,3dS.S01 In banks to credit of Treasurer of the United States Jf-J Subsidiary silver coin V'rX?'5JJ Minor coin uausAa Total balance In general fund 84,64,soj BRINGS HJLLf RICES FAXCX IXVESTOCK SELLS READ 1XV AT THEJOP. Steers Are Moved at $4.60 and Cows ' at $3.75 at the Yards Hogs Are Also Firm. Livestock trade was active yesterday, wit h a strong demand for good stock and prices on a tiFm basis. The receipts for the day were 15l cattle. 243 sheep, 325 hogs and 20 Sa"es In the cattle line comprised good quality steers at $4.60 and $4.65. and fancy cows at $3.75. Hogs sold at the former range of quotations. A large bunch of sheep went at 4. bat had the quality been prime, thev would have sold higher. The following statement of interest to shippers, was made by General Agent D. O. Lively, of the stockyards company: "Pending the adoption of a uniform con tract, which is now being considered by the Oregon Railway Commission, shipper? from Southern Pacific points to the Vnlon Stock yards are put to some trouble and Incon venience by reason of having to go through the terminal yaMs to the O. K. & N. local station for the purpose of signing an addi tional livestock contract. We are advised L-y R. B. Miller, general freight agent for the O. B. N., that he will see If some method can be arranged, either by filing bond or otherwise, that will take cars of this and at the same time take up the question of accommodation for the. men in charge of shipments of livestock, who at present are under the necesfity of riding on the tops of the cars. It is my opinion that before long shippers will not be put to all this trouble." Shippers at the yards yesterday were: C. Thompson, of Buhl. Idaho, with one car of hogs; W. L. Dishman. of Wallowa, two cars of cattle; Henry Laxinka, of Pilot Rock, three cars of cattle; F. K. Llnd, of McCov, 6 eows; I E. West, of Halsey, two cars of sheep; J. C. Davis, of Shedd, one car of hogs and goats; F. E. Llbby, of Jefferspn, one car of hogs, and Webber Brothers. 68 hogs by boat. The day's sales were as follows: Wt. xr. Wt. Pr. 232 $8.10 21 7.85 212 8.10 136 7.50 157 7.75 25 steers. .1205 $4.3; 76 bogs. . 93 bogs.. 85 hogs. . 34 hogs. . 7 hogs. . 54 hogs. . 'i steers. .123i 4. GO 3.40 8.75 26 cows... U86 '24 cows. . .1045 4 cows... 1143 2A0 sheep.., 133 30 hogs. . . 130 3.50 4.00i 207 7.S0 ,50 163 hogs. 214 8 00 Prlcea quoted at the yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Best steers, $4.60 0 4.65; fair to good, $44.25; medium and feeders, $3.60 jfS.7S; best cows. $3.50ig,3.75; medium, $3 P3.25; common to medium, $2.602.76; bulls, $22.SO; stags, $2.ou3.30; calves, light. $5.26S6.60; heavy. $44.75. HOOS Best. $88.10; medium, $7.80 7.85: stockera, $4W4.73. SHEEP Best, wethers, $4.254.60; fair to good. $3.7B4; best ewes. 3.7304; fair to good, $3.50)3.76; lambs, $56.35. Kastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO. Nov. IS. Cattle Receipts, esti mated, 10.000: market, steady to shade lower. Beeves. $41118.26: Texas steere. $3.7564.75; Western stoers, $4.25SS7.60; stockera and feed ers. $3.16(io.X0: cows and heifers, $3.106.70; calves, $6.2068.60. Hogs Receipts, estimated. 20.000; market, strong to So higher. Light, $7.6588.05; mixed $7.7ufc8.20: heavy, $7,7048.20: rough. $,7.70 7.85: good to choice heavy. $7.8.Vn 8.20; plgsi $6.10(57.65; bulk of sales. $7.uj8.15. Sheep Receipts, estimated, 22,000; market, steady to "10c lower. "Native. $2.&oa-5.10; Western, $35.10: yearlings. $3 2o6.50; lambs, native, $4.75S7.50; Western, $04 7. 40. KANSAS CITT Nov. 18. Cattle Receipts. T000; market, steady. Native steers. $4,809 8.50; native cows and ceirers, eZ.zi-; siock ers and feeders. $3ff5; bulls. $2f3.9o; calves, $47.50; Western steers, $3.90i0.75; Western cows. $2. 75 4. 50. Hogs Receipts, 10.000; market, 6c higher. Hulk of sales. 7.708.05: heavy. $841-8.10: packers and butchers. $7.8off8.10; light, $7.50 t)S: pigs. $6.25(fr7.25. Sheep Receipts, 4000: market, steady. Mut tons, S4.6O4r3.0O; lamos. Oitli.oo; range wein iis and yearlings, $46; ranger ewes. $3.50 6.25. OMAHA. Nov. IS. Cattle Receipts'.. S30O; market, strong. Native steers. $4.5(mi8: cows and belfers, $3'86.26; Western steers, $3.60 e25: cows and hellers, liiou'l.iw; canners, $2.5063.25; stockem and feeders, $3.06-6.26: calves, $3.50'a7: bulls, stags; etc., $2.75 4.63. Hogs Receipts, 4?"0; market, strong to 8e hleher. Heavy $858.05; mixed, $7.85W8: light $7.80S; pigs, $6.50477.50; bulk of sales, $7.95(fS. Sheer' Receipts, 6700; market, steady. Year lings. $3. 2536.25; wethers. $4.40S.4U; ewes, $4-64 85; lambs, $6.75gT.60. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. Nov. 1$. The market for Standard copper on the New York Metal Exchange today was quiet and practically nominal, with spot. November and Decem ber quoted at 13.2o asked. The English market closed steady at 460 6s for spot and fsl 7s 4d for futures. Sales there included 1000. tons spot and 1600 tons futures. Local dealers quoted lake at 13.I54l-lt.50c; elec trolytic. '13.1$ 613.23c; casting. 12.87 (6 13.12 c. Tin firm. Spot and November closed at $0.74T30.78c; December. 30.80 31c; Janu ary, SO. S531. 10c; February'. ' 3p.$0 31.15c. The London market was steady, with spot quoted at 4139 17s 6d and futures at 414J. Lead quiet and unchanged. Spot. 4.37 4.42o New York, and 4.22 04.37 o East St, Louis. ' The London maiaot was uu changed at IIS 2s Cd. Snelter ruled quiet, hpot, e.2o(tri.iic ew York and 6.20 . 25c East St. Louis. No changta was reported In London, with spot closing at 3$ 6s. The English iron' marital was uncimni,c at 61s 4d for Cleveland warrants. Locally imn was steadv. No. 1 foundry Northern, Xlel9.S0: No. 2. $18.B01: No. 1 South- j l on...,Arn anf m ?5R19.75. CI BUU ..V. .luu-.'t. - . X Dried. Fruit at Jfew York. .- C 1 W 1. i, -' " ' ' ' iteitdy : fancy new crop, HWUVio: choice, 1908, Sitwio'c: prime, t)ic, tumuiu to fair. 6 8 V,c. Prunes, steady: California, up to 40-408, 2ifTrtc: Oregona, 6 9c. Apricots, firm: choice, 1111 : extra choice llHlle; fancy. 1212Hc. Peaches. Ann: choice. 67c; extra choloe. $V47ttc; fancy. 7' 8c. By the WHITE Go STAR LINE ITALY Alternate Sailing from New York Boston by the Sixth CRUISE V EGYPT 1 Nininm WINTER T tk AnPID A ' .SPAIN MED1TERBANEAN PORTS PALESTINE AND EQYPT 1 Lumb At Loan3 and discounts Overdrafts . U. S. bonds to secure circulation. Other bonds and premiums ...... Real Estate Furniture and fixtures Due from U. S. Treasurer Due from banks Cash Capital Surplus and undivided Circulation Reserve for taxes Dividends unpaid Deposits Total CRANBERRIES ARE WEAK OVERSrPPLY AT 1 SENDS PRICES SEATTLE DOWN. Potatoes Are Moving Bcttcir Poul try Stocks Are Lights Flour Trade Quiet. SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 18. (Special.) Owing to heavy stocks of cranberries, prices have dropped 60 cents, the top price now be lns $8 for everything except extra fancy stock. n Potatoes move better, but shippers are sell ing large quantities direct to the trade, many small dealers taking a carload or two. ' Grapes sold briskly at as high as $1.-5. Poultry markets were Quiet In all ,iP" menw. LiKht receipts were the rule with an aotual shortage or good hen. Fresh eggs were in fair supply and were quoted In some ouarters up to 53 cents-. Q"lttle w-ae doing in flour. JTol advance which went Into effect this morning. Feed men are protesting against the new feed Inspection faw. which goes Into jVnnary le Kftorta will be made tb nullity the action. ' QUOTATIONS AT SAX URANCISCO. Frlres Paid for Produce 1b the Bay City Market. SAN FRjOC CISCO, Nov. 18. The follow ing prices were quoted In the produce "e.abbucumbers. TSctMl: string beans? SfcSc: tomatoes. Mfr65c' garlic. a 6c: green peas, 3'5c; eggplant, -0&'5o illllstufts Bran. $'J.SUii3': middlings. SBu5tterS Fancy creamery, 32c; creamery seconds, fancy dairy. 29c. KSKs Store. 50c: fancy ranch, 56c. Chfeae New. I6H&IS0; oung Americas. 17 Hay Wheat, $15:: wheat and oats, $1417: alfalfa. $912; stock. $7f 10; bur ley $10ai3; straw, per bale. 00iOc. Fruits Apples, choice, 75c0c; com mon. 50S5c: bananas. 75c$3.50;. limes. HQS; lemons. choice, 4 sabSST mon. l.T5f.75; oranges, navels. $1.50i75, pineapples. $3g3.50. -,, Wool South Plains and 8an Jqaflf1" SeiOc: Spring Humboldt and Mendocino, 1315c Hops 2023c per pound. ,,.. Pi,ratoes Oregon Burbanks, 731. Salinas Burbanks, $1.251.35; sweets, $1 Receipts Flour, 7314 quarter sacks: wheat 1200 centals: barley. 37115 centals; oats. 1R60 centals: beans. 11.795 sacks: potatoes. 5900 sacks- bran. 35 sacks: middlings, i0 sacks. haV T50a Ttons: wool. 160 balee-: hides. 90O. TIUTELE118' C.UIDB. m $325 AND UP -aoian IEMTI $0 DAYS Bssanssss I Grand Cnsae by S. S. CINCINNATI, from N. Y Jan. r. IS d.y m Egypt and Hohr M Land. Send fcr Hknnwd book. 9 BamburgAmericanLinc lflll pfflVEI.I, ST.. Sain KKAis SAN KRAN. PORTLAND S. S. CO. From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. 4 P. M. KS. Boe City. Nov. W. Dec. S. Srt Kansas City, Nov. So, Dec. 10. From Pier 40 S.n Fra nlsco. 1 1 A. M. SS. Kansas City, Nov. SO. Dec. 4. SS. Kose City. Nov. 27. Dec. 11. M J- KOCHE, C. T. A., 142 3d St. J. W. Ransom. Dock Agent. Ainsworth Dock. Main ioS: A 1402. Phones Main 268 1 A 1SS4. NORTH PACIFIC S.S.CO. For Eureka San Fran cisco and Los Angeles direct. all every Tues day at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near J) Alder. Phones M. 131-1. A 1314. Sena tor ioiuer. U. YOUNG. Agt. COOS BAY LINE worth dock. torNortn Bend, MarahUela and Coos Bay points. Freight received untU P M on day of sailing. Passenger fare, flrst clasa. $10: second-class. $7. InclTfWng berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington street or Ainsworth dock. Phone Main 28 CANADIAN PACIFIC WEEKLY SAILINGS BETWEEN MON TREAU QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL. Nothing better on the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wireless on all steamers. F. R. JOHNSON, P. A. 142 Third St.. Portland. Or. 'Cedric"-'"CelUc to Lsrrest Stesatrt is tkt trass, as4 Ike CRETIC. CANOPIC and ROMANIC, Seed I or SaSaa Lai sad ISssaatea Prosrsss k ear OAcs er Asncr Leaves NEW, YORK JANUARY 3tk. 11 Afl expeaeu mchjaad of 73 dsyt at $400 and op for tk WHITE STAR LINE, Seattle or Local A (tents. 14 STATEMENT OF CONDITION National Bank ermens the Qose of Business Nov. 16, RESOTJECES. LIABILITIES. profits CONDENSED REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON Submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency at the Close of Business Nov. 16, 1909. ASSETS Loans and Dis counts $0,455,023.93 UnitedStates Bonds at Par... 754,000.00 M u n i c i p al and Railway Bonds. 996,610.97 Bank Building. . . . 125,000.00 Cash and Ex change 3,193,939.89 $10,529,579.84 Attest Correct : Statement of Security Sayings & Trust Co. PORTLAND, OREGON, . At Close of Business November 16, 1909. ; RESOURCES Loans Bonds, Warrants Customers' Liability, under Letters of Credit. Cash and due from Correspondents v . . LIABILITIES Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits Letters of Credit Deposits Statement of Condition of LADD & TILTON BANK SEPTEMBER 1, 1909 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts Overdrafts - Bonds and Stocks Bank Premises V." Cash on Hand and Due from Banks. Total f LIABILITIES. Capital Stock .Fu"y alrl. Kurpins ana liinimum Demand Deposits Time and Savings Deposits Total OFFICERS. SnH, Vlc-Pre W. H. DUNCKL.BY. Cashier THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. Tt insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. Ii assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 BECK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. OF 1909 $1,564,984.93 3,190.66 250,000.00 ,220,239.87 800.00 ''' 28,237.65 .$ 12,500,00 . 336,945.84 . 466,619.02 816,064.86 $2,883,517.97 .$ 250,000.00 40,756.53 . 250,000.00 2,925.00 169.50 . 2,339,666.94 ..$2,883,517.97 LIABILITIES Capital $ 500.000.no Surplus '. 500,000.00 Undivided Profits 197,274.73 Circulation 495.800.00 Deposits 8.8:50.505.11 $10,529,579.84 J. C. AINSWORTH, President. Condition of .$4,092,598.43 . 1,321,625.16 18,125.00 . 1,595,857.22 $7,028,205.81 .. 500,000.00 . 447,618.97 24,116.31 6,056,470.53 $7,028,205.81 t 6,041.372.59 22.SS8.61 4,942,893.19 75.000.00 4,195,694.35 $14,277,848.74 $ 1.000,000.00 - ..$7,220,946.41! .. 6.502,087.30 12,723,033.78 J14,277,81S.74 H. s. HOWARD. Jr., Asst. Cashier J,-W LADD. A;, Cashier WALTER si. COOK, Asst. Cashier sail n any qusraw, u . I 4