Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 19, 1909, Page 21, Image 21

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BUSINESS OPfOKTtKITICt. BC31NE88 OPPORTUNITIES. 1 . FINANCIAL, " lnTltt,j. MlMfclhmeonm. Southern Pacinc.
Nrr.v m.n fio is ' willing to give refer-
ence whlcn will bear cos Investigation
nd who requires .mm . "
look up this pn'P-Mii:t"n of a naif interest
In an old-estab.isned r.-al estate arm in the
city there . no guarantee of a certain In
come, but t!-r la plenty or business and It
takes soms money to buy the Interest, al
though, both the old partner an.) the pros
pective one roust be suited to each otter or
co deal will r m'ie.
24.S4 Stark St. ,
xmc-a-r avr mXFECTIONERT.
. - ...... i rtf rmcrUs and con
fectionery, good family trade, established
business, on a paying basis sto,-k and fix
ture, will Invoice, about 2H: Include
rod horse and JM; Tent la per
month. Including nico living rooms, up
stairs; on (.rami ave.
317 Board ot Trade Bid . 4th and Oak.
-. . . . . . . . . IJ i .-t- w i .
For m- f"r all each or part In city or farm
!ar.1: this- is on of Portland's bst nreproor
hwl; ll'-ear lease; n--
rm. 36 with private rath: all rooms ren
e1 in la.l ir.i la a V ' ,
, u-- up-f.-.l-ite huTV: will be taken off
ir t IH in fit 1" rtajs. 5"5
Cl-.anibcr of Commerce. Main l'.ni3.
FRCHVNT3 or Investor making for legltt-
: k.i.rwia in thia terri-
,, ran obtain valuable Information bj
al.irg on this asm y. Uod or-portunltlei
'i- n.-.-rcntlle or imnufji-tunnf lines
416 Ablngton Bide;.
. ...-TT ..I.",. UirCntit
V tine business. handling feed, fuel and
K..ilHln material: is clearing
e ..... .D- mmill, ahove WI1F: OWner
must wll and has good reason for doing
t. -.ii w.ii t.- I n v-p: t trate.
817 Hoard of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak
If too want to buy or aril, no trouble
to talk It over with you. Call or Phono
Main 320 LunmermBni uiua-.
and Stark.
or SALE Stock of dryaeods. furnishing
goods, shoes, notions and groceries. In
Jood Valley town; brick building, low
rent- good, clean stock nd good lle
husini; will invoice about Jll.WO; no
agenta X SIT. ureaonian.
OCAL tranufacmrer nas proposition to
make partT wishing Investment with aerr
lcea1 factory running full time and earn
n7'4rga Vrotlt. on capital. Call or ad
dress i B 1. Mfg. Co.. Cor. B- 9th and
PECtAL Office man able to Invest little
..i- i . nan rir. Interest
money wun v... ; ,
in solid business raying good salary, also
share or pronts. wun nana, i .
417 Board of Trade bldgJ
OR PAI.B 'Whole or H lntereert In estab
lished fuel business; best location In city,
with spur In yard and complete equipment;
doing a good business. Call 451 Hawthorne
ave. Phone East B 202l:
i-ANTED A party who understands the
llalry business. musT take tu" -
liave ome money. .t... r-n
H. MORtli" IbSK I.MIiJlJlia.'i
133 Aider St.
I fTii wn-lrnown business man wants
artrwr: duties easily learned and will pay
kou good salary, also share profits. .o0
.Mjulred. freter man- usi-n t V . ,
ti. .particulars in dob
I Thai heat that monT can boy; $1000. Call
iVs Morrison at.
I TOU want auppltea or rent film? We
I . : .n lulnnr In the
tst. Pacific Film Co.. 303 Kothchlld bldg..
Ttlaad. or.
a fSAr.C ehenn 1V share of non-a
tn o. t.nMiiL. Iemv mining prop-
extlra. lo ated in the nohemla mining dis
trict. Address P. O. Box 44i Portland.
N ROSES'SAI'-M. lawyer, financial agent,
promoter, developer of corporations, enter
prises, syndicates. Iond Issues lo(.0OO
upwards negotiated. 311 Fern blk.. Seattle.
tXIARDS and poo': everything new; well
seated- exceptional offer to managing part
ner. Partlcuiara 2i?i Wasiilngton
oom 612.
R PAI.F1 CHEAP Confectionery, cigar
home bakerv and groceries: everything
brand new; good location; living rooms.
M9 RusselL J. G. Casey.
vnnrt IV SIDHT. ISO acres of placer
ground. 7So to tl a yard; I want I.Knm) to
.lUlId a dltcn. for pariicuiaie uuiww
Fourth at-, room 14.
IVXiN and restaurant, well located: trial
-Iven: saifvn sales average 40 dally; price
or both $1&'. Particulars Waahing
on St., room 612.
S can locate you In raying boslnen. Ba-
r I .. V .r. nnrl .M US IvlnneT
i Stampher. S31-32 Lumber Exchanga
ldg. Phone A 4i-
XAun ' iu -. . - - - r..
.it.. hmnlat. irtoi-v In our tlubll-
atlon. "California OH Fields." Sample
py free. sag&r afc Lwm n
NER of butter, poultry afTr fish stoie
ants honest partner. The man wanted
nore than his money. Will pay you J
eek. Call 417 iioara or irauo dius.
KIj ESTATE) and buMneas chances: partner
anted; g.od opening for a hustler: ground
-or location. Hall A Blocb. I'SoVi Stark
iOD and coej buidr.eoa, well aMahl'shed;
ill take partner: salary pan in aaaittoa to
nue. Particulars 2S4 Waahlngtoa t,
m 612.
RTXER wanted to act as shipping clerk
i a solid business: will be guaranteed $200
very month; $1000 required. Call room
3 Lumber Exchange.
AT. estate partner wanted to Join owner.
ell-eRtanluphed business: this- eh.juld easily
ear 2"0 per month.: little money needed,
articular Washington St.. room 612.
you " fl.l I to K ' I i - " ' - ' -' vm,
f the city or If you want to sell your
uslness call and lee Young Bros.. Gerlin
ar bldg.
i-EW hundred dollars huy a half Interest
a good honest business mat snouic pay
tter than $1W monthly: god future for a
jailer. Call 607 Beck bldg.
NTED Active man to attend store and
llect as partner; owner will pay you
'.00 monthly: $250 required fully secured,
all room 523 Lumber Exchange.
: have established business Arms want-
-,g partners with some casn. -tnese are
:onev-makers. Investigate. Northwest
salty Co, S17 Board of Trade bldg.
AT MATtKET for sale; rent $18 per month;
ilnc $;t00 business a week: good lease;
-Ice $025. Inquire S4814 Stark as)
you want to buy a rooming house, cigar
and or a good business, jee Northwest
ealty Ccu. 617 Board of Trade bldg.
AR BUSINESS Can clear $200 month,
artners don't agree. Will accept first
ffer. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg.
1BER wants to buy a small e-hop city or
untry; describe in lull, aivu EAst .nam
.. Portland. '
LL grocery and confectionery for sale,
voice, cor. Millard ave. and Mt, Scott
irllne. Phone Tabor 477.
AR STORE; Good corner; rent 135: lease;
irth : w-IM sell for tovi. Hall 4
och. itki1-. Stark at.
N'L'FACTl'RING Partner wanted with
50 and willing to start at $2S a week,
all 417 Board of Trade bldg.
ROOMS all housekeeping: desirably lo
ted: price 17O0. terms. 2S6", Waehlng
n st.. room 612.
OT STAND Streetcar waiting-room: do
, t-t .iAF. TTall tA Rloch
ark t. '
: SALE Four-chair barber shop, com
ete; terms. The Ames Mercantile
sency. 41 Ablngton bldg.
Kit STAND Price 4X): city location; easy
nf Inquire 24H Stark st.
TNER $25 week pr-r.t: other partner
11 give Instructions. P 537. oregonlan.
CERY frpOP.ES Several to choose from;
. prices. Hall Bloch. 266H Stark St.
AIR barber shop for -sale; good money
r right man. Call at 522 Washington.
Snap. Hi. Call East 4127.
OOM Salmon street, good furniture;
jst sell: g-.vio cash. AB 535. Oregonlan.
ou have a business for sale or want to
y one. call on us at 248S Stark at.
MING-HOUSE. 9 rooms; fine furniture;
j. teims. Hall A Bioch. 20it, Stark St.
VTEE Pmal: cash register: mast be
ap. Oall or a-icresw iS-.'i, Yamhill at.
10? 4th at . will consider a lot.
BER SHOP S oralrs; rent $lr: trade $35
-reek. Hall Blocb, 06 Stark at.
Nice, clean up-to-dat. on 6th at., close
to Washington, clearing $400 per month:
cheap rent. with, lease; owner leaving the
citv and must sell quick. Price) X1000;
location alone worth the money.
817 Board of Trada Bldg., 4th and OaX,
With the most promising outfbok: Trvlng
ton and Rove City Pari! trade. Cheap. Call
22K'fc Morrison st.
Partner wnnted In a cash bnsinesa; will
make yon $35 per week; trial given before
you buy; experience not necessary; $250 re
quired. Call room 315 Lumber Etxcbange
tilJg., 2d and Stark sta,
FOR SALE Moving-picture show, city of
JO.OO-) inhabitants; one of beet-equipped
houses in state; doing splendid business;
lnstlgata this before buying. X 638,
Oregonlan. .
WANTED A man with soma money to take
half Interest In a platting proposition. In
connection with a well equipped real es
tate office. Extra good opening. eOS Board
of Trade bldg.
SALOON man retiring from business will aell
his place, doing a buslnew of $10 per day.
very cheap, or will trade. Particulars room
SIR Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark
NEW Independent American films, the kind
that git you the money; firm service, $12
week. 6 reels - Independent Western Flip
Exchange. Swetland bldg.. Portland. Or.
HERE Is a rare chance fos a young man
with $210 cash, as I am alone and tired
of hired, help; duties easily learned,
rail at 225 Fifth St.. room 3.
FOR SALE General merchandise stockTT
lots and buildings In a rich agricultural
district, four miles from railroad station.
Addris Box 60, Sublimity. Or.
FIRST-CLASS restaurant proposition, half
block Washington st.. heart ot city, long
lease: lease alone worth price. R 544,
$S.-. TO HANDLE If you want a hargaln
that I dirt cheap, in grocery, butter and
egg store; have got to sell; best of reasons
WHY. O 842, Oregonlan.
MAN with business ability and bandy with
tools can obtain Interest In profitable es
tablished business for small amount. Ap
ply 2X7 Ankeny at.
PARTNBR !n prospecting trip. Slnaloa, Mex
ico, With several hundred dollars, as I
have: references; state particulars. Address
for Interview. T 635. Oregonlan.
-ROOM roomlng-houso, flnely furnished,
paving $36 per month above expenses.
Has to be seen to be appreciated. Only
$M0. half down. 272 Stark at.
CIGAR STAND Best Washington-street lo
cation: reasonable rent and good lease: aae
rlflc price for quick sale. Call 613 Cham
ber Commerce.
CLEAN stock general merchandise, In good
town. See owner at room 615. Imperial
Hotel., until Friday.
72 rooms, new modern brick, beautifully
furnished, steam heated, private baths.
ROOMS: this is right down town; rent
only $526 and a 6-yar LEASE; BIG
MONEY-MAKER: this house clears above
all expenses. $700 per month. This can
be had on good terms- Sea ua at once for
81 Ablngton Bldg.
$5fi0. $150 down and $10 per month,
l-room newly tinted residence on Wash
ington st.
$6S0. Terms, 9 rooms and b basement
rooms, nets $70. Near Hth and Stark.
$sso. Terms. 12 rooms, rent $50. Strict
ly modern, tine furnishings. Washington
street, near 21st.
$1800. Terms, 24 rooms, 4th st. Rent
See us for the best buys In the city.
Plcntv of larger houses.
320 Lumberman's Bldg., 6th and Stark.
24 -room house; cheap rent; long leave;
housekeeping: all rented; clears over $100
per month; for quick sale, price $1400, easy
20 rooms', close In; transient; good furni
ture and new piano: $1276.
R-room house: walking distance: rent only
.Ki; income 45 and 2 nice rooms lor your
self; jvtop paving bllg room rent, when you
can bur one "like this for $450 on easy terms
and collect rent Instead of paying It. 2
Wash. St., room 301.
Handles this 25-room rooming-house;
two block! from the P. O. : steam heat;
good lease: carpets and furniture almost
new: splendid money-maker;, a good buy
for 2ii)0.
Rooming-houses, all sizes and prices.
20i Wash. St. Rooms 406-7
QUICK SALE! Transient house, S rooms; ele
gantly furnished, ail new; clears $75 per
month above expenses: prlca $55o, very easy
terms. Call today, 2664 Washington St.,
room 612.
WANTED To rent lodging-house, all fur-
nlshoa. biate numDer or rooms, rwu t lo
cation. . AL 639, Oregonlan. ,
BARGAIN 17 rooms; furniture good; well lo
cated; 2-year lease; price $1000. terms.
Particulars 2864 Washington St., room 612.
FOR SALE or will take part In trade, rooming-house
34 rooms. 2 halls; good location,
long lease. B 541. OregonianJ
TRANSIENT house, 14 rooms: 2-year lease;
exceptionally well loca
Call 2S64 Washington
exceptionally well located. Washington at.
St., room ox-.
9 WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms;
good location; all full; low rent. Inquire
4U4 Kerby st.
14 ROOMS Flna location, good furniture;
rooms always rented: furnace heat; only
$1150, terms. 407 Stark st.
FOR SALE Furniture coxy 10-room house,
very cheap rent; a bargain if sold soon.
Owner 287 13th St.
la ROOMS Nice furniture, splendid location;
prlca $1230. Particulars 2sotfc Washington
st., room 612.
80-ROOM mill hotel, doing good business In
St. Johns. Phone Richmond 1081.
FOR SALE Furniture 16 rooms rooming
house, 3H7 Taylor. Owner. No agents.
ROOMING-HOUSE for sale, 26 rooms, all
full. Phone Main 7392.
20 ROOMS, 4th street; finely furnished;
$1600, part cash. AF 536. Oregonlan.
4 ROOMS; must aell; answer quick; sick
ness; littla cash. Y 630. Oregonlan.
A LIMITED amount Oregon Trust accounts
taken lnexchange for furniture, etc.. or
all cash paid If preferred. .Cohn Bros.,
180 1st st.
Money to Loan Real Estate.
FIRST and second mortgages and contracta
purchased on Oregon and Washington lands.
E. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg., b6 6th st.
$1000 $ 2000, $2500, $4000 TO loan, real
estate security. Equity Investment Co.,
5uS Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder.
VB want to make two $1600 loans on Im
proved city property; no commission. Call
913 Board of Trace.
MONEY at 6. 7. and 8 per cant on city and
farm securities. S. S. Ullleatple, 201 Fenton
MONEY loaned, building purposes. If consult
ed before building begins. 602 Henry bldg.
State funds loaned, i per cent. W. B .Thom
as, state agent. Multnomah Co., 400 C C
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
cortracta W. H. Kunn. 449 Sherlock bldg.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat
eral security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton.
PRIVATE money loaned on real estate
mortgages. 11- Mlley, room 204 Oerlinger.
MONEY to loan, any amount, s to 8 per
cent. Frary A Seitx, 132 6th at.
sONET to loan on Improved city property.
Win- MacMaster. 302 Worcester blk.
WILL loan 15000 or less. Farrlngton, 416
Cemmerelel Club bldg.
WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign
money; loana Lewis A Co.. 231 Wash at.
nH7 SO MjumiaMvcmm - - . .... I f " I
pirv-T wnvicr to LOAN.
Wa have monev to loan -on real estate In
nmi of from $500 to $100,000; made with
out delay. , w
304-6 Gerllnger Bldg. -
MONEY to loas on Improved Portland Prop
erty or for building; king time, with privi
lege repaying all or part of loan after'two
Financial Agents. 605 Concord Bldg.
o-nv to loan on Improved property. If
k.iMinr nnmosesh. Interest does sot
commence until actual disbursement of
funds. Liberal repayment options. Co
lumbia Life Trust Co.. 214 Lumbar-
Exchange bldg. e,
ON IMPROVED city property or for build
ing purposes; 8 to 8 years time: liberal re
payment privileges; money advanced" ai
building pnsgressea The EquUable Say
ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark st.
MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other
resl estate securities, bought on city
property or lands anywhere In Oregon or
Washington, ti.. a rouio, sig-oo
btrniens oidg.. 6th and Stark ata.
PLENTY of money to loan at d and T
cent on real estate security.
309-31O Ablngton mag.
wra have good buyers for Oregon Trust A
Hsvlngs accounts, also telephone bonds and
. dank afMiunt,: hlshest nrice Dald.
607 Beck bldg.
real estate bearing 8 per cant Interest. In
amount from $600 to ,$1000. O 543, Ore
tnn nnn OV improved citv or farm prop
ertv. building or small loans at lowest
rates: large loans a specialty. J. H. Mo
Klnxie Co.. 514-16-16 Gerllnger bldg.
IMMEDIATE loans from $6 to $500. on all
securities. w. A. natnaway. room. v,
Washington bldg. Phone Main 303.
ono mm Tst tniM l.r.a 1 m a n a sneclaltv.
'building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck,
' 812 Falling bldg.
FOR MONEY Any amount, reasonable rates.
. See I'rudhomme, 636 Chamber of Commerce.
Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries.
Altb 1 l 1 1 1 A " ' r. l ' t r v i,
If you knew how easy our terms are you
would not be short of money. Don t be
bothered with a lot of small debts; let us
furnish the money to sviueiinji.
1 a, ia;ha -.
Resl Estate, Furniture and Pianos (with
out 'xemoval). Storage Receipts, Life in
surance Policies, Horses, Jewelry and Dia
monds, and all kinds of securities, on easy
weeKly or mommy payment.
We Buy First and Second Mortgages.
All Business Strictly .Confidential.
12 Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d. Main 2084.
Steadily employed' can borrow $10, $20. $25,
$30. $40. $50, $75 or $100 of the
All we ask is your personal note; no
mortgage; no Indorser or security; every
thing strictly connnennai.
$10 repaid In installments of 45c
$20 repaid in Installments of 70c.
.10 recald In Installments of $2.00.
Larger amounts In proportion.
8 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Wednesday and Sat
urday evenings to 8 o'clock.
308 Falling Bids.
We are the only company in the city
of Portland organized and Incorporated,
under the laws of the State of Oregon
. loaning money on furnltuae, pianos, etc,
without removal; astorage receipts, real
estate contracts, salaries; also confiden
tial loans made to .ladles; no Inquiries
Loans of $10 to $100 may be obtained
from us on short notice, and at a very
small cost to the borrower.
It will pay you to Investigate our new
credit plan.
612 Dakum Bldg.
IiM-tallment loans on pianos, furniture,
warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance poli
cies and all kinds of securities; REAL Bir
TATE LOANS from $3000 up.
416 Ablngton Bldg.
MONEY advanced -salaried people, house
keepers and others upon their own namea
without security; cheapest rates, easiest
pay menu; of flees In 64 principal cities;
save yourself money by getting my terms
first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange.
Quick loans made In Bums from (20 to
$500 for 80 to 90 days, on furniture, pianos
or other good security. Room 820 Lumber
men's bldg.. 6th and Stark
WE loan money on dlamonda and Jewelry
at reasonable Interest for long or short
time A. M. Delovage. Jowelar, 26S Wash
ington sU
EMPLOYES LOAN CO.. 321 Ablngton bldg.
Money on Installment plan.
SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and
easy to pay. F. A .Newton. 615 Henry
bldg.. cor. 4th arm Oak sta.
MONEY loaned salaried people; easy payments;
no publicity. Room 427, Henry bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
Ihe Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg.
LOW rates: we loan money on diamonds
and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d su
Loans Wanted.
WANTED $3000 on $6500 security.
Wanted $1000 on $2250 security.
5vs Gerllnger Bldg. Main 825L
$1000 MORE or less on vacant business
property; 2 per cent paid In advance. C
541, Oregonlan.
WANTED For client, $1000 and $2000; good
real estate security. Taggart. 416 Cham
ber of Commerce.
SORREL mare, weight about 930 lbs., face
and left hind leg to knee white, scar
on ' white leg, brand on left hip. Strayed
from Myrtle Park. Mount Scott carllne.
Finder phone Main ko32, Main 879 or A
THE LADY who took by mistake a silver
and pearl handle umbrella with monogram
C F. K. from Chrlstensen, Wednesday af
ternoon, will phone Main 5453. evening,
she will receive hers In return.
FOUND A ladys watch fob with gold
seal; owner can obtain by proving owner
ship and paying for this ad. Address
Grayhaven, Mllwaukle, Or.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 22S Front st.
Phone Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled
Hair Factory. H. Metsgor.
FOUND A bay horse; owner can have horse
by paying expenses. Two blocks north of
Lents Junction. Mount Scott line.
LOST I small keys, on 6th or Morrison
sta.. Wednesday. Return clerk Perkins
LOST Wednesday evening, brown mink fur
on Claremont road; finder phone Main 11G6.
Liberal reward.
LOST Silver hatpin. Greek letter design;
reward if returned to 737 Johnson st.
Phone Main 2a 10.
PRINCIPAL graded school. ,normal or college
graduate, $U0 per month. S 544. Oregonlan.
LOST Brlndle bulldog, name on collar "Fawn
Gibson." Return to 324 Everett St.; reward.
LOST Horse: chunky sorrel, blind In one
'. eye. B 4639; C 1724.
ness. Price $1. Money refunded if it
fulls. T. J. Pierce. 811 Allsky bldg.
25c box. restore lost vitality. Stipe. Taylor
Drug Co.. 289 Morrison at
JOHN LIMNELL. Swedish graduate, mas
seur, mechano-hydrotherapeutic treat
ments 417 Oregonlan bldg. Main 7757.
DR. CORA TALBOTT; 20 years' experience
In diseases of women; consultation free
and confidential. Hamilton bldg.
ENDLESS HAIR ROLL Any thickness, any
color. 428 E. 9th. E. 2211.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 600
Gllsan st. Main 9215. Agents wanted.
MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mra M. D. Hill. 429 Filedner bdg. M. 8473.
DR. C. S. CARTER, suite 401 Merchants
Trust bldg.. corner 6th and Washington.
Practice limited to diseases and disorders
of women. The doctors advice is free,
consult him in absolute confidence, pri
vate sanatorium if desired. Hours: 10 to
-I; 2-4; 6-8. Sunday. 10-1.
THE JAHN." 384 Yamhill St.. cor. West
Park Selected ladles' hair goods, stylish
putts switches, artistic wigs. toupees,
transformations that defy detection; the
very lateni rmutii ,j,ui ui no. .j .
mawmm iim, mim,v and dlsaDnolntraents;
eur system of dermatology will eure the
worst kind of scales, tetter and dandruff:
innltiicd French wismaker and Marcel
waver in attendance.
. -n.- remove cancers without the knife or
loss of blood.- If you have a epo'i ulcer.
tumor, or ,uuuiiiii - -
pirlous consult us. We will give you valu
able Information. .
Room 21. Raleigh Bldg.,
Portland, Or.
OXYGEN will cure any curable disease,
eltl-er acute or chronic, when adminis
tered by means of the OXYGENATOR. Call
or write for particulars. Office hours, 12
. n n.w. . ...-.i..t... I'n . rnnm -M) Swet-
lO X 1" VJ.JWM.w
land bldg.
ntt r. L. LEWIS.
niH of women and children. Ladles.
you can avoid surgical operation by con
sulting me; electric treatment for nervous
diseases; private hospital accommodation.
Rooms 505-506 Commonwealth bldg., 6th
and Ankeny. poonea, iiain wn, a .
1 1 . .o r fi l mt fnctorv orices: French and
hir switches. 05c and up; Paris
styles in hairdressing: scientific face and
scalp massage, dermatology, hairdressing
and manicuring taught- Aza H. Rlbbecke,
Grand Leader, 6th and Alder ata.
graduate; rheumatism, nrvous ana stom
ach disorders under physician's directions;
k.,h. No. 7' East Eleventh street, second
door south from East Ankeny carllne.
Phone East -oo. liome x iguo.
"THE JAHN," 884 Yamhill St.; phones Main
5174 A 3.144 High-class ladies' Turkish
and electric baths; removing of super-hair-,
moles. wxrtB. etc.. by the elec
tric needle; painless and permanent; the
only system lnaorseo. oy an puj,iwu
Electricity used; most sanitary treatment
for the fAset; no cuiiing; no iuiw,
lafactlon. 302-303 Oregonlan bldg. Main
4645; hours, iur. a.j ounu. iw m .
LADIEe Ask your druggist for Chichester
Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known
is the best, safest. Reliable. Take no
other. chlchesters Diamond Brand -ru
are sold by druggists everywhere.
t o irwIR
Physician and surgeon; treats women
and chlldien exclusively; private hospital
' accommodations; examinations free. Mala
047, A 2411. woo vuinmiiw,"
6th and Ankeny.
Tjlseases of women and children. No
charge .for consultation. Room 10, Grand
Theater bldg.. Washington ana A'ark sis.
u.i. aa-2M A 5607.
BRIDEGROOM'S opportunity; magnificent
bungalow, furnished; swell; central, west.
S14.0W; foww v .. . , --
PRIVATE- information to married persons or
those contemplating marriage who can
keep secret; mi ..uw. .
ards, room 44 Mason Hotel.
- .4 ..., AlAotr-lr. vthratlon treat
H..-VI -Jl.l uuu ,
ment and tub baths for ladles and geatlomen
given Dy xierra x. ii . . .
' Alder, Portland, Or.
OSTRICH plumes cleaned, dyed and curled;
fur and velvet nais muuti over m owi sat
isfaction. Ostrich Plums Co., 803 Wash
ington. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly
cures blood and skin diseases, sores, ul
cers, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and
pllos. 181 1st St., poruano.
LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills are
. positively tne Desi.. ian.e n iu.
- $2 per box or 8 boxes $5. Adores T. J.
1-lerce, 311 Allsky bldg.
SKILLFUL and scientific treatment of all
diseases peculiar to women; cures effected
In every case, without operation, pain or
danger Dr. pierce, mi Aiistty oiug.
...... . . ... ...)..... a? .otlem, education, lust
11AU1AI, is ............. - - -
arrived from New York, would teach
French and Italian with quick, method. Ad
dress Umber to Cervello, 324 Henry bldg.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $l.o0 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries, unique xaiiuring i-o.. oow oiai m..
INFORMATION wanted as to whereabout
of A. Monteith or Clara D. Montelth.
formerly of Portland. M. Hall, 1310
su, San Diego, Cal.
BE Independent; 10 different ways to make
money on capital of $1; 25c for Informa
tion. J. Richards, room 44 Mason Hotel.
CANCERS, tumors, paralysis, spinal and all
stomach trouble cured; natural way. 771
Alberta at. Mrs. D. Allerson. healer.
Mme Courtwright, skin and scalp treat
ments, facial deformities corrected, plas
tlo surgery. 225 Filedner bldg. M. 5042.
WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Ketchum. Office hours 9 A. M. to 6
p. M. 1704 Sd St. Main 877a
SEND $1 and birth date for horoscope) to
Wra. Hermes, St. Johns.
Proposals Invited.
Offers are Invited tor the property, build
ings, mill, ice plant and engines formerly
belonging to the Hongkong Milling Com
pany, Limited, and situate at Junk Bay, in
the Colony of Hongkong-, particulars where
of are as follows:
1. Property: New Kowloon Marine Lot
No 4, situate In Junk Bay, immediately out
side the Lyemun Pass, within the New Ter
ritories of the Colony of Hongkong and half
an hour by launch from the City of Vic
toria. The lot has a clear sea frontage
of about 780 feet, reclaimed, levelled and
walled, off which there Is available draught
of water to permit of easy access by large
ocean-going steamers. Area: 1S9.300 eq.
ft. Held under crown leajie for the residue
of a term of 75 years from the 7th Feb
ruary 1906, at an annual crown ent of
$434, 'with a right of renewal for a further
term of 76 years, upon certain conditions. In
cluded In the demise Is a right of user of a
fine supply of fresh water from A stream
adjoining the lot,
2. Buildings: Mill and cleaner bouse. 5
floors each, 50x140 and 15 feet average clear
height; engine house, 65x30x18 feet (high);
workshops. 60x22x18 feet (high); grain go
down, 15ttx28ux36 feet (high); flour godown,
156x80x36 feet (high); latrines; oil tank,
is feet 6 Inches (diameter) by 17 feet (high).
All built of red brick In cement mortar and
completed in the year 1906. Bran godown,
14ox4ox20 feet (high). . built of timber cov
ered with galvanized corrugated iron; 60
foot T head timber wharf ex Leading- 80 fee
beyond seawall.
8. Mill: A double unit flour mill complete,
with a guaranteed capacity of 1(500 -barrels
of flour of all grades per run of 24 hours,
but under favorable milling of Paclflo Coast
wheat will produce 2000 barrels per 24
hours. Supplied by the Wolf Co.. of Cham
bersburg. Ph.. S. A..' at a cost of over
U. S. $75,000: erected in the year 1906 and
guaranteed of the then most modern design
and full-sized. .
4. Ice plant: One can lce-maklng plant
on A. Borsig's (Berlin) anhydrous sulphuric
acid system, with compreieor, open air con
denser, liquid cooler. Ice tank, cans, frames,
etc., can filter, belt-driven crane for mov
ing frames with ice cans, thawing off tank
with tipping device. complete distilling
plant with pipes, valvea, pumps, shafts, etc..
complete. Producing about 20 tone per 24
hours in. block about 50 lbs. each. Erected
in 100S and costing about Mex. $50,000.
5. Engines: Three 3-cyllnder Diesel en
gines supplied in 1906 by Sulzer Bros., of
Wlnterthur; two 250 h. p. each and one
150 h. p.: worked for about 18 months from
beginning. 1907; one 100 k. w. generator.
250 volts, and one two-panelled switchboard.
Offers for the above en bloc or In detail
should reach the undersigned, from whom
any further particulars may be obtained, not
later than the 31at December, 1909.
Solicitors for the Mortgagees. 1 Des Voeux
Road, Hongkong.
Vancouver Barracks, wasn.. uctober 20.
1909. Sealed propoaule for furnishing and
delivering fresh beef and mutton for six
months, beginning January 1, 1910, will be
received at offices of commissaries at Fort
Stevens, Or.. Boise Barracks, Idaho, Forts
Casey Columbia, Flagler, Lawton, Vancouv
er. Walla Walla, Ward. Worden and George
Wright, Wash., until 11 A. M.. November 20.
1909, and then opened. Envelopes contain
ing proposals should be Indorsed, "Proposal
for fresh beef and mutton, to be Opened
November 20. 1909,' and addressed to com
missary of post to be supplied. Edward ID.
Dravo, Colonel, A. C. G., Chief Com'y.
PORTLAND, Or.. Nov. 19, 1909 Sealed pro
posals ror furnisning locKers lor tne jener
son High School will be received at the
school clerk's office. City Hall, until 12
o'clock noon on Monday, Nov. 22, 1909.
Plans and specifications may be seen ' at
the architect's office, M. H. Whitehouae,
522 Lumberman's bldg.. 5th and Stark sta.
' NOVEMBER 19, 1909. .
Stone, terra cotta. brick and concrete
work. Sealed proposals will be received
at the sfflce of Whidden A Lewis, archi
tects, 701 Corbett building. Portland, Ore
gon, until 12 o'clock noon, on Monday,
December 9. 1909. for stone, terra eoxtr
brick and concrete work, and for such
other work as called for In specifications,
for the east wing of a new Courthouse to
be erected for the county of Multnomah,
State of Oregon. Plans and specifications
may be obtained at the office of the archi
tects. No proposal or bid will be consid
ered unless accompanied by a check pay
able to the order of the County Court of
Multnomah County, certified by a responsi
ble bank, for an amount equal to 10 per
cent of the aggregate proposal, to be for
feited as fixed and liquidated damages In
case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter
Into contract and provide a suitable bond
for the faithful performance. of said work.
In the event the contract Is awarded to
aim. The right to reject any and all
bids Is hereby reserved. Frank S. Fields,
County Clerk.
Superior Court of the State of Washing
ton, for the County of pierce. Western
Hardware A Metal Company, plaintiff, vs.
Gale Creek Coal & Coke Company, et aL.
defendants. No. 28,532.
Notice is hereby given that the above
named court in tho above named cause
has ordered me, the undersigned, as re
ceiver of Gale Creek Coal & Coke Com-
fiany to Bell all of said company's property
n bulk excent Its stocks, bonds, accounts
and bills receivable and livestock.
Sale will be at public auction at the O
street entrance to the Court House in
Tacoma. Pierce County, Washington, and
will commence at 11 A. M. on Friday, the
81st day of December, 1909, and will con
tinue until completed or adjourned.
No bid under $86,000 will be received.
The property will be sold In bulk for
cash and struck off to the highest bidder
' bidding more than $s.-,,000, and will be
'reported by me to the above court on
Monday, the 3d day of January. 1910, at
9:3o A. M. for approval or rejection by the
court. The bidder to whom the property
is struck off Is required Immediately to
deposit with me 10 per cent of his bid in
money or certified check, and pay me the
balance of his bid upon the same being
approved by the court, and If such bidder
then falls at once to pay such balance
uch deposit to be forfeited to me as re
ceiver as liquidated damages. If such
bid is rejected by the court then such
deposit is to be returned to such bidder.
The property Is to be sold free of all
Hens and encumbrances, such liens and
encumbrances. If any. will attach to the
proceeds In lieu of the property.
The sale will cover all of the property
of the Gale Creek Coal & Coke Company
except stocks, bonds, accounts and bills
receivable and livestock. The property
consists principally of coal mines, tools,
appliances and office fixtures located near
Wllkeson. in Pierce County, Washington.
The mines are commonly called the Gale
. Creek Mine. The property embraces about
140 acres and covers the N. E. 14 of
section 28, township 29 north, range 6
E. W. M.. excepting therefrom the fol
lowing: The townsltes of the town of
Hope and of the town of Wllkeson. Land
lying west of Gale Creek and west of the
Northern Pacific Railway Company's
tracks. The land known a Joseph Flnkle
berg's land described as follows: Com
mencing at the southwest corner of block
3 of the town of Hope, running thence
east 247 feet; thence south 81 feet; thence
to the original east and west center line
of section 28, township 19 north, range 6
east; thence west 231 feet to the county
road; thence along the county road In a
northwesterly direction 84 feet to the
point of beginning. Also excepting the
following tract: Commencing at the east
corner of lot 1 In block 1 ot the town
of Hope, running thence northwesterly
along the northeast boundary of lota 1
and 2 of said block, 1:12 feet to the north
corner of said lot 2; thence northwesterly
and parallel to the west line of said lot 2,
92. feet to a point on the southeast bound
ary of lot 1 'of block 2" of said town;
thence southerly on a straight line to the
north corner of block 3 of said town:
thence southwesterly along the northeast
boundarv of said block 3, to the point of
Intersection of said northwest boundary
with the northeast boundary qf said block
1 produced; thence northwesterly along
the line of said northeast boundary pro
duced 40 feet to place of beginning. Also
excepting all rights of way or assess
ments for railroad tracks of the North
ern Pacific Railway Company as such
tracks are laid out and used over any
portion of saJd N. E. hk- The receiver has
full maps and description of this property
in his office where the same can be ex
amined by persons interested.
The sale wlU also cover the Gale Creek
Coal A Coke Company's lease-hold Interest
In the S. E. of section 28. township 19
north, range 0 E. W. M.. said lease-hold
Interest being represented by a sublease
from the Wilkeson Coal & Coke Com
pany leasing from the Northwestern Im
provement Company. This lease runs for
a period of 25 years from September 1st.
1901. This lease also gives the right for
the same period to open any veins that
may be on the east one-half of the N. E.
4 of said section north of the Northern
Paclflo Railway Company's tracks; also
the right to construct and operate tram
ways between the Gale Creek Mine and
the South Willis Mine over and across
seotlon 27 and 23 In said township, all as
provided in said lease. This lease requires
a royalty to be paid the lessor of 20 cents
per gross ton for all coal mined from the
leased premises, payment to be on the
10th day of each month for coal mined
during the preceding month. Said lease
has the usual covenants of a mining lease.
This lease, with data and description, is
In the receiver's office, where the same
can be seen by persons Interested. This
sale also covers the Gale Creek Coal &
Coke Company's lease-hold interest ob
tained by a sublease from the Tremont
Coal & Coke Company, which company
took a lease from the Northwestern Im
provement Company and assigned the
same to this company, and It covers all
that part of the S. E. Vi of section 28.
township 19 north, range 0 E. W. M.,
not covered by the lease known as T. &
M Lease No. 304. between the North
western Improvement Company as lessor
and the Wllkeson Coal & Coke Company
as lessee. This lease runs to May 1st.
1927. It provides for a rental of $200
per vear and until May 1st, 1917, a royalty
which, with the $200 payment, will equar
15 cents per gross ton payable on the
16th day of each month for coal mined
during the preceding month. This royal
ty is increased to 20 cents per gross ton
from May 1st. 1917. to May 1st, 1927.
This lease has the usual covenants In a
mining lease. The lease, with data In re
gard to the same, is in the office of the
receiver, where the same can be seen by
anvone Interested. The sale also covers
a strip 90 feet wide along the south side
- of the N. E. U of section 28, township
19 north, range 6 east, known on the
plat as Diagram 43. The sale also covers
a piece of ground In the town of Hope
beginning at the southeast corner of lot
1 In block a of said town, running thence
north 176 feet: thence southwest along
the hill to a point 103 feet west of the
point of beginning; thence 105 feet to the
point of beginning.
Also lots 1 to 3, In block 2 of said town
of Hope, and a 12-foot right-of-way on
lot 1 in block 3 of said town. This sale
also covers the following buildings upon
the company's properties: Boiler-room,
engine-room, pump-room, machine shop,
blacksmith shop, general headquarters
building including office and living apart
ments, a storage supply room; two 4-room
tenement houses, one 6-room tenement
house, four -6-room tenement houses, one
8-room tenement house and one 2-room
tenement house, all with water and eiec
tihf futures. Sale also covers one-
quarter mile of standard railroad track
from the Northern Pacific Railway Com
pany's tracks to the bunkers, together
with coal bunkers, washers, trestles and
' track from entrance of tunnel to the coal
bunkers, waste dump, all necessary sid
ings, turntables, machinery, tools. ap
pliances, supplies and office fixtures, a
complete invoice of the same, covering
some 23 typewritten pages, covering a
well-equipped plant consisting of tools
and appliances for mine operations. The
Invoice with data and information Is in
the receiver's office, where the same can
' be examined by anyone interested.
The sale covers all the Interest of the
Gale Creek Coal & Coke Company, and
of the undersigned as its receiver, and Is
to be sold free of liens and is Intended
to cover all of said company's properties
except its stocks, bonds, accounts and
bills receivable and livestock.. The re
ceiver has had a mining engineer, Mr. F.
S Norcross, Jr., to examine and make a
report upon the coal properties, which re
port Is in the oHlce of the receiver sub
ject to Inspection of anyone interested.
These coal mines have shipped in the past
a large amount of coal and are unques
tionably of great value; so much so that
the court has placed the upset bid at
$ S3. 000. It Is Impossible to give a full
description of all of said properties in
this notice, -but anyone Interested can
write to thereceiver at his office, and he
will be glad to furnish all information
possible; also anyone can apply to the
receiver's office and examine the maps,
engineer's report, deeds, abstracts, leases
' and Invoice of tools, supplies and per
sonal property. A copy of said Invoice Is
. ' Ti flla In the above case. Remem
ber the time and place of sale: 11 o'clock f
A. M. on 1-Tlo.ay, uecemoer oist. iww. at
the G-street entrance to the Court House,
In Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington.
Also writ or see the receiver for any de
sired information.
Receiver of Gale Creek Coal A Coke
Company. Address: Basement of Na
tional Bank of Commerce Building, Ta
coma, fierce County, Washington.
TO WHOM it may concern I have y
Interest in the Oilman bar at 144 First
St.. J. W. Doane.
SILVER'S Kosher Grill. ,2704 Stark at..
opposite Chamber of commeroe, will open
Friday, November 12-
I WILL not be responsible for debts con
tracted by Mary Rua. my wife. By Oharry
Architect, contractors, engtaesrs, get Paclflo
Builder A Engineer, 401 Board of Trade.
Asaayer and Analyst.
622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 5980.
FOOD, commercial and drug analysis.
Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., Portland, Or.
Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, chem
ists and assayers. -mfr Washington st.
and ore-testing work. 136 Morrison st.
Attorneys at Law.
S S. HUMPHREY, atty.. 737-739 Cham.
'Com. Interstate Adjuauneui Co., collec
tion dept.
H. H R1DDELL. attorney-at-law, 735
Chamber commerce." Main 4764. A 3531.
'Commercial. County and Municipal.
Auditing. Investigating and ji) stematizing.
o'M Worcester Block Phone Main 65oi.
H A MOSER, accountant and auditor;
business or corporations estates, counties,
municipalities solicited. 250 3d. M. 1M&A.
Carpet Weaving.
RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial
rag rugs woven. Nortnweat Rug Works,
103 Union ave. East 35&U. li 12SQ.
WM KSTElLe and Flossie Deveny, the only
bcieiititic chiropodists in the city. Parlors
gerllnger bids.. S. W. cor. 2d and Al
der, phona Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 429 Filedner bldg. Ptiona Main 34i3-
ECONOMY foot and scalp specialist; bunion
skeptics invited. 167 Park St. A 2578.
CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mra
Dunton. TUf ord bldg..R. 204, 10th and MoT.
COMMERCIAL, probate and real estate law.
bonded representatives everywhere. Na
tional Adjustment Co.. 92U-U27 Board of
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR, YOUNG CO.. ship brokers, com
mission merohaat. Sherlock biUg, Port
land. Curios.
suitings, rugs, lancy goods. 70 6th.
Prof. Willson s Dancing School, 25o
per lesson, including teachers, music with
each lesson every morning, afternoon and
eve Guarantee to teach anyone to dance
or relund money. Selllng-Hirsch Mali.
8864 Wash. st.. near loth st.
guarantee; classes, private; orchestral mu
sic; beauuful hall tor rent, Urst-oiass af
fairs only. Phone
Miss uranstrom. dancing teacher. Main
Dog- and Horse Hospital.
DR. BROWN. D. V. S.. D. C. M. Office 32
Flanders St. Main 40&U, A 408o-
Klectrio Motors.
Motors for rent or sale. 2-13 2d St.
Glue and Glazing.
GLASS and glazing. Timms. Cress 4c Co.,
Hi 1st u Main or A zu&s. .
COME 2494 Holladay ave. for shampoo, scalp
treatment, hair work. Bast 6060.
Janitor Supplies.
THE WESTERN Sales Co., 44 2d st. Jani
tor and bunding supplies. Phone Mala 6168.
Leather and Findings.
CHAS. I MAST1CK A CO., 74 Front, leather
of every description, taps, mfra findings.
' tablished 1868. 189 Front t-
HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th St. Main
53, A 2153. Johnnie on the spot.
BAND and orchestra Instruments, musical sun
dries. Victor talking machines, records.
Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 134 2d at
HELEN E. BAUER, piano teacher; Eastern
conservatory graduate; lessons, Uu. 1201)
East Main St.
EM1L THIELHOKN, violin teacher, pupil
of Cevclk. A 41BQ. Pin 3S4. Main 3045.
M O. SMITH, teacher of piano, 462 Salmon
at. Main 7340. Conservatory course.
PIANO LESSONS very reasonable. Main
Osteopathic Physicians.
415-16-17 Dekum Bldg.,
Third and Washington Sts.
Phone.ortlce. Main 349; rts. East or B 1028
LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksville Mo.. 18D8.
post grad. lOOi. 318 Swetland bldg. M. lusi.
Paints, Oils and Glass.
KASMUSSEN CO., Jobbers Paints oils,
lass. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
patent and Pensoon Attorneys.
H C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
'eat's, infringement cases. 604 Dekum.
J J H1B.SHE1MEK, pension and patent at
to'rney, rooms 2U2-1 Labbe bldg.
the Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 404
Worcester bldg.. Oscar iluber. portland.
office near 24th N. and York sta. Main 34al).
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO seals, stencils, office stationeiy. etc
Cunninghams. 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Btorage and Transfer.
C O PICK Transfer A Storage Co.. office
and commodious four-story brick ware
house, separate iron rooms and hreproof
vaults for valuables, N. W. oor. 2d and
pine sta Pianos and furniture moved and
packed for shipping. Main uMrt. A llsMtt.
General transferring and storage; safes,
' pianos and furniture moved ana packed
lor shipment. 209 Oak St., bet. trust ana
1st. 'leiephones Main 547 or A 2247.
OREGON TRANSFER CO. established 1870.
Transfer and Forwarding Agents storage.
Office 310 Hoyt St., between 6th and 6th.
Phones. Main 69. A 1169.
.' bates,
THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Sales
at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
Showcase. Bunk and Store Fixtures.
THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand
llaplda Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt. K.
Lutke, Mgr.
THE Jas. L Marshall Manufacturing Co.,
manufacturers showcases, cabinets, store,
office fixtures. 2B9 Couch st. Main 2703.
STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1X10.
614 Front. ,
Taxidermist and Furrier.
OREGON'S best taxidermist; expert In all
branches. C. M. Harris, 495 Washington st.
WE ARE the exchange for the largest type
writer concern on this Coast; investigate;
all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex
change, 287 ft Washington su
SPECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold, re
paired. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Wood and ' CoaL
BOX, planer and cord wood in any quantity.
Standard Wood Co.. East 2315. B 1695.
Wall Paper.
ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st. Wall paper,
lincrusta, room, moulding, etc
Leaving Portland
Ashland Passenger ...
Cottage Grove Passenger.:..
Shcata Limited
California Express
San Francisco Express ......
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove passenger. . . . .
Forest Grove Passenger...
Forest Grove Passanger
Arriving Portland
Oregon Express
Cottage Grove Passenger....
Roseburg Passenger
Portland Express
Shasta Limited
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passer ger
Forest Grove Passenger
8:16 a. m
4:15 p. m,
6:00 p. 111,
7:45 p. m,
1.30 a. m,
T:20 a. m
4 :00 p m,
8:50 a m,
1 :tio p. ni,
6:40 p. 111
7:30 a. m
10:40 p. m,
5:30 p. m,
11 :00 a. m,
9:30 p. til,
5:35 p. m
10:30 a. m,
8 :00 a in,
11:50 a. 111,
4:40 p. 111,
Northern Pacific.
Leaving Portland I
N6rth Coast Limited via Pugetl
Sound 110
North Coast Limited via North!
Banlc 7
Atlantic Express via Pugt Sound12
Atlantic Express via Norm lialik a
Twill Citv Express via Puuell
06 a. m
00 p. m.
15 a. m,
uo a m.
00 p. m,
00" p. m.
15 a. m,
00 a. in.
00 a. rn,
00 p. iu.
Sound .1 8:
Twin city Express via Nortnj
Bank 7
Eastern Express, via Puget Sound12
Eastern Express via North B.-ink' 9
Missouri Kivor Express via Pugetl
Sound 10
Missouri Klver Express via North
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle
Express. Gras Harbor, Olymplu
. and South Lend branches 8:
Portland- Vancou er special ill);
15 a. mi
00 a. m,
00 p. m,
00 p. m )
Puaet Sound Limited. Crays Har
bor and Soutlt lieud lAanches. .1 3
Yacolt Passenger . 4:
Arriving Portland
North Coast Limited via North
:00 p. m,
:00 a. ni,
:00 a. mt
:35 p. m,
;00 p. ni,
:00 a. m,
:uo p. m,
:3u p. m,
:00 a. m,
:00 p. ra.
NorLh Coast Limited
via Pugetl
I '
Express vla
Express Vla
Nortncrn Pacltio
North Bank. . . .
Northern Paolllo
Puget bound-
Paciuc Coast Express via North!
Bunk " - :
Pacitlu Coast Express via Pugeni
Sound i 7
Western Express via North Bankl 8
Western Express via 1'ugct Souudlu:
Missouri River .express ia Aulll.
Missouri River Express via Pugetl
Portland-Tacoina-Scattle Expless
and from Olympia, South liend
and Grays iiaruor
Phithi K.illtlii l.lllllLftd
00 p. m,
36 p. m,
30 p. m,
00 a. m.
Vancouver-Por l land Special jlu
Yacolt Passem-ci- I
Oregon Railroad Navigation Co.
Leaving Portland
Fendletou Passenger
Chicago-l-orllaml Special . .
Oregon-Washington Limited
nlastcrn Express
Arriving Portland
Fast Mail
Oregon-Washington Limited
Orvgon Express
Local Passenger
Chicago-Portland Special
8:00 a. m.
10:00 a. m.
6:35 p. m
7:00 p. Ill,
8:00 p. in
7:50 a. nv
8:00 a. m,
8:40 a. nn
j 9:00 a. 111, :
a: 10 p. in,
&:0O p. ru,
Astoria Columbia ltiver.
Leaving Portland
Seaside bi iprtiaa 8:00 a. mt
Astoria Express 6:30 p. 111,
Rainier passenger 1:15 p.m.
Rainier' Passenger o:i.D p. Ill,
Arriving Portland , ,
Portland Express 12:15 p. m,
Portland Express 10:o0 p. in.
Rainier and Portland Passanger. .10:23a. m;
Rainier and Portlaud passenger, j 5:20 p. m,
Canadian PaciUo ltailwuy Co.
Leaving Portland I
C. P. K. Short Line via Spokanei 7:00 p. mi
Via Seattle .112:10 a. ni
Arriving Portland I
11 tj khn-. l.i.i tHa. Snnlcnne.1 0
Via Seattle I 7
I 7:00 a.m.
Southern l'acllio.
Leaving Portland
Dallas passenger
Dallas Passenger ....
Arriving Portland
Sal:as passenger
Dallas Passeugor
7:40 a. m,
4:30 p. m.
10:15 a m:
5:05 p. m,
Spokane. Portland Seattle Railway Co,
Leaving Portland
Inland Empire Express 9:00 a. to,
For Chicago St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas
City. St. Louis, Billings. Suokane. Cheney,
Lamont, Waalitucna, Kufilotus. Pasco,
Roosevelt. Granddalles, Lyle, While Salmon,
Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate sta
tions. n.
Columbia River Local 5:00 p. m,
North Bank Limited .- i :00 p. m.
For Chicago St. Paul, Omaha, Katisas
City, SU Louts, Billings. Spokane. Cheney,
Lamont. Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco,
Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle, White Salmon,
Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate sta-i .
Arriving Portland
North Bank' Limited 8:00 a. nv
From Chicago St. Paul-. Omaha, Kansas'
City. St. Louis Billings, . Spokane, Cheney,
Lamont, Washtut-na, Kahlotus, Pasco,
Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle, Goldendale,
White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and
Intermediate stations.
Columbia River Local 12:25 p.m,
Inland Empire Express 8:16 p. m.
From Chicago St. Paul. Omaha, Kansa4
City, St. Louis. Bllilngs, Spokane, Cheney,
Lamont, VVashtuuiia. Kahlotus, Pasco,
Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, Goldendale.
White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver anil
intermediate stations.
Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co,
Leaving Portland for Salem and Int.
stations 6:30. 7:40. 9:55. 11:35 A. M. ; 2:O0)
8-45 U:20. 11:00 P. M. Limited lor Tualatlu
and Salem b:i)0 A. M. Local for Wllson
vllle and Int. stations 5:13 P. M. Dally
except Sunday for points on the Salem.
Falls City . Western Ry. via Salom 8:30
A. M.. 2;v0 P. M. Sunday only 0.65 A. M.
Leaving Portland for Forest Grove an,
Int. stations 6:40. 8:3o, 10:10 A M.; 12:li,
2:15. 3:30. 5:35. :-i. 11:15 P. M.
Arrllng Portland from Salem and Inn
stations a:0D, ll:O0 A. M. ; 12:05, 1:15. 8:OJ,.
013 b:20, 10:40 P. M. Limited from Salem
and Tualatin 5:o5 P. M. Local from Wil
sunvllle and Int. .stations 6:65 A. M.
Arriving Portland from Forest Grov ami
Int. stations 7:50, 9:35. 11:25 A. M.; 1:80,
2:55, 4.35. 6:26 8:10. 11:00 P. M.
Portland Koilway. Light Power Company.
Cars Leave.
Ticket Office and Waiting Room.
First and Alder and East Water
and East Morrison Streets.
Oregon City Jiou, 6:30 A. M. and every
80 minutes to and including 0 P. M.. Ihua
1U1UU, li:ou sr. in. . mm oar iiuuiu,,,,.
urunsm aim
7:45, 8:45 9:45. lo:45 A. M.. 12:45,
o.,. i-ir. V..J-. fl-jr. Tl::t5 P. M.
Fali-vlew and' Troutdalo 6:03. "7:45.
9:45, 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:4o. 8:45.
6:45, 6:45 P. M.
. -a .,u,i..,.,, no. I Intermediate no nts-
8:45. 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45. 4:45,
P. M.
For Vancouver
Ticket Olfice and Waiting Room. Second
and Washington streets.
A. M. 6:15. 6:30, 7:23. 8:00. 3:35. 9:10,
9:o0. iu:ju, ii:iu. ii.uu.
P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50,
4:30, 5:10. 5:50. 6:30, 7:05.
2:30 3:10. 3:30.
7.40. 8:15, 9:25.
"lu:o, "n.u.
On third Monday in every month the last
, - - t .,i-. r,
Car itnvw ,i ......
Daily except SsfKlay.
Daily except
Leaving Portland for Burlington and Int
stations: 6:15. 7:15, 8:15. 9:15. 10:15, 11:1
A. M.. 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, 4:15, 5:13. 6:13 P. M.
For Llnnlon and Int. stations Saturday and
Sunday only. 8:10. 10:00, 11:43 P. M.
Arriving Portland from Burlington and
Int. stations, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00. U:u0 A. M.
12:00 noon, 2:00. 3:00, 4:00, 5:00. 0:00. 7:00.
8-00 P. M. From Linnton and Int. Btatlons,
daily except Sunday, 7:00 A. M. From Linn
ton and Int. stations, Saturday and Sunday
only. 9:25. 11:15 P. M.
Portland, Oregon.