Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 19, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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' . , -TTl Will Present a Group of Stupendous Specials That Will Attract theC pj , A , t,Jf) o
OstrichBoaS$7.98 Attention of Every Bargain Seeker in Portland Every Pep' t Is Alive 1" IveCKlV r Jt
These rich and beautiful neckpieces come in WifA Unusual Values Something You Want in Every Part of the Store JIJh
wMte, black or CTay and axe 1 and 2 yards , w nr elty neckwear, regular 35c values, OCp
long. Extra quality ostxich, regu-, 07 QQ Tj Jf TT TT ? (3 TtS special for Friday's selling at Zdb
larly worth $12.50 to $20 00, specialOl i00 ff ) JI JA htttt tt fxfiT X ' Tf T?ft Hf Moire Taffeta Ribbons, also plaids and dres-
ular values up to 25c each, special L S ; s
You'll Miss It if You Don't Attend This
Mo Suits at $13.98
77ie moment you set your eyes on the gar-
ments toe offer at this low price you'll decide
to have one. 'Tis simply out of the .question
to equal the values and the style in any store
hereabouts. Those who have been our cus
tomers for a long time tell us our styles are
invariably the best, regardless of our prices.
iFulIv Two Hundred Suits in the lot. New York's best
ty products, made in the popular conception of this sea-
y son's modes. Materials are the very smart fancy errects
4 ;-, tho mrret ntain colors. Suits that are well-tatl-
h ored and cut on lines that show unusual grace and style.
TIA. riivo thnt Friflrrv mill ht one of the husi-
i;est days our Suit Dept. has seen for some time
and advise early buying for first choice, n.
the beginning of the sale there are full assort
ments of sizes in nearly all of the styles. Be-
fcan 't last long. $38.50 vals. t&AO.CO
Men's $1.50 Shirts 95c
Over 2000 stylish, well-made shirts to go at more than
a third less than their regular selling price. They were
bought to sell at $1.50 and were good value at that fig
ure, but Friday and Saturday for an extra special they
will be priced as above stated. The sizes, fit and colors
are guaranteed. The materials are percale, madras,
chambray, etc. Cuffs are attached or separate; coat
styles; no old stock in the lot; all bright, clean, new and
modish patterns, beautifully laundered, the kind that
good dressers prefer. A shirt special worth Q Cp
remembering, on sale for two days at : uuu
$1. 75 Bathrobe
Material $1 Yd.
Handsome imported -Terry
cloth, 66 inches wide, for bath
robes, house waists, etc. Sells
regularly at $1.75 the 0 1 fl (1
ydZ, special Friday at .0 1 1 U U
All-Wool Flannels
All-Wool Flannels in plain or
fancy patterns; colors, blue,
pink, gray and black, decided
ly handsome waistings. Regu
lar 30c and 40c values, 1 Qp
special Friday at .100
$L50 Gloves 89c
"Women's tan cape gloves, fine
soft skins, splendid val- QQp
ues at $1.50 pair, special. Ouu
Child's Gloves
Children's Cassimere Gloves,
in black, navy, red, also chil
dren's mittens in white, red or
navy, regular values to 1 Q n
85c the pair, special at. I UU
Gingham Aprons at 27c Each
This Is the Best Friday Special Yet
Outdoing all the previous wonderful Apron of
fers comes this Friday special on large kitchen
Aprons just at the time when one wants a fresh
supply for Thanksgiving cooking time. They
are made of extra good quality checked ging
ham, fast color and large size. Made 4J 7
with pockets and strings. Special at C
very best grade of gingham, sleeveless style,' full length, ex
tremely well made and regularly up to 75c each, we Q
are offering them as a big special for Friday at, each iJC
$1.50 Knit Petticoats at 98c
Come in solid colors or with striped flounces, finished with silk scallop. QQp
Something much needed for Winter weather. Regular price $1.50, special. UQu
Women's French Hand-Embroidered
Chemise, in floral designs, a grade reg
ularlv sold for $1.75, exquis- 01 10
itelv daintv. special for Friday O 1 1 I U
I'm. -
You should make it point to shop early as there will be a big rush for the above
Black Heatherbloom Petticoats and
sateen petticoats, made with tailored or
shirred tlounce, extra special
tor Friday s selling at, eacn.
T D Sold Here by
view Lrop Kaisins the grower
This introductory sale of raisins lasts only two days more and
thrifty housewives had better act promptly if they want some
of the finest raisins grown to use in preparing Thanksgiving
good things. Packed, grown and sold by Mrs. V. A. Mowat,
of Fresno, Cal. Special prices today on extra 'quality layer
raisins in fancy holiday packages. 16 pounds of PI ff
seedless Muscatel raisins for the low price of .-.OliUU
BONTE'$3.50 Shoes $1.98
The low price placed on these
stylish shoes means an unpre
cedented value. It is a deter
mined decisive clean-up of sev
eral hundred pair of the su
perb shoes left from last
week's $2.49 sale. .This foot
wear is ' stamped to sell at
$3.50. We secured them at an
exceptionally favorable price;'
all new and up-to-date shoes
and large enough quantity and
assortment for a busy day's
selling. Choice of any Q1 QQ
pair in the lot at U I iuO
Style 275 Women's gunmetal calf shoe in Tuxedo blucher style,
heavy extension soles, military heels, dull calf top, neat PI QO
for ont-door wear, on sale at the low price of, the pair.. .0 I ivO
Style B 275 Young women's
gunmetal calf button 6hoe, with
broad, sensible heel, medium
round toe. heavy extension sole,
dull calf top; extra PI QQ
good qualities, at, pair.yliSO
Style 201 Women's patent
colt Tuxedo blucher, extension
sole, medium toe, military heel,
in this sale they go at PI .QQ
the very low price of. . .0 I iwO
Trim'd Hats $3.50
Smart millinery for less than the cost of mate
rials. The variety is so extended, the styles so
charming, the materials of such superb quality
that we predict a banner day in the millinery
section. Hats for every occasion and for all sorts
of wear. The assortment includes the extra large
shapes, or the jaunty and more conservative
small models. They are trimmed with wings,
breasts, quills, etc. Regular values up QQ
to $5.00, for Friday's selling at.. UuiJU
Reg. $10, Friday ?4.5 -Reg. $20-, Friday $6.95
the Yard
Bis Sale Silks and Dress Goods
A sweeping stupendous sale of this Fall's desirable fabrics. A sale tha has to do
with the selling of thousands of yards of much-wanted weaves that will be quickly
bought; embraces all our fancy dress goods and a startling special in high-grade fine
silks. The fancy dress goods special contains an assortment unlimited. There are
striped serges, striped worsteds, homespuns, prunellas, cheviots and tailored suitings
in the neat mannish patterns. Remember that at all times we lead with best values
when goods are marked at regular -prices and the reduced bargains at which these fab
rics are marked show bargains unparalleled. The sale is for two days Friday and
Saturday of this week, and depend upon it, there'll be busy times in. our dress fabric
annex. Come early, for tnese goods wiu not last long at sucn reauceu puces
Regular $1.00 qualities, special, the yard 71
Regular $1.25 qualities, special, the yard &7i
Regular $1.50 qualities, special, the yard $1.19
Regular $1.75 qualities, special, the yard $1.29
Regular $2.00 qualities, special, the yard $1.49
Regular $2.50 qualities, special, the yard $1.89
Regular $3.00 qualities, special, the yard $2.19
Regular $3.50 qualities, special, the yard $2.69
8400 Yards of Silks at 69c a Yard
This lot includes fancy silks, pongees, rajah, tussorahs, peau de cygnes, taffetas and
messalines; every wanted shade and design to choose from; splendid for holi- CQp
day gifts. Regular values from $1 to $1.75 the yard, choice Friday and Saturday. . U U If
00 Per Week
Standard Sewing $i
The drudgery of sewing is done away with the moment yon
get a Standard Sewing Machine in your home. It is quoted by
one of the highest medical authorities in the United States as
the easiest-running machine on the market. 'Tis one of the
easiest to pay for, too. You can buy one on the club plan, and
by paying $5.00 down we deliver the machine, then PI tin
you pay each week only 0'iUU
Style B 201 Young women's
patent colt button shoe, with
good-weight extension sole,
medium low heels; made on
common-sense lines, at PI QQ
the very low price of. .0 I iwO
We also include in this one-ninety-eight
sale 1700 pairs of
our regular $3.50, $4 and $5
grades in broken sizes. If your
size is in this lot you PQ
may buy fine shoes for.OZiH J
Rousing Sale of Trimmings
Spangled trimmings, bead and silk . combinations,
and jet trimmings in bands, festoons, etc. Regular
prices run from $1.50 to $10.00.
Values to $2.00 at. vd. OS $5.25 to $6.00 values. .$2.98
$2.25 to $3.00 value's. .$1.48 $6.25 to $7.00 values. .$3.48
$3.25 to $4 00 values. .$1.98 $7.25 to $8.00 values. .$3.98
Sale of Thanksgiving Silverware, Etc.
Rousing good specials on the famous Wni.
special values on the wanted articles.
Tea Spoons, set of six, special at 85
6 Dessert Spoons, special this sale.. $1.50
6 Table Spoons, special price, only. . .$1.70
6 Knives, special price, only $1.70
6 Forks, special sale price, only $1.70
Berry Spoons, special sale price 85
Cold Meat Forks, special price, each. . .50
Butter Knives, special price, each 35
Sugar Spoons, special price, each 30i
Carving Sets for $1.19 and Up
3-piece sets consisting of knife, fork and steel ; spe
cial quality, mounted with handsome stag handles,
priced as follows :
$1.50 set, special $1.19 $2.00 set, special $1.57
$2.75 set, special $2.15 , $4.25 set, special $3.35
$5.50 set, special $4.35 $6.75 set, special $5.35
Rogers silverware in fancy patterns. Extra
Kitchen Furnishings - - Specials
ping meats, vegetables, bread, crackers,
nuts, etc.- easier to do your work and it's
done better. Buy at this sale and save a
sjood portion of the regular price.
$1.00 size on special sale at .79
$1.25 size on special sale at )o$
Good Bargains in Dinner Sets
Decidedly handsome decorated dinner sets of semi-
porcelain, come according to price m ou, ou or xuu
piece set, many patterns. Specially priced as follows:
$8.85 Dinner Sets, priced at $7.00
$11.45 Dinner Sets, priced at $9.15
$18.15 Dinner Sets, priced at .$14.50
Mh. W 1
1 8
Curtains $1.35 Pr.
While the manager of this depart-
ment was in New York on a recent
buying trip, he happened on to a
surplus lot containing 789 pairs of
curtains A mill had these on hand
and wanted an immediate sale with
none left. By taking them all we
secured them at an exceptionally
low price, and on Friday these
handsome window hangings will go
on sale at a figure surprisingly low.
There are about 50 styles to select
from in Brussels or Renaissance
effects, divided into 4 priced lots,
as follows:
Regular values up to $2.50 the pair in this sale. .$1.35
Regular values up to $3.00 the pair, in this sale. . $1.75
Regular values up to $3.50 the pair, in this sale. .$2.35
Regular values up to $4.25 the pair, in this sale . . $2.95
Underwear Sale Small Sizes
These garments come in sizes 3 and 4 only. "Women who wear
these sizes should come promptly and select the garments that
appeal to their taste. Merode and several other good lines of
elastic-ribbed make. Vests, pants and union suits. Many grades
specially reduced as follows :
$1.75 grade, special at $1.39
$2.00 grade, special at $1.59
$2.25 rad, special at $1.79
$2.50 grade, special at $1.99
$3.00 grade, special at $2.39
75c Handkerchiefs 39c Ea.
Fine quality Christmas kerchiefs, with scalloped or hem- HQ
stitched edges, some in embroidered designs, reg. 75c, sp'l. . 0 JU
$1.00 grade, special at 79
$1.25 grade, special at ""91
$1.35 grade, special at $1.07
$1.50 grade, special at $1.19
$1.65 grade, special at $1.31