AJfFSESCEXTS. di TKtr a i nur tmater DUIIUALiU TT and rVwM Main 117 J A 4114. Tonight 8:15 Tomorrow Night. - - Matin Tomorrow Afternoon. Henry B. Hsnia ciwnti Charles Klein's Great Drama -THE THIRD DEGREE" . Prices: $l-50-$l 0O-. 75-.SOL SEAT BALE OFEX8 TODAY BUNGALOW THEATER 4 Night beginning Sunday. Matinee wanflty Henry B. Harris present Jame Forbesf Crest American Comedy "THE TRAVELING SALES HAN" ' Price: 1.50-$1.00-.T5-.50. James Forbes wrote "The Choiu Lady- PORTLAND THEATER Main 443 A TOM. Russell Drew MT. Pam 8. A Le Bnubert present for 6 nights, commencing Sunday, November 21. with Thursday 'Thanksgiving- day) matinee. MR. C1IAKLE9 CHERRY. "THE BACHELOR" By Clyde Fttch. Seat sal open today at 10 A- C. BAKER THEATER Main 2. A 5360 Geo. L. Baker, Manager Tonight and all srxek. Matinee Saturday. EMMST IEVOY In His Original Comedy rantasy. "IX DREAMLAND." Supported by a Strong and Capable Cast. Brilliant Electric. Scenic and Mechanical Effect. Evenings. 23c. 50c. 75c. 11.00. Saturday matinee, 25e, 50c. Next week. .- starting Sunday matinee. y.nmi Banting; In "Lens River. MATX . A 1020. ' Matinee Ex, Bandars ana uouaajre. 15-26bl)t M.GHT3 THEATER IS-vSM! ' Wwk of November 15. William H. Thompton and Company In "Pride of Regt meat," Hirschnff Hlbertan Troupe. Pan Quin tan and Kellar Mark In "The Traveling leotlst," the two Bobs. Adams and Alden, In "Before the Party'-! Jame F. Macdon ald, Mabel MeCane. Paul Kleist. In "The Land of Dreams," picture, orchestra, PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Star of All Nation. Week commencing Monday Matinee. Nov- 15. Jese latky'i Hoboes In "On the Road." Miss Nina Nestor and Company In "A THIEF IN THE NIGHT." - Deas. Reed end Desa. Kennedy and Ken nsdy: Leo While; Mantell's Marionettes: Loughlln's Dogs. Pantagescope. Popular Prices. .Matinee Daily. Cnrtaln 1:30, 7:30 and . THE GRAND WEEK OF NOVEMBER 15. G0DLEWSKI TROUPE Brad lee-Mart fn Co Crtinmlna & tiore Ma I Tern Troupe Billy Clark Fred Bauer Grandaecope 10 PEOPLE 10 Matinee Every Day at 2:30; Admission. ISO any scat except boxes. Evening Perform ance 7:30 and :15- Lower floor 25c; Bal cony 15c: . Box Seats, 50c LYRIC THEATER Phones Main 46S3 A 128. ' Prlcea 30, 20 and 10 Cent Week rommen-lng Sunday Matinee. Not. It. The Popular Athon Stock Co.. 'AT THE RISK OF HIS LIFE." By Mark Swan. (Told watch given away Friday evenlnr. Matinees Sunday, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2:15. Every evening at 8:15. carriages at 10:30. Next "The Strange Adventnrea of Mis JUL Li. 11 n. IS 1 ttr. niuti STAR THEATER Hit of the Tear. RIGOI.KTTO, FISHERMAN'S BRIDE .MI"1.A1I BABY. IWLUKY HISBA.XD, AMI OTHER GREAT FEATfRES. HIGH SCHOOL NIGHT TONIGHT Exposition Rink SPECIAL. MATINEE TOMORROW AFTERXOO.V FOR THE YOUNG FOLKS. GRAND MAKCH TOMORROW NIGHT. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. rORTIJIND, Nov. IS. Maximum tempera lure. 5S.9 degrees; minimum. 46.6 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M. 3 feet; change In last 24 hours. 0.8 foot fall. Total rainfall, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., .84 Inch; total since Sep tember 1. 10. 10.14 Inches; normal. 9.S0 Inches: excess, .84 Inch. Total sunshine No vember 17. nil; possible. 8 hour 24 minute Barometer, reduced to sea level, at 5 P. M., 28.88 Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Report are down from all coast stations thl evening, but the storm Is apparently central off Vancouver Island. It has caused rain from Central California northward and from the Pacific to the Rocky Mountains. High southerly winds are reported from most stations. The heaviest rain has been along the coast and at Portland, the greatest fall being at Marshfleld. where 1.12 Inches has fallen in the past 24 hour. Storm warnings wer continued at all station for high southerly wind tonight and Friday. Condi tions are favorable for continued rainy weather Friday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain; brisk south erly wind. Oregon and Washington -Rain; brisk southerly winds, high along the coast. Idaho Rain. G. H. WILLSON. 'Local Forecaster. Temporarily In charge. MEETING NOTICES. THE ANNUAL MEETING of members of the Associated charities for the election of directors and transaction of other important business will be held at 8 o'clock P. M., Monday. November 22. at 305 Jefferson atreet, near Fifth. W. R. WALPOLB. Secretary. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. O. E 8.. NO. M Regular meeting this (Fri day) evening at 8 o'clock in Mason ic Temple. West Side. Social. By order W M. SARAH B. GUERIN. Secretary. EILERS RECITAL HALL for high-class ret Ita's. lectures. meetings: splendidly lighted, ventilated, heated, free from street noise, seating 300; equipped with pipe organ, grand piano and automatic musical devices. For rates spply Adv. Dept.. 2d Boor. Ellers Piano House. 353 Washington St. if. T. V.. NO. MS The adjourned meeting I called to meet in W. of W. Hall. Eleventh, street, between Washington and Alder, Sun day. November SI. at 2 P. M. All perma nent excuses heretofore granted were anulled at th last meeting. By oraer or trie r-resi- lent. J. J. PRICE, See. PORTLAND LODGE. No. 11. A. F. and A. M. Plate communica tion this (Friday! evening. 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Work In F. C. degree. By order of W. M. Visitor welcome. C. M. ST E ADM AN, Secretary. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 1ft. R. A. M Special convocation this (Friday, evening at 7:30 o'clock sharp. Work In past and most excellent master degree. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P. CLYDE EVANS. Secretary. NEW HALL FOR RENT. Ill 2d. near Washington. Howe. Davis On. . ACCTION EALE8 IODAT. A Wilson's auction bouse, corner 2d and Yamhill st. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilsoq. auctioneer. At salesroom. 128 2d St.. at 10 o'clock A. M- a. L: N. Glims n. auctioneer. CIASSirjED AJ)VXBTISINGr EATE In Effect November 1. 180a. Daily or bun day. Per Line. One time..... - Ko sains ad two eonsecatlve times ?o name ad three consecutive time SOo game ad six or seven consecutive time. .660 (six words count a one line on cash ad vertlseineDts. and no ad counted for le (nan two line. When an advertisement is not ran consecutive time the one-time rat Pf he 'above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting the folio wing: situations Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted. Female. For Rent. Room. Private Famllle. Kooma and Board. Private Famllle. Housekeeping Rooms. Private Families. The rate of the above classification is 7 cent line each Insertion. IS pace in the "New Todar"" column Is figured by measure only 14 line to the Inch. JO OIT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore ronlan will receive copy by mall, provided sufficient remittance for a detlnlte number of issues is sent. Acknowledgement of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. On charge of book advertisements tne charge will be based on the actual number of line appealing In the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line. DIED. LEACH At 6t. Vincent's Hospital. Nov. 1. Svdney Ellen Leach, aged 6 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Leach, of Hardman, Or. FUNERAL NOTICE. DUNCAN At her residence. Fourth ave.. Lents Nov. IS. Mattie Duncan, aged 34 years' 5 months 23 days. Remains will be taken to Salem today on 4:15 P. M. train. Remains at the parlors or the Bast Side funeral directors. East Alder and East Sixth streets, successors to F. 0. " Dunning. Donning. McEntee GMbaagh Funeral Directors. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 4.0. Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral Direct ors, uo d St. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 5Q7. J P FIN LEY SON. 3d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Maui 9, A 1598. McENTEE-ERICKSON CO. rnderiaker; ladv assistant. 408 Alder.. M. 613S. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. 8. Dunning. Inc. E. 53, B 2523. ZELI-KR-BYRN'EH CO., Funeral Dlrert ors. 7 RusselL oBth phones. Lady assistant LEKCH Undertaker. 420 East Alder. Phone East 781. B 1888. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Mara H. aU'HKTAKI. Man 5M. HUMANE OFFICE R. East 477. KEW TODAY. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN 5n 14 acre. 1H miles from depot, with 40-rod frontage on paved boulevard. In heart of Hood River apple district; under Irrigation system; can be bought for less than Its worth; 17 acres already In fruit, mostly 4 year and 3 year old Spltzenbergs and Newtowns. Apple from land adjoining this took FIVE FIRST PRIZES At Hood River Apple Fair two years In succession 1K08 and 1"0. flO.OOO cash will handle, balance per cent. Who buy this can make 110,000 per year on Increased value alone fur some years to come. F. F. COMMERCIAL & REALTY CO.. 403 Merchants' Trust Bldg. SOUTHERN OREGON ALFALFA AND FRUIT FARM 760 acres; 44 acres In apples; 20 acres In alfalfa; 150 acres under cultivation; 350 acr.-s In pasture: 250 acres fine tim ber. Soil Is deep sandy and black loam; stream with KwO inches of water for ir rigation on place: wire and board fences: 1'? miles to school: 8 miles from town of W0 population on S. P. R. R. This farm lies fn the richest valley In Southern Ore gon; two-story 16-room house: barn 80x 120, capacity 200 tons of hay; 16-foot sheds on two sides, shedroom for 200 head o Stock: buildings alone cost 110.000. This place Is known to be one of the beet farm in the state. Price, $28.60 per acre. LAW SOX & CLARKE. Glendale. Or. $5000 . EAST TAYLOR STREET Swell modern large 6-room house, 3 fireplaces, furnace, fine Improvements, full lot, nice lawn and roses; street work paid; trood neighborhood and easy walklnsr distance; East Taylor, between 14th and 15th; $1000 cash, balance $25 per month. Worth $5500. See THE OWNER SIT Board of Trade Bldic, 4th and Oak. Deschutes Power Site We have for sale one of the best power sites on the Upper Deschutes River, In Crook County. Fifteen thou sand horsepower can be developed. One quarter section of land, with three mil lion feet yellow pine timber. Railroad now building will run very near this property. The price is very reasonable and a Miiali cash payment will handle the deal. Call on us or write us for full Information. STROUD A WIGI.E, 434 t'haulber of Commerce) Hlds;, Port In nd, Or. $15,500 Apartment-House Site 90x100 Twenty-first and Hoyt, Goddardt5Wiedrick 243 Stark Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Carre at Rates. Bwlldln; Loans. Installment Loan. Wm. MacMaster SOS Worcester Block. WHEAT LAND I handle my own wheat land; will take small cash payment, good Port land property or secured notes for first payment, and te.ke ONE - HALF of crop until land is paid for. J. O. ELROD, 519-520 Corbett Bids:., Opposite Post office. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW 8 rooms, modern; 8 lots; many trees, beautiful grounds; 2 blocks from car line: $10,000, easy terms, or will con sider trade for city or country real estate. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 023 Board of Trade. S5000 INVESTMENT S PER CENT NET. Over block, West Slfle. Trackage, two railroads. Splendid speculation. LEWIS, 251 Washina-ton St. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 828 Worcester Bldg Phone Main 8371. A 4013 TIMBER claim In Dougla County. Oregon, close to the city of Elk.ton. containing 4. MO.000 flr timber, for sale at 7&c per thousand. Address B. Bull. Koqulam. Wash. THE MORNING OltEGOTAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1909. NEW TODAY. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE Virginia near Nebraska Third near Baker Sixth near Market Sixteenth and Elizabeth Spring near Sixteenth Hoyt near Twenty-first Twenty-fifth near Raleigh Vaughn near Thirty-second MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY NEW HOUSE ONLY $10 PER MONTH NEVER AGAIN will you have such an opportunity of moving Into a spick and span r.ew house and become the proud owner of your own home for on!v $10 per month. Come and see It. Fine big lot: splen did view, close in; best surroundings; city water. The best place to live and make your home. , The best place to buy for an Invest ment. Lots not as good sell for twice the price elsewhere. , Come to office and ride out In our automobile, or go to office at Gregory Heights, end of East Ankeny-Rose City Park carline. Seeing Is believing. Don't take our word for it. And don t ask vour landlord. COME. Fuilv Illustrated folder on request. lfa-iaIe?aOil Mi aiNVESTHENT CU.U 418 Corbett Bide., Fifth and Morrison- OPAL CITY Future Metropolis of Central O r e gr o n. Enthusiasm over the future of Opal City and the certainty of Us superior location as the big city of the Deschutes country marks, the report from all disinterested observers who are now returning from Central Oregon. Don i miss this chance to Invest. FREE MAP. Call or write for fine pocket "map of Oregon (wall size) show ing railroad development in the Deschutes Valley also Informa tion folder. American Trust Co. 200-4 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOTS 51x75, on carline, $1250, on terms. 112x112, lies nicely, good view; $2000 cash. 50x100, in fine neighborhood; all improvements in and paid for; $2975, half cash. . Chapin S Herlow ft 332 Cham, of Com. FLATS 11,000 4 new 5-room flats, modern, complete in appointments and finish; extra large lot, hard-surface streets, best car service; West Side. Pays 10 per cent net; $0000 will handle. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Great Bargain Acreage Tract, on electric line, spe cially adapted for subdivision iuto lots and acres. Cannot be beat as a money-maker. Parties leaving city, only reason for selling. Easy terms. Inquire C. F. BUNKER 514 Chamber of Commerce. The Cheapest Lot on Fortland Heights, worth $3250 sacrifice for $2850, as I need the money; 50x100 on Elm, between 19th and Chapman. Bitulithic street, good view, fine trees, all improvements paid for; 10 minutes' car-ride, 20 min utes' walk. Any reasonable terms to suit buyer. Owner, 218 Failing Bldg., Third and Washington. Portland Heights Beautiful home, just built. 7 rooms, full lot, fine view, on carline. This place Is desirable in every respect and built by owner for his home, will sell below cost. Particulars irSUVa Washington St., Room 612. NEW TODAY. INVESTMENTS $60,000 Burnside street, choice lot, with 50 feet frontage; good 'lo cation, near 3d st.; good income. $35,000 East Side, choice loca tion, full 14 block; 3-story brick building; 8V2 per cent net income. $17,500 Full quarter block, choice location at east approach of new Steel bridge; sure to double in value in a year. $15,000 Twenty-third st., just off from Washington, full corner lot; two modern 9-room dwellings; $95 monthly rental; lot alone worth the money. $10,50O Trinity Place, 50x100 ft., east front, right off of. Wash - ington ; ideal site for apartments. Warehouse Sites $75,0O0 Thirteenth st., full half block, 200x100 ft.; choice location; only half block on the street for the money. $25,000 Fifteenth st., full quar ter block, good location; 100 ft. on track. 519,000- -Glisan st.; full comer lot, 100 ft. frontage; close in; good in come. James J. Flynn 612 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, V. V. 4 Co. M. 3349. 30 Hamilton bids. Beet, William G.. S12 Falllnc bldg. Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bld. Real eeiste. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. M. 649. Cbapln Herlow, 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B S. & Co., 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E. & Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co:. Main . 188. . 206 Oregonlan. KIRK At KIRKHAM. Lumber Ex., 226 Stark. Parrlsh, Watkins A Co., 250 Alder st. 6chslk. Geo. D.. 264 Stark st. Main or A 392. Sharksy. J. P. & Co., 122tt Sixth st The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ava. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). Walker. S. T., 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. APARTMENT OR HOTEL SITE 100x100, close In, Just north of Washing ton street. In center of best residence and family hotel district; two good housea on the property bring In $75 per month; price 0.COO. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. . Phonea Main S689. A 2SS3. IRVIN'GTON LOT. GRADING. SEWKR, WATER, CEMENT CURBS AND WALKS PAID. !S0 CASH, BALANCE $20 PER MONTH. S COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg.. 84 Fourth St. CLOVER DALE EXTENSION. 2 nice residence lots. 50x100 each. In nice neighborhood, close to Union ave., street Improved, cement sidewalks In: price $750 each. KAUFFMANN MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. NORTH IRVINGTON. 60x1 00, facing east on 11th. near -Mason street. New carline will be within a block or two; price $t00; $:)50 cash. A snap. - - - . - - - KAl'FFMAN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. GARDEN. CHICKENS. ETC. $100 BUYS NOW lots on carline. new addition, 25 minutes from business center: Just the place to grow garden truck, own your own cow. chickens, etc.; terms $3 or $5 each month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 3284 Washington st. CORNER, 80x93. Tillamook and E. 31et; a fine building lot. facing south and east; hard-surface street and cement walk In and raid for, included in price of $2600; terms $750 cash, balance monthly. 6ENGSTAKE ft LYMAN. 90 Fifth St. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. BflxlOO west of Laurelhurst; $825. easy terms: a big snap. Equity Investment Co., SOS Gerlinger bldg. IRVINGTON LOT. Instead of keeping that money In the bank buy this Hne Irvlngton lot. close to carline. Now $1200; terms. One year from now It will be worth $2000. C. L. BAMBERGER, Main 5124. 508 Chamber of Commerce. RARE OPPORTUNITY SUBURBAN LOTS. 23 full-size lots close to carline. 25 min utes out; has living spring enough to sup ply six homes, high, sightly location, all cleared; $9H each, liberal terms. See owner. 171 3d st.. near Yamhill. SIX lots, unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected oh Council Crest; for sale at a great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 934. 1STH AND GOING STS. Northwest corner. 50x100. If the lot suits you, the price will. Inquire C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 5124. 50S Chamber of Commerce. 55x100. ONLY $30 CASH. Balance $270. payable $5 per month; on Mt. tfcott carline. rc fare: cltv water. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. GOING to California, will sell fine corner, Piedmont, lot' 5, block 8; grading paid: $1250; $750 cash. Owner, box 235. St. John, Or. IRVINGTON lot, 2 blocks from carline; a fine lot and a money maker for some one; only $1200; terms. Look it up. J 540, Oregonian. $1000 BUYS 66 2-3x100 on 45th St.. near Haw thorne ave.; lies sbout 18 inches above side walk; best buy In this district. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. LOST On Portland Height. Wednesday af ternoon, bet. Clifton and Spring sts., ame thyst and pearl brooch. Return to 483 2oth st.. Portland Heights. Reward. DESIRABLE lot. Alameda Psrk. for sale cheap; all high-clafs Improvement Included; a rare bargain. Phone Woodlawn 308. CHOICE lot Rossmere. below market price; 'i cash, balance monthly. Mut 'ell this week. 302 Swetland bldg. Main SHOO.. IF you own lot will build you a house- on tvrms. Eastman Co., 303 Ablngton -bldg. Main 3236. WEST SIDE LOT, SOxIOO FSBT. Price $175. easy terms. 6 cent carfare. See owner. 614 Board of Jrade bldg. BARGAIN Choicest 100x100 corner In Irvlngton Heights. Phone Sellwood 1283. IRVINGTON lots $1000. A. Backus, Board of Trade bldg. Main 8960. A 7574. For bale Houses. OWNER leaving city, must sell this week: four-room bungalow, strictly modern, fine lawn, trees, roses. 1414 Morse St., Wood lawn. NEAR PIBDMONT CARBARNS. New. modern, 6-room house, half block to car; Dutch kitchen. woodllft. stationary tubs; $3000. easy terms. 407 Gerlinger bldg. NEW up-to-date 6-room cottage, all con veniences, near Piedmont carbarns, 1 block from Klllingsworth ave., 12750. Call on owner, 410 Failing bldg. A NICE home fcr $1650. near 2Xth and East Ankeny; $500 cash, bal. like rent. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. BY OWNER, lot 60x109. with 7-room house on Improved street. St. John line, $2500. Woodlawn 1693. FOR SALE House and lot, Hawthorne Park. $3600; terms. 211 East 16th st. Ttt-.at. ESTATE. - Tor "Sale Hoosea.- . CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW, 50P : . " A real swell, brand new, up-to-date bungalow, 5 rooms, dining-room has beam celling, paneled and wainscoting, liying room Is 14x23. electric lights, kllnker brick fireplace: in fact, he-s all the latest Improvements, on a lot 50x100, on E. 19th St.. near Alberta. Price $3000, $500 cash. $20 per month; buy this and pay rent to yourself. GRfSSI ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON LOT. GRADING. SEWER. WATER. CEMENT CURBS AND WALKS'PAID. $1530. $150 CASH. BALANCE $20 PER MONTH. S COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg.. 84 Fourth 8treet. A REAL SNAP. Nice new 7-room 2-story square house; gas and electric full cement basement, nicely finished, oh a lot 50x70. on E. Lin coln near 45th, not far from Hawthorne ave.; price is $2350- worth $3000; owner must sell; photo at our office. GRUSSI ZADOW. . 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $2250 Nice 6-room house and 2 lots on Mt. Scott carline; very desirable. fjfioo Good 6-room house and corner lot on East 25th st.. block to car. $7200 New 9-room house,.- close in, on Clackamas st. ; nothing In the city to equal It at the price; terms. W. J. SMITH successor to Geo, W. Turner, 43S Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME 8-room modern Queen Anne house; large .verandas and sleeping porch: fine view of river and mountains: on . paved street, 1 block from car; price $7500. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8BS9. A 2S53. BARGAINS 6-room house on Montana, near Falling, with nice yard and fruit; modern; also 6-room house with alcove, on Mary land ave., near Klllingsworth. with nice yard, all modern; both houses for sate cheap; psrty needs money; terms. Ad dress R 50 3. Oregonlan, or phone C 1053 after 6 P. M. WEST SIDE HOUSE. $500. Good, large 6-room house, on Corbett st., near Glbbs. can he bought for a short time for, $2500 $.100 cash and $20 per month; worth $3IM0; has gas. nice bath and basement: bargains like this not found every day: see it before too late. GRUSSI & ZADOW? 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $2700. NEW. 9-ROOMS; $400 CASH. It's a little park. too. 50x100, stable, new lawn, modern, toilet and bath, electric liphts in. 100 feet to car, large front, beamed porch, 2 back porches, extra large basement, balance your own terms. Call quick. CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. EAST PORTLAND INVESTMENT. $13,500. Corner on E. 2d st., 2 blocks from Broadway; 2 well-built modern iiouses. 1 9 rooms and 1 7 rooms. Will rent for . $80 per month: price $13,500; terms. . H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones, Main S699, A 2653. SUBURBAN HOME CHEAP. $150 cash, balance like rent buys new six-room bungalow with 67x200 ft., right on carline, 25 minutes out; has stone base ment, stone fireplace, best of plumbing, Dutch- kitchen, all conveniences, sightly location; price $2950. See owner, 171 3d St., near. Yamlyll. TOO GOOD TO LAST. 1 Investigate this for an investment. East 10th and Hawthorne, 100 feet on Haw thorne, 2 eight-room modern hous?s. will rent for $50 per conth. This is the best buy in the city. W. H. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO.. 233 Alder St. VERY CHEAP BUILDING LOTS. $innn 50xli. East Tlh ft. $1150 50xlH, East 8th .it. These are walking distance .from business center. FRED A. KINO. 606 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. Sts. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beactiful, commodious. convenient, new; nicely Improved grounds. 100x100. fronting hard-eurfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner. C02 Corbett block. X,-,00 Hne modem little house on East Side, 25 minutes' walk from 3d and Wash ington sts. ; fine neighborhood, all street and other improvements in and paid for; about 12 cords of firsrt-clase wood go with It. G 537. Oregonlan. $1400! $1400! $1400! A new. modern rt-room house in St. John, lot 50x100. block from car. only $1400; terms If desired; can you beat it? THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO.. 1121 Corbett Bldg. $2000 MODERN 5-room cottage. 102 E. 20th N. J block from carline. for sale on easy terms; $5O0 down, balance $25 monthly at 7 per cent." Very desirable home for small family. Parrish, Watkins & Co.. 250 Alder st. ...... MILWAIKIE AVENUE. 2 six-room -modern houses, in good con dition, lot 100x100, corner; here Is a good ' Investment. $4500. W. H. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO., , , 233 Aider St. $1000 BELOW THE MARKET. Fine new residence in Ladd's addition, large rooms, very stylish and up-to-date, best location. Terms, owner. J 535, Ore - gonlan. 4-ROOM house and 60x100 for $1400; Rich mond district; plenty of fruit of all kinds; this Is a bargain; ground alone Is worth the money; half cash, balance to suit. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. WE HAVE what you want, a 5-room mod ern bungalow with every up-to-date con venience. $1600, $110 or $2000; only $100 down. $20 per month; let us show them. Brown, 411 Couch bldg. A BARGAIN If taken quick, 8-room modern home Ladd's Add. Room 5, Lumbermen's blcfg. Phone M. 8073. East 2725. Thos. Vlgara. owner. GENUINE BARGAIN If taken at once; strict ly modern six-room house, corner lo'. 1) minutes out on Mt. Tahor car: eautiful lo cation; $4OO0. terms. Owner. Phone B 17S3. HOME built to order on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under bond: in vestigate plan. R. C. Young, box 4064. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvlngton. 409 East 20th St. North. Call and see it. For Sale Business Property. 7,000.000 relinquishment, Siletz. good road and trail; get everything for. house ad joining claim; If taken rwxt 10 days $1200. 733 Marquam. Main 8314. 100x100 ON 4th St.. near Sheridan; Income $600 per year: price $5000. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. $4500 BUYS lot on Jefferson St.. near 14th. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. Acreage. RIVEKDALE. I will sell all or any portion of my beautiful -acre tract at Riverdale. will cut up nicely Into single acres or more, tract is wooded and commands unex celled view of river, city and mountains; secure for yourself a choice country home site in this most exclusive residence sec tion of Portland; will build your home, conforming to your own plans cn easy terms if desired. F. C. Graham. 627 C. FRUIT AND DAIRY LANDS. 5. 10. 20-acre tracts, choice walnut and fruit lands, all level, in high str.te of cul tivation, one-hour ride on electric road, steamer transportation fare 35 cents, fruit belt of Oregon: see us before it is tim late, largo tracts with or without irrigation, easy terms. DEAN LAND CO.. Owners, 622 Chamler of Commerce. Portland. Or. BRITISH COLUMBIA LANDS, along the Grand Trunk Pactrtc, the Last Great West. We know the territory and have seen the land. Can offer tracts from 5OO0 to 60.000 acres at low prices. Glad to give particu lars. Williams & Alurdoff, Ltd., Vancou ver. B. C 18 ACRES fine land. U mile to town of lOoO. improved, best of soil, no rock.' fruit, fine garden land. Price J2500; terms. We have some good buys in farms. Come and see our list. Young Bros., Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. FOR sale or trade for city lots. 20 acres extra fine land near Gresham, on carline. water running through: would make extra fine suburban home. Dubois & Crockett, Washington bldg.. room 3. ACREAGE in large or small tracts cn car line, close In; choice river front; 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stnmpher, ZiL Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4SS1. 6 ACRES, -well improved, one block from Jennings Lodge station; for sale cheap if sold quick: can give best of terms. C. D. Slocum. owner. IF YOU want acreage, West Side on carline and only 5 miles out, call 514 Swetland bldg. 5 ACRES, close in. soil and location Ideal, part cash, balance terms. 413 at. REAL ESTATE. - Auieage.' WANTED Party with $18,fw) to Join me in Duving a nign-cisOT -- where wo can clear over $70.CKKl in the next 2 year. Address L 544. Oregonlan. Homesteads. FINE HOMESTEADS IN TILLAMOOK CO. 2 relinquishments, best we v""';ad 10 timber claims from 6.000.000 to 9,000.000 each. 2 timber relinquishments, exceptionally 10 timber claims; will run from' 3,000, 000 to 8.000.000 feet each. Homesteads in Eastern Oregon. NIM MO, RUNE? DAVIS. 13 Hamilton Bldg. HOMESTEADS In Douglas County, only 7 miles from railroad; 7.0OO.O00 feet timber and good cabin. Look this up. Have one claim In Wrasco County. WARREN B. HARTLEY, 514 Swetland Bide. HAVE two cash buyers for improved farms. Please send complete descriptions. C. L. Bamberger. 50R Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5124- WANTED Party with $15.(KlO to Join me In buying a htgh-claes platting proposition where we can clear over $TO.Oi0 in the next 2 year?. Address L 544. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. IN THE WAREHOUSE DISTRICT A fine 8 room house and 30xl0O lot, situate between , 19th and 20th. on Quimby St.; 3 lots. 2 blocks further north have recently brought ' $3C,'jflO: thl will be worth a fortune as soon as the Chicago. Milwaukee & S. Paul R. R. reaches Portland: only $5000 if taken at once; $2000 cah, balance on or before 9 vears at 6 per cent. C. F. Pfluger & Co., moms 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrl- : son sts. OSWEGO REAL ESTATE CO., Oswoco, Or. Farm, acreage and town property; take S. P. train at Jefferson st. depot and come and watch Oswego grow.. RIGHT ON THE United Railways track. 50 acres of land, situate only 2 miles S. W. of Burlington: grand proposition for sub dividing: can be bought fir $125 rcr acre: worth $500 per acre as won as line is in operation: all cash or nearly o. C. F. Pfluger Co., room 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. HERE Is one more of those much sought - after modern 5-room bungalows at $lsoo, beamed celling, bath, wired. 5-cent fare. 1 block from car; $10O down. $20 per month; come see it. Brown, 411 Couch bldg. WANTED Party with $l5.""o to Join me In biivlng a high-claps platting proposition where we can clear over $70. 000 In the next 2 year. Address L 544. Oregonlan. 50x100, corner Maryland and Killlngsworth aves. ; small Income; will sell at bargain if taken at once. Main 5ti72, ask for Barnes. 255 Chapman. AI.BINA warehouse site on improved corner and railroad spur near ferry. Tel. Wood lawn 1693. For Sale Fruit Lands. HAVE the best orchard land proposition on CoaM: buy for $20, sell for $150; $5000 or less will carry It; land will take care "t balance: Investigate. 326 Washington et., ' room 512. For Sale Farms. 320 ACRES. li miles from S. P. R. R. sta tion. 31 miles south of Portland; over 200 acres in cultivation, 90 acres of the cul tivated land is real beaverdam or onion land and under a fine system of irrita tion; 10 acres of this land in onions this year produced from $SO0 to $1000 per acre; as for dairying purposes this will he a green gra.s, all Summer place: houRe is Just fair, barn is good, orchard is good. The place Is on a fine road. Price. $100 per acre; any reasonable terms. Call or address O. D. Robeson, Anderson bldg.. Oregon City, Or. GREAT BARGAINS. 6 acre 1'5 miles fr mi Camas, Wash., all in fruit, prunes, apples, cherries, pears and plums; 4-room house, painted: barn and large poultry-house. Incubators, brooders and small tools go with place; land level and free from rock; border on La Camas Lake; a tine Summer home; R. F. D. ; pric? $l.loO. $500 cash, bal. on long time. 607 .Beck bldg., 7th and Oak sts. ON THE CLACKAMAS RIVER. 10 miles from Portland. 2 miles to Oregon City electric line; 204 acres of fine land, mostly heavily timbered; loca tion unBurpaiwed in beauty. 3UO feet above the river, specially suitable for orchard; practically all level land and virgin soil; can all be irrigated by water power on place. THE CROSSLEY CO., 709 Corbett Bldg. NO. .".55 FARM MT'-ST BB SOLD WITHIN THE NEXT 30 DAYS; 323 acres of as good land as there is in Yamhill Co.. and onlv $50 per acre Hand adjoining Is for sale at $100 per acre ; only 2 U miles from town, electric R. R surveyed through the place; this is the biggest bargain vou have heard of In a long time; let'me tell you all about It. W. J. Smith. 438 Chamber of Commerce. A SAFE, SANE INVESTMENT. A 25-acre improi'ed farm, 7i miles from the center of Portland. This land will bring you $500 per acre within three years; you -can buy it now at a figure that will pay SO per cent on your investment. J. S. SULLIVAN, 422 Henry Bldg., Cor. Fourth and Oak. 80 ACRES on Oregon Electric. 45 minutes from Portland; Southern Pacific haa sta tion and switch on land: SO acres cleared, about 35 of which is best beaverdam land in state: buildings, young orchard. Call on owncs. BENNETT & DERBYSHIRE 201 Swetland Bltig. 40,000 ACRES line farm land, Eastern Ore gon, on line of R. B. now building: can buy from 40 acres upward at $5.50 per acre; $1.50 cash, balance can be paid in 5 years. P 542, Oregonian. HOVE HOPKINS. SALEM, OR. Largest list of valley farms in the state FREE P.IGS ALWAYS ON HAND. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms teforo buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem Or. WANTED KKAL ESTATE. YOU HAVE property for sale or you would not be interested In this column. Our Fall business has been excellent and we have not enough property, on our lists now to meet the demand or our buyers. Liberal advertising and hustle spells success in selling. If you want to sell, all we ask for Is a reasonable trial.. All we charge 1- i-ao-tilt, , .nmmlsnlnn Vn sal. no charge and no extras. Coma In and talk j it over. West Side property usually turned in 30 davs. If price Is right. CHAP1N & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE an 8-acre piece of apple land 5 miles back of Lyle, on county road, that I want to sell co that I can Improve the rest of my place. This is a beautiful knoll and surrounded bv gpiwing orchards all A I ap ple land; I will sell f..r $50 an acre If taken at once; half cash. F 643, Oregonlan. I HAVE client who will invest from $25.0OO to $i'5.0OO In Inside property. Improved or unimproved. Your value must bta right. Am looking for good buy In district south of Burnside and north of Yamhill, be tween 7th and 16th st. Might also consider purchase of river frontage, or cheap property in railroad district. F. S. Forest. Investments. 410 Henry bldg. WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room bungalow from owner; walking distance Catholic Church; state price, location. J 543. Ore gonian. INVESTOR I have $25. 000 cash to Invest in Portland Income property, rlease give full details and lowest price. From own ers only. G 513. Oregonian. CASH paid for lots convenient to Alberta, Woodlawn rr St. Johns carllnes: give lot, block, addition and price. C 537. Orego nian. BUILDING lot, close In; state location, price and terms. K 540, Oregonian. or Main 3258. VACANT lots in Vernon; also Improved property; owners only. Ault & McCoy. Phone Woodlawn 2305. S TO 7-room bungalow, East Side, modern. Sunnyslde or Mount Tabor carline. Y 636, Oregonlan. WANTED Bargains, house, lot and barn at Long Beach. Wash.; also tract cranberry lanu. f 04, oregonian. WANT close-In acreage on West Side; must be reasonable and near car. Give full par ticulars. E 540, Oregonian. WANT property on Broadway bet. Williams ave. and river. E 541, Oregonian. WANTED TEUBER LANDS. TIMBER- lands wanted. C. J. i UcKay bldg. McCracken, 19 TO EXCHANGE. -MO- A-CRES. 120--in -cntiwt1nn. 2 pasture, good buildings, at boat landing 1 in lie to station on Salem electric: very fine black ' sandy loam, land worth $40 acre adjoin ing: will take good city property for t acres or all of It. $125 per ai re CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg. 4-ROOM house In Spokane. Wash., and 7 lots, all well located, house rented for $15; will exchange for lots or acreage in val lev. Modern 6-room house In B'll Crest: my equity is $loo; will trade for Improved acreage, lfio acres of timber land for city property and a fine Bandon lot for fur niture. Young Bros.. 612 Gerlinger bldg. 80 ACRE3 unimproved land, near Olympla: actual cash value $2400; will trade all or half for or on lots or house and lot; new electric road will Increase value to $10O per acre. s. D. Vincent. 420 Lumber mens bldg. GROCERYMEN nnd merchants, look here: A fine 3i-acro farm 16 miles from here, closo to Southern Pacific; no better land any where; to exchange f-ir good grocery or coun try Ft ore: price $0'Vo. F. FI'CHS. 221 Morrison St. WILL exchange my Irvlngton home for vacant city property; It has all the modern improvements, is near the. carline and In a hne neighborhood; it's an 6-room house. R 620. Oregonlan. GARIBALDI BEACH lots, choice location, sure to double In value, on beautiful lake, 100 yards to beach. 200 yards to R R. station, for small automobile. F 542. Ore gonlan. $700) EQUITY In 8o acres of land 38 miles from Portland on river and R. R-, for good modern houje; this is an A No. 1 deal. Call or address F. W. Lambert, 27 Wash. ft. A 2125. W NTED GROCERY OR GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK IN EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE: CLOSE IN. CALL OR WRITE. 703 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. EXTRA fine large bungalow home, very modern, close in. for city lots, acreage or farm. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg.. room 3. I WANT Spokane lots for Portland home or aa part pavment on home. See Joe Nash, owner, at Mlllaid ave., on the Mount Scott carline. 40 OR so acres best apple land: west slope. Mt. Hood, near Sandy, for vacant lots or nutomoMle. Equity Investment Co., 503 Gerlinger bldg. Main 3251. A r K ' ; K sightly, located right at an electric station, near Portland; want a modern home or farm. SOS Board of Trade bldg. COOS BAY or Bandon lots (o trade for raw acreage anywhere. Oregon or Washington. Courtois, 314 Gerlinger bldg. FOR sale or will trade for vacant lot, mul tiple drawer National cash register, worth 4:450. Phone Woodlawn 243-i. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. WE trade anything you have for something you want. 314 Gerlinger bldg. CHOICE acreage for Alme'drt Consolidated M. Co. stock. COS Board of Trade hldg. WAVEHI.Y HEIGHTS lot for sale or trade. Stewart. 6;ii Chamber of Commerce. WILL get vou anything In trade for any thing you' have. 322 Hjnrv bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. A TRACT of seven-fortir of A I yellow fir; will cruiMs 61'j million; in township 17 south, range 4 east. Price $4ox. ipi.Vio caeh, bal. In I or 2 ear if taken s-'n. C. L. Reek man. 301-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7290. H.MBEH LANDS. OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA, JAMES D. LACE Y & CO.. Chicago. New Orleanr. Seattla. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 11Ki.000.Oih high-grade yellow fir, near log ging Rtream. $75. tool; reasonable terms; mil! can tie secured In connection If do sired C. C. Shay. 516 Ahlnglon bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney to Stampher, 5.11-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. $100 ACRE. M9 acres, sub-divided, good as Gresham. $4 on ; or Garden Home at $4i0 acre. All 539,, Oregonian. FOR SALE cheap, two timber claim. in Snu law itoir.trv; cruise eight million each. Ad dress P. O. Box 442. Portland. 1 1O.IMI0.OO0 FEET timber. Co-mlile River, sell all or part. Address nwners." Box oos, Portland, ani arrange interview. HAVE .'SO.noo.OOO feet fir logs which will cut 50 per cent clear: can he manufac tured cheaply. AN .loll. Oregonlan. . 160 ACREhS timber for sale In Wheeler County. Or. White Mrs. A. Kunkel, Box 1353. Spokane, Wash. A SNAP; Tio acres timber land; will cruise 6 million; pood transportation, title clear, near Chinook. Wash K 542, Oregonlan. TIMBER lands bought and sold, properties looked after. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay lldg., Portland. Or. $lon ACRE, 519 acres, subdivided, good as Gresham. $400; or Garden Home at $450 acre. A II 539, Orcgnrlan. WILL sell claim Crook County, 1,650,000 feet. $2500. Box 170. city. TIMBER and homestead relinquishments. 327 Worcester block. lO.ooo ACRES pine, In Crook County. N 511, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR KENT. Ten acres, one mile from city limits, on Section Line road. 7 ti acres all cleared; has good flvo-room house, large barn, chicken house and outhouses; nil fenced; fine well and pump: liberal lent to right party. See owner, 171 3d st., near Yam hill. ' FARMS WANTED. LIST lour farm with ut if you want to toil or Rase. GREG' IN LA Ml CO., IMS'.. Stark St. ' WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent, farm, everything fur nished, by experienced farmer, with op tion of buying In 3 years, or will work; bv month. F 544. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. . Horses, Vehicles and lLirne- FOR SALE or rent h teams with goose neck furniture wagons, to rent by month or year: wa also rent any kind of a riff for bublness purposes. day. week, or month. Phones East 72, B 1369. Haw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ava. FOR SALE Three 7-year-old horses, weigh 1300 lbs. each, sound and true In ever: it ry way; will sou cuenp or iii'ie ui payment on house and lot In East, suburbs. . t, i r ,l ,,1 llr.lonr part J. iV. OiJCllCllut-i IS , -.iol ct NOTICE One 3450 gelding nnd 1450 mare, 111 foal to perehero!! ; unexcelled work ers; train $125; 1550-lb. 7 year-old geld iiiK, guaranteed and cheap. -10 N 4th st. $'J0 BUYS good, Kcr.tlo delivery horse, 8 ears old. city broke, weigbs 115o; can be Aern at 20 .Montgomery M. Mr. rurgesons. TWO span and heavy draft hones, young ami .s.oiml weighing 2f00 and 3250. Phone E 4S04. TRUCK in good condition; canopy top; $76: terms. Phone Main 7110 or call at 331 16th st. N. $175 BUYS pair of bay mares, weigh 2110, sound, good true pullers, with new breech ing harness. 204 Montgomery l. BAY HORSE. 950 lbs.. .S years, fat. gentlo and good driver, single, double, or sadlle, $10. 203' Russell St. FOR SALE 1 horse, light single harness,. 2-seated surrey and light spring wagon. ' 349 Grant St. $150 BUYS pair hay mares, weigh 1150 each, sound and both in foal to imported stal lion. Call 606 Washington st. PAIR of grav geldings. ." and 7, weigh 2S00; brown horse, 9, weighs 1360; 5-ycar-old, chunky built, 1200. 204 Montgomery st. 1150-POUND sorrel horse, $50. Stable 505 A1 blna ave. 7. YEAR horse, suitable for delivery wagon. Eastman, :03 Ablngton uidg. HUBERT & HA'.L. 3R(I Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles, ionr rates on business rtgs. HORSES, mares, rigs arid narness of all kinds for sale 294 Montgomery. AT 16th and Savier, heavy and light horses cheap: take "S" car north. WANTED Hor? to do light work for board Call Main 165S.