Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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    L OF
J. L Schuyleman, Manager of
jj Clark Wireless Company,
: Faces Federal Charge.
"'Accused Man Arrested at Athena for
-- Return to Portland His Plight
Result of lions War Be
tween Concerns.
" ATHETNA. Or., Xot. 17. (Special.)
tJohn Ia. Schuyleman. manager of the
"Clark Wireless Telegraph & Telephone
I. Company, wu arrested here this morn
"ints by Town Marshal Gholson. on com
rjlaint of officials of the United Wire
less Telegraph and Telephone Company.
iThey allf-fre that Schuyleman opened
;jnait directed to them and used what
Information he obtained therein to
calumniate the United Wireless Com
ijiany. It is understood the warrant for
Schuyleman'! arrest was given by the
United States Court In Portland, Indi
cating he is accused of riolating a Fed
eral statute.
Jt appears that Schnyleman's plight
Is the result of keen rivalry between
the wireless companies. Schuyleman. in
recent advertisements, It is said, accus
ing the United Wireless Telegraph A
Telephone Company selling stock un-
der false representation. It is also al
'leged that he accused the United Wire
less of selling stock at $35 a share
when brokers in Boston are asking only
Ifi for the same stock.
.. Town Marshal Gholson arrested
"(Schuyleman as he was leaving for Pen
Idleton and put him under the care of
Oliver Plckison, who accompanied him
Mo Pendleton, where he was taken
charge of by Sheriff Taylor.
: 3
' Schuylernan to Be Brought Here to
" Face Tnited States Court.
John L. Schuyleman, local manager
"for the Clark Wireless Telegraph Com-
pany. who was arrested In Pendleton
" Tuesday night, will be brought at once
' to this city to answer a charge of having
.opened mall belonging to the United
Wireless Telegraph Company. The com
plaint against Schuyleman was filed by
' F. S. Stewart, fiscal agent for the United
Wireless Company, and is in conformity
- with a state law. and not a Federal law.
According to a statement made by
; Stewart last nteht Schuyleman inserted
nn advertisement in the local papers,
whlc-h was misleading,- and resulted in
- having mall addressed to his office that
'na Intended for the United Wireless
I'ompany. Schuyleman is accused of
- opening this mail and writing to the peo
," pie who sent it, who happened to be
-stockholders in the United Wireless
Company,, asking them to trade their
-stock for stock In his company.
It was Intimated by Stewart last night,
that other charges are to be filed against
Schuyleman, but the exact nature of
those he refused to outline.
Deputy Constable Gardner left yester
day afternoon for Pendleton to get
' Schuyleman. and he will probably re
turn tonight or tomorrow with him.
; There has been considerable local rivalry
' between the two wireless companies, but
not until Tuesday did It threaten to get
Into the criminal courts. . .
Friends Supply Bonds, Schuyleman
Escapes Jail -Cell.
PENDLETON. Or..' Nov. IT. (Spe-
cial.) J. Srhuyleman, a representative
.of the Clark Wireless Telephone Com
"pany. who has been selling stock in this
vlcintty for the last two weeks was ar
rested this afternoon by Sheriff Taylor
acting on information from Portland. He
-was not locked up. however, as he had
local friends who went on his bonds.
It seems he Is charged with opening
mail which belonged to the United Wire
less Company, officers of which are the
.complainants. The arrest is the culmina
tion of a controversy existing between the
two companies in Portland for several
O'Day in Salem Calls Constitutional
ity Question Political One.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 17. (Special.) Judge
Thomas O'Day today filed a brief up
holding the constitutionality of the law
providing for the appointment. of Justices
.Slater and King, wlijch was attacked in
a motion filed in the case-of the State
vs. Sam Cochran, by Attorney-General
Crawford. The name of Martin L. Pipes
appears on the brief as amicus, curiae,
"affirming the constitutionality of the
,". "Judge Pipes maintaines that tile court
"is an established court Utat it was es
tablished "by the poopfe through the
concurrent action of the three co-ordinate
branches of the Government, whose
title is undisputed." Also, it is asserted,
"no man can be a Supreme Justice who
js not Ipso facto a member of this body,
and he cannot be a member of the trib
unal without being a justice of the Su
preme Court. The office, therefore, can
not be conceived of apart from the court.
' The court is the thing that the member
"tills and if the court exists the office
rilled exists.-'
Judge O'Day is of the opinion that a
logical and reasonable interpretation of
the constitution fixes the minimum mem
bership of the court at three and the
maximum membership at seven. It Is
maintained that the question of the con
stitutionality of the court, raised by Attorney-General
Crawford, is a political
and not a Judicial question and the court
I not qualified to pass upon the eligibility
of its own membership.
Blaze at Garfield Causes Proprietor
Loss of $2000.
GAkFIELD, Wash., Nov. 17. (Spe
cial.) James Hill's steam laundry, lo
cated at No. 3 Main street, burned at 6
o'clock this evening. The loss Is $2000.
with but little insurance. Cause of the
fire is unknown, but is supposed to
liave caught'from the stove.
Mr. Hill has been In business about
two years, and the fire leaves Garfield
without a laundry. .
Take LAXATIVE PROMO Quinine Tablets.
TTurgists refund money If It fails to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box, 25c.
... , """ -""" .W..,.J
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- F t - i
Pi - -fcff
i 1 ; I
j. - . i i
f J 'I 'z r - I
. BROWNSVILLE, Or.. Nor. 17. (Special.) The golden wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Weber was celebrated at their home in this city yesterday. Mr. Weber
was born in Germany. April 2. 1837, and came to New York In 1855. Ten
years later he went to Illinois, where, in 1859, he and Miss Catherine Attig
were wed. Mrs. Weber was also born in Germany. April 8, 1837, Just four
days after the birth of her husband. She came to America and settled in
Illinois In 1S5T.
Mr. and Mrs. Weber came to Oregon In 1S81. settling in Linn County a
few miles west of BrownvIlle. vb.era they resided until about a year ago,
whan they mored to town. Both are hale and hearty. Eleven children, eight
of whom are living, were born to them. . . .
Self-Defense to Be Plea
Slayer of Dixon.
Widow and Children of Man Slain
Attend Pendleton Hearing Sis
ter of Prisoner Arrives
From Ireland. .
PENDLETON", Or.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
With the Jury completed and the case
outlined by attorneys for the defense
and the state, the Ryan murder trial is
now In full swing for the second time,
the flret indictment alleging that a
man, now alive, was slain by Ryan.
The mistake in the name was rectified
In -a new Indictment. The taking of
testimony will be started tomorrow
mornrhg at 9 o'clock, andsas there were
only two eye-witnesses to the shooting
It is not believed that a great deal of
time will be consumed in the introduc
tion of testimony. It is possible that
the accused man will know his fate
this week.
Jury Obtained Easily.
The ease with which the Jury was
secured was a great surprise to all in
terested. It was thought a week would
be necessary for this task, whereas only
a day and a half was consumed. The
Jury Is composed of 11 farmers and one
agent of a warehouse company. Each
side used its peremptory challenges, the
last man excused being G. W. Perrin
ger, the wheat king, who Is said to
have dropped $7000 to Portland card
sharks recently. He was challenged by
the state. The jury Is composed of J.
E. Montgomery, U. G. Horn, A. W. Nor
ton. W. F. Butts. J. H'. Price. C. T.
Cockburn. Henry Fisher, William Dale.
W. H. Albee, Jesse O. Hales, Emmet
Rees and Alex Johnson. .
Sclf-Defense to Be Plea.
According to the statement made to
the jury by the attorneys, counsel for
Ryan will endeavor to show that he
shot In self-defense, alleging he had
reason to believe he was in Imminent
danger of great bodily harm at the
hands of Jacob Shubert and Edward
IMxon. when he fired the fatal shot.
The state will endeavor to show that
the killing was premeditated and cold
blooded. Mrs. Pixon. widow of the man slain,
occupied a seat in the courtroom, a
child being seated on either side of
her. Miss Margaret Ryan, sister of the
accusd man, occupied a seat by his
side, having come over from Ireland to
attend the trial.
Wreck Averted by Sytscm Xear
Springfield Junction.
EUGENE, Or., Nov. 17. (Special.) A
disastrous train wreck for either the
Shasta Limited or the Cottage Grove
local was averted last evening by the
successful working of the block sys
tem about a mile south of Springfield
Junction. The Shasta Limited was run
ning along a dangerous curve between
Springfield and Goshen, when through
some cause the end of a rail was
At the same time the wire connected
with the block signal was broken,
throwing on the red light. The train
slowed down until the danger was
passed. A section crew went from Eu
gene and repaired the break before the
Cottage jrove local could pass.
Congressman Hawley was aboard the
local, which, was an hour late in reach
ing Eugene.
Dealers in Impure Food Will Ask
Wholesalers to Indemnify Them.
NAMPA, Idaho. Nov 17. (Special.)
James H. Wallls, State Pure Food. Dairy
and Sanitary Inspector, today filed com
plaints against several of the local dealers
for violations of the pure food law.
Shumate Bros., the Nampa Grocery, W..
H. Sprague, George McCabe, Hugh Mc
Kee, the Tuttle Mercantile Company and
A. J. Schrock, grocers, were fined for
having in their possession with- intent to
sell cheese manufactured outside the
state and not branded.
Austin & Anketel, proprietors of the
New York Meat Market, were arrested
for selling adulterated lard, the test show
ing that cotton-seed oil was added.
Waigand Bros, were fined for selling adul
terated sausage. The Nampa Department
Store, through the manager, E. S.
Hamaker, entered a plea of not guilty
to the selling of misbranded eyrup,
and the trial was set for November 18.
Tlte majority of the dealers entered pleas
of guilty, with the intention of asking
the wholesalers from whom the goods
had been purchased to Indemnify them.
Inspector Wallia will rebrand the con
fiscated goods and dispose of them at
public auction.
Thirty Different Homes Occupied by
Couple In 42 Months of Mar
ried Life, Is Talc.
ALBANY, Or.. Nov. 17. Special.)
That she and her husband lived in at least
30 different house during their married
life of three and one-half years, wns the
statement of Mrs. Atllda Gaba in the
State Circuit Court here today, when eho
secured a divorce from Joel Gaba. Her
husband was top lazy to work, she sal J,
and they moved to avoid paying rent. -
According to Mrs. Gaba's testimony,
they moved almost once a month and
sometimes oftener. She said that only
in one or two Instances did they live in
any one house as long aa two months.
This continual moving was due to the
fact that her husband never had any
money, she said, but once they were or
dered out of a house in Salem because
her husband swore so much that he dis
turbed people living in adjoining rooms.
During their married life, they lived
In Salem, Albany, CorvalliS, Oregon City,
Springfield, Marcola and Independence
and also for a short time in California.
During most of this time they lived
under the name of Mr. and Mrs. Joel
Hart, as Gaba represented that this was
his true name at the time of the wedding,
the wife testified, and she didn't know
the difference for a long time. This dis-co-ery
was one of the causes that led
to their separation, she said, but he also
abused her and kicked her, she .testi
fied. The Gabas were married in Salem in
September. 1905. As soon as Attorney
W. S. Rlsley completed the Introduction
of his evidence in the case. Judge Gallo
way promptly granted a decree.
Annual Gathering Will Adopt Plans
to Conserve Ranged
WALLOWA, Or., Nov. 17. (Special.)
The annual gathering of the Forest
Rangers of the Wallowa and Wenaha
National Forests convened In this city
today. More than 25 Tangers are already
In the city and a number more will arrive
today. The Instructors are: C. S. Judd,
chief of the office of Silvia culture;
Thomas P. McKenzie, assistant chief of
grazing, and Charles H. Flory, chief of
operation, all of Portland.
The session will extend until Friday
tnd matters pertaining to conservation
of the range and prevention of forest fires
will be discussed. Particular attention
will be given to the administration of
local reserve government. The meeting
is held under the supervision of Super
visor H. W. Harris, of the Wallowa Na
tional Forest.
Wife Dies, Children Sick.
ALBANY. Or., Nov. 17. (Special.) The
body of Mrs. Rev. F. A. Ware, who died
at her home at Walla Walla, Wash., re
cently, was burled here today. Mr. Ware,
who is a prominent evangelist of the
Christian Church in Eastern Washington,
accompanied the body to Albany. He
left immediately after the tmrlal for the
bedside of his son and daughter, both
of whom are ill with typhoid fever, the
same disease which caused the death of
his wife.
Minister Springs Sensation on
Liquor Dealers With
Dozen Youths Declare They Bought
Drinks in Various Saloons Pro
hibition Fight Is Begun
In Dead Earnest.
THE DALLES, Or., Nov. 17. (Special.)
The storm which has been gathering for
several weeks over the heads of the sa
loon men of this city, broke in all its fury
at a meeting of the City Council last
Rev. D. V. Poling, pastor of the Con
gregational Church, produced 13 sworn
affidavits, signed by Henry Hagenbucher,
Lester Walker. Clare Carson, Lloyd Dun
ahoo. Raymond Ostrander. Jaye Rorick,
Alpha Coryea, Frank Hulery, Marion
Driver. Charles Bohn, Ross Brooks. Har
old Sexton and Tracy Griffin, to substan
tiate his assertions that liquor is being
sold to minors.
Boys Swear to Sales..
Each boy. with the exception of Griffin,
swore that he bought liquor at various
times from the saloonkeepers named in
the affidavits. Griffin swore he saw liquor
bought by the other boys, but neither pur
chased nor drank any himself. The boys
ages range from 15 to 20 years.
fThe affidavits were accepted by the City
Council, and will be used as evidence
against the saloon men at their , trials
tomorrow morning.
About four-fifths of the saloon men of
The Dalles are accused. The Council has
gone on record with the statement that
the license of everyone convicted will be
The liquor men claim that minors are
not served with drinks in tleir places,
nor sold intoxicants of any kind. An or
dinance, is being prepared by an attorney
for the liquor men. making it a misde
meanor for a minor to enter a saloon
and ask for liquor.
Fight Starts in Earnest.
The signers of the affidavits, who se
cured Intoxicants by claiming to be of
age, will be prosecuted under the state
law, and it appears on the surface of
things that the long-looked-for fight be
tween the saloon and anti-saloon factions
is on in earnest.
Rev. Mr. Poling has been delivering a
series of Sunday night lectures on "Local
Conditions," and charged that the Clty
Marshal has been derelict in his duty in
certain matters. His remarks were
brought to the attention of the City Coun
cil and an explanation demanded of the
Marshal. Mr. Harper stated emphatically
at the time that the reverend gentleman's
assertions Were absolutely false so far as
Vie knew in his official capacity of Chief
of Police.
In his address before the Council, Mr.
Poling declared he was 'opposed to pro
hibition, did not believe in closing the sa
loons, but did believe in making the own
ers live up to the letter and spirit of the
law. He also favored, he said, segregat
ing the women of the underworld and re
moving them from connection with the
Saloonmen Ready for War.
Notwithstanding the emphatic statement
of Mr. Poling that he favora the abolish
ment of the saloon, the liquor men claim
this is the beginning of a prohibition
movement, and they are preparing for
Three saloon men were arrested on the
charge of selling liquor to a minor after
Marshal Harper had been put under fire.
One of the cases was tried before a jury
yesterday and resulted in the acquittal
of the defendant. The other cases are
So far in the controversy Mr. Poling
has received the commendation of the best
element in the city for his action. The
outcome will be watched with a great deal
of interest as The Dalles is one of the two
wet towns in Wasco County.
Pendleton Made Hopeful by O. R. &
X. Improvements There.
PENDLETON. Or.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
That officials of the O. R. & N. Com
pany expect a continuance of the heavy
passenger and freight traffic which has
prevailed during the past several months
and demoralized the train service, is evi
dent from the fact that they are now em
ploying every available man and expend
ing many thousands of dollars in the con
struction of new tracks and building ex
tensions to the old ones.
During the past few months both pas
senger and freight trains have been
"laid out" for indefinite periods because
of the inadequacy of-accommodations.
On the Pendleton district alone, three
new passing tracks have Just been com
pleted. Seven more are In course of
construction, while ten old ones are be
ing extended. Two longtorase tracks
are being eonstructed at Umatilla for the
storage of coal.-
This improvement work is in addition
to the surveying which is bein? done at
different points along the line for the
purpose of removing curves and reducing
grades. ,
Umatilla Merchant Complains That
Tramps Take Passengers' Seats.
SALEM. - Or., Nov. 17. (Special.)
"Unsanitary, disgusting and totally in
adequate," is the way H. N. Dryer, of
the Umatilla Mercantile Company, de
scribes the O. R. & N. passenger and
freight depot at Umatilla. The town
is the division point of three divisions.
Mr. Dryer, in his complaint to the
Railroad Commission, asserts that the
platform is poorly lighted, that the
waiting-room is only 20 feet square,
and that at night it is always filled
with tramps, who fill the benches and
sleep on the floor, forcing women and
children to stand in the vile atmosphere
for hours or walk the platform in the
cold and dark.
Complaint is also made that the ship
ping facilities at the station are inade
State Board Reaches Xo Agreement
on Powder Valley Scheme.
SALEM. Or., Nov. T7.-(Special.)-The
Lower Powder River project was the
qhlef subject of consideration at tha reg
ular semi-annual meeting of the Water
Board, or Board " of Control, this after
noon. J. N. Hart. State Senator, of
Baker, appeared for the Cookingham
Thatcher interests, and applied for a de
finite order from which he might appeal
to the courts if his clients deem it advisa
ble. Some time ago the Water Board made
an order to the effect that the state
would contract with the company which
succeeded in making a final contract with
the Desert Land Board for the reclama
tion of the arid lands in the Powder
River project, regardless of which con
cern had filed a prior application for
water. This order is regarded as unfa
vorable by the Cookingham-Thatcher
pedple. which had made prior applica
tion for the water.
J. L. Rand, ex-Senator, of Baker, was
present in behalf of O. P. Finklenburg,
the other party to the Powder River con
troversy. The board reached no decision
and ha taken the matter under advise
ment. This was the regular semi-annual meet
ing of the board and was attended by
State Engineer- Tjewis. Commissioners H.
L. Holgate, of Klamath Falls, and F. M.
Saxton, of Baker City.
Ten Million Bushels of Wheat Await
ing Shipment Will Come Down
Grade to Portland.
T.FWTSTON". Idaho. Nov. 17. (Special.)
Joint operation" of the Riparia-Grange-
' . . . . . r T" 1-1. T?Un,o..
vine line Dy ine v. h-iiuas x-imno
Comnanv will be inaugurated as soon as
the tariffs have been approved by the
Interstate Commerce Commission and ad
vertised, which will not be later than
December 1.
This Is the statement made this, even
ing by J. N. Finch, superintendent and
general freight and passenger agent of
the holding company.
The inauguration of the joint operation
will make tributary to Portland at least
10,000.000 bushels of wheat which has
heretofore been routed over the Northern
Pacific to Tacoma and Seattle. All of
the Coast tonnage tributary to the North
ern Pacific Clearwater and Palouso
branches as far north as Moscow will be
diverted to the river route over the
joint road. Simultaneous with the Inaug
uration of the Joint operation, the
Northern .Pacific will begin the operation
of the new road from Riparia to Snake
River Junction on the Spokane, Portland
& Seattle, and will run this train into
Pasco, making connections with the North
Bank trains Into Portland, and the main
line Northern Pacific trains .to Seattle
and Tacoma
E. J. Murphy Is Opposed at Pendle
ton by Dr. Swinburne.
PENDLETON. Or., Nov. 17. (Spe
cial.) With the city election only
three weeks away, a great deal of in
terest in the event is being manifest
though there are no definitely defined
issues. By the untimely death of the
"third party" proposition, the princi
pal issue was removed. In most of
the wards there are only enough can
didates to fill the offices so that prac
tically all Interest is centering on the
race for Mayor.
E. J. Murphy, a local merchant, is
a candidate for re-election and op
posed to him, early In the race, was
Attorney J. P. Winter. He was prac
tically forced to withdraw after being
forced into the race against his will,
by the fact that during the local op
tion campaign in Freewater precinct, a
few years ago, he went on the stump
in behalf of the "wets." Fearing the
re-actionary effect his election might
have upon .the country voters who
might otherwise be Induced to- allow
the saloons to be voted back, the
friends of the saloon induced Winter
to withdraw in favor of Dr. E. R.
Swinburne, a retired physician.
Dr. Swinburne is a prominent Elk
and an active member of other lodge
organizations, but has never run for
office before,
Compelled to Sleep in Woodshed,
Husband Seeks Separation.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
John Melin got a decree of divorce this
afternoon from Hulda Melin, to whom
ho -was married at Liverpool, England,
in August. 1908. He charges cruel and
Inhuman treatment, stating that his wife
Is quarrelsome, that she moved her bed
from th house and compelled him to
sleep in the woodshed and that she would
go to Colton, near their home in Clacka
mas County, and tell the people of that
place that he had not treated her right.
He further says she threatened to leave
him and go East. Dimlck & Dimlck
were Melin's attorneys.
Court Decrees Eugene Man Must
Give Up Unnamed Babe.
EUGENE. Or., Nov. 17. (Special.) A
writ of habeas corpus issued by Judge
Harris today seeks to compel Daniel
Lough, a recent arrival here from War
ren County, 111., to give up his 1-year-old
child, not Yet named, to its mother.
Mrs. Lough alleges that In a suit for
divorce in September, the Illinois court
gave her temporary custody of the
child, but that Lough fled to Eugene
with the child, disregarding the court's
Instructions. When the Sheriff went
to serve the papers the father could not
e found. '
Just a Few Doses Regulate Out-of-Order
Kidneys, Ending the
Most Severe Backache.
If you take several doses oe Pape's
Diuretic, all backache and distress
from out-of-order kidneys or bladder
trouble will vanish, and you will feel
Lame back, painful stitches, rheuma
tism, nervous headache, dizziness, irri
tability, sleeplessness, inflamed or
swollen eyelids, worn-out, sick feeling
and other symptoms of sluggish, in
active kidneys disappear.
Uncontrollable smarting, frequent
urination- (especially at night) and all
bladder misery ends.
Feeling: miserable and worried ' is
needless, because this unusual prepara
tion goes at once to the disordered kid
neys, bladder and urinary system and.
Sherman May & Co.
of greatest
worth and
the one
which you
can best
afford to
buy is
Your piano indicates the standard of jour musical Jaste. It re
flects the degree of your musical ability. It controls your musical
accomplishments. It molds the musical future of your household.
When you once realize that the best music requires the best me
dium for its interpretation, will you be content with any other piano
than the finest in the world a STEINWAY T
Indeed, you may be sure that in tho end you will want a SThlN
WAY. Why not get one now and enjoy its use for a lifetime?
Steinway Pianos Are Sold' on the Pacific Coast Exclusively by
Sherman, Clay & Co.
Company to Take Over Irriga
tion Project on Bond.
District to Be Formed After Oregon
Code and Acreage to Be Sold
at $50 With 6 Ter
Cent Interest.
ROISH, Idaho. Nov. IT. (Special.) A
practical plan has been reached for the
irrigation of the Malheur lands, so. Ions
held back from cultivation for the lack
of water. At a series of conferences held
at Ontario with representatives of the
resident landowners of the road lands
and of the irrigation company which is
proposing to water the lands, a plan nnd
contract were outlined by which the
building of the project seems assured
in the near future.
The plan decided upon is for the forma
tion of an irrigation district according to
the new irrigation code of Oregon, the
bonds of this district to be taken over by
the Trobridge & Nlver Company, of Chi
cago, and the Irrigation works to be built
for them by the Arnold Construction Com
pany. Under the district plan, bonds will
be issued at $50 an acre, drawing interest
at 6 per cent, payable from 10 to 20 years
after delivery of water. Five per cent
of the principal will be due at the end
of the 11th year after delivery of water
and the entire issue will mature at the
end of the 20th year. The Trobridge &
Nlver Company now has plans and speci
fications completed for all the territory
between Mitchell Butte and the Malheur
River, the territory included in the pro
posed irrigation district.
Surveys are being made by engineers
north of the Malheur River, which they
expect to . complete within .60 days. The
plan is to form another district on that
side and to provide Tor watering the north
side lands under plans similar to that
now offered for the south side. "V hen
both districts have been formed and
brought into the plan, the new project
will include practically the same lands
Included under the proposed Malheur
Government irrigation project, which fell
through some years ago. owing to lack of
funds in the Reclamation Service.
Digger Oregon to Commence Work in
Chelialis Kiver Soon.
ABERDKEN, Wash.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
Work on Improvements in the innr
harbor and the channel of the Chelialis
River will be begun within a few days,
the Government dredge Oregon being ex
pected at any time now to undertake the
work. An unexpended appropriation of
J25.O0O will be used in this manner accord
ing to a statement made today by As
sistant United States Engineer E. L. Car
penter. The channel dredged two years ago has mnaMomiil v nnd for a noroxima te-
Iv 2j00 feet there is only an average depth
distributes its healing, cleansing and
vitalizing influence directly upon the
organs and glands affected, and com
pletes th euro before you realize it.
The moment you suspect any kidney
or urinary disorder or feel rheumatism
pains, begin taking this harmless medi
cine, with the knowledge that there is
no other remedy at any price, made
anywhere else in the world, which will
effect so thorough and prompt a cure
&s a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diu
retic, which any druggist can supply.
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in the old channel of about ten feet at
low water. This bar will be removed,
by the dredger and it Is estimated that
at least two months will ho required to
do the work. The snim of $16,000. recently
recommended by the Government en
gineer for Grays Harbor, is merely for
maintenance of the channel and does not
contemr-latr any further improvement.
Don't Wear
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After Thirty Years' Experience 1
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