Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 17, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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Trial in Lower Court Is Com
pared With Injustices of
Notorious Jeffrey.
Disbarment of Hatchins May Fall
and Case Against Max Cohen
Will Be Deferred New
Members Elected.
With 300 members of the Oregon bar as
attentive listeners. ex-Senator Charles
TV. Kulton yesterday poured the vitriol
of denunciation ver the trial judge
nd prosecution in the case or the peo
pie of California against ex-Mayor
ehmltz. ltnout alluding to juaga
I.awler and Francis J. Hcney by name,
Mr. Fulton declared the methods of
Jlenfy unfair, and that the rulings of
' the trial judge exhibited an utter dis
regard of the rights of the defendant
to a fair and Impartial Jury. As Mr.
Fulton closed he was greeted with
round after round of applause.
The incident grew out of the reading
of a paper entitled 'Criticism by the
Press of Court Decisions." the speaker
averring that when the Appellate Court
of California reversed the verdict of
culltv against the former Mayor, con
vlcted of receiving bribes and "other
forms of graft, it performed only its
sworn duty.
I. awlcr Compared With Jeffrey.
"f state without any reservation
whatever, as a resultof careful read
ing and consideration of the decision,
that had the court failed to decide as
Jt did. it would have discredited itself
nd the judiciary of the country." cried
the speaker. "They could not have de
tided otherwise without violating their
official oaths and pleading guilty to a
degree of cowardice and pusillanimity
that would have justly earned for them
the enduring contempt of the bench and
bar of the Nation. I do not contend
that the record disclosed the innocence
of Schmitz. I do contend, however,
that lie was entitled to a fair and im
partial trial and that the record dis
closed not only that he had been de
nied such, but that the character of
the trial in the lower court, in its utter
disregard of the most simple and ele
mentary principles of justice and
decency, was rarely if ever surpassed
by Jeffrey In his most vigorous and
vicious examples of Judicial tyranny
and depravity.
The ex-Senator then called attention to
the newspaper condemnation of the de
cision of the Appelate Court which re
sulted in Mayor dchmltz being lib
erated pending a new trial. He pointed
out that a great outcry had been made
by the press against releasing that
arch-conspirator upon a technicality,
and he urged that, while courts are
often wrong in their decisions, the
newspapers should defer criticism of
their decisions until careful study of
the facts and the law had been made.
He deprecated criticism of the courts
for following precedent, and contend
ed that the law must be uniformly ap
plied. "Of the trial Judge in the Schmlts
rase I hesitate to speak." concluded the
Senator, "lest I express myself in lan
guage too severe. Macauley. speaking
of Bertrand Barere, said: 'In almost
every particular sort of wickedness he
had rivals: there may have been men
as cowardly, some as cruel, few as
mean. There may have been as great
liars, although we have not met them,
but when we put everything together
vt have a character to which no paral
lel can be found." "
Mr. Fulton also commented upon
the action of influential Oregon news
papers in denouncing the higher state
courts for their action in the Hembree
case, convicted for murder of his wife
and daughter. He asserted that the
higher court did not avail Itself of a
technicality, but was governed by the
plain letter of the law.
Case Against Hatchins to Fall.
In point of interest the next feature
of the meeting was the report of the
grievance committee presented by
Thomas G. Greene. James Call was
prosecutor for the committee. It is
probable that the case against J. Hat
Hatchins will be dismissed. The com
mittee stated that it had gone as far
as possible with the investigation, and
was waiting for the return of a wit
ness, but volunteered the statement
that the veracity of the absent witness
was such that it would not warrant a
recommendation of disbarment.
II. C King will not be disbarred, a
stipulation having been filed with the
referee of the Supreme Court recom
mending a dismissal of the case.
Charles E. Norton, an attorney of
Baker City, anticipated the probable
Action of the committee by resigning
membership in the bar of this state. He
waa charged with having forged a
notary's seal to a document filed before
the Supreme Court.
Death stopped the committee In Its in
vestigations of the charges against Peter
West, of Pendleton, who died soon after
the charges were tiled.
No action will be taken now against
Max G. Cohen. The grievance commit
tee acknowledged that charges were In
its bands, and recommended that the
case go over to the new committee to be
appointed at this meeting. Cohen is
charged with extortion and unlawful
practice. It is alleged that the attorney
retained as fees the entire amount of
money received by him in compro
mise. Judgment was obtained against
him last week in the Circuit Court.
A recommendation was made that local
courts take up the subject of punishing
two unnamed attorneys, who are al
leged to have been practicing law after
being, disbarred by the state. One of the
men is ascertained to be H. H. Turner,
of Salem, who is said to have returned
from California, where be went after his
disbarment two years ago.
New Members Admitted.
New members of the bar association
were admitted as follows: Herbert Marx,
K TV. Humphreys. J. E. Sibley, J. A.
Heckwith. Walter I Tooae. Jr.. Ed F.
road. Charles I. McNary. F. H. 'Whit-
field. John H. McNary. Ralph A. Coan,
Hobort Tucker. Clarence Butt. Albert E.
Gebhart. W. A. Johnson. A. B. Winflce.
A. A. Anderson, D. Soils Cohen and
Colon Kberfield.
The regular committee upon legal edu
cation submitted the Information that of
the 61 applications for admission to the
Oregon bar during the past year it had
found only two disqualified either in
learning or reputation. Both of them
came from other states.
Walter P. I-aRoche. formerly of the
Georgia bar, discussed tho provisions of
the present constitution of Oregon, de
voting particular attention to the action
of the staff in Increasing the number or
Supreme Court Judges from three'to five,
which ho upheld. The legality of that
' action has produced counter opinions
from some of the able lawyers of the
state, to which the speaker said he gave
due deference. While admitting that the
use of the initiative and referendum
has thus far proved unobjectionable in
this state, Mr. LaRoche believed that the
power to change the constitution in Just
four months of agitation or discussion
was startling.
Chinese JLaw Discussed.
"Extra-Territorial Lawyers in China."
was the theme of Joseph W. Rice, now
i.iiu in Portland but for several years
a practitioner before the courts of
President Wirt Minor is presiding at
the meeting with Jerry Bronaugh at the
secretary'' table. Treasurer Schnabel
announced that he had J325 in the treas
ury. the nromincnt lawyers of the
state who are In attendance are Judge
King of the Supreme Court. Judge Jiakin
of Astoria. Judge Sam White of Baker
City. Judge Henry Bean of ' Pendleton,
Senator J. N. Hart of Baker City, C. A.
Hardy of Eugene. Oscar Hayter of
Dallas. A. C. Woodcock of Eugene,
SPONDENCE. Alex Millar, Secretary of the Union
NEW YORK, Nov. 13. (Special.)
Alex Millar, who Is secretary of the
Union Pacific Railroad, sari that the
correspondence which occurred be
tween President Roosevelt and the
late R. H. Harriman would create a
sensation. The correspondence made
public did create a sensation and the
public will probably not be satisfied
till the whole of it sees the llht.
Judge I- C." Harris of Eugene, B. A.
Huntington of The Dalles and Judge J.
C. Moreland. Clerk of the Supreme Court.
Letters of regret were read from Sen
ator Borah of Idaho and Judge W. R.
Harvey of the California Supreme Court.
The association will resume its deliber
ations at 10 o'clock this morning.
Celebrated Soldier and Statesman of
South American Country Had
Own Law Code.
General Miguel Iglesias, 87 years old.
Peruvian soldier, statesman and feudal
Governor of a vast estate. Is dead at
Lima. Peru. General Iglesias was a
member of a very old Peruvian family,
and was born August 12, 1822, at Ca
jamarca, the ancient site of Atahualpa,
where the last of the Incas was
strangled by Plxarro.
Previous to the war with Chile ne oc
cupied the position of Secretary of the
Treasury and Secretary of War. When
the war broke out General Iglesias took
an active part in the field. His stub
born defense of Lima In ISM was es
pecially notable, but he was rorcea in
the end to surrender. He was held
prisoner by the Chilians, but made good
his escape and set about trying to se
cure peace at any price.
He was supported in thie effort by
the better class of Peruvians, and In
1883 he succeeded In getting a treaty
of peace signed. In l&M the Constitu
ent Assembly ratified tne treaty ana
elected Iglesias provisional president.
General Andres Caceres, at the head of
the war party, refused to recognize
Iglesias and civil war followed, result
ing in the fall of Lima and the deposi
tion of General Iglesias, who went to
Europe for two years.
When he returned to Peru General
Iglesias made his home at Udina, an
estate which had been in his family
since 1574. Here he reigned like a
feudal lord over a domin of 2400 square
miles. Twenty thousand cattle grazed
on the mountains which were included
in this vast territory, and the scanty
population of about 4000 people knew
no other local government than the
personal one of General Iglesias. He
made laws and enforced them, and pro
vided for the free education of his peo
ple and for their moral welfare In al
most the manner of a father.
His public schools were largely sup
ported by the use of fines collected for
misdemeanors. Drunkenness on any
day except Easter Sunday was punish
able by a fine equivalent to fire dol
lars, and two dollars was the price paid
by the man convicted of beating his
wife. General Iglesias' domain was
noted for the high standard of morality
of its people.
For many years after he retired to
I'dlna General Iglesias was a member
of the Peruvian Congress, but seldom
went to Lima, where the Congress met.
He served through an alternate, which
Is allowable under the constitution of
Peru, and gave his Incessant personal
attention to the government of his own
people. The people of Ldlna were con
tented under his rule, and there is no
record of a single instance of rebellion
against his power.
Railroad Pays 2 7 Per Cent.
OLTMPIA. Wash., Nov. -16. Dividends
aggregating nearly 27 per cent on the en
tire capital of 1.000.OtX) were paid by the
Columbia & Puget Sound Railroad Com
any the year ending June 30. 1909. ac
cording to the annual report of that com
pany, just filed with the State Railway
Commission. The company invested dur
ing the year more than Jl. 500.000 In real
estate docks and wharves In King Coun
ty, yet after paying the dividend reports
cash on hand of $343,164 and about $95,000
In other cash assets, but owes $1,632,516
on Its purchases.
The company's entire stock is owned
by the Pacific Coast Company. The total
cost of the road to June 30. 1900, is given
as $1,990,999. or at the rate of I63.S35 a
for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold ia One Car. 25c.
I : y
I ' : if $ '
V: -'
Steamer G. K. Wentworth Had
All 'Signals Burning.
Local Inspectors Take Testimony In
Connection W ith Deatlqfi of John
Robinson Ignorance of Signal
Lights Is Probable Cause.
Jgnorance of the light signals carried
by tow boats is without doubt the cause
of the death of John Robinson, an oiler
on the Port of Portland dredge Columbia,
who was drowned on the night of Novem
ber 6. near Rainier, by being svept over
board from a small boat by the tow line
of the steamer G. K. Wentworth. In-
Due to Antra.
Name. From. Date.
Breakwater Coos Bay.... In port
Sue H. Elmore. TIllamooK. ...In port
Rose City San Francisco In port
Alliance Coos Bay Nov. IS
Arso Tillamook. ...Nov. 20
Falcon San Francisco Nov. -'1
Geo. W. F.lder. .San Pedro. .. Nov. Jl
KaniM City. .. San Francisco Nov. -2
Roanoke San Pedro... Nov. -
Henrlk Ibeen. . Jionirkonr. .. Jan-
Bella Hongkong. ...Inoen t
Scbednled to Depart.
Name. For. Date.
8ue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...Nov. 17
Breakwater Coos Bay.... Nov. 17
Kon City San Francisco Now. IB
Alliance Coos Bay Nov. 20
Falcon Sen Francisco Nov. Jl
Geo. W. Blder. .San Pedro. .. Nov. 23
Argo Tillamook Nov. 24
Kansas City . . . San Francisco Nov. 2fi
Roanoke .San Pedro Nov. St
Henrik Ibsen. . .Hongkong. .. Jan. 13
SeUa Hongkong. . . .
Entered Tuesday.
Rose City; Am. steamship (Mason),
with general cargo, from San Fran
cisco. W. a Porter. Am. steamship (Mac
donald). with fuel oil. from San.
Nome City, Am. steamship (Han
son), with general cargo, from San
Roanoke. Am. steamship .Dunham),
with' general cargo, from San Pedro
and way.
Cape Flnlsterre. Br. steamship (Mc
donald), with ballast, from Comm.
Cleared Tuesday.
W. 8. Porter, Am. steamship. ( Mao
ri on a M ). with ballast, for Monterey.
Roanoke. Am. steamship, (Dun
ham), with general cargo, for San
Pedro and way porta.
spectors Edwards and Fuller held an In
vestigation yesterday with a view to fix
ing the responsibility, and the testimony
went to show that all lights required by
law were properly set.
Captain Frank Wagner, master of the
Wentworth, James Burkholder, an em
ploye of the dregde and the companion
of Robinson on the night of the accident,
the chief engineer and watchman of the
Wentworth, were called upon to testify
before the Inspectors. The testimony of
the steamboat officials showed that the
tug carried all lights required by law;
that the three lights at the masthead
denoted that a log raft was in tow and
extended well astern of the Bteamer. It
was shown by the evidence of Burkholder
that he was not acquainted with the lights
and signals.
Robinson, a brother-in-law of John Dris
coll, a member of the Port of Portland
Commission, was drowned on the night
of November 6 while attempting to cross
between the stern of the steamer G. K.
Wentworth and a log raft In tow. The
tow line carried Robinson overboard and
he drowned. His companion, Burkholder,
succeeded in climbing onto the raft and
was saved.
Visitors to Seaside Resorts Will See
Exceptional High Water.
Thursday, November 25 (Thanksgiving)
will be the date on which exceptional
high tides will be witnessed at the beach
resorts of Oregon and Washington. On
Thanksgiving morning the tide will be up
to 9-4 feet, acd on Friday morning will
run up .4 of a foot higher.- The tide will
be at a flood stage on Thursday at 10:55
A. M. at Astoria. The top of high water
will be manifest at Seaside 29 minutes
ahead of this schedule.
With a Btrong westerly wind blowing
and the exceptionally high tides scheduled
for the holiday time the Seaside resorts
will offer exceptional attractions for peo
ple who desire to behold the ocean in ail
the grandeur of high tide, wind and
wave. Coming at the favorable hours of
the forenoon, Portland people and tour
ists will without doubt take advantage
of conditions. The Pacific in action is a
sight not to be forgotten if viewed from
Tk. 4a -nr nroir n Olll-a flat-orrll
OO' S3
do away with tha cause. The symptoms may be benefited by the use of
washes, inhalations, sprays, medicated tobaccos, etc., and through the use
of such treatment catarrh sufferers receive temporary relief and comfort.
External and local measures however cannot have any effect on the blood,
and therefore their use alone is of no real curative value. Catarrh is a
deep-seated blood disease, and comes as the result of catarrhal matter ana
other impurities in the circulation. These morbid matters in the blood
cause an inflammatory and irritated condition of the mucous membrane or
tissue lining of the cavities of the body, producing an unhealthy secretion,
ringing noises in the ears, stuffy feeling in the head and nose, headaches,
hoarseness, bronchial affections, watery eyes, etc. S. S. S. is the best treat
ment for Catarrh because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers. This
medicine removes every particle of the catarrhal impurity from the circula
tion, making this vital fluid pure, fresh and healthy. Then the inflamed
membranes begin to heal, because they are nourished with pure, heaith
giving blood, every symptom disappears, and soon S. S. S. produces a perfect
cure. 8. 3. S. does not contain any habit-forming drugs, which really never
can cure Catarrh, but often ruin the health. Book on Catarrh and any
medical advice free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA.
If Yon Suffer from Bladder, Kidney, Liver cr Stomach Trouble
Esch capsule contains five drop of fenulne Haarlem oil the best known and most effective
medicine In the world for Blsdder Trouble, and all ailments resultioi from this source.
In even one daya time yon will feel a marked Improvement.
Don't put off getting box, but do It NOW. The sooner you begin taking the capsule
the quicker vou will be relieved.
Any one ol the thousands of persons who have used Haarlem Oil will tell you what valuable
and reliable remedy It Is. Get box of tbe capsules to-day, and learn personally of their value.
RelidG?dUMked.nidH.lenm Oil Is put up in two forms. In CAPSULES and BOTTLES. CP?ules
25c. and 30c per box. Bottles 15c and 35c, at all druggists. Be sure you obtain the Gold Medal
Tilly brand. ,
any of the resorts visited by Portland
Motor Craft to Be Used by Coos
Bay Boys.
ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 16. (Special.) The
revenue cutter -Manning is now taking
on ISO tons of fuel coal and she is ex
pected to leave tomorrow for Coos Bay
to deliver a motor surf boat which she
has on board for the Coos Bay life sav
ing crew.
Sheriff Pomeroy received a warrant this
morning for the arrest of the steam
schooner Olson and Mahony on a libel
suit filed in the Federal Court at Port
land, but the vessel had gone to sea be
fore the document arrived.
The steam schooner Hornet, which ar
rived this morning from San Francisco,
brought 4000 kegs of powder, 60 cases of
caps, 82 cases of fuses and 30 cases of
batteries which are en route to the quar
ries at Martin's Bluff. The Hornet will
load lumber at Portland for a return
A reward of $25 has been offered here
for the recovery of the body of the late
John Robinson, the oiler on the Port of
Portland dredge Columbia, who was
drowned near Rainier November 6.
Rose City Encountered Light North
west Winds on Voyage.
Between San Francisco and Mendo
cino the steamship Rose City, arriving
from San. Francisco yesterday morning,
encountered fresh northwesterly winds
with fair weather. North of the cape
the wind moderated and on the voy
age up the coast of Oregon the finest
of conditions prevailed. The Rose City
arrived at the Ainsworth dock at mid
night Monday. She will sail for the
south Friday .afternoon.
"Johnnie" Jackson, chief engineer of
the Rose pity, has been succeeded on
this voyage by J. B. Morris, formerly
chief of the steamship Siberia. Mr.
Jackson will come out from Newport
News as chief of the new steamsmp
Beaver, now nearing completion. Mr.
Jackson will visit his old home' in
England before taking charge of the
Captain McDonald Goes East.
Clearing from Portland today for
Monterey and from that port to .Hono
lulu, the steamship W. S. Porter, of the
Associated Oil fleet will probably
make her last departure from this port
in command of Captain Macdonald. On
the return of the vessel from the
Islands Captain Macdonald will leave
for the East to bring out the new
steamship J. W. Chancellor, now under
construction for the Associated Oil
Company at Norfolk. The Chancellor
Is being built for service between
Portland and Port Harford.
Dalgonar to Load at Hull.
Balfour, Guthrie & Co., have char
tered the British ship Dalgonar, Cap
tain Ibister, to load at Hull and New-castle-on-Tyne
for San Pedro and from
that port in ballast for Portland. The
Dalgonar is now at Hull, having
reached the English port September 26
from Talcahuano. Loading at two
ports, she will not sail until near the
first of the year, and will be due off
the moutb of the Columbia In June..
Marine Notes.
Th Bieamshin Eureka is due from
Eureka tomorrow evening.
The steamship Breakwater is due to
S',11 for Coos Bay ports this evening.
The oil tank steamship Asuncion
sailed yesterday for San Francisco.
The steamship Nome City Is discharg
ing general cargo at the Couch-street
The steamship Argo sailed for Tilla
mook last evening with passengers and
The French bark Bougainville, from
Cardiff with general cargo, arrived up
at noon yesterday.
With passengers and freight for San
Pedro and way ports the steamship
Roanoke sailed last evening.
With passengers and freight for San
Francisco, the steamship Northland,
Captain Erickson, will sail this after
noon at 4 o'clock.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND. Nov. 16. Arrived Steam
ship Rose City, from San Francisco; steam
ship Nome City, from San Francisco; French
shin Bougainville, from Cardiff; steamship
Johan Poulsen, from San Francisco; steam
ship Catania, from San Francisco. Sailed
Steamship "Asuncion, for San Francisco:
steamship Argo, for Tillamook: steamship
W. S. Porter, for Monterey; steamship Roan
oke, for San Pedro.
Astoria. Or... Nov. 16. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 5 P. M., smooth: wind
east, 16 miles; wtather. cloudy. Arrived
and left up at midnight Steamers Johan
Poulsen and Nome City, from San Francisco.
Sailed at 8 A. M. Steamer Olson Mahony,
for Seattle. Arrived at 10 A. M. and left up
at 12:30 A. M. Steamer Hornet, from San
Francisco. Arrived at 11 A. M. and left up
at 12:30 P. M. Steamer Catania, from San
Francisco. Sailed at 1:30 P. M. Steamer
Geo. W. Fenwick. for San Francisco. Sailed
at 4:40 P. M- Steamer Asuncion, for San
Francisco. '
San Francisco. Nov. 16. Arrived at 9 A.
M. Steamer Argyll, from- Portland. Sailed
at 12 noon Steamer Carlos, for Portland.
Eureka. Nov. 16. Sailed yesterday
Steamer Eureka, for Portland.
San Francisco. Nov. 16. Arrived Steam
ship Carlos, from Columbia River; steamer
Coronado, from Grays Harbor; steamer Ray
mond, from Grays Harbor; steamer Coaater.
from Grays Harbor; steamer Bandon, from
Grays Harbor; steamer Rosecrans, from
Honolulu; steamer Almefla. from Honolulu;
steamer Hoquiam. from Wlllapa; steamer
Col. E. L. Drake, from Seattle; barge Three,
from Seattle. Sailed Steamer Admiral Do
pree. for Havre: motor schooner Neptune,
ITUTlt to DUTifV thO blood. &Ild thUS
Itching Humor Broke Out on Tiny
Mite's Cheeks Would Tear His
Face Till Blood Streamed Down
Unless Hands were Bandaged
Spent$50on Useless Treatments.
"When my little boy waa two and a
half months old he broke out on both
cheeks wita ec
zema. It was the
itchy, watery kind '
a n d w e had to
keep his little
hands wrapped up
all the time, and
if he would hap
pen to get them .
uncovered he
would claw his
face till the blood
streamed down on
his clothing. We
called in a physi
cian at once, but
he gave an ointment which was so
severe that my babe would scream wnen
it was put on. We changed doctors and
medicines until we had spent fifty dol
lars or mora and baby was getting
worse. I was so worn out watching
and caring for him night and day that
I almost felt sure the disease was in
curable. But finally reading of the
food results of the Cuticura Remedies,
determined to try them. I can truth
fully say I was more than surprised, for
I bought only a dollar and a half's worth
of the Cuticura Remedies (Cuticura
Soap, Ointment and Pills), and they did
more good than all my doctors' medi
cines I had tried, and in fact entirely
cured him. I will send vou a photo
graph taken when he was fifteen months
old and you can see his face is perfectly
clear of the least spot or scar of any
thing. If I ever have this trouble again,
I will never think of doctoring but will
send for the Cuticura Remedies at once.
As it is, I would never think of using
any other than Cutioura Soap for my
babe. You are at liberty to publish
this, it mar help some distressed mother
as I was bolped. Mrs. W. M. Comerer,
Burnt Cabins, Pa., Sept. 15, 1908."
Cuticura Soap (Sot.). Ointment (lOcX Resolvent
(50c). and CtewoUte Cuted Pins (25c.). ara Kid
throughout the world. tepa: Loedon. 17. Char
terhouse Sq.; Paris, t. Rue 4 la Palx: Australia.
R. Towns 4 Oo.. ftraney: Souta Africa. Lenaon.
Ltd.. Cape Town. Natal, etc.: Potter rim Cham.
Corp- Sole Props.. 137 Columbus atc Boston.
osr-Matled Free. Cuticura Book on Sain Plseaae.
for Marshall Island; steamer Hilonlan. for
Honolulu; steamer Queen. for Victoria;
steamer M. F. Plant, for Coos Bay.
Rio Janeiro. Nov. J. Sailed November
12 Steamer Admiral Fourlchon, from San
Francisco, etc., for Havre and Antwerp.
Gibraltar, Nov. 16. Sailed Steamer Ko
nlir Albert, for New York.
Yokohama. Nov. 16. Sailed November 14
Steamer Empress of China, for Vancouver,
B. C. .
Gibraltar. Nov. 16. Arrived November J6
Steamer Carmania, from New York, vta
Madeira, for Genoa, Naples, etc. (and pro
ceeded). Bremen. Nov. 16. Arrived November 16
steamer Kxonprinzessln Cecilia, from New
York, via Plymouth and Cherbours-
Tldee at Astoria Wednesday.
Hish. T..OW.
S:M A. M 6.T feet!0:12 A. M S.9 feet
8-SO p. M 8.8 feet10:O5 P. M...-0.2 foot
Traction Employes to Dance.
Under the auspices of the claim de
partment of the Portland Railway, Light
& Power Company, the- employes of the
street railway company and the Imme
diate members of their families. Includ
ing sweethearts, will be entertained at a
dance in Ringlers Hall on the East Side,
Thanksgiving night. Thursday, November
25. Admission to the dance will be re
stricted to those holding credentials cer
tifying to their employment by the trac
tion company. A committee of promi
nent street railway operatives has been
appointed as a committee which will have
charge of the details of the entertain
ment. FLASH
. Recommended by
Phyatcians and
ER is a new dirt
hustler that is meet
ing with unbounded
success and is being
demanded all over
the world In place of
FLASH is different from other simi-
lpr nrnnarationa in that it contains no
-acids or lye, as it is not a soap, but is
composed or glycerine ana oiner anti
septic healing oils in conjunction with
finely-ground Pumice and a small per
centage of chemically-pure soap stock,
very beneficial to the skin.
Everything in it is pure and healthful
and guaranteed not to injure the most
delicate hands. It is made to do what
aoap cannot do and has become THE
hand cleaner, for cleansing and preserv
ing the hands of all the people, la every
claaa, and at every place.
It la becoming; very popular with the
taonaewife, cleaning woodwork, sinks,
bath tubs, floors, paint, kitchen utenalls
and everything: about tbe house. In fact
It Is a household necessity.
Do not accept imitations. Insist on
Flash in red cans. All druggists, gro
cers and automobile supply houses.
Blng Choong
M e d 1 c i ne Co.,
1331,4 First St.,
Portland Or.
Gen tlemen I
take pleasure in
stating that
your treatments
for throat, liver
and lungs have
given a speedy
cure, and heart
ily recomm end
your treatments.
Women a Specially
The well known S. Chan
Chinese Medicine Company,
with wonderful herbs and
roots, has cured many suffer-
J " 4 ,V ers when all other
have failed. Sure c
"T'iiiii (ema chronic, priva
cure for
rm dla-
MD0 C If PUA Menses, nervousness, blood Doi-
nmu.u.n.uiinnBon rheumatism. asthma,
throat, luns trouble, consumption, stomach,
bladder, kidney and diseases of all kinds.
Remedies harmless. No operation. Honest
treatment. Examination for ladies by Mrs.
22"4 Morrison St., Bet. First and Second,
Portland, Orecon.
For Indigestion
Dyspepsia. Pour Stomach. Weak Stomach,
or in fact ANY Stomach Trouble caused by
Indigestion. Get a bottle today and try it,
Kodol is sruaranteed to relieve you and If it fails
your money will at once be refunded by tbe
dealer from whom you purchased it. Every tab
Icspoonf ul of Kodol digests 2 !4 pounds of food,
Different doctors have different ideas in
regard to cures. Some call a suppression of
symptoms a cure. They dose for drug ef-.
fects and claim that nothing more csn be
done. But the real ailment remains, and will
bring the real symptoms back again, per
haps the same as before, but very likely
leave the patient In a much worse condition.
I claim that nothing less than complete eradi
cation of the ailment can be a real cure. I
treat to remove the ailment, and not merely
the symptoms. I search out every root and
fiber of an ailment, and I cure to stay cured.
Pay When Cured
Varicose Veins
Absolutely painless treatment that cures
completely in one week. Investigate my
method. It is the only thoroughly scientific
treatment for this disease being employed.
Mv treatment is absolutely painless, and
perfect results can be depended upon in every
instance. I do no cutting or dilating what
ever. Specific Blood Poison
No dangerous minerals to drive the virus
to the Interior, but harmless blood-cleansing
remedies that remove .the last poisonous
Contracted Ailments
Be sure vour cure Is thorough. . Not one
of my patients has ever had a relapse after
being discharged ss cured, and I cure in less
time than the ordinary forms of treatment
that M mne,5if SIfffi etaJnat,
without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get
expert opinion about his trouble.
If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open
all day from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., and Sundays from 10 to 1.
23412 Morrison Street, Corner Second, Portland, Or.
MEN Cured Cheaply Secretly
My treatment is based on. mod
ern facts not theory or specula
tion. The main spoke in my
achievements has been vigorous ef
forts and honest aim, and I want
to talk with every man who from
any cause is not up to the stand
ard of health and vitality, because,
if any sick man will put his own
shoulder to the wheel, he will prof
it gTeatly by my experience and
ability, combined with his own ef
cured in a few weeks; improve
ment from the start. If you suffer
from loss of energy and ambition,
feel tired when you arise in the
morning, lame back, dizziness,
spots before the eyes, and feel you are not the man you once were,
I will cure you for life.
There is no risk, for I do not treat incurable cases under any
consideration. I do not experiment nor use injurious drugs to ruin
your system.
Call or write today.
Varicose Veins 5 days Nervous Decline 30 days
Constriction . . . 30 days Blood Disorders 90 days
To obtain these quick results you must come to the office, as it
cannot be done by mail. Do not forget this fact. I always do as I
advertise to do.
I will give the poorest man a chance, as well as the rich, to re
ceive a cure from me at small cost. There is no man too poor to get
my best opinion free.
Write for advice today, if ' you cannot call; sent free in plain,
sealed letter.
Send me particulars of your case at once, if you cannot call. Medi
cines from $1.50 to $6.50 a course.
Sunday hours, 10 A. M. to 12 M. Daily hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. 230 YamhOl Street
Separate Parlors. Everything Secret. No Names Used.
This creat China
doctor Is wsll known
Ihroacfcaut ths
Northwest bacaoa
ef Ills vrondsrful
snd marrloixs cura
and l todar hsr
aldsd nr all nls
natlents as th.
greatest of Mi kind. Hs traats anr
and all diseases with powerful Chinese
rttota. Serbs and barks that are entirely
unknown to the medical science of tbls
country. With these harmless r.medles
be cuaranters to cure catarrh, asthma.
Ions; troubles, rheumatism, nervoosaees,
stemacb. liver and kldner troubles, alsa
private diseases of men end wocneak
Patients eutslde of cltv write tor
Blames acd clrculara Inclose 4e stama.
The C Gee Wo Medicine Co.
First St.. Near Morrison,
Portland. Or.
Gives Prompt ud Effectual Relief
without Inconvenience, in th
No other eminent required.
ladles l Aiiywririffiiiior ,
1 hi ho-ten's DlisiMv Brand
IMila In Be. aixl 4i14 .vuUUc
boxes, sealed with Blua Ribbon.
Tak b thnr. But mt tohp
1 Ask forCinHEft.TCB8
cars known as Beat. Safest, AJwan Rellabl
The Leading Specialist.
Free Museum
A f 10,000 EDUCA
I See All My Patient THE DOCTOR
Peraonully. THAT CURES.
I aire no autistltntcs and have no meal.
cat company.
.FEE FOR A CURE Is lower than any
specialists in tbe city, half that other!
charge you and no exorbitant price tor
I am an expert specialist, have had
30 years' practice in the treatment of
diseases of men. My offices are the best
equipped in Portland. My methods are
modern and up-to-date. My cures are
quick and positive. I do not treat symp
toms and patch up. I thoroughly examine
each case, find the cause, remove it and
thus cure the disease.
1 CIKB Varicose Vein, Contracted
Ailments, I'ilra aud Specific Blood I'ol
seo and All AilmeutM of Men.
CL'HK UK NO PAY I am tbe only
specialist in Portland who uiukea iu
chame unless the patient Is entirely
satisfied vtith tbe results accomplished,
and vtho a;ives a written Guarantee to
refund every dollar paid for services
If a complete and permanent cure Is
DNt effected.
TVTT" TNJ Visit Dr. Lindsay's private
1V1H11 Museum of Anatomy and
know thyself, in healt h and disease. Ad
mission free. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.: Sun
days 10 A. M. to 1 P. AL
IZSVs Second St., Cor. ot Alder,
Portland. Oregon.