a i i Koum for Iiml, Furniture for Sale. O-ROOM FLAT. JEFFERSON ST. 9-room flat, rent $.;2.50. with $'' worth of rooms rented; furniture ts nearly new and a bargain at $.".75. $293 cash. 20 per month: line location; few minutes' walk from town. GRCSfl & 7.ADOW, 31T Board of Trade BMK-. 4th and Oalt. T-ROOM F1AT. STEAM HEAT. Swell 7-room flat on Washington St.. rent $4t. with $0 worth of rooms rented, furniture ! rich tfnd new and for sale at a bargain; only J.Viu. GRCSSI & 7.ADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bidg.. 4th and Oak. K AST YAMIIILI, 6T.. HOUSE. Strictly modern 7-room house, with garage. $40. with lease. ard 9iixl0. fine, up-to-date furniture, nearly new, for sale, ' $723 ORUSSI ZADOW. .117 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FURNITURE r.-room cottage. 74 E. 7lh St. N.. mrner K. Everett si. 150 If sold - this week. Call at cottage or phone B 2:;oii. BARGAIN Fine furniture. 7-room. strictly modern fiat. central. light, desirable, phone Main .lilt. 22S',- loth st. FURNITURE of a 5-room lower flat for sale at a sacrifice; all net'; cost 330. Apply 226 Occident st. FOR SALE Am leaving the city and must sell my beautifully furnished 3-room apartment, very cheap. V 53N, Oregonian. $-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale cheap; (rood location for roomers and boarders; rent $25. 257 Chapman St. RAKE business chance, modern house of lo rooms, elegant furniture, at sacrifice. Owner must leave for East. 455 t;th at. FIVE ROOMS, modern, good as new; clean and comfortable. 27 East 3oth at. FIVE-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale; nearly new. 20SVs chapman si. SIX-ROOM lower flat for rent, furniture for sale, nearly new; terms. 3o 1-th st. FOR RENT. Store ro'.m 2T.x70 feet at r.2S Flanders st excellent location, reasonable rent. In quire of Dooly & Co., 1117 Board of Trade bid g. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store building. loOxlGS. S. E- cor. Front and Pine sla Apply C- A. Dolph. Mohawk bldg. STORE. 120. suitable tailoring, cleaning, pressing. dressmaking. Inquire 3-i i Washington, room 417. NEW brick stores; good location grocery, market, millinery, kaisominer, etc. Mam 7147. I. A RUE store room with naturally lighted shop in basement. 551 Morrison st. OFFICES. $13.50 and up. Desk room; furnished offices. Suile for dentist and physician. All-night elevator service. Best location. 303 Swetland bldg. FOR RENT 2 ofTlce rooms at 2224 Morri son St.; rent very reasonable, G. H. Dani meier. .121 Board of Irade bidg. DFSK space or private ofTice. both phones, stenographic service. Room 3, ground floor, commercial Club. GROUND FLOOR real estate office tlx. furnished. Inquire lCi Washington, room 417. FOR RENT A few ofTlces In Couch bldg. Apply Room 501. DESK room cheap; both phones. 426 Lumber Exchange bldg. Halls. EILERS RECITAL HALL for hlgh-claas re citals, lectures. meetings; splendidly lighted, ventilated, healed. free from street noises; seating 3O0; equipped with pipe organ, grand pianos and automatic musical devices. For rates apply Adv. Pept., 2d floor. Eilen Piano House. 353 Washington st. MERRILL'S Dreamland Dancing Academy. looxlOO. polish maple surface, laid octagon, finely Illuminated for balls, parties, meet ings, lodges etc. Merrill. 7th and Oak. HALL hard maple floor for dancing, canvas for lodges. Phone East 2367. BALLROOM, good location. In good condi tion, reasonable. B. F Jones, 800 Front, Miscellaneous. f.ftxSn-FOOT loft, seicond floor, 63 3th St.. $lun per month. Phone Main 1434. GARAGE for large machine, vicinity 23th and Johnson. Wakeflelil-Frles & Co.. 85 4th. TO LEASE. FOR LEASE Hall. 20x50. suitable for lodge or association purposes; beat, light and Janitor service furnished. Inquire 711 Cor betr bldg. - I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE CHEAP Confectionery, cigar home bakery and groceries; everything biand new; good location; living rooms. 2I9 Russell. J. G. Casey. PARTNER, third Interest reel estate office; , gid a.Mlti-'n; ready sale; . good opening i.r ciean-cut man with some cash; refer ence? required. 617 Hoard Trade. WE can locate you In paying business. Be fore buvtng be sure and see us. Kinney & Stampher. sni-332 Lumber Exchange Dldg Phone A 4SS1. A PARTNER with not less than $1500 cash wanted in ItqiK-r husin-sp; this is hon.i fM i' will tani investigation. Adlrei-s owner. 5-18. Oregonian. PARTNER in prospecting trip. Slnaloa, Mex ico, with several hundred dollars, as I have: references; state particulars. Address for Interview, T 5:C. Oregonian. Di von want to sell your business or rooming-house? Do you want to buy a business? See us. 427 Henry Building. FEW hundred shares Almeda Conso'idated stock on account of sickness. Call quick. Washington Oregon Realty Co., 3nK Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Main 2404. MAX with email capital and services In es tablished, paying business. T 538, Ore gonian. FOR SALK Established automobile garage and repair shop, fine location, AB 539, Oregonian. $250 CASH, with services, big money, sober steady man. for clean, eaey work. Apply 14c. H First et.. room in. FOR BALE Half Interest In, 'well-established transfer business. Inquire room 508 ' Fenton bldg. BUTTER, egga and poultry stand, doing 4A per day. long lease, low rent. 272 Stark st. MEAT irarket for sale; rent $18 per month; doing $-0 business a week; good lease; price $600. Inquire 24.1', Stark at. CLEAN stock general merchandise. In good town. See owner at room 61.'., Imperial Hotel, until Friday. FOR SALE Bakery, good country town. Address Bakery. Woodland. Wash. 8-CHAtR barber shop, good location and fine business. 272 Stark st. CIOAR and confectionery store, with living rooms and storeroon AL 529. Oregonian. MININO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 225 Abington. FOR SALE Four-chair barber shop, com plete; easy terras. The Ames Mercantile Agency, 416 Abington bldg. 40 ROOMS, on 3d street. $2300; going East; half cash. W 537. Oregonian. 16 ROOMS, good-paying house, $5i0 cash. AC 539. Oregonian. ROOMING house, small amount of cash, balance easy terms. 272 Stark St. $2 FOR 1000 business cards; 100. 50c Rose City Prlntery. 192 3d St.. near Taylor. BARBER SHOP for sale; best location In city, neas Washington at. Main Sil23. 10-ROOM Salmon street, good furniture; must sell: $."iiM cash. AB ,"",5, Oregonian. 5AI.OrV for sale rh"ar in good part of city. Inquire 244 Stark St. POOLROOM, good lease, good business, for sslc. 52INMI. Phone Main 862.1. GROCERY worth $00 will be sacrificed for filWun. 'J72 Stark st FOR. SALE Printing office; 2 presses; bar gain. Address S 335. Oregonian. CH1AR STAND. 10? 4th st . will consider a lot. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD.. StiS Washington St.. Room 612. IF LOOKING FOR BUSINESS READ THESE Manufacturing business, active partner wauled to enlarge, articles of household u.-e. little money needed. General merchandise store, located near Portland. $2500. or will invoice. Cigar and confectionery " stores. w e have them from O0 to 17oo. private hotel, the finest and newest m Por'land. clearing over .VlO per month. f-i.',iHi will purchase, exceptional lease. Ac tive partner with tln.OUO can secure half Interest in thoroughly established business, which will return principal In less tna na year. Nothing better in Port- Billlnrd anil poolroom, everything new, attractive offer to managing partner. Wood and coal business, partner wanted, salnrv paid as well as profits. Partner wanted in analytical chemical business. proposition of merit, little money. We solicit propositions of merit. HOOD RIVER. HOOD RIVET.. HOOD RIVER. HOOD ItlVER. HOOD RIVER, "i-, acres, tine red shot soil: 3 -i miles southwest of Hood River, on main county road; about t acres under cultivation, most of which Is planted to commercial varieties of young apple trees balance ot place easily cleared: plenty of free Ta'r from creek and springs on place: im proved with house ar.d barn; will accept good-paying rooming-house In Poft'-I""1 north J4IMPO. as part payment; price x4Jw. DEVLIN fc F1KEBAUGH. 510-511-S12 Swetland Bldg. GOOD PROPOSITION. 110 rooms. ROOMING and APART MENTS; well tocaled; always filled wttn good class of roomers: RENT LESS THAN 54 a ROOM ; lease 4 YEARS; never clears less than 30 a month; $3,100 cash handles It; or will take real estate 13000; JJUOO caVh. balance easy. O. C. R. ELLIS Co., r.2!Vi Washington- St. Rooms 201-202. ONLY a man who is willing to give reference- which will bejr cloe investigation eni who require the tame himself need look up this proposition of a half Interest in an old-established real estate firm In tn city, there to no guarantee of a certain Income, but there la plenty of business and It laKejs some money to buy the H Interest, although both the old partner and the prcpectlve ..ne must be euited to each other or no deal will be made. OREGON LAND COMPANY. 24 Stark St. A MONEY-MAKER. 24 rooms. In heart of business section, verv nicely furnished In golden oak furni ture; Brussels carpets, gas and electric lights: clears 10O monthly: rent. Includ ing steam heat, only 15l. with lease; price only $J'M; must be seen to be ap preciated: 1i"H cash, balance on lime. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. MO-Rll-.". Swetland Bidg. FEED STORE AND BUILDING MATERIAL A tine business, handling feed, fuel and all kinds of building material. Is clearing 3it per month above ail expenses; owner must sell and has good reasons for doing so. Let us tell you about it. It will pay you. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR A FEW DATS ONLY. 10 rooms, elegantly furnished with mis sion solid oak furniture, best of velvet and bodv Brussels carpeta; furnace heat, fine large bath, close In; clears 5f per month and owner uses 3 rooms: must be sold at once; a bargain at $10U0. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. olO-al l-ol2 Swetland Bldg. . FOR SALE A weekly newspaper In a grow ing town la Clark County. Washington; has a circulation of 500 and a fine list of advertisers; also a large Job business: is netting at present $150 to $200 per month; office is furnished complete; this la a fine opening for one wishing a good business WrKe at once to the Camas Realty Co., Camas. Wash. SACRIFICE. 8 rooms, nicely furnished with good oak furniture. Axmir.ster and Ingrain carpets. jut renovated: close-in on best street in citv: clears $4." per month and if taken today can be had for ."ioO. Don't overlook this; $2.V cash balance monthly. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 510-.111-M2 Swetland Bldg. PARTNER In well established business clearing over $201) per month and want a good live man to take an Interest; must have references or cash security, as I want a party to - take complete charge for a couple of months after he becomes acquainted with the city; $250 cash re quired. 2SR Washington St.. room 301. ROOMING-HOUSES BUSINESS CHANCES. If you want to buy or sell, no trouble to talk it over with you. Call or phone Main 74S9. 320 Lumbermens bldg., nth and Stark. GROCERY and confectionery, with 2 living-rooms, good corner location. Just the place for man and wife, goes for $050, mostly stock. F. A. BEARD CO., 32(5!j Washington St.. Room 215. FOR SALE Stock of drygoods, furnishing goods, shoes, notions and groceries, in good Valley town; brick building, low rent: good, clean stock and good, live business; will Invoice about $11,000; no agents. X 517. Oregonian. PARTNER. Partner wanted In a cash business; will make you $25 p;r week; trial given before you buy; experience not necessary; $20 required. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. LOCAL manufacturer has proposition to make party wishing Investment with serv ices; factory running full time and earn ing large profits on capital. Call or ad dress 1 B 1. Mlg. Co.. Cor. E. 9th and Alder. BARGAIN for doctor or medical atudent; $100 will buy a irew roll-top desk and sectional bookcase with medical books, surgical dress ing esse and instruments1, druga, office chair, etc. Addrese D 537, Oregonian. SPECIAI. $S00 with services will pay en ergetic man $175 month as partner in established business, giving bank ref erences. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. SAI.OON and restaurant. well located saloon, sales average $,"0 per day. rent $1.".. vrlth lease. Price for both $1000.' A money-maker. Particulars 2Sti1,s Wash ington at., room tilS. $25 MADE $650 la seven months; $170 made millionaire; complete eturv in our publi cation. "California Oil Fields." Sample copy free.- Sagar & Lou mis, San Fran cisco. FOR SALE Moving-picture show, city of 20.000 Inhabitants; one of best-equipped houses In state: doing splendid business; Investigate this before buying. X 63S, Oregonian. . $400.00. Business established 17 years; just a place for lady that llkea office work. Ht.il caah. 272 Stark at. PUBLIC market, corner location, fine flx . tures. handling butter, eggs, cheese and poultry. Price cut to $650. Toung Bros-, 512 Gerllnger bldg. NEW Independent American ftlme, the kind that get you the money; film service, $12 week, 6 reela. Independent Western Film Exchange. Swetland bldg.. Portland. Or. HERE Is a rare chance for a voune man with $200 cash, as I am alone and tired 1 ot hired neip; duties easily learned. Call at 225 Fifth St.. room 3. DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We are Independent, do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchlld.bldg., Portland. Or. FOR SALE General merchandise stock. T lots and buildings In a rich agricultural district, four miles from railroad station. Address Box 05, Sublimity, Or. HALF Interest In a fruit and vegetable stand: owner has other business. 272 Stark st. BARBER wants to buy a small ehop city or country: describe In full. HOy East Main St., Portland. CIGAR STAND; price $4O0; sub rents part, so that rent is nominal: this Is located In busy center. Inquire 248 Stark st. CLEANING AND DYEING Partner, $250. Guarantee $23 a week. Hall & Bloch, 206 14 Stark at. GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Reliable man or woman with $4000. Ad dress W 536, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for cash store selling groceries, etc. Pay active man $125 month. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. SUBURBAN grocery, established trade, in voice about $1300; investigation Invited. D 324. Oreronian. , FOR SALE At a bargain, postcard and novelty ktore, $150 takes It. 00H N. 6th. CIGAR BUSINESS Cloee in. big bargain. Call 417 Hoard of Trade Mdg. GROCERY STORE Invoice about $1000. Hall & Bloch, 2r.s Stark St. THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, f : . : VANCIAL. f rEBSONAL. f GRAXD CESTRAI. STATION. -,,..s I nrsivm OPPORTUNITIES. ROOMING-HOUSES. 1 UNAMIAL, . - EUROPEAN HOTEL BARGAIN f4 ROOMS, fine BUSINESS LOCATION; NEW BRICK; steam heat, running hot and cold water In every room; A L.L LARGE OUTSIDE ROOMS; ground floor office: cost $10.1100 to furnish; rent A SNAP, long lease. Price. $82o0. This house clears over $500 a month above all expenses. Owner can show you. O. C. R. ELLIS 4 CO.. 3264 Washington St. Rooms 201-202 RESTAURANT, DOWNTOWN. Nice, clean, up-to-dale restaurant, on 6th St.. close to Washington, clearing $4U0 per month, cheap rent with lease; owner leaving the city and must sell quick. Price $1000; location alone worth the money. GHVSSI & ZADOW, R17 Board ot Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. A GOOD rooms, arranged In housekeeping suites newly and elegantly furnished rent onlv $3) and you can clear $40 monthly: a close-in residence and a fine Httle home; a small caBh payment will take it; a snap at $750. it.. e triHN'Dltr.H 510-511-512 Swetland Bidg. MERCHANTS or Investors looking for legiti mate openings for business In this terri tory can obtain valuable Information by ' calling on this agency. Good opportunltlea 't, mercantile or manufacturing llnea THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 416 Abington Bldg. 18-ROOM SNAP. 1 rooms, nicely furnished, golden oak furniture, good location, near high school; rooms always full and doing a good busi ness; owner leaving town and will sell at a bargain; rent $30 per month; clearing over $60 per month: price $S50. part cash. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 610-511-512 Swetland Bldg. SPECIAL Owner of light manufacturing wants partner. $350 required. He .-will teach the work and guarantee at least $100 month to energetic man. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. CIGAR STAND Good corner, downtown, low rent, long lease, worth $1150. "Will sell at $.-.00 If taken this week. This is a genuine .bargain. Hall Bloch, 206 4 Stark st. WE have a half Interest for sale In a well established real estate ofnee, requiring little monev. This Interest should easily net over $200 per month. Particulate 2S'4 Washington St.. room 612. FOR SALE Good new hotel, partly fur-c nished. doing a good business, located on the Deschutes River. A snap If taken at once. Beat the railroad to It Address C. V. Carmlchael, Roseland, Or. FOR SALE Whole or H Interest In estab lished fuel business: best location In city, with spur In yard and complete equipment; doing a good business. Call 401 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 202. B 2020. L. N. ROSENBAUM. lawyer, financial agent, promoter and developer of corporations, enterprises and syndicates. Bond Issues $100,000 upwards negotiated. 311 Fern block. Seattle, Wash. PARTNER wanted for wholesale and retail manufacturing business. I have $500 worth of machinery and fixtures; line opening: $250 cash required. Young man preferred. AE 539. Oregonian. WANTED Reliable man used to farm produce. Will guarantee good salary, also share profits. Small Investment required. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Man to Invest $200; can earn profit $8 to $10 day; sure thing, no fake. Call room 62, Mertarper. 13th Washington sts., IO to 11 A. M.. 3 to 4 P. M. 240 ACRES fruit land, suitable for platting; if Interested In joining syndicate, address O 535, Oregonian. FOR SALE Fine established movlng-plcture theater In Portland. Call 526i4 Washington. FEED STORE Good trade, no bonus asked. FOR SALE) Confectionery store. Phone Main C64. WELL-EQUIPPED laundry, good business. $4200.00. terms. J 037, Oregonian. POOLROOM "4 interest, Bloch, 2tt, Stark st. $750. Hall & S-CHAIR barber shop for eale; good money for right man. Call at 622 Washington. 3-CHAIR barber shop In city, fine location, easy term 185 Holladay ave. $100,000 wanted In manufacturing concern; water front. AK 619. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. AN ELEGANT HOUSE, A SNAP TOO. 42 rooms, new MODETTN BRICK build ing, located In the best part of the city, VERY NICELY FURNISHED; 3 years' LEA3H and RENT ONLY $260 per month, INCLUDING HEAT: HALL LIGHTS; WATER AND JANITOR SERVICES; you never eaw Its equal before. This la a MONEY-MAKER: BEST BUY IN THE CITY at the price. $6000. TERMS. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 316 Abington Bldg. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY WAY. 44-room ROOMING-HOUSE. NEW BRICK, fine location and la DOING THE BUSI NESS; steam heat, running hot and" cold water In rooms, furniture NEW and ELE GANT' rent only $5 a room; LEASE i YEARS; clearing over $250 a month above expenses If you want SOMETHING GOOD, SEE THIS AT ONCE. Price $3500. O. C. R. ELLIS & Co., 326 "i Washington St. Rooms 201-202. LOOK ! LOOK! DON'T MISS THIS. 19 rooms, very well furnished, right down town on Washington street, hem location In the city, big nioney-maJter; CHEAP RENT AND A GOOD LEASE. If you want some thing good see this. Price only $2500, with good TERMS. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 815-316-317 Abington bldg. A PARTMEKT-HOf PE. OXB OF THE FINEST. 123 rooms, fine modern brick, excellent location. ELEVATOR, private baths. 2. 3 arid 4-room apartments. beautifully fur nished; steam heated. This l a big money mnker. and ehould be seen to be appreciated. Call for price and terms: 10 years lease. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 815-316-317 Abington bldg. WE) TAKE IT FOR GRANTED THAT YOU HAVB CHASED ALL AROUND TOWN I.OOKING FOR A DESIRABLE ROOMINO-HOUSB. IF SO CALL AT OUR'OFFICE, LET U8 SHOW YOU THE) MANY WE HAVE. AND -WITH US ESD THE CHASE. INWTSTMENT CORPORATION. LTD., 2Sliu. Washington St., Room 612. II ROOMS BARGAIN. Good furniture and carpets; nice dwell ing; 7th St., few blocks south of Morrison: very cheap to good tenant; rent of house $45. with lease; you can make all family expenses renting rooms; price of furni ture, $700. O. C. R. ELLIS Co.. 32614 Washington St. Rooms 201-202. BARGAIN 20 ROOMS. Right near the business center of the "West Side; well furnished, Brussels car pets, all Iron beds; part housekeeping; rent only $60. with lease; receipts from rooms $142; lease 24 years; price, $1500. 32T1V4 Washington St. Rooms 201-202. ROOMING-HOUSES. I have $1000 as a first payment on a -good rooming-house; must have leases and be well located; no objection to some housekeeping rooms; want to close deal this week. AC 633, Oregonian. ONE OF THE SWELL EST YET. 20 rooms; the best of furniture, hot and cold water in all rooms, steam heat. Janitor service; clears over $150 per month; price $3350. eome terms. Lincoln Invt. Co., 2S6 Wash. at., room 301. ; BIG SNAP 0-ROOM HOUSE. Rent only $30; income $100; rooms all rented: wilt sell for $750. on easy tcrnvs close in. 2S6 Wash. St., room 301. ROOMING-HOU'SE Fine furniture, 0-room house, only $000 today, or will trade for lot; I have some fine trades. Mrs. Koontz, 227 Abington bldg. Main T7l. - IF vou have a 10 or 12-roora house that $300 to $600 will swing I have a buyer for you. Phone M. 74H3. Hurry. WANTED To rent lodging-house, all fur nished. Siate number of rooms, rent lo cation. AL 5.10, Oregonian. 44 ROOMS; mnst sell; answer quick: sick ness; little cash. Y 639, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE Fine location, will sell on terms. Everything In fine shape, long lease. 'This la a beauty. Young Bros., 512 Gerllnger bldg. 9 WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; good location: all full; low rent. Inquire 494 Kerby St. NICELY furnished 10-room house. very cheap rent; best location:, a bargain if taken soon. Owner. Main 4319. BY owner, new 9-room boarding-house, all full, ? blocks from Hotel Portland; best of furniture; $530: rent $35. 252 7th st- FOR SALE Furniture 16 rooms rooming house. 387 Taylor. Owner. No agenta. 20 ROOMS. 4th street; finely furnished; $1.".(M). part cash. AF 53. Oregonian. LOST AND FOUND. LOST While boarding Mount Tabor car at 6th and Morrison sts., at 5:30 Tuesday, a small black parse containing $30 In" gold and small change; leave at 520 Cor bett bldg.; liberal reward. LOST Sunday night, on car or street, be tween Portland Heights and E. 33d and Al der, a gold locket, pearl setting monogram; suitable reward. Phone Main 1879. LOST On Portland Heights car, thin gun metal case watch with gold stirrup fob attached; reward. R. H. Jenkins, 310 Commercial Club bldg. LOST Lady's gold watch and chatelaine pin, Sunday afternoon, - between 3 and 6 o'clock. East Side; liberal reward If re turned to 411 East Couch. East 6197. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front at. Phnne Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Meuger. LOST Gold watch with pin attached In scribed Christine Lehmiller on inside; re turn 503 Gerllnger bid.; reward. LOST Cocker spaniel dog. wearing old license number 1586; finder please phone Main 1212. FOUND A fox terrier, female; owner can have same by paying for ad. 49 N. 4th st. . FOUND A bay horse; owner can have horse by paying expenses. Two blocks north of Lents Junction. Mount Scott line. LOST Saturday night, back comb, engraved goid mounting; reward if returned to 602 Marquam bldg. LOST Sundav evening, lady'e brown purse, bet. Lyric Theater and Third and Morrison. Finder phone Sellwood lloo; reward. LOST Sunday, on Council Crest wagon road, a gold leaf pin with black letters. Call up C 102, 457 Rodney ave. Reward. LOST Sunday, small heart-shaped pin. diamond and pearl setting; reward. M 536, Oregonian. LOST Female-Collie dog. with licence No. 11. Return to 103 N. 15th. Phone Main 4413. LOST Check on Bank of Kenton; reward. P. R. Greaves. 115 Humboldt st. LOST Lady'a gold watch In or near Meier & Frank's store, v Reward. Call Main S394. LCST Brindle bulldog, name on collar "Fawn Gibson." Return to 324 Everett at.; reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. PHOENIX IRON WORKS The annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Phoenix Iron Works will be held at the office of the company. East 3d st. and Hawthorne ave.. Portland. Or., Monday, December 13. 1909, at 7:30 P. M.. for the purpose of electing directors and for the transac tion of such other business as may be brought before said meeting. November 13. 1909 L. Steinhauser, secretary and treasurer; Sam Morrow, president. AFTER Nov. 15th I shall not be responsible for any indebtedness of my wife. O. B. Devereaux. SILVER'S Kosher Grill. 2704 Stark at., opposite Chamber of Commerce, will open Friday, November 12. I WILL not be responsible for debts con tracted by Mary Rua. my wife. By Charry Rua. Architects, contractors, engineers, get Paclflo Bu:lder & Engineer. 401 Board of Trade. FINANCIAL. A LIMITED amount Oregon Trust accounts taken Inexchange for furniture, etc.. or all cash paid If preferred. Cohn Bros., 180 1st st. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY to loan on Improved Portland prop erty or for building: lor.g time, with privi lege repaying all or part of loan after two years. STRONG Ai CO, , Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg. MONEY to loan on improved property. If for building purposesh. Interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Life & Trust Co.. 214 Lumber Exchanga . bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to S years time; liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as buiiding progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark st. MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other real estate securities, bought on clt7 property -?r lands anywhere Jn Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble, 316-317 Lum bermens oldg.. 5th and Stark sts. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL & CO., 309-310 Abington Bldg. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm prop erty, building or ttmall loans at- lowest rates: large loans a specialty. J. H. Mc Kinzie Co.. 614-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. ON Improved East Side property (not subur ban), $a00. 7 per cent, or 64 if real good; also $1300 at 7. Culver, 023 Cham- ber of Commerce. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $500. on ail securities. W. A- Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Main 802. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 312 Falling bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on Oregon and Washington lands. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg., 86 6th st. $1000 $2000. $2500, $4000 TO loan, real estate security.- Equity Investment Co., 60S Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates. In sums from $500 up. The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 248 Alder st - MONEY at 6. T, and 8 per cent on city end farm securities. S. S. Gillespie, 201 Fenton bldg. FOR MONEY Any amount, reasonable rates. gee Prudhomme. 636 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY loaned, building purposes. If consult ed before building begins. 602 Henry bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E .Thom as, state agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. C MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or cor tracts. W. H. Nunn. 44u Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 233 STARK. ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgages. H. Miley. room 204 Gerllnger. MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent- Frary & Seitx. 132 5th st. aONET to loan on Improved city property. Win. MacMaater, 302 Worcester blk. WILL loan $5000 or less. Farrington. 418 Commercial Club bldg. W'E BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money; loans. Lewis 4 Co., 251 Wash sc. MORTGAGE LOAN8 AT REASONABLE RATES. LEWIS & CO.. 251 WASH ST. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms' first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange. EMPLOYES" LOAN CO., 321 Abington bldg. Money on Installment plan. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and easy to pay. F. A .Newton, 615 Henry bldg.'. cor. 4th ami Oak sts. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. Ihe Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. LOW rates: we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch, 74 Sd St. XOTE3IBER 17, 1909. 1 , 1 Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. 1$$ ARB YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how eaey our terms are you would not be short of money. Don t be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish the money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Real Estate, Furniture and Pianos wlJn out removal). Storage Receipts, Lire in surance Policies, Horses, Jewelry and Dia monds, and all kinds of securities, on ea weekly or monthly payments. We Buy First and Second Mortgages. All Business Strictly Confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BUCK EK AGE CO.. 12 Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d. Main 20S4. $$$$$$ MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. ANYONE Steadily employed can bprrow $10. $-0, $-5, $30, $40 $50. $75 or $100 of the EMPLOYES' SALARY LOAN BANK.. All we ask la your personal note; no mortgage: no indorser or security; every thing strictly confidential. LOwaST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10 reortid in Installments of 45c. $20 repaid in installments of 70c. $50 repaid in installments of $2.00 Larger amounts in proportion. 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; Wednesday and Sat urday evenings to 8 o'clock. STATE SECURITY COMPANY, 3U8 Falling Bldg. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. We are the only company in the city of Portland organized and Incorporated under the laws of ' the State of Oregon loaning money ou furniture, pianos, etc., without removal; storage receipts, real estate contracts, salaries; also confiden tial loans made to ladies; no Inquiries anywhere. Loans of $10 to $100 may be obtained , from us on short notice, and at a very small cost to the borrower. It will pay you to investigate our new credit plan. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 Dekum Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loana on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinus of securities; itEAL ES TATE LOANS from S3UOO up. NEW EKA LOAN & MTG. CO., 416 Abington Bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. M. Delovage, Joweisr. 209 W ash In gtonst. MONEY TO LOAN. Quick loans made in sums from $20 to $500 for 80 to 90 days, on furniture, pianos or other good security. Room 320 Lumber men's blug., 5th and Stark MONEY loaned salaried people; easy payments; no publicity. Room 427, Henry bldg. Loans Wanted. FOR SALE Real estate contract on 50x100 lot and 4-room house for $1350; amount paid $605 baiance due $745. payable $15 per mo., , per cent Interest. Will discount. X 539, Oregonian. WANTED $3000 on $6500 security. Wanted $1000 on $225o security. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. 51)8 Gerllnger Bldg. Main 325L WANTED $1000 building money, 7 per cen Interest, payable on or before 2 years. $12,000 BUILDING loan on first-class apart ment house. Purse, 818 Chamber of Com- FOR SALE Good $1000, 7 per cent, real es tate, 3 years' mortgage. O 532, Ore gonian. FaEeONAL CAJJCER. We remove cancers without the knife or loss of blood. If you have a spot, ulcer, tumor, or abnormal growth that Is sus picious consult us. We will give you valu able information. AMERICAN CANCER COMPANY. Room 21, Raleigh Bldg., Portland, Or. OXYPATHY. OXYGEN will cure any curable disease, eltr-er acute or chronic, when adminis tered by means of the OXYGENATOR. Call or write for particulars. Office hours, 1 to 2. The Oxygenator Co., room 602 Shet land bldg. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children. Ladles, you can avoid surgical operation by con sulting me; electric treatment for nervous diseases; private hospital accommodation. Rooms 505-606 Commonwealth bldg., ttn and Ankeny. Phones. Main 4047, A 2411. HAIR GOOD3 at factory prices: French and German hair switches. B5e and up; Paris styles In hairdresaing; scientific face and scalp massage, dermatology, hairdressing and manicuring taught. Aza H. Rlbbecke, Grand Leader, 6th and Alder sts. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous ana stom ach disorders under physician's directions; hatha No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 260, Home B le03. INFORMATION WANTED. Wanted, the name of local photographer who recently took picture of Rob. War ner locomotive fireman, who was killed near Stella, Wash. Address Dr. Jean Barber, 505 Hancock st. PORTLAND CHIROPODY PARLORS Electricity used; most sanitary treatment for the fset; no cutting; no soreness; sat isfaction. 302-303 Oregonian bldg Main 4045; hours. 1 to 5 P. M.; Sunday. 10 to B. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand, Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats womer. and children exclusively; private hospital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047, A 241L 606 commonwealth bldg., Gth and Ankeny. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF, diseases of women and children. No charge lor consultation. Room 10. Grand Theater bldg., Washington and Park sta Main 3U28. A 6007. BRIDEGROOM'S opportunity; magnificent bungalow, furnished; swell; central. West; $13.oOO; $0000 down. Owner, p 522, Ore gonian. OSTRICH plumes cleaned, dyed and curled; fur and velvet hats mado over to best sat iofaction. Ostrich Plume Co., 303 Wash ington DR WALKER, speolallst for men, quickly cures blood and skin diseases, sores, ul oirs. swollen glands, kidney, bladder and plies. 181 1st St., Portland. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills are ooaltlvelv the best. Take no other. Price. (2 per box or 8 boxes $5. Address T. J. Pierce, 311 Alleky bldg. SKILLFUL and scientific treatment of all diseases peculiar to women; cures effected in every case, without operation, pain or danger Dr. Pierce, all Allsky bldg. DRESS suite for rent, all sixes. $1.60 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed, prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3UM stark. INFORMATION wanted as to whereabouts of A Monteith or Clara D. Monteith. formerly of Portland. M. Hall, 1310 D St., San Diego, Cal. WRINKLENE -Positively removes wrinkles; one application does the work; free dem onstration. 616 Henry bldg. CANCERS, tumors, paralysis, spinal and ail stomach trouble cured; natural way. 771 Alberta st. Mrs. D. Allerson, healer. FINE alteration of ladles- and men's suits a specialty at the Wardrobe, 731 Washing ton st. Phone Main 6553. B ItE-OVEN'treatment tor rheumatism and 'all kindred diseases. Swedish Sanitarium, 433 Market- Phone Main 7033. Mme Courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 225 -FUedner bldg. M. 3042. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. Office hours A. M. to 6 P. M. 110M 8d St. Main 8770. DR LORENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS. 25c box, restore lost vltal.'ty. Stipe. Taylor Drue Co.. 2S9 Morrison st JOHN LIMNELL. Swedish graduate, mas seur, mechano-hydrotherapeutic treat ments 417 Oregonian bidg. Main 7757. DR. CORA TALBOTT; 20 years' experience in diseases of women; consultation free and confidential. Hamilton bldg. BEXOID PILLS cure all weakness. Price $1. Money returned if It talis. T. J. Pierce, 311 Allsky bl)ig. ENDLESS HAIR ROLL Any thickness, any color. 428 E. 9th. E. 2211. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseasea, 600 Glisan st. Main 9213. Agents wanted. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bdg. M. 3473. Cancer sufferern advanced, nonoperatlve. Cura- live, painless treatment. 617 Medical bldg. DR C. S. CARTER, suite 401 Merchants Trust bldg., corner 6th and Washington. Practice limited to diseases and disorders of women! The doctor's advice is free, consult him in absolute confidence, pri vate sanatorium if desired. Hours: 10 to 1; 2-4; 6-8. Sunday. 10-1. "THE JAHN." 3S4 Yamhill St.. cor. West Park Selected ladles' hair goods, stylish pulls, switches, artistic wigs. toupees, transformations that defy detection; the very latest French system of hair dyeing; saves lime, money and disappointments; our system of dermatology will cure the worst kind of scales, teller and dandruff; experienced? Freifch wigmuker and Marcel waver in attendance. "THE JAHN," 384 Yamhill St.; uliones Main 5174. A 3544 High-class ladies' Turkish and electric baths; removing of super fluous hair, moles, warts, etc., by the eiec trlu needle; painless and permanent; the only system indorsed by all physicians. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assuyer and Analyst. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 022 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 5980. FOOD, commercial and drug analysis. 'Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., Portland, Or. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayeis. 204 it Washington St. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Labaratory arfd ore-testing work. ISO Morrison st. Attorncjs at Law. S S. HUMPHREY, atty.. 737-739 Cham. 'Com. Interstate Adjustment Co., collec tion dept. H. H. K1DDELL, attorney-at-law, 7 Chamber commerce. Main 4764. A 3331. 735 WANTED Oregon Code. F 335, Oregonian. Acvuuntuuts. E H. COLUS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and a stematlglng. 324 W'orcealer Block Phone Main 6507. H. A MOSER. accountant and auditor; business or corporations, estates, counties, municipalities aollclted. 250 Vs 3d. M. 2484. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial rag rugs woven. Normwesl Rug Work. 153 Uuiun ave. East 30a0, B I2iu. Chiropody. WM ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in tne city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger uldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Al der, phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Flieuner bldfc. pnone :klaln 34 1 3. ECONOMY foot and scalp specialist; bunion skeptics invlied. 167 Park st. A 2378. . CHIROPODY, manicuring, and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. Tilford bldg..R. 204. loth and Mor. Collections. COMMERCIAL, probate and real estate law. bonded representatives everywhere. Na tional Adjustment Co., 92U-927 .Board of Trade. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG st CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Port land. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE CO. Silks, suitings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 6th. Dancing;. RINGLER'S DANCING SCHOOLS Positive guarantee, classes, private; orchestral inli ne; beautiful hall tor rent, nrst-class af fairs only. Phone Miss Granstrom, dancing teacher, Main 92121 Dog; and Horse Hospital, DR. BROWN, D. V. S., D. C. M. Office 324 Flanders st. Main 4086, A 4086. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors lor rent 01 oaie. -' - liairworkers. COME 240V4 Holladay ave. for shampoo, scalp treatment, hair worn, jusi ooov. Janitor Supplies. THE WESTERN Sales Co., 44 2d St. Jani tor and buiiding supplies. Phone Mala 6i53. Leather and Findings. CHAS. I MASTICK & CO., 74. Front, leather of every description, taps, infra findings. J A STROWBRIDQE LEATHER CO. Es ' tabllshcd 1858. 189 Front st. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. 128 5th St. Main 53, A 2153. Johnnie on the spot- Musical. BND and orchestra instruments, musical sun "dries, Victor talking machines, records. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 134 2d at. KM1L THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil of Cevcik. A 4160. Pine 334: Main 3045. M C SMITH, teacher of piano, 452 Salmon st. ' Main 7340. Conservatory course. PIANO LESSONS very reasonable. Main la.f- Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B- NOHTHRUP. 413-16-17 Dekum Bldg., Thir.i nd Washington Sts. Phone.offlce, Main 349; res. East or B 1028 LcRoy Smith, graduate Kirksvllle. Mp , 1898, post graa auoi. oa owcc.n -" - - -" Paints, Oils and Olass. KASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sasu aim "" JMtent and l'ensoon Attorneys. R C- WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat 'ents, intringemenl cases. 604 Dekum. J J H1RSHE1MER. pension and patent at ,. torney, rooms 202-1 Labbe bldg. raving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 404 Worcester uius. w.w -"-"- . - i'ipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and . O..I. V anil Vl.rlr Htil liiin H-lSlf. omce nesi 1 i auu - - - - - Rubber (stumps. ALSO seals, stencils, office stationery, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. (Storage and Transfer, C. O. PICK Transfer Storage Co.. office and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate iron rooms and fireproof VaUllB loi v a., ur-'.ii. . ... ... . u pine sis. Pianos and furniture "moved and packed for shipping. Main 596, A 1996. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. (General transferring and storage; safes. pianos and furniture moved ar.d packed lor shipment. 209 Oak st., bet. Front and 1st- lelepuones jiam o ui a --t. OREGON TRANSFER CO. established 1S70. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. Ottlco 310 Hoyt St., between olli and 6U1. Phones. Muin 09. A 1169. Sufes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Sales at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Showcase. Bunk and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., 6th and lioyU It. - Lulke, Mgr. THE Jas. I. Marshall Manufacturing Co., manufacturers showcases, cabinets, store, office fixtures. 289 Couch st- Main 2703. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 614 Front- Taxidermist and Furrier. OREGON'S best taxidermist: expert In all branches. C. M. Harris. 495 Washington sfi Typewriters. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 287 Vs Washington st. SPECIAL prices: all makes rented, sold, re paired. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Wood slid Coal. BOX. planer and cord wood in any quantity. Standard Wood Co.. East 2315. B 1695. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st. Wall paper, llncrusta, room mor-'"' ' Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger 8:15 a. m 4:15 p. mi 6:00 p. mi 7:45 p. m, 1.30 a. ma 7:20 a. m 4:00 p. m. 8:30 a m, 1:00 p. m 6:40 P- nn 7:30 a. m 10:40 p. m, 6:30 p. m( 11 :00 a. m, 9:30 p. mi 6:35 p. m 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. mi 11:50 a m, 1 4:40 p. m. Cottage -Grove Passenger. . Shcsta Limited California Express San. Francisco Express .... West Slue Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Glove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger. . . Forest Grove Pussanger. . . . Arriving Portland Oregon Express Collage Grove Passenger.. Koseourg fassenger Portland Express Shaeta Limited West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. . . , Forest Grove PasseLger. . . . Forest Grove Passenger.... Northern Paciftc Leavtng Portland ,ui ui v-osav i.uuhi:u a uso.i Sound 110:01 1. m, ,'.,oor T Imila.l via Vnrthl Bank T:oo p. m. Atlantic Express via Pugct Sound12:15 a. m, Atlantic Express via North Hank 9:00 a.m. Twin Cky Express via Pugetl Sound 8:00 p. m, Twin City Express via North Bank I 7:00 p. m. Eastern Express, via Puget Sound12:16 a. m. Eastern Express via North Bank! 9:00 a. m. Mlssourl River Express via Pugetl Sound 10:00 a. m. Missouri River Express via North bank I now p. m. PorilanU, Tacoma and Seattle Express, Grays Harbor, Olympla, and South Bend branches Portland-Vancouver special Puget Sound Limited, Grays Har bor and South Bend biauches. . Yacolt Passenger Arriving Portland North Coast Limited Via North Bank 15 a. m, UO a tu. 00 p. m, 00 p. m 00 p. m 00 a m 00 a m 35 p. m. 00 p. m 00 a. m, uo p. m. 30 p. m, 00 a. m, 00 p. nv Norm Coast Limited via Pugetl Sound ..I 7: Northern pacific Express -via .... 8: via North Bank Noriiiern Puolnc, Express Puifet Sound I S Pacil.e Coast Express via North!, Bank I 8: pacinc Coast Express la Pugebi Sound i ' Western Express via North Baukj b Western Express via fugoi duuiiu Missouri River Express via Norlhl Bank . . . . 10 Missouri River Express via Pugetl bound Poriland-Tacoma-Sattle Explesa and from olympia. South Bendi and GraiS liaruor .1 4 Puget bound Limned I I Vaiicuuver-i'ortlantl Special jlu 00 p. in, 35 p. m, 30 p. m, iaeoll passenger ;00 a. in. Oregon Railroad Js Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger Chicago-Portland Special . . Ulegou-Wasliinglon Llmlled Soo-Spokane-Porllaad Eastern Express Arriving Portland Fast Mail Oregon-Washington Limited Oregon Express Soo-spokane-Purtland ....... Local passenger Chicago-Portland Special .... . J 8:00 a m 10 :oo a in. 6:35 p. nu 7 :oo p. m. 8:00 p. M 7:50 a. m. 8 .00 a m, 8:40 a m. 9:ou a. ru 6:15 P. w 8:00 p. 1U. Astoria It Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express Astoria Express Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Portlanl Express Portland Express Rainier and Portland Fassanger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. S:00 a mi 6:30 p. 111. 1:15 p. m, 6:10 p. UM 12:15 p. m, Lo:o0 p. m, ilo:25 a m, I 6:20 p. m. Canadian Paciflo Railway Co Leaving Portland I C. p. R. Short Line via Spokanei 7:00 p. mi Via Seattle .112:16 am Arriving Portland I C. P. R. Short Line via Spokanel 9:00 a nv Via Seattle I 7 :00 a n. JEFFERSON STREET STATION. Southern Pacitic. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger .... Arriving Portland Dal:as Passenger Dallas passenger 7:40 a. n, 4 :30 p. mi 10:15 a. mi 6:06 p. m, ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS FAS SxiNOEK STATION. Spokane. Port laud X Seattle Railway C'q Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a. m. For Chicago St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis'. Billings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamonl. Waslitucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and Intermediate sla lions. - -rt Columbia River Local 5:00 p. m, North Bank Limited 7:00 p. m. For Chicago St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings. Spokune, Cheney, Lamonl, Waslitucna, Kahlotus. Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and Intermediate sla tiora Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 am, From Chicago St. Paul. Omaha, Kansat City St. Louis Billings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamont, Waslitucna. Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, Ooldendale, White salmon, sievenaon. Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia l'.ieer Local 12:p.m, Inland Empire Express 8:16 p. m. From Chicago St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis. Billings. Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, Goldondais, White Salmon. Slevenson. Vancouver and intermediate stations. Time Card Oregon Electrlo Railway Co, Leaving Portland for Salem and InU stations 6:30. 7:40. 9:53. 11:35 A. M. ; 2:0 S-45 6:20. 11:00 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 8:50 A. M. Local for Wilson vilie and Int. stations 5:15 P. M. Dally except Sunday for points on the Salem. Falls Cltv & Western Ry. via Salem b:30 A. M.. 2:00 P. M. Sunday only 9:53 A- M. Lsavinc Portland for Forest Grove anti Int. stations 0:45. 8:30. 10:10 A M.; 12:13, 2:15, 3:30. 5:33, 6:25, 11:13 P. M. Arriving Portland from Salem and Inf, stations u:00, ll:oO A. M-; 1:05, 1:15, 3:o. 6 15 s:20. 10:40 P. M. Limited from Salem and 'Tualatin 3:05 1". M. Local from Wll soiivllla and Int. stations 8:53 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:50. 9:35, 11:25 A. M.; 1:30, 2:55. 4:35. 6:25. 8:10, 11:00 P. M. Portland Railway. Light & rower Company. Cars Leave. Ticket Ottlco and Waiting Room. First and Alder and East Water and Eas: Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:00, 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minutes to and including 9 P. M.. then, 10-00. 11:00 P. M-: last car midnight. Gresham and intermediate points 6:55, 7:45. 8:45 9:45. 10:43 A. M.. 13:45. 2:45. 8:45. 4:45, 5:45, 6:45. 11:35 P. M. Fairview and Troutdale 6:55, "7:45. 8:45, 9:45, 10:45 A. M . 12:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45. 5:45, 6:45 P. M. ... Cazadero and Intermediate points 6:00. 8:45. 10:45 A. M-. J2:45. 2:45. 4:45, 6:45 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket office and Waiting Room. Second and Washington Streets. M. 0:15 0:5, 725. 8:00. S:35. 9:10. 9:50, 10:30, 11:10. 11:50. p M 12:1'0. 1:1". 1:31. 2:30. 3:10. 3:50. 4:30. 5:10. 5:50. 6:30. 7:03. 7:40. 8:13. 9:25, 111:35, 11:45. On third Mondav in every month the last car leaves at 7:0.j P. il. Daily except Sunday. Dally except Monda y. ' TIME CARD UNITED RAILWAYS CO. Leaving Portland for Burlington and Int. stations: 0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15. 10:13, 11:1 ' A M., 1:13. 2:15, 3:15, 4:15, 5:15. 6:15 P. M. For l.lnnton and Int. stations Saturday and Sunday only. 8:10, 10:00, 11:45 P. M. Arriving Portland from Burlington and Int stations, 8:00. 0:00, 10:00. 11:00 A. M. 12:00 noon, 2:O0. 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00. b00 P. M. From Llnnton and Int. stations, daily except Sunday, 7:00 A. M. From Llnn ton and Int. stations, Saturday and Sundujft onlv. 9:25- 11:15 P. M. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STR, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKIN'J BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE JN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OK THE UNITED STATER AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS: SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS.