Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 17, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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    jriT-n -ii-i-k-rs- r-v-s- nurPAVTIV WT7Tvron V VHT'FIT'Rfn 1 T
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lO - - - -
- i
wnnum 1 ron al. ' I kelp wanted-male. . M, wantkff.mai. nation- wAo-muu. . B Ho,fketrlng B!om..
: Bookkeepers and Stenographers. Famished Rooms. . Cr' C
4 a- res of land near Portland. all level
bottom land, all cultivated and excellent for
Flawing purpose; tidy nine mllea out and
ni) h,ils to crow.
Mi Gerllnger Bldg.
Ne . modern flats, pood rents.
.Ml Gerllnger Bldg.
Chnice SO-aere tract within 1 mllea or
Fori land by train or boat ; 40 acres cleared
wlili 14 acres of apple trees In hearing:
lrs on two county roads; Improvements
fine. Room 1. S3 5th st.
home worth $20,000 and vacant property.
ooft -i.ii i will trade for Oregoa
real estate; can use Portland home. lots,
timber and fruit land: miKht consider dal
up to $7.VOU0. S. W. Anderson. Lt Crosse.
60 ACRES unimproved land, near Olympla:
actual cash value $240': will trade all or
half for or on lots or house and lot; new
electric road will Increase value to $100
per acre. S. D. Vincent, 420 Lumber
mens bldg.
tV I .1 exchange my lrvlngton home for
vacant cltv properly: It has all the modern
Inipi overrents, is near the carllne and In
a nne neighborhood; lf an 8-room house.
R 5-rt. Oregonian.
TWO good lots In fine dlstrirt to trade in
on a god 2" to 30-room rooming-house:
must be close In and have good lease;
lll pav cah difference. Deal with own
ers onlv. 320 Lumberman's hldg.
40 ort acres best anple land; west slope.
Mr. Hood, near Sandy, for vacant lots or
automobile. Kquilv Investment Co., iiOS
ierllns-r bldg. Main .".-51.
WANTED A lot or two at Cannon Beach or
Elk lYeek. In exchange for city property.
Rm English Invest .Co.. 322 Mohawk bldg.
GOOD rj-room cottage in Sellwood. will
take lots for part. What have you? Main
6241. 4ih st.
I HWE $:i.VM equity in 2 modern houses
to trade for acreage. Address lock box
4s::. Arleta. Or.
b ACRES i mile south of Mllwaukle. near
O. W. I'. carlin., to trade for horn In
Portland. S3 6th at., room 1.
YOU can trade any kind of property at
room 1019 Board of Trade.
WILL trade dress suit for second-hand
single buggy. 6 539. Oregonlan.
WILL get tou anything In trade for any
thing you' have. 322 H.nrv bldg.
VOl' HAVE property for sale or yon would
not be Interested In this column. Our Fall
business has been excellent and we have
not enough property on our lists now to
meet the demand of our buyers. Liberal
advertising and hustle spells success in
selling. If vou want to sell, all we ask
for Is a reasonable trial. All we charge
is regular commission. No sale. no
charge and no extras. Come In and talk
It over. West Side property usually turned
In 30 davs. If price Is right.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
1AM going to get married and want to buy
B or -room cottage near 6c carline; can
ray $200 or $:!") down and balance month
lv. In answering kindly state price, terms
and. location. i mean business. L o38,
Wanted. I lots, facing east, bet. 18th
and 22d sts north of Alberta st. Will pay
t, rash. Must be cheap. E 52S, Ore
gonlan. CASH paid for lota convenient to Alberta,
Woodlawn tr St. Johns carlines: give lot,
block, addition and price. C 637. Orego
nlan. WHAT Inside property have you to offer for
aLout 25.0O0? Prefer owners. State full
particulars. S 52fl. Oregonlan.
WANTED Lot In vicinity of Savier and
;".Ih. or hous- and lot. Howard Land
Co.. 519 KWAitland bldg. t
C TO 7-room hunratow. East Side-, modern.
Sunnyslde or Mount Tabor carllne. T
53s. Oregonlan.
FROM owners, a good lrvlngton lot. be
tween Knott and Siskiyou, ltith and 2.1st.
Baker. "1 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Bargains, house, lot and barn at
Long Beach. Wash.; also tract cranberry
land. P 021. Oregonlan.
Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle.
29 Cb&xuber of Commerce,
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney
Stampber. 21-32 Lumber Exchange bids.
13-ACRB timber claim for sale near good
river, between 3.0u0.i0 and 4.000.OOO. Price
$25 acre. V H.".?. Otvgonian.
Hl'.OOO.OOO FEET timber, Coqullle River,
sell all or part. Address "owners." Box
5t. Portland, and arrange Interview.
11 SECTIONS land. Klamath and Laks
counties, all or part. Address "Owners."
Box 50s Portland, and arrange Interview.
IS" ACRES timber for saje In Wheeler
County. Or. White Mrs. A. Kunkel, Box
1.15:1. 'Spokane, Wash.
TIMBER lands bought and sold, properties
looked afier. C J. McCracken. 3(M McKay
Udg.. Portland. Or
TIMBER for 411O.OOO ties. T. W. Plttlnger'a
enterprise; Investigate. J 634. Oregonlan.
36.1 acres, cruise I0.000.00o, closo In, for
$.000. Main B241. 20i 4th at.
TIMBER and homestead relinquishments.
3-7 Worcester block.
1Cm ACRES pine. In Crook County. N 811,
S.EAVINU Chicago for West. Nov. 25, will
buv timber claims or a large body of
stiimp land near Portland: give location,
description and price. J. T. M., 25 Cass
St.. Chicago.
TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken.
SQ4 McKay Mdg.
lr' vou have farms for sale or trade or city
properly, ocme and sec us.
24i, SUrk St.
Horses. Vehicles) and Harness.
FOR SALE: Three 7-year-old horses, weight
i:too lbs. each, sound and true In every
way: will sell chean or trade for part
pavment on house and lot In East suburbs.
J. K. Shellenberger. 41s: and Holgate.
rIR of 5-year-old geldings, weigh 3040;
4-vear-old brown horse. weighs 1520;
sound, and will be guaranteed every way.
294 Montgomery.
NOTICE One 1450 gelding and 1450 mare.
In foal to prcheron: unexcelled work
ers: team 12.'.: l.'.50-lb. 7-ycar-old geld
ing, guaranteed and cheap. 411 N. 4th St.
FOR SALE cheap, gentle team, city broke;
will sell separately. Mrs. Caaebeer, 162
East ;st st. North
SPAN mares, one In foal, weigh 2200, good
pullers, with new set breeching harness,
$175 294 Montgomery st.
XRI'l'K in good condition: canopy top; 575;
terms. Phone Main 7110 or call at 33114
lSih st. N.
$150 BUYS bay mare and horse, and 8,
weigh 210o. with nearly new light ex
press harness. ;?4 Montgomery at.
115ivpoiND sorrel horse. $50. Stable 505 Al
bina ave.
7- YEAR horse, suitable for delivery wagon.
Eastman. 803 Ablngton bldg.
lir-BERT HALL. S80 Front, buy. sell, rent
hart" soiUdsa; lew rates on business rlsra
i xiorsee- senicies uui "-.- i .
I , . ,
FOR SALE, i 4,ii received a ear Of No.
work hoi-sei ranging In weight from 1000
pounds to 1300 pounds; prices reswiiwin
ana norses guaranteeu u Kiiiwm.
We also have on hand:
10 delivery wagons.
5 farm wagons
1 furniture wagon.
7 buggies. '
4 carts.
420 Hawthorns Ave.
1175 TAKES pair horses weight 2900. sound
and good soraers. ph.i- uv cuuhkc
weight 2"0o. Doin go single, win sen
srale, price $1S5; pair mares, good foi
r.-m nr to breed, weight 2150. price $15
gray mape, 1150 pounds, for $65; black
horse, fat and sauna. work any piac
hv horse, aood worker, but old. $.10
hav colt, weight 1450. no mate, will sell
chean or trade. All horses shown In
harness. Call No. 1 Stables. Front and
Market sts.
wrv nr rent H teams with aoose'
neck furniture wagons, to rent by month
or year: we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes. day. week, or
month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables. 42U Hawtnoras aye.
PAIR of brown geldings, weigh 2?00, 7 and
9. good, true pullers, with extra heavy
set of new team harness, complete, $240:
team of good farm horses, wish lino
each, with new team Harness, uv. -ai
$150 TAKES our family driving mare and
new top buggy and good harness; must
know horse gets good home; no dealers
n-ed apply. Mrs. C. Johnson. Can be
seen at 6th and Montgomery.
LOST Larce gray horse blanket torn In
left-hand front corner. Please return same
at once to Kramers .New 1 ora -Maoies.
15th and Alder sts., and receive liberal
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. : Montgomery.
Birds, Dog, pet Stock.
BLACK female fox terrier with ten lovely
coal blat k puppies, encap. box iui. rt.
No. 2. Hillsdale. ,
FOR SALE 20 "speyed" Collie pups. $10
each, express pain, worm fiouoie. cnaue
land Farm, route 2, Amity. Or.
FOR SALE Alaskan trick Spin. Main 5737.
94 6th St.
FOR SALE or trade, 7-passenger automobile,
fully equipped; a bargain for cash, real es
tate, lumber or a slock of groceries; will
laka or pav difference; swell big car: should
earn $20 per .lay In livery. Merrill, 7th
and Oak. afternoon.
AUTOMOBILES for sale and exchange. Geo.
It. Flora. 470 East Burnsiue st-
Al'TO. Packard 18. 1909 model. Phone 5713,
A 6303.
About 30 head high-grade, mostly nan
nies and spring kids; sell cheap, delivered.
Address Frank Rowell, Arleta, Portland.
Residence. 23 Bell ave.. Mount Scott car
to Myrtle Park Station, near station.
Send us one dollar and we will send you
rein-t used by prominent liquor rouses
f.r making whisky sold by many saloona.
Oregon Prescription Co.. room 2S. The Dex
ter, 12th and Washington, Portland. Or.
SET fine mahogany furniture consisting one
davenport. 2 mahogany learner arm
chairs, one mahogany leather covered
rocker at original cost. $07 Beck
6000 SEASONED cedar fence posts. 8 feet,
near Lents, for sale at a low price; buyer
can make good money .handling thesa
vosts. Address L. M. Scott, 810 Oregonlan
bldg.. or phone Main 7070.
UNCLE MTERS has only one store. Look
for the name.
6EWING MACHINES Second hand ma
chines, drop head and box top. of all
makes, at very low prices. White Sewing
Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $80, fully
guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co..
2V3 2d il
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. flr and oak
wood at lowest market prices. Hoover,
313 Water st Phone Main 7451. A 5445.
GREEN and dry slab wood, box wood, cord
wood and coal. Multnomah Fuel Co.
Phone Main 6540. A 2116. '
SAFES Nineteen second-hand safes, very low
price: new safes, all sizes. Portland Safe
Co.. 82 7th st.
FRESH mushrooms. 75c I5 pound, catsup,
mushroom pickles. 413 Main st. Main
FOR SALE 1 wood and 1 coal heater, al
most new; bargain. 22d East 5 2d st.
Phone Tabor 1157.
HL'BBARD oven, excellent condition, ca
pacity .100 loaves, at sacrifice. T 537,
NICE dry BOXWOOD at Oregon Box &
fj. Co. Both phones.
ROLLTOP desk and revolving chair, good
condition, $16. Main 6658.
ONE S5-H. -P. portable boiler and engine; one
6-H. P. upright engine. 209 Lenox Hotel.
FOR SALE A solid oak draughtsman's desk.
AD 53o, Oregonlan.
00 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.25. Ryder Ft.
Co.. 857 Burnkide sL Main E53S. .
MANURE for sale. Phone East 1775. -
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Seal." 47 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
HIGHEST prices paid for pecond-hand furni
ture. Woodard'a Auction House. Phoae Main
S078. B 1034.
W ANTED TO RENT Three or more show
cases. Must be In good condition. Ad
dress L 639. Oregonlan.
WANTED Rosenthal language system with
phonograph. German: muft be in good con
dition and cheap. X 537, Oregonlan.
HIGHEST prlcea paid for cast-off clothing,
shoes, hats. Jewelry and furniture. 6S N
3d. Main 9243.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni
ture; we buy ail kinds second-hand men'a
and ladles' clothing. E. 105L 14 Grautl ave.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A
2445. Main 8S3L
WANTED An Invisible Piano Player: must
be a hiKh-grade instrument and cheap for
cash. Address E 5o, Oregonlan.
WANTED Thoroughbred coolie pup.
539. Oregonlan.
LOST Horse; chunkv sorrel, blind in one
eye. E 463!: C 1724.
6POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given, phone East 1067.
WE buy. sell or exchange anything: pay high
eat prices; aell for less. M. 6297.
TEAMS wanted. Call Woodlawn. Or.
TAILOR CUTTING 50 young men to learn;
positions guaranteed soon as competent.
W. F. Brown. 20S Allsky bldg.
PHOTO coupon and portrait agents: extra
commission on sales. Hubner Studio. Swet
land bldg.
WANTED Young man as bushelman. Ap
ply Govurts Bros., union ave. and East
B.imside st.
WINDOW-TRIMMER for men's clothing,
hat and furnishing goods; first-class man
wanted. Y 472. Oregonlan.
WANTED First-class ad. and subscription
solicitor. The Hotel 3(ews, 215 Oregonlan
GOOD outfit for hauling 3-ton loads of
coal. Call room 3 Chamber of Commerce.
CHIPPER for foundry. Apply 339 Sher
lock bldg.
EXPERIENCED window-trimmer and card
'wrtfer. steady position. Apply 171 3d st
EXPERIENCED lunch waiter at once. Auto
Restaurant, 528 Washington st.
WANTtvD Solicitor to work on wagon.
Suitatorlum Dye Works, 834 Mississippi.
LIVE photo coupon portrait agents; good
money-maker. Davis. 342fr Washington at.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membership. T. M. C A-
HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman: big wages:
permanent. 15 Commercial block.
EXPERIENCED salesmen and others to learn
real estate buinesa; must be acquainted In
city; libers! Inducements. Call between 9
and in A. yi. or 4 ano o r. -m.
5-15-6 Henry Bldg.,
4th and Oak Sts.
WHEELWRIGHT, wagonmnker for -ft. R.
construction company. SS5 and board.
4 bridgecarrenters. $3.50; 10 brldger
carnenterjs In T? R repair gangs. $2.75.
free fare: 1 brlrigecarpenter. $3.25. and
helper, $2.50. to keep up dinkey trestles,
free fare.
Second loader, $3: ratchet setter, $3.
T.nplnv rt. ft . hrnkeman. $2.75: loggers.
Experienced sawmill bookkeeper, $H0 and
2 section foremen. $65; extra gang
foreman. $S0: others.
C. R. HANSEN & CO., 2d N. 2d St.
1000 STATION MEN wanted. Copper River
Railway. Cordova, Aiasaa.
Solid rock, $1.20 cubic yard.
Loose rock. 0 cents cubic yard.
Earth. 30 cents cubic yard
Clearing. $50 per acre.
Grubbing. $10 per station.
Tunneling. $.15 lineal foot.
Cimpa run all Winter, heavy work side
rutting. Write for full particulars. M. I.
Heney. contractor, 514 Col man bkig.. Seattle.
STENOGRAPHERS and typewriters wanted
There la a steady demand everywhere, for
stenographers' and typewriters; stenograpnj
u many times & short cut to hiRh confi
dential positions. We teach stenography and
tvpewrtting thoroughly and practically by
mail in your spare time and at low cost.
' Write today for "Commercial Circular." I.
C. S.. Box 2150 8. Scranton, Pa.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks, help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert Instructor; tools free; write for
ratalosue. Mohler System of Colleges, ii
North 4th St., Portland. Or.
WANTED Men at Los Angeles; we have 20
. Jobs in plumbing, electricity, bricklaying,
automobiling. and teach you the trade
without any cash expense: only few
months required; catalogue free. Unite.
Trade School Contracting Co., Los
WE want to correspond with a first-class
tailor, one who can cut. fit and make
up a suit In latest and most fashionable
style. Send reference and state partic
ulars whether wages or interest in busi
ness. N. Brown & Sons, Burns. Or.
CABINET-MAKERS who would like to have
manent position in one of the best pay
ing factories in Portland. Call Sunday 10
to 4 or weekdays. Phones E. 409, B 1131.
Factory 475 East Alder at.
WANTED Young men. honest and lndua-
tnoiiS, to prepare ror -iu wt.ii
clerks, carriers, railway mall, etc.; thou
sands appointed; good entrance salary, with
promotion. Call or write. Paciflo State
School, McKay bids;.
SEVERAL slaughter-house butchers, a first-
class sheep outcner. a nrei-tiwB -11'"
and hog butcher and a good helper for
attic and hogs. Tell us your experience
and ssy if you are a sober man. XXX
202. Oregonlan. , .
SCHOOL boy wanted I have a permanent
position lor a m.hiu r-..-
right boy can make from 50c to $2 more
' vi fck.. without Interfering with
school duties. James Havcly, Jr.,
5th fct.
FIRST-CLASS plumber who can Invest
some money In business; must, unaci.mmi
domestic water heating thoroughly. Call
st factory office. East tn ana Aiaer.
Range Boiler Insulator Mfg. Co.
BOO R. R. construction laborers for new
5. P. K. R. work; tree tare, snip uauj
come at once.
C. R. HANSEN CO.. 26 N. Second 8t-
WE want immediately several first-class
men to handle tne best reai esiaie uiui
sition on the market. Ask for Mr. Jones,
American Trust Co., zou cnanmer oi wm;
WANTED By Seattle manufacturer, re
name man to i "
branch- $350 required to cover goods.
Room 25 Commercial Hotel, 488 Wash
ington st.
ADVBKIJl?i man. uuuk "'-'
,vnflrin in rsulocus mail-order
" j,., hustler. Give
reference and experience. N 539, Oregon
WANTED 50O men. Come this week. Buy
$35 and $40 suits, overcoats ano rain
coats at S1S.75. All latest styles. Truly
Warren. 315 Oregonlan blag.
Earn $15 to $35 week, watchmaking, engfg.. op
tics; learn in rew montns; poamuus t
or start business witnout capiuu. (vawuuw
lr.g School. 325 Kearney St.. Ban Francluco.
A first-class man with a special knowl
edge of alterations on collars.
rj 1 i.- - a plinnr. for a voung man
with $200 cash, as I am aione anu . niru
of hired help: auties easily icmucu.
Call at 225 Fifth St., room 3.
EXPERIENCED real estate salesmen, hus
tlers who are aDie to snow results, wanieu
for handling fruit lands; liberal com
mission. 319 Lumbermens bldg.
WE want a first-class meatcutter. one ca
pable of managing a mainei. auuic.
giving references as to character and abil
ity, G '527, Oregonlan.
WANTED Good boy about 14 years old, t
.....rb in, hnaH n.nd room: chance to at
tend school ana learn a traue. n. um, vnw
WANTED Young man for wireless and
railway telegrapny: railway wires i"
school: day "and evening classes; Investi
gate. Oregon College, S3 5th, near Oak st.
MAN" with business ability and handy with
tools can obtain interest in prontaDie es
tablished business for small amount. Ap
ply 267 Ankeny st.
WANTED Steady man. able to check goods.
etc.. pay $25 week now; can increase inn
with interested help. $250 required. Par
ticulars 417 Board of Trade bldg.
REINFORCED concrete superintendent
wanted. only experiencea man neeu ap
ply. State qualification and salary ex
pected. X 535. Oregonlan.
NEW railroad work close to Portland: sta
tion men wanted; everytning lurnisnea;
free Job; no commission. See Canadian
Employment Co.. 21 North 2d st.
WANTED Good traveling" man to represent
a good line. Call at room so, Mammon
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country, commercial
Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg.
CARPENTERS wanted; will give full course
or framing, su. - scnooiroura ij.7x
Second. '
THOROUGHLY competent architectural
draftsman. W. L. Morgan, avo ADington
TWO young men stenographers. Commercial
Abstract Co., 4lis commercial liud oiog.
WANTED Bricklayer, plasterer, plumber. 231
Gibbs st.
COMPETENT stove repair man who can
also do pipe work. Aatraroa t.o., mi xbl.
BOY to feed platen press. Mercantile
Printing Co., 1st st.
WANTED First-class bushelman: good
wages. United Tailors, 2Si J,s wasn. st.
vri-rrt a k.iv hotween 1 anil 17 vears
to learn floriculture trade. 725 Belmont.
WANTED First-class plumber for country
town. i all at M. lj, Kline, 84 r ront st.
WANTED Experienced fur sewers. Silver-
field Co.. 4th and Morrison.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework. Call mornings, uu jj. 23a .St..
flat No. 4.
WANTED Neat girl, upstairs work, $20;
housekeeper, country: family cook. bt.
Louis Agency. 245 Wash. Main 2039.
GIRL to assist in housework. 681 Schuyler
st. TeK-pnone .ast 4111. call or tele
phone mornings.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house
work good home tor rignt pary. Apply
Gordon. 4WS East 17th St.
LARGE business firm desires a woman not
under 25 who Is trustworthy and energetic;
experience not necessary. AK 517, Oregonlan.
S43K Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 3692.
WANTED Housekeeper. M 687, Oregonlan.
BOY wanted. - 418 Worcester bid.
GIRLS wanted to make shirts and overalls.
Mt. Hood Factory, Second and Couch.
Permanent positions to experienced and
competent workers. A.pply to sirs, men
ards. In charge or alteration department.
GIRL stenographer who is capable and
willing to do general office work; must
furnish city phone number, rercrences,
wages $8 per week; give phone number,
A a t3i. uregonian.
WANTED Young ladles to enter training
school for nurses. Willapa Harbor Hos
pitals at South Bend or Raymond, Wash
Address Mary C. Drain. Raymond, Wash
WANTED Salesladv for position of trust
Termanent: city references required. An
ply after lO o'clock. Northwest Gem Store,
340 Morrison st.
wanted Refined, capable woman for
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth'
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
326 ji Washington St., Room 30T.
Main 8S3S or A 32G6.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain. $150 doa. upward
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
WANTED Housekeeper for elderly gentle'
man: no objection to small child. Ad
dress M u35. Oregonlan.
GIRL to do general housework and cook
Ing; 2 adults In family; small flat. 74S
WANTED Experienced girl. Apply Rebe's
confectionery. 310 Washington st.
WANTED Hair dressers and hair workers
highest salary. Grand Leader. 5th st.
EXPERIENCED girl to do sewing. Elite
ladies Tailors. 546 Washington st.
SOME lady without children to care for
baby 6 years old. Main i91i.
GIRL for general housework, small family.
725 Weldler st.
GOOD girl for general housework; 2 in fam
lly. Main iwjh.
STRONG girl for general housework. S61
Northrup st.
GIRL for general housework: no washing,
small family. 4lovt Morrison st.
GIRL for general housework: no washing
or Ironing. Call 794 Johnson St.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
GIRL for housework, small family, good
home, gootl wages. 401 Davis sl
WANTED Competent girl
for general
housework. 71J Lovejoy st.
GIRL to do general housework. German
preferred, inquire eui scnuyier st-
GIRL or woman for general housework to
assist with children. Phone woodlawn 391.
EXPERIENCED help on waists. Moore
Trading Co., 415 Alder st.
WANTED A girl for general housework. 394
College st.
WANTED Lunch waitress. 203 Stark st.
GIRL for housework. 706 Flanders.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
482! Washington st.
SCHOOL of shorthand and typewriting: In
structlon by expert; $5 a month. 269 14th.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po-
, . 1 . - . , KIJ Cwatlan
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
STENOGRAPHER Proficient In all lines of
work; university man, thoroughly
grounded In English, desires position as
stenographer and typewriter; marnea;
absolutely temperate and trustworthy;
highest references; salary $100. W. A. C,
No. 9, North 11th St. Phone A 3207.
YOUNG man of good character desires po
sition as stenographer; has had 2 years'
experience; Gregg system of shorthand
and . touch typewriting used; have had
some experience in legal work, jw o-j,
YOUNG single man desires position as clerk
In general mdse. store m country town.
Eight years' experience and wages rea
sonable. Can suit an honest employer
XJ 539. Oregonian.
WANTED Position In retail hardware store
by experienced hardware clerk; can keep
hooks and use typewriter; salary not essen
tial to start; references. D 538, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED architectural draughtsman.
capable of estimating, desires position; city
rtierence. ac ojo, ureguiuan.
SITUATION wanted by mechanical drafts
man or tracer in .architect's office. G. P.
Greenman. Phone Main 6706.
A NO. 1- packer wants position; No. 1 ref
erences. Phone woodlawn 4U4.
BOOKKEEPER, young man. best of refer
ences; state salary, etc. R 5S8, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants position with heating and
plumbing company; have had expericcce
with ail kinds or Doners ana sieum mini,
will invest $1600 with right party. S 57,
ITALIAN-AMERICAN with business ability,
wishes position with wholesale houee es a
salesman or anymmg on me roi. urai
erences. Address F. A. BlsotU. 274 Sheri
dan St. S.
EXPERIENCED Japanese gardener will
make Japanese tea garden anywhere by
contract, by the day or wages. AF 532.
YOUNG MAN with knowledge of fir lunfber
In every detail would like to buy part In
terest in retail yard in thriving town. F 536,
ALL-ROUND, experienced fireman, under
stands the care of steam boilers and fur
nace, wants steady position. V 635, Ore
gonlan. MOVING-PICTURE operator wants position In
or out of town: 5 years' experience: best of
references; wire or address C, B. Ellis, 47H
N. 6lh St., Portland. Or.
GOOD Japanese couple wish position in fam
ily man as cook, wife wait on table and
do housework. Address 327 Everett st.,
POSITION wanted by experienced Danish
buttermaker, dairyman, about 1st of De
cember, ranch or creamery. Address K.
538. Oregonlan.
BY refined, neat, young man, duties quickly
learned and executed; private parties pre
ferred. V 539. Oregonian.
JAPANESE first-class cook, wants position.
Hotel, ooaraing-nuiuw, vnj v
AD 535, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN attending business college
wants place to work for room and board.
AD 003. oregonian.
M N and wife want place to take care of.
with small house, barn and chicken-house,
in suburbs, near carllne. Y 535. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED colored Janitor wants work
late evenings aim ii.vj.i..iB.
YOUNG MAN wishes work short order cook
or neiping imou wi.i,cn v.
Aaoreu ; - am
THOROUGHLY experienced cook. age 40,
, with wife. In hotel or log
ging camp. J. 517. Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN, who wants to go to school
night, would like eteauy jod; private ri
dence preferred. F 537, -Oregonlan.
A WELL accomplished Japanese wants po
sition in small lamny. mnuin, u'fi
Oregoniar. '
WOULD like position. In city preferred; livery
barn. Adaress nenaerson, ooo r um "
MAN with 5 trades wishes position of some
kind; mechanic. rt ii.ii, ureguuuui.
L YOUNG man wants to make R. R. ties.
Inculre R. R... Box 23. St. Juhne, Or.
CARPENTER and Milder, new or repair
work. 48 f alling st. wooaiayn ijio.
POSITION by an American chauffeur, can
furnlsn reference. i. o-i. orenuiimii.
MAN and wife want position, man es garden-
. MAN wants position as Janitor or watch
man ; reference. 72 Grand ave. North. .
a vrnn Job as teamster or night work.
East 1141.
POSITION as chauffeur by reliable, steady,
. . . , i , . r r 0 n.MAnlin
SITUATION wanted by capable F.a.-tern sten
ographer, several years' experience, very
rapid operator. good grammarian; could
handle correspondence without dictation;
first-class references. F 539, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion as assistant bookkeeper. Letter ref
erence. Phone East 978.
NEAT-APPEARING young lady stenographer
desires position la ctty or outside; good ref
erences. O 534, Oregonian.
YOUNG ladv stenographer desires steady po
sition in office: excellent references; work
reasonable. AL 537, Oregonian.
BY EXPERIENCED stenographer for gen
eral office work; references, rhone East
COMPETENT, experienced stenographer de
sires position. Telephone Main 407.
WANTED A position as bookkeeper; good
references. L 537, Oregonian.
DRESSMAKER wants dressmaking in fam
ilies, $2 per day. .vddrcss Kearney and
15th. Phone Main 9121.
A FIRST-CLASS dressmaker and talloress from
East would go out by the day. H 5.38, Ore
' gonian.
COMPETENT seamstress wants general
dressmaking: will go to homes. Phone
Woodlawn 984.
DRESSMAKING at home, or by the day.
Phono Main B904.
EXTENSIVE experienced nurse, every .kind
nursing, invalid., maternity, infant; ref
erences. Main 6216. -
PRACTICAL NURSE, best references. 1275
E. Yamhill st. B 2S92. -
BY young willow rs housekeeper, with small
bo's 829 Montana ave. Phone Woodlawn
YOUNG widow with one child would like
place as housekeeper where there Is no
family. l an. ureBouinu.
SITUATION wanted by experienced girl,
housework. 424 San Rafael st.
M lsceUaneous.
BY RESPECTABLE woman, place where
she can do nousewora in cny ui vuui.t, j.
where child of- 4 years would not be
objectionable, or to care for rooming
house; good home more object than
salary. AJ 531. Oregonian.
WANTED By younif French lady position
man, needlework; best references. Phone
East its.
WOULDN'T you like to leave your children
in ih. enm nf a refined, reliable girl while
you go out of an evening? If so, phone A
PRIVATE lessons in shorthand and type
writing, expert meinou. ou
Main 0800.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work 5 days
In week, 9 to 4. Aaaress room urnum
in Hotel.
EXPERIENCED woman, day work, wash
ing. Ironing, cleaning, alter o sr. at. main
EXPERIENCED second girl wLshes position.
Inquire Young woman h nniii
elation. Hours 10 to 12.
A WIDOW would like to care for a furnished
house or riat lor -tne winter, auuiwm ,
"The Irving." Irving and 21st sts.
STRONG young girl wants to do cooking
and general housework. 348 North 23d.
W ANTED Second work by young girl; best
of reference. As OuO. uregouiaii.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, cham
bermaids. St. JUOU1S. Jiam -v... i '
LADY, aged 35, wishes chamberwork. not
more than 15 rooms, i ojo, vi
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work by
tile hour, rnoim a o,a.
TWO strong girls want place to do general
i.. - -i 1 , ! it X" -"i r- f Vi V-tjl
LADY will car3 for child at her home; ref
erences. APPIJ- 'V r no- o
FIRST-CLASS cook wants position In family;
wages iu. aiain ck.
AGENTS A fonce-a-year" opportunity
. .. tIA a .3 1 IT
Christmas oemana ertui muu?, iv .
almost certain; from now until December
3 8 this agency Is good ror $300: pure sil
ver aluminum cooking utensils make prac
tical and beautiful gifts. Send quick for
catalogue and terms Now's the oppor
tunity. Amerlsan Aluminum Mfg. Co.,
Dept. A, Lemont, 111.
WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees;
. . . ... l. .,annArl V
outfit furnisneu; ctwsu wj.wi - ji
good territory. Address Oregon Nursery
,-nmnnnv OrenCO. Or.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weeliiy selling cuuiw j - -
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem. Oregon.
Agents, big money made selling our nursery
stock; great uemauw, ...,
mission weekly. Salem Nursery Co.. Salem.
WOULD like to rent small furnished apart
ment Cor the winter; must ue
S 536, Oregonian.
k'ANTED Suite of 2 or 3 housekeeping
rooms, furnished or unfurnished, by respect
able young married couple; prefer front and
ground-floor rooms: also must be near Mor
rison or Burneide bridges, on East bide. In
reply give description, price and what is
furnished. Address O 530. Oregonian.
.-ANTED 8 housekeeping rooms, near 23d
and Savier. in private family preferred.
Phone A 3865.'.
NEAT rooms in family. $10 and $12; heat.
hath: walking utsiance. .w ci...j
Rooms With Board.
ir NTED Private board and rooms for
gent lady and girl age 0: need 3 rooms;
strictlv first-class. In small family, near
Ladd School preferred; price no object. AL
338, Oregonian.
Business Places.
TfimE deskroom for rent cheap In new
Henry bldg. R 536. Oregonlan.
Furnisued Rooms.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovaiec mmusunui i
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc - rooms $10 month up; suites with
iun'iiing water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 Veekly up. A 264.. M. o647.
THE MERTARPER, 126 13th. cor. Washing
ton, brand new. miu i.u
every modern convenience: not water in ail
rooms; very reasonable terms.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d am Main " sts..
furnished rooms, single or eu bukd. at
ronable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
HOTEL ELWELL 7th and Alder; new.
modern rooms, niram .".. n, .
free phone, private bath; by day. week or
month, reasonable.
THE MERCEDES 20th and Washington;
elegantly turnisnea ouisiua tuuuia, mut,
conveniences, plenty of heat, $12 and up.
LARGE basement room with fine light and
nlr. steam heat, electric light, $3.50 weok.
624 Marshall st.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327ft
Stark, comer 0th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and
FIN ELY-FURNISHED rooms; every conven
ience; reasonable terms. 46 21st st. North.
CHOICE front room, suitable for two.
Taylor St., near West Park.
muir i? i vnnt PR ad and Columbia, rooms:
batu. heat; 60o to $1 day, $2 to $4 weak. J
3 44) ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof buildinf, steam
heated, hot and cold running " water in all
rooms, richly furnished, ni:est- beds that
money can buy. and It doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house;
nice large office on ground floor; every
thing first-class; rates. 50c. 75c and $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 12S 6th st. North.
Homelike Homelike Homelike
, Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redecoraring, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones.
Special low rates by the week or month;
cold water in all rooms, elegantly furnished;
directly opposite Portland Hotel. 330 Yam
hill st.
Comer 10th and Washington Sts.
P.ooms, single or en sufle; SPECIAL low
monthly rates: steam hsat, private baths,
hot and cold water in all rooms; beautifully
furnished; tourist trade solicited.
THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $3 per
week. 54SH Washington st.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral. $3. $4. $5 per week; transient..
Furnished Rooms In Private Families.
A LARGE airy front room neatly furnished,
roil top desk. bath, gas, furnace heat,
also small sleeping room, very reasonable.
Main 22S8. 428) 2d St.
EXCEPTIONALLY fine front room with mod
ern conveniences; also eido room with grate
and furnace heat. 12S 14th. near Washing
ton. Main 3000.
VERY desirable room, beautiful location.
West Side, all conveniences, furnace heat,
walking distance. Rent reasonable. Tele
phone Main 5613.
HIGH-CLASS apartment, suitable 3 adults,
piano, bath, ail modern conveniences, $40
per month. 528 Morrison, near 16th.
FINE front alcove room; house modern;
choice location: private family. 3hri Sal
mon st., bet. West Park and 10th.
FURNISHED alcove, suitable for two or
three: furnace heat, electric lights. 480
Alder St.
SWELL furnished, large bay-window room;
very close in heat, plione, bath, also small
room. 13 13th at., cor. Morrison.
FOR RENT Very cheerful furnished room in
modern residence: suitable for oae or two;
19th and Washington. Main 6337. A 4744.
PARTLY furnished large front room; heat,
light, bath; $12. Call bet. 10 and 12 A. M.,
206 11th st.
NICELY furnished room, modern conveni
ences, heat, breakfast If desired. 1105
East Yamhill.
1 COZY furnished room, suitable for 2 la
dies or gentleman, $10. 354 7th St., up
stairs. FURNISHED rooms reasonable, 1 or 2
gentlemen. 373 Taylor, corner W. Park.
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, close In,
reasonable. Main 7S15. 624 Flanders.
SLEEPING-ROOM, kitchen privilege, clean,
quiet? place, $14 month. 528 Morrison:
WANTED Quiet, refined lady to share
room in private family. 36G 7th.
NEATLY-FURNISHED room for rent, $6 a
month. 61S Quimby St., near lath.
NICE furnished rooms for rent, close ln-
4-S2 ii Washington.
NICELY furnished room, private family, rea
sonable. 10S8 Bast Alder st.
NICELY furnished room at 554 Third St..
for young man.
FINE corner room, large closet, heat, hot
and cold water. 542 Morrison.
258 Vs 13th ST. Nicely furnished room, new
house, evsry convenience, gentlemen only.
Unfurnished Rooms.
FOR RENT Five unfurnished rooms, ground
floor; large grounds, near school, close in;
$16. 227 East 49th. Phone Tabor 523.
TWO splendid, light, furnace-heated rooms,
best table board. 761 Marshall st.
Rooms With Board.
710 Washlni-on st.. near King, brand
new. elegantly furnished; every room has
a private bath, telephone: the maximum
of convenience and excellence, the mini
mum of expense. If you want the beat
in the city for the money, call and in
spect; dining-room In connection.
PORTCaND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary. 610 Flanders st.. Miss Frances N.
Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 5tn
st- Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt.
THE Manson Homelike boarding-house,
large general parlor, elegant rooms, sep
arate table board $3.50. Cor. 5lh & Jef
ferson. ROOM and board for two gentlemen, front
room nicely furnished; furnace heat; $7
week each. 294 Clay st.
THE COLONIAL, 165 end 167 10th st.. cor
ner Morrison, select tamiiy noici, uu
able rates.
"THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or
Without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13lh.
THE MARSHALL, newiy furnished, select
tabic board. 23d and Marshall. A 4920.
404 MADISON St.. cor. 10th, rooms with
board; good home cooking.
ROOM and board at the Sterling, 635
Couch st.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen, home
cooking, only $6 week each. 294 Clay st.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
TWO desirable front rooms, single or con
necting, newy imiiisucu, ow.t-uj ..
first-class board: two in room. $24 month
each; prefer working people; ten minutes
walk to P. O. 404 Clay. Main 9426.
LARGE front room with good board suit
able lor two or inr (,ii'c,llr"
each. Phone A 3675 or 54K YamhHl.
BOARD and room, bath, phone, heat, use
of piano, $6 week. ii iitti, iicm Ant
hill. NEWLY furnLshed rooms with first-class
board, private iamny; oain. a.m
walking distance. 232 N. 16th fit.
TWO or three unfurnished rooms with
board, for three, in private mumj. mod
ern house. Tabor 3 29.
$4?, Pleasant front parlor for two; modern
conveniences; luinnce ncm. ..,.. ..
ROOMVand board for 4 gentlemen or ladies,
$18.50; walking distance. out j-io.
$20 MONTH, room and board for two. 695
Everett Main 5486.
FRONT room, suitable for two; heat, piano,
rent reasonable. 268 12th st.
ROOM and board for two in modern home.
Main StsJo. A 427S.
NEWLY-FURNISHED rooms, with board, at
505 East Oak st.. cor. 15th. Phone B 2619.
NEWLY 1 furnished room, 2 gentlemen, 2
meals, walking distance. Main 7564.
HEINZE APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick
building, completely lirst-clnss. furnished
in 2, 3 and 4-rcom family apartments; pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone, compressed air
cleaning. Janitor ' service: some unfur
nished: rent very reasonable.
The most exclusive furnished apart
ments in the city; three-room suits, 'jath
and reception hail, both phones, electric
elevator: take W or lOth-st car. 624
Marshall st.
MODERN outside corner npartment, high
priced fumed oak furniture, Wilton rugs.
Haviland china; everything good as new;
bargain. $250. Apartment No. 42, JOu
King St.
FLATS, 731 ti Hoyt St.. near 22:1. rooms
and bath. Inquire 132 6th st. Mali: 6278.
2 AND 4-room flat, modern, central, pleas
. ant. reasonable. Call 2.13 H Hall.
FOR RENT Flat. 8 rooms -and bath, very
reasonable. Inquire 92 Killingsworth ave.
NEW 5-room flat, has porch, fireplace and
reasonable rent, call 441 11th st.
4-ROOM flat, well' furnished, walking dis
tance. 830)s 2d sU
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newlv furnished f'T housekeeping. Includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.5) week up;
bel in city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. -S'' or I6th-st cars north,
get off at Marshall st. No dogs
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping moms 2
$S month. S for $12; cot:age, $16. $20, $26;
flat. 4 rooms. $16: unfurnished house. $10.
364 23th North; "W" car from depot, on
3d or Morrison to 26th. block north.
ONEONTA, 187 17th, near Yamhill; take
W. car at depot: furnished 2, 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites by week $5.50,
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water,
taths and phones free. Main 4607, A 4739.
ELEGANT S-room suite, piano, phone, block
from Portland . Hotel, suitable fr light
housekeeping; references. Call 165 Park
St.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam heat, hot
water, bath, rent by week, month; very
centrally located. 350 ',3 Alder, corner
TWO front housekeeping rooms, both gas
and steel rancv-s. running water and bath.
489 Washington st
THREE very nice large modern housekeep
ing rooms, suitable for 4 persona 680
2d st.
THE MILNER. 35014. Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car.
$1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath. gits. 1S4 Sherman.
NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, $14.00.
G31Va Washington St., cor. 20th.
54!) MORRISON ST. 3 or 4 large first floor
3 NEWLY-FURNISHED rooms; $15 to per
manent tenants. 674 East Salmon.
Housekcepins; Rooms 1st Private Family.
2-KOOM suite In lovciy Nob Hill home,
stesni heat, hot water, every comfort,
very reasonable. Phone Main 87 1H.
TWO nice outside rooms. furnfslied for
housekeeping, $15 per month. Call 101
4th st.
TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms; stnk,
gas and bath. 405 1st St., flat K.
THREE housekeeping-rooms; no
children. 147 Grand ave. North.
291 CROSBY, near Steel bridge; excellent
location; 2 or 3 rooms, modern.
TWO nice well furnished rooms, every con
venience. 412 10th st.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
gas. bath and phone. 348 Monlgomery st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; close
in. W 538, Oregonian.
WELL-FURJv'ISHKD housekeeping suites. 389
6th st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
adults. 335 Clay, corner 7th.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, all
conveniences. 049 J3 Morrison st.
TWO NICEl front suites, everything conveni
ent for housekeeping. 492 Clay St.
FOUR clean, homelike, furnished house
keeping rooms $25. 68 East 8th.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms in private family,
2 cozy front rooms, heat. 416 Main street.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms.
East Ash St. East 107.
$13 TWO furnished connecting housekeep
ing rooms. Inquire 651 East Morrison.
WHEN TOU MOVE you'll need new furni
ture. Buy It Judiciously and the savings
wll lexceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one ot
the largest furniture houses In the city
In less than two years.
Lookers are shown the same courtesy
as buyers.
Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St.
East Ankeny, Montavllla and East Bids
line cars pass our door
With our organization, ellmlnatlrg mid
dlemen's prolUs. we can build you any
priced house for cash or on easy terms ana
save you money: plans and esiln-ates free; .
a postal will bring full details.
R. BAILEY. Postofflce Box 473.
NEW 6-room modern cottage. $15.00; 9-roora
apartment. $10.00; established hotel, 23
rooms partly furnished, $25. oo; all on car
line. South Portland, and 6-room modern.
Second St., walking distance. $12.. C. H.
Plggott. owner. 14 Mulkey bldg.
VERY desirable 8-room modem house with
gas, electric light, hot-air heating, large
attic concrete basement, large garden,
one block from carline and school; rents
for $25 per mo., or will sell for $2600.
Apply 1300 East Taylor st., near 49th.
FOR RENT Half aero orchard In choicest
cherries and apples, 5-room house, not
modern, city water. Ten minutes' walk
from Woodlawn station; rent cheap to
rlaht party. Phone Woodlawn 170i.
-ROOM residence, 700 Lovejoy St., near
24th Bt. North, $55; aristocratic neigh
borhood. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co..
85 4th st.
A NICE, modern house should have moderm
furnishings throughout; Eastern prlcea and
easy terms at Calef Bros.. 36U-370 East Mor
rison st.
IF you want to rent A house SEE MB.
If you want to rent YOUR house SElH MR
That's my business. S. D. Vincent, Kentais
Real Estate and Ins. 420 Lumbermens BU
IRVlNCrTGN o-room house, on 12th bet.
Thompson and Tillamook. Apply F. E.
.Bowman & Co.. cor. 12Ui and Thompson.
Phono East 935.
$25 6-KOOM house, corner E. 8th and
Everett sts. J. J. Oeder. corner Grand
ave. and E. Ankeny.
VERY desirable 6-room house, 402 San Ra
fael st. near Union ave., $25. Phone East
1685. C 1401.
COTT4GE, 5 rooms, cost exposure, $25.
Phono East 670. 4H1 East st. North,
bet. Tillamook and Thumpson (lrvlngton).
HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. 69 East
lilth St.. North, near Everett. Inquire 132
6th st. Main b2i.
FOR" RENT Modern 5-room house, with
bath. $16. 214 East 5-st st. Phone Scth
Leavens. B til 15 or East 21129.
FOR RENT 860 Weilder between 27th nnd
2Sth sts.. at $21 a mo. Hart man &. Thomp
son, Chamber of Commerce.
COTTAGE. 4 rooms, stable, chicken-house,
U lets. Mrs. T. Moxley, second block west
uf Trtynont station, Mt. Scott car.
FURNISHED 5-room house, near Catholic.
Church; reasonable rent. Phone Sellwood
UNFURNISHED hou-ies nrtiy be furnished
complete bv Calef Uroa.' easy rent plan at
Eastern prices. 360-370 East Morrlsoa st.
6-T.OOM COTTAGE. 254 Stout St., near
Main, $2. Inquire 2ii0 Stout St.
-ROOM modem house. S2" Corbett St., on
carline; furnace, bath. Main 1410.
l-'urnihhed Houses.
FURNISHED 5-room hous-. $20 month; four
room lower Hat, $16 month; unfurnished
house, l'.i acre, $10 month. Apply 3!i
North 2;ih, tv car from depot, on 3d or
Morrison to 26th. block north.
557 TAYLOR, ror. 18fh. 6-room flat, newly
furnished, new carpets. 3 larne sunny ijay
windows, gas ranue. pas hot water Instan
taneous heater for bath; rent $45.
4-ROOM well furnished, near :;4tll
and Hawthorne, water, electricity, as,
$22. r,o, v.ater included. Call 423 Lumber
Exchange, from 12 to 3 P. M-
FOR RENT Nicely furnished .Vrnnm ent -tape.
432 Prescolt st ; rent $27. 5o. Inquire
next doir, or appiy Wakefield, Fries & Co.,
85 Fourth L.
FOR KENT An elegantly furnished, 7-room
new hoiiie, baby prand piano, elc. Heights
Belknap. Care: Jlobart-i 'lirtis.
3-Rdo.M house, $10. Bennett & Wells. Stew
art's station, Mt. Scott Hue. Phone Tabor
S-UOOM modern dwelling, completely fur
nished. 7 East I5th st. North; rent $55.
ritrrish, Watkins & Co.. 250 Alder st.
PARTLY furnished ci'lnce, enmplete for
.housekeeping; no children. 4:lu Twelfth st.
5-ROOM cottaire, completely furnished. In
quire 405 Dekum hlk.
S6 N. 1UTH ST. Modern 5-room cottage for
$35. Inquire 575 Eerett st
FURNISHED two-room flat. Inquire 273 ii 7th,