the MORyiyG-oitgGoyiAy Wednesday, November 17, ioo9. 1o '.. $:toda . vkw iodat. I xew today. new todat. ( reai. estate. I real estate. r eal estate. : : For SaleLot..' for S.le-Hou. Wfee Can I Buy Good Apple Orchard Land Near Portland? See McFarland Investment Co., getting complete information about. the great - Spitzenberg Scappoose Orchard Tracts 10 20 30 ACRES at $400 and $500 each tract. ONLY 25 MILES FROM PORTLAND " Two town lots FREE in SPIT ZENBEKG. Railroad runs through center of bur holdings, making quick transit, between the Dew townsite and Portland. Scappoose apples and pears are on exhibition at our office. Call and see them. Make arrangements to look at these tracts where irrigation is not needed. Itinera I terms. McFarland Investment Co. 310-311 Corbettt Bldg. Palmer & 51rritt, Sales Agents. J.m. FRENCH SCO. THE FARM SPECIALISTS Have This Bargain to Offer: 200 cren near Washougal. W ash- on the new state road just finished for only $37.50 an acre. 60 acres In culti vation, and the greater part of balance easily cleared. No better soil than this, either for agricultural or fruit pur poses. Running water. Good 7-room house and barn, 60x60, and all other outbuildings. We want to show yu this place, because we know the price Is one-third less than anything else can be had for in this locality. 413-413 Ablnsrtoa Bids;-, 10 Third St. FOR SALE Beautiful Residence and ' Quarter Block Holladay's Addition Southwest corner East 11th and Clackamas 6treets, close to Irvington and Broadway cars; price, $15,000; third down; includes carpets, light fixtures and sanitary cleaning ma chine. Investigate at once if seeking ex tremely desirable home. Further particulars, inquire M'CAEGAR, BATES AND LIVELY, Failing Bldg., City. WILL BUILD A modern roominjr or apartment housetto suit tenant. Toar1nn within three blocks of Postofflce. Tenant must fur nish bond. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY S. F.. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. $52,500 One of the best huys on Grand ave. Terms. WEI.DOV DAKI.IV;. s Board of Trade. WHEAT 'LAND I handle mv own wheat land; will take small cash payment, good Port land property or secured notes lor first payment, and take 0E - HALF of crop until land is paid for. J. O. EtnOD, 519-520 Corbett Bldic, Opposite Poat Mice. $130 WILT, pay for choice fractional lot for residence only, raved street, walking; distance. Inquire 163 B. 17tU it. MORRISON STREET Corner, 100x100. Extensive improvements to be built in immediate neighbornooa Morrison street is to be ex tended to Washington. Val ues will, greatly enhance Will pay big interest, if im proved. Also splendid spec ulative value, single lot held at $37,500, across the street. Price $52,000 ' "You'll have to hurry." E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Wage Earners Why Don't You Place Your Savings in , North Tabor EVERY LOT A VIEW SITE. High and Sightly Bull Run Water Gradpd Gravelod Streets Lots 140 Feet Deep On Carline PRICES $550 AND $600 Terms 10 Per Cent Down. $10 and $15 Per Month IT PAYS TO SEE US. 1HAPIN 6HERL0W 332 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1652, A 4770. CHOICE PROPERTIES FOR SALE PLACED WITH US BY OWNERS . We .may have "- what you want. -lxians negotiated. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY FINE BUILDING FOR LEASE 4 STORIES And Basement. Located On First St. TV will give good lease on this. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY .. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. TENTH STREET $37,500 Between Washington and Alder. 25x100 Pacing East. )nc-half block from Washington street and Olds & King's New Dept. Store. . Address W 535, Oregonian. . $5000 EAST TAYLOR STREET Swell modern larsre 6-room house. 2 fireDlaces. furnace, fine improvements. full lot, nice lawn and roses; street work paid: pood neighborhood and easy walking distance: East Taylor, between 14th and lath: $1000 cash, balance $25 per month. Worth $5500. See THE OWNER 317 Itoard of Trade BIdKi 4th ud Oak. An Attractive Investment A well-located, well-built and well equipped flat building. Requires $9500 rash and pays a net return of 13 Vi per cent on that amount. See me for particulars. H. A. Moser 2SOV4 Third St. Phone Main 3482. VALUABLE LEASE lOOxlOO. 2 blocks from Morrison St., and 3 blocks from Portland Hotel. Flat rent for B0 years at present value. 6 per rent basiF. What! Yes. flat rent at "present value," but you'll have to hurry. A. BACKUS, 610 Board of Trade Bldg. TEN ACRES $875 Portland's best suburban garden and $300 frutt land near Gresham; no gravel; caeh. FRRDKRKTC C. FORBES CCX. S29 Lumbermen's, 6th St. INVESTMENTS $35,000 East Side, choice loca tion, full 4 block; 3-story brick building; 8l2 Per eent nGt income. $17,500 Full quarter- block, choice location at east approach of new Steel bridge; sure to double in value in a year. $15,000 Twenty-third" st.,. just off from Washington, full comer lot; two modern 9-rooni dwellings; .$05 monthly rental;, lot. alone worth . . the money. $10,500 Trinity Place, 50x100 ft., east front, right off of Wash ington; ideal site for apartments. Warehouse Sites $75,000 Thirteenth st., full half block, 200x100 ft.; choice location; only half block on the street for the money. $25,000 Fifteenth, st., full quar ter block, good location; 100 ft. on track. 310,000 Glisan st., full corner lot, 100 ft. frontage; elose in; good in- James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce. NEW HOUSE -ONLY $10 PER MONTH NEVER AGAIV will you have such an opportunity of moving Into a spick and span now house and become the proud owner of your own home for only $10 per month. Come and see It. Fine big lot: splen did view; close lnr best surroundings; cltv water. The best place to live and make your home. The best place to buy for an Invest ment. Lots not as good sell for twice the price elsewhere. Come to office and ride out in our automobile, or go to office at Gregory Heights, end of East ' Ankeny-Rose City Park carline. Seeing is believing. Don't take our word for it. And don't ask vour landlord. COME. Fuily Illustrated folder on request. '5 sa s-w i& 1 INVESTMENT C0.oytm 418 Corbett Bldgf Fifth and Morrison. SOUTHERN OREGON ALFALFA AND FRUIT FARM 750 acres; 44 acres In apples;' 20 acres In alfalfa; 150 acres under cultivation; 350 acres in pasture; 250 acres fine tim ber. Soil is deep sandy and black loam; stream with 1000 inches of water for ir rigation on place: wire and board fences: li miles to school: 8 miles from town of 1000 population on S. P. R. R. This farm lies in the richest valley in Southern Ore gon; two-story 16-room house; barn . 80x 130 capacity 200 tons of hay; 16-foot sheds on two sides, shedroom for 200 head of stock; buildings alone cost $10,000. This place is known to be one of the beet farms in the state. Price, $28.50 per acre. . LAWSON A CLARKE, Glendale, Or. FIRST AND MADISON 3-storv brick, 50x100, next to cor ner, $40,000; incomeOO monthly. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. SOxlOO On Clinton St. Choice residence lot, high and sightly, with view of the city; im proved street, with large sewer main, cement walk and curb. This is a choice buy and a snap afc-$10ot). QUEEN INV. COMPANY, 410 Tailing Bldg. HURRY! HURRY! . That 5 - room "modern home, with garage and 100x114 on the S. W. cor. Kast 20th and East Ash streets. Has a lot of fine fruit trees. Owner wants to leave city. Can make exceptionally low figure and easy terms. Edw. P. Mall Co. 309 and 310 Ablncton Bldg. Irvington Strictly first-class new residence: mod ern district; near car; 9 rooms, sleeping porch, superior finish, beautiful design; elegant and complete in all details: must be sold and Is offered $2500 below the market: $2000 cash, balance easy. OWN ER, J 632, Oregonian. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rates. Bnlldlns; Loan a. Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 302 Worcester Block. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW . 8 rooms, modern; 8 lots: many trees, beautiful grounds; 2 blocks from car line: $10,000, easy terms, or will con sider trade for city or country real estate. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 028 Board of Trade. 120x6623 Corner in fl'SX VSIDE. Has "3 cottages, with room for 2 more. WELDOX DARLING, 61.3 Board of Trade. For Lease 100x100 downtown corner, one of the best corners In Portland, and at a low valuation. . See W. J. RAKFR, 510 Board of Trade Bide COME OUT TODAY to: ROSE CITY PARK Take Car at Third and Morrison Sts., Get Off at the "Brick Store" on the Alameda. AUTOMOBILES AND SALESMEN there to meet you. It costs nothing to see the Best and Cheapest Residence District of Portland. IMPROVEMENTS PAID FOB.', That is one point you must not forget City water, electric lights, telephones, graded street, wide parkings, cement sidewalks, cost $300 a lot; and you can buy improved lots at ?500 on easy terms. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, If. V. Co. M. 8349. 30 Hamilton Diaa BeeH. William a.. 12 Failing bldg. Blrrell, A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. If. 649. ChaptiwA Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. A Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. Fields. C- E. A Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co.. Main 18S. 208 Oregonian. KIRK A KIRKHAM, Lumber Et, 328 Stark. Parrish, Watklns Co., 230 Alder st. Schalk. Geo. D., 204 Stark st. Mala or A 392. Sharkey. J. P. A Co.. 12254 Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava. and Multnomah at. vHolladay AddiUon). Walker. S. T., 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Bale Lota. APARTMENT OR HOTEL SITE 100x100, close in. Just north of Washing ton street, in center of best residence and family hotel district; two good houe on the property bring In $75 per month; price $20,000. terms. FT. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8099. A 2663. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE LOT. 50x100. on .paved street, within three blocks of oar; well above grade; the best lot in Irvington for the money; price $1200, terms. It. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8690. A 2653. PORTLAND Ton are looking for a pick-up. Hero It is: A full lot on East TRUST 22d st. Only half a Mock I from the car, and the BAU CO. GAIN price is $7.V). PORTLAND TRUST CO.. 9. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. GARDEN. CHICKENS, ETC $100 BUYS NOW lots on carline. new addition, 25 minutes from business center; Just the place to grow garden truck, own your own cow. chickens, etc.; terms $.1 or $5 each month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 3265? Washington St. CORNER. 80x0.1. Tillamook and B. 31et; a One building lot. facing south and eastt hard-surface street and cement' walk in and paid for. Included in price of $2600; terms $750 cash, balance monthly. SENG STAKE & LYMAN. 90 Fifth St.. PORTLAND Think this over 98- fet by 230 feet for only $1250; in TRUST Woodstock. This will make 4 nice building sites. CO. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. f. p. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IRVINGTON QUARTER. Corner 100x100. on paved street, ons block from car; price, $3300. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8609. A 2053. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. View lot 60x112. surrounded by fine houses; all Improvements in; one block from car; price $2650. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main S609; A 2653. LOT 42x100. on Garfield ave.. east front, grand view, I block from Union ave.. In that swell Piedmont district. $650 cash takes it if sold this week. POULSEN-R ATCLIFFE REALTY CO., r20 Lumberman's Bldg. PORTLAND Lots of ground for little money; 100x1 00 for $550; that's cheap TRUST for a quarter block in Wood work. . CO. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. 9. E. Cor. Third and Oaa Sts. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. 50x100. west of Laurelhurst; $82.1. easy terms; a big snap. Equity Investment Co.. 508 Gerlinger bldg. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. 2 lots, corner, good location, near Wood land, only $700, extra easy terms. DUBOIS & CROCKETT, Washington Bldg.. Room 3. MT. TABOR building site, permanent view, on north slope near Park entrance on Belmont; market price $2500. but will sell for $1900, as I am compelled to leave city. 900 B. Main. Phone B 1100. FULL LOTS. ONLY $27.50 CASH. Balance $247.50. payable at $5 per month: - on Mt. Scott carline; graded streets. Bull . Run water. I MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. I HAVE some very good buys in vacant lots: they range in price from $200 to $16,000 a lot. I have lots In all parts of the city. WF.LDON DARLING, 618 Board of .Trade. SIX Iota unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for sale at a great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 934. SULLIVAN'S ADDITION. $1600 Corner lot on East 24th. Income $11 monthly. Howard Land Co., 619 . Swetland bldg. 8 TOTS. sightly and close to car, well worth $300 each; owner must have money, hence for $1400 will let the whole bunch go. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. $15,000 AT 7 per cent to loan on real es tate security. Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce. MUST sell my equity In Westmoreland lot at a sacrifice. Call Main 652, between 9 and 3. ' CHOICE H block at Woodstock, beautiful building site, $1250. See owner, 410 Fall ing bldg. IF you own lot w-ill build you a house on terms. Eastman Co.. 303 Abington bldg. Main 3236. 8 LOTS, Base Line, opposite Terra Park. $600. JlHrt down, balance $15 per month. Phone Tabor 1S-1. TODAY. Will sell B-room bungalow. $350 cash, $15 per month. Call Woodlawn 74. WEST SIDE LOT. 50x100 FEET. Price $175, easy terms, 5 cent carfare. See owner. 614 Board of Trade bldg. BARGAIN Choicest Irvington Heights. 100x100 corner In Phone Sellwood 1283. 2 FINE lots overlooking city, only $31100. Purse. 818 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON lots" $1000. A. Backus. Board of Trade bldg. Main 8960, A 7674. BEAUTIFUL site In Council Crest Park, next to $15,000 home, odd shape piece, with over 100 feet frontage and mora than 100 feet deep, high, almost flat, and city view. This is $400 tinder market price. This district is now being Im proved with bitulithic streets and will soon .be the prettiest home district on the "!oa8t. For further Information see Baker. 519 Board of Trade bldg. Main 8060 or A 7374. IRVINGTON HALF BLOCK. 100x200. Including two corners on Knott St., 2 blocks from car. This property Is six feet above the street and has a mag nificent view; an ideal residence site; price, $7300; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8609. A 2653. PORTLAND HEIGHTS VIEW CORNER. A quarter block, with large trees, splen did view, within 3 blocks of Washington st. It is surrounded by fine residences and is the only property in the vicinity for sale. Price $12,500, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.'. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main Sti'.tO; A 2653. For gale Houses. PORTLAND Wo are not mind readers, but we- do know that- this is the TRUST home that you have had pic tured in your mind. Listen! CO. A living-room that has big windows, beautiful beamed exil ing, tinted to eult "the hard to please." a fireplace that 1 in the right spot, the very latest design in electric fixtures. Isn't tliu, your idea of a living-room? The rest of the bnubd is in keeping with this. The price Is the only cheap thing about it, $4500. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. 8. E. Cor. Third and Oak rits. $HOO-r3 lots, almost completed 7-room house on Mt. Scott line. $2o00 50x100 'corner, new 5-room cot tage. E. Yamhill st. $3250 66 2-SxlOO and alley, modern 7 hoom house, lots of fruit. a block from csr. University Park. $4000 50x100. 7-room modern home. Just west of Laurelhurst. Fine buy. S.'OOO 50x100 corner: Holladay Park, modern 8-room house; big snap for some- one. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. 508 Gerlinger blrg.. 2d and Alder. PORTLAND This will sppeal to the person that wishes an ideal closo-in TRUST COUNTRY HOME. Thero are eight fine large rooms, two Co. fireplaces, first-class plumbing. between 2H and 3 acres of ground In fruit; splendid chicken-yard, A-l water system, 4 blocks from the Oregon City car. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. a B. Oor. Third and Oak dts. PORTLAND Once in a while there comes a chance to pick up a snap. TRUST Well, here's your chance; 6- room house: electric lights, gas, CO. swer: corner lot, cement walks in, nice lawn and flowers. This is close In. on East 3oth. bet. the Belmont and Hawthorne carlines: $000 cash, balance $10 per month, and the snap price Is $2700. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. a E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. WILL SACRIFICE. 5-room house, extra well-built and very comfortable; full basement, nice bath and toilet; nicely tinted: lot 50x100. fine loca tion, V, block to one of the best carllnes on East Side. This can be bad for a little cash, balance monthly. See us at once. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 815-16-17 Abington bldg. PORTLAND Here's a combination that's hard to beat! Beautiful lot, TRUST 100x100, fine home of 6 rooms with a great big fireplace in CO. ' living-room. This place is V- cated so it overlooks the city. When vou see It you will won der whv it is offered so cheap; price $4250. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. 8. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sis. WEST SIDE HOUSE, $500. Good, large 6-room house on Corbett st., near Glhbs: can he bought for a short time for $2500; $500 cash and $25 per month; worth $3000. You don't find such bargains at such terms every day. See this houBe today, tomorrow may be too late. GRUSSI ZADOW, -.117 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. EAST PORTLAND INVESTMENT. $13,600. Corner on B. 2d St.. 2 blocks from Broadway: 2 well-built modem houses. 1 8 rooms and 1 7 rooms. Will rent for ISO per month: price $13.5"0; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones. Main S639. A 2853. $2100 Will buy a 5-room. IVi-story cottage on page street, 10( feet west of Williams ave., lot 25x75; house is modern and rents for $15 oer month, 1 block from property which sold for $6000. Terms to suit. R" CHAPtN A HERIOW. - 322 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME 8-room modern Queen Anne house: large verandas and sleeping porch: fine view of river and mountains; on paved street, 1 block from car; price $7500, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8600. A 2653. PORTLAND Thle will appeal to the man that wants a cozy 4-room 1RUST home, within 15 minutes' ride of the I'ostonice. it s on CO. East Morrison, near 3ith st.. snd it costs only a-ow. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. 9. -E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BARGAIN. Fine. new. 0-room house, all modern .conveniences. 1 block from car, 12 minutes from town: prlc" $".700. only $3O0 cash, balance $25 per month. Call siifl see us. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST CO., 624 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW MAPS. 1. Latest map of Portland. Or., giving new additions, electric lines, etc. 2. 26-mlks circle of Portland surround ing giving townships, ranges and section numbers, new electric lines and railroads, etc. Price 50 cents each. Send stamps. The Crossley Co., 70S Corbett bldg. PORTLAND Here's a home that nas plenty or closets; r larse TRUST bath and toilet separate, run cement basement, ana lioor, tur- CO. nace, cement walks. On Last . 30tti st. uniy PORTLAND TRUST CO.. a B. Cor. Third and Oak St. BARGAINS 6-room house on Montana, near Falling, wltn nice yam ana iruu, mwucui, also 6-room house with alcove, on Mary land ave., near Killingsworth. with nice yard, all modern; both houses for sale cheap: party needs money; terms. Ad dress R 503. Oregonian, or phone C 1053 after S P. M. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains ani rivers; beautiful. commodious. convenient, new; nicely Improved grounds, 100x100. fronting hardiurfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner, 502 Corbett block. PORTLAN TRUST CO. it fUinr- full lot. East 7th St., near Skid more. This is a good home. Price $2850. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. a E. Cor. Third and Oat Sts. PORTLAND One of the best views in the CUV iruin iiia iii. 6-room place in i-otith Port lard that we offer for $.1500. PORTLAND TRUST. CO.. S E. Cor. Third and oak Sts. TRUST IF TOU WANT to buy a home wltn uttie monev. call xaDor sua or taae m- ouuw car and get off at Clarks station, 2d house. Will be at house from 2 to 3 P. M. PORTLAND WEST SIDE home of 8 rooms; pretty view: corner lot; gas TRUST and electric llght-i; modern plumbing. Price only $4000. CO PORTLAND TRUST CO.. " a E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. MOOn BELOW THE MARKET. Fine new residence In Ladd's addition, large rooms, very stylish and up-to-dale, best location. Terms, owner. J Ore gonian. CORNER 100x100 in rlcdniont: a beautiful home that owner must sacrifice; large -room house Just completed with every modern convenience; price $t000; full in formation at 410 Failing bldg. A BARGAIN If taken quick, 8-room modern home Uidd's Add. Room 5. Lumbermen's bldg. Phone M. 807.1. East 2725. Thos. Vigans, owner. $2850 Here is a dandy bungalow Just completed. Modern? I should say so. You'll be too late. Phone A 2S41, Main 1559 or 403 Couch bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow, hath, fireplace, furnace, sleeplng-porcb. Address N 53S, Oregonian. Tir.Ai:Tiiri-T. fllTNNYSTDE HOME. 8 rooms and largo hall, fine sleeping porch, sliding doors between hall and parlor, dining-room paneled, large china closet, gas and electricity, full cement basement, cement floor, cement walks In front and around house, 2 toilets, double walls and floors, sewer and all Improve ments paid: $3150; $100 Ocash. balance monthly. This place Is a bargain; Is block of Hawthorne. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. East 34th and Hawthorne. Tabor 516. PORTLAN D You often try to plan the homo you want. We can enow IT to TRUST you. Six nice sired rooms cn one floor; fireplace, furnace, CO. cast front. This plare Is n"t quite finished; within tw blocks of the car; price only $3500. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. 9. B. Cor. Third and Oak Sit. FURNISHED HOUSE ON CORBETT ST. Modern, nearly new. 6-room house, lot 30x170. on Corbett St., near Bancroft ave., right on tlio carline. completely fur nished with new and up-to-date furniture, carpets, etc. Price $4000. tec It. today. It's a bargain. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON HOME. 520 16th st.. between Brazeo and Knott streets, street paved, cement walks and curbs. 7 rooms, fireplace, grate for wood and coal, furnace, tinted walls, stained floors. Just completed, 3 coats of paint. This is an exceptional bargain for $5000. Terms H cash, balance a.s mortgage. "R" CHAPIN (t HERLOW, 322 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Fine 12-room home, with all modern conveniences; only block from car; beau tifully finished, sightly view; price $0000. half cash. Call and see us. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST CO., 624 Board of Trado Uldg.N $J5i)n p'ine modern little house on East Side, 25 minutes' walk from 3d and Wash ington sts.; fine neighborhood, all street and other Improvements In and paid for; about 12 Icorris "of first-class wood go with It. G 5.17, Oregonian. LOOK HERE. We have an extra fine large bungalow house, fine ground, strawberries, for salo or trade for lots, acreage or farm. DUBOIS & IVROCKETI, Washington Bldg., Room 3. PORTLAND RIGHT LOCATION. P.1GHT PRICE on that nice 6-rooni TRUST on B. 2Bth st., within a block of the Belmont car. CO. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. a. E. Cor. Third and Ou Sts. $2000 MODERN 5-room cottage. 102 E. 21th N, V, block from carline. for sale on easy terms; $.VX down, balance $25 . monthly at 7 per cent. Very desirable home for small family. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co.. 850 Alder st. BUNGALOW of 6 rooms at Woodmere Station, modern In every way, full lot. basement 32x40 feet, wood lift, enameled bathroom. Dutch kitchen. Will sell -on easy terms. Young Bros., 512 Gerlinger bldg.. Main 7673. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. h rooms; modern; a magnificent view, en carline; lo04 Thurman St.; price $4500, 1S50 caeh. bal. easy terms. ' MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. GENUINE BARGAIN if taken at once; strict ly modern six-room lvjuee, corner lot. 1) trmutes out. on Mt. Tabor car; beautiful lo cation: $4000, terms. Owner. Phone B 1783. OWNER leaving city, must sell this week; four-room bungalow, strictly modern, fine lawn, trees, roses. 1414 Morse St., Wood-lawn- NEAR PIEDMONT CARBARNR New. modern. 6-roem house, half block to car; Dutch kitchen. woodlift, stationary tubs; $3000 easy terms. 407 Gerlinger bldg. ARBOR IODGK $2000 SNAP. 3 blocks from St. John rerUno; new S room modern house. 1419 Boston st. Room 1, 83 5th st. NEW up-to-date 6-room cottage, all con veniences, near Piedmont carbarns, 1 block from Killingsworth ave., J2750. Call on owner, 410 Failing bldg. UNION AVE. 7 rooms, strictly modern, 100x100, heau tlful lawn., family orchard on macadam street, $4200, terms. Tabor 184. FOR TRADE OR SALE BY OWNER. 60 acres, half In cultivation, 40 min utes on electric line. AC 637, Oregonian. BY OWNER, lot 60x109. with 7-room house on improved street. St. John line, $2500. Woodlawn 1603. $100 DOWN and $15 rr month; new four room modern house, best buy in city. 421 Henry bldg. HOME built to order on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under- bond; In vestigate plan. R. C. Young, box 4064. IF you are looking for a home, see WELUON DARLING, 618 Board of Trade. HOUSE and lot, close in, $1500; terms; will take team of horses as part payment. Call 451 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE By owner the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. 406 E. 20th st. North. Call and see It. A NICE home for $165u; near 28th and East Ankeny; $500 cash. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. 3-ROOM house and furniture, full basement, lot 25x85, close in, near Alberta carline; $600. 9 526, Oregonian. For Sale Business Property. PORTLAND Cut this out. ' It means money : you. We have a lot that TRUST is the best location f"r a gro cery storo In tho city. Not CO. only thie, but it will double In price before long. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. a E. Cor. Third and iuk Sts. Acreage. ONE OF THE CHOICEST PIECES OF GROUND FOR GARDENING. Consisting of lO acrfa, of which 7 acres are all cleared and under cultivation: the balance, 3 "acres, ro also under cultivation, but have 20 or So old stumps: this piece is bordering on a running stream, lies ele gantly to be Irrigate.!, if necessary; it Is nearlv all bottom land, sandy loam soil; located about 7 blocks from the electric road and same distance from the railroad; in one of the best towns In the WillHiiiette Valley: price S.ltXMl. $1000 cash, balance a good reasonable time at 6 per cent; there are no buildings. OTTO & HARKSON, 133Vi First St. RIVERDALE. I.will sell all or any portion of my beautiful S-acre tract at Rlverdale, will cut up nicely into single acres or more, tract is wooded and commands unex celled view of river, city and mountains; secure for yourself a choice country home site In thle most exclusive residence sec tion of Portland: will build your home, conforming to your own plans on easy terms if desired. F. C. Graham. 827 G of c. FRUIT AND DAIRY LANDS. 5. 10. 20-acre tracts, choice walnut and fruit lands, all level, in high state of cul tivation, one-hour ride on electric road, steamer transportation fare K5 cents, fruit belt of Oregon: see us before it is too late, large tracts with or without irrigation, easy terms. DEAN LAND CO.. Owners. 622 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. PORTLAND Near Kast 27th, on Wa-sco st. We have what we call a flue TRUST place for little money: large living and dining-rooms, nice CO. light kitchen. 3 roomy bed rooms upstair.. Yce. 6 rooms, full lot and price Is $.1,150. PORTLAND TRUST CO. a E. Cor. Third nd Oak Sts. LOT SUBDIVISION PROPOSITION. 10 acres advantageously located on the Peninsula, close to carline, all grubbed, ready to lay off in lots. Absolutely the best buy in close-in acre age on the market. Call and investigate at once. VANDL'YN & WALTON. 515 Chamber Commerce. $1500 DOWN. 10 acres; 5c .carfare; bound to double eooh; line soil; a rare chance. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. We Have others. One Acre or Thousands. "It will pay you to see our list." 20 ACRES finest of soil near Gresham. carline and abundance of water running throus-h it. Dubois & Crockett, Washing ton bldg.. room 3. ACREAGE In large or small tracts cn car line, close In; choice river front; 5iK acres to subdivide. Kinney & Stampher, 131 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4881. fl ACRES, well improved, one block from Jennings Lodge station; for sale cheap If sold quick; can give best of terms. C D. Slocum. owner S ACRES, clos.? in. soil and location Meal, part cash, balance terms. 412 10th st. ACREAGE. 1 to 10 acres st Arnold. 1 acre at Nlckum. 1 aocres. Lents Junction. 2 acres at Gates. 2 acres. Jennings Lodge. 2 acres, Gilbert Station, O. W. P. 2 acres at Lents. 2( seres at B,ill Station. 4 acres at Linneman. 7U acres at Milwaukie. 7 acres at Linnemann. 0 acres at Bell Station. 10 acres at Mount Scott. 10 acres at Jennie Station 10 acres st Sycamore Station'. 11 acres Bt Sprtngdale.- 12 acres near Burlington. We have manv more choice acreage tracts near Portland at bargain prices on easy payments. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO., 50S Gerlinger Bldg.. 2d ar.d Alder. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side, 20 minutes from center of city In 1 and 2tj-acre tracts; this will . make you a living and pay for itself; $30 cash will start you; price to suit all. Call oa Trustee. 410 Falling bldg. 18 ACRES, close to car. mile to town of 1O0O people. $ acres cleared, house, barn. 4 acres fruit, fine land; will make terms to suit. Price $2500. Young Bros., 312 Gerlinger bldg. Homesteads. FINE HOMESTEADS IN TILLAMOOK CO. 2 relinquishments, best we ever had in timber claims from 6.000.000 to 9.O00.OOO each. 2 timber relinquishments, exceptionally good. 10 timber claim: will run from 3,000, 000 to 8.000.000 fed each. Homesteads In Eastern Oregon. NI.MMO. RUNEY & DAVUi. Miscellaneous. CALIFORNIA ORANGE GROVE. 12 acres at Riverside, California, in full bearing orange trees; eood nine-room house, barn and outbuilding,; near streetcar; for the last 10 years this grove has averaged a net yearly income of 1:1 per cent-on the price, J2U.0OO. Owner will consider Port land reidence in good r.eighVrhood ss part payment. Further information on applies-, tion. - H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club BMg., Phones Main S609, A 2653. AI.BINA warehouse site on Improved corner and railroad spur near ferry. Tel. Wood lawn lti0;i. For Sale Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVKR ORCHARDS. We have orchards ranging from 5 to 2on acres, all located In Hood River Val ley. The prices are right. We will be pleased to tell you of them either by letter or personally. Our representative at. Hood River will show the properties. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD., 286 Washington St., Room 612. For Sale Farms. FARMS THAT WILL SELL. 120 acres, 4 miles rrom flno town, on the S. P. R. R.. on a fine cnuniy road and in a nice valley; large stream through place; land is sandy loam: new 10-rooin house, 2 barns, roothouse. machine shed, woodshed, tine well, epveral springs, goof orchard, 5n,rtno feet saw timber, 16 head cattle. 2 wagons, 1 hore. all farm implements and household furniture; school i3 mile; price $4500- cash, with good terms. 160 crc. U miles to good town, on S. P. R. R.; 25 acres In cultivation; 1 mile to school: sandv loam soil; small house toI ham snd outbuildings and s ream and well; g.wd county road: price $.1S00. 3.1 acres. 1 snd '-. mile from R. R : 18 in cultivation, 1"0 fruit tree, part besver dam; house, barn, chicken -house and other buildings: all good soil; $2600. 35 acres. 1 and 'i mile to station: Vj cul tivated: house and barn; this is s good lit tle home and worth tho price. $22'l0. 160 acres. 50 cultivated, situated on good county road, convenient to R. R. : sandy loam soli; no buildings, but a flue farm: $42'i. Theen are all good buys and we can g good terme on them. We have acreage K large and small tracts snd vsrious prices to suit the buyer. Anything from I acre to 10.00O. . . , ., Some of the best city investments in the Cltv of Portland. . , Timber lands and large tracts or farm lands cheap, stock ranches: come in. and se what we have. EVERSrrT Mct'J.FOD. Rooms 516 and 517. Rothchlld Bldg. HOMESEEKERH AND SPECULATORS. Here Is a fine farm of 160 acres, no rock or gravel but all good soil, located In the Alsea Valley. 1 miles from the hay and ocean: a fine Summer or Winter home, near nice summer resort, town. P. O. stores, etc.. 15 acres under fine cultivation, with 20 more easily cleared. 10 head good rattle, 4 of them well-broken oxen: 7 goats, span of good horses, wagon, hack, harness and farm tools, hay. potatoes, etc.; fine 6-room house, good barn, etc.; now there Is about feet of fine cedar timber on this place that is worth more than I ask for the entire place, as house hold goods and all goes for $3500 with, good terms; this will not last long. Ad dress C (1. North, 761 Commercial St., or phone Woodlawn 1610. city. Plenty of good fruit and berries. REAL FARM, BARGAIN. 100 acres. 3 miles from North Yamhill. 0 acres In cultivation. 3 acres of good orchard, very best soli, all fenced. 5 room house, large barn, woodshed, rrult house. chicken-house, etc., 3 ',3 acres or luto potatoes In ground. 2 good worK horses, harness, : fine Jersey rows. 1 call, 18 hogs. 100 chickens, geese and turkeys, 2 wagons. 1 hack, 2 plows, 1 harrow, hay and feed, all tools, etc. This is a bargain and must be sold soon. liao $5500. ("s-sh, no trade. COAST COMMERCIAL CO., 410 Henry Bldg. FARM A BIG BARGAIN. "0 acres. 18 seres In high slate of cul tivation, every foot ileep soil: 10 acres oc fln peat-beaverdam : place all fenced ana cross-fenced; on main county road; 14 miles from Portland, 1 mile from rall rrad station, close to good schools and churches; on R. K. D.. telephone, milk, route; 2 cows, 2 hogs, chickens, farm Im 'plcments. etc.. go with the place; price 250i, $1000 cash, balance 3 to o years. First man who sees this will buy. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 32" 4CRES, 1'- miles from S. P. R. R. sta tion. 31 miles south of Portland; over 200 acres in cultivation. 0" acres of the cul tivated land is real beaverdam or onion land and under a fine system of irriga tion; 1 acres of this land In onions this year produced from $SOO to $1000 per acre; as for dairying purposes tills will he a green grass, all Summer place; house Is Just fair, barn is good, orchard Is good. Tho place is on a tine road. Price, ton per acre; any reasonable terms. Call or address C. li. Robeson, Anderson bldg., Oregon City. Or. A DANDY BUY. . 40 acres. 5 miles from Forest Grove. S in cultivation, more easily cleared, or chard, 1 acre strawberries, potalo crop, 5 room house, barn, other outbuildings. 3 Incubators. 1 horse. 1 cow, wagon, har ness, milk separator, stump-puller, all farm implements and household goods; spring water and some line timber, only $175(1; $7."" cash. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Washington Bldg., Room 5. HERE If A SNAP FOR SOME ONE l.-',u acres 5 miles of Corvallis. Or.; raa 2 houses. S large barns, lino Htrcam of run ning ualor. .fenced with woven wire hog tight- about sri.non.oou feet of saw timber end mill now on the place cutting it: about $.Vlrt stock and machinery g"cs with Ha.e and can be bought f.r $ per acre on long .lino 10 to o vo.trs line i"i .-cimi-, email tract". Lincoln Invt. Co.. 2-Sl si., room 301. Wash. NO .".33 FARM MUST RK SOLD WITHIN THE NEXT :Ul DAYS; "23 Hires 0 aj good land as there Is ill Yamhill Co and only $50 P-r acre tlnnd adjoining Is for sale at $100 per acre 1 : onlv 2', n1"" rrom town, electric R. P- u"'c through the place: this Is the bignest bargain yo,r have heard -f In a Ions time; let mc tell you all about It. Vv. J. Smith, 4.18 Chamber of Commerce. LAND BUYERS READ THIS. $35011 buvs 4t acres of Bood level land. 12 miles from Courthouse, near Oregon Electric carline; sumo tine timber, will almost pav for the place: this tract is for below market price: a chance to make big monev. Call and s-6 owner, 2"1 i Morrison St., room 0. Phone Main 52. .6. A SAFE, SANE INVESTMENT. A 25-acre improvcel farm. 7 miles from the center of Portland. This land will bring you $5u0 per acre within three years: von can buy it now ut a figure that wilt riav SO per cent on your investment. J. S. SULLIVAN. 422 Henry Bldg.. Cor. Fourth and Oak. We have . acres of choice land, nil under cultivation, less than 1 miles from Port land on R. R.. 10 trade for farm of not less than 1tW acres. Dubois & Crockett, Washington bldg.. office :t. SEND for our list of Willametta Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. 'Olmstead Land Co.. Salem Or. IIOYE A HOPKINS, SALEM. OR. Largest list of valley farms in-the state, FREE RIGS ALWAYS ON HAND.