Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 15, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Phases of Industrial Growth in the Pacific Northwest
Salem, Falls City & Western
Booms Its Territory.
Gasoline Motor Will Take Care of
Passenger Traffic, While Freight
Will Be Handled by Steam.
Lumber Industries Thrive.
SAU3M. Or.. Nov. 14. tSpeclal.) Some
time within a week the Salem. Falls
City & Western Railway- new gasoline
motor car will have arrived. It will be
put into commission between this city
and Falls City, and for the present will
handle all the passenger traffic. The
steam locomotives now used in hauling
the passenger trains will be used ex
clusively for freight. The car is 80 feet
long, and besides seating 80 people, will
have a ba;ajre compartment and engine
rnnm in the front. This car is the same
! as those in use by the Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific in the Middle West,
where thty have made a splendid record.
X A. Uerlinger. Jr., geenral manager
;of the iialpm-Falls City road, says one
of these cars running out of Omaha has
made miles and has never yet been
in the shops.
The wisdom of the policy of building
a, flrst-claes road bed has been demon
strated in the past two weeks during the
unusually heavy rains. With the excep
tion of isolated spots, the roadbed is as
anooth today as when the first train
was run over the line. In spite of the
llateness of the season when the last
rails were laid, the company succeeded
in hauling 30,000 yards of gravel on the
extension between Dallas and West
Salem. Next year it la planned to place
mn equal amount on the right of way.
Work Still Continues.
I Notwithstanding the inclement weather,
ithe work of improvement continues with
unabated energy almost the entire length
(of the road. At West Salem the raii
Lxoad company has constructed from plans
id r awn by Architect L. R. Haxeltlne. of
! Salem, a depot 20x54 feet, costing $1500.
wtth a wuiting room and ofnee at one
lend and a freight room at tha other.
1 Sidings, switches, a "Y" and various
I other evidences of an extensive yard
lequlpmcnt are already in place and more
tare on the way. Substantial flag sta
Itions are being erected at Sola, Mc
Jary. Greenwood, Derry Orchard. South
jern Pacific Crossing and RickrealL Be
tween Dallas and Falls City three bridges
have been replaced by practically inde
I striictible culverts, considerable of the
I distance has been reballastefl, while be
tween Dallas and Black Rock, the west
ern terminus of the line, the road has
been straightened between bridges 17 and
18 and new 60-pound steel laid. At Black
n,a,l a hnlf m I ' a nf RAW ftirilnsr
(has been placed In position in the yards.
The entire country through which the
i new line passes is imbued with the belief
' that the opening of this railroad Is the
forerunner of a new era of prosperity
j and progress. Fanners ail along the line
from West Salem to Black Rock are
planning to go more extensively into the
j culture of small fruits next year, for
with the opening of the new road and
irno forganizauon ni uie oaituik xsiuv
j t'nion there have been opened to them
(the market of the world. Timber that
ihas stood moss-grown and undisturbed
since the coming of the white man. will
(this Winter be levelled, and next Summer,
I will be dumped on the Salem and Port-
land markets.
Awakening Is General.
Kvery class of produce and every
: branch of Industry that has heretofore1
suffered for the Jack of transportation
facilities is giving eloquent testimony of
the awakening. New farm houses and
.bams are going up and old ones are
' being rebuilt and repainted all along the
27 miles of rtsht of way; the gerat farms
are being subdivided and shortly a dozea
or more higlily -cultivated fruit farms
with a dozen sets of farm buildings will
lake the place of one great half-tilled
grain farm and one house and barn. At
rcadv land has advanced from 10 to 15
. per cent in the neighborhood of Falls
'ity, which has just raised a booster
fund of CiDO and proposes hereafter to
let its light shine.
Operating In the Falls City neighbor
hood are the Falls City Lumber Com
pany, the Great Western Lumber Com
1 tany, tue Willamette Valley Lumber
: Company, the Ppaulding Logging Com
pany and the Gerlmger Bros. Company.
;The Falls City, the Great Western and
,;erllngor Bros, have huge sawmills
j either at Falls City or Black Rock, which
r is inxee nuitw in mo umoer ana con
1 sldered In the Falls City trade zone.
j From to SOO men are employed in
, the mills and camps the year around.
I the annual pay roll being something like
: ttOO.OOO. The Falls City Company's big
! mill at Fails City employs upward of
, men. There is timber enough to keep
; the mills running for 30 years. Some of
. the stores do an Immense business. In
ftddltlon to all these material advantages.
, Fails City has dreams of some day being
a great Summer resort. Within 20 min
utes' walk of the depot one may lose
himself in an almost impenetrable wil
. derncss where the best of fishing and
hunting may be had.
Dallas Keels Boom.
PaUas. county Beat of Polk County,
with numerous small manufacturing In
duatxies. la the headquarters of the road,
where the general offices are located.
This thriving- little city also feele the
b'neflVent effects of the new business
created by the extension of the Salem.
Falls City & Western, and highly ap
preciates the added prestige and import
ance glvun It as a rallruad center by this
l&teet addition to its transportation fa
cilities. Next year the new railroad will build a
handsome depot at Dallas. There Is some
talk that It may he a Joint depot, con
structed In conjunction with the Southern
I'flfiflc. but this is not yet determined.
The Falls City Lumber Company, which
recently purchased the Voget Lumber
Company of .ilem, will maintain the old
Voget yards in Kast Salem near the
Southern Pacific depot, and will also open
a lumber-yard In West Salem, where It
haa already purchased the site and is de
livering lumber at the rate of about a
carload a day.
The Spauldlng Logging Company, with
Its immense tracts of timber along the
new road and lta mills at Salem. New
berg and elsewhere, promises to be a big
faotor in the prosperity of the line. This
concern has constructed a huge log chute
on the banks of the Willamette near Sa
m and will haul to Salem by rail mil
lions of feot of logs annually to be made
into lumber at the Salem mill.
Among the other improvement contem
plated fr the West Salem yards is a
complete and up-to-date system of eleo i
&yv. CAvsvi cwjs yv
trie lighting, which it Is hoped to have
installed this Fall.
Already there is considerable talk both
in Marion and Polk counties that these
two counties should get together, and
with the aid and co-operation of the rail
road company, construct a new. modern
double-deck drawbridge over the Willam
ette River. The present etructure is old.
and with the heavy wood and lumber
traffic that will follow the opening of the
new road will soon have to be replaced
by a better bridge.
The officials of the road are highly
pleased with the business of the new line
so far, and look forward to a splendid
season in lsio.
Apples Also Grow to Perfection on
Land Selling for $35 to $40
an Acre.
v..-uuvra. Wash., Nov. 14. (Spe
cial.) Strawberries, ripe and luscious, in
the middle of November, are growing at
f.Tna, ciark county. Washington, and
have been rips for three weeks. The
first crop was harvested in the early
Summer, and no attention paid to the
vines, but the season was right and the
strawberry vines soon began to blos
som ana berries formed and grew to a
size as large as the berries earlier in the
season. A box of the strawberries was
picked and brought to the city today by
A. F. Davis. County Assessor, wha owns
a ranch at Etna.
And strawberries are not the only va
rieties of fruit that grow abundantly In
the vicinity of Ktna. On Mr. Davis"
ranch four varieties of apples were raised
this Summer. The Northern Spy does
well there and a number of them were
brought to Vancouver that weighed Just
pound each and measured one foot in
circumference. The color Is excellent and
the flavor cannot be excelled. The farm
ers there are so accustomed to raising
large, tine apples that It does not occur
to them that the fruit is anything out
of the ordinary.
The Baldwin. Rhode Island Greening
and the Northern Spy grow exceptionally
well and to a large size without irriga
tion in and1 around Etna, which is in the
northern part of the country. Pears of
late variety, called the Fall Bartlett."
are just ripening now and will make
good shipping fruit. These pears are
large, well formed and have a high
flavor, and In the market bring good
Land on which this excellent fmlt is
grown can be bought for from 135 to
H0 an acre. It is nine miles from a rail
road, but a proposed electric line will go
through the center of the district. Many
who have been there and know the con
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ditions emphatically say that apples as
fine as are grown in Hood River can be
raised without irrigation and with lit
tle cultivation and care.
Apple Grower Estimates Profits at
Nearly $1000 an Acre.
iTMINXVILLE, Or.. Nov. 14. (Special.)
F. W. Wallace, an orchardlst living two
miles north of town, this week sold to a
Portland commission man the product of
40 Rome beauty apple trees, occupying
half an acre of land, at a net profit of
more than $450. The trees are 14 years
old. and produced eight boxes to the
tree, the choice fruit bringing $2.50 per
box and the balance 42 per box.
Mr. Wallace estimates the cost of cul
tivating, spraying, picking and packing at
60 cents per box, the net receipts from
the sale leaving him a profit equal to
something near $1000 an acre. He has
about 15 acres In fruit, which he has per
sistently cultivated and sprayed.
Harrisbtirg Farmers Make Good
Progress, Despite Dry Weather.
HARRISBURG, Or., Nov. 14. (Special.)
The farmers of this section, notwith
standing; ithe extremely dry weather, suc
ceeded in planting; more than an average
acreage In Fall crops. Most of the Fail
wheat was sown in the dust, and when
the rain came "a rapid growth followed.
In many fields the ground is entirely
covered by the vigorous growth.
The good prices which have prevailed
of late have stimulated the farmers to
unusual effort. Hopgrowers have been
busy placing their fields In the best pos
sible condition, and, as a matter of fact,
the farmers have their business well in
hand and are as a rule out of debt.
Factory to Manufacture Fertilizer to
Be Located at Canby.
OREGON" CITY. Or.. Nov. 14(SpecIal.)
A plant for the manufacture of nitro
gen to be used in reclaiming worn-out
land will soon be constructed at Canby
by the Canby Canal Company, which baa
been delving deeply into the feasibility of
the proposition for some time.
This will be the first of Its kind In the
entire Northwest, although one or two
have been tried In other parts of the
country and declared a success. The lat
ter part of 1910 is the date set for the
completion of the enterprise.
A Dowerful radlotelecrBDhr Dlant has
bn contracted lor by the Na-y Depart
ment, inis pianc win d ax nuninsinn,
P. C, and will be guaranteed to transmit
messages 30OJ miles across seaa
Reclamation Service to Drain
94,000 Acres.
Mouth of Body In Klamath Basin,
Widened, Will Force Water Over
Lava Beds, Leaving Vast
Fertile Lands.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Nov. 13. (Spe
cial.) Work by the Reclamation Service
to deepen the outlet from Tule Lake into
the Modoc Lava Beds is to be prosecuted
at once. Tule Lake, which covers an
area of over 94,000 acres, occupies the
lbwest point in the Klamath Basin, its
elevation being 4066 feet, 28 feet lower
than Lower Klamath Lake, which is only
a mile and a half distant at the nearest
The fact that Tule Lake occupies the
lowest point in the basin, its drainage
presented to the reclamation engineers,
when the Klamath project was mapped
out years ago, but one solution the elim
ination of Lost River, its only tributary.
This would open the way for evaporation
of the waters-of the lake, and was to be
accomplished by the use of Lost River to
Irrigate the several valleys along its
course and the conveyance of the residue
of its waters, through a drainage canal,
to the Klamath River.
Clear Lake, the source of Lost River,
lies five miles east of Tule Lake, and at
an elevation of 470 feet greater than Tule
Lake. The river runs a distance of 0
miles on an irregular arc from Clear Lake
to Tule Lake, almost its entire course
through alluvial and . fertile lands. The
Clear Lake dam. the object of which is
to impound the Lost River waters and
make of Clear Lake a storage reservoir
which will cover an area of approximate
ly 25,000 acres, is nearing completion and
probably will be entirely finished in a few
The dam will harness the old historic
stream for purposes of irrigation and
eliminate it entirely as a feeder to Tule
Lake, when the plan shall be completely
worked out. Within the last two years
a narrow channel was discovered through
which a small stream was flowing into a
crevice of the' immense lava field at the
south end of Tule Lake, the historic
lava beds where the renegade band of
Modocs under Captain Jack so long re
sisted the efforts of the troops to dis
lodge them, in 1872-3.
This newly discovered outlet has been
considerably deepened and widened as an
experiment, both by private capital and -under
the supervision of the Government
reclamation engineers, still an inconsid
erable stream flows from the lake into
the subterranean channels of the lava
field, and has done so for more than a
year, giving promise of there being a hid
den passage under the volcanic range
south of the lava beds proper, possibly
to the sources of Fall River, a northern
tributary of the Sacramento.
This Idea is so promising that the Uni
ted States Reclamation Engineers have
taken the matter in hand and a force Is
being established there now to do prac
tical work in enlarging the outletl If
this scheme of drainage proves success
ful, the drainage of the 94,000 aqres of
alluvial lands in the Tule Lake Basin
may be more speedily and much less ex- 1
pensively accomplished than It could be
by the original plan of depending on
evaporation to take up the waters of the
lake after the elimination of Lost River.
At any rate. It may assist greatly In ac- i
Rheumatism is in reality an internal inflammation; a diseased condi
tion of the blood cells which supply the nourishment and strength necessary
to sustain our bodies. The disease is caused by an excess of uric acid in
the blood, which comes from indigestion, weak kidneys, constipation, and
other irregularities of the system. This urio acid produces an inflamed
and acrid condition of the blood, and the circulation, instead of nourishing
the different portions of the body, continually deposits into the muscles,
nerves, joints and bones, the irritating and pain-producing acid with which
it is filled. Then-follow the painful and torturing symptoms of Rheumatism.
We do not claim for S. S. S. that it is anything more than a first class blood
purifier, and that is just what is needed to cure Rheumatism. S. S. S. goes
into the circulation, and by neutralizing the urio acid and driving it from
the blood, effectually and surely removes the cause of Rheumatism. S.S.S.
strengthens and invigorates the blood so that instead of a weak, sour
stream, causing pain and agony throughout the system, it becomes an
invigorating, nourishing fluid, furnishing health and vigor to every portion
of the body, and permanently relieving the suffering caused by Rheumatism.
S.S.S. is purely vegetable and will not injure the most delicate system.
Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who write.
Take a Little Diapepsin Now and
Your Stomach Will Feel Fine
in Five Minutes.
Every family here ought to keep
some Diapepsin in the house, as any
one of you may have an attack of In
digestion or Stomach trouble at any
time, day or night.
This harmless preparation will digest
anything you eat and overcome a dis
tressed, out-of-order stomach five min
utes afterwards.
If your meals don't tempt you, or
what little you do eat seems to fill you,
or lays like a lump of lead in your
stomach, or if you have heartburn, that
is a sign of Indigestion.
Ask your Pharmacist for a 50-cent
case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a
It Is a Positive Fact Tbt In Not One Out off a
the Trouble Really Lie
Pnctictllr all the so-called Kidney trouble is
In reality Bladder Trouble. Although some
times intensely painful, and always annoying. It
maybe easily and quickly cured with GOLD
There are other troubles arising in organs con
nected with the Bladder which are also quickly
relieved by the ose of GOLD MEDAL HAAR
LEM OIL CAPSULES. Full information is
gjvm In the primed matter enclosed in each box.
The Bladder is the receptacle for discharges
from tbe Kidneys. Under normal conditions
nature disposes of the contents of thia reservoir
(the Bladder) promptly and without pain. Onse
I See All My Patleota THE DOCTOR
Personally. THAT CURES.
I hire no substitute and nave no mcdi
cal company.
FEE FOR A CURE U lower than any
specialists in the city, half that others
charge you and no exorbitant price for
I am an expert specialist, have had
30 years' practice in the treatment of
diseases of men. My offices are the best
eaulDDed in Portland. My methods are
modern and up-to-date. My cures arv
quick and positive. X do not treat symp
toms arid patch up, I thoroughly examine
each case, find the cause, remove It and
thus cure the disease. v
I Cl'RB Varicose Veins. Contracted
Ailments, Plies and Specific Blood Pol-
son and All Ailments ox Men.
CUKE OR NO PAY I am the only
specialist in Portland who makes no
charge unless the patient Is entirely
satisfied with the results accomplished,
and uho gives a written sjuarantee to
refund every dollar paid for services
If a complete and permanent cure la
not effected.
fyTP"rI - Visit Dr.. Lindsay's private
IVAsWiX Museum of Anatomy and
know thyself, in health and disease. Ad
mission free. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.; Sun
days 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
128H Second St., Cor. of Alder,
Portland. Oregou.
complishlng the purpose. If only supple
mental to the original plan.
The operations will be watched with
great Interest throughout the country and
the departure of a six-horse team, con
veying a fine Government launch, weigh
ing 4000 pounds, and designed for U6e in
transporting supplies for the Government
camp at the outlet in the lava beds, was
observed by many who are hopeful of
good results from this enterprise. So
Uncle Sam again invades the historic
lava beds, not now with an armed force
to invest the strongholds of a most de
termined and relentless enemy, but to
promote a promising peaceful invasion in
the hope of eventually bringing to the
very portals of the old-time stronghold
cultivated fields and happy homes.
Eugene Farraep Reoprts Handsome
Profit From One Acre.
EUGENE, Or.. Nov. 14. (Special.)
There are a number of fruit-growers in
this vicinity who have constantly held
that the hill land about Eugene will be
come the best fruit land. The experience
of C. L. Bartholomew, who left the val
ley to cultivate the ..hills, is a practical
demonstration of the value of this land
for grapes. He has one acre In grapes
which this year brought him $425.15.
Bartholomew attended to his vineyard
personally, with the exception of picking
the fruit, and as a consequence most of
this amount represents his profit.
Last year, when he grapes in the val
ley were destroyed by frost, those on
the hill land escaped injury.
You wirf be interested to know that
we have more safes and vaults in daily
use than all other companies combined.
We guarantee our safes to be superior
to all others. Portland Safe Company,
agents for the Herring - Hall - Marvin
Safe Company, manufacturers of the
genuine Hall's Safe & Lock Company's
safes and vaults. 92 Seventh street.
Turkish baths, Mrs. Turney, 221
Prexel bldg.. 2d and Yamhill.
little Just as soon as you can. There
will bo no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid, no
stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or
heavy feeling in the stomach. Nausea,
Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or in
testinal griping. This will all go, and,
besides, there will be no sour food left
over in the stomach to ' poison your
breath wi.u nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure
for out-of-order stomachs, because it
prevents fermentation and takes hold
of your food and digests it Just the
same as if your stomach wasn't there.
Relief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery is at any drug store, wait
ing for you.
These large 60-cent cases contain
more than sufficient to cure almost any
chronic case of Dyspepsia, Indigestion
or any other Stomach trouble.
Thousand of Supposed Kidney Cases Does
with the Kidneys.
inflammation sets in, however, the contents may
be retained for an unusual length of time, thus
producing much pain and discomfort, or may be
expelled with abnormal frequency and be the
cause of much inconvenience and trouble. All
of this may be relieved and finally cured by the
In two forms. In CAPSULES and BOTTLES.
Capsules 25c snd 50c. per box. Bottles, 1 5c
and 35c. At all druggists. Be sure that you
obtain the Gold Medal Tilly brand, otherwise
you will get an imitation. Literature free.
Spokane of the North
Hie Inland Empire of Canada
New Townsite on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway.
Geographical Center of British Columbia and of the largest un
developed area of good land on continent. At junction of
Great Rivers' Headquarters for Steamers, plying thousands of
miles North, South, East, "West.
Half way between' Edmonton and Prince Rupert, gateway to
great Nechaco, Bulkley, Fraser, Peace River, Skeena
and other valleys. Initial offering of inside lots on easy terms.
Title guaranteed and insured by the Province of British
"Write today for free maps and official information about Cen
tral British Columbia.
Natural Resources Security Co.
I Treat Only Cases I
Know I Can Cure
When, theretore, I accept your case for
treatment, you may confidently expect to be
cured. There 1 no giieenwork or experiment
ing about my method, Th.y are certain, aafe
and thorough.
I treat for real and laatln cures. Kvery
remedy I employ haa Its part In bringing
?osltlT and permanent results. Under my
reatment the patient who notes improve
ment In his condition can feel assured that
teal benefit and not a temporary drug effect
has been obtained, and can continue with
confidence that a thorough cure is being ac
complished. My success as a specialist Is
due to the fact that I accept no incurable
ailment and always treat with a cure in
view, never resorting to the us. of a remedy
that brings but temporary encouragement
to tho patient.
I Am Always Willing to Wait for
My Fee Until a Cure Is Effected
Contracted Ailments
Be surs your cure Is thor
ough. Not one of my patients
has ever had a relapse after be
ing discharged as oured. and -I
curs In less time than the ordi
nary forms of treatment require.
Specific Blood Poison
Mo dangerou minerals to
drive the virus to the Interior,
but harmless, blood - oleanslng
remedies that remove the last
poisonous taint.
Consultation and Advice Free
In consultation I am always glad to render such helpful advice as I
mar ba able to offer, and I Invite aU afflicted men to consult me free at
any time, either in person or at my office or by mall.
My office Is open all day from I A. M. to I P. M, and Sundays from
1 to 1 only.
And Discouraged Men
Not a Dollar Need Be
Paid Unless Cured
Varicose or Knotted .Veins
which I cure without knife or old-time hospital operation. No chloro
form, no going to bed, no pain and not a single week's loss of time
from business. The simplicity of my method of curing this ailment
and its absolute freedom from pain and dancer is the marvel of all
physicians who have witnessed it. Don't submit to the painful sub
cutaneous ligature, or old-fashioned surgical operation, when I cure
in one treatment so that you can walk out of my office free from any
doubt in your own mind that tiie cure is m cure. Treatment of this
disorder cannot be had by mail, as I must administer it personally.
Most other ailments I treat successfully by mail and you are cordially
Invited to consult me without charge, whether at office or by mail.
All letters sent free from observation without business address and a
private address furnished for future correspondence if you desire to
write asrain. Medicines fresh from my own laboratory from $1.50 to
16.50 per course. Hours 9 Al My to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 12.
St. Lewis Medical Co.T
Th. Leading Specialist.
Jdy treatment Is absolutely
painless, and perfect results can
be depended upon In every In
stance. I do no cutting or dilat
ing whatever.
rvrKuai or asatomt
who are now paying tb heavy
penalty of early Indiscretions or
later excesses and dissipation,
I want you to know that my
modern methods will lift your
burdens and restore you to the
of robust manhood, SECRET
MANENTLY. For more than
a quarter of a century I have
been treating- men exclusively,
making: a specialty of all pelvic
ailments and I handle these dis
orders with absolute assurance
of success. I never hold out
false hopes to any man. I al
ways make a careful free ex
amination and if I find anything1
about a case to complicate Jt or
make It uncertain as to a cure, I
say so frankly and refuse to use
a patient's time in fruitless
efforts. On this plan I am able
to point to universal success
In the cure of BLOOD. SKIN
No man on earth has my sys
tem of treating the most trouble
some of all ailments.