RUEF MAY LOSE HIS THREE T WARCLOUDCLEARS; CANADA'S NAVY OFF MISS ILLINGTON IS ENTOMBE 'S SIGHT AND HEARING ONCE MORE A BRIDE AMBITIOUS PLANS AUTO T S SIGNAL BY BLASTS AWAIT MRS.- ASTOR KXIFE TO BE VSED TO SAVE PRISONER'S SENSES. ENGLAND-GERMANY CONFAB OB- VIATES WAR CRAFT. xVCTRESS WEDS EDWARD J. BOWES AT RENO. MAY TUFT TO OUTLINE WHEN DMINER5 KING SNUB i OVER Experts Hold Out Hope for Missing. AIR IS FOUND DEEP IN SHAFT Smoke-Filled Mine Penetrated Depth of 300 Feet. FARMERS FEEL EXPLOSION hafclng of Earth Over Deep Tomb Enroo rages Workers President Earling Spends Sleepless Xight at Cherry, III. CHERRT, 111.. Nov. 14. Nearly 4tO men and boys. It Is now believed, are now dead or perishing In the St Paul mine, though experts who succeeded in pene trating the smoke-filled alrshaft to the depth of 300 feet late today returned with a ray of hope for the grlef-strlcken rela tives of the entombed. For more than 30 hours the prisoners have been cut on from fresh air. That life could exist under such conditions Is doubted, but because no trace of high temperature was found In the depths of the mine tonight officials of the company hope that the victims may have found safety in remote recesses of the mine. Earling Refuses Sleep. A. J. Barling, president of the Chicago. Milwaukee A. St. Paul Railroad Company, who has not slept since arriving, re ceived an encouraging report after heroic efforts had been made today to open the mine for the Release of the entombed men or for the discovery of the dead. From the son of one of the missing miners, a young man named John Reld, the railroad president heard that a con cussion of the earth had been felt by farmers half a mils south of the mine shaft. The report was sent to Henry Burke, an official of the mining company. Burke rushed to President Earling In the office of the company. Farmers Hear Signals. "I've heard signals from the men," he said, excitedly. "What do you mean?" asked the rail road president. "Wbst signals?" "John Reld's boy says that he and farmera whose land Is over the southern end of the mine felt several concussions of the earth this afternoon. There were several shocks and the men who felt them are convinced they were shots fired by the Imprisoned miners and that they were meant for an assurance that at least some were alive." '1 hope so,", said Mr. Barling. "That is st least encouraging." Ray of Hope I -eft. This glimmer of light to the darkened homes In Cherry, followed other en couraging, though doubtful theories of ex perts that the entombed hundreds may not have been suffocated and that oxygen enough remains in the mine to keep them alive until the shafts may be reopened. After the third attempt to explore con ditions, P. T. Williams, of Vrbana, 111., of the United States Oeographical Sur vey, who superintended the work of vol unteer explorers, telegraphed for mora rescue appliances. Three times Mr. Williams and Henry Smith, one of the volunteers, were low ered into the mine today in a bucket. Kach time they said the temperature was bearable. To open the sealed main shaft and exit of the mine was impossible to day, yet the stste inspectors have told Mine Superintendent Steele that they felt certain definite results could be obtained tomorrow. Mtaslng Number 386. The list of the missing was compiled today in the offices of the mining com pany. It reached 3So, Including the dead whose charred bodies were taken from the burning cages Saturday afternoon. It was declared probable that this list might be Increased. Two tjundred and seventy men who entered the mine Sat urday have been accounted for. The company had scores of tracers at work rounding up employes. Tonight the company officials say the number of men In the mine was greater than they first had believed possible. Among the missing are many Ameri cans who hsve lived in the mining sec tion of Illinois for years. Pall Cast Over Country. Orlef over the probable fate has cast a pall over the community. Cherry to day held thousands of persona and be fore 12 o'clock the St. Paul mine was surrounded by an almost uncontrollable mob. Officials early In the day swore in a fore of deputies to handle the crowd. Scores of trains from Streator, Mendota, Ladd. Spring Valley. La Salle. Ottawa and other towns were run. I.te tonight, sfter a conference of mining Inspectors, company officiate and experts, it wss decided to open the main shaft In the morning and to send ex plorers Into the mine in the regular cage. This plan was sdorted because the bucket scheme was found impracticable. W. W. Taylor, general superintendent of the mires of the St. Psul company, was a pathetic figure today. He stood watching srd suggesting movements to Inside Information Hints at End of Rivalry Between Empires Only Tiny Vessels Necessary. OTTAWA. Ont.. Nov. 14. (Special.) The reported momentous arrangement between the. Cabinets of the British and German Empires has blighted the pros pects of the Canadian navy. The proposal for about t25.O00.000 to start the building of war craft will not now be made to the Dominion government. News from inside sources is that offi cial Information lias beeen received and that an understanding has been reached between ISngland and Germany that may result in a period being set to tbelr rivalry in naval construction. As the chief purpose of the projected Canadian navy was to aid the mother country in the event of hostilities, which were be lieved to be threatened by Germany, the rumored arrangement between the gov ernments In London and Berlin clears up the situation and renders unnecessary the heavy expenditure for war vessels by Canada. Present intentions are, there fore, that the government will content Itself with the acquisition of a few ves sels of moderate size and cost, torpedo craft predominating. BOMB KILLS POLICE CHIEF Russian Anarchist Slays Buenos Ayres Officer and Secretary. BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 14. The Chief of Police of this city. Senor Falcon, and the police secretary were assassinated to day when driving In Callao street. A man, supposed to be a Russian anarchist, but still unidentified, sprang from a se cluded spot and threw a bomb directly under the carriage. The vehicle was blown to pieces and Senor Falcon and the secretary were ter ribly injured. They were carried to the sidewalk and later to a hospital, but died soon afterwards. Immediately after throwing the bomb the assassin drew a revolver and shot himself. The wound is not expected to prove fatal. NOCTURNAL ROWERS SINK Three Men Go Down In RiverCries of Dog Save One. a . M A RSH FI ELD. Or. No v. 14. -Wh 11 e crossing the bay in a rowboat from Marshfleld to their home on the east side at midnight the skiff In which they were rowing overturned, drowning Gust Bloom, Otto Axelson and Carl Carlson. The bodies were not recovered. Herman Back, a fourth member of the party, clung to the overturned boat for half an hour, drifting near the schooner Esther Buhne where Captain Grime's pet dog heard his cries and awakened the crew who rescued him. All the drowned are single men and were employes of the Smith mill. THREE DEAD, FIVE INJURED Early Blase on Pittsburg Riverfront Is Fatal. PITTSBURG. Nov. 14. Three unidenti fied men are dead, five others are seri ously injured and 12 men and women are suffering from bruises and shocks, the result of a Are In a lodging-house on the river front early today. When the fire broke out, 30 persons were asleep in the building. Firemen aroused them and carried the women and children to safety. Bodies of the unidentified foreigners were not found until this afternoon, when persons clearing away the debris found them under a stairway. BEAUTIFUL DIVORCEE, wrfo MAY BE SNUBBED BY KING EDWARD, AND WOMAN WHO DENIES . .. if x , X, 7 1J-Y -v vvl . "7 ' " - S . i i t i MHS. JOHV Chilly Greeting by Eng land Probable. EDWARD OPPOSED TO DIVORCE Her Ambition to Dazzle London Society Likely to Fail. REGAL BEAUTY ONLY. HOPE Mrs. Hill Denies Figuring In Do mestic Affairs of Multimillion aire Capt. Parker Mentioned as Prospective Husband. NEW YORK, Nov. 14. (Special.) That Mrs. John Jacob Astor may be disap pointed in the welcome which awaits her in England when she arrives there next week is the gist of gossip which the peo ple of the New York social set are get ting from their friends on the other side. King Edward's well-known attitude of opposition to divorce and his lack of friendly Interest in divorced persons is the cause. Mrs. Astor just now Is getting ready to sail for England. With her will go her little daughter, Alice. To her Intimates Mrs. Astor has declared she purposes to make a permanent place for herself in English society. It Is her intention to spend the greater portion of her time abroad at least until the recent notoriety due to her divorce and the bringing of Mrs. Corwin-Hlll Into the case shall have paled. , But the reported prospect of a cool re ception in England may result in this plan being altered. In the matter of court functions King Edward has been a stickler about having his courts free from divorcees. However, Mrs. Astor's beauty and popularity may result In an exception being made In her case. Of course. It she marries an Eng lishman, as society, people ' in London seem to think she will, her divorce will be forgotten. Various names are mentioned as Mrs. Astor's prospective husband, but Captain Montagu Parker is generally accorded the position' of favorite. His attentions dur ing the recent visits of Mrs. Astor were indefatigable; while in his company the beautiful American seemed to lose that wearied look she continually wears and occasionally smiled, something she rarely does. Past Honors Many. Formerly Mrs. Astor was a favorite In exclusive society and was granted many marks of royal consideration when she was the wife of Colonel Astor. Mrs. Astor was a highly-honored visitor in royal circles at Ascot, but for generations it has been the rule that no one who has been associated in domestic difficulties shall gain admission to thie exclusive lnclosure. Mrs. Roberta Halsey Corwin-Hlll, the beautiful divorcee whose name was brought into the Astor case as that of a very close friend of Colonel Astor, has publicly denied since returning from Europe, that she was In any way con cerned in the Astors' domestic troubles. But Mrs. Hill does not seem to be troub led by the reports connecting her name with the case. "Yes, of course, I know Colonel Astor," (Concluded on Page 4.) JACOB ASTOR. Father Gives Former Wife of Daniel Frohman to Tacoma Million- ' aire In Quiet Ceremony. RENO, Nev. Nov. 14. Margaret Illing ton, the actress, until Wednesday the wife of Daniel "Frohman. the New York theatrical manager, when she secured a legal separation here, was married to Edward J. Bowes, the Tacoma millionaire real estate operator, in this city last even ing. The couple left at once for Tacoma. The wedding .was a quiet one, performed at the cottage where Miss Illington had made her home for the six months re quired of prospective divorcees. Miss II Ilngton's father; I. H. Light, of Blooming ton, III., gave the bride away. Miss Illington announced the coming marriage to a few friends yesterday, but the date was kept in the privacy of the family. " ' "I am going to have a home, the ac tress announced, "where my husband will care for me and where there will be do mestic happiness." SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 14. Edward Bowes and his wife, who was Miss Mar garet Illington, arrived from Reno to day and left tonight for Tacoma, Wash., on the Shasta Express. WOMAN DOCTOR WEDS GIRL Now She Wants Marriage Annulled Because of Fraud. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. (Special.) Dr. Alice Bush, of Oakland, a well known physician and daughter of Tax Collector Bush, of San Francisco, was granted a divorce yesterday on the un usual plea of fraud in the marriage con tract. In plain words. Dr. Bush found that she had married a woman. Her hus band was R. K. Morgan, a One-looking young medical student of 23, who came here from New York.' They were married in 1905, but the com plaint does not state when the wife dis covered her husband was not of Adam's sex. Dr. Bush never changed? her name and most of her friends were unaware she was married at all. CHILD HAS MOTHER'S FACE Likeness Leads v Grandfather to Daughter Lost. 2 Z Years Ago. CHICAGO, Nov. 14. After a search lasting more than 20 years, Edward Wil liams, of Vallejo, Cal.. found his daugh ter. Mrs. Albert Jackson, at her home in this city today. Twenty-three years ago Mrs. Williams and her 1-year-old daugh ter disappeared. He searched for them several years but failed to find any trace. A year ago at a baseball game he saw a child who reminded' him' of his daugh ter. He started his search again and traced his daughter to Indianapolis and then to Chicago. The little girl who at tracted his attention was his ' grand daughter. LIPTON COMES' TO TERMS Sir Thomas Reaches Understanding for Cup Race in 1911. NJ3W YORK, Nov. 14. It was said to night at . the Lambs Club, where ir Thomas Lipton had been a guest of the trustees of the Larchmont Yacht Club, that he had come to an. understanding with the New York Yacht Club regarding the conditions under which another race for the America's cup may be sailed in 1911. His 'next, it is understood, will be so framed as to meet the ap proval of the governors of the New York Yacht Club. JT.:r:'5iSi.:'.'" - $iiM;mWmmS:m r f - ' f V " - I - j f I V ' ST K : -sJK i - . t-'i - 1 a- J" ... ivj MRS. ROBERTA HALSEY CORWIS-HILL. Would Regulate Stock and Bond Issues... FAVORS "RAILROAD COURT" Whole Reform Programme to Be Unfolded in Message. CORPORATIONS PUT FIRST Will Be Made Plain That Their Tax ation Was Only First Step, to Be Followed by Other Laws. OREGONfiVN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Nov. 14. The chief subjects to be discussed by President Taft in his forthcoming message to Congress afe not secrets since" the recent tour of the President. He has .indicated pretty clearly in his speeches what they will be, and has mapped out a programme more ambitious and more extensive than even Mr. Roosevelt himself ever attempted. Mr. Taft proposes to sub mit the whole programme to Congress at one time to ask in a single mes sage for the enactment of laws that. If they are passed, will mark the coming session of Congress as truly epoch making. Most of the bills he proposes to have introduced affect corporations In one way or another, and the most impor tant of them promise to arouse fully as much opposition as anything that developed In the fight over pe rate bill three yearsago. Corporation Programme Extensive. Mr. Taft will propose to Congress Important legislation upon at least ten subjects. Each is a matter which will provoke discussion and arouse opposi tion in Congress, especially in the Sen ate, so that from tha present point of view the prospect is for a long and acrimonious session. The chjef sub jects on which the President, will recommend legislation are: . 1. ' Supervision of the issue of stocks and bonds by Interstate corporations. 2. Readjustment of the duties and powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission. 3. Expansion of the duties of the Bureau of Corporations. 4. Creation -of a new bureau In the De partment of Justice to deal with violations of law by interstate carriers. 5. Establishment of a so-called "railroad C8.rt Amendment of the Sherman anti-trust law. 7. " Creation of a postal savings bank. 8. Ship subsidies. . Amendment of the procedure regarding the granting of injunctions. XO. Conservation of natural resources. Other subjects, . of minor Importance when compared with the main issue, but not insignificant of themselves, will be included and will give Congress plenty to do when it is tired of strug gling over corporation questions. Not Corporation Enemy. President Taft makes it no secret that he wants this subject of corpora tions to be uppermost in the session. When the corporation tax was under discussion during the fight over the tariff bill at the special session, the President referred to it as "the first step" in the regulation of corporations. At that time he let It be known that he considered the proposed bill to control (Concluded on Page 2.) CAUSING SEPARATION. Lack or Air. In County Jail Ascribed as Cause of Prime Graft er's Affliction. SAN FRANOnSCO, Nov. 14. (Special.) Abe Ruef, former boss of, San FVancisco, v. ho was absolute dictator of the city for five years. Is threatened with total blind ness and deafness. An operation on his eyes will be performed next Wednepday and on the success of this will depend the effort to save his hearing. Ruef ha3 been in the County Jail for little more than a year, pending appeal of h(s case to the higher court. He was sentenced to four years Imprisonment by Superior Judge Lawlor after having been convicted of bribing one of the 'boodling Board of Supervisors In the overhead trolley franchise case. Ruef In talking about his case, at tributes his affliction to lack of air. He said: 'I have been advised that an opera tion is imperative and have determined to submit to it. I have also been in formed my afflictions result from lack of air. There is a growth In my nose that is said to also affect my sight and hear ing. Since I have been out here it has been Impossible for me to get any air except by walking, and that only for a short distance." CALIFORNIA GIRL SATISFIES Delaware Farmer Says Eastern Maids 'INot His Style." DELMAR, Del., Nov. H. (Special.) After advertising in many newspapers for a wife, James Furbush, a farmer liv ing near here, announced last night that Margaret Ferguson, of East Oakland. Cal.. had met all the requirements and soon he intended taking a trip to Cali fornia to bring' his bride back with him. "The girls of the Bast are not my style," said-Furbush; "they think too much about other things more than a little kitchen work, and although I do not expect a wife of mine to do much work, I want her to know how to do it." Furbush is a well-to-do farmer, who says half his property goes to his; wife when they are married. His mail for weeks has been filled with answers to his advertisements, many of them contain ing photographs of women willing to be come a Delaware farmer's wife. BLOW DESTROYS MEMORY Struck by Streetcar, Man Forgets Who He Is. . Struck by a streetcar at Union avenue and Falling street shortly after 7 o'clock last night, a man ascertained from letters in his pockets to be J. Fest suffered con cussion of the brain and was taken to Good Samaritan ' Hospital in a critical condition. When he regained consciousness he had forgotten his name, his residence, and everything connected with his life. The number 815 Graham street remained in his memory, and he said he had at one time been there. He also recalled the name of Winnipeg. 'As to every other fact about himself Fest was completely Ignorant, and begged to be told what hap pened to him and in what city he was. By a coincidence Fest was struck at the spot where Feter Sonsun bad been killed 20 minutes before. JAIL GOMPERS, TOOLS DROP If Chiefs Imprisoned, Federation Workers to Rest Fortnight. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. 14. (Spe cial.) A novel scheme to show sympathy for the convicted ' chiefs of the American Federation of Labor in case they shall be imprisoned in the contempt proceedings was launched today by the Central Labor Union, by resolutions that were adopted by a standing vote. The proposition was that if Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison actually go to prison, every wage-earner, union and nonunion, shall cease work for a period of two weeks. The resolution was presented by Dele gate H. C. Parker, of the CIgarmakers' Union, and It was decided to send a copy to the American Federation of Labor, now in session in Toronto, and also to appoint a local committee to develop and carry out the plan in this city. STORM GRIPS WALLA WALLA Whole Valley "stricken, Chill Breaks Weather Records. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Nov. 14. (Special.) The entire Walla Walla Valley is in the grip of a cold wave which has shattered all Weather Bureau records. At midnight the temperature stood at 19 above zero and was still falling. Walla Walla was taken unawares by the sudden cold snap. 'and many people were caught without their Winter supply of fuel. No damage Is reported. Snow began falling early Saturday morning, and there was no let-up until 8 o'clock Saturday evening, when Weather Forecaster Grover reported that four inches covered the ground. The first de cided drop in temperature was noticed about midnight Saturday. CARLISLE SERIOUSLY ILL Ex-Secretary of Treasnry Suffers From Intestinal Tronble. NEW YORK, Nov. 14. John C. Carlisle, who was Secretary of the Treasury under President Cleveland, was reported today as resting more comfortably at St. Vin cent's Hospital, where he lies seriously ill with acute Intestinal trouble. Machine Kills Horse, Then Upsets. CRASH ON BASE LINE ROAD Chauffeur Knocked Uncon scious, Two Girls Bruised. LIQUOR PLAYS ITS PART Although Denied by Proprietor, Girl Tells Sheriff Cocktails Are Served at Twelve Mile House Ma chine Hits Horse and Buggy. By a narrow margin, so narrow that it can only be called luck, seven persons escaped becoming dead or mutilated vic tims of a "Joy ride" on the Base Line road yesterday afternoon shortly before 6 o'clock. A big, black, 60-horscpower touring car. traveling at a tremendous speed, collided with a buggy In which were Dr. S. D. Briggs, his wife and their two small children, of Fairview. The horse was killed, the automo bile careened wildly under the swift effort to nwing It around, threw out Arthur B. Mitchell, the chauffeur, and his two passengers, both girls, and turned completely over, smashing the top and tonneau to bits. The girls, Inda Brown, 21 years old, daughter of J. C. Brown, of 1445 Mil waukie avenue, and Daisy B. Piatt, 20 years old, daughter of Charles A. Piatt, of 484 Williams avenue, were both thrown over 25 feet. Miss Brown struck against a rock, cutting a long gash in her head and otherwise bruising her. Miss Piatt fell on her left hip,, which was dislo cated. Chauffeur Knocked Senseless. Mitchell struck .squarely on his head, the force of the fall knocking him un conscious. John Briggs, 10-years old. an occupant of the . buggy, was the only person in that vehicle injured. He was thrown over the dashboard, landing at one side of the horse. . Mrs. Briggs was holding her 4-year-old daughter In her lap and both were saved from falling out by Dr. Briggs. who turned his attention to his wife when he saw the accident about to happen. Dr. Briggs immediately summoned help (Concluded on Page 3- INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS ' The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum' temperature, 42 degrees; minimum. 84 degrees. TODAYS Fair, continued cold; light esst wlnd' National. Tail's message will ureo continuation of presJSt corporation policy. Page L Foreign. Wheat shipments from Montreal fall oft peculiarly. Pare 2-N-avy for Canada called off because ot agreement between England add Oer- Two"bombs thrown at Lord and Lady Minlo at Ahmedabad. India. Page 4. Storm in Jamaica Bay: heavy property lo.i result. Page 3. c, drowned In colll?lon between French fc0Sliastl.mSr Lazyne and English st earner Ondi, between Java ar.d Ssingapoie. Page Domestic. Toiib feud in San Francisco claims soother victim. Page 2. Miss Illlnaton, Frohnisn's divorcee, weds Bowes Tacoma millionaire, at Reno. AboPBRuef to undergo operation, threatened with total lo of "st" and hearing. Page 1. , , . Illinois Equal Suffrage Association to hold convention this week. Page 3. Eusapia Paladlno. famous Italian medium. here for seances. Page 2. Strict obedience to orders of operator or St. Paul mine cage responsible for death of rescue party. Page 4. -Experts hold out hope for 400 entombed- miners In Illinois. Page 1. Archer Christian. Virginias halfback, dies of gridiron Injuries. Pago 3. King Edward, opposing divorce, may anub Mrs. John Jacob Astor. Page 1. Cairo's preachers uphold recent lynchlnga la town. Page 3. Pacific northwest. Baker City's new flour mill' burns. Pags 5. Bonneville salmon hatchery Ji'.Pi' of 60.000.000 eggs, to be dedicated today. Page 9. , , Cornerstone of Guy W'oodworth Memorial I'nlted Brethren Church laid in Van couver, w asn. i "K'J u. Vancouver or ooldendale lawyer may suc ceed McCredie as Superior Judge. Pag 3. Walla Walla prohibitionists threaten boy cott. Page 5. Thieves loot safe In Medical Lake Fnst offlce. Page '4. Bad bllszard threatened in Eastern Wash ington. Page . Sports. Fast soccer seen In the game between Queens Parks snd Cricketers. Page 8. Hollalay takes game, from McLaughlin and wins city championship. Page 8. Gene Sullivan matched with Kills Cerf for next Rose City Club smoker. Page 8. McCredie to name successor to Ewing. Psge 8. Portland and Vicinity. Portland ministers await' co-operation of other cities In bringing out Evangelist "Gypsy" Smith. Page 14. Shrfners home from noteworthy ceremonial session in Albany. Or. Page 13. State will force trial of Frank Rodman. Jointly Indicted with Mrs. Msddux for killing of Mrs. Mae Real. Page 13. Watchman crushed to death under fender of Alberta streetcar. Page 14. Jap. cataleptic seven months, awakes with enormous sugar appetite. Page 7. Marshall Street Presbyterian Church cele brates its twenty-fifth anniversary. Page T. City Jail and police headquarters to be located In new Courthouse. Page 13. Smuggled opium found on British stesmer at Astoria. Page 13. Three hurt In auto crash on Bass Line Road. Page 1. Portland Power company's attorney answers attack os water rights. Page . (Coctlnaed oa Far A t