Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 13, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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ACREAGE close to car 11 no. all cleared, 10
acres set to apple. 6 acres under plow,
no buildings, fin water. $150 per acre;
this is fine land; coma and sea this. Young
Bros. Gerlinger Blag.
ApRPiaR TRrTs ft tnl.pi from city.
running water, 1-8 mil from station; $L35
to $176; big oaxgain. en ism. ox wjucq
1 TIMBER claim relinquishment with 4.000,
itfkA fot rrcn VP 1 low flr.
1 timber claim relinquishment, 1,500,000
1.1 claims timber; will run from 4,000,000
to 10.000,000 feet green yellow nr each.
2 fine homestead relinquishments near
3 fine homesteads near Portland; some
foM homesteads In, Tillamook County.
175,000.000 feet sugar pine In a body, on.
good rivers, tine conciuoni.
13 Hamilton bldg.
Send your address or call and ret out
booklet that tells all about the 320-acre
homestead In Central Oregon; three rail
roads now building on direct line toward
the property. ...
B. S- COOK A CO.. 003 Corbett lldg.
fAK l It-3 aesinng miormauou
8 'J acre homesteads in the wheat belt in
. enirai jrrsvii. phuuiu wui
Imperial Hotel, between 3 and 4 and 7
and 8 P. M-. Saturday to Monday. In-
V'E have Inquiries every day for farms, so
If you want to sell or lease, list your
I arm with
248 Stark St.
I HAVE 1ut returned from Central Oregon,
where I located on a homestead; can locate
a party on scire of the finest land in me
state. Call and sea ma at 421-423 Henry
L'SB your 320-acre homestead right; consult
competent Government land locators and
suveyors; open even Intra. Deshon A Hawk.
4U7 LumDennen i 5antc oiog.
I HAVE 4 good homestead locations for
saJe in Morrow county; win taxe goou
shotgun or Rem tog ton typewriter in part
payment for one. P. O. box ITS, lone. Or.
T.rtirt ooft HOMTTRAn retina ulshment in SI
lets for $1200 if taken next ten day. 733
Marquam mag. Mam Jie.
12 acres at Riverside, California, In fall
fcearlng orange trees; good nine-room house,
bam and outbuildinc-s; near streetcar; for
th last 10 years this grove has averaged
a net yeariv income oi l.t per cem on m
crte- 0OV Owner will consider Port
land residence In good neighborhood a part
payment. Further lniormauon on applica
212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.,
Phone Main 6600, A 653.
For Sale Fruit Lands.
Sometimes called Western Hood, also
Hither Hood, on western foothill slop of
Mr. Hood. 30 mile from Portland; 1 the
yjmt f rttitmwlriK nroDositlon on the mar
ket. Call for booklet telling all about this
favored locality. Be an orcnara-owner ana
aire some of this choice fruit land while
prices are still cheap; only $30 tof'iO per acre,
which can be set to trees for $75 mors; 200
acres to be planted to commercial trees in
the Spring, i followed later by several hun
dred more, thus insuring a vast orchard dis
trict; a fruitgrowers' association with a
progressive and enthusiastic membership
.will direct operations along modem and
scientific Jlne.
Come and talk It over, and If wanting to
buy, will icladlv take you out.
615 Chamber Commerce.
For Sale Farms.
acres choice land on good county road. 3
miles from railroad and good town; this
land is very suitable for platting and is
et present In good condition; price $25
per acre. For particulars and terms apply
to William MacMaster, 302 Worcester
block. Portland. Or.
62 ACRES. 26 acres beaverdam. produce over
$5M)0 per year in onions, hay and apples:
elegant buildings, mil electric car. 15
miles Portland; price $15,000. 1-8 cash,
balance 8 years S per cent. , Call Hall s
Insurance ofuee. Concord bldg., 2d and
NEAR Mount Angel. 21 acres; 16 in cutlv
tion, on R. R-; station close to land; nne
soil, all level, running water, fine timber,
one mil to college and high school, no
buildings;. $5 per acre, easy terms. See
owner. P. Relmers. 709 Corbett bldg.
For Sole Farms.
P0 acres; 60 acres in best varieties ap-
- pies and poara. full bearing: close to sta
tion, railroad through place, county road
on two sides; well watered, good build
ings, hrme piped with hot and cold water,
windmill, barn, dryer, packing and ware
house: this Is where you make money,
onlv 8300 per acre; $15,000 cash, balance
5 years. You can't touch anything near
this for the price; location. Southern Ore
gon, famoui fruit belt. Don't delay in
vestigation. ZIMMERMAN,
621 Board of Trade Bldg.
OREGON FARMS, between 60 and 70 of
them, rangin in size from a few acre to
more than 2000; and from $10 per acre up
Jn price; fruit, dairy and grain farms In
the Willamette Valley, grain and stock
ranches. In Eastern Oregon; I can sell you
Just the place you are looking f or and
save you time and money. W. J-. Smith,
4o3 Chamber of Commerce.
THE BIGGEST snap In Douglas County. Ore
gon; POO acres of land; 400 acres fruit land;
on railroad with towns tie. Can be Irri
gated from Umpqua River. If taken at once
can be bought for lea than $45.00 per acre.
For particulars and term see Bond A Brad
ley. Rocburg. Oregon.
FOR SALE Finest farm on Cow Creek.
Southern Oregon; 204 acres at $35 per
n ere; 184 acres bottom land, IOO acres
line Umber; 75 acrs under cultivation; 9
acres orchard ; good "'"house and barn. K
A. Miller, Glendale. Oiegon.
FARM 25 seres, at station on 8. P.. near
station en electric line; 6-room house, good
barn; 7 acres orchard, running water and
spring: 9 miles from Portland; big bar
gain if taken at "once. Chism, 615 Couch
bldg. -
6 ACRES on Oregon City line, aJout half
in cultivation. 5-minutes walk from Jen
nings Lodge. Fine level land, a snap at
S2.VK. The Crossley Co., 709 Corbett bldg.
Largest list of valley farms In the state.
-KLAMATH Reclamation Project" lands
are sure to make the owner wealthy.
Write to E- B. Shumway A Co., Klamath
Falls. Or.
SEND for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying: lands shown free.
Oimstead Land Co.. Salem. Or.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
629 Chamber of Commerce,
HAVE timber tract of 2400 acres In Lincoln
County. Oregon, to dispose of for Eastern
people. Call Cornelius Hotel. J. D. Diffen
hauch. WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprise of all kinds. Kinney A
Stampner. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
TIMBER lands boughr and sold, properties
looked after. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay
lldg., Portland, Or.
RELINQUISHMENT 8 million feet, near
stream and K. R. Everett & McLeod. 616
and 517 Rothchlld bldg.
TIMBER and homestead relinquishment.
$-7 Worcester block.
l-3 MILLION guaranteed; water; good loca
tion: term. H. E. Brown, Hayes, Wash.
FOR timber lands see E. I Bee km an A Co.,
Srtl-3tC Lumber Exchange.
WANTED TIMBER LANDS.,KW to 150.000,000 feet yellow pine or
flr; will pay part cash, balance two and
three year a N 510. Oregonian.
WILL buv timber lands in Columbia County;
give complete description, price and terms;
owners only. N 512. Oregonian.
TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCracken,
3i4 McKa Md?.
WANTED First-class dairy ranch, or the
management of same, by a thorough, ex
perienced man. Address 45 3d sc. Port
land. Or. -
WANT to lea a large ranch or the man
agement of same- 208- Union Port-
THE owner wants home in Portland; will
sell or trade 160 acres 11 miles -east Van
couver." electric line now building; 60 to
50 acres finest orchard land, easlly
cleared, no rocks, can be Irrigated from
large spring. 8 acres cleared, balance 39
fine pasture or vineyard land; on county
road. R. F. D-. milk route, $20 per acre;
chance to double your money. We have
several city homes to exchange for acreage
and farms. "
CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg.
home worth $20,OoO and vacant property.
$:i5.000. which I will trade for Oregon
real estate; can use Portland home, lots,
timber and fruit land; might consider deal
tip to $75,000. S. W. Ansjerson, La Crosse,
10-ROOM oressed brick house In Colorado
i Springs, would rent for $45 a month. Will
exchange ior romsaa resilience or giwu
Income property In or near Portland.
Owner here for a lew days. 420 Lum
bermen bldg.
80 ACRES unimproved land, near Olympia;
actual cash value $2400; will trade all or
half for or on lots or house and lot; new
electric road will Increase value to $100
per acre. S. D. Vincent. 420 Lumbar
xnens bidg.
WILL exchange my Irvington home for
vacant city property; it has all the modern
improvements, is near the carline and in
a fine neighborhood; it's an 6-room house.
R 5it), Oregonian.
EQUITY tn a 10-acre tract In Goodnoe Hills
to exchange for city property, balance
.monthly; choice tract overlooking Columbia
River. J. J. Reld Land Co., 340 Chamber
of Commerce.
6 ACRES, irrigated, et to fruit, half mile to
town, school, etc. fronting on river; a
choice tract, fine for garden truck; would
take part trade. J. J. Reld Land Co., 340
Chamber of Commerce.
160 acres' timber, in Coos Co., will trads
for Portland property, by owner. 1015
Board of Trade bldg.
FINE fruit land in Willamette Valley in ex
change for Portland property, close-In acre
age or vacant lot. Owner, AJ 527, Ore
gonian. WILL trade for lot or automobile. 40 or SO
acres best apple land, near Sandy, ML
Hood district. Equity Investment Co., 508
Gerllnger bldg.
24 ACRES cleared, this side Lents, on Esta
cada line, at station; $1000, terms or trade.
307 Chamber of Commerce.
8-ROOM house, West Side, modern, $3500,
terms; trade for acreage. AC 529, Ore go -
YOU can trade any kind of property at
room 1019 Board of Trade.
WILL get yon anything In trade for any
thing you have. 322 Henry bldg.
Wanted, 8 lots, facing east. bet. 18th
and 22d eta. north of Alberta st. Will pay
14 cash. Most be cheap. E 62S. Ore
gonian. .
WANTED to buy subdivision containing 150)
or more lots, platted preferred; must ba
good; located right and priced right. Ad-
' dress W 527. Oregonian.
FROM 1 to 4 desirable east front lot, suit
able for building residences; must be bar
gains for cash; give location and price
first letter; owners. . W 526, Oregonian.
X HAVE decided to make Portland my home
and I want to buy a house and lot near
carline, nrice and term mwt be right; I
mean business. AC 526. Oregonian.
WHAT income property fcave yon for about
$10,000, three fifth casta, two-fifths trade;
prefer owner; state particulars. AJ 525,
WHAT inside property have you to offer for
about $25.OO0? Prefer owners. State full
particulars. S 520, Oregonian.
I WANT some good vacant "lots; want them
quick; state your price, location and terms
in letter. AB 625, Oregonian.
WANTED Bargains, house. Jot and barn at
Long Peach. Wash.; also tract cranberry
land. P 521, Oregonian.
WE are in the market for an unlimited
amount of stump or unimproved land; state
price. A 617, Oregonian.
FROM owner, best lot $S0O spot cash will
buy. N 527. Oregonian.
FOR RENT 3 acres, cultivated, house,
stable, chtcken-house, all varieties berries,
must sell two cows. feed, two hives bees,
00 chicken, near carline. phone Woodlawn
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
Wa have Just received a car of No. 1
work horses ranging in weight from 1000
pounds to 1500 pounds; price reasonable
and horses guaranteed a represented.
We also have on hand:
10 delivery wagon.
6 farm wagons
1 furniture wagon.
7 buggies,
4 cans.
420 Hawthorne Ave.
FOR SALE or rent & teams with goose
neck furniture wagons, to rent by month
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for bualneas purposes. day. week, or
month. Phones East 72, B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE I heavy draft team. 6 and 6
years old, weighing 3250. Phone East
FRENCH imported black Percheron stallion;
will trade lor heavy norses. Aaoress veorgo
Henderson. Gale Creek. Or.
FIRST-CLASS horses and mare for sale at
the Madison -Street Sales staoies, iao
Madison, near bridge.
FOR SALE I heavy general furniture wag
on; nearly new, in A 1 condition. Phone
East 4804.
HUBERT A HALL. 380 Front, buy, sell, rent
horses, vehicles: tow rates on business rigs.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2U4 Montgomery.
16TH AND 8AVIER One carload horsecv
some dioko, some not. cnau.
HORSE, harness and buck board, only $20.
non Main 1 4W.
FOR SALE Good delivery horse cheap. Wash
ington Cream Co.
Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments.
$360 FOR upright Chickering piano, as good
as new ; neauuiui case, una loan. a ui m
AD 511. Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade, T-passenger automobile.
fully equipped; a bargain tor casn. real es
tate, lumber or a stock of groceries; will
take or pay difference; swell big car; should
earn $20 per day In livery. Merrill, 7th
and Oak. afternoons.
AUTOMOBILES for sale and exchange. Geo,
R. Flora, 470 fcast tjumsiae st.
AUTO. Packard 18, 1909 model. Phone 6713,
A 63ftS.
Birds, Dogs, Pet Stock.
TWO fresh Durham cows, 4 and 5 gallons.
248 Front st.
FOR SALE Bull terrier pups, three months
old. Call Arista wooa iara, laoor zu.
FOR SALE Alaskan trick Spitz. Main 6737.
94 6th st.
Mi scellaneooa.
FOR SALE Victor talking machine, cabi
net and records, almost new. ah. &6,
FOR SALE CHEAP, electric belts and sup
plies and tools tor malting; win teacn
party how to make them. 22 North Front.
FOR GALE Best dry 4-ft. flr and oak
wood at lowest maritet prices. Hoover,
$13 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 6445.
GREEN and dry slab wood, box wood, cord-
wood ana coai. jauitnomaa jruet lo.
Phone Main 6540. A 2116.
MAILING list of 4000 names secured in last
two month in Desc pan 01 wregon. e
BAFES Nineteen second-hand safes, very low
price; new sates, ail sues. roruana 2aze
Co., 93 7th st.
NICE dry BOXWOOD at Oregon Box A
fg. Co. UOtn pnones.
EDISON phonograph and records cheap. 885
SECOND-HAND pool table for sale at 321
North 17th st.
606 BUSINESS CARDS. 11.35. Ryder Ptg.
Co. S67 Burnslde st. Main ooaa
MANURE for seis. FHocs Cast 1775.
For saie Trunks, sad iron, paints. French
cut-glass tumble, rugs, kitchen secretaries,
electric light fixtures, all new. at cost price.
Phone A 6121. house 45; private exchange
' 1. house 4o, or address D 626, Oregonian.
May be seen at Southern Pacific Depot, foot
of Jefferson St., Mondays and Thursdays.
Send us one dollar and we will send you
receipt used -by prominent liquor houses
for making whisky sold by many saloon.
Oregon Prescription Co , Room 28 The
Dexter, 12th and Washington, Portland,
Oregon. ,
Send us one dollar 1ind we will send yon
a receipt used by prominent liquor houses
far making the whisky sold by many
saloons. Oregon prescription Co., Room
40. Hamilton Bldg., Portland, Or.
5000 SEASONED cedar fence posU. 8 feet,
near Lents, for sale at a low price; buyer
can make good money handling these
posta Address L. M. Scott, $10 Oregonian,
bldg., or phone Main 7070.
UNCLE MYERS has only one store. Look
for the name.
SEWING MACHINES Second hand ma?
chines, drop head and box top, of all
makes, at very -lew prices. White Sewing
Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th,
SHOEMAKERS, attentlonl For sale cheap,
maahine repair outfit, stitcher, finisher, edge
trimmer, motor. Jacks, register, tools, etc.
G 526, Oregonian.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully
guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co.,
2v3 2d iu
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices, paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal" 47 3d at. North. Phone Main 9272.
HIGHEST price paid for cast-off clothing,
shoes, bats. Jewelry and furniture. 68 N.
3d. Main 9243.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni
ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's
and ladles' clothing. EL 105L 94 Grand avs.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co.. or you'll gat less. Phones A
2445, Main S&51.
I PAY THE HIGHEST prices for all kinds
of second-hand good. Call Main 7669. W.
WANTED Light gooseneck delivery wagon,
1 H tons capacity, with or without cover.
H. Bradley, 231 Oak st.
ROLL-TOP desk with chair, cheap for cash.
M 626, Oregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WB buy, sell or exchange anything; pay
est prices; sell for M. 6297.
WANTED Men at Angeles; wo have 20
Jobs in plumbing, electricity, bricklaying,
automobfling, and teach you the trade
-without any cash expense; only few
months required; catalogue free. United
Trade School Contracting Co., L01
WANTED Young men, honest and indus
trious, to prepare for Civil Service positions;
clerks, , carriers, railway mail, eic ; thou
sand rippolnted; good entrance salary, with
promotion.. Call or write. Pacific States
School, McKay hJdg.
RELIABLE man wanted to take and man
age one-half interest in one of the best
established real estate offices In Board of
Trade bldg.; price $400; little or no cash
required from responsible party. R 624,
WANTED Reliable man to work in store
as partner; pay you $25 week now and
will Increase it with Interested help; small
investment required. Particulars 417
Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED First -class salesmen with small
capital to represent manufacturer In each of
the following towns: Spokane, Walla Walla,
Salem and Pendleton ; big pay and quick re
turns Room 506 Perkins Hotel.
WANTED A first-class bookkeeper for the
City of Salem; must be well recommended
and have knowledge of public accounting.
Apply by mall only. Geo. F. Rodgers,
SAWMILL engineer, $3 a day; 4 Howe trua
bridge carpenters. $3.50; R. R. camp black
smith, $3.25; free fare.
Station gangs new work.
C. R. HANSEN & CO., 26 N- 2d St.
WANTED Solicitors; those experienced In
insurance soliciting preferred ; nothing to
sell; highest compensation. Apply between
10 and 3. Bowes, room 526. Lumber Ex
change bldg.
IF YOU have $200 cash with your services
and like office work; It will pay you to
call, as I have a business which will pay
a good man big money. Swetland bldg.,
room 610.
WANTED Man to manage store In .city;
honesty more essential than experience;
bond required; salary $150 per month. V
523. Oregonia.n.
A GOOD MAN to handle butter blenders; a
small machine making two pounds of butter
from one; a good proposition. Call at 315
Third st.
$100 per week; you can learn quickly; send for
information. Page-Davis Co., Page bldg.,
WE want a first-class meat cutter, one ca
pable of managing a market. Address,
giving references as to character and abil
ity, G 527, Oregonian.
WANTED Good boy about 14 year old, to
work for board and room; chance to at
tend school and learn a trade. H 619, Ore
gonian. WANTED A good glazier, capable of help
ing put sash together; steady work.
Address Med ford Sash & Poor Co.. Med
ford, Oregon.
WANTED A house-to-house demonstrator for
a new toilet preparation; must have horse
and buggy; hustler can make $10 per day.
P 529, Oregonian.
Earn $15 to $35" week, watchmaking, engr'g., op
tics; learn In few months; positions furnished
or start business without capital. Watchmak
ing School, 325 Kearney st-. San Francisco.
THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer and
assistant bookkeeper; answer In own hand
writing, stating references and salary ex
pected. AE 529, Oregonian.
WANTED Stenographer; references and bond
required ', good chance for advancement. S
622, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED window-trimmer and card
writer, steady position. Apply immediately
171 Third st.
WANTED Man to care for my office and
take up any side business he wishes, fine
proposition. AM 515, Oregonian.
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeekepers, stenog
raphers, cfty and country. Commercial
Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg.
YOUNG man stenographer, some experience.
Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial
Club bldg.
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk wanted In
wholesale furniture house. Carmen Mfg. Co.,
18th and Upshur.
TAILOR CUTTING 50 young men to learn;
positions guaranteed soon as competent.
W. F. Brown. 20S Alisky bldg.
PHOTO coupon and portrait agents; extra
commission on sales. Hubner Studio, Swet
land bldg.
MOTION PICTURE operators earn $25 week
ly, learn business in short time; Inside
work; lessons reasonable. 526H Wash.
WANTED Bond and stock salesman; ref
erences required. Address H 626, Ore
gonian. WANTED Bright young man. 20 to 22
years of age: good opportunity for right
party. V 525, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lady tailor wanted. F. W.
pott. 75 lflth st. North.
EXPERIENCED lady tailors or first-class
. coat-makers. Hoenlg, 211 FUedner bldg.
PRINTER'S apprentice having some ex
perience. Apply AB 626. Oregonian.
BOY wanted for delivery purposes. Call 81S
Thurman at.
EXPERIENCED lady's tailor on coats. Elite
Tailor. Mrt Washington st.
WANTED Experienced bushel man. Nlcoll
the Tailor, 108 3d st.
FIRST-CLAPS bushelman wanted. Apply
441 Washington.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membership. T. M. C A.
HIGH-CLASS bustling salesman; trig wage;
perznaneot. S16 Commercial block.
TWO yonng men well acquainted in city, to
learn the real estate business; liberal Induce
ments. Call between 9 and 10 A. M. or 4
to 5 P. M.
6O6-506 Henry bldg.,
4th and Oak sts.
10O0 STATION MEN wanted. Copper River
Railway, Cordova. Alaska.
Solid rock, $1.20 cubic yard.
Loose rock, 60 ents cubic yard,
- Earth, SO cents cubic yard.
Clearing. $50 per acre.
Grubbing. $10 per station.
Tunneling. $55 lineal foot-
Camps run all Winter, heavy work side-
cutting. Write for full particulars. M. J.
Heney. contractor, 614 Co I man bidg.. Seattle.
WANTED-r-Several of the best real estate
salesmen In the city, immediately; good,
live proposition ; lots of prospects fur-
" nishea; liberal commission for the men
-hat can make good. See Mr. Jones. Ameri
can Trust Co., 200 Chamber or commerce.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
elsht weeks, help to secure positions;
rrtiinaiM omra fmm S.15 to S25 weekly!
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue, uonier ysiem 01 wwiwit
North 4th at., Portland. Or. -
WANTED 3 first-class Italian or negro boot
blacks. Stete wages, experience, etc. AG
525, Oregonian.
WINDOW-TRIMMER for men's clothing,
hat and furnishing goods; first-class man
wanted. Y 472. Oregonian.
WANTED Good salesman with some money
and service to join me in a legitimate pay
ing business. b &2u, uregonian.
LIVE photo coupon portrait agent;, good
rooaey-majter. xjb.vis, 01- aomupwW
PHOTO coupon agents; aomething atrlctly
good, cutberth. pnotograpner. ueaum om.
RESPONSIBLE, energetic middle-aged woman
with executive ability, position or irusc,
must have some capital; money secured;
$86 per month guaranteed. Room 1, 250H
WANTED A girl to do general housework
in a small family. Address 567 Maple
at., Ladd Addition. Phonea E. 3028,
B 166L
WANTED Young ladies to enter training
school for nurses. Willapa Harbor Hos
pitals at South Bend or Raymond, Wash.
Address Mary C. Drain, Raymond, Wash,
848 Washington st., cor. 7th, upatalrak
Phone Main 2692.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain. $1.50 do, upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bide
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington,
WANTHD-Middle-aged woman to work In
kitchen. Apply at Model Grocery and
Bakery, 408 El Morrison. Phone East 788.
YOUNG lawyer wants bright girl stenog
rapher competent and of pleasing ap
pearance; $40 to rftart. AG 628. Oregonian.
WANTED A girl for general housework in
family of four; no children; pleasant
room. Phone Main 6345.
326 Washington St., Room 307.
. Main 8836 or A 3266.
YOUNG woman to solicit subscriptions,
monthly magazine, big money. AL 618,
WANTED Lady cashier for shootlnr gal
lery. Apply 42 H North 4th St.. between
11 and 12 o'clock-
WANTED A good girl to assist with general
housework. Call 56 Lucre ia st., near Wash
ington and 22d sts. v
COMPETENT girl to take position In fam
ily for few weeks; special wages offered.
- Phone Main 6160.
LADIES wanted to buy attractive millinery
at low prices at 95 East 18th, from 9 till
11 mornings.
WANTED Girl that has had experience work
ing In shooting gallery; wages $10. per week.
Call 104 North 6th st.
NURSE and companion elderly lady, some
housework, good home to right party ;
must be reasonable. AM 518, Oregonian. -
WANTED Some responsible woman to take
charge at a wedding supper; mention terms.
AJ 629 Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wanted as clerk in candy store.
Call after 10 A. M- Swetland & Son, 269
and 271 Morrison st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply mornings, 721 Johnson st.
GIRLS WANTED Apply. Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
WANTED Hair dressers, manicurists and
wig workers. . Grand Leader, 5th and
ELDERLY German woman for general
housework. 302 Jackson, near Park.
GIRL to assist In general housework, $9
per week. 360 13th st.
A CAPABLE woman for general housework,
good wages. Call 311 Main.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting;
expert method. 304 12th. Main 680O.
WANTED Two girls for shooting gallery,
good wages. Call at 249 First st.
COOK for the country; references re
quired. Call mornings at 811 Irving st.
GIRL for general housework and assist with
cooking. 768 Marshall St.
MAID for 2 children; must have first-class
city references. 695 Davis, near 21st.
WANTED A music teacher who can sing
and play the piano. 144 E. 2d at. N.
WANTED Girl or woman to assist caring
for child and light housework. 402 6th st.
WANTED An experienced waitress at The
Colonial. 10th and Morrison sts.
WANTED Girl for general' housework. Apply
mornings, 721 Johnson st.
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
good wages. 7691 Broadway st.
EXPERIENCED skirt makers for ladies
tailoring. Hoenlg. 211 FUedner bldg.
GIRL wanted, competent cook, 2 in family.
eui. maiBuou bi.
GIRL for general housework. 815 11th St.,
cor. Clay.
EXPERIENCED girl, general housework,
$30. 393 Hassalo. cor. Grand ave.
THERE la big money in mushroom growing
at your homes. "Crown Concentrated" lm-
" ported spawn 10 times better and stronger
than any other brands. Pacific Mushroom
P. Co., 88 H Third St.
I WOULD like to have hlghly-educa&ed
teacher to teach me English language 2
hours a day. Address 321 North 17th st.
Phone Main 6808.
MAKE $5 daily, cost nothing to investigate;
live agents, either sex. Houghton, Photog
rapher. Selllng-Hlrsch bldg.
WANTED Cook. Apply Monte Carlo
loon, corner Fourth and Couch sts.
SCHOOL of shorthand and typewriting; in
struction by expert; $5 a month. 269 14th.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sitions to A-l instructors. 614 Swetland.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man of good character desires po
sition as stenographer; ha had 2 years
experience; Gretg system of shorthand
and touch typewriting used; have had
some experience in legal work. X 525,
BY thoroughly experienced, competent gro
cery and 'general merchandise man, ex
perienced with country trade; speaks Ger
man; references; city or country. N. 6.
Berg, Portland, Or.
YOUNG man. well educated and experienced)
wants position as bookkeeper, timekeeper
cr "all-around" man In R. R. or logging
camp. B 615, Oregonian.
WANT E D Posi tlon as order clerk or ci ry
routing clerk, have had 6 years' city ex
perience; can give good references. K
625, Oregonian.
BOY 16 wants work where there Is a chance
of advancement; office preferred. Ralph
F. Read, Vancouver, Wash.
STENOGRAPHER 6 years expert en o tn
engineering work. K 511, Oregon Ian.
srruATiox wanted male.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG American, SO. well-educated; trav
eled extensively here and abroad; speak
and, write German and English; good
bookkeeper typewriter; salary no object;
give me a fair trial. If I can't "deliver the
goods" you need not pay me. H 627, Ore
gonian. Miscellaneous.
SITUATION by experienced single man, 28
years old, running ranch for widow or
elderly couple, good hand with young
stock and trees; good references in Ore
gon, Write or call 188 N. 15th at. phone
A 5746. J. D. Moore.
CHAUFFEUR; expert driver; keep any gas
oline car extra good running order; not
afraid of other work; willing give month's
trial, if N. G-. no pay; well educated. G
- 529, Oregonian.
DAIRY HELPER Strong-built young Jap
wants work; had experience on stock farm
two years; speaks English fairly. Y 624.
a YOUNG MAN desires place to work for
board and room before and after school
hours; good references. Address H. D. B.,
148 5th st.. 3d floor.
YOUNG German .knows very little English,
wishes job in store or office as porter, etc,
desires advancement as English la ac
quired. AX 528, Oregonian.
WILLING Japanese couple wants family sit
uation, man to do cooking, wife wait on
table and housework; both gentle and hon
est. Address 2G9 Everett at., Portland.
STATIONARY engineer . wants employment,
engineer, repair man, steam. ga or gasoline;
understand toolmaking; reference. AF 628,
YOUNG MAN attending business college
wants place to work for room and board.
AD 503. Oregonian.
A GOOD French cook, speaking French, and
German, wishes a position about the 20th
of this month. B 618. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced cook, age 40,
wants position with wife. In hotel or log'
Ring camp. J 517, Oregonian.
EX-SOLDIER wishes .a position as night
watchman. 42 6th st. North. Phone A
WANTED By a middle-aged man of good
habits, work on a gentleman's ranch. T 622,
YOUNG Japanese boy desires position as a
schoolboy in quiet family. R 523, Ore
gonian. WANTED to build furnace fire mornings
or clean porches and walks. J. Schoger,
704 Everett st-
YOUNG man 27 years old wants inside work;
speaks 8wedisB and English. AP 526, Ore
gonian. J. H. GOIN9 offers his service for window
washing, store scrubbing, carpet cleaning.
Phone Main 1493.
A WELL accomplished Japanese wants po
sition In small family. Tagoya, AL 619,
PHARMACIST, single, temperate, A-l ref
erences, country or city, wants position.
J. O. Luck, 60 7th st. North.
MAN and wife to take charge of farm; ex
perienced; please state terms. Address J.
W. C, 84 Russell st., room 8.
M BA TCUTTE R wants position In small mar
ket or market and grocery, in or out of
city. V 521, Oregonian.
JAPANESE desires s tuation as schoolboy,
city or the country; good cook. T 520, Ore
gonian. GOOD porter or Janitor (white), wants work
immediately ; reference. D 629. Oregonian.
MAN and wife cook wants Job; camp or
hotel. G 25, Oregonian.
CARPENTER and builder, new or repair
work. 48 Falling st- Woodlayn 1236.
BLACKSMITH foreman; experience in mod
ern methods manufacturing. .64 E. 76th.
STEADY, sober young man wants work, in
side or outside. AM 617, Oregonian.
JAPANESE, good cook, wants position small
family, city or country. V 524. Oregonian.
POSITION by an American chauffeur, can
furnish reference, K 527, Oregonian.
JAPANESE desires situation as cook or
general housework. T 621, Oregonian.
JAPANESE cook wants position in private
family. W 621. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants situation as achoolboy;
speaks well. S 623, Oregonien.
DOUBLE BASS viol player wants position.
Address R 528, Oregonian.
GOOD MAN wants position as pn
cleaner. Main 7465.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
SITUATION wanted by competent Eastern
stenographer, several years' experience;
very rapid operator, good grammarian;
have passed Underwood examination at
grade of 99 per cent; moderate salary.
E 527, Oregonian.
INEXPERIENCED lady stenographer desires
position; will begin at low salary; have
own typewriter. Underwood No. 6. Ad
dress 661 Union ave. North; Phene East
WANTED Work In the morning by a refined
lady stenographer and typist, 5 years' ex
perience as private stenographer; best of
references furnished. AB 526, Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer from the East
desires a permanent position; commercial
work; experienced and best of references.
AG 529, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants position as bookkeeper;
references; salary no object to begin with.
Phone Woodlawn 1343.
l COMPETENT stenographer, experienced
In general office work, installments and
collections, desires position. Phone B 1081.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer,
good speller, wishes permanent position;
references; moderate salary. Main 7303.
WANTED by a capable stenographer, a per
manent position. AJ 526, Oregonian.
FANCi dressmaking, evening dresses, princes
dresses. Mrs. W. X Brown, of Chicago, 2u8
Alisky bldg.
FIRST-'CLASS dressmaking, lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles, 326 Wash sr, room 316.
CHILDREN'S Dressmaker, good general aewer,
by the day. Phone A 7605.
MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse, beat refer
ences. A 2618.
WIDOW, with boy aged 14, wishes position
as housekeeper for widower or bachelor,
'City or country. AL 517. Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman desires position as man
aging housekeeper or place of trust. Phona
Tabor 2S1.
TWO ladles would care for small furnished
house In return for rent; best care: refer-
AB 0Z7, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED cook will work by the day
or hour, also for dinner parties or lunch
eons. Phone Main 6S42.
HOUSEWORK by the day dr week. East
Side preferred. A 330, Russell at.
COMPETENT second girl would like situa
tion. AL 616, Oregonian.
WANTED In Oregon by graduate of music
of Virginia College, position aa muslo
teacher or governesB; references ex
changed. Miss Elisabeth Noel, Stuart, Va.,
Patrick County.
WILL do halrdresslng, shampooing and scalp
treatment in your own noma; iuasi ciao
preferred. Phone Sellwood 53.
LAjjY will contract family washing, also
Bllii l-B OH" WJH " , vyuu ..j.UB. i wv.
GERMAN lady likes to cook for house
parties and social gatherings. Phone
Richmond 171, after 6 p. M.
REFINED young lady win care for children
and do sewing; responsible; references, AD
518. Oregonian. Phone Main 42P9.
WANTED to build furnace fire mornings
or clean porcnes ana waia. J- ocaoger,
704 Everett at.
HOUSEKEEPER, boy 12; housework, wom
an girl 4; chambermaids, nurses. St. Louis,
2AXVs Washington. Main 2039.
WOMAN wants day work by the hour.
Phone A 8271.
YOUNG, capable wmnaa, chamber war a, try
the day. Main 2WS9, A 776-
LADY would like position at collecting or
traveling saleslady; can spak several lan
guases. AB 52o. Oregonian.
GOWNS. skirts, drawers, aprons to order;
dolls dressed. Call mornings. East 4642.
LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for
tand delivered, 40c pair. Tabor 1597
WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees;
outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly;
good territory. Addresa Oregon Nursery
Company. Orenco. Or.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem. Oregon.
WANTED Live agents to sell Christmas
photo coupons; a good money-maker. C.
Elmore Grove, 362 Washington st.
Agents, big money made selling our nursery
stock; great demand, fine line, cash com
mission weekly. Saiem Nursery Co.. Salem.
WAJS'TED Three or four rooms or small
house unfurnished, by man, wife and
baby; rent must be reasonable; state par
ticulars and price. AH 628, Oregonian.
WANTED In the vicinity of Portland Acad
emy, 6 or 6-room house, with all modern
conveniences, furnished or unfurnished; your
price if accommodation are flrst-claes. , S
521, Oregonian.
WANTED 4 or 6-room modern furnished
apartment for young married) couple; de
sirable location. H. K. Haak, 310 Lumber
man's bldg. Main 6620.
LADY wants 2 partly furnished rooms for
light housekeeping In quiet family, on
carline, West Side preferred; references
exchanged. T 528, Oregonian.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; no
children. T 523, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
IN SMALL, strictly private family, 2 or 3
rooms, with board, for Ken't., lady and
giri age 9; close to Ladd School, West
Side. W 620, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof buildinf. ateara
beated hot and cold running wafer in all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, and it doesn't coat any
more than some cheap lodging-house;
nice large office on ground floor; every
thing first-class; rates. 60c, 75c and $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 6th st. North.
Homelike -
a , . NEW , SCOTT HOTEL . . . -
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole-year of redecorating, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your beneflt
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and comfort. Free Bus Free Phonea
Special low rates by the week or month;
cold water In all rooms, elegantly furnished;
directly opposite Portland Hotel. S30 Yam
hilt st.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts.
Rooms, single or en sufte; SPECIAL low
monthly rates: steam heat, private baths,
hot and cold water In all rooms; beautifully
furnished ; tourist trade solicited.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc ; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phont and baths free.
390 Morrison St., Cor. 10th..
Neatly furnished rooms, steam heat,
'electric lighted, running water, free hatha
and phones. $3.50 per week and up.
New, modern. elegantly -furnished
rooms, with or without private bath; per
manent or transient.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 "weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647.
THE MERTARPER, 126 13th, cor. Washing
ton, brand new. handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water in all
rooms ; very reasonable terms.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main ats.,
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
ronable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
THE MJ3RCBDES 20th and Washington
sts. ; elegantly furnished outside rooms,
modern conveniences, plenty of heat, $12
and up.
HOIEL ELWELL 7 th and Alder; new,
-modern rooms, steam heat, runninsr water.
free phone, private bath; by'day. yeek or
montn, rcasuuuuia.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and hatha free. 827
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
NICE, large, furnished rooms, suitable for 2
people; ' all conveniences, close in. very
reasonable. Aster House, 7th and Madison.
BURNISHED ropms. Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and
NICELY furnished, comfortable rooms, $1.60
to $5; free phone, lights, bath, etc. No. 2
N. 14th.
THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 per
week. 548 Washington st.
THE BRAE-SIDE, 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, $3. $4, $5 per week; transient 1
FINELY-FURNISHED rooms; every conven
ience; reasonable terms. 46 21st sL North.
CHOICE front room, suitable for two. 887
Taylor et., near West Park.
THE BUTLER Large, comfortable rooms;
close in, low rates. 409 Washington.
THE RANDOLPH, Sd and Columbia, rooms;
bath, heat; 50 o to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
Furnished Rooms In Private Families.
606 FLANDERS, bet. 14th and 15th; neatly
furnished room; $6 per month.
VERY pleasant room for, young man at 654
Third; $10 per month.
WALKING distance, 629 Couch St.. bet.
15th and 16th; modern, neat and clean.
NICE furnished rooms for rent, close in.
482 Washington.
LARGE, sunny room, clean and warm, olose
in on West Side. Main 2816. - r
268 13th NICELY furnished room, new
house, every convenience, gentlemen only. I
LARGE, nlcely-fumlshed room, heat, bath,
. for gentlemen; close in. 632 Flaflders st
NICELY furnished front room, heat, bath,
, phona 509 Morrison st.
Furnished Rooms In Private Famlle.
VERY desirable room, beautiful' location.
West Side, all conveniences, furnace heat,
walking distance. Rent reasonable. Tele
phone Main 5613.
EXCEPTIONALLY fine corner room. heat,
closet, grate and private bath; also email
corner room, modern. 642 Morrison at.
VERY desirable, sunny rooms, single or en
suite for gentlemen ; all modern conven
iences. Phones Main 6263; A 3063.
302 PARK ST. N icely furnished front
. bay-window room, heat, gas and bath, $11
per month; gentleman only. Main 3002.
LARGE, handsomely furnished room: all con
veniences. 227 7th; also single room. $$.
NEAT room, close in, bath and phone, good
family. $1.60 per week. 430 Jsffereon at.
SUITE, hot and cold water, "also single
room. 712 Hoyt st.
$10 Pleasant corner room, suitable for two;
gas, bath, phone, 475 Clay. 1
NEWLY furnished rooms. $3 per week. 27
16th near Washington. . Main 7980.
NEWLY furnished steam-heated room, bath
and phone. Call Main 7589.
NTCT3LY flrrnished room;
jjhone, T1 ittorrlaoa.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
VFBT riAafT-fiMn t-arn UrM rooms, connect
ing; fireplace, bath, light, h-eat, walking
distance, near 6th on East Couch; lovely
. home for 2 gentlemen or ladles; very
reasonable. Phone East 4648.
NICELY furnished room, private family,
modern conveniences, best car service,
walking distance, 635 East Morrison, cor,
17th. Phone East 4952.
LARGE newly furnished front room suit
able for one or two; weil lighted and
heated; breakfast If desired; close in and
- wiry reasonable. Main 780S.
EXCEPTIONALLY fine front room with mod
ern conveniences; also side room with grata
and furnace heat. 128 14th, near Washing
ton. Main SOOO.
NICELY furnished room. modern conveni
ences, heat, breakfast If desired. 1105 East
Yamhill. .
NICELY furnished room In private family; free
phone and bath. 3lH 3d St.. fiat A. Phone
M. 6995. ,
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board, bath, phone and piano; good home
cooking. 260 Nartilla; take Jefferson car.
FDR RENT Neatly furnished rooms in pri
vate family, walking distance. 629 Taylor
. street.
404 PARK Newly furnished front and
back parlors, suitable for two; furnace
heat, all conveniences. Phone A 3721.
REASONABLE and desirable room, good
neighborhood. Phone Main 8091, or call
5S6 Hoyt st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
FOR RENT Five unfurnished room, ground
floor; large grousds, newr school, close In;
$16. 227 East 4tKh. Phone Tabor 523.
TWO splendid, light, furnace-heated rooms,
best table board. 761 Marshall st.
8 UNFURNISHED rooms. 229 ls
Rooms With Board,
One elegantly furnished suite, with pro
Tate bath, for rent, after the 15th ot
October. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne ave.
PORTLAND Women'a Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary. 610 Flanders St.. Miss Francea N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 1S6 5th
at. Mrs. M- E. Bretherton. supt.
NICELY furnished room, thoroughly mod-
ily." Phone Main 69S3. 414 Jefferson st.
THE Mansion Homelike boarding-house, large
general parlor, open fires, billiards, social,
elegant rooms, separate table board $5-50
THE COLONIAL. 163 and 167 10th at., cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason-
able rates.
"THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with otf
without board. 452 Morrison, cor 18th.
THE MARSHALL, newly furnished, select
table board. 23d and Marshall. A 4920.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
VERY pleasant front rooms with break
fast and dinner, all modern home con
veniences, $20 to $25 each for two la
room; prefer employed people. 120 North
18th. Main 1070.
VERY DESIRABLE homelike room and board,
for two, modern, nicely furnished, well
heated, best location, 10 mlnutea, walk to
Postofflce; $24 mo. each. 404 Clay. Mala
COZY warm room suitable for 2 with board
in private home; also single room ln
pleasant home for people looking for same.
Phone Main 6485.
LARG E f ron t room for 2 or 8 gentle
men, with board, at $23 each; also small
room for 1 at $26. Phone A 3875, 649
" Yamhill st.
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 young men,
$20 per month; home cooking; 1 blocs;
from car. 605 6th. Main 3304.
NICELY furnished room, with board, for two
girls; all conveniences; on carline, $20.
154 E. 28th St., North.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
1 or 2, walking distance, bath, phone, with
' or without board. 370 2d st.
ELEGANTLY furnished front alcove; new
and up to date; walking distance. 349
FIXE room with bath attached, and break
fast, in nice home, close in, $16 per month.
B 626, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable fon
two. board if desired. 12tt 14th st. fclala
3266. '
BOARD and room for two gentlemen; bath,
phone, steam heat; $6 per week. 191 11th,
near Yamhill. '
NICELY furnished modern front room suit
able for 2 or 3 young men with board.
265 6th st.
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen. $20,
month; good home cooking. 27 East 7th al.m
near Pine. ' Phone B 1295.
COZY, well furnished front parlor, flrst-clasa
board, modern home conveniences; reason
able to employed people. 521 Couch.
1 . , - 1 -
FRONT room, suitable for two; heat, plana
rent reasonable. 268 12th st.
HOMBLIKD room with board for 2. reason
able, walking distance. Phone East 6418. .
$20 MONTH, room and board for two. 63
Everett. Main 6480.
NEWLY-FURBISHED rooms, with board, at
695 East Oak St., cor. 15th. Phone B 2619.
ROOM and board, 2 gentlemen; modern;
walking distance. Main 4294. 194 N. 17th.
NEWLY furnished room. 2 gentlemen, 2
meals, walking distance. Main 7564.
ROOM and board, home cooking, walking
distance; reasonable. 624 East Morrison.
HEINZE APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick
building, ocmpletcly first-class, furnished
in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartment-s; pri-
- vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone, compressed air
cleaning, janitor service; some unfur
nished; rent very reasonable.
The most exclusive furnished apart
ments In the city; three-room suites, bath
and reception ball, both phones, electrio
elevator; take W or 16th-at. . car. 62-4
s Marshall st.
MADISON PARK apartments, 3-room, un
furnished apartment; 5 minutes' walk from
Portland Hotel; electric elevator and Janitor
service. Corner Park and Madison. Phona.
Main 6656.
THE WESTMINSTER A modern 4-room
apartment; furnished very nice, and sing la
rooms. Corner 6th and Madison.
New apartments, first-claa service, rea
sonable rent. Cor. Wash, and King st.
THE DAYTON Fine six-room apartment;
heat, hot water, etc Inquire 658 Flanders.
DEC. 1, lower flat of 8 rooms; all light, fur
' nace, electric light, gas stove for sale; rent
$45- 166 N. 24th st., bet. Irving and John
eon. Tel. Main 356
FOR RENT Upper flat. 6 rooms, hardwood
floor, most desirable location on Nob
Hill, to responsible party only. Phono
Main 6249
FOR RENT 6-room flat, close in, $18 per
month, furniture, nearly new, for sale cheap.
268 Chapman st.
FLATS, 731 Hoyt sc. near 22d. rooms
and bath. Inquire 132 6th at. Mali: 6278.
4-ROOM flat, modern, central, good outlook.
Inquire 233 Hall at., afternoons.
TWO-ROOM flat, pleasant, convenient, cen
tral; $12.60. Inquire 233 Hall st.
NEWLY furnished steam-heated fiat for rent.
Inquire Janitor 21st and Kearney.
COMPLETELY furnished 4-room flat with
piano. Phone East 2442.
6-ROOM choice corner fiat at once. Inquire
402 Park st.; no children.
NEW 6-room flat, fine location, $25. Phona
Main 4473.
NEW 5-room flat; has porch, fireplace and
reasonable rent. Call 441 11th st.
ELEG VNTLY furnished eteam heated 5
room flat. Flat 5. 362 3d. Phone A 4970.
Housekeeping Rooms.'
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car.
$L60 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gaJ. 194 Sherman.
NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, $l400i
631 Washington at., cor. 20th,
8 NEWLY-FURNISHED rooms; $16 to per
manent tenants. 674 East Salmon,