THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1909. 18 RATE CASE SETTLED French Shipowners Lose in Stevedoring Lease. AFFECTS SEATTLE FIRM Judge Don worth Decides That Cut in Price of Loading a. Vessel Does 'ot Establish a Prevailing Rate for Labor on Ships. M-Cabe & Hamilton, stevedores, of Seattle. Wash., have been awarded J279.62 with interest from May 3S, MOi, by Judge Donworth. of the- United States Court. MeCabe & Hamilton appeared as liber ant in the caee and the French bark EiiK'nie Kautrel as respondent. The Judg ment was handed down yesterday and nettles the matter of prevailing rates for stevedoring work. Early in 19"7 the French bark Eugenia Fautrel arrived at Seattle with a cargo of cement for Balfour, Guthrie & Co. rhe was also under charter to the same firm for outward loading of wheat for the United Kingdom. I'nder the terms of the charter party Balfour, Guthrie & Co.. were to supply stevedores at the rate prevailing at the time on Puget Sound. MeCabe & Hamilton were handling that work for the exporters and the master of the French vessel was asked to sign a contract for 3214 cents a ton for the discharge of the cement ami for 3D cents a ton for the loading of the wheat cargo. A rival stevedoring firm agreed to do the same work for 30 cents out and 24 cents in with a rebate of TVs Pr cent on both charges. The-captain refused to take the steve dores designated by Balfour-Guthrie A Co., and it was not until forced to it that he worked the ship with MeCabe & j Hamilton. When he settled he paid the , bill on the basis of 30 cents and 27V4 cents, also deducting the 74 Per cent. The matter was taken into the courts with the result that the stevedoring firm has been awarded the balance of the bill. in view of the clause In the charter party Judge Donworth took the stand that the only question involved was the one of prevailing rates and that the cut ting of price by the rival firm on the particular ship did not constitute a change In the rates which at that time and had formerly prevailed at the ports on Puget Sound. ORDER TWO INVESTIGATIONS Local Inspectors to Take Testimony in Butterfly and Robinson Cases. United States Inspectors of Steam Vessels Edwards and Fuller have set Monday, November 15, as the date for the official investigation of- the causes of the burning of the steamer Butterfly at Martins Bluff on the afternoon of November S. The following day the Inspectors will question members of the crew of the steamer G. K. Wentworth regarding the drowning of John Robin son, an oiler on the dredge Columbia, near Slaughters on the night of Novem ber . The Butterfly was burned while taking wood fuel at Martins Bluff. She was in command of Captain Al Brazee and at the time it was reported that the fire was caused by an explosion of oil. John Robinson was swept overboard from a small boat by the towllne of the steamer G. K. Wentworth. The steamer had a log raft In tow and it has been stated that she did not display the proper lights designating a tow astern. Robin son was a brother-in-law of John Dris coll. of the Port of Portland Commission. No trace has been found of the body and Mr. DrlscoII has offered a reward f J25 for its recovery. Falcon Due With Bonded Goods. With a large amount of bonded stuff and general carjro from New York, the steamship Falcon, of the American-Hawaiian Company, is due to reach Port land this evening. The vessel sailed from San Francisco Sunday night and will cross in at Astoria this morning. The Falcon will leave for the South Saturday night. Whaling Bark I teaches . Port. SAX FRANCISCO. Nov. 9. After a cruise of 11 months in Northern waters, during which 11 whales were taken, the whaling bark John and Winthrop arrived ' here today with 475 barrels of oil and 1000 pounds of bone. Marine Notes. The steamship Breakwater is scheduled to sail for Coos Bay ports tonight at 8 o'clock. With passengers and freight for Tilla mook Bay the steamship Argo sailed at 6 o'clock last night. The steamship Wellesley sailed yester day for Coos Bay, where she will load lumber for California. The French bark La Rochejaquelin is discharging a small quantity of coal at the American Can Company's dock. The steamship George W. Elder sailed for San Pedro and way ports last night. She carried passengers and freight. The steam schooner Mayfair is dis charging powder at Martins Bluff. She will load lumber for San Francisco. The steamship Sue H. Elmore sailed ; for Tillamook last night. She was 'heavily loaded and 'will take -passengers ' from Astoria. Tn command of Captain Krickson the steamship Northland arrived up last i night from San Francisco. She brought a full list of passengers and general cargo. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND. Nov. 9. Arrived Steamship Mayfair al Max tins Bluff, from S&n Krancis r: i"ar!pn. from San Francisco; steamship Rainier, from San Francisco; steamship -inland, fium San Francisco. Sailed Steamship Sue H. Elmore, for Tillamook; Hfsmship Argo, for Tillamook: steamship "Welll-y. for "oos Bay; steamship Geo. W Eider, for San Pedro and way ports. Astoria. Or.. Nov. 9. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M., moderate: wmd southeast 3 miles; weather, cloudy. Arrived at 9 and left up at 9:30 A. M. Steamer Mayfair. from San Francisco; ar rived at 9 and left at 11 A. il- Steamer Northland, from Sun Francisco. Sailed at 30:10 A. M. German steamer Walkure. for St. Vincent, for orders. Arrived down at 1.' ,1ft P. M Steamer Santa Clara. San Francisro, Nov. 9. Arrived at 5 A M Steamer Johan Fouloen. from Co Columbia River. Sailed at 9 A. M Hteamer Agyll, for Portland ; sailed last night -Steamer Geo. W. Fen wick, for Co lumbia River, and steamer Casco, for Port land. Coos Bay, Nov. 9 Arrived Steamer Al liance, from Portland. . . Tatoosh Island. Nov. . Passed in Brit ish steamer Cape Flntsterre, from Macatlan, for Com ox and Portland. Yokohama. Nov. 9. Arrived Nov. 8. Norwegian steamer Selja. from Portland. Tide t AMoria Wednesday. High. Low. 11-17 A- M....M feet '.VI 2 A. M 2 1 feet 11 :iO P. M....7 3 fft .VT.H P. M ... .0:7 foot Hood Kiver Improvement Downed. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Nov. At a meet Ins; of the Commercial Club last night the report of the Government engineers on the Improvement of the Columbia River opposite Hood River was heard. The engineers made a report unfavorable to the Improvement, but which, it is un derstood, is not to be regarded as a final disposition of the matter. A eommit ee from the club will take the matter up with the engineers In charge in Washing ton. The Hood River Commercial Club has agreed to co-operate with the com mercial club in Lewiston and other simi lar bodies along the Columbia and Snake Rivers to make a strong plea at the coming rivers and harbors congress for the improvement of these rivers. A GEM OF BRYANISM Here It Is, in the Form of an Open Letter to Senator La FoIIette. GRANTS PASS. Or.. Nor. S. To Hon. Robert 11. La, FoIIette Dear. 6Ir: Tour peTh in the Opera-House in Grants Pass last evening deserve to be classed among the choice genu of political literature. No one who heard you will call In question your ability, your patriotism and your desire to direct the entire people to higher and bet ter things. But may it not be possible that the way of vour direction is practically im possible under present conditions? You told the people of thiji city last night just what I have been telling them for r years You told us that the present system STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrire. Name. From. Date. Falcon San Francisco In port KaniM City. .. San Francisco In port Breakwater. ...Coos Bay.... In port Eureka. -Eureka N ov. 10 Alliance Coos Bay.... Nov. li Sue H. Elmore. Tlilamooic. .. .Nov. 13 Ariro Tillamook. ...Nov. 13 Roanoke Fan Pedro... Nov. 14 Rose City San Francisco Nv. 14 Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. Nov. 21 Henrik Ibsen. . .Honrkonic-... .'an. 3 Belja Hongkong. . -. lndefl t Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Date. Breakwater... Coos Bay.... Sov. 10 Eureka Eureka Nov. il Falcon San Francisco Nov. 11 Kansas City. . . San Francisco Nov. 1- AUIance Cnos Bay Nov. l.i Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... Nov. 1 Ariro Tillamook Nov. 1 Roanoke .San Pedro Nov. 10 Roe City San Francisco Nov. 1! Geo. W. BPder. -San Pedro Nov. 23 Henrik Ibsen. . Honckonc .. .Jan. 1- Selja Hongkong.... Entered Tuesday. Pierre Antonlne, Fr. bark (Nedel lec). with part cargo of coal, from Newcastle, N. S. W. Rainier, Am. steamship LInd qulst), with general cargo, from San Francisco. Carlos. Am. steamship (Donald son), with ballast, from San Fran cisco. Kansas City, Am. steamship (Kld ston), with general cargo, from San Francisco. Christian Michelsen, Nor. steam ship (Bentzon), with ballast, from Redondo. Cleared Tuesday. Rainier, Am. steamship (Lind quist). with wheat and 320,000 feet of lumber. Xor San Francisco. of political corruption and Industrial op pres?ion began about the time that the Re publican party came into power, that prior to the Civil War corruption at the Capital of our Nation was practically unknown, and that it was not until about the year 1ST0 that It became necessary to have a com mission to prevent railroad extortion and unlawful favoritism. I have told these same things to the people of Oregon, with the ad ditional Information that prior to the Civil War the affairs of this Government were di rected almost entirely by the disciples of Thomas Jefferson, that the present monopoly system which you denounce as being "in famous" was bora in and has been nurtured by the Republican party, and that John H. Kearan. of Texas, an ex-conieaeraie ana. Southern Democrat, was the member of Con gress who introduced the interstate com merce bill, and that we had a Republican President and Congress in 1807, when, as you say. this bill was killed. you also speak of the period from 3SP7 to 1909 as the "blackest" In the history of our country, and that more than 1000 cor porations during that time went Into the trust combine. I have told this also to the people, and then I have told them that dur ing this "blackest" period of time we had a Republican president who claimed to be a regular "trust buster." And I am now tell ing the people that Aldrich, Cannon and their crowd are planning to afflict the American people with this same "trust buster" another four years. Yes. Senator, you are right In your fight for good government, but you are simply wasting time if you expect by your efforts to reform the Republican party. The Aldrich and Cannon crowd are going to control the party in the future Just as they have done in the past; and they will do for you just what they did for Andrew Johnson, Horace Greeley and othera who have undertaken party reform. Thousands who now applaud you will march up to the polls at the next election, like sheep to the slaughter, and vote for Roosevelt or some other candidate selected by the corporations. Mr. Taft was named by Roosevelt and elected through the influence of Wall street money because of his antagonism to organised labor. Your criticism of our present banking sys tem U timely, and deserves more attention than it is likely to receive. When a few men sitting In their office In New York can command every bank cashier In the United States to close his bank doors, we may well conclude that these lords of finance have a little too much power. But why is It right for you to tell it and wrong for Mr. Bryan to tell it? The truth la. Mr. Bryan " was right when he opposed this usurpation of power in 1S06, and he is right In his opposition to it now. And more that that, W. J. Bryan is the one man in this country today who is able to wrest this Government from the control of the men whom you term "infamous" and restore it to the people. The present unfortunate conditions will never be righted by the Republican party. The fundamental principles of the Republi can and Democratic parties are radically at variance. The Republican party as now or ganized is the legitimate culmination of the doctrine that a few men have a divine right to control all other men; while the Demo cratic party as now organized is the ottt growth of the divine doctrine that all men are equal and that all governmental power should come from the people. The Republi can party cannot consistently remove the tyranny of the trusts; it would be too much like a parent disinheriting his own chil dren. If it is ever done, it will be by the Democratic party, and under the leadership of W. J. Bryan or some other man of his abilttv and sublime patriotism. Yours re spectfully. STEPHEN JEWELL. TOWNSEND TO MEET CHIEF Leaves for Washington lo Prepare Case Against Railway. B. D. Townsend, special assistant to th Attorney-General, left last night for Washington for a conference with United States Attorney-General Wickersham. preliminary to tiling his brief for the Government In the celebrated suit brought a year ago by the United- States against the Oregon & California Railroad and others to cancel the railroad company's grant to nearly 2.W,000 acres of valuable timber land in this state. Under the direction of ex-Attorney-General Bona parte Mr. Townsend instituted and is prosecuting this suit. Mr. Townsend explained yesterday that the purpose of his visit to Washington at this time is not only to confer with the Attorney-General, but to have a gen eral conference with the Government's chief prosecutor touching every phase of the litigation and the Interests of the Government therein. This suit was brought before the present Attorney-General assumed his office. Mr. Townsend expects to be gone about a month. . SALE WOOL BLANKETS, i Now's the time to supply your Winter needs and pay less. 9?e our big Morrison-street window. McA ten-McDonnell. Third and Morrison. ROCKPILE FOR VACS Judge Tells Loafers to Leave City or Go to Work. MASHER GETS 15 DAYS Charles Adams Sentenced for Annoy ing Girls on Street Two Chinese Lottery Men Plead Gnilty and Pay Fines. "I want you loafers to understand that when you are ordered out of town you will have to leave town." said Judge Bennett yesterday morning to Jim Lyons, who. a week before had pleaded guilty to the charge of vagrancy and begged to be allowed to leave town to escape a rockpile sentence. "Your failure to obey the orders of this court will cost you SO days on the rockpile. and if you are found in the city after serving that I will increase the dose to 90 days." In numerous cases where the absence from Portland of male parasites and other low-down characters has been re garded by the court as of more benefit to the community than their serving -a sentence on the rockpile only to be re leased again on the community, Judge Bennett has allowed this class of offend ers he privilege of leaving rather than receive the rockpile penalty. Lyons had failed to leave and was brought into court again. "I want this class of people to under stand that I am in earnest," said the Judge, "and that I want to rid the city of their undesirable presence." Masher Goes to Rockpile. Charles Adams, a clerk living in Lower Albina, was sentenced to 15 days on the rockpile yesterday morning by Judge Bennett in the Municipal Court for mo lesting women, Adams had been arrested the night before by Patrolman Barzee at Front and Morrison streets, where, somewhat under the influence of liquor, he took up his stand and attempted to ogle the young women who passed. Finding that his flirtations were not re turned, Adams then resorted to accosting them. He spoke to two young women and was insisting upon accompanying them, much to their alarm, when the officer was called and placed him under arrest. Adams did not deny the charge when brought before the Judge. Lottery Dealers Ffned. Sam Wing and Sin Sing, two Chinese accused of violating the lottery law, were fined by Judge Bennett yesterday morn ing In the Municipal Court. Sam Wing paid $50 into the city treasury and Sin Sing was assessed 15. The former plead ed guilty to conducting a lottery game and the latter guilty of visiting one. The Celestials had been taken into custody by Detectives Tichenor and Howell on Monday afternoon "at 313 Flanders street, where Sam Wing was in charge of a branch lottery. The offi cers seized a quantity of tickets and other proof of the existence of the game. PEDDLER ACCUSES POLICE Albert Marbetti Says Officers Mis treated Him While Making Arrest. As the result of the arrest of Perry Tomlinson, an expressman, and Albert Marbetti, a vegetable peddler, by Patrol man Galbraith at Sixth and Stark streets on Monday afternoon charges will be brought against the officer before the Police Commission. Marbetti accuses Galbraith of assaulting him at the time of the arrest. Both cases were tried out yesterday morning in the Municipal Court before Judge Bennett. The officer placed Tomlinson under ar rest for having an unbroken and vicious horse In use. Marbetti, whose stand is close to the stand of Tomlinson, en deavored to interfere with Galbraith, who was trying to arrest Tomlinson. After two warnings which Marbetti failed to obey, the officer demanding that he move on. Galbraith kicked Marbetti to hurry him. Judge Bennett fined Marbetti to. "Fake" Label on Apples. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Nov. 9. The mem bers of the Hood River Apple-Growers' Union, which comprises 90 per cent of the orchardists, are up in arms over the report from New York that quantities of apples were on the market there bear ing the wrappers of the union which were not up to the high standard of quality maintained by that organization. The wrappers of the union are regarded IX. X! ar-A- JA-stTdLA. 9 that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties," allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings,, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, " it is worth its weight in gold. " $1.00 per bottle druggists. Book contain ins valuable information mailed free. THE BRADFICLD REGULATOR CO, Allan fa, Oa. DYSPEPSIA, GAS, HEARTBURN AND ALL STOMACH DISTRESS VANISHES A Little Diapepsin Makes Your Out-of-Order Stomach Feel Fine . in Five Minutes. . The question as to how long you are going to continue a sufferer from Indi gestion, Dyspepsia or out-of-order stomach is merely a matter of how soon you begin taking some Diapepsin. If your Stomach is lacking in diges tive power, why not help the stomach to do its work, not with drastic drugs, but a re-tnforcement of digestive agents, such as are naturally at work in the stomach. People with weak Stomachs should take a little Diapepsin occasionally, and there will be no more Indigestion, no ft f Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? We can furnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable cures after all other means had failed. Women who are suffering with some form of female illness should consider this. As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonial letters. We guarantee they are genuine and honest state ments of facts. Gardiner, Maine. "I was a gfreat sufferer from a female disease and weakness. The doctor said I would have to. go to the hospital for an operation but I could not bear to think of it. " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me in three months." Mrs. S. A. Williams, K.F.D. No. 14, Box 39, Gardiner, Me. , So. "West Harbor, Me. "I suffered for years with painful periods, backache, headaches, nervousness, irregularities and inflammation. I consulted two physicians and one advised me to have an operation. " I was completely discouraged when I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it has made me a well woman. I advise all suffering; women to take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Lillian Bobbins, South West Harbor, Me. Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the derangements of the female organism which breed all kinds of miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not cure, are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women who are afflicted with similar troubles, after reading two such letters as the above, should be encouraged to try this wonderfully helpful remedy. For 30 years Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female Ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. . Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. . i " Mrs. Pink ham Invites all sick women Wr to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. as an absolute guarantee of high quality in the East and when these apples were found to be inferior in selection and pack many complaints poured in upon Steinhardt and Kelly, who bought the entire output of the union this year. EAST 17TH MAY EXTEND Proceedings Planned to Open Street Through Midway. Councilman Rushlight will start new proceedings for the opening of East Seventeenth street through Midway. Bast Seventeenth street has been ex tended and improved to Ainsley avenue to the north Bide of Midway, and the street has been opened south through Westmoreland. According to the report of the first viewers, the cost of the opening of Bast Seventeenth street through Midway was placed on the property-owners of Mid way and holders of sites north and south, who received ' equal benefits, were not assessed. Midway property-owners ob jected and had the proposed opening set aside. The new proceedings wllP extend the territory to be assessed to the south end of Bast Seventeenth street through to Sellwood. This method will distribute the cost. To get Bast Seventeenth street opened through Midway will necessitate the appropriation of about six lots be sides a large section of a greenhouse and a small cottage. L. W. Darling, who has been working to get the street opened, says the people in Westmoreland on East Seventeenth street will not ob ject to the new proceedings. , Only One "BBOMO QCTXISE." That is LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE.Loolc for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. mtr happy without them, yet me oraeai uirougn wmcn the expectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear feeling like a lump of lead in the stom ach, no heartburn. Sour risings. Gas on Stomach or Belching of undigested food. Headaches, Dizziness or Sick Stomach, and besides, what you eat will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. All these symp toms resulting from ' a sour, out-of-order stomach and dyspepsia aje gen erally relieved five minutes after tak ing a little Diapepsin. Go to your druggist and get a 50 cent case of Pape's Diapepsin now, and you will always go to the table with a hearty appetite, and what you eat will taste good, because your stomach and intestines will be clean and fresh, and you will know there are not going to be any more bad nights and miserable davs for you. They freshen you and make you feel like life is worth living. MEN THAT ARE AILING, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN COME TO ME AND BE CURED I See All Mr Patlenta THE DOCTOR Personally. THAT CURES. I hire no substitute and have no medi cal company. FEE FOR A CURE la lower than any specialists in the city, half that others charge you and no exorbitant price for medicine. -1 am an expert specialist, have had 80 years' practice in the treatment of diseases of men. My offices are the best equipped in Portland. My methods are modern .and up-to-date. My cures are quick and positive. I do not treat symp toms and patch up, I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, remove It and thus cure the disease. I tTRE Varicose Veins, Contracted Ailment, Plies and Specific Blood Pot. on and All Ailments of Men. CUKE! OR NO PAY I am the only specialist in Portland who makes no charge unless the patient la entirely satisfied with the results accomplished, and who srivee a written guarantee to refund every dollar paid for aervices if a complete and permanent cure la not effected. rVfp-M Visit Dr. Lindsay's private mtill Museum of Anatomy and know thyself, in health and disease. Ad mission free. Consultation free. If un able to cail, write for list of questions. DR. LINDSAY Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.: Sun days 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. 1S8H Second St., Cor. of Alder. Portland. Oregon. CCeeWo IKE CHINESE DOCTOR Thli great ChtnM doctor la welt knows throflfho.t the Northwest becaoe of his wonderful amd marvelous cures. and Is today hsr- patients mm u createst of his kind. Ha treats any and all diseases with powerful Chinese roots, herbs and harks that are entirely unknown to the medical science of this country. With these harmless remedies be cuarantees to cure catarrh, asttanaa. Ions; troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, etomacb. liver and kidney tronbles. also private diseases of men and women. CONSULTATION FREE. Patients outside of elty write for blanks and circulars. Inclose 4c stamp. ' The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 16ZM First St.. Near Morrison, Portland, Or. BING CHOONG CHINESE DOCTOR Bins C h o o n g M e d 1 c i ne Co., 133tt First St., Portland Or. Gen tlemen . I take pleasure In statins that your treatments for throat, liver and lungs have griven a speedy cure, and heart ily recomm end your treatments. H. L. GOODWIN, Vancouver, Waflh 4' .. 1 Core Mesi 1 claim to know a great deal about a few ailments, rather than a little of all human ills" Different doctors have different ideas in regard to cures. Some call a suppression of symptoms a cufe. They dose, for drug ef fects and claim that nothing; more can be done. But the real ailment remains and will bring- the real symptoms back again, per haps the same as before, but very likely leave the patient In a much worse condi tion. I claim that nothing less than com plete eradication of the ailment can be a real oure. I treat to remove the aliment, and not merely the symptoms. I search out every root and fiber of the ailment, and I cure to stay cured. I not only cure all nervous conditions promptly, but I employ the only treatment that can possibly cure such ailment perma nently. It is a system of local treatment entirely original with me, and it is Just as substantial aa it Is broad. I Care the Gases That Others Cannot Cure A bold statement, but Just urn true as it ie bold. Not all cases that others fall to cure are curable by my methods, but fully SO per cent of them are. Tlie way to learn whether your case is curable Is to consult me. I know exactly what can be done in every Instance. I ought to know this, for I have done nothing else other than treat men's diseases for twenty-five yearn. If your case Is curable I will treat you. If it isn't I will not. If I treat you, and If you so desire. You Can Pay When Cared SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON. Others dose the system with mineral poisons scarcely less dan gerous than the ailment itself. The best they hope to do by this treat ment is to keep the ailment from manifesting its presence upon the surface of the body. Under my treatment the entire system is cleantied. The last taint vanishes to appear no more. I employ harmless blood-cleansing remedies. They are remedies heretofore un known In the treatment -of thin ailment. They cure by neutralis ing and absolutely destroying the poison in the system. Sach cure cannot be other than complete aod permanent. Free Museum Our 110,900 Museum ot Anatomy is now open to male viettfiw. The largest and finest exhibit on the Coast. All men visiting Portland should see this educational exhibit, showing the human body In wax re productions. - Advice and Consultation Free Come and have a private talk with me concerning your ailment. Even If you are not prepared to undergo treatment at this tune, I can always give helpful suggestion to men who are ailing. If you cannot come to Portland, write for particulars of my system of home treatment. In teresting literature and colored charta It you will call. The DR. TAYLOR Co. SSH HORjajSON STREET, PORTLASD, OREGON. CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS. OFTICB HOURS I A. M. TO P. M. HIHOAYS, 10 TO 1 ONZ.T. TO1i"Elv N0T SICK' BUT glo.omy' lVltlllJ DISCOURAGED, "WORN-OUT" From Dissipation and Excesses, Overwork, Brace Up and Come to Me. My New System Will Restore Health, Strength, Vigor. This Is the Way You Feel: There is usually a pain across the small of your back; blue rings under your eyes; specks before your eyes; your sleep does not rest you; you get up in the morning feeling tired; your mind at times wanders; your memory is poor; you are losing flesh, hollow eyed; whites of youf eyes are yellow; you are fearful always expecting the worst to happen; very nervous, you start in your sleep, and awake out of a dream very much frightened; stinging pain in the breast; no appetite. Do you know what causes you to feel like this: This condition will not improve of its own accord, but instead, you will grow gradually worse, and eventually end in nervous debility or neurasthenia. If vou have ever taken treatment and failed to get cured, perhaps it is be cause you never took treatment from me, for I cure when others falL Con sult me (Ireej. Don't Suffer Longer Don't Hesitate Call Today Examination and Advice FREE BLOOD, NERVOUS, SKIN KIDNEY AILMENTS, RUPTURE I CURE OR MAKE NO CHARGE , . Tou who have searched In vain for a restoration of your lost health, you who have hesitated and delayed and done nothing for yourselves while you were conscious all the time that your strength and vitality were1 slowly but surelv slipping away from you; you who have become diseased and are suffering with nervous or blood troubles and would like to be cured, but do not know how to set about it or where to go I want vou and every man with these afflictions to come to me. I hold out to you a helping hand and bid you take courage. There Is a cure. My Electro-Medical Treatment combines the forces of medicine and electricity, and searches out and removes the diseased conditions as nothing else ever can or ever could. My medical offices are the longest established and the oldest and est equipped in Portland. There is none better or more favorably known anywhere. With me you are sure of honest deal ing, skillful and successful treatment and your health and vigor will be restored for life. MEN WHO HAVE BEEN DISAPPOINTED BY TINS KILT-ED SPECIATj I"?TS ARE EARNESTLY REQUESTED TO INVESTIGATE MY METH ODS AND TERMS WITHOUT DELAY, WHICH. HAD THEY DONE IN THE BEGINNING. WOULD HAVE SAVED THEM TIME AND MONEY. DON'T LET MONEY MATTERS. MODESTY OR PRIDE PREVENT YOU FROM BEING CURED. CALL TODAY. Free Museum for Education of Men Call if you can. Write today for self-examination blank If you can not call No business address or street number on our envelopes or packages. Medicines from 1.50 to 6.50 a course from our own labora tory. Hours from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays from 10 to 12. Oregon Medical do! For Indigestion Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach. Weak Stomach, or In fact ANY Stomach Trouble caused by Indigestion. Get a bottle today and try it, Kodol is guaranteed to relieve you and if it fails your money will at once be refunded by the dealer f nn whom you purchased it. Every tab lespoon! ul of Kodol digests 2 14 pounds of food. INJECTION A BROU . Giro Prompc mad Effectual Relief without inconvenience, in the MOST OBSTINATE CASES No obr treatment required. SOLO. BY ALL DRUGGISTS. UtUkkn'MMtfrriltafttlbll K li lt 3 WsgrlTfa'llfhl n II i ifl DR. TAYLOR, The Lending- .Specialist My Cures- Are Permanent In all my work I am t h o rough, painstaking and careful to give Just the right treatment re quired in each individu al case. For 26 years I have been proving niy ability and my business methods have always been strictly reliable. My unqualified success is due to a thorough medical education, sup plemented by years of experience in men's spe cial ailments only. My treatment is as correct as modern science can make it. Others may offer Inducements such as cheap treatment or quick treatment, but my foremost claim is for thoroughness, which in the long run in EVERY CASE means the cheapest and .the best. VARICOSE VEINS. A thorough cure without pain or cutting. Every case of Varicose Veins I treat proves the superior ity of my mild and harmless meth od, and the folly of resorting to surgery. In moat Instances it is even nnneceesary to detain the pa tient a single day from his busi ness. The treatment I employ la distinctly my own, and can be had at my office only. Do not submit to the knife and hospital expenses, when a complete and permanent oure can be had with out the loss of time, and without pain or outtlng. I AM FOR MEN Free CONSULTATION AIJVICH EXAMINATION My Fees Are Within the Reach of the Working-man. Inst. 21 MORRISON ST, Het. Fourth and Fifth, PORTLAND, OREGON. Women a Specialty The well known S. K. Chan Chines Medicine Company, with wonderful herba and roots, has cured many suffer- rhen all oiher remedies failed. Sure cure for i,TTi female. MRS S K flHANeaaes, nervousness, blood poi .nftO.O.I.UnHllson rheumatism. asthma, throat, lung trouble, consumption, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No operation. Honst treatment. Examination for ladles by Mrs, 8. K. Chan. THE CHINESE MEDICINE CO.. 226M Morrison Ht., Bet. First and Second. Fortland, Oregon. CHICHESTER'S PILLS, THE BIAMOND BRAND. DIAMOND I.U4ND PILLS, for S5 yean known as Beet, Safest, Alwan Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVEfiVABBfi I,ollrl ash your vraggiatlor aV M-ckM-ler Dlanond BrandAl rills In Jte4 and irold n euIliAvA boxes, seated with Blue Ribbon. SA Take other. Buy fronF " J Irnit. Aj.tforCin-rn:A.TKRK 0 0