Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1909, Image 1

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    . - pniTT avtT nifTT.nv WFT.XTStT.AY. NOVEMBER 10, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS
UJL. -Yll.Y. . U. i. xwjl.-, .
BE $2,000,000
' I
Use of State Troops Is
Overflow at City Jail Will Be
Escorted Out of Town.
Majtr Pratt Telegraphs to Howell,
Acting Executive, Who Insists
Local Authorities Must Exhaust '
Every Effort at Command.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Nov. 9. (Special.)
At the i request of Acting-Governor
Howell, the War Department has tele
graphed the commanding officer at Fort
Wright to furnish guardhouse accommo
dations for such city prisoners at Spo
kane as the city authorities cannot care
for at the City Jail.
The Acting-Governor has so far refused
the request of the Mayor, Sheriff and
Police Commissioner, that members of
the National Guard be detailed to guard
the prisoners. In fact. Governor Howell,
who was a militia officer many years, is
opposed to calling out the state troops
until1 there Is absolute need, and this
morning telegraphed the Mayor of Spo
kane, suggesting that a bull pen be es
tablished. Spokane Asks for Troops.
Last night the first telegram came
from the Sheriff. Mayor and Police Com
missioner Tuerke. asking that the militia
be ordered out as guards. This waa fol
lowed by another telegram asking that
the War-Department be asked to furnish
prison quarters at Fort Wright, .which
Is near Spokane.
Acting-Governor Howell telegraphed
the request fo the War Department con
cerning the request for more prlsoa
room, but today telegraphed Mayor Pratt
that the troops would not be ordered out
until the city and county officials had
exhausted all means in their power to
meet the conditions. The Governor added
that he thought the situation could prob
ably be met by the city erecting a stock
ade In which to confine the prisoners.
Prison Room Is Granted.
Tonight a telegram from the National
Capitol came to the Governor announc
ing that orders had been sent to the
commanding officer at Fort Wright that
he furnish guard rooms for the civilian
prisoners on condition that the city or
county furnish the necessary guards, the
telegram said Jhere is no authority in
law for the use of the United States
. troops as the guards in such a case. The
text of this telegram was sent to Mayor
Pratt In a message from Acting-Governor
Howell tonight.
Acting-Governor Howell today made
public the following telegrams:
Telegrams Are Made Public.
Spokane, Nov. 8.-I. M. Howell. Acting
Governor. Olympia. Wash. In the pres
ent emergency the situation assumes pro
portions rendering It imperative to have
the assistance of the National Guard to
guard prisoners.
"N. S. PRATT. Mayor.
'Police Commissioner."
"Olympia. Nov. 9. N. S. Pratt. Mayor,
Spokane. Wash. Received telegram re
questing National Guard to guard pris
'oners. City and county should be able
to cope with situation. If necessary
hasty stockade could be built to guard
prisoners. Every means should be ex
hausted before state is called upon.
I. M. HOWELL. Acting-Governor."
Spokane. Nov. 8. Governor of the
State of Washington Honorable Sir: Our
city is overrun with lawbreakers coming
from all over the country, with the
avowed Intention of defying the laws. The
police have so far been able to handle
the proposition, but have no further room
for the prteoners. Kindly take up with
War Department the matter of having
prisoners taken care of at Fort Wright.
The officers there say they can do so,
very nicely. Flease rush. Faithfully
yours. X. a PRATT. Mayor."
"Olyrupla, Nov. S. Secretary of War.
Washinnton. D. C: Mayor Pratt of Spo
kane, wires me urct'nt need to Incarcerate
lawbreakers coming from all- over the
"Vountry in Government prison at Fort
Wrisht, the police having no further room
in City Jail. Officers at Fort Wrifrht In
dicate ability to comply if permission Is
"I. M. HOWEI.L, Acting Governor."
"Olympia. Nov. . X. S Pratt. Mayor.
Spokane. Wash. Wired Washington last
nlBht as per your request. Has Fort
Wrigiit been authorized to receive pris
oners? "I. M. HOWELL. Acting Governor."-
Father Prefers to Aid "Free Speech"
In Jail Rather Than Go Home.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Nov. 9. Devotion
to the Industrial Workers of the World,
an organization of which he Is a mem
ber, prompted Nick Brenn. a German
born laborer with a wife and two chil
dren, to ignore for a time the offer of
P. A. Mann. Police Justice, to allow him
to return and support his family In
stead of fighting for "free speech."
(Concluded on Fa
Girl Comes or Age WTille Boy Is in
Toils; License Secured and
Wedding Replaces TrlaL
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 9. (Special.)
Mere Jail bars were never strong enough
to hold one Dan Cupid. There 1 more
than one way for a love-lorn youth to
win his case, and when Harry Hall
walked out of the County Jail upstairs
into the Juryroom of Judge Ronald's
department, he was wed to Miss Ida
Hagen. had a little session with Judge
Mitchell Gilliam and with his bride on
his arm walked away, a free man.
It waa the old story of the school boy
and girl romance, elopement, angry
father, jail bars, minister and happiness.
. Thomas Hagen, the father, caught
them and was very angry. He had Harry
thrown in Jail. Neither boy nor girl
was of age.
Yesterday the bridge of today became
of age. And early this morning, before
anyone else was around the Courthouse,
Harry was granted a leave of absence
from the County Jail and he and Ida
went to the County Auditor and secured
a marriage license a few momenta later.
Pastor and Camping Partner Permit
Fire to Damage Forest.
LA GRANDB, Or., Nov. 9. (Special.)
Through their legal representative. Attor
ney W. M. Peterson, of Pendleton; the
Rev. W. T. Euster, formerly pastor of
the Methodist Church of Pendleton, but
now pastor of the Sunnyslde Methodist
Church of Portland, and Jack Huston, a
prominent printer of Pendleton, today
entered pleas of guilty to the indict
ments returned against them by the
Wallowa County grand Jury at Enter
prise last June, charging 'them with set
ting out a fire in the timber near Wal
lowa Lake. Judge J. W. Knowles fined
each of them $25.
It is generally believed that the fires
broke out accidentally from campfires.
The forest guards came upon the camp
tender and induced him to give the
names of the campers.
Lose Dinners When Wind Hurls Gas
Bag Wildly About.
SACREMBXTO. Cal., Nov. 9. (Special.)
Stranded In a balloon more than 1000
feet above the ground at the end of a
cable for an hour and a half today, five
men became 'sea-sick" and lost their
dinners over the housetops.
The balloon has been doing a thriving
business here taking passengers into the
air for a trip lasting about ten minutes
for $1. The huge bag lost much of its
gas today and during a stiff breeze
flopped about like a wounded bird.
The gasoline engine tugging at the end
of the wire rope was no match for the
wind, which whirled the balloon about,
setting its occupants dizzy. When the
velocity of the wind slackened, the engine
pulled ths balloon to the ground with its
sick passengers.
Woman Disappears Mysteriously on
Her Wedding Tour.
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 9 A. J. John
son, a shoe salesman of Denver, has the
police force searching this city for his
bride, who, until last Sunday, was Miss
Mabel Cronsen. of Denver, a telephone
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson started to Salt
Lake on their wedding tour. At Ogden
the. groom retired to the smoking-room
and on returning to his sleeper found a
man conversing with his wife. Suppos
ing that the stranger was one of her
former acquaintances, Johnson went back
to the smoking compartment and did not
look for his bride again until the train
arrived in Salt Lake. Then he looked in
Distributor, Sent to Aid Oniineca,
Grounds in Skeena River.
VANCOUVER. B. C. Nov. 9. Follow
ing the wreck of the steamer Omineca in
the Skeena River on Saturday, the Dis
tributor, a sister steamer, went to the
rescue of the first vessel. Owing to the
extreme low water, she grounded and
with ice and swift current this Winter
she will probably become a total wreck.
She was worth 540.000.
Father, Mother vanl Five Children
Hilled When Lamp Blows Up.
WARROAD. Minn., Nov. 9. Nels
Jensen wa,s fatally Injured and his wife
and five children were burned to death
by an explosion of kerosene in their
home near here yesterday.
Two children were rescued.
.Jensen died today.
Indiana Pythians Expelled From
Order for Insubordination.
INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 9. Six compa
nies of the First Regiment of Indiana
Uniform Rank. Knights of Pythias, and
the colonel of the regiment, Frank Shell
house, of this city, have been expelled
from the order by Brigadier-General Wil
Repeated Efforts Fail
to Break Trance.
"Professor" Is- Held in Jail,
Shattered Wreck.
Autopsy Shows Death to Be, Caused
by Aneurism and Performer Will
Use Thl Fact in Defense Sus
pended Animation Hinted.
SOMERVILLE, N. J., Nov. 9. While
Arthur Everton, self-styled "professor"
and traveling hypnotist, sobbed in his cell,
three medical men witnessed a weird per
formance in a morgue of the Somerset
Hospital late today.
There William E. Davenport, secretary
to the Mayor of Newark, and a student
of hypnotism, vainly tried to bring back
signs of life In the rigid body of Robert
Simpson, a former streetcar conductor of
Newark, who apparently died last night,
after having been put into a hypnotic
trance by Everton before a large audi
ence at the Somerville Theater.
Davenport failed, Simpson was declared
dead, and an autopsy was held tonight.
Meanwhile, charged with manslaughter,
unnerved and shaken, Everton remains In
prison, where he must await the action
of the grand Jury. '
Hypnotist Pleads for Aid.
It was at the piteous instance of Ever
ton. while in Jail after his ineffectual at
tempts to revive Simpson, that Davenport,
a friend of Everton, came into the case
today. Notwithstanding the declarations
of physicians that Simpson was dead,
Everton pleaded that Davenport be al
lowed to revive him.
Accordingly the autopsy, first. arranged
for 2 o'clock this afternoon, was post
poned and the student of hypnotism was
Simpson's body, covered with a black
cloth, lay In the morgue at the hospital
when Davenport arrived. He came in
silently, and in the presence of three
physicians began his attempt to revive
the man. First he felt the body to detect
any heart beat; falling in this, he placed
his ear on the man's chest. Then, using
the power of suggestion, he spoke in the
dead man's ear.
Efforts of No Avail.
"Bob," he said, "Bob, your heart action
your heart action your heart action,
is beginning. It is beginning."
Slowly and dramatically, Davenport
repeated this in the ear, then, changing
his tone of voice to an imperious com-
(Concluded on Page 8.)
One Helpless Cripple Says He Bor
rowed $1000 and Forgot to
Return and Marry.
CLEVELAND, O.. Nov. v 9. The evi
dence of five wives and two fiancees waa
produced by Government officers today
lifMhe trial of Lucien Pickett, In the Uni
ted States Court here, on the charge of
procuring under false pretenses, $1000
from Miss Allle Greasley, a crippled wo
man from Springdale, Pa.
One after another the women told how
Pickett had promised to marry them, how
they had given him money and how fi
nally he had gone away, usually after,
sometimes before, the wedding. -
Miss Greasley, nearly helpless from a
spinal affllcatidn testified that Pickett
was the only man who had ever wooed
her and that she gave him $1000 to es
tablish him In business. A marriage li
cense was Issued but the wedding did
not take place.
Tells of Confidential Talk With
Mason on Trial for Murder.
CHICAGO, Nov. 9. Confidential talk
between brother Masons figured) today
in the trial of Dr. Haldane D. Clemln
son, accused of murdering his wife. Dr.
Cleminson had talked as a Mason to De
tective Woolridge, a witness..
The detective was a reluctant witness,
but Anally said Dr. Cleminson had ad
mitted to him that the burglary e-tory he
first told was untrue and also said his
wife had sought to commit suicide two
weeks before her death, but he prevented
"Dr. Clem(nson told me," said the wit
ness, 'that his wife and, himself were
not well mated and that when she was
dead he thought to save the honor of the
family by fixing np the tale of the bur
Two Belligerents Arrested, Women
Flee From Coach.
CHICAGO, Nov. 9. Blows marked the
progress of the war against the "no
smoke" ordinance on the Chicago & Oak
Park elevated railroad today and two ar
rests of excited suburbanites closed a
battle between train guards and smokers.
The violence resulted from a mass
meeting last night in which residents of
West Side suburbs decided to attempt
to compel the elevated road again to rein
stall the smoking cars.
Women riding in a converted smoker
screamed and struggled to leave the car
when the male passengers fought the
special policemen and the train crew.
Another Cave-in Blocks Southern
Pacific's 'Coast Line.
REDDING. Cal.. Nov. 9. Another
caveln on Tunnel' No. 1, near Coram,
where the wreck of last week occurred,
has postponed the clearing of the
Shasta route of the Southern Pacific
until next Saturday at the earliest.
There is only one through train now
running from here.
Railroad Officials to Prosecute
ex-Treasurer Alone.
According . to Prosecutor Hunt the
Case Against Embezzler and Man
Who Profits With Him Is Complete--
Women Not Involved.
CrNCINNATI, Nov. 9. Alleged black
mailers of Charles !." Warriner, ex-local
treasurer of the Big Four Railroad
Company, accused of embezzling 1643,000,
will be dealt with by the state authorities.
County Prosecutor Hunt stated today
that tie has investigated charges made by
Warriner e.gainst a man and a woman
and that he Would proceed against them
if he were able to collect sufficient evi
dence. In the meantime, apparently well
founded reports maintain that the War
riner defalcations ere far in excess of
the sum mentioned by Vice-President
Harris, of New Tork, and that they may
exceed $1,000,000 and may possibly reach
Amount Continually Grows.
These reports are substantiated by the
fact that railroad officials caused War
riners arrest on a charge of embezzling
154,500, ahd when pressed later admitted
the amount would be at least $100,000.
When that sum was raised to more than
$500,000 speculation became rife and It is
practically assured now that the total
embezzlement will reach a record-breaking
Whatever may be the culpability of per
sons connected with Warriner, it appears
that-as far as the railroad officials are
concerned they have no Intention of pro
ceeding against other than the defaulting
treasurer. General Counsel Hackney de
clared he was in possession of no facts
that would authorize his prosecution of
anyone save Warriner.
Grand Jury to Act.
"I believe Mr. Warriner's statement,"
Isald the attorney, "that he has been
blackmailed, but we have only his word
for it, and we cannot act on that. That
is for the state authorities to do if they
The facts have been given to Prosecutor
Hunt and will be brought before the
grand jury- According to Mr. Hunt there
is a perfect case against both Warriner
and the man who, it is alleged, was the
chief participant In the profits of the em-
( Concluded on Page
Expected 7 00 Armed Warriors Will
Make Effort to Rescue Their
Imprisoned Chiefs.
VICTORIA. B. C. Nov. 9. (Special.)
Hazelton reports a general belief that the
Indiana will attack the town In force to
morrow to rescue the seven imprisoned
chiefs during their trial.
The telegraph operator between Hazel
ton and Klspiox reports armed Indians
passing his hut in scores and has been
told over TOO armed natives will be at
Hazelton if the, chiefs are convicted and
The reds are making "hootchlnoo,"
native whisky, and the situation rapidly
grows worse. The 90 odd white. men are
but half armed and, navigation being
closed, they are completely cut off -from
the world, except by telegraph, until
Diffused Light Will Be Only Effect,
Say Scientists.
PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 9. (Spe
cial.) Mother Earth may have the ex
perience next May of passing through
the gaseous tail of a comet, according
to an interview granted tonight by As
sistant Professor Henry M. Russell, Ph.
D., of the astronomical department of
Princeton University. He hastened to ex
plain, however, that no deleterious phy
sical effects were to be anticipated from
Halley's comet and that the electrical or
magnetic effects of the comet's passage
would probably be detected by the most
delicate instruments only.
"If we pass through the tall of the
comet," said Dr. P.ussell, "the effect will
be a diffused light, for the particles mak
ing up the. tall f'f a comet reflect some
light. The comet will probably be a fine
spectacle. During the week after pass
ing, it will be clearly visible to the naked
eye in the evening. The comet is awaited
with acute scientific Interest because it
will be possible to tell by means of the
spectroscope what it Is made of."
Young Man Reported Drowned in
' Coqullle River.
MARSH FIELD, Or., Nov. 9. (Special.)
It is reported here today that Binger Her
mann, Jr., son of Manuel Hermann, and
nephew of ex-Congressman Binger Her
mann, was drowned today in the Coqullle
River, near Myrtle Point.
He started from his father's home with
a single rig and sometime later the horse
was found wandering along the river
bank near the ford, where the water is
running high.
It is believed the boy tried to ford the
river and that the buggy was upset. The.
business houses at Myrtle Point closed
and everyone available in the city joined
in the search for the body. Indications
point to a tragedy, although friends hope
the boy may turn up.
W. H. Lucas Says Portland Will Be
Strong in Northwestern.
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Nov. 9. (Special.)
In a dispatch to the Oregonian tonight,
W. H. Lucas says:
Portland will be represented in the
Northwestern League. Walter McCredie
is representing the Portland Northwest
ern League club at the National Associa
tion meeting In this city and he says
that Portland will have a strong team in
that league. President Dugdale of Seat
tle, manager Brown of Spokane and
Manager Rowland, of Aberdeen, are here
making good trades for players and
strengthening their teams for next sea
Portland Girl Distinguishes Herself
in Athletics at Wellesley.
WKLLBSLEY, Mass., Nov. 9. (Spe
cial.) Miss Lois M. Fear, of Portland,
distinguished herself . yesterday in the
Fall athletic meet of the Wellesley Col
lege girls.
Miss Fear, whose home la at 296 Ter
race road. Portland, played a strong
game on the victorious field-hockey team
of the seniors. In a spirited game her
side won by 3 to 1 from the fast sopho
more girls. The seniorsmade 29 points,
the juniors 18 and the sophomores 5.
Two Fatally Injured When Wana
maker's Machine Hits Rock.
,NEW TORK. Nov. 9. A woman and
a man were fatally injured today when
an automobile bearing- the number of a
machine owned by Rodman Wana
maker. son of John Wanamaker,
crashed into a rock near Elmhurst, I
I. The injured man gave the name of
Frank Gorey and insisted that he owned
the machine, but the police say that the
license tag is that of Wanamaker.
Charges of Bribery, In Xew Form
Will Lead to Shake-Cp.
NEW TORK, Nov. 9. Charges that
graft and bribery in a new form are rife
in the ranks of New Tork City's bicycle
policemen, leading to virtually unre
strained violation of the speed laws by
automobilists, will result in wholesale
transfers and dismials. according to
Police Commissioner Baker,
Victor in 200-Mile Race
for Stock Chasses.
Strang Beats One, Oldfield
Himself the Other.
Oldfield Says Xo Other in World
Can Tonch It Chevrolet Has to
Stop Once in Long Drive to
Quench Blazing Auto.
ATLANTA. Ga., Nov. 9. Louis Chev
rolet, the Swiv pilot of the Bulck car
who has jumped Into racing prominence
within the last year, annexed another
hard-earned victory here today when
he captured the 200-mile stock chassis
race, averaging about 72 miles an hour.
Chevrolet's victory came as a climax
in a record-breaking contest In which
Atlanta's new two-mile speedway was
Two of Barney Oldfleld'f record
were lowered, one of them by Louis
Strang, who reduced Oldfleld's one
mile mark of :43:01 by more than five
seconds. To do it, Strang used the big
200-horsepower Flat, which made a
world's record at 28 seconds over the
3-mile track at Brooklands, England,
last Summer. Oldfield took the limit
out of hitherto unbeaten Bens and took
nearly three seconds off his own pre
vious record.
Strang Has Fastest Car.
"Strang has the fastest car in the
world at present," Oldfield said after
the race.
Two cars of greater power than
Strang's are said to be in course of
construction abroad, one in Italy, the
other in Germany.
The second of Oldfleld's records to van
ish was beaten in the ten-mile handicap
when John Aiken, in a National Sixty,
starting from scratch, forged ahead to
third position in the field of light cara
in 08:02:1, actual running time. His
elapsed time for the race, which Included
at 70-second handicap, was: 09:12:41. Old
field, who made the distance in Indian
apolis in 08:15:09, also started from scratch
in thiB contest, but broke a steering
(Concluded on Paire 4.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximulm temperature, 31
degrees; minimum, 4 degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; southerly wind.
Secretary Ballinger brands Glavis aa falsi
fier. Page 2.
Plnchct-Ballinger fight again open; Taft
may have to take sides. Page 2.
Aldrich upholds European banking system.
Page U.
Taft on last lap of long journey. Page 8.
Court of appeals holds oral betting is not
violation of New York anti-gambling
law. Page 3.
Barkentine and schooner collide at sea; 11
are drowned. Page 8.
Defalcation of Warriner may reach $2,000.
000. Page 1.
Two prominent Oakland bankers under ar
rest on dummy loan charge. Page 3.
Cairo shop-girl attacked and murdered
fought hard with assailants. Page.o.
Roads will refuse demands of employes for
increased wages. Page 4.
Prosecuted threaten to turn tables on prose
cutors in graft cases. . Page -1.
Executive committee American Federation
urges appeal of Gompers' contempt case.
Page 4.
Repeated efforts to arouse hypnotized sub
ject fail; man dies. Page 1.
Chicago drawbridge mystery unraveling.
Page 8.
Bigamist faces five wives in court. Page 1
Sport. California outlaws recognlaed in organized
baseball- Page 7.
Chevrolet wins 2O0-mllo stock chassis rac
at 72-nule speed- Page 1.
Dan O'Brien knocks out Gene West, Mult
nomah Club champion. . Page 0-
William A. Brady posts X1O.0OO for Jeffries
to meet Al Kaufman. Page 9.
Pacific Northwest.
Klamath water usera air griefs before Senator-
Page .
Governor takes no action on request for I
pardons for Finch and Daly. Page .
Indian outbreak of TOO armed Indians la
expected at Hazelton, B. C. Page 1.
Nephew of Binger Hermann reported
drowned in Coqullle River. Page 1.
Seattle youth arrested by angry father
weds girl in jail, page 1.
Supreme Court holds Eugene has right to
keep saloon out. Page 5-
Acting-Governor Howell refuses Spokane
request for use of state guards. Page 1.
Oregon Woolgrowers' Association convene
at Pendleton. Page 5.
John L. Wilson promises to outline cam
paign to take Piles' Job. Page 8.
Klggtns nominated for Mayor of Vancouver,
Page 8.
Commercial and Marine.
California produce arrives by way of Og
den. Page 10.
McCabe A Hamilton, stevedores of Se-
attle. secure judgment against the French ;
bark Eugenie Fautrel. Pass IS.
Portland and Vicinity.
Pipe ordered for second Bull Run line. ,
Page 12. '
Detective Day gets angry with Captain
Bailey over arrest of suspicious e.iar- J
acter. Page 12.
O. R- A N. Company's tax cut In half. $114,- f
878 accepted by county. Page 13.
Judge Bennett tells loafers to move on or J
go to rockplle. Page 18.
Harriman system to install gasoline motor
carp in West. Pago 13. !
Jury in- Oadaby rare, unable to agree, la i
locked up for night. Page 14.
Schureman's affinity banished from state, ,
he is ordered to pay 73 monthly to wife.
Page 14.
Auditor of Civic Institute proceedings dis
turbs speakers, page 8.
British celebrate King Edward's birthday.
Page a.
son, on charges of insubordination.