Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 09, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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British Steamship to Load at
Portland for Australia.
American Trading Company Will
Furnish Caxpo Lumber Ship
ments lor November and De
cember WTT1 Be Heavy.
For a full cargo of lumber to Aus
tralia from Portland, the American Trad
ing Company has chartered the British
steamship Foxley. 23 tone. The vessel
Is now en route from the West Coast of
'South America for orders. She sailed
from Baltimore with general cargo and
.topped at Montevideo and Coronel.
has It that the British ship Brab-
loch, in port since November 25. 1906. has
! been taken for outward loading of grain.
The N'eotsfleld was recently taken for
. wheat to Callao and inquiries are out for
two barley ships. The Altair has been
mentioned a one of them.
There has been an upward tendency In
' the foreign lumber trade for several
! weeks and exports from the Northwest
'will be heavy during November and De
cember. The Norwegian steamship Chris
tian Bors cleared yesterday for Shanghai
: with . over 3.500.000 feet of lumber. She
! will help bring the November shipments
; of timber well up toward the record
mark., 9he will be followed shortly by
i the British bark Jordanhlll. under char
ter fr delivery of lumber to the Uni
ted Kingdom.
Coastwise shipments of lumber are a
trifle slow for the first week of the
month. Bad weather has delayed the
team schooners, regularly engaged in
the traffic and the California business Is
likely to fall short to 10.000.000 feet.
Short receipts of wheat in addition to
the bad weather has held up the wheat
shipment for a few days but there will
be a number of clearances before the
end of the present week.
Fchooner Is Successfully Operated
With Gasoline.
ASTORIA, Or.. Nov. 8. (Special.)
The pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer
came Inside this morning after water
and supplies, she having been out
for nearly three months. The installa
tion of gasoline power. In her did not
prove successful at first, but after she
had been tried and balanced properly
she la as handy a vessel for the pur
pose as any except a steam pilot
The revenue cutter which came into
the Columbia River on Saturday even
ing was .not the Manning, as was re
ported from the Heads: the vessel was
the Tahoma, which Is stationed on
Puget Sound. She came to brinn, the
urfboat that was used at the Seattle
exposition to the Cape Disappointment
llfesavlng crew. . After delivering the
boat the cutter returned to Puget
The steamer Olympic cleared at the
Custom-house on Sunday for Sjan
Pedro with. 4S0.0OO feet of lumber and
220.000 shingles, loaded at Portland,
and 250.000 feet of lumber loaded at
-Captain Kidston, of Kansas City, De
nies Keport of Loss of Life.
Captain William Kldston, master of the
ateamslilp Kansas City, arriving from San
Francisco last evening, denies einphat
iicallv the published reports regarding the
'lose overboard of two steerage passengers
'on the last voyage south of the vessel.
J He also states that no member of the
tcrew was lost or any person on board the
jshlp injured on account of the heavy
i gals encountered.
"After crossing the bar on that voyage
we encountered a southeast gale of wind,
. which is usual at this time of the year."
t he said. "With the exception of the
washing away of some light woodwork on
deck, nothing happened aside from the
occurrences usual on coasting steamers
i during the Winter months. We arrived
. In Sn Francisco only three hours behind
. schedule, after bucking the strong wind.
1 1 have been in command of passenger
: steamships for over years and never
lost a passenger."
John Kobinson Swept Overboard
From Small Boat by Towline.
John Robinson, an oiler employed on
the Port of Portland dredge Columbia off
Slaughter bar was drowned Saturday
; night. Robinson and a companion
were returning from Rainier in
: a small boat.. In attempting to
tsbs between 'the steamer G. K.
' Wentworth and a Jogboom. Robinson
was caught by the towline and carried
overboard. His companion, Joseph Burk
holder. was aUo carried overboard but
I succeeded In reaching the logboom. He
: was rescued after traveling six or seven
miles on the raft. Robinson's body has
not been recovered.
Robinson was a brother-in-law of John
i Driscoll. a member of the Port of Port-
. land Commission. He has been in the
service of the dredge for some time and
; was a trusted employe.
Steamer Makes Fast Run North
From San Fratu-isoo.
. With passengers and freight from San
Francisco, the steamship Kansas City,
Captain Kidston. arrived up at 3:20
o'clock and berthed at Ainsworth. The
Kansas City made a fast trip up the
coast, making the run. dock to dock, in
ICS hours. Considerable time was lost
at Astoria.
It has been reported that Captain Kids
ton will make only one more trip to Port
land before leaving for Norfolk to bring
out the new steamship Beaver. Captain
Kiriston states that he has received no
orders to leave as yet and beyond that
would say nothing. Chief Engineer J.
Jackson, of the Rose City, has left San
Francisco to assume charge of the new
f '
Notice to Mariners.
John McNulty, nautical expert in
charge of the local Hydrographlc office, received the following notice from
Captain Morton, of the steamship M. S.
Dollar: - Second officer Sprinkle reports
that on S-'ptemher 24. 1S. in latitude
45:35 N.. and longitude 163:23 E. he
passed a large log. covered with marine
growth, same dangerous to navigation."
Christian Mlehelsen Reaches Port.
Under charter to Balfour, Guthrie &
Co., to load lumber for Shanghai, the
Norwegian steamship Christian Michel
sen arrived up last evening. The big
tramp came north from Redonflo and will
materially increase the lumber fleet in
Concert Tonight for Seamen.
A -fine programme arranged by Walter
O. Haines will be given at ine weeaiy con
cert at the Seaman's Institute, Front and
Flanders streets, tonight. G. C. Nichol
son will direct proceedings. The pro
gramme follows: "Carmena" (Wilson),
auartet: reading, selected. Miss Bade
Mayers: song. "Time Was I Loved the
Mountain (Ine). i. Milton unyan;
"Lucky Four-Leafed Clover" (Smith),
Mrs. A.ulu Dahl -Miller; "Old Squire Bob"
(Fox), Walter O. Haines; reading, select
ed. Miss Bade Mayers; tenor solo, select
ed. J. W. Belcher; song, "II Bacoio" (Ar
dlte). Mrs. Kathleen Lawler Belcher;
nuaj-tet (a) "Absent" fMetcalf). (b) "Dry
Yo- Eyes," Langsberg. The quartet will
be composed of such well-known artists
as Mrs. aKthleen Lawler tselcner. so
prano: Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller, contralto:
Due to Arrive.
Kama. From. Date.
Breakwater Coos Bar Jn port
Geo. W. Klder. -Sn Pedro... In port
Arso Tillamook In port
Kansas City... San Francisco In port
Eureka tureaa
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ... ov.
Falcon . .. .. San Francisco Nov.
Alliance Coos Bar-.-. Nov.
Roanoke. ......San Pedro Nov.
Rose Cltr. . - . -8an Francisco Nov.
Henrlk Ibsen, t .Honickong. .. Jan.
. Hongkong Inden't
Scheduled to Depart. "
Name. For. Date,
neo. w Blder. .Pan Pedro. .. Nov.
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... Nov.
Eureka. Eureka Nov.
Argo Tillamook.... Nov.
Breakwater Coos Bay Sov.
Falcon San Francisco Nov.
Kansas City. . . San Francisco Nov.
Alliance Coos Bay Nov.
Roanoke San Pedro Nov.
Rose City San Francisco Nov.
Henrlk Ibsen. . Hongkong. .. Jan.
Eelja Honskong. . . .
Entered Monday.
Santa Clara, Am. steamship (Pool
sen),, with general cargo, from San
Geo. W. Elder, Am. steamship
(Jeasen. with general cargo, from
San Pedro.
Wellesley. Am. steamship (Llnd
qolst), with general cargo, from
San Francisco.
Cleared Monday.
Santa Clara. Am. steamship (Poul
sen). with general cargo, for San
Geo. W. Elder, Am. steamship
(Jesaen). with general cargo, for
San Pedro.
tV'ellesley, Am. steamship (Llnd
QulJit). w(th ballast, for Coos Bay.
Christian Bora. Nor. steamship'
(Hllle), with 8.55T.000 feet of lum
ber, valued at tM.TM. for Shanghai.
J. William Belcher, tenor; E. Miller Run
yan. baritone. Miss Lenora Fisher will
be the accompanist, assisted by Walter
O. Haines. All are invited.
J. D. Jacobs, Mariner, Dies.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. Captain
J. D. Jacobs, for 40 years a Master
llariner In the Pacific coastwise trade
died at his home In this city today.
Death was due to hemorrhage after a
week's illness.
Marine Notes.
The steamship Christian Bors. with
lumber for Shanghai will leave down this
From San Francisco with general cargo
the steamship Shoshone arrived up last
The steamship Argo will" sail from the
Oak-street dock this evening for Tilla
mook Bay porta.
The steamship Santa. Clara ealled for
San Francisco direct last evening with
passengers and freight.
The steamship Geo. W. Elder Is
scheduled to sail this evening for San
Pedro and way ports.
The steamsrip Wellesley will proceed
from Portland to Coos Bay to load lum
ber for San Francisco.
The steamship Breakwater arrived up
late last evening with passengers and
freight from Coos Bay ports.
Arrivals and Departures.
ship Kansas City, from San Franclscoi
steamship Breakwater, from Coos Bay;
Norwegian steamship Christian Mlehelsen.
from Redondo; steamship Shoshone, from
Pan Francisco. Sailed Steamship Santa
Clara, for San Francisco.
Astoria, Or., Nov. 8. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 5 P. M., rough, wind
east 18 mil; weather, cloudy. , Arrived
down at 3:30 A. M. French bark General
Faidherbe: arrived at 6 and left up at 8:3o
A. M. Steamer Kansas City. from - San
Francisco; arrived at 7 and left up at
. i, . .. iiM.lfir.t.r trnm Pivoa
Bav. and steamer Shoshone. from ban
Francisco: arrived at 7:0 and left up at
9:30 A. M. Norwegian steamer christian
Mlehelsen. from Redondo. Sailed at 8
A M. Steamer Maverick, for San Francis
co and steamer Thos. L. Wand, for Grays
Harbor: saided at i a.. ji. ov.uuu..j.
Churchill, for Honolulu; sailed at 10:30
A M British steamer Invertay. for Well-
Ington. l.eii up i .... -
bark Pierre Antonlne. Sailed at 2 P. M.
steamer Olympic, for San Pedro. Arrived at
3::0 ana lelt up at - o.1.-. - ' '
from San Francisco
San Francisco. Nov. 8. Arrived at 4
p M. steamer Rose City, from Portland:
schooner E. K. Wood, from Portland, for
San Pedro, put In with part of deckload
. i .......inn.n hen vv arales. A r -
gone, iiavms ..,.1.. -.
rived Steamer San Jacinto, from Hoquiami
steamer Governor, irom
E. K. Wood, irom Loiumra. ..
,.. from Portland: bark R. P.
Klthet. from Honolulu.
Barcelona. Nov. S. Sailed Steamer Lux
or, tor San Francisco.
San Pedro, . isov. o. 'n-"
Roanoke, from Portland, and steamer J. B.
Stetson, from Columbia River.
Seattle, W ash.. Nov. 6. Arrived Steamer
Cottage City, from Skagway; steamer Buck
man, from San Francisco: German cruiser
Arcons. from San Francisco; Norwegian
steamer Tricolor, from Tacoma: steamer
President, from San Francisco; steamer A.
G Llniisay. from Valdei; steamer Leela
naw from Cordova. Sailed Japanese steam
er Tacoma Maru, for Taooma; steamers
Santa Ana and Leelanaw. for Tacoma:
steamer Moniara, for San Franclsoo; Nor
weirian steamer Tricolor, for West Coast,
steamer Humboldt, for Skagway; steamer
01VS&Z S.-Salled-Oceano. for
Victoria and Tacoma.
Tide at Astoria Tuesday.
ui-k LOW.
10-43 A M ...S1 feet'4:33 A. M....18 feet
Uilo P. m::..72 feet 5:22 P. M....1.2 feet
For Tillamook will receive freight com
mencing Monday. Nov. 8th. W.00 per ton.
Passenger rate from Portland 7.t). from
Astoria K00. Will sail Tuesday night.
Couch St. dock. Main 861.
Str Argo sails tonight S P. M..
Oak St. Dock. Freight and passengers.
Eugene Booster Resigns.
EUGENE. Or.. Nov. S- (Special.) The
. ..--T,o.r of the Eueene Com
mercial Club has received a letter from
John H. Hartog. who has been at the
head of the Promotion ippr-ui
the club in which he announces that he
will not renew his contract with the reo
Ple of Eugene for another year. Mr.
Hartog savs the work of completing the
riartogo- w Parlc -in be ftn-'
fcoutnem ' " . .
lshed before he leaves. The boosters ot
Eugene paid Mr. Marios a "
year's work.
Turkish baths, Mrs. Turney, 121
Drexel bldg., 2d aDd. TamhllL
Friends of Broadway Span to
.' Oppose Three Suits.
Early Disposition of Court Contro
versy Desired Pnsh Clnb Heads
Attend Meeting to Prepare
Plans Peninsula to Aid.
Advocates of the Broadway bridge
will resist actively all litigation. Ini
tiated for the purpose, they contend,
merely of delaying, and, if possible, de
feating the construction of that via
duct across the river. At a meeting
yesterday the friends of Broadway
bridge decided to take such steps to
insure an early disposition of the con
troversy in the courts. To that end
ways arid means were devised and funds
will be provided to protect their in
terests in the three suits which are
pending, and in which the validity of
the bond Issue for the bridge Is in
volved. Club Heads Attend.
Yesterday's meeting was held in the
office of M. G. Munly in the Wells
Fargo building. Ii was attended by
members of the bridge committee of
the North East Side Improvement
Association, original sponsor for the
Broadway bridge, and the presidents of
numerous other push clubs on the East
Side. The bridge committee consists
of D. L. Povey, J. Woods Smith, Her
man Wittenberg, J. Frank Slnnott,
George W. Bates. A. B. Manley, Seneca
C. Beach, J. H. Nolta and Judge Munly,
ex-officio chairnan.
As a result of the conference It was
decided to urge an early trial of the
suit, a friendly one, which has been
instituted by Joseph Buchtel against
the city, and which has for its pur
pose a determination of the legality
of the bond issue of not more than
$2,000,000 which was voted at the regu
lar municipal election last June. The
friends of the Broadway bridge figure
that if this suit can be given priority
over the two other suits which are
pending, It will be possible in less than
60 days to have the questions involved
decided legally by the Supreme Court
Campaign to Be Made.
A systematic campaign by which
funds wil be. ralBed to fight the antl
brldge litigation was agreed upon.
Members of different clubs on both
sides of the river who are interested
in ' having the Broadway bridge con
structed will make a canvass of their
forces and all will be asked to con
tribute. With the consent of City At
torney Kavanaugh it Is possible that
additional counsel wil be employed to
assist the city prosecutor In defending
the validity of the bond issue.
Tomorrow night Judge Munly will
attend a mass meeting of the various
Tho first symptom of Contagious Blood Poison is usually a little sore or
ulcer, so insignificant that often no attention is given it. But when tho
blood becomes more fully infected with the virus the mouth and throat get
eoie, glands in the neck and groin swell, and sometimes ulcerate, forming
sores and ulcers, the hair comes out, copper colored spots appear on the
body, and where the disease is allowed to remain in the system the poison
frequently penetrates deeper and attacks the bones. S. S. S. is the true
antidote for Contagious Blood Poison the only remedy that is able to get
at the very root of the trouble and remove every particle of the virus from
the circulation; at the same time S. S. S. acts with upbuilding and tonio
efiect on every portion of the system. As soon as the system gets under the
influence of S. S. S. the symptoms begin to disappear and soon a perfect
cure is made. S. S. S. can be used in the privacy of one's own home and a
permanent cure effected. To aid those who wish to cure themselves at
home we have prepared a special Home Treatment book which contains
much valuable information to Contagious Blood Poison Sufferers. With,
the aid of this book and the use of S. S. S. a cure can be effected in every
case. We will send this book, and also any medical advice desired free to
all who write. THE sWUT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA.
Greatest Ikno
Ho. 2.
i ,.. .... i,,, m the
- m i' t t
' Uiu Ua H a
A - i-i 'I 1
ust w SStVSStSVtO Medical Col.ega.
Wi Guaranfes M. I. S. T. Ko. 2 will Cura or Wa Will Refund Your Honey
RHEUMATISM, no matter how long standing. Any case of Inflammation ofthe Bladder
or Enlarged Prostate Gland, no matter if the patients have been for year, forced to use a
has cured many eases of Paralysis. Locomotor Ataxia, SplDal Trouble and apparently incurable
diseases of the nerves and has remof ed from the system cancer and cancerous f'nrrr
M. I. a T. has been on the market for over 10 years, and has cured thousan of sufferers.
It is prescribed by leading physicians all over the country. It is pleasant to
lutely safe. It never increases or diminishes the action of the
R P- ft" EP" heart. If you are suffering from any chronic disease you are urged
ESI tK ISM tL i to write to us, no matter how many doctors or kinds ofmedlcliies
E fcT C you have tried without relief WE GUARANTEE TO COKE YOCT
mm or ygfmj Tour money. That you msy judge of the value of this GreaJ
Remedy for yourself, we will send you one week's treatment by mall FBE. only asking thai
whneured yourself you will recommend It to others. Write confidentially to our medical de
partment, gi ring symptoms. St per box. or six boxes for $5.
ADDRESS EBEN PtRRY, Mgr, 332 Sherlock Bids, Third and Oak Streets, Portand, Oregon
Save This for Future Refere n
Pbvooe Main 7824,
Although there are hundreds of prep
arations advertised, there is only one
that really stands out pre-eminent as a
remedy for diseases of the kidneys,
liver and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot stands the
highest, for the reason that It has
proved to be just the remedy needed
in thousands upon thousands of even
the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly
because Its mild and Immediate effect
is soon realized. It Is a gentle, healing
vegetable compound a physician's pre
scription for a specific disease.
Swamp-Root is not recommended for
everything. :
A Sworn Certificate of Purity Is with
every bottle.
For sale at all drug stores, in bottles
of two sizes fifty cents and one-dollar.
In order to prove what Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder
remedy will do for you, every reader
of the Portland Daily Oregonian who
has not already tried it, may receive a
sample botle by mail absolutely free.
Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
N. Y. Write today. .
clubs on the Peninsula, when subcom
mittees will be nnmed to assist in rais
ing the necessary funds and otherwise
to organize public -sentiment in favor
of an early trial of the suits and the
construction of the bridge Just as soon
as the controversy can be disposed of
in the courts.
, Three Suits Filed
In addition to tho friendly suit
brought against the city by Mr.
Buchtel, who advocates the building of
the bridge, two other cases are before
the courts. The first suit was brought
by the city . against Mrs. Maria C.
Flanders and Albers Bros., for the pur
pose of condemning the right of way
across property owned by the defend
ants on the West Side and over which
the approach to the proposed bridge
on this sldo of the river would pass.
The second suit was filed by Mr.
Buchtel, nhile the third and last to be
introduced in the complicated con
toversy was brought against the city
by Frank Kiernan, who atacks the val
idity of the bonds and the election by
which they were authorized. Mr. Kier
nan makes Mr. Buchtel a party defend
ant In this suit and asks the court to
restrain Buchtel from further prose
cuting his suit,
Miss Flora Fleischner and Henry
Metzger Announce Engagement.
Announcement yesterday afternoon of
the engagement of" Miss Flora Fleischner
to Henry Metzger surprised Portland so
ciety. Both are popular In younger so
ciety, and are members of pioneer fami
lies. Miss Fleischner is the only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Fleisch
ner, and Mr. Metzger Is a son of Herman
Metzger. Miss Fleischner returned last
week from an extended tour of Europe,
where her soprano voice attracted much
Tavorable comment
She sang on several , occasions at musi
cals given in hex honor by Frau Johan
Strauss, wife of the famous waltz king,
at. the latter's salon.
In New York, on Miss Flelschner's re-
and Blood Tonic
No. 2.
working - of M. I. S. T. on the human system, and
Hours, 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Open Sundays 10 A. M, to 1 P. M.
Spokane oS the RIorlh
The Inland Empire o! Canada
New Towijsite on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway.
Geographical Center of British Columbia and of the largest un
developed area of good land on continent. At junction of
Great Rivers' Headquarters for Steamers, plying thousands of.
. miles North, South, East, "West.
Half way between Edmonton and Prince Rupert,, gateway to
great Nechaco, Bulkley, Fraser, Peace. River, Skeena
and other valleys. Initial offering of inside lots on easy terms.
Title guaranteed and insured by the Province of British
Columbia. -
"Write today for free maps and official information about Cen
tral British Columbia.
Natural Resources Security Co.,
turn from Europe, a muslcale was aleo
given in her honor by F. X. Aerns, her
Mr. Metzger is also a talented musician.
He is a member of the M. A. C, and
wiir be remembered for his clever delin
eation of a ballet girl during the society
circus some years ago, Mr. Metzger has
many relatives In Portland. He Is a
I do not care -what your experience has been
with other treatments, what guarantees you
have, and what promises were unfu'filled in
the past, as unsuccessful, unscientific treat
ment and unreliable concerns are in no way a
reflection upon honest, trustworthy business
methods lived up to by me for twenty-five
years. I have an established reputation and
my guarantee means that my patients are in
disputably insured of success in their case.
There is all the difference in the world be
tween a guarantee of this kind and the prom
ise of those mushroom concerns which are
continually failing in business. I repeat my
straightforward, square proposition to wait-
for my fee until the cure is effected.
I not only thoroughly cure my
I am usually able to effect a cure
half the time most physicians require to pro- The Leading; Specialist.
duce even partial results. Were
A $10,000 educa
tional exhibit of
the human body in
wax reproductions.
The largest and
finest on the Coast.
free: to mex.
My Cares Are Thorough and Prompt
I Will Wait for My
If you cannot call, write fodiagnosis chart. My offices are open
all day from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., and Sundays from 10 to 1.
My Certain, Quick Cures for Men
have (tlven me the largest practice in Portland in Ailments of Men and
aflow me ?oive my services at a very low figure hence p ace my new
cvntpm within tne reacn or aii men.
u&nt in my of flee to be
of men. In coming to me you get tne Deneiit ji tuo
in the world. I never use unprofessional methods to gain patronage and
gladly ask you to investigate my
forever any curable case.
Among the claims of the va
rious specialists in every large
city there is always one man
who, on account o'f his years of
experience and success, stands
head and shoulders above all the
i rest. There cannot be two best
specialists all of them may be
good, but only one of them can
be best, and I apprehend there
can be no controversy over this
point in Portland. My office has
been established 27 years, longer
than any other, and is indorsed,
Qot only by leading business
men, but by a generation of
cured and satisfieq patients.
Every one that is accepted for
treatment here at my institute
receives my own personal and
individual ' attention, and you
may have the positive assurance
that you will be skillfully and
honorably served by one whose
conscience dictates a policy of
justice to all.
My methods of curing Blood
Ailments, Nervous Decline, Piles,
Kidney, Bladder, Special ,and
Chronic Ailments, and all ail
ments of men, are unequalled
and recommended by the many
I have cured of these ailments.
Honrs, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 10 to 12.
nephew of Adolphe Wolfe, and among his
cousins are S. Llpman. I. N. Upman and
Will F. Upman. The wedding will prob
ably take place in the early Spring.
Engraved plate and 100 calling cards,
regular $2, special this month $1.25.
Kilham's. Society Stationers, Fifth and
Oak streets.
patients, but
in less than
I lacking in
knowledge pertaining to my specialty 1 would'
never have attained my present success, nor
would I today be recognized as the leading
specialist treating men's ailments. I ask you
to call at my office and talk with me. about
your case. Examination and consultation will
cost you nothing, and I will explain to you
my methods of curing.
Varicose Veins, Contracted Ailments, Piles
and Specific Blood Poison, I treat and never
fail to effect a cure.
Fee Until Yon Are Well
su vw y mmB vmiii .. t
found anywhere for the tr.atm.nt
standing Detore caunns uu "
I cure
at office or by mail. One per
sonal visit is preferred, but. if
this Is impracticable, write us a.
full and unreserved history of
your case and get our. opinion
free. Many cases cured at home.
Medicines fresh from our own
laboratory, $1.60 to $6.50 per
I See AH My Patients THE DOCTOR
Persosiallr. THAT CURES.
I hire no substitute and have no meal.
cal romps ny.
FEE FOR A CURE Is lower than any
specialists in the city, half that others
charge you and no exorbitant price tor
I am an expert specialist, have had
i SO years' practice In the treatment oi
diseases of men. My omces are tne ren
equipped in Tortland. My methods are
modern and up-to-date. My cures are
quick and positive. 1 do not treat symp
toms and patch up. I tnoroughly examine
each case, find the cause, remove It and
thus cure the disease.
I CURE Varicose Veins, Contracted
Ailments, Piles and Specific Blood Pol
son and All Ailments of Men.
CURE OR NO PAY I am the only
specialist in Portland who makes no
charae unless the patient Is entirely
satisfied with the results accomplished,
and who Rives a written guarantee to
refund every dollar paid for services
If a complete and permanent cure is
not effected.
TV I CM Visit Dr. Lindsay's private
XVACali Museum of Anatomy and
know thyself, in health and disease. Ad
mission free. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to P. M.: Sun
days 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
128 Mi Second St., Cor. ot Alder,
Portland. Oregon.
New Discovery Has Revolutionise h ,
Treatment of Skin Diseases.
Nothing: in the history of medldn
has ever approached the success of th
marvelous skin remedy known as
poslam. which. It Is safe to say, has
cured more cases of eczema, and akin
diseases than any remedy ever offered
for these ills.
The success of poslam is no t all
surprising- when it Is considered that
even a very small quantity applied to
the skin stops itching- immediately and
cures chronic cases In two week. The
very worst cases of eczema, as well as
acne, herpes, tetter, piles, salt rheum,
rash, crusted humors, scaly scalp, and
every form of itch, yield tu it
Blemishes such as pimples, red noma,
muddy and inflamed skin disappear al
most Immediately when poslam is ap
plied, the complexion being-cleared over
nlgrht. 1
Every druggist keeps both the) Bt
cent size (for minor troubles) and the
$2 Jar, and either of these may b
obtained in Portland at the Skidmoro
Drug Co. and Woodard, Clarke & Co.,
as well as other reliable drug stores.
But no one is even asked to pur
chase poslam without first obtaining
an experimental package which will be
sent by mall, free of charge, upon re
quest, by the Emergency Laboratories.
82 West Twenty-fifth street. New York
Why Salves Fall While a Simple Liquid
Has Accomplished Thousands of Cures.
It is now thoroughly established
among the best medical authorities that
eczema Is purely a skin disease, due to
a germ, and, curable only through the
skin, it Is not a blood disease at all;
in fact, thousands of people suffer with
skin disease and are perfectly healthy
otherwise, and thereby prove they have
no diseased blood.
Smeary salves cannot reach the germs
because they do not penetrate the skin.
The only way to reach the germs is
by means of a penetrating liquid.
Such a liquid can be obtained by sim
ply mixing ordinary oil of wlntergreen
with thymol, glycerine and other heal
ing agents. This compound, known as
D. T. D. Prescription, stops the itch
instantly and the ures all appear to
be permanent. In fact, it took thou
sands of cures, case after case, before
the best scientific ' authorities were
convinced of the absolute merit of this
remedy. D. D. D. Prescription kills the
germs in the itching skin. Its effect
is seen within one minute after the
first application. We especially recom
ment D. D. D. Soap in connection with
the treatment.
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Skidmore
Drug Co.
All Grocer and DruggUU
"Case-rets are certainly fine. I arre a frimd
one when the doctor was treating him for cmrnoet
of the stomach. The next morning be ptMtd
four pieces of tape worm. Be then got a box
and in three days he passed a tape-worm 45 ftxH
long. It waa Mr. Matt Freck, of Millersburg,
Dauphin Co.. Pa. I am quite a worker for Caba
rets. I use them myself and find them beneficial
for most any disease caused by impure blood."
Cbas, E. Condon, Xewiston, Pa., (Mifflin Co.)
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taata Good.
Co Good. Never Sicken.Weaken or Grip.
10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genu
ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
core or your money back. 921
Weak Stomachs
prevents nausea by Dijrestinir all the food you
eat, cures iDditrestion, stops Dyspepsia, makes
weak stomachs strong. Kodol acts promptly.
is pleasant to take, and may be used by any
one as directed with perfect confidence of (rood
results. Every tablespoonful of Kodol digests
14 pounds ol food. It is Guaranteed. Try it.
Young Mfnr Chinese
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cures all diseases ot
men and women. Consulta
tion and pulse diagnosis
free. If you live out of
town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank.
247 Taylor su. bet. 2d and
a rwdriisaWTs.! u nsf 4