Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 05, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Declaration Provision Renders
Washington's New Primary
Law Void. '
Legislature's Failure to Provide
Amendment to Registration Act
Knocks Xew Statutes All,
Out of Kilter.
OL.YMPIA, Wash.. Not. 4. (Special.)
The State Supreme Court today affirmed
tha decision of Judge, Mitchell of the
Thurston County Superior Court,, holding
Invalid the provision of the new primary
election law requiring voters to designate
their party affiliation. The decision was
written by Judge Chadwlck.
It declares that "in a most laudable
endeavor to correct existing abuse the
last Legislature altered section li of the
primary law." and "in its attempt to
meet a condition the Legislature has
stopped short of its purpose and its en
deavor must be held to be ineffectual un
. til a proper amendment is made to the
registration law making compliance with
the later law possible."
Solons Overlook Point.
The decision points out that the new law
in its title fails to refer to section 1!.
although it attempts to amend it in the
body of the act. and further, that this
new law is an election law and cannot
under any rules of Interpretation be held
to amend the general registration law,
as it had intended to do.
This particular section held' Ineffectual
was intended to prevent Democrats tak
ing part In Republican primaries and pro
vided that at primaries "the elector shall
have the right to receive the ballot only
of the party for which he registered."
The Legiolature neglected to provide any
amendment to the registration law to
meet this party declaration, hence the
act fails.
There had been general calls upon the
Attorney-General for a determination of
this section of the primary law, so some
weeks ago. Assistant Attorney-General
Tanner, with County Attorney Wilson
and City Attorney Bigelow of Olympla,
' all Republicans, framed up a test case
and submitted it to Superior Judge Mit
chell of Thurston and Mason Counties.
Other Features Void.
These attorneys all contended the sec
tion was invalid and Judge Mitchell ren
dered a decision to that effect. By agree
ment the attorneys took an appeal to the
Supreme Court and because of the im
portance of the question and the fact
that primary elections are to be held in
many places In this state November 9.
the case was considered ahead of other
pending appeals so that an early decision
could be handed down.
Investigation of the new primary law,
shows other void features. The title pur
ports to amend sections 1. 2. 3. 5. 10. 13.
19. 30, 33 and 3S of the 1!W law. Actually
the body of the act attempts to amend
9 S tA ! H OC M A V? .1
t 1 1 ' i ic u, iv, i , m, , w, uu aim
Section 28 relates to peraonal ex-pen sea
and advertising by candidates and under
this decision because this section was not
referred to in the title, the amendment Is
O. A. C. Freshmen and Sophomores
Will Steal Bags From Each Other.
LEGE. CorvalUs. Or.. Nov. 4. (Special.)
The freshmen and sophomores will be
plven an opportunity Saturday afternoon
to administer the terrible drubbings
with which they have been threatening
each other since the opening of .college.
Eleven large canvas bag?, stuffed with
excelsior, will be the real victims, how
ever. Since the abolition of hazing a demand
has arisen for some kind of contest be
tween these two classes which will per
mit them to settle in some manner their
traditional mutual enmity. The faculty
has insisted that r this must fee settled.
If at all, without the breaking of any
heads or limbs. As a result this new
bag contept has been evolved.
The- belligerents will be lined up on op
posite stds of the athletic field with 11
large sacks of excelsior between them.
At a given signal they will rush for the
sicks and attempt to carry as many as
possible back. The class having the
greater number behind its goal at the
end of 30 minutes will be declared win
ner and will have thereby administered
a thorough thrashing to its rival. The
contest will be managed by a committee
of upper classmen who will be at liberty
to interfere at any time if they find the
contest becoming too rough.
Emil Stark, Living Near Hillsboro
on Onion Ranch. Uses Gun.
HILLSBORO. Or.. Nov. 4. (Special. )
Rmll Stark, aged 2S. was found dead in
his cabin on h;s small onion ranch about
a mile southeast of Scholia, and 12 miles
from this city, this morning, at 6:30. with
a gunshot wound -in his head. Young
Stark was a bachelor and lived alone.
He was at one time confined to an asylum
and discharged as cured. For a few days
h has been rather avoiding his neigh
bors and acting strangely, but he has
made no threat of self-destruction. K.
O. Brown, coroner, went to the scene of
death this morning. A brother. Fred
Stark, lives a few miles from the dead
man's pi ice.
A man named Knaucht?ky lives near
the Stark place, and heard the shot that
ended Stark s life as he was going to the
Stark home this morning. The two were
going to Sherwood together. Stark had
complained last night that be was ill,
but heing beiter. said he would be ready
to travel in a few minutes. Knaughtsky
6aid he left for his own cabin and when
but a few rods aw.iy heard a shot. He
turned and saw Stark fall, the door of the
cabin being open. Stark had been drink
ing wine for some time, but had not been
despondent or homicidal. He threatened
his mother's life a year or so ago.
Too Much Red Tape Hamper Vot
ers" Interest in Public Affairs.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 4. i Speolal. In an
address Tuesday evening before the Civic
Society of Salem. Mayor Rod?ers severe
ly arraijrned that provision of the primary
law requiring all citizen to register
every ear before voting. He said In part:
The registration law requiring every
ciliaen'wno desires to exercise his right
of suffrage to register before every elec
tion i cumbersome and forceful, and re
sults in keeping people away from the
polls. There Is positively no reason or
sense in requiring an elector to register
more than once unless he should change
his residence or party affiliation.
"The American public does not take any
too great interest in public affairs and
the way the polls should be. made as free
from formality and obstruction as pos
sible. The registration law is designed
to prevent fraud only, and this being the
case why should decent citizens of estab
lished residence be hounded every elec
tion with cries from press, pulpit and
platform .to. -Regieter! Register! or you
can't vote?' It matters not how long a
man has been a resident of the precinct,
every year before each election he is re
quired to fall in line and describe him
self in detail to the registering officer.
The same performance is required before
each biennial state election. This is a
needless burden.
"I am for less red tRpe and more com
mon senee."
Surgeon-General Sforza Inspects
Hospital at.Vancouver Post. .
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. 4. Spe
cial. ) Major-General II Dott. Conn.
Claudlo Sforza, surgeon-general of the
Italian Army, visited Vancouver Bar
racks unofficially Wednesday. As soon as
his identity was learned, a salute of 13
guns was given by the Fourth Field Ar
tillery. - -
The distinguished surgeon visited the
hospital department and went through a
if. " YOTTr Y.
SALE J. Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) Frederick S. Mendenhall, dean of the
College of Music of Willamette University, has Just announced the per
sonnel of the University Glee Club for the ensuing year, as follows: 'Wil
ford Booth, president; Ross Mclntyre, manager; Wesley. Beck ley. treasurer:
Harry Wann, Paul Bianchard, William Beatty, Luke Rader. Prince Staats,
Winfleld Emmel, Paul Anderson, Herman Clark, TJrTry Reigelman, Albert
Minton, J. B. C. Oaks. Carl Hollingsworth, Clair Fulmer.
Manager Mclntyre is now preparing an extended Spring tour. '
Dean Mendenhall is much pleased with the work and the prospects this
year. The team will be very much better than last year, and already some
engagements have been booked.
number of the quarters and through the
barracks. At luncheon . he was enter
tained by Captain Matthew A. Reasoner,
and present - were Lieutenant-Colonel
Ebert. Major Stark and Lieutenant Da
vis, of the Medical Department.
General Sforza has attended a conven
tion of military surgeons held at Wash
ington. D. C. and" is now traveling
throtwih a number of the posts In the
United States, on a tour of Inspection. He
will report on what he finds to his su
perior officer.
He was much pleased with his treat
ment here and spoke in the highest terms
of the condition of the United States mili
tary hospitals, where he has visited.
Feud in Klamath County Leads to
. Fight and Then Bullets.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Nov. 4. (Spe
cial.) At his home, about eight miles
from town. Tuesday morning, Charles
Ogden was shot through the wrist. It
seems a feud .has existed for some time
between Ogden and two Ingrahams,
father and son. These men, who were
occupying cabins lately vacated by Money
Brothers, canal contractors, got into a
fistic altercation In which the Ingra
hams got the worst of it. They immedi
ately ran to their cabin and got their
guns. The father was less active than
the son and did not get a cartridge
into the gun. but the son fired two
shots, the second passing . through Og
den's wrist.
Ogden immediately came to town, had
his wound dressed by a surgeon and
swore out a wan-ant against Harry In
graham. The Sheriff has gone to make
the arrest. -
Milwaukee Read Quits Publishing
Tariff to Far East.
SEATTLE. Nov. 4. According to an
announcement made at the offices of
the Chicago. Milwaukee & Puget Sound
Railway here today the Milwaukee sys
tem, after November 24. will make no
through rate on Orfental traffic, follow
ing the policy of the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific Railways in pub
lishing a rate from Chicago to Seattle
and Tacoma, its ocenn terminal points,
and leaving the trans-Pacific rate en
tirely in the hands f the ocean car
riers. In doing this the Milwaukee. It is
seld. will receive the same rate on
freight consignments to the Orient that
it now receives on freight consigned
to Pacific Coast points. Heretofore the
railroads" share of the through Orien
tal rate has been less than the rate
received on Pacific Coast business.
Butcher and Dairyman Fined for
Violation of Law.
THE DALLE3. Or. Nov. 4. (Special.)
Paul V. Morris. Deputy Dairy and Food
Commissioner, slipped quietly Into The
Dalles the first of the week and as a
result of his investigations a local dairy
man and a butcher were arrested for vio
lation of the pure food law. P. H. Ohleg
schlaeget was fined $25 and costs by Jus
tice J. A. Dout.hlt this afternoon, for sell
ing adulterated milk, and James. Mace,
manager of the East Bnd Market, was
fined a like amount on his plea of guilty
to using sulphite in hamburger steak.
The cost in the latter case were remit
ted. '
Mr. Morris said he found the dairies
here In little better than the average con
dition. The grocery stocks investigated
were up to the average, but in several in
stances Mr. Morris suggested improve
ments, t
Fire Department , Effective
. When Efforts of Spokane
Police Force Fail. '
Show of Force Made .When Masonic
Temple Is Refused as Meeting
Place Those Who Will Sfot ,
Work, on Bread and Water.
SPOKANE. Nov. 4. The Fire Depart
ment was called into actjon this after
noon to disperse a large mob of I. W.
W. on Front avenue. " Refusing to com
ply with police . orders to move on, and
showing a disposition to become ugly.
the crowd was treated to a cold water
shower bath.
There was a sudden scattering when
the hose was turned on them.i the ma--Jority-
quicmy- taking- shelter in adja
cent saloons and stores. A repetition of
the cold water treatment is promised
whenever the occasion eems to- demand
it. Tonight a large body of the I, W. W.
proceeded to the Masonic Temple where
it was announced a mass meeting would
be held.
The hall had been engaged two days
ago, the official In charge not .realizing
Just what the meeting was. to be. When
it was learned it was for an I. W. W.
demonstration, the contract was con
celled. '
The I. W. W., however, made a show
of insisting on having the hall and sev
eral hundred of them assembled in the
vicinity. The presence. of a large body
of police caused them to abandon their
purpose. s ' l
Only 13 arrests were made today.
Those previously arrested and sentenced
to the rockplle refused to go to work
and have been put on a bread and water
diet In Jail. The police Say the situation
is now well in hand.
At 3 P.. M., six more members of the
Industrial Workers of the World had been
found guilty of disorder apd sentenced to
30 days in Jail-.-rFour men who denied
that they had made speeches on the street
were released. -
Two Affairs May Be Merged, for
Principal Defendants Are j
Same in Each.
MOSCOW, Idaho, Xov. 4. (Special.)
Indications are tonight that astounding
conditions will develop from the Fed
eral grand Jury investigations in the
Kettenbach-Kester-Dwyer new land
fraud cases, which, combined with the
grand Jury Investigation Into affairs
of the Lewiston National Bank, whose
defalcation amounted to 1137,000. are
reaching large proportions.
Special Assistant Attorney - General
Gordon with his army of National Bank
Examiners and accountants has been
busy all week beforo the grand jury
with the exception of about one day's
time de-oted to land cases. Most of
the witnesses for the Government in
the land cases have been paid off at
the Marshal's office and a jury report
on the land cases Is expected tomorrow
It Is rumored there is a possibility
the Government may merge the land
and bank cases, as the principal de
fendants are the same in each case
except ex-Bank Teller J. E. Chapman,
who, it is said, had no connection with
the alleged conspiracy to defraud the
Government In the land cases.
Lee Zimmerman, of Seattle, was con
victed of selling liquor to Indians dur
ing the Lewiston fair.
Kock to Be Furnished Free In Wash
.' Ington County.
HILLSBORO. Or., Nov. 4. (Spscial.)
County Judge Goodln has sent notices
to all road supervisors asking them to
furnish split log drags to farmers' clubs
for the purpose of smoothing the roads
In all localities at least once each week.
He advises them to have the ridges in the
road3 next to the ditches trimmed off
so as-to allow good Winter drainage.
and further notified them that as the J
time for special road tax levies is draw
ing near, all road officials should ascer
tain the sentiment for permanent road
work. N-
The county has made arrangements
whereby the Iron & Steel Company, of
Oswego, will furnish free of charge all
the rock wanted by the road districts,
and the Southern Pacific will haul all
rock within a- SS-mile limit for 36 cents
per ton. ...
Superintendent.. James Getting Evi
dence on Escape.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 4. (Special.) C. W.
James, superintendent of the Oregon
Penitentiary, is looking into the facts in
connection with the escape of the five
convicts who made their getaway last
month, after overpowering Guards Davis
and Gertxel, and two of whom were killed
in the fight with the posse in Polk
County a few days later.
Mr James will secure as much evi
dence as possible and if there is a case
against the three surviving convicts. Dis
trict Attorney John H. McNary will pre
sent the matter to the grand Jury at the
December term of 'court in Dallas, Polk
County, and ask the indictment of the
convicts for assault upon the officers
There is an old Oregon statute which
provides that any convict who attacks
a prison officer with a deadly weapon
shall be punched by death. If the evi
dence does not warrant the conviction of
the men "under this act, -it Is probable
they will be arraigned under another
law, conviction under which would give
the men several years in prison.
Pioneer of Scotts Mills Laid at Rest
- in Former Home.
WOODBURN, Or., Nov. 4 (Special.)
The funeral of Mrs. Ann Scott, who
died early yesterday morning, took
place today. Services were held at the
house in this city and Interment was
at Scotts Mills. ,
Mrs. Scott was the widow of the late
Robert H. Scott, founder of Scotts
Miiis, was born near Quebec. Canada,
May 22, 1S35. She was married to Mr.
Scott at S.t. Foy. Cana'da, in April. 1S55,
and they came to Oregon in 1854, lo
cating first at Westport, where Mr.
Scott was in the sawmill business.
Thev moved in 1866 to Scotts Mills,
which plRce was named for Mr. Scott.
In 1SD2 they moved to Woodburn.
where Mrs. Scott resided until death.
Mr. Scott died October 11, 1907.
Seven of nine children survive her
Charles Scott, of Philomath; John Scott
and Mrs. Ella Korb, of Scotts Mills;
Mrs. Jane Adams, of Portland; Miss
Lydia Scott,- Mayor, Robert H. Scott
and Walter Scott, of Woodburn.
Dominion Placing Soldiers Between
Rockies and Lakes.
WINNIPEG. Man., Nov. 4. Pursuant
to a plan to station 50,000 well -drilled
soldiers between the Great Lakes and
the Rocky Mountains, the Canadian
government has ordered another squad
ron of regulars to locate here, doubling
the strength of Strathcona Horse and the
Canadian regiment at Fort Osborne.
The military forces will be stationed
from 20 to 60 miles north of the bound
ary line near the present centers of pop-,
olaition. -
The Canadian commissioner, it Is said,
believed that the pralriea of Canada fur
nish Canada's best fighting force.
Opium in Room, Colts in , Pocket,
Money in Hatband.
LA GRANDE, Or., Nov. 4. (Special.)
Arrested at midnight last night with
a heavy Colts' revolver in his pocket,
a box of opium in' his room, and J150
under his hatband, on the charge ot
burglarizing the house of R. P. Brooks,
Fred Taylor, a well-known local boot
black, was tried today before Justice
of the Peace Williams and! placed un
der J1500 bonds to appear before the
grand jury.
The negro will go to jail. The
"dope" was. seized-at the room of Mabel
MeLain, one of the denizens of the
"red-light" district.
Spokane Fixes Date as October 3 to
8, 1910, for Convention.
SPOK.CnE. Wash., Nov. 4. October 3
to October 8. 1010. is the time recom
mended for the. next National Dry Farm
ing Congress; which will meet in Spo
kane. These dates were chosen at a meeting
oj business men today, and it Is proposed
to hold the Interstate Fair on the same
date. The Board of Governors will meet
Tiere Nov. 2 to shape the plans for the
Congress. .
' (Continued from First Page.)
them to acquire such an understanding
of Christian Science, such a love and
loyalty to Mary Baker Eddy, and such
obedience to God that they have been en
abled to free many of their fellow-men
from sin and sickness in their parishes."
Mrs. Stetson was not present
Editor of Christian Science Paper
Comments on Decision.
BOSTON. Nov". 4: A statement con
cerning "the action of the congregation of
the First -Church of -Christ. Scientist, of
New York, in exonerating Mrs. -Augusta
Stetson was issued late tonight by Archi
bald McClellan. editor of the official or
gan of the mother church here.
"The action of the committee," he said,
"is not binding on the mother church.
"The decision of the mother church" in
revoking the license, of Mrs. Stetson to
teach Christian Science Is in no way af
fected. It fs doubtful if any action by
the mother chufeh will follow the exon
eration by the New York branch."
Stockholders: The serious charges of
falsehood and fraud made under my sig
nature against the so-called "United"
Wireless have not been resented. I pre
dict the early collapse of this colossal
financial farce, .and again advise you to
' write me for further information.
I To such as want to buy "United'' Wire
less. I can furnish you any quantity at
$15 per share, tne genuine stuff.
702 Oregonian Building, Portland.
Trunks, suitcases and bags. Largest
variety at Harris Trunk Co.
Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect It . '
Nature warns you when the track of health
is not clear. Kidney and bladder trouble com
pel, you to pass water often through the day
and get up many times during the night.
Unhealthy kidneys cause lumbago, rheuma
tism, catarrh .of the bladder, pain or dull ache
in the back, joints or muscles, at times have
headache or indigestion, as time passes you
may have a sallow complexion, puffy or dark
circles under the eyes, sometimes feel as
though you had heart trouble, may have plenty
of ambition but no "strength, get weak and lose
flesh. -
If such conditions are permitted to continue
serious results are sure to follow: Bright's
disease, the very worst form of kidney trouble,
may steal upon you. ,
Prevalener ot Kidney Disease.
Most people do not realize the alarming in
crease and remarkable prevalency of kidney
disease. While kidney disorders are the most
common diseases that prevail, they are 'almost
the last recognized by patient and physicians,
who usually content themselves with doctoring
the effects, while the original disease con
stantly undermines the system.
A Trial" Will Convince Anyone.
If you feel that your kidneys are the cause
of your sickness or run down condition, begin
taking Dr. . Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ; the great
kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as
soon as your kidneys begin tj get better, they
will help the other organs to health. In taking,
Swamp-Root, you afford natural help to Na
ture, for Swamp-Koot is a gentle healing vege
table compound a physician's prescription for
a specific disease. .
. -You cannot get: rid of your aches and pains if
your kidneys are out of order. You cannot feel
right, when your kidneys are wrong.
Svramp-Root Is Pleasant to Take.
ilready convinced that
you are aireaay uiuvuu. ":r-v.
Root is what vou need, you can pni ...
regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles hlh stindard of purity and excellence,
at all drug stores. Don't make any mistake. A sworn certificate of purity
but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- with every bottle. .
Root, and the address. Binghamton, N. .Y--which
you will find on every bottle.
ri w rotti E FREE: To prove the wonderful merits of Swamp-Root you
-ri ?ve a. smolf bonlend a book of valuable Information, both sent abso
v free bv mail The book contains many of the thousands of letter re
from men and women who found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy
ceived from men ana woir f Swa,nD.Root )a so well known that
ouryrde ?'arj "advised to Send for a sample "bottle. Address Dr Kilmer &
?o Binehamton N T. Be sure to say you read this generous offer In The
Fortune T Daily bVegonian. The genuineness of this offer is guaranteed.
Walter C. McKee Faces Two Counts.
One May Be Dropped and
Other One Pushed.
OREGON CITY, Or,, Nv. 4. (Spe
cial.) Walter C. McKee, ex-Superintendent
of the Oregon City schools, was
arrested this afternoon by Constable
Miles at the McKee home. 1684 East
Seventeenth street, in Sellwood. McKee
was indicted. this morning by the grand
jury on a charge of fqrgery, and Judge
Campbell, immediately .issued a bench
warrant for his arrest. Shortly after
his arrival -here he was arraigned and
entered a plea of not guilty. His trial
has been set for Thursday. November (
18, .and he will be defendeo. Dy oeorge
(' Krntuna 1. In default OI
McKee was remanded to; the County
Jail. . I
The ex-School Superintendent .-was-arrested
last Friday morning at the of-
flees of the Portland Gas Company, in
Portland, where he was employed as.j
bookkeeper, on a charge of larceny by :
bailee, the specific complaint being that
he converted to his own use money be-
thA KTtirient hoav oi tne vi-
gon City High school. He was released
an ' 150 cash wii.p
minfiAn t fr Tuesday afternoon, i
Later, however, the. examination was
postponed until next Saturday, , but in
the meantime the grand jury made an
investigation of the charges against
McKee. with the result that his indict
ment was returned
It is probable that the charge of lar
ceny bv bailee will" not be pressed, but
that McKee will be prosecuted on the
charge of forging the name of E. E.
Brodie to a note for $100 and obtaining
the money from the First National.
Bank of Oregon City. The note was ul
timately paid by McKee- . -; .
p.nmrnp flCCCDT DIRUT all temperaments and naoits, dui oiten
SIViOKEnO Abofcn I Oln ' -I est in those of Irritable, or nervous dis-
- I position, and anxious aspect of coun-
tteniDt to Drive Them From Elee-i tenance, who are popularly character
" 11 v ized as "dyspeptic looking." Eating too
trie Cars Resisted. rapidly is a common, exciting cause of
. -the disorder, as is also imperfect mas-
rHIr,.rn vnv 4 -Sixteen residents of ticatlon of food from loss of teeth.
C, Hl PA? a Zl'Jr. Th f were eiven the There is also a deficiency of the gas
Oak Park and Au stin.j bo were given the gn insuf(iclency of the
alternative of throwing W I motoJr and-muscuiar. or churning move-
gura oi it-a,iwft - - -
& Oak Park Elevated Railroad, met
tonight and organized themselves into a
protesting body.
A special meeting has been called for
next Monday night, at which action
against the taking off- of smoking cars
on the elevated trains will be considered.
A subscription was collected .for the pur
pose of engaging counsel to take the case
into court, if necessary, the people be
lieving the railroad ofTidials are violating
C6nstitutional liberty.
Mild efforts to eliminate smoking on
the trains were succeeded today by stern
measures. Men who insisted on smoking
were given back their fares and asked to
leave the train. If they refused private
detectives ejected them.
A small riot in whir two men were in
jured, accompanied tne ejection of one
passenger. When an elderly man entered
the car at" the Forty-fourth Avenue sta
tion smoking a cigar, the conductor told
him he was violating a rule of the com
, .mol.-r rpnliod that he was J
laiij-. "" - '
nitu nrrimanw.
At the next station, the conductor called
iipon two private detectives for assist
ance. The. latter started to drag tnelr
prisoner fyom the train, when other pas
sengers interfered. The officers drew
their revolvers and forced the crowd
J. D. Attley, a lumberman, was nearly
forded through a window and was badly
cut by breaking glass. Ex-Alderman Jo
seph H. Francis was forced from the car
platform and fell to the tracks, escaping
death on the heavily charged third rail
by only a few inches
Irs. Josephine Smith Says Washing
ton County to Blame for Injury.
HILLSBORO, Or., Xov. 4. (Special.)
Mrs. Josephine Smith, of Portland, wife
of "Mysterious" Billy Smith, ex-pugilist,
asks the County Court of Washington
County to give her the sura of J2000 for
damages and medical services because of
injuries sustained by her standard-bred
trotter, "Starlight." She alleges the
horse was being driven down the Mc-Minnville-Portland
road, September 7, 1909,
Kidney. Liver & Bltdder
MAT TAKK oq, two fir Chtw
tMspoonlula befpT or tUM
dm lesa according m i
Mmmtnr with ax
dowi and incretac to full doaa
nor, ibm CM mud
That mat rrtnedT k
fUrsnd L'rle ActJlrouLU and
disorder! do to weak kltlMya.
latx-h catarrh of the bladder.
graval, rheumatism, lumbago
M unrai a umemm. "nitn u
tba wont form of kfcdarv di
mm. It la pleasant to Uko.
ruritiB onr wt
Sold by all Druggists.
. -;. e c. vr n it
'and .when crossing a wagon bridge a
short" distance from Sherwood, went
through the structure and sustained in
juries that prevented the animal from
trotting In races in which it was en
tered. The trotter has a. mark of 2:16.
No evidence was introduced to show
the extent of the injuries, and the court
will make an investigation. In all prob
ability the case will go to a Circuit Court
jury before settlement is made, as Mrs.
Smith's attorneys have filed suit. Thomas
H. Tongue. Deputy District Attorney, Is
looking after the legal end of the fight
for the county.
Price So High Home Folks Can't
Afford to Buy.
Aj-JANY, Or., Nov. 4. (Special.)
Apple prices' are breaking all records
here. Apples are selling for as high
as .13.50 a box in the local market and
no apples of good quality can be se
cureo , i
cured for less than 2 a box in local
.ir.r : w. .receiving . such
.v..!- ,nni, In the
outside market tfiat good fruit Is very
scarce for local consumption.
Slow Digestion
a. Frequent Form of Stomach Trouble
. Readily Cured by Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.
This complaint constitutes one of the
most common forms of dyspepsia. It is
the bane of those who ignore natural
laws, and forget that the healthy ac-
I tion of the stomach is dependertt on the
condition of b,oth body and mind. Those
whose pursuits oblige them to pass
much of their time within doors; men
of letters, and of business, whose minds
are Seldom, perfectly-relaxed; adminis
trators, speculators, financiers, and the
-various professional men fall ready vlc
tims .to: it.:..-: -
Slow digestion occurs in persons oi
ments of the stomach walls, and the
food remains entirely too long in this
organ. Instead of being passed down
Into the small intestine at the proper
Even a dinner not exceeding the ordi
nary limits Is followed at varying In
tervals, but usually within an hour, by
a feeling of weight and oppression in
the stomnch. For several hours after
ward the person experiences decided
discomfort, and should even a light
supper be taken, horrible nightmare
and troubled dreams are certain to re
sult. " sh-uld be quite well. If it were not
necessa. y to eat," is a common state
ment made by sutferers from this form
of stomach complaint. Many of them
actually dread the approach of meal
time, knowing what disagreeable symp
toms they are sure to experience after
eating; and would doubtless discontinue
the ingestion of food into their stom-
ecns anogeiner n ii wcr
Hv withnnt pat
. a
There is really no necessity whatever
for depriving one's self of the pleas
ures of the table, or to starve the rest
of the system because the stomach is
derelict in its duty, and does not digest
the food as quickly or as thoroughly as
it should.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets compel the
stomach .to perform its functions prop
erly and assist it very materially in the
discharge of its duties, a single grain
of the principal digestive ingredient of
these tablets being sufficient to digest
3000 grains of food. They ndt only
digest the food, however, but also tone
up and strengthen the peptic glands,
and the motor functions, so that the
food will not remain in the stomach
longer than necessary. Every case of
slow digestion and all other forms of
dyspepsia are readily curable by the
use of these tablets, which make up the
gastric deficiency, and supply the dis
ordered stomach with exactly the same
digestive Juices that are found In a
healthy, vigorous stomach.
Purchase a package of these wonder
ful digestors from your druggist today
for 50 cents and cure yourself of your
dyspepsfa. Send us your name and ad
dress, and we will forward you a sam
ple package free. Address, F. A. Stuart
Company, 150 Stuart BuildlnK. Marshall,
m ir m -
lalks on leem
If the Alveolar Teeth which we sup
ply were not solid and firm they would
be a failure. Artificial teeth that are
put. Into the mouth simply to fill P
vacancy are a delusion and a snare
and fraud in the bargain.
It has always been more or less ot a
mystery to people who read about this
work which we do. for the first time,
to know how we can make teeth stick
in the mouth without using the ordi
nary methods, such as plates or bridge
work. That, of course, is our' secret,
but the fact that we do restore teeth
and make them firm and solid in the
mouth where there are two or more
teeth to work with and that we do not
resort to plate or ordinary bridgework
is evidence enough that the work
Is satisfactory. .....
Sometimes the Impression obtains
that we perform a surgical operation to
put these teeth In the mouth. We want
to denv this most emphatically. There
is no boring into the gums, no cutting
of the gums, no implantation, pain or
discomfort of any kind in connection
with the work. When the work is com
pleted the patient can leave our offices
and begin using these teeth with per
fect comfort, and he will continue to
us, tini with oinfort from that time
forth. This is a remarkable statement
and is worthy of investigation.
If vou are the victim of loose teeth,
decaved teeth or missing teeth, we want
vou to come to our offices and allow us
to make a careful examination of your
case. This service Is entirely free and
carries with it no obligation to have
anv work done. .
pyorrhea ( Itiggs disease), loose teeth,
the most dreaded disease of the dental
profession, recognized by dentists gen
erallv -as -Incurable, we guarantee to
cure "every case and to stay cured.
If It is not possible for you to come
at the present time, send for our book,
"Alveolar Dentistry." which goes intd
full particulars regarding this wonder
ful achievement in the science of den
tlstrv The reading of this book brings
us patients from all over America and
Canada. We send it free of any charge,
together with a book of testimonials
from people who have had the work
done and who will be very glad to an
swer anv questions you may wish to
put to them in advance regarding the
Aveolar Method. When you buy den
tistry, buy the best, it's cheapest in
the end.
311 to 314 Ablngton Bldg., 1D6H 3d St.
Sundays. 10 to 12.
Your Catarrhal
Instantly Relieved
T.i a little TTrinrtnn'ft nurest
J juaiH"iw. r
rsan-Val Tllir ninriv(. from the sani
soothes and heals the affected membrane,
which, raw or inflamed, brings on catarrhal
Do not mistake this aromatic Bnriieptie. cooling and
pleasant, purest and rarest remedy for violent douches,
prays or snaffs. which irritate but do not beai. Kondon'a
is so sweet, dean and pure that U is even pleasant to tax
Send for this
Free Sample
today of ask your dmrpit
or doctor. -They will recom
mend a 25c or 50c tube be
cause It cores contains no
harmful dror, and is sold
under oar positive rnsrantee.
Kondon Mfg. .
Company '
Minneapolis Minn.
I See All My Patients
I hire no substitutes and hare no medi
cal company.
FEE FOR A CURE is lower than any
specialists in the city, half that others
charge you and no exorbitant price for.
I am an expert specialist, have had
30 years' practice In the treatment of
diseases of men. My offices are the best
equipped in Portland. My methods are
modern and up-to-data. My cures are
quick and positive. 1 do not treat symp
toms and patch up. I thoroughly examln
each case, find the cause, remove it and
thus cure the disease. . .
I CX'RE Varicose Veins, Centracted
Ailments, Piles and Specific Blood Pol
son and All Ailments of Men. .
CUKE OR NO PAY I anl lbe only
specialist in Portland yvho makes no
char-Re unless tile patient Is entirely
sntisficd "lib the results accomplished,
and who elves s written guarantee lo
refund every dollar paid for services
If n complete and permanent cure la
not effected.
IVfCM Visit Dr. Lindsay's private
1V111 Museum of Anatomy and
know thyself. In health and disease. Ad
mission free. Consultation free. If un
able to cail, write, for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.: Sun
days 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
1S8H Second St., Cor. of Alder,
Portland, Oreron.
There is no remedy on erth so quick and satis
factory id its results as
Gold Medal Hiirlem Oil is cut up in two
forms, in CAPSULES and BOTTLES. Cap
sules 25c. and 50c. per box. Bottles 1 5c. and
35c, at all drutliMS. Be sure you obtain the
Geld Medal Tilly brand.
lljEKwMkwitotanHr'( I