Today The Meier FraiA Store's 1 03 1 st Friday Surprise Sale nwa rift! Thanfrsowiiw Salek m All Departments of the Store Men's $2.50 Underwear $1.35 Men's 25c Hosiery 17c Pair For today, a seasonable Friday sale of men's fine quality worsted ribbed Lnderwear; medium weight, soft finish, natural gray and light blue; guaranteed not to shrink; form-fitting; well made and fin- ffl 9C ished; come in all sizes shirts and drawers; best regular $2.50 values, on sale at, special, garment v"f For today, 10,000 pairs of men's silk, lisle and mercerized Hosiery, complete line of new oJorings; seamless and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction; tan, blue, gray, naVy, red brown lavender, black, efciy. Come"all sizes-best regular 25c values, on sale at 17c pair, or 3 pairs for 50c-look to your needs C Evening Coats and Capes Values Up to $50.00 At $22.45 Each Portland's Leading Cloak and Snit Store announces for today's big 1031st Friday Surprise, a very important offering of beau tiful new Evening Coats and Capes in fashionable styles and shades A great special purchase made by our garment chief who has just returned from the Eastern market 300 coats and capes are included -Broadcloth material Mandarin coats with shawl collar of satin edged with beads and gold lace Sleeves and body trimmed with silk soutache trimming Military capes, mandarin capes, inverness capes with large buttons of cloth and embroid ered in silk or braid, also metal buttons and trimming of satin bands and piping Many of the capes are lined throughoutyUh messaline silk and satin The color assortment includes tan, champagne, mode, "rose, pink, raisin, wistaria, green, reseda, garnet, white, black, ggay and light blue All new, desirable evening garments A most timely offering Values in the lot choice today only Q A c up to $50.00 each Your t this remarkably low price Take advantage See Our Large Fifth-Street Window uispiay oi yoais ana wpea Hosiery Sale 40cVals.23c For today's 1031st Friday Surprise Sale we offer 2000 pairs of women's plain and fancy Hosiery in lisles, extra weight cot tons, plain, lace and embroidered boots) black, white and all colors; the best reg ular 40c values, on sale at this 23c special low price, pair see them 2000 pairs of children's lxl rib black wool Hose, with gray heels and toes; all sizes; the best regular 35o values, Q. on-sale at this low price, the pair Umbrella Bargains 1000 women's and men's Umbrellas, 26 and 28-inch paragon frames; fast black ItaEan cloth covering; very large assort ment of handles; greatest yalnesQQ. ever offered at this low price, ea. "yv' Women's and men's 26 and 28-inch Um brellas, made on the best paragon frames, union taffeta covering, tape edge; won derful assortment of han- fljl QQ dies; regular $3.50 values, ea. V A Ribbon Sale 65c Values 29c For today, a great special Friday sale of 10,000 yards of extra quality Taffeta Ribbon,6, 7 and 8 inches wide; black and all colors, for fancy work, hair bows and many other purposes; regular 50o 29c to 65c values, on sale at, the yard 2000 Emb'd Collars 9c Ea. For today, in the women's Neckwear De partment, 2000 women's embroidered Linen Collars, 1 to 2 inches high; some are slightly soiled from handling; sizes 12 to 15; "values up to 25c each, Q on sale at this special low price, ea. Friday Surprise Luncheon 35c For today, our 6econd great Friday Sur prise Luncheon at a special low price. A splendid, appetizing menu; the best the market affords. Plan to eat lunch at the Meier & Frank Store, today; 7th floor. MENU ' Lunch From11 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. Soup ' 3elisn Clam Chowder Celery Fish Boiled Halibut, Oyster Sauce Entree Baked Spaghetti an Gratin ' Boast' " Veal with Dressing ' Vegetables Mashed Potatoes, Creamed Carrots .Dessert . Bread and Butter Custard Tea Coffee Milk Buttermilk $4.00 Back Combs On Sale at $1.79 For today, a special lot of 1000 iancy Back Combs, 18-karat gold mountings and pretty stone settings; all fine hand finished combs; every pattern absolutely new and just received from the factory. A great special purchase enables us to offer $4.00 values at.the un- fl1 "TQ usually low price of, each $3.50 Handbags $1.79 Another great Friday, sale of women's Handbags,-new, large styles, with single and double-strap handles; best quality goat seal and every one leather-lined,, with'coin purse to match; best frames. Regular $3.50 values, at, each. .Sj$1.7 Great special values in Trunks and Bags. Let us show you. See them on 4th floor. 10,000 Yds. Ne w Embroideries Regular $1.50 Values at 25c Per Yard In the Embroidery Department, for today's 1031st Friday Surprise, we announce a sale extraordinary of 10,000 yards of swiss. nainsook and cambric embroidery, edges, flouncing and insertion, 1X'2 to 18 inches wide. Beautiful designs in evelet and floral effects, for women's and children's wear, gowns, lingerie, waists, etc. The Finest St. Gall embroideries, at a small fraction of their real worth; values in the lot up to $1.50 OjSe the yard; your choice at this low price, yd. See Fifth-street window display. Plan to be here early 200 Women's Trimmed Hats $25.00 to $75.00 Values at V2 Price In the Bis Second Floor Millinery Section for to day's big 1031st Friday Surprise, a sensational half-price sale of Women's Fine Imported Millinery in all the very latest shapes and effects New high grade and exclnsive headgear in the most desirable colorings, including black, and trimmed in ostrich and fancy feathers The best efforts of the leading Paris milliners Magnificent creations in splendid assortment Values ranging froml nrro $25 to $75 at half regular price I & I itC See Our Big Sixth-Street Window Display Today For today 1000 Untrimmed Shapes in silk and felt New shapes and colorings Val- fl QQ ues up to $7 each, on sale today at V 1 0 GreatS a I e of Glov e s $1.50 to $3.50 Values 98c Pair For today, another great sample sale of "Perrin's" and "Tre fousse" celebrated real French Kid Gloves; one, two and three clasp 'styles; also 8, 12 and 16-button lengths; overseam and pique sewn; come in black, white and all the leading shades; gloves of style and guaranteed quality. "Values ranging from $1.50 QQ to $3.50 a pair, on sale at this remarkably low price, pair Shrewd buyrs will anticipate their wants foe many months to come. 50c Scotch Flannels 2 7 c 1 Oc Outing Flannels 6c For today, 2500 yards of new Scotch Flannels, fast colors and non-shnnkablev 38 inches wide; silk stripes and checks, in large variety; the best regular 50c val-2C ues: buv all rou want of them at this exceptionally low price, the yard For today, 2000 yards of unbleached Outing Flannel, 27-inch; 10c quality, yard.. 6 New French Net Curtains $5.00 Values $2.85 Pr. The Third Floor Curtain Store offers for toda7's 1031st Friday surprise a very handsome lot of 1000 pairs French Net Our- tains made in a good quality of net with hand-made linen climy edges, also edges and insertings all new patterns in both white and ecru, only 4 to 10 pairs of a pattern." Best $5.00 values on sale at this very low price, the pair . Sizes are 40 to 45 inches wide and 2Y2 yards long Custom shade and drapeiy work our specialty Best materials and workmanship Lowest prices guaranteed Let as give you our estimates on curtains and shades. 7 5cEmb'd Swiss 49c Yd 1 5c Printed Sateen 6lhc For today's 1031st Friday Surprise Sale the Wash Goods Section offers two specials : 25 pieces of fancy white embroidered Swiss, beautiful styles; joe values, yrd..49t 50 pieces printed Sateen, all dark colorings, splendid styles; best 15 values, yd. GY c ' ;i J f an A.r. pmhrnidered Linen Covers, sizes 30x30-inch; 60 vals., ea..39C Great Thanksgiving Linen Sale now in progress. Table Linens of all kinds, low-pried. mssm mm $2.85 Ladies'WiiiterUnderw'r 7 5c to $ 1 Values 49c For today's 1031st Friday Surprise we offer 5000 pieces of women's Knit Under wear at a marvelously low price per garment. Vests, tights and Union Suits in fleece- lined cottons, and wool plated; form-fitting underwear ; beautifully made and AQg tra sizes. Values ranging irom oc 10 at, garraeni finished ; regular and extra i 500 Beautiful Dress Waists $22 Values at $6.45 Each In the Waist store for today's 1031st Fri day surprise we announce one of our great spe cial sales of women's fine waists for dress and evening wear A very advantage ouspur chas e enablesns to offer values to $22.00 for $6.45 each. All new, beautiful and exclusive waists in - chiffon cloths, taffeta and messaline silk3 and crepe de chines lined in plain or figured nets, plain or figured silks, made with round square, pointed and French yokes and trimmed with medallions, applique, jet, malteae lace, round mesh lace, beaded and soutache braidj velvet bands, pin tucks, black, white, taupe, fight blue, mais, rose, etc., brown, Copenhagen, lavender, green, navy etc. im- g A J mense variety, values to $22. POJr J See Our Big Fifth-Street Window . Display. Sale of Rattan Rockers $3.75 Values at $2.39 Each The Fourth Floor Furniture Store offers for today's 1031st Friday Surprise a great special lot of 300 women's Rattan Sewing Rockers, made of genuine rattan handsome model, strong and durable. Not made of low-grade reeds, but the best, ffp OQ A chair sold in furniture stores at $3.75 each. Choice while they last, ea. Only one. to a customer. You should take advantage of the opportunity. Fourth floor. Men's Cravenettes $ 1 8 Values $9.65 Each 'Boys' $6 Suits at $3.65 Great Fridav sale of men's popular-priced Cravenettes the genuine Priestley garments; raincoats and overcoats; dark worsteds, black Thibets and fancy brown cassimeres; regular lapel-or military collar; a serviceable and stylish garment for all classes of weather; best regular CQ gC $15.00 and $18.00 values, on sale at this special price, each y' Great Friday sale of boys' combination Suits two pairs of kmckerbocker trousers with every suit; fancy cassimeres and fancy blue worsteds; best patterns for school or dress wear; ages 7 to 16 years; regular CO gC $5.00 and $6.00 values, on sale at this special price, the suit - n.,,.1 CL x Great Friday sale of boys' and young men's DOyS OniriO Golf Shirts, sizes 12 to 14; handsome patterns in light and dark colorings; neat stripes, in great At fiVFflrn variety; the best regular $1.00 values, CO .Ml gjtdUl on sajyat thjs special ow price) eaCh DOC Great values in men's Suits let us show you. On sale on the 'third floor. $2 Pictures 98c For today, a great Friday sale of 1000 handsome framed Pictures, 22xl8-inch, with two-inch heavy gilt frames, with fancy corners; subjects are landscapes, figures and scenes, in grand assortment regular $2.00 values buy all you QO want of them at the low price of Creamery Butter 75c For today, in the Big Basement Grocery Store, our great weekly offering of stand ard Creamery Butter at a price far be low the market value; full two-pound squares. Buy all you want of it "jC at this special low price, square J" No phone orders filled, and no deliveries will be made except with other goods. Sale of Chiffon Veils S2.00 Values at 98c For today, a great special lot of Chiffon Veils, y-i and 2 yards long; hemstitched edges, all colors; some with fancy satin borders; best $2.00 values, at, ea..98 For today, great special lot of Veiling Remnants in assorted lengths; all style meshes; all grades; black, white and fo colors, at Vt regular selling prices 2000 Boxes Stationery at 23c the Box For today, the best stationery bargain you ever shared in 2000 boxes of fine quality Linen Stationery, with envelopes to match; beautiful floral boxes, ribbon tied; best 50c values buy allOO. you want of them at, special, box $1.25Dolis79c Fpr today, in the Toilet Department, an other great sale of Kid Dolls, way below regular value; 19 inches long, jointed at the hips ; long, curly hair, tied with rib bons, sleeping eyes, and fitted with shoes and stockings; the best regular 7Q $1.25 value, on sale at, sp'l., ea. 5C 23-inch Doll, same as above, best AO $1.75 value, on sale at, sp'l., each 70C Toy Sets of Old Hickory Furniture $ 1. 75 Val. 98c For today, in the' Toy Department, 1000 sets of Old Hickory Furniture, for dolly. Table, two chairs and settee; very dur able, and will delight little tots. QO. Best $1.75 value, on sale at, set '0' Christmas gifts at a saving 4th floor. Boxes to Burn at 1 0c For today, 1000 wood Glove and Hand kerchief Boxes to burn; best 20c "I Q values, on sale at, special, each " w $2.50-$2.75 Nightgowns at $ 1 ,73 $ 1 .75 Nightgowns at 98c Two great special Friday bargains in women's Night gownsFar the best valnes you have ever shared in. Lot 1 1000 women's fine nainsook, cambric and muslin Night gowns, splendid variety; high neck and long-sleeve styles; low neck and short sleeves, low neck and flowing sleeves ; trimmed in dainty lace and embroidery, tucks, insertion, beading and ribbon; fine materials, well made and. finished; the best regular f 1 $2.50 rfhd $2.75 values, on sale at this low price, each P Lot 2 3000 women's muslin and cambric "Gowns, high and low neck styles; good materials and trimmed in lace, embroid-QQp 'ery, tucks and insertion; $1.50 and $1.75 values, at, each'0' $3.00 Axminster Rugs at $1.89 For today, two big special lots of Axminster Rugs at a low price. Oriental and floral designs in beautiful colorings and combinations. Come in two sizes; wonderful values, on sale at these low prices: Size 27 by 60 inches, regular $3.00 values, on sale at, each, $1.89 Szie 26 by 72 inches, regular $5.00 values, on sale at, each, $3.35