THE MORXTNG OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, XOVE3IBER 5, 1909. 1 1 1 1 .p ., .ii. , , , ' .,. 1 We Are Portland Agents for Skinner's Satin Guaranteed for Two Seasons' Wear Black and All Colors$1.50 the Yard-Try It 34111 FRIDAY ECONOMY SAL E UR (r- sr no TTTT Teems With Specials That Arouse Instant and Unbounded Enthus-C - ft , 75cMuUbcarrs48c iasm.Every Department in the Entire Establishment Offers Bargain ATLUepU special These are silk mull scarfs in neat dotted ef- n . r L Startling Variety And All Reliable Merchandise Too Scarfs and Squares, embroidered on white fects, come in white, sky blue, fink or lav- M nrilib ui tg mmtng r , cream scrim, regular values to $l.o, ender. Regular 75c values, special A On m. Tt Y1 T7 TT TT jp special for Friday in the second floor QQn for Friday's selling, each OU fji jf Jj 1 i .--JI-vp T J!nU ! fl art department at the low price of ... 30U Women's Venise Lace CoUars and coat sets, ( fT( 1-1 1)1? O JDl P XS. Remember that we give embroidery lessons in white or cream, regular values to CQp r(kVV&0Q 1 K V " i .W U if tt . 14 free every afternoon, 2:30 to 5, on 5th floor. $1.00 each, special at this low price . . J U 0 I J? ' 1 -J 400 Silk or Wool Dresses at $14.98$19.S8 as: The most stupendous special of the season in our busy second -floor style salons. Our marked supremacy as the style center of the Northwest is again vividly demonstrated in this astounding offering. It has to do with the distribution of 400 smart costumes in Princess style, on the lines shown in illustra tion, at a price lower than same qualities have sold for before even in this home of wonderful bargains. Some are in the strictest of tailored effects, some are braided, and some are fin ished with tucks and buttons for trimming. The materials are plain or moire taffeta silk, broadcloth, worsteds, etc. Dresses for street wear, for matinees, for home wear and for afternoon and informal evening functions. Regular values to $48.50, spl Friday. Regular values to QQ $38.50, spl Friday .O I TiUU S19.98 Iks 12, 000 Yds. Fancy Si 85c and $1.00 Values on Sale tnday at Oni ly 4 7c Yd We bought 200 of them from our best manufacturer in New York U I and got tnem at a price absurdly low meu as c ucvucu mu fc I regular stock we had on hand,' about 200 more, would not sell at the regular marked prices, we put m xne wnoie iul at mcae puuco. We bought these silks at the lowest price the large jobber from which we secured the lot ever sold fabricsof equal quality. When we first made this low offer, it was firmly refused, but, finding no other buyer that would take the entire assortment, we got them all at our price. This is the second huge purchase of the season, and women who neglect this rare chance to save will have to pay much more for silks of like quality. There's no end to the assortment in the way of color or combinations of colors as well as pattern. The weaves are louiseines, taffettas and messalines. They come in dots, stripes, checks and figures. You may use them for many purposes, waists, entire" costumes, shirtwaist suits, children's dresseTor fancy work. Remember that you can anticipate your holiday needs and make some one a handsome present with a waist or dress pattern of these silks. We'll fill mail orders if you'll send, stating what pattern you want and send- - ing money for the amount wanted. We can't cut samples, so please don't ask f for them. Regular 85c and $1.00 values, choice for this sale, the yard , Sewing Machines Novelty Veilings 98c Yd. These are in the new large mesh effects, novelty dotted styles, or plain dots. The colors are black, navy, brown, gray green and two-tone effects. Regular values QQp from $1.50 to $2.00 the vard, special at, the yard. . . .000 Venise Lace Bands and fancy braid trimmings, from 1 to 3 inches wide, reg. vals. to 45c yd, spL . 18c We are sole Portland agents for the . Standard sewing machines and sell them on weekly pay ments of $1 each. Come and ask about our Club Plan. ' I 4 J 1"' 1 - hft h 1. Any Pattern Hat for $27.50 Models of the kind that Portland's smartest dressed women want for the dress iest occasions of the coming Winter. Real creations that were evolved by the stvle originators of the world's fashion center Paris. Others are from New York '3 most clever designers, and some of the richest of the lot were planned and constructed bv our own talented designers. But there's not a hat in the lot that was made'to sell at less than $50, and the values run as high as $85, hi some cases the plumes alone are worth double this price. Your 007 CO unrestricted choice of the lot for Friday at this money-saving price OL iUU BEST QUALITY BEAVER HATS, in black and colors, and in theQO QC newest blacks, regular $5.00 values,' on sale Friday at only OdiOd $6.50 Values . . . .$5.00 . $8.50 Values . . . .$6.95 $10.00 Values . . .$7.95 Women's $1S0 Gowns at 98c Made of pretty striped out ing flannel, in pink or blue stripes; in full width and length, well made and regu larly worth $1.50. for QQa Friday, special at . . . u 0 u Women's Knit Petticoats, knee length, solid colored Jops with fancy striped borders, special value at $1.25 Children's Sleeping Garments, of outing flannel, in plain or striped patterns, good values at . . .50, 65 T.. Artie-ie Will Be Found on the Second Floor am Umbrellas $2.48 Rain shields for men or women, fast color and guaranteed to be rainproof, and give good wear, silk and lisle taffeta, a large range of handles, natural wood or mission style, regu- At lar prices to'$3.50, spe.uZiHO WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Vests and pants in medium weight vests and pants in heavy weight elastic ribbed vests and pants, medium weight, a special table contain ing values to $1.00; fip special f Ou WOMEN'S GLOVES, 690 Odd lines and some of them have been mended, but the regular values run $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 the pair. Some are slightly mussed. Spe- PQn cial the pair, Friday 03b v?7 Colored Dress Goods 87c Yd Truly a monster sale, and it takes in some of the most called-f or . weaves in our stock. The sale is just for two days Friday and Saturday but in those two days we expect to dispose of tlCusands of yards. Fabrics suitable for tail ored suits, shirtwaist suits, waists, separate skirts, etc. New wool materials at a price never before mentioned on equal grades. Make the most of the opt portunity and supply your needs for these, will go quickly. No orders will be taken for these goods over the phone and none will be sent C. O. D. On ac count of the rapid sale we will not cut samples, so come prepared to buv,as to wait till you had. thought it over Avould mean the loss of the pattern 07p you'd selected. No mail orders filled for these goods. Vals to $2 yard 01 U COLORED DRESS GOODS regularly worth 50c to 60c the yard, special for this sale 39 Hair Goods Dept. We've a Special Department in the main aisle, right where it's easy to find, and the spe cial offered below will make you want to find it. . German Hair Switches, natural wavy, regular $6.00 rn values on sale at. ... . .0JiUU German Hair Switches, 30-inch natural wavy, worth C) $12.50 each, at... Of iUU French Switches, straight hair, 30-meh length, very fine, $27.50 values. . $15.00 Hose at 15c Pair Women's and children's hose, worth from 20c to 35e the pair. The women's are fleeced,- with ribbed top medium weight, with ribbed top, medium weight, welt top, or fast black with embroidered instep. The children's are fast black ribbed cotton in medium or 1 Cp heavy weight; choice luu WOMEN'S HANDKER CHIEFS Sheer Irish linen, with hemstitched border, also initial, some with convent em broidered corners; un- 1 0p laundered; 35c val. for I Ob CHILD'S HANDKERCHIEFS In crossbar lawn, with col ored border, or plain white with hemstitched border. Qp Remarkable values at wo Gingham Aprons Friday 29c Each Large size and made from splen did quality gingham in blue and white checks, or in brown and white, made with pockets and strings, regular 40c value, OQft special for Friday at ZuU Women's Large White Aprons, made' with deep hems and pock ets, long wide strings, spe- OQ p cial for Friday at. ... &WU Children's White Lawn Aprons, for tots from 4 to 12 years of age, values 35c to $2.25 at Y2 PRICE Turkey Roasters 88c Each Get ready for Thanksgiving and buy the things that you are sure to need and didn't secure in time last year, so went with out them. Come to this store and see how little you'll have to spend for Roasters. Carving Sets, Food Choppers and the many things that make easier work and better dinners. 88c ROYAL STEEL WARE COVERED ROASTERS Size 11x15 inches. Regular price $1.15. Special UNIVERSAL FOOD CHOP PERS Small family "JQn size, $1.00 value, at I 3o Medium size, $1.25 value..98 Large size, $1.50 value $1.19 Hotel size, $2.00 value $1.57 MAYONNAISE MIXER, $1.35 value, at $1.08 DOUBLE BOILERS, granite iron, at v68J 3-QT. PUDDING PANS, 15c value, at 12 63c NO. 8 GRANITE TEA KET TLES, regular 75c vals., special at NINE-INCH PIE PLATES, 12c value, 9 FOUR-QUART SAUCE PANS, regular 23e value, .1 Op at special I Oil li2-Q U A RT COLANDERS,' 3Sc value at. 30 14-INCH BASTING SPOONS, special at S POTATO RICERS, 35c value 2o WOOD SALAD SPOONS and forks, the regular 25 values at, pair 15c Women 's House Slippers $1.39 Pair Women's juliets and slippers, in felt or kid. all made with hand-turned soles, all the felts trimmed with black or brown fur. The colors in the felt 'are black, gray, brown or red. The kid are made plain or with tip, and all widths of toe. Two thousand pairs in the lot f. and values to $2.00. at...y 1 1 0 U SPECIALWOMEN'S NURSE'S KID JULIETS, with hand-turned soles and guaranteed elastic sides, rubber values to $1.75, Q Q q WOMEN'S STREET PUMPS, ' in colors, in wistaria, blue, old rose, taupe, gray, etc., in suede or buck leathers, regular $5 and $6 grades; special pair. 5S3.49 Small Things at Great Savings RICKSECKER'S COLD CREAM, the latent skin food, the Jar only 50e HAIR BARBETTES, carved or plain, shell or amber, 35c-50c values 250 HAIR PINS, straight or crimped, hell color, special, package 25 BOX BTATlUJSbKI, special lOt, iaminAn noto .11 ou L j'bo Hurd's Included, values to 65c, at . 19 II sood values at 10c each; special Frl HAIR ROLLS, all sanitary style, large day at 5rf OOW QrBETlA','roWDE"IJ BRUSHES medium or stiff highly perfumed, fine for after bath, bristles, values to 25c each, special Fri. only 35V'day only .15 Sale of Thanksgiving Linens A new special for the Friday Economy Sale added to the superb bargains already offered for the week. We are exclusive Portland agents for Richardson's Famous Irish Linens. SPECIAL A lot of 150 table cloths, satin fin ished, hemstitched damask, exquisite pat- PQ 1 Q terns, reeular $3.00 values, at special OLt 10 7 J RICHARDSON 'S TABLE CLOTHS, of fine damask, pat tern cloths, in handsome de signs, with napkins to match. Regular $24 set, spe-CM Q ftfl cial this sale at. .... 0 I OiUU $25.00 set, special at. .19.50 $32.50 set, special at. $24.50 $35.00 set, special at. .$26.50 HUCK TOWELS; extra weight. with fancy damask border, the regular 30c value at special, eaeh. ALL-LLNEN HUCK TOWELS, large size, soft and ab sorbent, special price ea, 20c FELS, 33c TOWELINGS, in Irish crash or checked patterns, the regular 18c grade, at special 10p this sale, the yard l2u Regular 20c grade at .14 RICHARDSON'S HANDKER CHIEF LINENS, embroidered sheets and pillow cases, bed spreads, etc. TABLE DAMASK, by the yard, all pure flax, Richard- 05 son's make, $1 val., yd. UJu HEMSTITCHED NAPKINS, in .exquisitely beautiful patterns and ood qualities, OA Qfl reg. value $6.50 doz. 0 TiwU