xTIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, XOYE3IBER 5, 190&. 19 PYTHIANS TO MEET Conventions to Be Held in All Oregon Districts. FIRST AT SALEM TUESDAY Prominent Pythian From All Over Oregon to Attend Grand Chan cellor to Visit All lodges of State. A series of district conventions to be held during the cominjr four months by the different districts of the Knights of Pythias of Oregon will be Inaugurated at Salem next Tuesday evening. November 9. According to reports which hava reached the headquarters of the pub licity committee of the K. P. Grand Lodge fn Albany, the biggest and most elaborate district conventions ever held tn the history of the ordt-r in Oregon will take place this Winter, and things will be lively in Pythian circles throughout th entire state. This first district convention, which will be held at Salem Tuesday, will be a big one. Central Lodge, of the Capital City, has invited all of the lodges of the 16th Pythian District to meet there and all will send big delegations. This district Includes Marion and Polk Counties, in which are seven lodges situated at Salem. 511 vert on, Hubbard. Aurora, Dallas, In dependence and Falls City. Prominent Pythians to Attend. Among the prominent men of the order who will attend this convention and help celebrate the first big Pythian gathering of the Winter are Judge William M. Cake, of Portland, supreme representa tive; Judge W. 1 Bradshaw, of The Dalles, supreme representative; L. M. Curl, of Albany, past grand chancellor: Gus C. Moser. of Portland, past grand chancellor: Frank Menefee, of The Dalles, grand chancellor: D. E. Yoran, of Eugene, grand vice-chancellor; L. R. Stinson, of Salem, grand keeper of rec ords and seal; George Schulmerlch, of HHlsboro. grand prelate; Judge Robert G. Morrow, of Portland, chairman of the judiciary committee of the Grand Lodge; Frank S. Grant, of Portland, chairman of the finance committee of the Grand Lodge, and George W. Knight, of Hub bard, grand inner guard. AH Districts to Have Conventions. District conventions will be held during the Winter In all of the districts in the state. The Pythian districts, as estab ' lished at the. Grand Lodge session at Pendleton last June, are now as follows: No. 1, Multnomah and Clackamas Coun ties; No. 3, Columbia and Clatsop Coun ties; No. 3. Washington and Yamhill Counties; No. 4. Linn and Benton Coun ties; No. 5. Lane and Douglas Counties; No. 6, Josephine, Jackson and Klamath Counties; No. 7, Coos County: No. 8, Wasco, Sherman and Crook Counties: No. 9. Gilliam. Wheeler and Morrow Counties; No. 10. Umatilla County; No. 11. Wallowa County; No. 12. Baker and Malheur Counties; No. 14. Union County; No. 15. Grant County; No. 16, Marion and Polk Counties: No. IT. Tillamook County. Kvery Pythian Lodge in the state will be visited during the coming fiscal year either by Grand Chancellor Menefee or J5rand Vice-Chancellor Yoran, according to definite plans which have been mapped . out In accordance with a system adopted at the last Grand Lodge session. Each of these officers has already begun the tour of official visits. Grand Chancellor Completes Tour. Grand Chancellor Menefee has Just re turned to his home In The Dalles from a visit to the lodges of Central Oregon, having made official visits to the lodges at Canyon City. Long Creek. Condon, Ine Rock, Mitchell. Prinevllle and Bend. He was accompanied on this trip by Circuit Judpe R. R. Butler, of Con don, an enthusiastic Pythian Knight and one of the best orators in the order. Grand Chancellor Menefee will make his next visit to the lodge at Roseburg and will then come northward, visiting all of the lodges In the Willamette Val ley, which will take him to practically every town In the Valley. Abd-uhl-Atef Temple. No. 117. Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorasan, which is the fun-making branch of Pyth i ah ism, will not be idle this Winter. This temple is located in Portland, but it in cludes In its membership men from all parts of the state. Besides one or two big sessions it will hold in its home tem ple, the- members of this order plan to make a few pilgrimages to leading Ore gon cities and Initiate wearers of the mystic triangle Into the mysteries of the desert. DAILY IFTElUT.OilCI. REPORT. ; PORTLAND. N-v. 4. Maximum tempr-tur-v 51 '!-rree: minimum. 4ft d-trees. River reading at S A. M., 7 7 fe : rhanjje tn last 24 hiurs. rie 1 1 f"t. Twsl rainfall , p. M. to ft P M . .?2 inch; -ta! s'n.-e SVptfmber 1. j-9. 35 in'he; normal. 6.2 1m-r.s; fx-M. .15 Inch. T'"al sunshine November 3. none; re!hle. 10 hours. Barometer i reduced to ta levr. at 5 P. M.. 29 i Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P. M., Pacific time. No.errbr 4: 3 l STATIONS. Stare at Wathr Baker City P. Eureka Helena K am loops North Head FWa telle Poniard Re1 HlufT T?.-vMirf: S. ran.r'o Mi'.r Lake San Franc; swff. S;-oki:e Tacrtma T'o,xa I.';.nd. . M t a. 'a Hlatre M.rrhr '1 Sipk'.vpu T-T. 64 0.0O rs o oo 4 SP 4 NW 'ClilUdV Icioudy to o.oo! 4 SW J 0 . 6 sw Pt. cl-Mi.lv Pt. chuily Cloudy iar Raining rie.ir 4K 0.04 4S O.fH n s 6 s 6 nw 4 SV 6 V 1 72 O.tv: 5S o. (.:' 74 rt.oti' fit ii.l 0 i V t O 11- v i": -'!- T;oJ.-iy Raininc '("'oury 'J'atntnc Kairin F;. clou.Iy !., 6 X I 4 T. XE .V T I 4 W 4 O.im 4 W iW iVirt' 4 5 XV Tra.-e. weather coxninoxs. A elfcht l predion ha 'jAveloped over SViurVrn Orejron. L-auFing roremMy clnuiiy Ktfr over the rai'..- Sl-ip.- and ehuwr " Waj,Mr.irton nri Wenftra Ore-n. The terrper;ure t-harppj have been 5::.ht !n all lit riot ex-'el S!i:hfatorT. I r! h where a eharp rise in re port M. C--r..'.ltir.e are favor able for c"'"U'lv weather, with ahower tn th. dltrlet Friday. FORECASTS Purtlard ari vicinity Showers Friday; V.fftt north wind. "rejeon Showers Friday; light varlaMe win -a. U aahingtrn Showers Friday; light north wind. Idaho C:oudv Friday. r, IL wiu.sox. ! .-h-t! Pnrn tr Te-rt norar: I v in ('hrw mm. p; PE tn :h: rfty. X vember 4. Ja'-oh Rube, aped '21 years, nattve of Ruwia. Re main at Pmininy, McKntee A .i:lbauRh, 7th and pin bis. Funeral nonce later STIDHAM In this ci?v. Xove-r.her 4. at the family residence ll'TH Wl'bur St.. John t'lark Stidham. Infant son of Mr. And Mrs. John F- Stidham. AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW 15 THEATER ta and Morrison Phones Main 117 "A" 4224. Tonight 8:15 I Tomorrow Night Matinee 2:15 Tomorrow Charles FTohman Prsnts BILLIE BURKE In Comedy. "Love Watches" Evening1 and Matinee Price S2 to 75c SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY VICTOR MOORE In Gso. M. C"ohsns Musical Comedy. "THE TALK OF NEW YORK' AT BUNGALOW THEATER 4 N!pht BsRlnnlns: Next Sunday Prices: $1.00. $1.00, 75c. 50c. PORTLAND THEATER ffiJTSaS' Main 443; A 7083. Russell Drew Present for th First Time on any Sts-ce. Tonieht and A'.l Week. Paraatn Matinee Tomorrow, 2."c to any seat. Charles A. Taylor's Romantic Play of the Northland. "THE GIKL, FROM ALASKA." Prices Evenir.f-s. 2.1c. 3.c and 50c. Commencing Sunday matinee. Nov 7, Charles A. Taylor's stirring drama, "The Queen of the Highway." BAKER THEATER Main 2. A 5360 Geo. I. Baker. Manager. AM Records Broken. TOMOHT All tH week. Saturday Matinee "THE -sI-OILKRS." By Rex Beach. A thnUinK tale of Alaska and the fnT North. See the jenulne Alaskan doga tne kind that carried Cook to the Pole. Niicht Prices 2."c to $1.00. Next Week. Opeplnrr Sundav Matinee. "HONEYMOON TRAIL" MAIN 6, A 1020. Matinees Ex. 8 on days and Holidays. iD-ii-b'Ji theater 15-25-55-7!?': WrEK OF NOV 1ST Edwin Sterens and Tina MarMiall in,' "An Evening With Ulck enjt". The IeHaven sextctl-, presenting "The I'ndemtudv"; The t armen Troupe; Howard Shetland and Comedy Canines; The Eerrell Brothers; Milt Wood. Walter Wood and Company, presenting "A Ilabr Grand"; Pictures; Orchestra. THE GRAND WKKK.OF NOVEMBER 1. HTABAJiZAl F-d Galheher co John Sturgeon I o. Steeley & Edwards LKirothr Iahl Dirk i Aiire MoAtoj Fred Bauer Grandn scope. TROUPE OF 8 JAPS-8 Matinee Every Dav at 2:3. 15c Any eat. Fv en In if Performances. 7 and 9:15. Evenina- Prices lie. '27c; Box iieats. 50c. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vauderille. Stars of All. Katlons. MIX. IXORIVE ANI HER TBOCPE OJ I'ERSIAX I.EOPABU8. Special 'Added Attrartlon The Great Buckner. World's Champion t'yclist and the Original Loop-to-l.oop Man. Seymours Hai.ny Family. Ned Nye. Leo White. The Clarkes J? C. Mack & Co. Pantagescope. Curtain 2:3u. 7:SO and 9. LYRIC THEATER Phones Vain 46Sr,, A 1026 prices, 30c. 20c. 10c The Popular Athon Stock Co. presents "AN INNOCENT SIN NEK. By Lawrence Marston. Go!d watch given away Friday evening. Matinees Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2:1.Y Every evening at 8:15 Next "Whose Baby Are You?" You'll Like the Lyric! STAR THEATER Today 4 URF.IT PHTIHES i Jeun Wilson In e Sonar. MISS KKl.l.KIDIAN'S A"T IN PHYSI CAL ri'LTlKK IS ESPVriALLY IN TERESTING FOR I.AI'IES. 10c ADMISSION 10c. Programme chants Sunday. DON'T FAIL. TO SE3 "Shadow of the Cross" The Miracle PalntinK. BENEFIT GOOn SAMARITAN HOS PITAL. Fifth Floor leler Frank Co, The Talk of the World. ACCTION SALES TODAI. At Oilman's auction rooms. 12 2nd street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S 1. N. Oilman, auc tioneer. At Wlleon's Auction House, corner Second and Tamhill. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. A. A. O. N- M. S. Oh. y sons of Al Kader. rejoice, for unto y u (riud tidinns. Brlnn your fox and met with ua on Saturday, the th day of No vember, at S o'rleck. in ths evening, at th Msonic Tem ple, West- Park and Yamhill streets, and herein fail not. The purpose of this meeting is to consider the pilKrimaRe to Albany. AH NodIcb are ex perted to ffive their erthusi-aMic support to this pllgrlmaire and It is desired that a full attendance be had so that the largest dele gation can be taken from Al Kader Tempi to this pilrrimAffe. Albany is doing much and we should do more. L. C;. CLARKE. Potentate. B- G. WHITEHOL'SE, Rec ROSE CITY rHArTRR. NO. R6 O K S. Rpfrular meeting this Fri.lay fi enins: at s oclook Masonic T-n- rio. i v.v !le deprres By order V. M- SAP Gl'KRlN, -Sec. POKT1....... 1X1 DOE. NO. .".5. A, F. A NO A.- M. Special communi atlon rhls Fridav evening. Nov. 6:ot o'clock. Work tn F C. de sree. Ptaied communication 7:rrt P. M. Work In K. A. dearee. Vis itors welcome. Bv order W. M C M. STEADMAX. Sec EILERS RECITAL, HALL, for hlsh-class recitals. lectures. meetings; splendidly lighted, ventilated, heated, free from strct noises, seating :t00; equipped with pipe organ, grand pianos and automatic musical devices. For rates apply Adv. Dept., 2d floor. Filers piano House, 333 Washington at. HAP3ALO LOIH3 K. NO. 15. L O. O. F. Rrjcular nieetlrg this (Friday) evening at 7:3t o'clock. Work tn the first decree. The team pleae take notice. Chemeketa L-dge, No. 1. of Salem, will pay ui a fraternal visit. Employment found for Od'ifeilows. F. COZENS. 6ec. FTXEBAL NOTICES. KFNNFTVY. At her late residence Si 7 Morris St.. Nov. 3. Agne! Loretta. beloved wife of J D. Kennedy. daup liter "f Mil haei O'Brien and sister of Mrs. Wil liam LMinn. and Mary power A nitlve of Pi:: st on. Pa. A ct d 4, years Funeral services Fr:rtay. Novcmler .". S;4 A. M., thence to St. M riry's Church. Williams svnue nnd Sranion street. Friends : e sict fully invited to Tt-nt. Tnterment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. WH1TPTTT In this city. November 4. ai The farnllv residence. 149 Kant Hoyt si.. Foster Oray Whitsitt, Jr.. nr;ed J months 4 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Whitsitt. Friends of family re spectfully invited to attend funeral ser- ice. whii h will be held at the above reidenc?. at 3 P. M , today. Friday No vember 5. Interment Rose City Cemetery. STKK1.E The funeral services of Edna Ixtuise Steele, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mr?. C. H. Steele, will be held at Hoi mun's chapel. Thir and Salmon sts.. at '2 P. M- today (Friday.. Friends of the family Invited. Interment Riverview Cem etery. JOHNSON In this city. November .T. 1XX, farah Johnson, Ked t',7 year. Funeral services will b held at Flnley's Chapel to dav i Friday at '. P. M. Friends invited. Interment at Miller's Cemetery, near Sil verton. Or. tnnclnc. McJCritee (jilbaugh. funeral Director. 7th and Fine. I'honn Main 4 JO. W -J A t.n stkiTlsssi aI rniinff sIslskA.a- ED.VAK1) II OILMAN CO.. Funeral l)lret orw. 2-0 :d t. Lady Awiftut l'bune 1. 07. J. P. HMtl 3t (SON. 3d and MndlMn. Latlr attroumit. rliooe Main U. A lAi. McENTEK-EKH'KSON CO. Undertakers: lady slunt. 4IH Alder. M. CVi:i. EAST 81lf: Fanero IHrectors. successors to F. 8. llunulDK. Inc. K- 52. B &25. ZEI.LF.R-BYltXES CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 2? Russell. Both phones. Lad? nitaot LKRCH CriderMker.. 4?0 East Alder, tunes East B 18. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main IM. ECRIABV. Mala MS. HUMANE OFFICIR. Bait 4771. NEW TODAY. now offer for sale several thousand acres in Multno- jmah Countv, 15 miles from Portland, at less than $26.00 per acre. Southern exposure, magnificent view of moun tains knd valleys, soil and locality unexcelled in the Northwest for the culture of fruits or nuts. Saw tim ber on part of this property should produce half the cost of the whole. Details fur nished only to responsible parties who mean business. Address AL 500, Orego nian. Choice " ML ' Tabor Lots Paradise Addition Situated on the West Slope in the most desirable location, one block from car and school, 15 minutes' ride from postoft'ice; with Bull Run water, gas and phones; all sewer and street improvements to be completed within one year. Easy payments. Also one larjre strictly modern 8 room house with concrete basement, large attic and yard, one block from school and car. This is a good buy. Let us show them to you. THE PACIFIC GOHCIAL TRUST CO. 246 Washington Street. Phones Main 1524, A 1524. A Hood River Farm at a Bargain 20 acres (or a part of it) located on the West Side, only four miles out, right in the heart of the Fort land ownerships; part in bearing, part in young orchard, part in scrub oak. The? tipple on dlnptay In the window of Ol da. Wort man Ai Klnsr nre from this place. gee us today and let us put you in touch with the owner. CHAPI.V & HER LOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. The Great Sale of the Emmet Stock Begins This Morning at OILMAN'S 126 Second Street, Between AVashington and Alder. TEN CHOICE HOME STEAD LOCATIONS that have been overlooked, that can be secured, if filing is made at once, within three miles of Prinevllle. For particulars, apply THOMSON, fJAClEOfl 8 NEELL 611-612 Swetland Building. East Side Business Properties 65X1G0, on Russell, near Mississippi street. This has a good future and good income. East Stark Street 50x100. S. B. corner Kast 9th and Kast Stark. Income $15 per month. Price 47.-.o. This is the cheapest property on the street. Grand Avenue 100x1 SO on Grand ave.. near the new Steel bridge. Price $17,500. ThiB is cheap, all improvements in. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 Ablngton BIdgr. WE FURNISH LAND YOU PLANT ORCHARD EACH ONE-HALF INTEREST We have a client with choice fruit land, all cleared, who is ready to set it fn trees and care for It for one year; lie will deed you a half interest .if you will pav the expense of planting and care; it's the best proposition we have seen; if you are wantinK an orchard or an Investment, we. recommend this for vour consideration. F. V. Power & Co., 23 Henry bJdg. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rate. Bolldloz Loan. Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster SOS Worcester Block. WE HAVE A 14 Block on Union Ave. that touM make a first-class location for a stable. It is v ithin three blocks of Knst Morrison. This can be bought for 16,500. Easy terms. vi:i.no.N DARMW, US Hoard of Trade. 146 ACRES on river. 2 miles to electric station; 10 acres in eultivatien: best fruit and dairy land in valley; only $125 per acre: Jbtjrt cash will handle the deal. M. C. DAVIS. R. F. D. No. 8. Salem. Or. ntOBGI BLACK. , PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches ) 123 Worcester Bld(. Phons slain 8ST1. A 4011. "WE NEW TODAY.- Let d IN THE GREAT SCAPPOOSE, COLUMBIA COUNTY FRUIT BELT Are Xott Beinr Subdivided Into 10, 20, 30-Aere Trswtsi by MeFarland Invest ment Co., of Portland, Ores?00 TWO TOWN LOTS FREE IX SPITZ EMBEBG The choicest selections of high-grade apple and pear land can be bought in 10-acre tracts for $500 each (only $50.00 per acre). Others at $400.00, as to location. 20-ACItE TRACTS $4O0 AND 500 EACH. . . 30-CBE TRACTS 400 AND 500 EACH. The Soil is a splendid quality of volcanic ash and clay loam, -which is considered the standard bv aopie growers. Our lands are only 25 miles from Portland, to the west and north. Railroad connections are perfect the Portland and South western U. R. runs daily trains througrh the center of this acreage. Astoria Columbia K. R. within a short distance. The New Town of Spltxenbers is being laid out and each person buy ing a 10, 20 or 30-acre tract will be given two lis free .each 50x100 feet), 100 feet square in a body. Suitable blocks are donated for school and church purposes, also warehouse sites for future fruit-packing establishments. No better investment can be possible for any business man or woman, either professional or otherwise, who desires an orchard near Portland, than to buy one or more of these tracts at our low prices. Scapnoose Apples are well known as being highly colored and of delicious flavor, when properly cultivated. This orchard tract has an elevation of 600 to 800 feet above the Columbia River, thus being in sunshine when the low-lying districts are covered with fogs. No Irrigation Is Needed. The land lies sloping, with perfect drainage. Plenty of wood without cost. Now is the time to get a start on a fortune. You can buy ten acres at less than an ordinary cltv lot can be bought. A few years' growth of apple trees will bring an income of $500 to $1000 per acre, when planted to Spltzenberg and Yellow Newtown apples. Don't rielav. Save money by making a quick selection. Only about one hun dred facts for sale. liberal terms to suit. For full par ticulars, call or write HcFARLAND INVESTMENT CO. 311 orbrlt BulldlnK Building;. Merrltt dfc Pnlmer, Sales Agents. Portland, Oreson. HEADQUARTERS FOR UNION AVENUE PROPERTY Several choice corners. SPECIAL SNAP S. TV corner Union avenue and Morris, 108xl00. Income $30 Only $5000 Cash Required. G9DDARD & WEIDRICK 243 Stark St. WASHINGTON STREET $55,000 Three lots, cor. Washington and King. $50,000 Brick building full lot $25,000 shinjeton and For n Ford 100 deej Corner TVashinjcton and Ford 189 feet on Ford 100 deep. Vanduyn & Walton 616 Chamber of Commence. HOLLADAYADD. HOME PRICE 36500 If you wish a home with every com fort in choicest of residence districts, convenient to 2 carlines, let us show you one at Kast Klevnth and Halsey streets. Corner lot 50x100 and 8-room house, full cement basement, up-to-date hot water heating plnnt. electric lights. Price includes all lighting- and heating fixtures, carpets, shades, kitchen range, etc. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call and let us show you. Mai! & Von Borstel 104 Second St., Lumber Exchange Bldfr. WHEAT LAND T handle my own wheat land; will take mall cash payment, good Port land property or secured notes for first payment, and take OXE- HALF of crop until land is paid for. J. O. ELROD, 519-520 Corbett Tilde, Opposite Post office. Peninsula Acreage Kor subdivision. A money maker. Brong-Steele Co. 110 Second St. NEW TODAY. NEW HOUSE -ONLY $10 PER MONTH NEVER AGAIN will you have such an opportunity of moving into a spick and span new house and become the proud owner of your own home for only $10 per month. Come and see it. Fine big lot; splen did view, close in; best surroundings; city water. The best place to live and make your home. The best place to buy for an Invest ment. , Lots not as good sell for twice the price elsewhere. Come to office and ride out in our automobile, or go to office at Gregory Heights, end of East Ankeny-Rose Cltv Park canine. Seeing Is believing. Don't take our word for it. And don't aak your landlord. COME. Fully Illustrated folder on request 15 INVESTMENT C0.o,SS 41S Corbett BIdK-. Fifth and Morrison. For 1900 Finest fruit land in Southern Oregon, in famous fruit section, including bearing orchards. Will exchange for Portland busi ness property and pay difference. Chapin & Herlow S32 Chamber of Commerce. $5000' East Taylor Street No. 690 East Taylor St., between 14th and 15th, swell modern, 6-room house, 2 fireplaces, furnace,- fine improvements, full lot, nice lawn and roses, street work paid, good neighborhood and easy walk ing distance. tlOOO cash. $25 per month; worth $XC0; a snap. See it today, then see The Owner 317 Board, of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 20th and' lovejoy 100x100. on the N. E. corner of Love- joy and 20th. dhxiuu, aa.ioining. Can make' a price on these proper ties that will interest you. No phone Information. , EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 Abington Bldg. NOTHING DOWN NOTHING FOR 3 YEARS We will sell choice residence lots at University Park, without any payment on the purchase price for three years, to those who will build modern resi dences. Money to loan to homebullders. FRANCIS I. McKEJJSA, 617 Commercial Block. Second nnd YYasblnKton. ONE ACRE BARGAIN On Grays Crossing, a real bargain on easy terms; $1250. $400 cash. Frederick C. Forbes, 529 Lumbermen's, Fifth st. GRAND AVENUE Close in, corner, 100x100. Price $S0T0. Income $50 month. Terms. AN 501, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrew. F. V. A Co. M. 3340. SO Hamilton bid-!. Beck. William 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real ertate. Insurance, mortgages, loatia, etc Bru baker & Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. M. 549. Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Coo"-;. B. S. A Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C E- & Co., Board ot Trade bldg. Jennings & Co.. Main 188. 206 Oregonlan. Farrish. Watklns & Co.. 250 Alder t. Schalk, Geo. D.. 2Gi Stark at. Main or A Sharkey. J. P. & Co.. 122 Sixth St. The Oregon Ral Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). WMKer S. T , 004 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. TRVINGTON RBSIDENCE LOT. 50x100. on paved street. within three blocka of car; well abpv grade; the best lot in Irvington for the' money; price $1200, termw. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699, A 2653. ' WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. View lot (10x112, surrounded by fine homes: all Improvements in; one block from oar; price 52650. H. P. PALM BR-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8639. A 2653. WEST PARK ST., CORNER Jackson, the only corner for sale on this choice street : an ideal apartment site, very reasonable for quick turn. VANDUYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber of Commerce. , 125x182. WITH 3-room house. 2 chicken houses. 60 fruit trees., small berrie. etc.; city water, 2 blocks from car. 20 minute from heart of city; $180. easy terms. Call 313 Chamber of Commerce. SIX lots, unexcelled iew of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest ; for pale at a great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 034. VERT desirable Portland Heights Jot, on car line; eplendid north and east view; only $1000; if you are looking for a bargain, this is your chance. W. J. Smith, 4-38 Chamber of Commerce. I WILL build you a home after your own Ideas on easy terms; see me before you buy. S. D. Vincent, M20-421 Lumbermen's bldg. Al REAL ESTATE contract. $1300. payable monthly; sacrifice for cash, or will take Ut part payment. M 505. Oregonian.' IF you want to buy real estate cneap If you want to sell real estate cheap SEE ME That's the onlv kind I handle. S. D VINCENT. 420 Lumbermens Bldg. LOTS, $100 EACH. New addition, on carline. 25 minutes ride. $2 or $3 per month. National Realty A Trust Co., 326H Washington st.. room 516- 500 LOTS for sale in St. Helens. $lO0 and up. J. B. 221 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON lots $i000. A. Backus. Board of Trade bldg Main S3 fit). A 7574. THREE .10x100 lots on 14 th. near Ains worth. cheap; terms. 418 Manhattan st. 4 LOTS, each SOxloo, 4 blocks east from Woodlawn station. Phone Woodlawn 203. FOR SALE A choice lot in Irvington. T 464. Oregonian. -. xr- - a. A REAL ESTATK. For Sale -Lots. LA U R K.I.H V RST. We have som of the best lot and quar ters in this beautiful addition at firs prices, which are eure to increase in value within the next six month: ripht now ia the time to get the picTi f the best. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Ciub FIdg. Phones Main $689. A 2653. APARTMENT OR HOTEL SITE. 100x100. close in. just north of Washing ton St., on paved eireet; is in center of best recider.ee and family hotel district; two houses on the property bring in $75 per month; price $2O.0Ou. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2653. ONLY $40 CASH BUYS Full 45x100 lot. on graicii street, city wa ter (in and paid), cement walk and curb bonded, near good carline and 10 nln. ride from brfdge; bal. of $335 payable $10 monthly This la your chance. Complete abstract, perfect title. Call at once. 516 Abington Bldg. L'OTS 5 DOWN GARDEN. CHICKENS. ETC. " Choice building lots on Orrgon City car line- new addition; price 100 each; $2 or monthly payment. NATIONAL REALTY A TRCPT CO., 32a1 Wash. St. Room 51G-17. MOUNT TABOR. inox'00, CORNER; BARGAIN. TOML1NSON. 47 FIRST STREET. For Sale House. ( THREE BARGAINS. 5- room house, modern. East Madison st.; fine neighborhood, full !ot; two good ranges and carpets to go with house. Price ?42oO. terms. 6- room modern house, 32d et., near Clin ton, full lot", some fruit. Price $liA; $500 cash, balance easy termo. 5-room modern bungalow, on East 29th. and lOu feet from car. This place i new and is a bargain. Price J26S0. $150 cah. balance pavable $15 per month. THE STROUD-FRY COMPANY, 434 Chamber of Commerce bl.ig. BEAUTIFUL HOME AT RIVERDALB. The house Is new, beautifully designed and finely finished; the grounds are large and well improved and the view ot the river, city and mountains cannot be ob structed; the location is in the most ex clusive residence section in or about Port land; the price is right. For further par ticulars see R. F. BRYAN, 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1.103. A 1227- IRVINGTON HOME CHEAP. S-room. modern Improvements, bath room, with bet plumbing and extra tofiet; hot-air furnace, fireplace, both electric and gas fixtures; full cement basement: house in perfect condition ; street improvements paid; very good location, in that part of Irvington nearest to downtown; handy to carline; cheaper than any surrounding property. phone after 6:U P- M., East 728. A GOOD LITTLE INVESTMENT FOR SALE It is a modern 4-room bungalow, with. bath, hot and cold water, electric light, etc.; is rented at $15 per month, and we will sell it for .VH down and balance on easy terms; has one and a half lot, an,d only two blocks from car, on St. John line; only one block from beautiful Colum bia Park. WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO., 621 Corbett Bldg. IN HOLLADAY' S ADDITION I have 4 new houses (will be completed in a few daytl, surrounded by some t Portland'se nicest Homes; these houses have hardwood floore and every modern convenience; if you want a HOME that ycu will be proud of, where the surroundings leave nothing to be de sired, let me sell you one of these h'JUJ-ee. The prices are very low. "ft". J. Smith, 43S Chamber of Commerce. HOLLADAY ADD. BARGAIN. House with S large rooms-; will take afi part payment vacant city property; fine location; 2, blocks from Broadway carline; furnace, grate, paneled library; gas and electric fixtures; cement cellar floor, ce ment wash tubs; 2 bathrooms. 2 toilets; only $5000. phone owner, B 1362 or East 02. CHEAP WKPP SIDE HOME. ONLY $5'X0. ftOxIOO comer, large 10-room house, all conveniencee, in first-class - condition-; 15 minutes' walk from center of city;, will ex change for close-in East Side improved or unimproved property. , FRED C. KING, 506 Commercial Block, 2d and Wash. Sta. HOME IN OVERLOOK. Must go East and will sacrifice my home, lot 50x100. new 7-room house. strictly modern, everything In, gas. eiec-( trie, water ana lunmce, m uwsl v. plumbing and fixtures, half block from one of the best carlines, must be sold in 10 days. Call at 824 Colonial ave. Owner. CORBETT-ST. HOME, $500. Good 2-etory 6-room house, with gas, bath, basement, on Corbett st.. near Gibb?: price $2500, worth $3i'0O; $5U0 cash. $20 per month; easy walking distance; a snap not often found. GRTJSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bliig.. 4th and Oak. BARGAINS 6-room house on Montana, near Falling, with nice yard and fruit; modern; also 6-room house with alcove, on Mary land ave., near Killing'worth, with nice yard, all modern; both houses for sale cheap; party needs money; terma. Address H 603, Oregonlan, or phone C 1053 after 6 P. M. SHERIDAN-ST. HOUSE. Very ni--e, nearly new 7-room house on Sheridan, near 5th, a few minutes' walk from postoffice; a bargain at $2750, part cash; come quick; see it today. $ GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. MODERN residence, ltf rooms and attic, on E. 2Sth and.Tibbits sts; full block, high, sightly, fine lawn, shrubbery and shade trees; all kinds fruit, greenhouse and out buildings, cement walks In; owner leaving city. Phone Seilwood 795. Terms. A FINE BUY. A modern 6-room house with two 50x100 lots, fine river view, nice garden, fruit, fine place for chickens, fine lawn; the best bargain we know of. THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO., 621 Corbett Bldg. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid viww of mountains an& rivers; beautiful. commodious, convenient. new; nicely improved grounds, 100x100. fronting hard-eurfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner. 02 Corbett block. WEST SIDE HOME. 8 rooms, modern ; garage, fine view, one block from car; price $7500. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8669, A 2653. BUNGALOW, just completed for owner, beautiful home, ready for occupancy, light fixtures and yard in, well located, close in; will sell below cost; terms. Owner. 405 Gerlinger bldg. A NICE home for a little money, 5-room modern house, lot 50x100. close to Atns worth ave.; price $1700; good terms. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg., office 3. ON account of leaving the state must sell my home. If you want a complete home, come and make me an offer; always at home mornings. 95 East 34th sL 3 ROOMS, $1250, 200 down, $15 per month; 5 rooms, modern. 2i00. $.'00 down, $15 per month: Stuart Station, Mt. Scott car line. Phone Tabor 660. Bennett & Wells. NEW, modem. 5-room houpe, 7-Inch wall, full bailment, on one of the best streets in Portland; part ca?h, terms on balance. Ad dress fei'3 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. NEW, modern 4-room bungalow, wired, large lot, basement, cement foundation, pantry, sink, toilet, bath, lavatory. Price $1500. $150 cash, balance to suit. 424 Henry bldg. 2 FIVE-ROOM modern, np-to-date bunga lows, all latest conveniences. 3026-8 Lin coln st.. cor. East 34th. See owner at 1030 Lincoln. FOR SALE 8-room modern house, furnished or unfurnished. Eaet Side, walking distance, block from car; paved street. Gibson & Hol liday, C4-5 Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE OR exchange, I4-room house and 100x150-ft. lot at Palatka. Fia., for Port land property, or acreage. Phone Wood lawn 1452. BARGAIN price in pretty 6-room modern bouse and attractive 75x100 lot in best part of Irvington, if taken soon. Inquire 725 Weldler st. HOME built to order on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under bond; in vestigate plan. R. C. Young, box 4064. FOR SALE By owner. the handsomest bungalow In Irvington. 406 E. 20th st. North. Call and see iL ' NEAR new Jefferson High School, modern. 6-room house, tiplerdid locntlon. Inquire 1065 Maryland ave. Phone Woodlawn 60. 5-room cottage. South Portland, walking dis tance; gas, bath. Owner, T 507, Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern house, full lot. $3000, same as rent. Phone Woodlawn 1799. REAL ESTATE. For Jle Houses. IRVINGTON HOME, muse uv soltl; strictly modern J -room, well-built house, at 83 1 Hancock St. (cor. of E. 2th st.. must bs old. Large verandas, sleeping baicoUMS. oak floors in both stories, enameled wood work. -2 fireplaces, fu.l concre'.o bamcnt. etc This house was built for a home aud will b sold at very masonabfe prlco and terms. Price 110.500. Address room 11, SSOVa 3d st. Phones A S&92 or Mala s9. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms." hardwood floors, built-in buffet, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch; Jut com p'eteii; new and mo.iern in every detail; faces eas., within one block of car; prica $6500, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Pnones Main S6V9. A 2653. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-room modern cottage, iww, 2 blocka from car; 6-room modern cottage, one block from car; grounds highly improved. S cores wood In basement: will sell partly furnished if desired; will take unimproved lots a rart payment: inducement to buyer as owner mui: leave the city. For particulars phone Tabor 4$. WEST 'SIDE LOT. 5Cxlt"(t FEET. Price $175, easy terms. 5 cent carfare. See owner. 614 Board of Trade bldg. SEE me for a nice home on easy terms. S. D. Vincent, 420-421 Lumbermens bldg. Acreage. PENINSULA ACREAGE. 10 acros, must be so id without delay; all cleared, ready to plat Into lots. The cheapest subdivision proposition on the market; if satisfied to double your money in 60 days, see VANDUYN & WALTON, 5ti Chamber .of Commerc?. WASHINGTON COUNTY ACREAGE. 10 acres. 10 miles from Portland, 1 $ mil-'S from Oregon Electric ?t.ition. all in cultivation, running water, partly planted to hops, new hophou.se: price $-7.0. terms. THE STROUD-FRY COMPANY. 4J4 Chamber of Commerce. FOR S41.K N'car liase Line road tut ween Gresham and Trout dale in Multnomah, Countv. SO acres land cuitable for farm ing, gardening or fruit raising. Price $H per acrtj. Will sell all or part. For further information inquire J. W Roots. Boring. Or. - ACREAGE close to carline. all clearod. 10 acres set to apples, 5 a-jres under plow, no buildings, tine water. $150 per acre; this is line land; cume and see this. Young. Bros.. Gerlinger Bldg. 5 ACRES at Donald Station, on Oregon Elec tric, all in high stite of cultivation; $1225, $5uu cash: good terms n balance. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 45 acres, all under cultivation, 10 miles from Portland, level land, on R. R.: this is a good buy; price $250 per acre. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg., office 3. ACREAGE In large or small tracts on car line, close in; choice river front; 500 acres to subdivide. Kinnev A4 StaniDher. 51 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 4SS1. BEST BUY In Portland. lt-i acres, well im proved; house, barn, fruit. 2V milea Mor rison bridge; $17,tO0, giod terms. Wade Real Estate. 614 Swetland bldg. 100 ACRES, near Llnnton. fine soil, suitable for subdivision, value $300 an acre: trade alt or part for city property. A 439, Ore gonian. Homesteads. FINE CENTRAL OREGON HOMESTEAD. Will return to my homestead in a few days. Can take you with me and locate you on rich level ground In fine large valley; no rock or stunipe; new railroads now build ing; large community, fine people; sawmill, rchoois. rural delivery, daily mails. I show you the ground. You pay me a location ie onlv in event you file. See me and ar range to go. ALVIN S. HAWK, Printer, SS'-j Thin? st. GET A TEAM FREE WITH YOUR HOME STEAD. Good team, wagon and camp outfit ready for any party interested in a Cen tral Oregon homestead; a few minutes' talk will convince you this Is a very lib eral offer on our part. DESHON & HAWK, .Surveyors, 407 Lumbermen's Bldg.. 5th and Stark. FREE LANDS IN OREGON. Send your address or call and get our booklet that tells all about the 320-acre homesteads In Central Oregon; three rail roads now building on direct line towards the property. B. S. COOK A CO., .V3 Corbett Bldg. 14 MILES out. $150 per acre, close to town of Damascus and near electric line; 50 did country road on two sides; agreeable terms to ourchajer. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. F Board of Trade Bldg. HOMES 1 E AD relinquishment, near good town; good land, with timber and water; . some Improvements; 40o takes it ; ideal -place for lady. 514 Swetland bldg. TH-HEE fine relinquishments, 4 homesteads, on good creeks, close to Portland. Nimmo, Runey & Davis, 13 Hamilton bldg., 131 3d st. Miscellaneous. IF TOU ARE LOOKING FOR clsee-ln acreage or small, well-improved farms, at low price and on most ' liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD, 520 Corbett bldg. ACRES choice platting land; will be sold for $9000. 410 Failfng bldg. WANTED RE.1L ESTATK. WE HAVE been very successful In handlin city vacant. If you have any vacant prop erty that you wish to dispose of kindly call and see us regarding same. THE SOUTHER-ALBERTSON COMPANY, 203 Corbett bldg.. Portland, Or. WE ARE in touch with parties wishing t purchase desirable homes on either east or West Side. U your house is for sale call and see us or phone Main 6719. THE SOUTHER-ALBERTSON COMPANY, 203 Corbett bldg.. Portland. Or. LIFT your property with us. We will sell IU PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. K Cor. Third and Oak Sts I HAVE $2500 cash and will assume as much for the best investment this amount will buy; no attention paid to answers un less proper Information is given. J 50a, Oregonian. HAVE 2 customers for 4 and 5-room house, not over $1500, with small payment down. North pacific Realty Co.. 605 Commercial block. . - - WANTED Income property from $20.000 00 up from owners. Everett & McLeod. 616 and 517 Rothchild bidg. REAL ESTATE. 31 Iscellaneou a. WE have a number of very desirable homs for sale, placed wJth us by owners who . do not care to have name or location made public; all good valuea Also good investment property, buslnssa and residence; would ba glad to tell you about them. Realty Department. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. 6th and Washington Sts. 60 FINE homes for saie. and lots of al! kinds and prices, well located, and some fine rooming-houses. Call SOgfe 4tu st E. Crampton. . FARMS WANTED. IF you want to lease or sell a farm, list it with us, as we have calls every day for farm land. OREGON LAND CO., 24fi4 Stark St. WE have a practical dairyman who want. a dairy, stocked, 25 to 5- cows; would like to leae with the privilege of buying. ATLAS LAND CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange. FIVE to ten acres land, either clear or not, for poultry-raising, within ten miles from city. 264 Davis st., Portland. . .WANTED TO RENT-FARMS. WANTED To rent farm, all furnished, stock, etc. E. S. Cowden, Lents, Or.