Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 30, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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President Makes Humorous
Speech at Expense of
. Congressmen.
Peclarcs for Deep Waterway at 'Cost
of $200. 000,000, but Can't Gef
Speaker Committed to
Bond Issue.
NATCHEZ. Miss.. Oct. 29. In his speech,
at Vicksburg late last night. President
Taft had a little fun with the Congress
men on the river trip and on board whose
steamer, tt Is said, nine poker tables were
provided. Addressing the presiding of
ficer, at the Kilts' Club, the President
aid: . .
"You have Intimated that somebody
thought It was a junket. Well, that de
pends upon what you mean by a Junket.
If It Is to be defined as the man defined
his pleasure when he did not take his
wife with him. It is a Junket. If It
means a Journey full of pleasure and
'with no work and no effort In it, then 1
deny that it Is a Junket.
Pokes Fun at Poker-Players.
"You could understand the- motive tliat
prompted a number of the Congressional
party to the study of human nature in
which we learn so much of the lineaments
of the human countenance and how they
may be framed to deceive the pictures
that are presented to the eyes. There
fore. I deny that this Is a Junket. It
never is a Junket where the winners have
gone home and the losers are setting
"I would not have you think, those of
you whose experience fits you to inter
pret fully the meaning of my remarks,
that our eyes, in going down the river,
have not been properly directed to the
waterway before us. under us and back
of us. and to the shores on each side. In
the study of the very difficult question
that presents itself as to the improvement
of this river.
$20,000,000 for Deep Waterway.
There are those 'of us who are con
'vinced beyond any change at all .as to
what ought to be done. There are those
of us who. are most willing , to be con
vinced and yet are still somewhat doubt
ful as to the method which ought to be
pursued as to the policy that ought to be
undertaken in Improving this waterway.
"I am sure the elTect of this trip makes
for good and for the development of the
river, but there is a long fight ahead and
the enthusiasm of the valley, the en
thusiasm of the people In the states in
the valley, does not accomplish the lm-,
provement or bring it about In the way
it ultimately will come. It has to be
threshed out In Congress and throughout
the country and the country has to be
satisfied that in expending the 1200,000.000
it will probably take 1300.000.000 It will
be well spent."
-The ' President declared that 20O.0OO,O0O
was not a large amount for the United
States to pay to develop a waterway as
Important as the Mississippi.
Tries to Smoke Oat Cannon.
Mr. Taft in his speech last night' had
some fun with Speaker Cannon and his
position with reference to water Improve
ments. Mr. Cannon had said at Cairo
that he was like Ft- Paul, in that the
President had almost persuaded him. ex
cept as to a bond tsrfue. The President
said last night that one of the objects
of the trip down the river had been to
ascertain the Speaker's attitude.
"But, so far." said the President, "he
has been able sto cloud what he really
thought In the language of that Oriental
literature which carries him off In a blaze
of glory without a full committal.
"All I have to say in the presence, of
the distinguished statesman Is that he
heretofore has Indorsed all I have said,
with certain scriptural qualifications, and
I am willing to indorse what -Uncle Joe
says if I may be permitted to search
through "Cruden'a Concordance' and get
a few scriptural quotations."
Taft Draws Comparison and Defines
Problem for Congress. 4
NATCHEZ. Miss., Oct. 29. Like a Wo
. man is the Mississippi River, according
to President Taft in an address-in Nat
chez today. The President said:
"The Mississippi River in Its power. In
Its willingness to make eddies and trou
ble. In its beauty, for it has great beauty,
as we saw when we came down, reminds
one dare I say It? of ' beautiful and
powerful woman. ' , , j
."Properly directed (only by sugges
tlon she Is the' greatest aid to progress
and happiness that we have In life. But
treated without discretion, sought to be
hemmed In where she will, by the force
of her character, break out, she loses the
opportunity for usefulness and sometimes
wrecks everything she strikes.
"And now, that Is the kind of a crea
ture that the Waterways Assocatlon In
vites the Speaker of the House and his
associates a quorum. I may say. of the
committee of the whole of the rtates of
the Union to study with a view to con
trolling, so that we may make the most
of her. And we are going to do It. Just
how. neither the Speaker nor I incline to
confide In you at present."
Mr. Taft said "he would discuss the
subject In more detail at the New Or
leans waterways convention. Speaker
Cannon and Secretary Dickinson followed
with a few remarks.
The President's party then resumed the
driver voyage. New Orleans likely will
be reached on schedule time tomorrow
One of Fleet Almost flumps Into
Tatt's Vessel on Mississippi.
NATCHEZ. Miss.. Oct. 29. Not since
the day" the battleship Mississippi vis
ited Natchez, and won the river speed
record .from this city to New Orleans,
has there been another such crowd
, on the bluff as greeted President Taft
on his arrival here on board the light
house tender: Oleander at 9;40 o'clock
this morning. ,
The President was "nearly three !;nurs
behind time. Eight of the other vessels
jf the waterways fleet were In sight when
the Oleander pointed her nose into the
bank, because the Oleander, after dis
tancing the other boats yesterday; heffcelf
ot Into difficulties last night. 3he waa
blocked in Vicksburg harbor canal hy
later arriving boats and it took an hoor
and a half of river profanity and consid
erable tact to get her clear.
Once out of Vicksburg harbor, another
Incident occurred which is likely to cause
trouble to some of the rivermen. Th
Erastus Wells won second place In the
and visit these tracts. Jt is a beautiful trip
and you will be well repaid. You will be
back to Portland 7 A. AT. Monday. When
possible we prefer to have purchasers see
the land. -. If you can't spare the time we
will select for you, using our best judgment
in every case. ' I
. ' . . .
line yesterday in the free-for-all run
from Helena to Vlckeburg.
The steamer Alton, which Is declared
to be faster than the Wells, tried to push
Into second place as the Oleander was
leaving last night, and for a minute or
more there was an exciting and danger
ous scene suggestive of the old days on
the Mississippi. Great clouds of smoke
poured from the tall stacks of the two
boats and occasional flashes of flame
belched from the black clouds. The mas
ters were trying to push each other out
of line as they rushed along.
The struegie continued until the two
racers were almost at the stern wheel
of the Oleander. -As hey came within
hailing distance. Commander Tillman,
admiral of the fleet, called some orders
through a megaphone which set things
straight. He directed the Alton to drop
astern of the Wells and the race was
over. Secretary Nage, of the Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor, under
whose direction the steamboat service
Is. was on the top deck of the Oleander,
watching the midnight race.
The idea of waiting outside of New Or
leans 'tor the straggling members of the
fleet has been abandoned, and the Ole
ander will enter the city Just as soon as
she can get there. It Is hoped this will
be by noon at the latest. , .
President Taft was greeted - here by
Mayor Benrook and a reception commit
tee. The Mayor made a brief address of
welcome, and the President responded.
Leaving the steamer, the . President and
many of the visiting Governors who ar
rived on the -steamer St. Taul. were tak
en for-an automobile drive through the
city. The ride ended at a court of honor
on the bluff, where the President made
a brief address.
. i
Goes Over Kout of Prortbsed ' Eleo-
trio Line to Grants Pass.
ASHLAND. Or.," Oct. 29. John F. Stev
ens, president of the Oregon Trunk Rail
road, accompanied by John R.- Allen, who
recently purchased and is extending the
Pacific & Eastern Railroad from Medford
to Butte Falls, wene' In Ashland today
en a tour of this section of the Rogue
River Valley.
While here they looked for a route for
the proposed electric railway system
which Mr. Allen announces he will con
struct between Ashland and Grants Pass.
The prospect of an electric line through
Rogue River Valley has considerably en
thused the people of this section.
President Condemns Wickedness of
Murder of Prince Ito.e
WASHlXG-rOX. Oct. 2. Following is
the text of a message sent by President
Taft to tlje Emperor of Japan express
ing his sorrow at the death of Prince
lto: '
" extend to your majesty and to the
Japanese people my profound sympathy
In the great .loss sustained by you In the
death of Prince lto. I enjoyed the honor
of his friendship. I cannot too strongly,
condemn the wickedness of his . murder-
Our cream chicken dinners have made
a hit. As a novel feature everything on
th. -menu Is prepared with fine, rich
cream and cooked-and served in- the
"home-way." Every Sunday from 4 to
T;3rt o'clock: prlc? 7rc. Swctlonds. 2W-71
Morrison a different place to eat.
' Fiee auto ride Sunday. Take Broadway
car Sunday. October 31. and go to East
Twenty -second and Thompson street?,
where free autos will meet you rain or
shine between hours of .1 P. M. and 5
P. M7Tand show you lots irf Alameda
Park, the "Tuxedo", of Portland. . Bet
ter got
Miners Flee From Shaft When
Earth Rumbles. .
Occupants of Brick BuUdlnr Rush
to Streets In Fear During Shock.
Little Property Damage.
Public Clock Stops.
REDDING, Cal., Oct. 29. Reports re
ceived today regarding the earthquake
felt last night show that it was severe
throughout Shasta County and northward
through the Siskiyou Mountains region,
but no serious property damage resulted.
The miners In the Bully Hill mine at Del
amar were so badly frightened by , the
rumbling and shaking of the earth that
they started to come to the Surface.
In Redding several persons occupying
rooms en the upper floors of brick -buildings
rushed to the streets. The clock In
the dome of the Courthouse stopped at
10:45 f. M.
Reports generally agree that the dura
tion of the quake was 30 seconds. There
were -three sharp shocks, but the vibra
tions were continuous. t
Many Marshfield Peqple Awakened.
Fortuna Suffers $8000 Damage.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. Oct. 29. (Special.)
The earthquake shock felt on Coos Bay.
as reported In a special to the Oregornlan
late last night, proved today to have
occurred beyond a doubt. Scores of
Marshfield people .reported today having
felt a slight but distinct shock shortly
before 11 'P. M. . yesterday, five minutes
later than it is reported to have been
felt at Humboldt Bay. Some who were
here during the San Francisco earth
quake say the tremor last night waa
more pronounced than the one felt on
Coos Bay during the San 'Francisco dis
aster. Many of the Marshfield people who
were asleep say that they were awakened
by the shock. It' seems to have been
especially felt In the residence district
and In the upper stories of the down
town buildings. Not the slightest damago
was done here, and it Is the first time
for years 'that a shock has been felt
here. The incident did not create any
alarm or excitement.
The United Wireless Station picked up
a message announcing the quake at Eu
reka. The message stated that the quake
was of 26 secdnd' duration.
Tonight a message ertated that the dam
age at Fortuna was J.3000."-"
Rumblings of Earth Accompany
Quake In California.
JVEAVERV1LLE. Cal.. Oct. 29. The
most severe earthquake ever known In
Trinity .County was felt here at 10:43
o'clock last night. The vibrations were
from to south and continued for
30 seconds or more as a constant shiver.
At the same time rumblings In the earth
were heard.
Half a dozen chimneys in Hayfork Val-
The supply of
P. TTardiner
T.l J
gon : tiease senu iuu uarncuiais auuui qu
aere orchard tracts to:'
Board of Trade Building-Ground Floor ' Portland and
lev were thrown down and an old brick
wall here was leveled.
Siskiyou Temblors Only Shake Wires
Out of Commission.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 29. An earth-
1, - T-annrted from several places
more severe than any experienced for
several years, was felt last night in North
ern California, une viorauuns mnuuucu
from 10 to 25 seconds, according to ob
servers in different towns. Windows were
shattered, several chimneys prostrated,
dishes broken and small pieces of furni
ture moved, but so far as known the
financial damage was nominal.
Among the cities and towns where the
quake was felt are Redding, Red Bluff.
Chlco, McCloud, Weavervllle, Dunsmuir'
and 'Crescent City, in California, and
Grants Pass and Marshfield, Or. It was
not felt in San Francisco, nor was it re
corded at the local Weather Bureau.
Rickety Chimneys Thrown Out of
Plumb Wires Disabled.
EUREKA. Cal.. Oct. 29. (By wire
less.) An earthquake hock of suffi
cient severity to arouse the sleeping
populace and to crack a few windows
in unsubstantial buildings was felt here
shortly before 11 o'clock last night.
Rickety chimneys were thrown out
of plumb and wire communication with
the outside world Interrupted. The
shake was felt at Ferndale, Fortuna
and Scotia, and it Is reported that some
little damage was done to a lumber
mill in course of construction, at the
latter place.
Earthquake Is Distinctly Felt in
Vancouver, B. C.
VANCOUVER. B. C. Oct. 29. (Spe
cial.) Yesterday afternoon, according to
statements made today by storekeepers
In a lower section of the city, a distinct
earthquake shock was felt here, prob
ably the echo of the shocks which were
felt up and down the Coast from Cali
fornia. In' the Orange Hall, plaster was shaken
down'from te celling and a number of
stores felt the quake so distinctly that
their employes ran out Into the streets.
Crescent City Feels Quake.
GRANTS PASS. Or.. Oct. 29. (Special.)
Inhabitants of this city were awakened
last night by several slight earthquake
shocks at 10:18 o'clock. The shocks
traveled from south to north and were
stronger at Crescent City, where it is
reported that they were the heaviest
felt there since 1870. No damage was
done to property.
Severe Shock in Curry County.
CRESCENT CITT. Cal., Oct. 29. The
earthquake was more severe in Curry
County, Or., than here but did no serious
damage. A few hours after the shock
a heavy rain' and wind storm occurred
London A score of miners were killed by
an explosion In the Rhymney Iron Company's
colliery In Glamorganshire, Wales. Friday.
parjs The American hOFpltal. built and
equipped throudh the g-eneroslty of the
American colony In Paris, was. formally
opened Thursday.
San Francisco In a head-on collision be
tween two big touring ' cars on the Oreat
Highway In this city. at an early hour Fri
day eight people were seriously Injured.
Ban Francisco The liirtted States gun
boat Albany, which sails for the Philippines
In December, will carry to the Orient a sliver
punch bowl and a great silver loving cup,
MhM l 11 I - id
To produce the perfect apple requires a rare combination of soil and climate. That
combination is found in the Umpqua Valley, as reports of leading experts will show,
and a visiUo our tracts will prove conclusively.
Other sections of the state produce fine apples. In size, flavor and color Umpqua
Valley apples are unexcelled. In color they are seldom if ever equaled.
Take it all of the year, the climate is delightful, making this valley one of the most de
sirable places,of residence in the West The residents of this favored spot are of the
sturdy American type. " .
It is almost needless to remind you of the immense profit in apple culture m Oregon.
The press throughout the United States has devoted hundreds of columns of space call
ing attention to the success of the industry and mentioning with amazement the fact
that full bearing orchards will pay a net annual income of from $500 to $1000 per acre.
Do you want some of this money which you can secure fro'm small investment? You
will never again be able to buy good apple land at the prices asked now. For the same
amount of money you cannot secure one-third the income in any other line.
apples is not half equal to
a ready martlet every year ior me ucau qucu-bei ui wmuij u w
Land Co.. Portland, Ore-
11 , C 1 r.
China and Japan, respectively, as tokens of
the kindly feeling ot the men of the At
lantic neet lowara mose wno mcimmni
them during the trip around the world.
Chicago" While State's Attorney Wyman
was at the hearing of- the Jury Commis
sioners' case In Judge Barnes' court Thurs
day, pickpockets robbed Charles Furthmann.
one of the prosecutor's aides, of a gold watch
valued at 200.
New York With the idea of ridding this
country of the various Blark Hand organiza
tions which haw been levying blackmail for
vears. Commissioner of Immigration Wil
liams will soon order hearings in the case
of 130 Italians suspected of being members
of the Black Hand, looking to their de
portation. New York Believing that he was pos
sessed by a devil, and in an effort to irive
the demon out. Daniel Edwin Hurley, who
said he was an actor from Providence. K.
I., built a roaring bonfire In the middle of
Fiftieth street before dark, Friday and hurled
himself Into the names.
Denver It has Just' become known that
Charles-W. Bennett, a wealthy map of Btng
hamton, X. Y-. who died recently, willed
$'00 O0 to J. W. Casey, of this city, as a
reward for saving his life 30 years ago.
, . . -.
this compennve age auu vucn -
possessor in the front ranks of -
The Well Informed of the World. -a
..... f,.-J f .hal L-ncwIedee is really essenh'ai to the achievement of the
highest excellence in any neia uuumu . .
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl.
-de-e of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of We and health
cage or r'u , . , . i :. i ij ,.m,mkererl that SvTUD
when a true and wholesome remcoy a unu ... - . .
-5 R and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an
ethical product which has met with the approval o the most eminent physicians and
gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remeay or "
Known Quality, Khown Excellence and Knovm
,1 .
farts and nas wn
word, who know ot their own personal muwicugouu,... ..
and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims i
This valuable remedy
under the name of-Syrup
wide acceptance as the most excellent ranuiy imuc. . .u,
Iaxative principles, obtained rrom Senna, are well Imown to phyaans
tuAuu (- r ii t f 1 f ,1 U 4 U lt,A have
and the Well Inlormea or mc vraiw " j
adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Hgs and
the demand, so pnaL you can
A cash payment, then monthly, quar
terly of semi-annual installments.
-Write today and let us fur
nish you full information.
Casey is the tiroprietor of a prosperous laun
dry and Is nim?ii comionaoiy on.
Washington To train Indians In agri
cultural pursuits on a broader and mora
practical scale, th Indian Bureau has un
dertaken the project of Installing model
farms on all Indian reservations, with
teachers who have been trained In scientific
agricultural schooll
Chicago Charging that her husband,
Kazan Cho Yo. author and former Instructor
In the I'nlversity of Toklo. had crippled her
bv applvlng Jlu Jl(su methods of cruelty.
Mrs. Orbta Ch Yo. American wife of the
Oriental, was granted a decree of divorce
here Thursday. ,
Denver Alarmed at the action' of the
"amateurs" In cutting the regular fee to
"S feats, the professional pallbearers or
IVnver who hang around the undertakers'
establishments and the Coroner s office to
aid in the last rites to the friendless dead,
are about to Join the ranks of organized
San Francisco Tlfty-two Chinese students
are on their way to the United States on
the liner China. After a year in preparatory
schools they will be entered In a number of
fc-adlng universities.
. of
Personal Knowledges
Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating
i mn e rnararrer u Diauca
L..kU Mlri nt mi MS OI UlC W CU 1UIUIU1CU ui mv-
.,Ti7j A ( ,,h tW
has been long and tavoraDiy Known
of Figs -and has attained to world
tuxirot oenna as more ruuy ucschuvc-y j
but doubtless it will always be Called for by the shorter
name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial
t- .liunn nnte when rjurchasinK the lull
CU-Ui " - r-- - -
name of the Company California- rig ayrup
Co. printed on the front of every package,
.rklir vmi rail for Svtud of FlES
or by the full name Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna.
saieiy uuuui
Roseburg, Oregon
Iowa and Michigan Shipping Goodj
West by Water. ,
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct. 29. Ship
pers In points as far west as Detroit,
Mich., and Cedar Rapids. Ia..-are send
ing their goodsto Pacific Coast points
by way of New York, thence -by water
to the Isthmus of Tehuarttepec. Mex..
thence adross the Isthmus, thence by
water to San Diego,' and finally from
that point by rail to their final destina
tions, at a lower rate than that asked
by the railroads for handling the ship
ments direct by rail to the Coast cities.
.That Is the Information given here to
day before Special Examiner Lyon, of
the Interstate Commerce Commission,
by. witnesses at the hearing of the peti
tion of the Los Angeles Jobbers' Asso
ciation for terminal rates to San Pedro.
The hearing was concluded today.
contests of
.A Cfi
I of
: it is the first
it t!
; made.