Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 30, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 Great Sale of "Wooltex" Coats for Women at S 1 8.50 to $30.00 Great Sale Men's Suits, Overcoats
Merchandise Purchased on Gredit Today Will Go on Your November Account New General Offices Located on Sixth Floor Annex
Portland Agents
Butterick Patterns
The Meier ? Frank Saturday Store
Demonstration of
"Nemo" Corsets
Buy Sheets and
Pillow Slips Now
If you don't, they will cost you
anywhere from 10 to 23 per cent
more before 1910 arrives. Here
yon find a complete stork of Pe
qunts in all Fizes, both sheets and
pillowcases, in the best jrrades and
the best values. Prices as follows;
72x90-inch Sheets at, each, 80
72xflfl-ineh Sheets at, each, 85
81x!X)-inch Sheets at, each, 85?
81s!9-inch Sheets at, each, 90
81x1 08-inch Sheets at, ea., $1.10
42x36-ineh Pillow Slips, ea., 19
'45x36-inch Pillow Slips, ea., 21
Percales 15c Yd.
Great October sale of 500 pieces of
handsome new Percales of the best
quality; all new patterns and col
orings; great assortment; 1 Cp
unusually pood values, yard
2000 yards of 72-inch all-linen Ta
ble Damask, in the very best pat
terns; best reprular fl qual- 7Cf
itr, at this low price, yard
75c Veiling 26c
3000 yards of new Chiffon Veiling
in black, white, navy, royal, brown,
lijrht blue, pink, etc.. with dainty
silk stripes and silk colored dots;
extra width, suitable for automo
bile veils; regular 50o and Ofic
75c values, special, the yd. -VI
Outing Flannel
Gowns at $1.75
(Jreat sale of women's high-grnde
Outing Flannel Nightgowns, all
white and fancy figured and
stried effects; Hubbard and ki
mono styles: all sizes, nicely made
and trimmed; best reg- '1 'JCt
ular $2.50 values, each
Women's Shoes
$4 Values $3. 1 9,
New, up-to-date styles s hoes of
quality at a sav:.n r you are bound
to appreciate. Patent leathers
with brown, London smoke, green
or blue ooze calf tops; also glazed
kid with patent tip? in Blucher
lace styles, and gunmetal calf in
Blucher or button styles; Good
year welts; all sizes and widths;
best regular $4.00 and $4.50 values,
now on sale at the spe- dJO Q
cial low price of, pair PJ
Economical buyers will anticipate
their Winter needs and profit by
the big saving afforded in this Hne.
Mayor Simon Sajs Work Will Be
Rushed Friendly Suit Started to
Contest Bonds' Legality.
Ralph Modjeski was confirmed as con
sulting engineer In charge of th con
struction of the Broadway high bridge,
when th. City Executive Board met yes
terday afternoon. Mayor Simon, who had
tentatively engaged the noted bridge man
for the position, stated the facts to the
members of the board, saying he had
given the subject great consideration,
and had decided to recommend Mr. Mod
jeski. Upon motion of George W. Brown,
chairman of the bridge committee, the
nomination was confirmed.
Mr. Modjeski left Portland for Chica
go last night, and before leaving, paid a
visit to Mayor Simon at the City Hall.
He told the Mayor that upon reaching
his headquarters In Chicago, he will send
a force of men to Portland to take
charge of the preliminary work, get
soundings In the river and attend to all
necessary matters preparatory to filing
plans and specifications for the structure.
It is to be of the bascule type, and will
cost approximately Jl.250.000.
"The construction of the Broadway
bridge will be rapidly pushed." said
Mayor Simon, after his conference with
Mr. Modjeski. "There Is to be no delay
on the part of the city or the consulting
engineer, and everything that can be
done to complete the bridge In quick
time will be done."
Attorney H. H. BIddell tiled ault In Cir
cuit Court yesterday for the Northeast
Side Improvement Association against
the city to test the legality of the Broad
way bridge bonds, sale of which has been
ordered. The suit Is a friendly one. At
torney Ralph R. Duniway said last night
he is preparing a suit to be brought in
the name of Frank Klernan against the
city to fight the bond issue, and have
it declared Illegal. But If fUed. his suit
will not partake of the friendly nature of
Judge J. C. Moreland. of Salem, Is at
the Cornelius
Mrs. S. R. Russell, of La Grande, Or.,
has a suite at the Oregon.
O. L. Fltchard. a hop-buyer of Inde
pendence. Or., Is at the Imperial.
Dr. R- G. Gale, a well-known practicing
physician of Medford. Or., is at the Ore
gon. F. B. Wait, a prominent cltlxen of
Sutherlln. Or.. Is registered at the Per
Una. B. 1L. fffM""- a prominent merchant
Women's Knit Underwear
$ 1.50-$2.00 Vds. 87c Gar.
Great Saturday sale of a sample line of women's Knit Underwear in wool
mixed, fleeced and heavy cotton-ribbed Vests, Tights and Union Suits;
white, gray and cream; entire reserve stock of a large Eastern Q7
mill; regular $1.50 to $2.00 values, at this low price, the garment -
Children's heavy fleeced lined cotton Shirts and Drawers; white 0 7
and gray; sizes 18 to 34; best 50o values, on sale at, garment
IP0- I . 1 i '
Men's $5.00 Robes at $3.38
Saturday sale of men's fancy Blanket Bath Robes, this season's goods,
made full length; neatly made and trimmed with cord and tassel; come
in fancy "tans, grays, blues, greens, neat floral and scroll de- ffO OQ
signs; best regula
lar $o.00 values, on
of Stockton., Cal., Is a guest of the Im
perial. Captain C. T. Belcher, of Collins Hot
Springs. Is registered at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Van Dyck, of
Paterson. N. J., have a suite at the Port
land. x
Dion De Bantry. well knbwn In Boston
and Eastern literary circles, is a guest
of the Cornelius.
D. W. Peeples, a United States Govern
ment o (Tidal at Washington. D. C, Is a
guest of the Oregon.
M. B. Hoggatt, - of Juneau, Alaska, a
prominent miner m that district. Is reg
istered at the Portland.
Commander Eva Booth, of the Salva
tion Army and her aides, were registered
at the Perkins yesterday.
Frank Gabel. a well-known business
man of The Dalles, spent yesterday here.
He was registered at the Perkins.
N. D. Miller, an official of the engi
neering department of the Northern Pa
cific Railroad with headquarters at St.
Paul, is a guest of the Portland.
A. Cheshire Mitchell, special repre
sentative of the Hotel Savoy, of Seattle;
is at the Portland Hotel for a few days.
Mr. Mitchell to renewing his acquaintance
"with local hotel men and the traveling
H. B. Stacy, a commission merchant of
Minneapolis. Minn., is at the Seward.
Mr. Stacy is making a tour of the apple
and fruit-growing regions of Oregon. He
Is making extensive purchases of Oregon
Dr. C. R. Templeton returned from
Mosier yesterday where he has been
looking after his fruit ranch for several
days. Dr. Templeton says every train
takes many Eastern people to Mosier
who are buying land, there.
Colonel George Harvey, editor of Har
per's Weekly, spent several hours in
Portland yesterday as a guest with the
party of President Clarence H. Mackay,
of the Postal Telegraph-Cable Company.
The party left for the South early last
The candy window at the Royal Bakjsry,
Washington and Park, is certainly unique
and appetising looking. Sausage and
headcheese candies, looks like the real
meat, only tastes more delicious. Try
At the Christian Brothers' College ba
tar, tonight. Halloween supper with the
good, old-time taste,- 25 cento, from 7:30
to 11 o'clock.
Full Moon Tide Clatsop Beach.
Did you ever see a real high tide? Full
moon tide 9 feet inches) Friday. Sat
urday and Sunday at Clatsop Beach.
Round trip fare via Astoria & Columbia
River R. R. only 3, going Saturday, re
turning Monday. Trains leave 8 A. M.
daily, also 6:30 P. M. Saturday. Beach
hotels open all year.
Harris Trunk Co. tor trnnava and bag
Third T
Floor v "
Men's Suits
$20 Values
At SS 2.35
Great special Saturday Bale of men's new
Fall and Winter Suits that are desirable
for business or dress wear. Winter-weight
fabrics of the best design and coloring,
fancy worsteds in neat stripes and shadow
plaids, cut in three-button sack styles. All
new up-to-date apparel, handsomely tail
ored throughout. Suits we sell thousands
of regularly' at $18.00 and $20.00 each.
Your choice today only at this low price,
per suit Men's Cloth-fl y C
ing Dept., third floor $ I tWoO?
sale at trie low price 01, ea. -r -
Boys' Cravenettes
$10 Values S6.35
Youths' Suits $13
Priestley "Cravenette" Raincoats for
boys 8 to 17 years of age; fancy
worsteds in tans and grays; lined;
full length, well made and finished;
every garment a genuine Priestley
"Cravenette"; the best PC
regular $10.00 value, at JU'-V
Saturday sale of young men's Suits
in fancy worsteds, cheviots, cassi
meres; in tans, oliv-ps, greens, fancy
blues; all new, up-to-date suits; sizes
30 to 36; $20 and $25 J1 O
values, at this low price ? J.OJ
Saturday sale of boys' Golf Waists,
without collar; ages 6 to 16 years;
chambrays, percales, madras, etc.; in
neat stripes, figures, etc., light CO
and dark effects; 75c values
i :
Sections Now Bark ' Will Be Given
More Arcs and Others Will
Lose Some Lamps.
The entire lighting system of Port
land is to he readjusted by the lighting
committee of the City Executive Board,
assisted by City Engineer Morris. This
was decided yesterday afternoon at the
regular, meeting of the board, when
Chairman Sichel.-of the committee, made
the motion. The clamor for electric
lights has become so great that some
thing must be done to remedy existing
conditions, and It is believed that a great
deal can be accomplished along this line
by the committee. - ,
There Is an ajnfair or unequal distri
bution of arc lamps, all over the city, ac
cording to the developments. Some sec
tions have many lights, while others
have virtually none, and it is regarded
as certain that there must be readjust
ment. No more arc lights will be ordered
by the Executive Board until the com
mittee, assisted by Engineer Morris, ac
complishes the object for which it was
appointed. The lighting fund is suffi
cient to warrant granting of all petitions
for these lamps throughout the city, and
great care must be exercised, in order
that all sections are treated fairly. "
The board took up the matter of the
proposed franchise on East Third street,
desired by the O. R. & N. Company, at
the request of Thomas Hislop. He asked
that the valuation be fixed at not more
than $100 a year and. upon motion of
Chairman Smith, of the franchise com
mittee, that valuation was ftxed. The
ordinance will now be returned to the
Council, and will probably be ordered
advertised by the City Council at its
next session.
The franchise has created much dis
cussion throughout the East Side, as
there are some who oppose it, on the
ground that it is more oc less of a nuis
ance, creating, as It does, an additional
track which the Morrison-street cars
must cross. It extends from East Burn
side street down East Third to Haw
thorne avenue. The franchise contains a
common-user clause, and therefore may
be used by any commercial railroad. The
large interests operating in the district
are strongly in favor of the franchise
passing at an early date.
Demonstration Train Retnrns.
Ending a journey of four days, which
extended over the three branch lines of
the O. R. & N. In Morrow, Gilliam and
Sherman Counties, the seventh demonstra
tion train of the railroad company re
turned to Portland last evening. The final
day Included a stop of three hours at 1
Dinner 75c
Have you tried one of our 75c Sat
urday evening Table d'Hote Din
ner? There's much satisfaction and
pleasure in this dinner.. Try it this
evening. Served from 5 to 8 :30 P.
M. Seventh floor; take elevator.
Crab Cocktail.
Chicken Broth with Rice.
Olives. Salted Almonds.
Boiled Chinook Salmon,
Sauce Hollandalse.
Potato Parlslenne.
Chicken Croquettes, Sauce
. Roast Duck with Apple Sauce.
Prime Beef au Jus.
Mashed Potatoes or
Fried Sweet Potatoes.
Stewed Corn or Green Peas.
Lettuce, French Dressing.
Green Apple PI , American Cheese
Vanilla Ice Cream.
Demi Tasse.
Gloves 43 c
1000 pairs of women's silk-lined
Cashmere Gloves, 2-clasp, in. black
brown, green, navy; also chamois-
ettes; sizes 5'2 to 8l2; 75c JQf
values, on sale at, the pair
Saturday sale of 500 dozen wom
en 's embroidered linen Collars, 14
to 2 inches high; all the very test
styles; regular 25c values; 1
buy all you want at, each
10c Ruching 5c
Saturday sale of 2000 Neck Rueh
ings; white, black and all colors;
best 10c values; buy all you C
want of them at, special, ea. -
25c Kerchiefs 14c
Saturday sale of 300 dozen wom
en 's hand - embroidered . Inilialed
Handkerchiefs; broken line of ini
tials; best styles; 25c val- 1 A
ues, at this low price, each
Wasco, where lectures were given, -and a
vtelt to the Hood River apple fair. The
addresses at Wasco were by Dr. Witby
combe, who talked on general farming
subjects, devoting particular attention to
stockralslng; Professor Scudder, who ex
plained the principles of dry-farming:
Professor Cole, who talked on fruitgrow
ing, and Professor Dryden, who spoke on
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chapman to Take
Up Homestead In Old Age.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chapman, pioneer
residents of Sellwood, left Tuesday for
their homestead, which is 30 miles west
of Salem, where they will spend the next
14 months, after which ' they can make
their final proof. The land Is part of the
Silets Reservation, and the task of reach
ing the homestead Is not easy, as the'
last ten miles Is through an almost un
broken wilderness. On the homestead
there are . 000, 000 feet of timber. Mr.
Chapman Is a veteran of the Civil War
and Uncle Sam has made it a little easier
for the old soldiers to secure title to a
homestead than the ordinary Individual.
Just prior to their departure for their
homestead Mr. and Mrs. Chapman were
surprised by 40 members of the A.' J.
Smith G. A. R. Post and Blackmar Cir
cle. Ladles of the G. A. R., who bade
them God-speed to their wilderness home
Remarks were made by Comrades Adams.
Miller Pratt and others, telling Mr. and
Mrs. Chapman how much they will be
Half Million Wisconsin Fish to Stock
Washington Streams.
VANCOUVER, Wash. Oct. 29. (Spe
cial.) J. M. Crawford, general superin
tendent of state fish hatcheries, arrived
today from the trout hatchery on Bas
ket Creek, where he had been on a
trip of inspection. He stated that he
found everything in excellent shape
for the reception of 550.000 eastern
brook trout, which have been shipped,
and which are expected to arrive with
in a very short time, from Wisconsin.
After this consignment arrives, it Is
the plan of the state fish commissioner
always to have trout being hatched
and ready for distribution from the
plant in Clark County. Trout will be
distributed from the only trout hatch
ery west of the Cascade Mountains in
Clark County, to the streams in Ska
mania, Klickitat, Cowlitz, Chehalls and
Pierce Counties.
Sheriff Seeks Forger.
MONTESANO. Wash., Oct 29. (Spe
cial.) A man who signed himself G. E.
Smith passed a forged check for 94.60
on the OakvUle State Bank, at Oakville,
a few days ago, and now the Sheriff 1m
Men's $4.00 Shoes at $3. 19
Boys' Shoes $ 1 .59 and $ 1 .99
Great Saturday sale of men's box calf and black viei'Kid Shoes; 'blucher
and lace styles, with heavy Goodyear welt soles; all sizes; the CJQ 1 Q
best regular $3.50and $4.00 values, on sale at, special, pair PO. 1
Saturday sale of 1000 pairs of boys' and youths' Shoes, in box and kanga
roo calf leathers; good round toes and medium heavy soles; all sizes and
great special values on sale at the following special low prices see them.
ll'a to 13y2, at, the pair, $1.59 1 to 5y2, on sale at, pair .$1.99
Women's Trimmed Hats
Regular $8.00 Values
at $4.75
In the big Millinery Department,
second floor, a great Saturday
sale of women's Dress Hats and
Toques; black, black and white,
navy and dark green; trimmed
in wings and fancy feathers; all
new Pall and Winter headgear;
values in the lot up to $8 each;
your choice at this
special low price, ea.
Great values in children's head
gear. On sale on second floor.
Women's Undermuslins
Women's Combination Garments, in lawns, nainsook and cambric, trim'd
in lace, ribbon, embrdldery and beading; all new, pretty styles fcO 1Q
for your selection; best regular $2.50 to $4.00 values, each P-1
Special lot of women's French hand-embroidered Nightgowns; low, square
neck styles, short sleeves and embroidered yokes; bautiful CQ
gowns; the best regular $6.50 values, at this low price, each ?' J
Special lot of nnlaundeTed hand-embroidered Gorset Covers, scalloped neck;
eyelets drawn with ribbon and hand-embroidered fronts; the t OQ
jest regular $2.00 values, on sale at this special low price, each P
200 dozen women's Drawers, made with hemstitched and tucked ruffles
and fitted waist bands; cambric and nainsook materials; the best A Q
regular 75c values buy all you want of them at this low price, pr.
Women 's fine cambric and nainsook Drawers, trimmed in good quality lace
and embroidery, tucks and insertions; values ranging up to $2 pair. .98J
1 ?c Sale of Sheet Music
In the Sheet Music Department, new music on sale at a special low price.
500 copies of al Brown's latest hit, "Come Down, Nellie, to the Old Red
Barn," without a doubt the greatest barn dance that has ever been 1 T
published. It's the hit of the season. Introductory price, copy
Our Sheet Music Department is now at its best. A complete stock of popu
lar'"hits," special for today. Your choice of the following songs : Choco
late Creams, I Love My Wife, You're the Only One I Love, Down Among
the Sugar Cane, Meet Me in Seattle, Silver Threads Among the 1
3old and hundreds of others, all on sale at the low price of, copy C
The following operatic hits on sale at 21c per copy: Chauncey Olcott's
Sweet Girl of My Dreams, I Used to'Believe in Fairies, If You Remember
Me; selections. from. Three Twins, Girl Question; Time, the Place and Girl;
Prince of Tonight, Golden Girl at the low price of, the copy..21
looking for him. The check used was
one of Swan & Johnson's, a firm of that
Military School May Come.
ASTORIA, Or.. Oct. 29. (Special.)
There la a prospect that the largest mili
tary school in the West will be estab-
Grand Avenue and East Morrison Street in Kellaher Building
Removed from 360 East Morrison Street.
People coming' to our Alder-street market must be sure to get in the right place. See that Smith's name
is over the door. Keep away from the Beef Trust's markets down there fool the Beef Trust.
to be sold today and all next week is
the high - tide quality of the season.
Nothing to touch it have we had this
year. My, it's the real thing! Buy some!
Spring Lamb Stew S4t
Spring Limb Liver 10
Spring Lamb Shoulders 102
Roasts from Spring Lamb Shoulders
at .10 and 12Ht
Breasts of Spring Lamb 8C
Rib and Loin Roasts Spring Lamb 15
Legs of Spring Lamb 15
Spring Lamb Shoulder Chops. . .12
Rib and Loin Chops Spring Lamb 15J
Legs of Mutton 12tt
are the finest poultry in town, because
they're fresh. Smith never, no, never,
sells cold-storage poultry. He lets the
Beef Trust markets sell that kind of
truck. All of Smith's poultry is fresh
Oregon stock, dressed In our own sani
tary poultry plant.
Oregon Spring Chickens 20
Oregon Hens 20
Oregon Turkeys 25
Verv Fine. Fresh Salmon lOtf
Try some of Smith's Fine Fresh
Halibut, very choice.. 12cJ
All the above meats and the following groceries at Third and Jefferson streets. Main 8751, Automatio,
A 4418. Phonfr
18 lbs. Granulated Sugar 91. OO
100 lbs. Potatoes $1.00
14 cans Milk Sl.OO
5 lbs. White Rock Xrips 35
1 box Soda Crackers Sl-lO
12 bars Laundry Soap..... 25(t
4 lbs. Gloss Starch.... Z5C
641 Flint St.
Kosher Market, 224 Sheridan St.
22 Alder Street. '
Twenty-first and Johnson Streets.
ISM Gibba Street.
Eleventh and Montgomery Streets.
Third and Jefferson Streets.
10th & Davla, Adjoining Ryan's Grocery
253 Taylor Street (Unlostom).
R70 Commercial Street.
SEASIDE: Bridge Street.
lished at De Laura Park if the present
plans are carried out. President D. B.
Howard, of the De Laura Park Com
pany, has bonded the tract for $100,000
to a company for such purposes, and its
establishment will mean the letting of
the largest building contract ever given
In this section. The proposed school will
be pretentious, a it will include the
puts in the shade the cold-storage Pork
that many markets sell. Don't risk your
health. Eat the sweetewt and purest
Pig rork on the face of the earth, Ore
gon's own you get It at a Smith mar
ket. Smith's Pig Pork Sausage 12
Shoulder Roasts of Pig Fork at
Smith's 12 and 15
Shoulder Pork Chops at Smith's. . 15c
Loin Pork Chops at Smith's ,.18c
Loin Pork Roasts at Smith's 18c
Pork Hocks at Smith's .....8
Pigs' Feet Sf Leaf Lard..l5J
is the peerless quality that has made
Smith renowned. It wai't killed in
Chicago and brought here in ice. cars
like so much of the Beef Trust's stuff
it's Oregon grown, Oregon dressed
and served to you by Old Oregon's son.
Sirloin Steak at all of Smith's
markets, per pound... 10J
The flnetit meat on this aide of the
earth buy some.
Prime Rib Roast Beeb. lb. 12 Mid. lO
Otber marketn will probably ssk you
1.1c to 'i'VzC for juat thin out or beef.
Round Steak. It s tender at Smith's IOC
Hamburg Steak, it's fresh at Smith's
for 10
Smith's Soup Beef. 3
in your order and we will try to
6 Loaves Bread 25
2 Fancy Norway Mackerel 25C
1 qt. Cranberries lO
2 bot. French's Must. Salad Dress...25
3 cans Salmon '2.7c
3 pt. bottles Catsup 25
6 boxes Double 'Dip Matches 25
Spec1 Sale of
Men's Gloves
For Saturday's selling see them.
Lot 1 Perrin's fine Dress Gloves
for men; cape-sewn; best shades of
tan and brown; all sizes; every
pair fullv guaranteed; djl QQ
Lot 2 Men's medium-weight Kid
Gloves, pique-sewn, Perrin's fa
mous make; best shades of tan and
brown; every pair of those gloves
are fullv ertiaranteed; fljl OQ
Lot 3 2000 pairs of men's cape
sewn dogskin Dress Gloves; best
shades; every pair fully guaran
teed; let us show vou. ij'l 1 C
$1.50 VALUES, PAIR P 1 1 J
Men's Sweaters
$5 Values $3.89
Special Saturday sale of men's fine
all pure wool Sweater-Coats; in
brown, navy, oxford and white;
beautifully knitted and finished;
best regular $5.00 val- PO QQ
ues, at this price, each PJ.Oc
Sale Men's
Men's Australian wool Underwear,
camelshair color; all sies shirts
and drawers; well made and fin
ished ; perfect-fitting; regular $2
values, on sale at this !?1 (ICk
special price, garment
Men's worsted ribbed Underwear,
in gray and blue; form-fitting;
nicely finished; all sires; '7'in
best $1.00 values, garment. 3C
Great October sale of 900 pairs of
natural light gray wool Blankets,
full size, fancy borders, superior
quality; our best $6.00 JQ
value, special at, pair p""
700 pairs of fine white wool Blan
kets, bound with deep satin bind
ing, fancy borders; regular $3.00
values; buy all you 0 C'T
want of them at, pairPv'
Pillows $2
Special lot of 500 live Goose Feath
er Bed Pillows, covered with fancy
striped ticking; full size; the best
regular $3.75 values, on (JJO QO
sale at this price, each VJO
highest class of Instructors, and the mill- i
tary feature will be modeled on the lines j
of the Government military academy at I
West Point , '
Constantinople la the dirtiest city In the l
world, the only street cleaners being the j
starring dnps, cats and rats; but the peo-
pip rto not us soro. t
At Smith's you can get nacks of beef,
Plate Reef, Stew Beef and Boiling
Beef at 5 and 6
For good, wholfsoine, cheap meat, get
some of Smith's Shoulder Steak,
per lb 8
Smith's Pot Roasts So"
Brisket Corned Beef and Plate Corned
Beef at Smith's J
Rump Corned Beef at Smith's S5
TER Smith's absolutely fresh Norway
Creamery Butter, full i lbs 75
The oniy place you can get fresh
Norway Creamery Butter is at a Smith
market other folks give you Norway
"Tub" Butter It in- storage butter.
Norway Creamery Butter, cut from
"tub" butter 70
Other Creamery Butter (ioC
Knuckles of Veal for soup....5. BO
Breast Koasts of Veal 10
Shoulder lloast Veal 10i. 12
Veal Stew IOC .
Veal Saus.-,ge at all of Smith's mar
kets it's great 12Vid
SMITH'S KGGS Keal Fresh Kggs
per dozen 35?
deliver it xo you,
Pickles, per gallon...
Kraut, per gallon....
Oatmeal, per lb
6 cans Sardines in Oil
2 Sapollo
2 larse Ivory Soap....
2 Shaker Salt
Cor. Grand Ave. nnd i:ot Morrison St.,
in the Kellaher BldK. -Union
Avenue and Tillamook St.
13th Street and Tenlno Ave., Sellvrood
SIS Williams Avenue.
Thlrty-lhlrd and Hrlmont Streets.
Grand Ave. and Hawthorne Ave.
352 Hast HurnxMr Street.
Jewry Street, St. John.
4 Alberta Street. i
7t Mlialippl Ave.
Milwaukee Ave. and Frankfort St.