Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 30, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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, ZZTZZZZ: I "777 P help wavted-male. 1 ... wam situation-,.f, . fob rest.
uri i v-cyst-v i i-hk NAi.r-r vivua. i - i . . i , ., i 1 -..h vnnmi
1 mm 1 .
har nnmbr of very desirable homes
f-r itle, piaced with ua by owner who
do not care to have nam or location
made public; alt god tiIum.
Also god InvMtmni property. business
and resltInoe; would bo glad to tell you
about them.
Realty Department,
4th and Washington St.
FOR SI-E 24 acres In city limits Van
couver, near carshopa, west slope, sightly
loration, frutt tnevs. $6600. Owner, AM
4S5, Oregonian.
S-O ACRKS best wild land In Park Region,
Cass County. Minnesota; 4 acres good tim
ber 4 acres tc001 natural meadow, bal
ance hardwood brush and hazel land, can
b easily cleared; rich s..ll; b-st clover and
dairj n Middle West; 13 miles, from
railroad station; 00 H. R. survey 4i
nil i from this land; will double in value
when mad is built; near school; country
developing fast: will U or trade for hard
ware Krocnrr stork or good fruit ranch
in Oregon or V.'osh! ngtnn ; price, $'20 per
acre Write ,"7v Sehalem ave., Portland,
Oregon. '
HOrSR and about 2' a?re in country town
to trade for Portland property, acreage or
farm land; ideal place for chicken ranch.
T. A. P.igcs. Monmouth. Or. ,
WILL. r-X'-har.jj- my m"i'rn S-room home In
lrv; and H-lIa! v dif:ri'-t f-r vacant
lr- r science rri-rty: house has fur
r.n e zn and e'ertrlc fixture, grate. c
nnt te-lar floor, d.-uhte l..-ui. well-built
home: or will take part in trade. A 4Wi,
orffi'-nian. ' '
FIN K .V-ar re Eastern "ir-ron wheat and
alfalfa ranch; gond H-rom h-ue. big
barn fenced : all farm implements and
stock" go v.iLh It; 4 mile to railroad sta
tion, school, church aad stores: will take
stock of merchandise part payment; price,
JM.i'oO. Hrong-Steele 0...1 pt-
il quick, or will exchange for Port
land property, my Jl'l.wX' equity in 2-acre
farm in siRht of Forest t;rive on Tualatin
River; dw ilin. two barns. Implement,
orchard, about 4o acres beaver dam. 20
a-.-e tlmbf-r. balance cleared and in culti-at.-n
Owner, ill Bard of Trade.
60 ('RKS unlmprorei land, near Olympia;
actual .ash value- $21hi; will trade all or
half for or on lots r house and lot; new
ele.'trie road will Increase value to $KM
per 3. L. Vincent. 420 Lumber
man S hid 17.
A . t-- 1 ...'-Ivatlnn xlma (A rol-
lege and good town, to exchange for H
d"tjce pr.tpertv. wen locaifc; i'i m 1..H1
E ;.271. or write C7i K. An ken v.
29 ACRKS in Sheridan, cultivated, exchange
for rooming-hous or residence in Port
land, turner, all Board of Trade.
256 IOTS. lnrge town. Western Oregon.
$Vi(H for farm, pay or accept difference.
L.. K. MOORE. 517 Board of Trade.
STRICTLY modern 7-nxm home to trade for
vacant l"is on East Side, not further out
than E. 2-:n A K 4C, Orr nlan.
YOU can trade any kind of property at
room lOld Board of Trade.
REAL, ESTATE to exchange for grocery
store. O- A. Hot tun, 411 Corbett bldg.
WANT to trade a valuable patent for house
and lot or acreage. AN 47. Oregonian.
STxioo on rorbett St., to exchange for house
value :'19 Shetland bldg.
40 ACRES in Harney County to trade for
city lot. Call 519 wetland bldg.
WILL ret you anvthtng tn trade for anything
you have. 322 Hrnry bldg.
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle.
2tf Chamber of Commerce.
CORDWOOD stumpage. 500 cords, rtrst-clnss.
O. W. near spur, good road, freight
Jic; $150. AM 496. Oregonian.
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprise of all kinds. Kinney
Etampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg-
n.otooo fet yellow- rtr, 5.0K capacity mill,
lSRing outfit; now tn operation; located on
R. R. C. C. Shay, 016 Ablngton btdg.
FOR HALE Two or more timber claim In
"rook Con n t y. Or. Ad d res Olive Mc -Gregor.
2.".li Almond St., Moscow, Idaho.
FOR SALE Accessible body 60.0ft0.0O0 sound
flr and cedar timber. N 40S. Oregonian.
TIMBER and HOMESTEAD relinquish
ments. "27 Worcester block.
WANTED If your residence or vacant
property is for sale, see us before placing
on the market, as we can save you time
and money; have buyers waiting. -J- H.
Shields. 2t5 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder.
WANTED S or 6-room house, $500 down,
balance monthly; give location. Address
AO 4S. Oregonian.
WANTED 4 or 5-room bungalow, SOxlOO
lot. give full description and phone num
ber. C 4f)i5. Oregonian.
- j
WANT house and lot. 5ort to flftOO; very
little nney down. R 4il. Oregonian.
WOULD like to buy lot on easy terma.
Thono East 774. 30S Larrabee st.
CORDWOOD stumpage adjoining Oregon
Electric or United Railways, with or with
out land. AF 414. Oregonian.
IN" Crook. Wheeler and Klamath counties.
Murdoch & Young. 411 Buchanan block.
TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCracken,
8i MrKav Mdg.
80 ACRES. 4f acrea In cultivation. 14 miles
from Portland and near elertric line now
building: 5 acres in bearing orchard;
house, barn and other outbuildings; some
tools; $200 cash rent. The Siroud-Fry
Company, 434 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
80-ACRE farm, all under cultivation, fina
soil, no rock, good house, 2 large barn,
granary and sheds, abundance of water,
large family orchard in full bearing; this
is one of the best farms on the East Side.
6 miles from city; on three improved
countv roads; this la a bargain If taken
anon; party leaving city; can be handled
on very easy terms.
4J6 Henry Bldg. .
You can buy one acra or IOOO acre
rich. Improved fruit land or dairy and
grain landa. tributary to Portland, on
easy terms, or will exchange for city
623 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Or.
INQUIRIES come every day for small
farm, so If you have a farm for rent or
aale write to us. Oregon Land Co.. 2JS
Stark st.
25ft ACRES, ideal for subdividing In 5 and
10-acre tracts, very fine soil, a good buy
at $70 per acre; liberal terma. iM. E- Le.
Room 41L Corbett Bldg.
Largest list of valley farms In the state.
"KLAMATH Reclamation Project" lands
are sure to make the owner wealthy.
Write to E- B. Shumway A Co.. Kiamatn
Falls, Or. -
40 ACRE well Improved, bam. house, or
chard. crois. stock and all natures. $toO.
X. E- RHe. Waidport. Or
ufc ACRICS. bar and dairy farm. 4R In
cultivation, well Improved, running water,
on O. W. P.; a snap. AH 405. Oregonian.
'o ACRES II miles from Portland, only
" 1hi per acre for quick sale. AK 41. Ore-
SEND for our list of Willamette Valley
'arms before buying: landa shown free.
Aoimstead Land Co.. Salem. Or.
la ACRE;, on Salem carttne. cleared. 81300;
gome cash; snap. 07 Beck bldg.
Over tltM) acres on river, half bottom
lnd and half ujfland. all level; bottom
Tand is loam soil and can't be discounted:
upland Is level and good heavy soj!. no
rocks or gravel; the pasture land is green
the year round, white clover growing
spontaneously making Winter feeding un
necessary excent hen snow Is on ground;
fine liVroom house, cost I4ho. flnLshed in
California redwood, stained floors, cal
. sT.mlned plastered, walls, large wiiwiows.
bath, phdne. etc.; two other good houses
suitable for tenants; cow barns :i0i feet
long; good horsiarn. cost $1hm; another
smaller horsebara. new creamery build
ing equipped with steam boiler, engine,
feed chopper, cream separator. 200-gailon
milk tank. galvanized scalding tank,
drain board, etc.; stock consists ol, 4
head finest dairy cows. 1 bull, about 12"i
hogs and plus, about 20t chickens. 9 good
horses. ."0 ions fine oat and vetch hay.
2 lumber wagon. 1 light wagon, old
hack, good runabout buirgy. 1 light double
harness. 1 single harness, .: sets work
harness, t good saddle. 1 binder. 1 new
hay loader, 1 .mower. 1 hay rake. 2 walk
ing plows. 1 riding plow. 1 disc harrow. -drags.
1 broadcast seeder. hoy fork,
shovels, forks, small tools, etc., 4 stoves,
some beds, tables, etc., equipment for
making cheese, scales. churn, potatoes
and fruit; place ha three streams run
ning year round. 2 good wells and spring,
good orchard, all kiads of fruit, berries,
etc.. near g'd town ship produce off
ranch on boat; plenty hut range for .stock
and pasture green year round; should be
able to carry several hundred head stock;
price is way below surrounding prices;
electric line" soou to go through place,
station surveyed near house ; land will
double In value within a short time; this
in the best ranch for the money that
we have ever seen ; excellent reasons fop
sellinic; will take unincumbered flr.-t-class
Income Iortland property in trade if loan
on same can be .negotiated; you will have
to hurry. J4,T per acre takes everything,
half cash.
3"2 Chamber of Cocinnorre.
If u want an excellent pkce of land
and know a bargain you will buy this;
ail in cultivation; rich, deep soil: exrel
lent for walnuts and fruit; on main line
S. P. Ry: depot and school right at place;
7 -room house, barn, alt fenced; can be sub
divided at large protlt; make oiTer; asy
terms. 1 .
5.1O acres, near Sheridnn: part now In
orchard, clover and alfalfa; numerous
springs and creek ; S-room house, barns,
granaries, schools, good roads and neigh
bors; several million feet first anl secnu
growth oak and fir; excellent fruit, wal
nuts and alfalfa land ; way under sur
rounding land at $." an acre; part cash
and terms; mlht sell part.
Chamber of Commerce.
We have others.
' - One acre or thousands.
"It mill pay you to see our list."
Consisting of 244 acres. ,v; miles from
The Dalle. Or., and it is improved as
follows: About t5 acres under cultivation,
of which 2.".a-cre Is bottom land; there
are 27 acrea in orchard. 7 acres In full
bearing. .r acros in cherries and 2 acres
In apples of the very best varieties; there
are about 2'H acre, under fence, about
ir00 cords of standing timber, oak and
pine: It 1 well watered, has a ti-room
house, large barn and other outbuildings;
personal ' property, span of horses. 2 cows
and all necessary implements, a 3-horse
power gasoMne engine and pump; price "'
per acre; terms one-third cash, and the
bn lance suitable terms; will sell one
third or two-thirds of this land; would
also consider an exchange for Portland
property. Apples raised near The Dalles
as good as anv raised any place in the
world, asserts the Itemizer.
13m First St.
Most be sold at once. 14 acres. 50
acres can be irrigated for $."0; 2 acres
alfalfa growing: P. O. 1 mile; fl miles to
R. R. ; price $70110. with $1000 worth
farm tools, horses, cattle and household
goods; 1" acres co with this for. rent
for a term of years; all will carry 100
rattle. 1 cheep. 100 goats; extra place
for hogs: controls large outrange for cattle;
one of the best stock ranches In Douglas
count v; a great bargain : owner will be
In our office Monday and Tuesday. 221
222 Henry bldg., Portland, Fourth and
Oak sts. - .
2S acres. 1U miles from Portland. mile
from R. R. station, all in cultivation;
running water, fine spring, house and barn,
family orchard; $4ouo. i cash, balance
8 acres. In Reaverton ail in cultivation,
small house, new; new bnrn. horse, wagon
and harness, two cows. 2 dczen chickens,
plow, harrow an-1 cultivator; all small
tools; ,4 u tons o. h " pood well; price
$o5t.M). $2"o cash b-ilance terms.
434 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
bargain In f
All prices and terma Some Inside city
Chamber of Commerce.
"It will pay yoj to jee our list."
820.30 per acre, ohe-thlrd plow land;
good for fruit ; depot along center of
piace; fine for subdivision or colony; only
a few days before an advance in price;
can be heid by a deposit; this can be sold
for three times this price by dividing ,it.
Cramer Realty Co.. 21-222 Henry Bldg..
Portland. Or.
douglas Bounty: or. for sale 1700
acres choice land on good county road, it
miles from railroad and good town; this
land is very suitable for platting and t
at present In good condition : price $25
per acre. For particulars and terma apply
to William Mac Master, 302 Worcester
block. Portland, Or.
KM ALL farm. 4 blocks from car. good soli
IfO acres ri er -bottom suitable for onions)
bearing orchard buildings, fences, horses,
rows, hogs, chickens, farm machinery and
hay in barn ; farm on big county road.
In mites from Portland; price $11,000. easy
term; deal with oyvner. Call room 23,
Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington.
40 ACRES. 20 acre in -cultivation. 20 acrea
easily cleared, running water, good fences.
2 barnif good 6-room house, 3 acres in
bearing orchard; this Is all very rich tand
and no waste; mile to school, postoffce,
stores, churches, etc.; price $70 per acre;
small payment down, long time on bal
ance. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg.
10O ACRES rich land, partly cleared. 8
acres in fruit. 35 miles from Portland,
handy to railroad station; this is an
ideal place for fruit; price for quick sale,
$30 per acre: f 10(H) cash, long time on
balance. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
FOR SALE 10 acres in Willamette Valley
cheap; land under cultivation now; only 40
miles from Portland; little timber on farm;
also water; Ideal place for truck farming;
ground raises heavy crops. Address D 46S,
70 ACRES A-l peach land, with 8 acres
set to peaches. 22 acres cleared renJv to
h. set. balance light brush easily cleared,
all suitable for peaches or garden truck,
no1 waste; this is river bottom land lo
cated in a district 40 miles from Port
land, free from frost and surrounded by
the best peach orchards in the state; good
6-room house, well, etc. ; price $110 per
acre; will take up equity up to $3000 in
good "Portland residence as first payment,
batanoe to suit. .V 491. pregontan.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
The opportunity of your Ufa Is offered
to the first purchasers of 5-acra tracts
of fine fruit land In Yamhill County at
railway station. F- C Graham, S27 C. of C.
40 acres of Moaier apple land foe $600: a
genuine bargain. Thos. McCusker. 206
Couch bldg.
Horse. Vehicles and Harness.
ONB carload of Eastern Oregon horsea for
sale, all broke young and wild on their
merits: can he een at 102S E. Alder. Phone
R 1620 or Tabor 743.
HUBERT HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
HORSES. mares rirs ard narness of all
kinds for sale. 2i4 Mmtgomery.
WANTED A gfod delivery horse for bak
ery wagon. H. Sehrader, Oregon City.
WILL pay $23 cjh for a good plug- of a de
livery horse. Phone Main 7746.
FOR SALE Two delivery honses, $78 each,
phos M. 764.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness,
We have just received tar of !Co. 1
work horses ranging- In weight from 1000
pounds to l.VN pounds; prices reasonable
and horses guaranteed a represented.
We also have on hand:
10 delivery wagons.
5 farm wagons
1 furnlturti wagon.
T buggies.
420 Hawthorne Ave.
MUST sell at once, on lrt'W-lr., 5-year-old
horse. 1 standard-bred combination horse,
one cheap team of mares, one In foal. $70
for the pair; one cheap llOO-lb. mule'; good
steel-tired buggv. good road cart. 7 heavy
wagon wheels; will exchange for cows. M9
East 28th st. Woodstock car to Gladstone
FOR SALE or rent S teams with goose
neck furniture wagons, to r?nt by month
or year: we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes. day. week, or
month. Phones East 72. li 1360. Haw
thorno Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE 2 good. 5-year-olA horses,
weight 1300; gisaranteed sound ; together
with heavy hand -sr wed harness and new
34 Studebaker wagon; all for $470. At
No. 1 Stable, Front and Market st.
JUST arrived from Eastern Oregon, a car
load of first-class horses and mares; weight
from 1200 to 1600 pounds: all guaranteed
at Madison-Street Sale Stables. 186
Madison St., near bridge.
SPAN young draft horse, weighing 3230, 5
and rt years old; 1 span of well-matched
horses. 6 and 7 years old. weighing ' 2S50.
Phone East 4804 or B 1477. .
LA RGE team younj mare mules for sale
at U. . S. Stables. Front St.; these, are
sound, gentle and well mated.
WANTED Farm horse In exchange for
high-grade nutomobile runabout. AC 4S0,
FOR SALE One good saddle pony, cheap;
one i-ton gooseneck, wagon, almost new.
347 East Stark st. : " '
FOR SALE or exchange for good driving
pony1 &00 lbs., a first-class working horse,
about 1100 lbs. 549 East 2."th st.
llanos. Organs, Musical Instruments.
FOR SALE Plymouth Rock homer pigeons:
Rood workers; a bargain. Phone Main
EM EHSON PIANO In mahogany case, fine
condition, will be sold at a bargains.. Rnom
MO Washington bldg.
Garage free. Goo. . R. Flora, 470 East
Burnriae st. B 1430.
WANTED To trade for city property, 5
pa3senger Stens-Duryea. A-l condition.
Address AC 490. Oregoiftan.
I WANT a Ilj?ht auto for eome good mock.
403 Couch bldg.
WANTED Runabout for timber or city lots.
What have you?. AC 492. Oregonian.
Birds, Iogs, Pet Stock.
WILL sell 40 head of young Angora goats
at $2.60 each. Full particulars, call or
phone. Mrs. Hill. N. 14th st. Main 7021.
M iacellaneous.
SPECIAL OFFER We have 100 second
hand sewing machines that must be sold
this week regardless of price, to make
room for carload; 40- drop-head, all makes.
White. New Home, Singer. Wheeler &
Wilson. Domestic and Standard. Do not
forget the ptace. White Sewing Machine
Store. 420 Washington, cor. 11th, H. D.
Joned. proprietor.
fiOOO SEASONED cedar fence posts. 8 feet,
near Lents, for sale at a low price; buyer
can make good money handling these
posts. -Address L. M. Scott, S10 Oregonian
nldg.r op phone Main 7070. '
TYPEWRITERS.- all makes. $20 to $00. fully
guaranteed ea-y payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co.,
203 2d su
FOR SALE 1000 .cords fir wood on the
stump, close to Portland In the East Ride;
very accessible. W. N. Carter TUG W ill
lams ave. Woydlawn 704.
BAUSCH & LOMB, analytical microscope
complete, good as new. will be sold cheap.
Room 10, Washington bldg
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak
wood at Iowt market prices. Hoover,
813 Water Ft. Phone Main 7451. A 5445.
FOR SALE Three fresh cows. T. R. How
itt. Gresham, Or. Phone Long Distance,
TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt, absolutely
guaranteed, all bargains. $15 to $65. North
west Typewriter Co.. 320 AMngton. M SS70
FOR SALE About 1000 cords of fir wood on
. stump, close to electric station, near Port
land R0S Board of Trade bldg. Main 8407.
TWO fresh cows. Jersey and Holsteln, 3 and
4 gallons per day each. 998 East Yam
hill, cor, 31st.
SAFES Nineteen second-hand safes, very low
price; new safes, ali eizea. Portland Safe
Co.. 02 7th st.
FOR SALE cheap. 10x20 tent. 6 ft. side
walls. Call No. 2 N. 0th st. Phone Main
500 BUSINESS CARDS, $1.25. Ryder Ptg.
Co.. 857 Burnslde at. Main 653-
FURNITURE of 5-room hou.-e for salc.132
East 47th st. Phone B 2M2- -
CONCRETE MIXER, or will trade for team
of horses. 1104 Belmont. Tabor 1181.
NATIONAL cash register total and detail
adder; cost $205, for $S5. 33 North 3d st.
13 STANDS of bee for sale with all belong
ings. Phone Main 8054.
FOR SALE Good family cow, cheap. 800
E. 28th. Woodstock car to Gladstone ave.
FOR SALE 2500 cement blocks, also com
plete block plant. AJ 490, Oregonian.
TWO choice freeh Jersey cows1, rich mllkem.
, 05 Bast 30th. Sunnyptde car.
NEW $125 Pre mo camera. 5-7 Tessar, 1C
lens;- reasonable. AD 494, Oregonian.
GOOD milch cow for sale. 1966 East Wash
ington st.
FOR SALE Steamer Star. Inquire Star Sand
Co., office room 201 Board of Trade bid.
ALL who are Interested In the international
auxiliary language. Esperanto, call or ad
dress L. E. Merchant, Rose City Business
College, on or before Monday evening,
November 1. where classes will be or
ganized at this time.
WANTED Some person who has fenced
yard and good quarters. West Side only,
for pet Cocker Spaniel dogs, owner will
pay well. Address by 'mall, Mrs. Hansen,
Hotel Ramapo.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the ' Fair
Deal," 47 3d at. North. Phone Main 9272.
FOUR-OARED row boat, good condition. Ap
ply Mr. Kuhne, construction upt.. East end
Madison-street bridge.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni
ture; w buy all kinds second-hand men'a
and ladies' clothing. E. 1061. $4 Grand ave.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A
2445. Main S851.
BOILER 20 to 80 H- P-. good condition,
reasonable. O- E. Panzer, Box 110 R.
R. No. 1.
HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing,
shoes, hats. Jewelry and furniture. 63 N
3d. Main 9248. .
jTOT cash paid for youf furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED An 8x10 view camera outfit.
Phone Main 845S or Tabor 1317.
WANTED Roll-top desk and chair. Phone
Main t876S.
WE buy. sell or exchange anything
nt price. ; ggll for lea. M. 6287.
JAPANESE bny to assist with housework,
i'hpne A'13S.
PHOTO coupon ants: something strictly
good. Cutbertii. photographer. Dekum bldg.
Uil'.H-i'LASS hustling; salesman: bi wage,;
permanent. 215 Commercial block.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membership. T. M. C. A.
. . i
COATMAKER wanted. Call at John Nole &
Co.. St. John, Or.
LIVE photo coupon portrait stents: good
moaay-maker. Davis, 8tft Washington a.
'S-MId rock l.?0cu. yd.
Lonpe rock 60 cu. yd.
Ear:K 30 cu. yd.
Clearing; $30 per sere.
(J-ubblng 10 per statiwn
Tunnels 155 lineal ft.
Camus run all Winter: heavy work, aide
cutting. Write f"r full particulars.
M. J. HEXEY, Contractor.
B14 Colman bldg., Seattle. Wash.
WANTED Two mill tallymen. J2.50: 2-yard
tallvmen, $2.50; 2 mill firemen. t2-2R: 3 mill
wrights. J4; band reeawyer. J3; rough car
penters, $3. "
Man to run large lath mill on contract. .
. Large list of other rk.
Main Office. 12 X. 2d .St.
WANTED Salesman of middle age whh
morally and financially clean, with good
record behind him. can find permanent
position; must have energy and a desire
to make good; none others need apply.
Address D 400. Oregonian.
POSITIOX open in our factory for 1 bench
. man (cabinetmaker, t tinner. 1 plumber
and 1 finisher (painter): prefer men who
wish to Invest a little money in business;
sound investment, good wage-i;. neatest
factorv in city. Call at factory office.
R. B. Ins M?g. Co con. E. 1'th and Alder
sts. Phones E. 409. 1131.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduate last year:
men and women to 'learn barber trade in
eipht weeks, help to aecure positions:
graduates earn from $13 to $23 weekly;
expert Instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Moh'er System of College. 84
North 4th st., Portland. Or.
WANTED Sub-ln.pector. experienced !n
heavy concrete and maVonry construction,
' at $4 per diem; a . competitive examination
will be held November X . .1!19. to fill the
above position. For further infornialim
address Commandant, -Navy-Sard, Puget
Sound. Wesh.
WANTED Honest, faithful man at once,
to lake $.jt)(l interest in poultry farm near
citv; money aeewred by the land; 3teady
work with fair wages. Columbia Poultry
Farm, City office 326 Vi Washington St.,
room 512.
A WELL-known. reliable corporation needs
a broad, deeply experienced man as
aales manager; one who can organize,
direct and dictate; such a man can
make a satisfactory connection. Address
R 493. Oregonian.
WANTED Young men. honest and Indus
trious, to prepnre for Civil Service positions;
clerka, carriers, railway mall, etc. ; thou
sands appointed; good entrance salary, with
promotions. . Call or write. Pacific States
School, McKay hldg.
WANTED 10 experienced newspaper solici
tors who can produce results, straight
alnry to right" man. Apply M. F. Hoyle,
with the American Weekly of the Kan
Francisco Examiner, room 402 Hotel Ore
gon T,Y A N ": t I Flrst.-class upholsterers, box
spring and mattress makers; steady work
and good pay. Address C. J. Nlcholl, care
. Harker Bros.. 420 South Spring St., Los
Angeles, cal.
WANTED Experienced solicitor for city
and Coast towius; those having experience
in bank, and insurance soliciting pre
ferred; nothing to sell. Address 'AN 497,
MAN wanted to. take charge of our husines3
chance department; small capital required
must have ability and references. -THE
434 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
500 MEN wanted to attend my special sale
of men's overcoats and suits, men's Fail
suits, just come. $18 to $25 values. $9.75.
Traly Warren, 315 Oregonian bldg.
WANTED Young man with $200 cash as
partner In cash business. Give full par
ticulars in first letter, also phone number.
AF 491. Oregonian.
WANTED A young man to keep atoclc.
must have references; good chance to ad
vance, call between 9 and 11 A. M., Jos.
Ellison. 11 B. i O. T. bldg.
COLLECTOR, experienced on delinquent ac
counts and soliciting business for collection
agency; state experience, salary, references.
AM 493. Oregonian.
, A first-class man with a special knowl-'
edge of alteration on collars.
Earn $15 to $35 week, watchmaking, engr'g.. op
tics: learn in few months; positions furnished
or atart business without capital. Watchmak
ing School, 325, San Francteco.
RAILWAY mall clerks, postofflce clerks,
carriers, examinations Portland. Nov. 17.
Preparation free. Franklin Institute, dept.
44 11, Rochester. X. Y.
WANTED Steady man ablw to check goods,
etc pav $25 week now; can Increase
this with Interested help; $250 required.
Particulars 417 Board of Trade hldg.
BOY with grammar school education for
office work, chance to learn newspaper
business. Apply in own handwriting. Ad
dress AM 41)7. Oregonian.
WANTED FiT first-class sheet-metal work
era; steady work and good wages. Addree
r Grays Harbor Sheet-Metal Works. Box 853,
Aberdeen, Wash. -
WINDOW-TRIMMER for men's clothing,
hat and furnishing goods; first-class man
wanted. . Y 4":. Oregonian.
PHOTO coupon and portrait agents; extra
commission on sales. Hubner Studio, Swet
land bldg.
SALESMAN wanted to sell stock; big com
mission, av per ccai. Ajia.ei aji too,
WANTED First-class bollermaker for out
of town. Answer, with age. experience and
references. AH, 490. Oregonian.
WANTED- At once, solicitor, wagon fur
nished. Cascade Dye Works, 407 E. Burn
aide fit.
STUDY LAW-Enter now for new class be
ing formed. Portland ' Law School, 630
Worcester block. Phone A 5440. .
HIOH-CLA9S ad man can make permanent
connection with first-class Portland publi
cation by addressing A 496. Oregonian.
WANTED- Man to go Into poultry business;
experience" unnpeessarv; some cash re
quired. Call 826 '.i Wash. St.. room 417.
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial
Abstraot Co.. 40. Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED A programme boy. Inquire at
the Orpheum Theater, bet. 1:30 and 4:30
P. M.
TWO men lunch waiters at once; short hours;
al 1 vegetable roustabout. Auto Restaurant,
528 Washington st. -
FOR SALE Half Interest in fine real estate
office; little money required. Swetlani
. bldg. room 610. .. -
MOTION' picture operators earn $25. weekly;
learn In short time: easy Inside work: les
sons reasonable. Particulars. 526 waah.
WANTED Men to cut cordwood. about 100
cords. In city limits. Apply 810 Corbett
bldg. ,
PERMANENT position for beat clothing
salesman: good wages. Address direct.
HeVman Wise. Astoria. Or. ,
FINE openii.g for yeung man. real estate,
experience unnecessary, small car.Hal re
quired. 3264 Washington St.. room 417.
EXPERIENCED salesman for picture frame
department; state experience and refer
ences. AN 4S5, Oregonian
BOY with wheel to deliver snd collect; steady
position. Fidelity. 2(9 Salmon at.
LIVELY solicitor: wlll furnish rig. Call
Queen City Dye Works, 28 Grand aT.
WASTED Bartner cleaning, dyeing place;
$50 required. 551 Morrison st.
BARBER wanted, for Saturday. 268 Burnslde
st. Call early.
WANTED Men to clean up moldings. Ore
gon Planing Mill, 19th and Vaughn.
PANT and vestmaker wanted; $3 up. Andrews
ft Berry. La Grande,. Or.
EXPI5TRIENCED skirt, waist and coat hands.
Moore Trading Company, 415 Alder.
WANTED Good plain cook. 610 Spring st.,
Portland Heights.
GIRL for housework. No washing; small
family. 410 Vs Morrison st.
WANTED Good girl for general housework;
small family. Sellwood SSI.
WANTED Young girl apprentice and one
to weave alr. 428 E. 9th st.,S.
PRIVATE lessons In shorthand and typewrit
ing; expert method. 304 12th. Main 6S80.
HAVE opening for bright young lady atenr
ographer in law office at $75 a month;
hours 9 to 5; position .permanent; work
light but requires rapidity and accuracy.
A. W. LafTerty. 323 Lumbermen's bldg.
WANTED Girl copyist of neat appearance,
etc.. willing to travel; must write plain
hand; salary $15 per week and all travel
ing and living expenses. Addreas D 481,
Permanent po3ltlona to experienced and
competent workers. Apply to Mrs. Rich
ards, In charge of alteration department.
WANTED Experienced nands on ladies'
Jackets: must be good seamstresses and
understand alterations. Eastern Outfitting
Co.. Washington at 10th at.
WANTED 10. ladies' hats to trim 60c; your
old hats reblocked Into she latest shapes.
Hat Ronovatory, N. E. cor. 6th and Alder,
WANTED rapable lady to take charge of
branch-office In "San Franciaco; excellent
opportunity for right party. Room 1, 250
Alder St.
48ii Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
GIRl. for filing. Indexing and stenography,
good, accurate penman, permanent posi
tion: give references. B 409, Oregonian.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain, $1.50 dos. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; no children. 200 Grand ave.
North, cor. Multnomah st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman tor re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth
" child bldg., 4tb and Washington
WOMEN and girls to work in fruit cannery.
Holmes Canning Co., East 8th. and Divi
sion sts.
WOMAN COOK, salary $85 and room. For
particulars write Hotel Hermiston, Hermis
ton. Or.
WANTED Good girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; small family. Phone East
326 Washington St., Room 307.
Main 8S36 or A 3266.
WANTED Saleslady at once, one acquaint
ed with alterations of ladles' suits pre
ferred. Apply 215 1st st.
GIRLS, ,16 years of age. . Appry at once to
Olds, Wortman & King.
GIRL for general housework; small family;
call mornings 6116 Weidler St.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. 394 College st.
GIRL for general housework, out of city.
302 Clifton, cof Park.
GIRL to assist with housework, small fam
ily. Call 247 Morrison st. -
GIRL or woman to do light housework. Ap
ply 737 East Madison
WANTED Waitress at Merchant Hotel, 8d
and Davis sts.
WANTED Young girl to assist with house
work: pleasant home. Tabor 1470.
WANTED Chambermaid. hotel work.
Hotel Harrison, Front and Harrison.
EXPERIENCED nursegirl wishes position.
Inquire 821 Commercial St. '
YOUNG GIRL for general housework; no
cooking. Apply 309 6th st.. near Mill.
YOUNG girl to assist 'In general housework.
Call forenoon, 725 Weidler.
WANTED Experienced lady presser; good
wages. Willamette Dye Works, 366 3d st.
COMPETENT girl, for general housework 1
good wa-ges. 354 10th St., cor Mill.
GIRL for office work In ladles' tailoring
establishment. B 498, Oregonian.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor.
GIRL for dining-room work. 191 11th st.
MAKE money writing stories; pleasant work
- for you; big pay. Send for free booklet,
tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran
cisco. STUDIO Music. German, French, English
literature. 452 Morrison. Main 2097.
SHORTHAND taught by private or class In
structions 629 Worcester. Money saved.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sitions to A-l Instructors. 514 Swetland.
TWO young men want A-l tutor evenings.
AN 499. Oregonian.
. Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED; Position by two Eastern young
men with some good manufacturing or
contracting concern, where there is a
chance of advancement: have had several
years' experience in. general clerical work;
capable of handling office, and can furnish
best of references; desire to locate in the
West permanently E 491, Oregonian.
YOUNG single man desires position In gen
eral merchandise store In country town;
all around man used to handling country
trade. 8 years' experience; am sure I can
please an honest employer: can furnish
best of references. AC 487. Oregonian.
BY THOROUGHLY competent grocery and
general merchandise man; experienced with
country trade; also speaks German, city or
country: best references. X. S. Berg. Port
land. Or.
YOUNG Englishman seeks employment as
clerk. 11 years' office experience. AH 487,
YOUNG MAN of 25 .wishes position as clerk
In store; have had 4 years' experience In
grocery store. AF 498. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN- with some office experience
would like position. AC 4S8. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young man holding respon
sible position would like to assist with
bookkeeping and accounts evenings and
every Saturday afternoon. AL 490, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants posi
tion; references; city or country. Phone
Sellwood .1416. Address AF 495, Orego
nian. POSITION wanted by machinist and repair
man. repairing or driving automobile or mo
tor boat;. 15 years' experience; beat of refer
ences. AL 498. Oregonian.
ASSISTANT manager in all departments;
open for proposition, salary or percentage
basis. Address Lock Box 424. Portland. Or.
RELIABLE Japanese young man who can
read or speak English, wishes to work In
store, factory, hothouse or in office. AF
496. Oregonian. '
STRONG, willing German, 27 years, wishes
place as houseman or porter; speaks
and writes English; references. AG 496,
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook. Roy Isubol.
wishes a position in small family for good
wages. AJ 495. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED Eastern man, experienced
office worker, willing to work at any
thing, seeks position. AF 497, Oregonian.
SINGLE MAN. 30 years, good habits and
address, first-class watchmaker, engraver
' and optician. B 490, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED hotel engineer wishes po
sition: can mrnlsh references. AH 499,
Oregonian. y
CIRCULAR SAW"(FILER wants position as
flier or mill foreman and filer combined.
Address S 497. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted as advertising manager,
experienced, high-class' Address AK 496.
TOUNG Swede would like some rustling
work in some private place. Answer. E.
D. I.arsson. 406 North 19th.
RELIABLE Japanese cook want general
housework in small faml'. AD 491, Ore
gonian. GOOD baritone player wants position, 15
years' experience. B 496, Oregonian.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants pisition after
school hours. AO 494, Oregonian. -
MIDDLE-AGED man wanted; hard work
and small wages. 487 Hoyt st.
YOUt'G MAN who will work wants to learn
auto business. S 499. Oregonian.
JAPANESE, good cook, wants position In pri
vate family. Main 9361.
MAN desires any light work inside. AK 490,
Oregonian. ..
BY a first-class general merchandise clerk.
Phone B 140L evenings.
YOUNG man. 27. sober, willing worker,
handy with tools, wants position wi-.ere
he could learn auto business or as coach
man or barn boss: understands care of
good horses. AJ 499. Oregonian.
ELDERLY graduate optometrist would
like position with a lrcensed practitioner,
where he can make himself useful while
preparing for stale examination. T 493,
Oregonian. ..
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED Experienced stenographer from
East desires permanent position with good
firm in Portland. Miss lrma Lambrecht.
308 13th st. Main 3U28.
STENOGRAPHER Experienced In law.
commercial, lumber; city or country. A J
497. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER desires set of books for a
few hours each day, accurate, experienced.
Miss Swindells. A 1970.' M. 800.
A STENOGRAPHER, experienced in commer
cial lines and collections, desires position.
Phone B 1081.
BY competent stenographer with some ex
perience, at reasonable salary. Phone A
YOUNG ladv stenographer wishes position.
MAKER of gowns, etc.; prompt service;
prices moderate. 44 East 7th South.
Phone East 2410, B 2676.
FIRST-CLASS braiding and embroidery done
for gbwns, etc. Mrs, A. Kummer, loss
Alder St.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles. S26 Wash St.. room 216.
DRESSMAKING at home or by the day.
Phone Main, 6904.
HOUSEKEEPER, capable of assuming en
tire charge, wants position In modern, re
fined home of widower, with 1 or 2 chil
dren; comforts of home of more consid
eration than big wages. AH 491, Orego
nian. YOUNG Swedish girl, right from the old
countrv. wants to get housework in pri
vate family. Answer; O. L.. 408 North
19th st.
.A 1907 POPE-TOLEDO automobile In good
condition; will sell on easy terms, or will
exchange for good real estate. Ames Mer
cantile Agency. 4ld.Abington bldg.
WANTED By refined young Scandinavian
lady, poeltlon as housekeeper for widower or
bachelor; good home preferred. B 494, Ore
gonian. REFINED, middle-aged lady as housekeeper
for club, hotel or widower. In or out of
city. AJ 49S. Oregonian.
WOMAN with little girl 5 years old. desires
position as housekeeper. 291 Second st.
GOOD practical nurse wishes care of in
valid lady or gentleman. AM 490, .Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse, best refer
ences, extensive experience, all kinds of
nursing. Phone A 2618.
NT7RSING by experienced middle-aged lady.
651 Pettygrove St. Phone Main 4303.
PRACTICAL nurse would like care of invalid
lady.- Call mornings. Phone A 3490.
EXPERIENCED COOK wants position tn
home where sacond girl is employed. AN
495. Oregonian.
LADY with highest city references wants
position as cook in cafeteria or delicates
sen. Phone East 4624, room 1.
YOUNG LADY desires position as cook.
first-class German-Hungarian cook; must.
have good wages.- AG 49i. oregonian.
COMPETENT second girl would like situa
tion in private family. C 492. Oregonian.
WANTED By an experienced Instructor
(lady), with highest references, a room
In private family In exchange for lessons
In French, German or music. young
Women's Christian Association. Main
LATEST style dresses. $5 up; skirts, $3.30
up; waists. $1 up: fine work guaranteed.
529 East Mill. East 5256.
CHAMBERMAIDS, housekeepers, day work
ers. St. Louis, 2454 Washington. Main
WILL DO hairdreeslng. shampooing and ecalp
treatment In your own home; East Side pre
ferred. Phone Sellwood 53.
GOOD-LOOKING young woman, competent
and respectable, as manicurist and cash
ier. X 492, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants day work and
will care for children. . Wodlawn 246.
WOMAN wants day work by the hour. Call
afternoons. A 3271.
EXPERIENCED girl cook, boardlnj house,
$35. St. Louis. Main 2u39, A 4775.
NEAT washing and ironing done at 389
East Davis St., bet. Grand and Union aves.
LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for
and delivered. 40c pair. Tabor 1597.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company,
Salem. Oregon.
WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees; out
fit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good
territory. Address Oregon Nursery Com
pany, Orenoco, Or., via Hillsboro.
AGENTS In every county In Oregon. 2 good
specialties; good profits. W. H. Williams,
ISSVi 12th St., Portland. Or.
Agents, big money made selling our nursery
stock; great demand, fine line, cash com
mission weekly. Salem Nursery Co.. Salem.
FIRST-CLASS, modern five or six-roomed
cottage with good basement in desirable
nelghborbbod, on East Side, by reliable
party: references furnished if necessary.
AB 493, Oregonian.
I WANT six or more houses to rent; I
turned more than that many people away
yesterdays S. D. Vincent. 420 Lumber
men's bldg.
WANTED Furnished house. near St.
Mary's Academy. Address 208 Wells-Fargo
I WANT houses to rent, from 10 rooms up;
have seven on waiting list now. 9. D.
Vincent, 420 Lumbermen's bldg.
A DOCTOR wishes suitable apartments In
suburbs of city. Address AH 497. Ore
gonian. Rooms.
MOTHRft and son desire housekeeping rooms,
private family. East lde preferred; must be
reaonable; slate full particulars. P. O.
Box 563.
DEflRE two well-heated rooms for two
adults, near E 12th and Yamhill. AG 492,
Oregonian. t
Rooms With Board.
BY two young men. room and board In pri
vate family. N 494. Oregonian.
Easiness Places.
WANTED Office and . reading-room for
Painters' Union. E. A. Cheyne, 40 Grand
ave. ' '
Furnished Rooms.
New. modern. elegantly furnished
rooms, with or without private bath; per
manent or transient.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weklv up. A 2647, M. 5647.
THE MERTAP.PER. 126 13th. cAV. Washing
ton, brand rew. handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience: hot water in all
rooms; very reasonable terms.
NICELY furnished, comfortable rooms. $1.5o
to $5; free phone, lights, bath, .etc. No. 2
N. 14th.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts..
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
14.1 ROOMS.
New. modc-KU. fireproof hulldtiif. steam
heated hot and cold running water in all
rooms, rlchlv furnished, nnest beds that
money ean buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; .
nice large 'office on ground flfor; every- s .
thing tirst-clnss; rates. 50c. 75c and $1
per day; $::.5t and up per week. Call and
see us. 12S 6th st. North.
Homelike. Homelike. Homelike.
Seventh and Ankenv Sts..
One whole year of redecorating, refitting;
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter hiiw at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and comfort.
Corner :oth and Washington Sta
New management THOROUGHLY
BATHd; single or en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month; tourist trade solicited.
THE BARTON. 13th and Aider, new man
'agement; newly renovated tnroutjhout; 7t
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $22.50 tu $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
FRANKLIN HOTEL, opr. 13th and Wash
ington sts. Most oluant furnished: free
telephone, hot and cold water In every
rcom; shower baths and tub baths. Come
and see for yourself. Rates $4 week up.
HOTEL ELWELL 7th and Alder; new,
modern rooms, steam heat, running water,
free phono, private bath; by day. week or
month, reasonable.
lS2Vj 17th cor. Wash.; new building,
newly furnished; every room light andl
sunny; hot water, steam heat; low prices.1.
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington sta,
lileantly furnished rooms, all modern con-!
veniences. planly of heat; $15 and up. !
Furnished Rooms in Private Fatuities. .
ATTRACTIVE well furnished rooms, prtvawri
residence, splendid neighborhood, break-
fast if desired; reasonable rates; no sign..,
120 North lMh.
LARGE, well-furnlshed front room for one),
or two gentlemen, walking, distance; bath, j
telephone, heat, reasonable. Call after 8 Jv
M., 6S3 Everett St.. cor. 16th.
LARGE, sunny room, modem conveniences. I
gentlemen preferred. Johnson St.. near1;
23d; references. Phone Main 6314, or A,'.
ELEGANT rooms, suites or single In one off
Portland's best homes, for few select room. 1
ers. 387 S. 1:1th St.: phono Main 2496. J
SUITE furnished rooms to rent, for one or.
2 gentlemen. 20 E. 6th St.. cor. Ash. Call'.
Sunday. j
FRONT room, with alcove, on second floori
of modern steam-heated apartment. Flat'
D. 4H9 Jefferson. Main 7."i94.
. . i
NEWLY furnished rooms, even convenience,!
close In, swell location, gentlemen onlj.l
A 7613.
VERY desirable, sunny roomi, single or em.,
suite, for gentlemen; nil modern conven
iences. Phone A 3063 or Main 6263.
FURNISHED or unfurnished room, with grate,
suitable for young man; reference. 491J
Taylor st.
NEWLY furnished parlor suite of rooms,
walking distance, and furnace heat. 430 a'
Mill. Phone M. 5450. I '
WEI.L furnished parlor bedroom. select
neighborhod. walking distance, call after
5 P. M. or Sunday, 407 Holladay ave.
LARGE front room, alcove, modern convene
lences; suitable for one or two gentlemen
or couple employed during day. 210 11th.
NICELY furnished rooms n private fam-.
lly; every convenience. 80',4j North 16th
st. Thone Main 6903..
FURNISHED rooms, Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and
Eleventh. ;
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new'
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
i Stark, corner 0th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 potf7
week. SIS' Washington st.
THE BRAE-SIDE, 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, $& $4. $5 per week; transient.
THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, heut; oOo to 11 day. $3 to $4 week.
NEWLY furnished heated bath. 46S Morri
son St.. phone Main 5:134.
LARGE room in private family for two gentlemen.-
27 East 7th st. ; reasonable.
1SS 12TH Pleasant room tor gentleman; cen
tral, modern. Phone Main 4M92.
NICELY furnished front alcove room, walk
ing distance. 541 6th st.
305 12TH ST. Rooms. $1.50 to $4 per week;
very- desirable location. .
475 CLAY st. .attractive sunny room suitable
. i !
TWO light, airy rooms with board for two or
four persons; walking distance. East 6043.
for 1 or 2, sio per montn.
HANDSOMELY furnished large front room;
hot water heat. 429 Market st. A 4000.
FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en suite, prl-
WAI.KING distance; modern, neat an clean.
529?a Couch St.. bet. 15th and 16th.
PLEASANT, well-hheated room; every con
venience; suitable for 2. 361 10th.
Rooms With Board.
T10 Washington st.. near King, brand
new. elegantly furnished; every room has
a private bath, telerhonc: the maximum,
of convenience and excellence, the mini
mum of expense. If you want the best
in the city for the money, call and In
Bpect: dining-room in connection.
One elegantly furnished suite, with pro
vate bath, for rent, after the 1.1th o
October. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne ave.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary. 610 Flanders St.. -Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 5th
St. Mrs. M. E. Bretlrtrton. supt.
THE MANSION, beautiful grounds, elegant
ly furnished rooms, conservatory, billiards,
separate table board, 5th and Jefferson.
THE COLONIAL. 165 end 167 10th St.. cor
ner ' ' ' 1 "' ....... u .
able rates.
THE CALVARD Take W car at depot to
door 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2087.
Rooms With Board In Prlvute Family.
NICE, big front room, well lighted and
heated, comtortahly furnished, .suitable
for two; hath, home cooking. 595 E. Tay
lor st., cor. E. 15th st. Phone East 2006.
NICE rooms with good hoard, suitable for
1 or 2. all conveniences, furnace heat,
home cooking, walking distance. 41 Ella
st., half block north of Washington st.
ROOMS and board, home cooking, walking
distance, bath heat, phone, very , reason
able. 329 West Park st.
LARGE, nicely furnished front room, also
side room, excellent table, modern, nea-
. sonable, close In. iJl toucn.
ROOMand 2 meals for 2 gentlemen; modern
house, close In; $4 50. Phone East 1S24.
NICE front room with board for 2 gentle- .
men. 646 Yamhill st.
404 M DISON ST.. cot. 10th, large room
suitable for family or 2 men, with board.
LARGE well furnished room. first-class
table ooard. 75 North 11th. Main 8174.
FURNISHED room with board. 355 11th BL.
Phone A 1S:6. '
FRONT room with board for 2. reasonable;
easy walking distance. Phone East 5418.
LARGE front room, with board, for 3 gen
tlemen, at $23 each. 519 'Yamhill st.
RO(XvI. good board, .modern, close in; ref
erences required. 2S4:i Park st. A 2iUS.
FRONT room, with board for -two. Walking
distance, E. 8th st.. X.
LAT'RETTE apurtments, high-class. new
brick, stam heat, tireless conker, hot
water, private hall and htith: no wall beds,
one furnished. $51"; adults: 5 minutes
Portland . Hotel. 11th si., near S.i'mnn.
IflNG street, modern outside corner apart
ment: new Karpen, Stickley fumed oak
furniture, bric-a-brac, llavlland ciilna, sil
ver. eu?rvthing complete; quick sale, $275.
Main 4-492.
THE BERYL One of the beautiful apart
ments for rent. 695 Lovcjoy, near 21stj
take W car.