A APPLE F! CLOSES "Homecoming- Day" Attracts Hundreds to Albany. HAWLEY GIVES ADDRESS Visitors Are Tendered Reception at Alco Club, Where Judge Hewitt Welcomes Guests and State Printer Puniwajr Talks. ALBANY. Or.. Oct. 29. (Special.) With an enthtiiast!e. whole-souled re union of former residents of Albany, the third annual Albany Apple Fair closed tonight. Every train today brought former Albanians hack ' to their old homo town to celebrate "Homecoming da-.-" Most of them came from Port . land, thousrh many other cities were represented. The visitors were tendered bifr reception at the Alco Club this evening-, and this was followed by a "homecoming;" programme, at the First Christian Church. Judge H. H. Hewitt welcomed the old-timers." and the response was made by Willis S. nuniway. State Print er, who llvel in Albany when a boy. Congressman Hawley delivered the principal addreRS of the evening, and there were a number of reminiscent talks by ex-Ablanians. A musical pro Kramme Included a solo by S. N. Steele, formerly of Albany, now of the Brong Steele Ileal Estate Company, of Port land. FrultRrowlnff Experts Lecture. The final educational programme of the fair was presented this afternoon, with County Fruit Inspector E. W. Cooper presiding. Professor A. B. Cord ley, of the Oregon Agricultural College, spoke on "Sprays and Spraying." and H. M. Williamson, of Portland, secretary of the Oregon State Horticultural Soci ety, talked on "The Supply and De mand for Apples." A large number of men who reside Jn the foothills in the eastern part of Linn County have been attending the fair all three days and have been Interested lis teners at these lectures on various phases of the fruit Industry. Recent experiments have proven that this hill land produces perfect apples and prob ably hundreds of acres of fruit will be set out in that part of the county In the coming year. The fair was a success in every re spect. The exhibits were Bplendid and the attendance broke all records for a local fair. Xo Exhibit for Spokane. At a meeting of the executive com mittee this morning it was found that it would be impossible to send the local exhibit to the National Apple Show at Spokane, as pkinned. Under the rules governing exhibits here all Individual exhibits, winning prizes go to the com mittee. rut the county exhibits remain the property of the growers furnishing the apples. The local committeemen were willing and in fact desirou,s of sending all of the exhibit which came Into their possession to Spokane, but the men In charge of the exhibits of Marlon. Benton and Lane Counties re fused to send their apples for the rea son, that they had other plans for their use either- In displays In their home counties or In Portland. The committee feared that without " these three big exhibits it would be im possible, to make a creditable showing at Spokane, so no apples at all will be sent. The boxes which won prizes In the Individual exhibits will be retained by the committee and will be sold by auction tomorrow mwrnlngr. I.AE COCXTV MrCH PLEASED Success of Connty in Raising: Apples Gratifies Growers. EX-GENE. Or.. Oct. 29. (Special.) There Is. great satisfaction here among fruitgrowers and citizens generally ovei winning first prize at the Albany Apple Fair by the Lane County exhibit The victory Is made the more satisfactory berause of the excellent exhibits In com petition from other countlee. There are a number of growers here who have steadfastly urged the advan tage of this section for fruit-raising. The success of Lane at the apple fair, to gether with the fact that Lane County won first on its cherry exhibit at the Salem Cherry Fair, will afford new Jus tification for the claims that fruit farm ers claim for Lane. Many here think Lane would .make fully as good a show ing In a competitive pear show. PAWNS WATCH, ARRESTED Soldier, Accused of Hold-up, Is Found With Stolen Goods. VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct. 29. (Spe cial.) While attempting to pawn a su rer key-winding waieh at Beauregard's pawn shop on Main street today, Albert Williams, rrivate in A Battery. Fourth Field Artillery, in Vancouver Barracks, was arrested by Officer Ira Cresan for holding up with a knife Edward Nerton. on of Robert Nerton, of Orchards. Nerton trrts morning reported to the police that he went to the barracks with the .soldier to get a pair of rubber boots, and . that while he was with him near the quarters, the soldier held him up. He said that the hold-up secured $6 or $8 in cash, the silver watch, black purse, a Chinese coin and beer check on the United States Saloon. All but the money was found in Williams' pocket when ar rested. He denied holding up Nerton. saying Nerton had given him the -purse, money and coin. He had told the pawnbroker that he had bought the watch in Port land. PRISONER SKILFUL LAWYER Ex-Anarchlst-Ijecturer, Accuard of Murder, Conducts Own Defense. SEATTLE. Oct. 29. Peter Miller, for merly an anarchist lectures on trial In the Criminal Court for robbing a house In this city last June, and who, the police say. garroted Hugh McMahon. a bartender. In this city last Fall, is acting as his own lawyer and displaying all the skill and learning of an experienced at torney. He is examining the veniremen closely. Miller, who pawned McMahon's Jewelry in Spokane, maintains that he got the articles from two other men. and the police have, no direct evidence whatever to connect him with the murder of Mc Mahon. McMahon was strangled so skilfully and quickly that If the jewelry had not b-scn taken, the body would have been Juried as. that of a man who dropped dead of disease. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Oct. 23. Maximum tempera ture. 4 degrees; minimum. 46. River read ing. 8 A. M.. 42 feet; change la last W hours." rise 0.4 foot. Total rainfall. P. M. to 6 P. M. 0.10 inches: total -"P' tier J. 1903. 2 51 inches; normal. 5 23 inche.. deficiency, 2.72 Inches. Total sunshine Oo taber 28. 1 hour 24 minutes; possible. 10 hours 18 minutes. Barometer, reduced to sea level, at S P. M.. 28-84 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at S P. M Pacific time: . . wind a 2. J n n State ( 5- Weather - m s! I1 STATIONS. Baker City Boise Helena Kamloops North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff RoePhur?, ....... Sacramento.' Salt Lake San Francisco.. Spokane. Tacoma . Tatoosh Island. Wart la Walla... Blaine Marshfleld Siskiyou Tonopah Kallspell 4C1O.O0' 52! T. !' T 8 SE 4'NE 8 W 4 NE rioudy Cloudy Icioudy ipt cloudy Cloudy Cloudy lcioudy .Clear jrloudy Rain 'Clear 48O.0O1 4 0.64 18 SB oO 0.00 48 O.Ofl f4 0.12 4 SB 6 S 4 sir 4 SE 16 SW 4 SW s w 4 S 10 SW 12S .1 5 SO 0 . 2S ti o.m .12 0.12! IK 0 . 10 41 0 . 00 52 0.04 4S 0. 14 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Bain Bain Cloudy Clear Cloudy ! 6VO.OO1 Mi 0.02. .Iii'l . 00i 4 SW 8 SE 6 SB 4 SW 12SE 3 0.22' 4 S O .OO M) o. 00 6 SW T Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The storm remains centrsl off Vancouver Island. The changes during the last 24 hours In pressure have been slight. Bain has fallen along the pacific Coast from San Francisco north and also In the Rocky Mountain regions. Brisk southerly winds continue along the Washington and Oregon coast. The temperature has fallen over the Bocky Mountain regions and In the Sacra mento Valley: In other districts the changes have been slight, conditions are favorable for continued showery weather in this dis trict Saturday with brisk southerly winds on the coast. . Storm warnings are continued at all Coast stations. ' FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Showers Saturday; light southerly winds. Oregon Showers Saturday; brisk south erly winds along the roast. Washington Showers Saturday; Brisk to high southerly winds along the coast. Idaho Showers Saturday. G. H. WILSON. Tcsl Forecaster. Temporarily In Charge. AMCSEMEXT8. PORTLAND THEATER Main 443; A 1085. Russell A Drew Present for ths First Tims on Any tSage, THE CHAKLLM A. TAYLOR CO., IN "Tint C.IRI, FROM ALASKA." . One Week. Commencing Sunday Evening. I IClOOer Ol. ri ice, ornm,.. uu. 80c. Bargain Matinees. Wednesday and 6at- uroav. uc mr Any .23,. SEAT SALE TODAT. BAKER Main 2, A 6360. Geo. L. Baker. Manager. Seats now selling for the gTeat Rex Beach play of Alaska TltK SPOILERS" Five Nights. Two Matinees Opening next Sunaay flaatinee Nights. 2oc to II; Matinees. 23c. 80c MAIN e. A 1010. Matinees x. 6 on days and Holidays. SIGHTS THEATER ,5-25-50-0 WEEK OF OCT. tS "Oar Boys In Blue," Mci onnell and Simpson In a "Stormy Hour, Hobhr Pandur. Tempest and. Sunshine Trio, Hcllcy and Kent, Kay Montgomery and Ilesley sisters, Sansone and lMltla, Ur cbeatra. Picture. . PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of All Nations. Attraction Extraordinary. fONSII, JR., The Kdurated Chimpanzee. WILSON, FKANRLVN CO., In "My Wife Won't Let Ms." Newhold and Carroll. Warren and Brock way, The Varsity Four, Illustrated Ballad. Pantagescope. Pantages Orchestra. Popular Prices Matinee Dally Curtain, -.0, 7:20 and 0. THE GRAND u-iririr rw iirTORrtt 5ft ERNEST nOHSro.uimiifiai.fi. Maddox Melvln. The Labakans. Kllllon A Moore. Edna Davenport, Fred Bauer, firandaMODe. PANTHER AND CO. Matlnes Every Day at 2:30. Admission 15c Any Seat. Evening Performances 7:30. 9:15 loc. 25c Box Seats 50c. LYRIC THEATER phone Main 46S5," A 1026. Prices, SOe. 20e. lOo Ths Popular Athon Stock Co. Presents "HKLLO BILL." A musical comedy In 3 acts. NEXT "The Firm f Glrdlestone." by Sir A. Conan Doyle. Gold Watch Given Away Friday Evening-. Matinees Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2:1.1. -Every evening at 8:15. Carriages at 10:80. ' You'll Like the Lyric STAR THEATER PICTURES THAT ALitOST SPEAJC TODAY, LAST CHANCE TO SEE PRESENT BIG BILL. Tomorrow, Sunday, 6 "BIO NEW FF.ATVRES DIED. BELL In this city. Oct. 2. at ths family - residence. East 39th and Powell streets. Stanley Bell, aged 19 years 1 month 3 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bull. - FUNERAL NOTICES. ' CROSBY At his residence, 325 Clackamas St., Oct. 28, Mr. Edmund Crosby, aged 84 years. 6 months and 19 days, father of the late Mrs. Florence Meade. Miss Mercte E. Crosby and Edmund B. Crosby. Funeral from - above residence Saturday, Oct. 30 at 10:30 A. M. Interment at l.one. Fir Cemetery. - Friends Invited. Cap Cod.. Mass.. paper please copy. LEACH In this city, Oct. 28, at the resi dence of hef grandmother. Mrs. J. Leach, injd Williams avenue. Virginia Bose, daughter of Joseph and the late Maud Leach, aged 2 years. 4 months and S days. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at 10 A M. today ("Saturday). 'Friends invited. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. REECE In this city. Oct. 28. at 144 North JSth st.. SherroS W. Beece, aged 88 years. 4 months and 20 days. Tne funeral serv ices will be held at the chapel of the Portland Crematortum at 2 P. M.. Sunday. Oct. 31. Friends Invited SHERMAN The funeral services of Carrie Mildred Sherman, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. O. J. Sherman, will 4je held at the famllv residence. 612 East Taylor St.. at 2 P. M. today (Saturday. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. CLEM In this city. October 19. Henry Clem, aged 8 years. Funeral services will be held at Holman's chapel at 1 P. M. today (Saturday.) Friends invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. WHITE At his late residence. 85 North ' Twentieth. Isam White, aged 72 years. The funeral will be held from the home on Mon day at 10 o'clock. Please omit flowers. OATFIELD The funeral services of Michael Oatfleld will be held at the chapel of the Portland crematorium at 2 p. M. today (Saturday). Friends invited. INGALLS The funeral services of ths lata Wlnfleld 8. Ingails will be held at Fin ley's chapel at 8 P. M. Sunday, Oct. 31. Friends invited. Donning. McEntee Gllbangh. Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. I'bone Main 430. Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral Direct ors. 220 3d St. Lady Assistant, phone M. SOT. J. P. -FINLET SON. 3d and Madison, Lady attendant. . Phone iMaln . A logo. McEN'TEE-ERICKSON CO. Undertakers; lady assistant. 409 Alder. M. C133. EAST SIDE Fonersa Directors, successors to F. 8- Dunning. Inc. K. S2. B 2526. ZELLER-BVRNES CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 272 Russell. Both phone. Lady assistant LKRCH Undertaker.. 420 East Alder. Paones East ?L B 188a. Lady assistant. , ' xnE aioRNiyG oregoxian, Saturday, October 30, . 1909. . . . n . "l wrr,av REAL ESTATE. ' REAL ESTATE. KUIOSOTICn. T -rutx. , . For Sale-Lot.. JoTe-Houses. KREMLIN BAKU. I. O. M. Work meeting this (Saturday) evening. Oct. 80. at 8 o'clock. Procession moves at 8:30 sharp. Hand In petitions early. Ban quet at H P. M. Wear your "little red cap." E. E. SHARON, Chief Chronicler. EILERS RECITAL HALL for hlgh-clas. recitals, lectures, meetings; splendidly lighted, ventilated, heated, free from street noises, seating 300; equipped with pipe organ, grand pianos and automatic musical devices. For rates apply Adv. Dept.. 2d floor, Ellers Piano House,. 363 Washington St. M. B. -A.. LTLT OF THE VALLEY LODGE will give a Hallowe'en party at the W. O. W. Temple, Eleventh st. ' All members are re quested to attend and bring your friends. Lady members please bring refreshments. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS A 165. 471. 472, 484. 497. B 137. 470. 43. 4P4. O 472. 478. 470. 4S0. 481, 484. 484, 490, 491. 42. 433 . . , D 272. 474. 473. 475. 47. 481; 4S5. 491. 462. E 166, 475. 470, 479, 4S0. 4S1, 493, F 57. 478. 480. 484 , 485, 4S0. 488, 489, 490. 492. 484. G 325. 448. 453. 457, 461, 477. 483. 485, 487. 40. 402. 494. H 101. 404. 457, 474, 478. 479, 4S3. 487, 491. 492. 493. 494. J j-,8, 469. 482. 483. 484. 486. 487. 490, 491, 494. K iS8. 4R3. 489, '592. I, l)R. 43.'4li, 479. 481,. 42, 492, 494. M J75. 476. 481. 483. 48, 492. - J.iS. 475. 479, 485. 486. 487, 488, 494. 167, 47"i. 487, 4fS. P 47. 482, 467. 471. 472, 476, 482. 4S3, 492. 494. R 1.-.2, 480, 483. 489, 490, 493. S 478 494. T 4X4-.- 4S8. 487, 491, 493. V 1.16. 475, 47S. 479. ISli, 491. 493. 498. W 445. 452. 467, 470, 472. 476. 480, 487. 490. X 15. 473, 481. 485. XX 888, 493. Y 172. 480. 481. AB 118. 465. 470. 46. 491, 493. AC 464. 4H6. 468, 478. 483, 490. An 464. 42, 483. 4S.V 4S7. 490. 492, 494. AE 323. 465, 4fi9. 485. 488. AF 108. 431. 45S, 460, 469. 479. 484. 485, 486. 492, 494. AO 418. 4.-.I5. 467. 468. 470, 471. 4S4. 490. AHJT, 473. 474. 475, 476, 481. 483, 488. 4ilO. A.I 448. 447. 471. 42, 486. 487. 493. AK 179. 4C.6. 480. 482. 48.1. 491. AL 477. 478. 4S1, 42. 46.-4M. AM 37. H41. 476. 470. 483. 484. 88, 493. AN 4.10. 44.-. 460. 470, 476, 477, 478. 479, 483. 489. 488. 489. 491. 492. CLASSIFIED ADVEETISLNG BATE In Effect November 1. 1908. Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One Mm 2o Same ad two consecutive times ....So Same ad three consecutive times 80e Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .660 Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement Is not run consecutive times the one-time rat applies. The sbove rates apply to advertisements nnder "New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting the following: Situations Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Rent. Rooms. Private Families, Rooms and Board. Private Fajnille. Housekeeping Rooms. Private Families. The rate of the ahuve classification Is 7 cents a line each Insertion. Space In the "New Today" columns Is figured by measure only 14 lines to tn Inch. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore. goninn will receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of iseues Is sent. Acknowledgment nf such remittance will be forwarded uromotlr. On charge of book advertisements the charge will b based on the actual numr of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line. In case box office address Is required, us regular form given, and count this as part nf the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided elf -addressee! stamped envelopes are furnished. A receipt will be given for ail palt-ln-advanre advertising. The Oregonian will not undertake to correct errors or refund money uniees this receipt Is returned. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main SO. SECRETARY. Mala BBS. HUMANE OFFICER. Bast 477. NEW TODAY. Last Chance Corner 10th and Harrison Comer lot. with 4 modern -room houses, rented for $145 per month and paying over 9 per cent on prlc asked. $19,000, ' Tou can pay $5000 or more cash, balance S or 5 years; on Nov. 1st the price goes to 120.000. Let us show It to, you today. Grussi & Zadow El 7 Board of Trade BIdg.. 4th and Oak. $5000 6-room modern house, frac tional lot, only 12 minutes' walk f rorw Postoffice. $7000 Ideal Bite for an apartment house on 12th st. ' 814.500 Very choice Income prop erty, pays over 9 per cent.- S21.000 For quick sale' 2 lots, one lot vacant, one . Improved, paying about 7 per centon entire Investment. M. E. LEE Room 411 Corbet t BldsT, Choice quarter block on Grand ave nue and East Oak st.;. M cash; balance on terms. Jno. P. Sharkey Company lKU Mxh St. THE HOMESEEKERS' GUIDE Call or send for a copy free. Valu able Information for homeseekers. Sev eral hundred properties listed. Best and cheapest lands in Western Oregon. We buy. sell and exchange farms for city property,. Cramer Realty Co. 221-222 Henry Bldsr Portland, Or. Phone Main 6639. $7500 Lot 50x100 feet, on 10th, near Hall street. Finely situated for flats or apartment house. See this. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. 250 Alder St. 146 ACRES on river, J miles to elettrio station: 100 acres in cultivation; best fruit and dalrv land In valley: only J126 per acre: J6000 cash will handle the deal. M. C. DAVIS. R. F. D. No. 8. Salem. Or. FOR ONE WEEIC ONLY 100x150 on 15th st. track; the very choicest warehouse property, lor 40.000; nothing better. THOS. M'CCSKER. 208 Couch Bldg. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. , (All Branches) 828 Worcester Bldg. sBoaa Main SS7L A 4011 $30,000 RIVERFRONT North Portland 160 AC EES Between river and rail; choice manu facturing and warehouse sites. 550 ACRES Extending up and over the Heights; ideal residence property. These are the largest available tracts about Portland in direct line of present development northward. , As trustee, we offer these proper ties for sale and recommend their purchase, believing that great ad-.' vances will be realized in the near future. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY LOVE .' .... in- a COTTAGE Your Opportunity For $1800 3 rooms and space for more. Lot 50x100: .E. Lincoln, Near 34th. Easy Terms. .'.Less for Cash. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY NEW HOUS ONLY $10 PER MONTH NEVER AGAIN will you have such an opportunity of moving- into a spick and span new house and become the proud owner of your own home for onlv $10 per month. Come and see It. Fine bis lot: splen did view, close In; best surroundings: city water. The best place to live and make your home. The best place to buy for an invest ment. Lots not as good sell for twice the price elsewhere. Come to office and ride out In our automobile, or go to office at Gregory Heights, end of Kast Ankeny-Rose City Park carllne. Seeing is believing. Don't take our word for it. And don't ask your landlord. COME. Fully Illustrated folder on request. j INVESTriENT com 418 Corbett Bids., Fifth and Morrison. HIGH UP 16th and Elizabeth House 7 rooms. Lot 60x100 feet. Good value. Name your offer. . It's for sale. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY A Few Splendid Investments $5800 125x100, near Thurman st. $7500 55x100, East Pine st., close in, two cottages; rent for $35 per month. Terms can be had. " OTTO & HARBISON REALTY CO., 133V2 Tirst St Holladay Avenue $18,000 100x100 Corner E. Second. Business property will pay 12 per cent, or it is a good. speculation; Half Cash. Serigstage& Lyman 0O Klftn St. For FOR 50 YEARS Corner lot 60x190 feet on northwest corner 11th and Alder .streets. Just one half block from new Seward 14-story hotel site. .Splendid opportunity to se cure a central location most favorably. Parrish, Watkins 6 Co. 250 Alder St. OWNER'S OFFER 100x100 Burnside St. Corner Downtown Business DlstrlcL 865.000 AM 4M. Oregonian. it I As a first payment will give you im mediate possession of a beautiful Lot in Katherine Addition Balance at $10 per mouth. CHAPiN 6 HERLOW - 332 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Beautiful Residence and Quarter Block HoliadayV Addition Southwest corner East 11th and Clackamas streets, close to Irvington and Broadway cars; price, $15,000. third down; includes carpets, light fixtures and sanitary cleaning ma chine. . ' Investigate .at once if seeking ex tremely desirable home. Further particulars, inquire M'CARGAR, BATES AND LIVELY, Failing Bldg., City. Hoiiaday's The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE resf-vi-ce properly ot the city. SKISINti IS BELIEVlXi BETTER go and see the many CtiOICE resi dences under construction and the 1m firovemeota goms on- The. Oregon Real Estate Company UBAKU AVE. AND MttlNOUAH SI. v " Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rates. . Bulldinc Lmana. , Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 305 Worcester I .lock. Peninsula & Acreage For subdivision. A money maker. Brong-Steele Co. ' 110 Second St. NOTHING DOWN NOTHING FOR 3 YEARS We will sell choice residence lots at University Park, without any payment on -the purchase price for three years, to those who vill build modern resi dences. Money to loan to homebuUders. FRANCIS I. McKENNA, 617 Commercial Mock, Second and W'RHhlnKton. INGLESIDE PARK S150 to $-00 a lot. SIO down. 5 a month AMK.I-PHEl.l'S-WWN CO. 7:i2 Marqnnm Hulldlnsr. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. 4 Co. M. 3319. .SO Hamilton bid.. Baker, Alfred A., 112 AhlnKton bldg. Beck. William G.. 312 Failing fcldsr. Blrre".. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortnages, loans, etc. Bm baker & Benedict. 502 McKay bide. M. 549. Chapin & Herlow, 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co., 503 Corbett bldg. Fields, C. E. As Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings A Co., Main ICS. 200 OregonUln. Porrtsh, Watkins & Co., 250 Alder st. Sens lk, Geo." D.. 204 Stark St. Main or A 312. Sharkey. J. P. & Co.. 122-V4 Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). Walker. S. T ; BO! Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For hale -Lot. HEADQUARTERS FOR VACANT LOTS. Beautiful building slts in all parts of the city; we ran arsure you that our prices are right, and that it pays to see us. CHAPIN' & HERt.OW, 332 Chamber of. Commerce. TWO choice Bay Ocean lots, ocean frontage; present price $10('; enn be had for R0O each by a eafh payment of $75 and 10 per month each; must be taken by 10 o'clock. Maln 8088. BAROAIN" For sale.. 1 lot 34x100, at 21st and Alberta sts.. 2 blocks from car. all clean and fenced: price $370, all cash. Inquire at 1135 East 23d St. North.; Al berta car. BET bullrtlnr lot on Tillamook st., adjoin ing Laurelhurst; all Improvements paid; re stricted district: can't be bat for Profit able Investment. Phone owner. Tabor 431. B 2080. IF you want to buy. real estate cheap If vou want to sell real estate cheap SEE ME That's the only kind I handle. S. D- VINCENT, 420 Lumbermena Bldg. LOTS, 1100 EACH. New addition, on carllne. S." minutes' ride. 12 or S3 per month. National Realty ft Trust Co., 32"rtt Washington St.. room 518. IRVINGTON LOT. 1TTH ST.. BARGAIN. Choice location, all improvements In. S400 below value suijroundtng lots. Owner, East 6368. 204 McKay bldg. HAWTHORXB-AVB. lots, let us show you some big bargains in this district. M. E. Lee, room 411. Corbett bldg. 1375 CASH will buy my' lot. near Alberta street. If sold in next 4 dys. AG 49, Oregonian. . WEST SIDE LOT. 50x100 FEET, Price 175, easy terms. 5 cent carfare. See owner. 614 Board ot Trade bldg. . WILL sacrifice my lot In best part of Vernon for $550 GOT TO RAISB CASH. W 494. Oregonian. ' GOOD lot tn Rose City Park; will call for you and take you out. C 2T46. IRVINGTON lots J1000. A. Backus, Board of Trade bldg. Main 6960. A 7674. KENTON residence lots, close to car, cash or Installments. AC 469. Oregonian. FOR SALE A choice lot to Irvington. T 464. Oregonian. . $3 Addition II' I T T HlPTTU 1 7 V 1 1 : w T 3 . v r tew LOT. 00x112 ft., high and sightly, surrounded by fine homes, all Improvements in, one block from car. -Cheap for cash; price 12950. H P. PALMER-JONES CO.. SlS-Sl.t Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main S099. A 2053. APARTMENT OR HOTEL SITE. lOoxioo ut north of Washington St.. close In. on paved, street. In center of cest residence district,' some Income; price $20,000. terms. ' H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2653. ONLY $40 CASH .BUYS Full 45x100 lot. on grade.I street, city wa ter (In and paid), cement walk and curb . bonded, near good carllne and 10 mln ride from bridge; bal. of S3S5 payable 10 monthly This is your chance. Comp.ete abstract, perfect title. Call at once. 516 Ablngton Bldg. ' IRVINGTON LOT $1200. 50x100. above grade, gn paved street. .1 blocks from car, the - heapet good lot In Irvington; price $1200. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. . Phones Main Sil'.i9. A 26ri3. LOTS FOR SALE. Two nice lots. 100 feet from Sellwood carllne on South ave., 50 by 100. can be bought on very, easyterms; price $750 ea - i. 609 Swetland Bldg. 2 CHOICE lots, line location, pi-ice will eur pri you. cheap; 3 best new homes. 6, 8. 9 rcoms, Irvington, Holladay Addition. M S830, C 1271, 500 Oregonian bid;,'., V. K. Herdrnan. ' SPECIAL TOPAT. $2.50 cash, balance easy; 50x100, on car llne. See It today. -' HOWARD LAND CO.. Main 7776. 519 Swetland Bldg. SIX lots, unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots, selected on Council Crest; for pale at a great bargain by ,nwn. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main U34. FINEST corner lot In Sunnv.Mde, cor. 30th and E. Morrison St.. 7xl"0 ft.; price $l.SOO . cash. See owner 1153 E. Morrison. For S.tle Houses. f FOR SALE 2U-story concrete Mock resi dence, surrounded by line Improvement: prominent corner on Tnlon ave.; hardwood floors, 12-foot wide porches, front and ei'ie. beamed ceilings, large living room? and bed room: third floor very spacloiu, and light; a residence that will be as good 20 years hence as when It was built and that will cost you nothing lor extt-rlor pointing. Call or wmte for our dejcr(ptlve honk. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, 212-213 Commercial Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. . Nice, nearly new u-room ,edern 2-ory house; gat? and electricity, furnace and fire place, street and sidewalk paid, full lot, north front; price $4tl"0, on easy terms: a nice home, on Clackamas St., near 2ttth; fine neighborhood. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. WKST-lKVl.MflUS tu.'.vtr.. . An elegant 8-room residence, ncarlv new. thoroughly modern, cement bnse ment, stationary washtubs. rnnge, etc.; everything In flrst-ciass condition; price, $4500. an extremely low price for this lo cation and property. CLARK COOK CO.. 6 Board of Trade Bldg Main 5407. A 3252. MODERN S-room home. 1 block from Haw thorne; full lot, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, etc.; will sell on terms, or ex change for smaller house or vacant lota; this Is a bargain for someone who wants a beautiful home for less than it will cost to build; and It's In a choice neigh borhood, too. Owner. AN 496. Oregonian. CORBETT-ST. ' HOUSE, $500. Good 2-story house( . near Glbbs St.; has gap. porcelain bath. .' aireet and . -idewalk p-jln: fine neighborhood; a big bargain at $2500. $5oO eah, $2o per month: miiat be ifuld quick; walking distance. West Side. GRl'SSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. HAWTHORN -AVE. DISTRICT. 4-room bungal w. well built and ready for occupancy; ' price $2000: terms $500 cash; this is a bargain price for imme diate sale. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Clul- Bldg. Phones Main 8699, A 2653. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains ana rivers: beautiful, commodious, convenient, new; . nicely Improved grounds. 100x100, fronting hard-surfaced street: price $20,000. Buyer see owner. 602 Corbett block. GARDEN, CHICKENS ANt) COW. 6-room house with fruit trees. on Ore gon City Electric carline, and 8 lots. ' price $800. must sell; terms $3 or $5 each month; take Oregon City car at Morrison street bridge, get off at Jennings Lodge and inquire at grocery for H. Hobson. FOR SALE Modern 8-room house, fur nished; fireplace and furnace, , gas and electric lights. East Burnside. near 22d; new hard-surface pavement; price $6500. half cash; lot 60x100; worth more than half that sum. Gibson & Holllday, 304-5 Gerlinger bldg. $2750 NEW B ROOMS $2750 50x1m. fine lawn, 3 porches, modern plumbing, chicken park, full basement, loo feet to car; $450 cash, balance $20 month; house cost nearly this much and Increas ing in value; fine location. Owner. Main 8004. THE finest and most attractive new 5-room bungalow- In Portland, fireplace, attic and cement basement, In good neighborhood and not far out on the East Side; Im proved streets; $250 cali, balance $20 per month and Interest. AD 4flc. Oregonian. FOR SALE Modern houee, 10 room. and attic high and elghtly; beautiful treea and BhrubR, all kinds fruit: 2OOX230 feet ground; cement walks all In; owner leaving town; terms. Phone Sellwood 795. 600 East 2Sth at. . "v 37.-,o Well-arranged, tasty home. 6 roemsj full lot; modern improvements; built for and occupied by owner. Sell carpels and shades verv- reasonable; near-by Ibts sell ing for $2000. 5 It Lumbermen, bldg., 5th and Stark. " $500 Bl'NGALOW.- " $5O0 cash, balance monthly, new 5-room modern bungalow on East Everett St., west of 2Sth, bargain. 519 Swetland bldg. Main 7776. NEW 6-room. 2-story residence, fireplace, furnace, modern In every particular; fine East Side restricted district. Improved streets, near car; $350 cash, balance monthly. AN 492, Oregonian. NEW. modern 4-room bungalow: wired; large lot; basement, cement foundation, pantrv, sink, toilet, lath, lavatory; price. $1500; $150 cash, balance to suit. 424 Henry bldg. A REAL bargain; for sale by owner, new o-room bungalow, beautifully arranged and arttsticallv tlniBhd: 3 lots, natural trees; near car;" $3100. Call Woodlawn 2209 or 2447. jlrt.OoO Whole block, close In: 5 cottage, on property; Income. $75 month: manu facturing and stable sites. East Slde; terms. Owner. Fuhr, 387 V4 East Burnshle. BARGAIN, $1350. no Interest first year, $20 Jown, $20 per month; new 5-room house, ful lot. 15 minutes on Oregon Electric, near station, or rent $10. Phone Sell. 1109. A GENUINE snap: look this up; 4-room modern hoUBe. with 4 lots, all In bearirg, fruit and lawn: a beauty.; $2400: your own terms. Spencer & Co.. 102 2d st. WE own S beautiful lot. In Irvington; will, build on either of these to .nit. on terms. . Butterworth-Stephenson Co.. M 8529. 35 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington. - KEAR.tET St. : modern, new 7-room home, jf the' choicest part of the Nob HII1 dls . '.Trlct; $7000. Full information at 410 Fall ing block. FOR SALE By owner. the handsomest bungalow In IrvlngUtn. 496 E. 20th st. North. Call and see It. MODERN 6-room cottage at Myrtle Park. 4 blocks from carllne, lot 50x100; price $1200. Call up A 415S. FOR SALE My own 7-room home, 786 E. Taylor. Including carpets, etc.; leaving town. F- C. Graham. 827 C. of C. A SWELL home in St. Johns, an extraordi nary bargain if taken at-once; terms. Ad dress room 12, 806 ft Jefferson St. FOR SALE, $45O0 Two houses near E, 26th and Hoyt. Inquire P. J. Mella. telephone Main 6579, East 3341. HOME built to order on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under bond; in vestigate plan. R. C. Young, box 4064. NEAR new Jefferson High School, modern, 6-room house, splendid location. Inquire 1095 Maryland ave. Phone Woodlawn 60. AT a bargain, two fi-room modern houees. Ladd Add.; term. easy. Owner. 672 Locuet at., Ladd Add. East 2725. Thos. Vigar.. 13700 8-ROOM house, at 1455 Union ave. term.. Agent, need not reply. WARM and very . modern: see It; 8-room bungalow. Phone C 2749. EQUITY IN $4000 Bl'NGALOW. At i ytit tv j-i . , Located at East l.sth and -Hralnard, 1 block from the Alberta car and on one of the highest corners in Vernon, lot 50x100. with unsurpassed view of Mt. Hood, St Helens and Adams. 5 larse rooms and front and rear hall finished; . rooms above that can be completed for $t!0; handsome i combination fixtures with two large lead ed dome shades; lights In rooms number 20. all controlled bv switches; reception ' hall has large nrepface. feet In actual width, with room for B-footjlog: front room has large 40-Inch plate glass window and ." leaded glass, large 10-lnch pillars between hall and parlor; dining-room pan eled, beamed celling. 4 electric lights Im bedded In celling. 1 art glass dome sus pended from ceillng with heavy brass chain; lari;e plate giass door on to porch, line Dutch kitchen with glass doors: woodllft. tiled wainscoting: bedrooms large and with fine large closets, large bath, medicine cabinet etc.; base ment, full concrete and then celled, painted white; stationary wash traya and laundry stove; S cords of wood, tlr and oak; 19 thoroughbred Minorca hens, tine chicken-house and run; this is a home that iou will have to see to appreciate for it is a beauty; excellent location for physician. ' "R" CHAPIN & HERLOW. .132 Chamber f Commerce. IRVINGTON HOUSE. $5200 8-room modern house. Just finished,, hardwood floors, faces east, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, near Knott and i-'d. full cement basement, furnace with hot water coils, laundry trays, lot 50x100. line lawn, shade trees, never been occupied; cost more than this: I am stuck and must S.-11 before November 1; part cash. X 491, Oregonian. NORTH PORTLAND RENT PAYERS. if you would like to own a home of your own we can make It easy for you; we have 5 neat homes, cozy and only 7 blocks to carbarns. 5, 0 and 7 rooms; plastered walls, hath and toilets; full concrete basements; every one In flrst clasa condition; from $2imo to $2900; 10 per cent cah. It per cent per month. S COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANX, I M Fourth Street, Board of Trade Hldg. CHOICE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. $4250 S-room modern houc. $3.'o0 1o-riKm modern house. $ i2.'0 il-room modern house. $S5M New modem s-room house, with lot lOOxlOO; a .splendid locality for apart ment house: above all. West JSIde. $75110 Lot 55xl0. with 2 cottages, rent at $.15 per month, close In on East Tine St.; half earth will handle it. OTTO HARK SON, 133 Vi First Street. $48(10. HOLLADAY BARGAIN. J Modern eight-room house, with best plumb ing, furnace, fireplace, electric and gas fix tures, full cement cellar floor, extra toilet, cement wflfhtuix. two blocks from the car line; street improvements paid; house In No. 1 condition; will sl! for cash or half cash at $4S:.o. or can n-rat:ge on Installment plan at the additional cos:. Phone B 1362 or Ea-w 92. IRVINGTON HOME., must be sold; strictly modern 9-room. well-built bouse, at 833 Hancock st. (cor. of E. 26th st.). must be sold. Large verandas, sleeping balconi-s. oak floors in both stories, enameled wood work. 2 fireplaces, full concrete basement, etc. This bouse was built for a home a'id will be sold at very reasonable price and terms. Price 10.o00. Address room 11. 250ft Id st Phones A 28D3 or Main S62. STOP THE- RENT. Buy this Sunnyslde bungalow, new and mod ern, 5 room-, bathroom, pantry, attic, 2 torchet. flower porch, titntlonary tubs, full basement with cement floor. 60 fe.t fronting east. All this for , $250 down, balance like rent. . Buy from owner and ave money. Call 351 EjsI 39th St.. on. block south of Hawthorne ave. Acreage. R1VKRUAI.E. I will sell all. or any portion, of my beautiful 8-acre tract at Riverdale; will cut up lilcelv into single ncres or more; tract is wooded and commands an unex celled view- of river, city and mountains: secure for yourself a chlce country homo site In this most exclusive residence sec tion ot Portland; will build your home, conforming to your own plans, on easy terms if desired. F. C Graham, 827 C. of C. A' BARGAIN. 10 acree. with 4 rooms; good black soil: 7 blocks to electric line, near Beaverton; 2 acres cleared, bal. easily cleared; 1 has some timber; this Is a nap and come quick; price $2.V('. $15oo handles, balance 2 year. SELLKKS ItBALTY CO., 5wi Board of Trade. Maln 7488 . A 7650 8 ACRES. 11 miles from Courthouse, on O. W. P. Electric lino; surrounded by bear ing apple orchard and cultivated po.ato land- overlooks Columbia River: an Ideal tract. Price 240O; terms. H. 1'. PAI.MKR-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commerclnl Club Hldg. Phones Mnin StS'.Mi; A 2U53. A BE AVTI ICT I, home, suitable for platting: 5 acres; all Improvements; will sell at half price. $1000; terms; 5-cent fare, Mt. Scott line. Call at Rayburn's store, Lenta, owner. 1 to 5 P. M. ACREAGE In large or small tracts oa e.r- llne close In: choice river front: 5oO menvs to subdivide. Kinney & Stimpher. 531 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 4881 SO LEVEL acres. 40 In grain. 10 open tim ber, pasture, on Snlem line, near river; $125 an acre. A 4SH, Oregonian. $30o CASH Base Line Road. 5 acres, balance eiy trms; $3lO per acre. Lewie. 251 Washington st. 10-ACRE garden tract on easy terms: close to Forest Grove: some beavertlam. Owner, 511 Board of Trade. ACRES close tn for $9000. This Is a fin buy. Call 410 Falling block Homestead. FREE LANDS IN OREGON. Send your address or call and get our booklet that tells all about the aao-arra homesteads in Central Oregon; three rail roads now building on direct line toward, the property. B. S. COOK CO.. 5Q3 Corbett Bldg. j WANTED At once, homestead reunquisn- ment; must ne goon nun '"'"i'- over some stock. Address, with full de scription In first letter. Room Beaver Rooms, cor. Marshall and 12th sts. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. Itju acres. 1 mile from railroad, a snap. Call 519 Swetland bldg. WANTED Well-posted homestead locator that enn talk real estate; give phone number. S 408. Oregonian. y 25 ACRES, clear, timber and water, near Roseburg, Or. A 493. Oregonian. M isceltanrous. FINE FARM. SUITABLE FOR PLATTING. We have an SO-acre farm, nearly one half beaverdam land; half hour out of city; mostly under cultivation; large new barn, good house, young orchard; 22 elec tric trains daily within 5 minutes walk of the house; Southern Pacific trains, with station and switch on the land; this Is an Al farm, finely located for platting. We offer the tract for a short time at $225 an acre, with terms. For sale by the owners, BENNETT DERBYSHIRE. Jul Swetland Bids. 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACTS IN THE "FRUIT ZONE" of Yamhill County. First offering of "ELROD TEN ACRE TRACTS" $140 to $155 per acre. Convenient terms. Send your address for full particulars. J. O. ELROD, OWNER. 519-620 Corbett bldg. Tortland, Or, APPLE PLANTINGS. We are planting K-O0 acres In Loran. District and can give "selections of five acres or more, including five year.' care. These properties will receive ttttme cluM of care and attention a. we are giving our walnut planting. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., Inc., Lumber . Kxchange Rldg.. Second and Stark Sts. 60 ACP.ES on the United Railway. 4 miles N. W. of Llnnton. for only $125 If taken at once: carline crosses place twice; this price for a few days only and will be raUed to $500 per acre w hen cars commence run ning; grandest proioslt!on for subdividing or Investment. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. rooms 4-8 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison all. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR cloje-ln acreage or small, well-Improved farms. at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett bldg RENTING property on William, ave.; a .nap at $5000; soma cash. Buy it- 007 Beck bldg. t