Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 28, 1909, Page 17, Image 17

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First Large Shipment Will Ar
rive This Week.
Business Iono by Jobbers at 13 l-2
to II Cent New Almonds,
Filberts and Brazils Are
on tl.e Market.
Th first straight rr of Tallfornla
vralnnts m due tn arrive the lattrr part of
the wk. The flrst shipments received by
ixprMi sold as high as 16 cents a pound,
but since then the market hat eimed off
and there were snles yesterday at 13H?14
cent. Xew a'monds are on hand and of
fering; at 14 u w centfl. Filberts are
selllnir at Hi 13 cents, and Pra7.1!s at a
ranire of 2' to in cents. Some small lots
of new Ohio chestnut have been received
and are held at 2fl cents.
Ttie California walnut crop, which was
Ultht this year, has practlcnlly all been aold
up. The association nuta are tone, and
-what few outnlde nuts remain ara firmly
held. The almond supply in that state is
'now tn comparatively few hands, and quo--t
tat ions are firm, w!th an advanclns; ten
dency. Eaetern "trade reports nr that Alberts
are slightly lower in Sicily, but much
hlpher in Naples for both round and Ion,
r rail is are firm. Tec an prices ere rtoml
rL The crop In Texas Is aid to be a
email one. and the hurricane in Tutsiana
is reported to have greatly daranged the
crop in that state.
Consul Xnpon. at Orenobe, France, writes
, of the walnut crop' there:
The crop ts no nr In process of harvest Ins;
and dry In ft. The first shipments for the
1 ntted" Ptates wilt pr.ibably hepln about
October 10. The cr.p Is an average one la
quantity, and genera l!y Rood in quality.
The nuts are rat ner smaller than usual,
attributable io unfavorable weather for de
velopment In the early Spring; at t'.ie same
time, they appear to be well filled with
xnent. 4
From Information received, contracts have
already been made In tho United states for
forward delivery on the basis of 8 and 1
ftancs $l and per 1K kilos (220
pounds c. I. f. New York. The ope ling
jri-?. it Is t h ought, will rule higher than
l;if ye-ir. Kn-rm rs are nuking an much as
7", francs (S14 4 per iro kilos, us against
francs ( S 12..V the previous year. This
is priiahly due to ihe recent and anlma:ed
fi.'niar'i on t h part of American buyers
Xt KMlnuia of at season's crop.
Immetiw! Accumulation at I.os Angel ea.
Fruit Trade Active.
Tl-e fruit trade was of fair volume yea
frdny ami most llns. except grapes,
cleaned up. Tokays continued weak, but
green varieties were firm. Local Concorde
M-re slow. A car of Tokays and blacks
was due last night.
The market is almost bare of Eastern
cranberries, but two cars are ' due early
next week. Coast cranberries are in fair
airpply. The Eastern market is firm.
California advices note a firmer tone In
the orange market. Among receipts from
th South yesterday were a car eacA of
Bellflower applea and sweet potatoes.
The potato market is weak and sluggish.
Reports from Xxs Angeles yesterday were
that there are 2i!.ooo narks on that market,
while at San Francisco 17 cars of potatoea
were on the track. The San Francisco
market was quoted In private wires at 00
cents to-fl on Oregon stock. Buyers at this
nd are not offering more than B0 Q 60c at
country points.
Oregon Staple Seils Close to 80 Cents,
Scoured Bai, at Boeton,
The demand for staple Oregon wool fa
only moderate as a general rule, says the
Boston Commercial Bulletin, although one
bouse reports the sale of 200,000 pounds at
5 cents grease, or close to 80 cents
scoured basis. Other grades are quiet and
Unchanged In price.
In territory wool, says the Bulletin, a
fairly good business, considering the limited
stocks remaining. Is being accomplished
and full prices are being obtained In all
casern. Ttfa selections are now well broken,
and top prices are being paid for the In
ferior wools. Wyoming continues to sell
In the original bags at 25 to 27 cents
srreaae, or about 75 cents clean basis. Mon
tana Is also moving In the original bags
at 27 to 2S cents, while New Mexican stock
is being disposed of similarly at a range
of 23 to 24 He. Quarter Mood Is being takei
whenever possible, at about 31 cents, white
half-blood sells readily at 29 to 30 cents
for strictly combing wool, with 23 to 24
cents quoted on stock containing clothing
wool. Three-eighths Is In steady request at
30 to SI cents, but the supply Is very
Some Demand for "Wheat for Coastwise Ac
count. The grain markets did not show much
animation yesterday. There was a little
demand for wheat for ccastwlse account,
and former prices were quoted.
Oats and barley were steady. Receipts
In both lines have been light this week,
but Myers requirements are fairly, well
Local receipts, in ears, were reported by
the Merchants' Exchange as follows:
Wheat i:arlcy Flour Oata Hay
Monday i4 10 20 H ;."
Tuesday 0i 1 11 fl 17
Wednefcday 44 4 ! 2 . ;t
Year aifo i ! 1 4 !."
Total last wofk.4:i6 TO 4S 3ft 107
Market Firmer With Light Arrivals From
the Country-
Receipts of poultry were rather light
again yesterday and the prospects are for
small arrivals during the remainder of the
week. This 'is attributed to the resump
tion of farm work, following the recent
rains. As a result the market was firm
yesterday with chickens soiling at loglSUo
and prices showing an upward tendency.
The egg market was firm with a strong
demand for strictly fresh stock at 3d cents.
Hunter and cheese were steady and un
changed. Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balance.
Portland i.;;6.5.7
Seattle 3.91S.41 7M.364
Taeomil 1.136.6:8 10a. 672
tpok.i.'ie 764.613 3 70.385
brain. Flour. Feed. Etc.
WHEAT Track prices: Bluentem. S 1 9
$1.03; clul, 9-c; red Hussian, 9c; Vallev,
I'lc; Fife. ItJc; Turkey red, fiJc; 40-fold.
9 ic.
BA RLE Y Feed. f .IS.50 27; bivfeving.
t-7.& ptr ton.
Fl.Oi'K Patents. 10 per barrel; $4.35; clears. 4::v exports. :i.iH;
Vsliiy. 4.!N; graham. $4.70; whole wheat,
qu.-triers. S t.'.to
OATS No. 1 white. $3S 50 per ton.
i'OKN Who. :i.".c: crneked. J:'fi rr ton.
MILLET TEES New iii-p brar.. Jutf per
ton; middlings. shorts. .50; rolled
barley, t js.Ou JO-Oo.
HAY Tinruhy Willamette Valley, $14
17 per ton; Eutern Oregon. i8f -0; alfattw
$15141; clover, $14; cheat, $1314.50; grain
ha. $14&15-
Dairy and Country Produce.
BTTTTER Cltv creamery, extras. S6c:
fancy outside .creamery. 333fte per pound,
store 22ia4c. 4 Butter fat prices average
lte per pound V r rt-RUlar butter prices )
EG1S reour:t5?iHttc P,r doxen; East
ern, 30i3?c er dozen. -,,..
CHEESK Kui; cream twins. 1 '4 1f 18c per
pound; Y-'ung A mricas IS H r llc.
PO L'LTK Y Hens. 1 5 1 H c ; fPHnf
15c: roosters, Iftf 10c; duoks. lc;
gees. lor; turkeys. 10 H c; aquabs,
$l.75ix2 per doxt-n.
ror.K Fancv !rQ,ir Pr pound.
VEAL. Kxtra. 9hilO:C'
Vegrlables and Krutts.
FRSH FRUITS Apples. $1 H 2 per box:
pears, tl a 1 i0 Per box; grapes, soeff $1.-6
per craie. lOl-'c per basket: casabas,
tl.2i& 1.00 pur dox-n; quinces. Si 1.2 per
box; cranberries, si. 50 'a 9 per barrel; per
simmons! 11.50 per box; huckleberries, 3c per
pound. .
POTATOES Pitying prices: Oregon.
fiOc i-jr sack ; sweet potatoes. 1 li -C per
TROPICAL FRt'ITS Oranges. $3 iff 3. 50;
lemons, fancy, $6; choice. J.".50; grape
fruit. 53.5rt''f 4 ptr box; bananas, '''a j!jC per
pound; pomfgranatfs, $1.50 per box.
VKiiETADI.KS Artichokes. 75c Pr
dozn ; bean. 10c per pound; cat
bace, ii lc per pound: cauliflower, 30
4i Jtc per dozen; celery. 5ni K.c per dozen;
rcrn, iiwi.25 per sa'k; eirgplant. Jl 5 per
box; garlic. 10c per pound: horseradiuh. J rt
l'c per dozen; hothouse lctture. $Mi l.5 pr
box; peas. 10c per pound; peppers, 5 (& 6c
per pound; pumpkins, ltlijc; radiches. 15c
per dozen ; sprouts, Sc per pound ; squash,
$1S I K'; tomatoes. 40ti0c.
SACK VE'JlSTAliL-Ktf Turnips, 75ct per
sark : carrot. $1 ; beets, $1 25; rutabagas,
$1.10 per sack.
ONIONS Oregon. $16M.23 per sack.
Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc.
DRIED FRUIT Apples. 9-4c per pound;
peaches, '7iUbc;- prunes. Italians. 64
(c: prunes. - French, 4⁣ currants, un
washed, cases. 9l?c; currants, washed,
cases, 10c; Ilgs. white fancy, 50-Ib. boxes,
6c; dates. T'-f"',iC.
.SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails.
$2 per dozen: 2-pound tails. $2.95; 1-pound
flats, $ 10 ; Alaska pink. 1 -pound talis.
Sue; rv'd, 1-pound tails, 91.45; sockeyes,
1-pound tHlls, 2.
COFFEK Mocha. 24-ti28c; Java, ordinary.
17tf20c; Costa Kica. fancy, 18l0c: good,
16i lSc; ordinary, l:'if lc per pound.
MTS Walnuts. li'iiH'ic per pound;
Brazil niits. 121?'ffl5c; rilberts. 14'jflBc; al
monds, lili K'Wc; chestrfuts, Ohio, 26c;
cocnanuts, 0fii $1 Ter dozen,
BEANS Small white. 7c; largo white.
U-; Lima, 6mc; bayou, Sc; rv;d kidney,
44c; pink. 4 c.
Sir.Att Granulated. $5.85; extra C, $5.3.;
golden C, $5 2: fruit and berry sugar.
$3.5; beet. $5.75; cubes (barrel), $6.40;
powdered ( barrel . Jfi.lrt. Terms, on re
mittances within 15 days, deduct c per
pound; if later than 15 days and within
30 days, deduct 1c per pound. Maple
sugar. 1 5 ffj lie per pound.
SALT Granulated. $13 per ton. 11.30 per
bale: half ground, 100c, $7.50 per ton; 60s.
S per ton.
HONE Y Choice. IS.SR'ffS 50 per case.
Car of Med ford Apples Condeiumcd
by Frnlt Inspector Esgs
and Butter Weak.
FEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 27. (Special.)
s-attie agents are In -Callfoinla trying to aell
oata thera. , Oata ara not moving vry brisk
ly her, and atocka are heavy In aome quar
ter. IJttle buying ot oata le In progreaa
at op-Sound polnta. Nowhere near the usual
quantity haa been purchased to oata thla
year. Alfalfa haa moved up It to tlTS'lS.
A car of Medford. Or., applea waa con
demned here today by the Prult Inapector on
account of being wormy and aealy: Another
car of applea. condemned In Vancouver, B. C.
waa caught here today and condemned for a
aecond time and destroyed. Lrge quanti
ties of peai have been condemned during the
last few day.
The fire Ohio chestnuts reached here today
and were quoted at 25 cents a pound.
Bweeut have dropped back to $1.60. Apples
continue In over-supply and weak, especially
the fancy varieties.
Eggs were weak at 44345 centa. There
was talk of lower prices today. Butter la
also weak, owing to heavy production and
large arrival of Eastern.
The market Is glutted with veal and dressed
Prices Paid for Frodnre In the Boy City
BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 27 The follow
ing prices wer, quoted In the produce mar-
kevegetaHa Cucumbers 0ff63c: string'
beans 85c; tomatot-s. 25Gr0.-.c; garlic, ;v
6c; green peas. 80c: eggplant. 401360c;
0k5llstu?fs-Brmo. J8.SCSu: middlings.
$3o. 30:17.60.
jjuttt.r Fancy creamery, 82Vic; creamery
aeconds, SOsC; fancy dairy. 2fc.
Poultry Roosters. old, 14 5; young.
6S: broilers, small. S333.00: large. 4
Is-. fryers. $60: hena. 5310; duck
old. $46; young. 969s.
Kggs blore. 50c; fancy ranch. 60c
Cneee New. i5i se lfc; young Americas,
18Hav Wheat, fluff 19.50: wheat and oats,
tU'd'17: alfalfa. !12; stock. 7lffM); bar
ley, SHI'S li; straw, per bale, 50 -3 70a
Fruits Apples, choice, 1101.AO: com
mon. 40d xoc : bananas. 75c1i3.."i: limes.
.50(z 6.50: lemons, choice. $3.5004: com
mon. 2i3: pineapples. $22.75.
Hops 1413 V7c per pound.
"VVooi Houth Plains and San Joaquin.
Sf 10c; Sprlne; Humboldt and Mendocino.
13 SI 3c
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. DOcVfl.on;
Jiiinirs Burbanks. $1.25 1.35; sweets, $1.25
Receipts Flour. 10.S7R quarter sacks;
wheat, loss centals; barley, 6rt(X centals:
oats, 2flftO centals; beane. 7ft(3.1 sacks; corn,
CO centals: potatoea. 2010 sacks; 'bran, 210
sacks: middlings. 15.1 saks; hay. S5 tons;
wool. S8 bales: hides. 855.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 27. Standard copper
on the New York mota! exchange dull and
nominal. Spot closed 12.35c asked; Octo
ber ii.os); November. 13.100 12.60c;
December. 11.156 12.60c; January. 13.20
12.50c. London market steady. Spot 5
10s and futures 57 12s 6d. Salea there In
cluded 800 tons spot and 1000 tons futures.
Local dealera quote Lake copper" 12.87 H
13.00c; electrolytic. 12.5012.75c and cast
ing 12.37 12.62 'c.
Tin Irregular. Spot and October closing
0 30ft 30.60c: November, 30.35 30.60c ; De
cember. 30.45$ 30.65c; January. '30.5549
30.75c. London market lower. 13S5s 6d
for spot and 140 2a 6d for futures.
Lead steady. Spot 4. 32, 04.40c New
York and 4.204.27Hc East St. Louis. Lon
don market unchanged at 13 2 d.
Spelter quiet but steady. Spot $.40
6.65c New York ernd 6.2 t7?,c East St.
Louis. London market unchanged, f23 2s 6d.
Iron lower In English market, 61a for
Cleveland warrants. Locally th market
was steady. No. 1 foundry Northern. $19.00
19.50; No. 2. $18. 50Tf 19.00; No. 1 Southern
and No. 1 Southern soft. $19.25 Q 19.75.
Dried Frnlt at New York.
NEW YORK. Oat. 27. Evaporated applea.
firm. Very light offerings for nearby deliv
ery, while prices were firm at 9Mo paid for
November delivery. Fancy, nomuial; ' choice,
tu.b'10Sc; prime. 83,c; common to fair, 6)4
Prunes, firm on comparatively light offer
ings. California, 2H4J-C up to 40-SOs; Ore
gon. 6ti&o.
Apricots, quiet. Light demand. Choice, 11
liv,c ;extra choice, U'4QU?tC. and fancy,
Peaches, firm, with a email supply. Choice,
6l5i'l4c; extra choice, Sjg6c, and fancy,
6ViSjlic. .
Rai!n. firmer, but quiet. Loose Musca
tel. 31?4ti.c: choice to fancy aeeded, 4$
6"c; seedless, 4!J4 5j5H:; London layers. $1.20
Dairy Produce in tba East.
CHICAGO, Oct. 27. Butter Firm; cream
eries. 20 Hirsute; dairies. 24024c
NEW YORK. Oct. 27. Butter and eggs
Steady, unchangVd.
No cheese. '
Flaxseed at Minneapolis. ,
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 27. Flax closed
1SH 1 ,
Relaxation Sends Stock Prices
Only lnsculing Factor Is the Disap
pointment Over the Outcome of
the United Sfates
NEW YORK. Oct. 7. The feeling of un
certainty which has Invaded the speculation
In stocks was manifest lo the halting and Ir
regular movement of prices today? The prin
cipal causes were found In the doubtful In
terpretation to oe placed on the quarterly
statement of the United Slates Steel Corpora
tion and In the problem of International
money markets.
The sense of disappointment with the out
come of the United State, Steel meeting was
not disguised In speculative quarters. The
effect waa seen In the selling orders, which
carried the price downward during the morn
ing. The intrinsic strength of the steel
trade position, which was revealed by the
corporation's quarterly report, was recognised,
hut the unprecedented price to which the stock
had been lifted and tha assertions that have
been put In circulation of the facts which
were to be disclosed by the quarterly report
had led to expectations of an unprecedented
ehowlng In the report.
This the report did not show. As a con
sequence, supporting measures wore found
necessary to prevent the price of the stock
from running off. It was estimated that some
financial plan which waa to account for the
rise in Steel. Instead of being acted on at
yesterday's meeting, is simply held In abey
ance. Officials of the corporation were dis
posed to frown on this suggestion, without
offering any definite statement on the subject.
The resumption of special appropriations
for additions to property was read as a con
tradiction of reports of an Intention to fund
such past appropriations Into a bond Issue.
Developments In the money marttet were
called favorable and an easier tone waa per
ceptible, both tor call and time fund. It
became known that the City of New York
has effected the sale recently of large amounts
of revenue warrants and placed them with
purchasers In Paris. This has the effect of
providing for the maturity of similar war
rants to the amount of $:j5.oro.0o0 which are
held abroad and which fall due November 1. .
Foreign exchange, after running off in the
morning, recovered strongly. Gold flowed
into the Bank of England and a rise In the
private discount rate In London testified to
the . growing effectiveness of the bank rate.
The easing of the local money market sent
stocks upward the latter part of the day and
closing prices were well above last night.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $3.740,0no. ' United States 3s, regis
tered, and 4s, coupon, declined i4o on call.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Allls Chalmers pf 60 48 50
Atnal Copper .... 40.7UO e2!i Su hi
Am Agricultural .. 200 46 451 4S
Am Bet Sugar .. 4S 4j 4..J4
Am Can pf 1.80 82'i 81! Wis
Am Car 1 Foun. 1.1O0 91j S l4
Am Cotton Oil .. 1,500 70 ')
Am Hd A Lt pf. 2U0 41 40 40
Am Ice Securl .;
Am Linseed OU J-
Am I-oeomotlve .. 1.6iO 6R4 6.5, 58
Am Smelt Ref.. 8.0"0 954 83 M
do preferred ... 2"0 1HS HOt 1104
Am Sugar Ref .. 2.700 133 l.W' 1J2-
Am Tel Tel.... 3.1(0 I44 138 JJ'-4
Am T.-taceo pf.. .100 ! , H" -
Am Woolen 3"0 3..t, JMJi - .'.
Anaconda Min Co. l.ft.0 401, 4r 4h"
Atchison 28 5$ 121V, 1I8 121'H
do preferred ... 8 1'4 lo.Ha J'"
Atl Coast Una ... 600 138 130'n 137
Bait & Ohio 2,000 114 114 114
BelhlehelneV;: 200 Mii 'ijii
Brook Rap Tran. 4.4- ,Vi 5
Canadian Pacific .. 1.400 1M 182 183
"jrtSlT.:: -S8 10I hH iSte
?lTJt'J.::r 87i -s sr
Chicago & Alton . . 40 ..8 6, 68
Chicago Gt West. 7 IS 18 18
Chicago & K W... 100 181! 18 18J
CM St Paul.. 7.200 160 155 156fc
?olo'Fuet & Iron ' l.iti '44 '44 44
Colo Southern "is
do 1st preferred J"
do 2d preferred. RO0 7R .8 Ti
Consolidated Gas.. S.R00 140 13t-K
Corn Products ... 1.W0 2( , ,j'
Del ft Hudson .... 7X) 183 74 182 JH .
D A R Orande ... 400 46 45--4 4t,
do preferred ... 100 34 83 83
Ditnlllers' Securl .. 8"0 S 36 3t
Krle 2.41X1 .13 32 .12'
do 1st prferred. 7l 46 46 4rtUj
do 2d preferred. 1"0 88 SS .18
General Electric .. l. 12 161 181
Gt Northern pf .. 12. 400 144 142 14.
C.t Northern Or, .. 1.000 79 78 ;9
Illinois Central .. 1"0 146 146 145
Interborough Met. 62- 20 18 20
do preferred ...21.000 51 49 50
Inter Harvester .. l.ftoo ?s
Inter-Marine pf .. 4O0 22
Int Paper 1.400 in J.'is 1; 1
Int Pump 1.200 48 -48 -JR
Iowa Central .... 8O0 28 2. 2-
K C southern . . . 600 44 43 44 -
do preferred .i?,,
Louisville Xssh 4Q 151 151 151
Minn & St Louis "J
M. St P & S S M. 4O0 1.15 135 13;.
Mlseotirl Pacific... 2.0 US 14 Ji W
Mo Kan & Texa 1.200 47, 45 47
do preferred ... 1.300 74t i4 .4
National Biscuit J''.' ,
National Iad .... 600 87 86 8,
rN.,st.p!-v7oo iniu ijj-- ih
N Y. Ont & West. 700 4H 4 405,
Norfolk ft Vest. Strft ?5 95
North American .. 10O
Northern Pacific.
5.5CO 146 145 140
Pacific Mall 1.400 40t4 39 :
Pennsylvania ...... 86,700 148 14ia 147
People's Gas .:.. 1.700 114 114 114
P. CO ft St I.... ' "H '
Pressed Steel Car. 2.2nO 48 48 48
Pullman Pal Car.' 2io 195 191
Rv Steel Spring.. 2"0 45 4Mi 4..
Reading 8.2"0 161 168 16o
Republic Pteel ... 1.7-V1 45 44 45tj
doP-eferred ... "0 104 104 104
RockX I-'and Co.. 11.700 38 ; ;
an prererreo ... i.i.-v 1 -1 -it.
Rt Ij A S F 2 pf. 3' 57 65 06
St L Southwestern 100 . 29 29 28
do preferred ;.' ,
Floss-ShefTleld .... 100 90 90 90
Southern Pacific .. 16 200 128 120 12, J,
Southern Railway. 1.800 SO 29 30 J
do preferred ... 00 69 6S 68
Tmn Copper 3-
Texas ft Pacific. . 8' 35 35"4 35
Tol. St L A West. BOO 62 R2 J2
do preferred ... 400 r, 69 69
Union Pacific 81.9,Xt 2,vi -975i, 200
do preferred ... 1.8O0 108 102 108
r 3 Realty - 80
U 8 Rubber 1.600 46 45 45
U S Steel 279.2Hl 88 SC. 88
d- preferred ... 2.OO0 126 126 126
Utah Coppr 100 4 6 46 46
Va-Caro Chemical. S.4O0 4,1' 45H 4rt
Wabash 6,w ?o 19 20
do preferred ... 8.800 51 49 61
Western Md 21
Westlnghouse Elec TOO 84 81 84
Western Union 200 75?i 75 76
Wheel L Erie ' 8
Wisconsin Central. 300 49 49 40
Total sales for the day. 802.300 shares.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Closing quotations:
U S. ref. 2s reg.100IN Y C G Ss.. 90
do coupon 100 I North Pacific .Is. 72
V. S. 3s reg IOI North Pacific 4s. 102
do coupon. .. .101 14 Irnlon Pacific 4s. 102
V S new 4s reg.110 'Wlscon Cent 4s. 94
do coupon. ... 1 16 ! Japanese 4s SC
T A R G s 98 I
Stocks at London.
LONDON. Oct. 27. Consols for money.
82 7-16: do tor account, 82.
Amal Copper... 82'Mo K & T 47
Anaconda 9H'N". Y. Central. .. 185
Atchison 122iNorfolk A West. 1)6
do pt 10,1; do pf 91
Bait A Ohio 117!Ont A Western. 47
Can pacific iss Pennsylvania ... 75
Ches A Ohio.
Chi Grt West
O. M, ft S. P.
Do Beers. . . .
D A R G. . .
do pf
do 1st pf..
do 2d pf..
Grand Trunk
111 central..
Rand Mines 8"
. . 19
. .159
. .- 18
.. 47
Reading 81
Southern Ry 80
do pf TO
Southern Pacific. 130
Union Pacific 20.1
. . 86
.13 do pf 105
48. 'U. S. Steel 88
. . 40 do pf 129
. . 20 Wabash 20
. .149 do pf 51
. .154'9panlsh 4s 95
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Tha condition of
the Treasury at the, beginning of business
today waa as follows:
Trust fund
Gold coin $873.8.14.869
Silver dollars 474.534.000
Sliver dollars of 1890 4. 03. .000
Silver certificates outstanding.. 474.534,000
General fund
Standard silver dollars In gen
eral fund 2.320.789
Current liabilities 109.0.o,603
Working balaticSiln Treasury of-
flees 29,226,656
In banks to credit of Treasurer of
United States 88,Sf!5.575"
Subsidiary silver coin 18,3 6.306
Minor coin 1 6
Total balance In general fund... S,,43.,3Sa
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Prime mercantile
paper. 53 per cent.
Sterling exchange strong after weakness,
with actual business In bankers bills at
S4.S3fi 4.NI25 for 60-day bilis. and at $4.8725
for demand. Commercial bills, $4.82 W
Bar sliver. .-.0c.
Mexican dollars. 43c.
Bonds Government, easy; railroads, ir
regular. Money on call firm. 4'5'4 per cent: rul
ing rate, 4 per cent; closing bid and offered
at 4 W per cent. Time loans easy: 00 days
and !X days and six months. 4f5 per
SN FRANCISCO. Oct. 27. Sterling on
London-. 60 days. $4.83; sight, $4.S7.
Sliver bars. 50c.
Mexican dollars, 4.1c. '
Drafts, sight. 3c; telegraph, 70.
LONDON. Oct. 27. Bar silver, steady.
23 1-lrtd per ounce.
Money. 4 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 43,4 per cent; for three
months' bills, 4 per cent.
Chancre in Available Supplies.
NEW YORK. Oct,- 27. Special telegraphic
and cable communications received by Brad
street'a this week show tha following changes
In available supplies as compared with pre
vious account: . ,
Whea-t. United States, east Rockies.
Increased 1'r7?,,V
Canada. Increased ol2,00U
Total United States and Canada,
Increased . . 1'MV1
Afloat for. and In Europe, lncr. aoed . .tt.oW.OoO
Total American and European eupply
Increased 8.141,000
Corn, United States and Canada, de-
creased c-S.O. o
Oats. United States, decreased 21,000
English' Bank Gets Bullion.
LONDON. Oct." 27. Bullion amounting to
262.000 was taken Into the Bank of Eng
Top Prices Lately Current Arc Not
Realized' on Any of the
The run of stock at the yards yesterday
was the heaviest in a long time. Trade was
fairly active, but top prices were not real
ized on anything offered. The receipts for
the day were 498 cattle, 50 calves, 1020
hogs and 209 goats.
The heavy arrivals of hogs were attributed-
to the recent advance In price.
The quality did not average up as well,
however, as some of the best lately brought
in and this, with the big run, caused some
weakness In the market. Nothing over $7.90
was paid during the day.
Cattle were rather dull, .but steady, and
the sheep market held Us own. A big bunch
of goats brought $2.50--
Shippers at the yards were: J. E. Reyn
olds, of Condon, with three cars of cattle
and hogs; L. Zimmerman, of Nampa. Idaho,
four cars of cattle; Kiddle Brothers. of
I.-iland City, six cars of cattlo; A. B. Jlesr
senger of Goklemiale. Wash., one car 01
hogs; 8. B. Ferguson. Ot Amity. Or one
car of hogs: C. H. Behrs A Son, of Lebanon
Or., one car -of hogs; A. J. Bewley. of
Sheridan, oae car of hogs; W. . Jenkins,
of Nampa. Idaho, one car of hogs. KH
patrick Brothers, of Plcabo. Idaho, one car
of hogs; J. M. Kelthly. of Weiaer. Idaho,
one car of hogs; E. L. Laughlln, of hhan
lko. one car of cattle; George Rob nson. of
Condon, one car of cattle and calves; W.
B Boune. of Shanlko. two cars of cattle;
George Perry, of Hajppner. one car of cattle,
calves and how; Ti. H. Hat. of Heppner.
one car of cattle and calves; E. G. Young
& Co ot Oakland. Or., two cars of hoss;
Taylor' A Cummlngs. nf Halsey, Or., two
cars of go.ts; W. B. Wing, of Eugene, one
car of hogs, and F. W. Williams, of Junc
tion City, one car of cattle and calves.
Av. Lbs. Price:
. . . -20.1 $
. . . 228 7.90
. . . 207 7.65
... 1C! 7.75
... 15(1 7.50
... 125 7.50
... 293 7.50
. . . 22,'H 7.75
.. .850 3.30
... 810 3.00
...1170 4.25
... s.;o- 2.25
...12.'.0 2.25
...1O04 3.40
...1049 2.25
. . . SOO 3.00
...1210 2 25
..111.'. 200
... 106 2 30
80 hogs
SO hoj-'S
38 hors
38 hoes
6 hogs
6 hogs
15 hogs
62 hogs
28 cows -
1 steer
19 steers
1 steer
1 cow
8 cows
10 cows
1 heifer
1 bull
2 bulls :
Prices quoted at the yards yesterday were
as follows:
CATTLE Best steers, 1473; fair to good.
$44.50: medium and feeders, $.1.2-"rd':!.75;
best cows, $3.0'M.T5: fair to rood. $3 'if 3.2 ;
common.- $250 2.75: bulls. $22.50; stags,
$2.501&3.DO; calves, light, $5.25-3.50; heavy.
HOGS Best. $7.8.-.'S.00; blockers, $7.25
7.50; Blockers, $3 811.
SHEEP Best wethers. $4.2S1?4..iO; lair
to good, $3.7504: best ewee. 3.754: fair
to good. $3.5Kf 3.75; lambs. $3fr. ,
Eastern Livestock Markets.
CHICAGO. Oct. 27. Cattle Estimated re
relrt" 2" 000. Market, steady. Beeves. $3.90
r8t0; Texas steers. S3.SO4.!0: Western
steers. $4.25r5.5tl; stockers and feeders.
t3.O0W5.10; cows and heifers. 82.60 it . .:
calves, $1.50'(i 8.75. '
Hogs Estimated receipts. 23.000. Market,
steadv. 6c lower. Lieht. $720.7.7O: mixed
$7.85f 7.90; heavy. $7.:0vj 7.0O; rough. S7 .10
C7.50: good to choice heavy, t7.5Ofri.00;
lies. $5.50 & 7.25; bulk of sales $7.6or f7..".
.Sheep Estimated receipts. SR.OO0. Market,
st-ady. Native. $2504.S0- Western. $2..5(B
4. SO; yearlings. $4,504? 5.50; lambs. Cative,
$4.257.10; western, $4.60Q7.CJ.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27. Cattle P.eceipts.
12.000. Market. 5tfl0c higher. Native steers,
$4.50W9.0O; native cows and heifers. $2.2.ja
5.50; stockers and feeders, $.1.00',? 3.00- tulls,
$2.733.75: calves "t.l.SOS 7.00; Western
steers. $3.755.25: Western cows. $2.75
lines Receipts. 14.000. Market. 5c lower
Heavy. $7.50' 7.65: packers and butchers.
$7.454i7.6.-.; light, $7.157.50; pigs. $0.25
Sheep Receipts. 8000. Market, steady.
Muttons $4.00 4.75; lambs, $5.B 0 85;
range wethers. $4.00'tf5 00; range ewes. ?3.00
OMAHA. Oct. 27. Cattle Receipts. 0900.
Market, steadv. Native steers. $4.004 0O;
cows and heifers, $3.00S 5.00; Western steers,
$3.05'S6.25; canners. S2.254I3.2.-,: stockers
and' feeders. $2,754? 5.26; calves. $3.50 7.00;
bulls and stags. $2,754(4.50.
Hogs Receipts. 2000. Market, 541 10c low
er. Hcavv. $7.50 7.00; mixed, $7.45 0 7.50;
light, $7,354? 7.55; pigs. $C25& 7.00- bulk of
sales, $7.4.-.f7 50. S
Pheep Receipts. 18.000. Market, steady.
Yearlings. 4.04i3.4O: wethers. $4,0044.60;
ewes. 3.75w4.25; lambs. $0.30i0.90.
Kastera Mining stocks.
BOSTON Oct. 27. Closing' quotations:
Adventure 4,'Mohawk 59
Allouex .. .... 55 Nevada 23
Amalgamated .. S2 Old Dominion... 49
Arls Com 3IOsceola 150
Atlantic 10 Parrot . 2
Butte Coal 26iQuincy 85
Cal A Arix 9S shannon 15
Cal A Hecla 640 jTamarack 63
Centennial 37, Trinity 10
Copper Range.. 78 United Copper...
Daly West 7 fT S. Mining 53
Franklin 16',!u. S. Oil 36
Granby 85 'Utah 41
Greene Cananea 10 Victoria .1
Isle Rovale 24 Winona 6
Mass Mining.... 5 IWolverine 145
Micnlgan 3!North Butte.... y7
' NEW YORK. Ocft 27. Closing quotations:
Yellow Jacket. . .130 Leadvllle Con... 5
Alio 173 'Little Chief.... 6
Brunswick Con. 5 Mexican 150
Com Tun stock. 30. Ontario 225
do bonds 20 Ophir 1H5
CCA Va 133 IStandard 50
Horn Silver 70 Iron Silver 163 I
Wheat Price Slumps, but Net
Change Is Small.
Some Talk at Chicago of a Revi
In the Export Demand Pit
Traders Are Gcnerally
Frec Sellers.
CHICAGO. Oct. 27. Liberal receipts of
wheat at all primary points in this coun
try and a further decline In cash prices at
Kansas City caused weakness tn the wheat
market here today, although much of the
loss, waa regained on talk of a revival In
export demand.
The market developed decided weakness
following some show of arly strength. Pit
traders In general were free sellers during
the last half of the day. The selling pres
sure was about equally divided between the
December and May deliveries, and the price
of these options declined more than one
cent from the high point of the day. The
range on December was between $1.03 and
$1 05. The close was easy with Decem
ber at $1.04.
A decline of c In the price of cash
corn tended to depress options. The market
closed weak with prices only a trifle above
tSe low mark of the session at net losses
of c to c compared with the previous
close. -
Trade In oats was dull. At the close
prices were a shade to c below yesterday's
final figures.
Provisions closed 12c lower to 15a
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Dec $1.05 $1.05 $1.03 $1.04
May 1.04 1.06 1.04 1.04
July 98 .!S ST .97
Oct 59 .59 .59 .59
Dec 69 .S9 .58 .53
May 61 .81 .60 .60
July...... .60 .60 .60 .60
Deo 40 .10 .39 .39
May 42 .42 .42 .42
July 40 .40 .39 .39
Oct 23.35
Jan 19.00 19.25 19.00 19.02
May 18.75 18.92 18.75 1S.S0
Oct...'.' 1235
Nov 12. OA 12.05 11.97 12.02
Jan 11.22 11.37 11.20 11.32
May. 10.95 11.07 10.95 11.05
Oct 10.85 Ml. 85 10 57 10.63
Jan 9.97 10.07 9.97 10.00
May 9.92 10.05 9.92 10.00
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm.
Rye No. 2, 72 74c.
Barley Feed or mixing, 6153c; fair to
choice malting. 5G(&65c.
Flaxseed No. . 1 Southwestern, $1.60; No.
1 Northwestern. $1.70.
Timothy seed $2.504j)S.60.
Pork Mess, per barrel, $23.75j24.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $13.87.
Short ribs Sides (loose). $11.50 4J 11.75.
Sides Short, clear (boxed), $ll.26311.60.
Urain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 431. 000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 1.651. 000 bushels, compared with 924.
000 bushels the corresponding day a year
ago The world's visible supply, as shown
by Bradstreet's. Increased 8. 000. 000 bushels.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Whfcat, 45
cars; corn, 171 cars; oata, 174 cars; hogs,
15.000 head.
, Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels..! 46,000 28.700
Wheat, bushels 274,500 36.200
Corn, bushels 275. 0CO 96,800
Oats, bushels 607.600 473.800
Rw. bushels... T. 10.000 12,500
Barley, bushels 247.500 6S4.700
Groin nnd Produce at ew York.
iNEW YORK, Oct. 27. Flour Receipts,
33.4f.2 barrels; exports, 18,644 barrels. Steady,
with a small local trade.
Wheat Receipts. 194,100 bushels. Spot
steady. No. 2 red, $1.25 nominal elevator;
No. 2 red, $1.21 asked to arrive f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 hard Winter. $1.21 nominal f.
o. b. afloat. In response to firm cables and
on predictions of a falling off In Russian ship
ments in the near future, wheat was higher
at the start, but later declined 1 to lc per
bushel under selling, for Northwestern ac
count on prediction of Increasing receipts.
Final prices were steady at c net decline,
with covering by sellers. Exporters bought
25 carloads of Manitoba wheat. December
closed at $1.12 and May at $1.11.
Hoiw and wool Steady.
HidesFirm. Bogota. 21e22c; Central
America. 22&22c.
Petroleum Steady. '
Grain at San Francisco".
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 27. Wheat,
Barley, firm.
Spot quotations:
' wheat Shipping.. $1.75 ISO; milling.
Barley Feed. $1.43 1.46 ; brewing,
$1 471- qi 1.4S.
Oats Red, $1.65 1.73; white, $1.67
1.62; black, $2.40j2.75 asked.
Call-board sales:
Wl.eot No trading.
Barley May. $1.48 bid, $1.40 asked;
December. $1.44.
Corn Large yellow, $1.7081 75.
European Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 67. Wheat December,
7s 9d; March, 7s 7d; May, 7 7d.
Weather stormy. ,
English country market quiet; French
country markets quiet." j
Consent ion of Wheat in Lewiston Grain
LEWISTON. Idaho, Oct. 27. (Special.)
Larger crop, car shortage and a disposition
on the part ot the farmers to hold their
gr.iin have combined to cause a congestion
in the grain warehouses in the Iwiston
country. The warehouses are filled at all
points and the grain companies are at a
loss to provide room for the grain not yet
The Vollmer-Clearwater Company today
made a demand for 300 cars at once to re
lieve the ;onditlons where the purchased
grain must be moved to prepare room for
the .undelivered crop. This company will
market at least 2000 carloads during the
season with Coast exporters. The com
plaint relative to the scarcity of cars has
been heard from all of the - Idaho grain
districts, and it is suggested thla shonage
is liable to result In a demand for a State
Grain Commission from the next Legisla
ture. The grain quotations today remainod un
changed, the offers being: Wheat Blue
stem, 85c; fortyfold. 80o; club. 77c: turkey
red, 77c; red Russian, ,76c; oats, $1.10; bar
ley, feed. $1.05.
SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 27. No milling
quotations. Export wheat, bluestem, $1-02;
club, U2c; red Russian, 91c. Receipts wheat,
0 cars; oata. X car.
TACOMA. Oct. 27. Wheat. bluestem,
$1.03; club. 93o; red Russian. 81c.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Oct. 27. Coffee Futures
closed steady, net 6 points higher to 5 points
lower. Sales, 45,750 bags. Including Novem
ber at 6c, December at 6.05c. January at
6.10c. March at 6.25c. May at 6.S0S0.4OC. July
at 6.40c and September at 6.46c. Spot, quiet.
No. 7 Rio, 8c nominal; Santos, No. 4. 80.
Mild, quiet. Cordova, 9110.
Sugar Raw strong. Fair refining, 3.80
8.85c: centrifugal. 96 test, 4.304j4.35c; mo
lasses sugar. 3.553.60o. Refined, steady.
Crushed, 6.85c: powdered. 6.25c; granulated,
1 Wool at St. 1juIs. .
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 27. Wool, firm; territory
and Western mediums. 2429c; fine me
diums. 23 26c; fine. 14 20c.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Cotton Spot closed
quiet. 10 points higher. Mid-uplands, 14.6ic;
mid-Gulf, 14.90C. sales, ZoV bales. Futures .
closed very steady. October, 14.38c; Novem-
I . :
National Bank
CAPITAL $1,000,000
SURPLUS and PROFITS $500,000
W M. LADD, President.
EDW. COOKINQHAM. V.-Presldent.
W. H. btlNCKLET, Cashier.
R. S. HOWARD, JR., Asst Cashier.
L. W. LADD, Ass't. Cashier.
WALTER M. COOK, Ass't. Cashier.
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit
We Issue Letters of Credit, Foreign Drafts, and Travelers' CnecSa
We have several good issues on hand. Buy direct
from contractor and save broker's commission.
317 Beck Building, Portland, Or.
ber. 14.23c; December. 14.40c; January.
14.48c; February, 14.51c; March, ,14.55c;
April, 14.54c; May and June, 14.47c; July.
34.52c ; AUffUBt. 14c; tepiemDer, lo.uac.
Dovming-Hopkins Co.
Established 1893.
issue travellers'
checks, payable
eYerywhere. For
eign exchange
bought and sold
a attractive rates
at all times.
VnKmittd Personal ZaMltig
of th
Tha splendid, larpe steamships
sail Nov. 18, Dec. . Jan. , 25. 2i, etc..
lor Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa (with oc
casional calla at the Azores and Madeira
Islands. Excellent connections with steam
ers of Hamburg tc Anglo-American Nile
Co.'a services up the Nile through KtiYlT.
For local agents see other Advertisement.
The steamer BREAKWATER Waves .port
land every Wednesday, a P. M., from Alus
worth dock, for North Bend. Aiarsnlleld and
Coos Bay points. Frelht received until 4 P.
kl. on day ot sailing. Passenger far, first
class, flu: aecond-ciass, f. Including berth
and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third
and Washington street, or Ainsworth doc.
Phone Main 26S
1 TV
Procsedmg l
"CARMANIA' Jan. 22, Mar. 5
Largct triple-screw
Maw York. Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis. Fauadalplus, St. Louis,
San Francisoo, Toronto and Montreal, or Local Agents.
lFTHtVOLVKNEW! wr'bac'w"
irleua auout his trip b) ttie S. 8. Mariposa:
"I want so to tell you that this ship U up to,
if not better than, any ship I hava avar
known, and other passengers said the same.
I thiuk it it w-re widely known that such
a good ship were on tha line the company
would have nvore passengers than they could
"t.HITI and return, $123. first class: fl'EL.
I. INOTON, N. Z., and return. 2U0; SOUTH
SKA ISLANDS (all of them), thrca months
tour, (400. Book now tor sailings ot Sept.
II. Oct. 17 and Nov. 22.
Line to lLawall, 110 round trip. Fallings
every 21 days. OCEANIC S. S. CO., UT3
Market street, San Francisco.
All Modern Bafetj
Safety Devices iwirel. etc.l.
T flrnnt i nf?w) Nnv. ITiiAmcrlka. .
...Dec. 2 L
tKalsorin A.V.Nov. 2U -l-airicia i-c. i-
Pennsylvania Nov li PTetorla Dec. 2S
Waldersee. . . .Dec. slKalserln A. V.. Jan. 3
tRttz Carlton a la Carte Restaurant.
Hamburg- direct.
IT ifc via filbmltar.
X M. 1 - I Nuplrs, and Genoa
8. 8. HAMBI'RO. Nv- Jan-,?
S. S. MOLTKE. Ijer. 0. Jan. .'5
Tourist Dept. for Trips evereywhere.
Itimhurg-AniBrican Line. 100 Powell M.,
ban lT:inc4t, and Iooil Agnnls. Portland.
to the
fii.,T. rr,?ion i,t,i New York. January
o, IDIO. Madeira. Rpaln, Mediterranean,
Orient. All arranur uienls under our muTiaga
metit. Everytblna lnolalel for Isisji,
at O-IOO nnd up.
CruiS8 Depl.,WhltB Star Line, Seattle or Agents
South America
Offered In the ie.200-nrils ermlaa of tha
S. S. Blaecfcer ft?)
Leavtag New York. Jan. 22. 1310
lists 81 days and costs from 93ftO
Ahu cruises lo the West Indies sod Orient
For Eureka, San Francisco and- Los
Angeles direct. The steamships Roa
noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at
i P. Ticket office 132 Third, near
4-Ider. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314.
H. YOUNG. Agent.
From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. 4 P. M.
S. 8. Kansas City, Oct. 2. Nov. 12.
8. S. Roue ily, Nov. .J, II), etc.
From I'ler 40. San Francisco, 11 A. M.
S. S. Rooe City, Oct. SO, Nov. 18.
8. S. Kansiw Illy, Nov. 6, 20, etc.
M. 3. ROCHE, C. T. A.. 112 Sd St. J. W.
Ransom, Dock Agent, Ainsworth Dock. Main
402: A 1J02. Phones Main 2(18; A 1234.
the unsurpassed in Luxurious
Comfortable Ocean Travel
the exeat 20.000-ton steamers fi
November 6
i Ur as Faune
(intfl trSSsfi." CRUISE I
rAnrUTAKnv 7 Jan 8. Fph.19
& SK. not
turbine in the World