Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 28, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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    - . . ! - - ' '
Municipal Association Changes
Front, but Simon Will
Permit Bouts.
Eifcntlve AIo Ioc11ik-i t t'hangr
Policy in Krcntd m Social Kill,
Although Pies Is Mndo,
for nistrlot Plan.
Mayor Simon yest.-rlay afternoon maoV
fhs unequivocal d' Juration that, whtlo
h L chief executive nf Portland there
will he no rostriitrd district f..r fallen
women, and that his policy nlotifj these
fcn-s. announced in The Orejionian last
week, will stand. Chief of Police Cox
ha emphatic Instruction to carry out
the orrier. closin? all disorderly houses
and vigorously rcjrulntinK the social
vIL The Mayor will also stand by the
agreement entered Into last week with
the Municipal Association, that Itoxlna
exhibftlnng shall be permitted, so long
s the law Is not transgressed, and he
was aurprised yesterday when he received
from President Pattulio a letter snying
the organization had reconsidered its ar-
tlon in Accepting the authority to referee
tonight's bout.
"I am not a vacillating man." said the
Mayor. "I first decide things, as I thor
ouRhiy believe to be rlKht. everything
'considered, and I will fulfill my promises
. and execute the laws. The law plainly
states there shall be no disorderly houses
In Portland, and there will be none, while
I am Mayor. On the other hand, the law
contemplantes boxing exhibitions, for it
specifies that a license for the same must
first be obtained before an exhibition
may be held. Now, if the exhibition that
is scheduled for tomorrow night conforms
to the promises made to me. it will be
allowed to proceed, but If It develops
into anything else, and violates the law,
the police will stop it forthwith. Fur
thermore, if the promoters want to hold
any more such exhibitions, they must
understand that their fate is in their
own hands; if the police should ha"e to
Ftop this bout. I will allow no more bouts
at all; if the bout is all right, and others
are wanted, they will be allowed under
the same rules."
Pattnllo's Little Surprise.
Mayor Simon was greatly surprised
when he returned to his office yesterday
afternoon and found on his desk two
letters, signed by D. A. Pattulio. presi
dent of the Municipal Association. One
was written at the order of the organi
sation, stating that, after consideration.
It had been decided the association would
not have present any referee at to
night's boxing exhibition, and asked that
all these exhibitions be stopped. The
other letter was briefer, and said that, at
tha bout Tuesday night, one of the box
ers was "knocked out," as he had been
During the afternoon. Mayor Simon
telephoned to President Pattulio, Inquir
ing why the organization had changed
front, and urging that the agreement be
kept. Mr. Pattulio 'replied to the effect
that the Mayor, as the executive officer
of the city, is responsible, and that the
association, while it will have some one
present to see what transpires, does not
want to shoulder the responsibility or
stopping or not stopping the bout. The
Mayor said that, in his opinion, the asso
ciation has an opportunity to show its
fairness by taking authority to stop the
exhibition, should it become too rough,
or to let it proceed If it is proper. Mr.
Pattulio finally said he would take up
the subject with the other members.
Instruction Given 'to Chief.
Mayor Simon then called up Chief of
Police Cox and instructed him to pro
ceed as before agreed; o have ample po
lice force at the bout to see that it is
properly conducted, and to stop It If It
at any point violates the law. The Mayor
still holds out to the Municipal Assocla-
tion. however, the offer of authority to
be the Judge as to whether the bout
shall proceed.
Through Dr. Benjamin Young, pastor
of the First Methodist Episcopal Church,
a meeting has been arranged between
Mayor Simon and Charles N. Crlttenton,
the philanthropist of world-wide fame,
for this morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. Crlt
tenton's public declaration that Mayor
Simon's policy of closing the houses of
111 repute is the wrong step has created
much agitation In view of this numer
ous men yesterday called upon the
Mayor, endeavoring to persuade him to
allow the City Council to set asslde a
district, into which the fallen women
may be quartered, as a means of solv
ing the vexatious problem of the social
Among those deeply Interested In the
restricted district plan are Councllmen
Lombard. 'Watkins and Concannon, com
prising the Council committee on health
and police. They have proposed to the
Mayor that he sanction a district where
the disorderly women may be placed,
saying they agree with Mr. Crlttenton
that such a. district is better than clos
ing the houses and vigorously regulating
the evil, as ordered by the Mayor. The
fact that & prominent slum worker had
openely advocated such a district was
urged as a reason why the Mayor shoukl
rescind his order of last week, but the
Mayor, after listening to all arguments;
Open Vice Thought Mistake.
"I am convinced that open vice in
Portland is a mistake, and the wrong
policy, and I will not consent to any
scheme having for its object the herding
of these unfortunate women into a dis
trict. I will demand strict compliance
by the police of the order issued last
week, that these establishments close
and the women leave tha city, or reform.
I will rigidly enforo the law. I state
this however, having the most earnest
regard for Mr. Crlttenton s views, for he
undoubtedly is entitled to serious con
sideration, having made a long study of
the problem. But he Is trot In a posi
tion where, as Mayor, he is sworn to
enforae the law. which prohibits these
houses." .
The Municipal Association also sent
brief letters to Sheriff Stevens and Dis
trict Attorney Cameron, calling their at
tention to the-code concerning "pi rixe
flghtlng." It is the avowed belief of the
hr of the organization that, not
withstanding the declaration of the pro-
moters of these routs
they are in reality fights.
Pleaslnx Exchange of Courtesies on
Crowded Streetcar.
Twas on a Sixteenth-street car bound.
west. Two nurses, wearing mo
If their calling. sat opposite each other.
One was young and good looking. The
other was some distance past the
"broiler" period, and would have been
among the "also rans" at a beauty con
test. With a very supercilious head-to-foot
glance at the young nurse, the other
opened hostilities with:
"What are you doing now?"
"Nursing, of course." retorted the
young lady opposite. "Hadn't you noticed
my garb?"
"Oh. yes." said the other, "but you, did
not graduate, did you?"
"No. 1 did not graduate." said the
younger, coloring slightly, "but I am
nursing Just the same, and I am now- on
my second case for Dr. X fa very prom
inent physi. Inn), and I have had splen
did success.
The ngsressor failed to heed a com
btttlvo gleam In the eye of the nurse who
had failed to graduate, so she came back
wii h:
"Why. I cild not know that Dr. X ever
gave ens-s to any hut graduate nurses."
The thrunt brought a rising color for a
moment, but It soon vanished and sum
moning a sweet smile, the young lady re
torted: "Oh. yes. he does. He seems to think
tht a nurse that knows her business and
attends to it. and is gentle and kind with
her patients, and wastes no time knock-
lug I'lhcr nurses, is ruliy as satisraciory
us the other kind."
There didn't seem to be anything more
to tie said on the subject and there was
silence within the car as it rattled on
for a few blocks and then stopped on a
signal from the "graduate" nuree. She
neglected to bid farewell to the non
graduate, but the latter smiled sweetly
as she sang out: "Gooy-bye, dearie, I
am so glad I met you again."
But "dearie" eald nothing, and. with ft
triumphant grin, the non-graduate turned
to a companion and said:
"1 11 bet a nickel she does not bawl me
out in a crowded car again."
Executive Secretary of Y. W. C. A.
for Northwest Discusses Fea
tures of Work.
Miss Frances C. Gage, the executive
secretary of the Young Women's Chris
tian Association work for the Northwest,
has expressed herself as a strong sup
porter of the "Know Your City" move
ment undertaken by the Civic Institute
which Miss Anna Louise Strong Is organ
izing for November 8-18 at the Y. M. C. A .
Auditorium. Miss Gage Is In Portland
only for a few day. on behalf of the gen
eral work of the Northwest, but she has
come in touch with Miss Strongs work
Miss Gag- "is of very great interest to
city n tne - abQUt unfor.
fu'nafe c'o Jh W
ciV making an Investigation PP
to organizing a Young ornen '-Chris
tlan Association. I ,! h"re the
before I began to talk about It be tne
gfrls were fnd where they could be and
what were their standards. Among other
places I visited the employment agencies
Tnd the cloture shows. That the mem
ber, of the CMC institute will visit these
two institutions especially Interest, me
"In the city I mentioned above I found
on the picture screens depicted six hold
ups and three bb"'- "Tw During
was seriously dealt with by law During
each of the two evenings that I w-a vis
fting these place, there was a holdup
in the cltv. and when I went to have an
audience in the morning with some of
the most public-spirited men in the city.
I found their own Playi.nKtnm"?
behind the telegraph post, and the men
discussing the indiscriminate closing of
shows. None of them knew anything
about the censored roll and the eUong
effort that is being made in many cit es
to have only these presented to the pub
lic "The employment agencies also espe
cially interest me. for a year or two ago
in connection with my hopfield camp I
had occasion to employ men through the
Portland agencies. I am sure the people
of Portland will be Intensely interested
to know the facts along these lines. In
making application in many of the em
ployment agencies men are obliged to
register In saloons.
I was very much interested in Miss
Strong's work In Seattle from another
standpoint. In organizing an association
one of the first considerations of impor
tance is to find women who know condi
tions sufficiently well to act with intelli
gence on a board of directors. The
Young Women's Christian Association Is
never an originating body, but comes Into
a city or institution of learning, to fur
nish' to young women what they need
along lines which are not otherwise well
provided for. I believe the efficiency of
the association will be very greatly en
hanced in Seattle and Portland by the
attendance of women who are of influ
ence in It at the institute sessions."
Miss Mary B. Day, the general secre
tary of the Portland Young Women's
Christian Association, is also heartily in
favor of the sessions of the Civic In
stitute, as planned by Miss Strong. "I
am very glad." said Miss Day, "that we
are to have a 'Know Your City' Institute,
for it is almost Impossible for busy peo
ple to keep up with Portland's growth
In any otner way, ana u m m
tion that the more intelligent we become
on our common Interests and ideals, the
more willing we shall be to co-operate to
make those interests broader and those
ideals living realities. Every day I meet
people who ask if we are the Y. W. C.
T. U. or the Y. M. C. V. or the .Young
Women's Y. M. C. A., . and I am really
hoping to have a year of life added in
being saved answering such questions. I
am only sorry that you did not put the
Young Women's Christian Association on
the list of Institutions for visiting. The
only way I can explain such an omission
is that you suppose such a building as
this would have already had In It every
man. woman and child In Portland, but
I assure you there are thousands yet
ignorant of the interior of our building
whom we hope to welcome here and show
Mackinaw Out of Fuel In Gale.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 27. The Mer
chants Exchange received tonight a tele
gram from Victoria to the effect that the
steamer St. Denis, which arrived at Vic
toria today, reported the arrival of ths
steamer Mackinaw at Alert Bay, Alaska,
on October 38, without an ounce of oil in
her fuel tanks. The Mackinaw, according
to reports received, had been driven from
the entrance of the 6tralts by a heavy
gale and was compelled to burn much of
her fittings to keep her engine running.'
Word has been sent to the Alaska coal
mines, and a boat loaded with coal is
being sent to her. -
Marine Notes From Astoria,
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct 27. (Special.) The
French bark Pierre Antonlne commenced
discharging her cargo of 300 tons of coal
here today.
The steam schooner Hornet, which ar
rived today from San Francisco, brought
3000 cases and 4200 kegs of dynamite for
Martins Bluff.
Turkish baths, Mrs. Turney, 221
Drexel bids., 2d and Tamhill. sK v
British Steamship Arrives
Ballast From Sound.
Craft In Port Have Carrying Capac
ity of Nearly Thrce-Quarters of
Million Bushels of Grain and
Large Quantity of Lumber.
In ballast from Nanaimo the British
eteamship Invertay. Captain Houghton,
entered at the local Customs House yes
terday. She arrived up at noon. The
Invertay is under charter to load lumber
at this port' for Sydney. N. 8. W. She
is a vessel of 2541 net tons burden and
will carry close to 3.000.0W) feet of the
product of Oregon lumber mills.
The arrival of the Invertay brings the
total amount of steam tonnage, under
Hue to Arrive.
Name. From. Date:
Henrlk Ibsen. . Honckonf In port
Kan, ri City .. . San Francisco In port
Falcon San Francisco In port
Alliance Coos Bay .... Oct.
Eureka .Eureka Oct. , JO
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . .Oct.! 6
Breakwater Cous Bay . . . . Oct. 31
Roanoke San Pedro... Oct. ol.
Arro Tillamook. ... Nov. 1
Rose City Ban Francisco Nov. 1
tJeo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. .. Nov. T
Eelja Hongkong Inden't
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. Date.
Falcon Ssn Frnnclsro Oct. 18
Kanses City. .. Ban Francisco Oct. 2
Alliance .Coos Bay Oct. 3
Geo. W. Elder. Ban Pedro. .. Oct. JO
Eureka '....Eureka Oct. . 81
Henrik Ibsen. . Hongkong Nov.
Roanoke San Pedro Nov. -
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . Nov. -
Argn Tillamook Nov. 3
Breakwater... Coos Bay Nov. 3
Roh City San Francisco Nov.
SeIJa Hongkong. ...
Entered Wednesday.
Wandibek. Ger. bark (Kohnke).
with ballast, from Santa Rosalia.
Noma, City. Am. steamship (Han
son), with general cargo, rfrom San
Invertay, Br. steamship (Hough
ton), with ballast, from Nanaimo.
charter for foreign loading of wheat and
lumber, up to 20,960 tons. Of this amount
the grain charters call for five vessels
and the lumber fixtures for three. The
Puritan, Utgard. Walkureand Taunton,
with a combined tonnage of 10,215 net tons
and a carrying capacity of nearly three
quarters of a million bushels of grain,
will be cleared from Portland within, a
week. Of the lumber craft one will get
away In October and the others will make
a" start for November exports. In addi
tion to the wheat tonnage, steam, there
are a number of sailing vessels under
charter and loading which will swell the
grain list to more than a million bushels
to be dispatched during the next fort
night. Of the steamships loading grain at this
port, the Puritan and Taunton came from
Puget Sound, and the Walkure and Ut
gard arrived from 9an Francisco. Of the
lumber fleet, the Invertay, Christian Bors
and Quito arrived from the Sound, and
the Guernsey from San Francisco.
The fact that all the tramp steamships
coming to Portland for grain and lumber
cargoes enter from ports which have long
been competitors of Portland in the ex
port business adds to the prestige that
the Columbia River Is swiftly and stead
ily gaining as a factor In the world's
Boat swain of the Ibsen to Be Held
for Hiding Them.
Two stowaways. Chinese, were caught
escaping from the " Norwegian steamer
Henrik Ibsen early yesterday morning
bv Edward Kennedy, watchman for the
Immigration, service at the Alaska dock.
The stowaways confessed to United
States Immigration Inspector Barbour
that they had been secreted on the vessel
at Yokohama by Yip Song, boatswain of
the Ibsen. A warrant for tho arrest of
tha boatswain was issued by Justice of
the Peace Olson last evening. The stow
aways will be deported and the boat
swain wili be held to answer the charge
of aiding and abetting illegal landing of
In a disease bo painful as Rheumatism, medfeines containing opiates
and nerve-quieting drugs are often used. Such treatment is dangerous not
only because it frequently causes- the sufferer to become addicted to the
drug habit, but medicines of this nature are always injurious to the system.
Rheumatism is a disease of the blood, and its cure depends entirely upon a
thorough purification of the circulation. As long as theblood remains
saturated with uric acid, an inflammatory condition of the nerves, muscles
and tendons of the body will exist, and the pains, aches, soreness, and hot,
feverish flesh of Rheumatism will continue. The one safe and sure cure for
Rheumatism is S. S. S. It is nature's remedy for this disease, made entirely
of the healing, cleansing juices and extracts of roots, herbs and barks from
the natural forests. 8. 8. S. does not contain anything that is in the slightest
way injurious to the system. It is absolutely and purely vegetable, and
free from opiates or sedatives of any kind. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism by
removing the urio acid from the circulation, it makes the blood pure, rich
and heaalthy so that instead of depositing sharp, uratio impurities into the.
muscles,-nerves, joints and bones, it nourishes every portion of the body
with natural, healthful properties. Book on Rheumatism and any medical
advice free to all who write and request it.
Out-of-Order Kidneys Are Regulated
and the Most Severe Bladder
Misery Vanishes.
No man or woman here whose kid
neys are out of order, or who suffers
from backache or bladder misery, can
afford to leave Pape's Diuretic untried.
After taking: several doses, all pains
in the back, sides or loins, rheumatic
twinges, nervousness, headache, sleep
lessness. Inflamed or swollen eyelids,
dizziness, tired or worn-out feeling and
other symptoms of clogged,, sluggish
I kidneys simply vanish.
Uncontrollable urination (especially
at night), smarting, discolored water
and all bladder misery ends.
The moment you suspect the slight
est kidney or bladder disorder, or feel
rheumatism pains, don't continue to be
miserable or worried, but get a fifty
cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic from
Chinese In the United States, which, un
der the statutes, is only a misdemeanor.
Go Wong Kee and Lum Yan, the illegal
immigrants, aeserted through an inter
preter that they had paid the Chinese
boatswain of the tramp J350 in gold to be
smuggled Into this country and that he
had hidden them in the provision room
of the steamer. There they were in
carcerated for 40 days, the boatswain,
they .said, providing them with two meals
a day. The Ihsen in Its trip to Portland
from Hongkong encountered four ty
phoons and was tossed about like a cork,
enhancing the uncomfortable position of
the stowaways.
American-Hawaiian Vessels Will Be
Ready for Service in January.
Early in January the American-Hawaiian
Steamship Company will place In
commission three new steamships for
service in Pacific waters between Salinas
Crux and ports on the Pacific side of
the United States. The craft are now
nearing completion at the yards at New
port News. They are the finest product
of the shipbuilder's art and will be
equipped with the most modern gear ob
tainable. .The addition of new ships to the fleet
will necessitate a change of schedule
and Portland will be given a weekly
service Instead of a -essel every two
weeks. The Falcon has been operating
between Portland and San Francisco,
bringing stuff from New York and
bonded cargo from Europe, transshipped
at San Francisco. With the advent of
the new steamships It is probable that
the steamship Riverside will be returned
to the Portland runr
twln Cities on Kennewick Route.
Dorsey B. Smith, general manager of
the Open River Transportation Company,
left last night for .Celilo. He will pro
ceed from there to Lewiston by boat.
Inspecting the various conditions at
river points. Mr. Smith announces that
the steamer Twin Cities will be taken
off the Lewiston run early in November
and. until the freeze up. will operate
between Celilo and Kennewick only. The
water In the Snake Is low at present and
boats have a hard trip up stream.
Marine Xotes.
The steamship Hornet, from San Fran
cisco, arrived up last night.
The British bark Jordanhtll is loading
lumber for -the United Kingdom at the
Portland Mills.
The steamship Eureka, from Eureka
and Coos Bay ports, is due to arrive
this morning.
The oil tank steamship Santa Rita is
discharging fuel oil at the Union tanks
at Portsmouth. t
From Portland with a full cargo of
lumber, the steam schooner Olympic has
arrived at San Pedro.
From Portland with wheat, the, French
bark Berengere. has reported out at Det
goa Bay, South Africa.
With passengers and freight for Coos
Bay ports, "the steamship Breakwater
sailed last night at. 8 o'clock.
From Gaviota. with fuel oil, the steam
ship Catania, Captain Canty, is due to
arrive at Astoria Saturday morning.
, r
Arrivals and Departures.
prvBTt AND Oct. 27. Arrived Steam
shft, Hornet, from San Francisco; British
.reamrhip Invertay. -from Nanaimo; steam
ship Sanu Rita, from Port Harford; French
bark Nantes, from Hobart. balled Steam
ship Breakwater, for Coos Bay.
AJtorla. Or., Oct. 27. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 5 P. M Smooth;
wind southeast. 14 miles; weather efe
Arrived down during the night d
at 10:15 A. M Norwegian catm V?
for -St. Vincent for orders. Left up at 5.30
A M. Steamer Santa Rita. Left up at 8.30
A M French bark Nantes. Sailed at 7 A.
M. Steamer Argo. for Xlllamoolc- SjUled t
8:25 A. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for
San Pedro and way ports. Arrived at 8 and
left up at 9 A. M. Steamer Hornet, from
San Francisco. Sailed at 8:30 A M.
Steamer Asuncion, for San ra-nS.icnJirT
rived down at 11 A. M. Steamer Fair Oaks.
Arrived at 1:15 and left up at 2 P. M
Steamer Eureka. from Coo. Bay and
Eureka. Arrived down at 8:50 P. M.
Steamer Rainier. , .
Gaviota, Octy 27. Called yesterday
8tcaoo.erBaanct. .ZlaSteamer Ai-
"'"a"1 rXnctaSiT Oct. 27,-Salled last night
Steamer Yosemlte, from Columbia River,
'0Sa8i?npedro.'Oct. 27. Arrived yesterday
Steamer Olympic, from Portland.
Walmer, Oct. 27. Sailed Oct. 24 British
ship Arctic Stream, for Portland. .
Delagoa Bay, Oct. 27. Arrived previously
French bark Berengere, from Portland.
San Francisco. Oct. 27. Arrived Barken,
tine Irmgard. from Honolulu: steamer Elis
abeth, from Bandon. Sailed Steamers Mexi
can for Seattle; schooner Washcalore. for
Coo's Bay; steamer San Jacinto, for Grays
Harbor; ship William H. Smith, for Port
Townsend and returned later with one of
crew killed. ... , ,
Yokohama.- Oct. 27. Arrived previously
SteaiWer Cyclops, from Tacoma for Llver-
Hongkong. Oct. 27. Arrived previously
Minnesota, from Seattle, via Yokohama, etc.
Tacoma, Oct. 27. Arrived Steamer
President, from Seattle; British bark Os
borne, from Seattle: barkentlne Georgina,
from Iquique. Departed Steamer Queen, for
San Franclaco; President, for Seattle
Los Angeles, Oct. 27. Arrived Steam
schooners Wasp, from Grays Harbor: Helena,
from Raymond; Brooklyn, from Fort Bragg.
Sullyrt schooner W. F. Jewett. i for Colum-
your - druggist and 'start taking as
directed, with the knowledge that there
is no other medicine, at any price,
made anywhere else In the world,
which is so harmless or will effect1, so
thorough and prompt a cure.
This unusual preparation goes direct
to the cause of trouble, distributing its
cleansing, healing and vitalizing Influ
ence directly upon the organs and
glands affected and completes the cure
before you realize it.
A few days' treatment of Pape's Diu
retic means clean, healthy, active kid
neys, bladder and urinary organs and
you feel fine. .
Your physician, pharmacist, banker
or any mercantile agency will tell you
that Pape, Thompson & Pape, of Cin
cinnati, Is a large and responsible
medicine concern, thoroughly worthy of
your confidence.
Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty
cent treatment from any drug store
anywhere in the world.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Vienna, W. Va. -" I feel that I owe
the last ten years of my life to Lydia
JJ. jpmkham s V ege
table Compound.
Eleven years ago I
was a walking
shadow. I had been
under the doctor's
carebutgotno relief.
My husband per
suaded me to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
E. and and it worked
ke a charm. It re
lieved all my pains
and misery. I advise all suffering
women to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound." Mrs. Eilua
Wheatox, Vienna, W- Va.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases of any similar medi
cine in the country, and thousands of
voluntary testimonials are on file in
the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., from women who nave been
cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul
ceration.displacements.nbroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every such suffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a trial.
If J -u would like special advice
abou your case write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
and. always helpful- ,
bla River in ballast; steam schooner Car
mel. for Coos Bay.
Seattle, Oct. 27. Arrived Steamer Dol
phin, from Skagway; U. S. 8. Manning,
from Unalaaka via Port Townsend; U. S. S.
Bear, from Nome. Sailed Steamer Maver
ick, for San Francisco; steamer Umatilla,
for San Francisco; steamer Santa Clara,
for San Francisco; steamer Buckman, for
San Francisco; steamer Humboldt, for
Skagway; U. S. S. Armeria, for Astoria.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. Low.
0:"0 A. M 8.4 feet!6:05 A. M... .1.2 feet
0:08 P. M fl.B feet'8:45 P. M...-0.7 foot
Purity, cleanliness and Quality are
the characteristics of Piper HeidsiecH
pluar chewing tobacco.
I See All My Patient Trfe DOCTOR.
Personally. " THAT CURES.
I hire no anbstltntea and' have no medi
cal company.
FEE FOR A CURE la lower than any
specialists In the city, half that others
charge you and no exorbitant price for
I am an expert specialist, have had
30 years' practice In the treatment of
diseases of men. My offices are the best
equipped in Portland. My methods are
modern and up-to-date. My cures are
quick and positive. I do not treat symp
toms and patch up, I thoroughly examine
each case, find the cause, remove It and
thus cure the disease. ,
I CtRE Varicose Veins, Contracted
Ailments, Piles and Specific Blood Poi
son and AH Ailments of Men.
CITKE Oil XO PAY I am the. only
specialist in Portland who makes no
charxe unless the patient .is entirely
satisfied with the results accomplished,
and who tcives n written guarantee to
refund every dollar paid for services
if- a complete and permanent cure is
not effected. '
ayipiVT Visit Dr. Lindsay's private
IVLMil Museum of Anatomy and
H know thyself, in health and disease. Ad
mission free. Consultation free. If un
able to-cail, write for list or questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.: Sun
days 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
128H Second St., Cor. of Alder,
Portland, Oreson.
For Dyspepsia
Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles, digests
what you eat. and digests It completely. It Is
guaranteed to relieve you, and If It fails, your
money will at once be refunded by your dealer
from whom you purchased it. Any druggist will
sell Kodol to you on our guarantee. Every table
spoonful of Kodol digests i'A pounds of food.
Dr. Sanderson's Compound
bavin and Cotton Root Pills,
and best only reliable rem
Cure the most obstinate cases
10 days. Prjce J2 per box, or
mailed in plain wapper. Ad
J. PIERCE. 311 Alisky bldg.
Ynurar Mine Chinese
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cures 'all diseases of
men and women. Consulta
tion and pulse diagnosis
free. If you .live out of
town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank.
247 Taylor at., bet. 2d and
E. Rlnehart. of Boise, Idaho
Drs. Tee and York cured my
kidney and stomach troubles,
from which I had suffered 12
years, after doctoring all the
time and yetting no benefit, be
sides spending thousands of dol
lars. For the good of the pub
lic. I write; if you are a sick
person, call on or write
Yee A York Chinese-Medicine Co.
14214 first St., Cor. Alder.
-" "I
aa, ..,,.il,fl J
In 8 to
11 for $5
dress T.
. ji
h.iiiiim ud
, Thoroughly Cured
Consult Me First
Even though your case may be one that
some other doctor Is able to cure and though
his cure be absolutely thorough and perma
nent, there is yet good cause for your com
ing to me for treatment. The service I ren
der is entirely unlike and better than the or
dinary. I have devised new and scientific
methods of treating men's ailments in all
their phases. I cure cases that others can
not cure, and cases that others can cure I
cure in less time and without pain or pos
sibility of injury. All my forms of treat
ment have been perfected along the lines
of nature's requirements and are In exact
harmony with tiie natural recuperative forces.
Therefore, my cures are painless, prompt and
Contracted Ailments
The serious results that may follow neg
lect of contracted ailments could scarcely
be exaggerated. Safety demands an abso
lutely .thorough cure In the least possible
time. I have treated more cases of these
disorders than any other physician upon
the Pacific Coast. My cures are thorough
and are accomplished in less time than other
forms of treatment require in producing even
doubtful results. I employ remedies of my
own devising and my treatment Is equally
effective in both recent and chronic cases.
I Treat Men Only
The vast multitude of men who have taken
my treatment have not been disappointed.
They know that I do not promise more than
. I perforin.' To them I have actually Illus
trated In the cure of their own cases the
truth of whnt I claim, namely that my treat
ment is as certain to cure as it is that my
patient engages my services and follows my
directions. Jlv success is due not alone to
education, experience, skill and scientific
equipment, but to the fact that I limit my
study and practice strictly to aliments of
men. To male maladies alone I have earnest
ly and exclusively devoted 25 years of my
life, and on them all my faculties are concentrated
Examination Free
I do not charge for advice, examination or diagnosis. If yon rail for
a private talk with me, yon will not be urged to begin treatment. If
impossible to call, write. Honrs, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.; Sundays, 10 to 1.
234 4 Morrison Street, Corner Second, Portland, Oregon
My Certain, Quick Cures forMen
Have given me the largest practice In Portland In Ailments of Men and
allow me to give my services at a very low figure, hence place my new
svstem within the reach of all men. Everything confidential. I have
thl best equipment In my office to be found anywhere for the treatment
of Men In coming to me you get the benefit of the finest equipment
in the world. I never use unprofessional methods to gain patronage and
gladly- ask you to Investigate my standing before calling on me. I curs
I ore v er any tumuw
Among the clsdma of the va
rious specialists in every large
city there ia always one man
who, on account of his years of
experience and success, stands
head and shoulders above all the
rest. There cannot be two best
specialists all of them may be
good, but only one of them can
be best, and I apprehend there
can be no controversy over this
point in Portland. My office has
been established 27 years, longer
than any other, and is Indorsed,
not only by leading basin ess
men, bnt by a generation of
cared and satisfied patients.
Every one that is accepted for
treatment here at my institute
receives my own personal and
individual attention, and, you
may have the positive assurance
that you -will be skillfully and
honorably served by one whose
oonsoienee dictates a policy of
justice to all. ' -
My methods of curing Blood
Diseases, Nervous Decline, Piles,
Kidney, Bladder, Special and
Chronic Diseases, and all ail
ments of men, are unequalled
and recommended by the many
I have cured or tnese oiseases.
Honrs, 9 A. M. to 8 P.
know they haven't benented you. rney never win
I hava a remedy that helps nature cure. This remedy is elec
tricity as applied by Electro-Vigor.
I've had more than 20 years' experience in curing disorders wltn
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nerve cells with new "YSove?
DU "P. - - 'J .Wl th. nower to do
every organ of tne Doay mo v""
enS-re fru..noW,yh.v.rSo
current to the proper degree ot ir..B.
There are a number of attachments used
wMcS convey tn. current to different part,
I Will Send You a Free Book
Don't wait another day. Whatever you
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page Illustrated book, which tells how
Electro-Vigor restores health. It will
open your eyes to a lot of things you
should know regarding the cause and
cure of disorders.
If you can't call, I'll send this book,
free. If you'll mall me this coupon.
Consultation free. Office nours, 9 A.
M. to 8 P. M. Tuesday and Saturday
until 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 12.
The Leading Speclfillnt.
The Human
Body in Wax
at office or by mall. One per
sonal visit Is preferred, but if
this Is Impracticable, write us a
full and unreserved history of
vour case and get our opinion
free. Many cases cured at home.
Medicines fresh from our own
laboratory, 11.60 to $6. BO per
1L; Sundays, 10 to 12. t
This Modern Method of Electric Treat
ment Has Made Thousands of People
Strong, Healthy 'and Happy.
Don't go to doctors to b drugged with poisons. pp11'
waste vour time ana money on woiihicm pt""n. ,....,.
and other preparations. If you've tried these things you
I now have the most successful method
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a tim;'. whTl. Vou sleep. It fill, the
blomJ jt drives out pains and aches,
?i. cau.e of disorder by giving to
Its work as nature intended.
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In connection
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with Electro-Vigor,
1314 Second Ave.. Seattle, Wash.
Pleaae aenrl me. prepaid, your free
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