THE MORNING OK EG ONI AN, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1909. Z-TZ I HKLP WANTKD MALE. HELP W.mEULE. JS, 2. nJZLra, ' ' BOW RIVKK VALLEY WHEAT LAND:-. m 10.000 ACRFS OF CAS A PI AN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS Have been bought by Oregon farmer and Investors during this year. THERE'S A KEASoX. The land are wonderfully rich and productive, well metered, all cleared, ready for the plcw. c!e to railways. school, churches and sold at a price and on term that enables any man to own a farm. $13 AN ACHE. $1.50 AN ACHE CASH make your first pavim-nt. pay the balance. FORTUNES A KB BEING MAl'B BY THE PCVERJ OK THtH I.ANDS. SK..VT EX CIR.SION SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30. LOW RATES. Come In or write today for booklets. IIl&SI.CARTHV LAND COMPANY. General Land Ax-nts Canadian pacific Ball way Company. 425-426 Lumbermen's Bids;. BARGAIN FARM BARGAIN. WILLAMKTTK VALLEY'. SSJ acres tn Marlon County. 2flf cre in cultivation; all tillahle. level and fenced, cross-fenced to 7 fields; soli very fertile and prolific: S mile from R R. station; 40 acres (rood tlmi.'r. large fruit orchard. 2-story. 10-roomed house plastered and all hardwood finished throughout, cost over J4000; 2 large barns and full set of outbuildings; pood road. R. F. !.. tele phone, etc.; this farm we recommend as tie best Improved farm on the market and a (rood investment; land In the neigh borhood sells for from :.0 to $120 per acre with less Improvements, located only a few miles south of Saleru: bargain at $sft per acre; small cash paymonl and terma to suit. COAST COMMERCIAL CO.. 419 Henry Bidg. 300D FRUIT LAND.- IN HITHER HOOD i'iiIXTHV Are the most reasonably-priced lnnds In Oregon considering nearness to Portland, character of sol!, elevation, transporta tion, etc. A fruitgrowers' union has been organized. Hundreds of acre.- being plant ed to trees. You will be surprised with the grandeur or this country. Mount Hood Railroad will pass through Hither Hood. Prices range up to $l0O per acre Get our booklet. CHAPIN A HERI.OW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN IN LAND CLOSE TO CITY. 12' acres, - In cultivation. 1'- mile of Beaverton: ndewa:k all the wav from electric car and only S miles from Port land; has 2.". acres In bearing orchard, n os;Iv Spl:zenbcrg apples; g d house, barn and nlndmlll. also running water; Just rolling enough to drain good ; this lies well for platting In small tracts, and can be bought for $20o per acre. l; cash, and long time on balance. Ltreo'n lnvt. Co.. 20 Washington at., room 3dl. WE HAVE SOME EXCEPTIONAL bargains In COUNTRY HOMES SMALL RANCHES VILLA TRACTS and CLOSE IN ACREAGE. All prices and terms. Some Inside city limits. HAP.TMAN THOMPSON', Chamber of Commerce. "It will pay 'J ,r see our list." SBND for our list of Willamette Valley farms refore buying; lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. FOR 5 A I.E. Horses. Vehicle and Harness. FOR 6 ALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons, to rent by month or year: w also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes. day. week, or Phones East 72. H 1309. Haw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthon.a ave. PAIR of matched browns', horse and mare, weight 2"5o lbs., sound and true pullera: will be shown In harness: also hay colt, weight 14.V lbs.. 5 years old; black horse, weight lirl lt-s.. 2 sets of heavy double harness. Call 6'K Washington st. ROAN horse, weight 1200 lh, price $15: bay horee. 1I50 lbs., price $85: cream colored horse, white mane and tall, suitable for delivery purposed, price $75; new rubber-tire top buggy and harness. $95. Call (rsS Washington t. HORSES WANTED I want to rent several more teams horses for winter, from 11O0 to 16'M) Ihs.. light work; will feed plenty fine oats and hay and fine green pasture when not working. Fred T. Merrill, 7th and Or.k. afternoons. JUST arrived from Eastern Oregon, a car load of first-class horses and mares; weight from 12ik to 1600 pounds; all guaranteed at Madison-Street Sale Stables. lSsi Madison St., near bridge. MUST SELL fine, young, sound nnd gentle driving horse, safe for ladv to drive or ride: rubber-tire n-nahotit and nke har ness; worth $:oh goes for $::50. E. F. Ferris. Room 3. Washington bidg. FOR SALE Black team of ponies, well matched, broke to ride, drive, single or double, weight about 9O0 each, specially good driving team. I'hone Sellwood 730. ONE carload of Eastern Oregon horses for sale, all broke young and sold on their merits; can be seen at 1023 E. Alder. Phone B 12 or Tabor 743. BARGAIN $150 buy team, horse, mare; weighing 1150 each, true paller. with near ly new harre. Cftli at xp.ilion Stables. 19th and Washlngtcn. GENTLEMAN'S driving horse. 7 years old. pacer: work mile 2:20 with only tu month' work: wel! city broke. Anderson Bros, stable. 241 Jefferson at. FOR SALE, cheap, one team of draft horses; have too manv learns for 'Winter, will trade fur lot. US Water st. WANTED A horse between 950 and 1100 lbs., and light business wagon today. Y 49'.!. Oregonian. ONE carload of young horse Just from East ern Washington. 16th and Savier. Take 16th or S car. WANTED 10 Fresno teams; $rt per day. free table. pnone East 171. Address Prince Hotel. FOR SALE One good saddle pony, cheap; one 2S-ton gooseneck wagon, almost new. .147 East Stark st. HUBERT HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles: low rates on business rigs. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. "94 Montgomery. FOR SALE Two delivery horses, $75 each, raone M. 764.. piano, Orjrnns, Musical Instruments. Ml'ST SELL piano by Sunday: leaving city. 913 Willamette boulevard. St. Johns. Or. Amonjotofl AUTO TRADE 40 H. P.. T-paasenger car, A-l condition, will trade for new or sec ond hand lumber to be used building new race track, or will trade lor city property. Merrill. 7th and Oak. afternoons. AUTOMOBILES SOLI) AND EXCHANGED. Garage free. Geo. R. Flora, 470 East Purneliie St. B'14S0. WANTED To trade for city property. 5 passenger, A-l condition. Address AC 490. Oregonian. 7-PASSENGER automobile for sale or trade; In first-class condition. A Iply M 492. Ore gonian. I WANT a light auto for stoma good atock. 413- Couch bidg. Birds, Dogs. Prt Stock. CHEAP Boston brlndle bull dog; a terror to tramps- B 49.1. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 20 to $60. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, 93 per month. Pacific Stationery t Ptg. Co, 2v3 2d il U I VOCI" LA R telescope. ID-sower; French make cost 140. will sell for $20. Colum bia River Fish Depot. Washington Public Market. FOR SALE 10f0 cords fir wood on the stump, close to Portland in the East Side: very accessible. W. X. Carter, 70S Will iams ave. Woodlawn 794. FOR SALE Beat dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7431, A 5445. TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt, absolutely guaranteed, all bargains. $15 to $65. North west Typewriter Co.. 320 Ablngton. M SSiO SFES Nineteen second-hand safes, very low price: new sfea. all eliea. Portland Safe Co.. 92 7th St. FOR SALE 1 coffee mill motor and 2 spring scales cheap, on account of space. L. Mayer Co.. US 3d St. FRESH COW for sale. GS1 Oregon St., cor. East ISth. 600 BCSINEPS CARPS. 1 55. Ryder Ptg. Co.. 337 Burnslde st. Main 5-3. im.vkEY ENGINE. 14.00O feet line, near Spokane. H.-VO0- S.-.1 Vlllard. Eugene. Or. 13 STANDS of bee for ala with all belong ings Phone Main 9054. FOR SALE Steamer Star, lnqurre Star ! Co.. office room 201 Board of Trade bidg. Sand Miscellaneous. SPECIAL OFFER We have 100 second hand sewing machines that must be sold this week regardless of price, to make room for carload: 40 drop-head, all makes. White. New Home, singer. Wheeier Wilson. Domestic ard Standard. Do not forget the place. White Sewing Machine Stoje. 420 Washington, cor. 11th. H. D. Jones, proprietor. 32-FOOT gasoline launch for sale with ei ther 8 or lrt-H. P. 4-rycle engine: new boat, only months old: good model: has glass cabin: wl'l 20 people. Address P. O. Box 720. Astoria, or. 50OO SEASONED cedar fence posts. 8 feet, near I-nts, for sale at a low price; buyer can make good monev handling ther-e posts. Address L. M. Scott. MO Oregonian bidg.. or phone Main 7"7o. WAX TKII M I NCK LLA XEOUS. ALI who are Interested in the Internationa! auxiliary language. Esperanto, call or ad dress L. E Merchant. Hose City Business College, on or before .Monday evening. November 1. where classes will be or ganized at this time. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy hou-ehold furnishings; highest rrices paid. Call at the -Fair Deal." 47 3d st. North. I'hone Main 9272. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture- W.-5 buv all kinds second-hand men's and 'ladies' cloth. ng. E. 1051. 94 Grand ave. SELL vour second-hand fufrilture td the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phone A 2443. Main SS51. HIGHEST prices raid for cast-off clothing, shoe. hal. Jewelry and furniture. OS N .Id Main !I24.'!. sTOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 100.. W NTED An SxlO view camera outrit. I'hone Main S4."iS or Tabor 1317. WANTED Al extra, fire fresh milk cow. I'hone Tab-ir 11U2. afternoons. WE buv. se:l or exchange anything: pay hlgh wt prices: eell for less. M. 297. HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN If vou wish To get In on the ground floor of a real live monev -mn'tlnir proposition come In and see our special combination oITcr. Review of Review Co. 324 Fliedncr Mdg. f.OO MEN wanted to attend mv special sale of men's overcoats and suits, men's Fall suits, lust come. 1S to -.'. values. $0.70. Truly Warren. 31.1 Oregonian blug. WAXTED Plasterer at once. Call at Greg ory H"lshts. office end of East Ankeny Rose City Park carllne. Ore-gory Invest ment Co , 41S Corbett bidg. BOOKKEEPER wholesale house, bookkeeper and stenographer, dry goodn salesman, window trimmer. :'.23 Washington room 21. WANTED Reliable man used to farm prod tue; will pay good sa'ary. also slinre profits; small Investment required. Par ticulars 417 Board of Trade bidg. TWO good stock salesmen for Valley and Southern Oregon; gilt-edge proposition; good commission; references required. D 414. Oregonian. WANTED Acceptable man with J130 to huv Interest In real estate business. Straight proposition; can make money. References. AJ 4SS, Oregonian. LADIES' TAILOR. A flrM-ctas man with a special knowl edge of alteration on collars. OLDS. WOKTMAN & KING. Earn $15 to $:t3 week, watchmaking, encr'g.. op tics: learn In few months; p-si:lins furnished or tart buelness without capital. Watchmak ing School. 325 Kearney St.. San Franeieeo. SALESMEN, all lines, brokkeepcrs. stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Abstract Co.. 40S Commercial Club b!l?r. WANTED A reliable, unmarried salesman between 20 and 00 years of age; give ref erences. Address T 492, Oregonian. HEAD sawer. mill, top wages: man and wife; cooks small camp. e'3- Pioneer Em ployment Co.. Id North 2d. WINDOW-TRIMMER for men's clothing, hat and furnlshlnir goods: first-class man wanted. Y 47 2. Oregonian. WANTED Man to go Into poultry business; experience unnecessary ; some cash re quired. Call ;s2iu Wash. St.. room 417. GOOD man to work on dairy; must be first class milker: good wages Inquire N E. cor. 1st and Ankcny. 4 FIRST-CLASS coatmakers wanted; steady work guaranteed and rirsl-class wages. Ap ply Crown Tailor Shop. 4th and Stark ats. FIRST-CLASS metal polisher, must under stand brass and steel work. Apply Ore gon Plating Works, 18th and Alder sts. WANTED Good, quick, reliable newspaper printer; tlso one job printer. Apply at onco to Morning Actorian, Astoria, Or. FOK SALE Half interest in fine real estate office; little money required. Swetlanl bidg.. room 610. FIRST-CLASS cutter on efeclal sash and door and fixture work. Oregon Planing Mills. 19th and Vaughn. BOY for general work, good Job for right boy; salary $5 week. Lennon's. 300 Morri son t. TOCNG man a salesman In our Jewelry de partment; watch repairer and jeweler pre--ferred. K 414. Oregonian. MOTION picture operator earn $25 weekly: learn In short time: easy Inside work: les sons reasonable. Particular. 620Vi Wash. FINE openlt.g for 'young man, real estate, experience unnecessary, small capital re quired. 3261-! Washington St.. room 417. WANTED Young man to make himself useful around automobiles. AB 491, Ore goniajt. WANTED Experienced mattre and couch packer In wholesale furniture house. Car man Mfg. Co.. 16th and. Upshur sts. WANTED Young man to carry dishes from 11:30 to 1:30, noon. Peerless Cafeteria, 104 5th st. EXPERIENCED salesman for picture frame department; state experience and refer ence. AN 4J5. Oregonian. WANTED S young, capable general farm hands; steady employment. Apply before 10 o'clock. R. Chilcott. 204 McKay bidg. WANTED Glassware salesman: must know Jobbers' line thoroughly. Apply Hotel SALESMAN wanted to sell stock; big com mission, 30 per cent. Answer AM 4SS, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED salesman for picture frame department; state experience and refer ence. AN 4S5. Oregonian. WANTED Foreman general farm work and building racetrack; life job for right man. Merrill. 7th and Oak. afternoons. . BOY wanted to deliver packages. Apply Robinson A Co., 2V-2!1 Washington st. OLD MAN to work in small dairy fom board and small wages. M 414, Oregonian. NIGHT clerk for hotel: must have experience. Address J 491. Oregonian. WANT man to clear 10 acres of land. Ap ply 91 North flth st. FIRST-CLASS trunkmaker wanted. Portland Trunk Mfg. Co.. 3d and Pine sts. LIVE salesman to handle sure thing. 1S7 Morrison st. WANTED Presser. men's garments. R. M. Gray. 273-275 Morrison St. 25 PICK and shovel men wanted at 6th end Nehalem ave.. Sellwood. S COATMAKERS, $25 per week; steady work. Room 14. 20S Stark' st. DELIVERY boy wanted, room 52. rv- Sfark st. PHOTO coupon agents: something strictly good. Cutberth. photographer. Dekum bidg. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman: big wages; permanent. 215 Commercial block. BARBER wanted. 26S Burnslde St.; steady Job. TWO experienced lunch waiters at once. .Auto Rest. 52S Washington st. WE secure positions for our members. Special membership. Y. M. C. A. WAXTED Good men for about 3 week. H 4H4. Oregonian. COATMAKER wanted. Call at John Xole Co., St. John. Or. WANTED Plumber. Apply Anderson, Mill ard ave.. Mt. Scott car. LIVE " photo coupon portrait agent: good money-maker. lvls, 342H Washington t- SPECIAL TODAT. Wanted A large number of loggers at top wages. Band resawyer. $3; stlckerman. $3; sig nal boy for logging camp, $1.75. For California. Free Fare. ship Today. For I-arga Logging Camps. Free Fare. Today. Free Fare. PACIFIC EMPLOY'MENT CO.. Main Office. 12 Xorth Second St. STENOGRAPHER and atant bookkeeper ft-r a construction company, out of town, $ii and board; one with R. R. cxKrience preferred. Contract to put In 30 log culvert. . Clearing contract. K. K. rlht of way. to let. Station contracts from 1500 to 40.0M) yards solid rock to let. .1 R. R. camp blacksmiths. $7.. and board; steel sharpener. $tni and board, free fare. 1 rock foreman, 2 grade foremen, $10 and board each. 4 rough carpenters. $3..'i0, country, fares paid: 3 bridge carenters. $3.50. 9 hour; pliedrlver men. $:i.3o. C. R. HANSEN' & CO.. 26 N. 2d St. lOflfi STATION MEN WANTED. COPPER RIVER RAILWAY. CORDOVA, ALASKA. Solid rock $1.20 cu. yd. Loo.-e rock fid cu. yd. Ear:h 30 cu. yJ. Clearing "0 per sere. G-u.hlnB $1" per station Tunnels $ lir,a' ,.t- Camp run all Winter; heavy work, side cutting. Write for full particulars. M. .1. HEN E Y. Contractor. B14 Colman bidg., Seattle. Wash. WANTED Ship draftsmen, marine engine and boiler draftsmen, electrical drafts men; pay from $2 to $3.04 per diem. A competitive examination will bo held at the Navy Yard. 1'ugct Sound. Washington. November 22 and 2:1. l:', for the pur pose of establishint,- an eligible register of ship draftsmen, marine engine nnd boiler draftsmen and electrical draftsmen, tor application and further information ad dress " "1 .mmandant Navy Yard, Tuget Sound. Wash." POSITIONS open In our factory for 1 hench man (cabinetmaker). 1 tinner. 1 plumber mid 1 finisher (painter): prefer men who wish tJ Invest a little- money in business; sound Investment good wages; neatei'. factory in cltv. Call at factory oftice. R. B. Ins. Mfg. Co.. cor. !:. Mth and Alder sts. Phones E. 4im. B 11:11. 10,000. POSITIONS for graduate last year: men and women to learn barber trade In elpnt weeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from S15 to $25 weeklv; expert instructor; tools free; write for catulogu". Moh'er System of Colleges. 34 X'jrth 4th St., Portlaml, Or. WANTED Young men. bone"t and Indus trious, to prepare for Civil Service positions; clerks, carriers, railway mail, etc.; thou sands appointed; good entrance salary, with promotion. Call or write. Pacific State School. McKay hldg. WANTED An all-around sash machine man: a young man experienced in as sembling sash; and two U?nch carpenters; answer, staling age. experience and wages expected. The Diamond Match Company. Chlco. Cal. k WANTKD First-class tinner and all-around Jobber, capable of managing country shop; references required; married man preferred; steadv work: state salary. G. W. Hornbeck & Son-, Ellensburg, Wash. WAXTED First-class upholsterers, box spring nnd mattress makers; steady work and gooel pay. Address t. .1. .icnoi., iaio Barker Bros.. 420 South Spring St.. Angeles. Cal. Los RAILWAY mail cle-ks. postofflce clerks, carriers, examinations Portland, Nov. 17. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, dept. 424 G. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PHOTO coupon and portrait agents; extra commission on sales. Hubner Studio, Swet land bidg. WAXTED Good girl for general house work. Apply in morning, 1009 Thurman st cor. 32d. GIRL or woman for general housework, famllv of 3 adults; no washing. Phone A 5723. or call 343 10th St., today. WANTED Refined lady for demonstrating parlor; salary and commission. 2."0i Al der St., room 1. WAXTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609 Roth chlld bidg.. 4th and Washington. CO M P ET EX T girl for general housework: must be goud cook; 3 in family. 381 12th WOMEN and girls to work In fruit cannery. Holmes Canning Co., East Sth and Divi sion sts. WOMAN COOK, salary $i5 and room. For particular write Hotel Hermitton. Hermis- ton, or. WAXTED Y'oung lady, one who can use :vpewrit.2r. also wait on traue. jiuia ti Bloch. 283 Morrison st. 1 - v-Tni elrl general nous -work, small family. Call 607 E. Taylor or phone East or B 1028 MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGEXCY, 320 "-i Washington St.. Room 307 Main SS30 or A 32oti. WANTED 2 girls to sew mattre ticks. Carman Manufacturing Co., 18th and Up shur el. WANTED Good shlrtmakers and buttonholer; only flrst-ciass need apply. Call at 22i Firi.t et.. Frisco Shirt Factory. EXPERIENCED woman cook, small hotel. . out town, wages $40. St. Louis Agency, ' 245U Wash. Main 2039, A 4ii. WANTED Good girl for general house work; very little washing. Inquire morn ings at 64-" Hancock st. phone East bill. DESIRABLE situation: must be experienced cook; light housework; family ox 2. Main 2262 PLE SANT elderly' lady to share cottage with young lady. M 4S3. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework; good cook. - small family adults. 051 Hoyt, near 20th. YOUNG GIRL for general housework; no cooking. Apply 3C9 6th St.. near Mill. WANTED Girl for general housework. 245 North 22d et. WAXTED First-class stenographer. Xorrls Safe & Lock Co., 6th and Ankcny t. WNTED Exoerlenced lady presser; good wages. Willamette Dye Works. 2G6 3d st. WANTED Woman who understands cook ing for delicatessen. X 476, Oregonian. WANTED Girl or woman in cleaning and pressing shop. 352 3d st. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory Xo. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor. GIRL for general housework, family three adults. L 493. Oregonian. WANTKD Girl to learn dining-room work in private boarding-house. 735 Hoyt st. GOOD girl for cooking and housework; sec ond girl kept'. fc Johnson t. CASH girls, door girls. Apply to McAllen McDonnell. TEACHER for mission school. Apply 206 s Jd St.. 7 o'clock P. M. WANTED Y'oung lldy for vaudeville sketch. Apply Oil; Grand ave.. room 27. WANTED Good girl for general housework; small family. Sellwood SM. GIRL for cook and general housework fam ily of 3, $20. Phone East 1510. STEVDY GIRL for small hotel in country, $5 per week. 514 Swetland bidg. WANTED An experienced waitress, at the Hill Hotel. WANTED 3 glrl for shooting galleries; ex perienced preferred. Apply to 249 14 1st. WANTED Y'oung girl apprentice and one to weave hair. 423 E. I'lli st. 3. WANTED Girl to tend door. McAlleh & McDonnell. 3d and Morrison st. GIRL for general housework and cooking; good wastes. 340 Hasealo. WANTED An experienced cook for small family. 474 Market, cor. 14th. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. 354 loth St.. cor Mill. PRIVATE lcsc,r.s In shorthand and typewrit ing; expert method. 34 12th. Main 6890. WANTED Retired lady with some business experience. 250 Alder st. EXPERIENCED skirt, waitt and coat hands. Moore. Trading Company. 415 Alder. GIRL to do housework. T02 Northrup - PERMANENT position at $75 a month will be given voung lady stenographer If cap able of taking long briefs rapidly and transcribing accurately. Apply any day this week. 32:1 Lumbermen's bidg., 5th and Stark. WANTED Solicitors to take orders for new corporation, easy work, big money, exclusive territory, part or all of your time. Call between 4 and 6 P. M. 70S Dekum bidg. STENOGRAPHER Smith-Premier operator, accustomed to tabulator, billing and office work in general. Address In handwriting, stating salary expected and reference, E 490. Oregonian. JACKET. SKIRT AND GOWN WORKERS. . Permanent position to experienced and competent workers. Apply to Mr. Rich ards, in charge of alteration d' partment. OLDS, WORTMAX tk KING. WANTED A German lady, about 40 years of age, to go out in the country and keep house for two old people; reasonable wages and good home. Y 4:l. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced hands on ladles Jackets: must be good seamstresses ana understand alterations. Eastern Outfitting Co.. Washington at 10th at. WANTED 10 ladles' hats to trim 50c: your old hats reblocked Into the latest shapes. Hat Renovator. N. J. cor. 6th and Alder, basement. WANTED Experienced girl or woman for general housework and plain cooking; fam ily of 2; new flat; good wages; references. Phone B 2CIS. 927 ',t East Ankeny St. WANTED Capable lady to take charge of branch office In San Francisco; excellent ooportunlty for right party. Room 1, 250V4 Alder st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343Vx Washington St., cor. 7th, upstair. Phone Main g092. LA DIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porceialn," $1.50 doz. upward; stea.ry, reliable work. 224 Marquam bidg. GIRL wanted for general houfework. 2 in family, call mornings. Flat 5, COO Flanders street. WA NT 1TD Experienced girl for general housework; 110 rhlldren. 200 Grand ave. North, cor. Multnomah St. 1IR1.P WANTF.D MALE OR FEMALE. PLEASANT work for ladles or gentlemen, selling our lands on easy terms. Experi ence unnecessary Large commissions and cash prize. You furnish the buyer, we show the lands. Call and get full particulars CHAl'lN & HERI.OW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. MAKE money writing stories; pleasant work for you; big pay. Send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran cisco. STLDIO Musile. German, French. English literature. 452 Morrison. Main 207. LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 2t9 14th. Main 3S93. WANTED A nrst-class marker. Elite Laun dry Co., Vancouver, Wash. Main 2JS2. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sitions to A-l instructors. 514 Swetland. ' SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. EXPERIENCED retail genera! dry ;oods nilf.-man with thorough knowledge of gent' clothing, furnishings and shoes, will be open for a posi""" November 1 ; best of relerence given. M 4S4, Oregonian. BY' THOROUGHLY' competent grocery and g.neral merchandise man: experienced with country trace; al speak German, city, or country: best references. X. S. Berg, Port land, Or. YOUNG married man desires bookkeeping and clerical work In city; experleneemost ly lu bank work; references and recom mendation can be furnished If desired. O 41)2. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hotel and restaurant man ager open for a country hotel proposition; salary or percentage basis. Address X 4Nrt. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, expert in cor poration, insurance and law work. X 4S9, oregonian. YOUNG Englishman seeks employment as clerk. 11 years' office experience. AH 4Si. Oregonian. Y'OUNG MAN wishes Inside work: can as sist bookkeeping. AB 494. Oregonian. Miscellaneoas. MIDDLE-AGED Gormen, well recommend ed, wishes steady position to work in pri vate residence in city or country to make himself generally useful. AK 4S7, Ore gonian, EXPERIENCED furniture and carpet man open for engagement Nov. 1st.; plenty of experience with good firms. A 493, Orego nian. GOOD Japanese couple wants family place, man as cook, wife wait on table and housework: both gentle and honest. Ad dress 327 Everett t.. Portland, Or. ELDERLY graduate optometrist would like position with a licensed practitioner, where he can make himself useful while preparing for state examination. T 493, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY" experience shoe man Is open for position; 16 years at the busi ness; good buyer as well as salesman. N 4D0. Oregonian. t BOILBRM AKER. layerout or foreman: con tract and railroad experience; good at esti mating, at structural or boiler work; refer ences furnished. X 491, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, strictly first-class Japan ese wants position at housenrk; wages $:-:0 and up. P 4!i::, Oregonia IF YOU want an experienced retail ehoeman, steady and reliable, address A 492. Ore gonian. YOUNG, Industrious man wishes to learn the auto business, has had some experi ence. H 493. Oregonian. A GOOD, nice Japanese boy wants a situa tion, housework or porter. AN 494, Ore gonian. POSITION by experienced hotel porter; strong, sober, neat appearance; reference. B 402. Oregonian. COREAN wants position, housework, kitchen help and saloon porter. Address AF 487, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work In country for all Winter. ' O 493. Oregonian. BY a first-class general merchandise clerk. Phone B 1401. evenings. GOOD Japanese wants situation as school boy. J 404. Oregonian. WINDOW or house cleaning to do; ref erences. Main, ."903. HOUSE and window cleaning by O. A.. Thompson. Phone. Main 58R4. YOUNG MAN. 39 years old, wishes to learn plumbing trad. J? 49:1, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WA NTED Position by stenographer who can spell and punctuate correctly, with ex perience In biw office of 6 months: Rem ington typewriter preferred. Phone Sell Sellwood 1399. WANTED Experienced stenographer from East desires "permanent position with good firm in Portland. Miss lrma Lambrecht. 308 13th St. Main 3025. BOOKKEEPER desire set of books for a few hours eacK day. accurate, experienced. Miss Swindells. A 1970, M. 800. STENOGRAPHER desires permanent position; five year' experience: willing to start with moderate salary. A 494, Oregonian. Y'OUNG lady wishes1 position a bookkeeper; references. Phone Woodlawn 1343. Dressmakers. MAKER of gowns, etc.; prompt service: prices moderate. 44 East 7th South. Phone East 2410. B 2676. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, lowest prices. Mrs. Angele. 320 V4 Wash st., room 216. SEWING. $1.50 a day. Phone evenings after 7. Main 7431. NURSE wishes position as companion: will assist with light work. Inquire Y. W. C. A., hours 10 till 4. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse, best refer ences, extensive experience, all kinds of nursing. A 2618. ht COMPETENT nurse, more 'cases, any 1 kind, or institutional work. Main 4469. I Nurses. I ' i . - UNDERGRADUATE NURSE. experienced all kinds nursing, maternity, Invalid. In fant. Main 303S. Housekeepers. WAXTED Ry refined young Scandinavian lady, position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor; good home preferred. B 494. -oregonian. . POSITION" a housekeeper, by Swedish girl, for widower or bachelor; good cook. i. 476. Oregonian. 2 GIRLS want situation as general house work and good cooks. P 492. Oregonian. Domestic. WANTED By a competent woman, position at general housework: small family: state wages Mrs. Lottie De Haven, Gresham. Or. WOM IN. age 23. child age 3. wants light housework for board and $2 week; no men wanted. A 4067. COMPETENT girl wishes a position at cook ing and general housekeeping. 3-7 lit" st. North. POSITION wanted by experienced nt"'8 girl. Inquire Y'. W. C. A., hours 10 till 4. YOUNG GIRL wishes general housework and cooking. 864 East Davis St., cor. 2Sth. A SWEDISH girl wants housework. Call at 485 N. 21st. or phone A 384 1. w COMPETENT second girl would, like situa tion In private family. C 412. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. GOOD-LOOKING young woman, competent and respectable, as manicurist and cash ier. X 492. Oregonian. JANITOR work by experienced and reliable ladv: can give A-l references. Mrs. Mary Morris. I'hone Etut 5023. LACE CURTAINS laundered with care 20c each, called for and delivered promptly. A 7632. COOK. first-class. Institution preferred, nurses, all kinds; chambermaids. Louis. 245 Vj Wash. Main 2039. A 47 1 5. EXPERIENCED manicurist and shampooer wishes position. Phone Tabor 691. GOVERNESS, refined and experienced, do sires situation. T 494. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY desires position as attend ant In doctor's office. V 490. Oregonian. WILL DO hairdrersing in your own home. East Side preferred. Phone aellwood 03. GERMAN girl wants day work, washing, ironing or cleaning. Phone Main 4-.w. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work: no half days; references. Woodlawn 1611. LADY' wishes position as companion. A 490, Oregonian. . LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered. 40c pair. Tabor l.i. WOMAN" want work by hour. East 6470. GIRL wants housework. 314 20th st. X. WASTED AGENTS. OUR agents are making big money selling our fruit and farm lands; any size tract on easy terms. Last month several of our agents marie over $300. You can do as well or better. Experience not necessary. Y'ou furnish the customer, we show tne lands. Work for several more hustlers. CHAP1X & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock out lit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees: out lit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory. Address Oregon Nursery Com pany, Orenoco. Or., via Hillsboro. Agents, big money made selling our nursery stock- great demand, fine line, cash com mission weekly. Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. WAXTED TO RENT. FIRST-CLASS, modern five or six-roomed cottage with good basement in desirable neighborhood, on East Side, by reliable party; references furnished If necessary. AB 493. Oregonian. WANT 2 housekeeping rooms, walking dis tance all convenk-nces; have child 4H vears of age. Address Mr. Kupper, 332 chamber of Commerce. 3 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, flat or apartment. AJ 490, Oregonian. I WANT six or more houses to rent; I turned more than that many people away yesterday. S. D. Vincent. 420 Lumber men's bidg. BUSINESS MAN" with family of 4 wants 6-room furnished (modern) house, with yard, for 1 year: will prove desirable tenants. P. O. box 540, city. 5 OR 6-room modern cottage, furnished, by family of 3. no children; state price and location. O 494, Oregonian. WANTED 2 or 3 housekeeping-rooms or small furnished house; no children; good location. Address C 493, Oreaonian. Rooms With Board. A BARGAIN. 10 acre with 4 rooms;.good black soil; 7 blocks to electric line, near Beaverton: 2 acres cleared, bal. easily cleared; 1 has .1 1 ,kl. l a arian and come. QUICK! some uniw , .mo n. - - . Drlce $25UO. $'.500 handles, balance 1 Jeaxa. D,l-& Ci3 - , 506 Board of Trade. Main 7488 A .650 GENTLEMAN wants room and board in re fined private family; must be good loca tion West Side. 15 minutes' ride from 10 uh' and Washington; references. P 490, Oregonian. YOUNG gentleman desires neat, cheerful room with or without board, private fam ily near postotfice. R 4IKI. Oregonian. ONE large or two connecting rooms, with board, for couple with child; East Side; references exchanged. G 494. Oregonian. Ld'y wishes room and board, private fam ily, walking distance. M 493. Oregonian. Business Places. WANTED Office and reading-room for Painters' Union. E. A. Chcyne. 40 Grand ave. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FRANKLIN HOTEL cor. 13th and Wash ington IVs. Most elegant furnished; free teKphone. hot and cold water in every room; shower baths and tub baths, come and see for yourself. Rates $4 week up. HOTEL EUCLID. ISTH AND WASHINGTON New modern. elegantly furnished rooms, with cr without private bath; per manent oi transient. HOTEL N'OKRIS, 132"- 17th cor. Wash.; new building, newly furnished; every room light and sunny; hot water, steam heat; low prices. HOTEL ELWELL 7th and Alder; new, modern rooms, steam heat running water, free phone, private bath; by day. week or month, reasonable HOTEL Bt SHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; al modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 261.. M. o04i. THE MERTAP.PER. 126 13th. cor. Washing ion, brand new. handsomely furnished; cwery modern convenience: hot water In all rooms: very reasonable terms. HOTEL LENOX, cor. -id and Main sts.. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza GIBSON HOTEL Union ave. and E. Ankeny, centrally located, board and room, fine home cooking, served family style. THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington sts., tle-antlv furnished rooms, all modern con veniences, planty of heat: $15 and up. JITNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Aanex. 414 Yamhill and Eleventh. ; . THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new' furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 is Stark corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea. THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 per week. 548Vi. Washington stj WOULD like to secure room with agreeable young man. K 491. Oregonian. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral. $3. 4. $5 per week; transient. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms: bath, heat; 60o to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM , DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof buildlnf. steam heated hot and cold running water in all rooms,' richly furnished, finest feeds that money can buy. and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor: every thing hrst-class: rates. 50c. 75c and $1 per day; $:S.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 12S 6:h st. North. Homelike. Homelike. Homelike. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh and Ankeny Sts., "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redecorating, refitting and refurnishing, all for your benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter hom-3 at reasonable rates for those who appreciate cleanliness and eomforr. THE WEN DURST. ' 545 Washington St. Newly furnished rooms. housekeeping apartments and unfurnished rooms; prices reasonable; fine furnishings; very central; brick building. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner :0th and Washington Sts. New management; THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; ounst trade solicited, THE BARTON", 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. Furnished Rooms In Private Families. 1S1 E. 12TH ST. Well-turnished room, suit able two gentlemen, modern home, strictly home cooking; refined family, use of parlor library. FURNISHED rooms, electric light, fur nace heat and phone, $8 and $10 per month; close in. West Side, two carlines. 192 North lth St. I'hone Main 3228. ATTRACTIVE well furnished rooms, prtvat-3 residence, splendid neighborhood, break fast if desired; reasonable rates; no sign. 120 North ISth. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for 2. 1 sleep ing porch desirable location; phone, heat, bath, 10 minutes' walk P. O. S21 West . Park. PLEASANT front parlor, also single room; nicely furnished; good board, modern con veniences: terms very reasonable. Phone Main 3280. ELEGANT rooms, suites or single In one of Portland's best homes, for few select room ers. 387 S. 12th St.; phone Main 2496. LARGE, well furnished room, running water, all conveniences. 223 West Park, near Salmon. 305 12TH ST. Large desirable room $16 per month; gentlemen preferred; ref erences. NICELY furnished room, private family, walking distance; suitable tor 2; rent ?8. 34 E. 7th St. ONE furnished, 4 unfurnished sooma at 227 North 17th. near Lovejoy. SMALL room with board, reasonable, close in. 89 E. 8th N. E. 722. 1SS 12TH. pleasant room for gentleman; modern; central. Phone Main 4392. LARGE, warm, well furnished room, heat, light, bath, close In. 632 Flandors. PLEASANT, well-hheated room; every con venience; suitable for 2. 361 10th. NICELY furnished Krai on oarllne; refer ence. 155 N. 21st. SUITE, bright and sunny, single room; choicest location. 67 N. 20th. Room With Board. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st.. near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the mini mum of expense. I? you want the best in the city for the money, call and in spect: dining-room In connection. HOTEL SARGENT. One elegantly furnished suite, with pro rate bath, for rent, after the I5th of October. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne ave. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary. 510 Flanders st-. Miss Frances N. Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange, 1S6 Sth st, Mrs. M. E. Brellierton. supL THE MANSION, beautiful ground, elegant ly furnished rooms, conservatory, billiard, table board, $5.50. Sth and Jefferson. THE MANSION, beautiful grounds, elegant ly furnished rooms, conservatory, billiards, separate table board, 0th and Jefferson. THE COLONIAL, 165 r.d 17 10th st.. cor ner Morrison. "Select family hotel; reason able rates. THE CALVARD Take W car at depot to door 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097. Rooms With Board In Private Family. NICE rooms with good board, modern house, 52 Lucretla St.. near Hill Hotel; gentlemen .preferred; also large room on third floor, nice for 2 or 3 ladles or gen- . tlemen. Main 5643. ROOM and board, refined private house, modem, furnace heat, best of home cook ing, man and wife or business men. Phone East 3492. LARGE, nicely furnished front room, also side room, excellent table, modern, rea sonable, close in. 521 Couch. BOOM and 2 meals for 2 gentlemen: modern house, close in; $4.50. Phone East 1824. LARGE front room, with board, for 3 gen tlemen, at $23 each. 549 Yamhill st. $2 ROOM and board for 4; heat and "phone. 095 Everett st. CLEAN, sunny room, board, privileges home; family fond music, reading. Main 5415. ROOM suitable for two, with or without board. 268 12th st. Apartments. HEINZE APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison St.. new bric building, ocmpletcly first-class, furnished in 2 3 and 4-rrom family apartments; pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed air cleaning Janitor service; some unfur nished; rent very reasonable. THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.; unfurnished apartment, with bath; all outside rooms; modern and only 5 min utes' walk from P. O.j very reasonable rent. Main 25o6. A 3149. LAURETTE apartments. high-clas. new brick building, steam heat, hot water, fire les cooker, private hall and bath, one A rooms unfurnished; 5 minutes from Port land Hotel. 11th, near Salmon KING street, modern outside corner apart ment; new siarpen. Stlckley fumed oak furniture, bric-a-brac, Haviland china, sil ver, evrvthing complete; quick sale, $276. Main 4 492. THE STANLEY. New apartments, flrst-clas service, rea sonable rent. Cor. Wash, and King sts. THE BERYL One of the beautiful apart . ments for rent. 695 Lovejoy, near 21st; take W car. THE DAYTON Fine six-room apartment, heat, hot water, etc. Inquire 65S Flanders. FOR RENT A 4-room, heated, sunny flat and bath. Inquire 120 23d N. E. corner Glisan. FOR RENT 7-room corner flat, all modern conveniences. Inquire Mrs. Stott, 268 Park. Phone M 1219. FIVE-ROOM new steam-heated flat; bath; cor. 1st and Clackamas; $35. Phone Main 5151 NEWLY-FURNISHED 5-room steam-heated flat for rent. See Janitor, 21st and Kear ney sts. NEW 4-room fiat, 7 minutes P. O., reason able to adults. 306 B. Montgomery, bet. and 6th. MODERN upper 4-room fiat on carllne. $14. Woodlawn 1502, 811 Williams. DANDY 5-room flat, best location. Phqpe Main 4473. NEW 5-room flats, every convenience. Bel mont and 22d sts.; rent. $25. 5-ROOM corner flat corner 22d and Kear ney; rent $27.50. PLEASANT 2-room flat; also 4-room; mod ern, central, reasonable. 233 Hall st. FLATS. 731 H Hoyt St., near 22d. 6 rooms and bath. Inquire 132 Sth St. Main 6278. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE or two very nice, large, modern house keeping rooms. 403 Second st. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall s.s. Newlv furnished for housekeeping. Inclim ing gas ranges, electric light-., hot water baths, laundrv. reception-room, all tree, furnished apartments $!." per up; single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week UP. best in city for moey; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-sl. cars north, get off at Marshall St. ONEONTA. 187 17th, near Yamhill ; taks W. car at depot: furnished 2. 8 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week $5..' by month $20 and up: hot and cold water, laths and phones free. Main 4007. A 473'.. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 'i Washington, cor. otn Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; (gas ranges. not water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. HOTEL OHIO. Cor. Front and Mndtson streets, under new management: furnished housekeeping and single rooms at reasouable rates. WANT a man with $400 to $5.l0 re-ady money to back a good money-making proposition. Inquire at 1019 Board of T rade. NEW up-to-date unfurnished housekeeping ruoms, rent reasonable. Belmont apart ments, 4S0Beimont st. FINE furnished rooms and housekeeping suites: bath, phone, steam heated, close In. "The ilyland." 490 Morrison. 461 East Morrison, cor. East Sth; completely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. THE MILNER. 350 'i Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences PARTLY furnWie-i housekeeping rooms. Ap ply 380 MorrLeon. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car. $1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath. gas. 184 Sherman. SWELL housekeeping rooms in new concrete building. Phona C 1342. Housekeeping; Rooms in Private Family. 1SS 15TH Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, light and heat included, $2u per month. Phone Main 4029. TWO front rooms furnished for house keeping, ground floor, no children. 872 6th st. NEATLY" furnished beds or housekeeping front rooms, $5 or $0 a month. 542 Karl, on Sellwood carllne. FOUR newly furnished light housekeeping rooms, gas range, bath, etc, cheats . 370 Broadway. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms In strictly modern ilat; use of kitchen. ST Ross st. TWO modern furnished housekeeping room, close In; private family; moderate rent. Phone B 2432. 466 E. Davis St. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; mod ern conveniences; rent, $16. Phone- Mala 7773. TWO or 3 furnished housekeeping room: no children. Woodlawn 1932, 952 Williams 294 JEFFERSON Front alcove room, fur nished for housekeeping; bath and gas. UNFURNISHED housekeeping room. 87S 14lh St. M. 8156. FOUR large furnished housekeeping room on first floor. 149 13th. near Morrison SUITE, completely furnished. $15; gas range, furnace heat. 146 N. 16th. -Main 5173. ALL or part of upper floor, furnished; adults. 249 Grand ave.. North. SUITE sunny housekeeping rooms, fin loca tion; rent $25. 455 6lh St. NICELY-FURNISHED lower flat; modern. Phone Main 2616. Call 414 7th St. $1(1 Three housekeeping room. ga plti steel range. 618 7th st. Main 4529. Houses. WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furni ture. Buv It judiciously and the saving! wil lexceed vour moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one ol thtf largest furniture houses in the city In less than two years. Lookers are shown the same courtesy as buyers. n MOKGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO., Grand Ave.. Cor. Enst Stark St. East Ankeny. Montavilla and East Sid line cars pass our door. NOW ts your time to rent one of Dr. Rand's elegant. unique, large 8-room lower apartment-houses, 164 24th St. north: reception hall effect, with fireplace, den. etc. Dec. 1st. Think It over. Tele phono Main 356, or call In evening. NICE 5-ROOJI cottage partially furnished; - ood carpets and linoleum, gas range and heater, tables, chairs, chiffonier, soma dishes and beds. Cor. East 28th and Irv ing. $25. Bennett & Derbyshire. 201 Swet land bidg. WHY RENT? With our organization, eliminatlrg mid dlemen's prolns we can build you any priced house for or on easy terms and save you money; plana and estimates free; a postal will bring full details. R. BAILEY. Postofflce Box 473. FOR KENT Nine-room fine modern house, best corner on East Side, for roomer or boarders; beautiful grounds. looxloO. all kind of fruit trees aad roses; ten minutes walk to center of city; all or part of nearly new furniture fur aole. P 486. Oregonian. NEW 6-room modern -cottage, $15.00; 9-room apartment, $10.00; established hotel, i3 rooms partly furnished. $25.00; all on car line. South Portland, and 6-nom modern, Second St., walking distance. $12. C. H. I'iggott, owner, 14 Mulkey bidg. VERY" desirable 8-room modern house with gas. electric light, hot-air heating, large attic, concrete basement, large garden, one block from carllne nnd school; rents for $25 per mo., or will sell for $2600. Apply 1310 East Taylor st., near 49th. MODERN 7-room house for rent; first-class condition. 430 Oregon st.. near E. 7th. Very accessible to town and three car lines. lnqulro SVi E. Taylor St., cor 29th, 01 phone Tabor 1800. 7-ROOM house In Irvlngton, partly furnished. Telephone A 1213. Main 3875. WELDON DARLING, Ola Board of Trade. A NICE, modern house should have modern furnishings throughout; Eastern ' price end easy lermti at Calef Bros.. 360-370 East Mor rison st. IF you want to rent A house SEE ME. If you want to rent YOUR house SEE ME. That's my business. S. 1. Vincent. Rentals Real Estate and Ins. 420 Lumbermen Bl. YOU will go away satisfied and well paid if you call on us. HAKTMAN A THOMPSON. Rent Department. Chamber Com. BUNGALOW- 5 rooms and bath. new. strict ly n odern; 30th ana E. Main sts.; rent $22.50. Inquire Main 2240, or 2908, or - call 515 oregonian bidg. FOR It EX T Modern 8-room house, large lot planted to fruit and flowers: on Wil lamette boulevard, overlooking the river; only $15. Call 511 Swetland bidg. MODERN 5-room cottage at Myrtle Park. 4 blocks from carllne. lot iuxlOO; price $12iU. Call up A 4153. UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished complete by Calef Bru.' easy rent plan at 'lncrn price. 360-370 East Moirison st. MODERN houee. 6 rooms; furnace, two fire piace. double lighting. Eat 12th. near Stark: $30. Apply 3H Iiekum Q.dg. $20 Nine-room houv. fii-st-clast condition, two lots. 227 East 49th. between Belmont and Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 523. MODERN cottage. 422 Wasco St.; carpet and furniture for sale. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. 69 East 19th St. North, near Everett. Inquire 132 6th st. Main 627S HOUSES, flats and apartments for rent. Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 326 Washing ton st.. fifth floor. 6-ROOM modern house, lot 50x100. for rent, on East 10th St.; $20 per month. A 1213, Main 3S75. 6- BOOM house, modern and in first-class condition. Apply 21 Front, cor. Whlt aker. 7- ROOM house, near carline; rent $25. In quire room 40 Washington bidg. 5S 6-room house. East 13th and Burnslde. Phone East 3642. 9-RriOM residence. 792 Ive.1oy. near 24th; $55; aristocratic neighborhood. HOUSE for rent. 391 Hall St. Furnished Houses. 6-ROOM house, nloely furnished, Sth and Shaver. Key at 855 E. Sth N. LARGE 9-room house, with yard: rent $30. Call 293 San RaphaeL