1 n THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1909. x . 1 I Z.r ,CT1Tr. 1 RKAL ESTATE. 1 REAL ESTATE. f TO EXC H.VNGE. NEW TODAY. As a first payment will give you im mediate possession of a beautiful $jyy Lot in Katherine Addition Balance at $10 per month. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. The Mortnt Scott carline is to be aonble-tracked as far as Lents. This means that Will probably be within twenty min utes of the downtown district when the Madison Bridge is completed. Lots now sell at $195, on terms as low as $3.00 per month. They should sell for much more ; figure it out for your self. TTe are willing to let you de cide. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY 14 Chamber of Commerce. Cowperthwait & Christensen, Agents, Lents. Burnside Street G orner 100x100 In downtown nuslnes district. Burnside will be the BIG STREET, and this corner is the best Investment on the street. H. P. PMR-JOKS CO. 212-213 Commercial CTnb Ft 1 dir. THESE ARE A-l INVESTMENTS Investigate Them 975,500 For Inside property netting 10 per cent, and where values are rapidly Increasing. g43. OOO An, apartment-house In a first-class neighborhood, occupying a quarter block and netting 12 per cent, on West Side. 88500 F"r close-In corner on Grand ave., 100x100. Income $50 per month. A splendid investment. J. M. FRENCH & CO 412-413 Ablnetoa Bid-., lOSVs Third St. Farm Cheap as Dirt 70 acres. 60 cleared, 7-room and 4 roora houses, 2 barns, windmill; all fenced: 20 seres seeded to Fall wheat. 9 acres to timothy; Kood soil; 1 mile from R. R. station, i mile to school; telephone, R. F. D.; Rood team, wagon, harness, I cows, 2 heifers, all farm Im plements; good county road and fine locality. 13 milts from Portland. With all these extras the price is $150 an acre. Here is a home complete at a very moderate price and will never be so cheap again. We show our property without expense. And if you want tim ber land call on us. GF.F.R MATTOOX, Ablnrtoa Bids., 10 Third St. M 2181. Genuine View Lots. OLMSTED The Portland Heights of the East Side. Just 16 more lots to be sold before prices are advanced aiOO per lot. Better than Irvington. IO per cent cash, 2 per cent per month. COLUMBIA TRUST COMY Foard of Trade Bide- 84 Fourth St. $5000 East Taylor St. 590 East Taylor St.. between 14th and 15th. swell modern 6-large room house: two fireplaces, furnace, fine improvements, full lot. street work; paid for; good neighborhood and easy walking distance; $1000 cash. $25 per month. A real snap. Grussi & Zadow 81T Board of Trade Bid-, 4th and Oak. HENTONE $26,000 Quarter block on Grand ave.' Terms. $1 6,500 Quarter block on Union ave. Terms. WELDON DARLING 618 Board of Trade Bldg. 11th and Everett Streets ' Corner. 100x100, S35-OOOI also 100x100 $20,000-INCOME $3200 A, BACKUS, 519 Board of Trad Bid. r NEW TODATi I I , I I For S.xle Houses. I tor Salt Houses. NEW HOUSE love ONLY 10 PER MONTH NEVER AGAIN will you have such n,npinnlrv of movlne- into a spick and span new house and become the J proud owner of your own home for I onlv $10 per month. Come and see it. Fine big lot: splen did view, close in: best surroundings: citv water. The best place to live and make vmir home. The best place to "buy for an invest ment. Lots not as good sell for twice the price elsewhere. rnmf m office and ride out in our automobile, or go to office at Gregory ' Heights, end or Ki-.st AnKenr-i.nw Citv Park carline. Seeing is believing. Don't lake our word for it. And don t ask vour landlord. COME. Fuilv illustrated folder on request. Pi U VJT. INVESTMENT C0.0" 418 Coruett BldR-. Fifth and Morrison. HIGH UP 16th and Elizabeth Houso 7 rooms. Lot 60x100 feet. Good value. Name your offer. It's for sale. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST CpMPANY HOLLADAY SNAP Quarter block at 10th and Halsey. Faces south and east and up to grade. All cash needed. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Beautiful Residence and Quarter Block Holladay's Addition Southwest corner East 11th and Clackamas streets, close to Irvington and Broadway cars; price, $15,000: third down; includes carpets, light fixtures and sanitary cleaning ma chine. Investigate at once if seeking ex tremely desirable home. Further particulars, inquire M'CABGAR, BATES AND LIVELY, Failing Bldg., City. For Lease FOR 50 YEARS Corner lot BOxlOO feet on northwest corner 11th and Alder streets, Just one half block from new Seward 14-story hotel site. Splendid opportunity to se cure a central location most favorably. Parrish, Watkins S Co. 2N Alder St. THE HSEEKERS' GUIDE Call or send for a copy free. Valu able information for homeseekers. Sev eral hundred properties listed. Best and cheapest lands in Western Oregon. We buy. sell and exchange farms for city property. Cramer Realty Co. 221-22:: Henry Rldg.. Portland, Or. I'houe Main 613. PIEDMONT Fine inside lot one and one-half blocks from Kllllngsworth ave., on Itofinev ave. This Is a chance to specu late on the other fellow's money. Price $1050, $200 down. CATrF.UMN, SMITH A CO, 2 Lumbermen's Hide. A 24SS, Main 2-iSS MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and term to salt! spe cial rates and favorable terms on large, loan on business properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investors A.H.BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bide 3d A Stark. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rate. Building Loans. Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 302 Worcester Block. Sell or Swap Six acres, highly cultivated, bearing fruits, S-room house, fcood barn, well or three acres with no buildings five minutes' walk from Courtney Station, Oregon City line. To exohanfte' for either Portland or Milwaukle residence. Address W. E. Thresher, MUwaukle, Or. S4750 i COTTAGE Your Opportunity For $1900 3 rooms and space for more. Lot 50x100. E. Lincoln, Near 34th. Easy Terms. Less for Cash. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY If A BARGAIN Partly sold. Everything in first-class shape. A Sure Money-Maker. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. MODEBX HOTEL. One of the best located in the city. 75 rooms, brick, hot and cold water in all rooms. Nets $0000 per year. It speaks for itself. The price is riKht. POI I-SKX-IIATCMFFE REALTY CO., 320 Lumbermen'. HldK.. fith and Stark. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. Co. M. 3313. SO Hamilton bid?. Baker. Alfred A., 212 Abington bldg. Heck. William G., 312 Failing bldg. Blrroll. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance. mortgages, loans, etc. BrnbBktr & Benedict. W2 McKay bids. M. 549. Chapin Herlow, 352. Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co., 503 Corbett bids Fields, C. E- Co., Board of Trade .bldg. Jennings A Co., Main ICS. 200 Oregonlan. rarrish, Watkins A Co., 230 Alder st. ochalk. Geo. D., 264 Stark st. Main or A 892. Sharkey. J. P. A Co., 122H Sixth St. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). Walker, . T., 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. LAURELHUBST. We are prepared to sell lots and quar ters tn this beautiful addition at first prices, which are bound to Increase In value very rapidly as development pro gresses. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. I'hones Main 8699. A 2653. WIU.AJJETTE HEIGHTS VIEW LOT. 00x112 ft., high and sightly, surrounded by fine homes, all improvements in. one block from car. Cheap for cash; price $2630. H P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. ' Phones Main 8699. A S53. APARTMENT OR HOTEL SITE. 100x100 Just north of Washington St., close In. on paved street. In center of best residence district, some income; pries $20,000. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8'.I9. A 2053. CHOICE INVESTMENT We have a buy . $0300 Is the price; yenriy Income, $060. This Is a bargain at this price. PORTLAND TRI'ST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. GARDEN. CHICKENS AND COW. , 6-room house with fruit trees, on Ore gon City Electric carline, and 8 lots, price $soo, must sell; terms $.1 or $5 each month; take Oregon City car at Morrison street bridge, get off at Jennings Lodge and inquire at grocery for H. Hohson. SIX lots, unexcelled vlow of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for sale at a- great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 934. BEST building lot on Tillamook St., adjoin ing Laurelhurst; ail improvements paid; re stricted district: can't be beat for profit able investment. rhone owner. Tabor 431, B 206(1. , SPECIAL TODAT. S250 cash, balance easy; 50x100 on car line. See It today. HOWARD LAND CO.. Main 7776. 619 Swetland Bldg. IF you want to buy real estate cheap If you want to sell real estate cheap SEE ME That's the only kind I handle. S. D. VINCENT, 420 Lumbermens Bldg. fllSO FULL lots near I'nlon ave.. JO min utes' ride; asphalt streets, cemeut side walks, gas, sewer, etc.: 1-3 cash. LIND A IIIGLEY. 132 Third St. A SNAP. Lot facing on 2, streets In Upper Albina. for only few days, $UoO. J. H. SHIELDS, 203 Gerlinger Bldg. I BUT AND SELL lots convenient to Bt. John, Woodlawn or Alberta cars; give lot and block numbers, addition and price. X 477, Oregonlan. BIG BARGAIN. If you want a fine location for apartment-house cheap, close In, West Side, see GUS SMITH. 401 Buchanan Bldg. LOTS, $100 EACH. New addition, on carline. 23 minutes' ride. $2 or $3 per month. National Kealty & Trust Co., 320'i Washington St., room 516. IRVINGTON LOT. 17TH ST.. BARGAIN. Choice location, all Improvements in. $10rt below value surrounding lots. Owner, East G.lrtS. 204 McKay bldg. TWO lots Rose City Park, below market price; one block from car; terms. 302 Swetland bldg. Main 31)00. WEST SIDE LOT. 5UX1O0 FEET. Price $17fS. easy terms. 5 cent carfare. See owner. 614 Roard of Trade blilg. FINEST corner lot In Snrnyslde, cor. 39th and E. Morrison St., nvxIOU ft.; price $1800 cash. See owner 1133 E. Morrison. GOOD lot in Rose City Park; wil) call fur you and take you out. O 274d. IRVINGTON" lots $1000 A. Backus, Board of Trade bldg. Main 890. A 7574. $4.VK Lot 4f)xlC. 11th St.. West Side; for fUui or apartments. X 473. Oregonlan. F"R SALE A choice lot in Irvington. T 4(4. Oregonlan. TWO lots. Elmhurst; bargain: easy terms. R02 Swetland bldg. Mala SDfiO. CHOICE lot. Rossmere. S(0; easy terms. Owper. 302 Swetland bldg. Main 39G0. FOR SALE Ten lots on Council Crest; superb view. 262 Yamhill St. KENTON residence lots, close to car, cash or Installments. AC 469, Oregonlan. NOTICE. Just 16 lots to be sold in OLMSTEAD PARK, THE PORTLAND HEIGHTS OF THE EAST SIDE. Before every lot Is advanced $100. Close in. better than Irvington. Nothing better In the city as an Investment or a homesslte proposition. Terms 10 per cent down, 2 per cent a month. Automobile every day. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg.. g 84 Stark St. FULL LOTS, $27.SO CASH. Balance $3 per month; price $-7o; on Mt. Scott carline. 5c fare, restricted dis trict; Bull Run water, graded streets. This propertv adjoins property that is selling for $430 per I'-t. THEY'RE GOING Come In and make your selection BE FORE YOU ARE TOO LATE. LIND H1GLEY. 132 Third St. ONLY $40 CASH BUY3 Full 45x100 lot. on graded street, city wa ter (in and paid!, cement walk and curb bonded, near good carline and 10 -nln. ride from bridge; bal. of $335 payable 10 monthly This Is your chance. Complete abstract, perfect title. Call at once. 61S Abingion Bldg. 100x100. In Woodstock, within 3 blocks of car. only $530. High, slghtlv lot. in Tieaverton Height, near car; onlv J40O. These are both good. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OKEC.ON. S E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. THIS WEEK S BARGAINS. $730, Ounrter block, small house. $750. jpno Quarter block, small house, $900. $300 aOxl'to, 2-room house. $300. J500 6C?:100. choice lot. $300. Kasv terms; come and see. C. B. LUCAS, Corbett Bldg $150. West Side lot. price $330. Including all Improvements. nly 14 minutes' ride on car. 5c fare; will take $50 down, 2Vi years on balance. (See my agent ) FRANK L. M GUIRE, M. 8264 319 Board of Trade A 5203. THE ONLY ONE LEFT. We have that bvautlful building lot. cor ner of Hancock and East 4th sts.; price, $1000- $10 down, balance $15 per month. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. LOTS FOR SALE. Twi nice lots, luo feet from Sellwood carline on South ave.. 50 by 100. can be boughu on very easy terms; pries $730 eaci. 603 Swetland Bldg. WEST PARK CORNER Jackson st. The only park corner on the market. Nothing better for apartment sile. and the best buy In the city for $0500. Vanduyn A Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. 60x52U CORNER of First and Meade sts.. "with'nne 7-room house, for only $45oll; Just think of It. hut It must be sold, and there y.ju are: u. cash. C. "F. Pfluger A Co.. n.oms 4-6 "Mulkey bWg., 2d and Morrison sts. 2 CHOICE lots, fine location, price will eur prie you. cheap; 3 best new homes. 6, 8, 9 rooms, Irvington. Holladay Addition. M .'tH-lo. C 1271, 5o0 Oregonlan bldg-. W. H. Herdman. FIRST and second mortgagee and contracts purchased on Oregon and Washington lands. E L. Devereaux. Fenton bldg, SO rttlist. For Sale Houses. AS GOOD AS IRVINGTON AND MUCH LOWER IN VALUE. 7-room house on lot 123x100; stona wall entire frontage, nice big lir trees, corner; .on Richmond Hill and very best of sur roundings; house is new: fireplace, cement floor In basement, elegant finish through out the house; the price Is very low at $4500 and Just $1000 cash. W. M. Conk lln & Co., 407 Welis-Fargo bldg. Main 2S39. A 1747, or 26th and Clinton sts.; Sell wood 49. R-15. BUY FROM OWNER. Fine 2-story and attic home on lot KoxlOO. cement walks, lawn, roses, fruit trees- and berries; fx large rooms, pantry, cooling clos-et. bathroom, sleeping porch, attic, live fruit 'cellar, 'combination light fixtures, I house finished last December; would give p.vssi-ssion. but would rent It and pay $W a month. Price of house $4000; $22i.O caeh, bal. to suit. Address Y 485. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON HOME, must De sold; strictly modern 9-room, well-built house, at 832 Hancock St. (cor. of E. 26th St.). must be sold. Largs verandas, sleeping balconies, - oak floors In both stories, enameled wood work, 2 fireplaces, full concrete basement, etc. This houe,e was built for a home and will be sold at very paasonable price and terms. Price $10,500. Address room 11, 250 ii 3d St. Phones A 2S92 or Main 6692. BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. 6-room modern square house with recep tion and bathrooms, front and back porch, basement and furnaoe. 130 feet Sellwood car, close to Westmoreland, with 12 fine bearing fruit trees; this place only built 1 year: be had for few days for $2500; terms $400 cash, balance $20 month. 2864 Washington St., room 407. . HERE Is an Ideal lot for your home, with an east front, line view of Mount Hood. It's on EasL45th st. between Hancock and Broadway. Price, only $700 If taken this month. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. SEE THESE nice homes; they are both worth the money: Vasco-st. home of 6 rooms, near East 27th st.; nice lot, tine location: $3400. West Side home; location the best in South Portland; you should see this; price, $3500. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. STOP THB RENT. Buy this Sunnyside bungalow, new and mod ern. 5 rooms, bathroom, pantry, attic, 2 porches, flower porch, stationary tubs, full basement with cement floor, 00 feet fronting east. All this for $250 down, balance like rent. Buy from owner and save money. Call 3ol East 39th St., one block south of Hawthorne ave. NORTH PORTLAND, on the West Side; fine 8-room house and 30xK0 lot. within walking distance, on Qulmby St.; price if taken at enco $5000; lot alone worth more money; only $2uo0 required, bal. on or before U years at 6 per cent: 5cxI50. 2 block north of this has recently brought $30,000; no options given. C. F. Pfluger & Co., rooms 4-6 Mulkev bldg.. 2d snd Morrison sts. EAST TAYLOR-ST. HOME. Fine corner. iOOxlOO, with new modern 6-room house. line fireplace. electric lights, full cement basement, nice laws, flowers, some fruit, price $4250, half cash, balance to suit; see It today. GRUSSI & tfADOW. 337 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ARE you iooklng for a farm or acreage? Don't fall to call at "THE CROSSLEV COMPANY." 70S and 709 Corbett Bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat you right. It surely will be to your advan ' tage tc see u"s before buying. We don't publish our list. WEST SIDE HOME SITES. We have two nice lots In North Port land; one Is 50x10(1. price $2000; the other 50xl2O. $?50. These are both good buys. TORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. PI EDMONT A dandy 4-room modern bungalow. 50x 100 lot, east frontage, only $2200, $500 cash balance easy terms KUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND COMPANY. 418 Buard of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7 rooms, strictly modern, full basement, 3 fine porches, close to car, large lot; If you want an Ideal home come and see this. Young Bros.. 512 Gerlinger bldg. A SNAP Nloo a-rnom modern cottage, cor ner lot 75x100 on East 19th: will sell at once $2000; terms. 26 North 6th. FOR SLE By owner. the handsomest bungalow In Irvington. 496 E. 20th st. North. Call and see it. FOR SALE, $45C0 Two houses near E. 20th and Hovt. Inquire P. J. Mells. telephone Main 6579. East 3341. HOME built to order, on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under bond; In vestigate plan. R. C. Young, box 4064. NEAR new Jefferson High School, modern. 6-room house, eplenrlld location. Inquire 1095 Maryland ave. Phone Woodlawn 60. AT a bargain, two 8-room modern houees, Ladd Add.; terms easy. Owner. 672 Ixcuet St.. Ladd Add. East 2725. Thos. Vlgars. WARM and very modern: sea it; 8-room bungalow. Phone C 2749. NOTICE. Just 16 lots to be sold in OLMSTEAD PARK. THE PORTLAND HEIGHTS OF THE EAST SIDE. Before every lot is advanced $100. Close in, better than Irvington. Nothing better In the city as an Investment or a homesslte proposition. Terms 10 per cent down. 2 per cent a month. Automobile every day. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg.. S S4 Stark St. IRVINGTON". A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 7-room house, new and unusually well built bv owner and by day labor: pol ished HARDWOOD FLOORS, paneled and beamed' dining-room. Dutch kitchen, screened rear porch, fine bath, toilet and lavatory, with extra toilet on first floor; KI LL CEMENT BASEMENT, stationary wash travs, FURNACE. Everything is complete in this house; linen closets, hullt-ln mirrors, wide front porch with large stone piers, cement walks, paved streets. This is an IDEAL HOME. See us at once for price and terms. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 315-31C-317 Abington Bldg. IRVINGTON HOUSE. JT,?00 S-room modern house. Just finished, hardwood doors, faces east, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, near Knott and ::'d, full cement basemont, furnace with hot water coils, laundry trays, lot 50x100. tine lawn, shade trees, never been occupied; cost more than tkis: I am stuck and must soil before November 1; part cash. X 491, Oregonian. A SNAP! A SNAP! ,-room house, extra well built and very comforlable; full basement, nice bath and toilet, nicely tinted; lot 30xl(X; fine loca tion. i$ block to one of the best carlines on East Side. This can be had for a little cash, balance monthly. See us at ' once. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 315-310-317 Abington Bldg. WEST SIDE HOUSE. $0350 7 rooms, strictly modern, new and verv convenient, furnace, etc.; situated on beautiful corner, facing east, with an un obstructed view, onlv one mile from post office; fine neighborhood; $3500 cash re quired, balance easy payments. E. J. Daly, 222 Falling Bldg. WALNUT PARK HOME. Beautiful new home, S rooms, 2 sleeping porches, all large rooms, dark oak finish; piped for furnace, full concrete basement, electricity and gas. cement walks and curbs; one of the prettieet homes in this select district; go out and look this over. No. 1003 K'xlney ave ; terms can be arranged; price $54(0. R." ' CHAPIN A HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME. New 8-room house of excellent design pnd taste and superior construction; two fireplaces, large sleeping balcony; every possible convenience; an excellent place; price $70o0, including hard-surface street. E. J. Daly, 222 Failing bldg. A BEAUTY 0-room home, on East 2(lth St.: modern plumbing, gas, electric lights, fur nace, fireplace; eaat front. See us for price. PORTLAND TRI'ST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor.' Third and Oak Sts. WE will build you a home embodying your own ideas of comfort and convenience and build It In the same careful way we build all our houses. If wanted, we will furnish the lot and 75 per cent of the entire cost of the property upon -easy terras of re pay men t. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 212-213 Commercial Bldg. $0500, LAUD'S ADDITION. New 7-room houfe, with reception hall, four fine bedroom?, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, lavatory and toilet on each floor; high, light basement, large attic; the workmanfhlp on this house speaks for Itself. Let us show you. STRONG CO., Financial Agents. 605 Concord Bldg. EAST, MORRISON ST. Cozy 4-room cottage, near East 37th. This Is a nice home; only 15 minutes' ride from the PostolTice. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. THESE ARE FINE. 6- room home on East Taylor: lot 50x100; modern plumbing, gas and electric light; price. $4700. 7- room. East Salmon st. This is a nice home. Lot 50x100. Price, $4150. ' . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. or. Third and Oak Sts. IRVINGTON A nice 5-room cottage with fine basement, plumhtng. gas. etc.; fine 50x100 lot with beautiful shrubbery and fruit tre?s; improvements tn and paid for; price $:i.",no net, $1500 cash. bal. 3 yeurs.. 7 per cent; no agents. ChII C 1290. This place Is within walking distance. WEST SIDE home, on Marshall St.; paved street; everything modern and In Al con dition ; price. $t!O.)0. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sis. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains ant. rivers; beautiful. commodious. convenient. new; nicely Improved grounds, lOoxU'O. fronting hard-surfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner. 0o2 Corbett block. MY NEW" home on Council Crest; unob structed city view, strictly modern, sleep ing porch," 2 baths, laundry and servants quarters, fireplaces and furnace, not built to sell; sacrifice for quick sale; terms. See owner, room 4 Lumbermens bldg. $2750 NEW 9 ROOMS $2730 30x100. fine lawn. 3 porches, modern plumbing, chicken park, full basement. 100 feet to car; $450 cash, balance $20 month; houe cost nearly this much and Increas ing In value; line location. Owner. Main HlhU. IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. beautiful home on the west slope of Mount Tabor; lot inoxlOO; rooms and modern. All for I42".(. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. FOR SALE Modern houee. 10 rooms and attic, high and -elglitly; beautiful trees and ffhruns, all Kimis iruu; i'(x-.i xeei ground; cement walks all in: owner leaving town; terms. East 2Sth et. Phone Sellwood 795. 6uo 7000 New beautiful home In best part of Irvington; elegant 9 rooms and sleeping porch complete with shades snd fix tures; oak .floors. $1,100 cash; balance $30 per month and interest. Owner, A K 477, Oregonian. $3750 Mi-rooms, new and modern; furnace; line neighborhood; medium distance out; near good car service; $150 cash, balance $20 "per month and Interest. Owner, AH 477. Oregonian. $500 BUNGALOW. $500 cash, balance monthly, new 5-room modern bungalow on East Everett St., west of 28th, bargain. 519 Swetland bldg. Main 7770. NOTICE. That 7t4-acre suburban home can be had NOW' for $2500 lew than value: terms on part B. F. Ferris, room 3 Washington bldg'. NEW. modern 4-room bungalow; wired; large lot; basement, cement foundation, pantry, sink, toilet, lath, lavatory; price. $1500: $150 cash, balance to suit. 424 Henry bldg. $16.000 Whole block, close In; . 5 cottages on property: income. .$75 month: manu facturing and stable sites. East Side; terms. Owner. Fuhr, 887 'A East Burnside. WE own 3 beautiful lots in Irvington; will build on either of these to suit, on terms. Butterworth-Stephenson Co.. M 8529. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington. KEARNEY St.; modern, new 7-room home, in the choicest part of the Nob Hill dis trict: $7000. Full Information at 410 Fall ing block. IRVINGTON A new 6-room modern bunga low $4.VK); street improvement paid; terms If wanted; a, good buy. Holbrook. Couch bldg. $3000 New T-room house. Hawthorn dis trict. Rlgga, 616 Oouch bldg. $4500 WORTH $..5on. Portland Heights home with a fine view of mountains, river and city: almost -lots. new. artistic house. 1st floor, large living room with fireplace: large den or rear parlor, connecting with broad arch: dining-room paneled to head and beam celling all with fine oak floors; artistic entrance and open stair; cabinet kitchen and kitchen pantrv. Urge front and rear porches: on street grade; 2d tloor, 3 bed rooms, alcoves and closets, bath, toilet and lavatory: one full-size floor below grade, with fine outlook; may be divided Into a number of fine rooms; laundry trays on this floor; basement with cement floor and furnace; on carline. If you want a home YOU'LL BUY THIS. K. F. FERRIS. Room 3. Washington. Bldg. TWO NEW ELEGANT IRVINGTON HOMES Near Broadway, price $SOO0 each; terms: these aoa modern In every particular. 9 and 10 rooms with polished oak floors, full concrete basement with furnace, large full porches and extra large sleeping bal conies; come In and soa us before taken. Also have two new modern bungalows can be sold $100 down, balance $15 month ly. These are good buys and will go quick. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. Fifth Floor. 326 Washington St. 6-ROOM modern houM, full basement, lot 50x100. 2 blocks to car. fine neighborhood, splendid view- of city: price $2230, $300 cash, balance $20 per month. 5-room cottage, walking distance, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, good basement, cement walks, small fruit, nice lawn; privj $2500; 1-3 cash, balance to suit; will trade for larger house and pay dif ference. 7-room modern house. 2 blocks to car, lot 45.X10S: a good buv at $1930. F. J. STEfNMETZ & CO.. 193 Morrison St. GR A NT-STREET HOUSE. Good 7-room house, near tit h St.. a few minutes' walk from P. O. ; a good com fortable home at a reasonable price: $3650 on cajty terms; let us show it to you. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg . 4th and Oak. For Sale Business Property. A BUY for some one that knows a bargain. A business lot In one of the best restricted districts In the citv. This lot will make you a big pro-fit soon. Price. $1300; $400 cash, bnlance easv. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Acreage. 137 H; ACRES. 83 acres cutivated, balnnce easily cleared, creek on one corner, soil black loam 3 to 6 feet deep, very' level. O. W. P. runs across one edge; lies fine for 5 and 10-acre tracts; best ranch on line for truck, grain, hay and dairy furmlng: can be bought for half Its real value; must be sold soon. Call 4(H Couch bldg. 8 ACRES, 11 miles from Courthouse, on O. W. P. Electric lino; surrounded by bear ing apple orchard and cultivated poiato land- overlooks Columbia River; an Ideal tract.' Price $24110; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main SI199; A 2653. A BEAUTIFUL home, suitable for platting: 5 acres: all Improvements; will sell at half price, $4000; terms; 3-cent fare, Mt. Scott line. Call at Rayburn's store, Lents, owner, 1 to 5 P. M. ACREAGE, close in on West Side, only 15 minutes' car ride from business center at $S00 to $1200 per acre on very easy terms. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE in large or small tracts on car line, close In: choice river front ; 600 acres to subdivide. Kinr.cy & Stampher. 531 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 4881. 10-ACRE garden tract on easy terms: close to Forest Grove: some beaverdam. Owner, 1 511 Board of Trade. 12 ACRiCS. cleared, small house, good barn, young family orchard, well and spring, $1300. T. Blackstone, Rldgefleld, Wash. $3(X CASH Rase Line Road, 5 acres, balance ea.-cy terms; $.".00 per acre. Lewi, 251 Washington st. 60 LEVEL acres, 40 In grain. 3 0 open tim ber, pasture, on Salem line, near river; $125 an acre. A 486, Oregonlan. FINE platting pro-HVltlon ; 5c fare. West Side; 50 acres. Rlggs, 616 Couch bldg. 9 ACRES close in for $9000. This Is buy. Call 410 Falling block. Homesteads. HOMESTEADS SHOWN BY ALTOMO- ' BILES. The long, tiresome stage ride of two days and nights now overcome; we will land you In Chrlsmas Lake Valley from the railroad in one day; a most delightful trip, and 320 acrv-s awaits you at the end of the line; go and file; do it now; get what will be wortli $12,000 In 5 years. B. S. COOIC & CO., 503 Corbett Bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. 100 acres. 1 mile from railroad, a snap. Call 519 Swetlund bldg.. TWO good homesteads in well-settled coun try; two good yellow pine timber claims. Room 30. 323 V3 Washington st. 4 ADJOINING claims, 7,000,000 each: $500 each if taken by party of four. 733 Mar quam bldg. Muin 8314. $1000 HOOD RIVER relinquishment for 50O. AL 486, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WE have a number of very desirable hom.-- for sale, placed with us by owners who do not care to have name or location made public; all good values. Also good Investment property, business and residence; would be glad to teil you about them. Healtv Department. MERCHANTS" SAVINGS it TRUST COMPANY. ' 6th and Wushlnglon Sis. APPLE PLANTINGS. We are planting llOO acres In Loratis District ami can give selections of live acres or more, including five years' care. These properties will receive taame class of care and attention as we are giving our walnut plantingj". CHURCHII.IMATTHEWS CO.. Inc., Lumber Exchange Bldg., Second and Stark Sts. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR close-in acreage or smal!. well-improved farms, at iow price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD. 620 Corbett bldg." RENTING property on Williams ave.; a snap at $3000; some cash. Buy it. 607 Beck bldg. CHOICE income property on 12th St.: a good buy at tl 1.500: Income $1440 per year. M. E. Lfe. room 411 Corbett bldg. FRUIT LANDS. 70 ACRES A-l peach land, with S acres set to peaches. 22 acres cleared ready to b"? set. balance light brush easily cleared, nil suitable for peaches or garden truck, no waste; this Is river bottom land lo cated In a district 40 miles from" Port land, free from frost and surrounded by the best peach orchards In the stat-; good 6-room house, well, etc.; price $110 per acre; will take up equity' up to $3000 in good Portland residence as first payment, balance to suit. V 4!il. Oregonlan. LOOK ! 40 acres of Mosler apple land for $600 if taken this week; don't overlook this; esk me. ' THOS. M'CUSKER. 203 Couch Bldg. 40 ACRES Mosler apple land, only 3 miles from R. R- and river; can't be dupiioited at the price. $00 per acre. THOS. M'CCSKErt. 205 Couch Bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. IN Crook. Wheeler and Klamath counties. Murdoch & Young, 411 Buchanan block. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay hide. FOR SALE FAR-MS. HOYE HOPKINS. SALEM, OR. Largest list of valley farms in the state. FREE RIGS ALWAYS ON HAND. I WANT a house and lot In Portland in ex change for 40 acres apple land In Hood River County, being the northeast quar ter of the northeast quarter of Sec. 22. Twp 2 north, range 9 east W. M. This land has an elevation of 1M0 feet and can all be put in orchard. It is located within t4 mile of Mr. Vandorbllt's 1000 acres: value $75 per acre. F. E. Denlson, room 201 Gerlinger bldg. WANTED. To sell or exchange. 25 acres of un-c'.ear-'d Hood Klver land for house and lot in Portland. 15 acres ot beautiful orchard land, baiance steep and hilly but can be utilized. In bonded district. 7 miles from Hood River depot and 3 miles to neai.-st school house. Address owner. AC 494. Oregonlan. WHAT HAVE YOU. To trade for Jersey City residence prop erty 20 minutes from New York City 1 1 also a nice home In Salt Lake City, would prefer to exchange both of the above mentioned properties for Improved ft-ult land. Y. J. Smith, successor to Geo. W. Turner. 43S Ohum'uer of Commerce. MUST sell quick, or w ill exi range for Port land propertv my $13,000 equity in 2'in-a.'io farm In sight ot Forest Grove on Tua.attn River; dwelling, two barns. Implements, orchard, about 40 acres beaver dam. 20 acres timber, balance cleared and In culti vation. Owner. 511 Hoard of Trade. 80 ACRES unimproved land, near Olympla. actual cash value $240o; will trade all or half for or on lots or house and lot; new electric road will Increase value to $loo per acre. S. D. Vincent. 420 Lumber mens bldg. FOR EXCHANGE for farm, a fine horns In center of Corvallis; -rootn house, 6 lots, barn, outbuildings, 14 bearing fruit trees, all kinds berries; price. $4300. i. L. price, 700 A st.. Corvallis, or. LUMHEK WANTED Rough, new or second-hand lumber for new race track stables, grand stand, fences, etc.; second grade will do for fences, etc. Merrill, til and Oak, afternoons. 20 ACRES all In cultivation, close to col lege and good town, to exchange for resi dence propertv. well located In Portland. E. 5279. or write 070 E. Ankony. TIMBER CLAIM In Douglas County, 2,500. tiiio feet, In exchange for city property; will take or pay cash difference. 319 Lum ber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. I WILL exchange 62 acres of the best farm land In tho valley, all In cultivation and well located, for Portland properly. pone M. 2(130. or write 676 E. Ankeny. 29 ACRES In Sheridan, cultivated, exchang-s for rooming-house or residence In Port land. Owner. 611 Board of Trade. 250 LOTS, large town. Western Oregon. $8000, for farm, pay or accept difference. L. K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade. 500. Modern 7-room house, lot 30x100. on East Flanders, near car. for dairy ranch. J. J. McCarthy. Abington bldg. A CHOICE highly Improved wheat ranch of .S'.N) acres, to trade for city property. 1010 Board of Trade. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1010 Board of Trade. WANT to trade a valuable patent for house and lot or acreage. AN 4S7, Oregonlan, WE trade anything you have for something you want. 314 Gerlinger bldg. 87x100 on corbett St., to exchange for house value $2500. 519 swetland bldg. 40 ACRES In Harney County to trade for city lot. Call 519 Swetland bldg. WILL get you anything In trade for anything you have. 322 Henry bldg. WAMEIl RE.lt. ERTalX I HAVE $25,000 to InveBt In business prop erty on West Side; must show good re turns or have good speculative value; give full tiartlculars and location. 3. 493, ore gonlan. I WNT on easv terms a small cottage on 5c carline; will not go on Mt. Scott car line; no agents, address AJ 4SU. Orego nian. I WILL pay $2000 cash on a buy not to exceed JsiitiO; city or near-ln acres; give exact location and bottom price. H 492. Oregonlan. WANTED To trade the following mining stock for hou!" and lot in Portland: Caa cadla. National Fidelity and Glade Creek. V 494. oregonian. WANT a good 6-room modern house and lot near Union ave., handy to Vancouver car; state price and full particulars. X 403. Oregonlan. WANTED 5 or 6-room house, 30x100 lot. with or without barn, not over $3500; 1 have $10U0 cash to pay down, li 491. Ore gonlan. WOULD like to buy lot on easy terms, phone East 774. 303 Larrabee St. FOR 8ALK TIMBER LANDS. HAVE several timber claims, yellow fir, near navigable strenm; can be handled at from $1000 to $2uon each; will guarantee that vou can double your money In a short "time. If you desire to invest In timber these will warrant your closest Investigation. C. ('. SHAY. 516 Abington Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 829 Cham tier of Commerce, Portland. FOR HAI.IC Tract of 7000 acres of timber In Douglas County, Or.; all tributary to one point cloe-e to railroad; will do bueinest with buyer direct only. 11 470. Oregonlan. WE ate headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampli-T. 531-32 Lumber Exchan-je bldg. FOR SALE Accessible body 60.000.000 sound flr and cedar timber. N 40S. Oregonlan. Till BUR and HOMESTEAD '27 (Voreester block. rellnqulsh- FARMS WANTED. LIST your small farms with us; we have Inquiries daily to lease or buy. Oregon Land Co., 24.Sl,i Stark st, WANTED To buy a farm; can pay $500 trash; want time on bulunee. Address X 494, Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. 80-ACRE farm, ail under cultivation, fine soil, no rock, good house, 2 large barns, gratiarv and sheds, abundance of water, large family orchard In full bearing; this Is one of the best farms on tile Lest Side. 0 miles from city; on three Improved counlv roads; this 'is' a bargain If taken soon: pjrty leaving city; can be haodled on very easv terms. HORACE H. FISHER, 420 Henry Bldg. HERE IS A SURE SNAP. Dulry farm. 2K0 acres. 40 In cultivation. RO nrri-s ot good saw timber, famjly or chard 7 years old. house 14x2l.one barn 'Jtlx.KO. one 20x(IO. and other amailer barns; 2 horses. 4(1 cattle, 13 hogs. 36 chickens, 500 U.S. flour, 100 bushels onts. 40 wheat, lots of potatoes and hay. all for $30OO. 2S(I Washington St.. room 3M. 150 ACRES, 340 In cultivation, 10 acres tn timber, tine creek runs through the place and it is all fine soil; on line county road and 2'3 miles north of North Yamhill; place is quite rolling and Hiki for fruit; easy plow land; mortgage of $7"00 run ning 9 years, or can pay up any time. 575 per acre and a good buy: a few days only. E.jrett A MeCleod, looms 616 and 617 Rothchlld bldg. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 14 acr.js. well Improved. 2 miles from ciiv of Hood River; 10 seres In choice pears and peaches; price $7500. with terms: this Is one of the few bargains In Hood Hlwr. Call at our office and see fruit from this orchard. INVESTMENT CORPORATION. LTD., 2S6V4 Washington St.. Room SI 2. 160 ACRES 2S miles from Portland; 14 acres cleared- small orchard, house, barn, tool and chicken-house; over 2.000.000 feet fine fir and cedar timber, on good logging stream; this is splendid land and a most decided bargain: price f 30011. with terms. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD., 2R6U Washington St., Room 612. THE MAN WHO WANTS A' HOME. You can buy one acre or IO00 acres rich. Improved fruit land or dairy and grain lands, tributary to Portland, on easy terms, or will exchange for city property. DEAN LAND A IMPROVEMENT CO., 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Or. FOR SLE 10 acres in Willamette Valley cheap" land under cultivation now; only 40 miles from Portland; little timber on farm; also water; ideal pl?-e for truck farming; ground raises heavy crops. Address D 488, Oregonisn. 15 ACRES, on Salem carline. cleared, $1500; some cash; a snap. 607 Beck bldg.