Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 26, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Directors of Wrecked Institu
tion Say They Did Not Know
of Crooked Work Done.
XVben Grand Jnrj Adjourn.9 In Few
Days It Is Believed President
Moore nd Cashier Morris Will
Face Strong Indictments.
Lao Friede and E. E. Lytle. formerly
directors of the defunct Oregon Trust &
Barings Bank, were tr witnesses yes
terday before the grand Jury, and. ac
cording to their statements. In orOr to
throw dust in tiwlr eyes and blind them
to the real condition existing in the bank,
false reports were submitted to the-m by
President Moore and Cashier Morris.
They further flearad their skirts by Bay
ing they had advised against some of the
transactions which turned out so disas
trously and that others had been done
-rithouii their knowledge or consent.
Mr. Ftlede entered the Jury room at 1
iVclock and remained half the afternoon.
He was followed by Mr. Lytle. laden
"with documents and other data to ex
hibit, who remained closeted with the In
quisitorial body until nearly 6 o'clock. .
Cooper Morris, the cashier, who cam
from Taeoma upon the advice of his
friends, was seen at the office of the
Pistrlct Attorney, but he did not enter
the Jury room.
Voluntary Testimony Given.
The testimony given by Mr. Friede and
Mr Lytle before the Jury was entirely
voluntary. Deputy District Attorney
Ittzgerald. who has had In hand the mat
ters pertaining to this investigation, sent
word at the request of the grand Jury
that if these men desired to come they
would be listened to gladly. The bailiff
who took the message left word they
would not be subpenaed. however. Mr.
Friedeand Mr. Lytle- both sent word
thev would come. W. H. Moore and his
brother. H. A. Moore, said they did not
know how they would act. Mr. Morris.
v who said he would make no statement
about the case, upon the advice of his
attorney, waa nor sure whether he would
iro before the Jury or not. He advised
Mr. Fitxgerald trt be would determine
by this morning. "
The present Jury finishes Its term in a
4w days and it is believed Indictments
will be banded In on six different counts.
According to the testimony this Jury has
been able to gather It is thought true
bills will be found charging embezzle
ment In the case of the Board of Trade
building, the Pacific & Eastern Railroad
deal, tire Golden Eagle Dry Goods Com
pany, the Order of Washington, the em
bezzlement of the missing notes and
bonds and the receipt of deposits, know
ing the bank to be Insolvent. It Is be
lieved that President Moore and Cashier
Morris will be indicted on each of these
counts. '
Mr. FWede's testimony brought out new
.light upon the conduct of the board of
directors. According to his own state
i merits he never owned any stock in the
Shank. He had bought on option for
S3000 worth of the stock and with this
(option proceeded to take up a director
Whip. After having served one year as
U. director, he grew tired of his lnvest
fiment and resigned. He said one day he
discovered a note of $12,000 -from the
' :GoMen .Eagle among the assets of. the
bank and that even then, unaware of the
relation of this company with the bank,
had protested vigorously at Its having
credit with the Institution, on the ground
that It was a worthless concern and ab
ssolutely unsafe.
Protested Against Loans.
Money taken by this concern was
loaned without his knowledge or consent.
" he said. He also had advised against
theOrder of Washington and had under
1 stood that the Pacific & Eastern deal had
been turned down. He had given his
srilent consent to the purchase of the
iPuget Sound Home Telephone bonds, but
snot to thoee of the Omaha plant. He
.knew nothing whatever of the Board of
Trade building deal. This had been car
ried on by Mr. Moore evidently as an en
tire secret.
Mr. Lytle gave substantially the same
'.testimony as had Mr. Friede. Both said
they were all the time undes the Impres
sion (hat the bank in good shape
tecause of the statements presented to
them and which they, of course, acccepted
as true.
During the morning Investigation J.
Frank Watson. president of the Mer
chants National Bank, who was the head
of the committee appointed by the clearing-house
to report on the condition of
the Oregon Trust. & Savings Bank at the
v time It appealed for aid Just before the
. -crash, was called before, the Jury. This
committee, of which as chairman he had
to at as spokesman, had reported un
favorably, saying the bank was In a
"rotten" condition. Engendering the en
isjty of Morris and Moore because of this
report, Mr. Watson told the Jury that the
run which had been started -upon the
Merchants National Bank and Had forced
It to suspend payment, even while sol
vent, had been traced to rumors started
ty these two men.
Mr. Lytle will probably be a witness
again this morning, for when 'the Jury
adjourned last night he had not finished
explaining his knowledge of the bank's
Tailor Accnses C. H. Clement of
Misrepresenting Property.
C H. Clement, a real estate agent,
who formerly had offices in the Swet
land building, was arrested yesterday
afternoon by Deputy Constable Klernan
and taken' to The County Jail on the
charge of obtaining money by false pre
tenses. The complainant against Clem
ent Is "W. T. Birchall. a tailor In the
Swetland building, who alleges that
Clement misrepresented to him facts re
garding the ownership of property in
Hyde Park.
Believing that Clement was : the
owner of he lots, complains Birchall.
he gave Clement a suit of clothes val
ued at $45, an overcoat valued at $40,
and a sum of money for the lota. Clem
ent, says the tailor, gave him a deed
for the property, but alleges the docu
ment Is not In Clement s name. s
"Voting Attorneys Fined $2O0 Kach
for Robbing Friend.
L B. Reed and Paul B. Powers, the
two young attorneys Who played a Joke
upon their friend, Daniel K. Powers, an-
1 - I , W -mm
other attorney, by holding him up with
t ., rAlini.ii were fined
2o0 each yesterday morning in Mu
nicipal Court by Judge Bennett. The
Ant, was imposed at rhe request of Dep
uty DlHtrlct Attorney Hennessy, who at
different times since the occurrence of
the "Joke" had prepared charges against
the two men of highway robbery, car
rying concealed weapons, after hours,
and pointing revolver at another.
When the case was called Mr. Hen
nessy asked that all the charges save
the last be dismissed upon the condi
tion that the two Jokers would plead
guilty to this one. Through their at
torneys. Gilmer Idleman. the plea of
gulltv was entered. Judge Bennett said
the Joke was too serious to merit any
thing but a substantial payment, and
he therefore placed the fine at 2fl0.
The termination of the case ended a
period of great v distress for both the
amateur highwaymen, for they have
admitted frankly they stood in dreadful,
fright f being given a jail sentence.
Both breathed a sigh of relief when an
nouncement of a fine was marte. The
penalty was paid and the men allowed
to go. "
Sister of Alleged Victim Says Ma
chine Agent Borrowed $4000
From Miss Stoetz, Wis Fiancee.
E. R. Eteen. the sewing machine agent,
of SSS East Morrison street, in the County
Jail, charged with a brutal assault upon
Miss Louii Stoetz. will be glveyi a hear
ing In the Municipal Court November 1.
His case came up yesterday mornlngand
was continued at the request of the at
torneys, because of the inability of
Steen's alleged victim to appear in court
as a witness. Mixs Stoetz is In the hos
pital, where her physician says she will
be obliged to remain for many weeks.
Pending the hearing of the cape Judge
Bennott, set Steen's bonds at $1000.
According to a sister of Miss Stoetz,
Steen had borrowed JW00 from her more
than two years ago. It being understood
that thev were to be married. None of
this money, says Miss Stoetz' sister, has
ever been repaid. Receiving no income
from her reported loan to Steen and be
ing forced to underjake some business
to earn her living, she selected a rooming-house
and Intended to purchase It if
enough money could be secured from
Steen. It was with this purpose in view,
says her sister, that she visited the sew
ing machine agent the night of the as
sault. Not only was Miss Stoetz assaulted,
but Harry Bachum, an employe of Steen,
who came to the woman's rescue, was
also beaten by the 'machine agent. The
assault, says Bachum, occurred In a lit
tle office In the- rear of the store used
as Steen's private office. When Bachum
entered, he says, he found Steen pum
meling Miss SToets. Bachum rushed at
Steen and dragged him from the woman,
whereupon Steen- struck him furiously.
Bachum was then driven out of the store
and. for his attempt to save the woman,
he lost his position with Steen. Steen. in
default of ball; Is "still In the County Jail.
His attorney, up to a- late hour, had
failed to raise bonds necessary for his
client's release.
To John L. Schuyleman, General
Agent of the Clark Wireless Tel
egraph Telephone Co. '
(With apologies to the public.)
Sir: In recent Issues of the local
papers you have made certain scurvy,
scurrilous statements regarding my
personal character and veracity and al- '
sd reflecting upon the company which
I represent.
Your known lack of reputation, so In
keeping with your screeds, coupled with
your financial irresponsibility, manes
prosecution needless and useless. ,
I write you to make, througrf
the , columns of the local papers,
specific and definite charges against
myself or the company I repre
sent, but be definite and- specify.
Do not say, "I am informed, " or, "it is
stated," as you do in your advertise
ments; be prepared with authoritative
proof not with provn blackmail
ing sheets, such as rne rinanciai
World." which is your Bible, and the
vicious, libelous and absolutely false
statements of which - constitute your
"Confession of Faith."
United Wireless, as a good invest
ment, is a matter of personal and indi
vidual judgment. Brainy lawyers.
shrewd business men and conservative
bankers, who long ago Investigated
United Wireless, are today satisfied
stockholders. There are not 100 miles
from this office brainy lawyers,
shrewd buslnes men and conservative
bankers wffo would absolutely refuse
to give you clean clearance papers
for ybur future voyage through life.
The public Is referred for your record
to the Mercantile Agencies, or anyone
who knows you. .
We have prevented your nefarious
scheme of defrauding our stockholders
by your offers to exchange 15 shares of
Clark Wireless stock for one share of
United. We have notification at this
office that your much-vaunted Clark
Wireless stock can be bought In New
York at S5 cents per share, which is
probably the price you are paying tor
it. v.- ,
Mr. Schuyleman, you. have made a
big noise In Wireless of the sor got
ten from a bass drum. There is no
more harmony to your statements than
to the music of a bass drum they
come in spasmodic throbs, like' the
"booms" of a bass drum; and, Mr.
Schuyleman, to a person of intelligence
and discernment you are just as hollow
as a bass drum.
Stockholders are Invited and urged
to call on John L. Schuyleman. Toil
have become our "one best booster."
F. S. STEWART, Fiscal Agent, Ore
gon, Eastern Washington and Idjiho,
410 Corbett Building, Portland, Or.
Stockholders', pay no attention to the
false, exaggerated misleading statements
made by FRED S. STEWART. I
KNOW that the .. "United" Wireless
If you will take the BRAINIEST LAW
BANKER of: your city, and come to me,
1 will show this MONUMENTAL FI
NANCIAL FARCE up to you. or pay
your expenses to -Portland and return.
NOW then, it is UP TO YOU.
Adv. TO1-I-8 Oregonlaa bldg.
. v
When the frost is on the pumpkin.
An' the fodder's In the shock, ,
An' a fellow's full o' ginger.
An' his heart beats like a clock.
Then there's dancin' In the old barn,
While the spooky evenln' files.
An' you lose your worst hobgoblin
in the Joys o' pumpkin pies.
Order fn advance, either branch,
Inc. f
Trunks, suitcases and bags. Largest
variety at Harris Trunk Co. .
Cellars to Present Ordinance
Which Aims to Abolish
Saloon Adjuncts.
Restaurants Attached to Resorts Un
der Ban of Measure Liquor Li-
cense Committee Meets Po
lice Chief Attends. -
nn....llm,n f fillor. trtmnrrftW will ln-
t,niiM h.fnr. thn Cltv Council a sweep
ing ordinance, drafted to regulate sa
i vkniM.l. d ml rntatl tlnunr dealers
and restaurants where liquor Is served
with meals. Its most rigid provisions
will be the abolition of "back-room" ad-
4,,nto ' mmmnntv f'll 1 1 reRta.lirantS. but
which,' it is charged by Mr. Cellars, are
merely 'blinds. and Uie promoting ui
the old Btand-by. the free lunch, which
has become familiar throughout the coun
try to patrons of saloons. .
Hard Fight Promised.
That this proposed ordinance will cre
ate a battle royal In the Council Is cer
tain, as was demonstrated at the regular
bi-weekly meeting of the liquor license
committee, held yesterday afternoon. The
Cellars ordinance, . regulating the conduct
of restaurants where liquor is served
with meals, was viciously attacked oy
Councilman Belding. and was termed by
him "unconstitutional. "absurd ana
forclne a man to eat a fulr-course din
ner in order lo get a drink." Council
man Baker also took Issue with the pres
ent ordinance, saying that, while it says
that a sandwich Is not a meal, within tne
meaning of the law. he has himself many
times taken a glass of beer with notn
ing but a sandwich for a meal.
There is probably not one so-called
restaurant in town." said Councilman
Cellars, author of the ordinance, "which
does not violate the law 100 times daily
and nightly. They cannot, if .they follow
the law. serve a drink with a cracker or
sandwich only, as the law tells In plain
terms that these do not constitute a
meal within the meaning of the ordi
nance." Ignorance Is Confessed. ,
Then I am awfully guilty," spoke up
A. J. Burns, 'who conducts a so-called
restaurant In connection with his saloon
at Z74 Taylor street. VI have done it
time and time again, not having' under
stood the law as Mr. Cellars Interprets
' "That's Just It." exclaimed Councilman
Baker. "And so has every such place in
Portland. I have myself dsi many occa
sions eaten a sandwich and taken a' glass
of beer , at the Portland Grill, and df
that Is violating the law, then it ought
to be repealed. I think the Chief there
went to the Hof Brau himself last week
and did the same thing; didn't you.
"I don't know that I did," replied
Chief of Police Cox, who was present to
testify In some of the cases, the Burns
case among them. "But I will tell you
one thing this discussion Interests me,
for I certainly did not interpret the law
as does Mr. Cellars." '
"Well, Chief, why don't you arrest some
of those who violate the law and test the
case.?" asked Mr. Cellars.
1 "There is a good Vieal of difference! of
opinion among the members of this com
mittee as to the meaning of the ordi
nance," replied Chief Cox, "and I have
doubts as to the result" t
Free One, Hold Other. x
"There Is Just this much about it," said
Councilman Baker. "If the Portland Ho
tel people were to be arrested, they
would be acquitted, but if -Burns here
would be arrested, he would be found
guilty:, that's the way It goes."
"I don't believe any such thing," re
torted Councilman Cellars. "That Is a
fine statement to make about the Munici
pal Judge, and I do not believe Judge
Bennett is that kind of a man."
"It isn't the man, but the system," re
plied Mr. Baker, i
After discussing the subject for a long
time, the committee voted, upon recom"
mendation of Chief Cox, to postpone fur
ther action. The same .was done in the
case of the Vhlte Corner, the restaurant
liquor license of which was?' revoked last
session; upon recommendation of Judge
Bennett. The Chief skid the saloon part
of the place is all right.
Chief Cox asked the co-operation of the
members of the committee in revoking
the licenses of such saloons as maintain
gambling, but in such a manner as to
make it difficult for the police to secure
te evidence. The Councilmen all prom
ised their support. The Chief said that
he sees no, good results from the so
called restaurants, attached to a large
number of the saloons at this time, and
intimated that he would be glad to see
them abolished.
State Senator Besieged With Ques
tioners Every Pblnt In Trip
East Chicagoans Anxious.
"Never before have I realized the value
to Oregon of the publicity work that is
being done by the various commercial
bodies of the state," said Seneca C.
Beach. State Senator and Federal Census
Supervisor, who returned yesterday from
a hurried trip to Chicago. "When It be
came known on the train -that I was
from Oregon I was besieged by passen
gers with questions concerning the state
and its resources. While I--.have been
'Cast several times, I never before heard
so many inquiries about .Portland and
"The average questioner admitted that
he had read some of the publicity pam
phlets which had been issued from this
state, but he insisted on learning more
about Oregon. Those seeking informa
tion were not confined to any one class.
They Included bankers, manufacturers,
professional men, laborers and home
seekers from all sections of the East.
"The editor of one of the smaller pa
pers in Omaha, Neb., in a conversation
with me. declared that he was going to
discontinue printing articles which served
to advertise Oregon. He gave as a rea
son the fact that many of the most
prominent people of that city already had
corqe to this state to locate."
Mr. Beach went to Chicago 'to attend
the first International Cost Congress of
Employing Printers, which was held in
the Auditorium Hotel, of that city. Octo
v. -icon . At thin meeting Mr.
rBeach was one of the speakers, delivering
an -address on vur xvejuuua u uy-
ply .Man." On the day before leaving I
JllllLKU( 'HI . i)T" rw, 1 1 . vii me . . . '
the Chicaso Association of Commerce.
the largest commercial organization In
that city, spoke before that body on "Co
Oneratlon and Oreanizatlon."
L "Being an enthusiastic booster.'.' said
Mr. Beach yesterday. "I did nof(Connne
myself to a discussion of the subject as
signed me for more than five minutes. I
tiin -tnM thft Phlcairo business represen
tatives at the meeting as much as I
could of Oregon In the short time allotted
to me., . These Chicagoans all appeared
Intensely interested In this, state, and
when the meeting was concluded many,
of the prominent (business men present
asked, me further questions."
Mr. Beach was the only delegate west
of Denver t attend this meeting, of em
nlovlne Drinters. There were present
nearly 300 delegates, representing 82 dtles !
In the United States and Canada, and It f
was the largest gathering of the leading
printers of the countries represented that
was ever held. The delegates represent
ed the investment of over $300,000,000 of
Capital. ' - -
As explained by Mr. Beacn, tne pur
pose of the organization is to provide a
systematic basis for -computing the cost
of operation for the guidance of printers
In making prices. In the absence of
some such method, many printers suffer
from Ignorant competition, in which con
siderable work iff done for less than cost.
As a result of, the conference, a com
mission was appointed to devise a -simple
plan for estimating the cost of all
classes of printing, that ruinous compe
tition which has prevailed may be elimi
nated and the printer assured a 'reason
able margin of profit for his work. Mr.
White, of the JVhite Advertising Com
pany, of Seattle, was appointed one of
the members of the commission.
Thlef Asks to See Money for Identi
fication, Victim Acquiesces v
and Loes $120.
The police are investigating a daring
daylight robbery which occurred at 5
o'clock yesterday afternoon near the
Union Depot, in which Joe. Abrich, an
Austrian laborer, lost $120 In cash.
Abrich speaks only a few words of
English. He had been at work for the
last eigh months in a lumber camp
and the sum taken from him represents
all his savings.
Abrich was walking along thestreet
when a manspeaking in his own lan
guage, ran up behind him, saying somei
one had stolen J2o0 from mm and ne
believed Abrich had the money. The
man was dressed as a laborer and crer
ated no suspicion In the mind of Abrich.
Abrich protested that he had only his
own money. . The stranger then said he
could identify the money taken from
him, and that if Abrich would show
wjiat money he had he could readily
prove his innocence; otherwise the po
lice would be called. Abrich took out
his purse, saying all tie had was $120.
The stranger grabbed the - purse and
Abrich gave .chase for a couple of
blocks, but the thief was too fleet of
foot and finally outdistanced him, dash
ing Into an alleyway. The robbery was
then reported to-the police, to whom a
description of the man was given. .
Founder of 74 Mission Homes to Ar
rive This fornlng. '
Charles N. Crittenton, "president of the
National Florence Orittenton Missions
and founder of 74 homes, Vill arrive in
Portland at 7 o'clock this morning from
Seattle, and will be a guest of Portland
for the remainder of the week. , Mr. Crlt
tenton will give a series of addresses, and
will preside at several conferences. At 8
o'clock tonight he will preside at a meet
ing at the Taylor-Street Methodist
Church., Tomorrow evening he will de
liver an address at the White Templew
Thursday evening he will speak at the
First Christian Church.
Mr. Crittenton is making a tour of the
country Incidental to his Inspection of
the Crittenton homes throughout the
United States.
Try .'Santlseptlc, the new Sanatlvs and
Antiseptic Lotion, after shaving, and
see how much better your Face feela. Some
of the, largest barber shops In the country now
use nothing else. 50c at any drug or depart
ment store.
Kew FieHii-CoIored Product That Heals
and Hides Skim Imperfections.
s A peculiar feature of poslam, a new
skin discovery. Is that it is naturally
flesh-colored and contains no grease,
so that when used on the face for the
complexion, or 'for pimples, red noses,
or any other inflammations, blemishes
or discoloratlons, Its presence cannot
be detected. It can thus be applied In
the daytime, the natural color of the
skin being Immediately . restored and
the actual healing and curing process
accomplished In a few days. It can be
had 'of any pharmacist who sells pure
drugs. The Skldmore Drug Co. and
Woodard, Clarke & Co.'s drug stores
make a specialty of it. . "lfty cents'
worth will answer either for the trou
bles mentioned or In curing ordinary
cases of eczema Itching stops at once.
Anyone who will write to the Emer
gency Laboratories, No. 32 West
Twenty-fifth - street,' New York, can
secure, by mall free of charge, a sup
ply sufficient to cure a small eczema
surface or clear a complexion overnight
end remove pimples in 24 hours.
Nature makes the cures
after all.
' Now and theri she gef,s
into a tight place and needs
helping put
Things get started in, the
wrong direction.
Something is needed to
check disease and start the
system in' the right direction
toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod.
Li ver O il with hypophosphites
can do just this.
It strengthens the nerves,
feeds farnished tissues, and
makes'rich blood. "
Bend 14a., nune of peper end this mi. for ess
beautiful STinsa Benk end Child's 8ketoh.Book
Eaea but contains Good Lac ?ennj. .
SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Pemri St. New York
Fruit. ALfnlfa and Stock
Growing Section. Rich,
Ieep Soil Irrigated, Easy
payment. Write for book
Crocker bldg6aa Fraaciaoo
ot the
by the
Manufactured by thl CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.
cno cat f rv a 1 1 i FAniNC nTJUGGISTS.
A, WAX. W l.WA t-f 1 WW AWjWA "
Onesizeonly.Recular price SO per bottle
lYff iw i ii
There Is a 'Victor for You
Step into our store, the - very first time you are
down town, and hear it. Ask us to play your favorite
selection. You will marvel at the life-like" tones of
the Victor. You may have a Vic
tor in your home while paying
for it. '
Improved Victors.
. $10
ColiflmMa '
Largest undeveloped area of good land on North
American Continent. " Wheat, mixed farming and
stock raising. . Gold, silver, , coal, Fine climate.
Fort George, at junction of great rivers, headquar-.
ters for steamers, coming metropolis.
Fort George is gateway to great Nechaco, Peace
River, Bulklev, Fraser, Skeena Valleys. . Half way,
between .Prince Rupert' and Edmonton, on line tof
Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. - . ' ' '
First Offering of Town Lots Title guaranteed and
insured by the government of BritisTi Columbia
Great and onlv opportunity to share in tremendous
advance. "Write toda for full information.
Natural Resources Security Co.
Making the Standard Rye
. Fm "vac;
A. Guckenheimer&Bros Distillers, Pittsburg. Since 1857
1 YJzi
Hi if! ti Yie.Mii
to $100
to $250
Whiskey of America, No. 8
I TheBottlingl-louse
Jkw,i From the warehouse
the whiskey goes in
to the filling tanks in
the -bottling house,
under Government
lock and key; it
comes out under
Government seal
rV'"n .Jje. jTfi
the little green stamp. Between the filling tank
and the little green stamp is an ingenious
array of. machines that fill, cork,- c2p and'
label the bottles. Not a human hand touches
Bottled In Bond
lt punty is as certain as scientific precision can
make ,it Its flavor is as distinctive as only the
the laws that guarantee its purity.
Write us (or bemtifnl book telling the whole interesting story
of how the Standard Rye Whiskey of America is madf.
ikfl W '
I iJfc s
Heif ili iiil'i
ilUfli iT'im'lMli'i
stt y-
Painless Dentistry
'". Oot of town people
can hare their plate
X v ua oriatcewora no
v ana t
' iihed
Tit n
in au
t neeescary.
We will five yo t rood
22k (old or porcelain
crown for $3.50
nil: s ftfl
t Enamel Filling. 100
-4 Silver Fillinia .53
. S Inlay Fillings 2.50
3U000. nooDer AA
i pi.i.. 5.00
3 Beat Red Rub. ,
sW k.. Dl.t..
"SrrSi. : u"r ber Plates .1.911
- - w r r.
n tun OTitumtie ramus. fVnleaa Extr'tlen .50
Painless Extraction ree when pistes or bruise worst
is ordered. Consultation Free, you cannotvet bettes
painless work done anywhere. All worlc fully rnar
entoed. Modern elretrlc equipment. Hest methods.
Wise eniai Co.
0KI0E BODBs: a. U. to I. H. Bsadsys, ( to 1.
A Harmless Chemical Discovery
POSITIVELY removes Wrinkles and
Renders the Skin Soft and Beautiful.
One application is sufficient to con-
Tlnee. .
Price $2.00
Tour money back if. dissatisfied. Jro
tected by caveat. Patents applied for
In all countries. Beware of imitations.
Wrinklene Co.
51C Hesry Uldsr -Portland Orearoev.
Plusies SlMim MM, 7437.
r i
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