0 TIIE MOKXIXG OKEGOXTAN. TTiTTRSDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1903 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGO.VIAJf TKIXI-HOXES. " Pae. StatM. Home Main 7070 A M Main 7""0 A VUS Main 770 A 6"9S Main 7070 A 60J Mala 7070 A 6S Main 7070 A 6093 Main "070 A 09S Cuntlns;-Room .... i'ity Cl'cuUtlon. . . . Manulni Editor.... indav FTdltor. c:tv E'ilior Supt. Buildings AMI'S EMEXTS. HI" NO ALOW THEATER tTwelfth and Mor- Tln." Tonight S:1S o'clock. PORTLAND THEATER (Turtnth nd Washington) George Faw-tt In Great John Ganlon." Tonight at 8:13. BAKKR THEATF.H I Third, between Tam- hl'.i an1 Taylor) Donald Bowles In ine Prince Chap.'- TVmlsht at 8:13. ORPHEVM THEATER (Morrison, between hlxlli and sventh) Advanced vaudeville. Mallnee at 2:11. Tonight at 8:15. GRAND THEATER (Washington, between Heienth and Park) Vaudeville da luge. 1. 4". 7:30 and P- M. PANTAr.ES THEATER 'Fourth and Star) -.'ontinuoua vaudeville. 2:20. 7:30 and 9.-.-0 P M. LTP.l'- THEATER 'Seventh and Alder) J Athon Stock Company In "The Flagship. Tonight at S:l-V STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) M-tl)n pictures. 1 to 11 P. M. Will Hear Abolt Oret.on-A great rol'sMous gathering opens at Detroit to dav and continues until October 27 which ni,! take important action regarding the l-i -ifio Coast field. It Hi the Universallst Genera Convention, made up of dele nat.s from tho United States. Canada and Japan. Ministers of many of the largest liix-ral churches and many lay man prominen-. In business and public life will be heard. Oregon is particu larly Interested in the address of llev. Allen R. Tillinghast. of Minnesota, on T!ie Problems and Opportunities of the Ko:-t'iwi'." Half a dozen able speakers who visited Fortlnnd recently will follow with ringirg addresses. The growing in fluence of thi local church, under the leadership of Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Corby, v il! bt a powerfiil stimulus for enlarging the fiold of operation In Oregon. Portland Bank Retaliates. At least on Portland bank has retaliated on what Is said to he the general custom in Seattle of charging exchange on Port land collections. Because of the collec tion charge in Seattle Hartman & Thompson have returned a draft on a Seattle bank to a Uniontown bank with the request that It be cancelled and a new draft Issued on a Tacoma institu tion. Exchange on collections la not charged in Tacoma. This one act haa already caused a protest from Seattle, where It Is charged that the Portland banks ara endeavoring to cut down Se attle's bank clearances. The Pprtland institution Insists that the exchange charge is the sole reason for preferring drafts on Tacoma. Markets Mat Closb FJarlt. The lleatcutters" Union Is making an effort to have all the meat markets of the city close at 6 o'clock P. M. except on Satur das. and then at 9 P. M. At present the markets clDse at :30 o'clock eVcept Saturdays. This question was discussed at a meeting of the union In Bartenders' Ha!!. 3t6"i First street, last- night, but definite action upon the matter was de ferred until a meeting to be held the first of next month. A meeting of the meatcutters was held last Sunday for the purpose of taking up this question, but nothing was done because tvy few of the boss butchers were present. Robert Sawyer, employed at the State Market, la president of the local union. Cook Held for Assault. B. Goldblatt, a cook, was arrested yesterday afternoon upon a warrant and locked up in the city jail as a result of a quarrel with A. Gersfeldt. proprietor of a restaurant nar Second and Taylor streets. The In cident occurred a week ago when Gold blatt. having loaned some cooking uten sils to the proprietor, returned to get thera after he had been discharged. A quarrel followed and the restaurant man now alleges that Goldblatt picked up a knife and threatened him with it. Gold blatt v.is; antsted for assault with a dangMOus weapcn. Olson Coi nsel roR Gamblers. When O. Neleon. B. Johnson and W. Hoffman were aTalsj.ned yesterday morning in the Municipal Court charged with gambling the spectatois were surprised to see Jus tice of the Peace Olson appear as their counsel. T:ie men had b-en arrested 'by Patrolman Burrt at the Nelson Hotel, 153 Front street, where they were gath erea about a card table with chips and other evidence of a poker game. Justice Olson entered a plea of not guilty for hie clients. Etch was fined 10. rv. c. T. V. Plans Meetings. Central TV. C. T. U. met yesterday In the new headquarters In the Goodnough building. After the opening devotional services by Mrs. C. X. Badgley a eolo was sung by Mrs. Marlon Cobb and plans discussed for the coming year. It was decided to resume the monthly socials and current events study. Mrs. Sarah Peak was eh-rud delegate to the coming National convention at Omaha. Next week will be a social maeting and all the county unions are Invited to attend. Badlt Crcshed bt Cars. Caught be twen two freight car as he started arroft, the sidetrack in the O. R. & N. va.-ds In Albina yesterday morning. Clyde COnnell. living at the New House, an er.iplove of the Rain Tight Roofing Cora panv. East MorrisoT street, was badly .nislid about the back and hips. He was picked up uncorscious by the train men and Patrolman Gill and sent to St. Vincent's Hospital In a Red Cross ambu lance. His injuries are not thought seri ous. RECOVERING FROM LOXO SLEEP. K. Oehiira. the Japanese, laborer In a cata leptic condition at the Good Samaritan Hot-pital. is believed to be coming out of the rigidity which for six months has held iiim a prisoner. Yesterday he con tli iKd the movements he began the day r -.. . ut. faAa ttnneflreri to be more lifelike, while the movements of his. limbs were many. Oghura is quite tne center of interest among both patients and visit ors in the ward in which he is lying. Young Parasite Convicted. Ray El liott, a young man 24 years old. waa trld and convicted yesterday morning before Judge Bennett In the Municipal Court of being a rrale parasite who re- eiv.-d the earnings of a woman of shame and received a sentence of TOO fine and u t..... the rocknlle. Jessie Rav- niord. 22 years old. an Inmate of a dls-crd-rly house at 204H Clay street, gave (vtknony on the witness stand which lrr.d-?d the fellow as her paramour. Kelvont Street Pavement. The lavement of Belmont street has reached Kst Sii'th street, on the north side, Hl:j would havs been finished through t the end of the Im provement, but for the rains. Both sides of the street are finished to East nty' fifth street. Mb . m XT at a T.-T. - a htV returned after having spent a week's vacation at Astoria, and are ready to give treat ments bv massaze at Collins Hot Springs. Just Received a large Importation of oriental rugs ana carpets. ri.xn ic s-onable. Cartozian Bros.. 473 Washing ton street. F. P. Youno. ladles' furnishing goods, ne-v location 290 Morrison St.. Corbett bldg.. between Fourth and Fifth. "LarrgRTS" pure gold seamless wedding tings, all sizes; engraving free; price, t& to Jll 173 Washington street. Centenary M. E. Church holds a rally and reunion tonighL Speeches, music. rfrshnwnts. Free. See F. P. Youno for good kid gloves. ?) Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth. Siiipherd's Springs. Dr. W. I. McNary. medical d'rector; E. I Shlpherd. mgr. Wtmkoop. the. roofer, removed to 647 First street Telephone Main K32. 22-Karat gold wedding rings at Marks & Bloch's, 23 Morrison street. Arrested on Bench Warrant. Be cause he failod to put in an appearance vesterday morning In the Municipal Court to i-nswer to a charge of violating the traffic orders at Front and Morrison streets. Bud Whittle, a teamster, was ar rested yesterday afternoon upon a bench warrant and taken to the police station, where he was required to post J35 cash ball WhitUe was arrested by Patrolman Cooper for disobeying the officer's di rections at this crowded crossing. He was later released upon his own recog nianc upon the promise to appear at court. As Judge Bennett has always evi denced a great Interest in having the authority of the traffic policemen recog nized it Is a probability that Whittle will pay a substantial fine. Suspects Are Not Danobrous. Frank Terent and Bonnie Minatara. youthful Italians who came from New York City, were arrested yesterday afternoon soon after thev stepped from the train and taken to the police station charged with carrvlng concealed weapons. Some ex citable Italians had spread the news about that the two men were emissaries oi' the Black Hand Society. The police investigation, however, showed that the young fellows were known In Portland and came here to go to ora. airs i volver found In their possession was an old one and not in working order. They will have to appear in the Municipal Court upon the charge. Plans for Enoinb Houses D. B. K'lckonger. architect and member of the Mount Tabor Push Club, le preparing plans for an engine house to be erected on the Base Line road and Francis ave nue. Mount Tabor. It will be. 3SxS0 feet and will be modern In construction. An architect has also been engaged to pre pare plans for an engine house for the North Albina district, to be erected on Killingswo.th avenue. Councilman Ellis has given assurance that the erection of th- North Albina building will be ex pedited. Lights Are Delated. The system of electric lights for wnich property owners and business men sipned on Grand ave nue and East Morrison street is held back because of the action of the City Council. The East Side lights would have been Installed by this time but for this action. It was planned to place clusters of electric lishts on the four corners of the intersection and then every SO feet on both sides of the street. A special contract was signed up. but It may not be carried out. , Reception for Pastor The members of Hasoalo-Street Congregational Church will tender to their new pastor. Dr. George Paddock, and his wife a reception In the church parlors at S P. M., Oc tober 22. One Suite Left In The Oregonian bldg., very desirable office rooms. Call early at room 201. Just Received 10.000 Charles the Great Havana cigars. New sizes. SI A. Rich, cigarman. 257 Morrison street. SHORE DINNER TOMORROW Swetland Is serving a "Down East Shore Dinner" every Friday. Menu con sists entirely of fresh and salt-water fish and shellfish, our popular clam chowder heading the bill. A la carte 11 lo 2:30 and from o to 7:30 at the spe cial price of 50c. Swetland's, Morrison near 4th. "A different place to eat." English cannel and anthracite hard coal sold cheaply by A. H. EUlefsen. Chamber of Commerce. Parts He Has Created Have Invariably Lived After Him George Fawcett, Originator of "The Great'john Canton, ' Now Appearing Here, Has Had an Illustrious Career on the Stage. - V - ' i GEORGE ALTHOUGH this is the first time George Fawcett, the great charac ter actor, has been in Portland, yet he has been seen here many times. That sounds most paradoxical but isn't In the least so. for many of ihe fine character parts In standard dramatic productions were created by 'him. For Instance, when Portlanders saw that admirable character Big Bill, in the "Squaw Man." they saw a creation of Faweett's art. The same with Phe lan. in '"ine Man of the Hour." Rob Dow. in "The Little Minister." The Old Sailor, in "The Ensign." Ben Moore. In "Blu Jeans." Captain John, in "Caleb West," and a host of others. It was Faw cett who interpreted the characters as they were swung from the authors' pens and those players who came West adopted the Fawcett Interpretations and the Fawcett mannerisms. No doubt, it will be no great time before "The Great John Ganton'' is produced locally with some follower of Faweett's in the title role. Fawcett. in "The Great John Ganton" at the Portland Theater this week. Is adding no great laurels to a name al ready classed among the foremost or living character actors. He is merely adding to a long list of successes. Give Fawcett a part and he will attain to a certain high standard of artistic perfec tion in it. He has done that In his present part. He wlff do it in the next part he gets. Mr. Fawcett has never swept the country hy reason of any one great dramatic success. He has main tained Ilia high standard. Invariably mak ROSE PICTURES SOUGHT BOOKLET WlXIi BE PRIXTED BY FESTIVAL, ASSOCIATION. Fame of Portland's Big Fete Is Soon to Be Spread by Attrac tive Literature. t- k. .ninltatlon of Portland as the greatest city of roses in the world, the Rose Festival Association win Degm to collect as complete a photo graphic display as It possibly can. The management wants every romancer i heir, in this bv submitting any photo graphic views suitable for this purpose. Views of single roses, rose Dusnes. irees, shrubs, hedges, borders, climbers and residences, together with rose garden views, are desired. Many such pictures will be needed for illustration of a handsome portfolio which is to be pub lished - In the near future for general distribution, both locally and to the far corners of the earth. Many will be needed for special publicity literature gotten out between now and the holding of the next Festival in June. 1910. All persons who have had pictures taken of their roses or who have pho tographic plates of such views are urged to submit them to the Festival head quarters in the Swetland building at once, and all that are available will be liberally paid for. Since the last Fes tival. Eastern publications have re quested Portland rose Views: nurseries and rosarians all over the country have also asked for literature showing JuBt what Portland can do in the way of rose culture. The coming campaign for attracting National Interest In the 1910 celebration will be devoted In a large measure to giving the outside world a chance to see In pictorial form Just what the metropo lis of the Northwest has accomplished In this respect. Many of the leading railroads have ap plied for pictures of Portland roses and gardens for use In their forthcoming literature, and there will be excellent op portunity for all enthusiastic rosarians to ,. f,,,-ther-inn. the city's fame as fl-.-lML 1,. . urn ...... ...o - the city of roses by sending in such views as they may have. GRANT WILL BE EXAMINED Business Men to Discuss East Third Street Franchise Tonight. For the public consideration of the proposed East Third street franchise, asked for by the O. R. & X. Company, a special meeting of the East Side Busi ness Men's Club will be held tonight in the clubrooms, In the Healy building. Grand avenue and East Morrison street. Invitations have been sent out to all the wholesale firms in the district between Grand avenue and the river. and to others interested in this franchise. A full attendance is desired and opportu nity will be afforded for an expression of ofHnions for and against the franchise, FAWCETT ing far more of his parts than was even remotely conceived by the playwright. It isn't exactly to the credit of Port land that George Fawcett isn't receiving a nroDer aDDreclatiim here this week He gives a powerful presentation of a remarkable character in "Ganton." He is seen in a piece of work that has a wide appeal and that Is bound to live. But at the matinee there wasn't a cor poral's squad yesterday. The night at tendance has been better, but not what It should be. The loss is not Faweett's, of course he is on contract but the theater-going public is missing some thine reallv worthy of patronage. Despite the fact of the mere handful of spectators. Fawcett did not lau away from his usual standard yesterday, tr there was none in the house he would do as well. He admits having a stand ard below which he hopes never to fait. He has the love of the artist for his work. Faweett's sole interests are in things dramatic. It's hard to lure him Sway from the topic. Unlike a few score of passing actors, he does not resort to wild designs on securing an Oregon farm and retiring from the stage. He Is toov sincere and earnest for any such press agent prattle as that. He says he intends to go as far as he can he hasn't any Idea how much farther that will be. In a long career his time thus far has been divided among Chicago. New Yorx and London. In London, by the way, he was most enthusiastically received and he thinks It likely that he will put in next season there in "Pudd'nhead Wll- son". SCHOOL kys are the days when most of the im portant habits of life are Formed. Teach your children the daily use of Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Testis Fow and they will some day rise to call you blessed. It cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. piMtMllllnOT C. A. Blgelow, president of the club, said last night: "We want it understood that we are not opposed to granting this franchise, but the club wants the interests of the people safeguarded. We do not approve the action of the street committee in recommending the passage of the fran r first hearinc from the business interests which are directly . A.rAin11v ns Councilman Kll - i;uiiuciiu, ..... . .. bll asked that the hearing be continued. The whole city is concernea in mm chise. and not merely the property-owners on the street. I contend that this franchise should not be granted unless .v. nnmr,anv- flvp assurance that it will provide a freight depot. This should be provided for either in the franchise or by agreement. WHEREJT0 DINE. After the fire-The Portland Restau- one wnnhincrtnn street. being a few Havs on account of fire, has reopened for business. Prompt service and quality me dbsl SACRIFICE SALE HAIR GOODS Special slaughter of Mrs. Cochran's magnificent New York consignment con tinues this month at the Needlecraft. Sixth st., between Morrison and Alder. PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune. Columbia Bldg.. Main, A 18S5. GAS CONSUMERS, TAKE NOTICE. Get W'elsbach mantles by the dozen, and we'll give you jobbers' prices. Buy i... .... . anA orlVtaa in n Ui4 n 1 1 1 ieS. and save nearly half the price. You buy a v inters supply ui mci time and save money. Do this with vour lighting supplies, and buy from f!intnr 43 Third street. Telephone Main or A 311. f50 REWARD For anv case of Kidney, Bladder or Rheumatic trouble Hall's Texas Won der cannot cure if taken in time and f iven a fair trial. One bottle often per ects s cure. Sold by all druggists or mail $1.00. Send for testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall. 2926 Olive St.. St. Louis, Mo. CARD OF THASKS. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends, and espe cially the members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers for their kind help and sympathy in our late bereavement through the death of husband and father. .,... MK3. J- L. DAVIS AND FAMILY. Something: Everybody Should Know. Any one suffering from rheumatism, luinbasro. kidney or bladder trouble and backache can get quick rtiet by pro curing from his druggist the fol owing simple remedy: Two ounces salgrene, mixed with four ounces pure olive oil, and taken in two-teaspoonful doses every three hours. This remedy con tains absolutely no alcohol, making: an invaluable remedy. Alcohol when taken into the stomach Irritates the kidneys and stomach. Rock Springs Coal. The best house coal. Liberty Coal & Ice Co.. exclusive agents. 25 North Fourteenth street. Main 162 A 3136. P. Centemeri Gloves. F. P. YOUNG 290 Morrison St. Hetweea Fourth and Fifth, Corbett Building;. Ladies' Haberdasher UMBRELLAS Children's School Umbrellas 50c. Men's and Women's Fast Black Cotton Umbrellas, 9Sc. Men's and Women's Fast Black Piecedvea Taffeta Um brellas $1.50. Men's end Women's Fast Black Gloria Umbrellas, $2, 2.o0, $3.50. Men's and Women's Silk Um brellas, $3.50, $4. to. All with new, up-to-date handles. REMODELED AND REPAIRED LOWEST PRICES BEST WORKMANSHIP Gumbert's FINE FURS 334 Washington Street RAINCOATS LARGE VARIETY. Goodyear Rubber Co. 1-83-65-67 Fourth St Cor. Pine. FredPrehn,D.D.S. $12.0 Fall Set of Teeth. 18.00. Crowns and Brldse work. S3. 00. Room 406, Desna. Open ICvcainss Till T. FURS i THIS IS THE BEST TIME THE YEAR FOR A NEW PLATE! OR BRIIK3E. As there is little or no danger of sore gums or other troubles while the warm weather lasts. Our plates give the mouth a natural expression, and will prove a lasting; comfort. DR. W. A. WISE President and Afrinsrer. 2 Tears EatabU.hed In Portland. We will give you a good 22k gola -or porcelain crown Xoi J-pJJ Molar Crowns IM 22k bridge teeth... Gold or enamel filling Silver f litmus. Inlay fll..ngs of all Kinds 2-50 Good rubber piates..... -o The best red rubber plate Painless extraction Painless extraction free when liates or bridge work la ordered. Wrork guaranteed for 15 years. THE WISE DENTAL COi The KalllnsT Bide- 3d and Wash. Stm. Office Hours el A. M. to 8. P. BL Sundays. 0 to 1. Phones A and Main S02S. E. W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING Main 165 Phones Home i.H65 First and Oak YOUR NEW Buy It From I's. We Can Save You MoM.r, Good, fast color, English gloria, Paragon frame 81. OO Itustpioof English Gloria, finest frame 81.5 Hercules rust and windproof . . . $2.00 Ladies' Dlrectoire Umbrella $1.50 up Full-length, gold and pearl tape edge, silk Gloria 83. 50 Tape-edge real silk warp Gloria 81. 50 Pure silk, red and blue, Prln- cess handles 82.25 An immense line of fine ladies' and tents' S5.00 to 820.00 We Have the I.aritet Stock on Ihe Coast In This Line. RECOVERING Let Us Cover Your Umbrella 1 Make It Good as ew. Glorias 81.25. 81. 50, 82.00 Silk, all colors.. S2.50, 83.00. 84.00 All goods our own manufacture. Rustproof, windproof. folding, detach able, .self-opening umbrellas. W HOLESALE AXD RETAIL. MEREDITH'S Exclusively Umbrellas. 312 Washington, Bet. 5th nnd 6th. Special Sale OFFICE COMBINATIONS ' 1 Desk , 1 Arm Chair 1 Revolving Chair IN THREEt GRADES, $60, 375 $95 Glass & Prudhomme Company A5-67 Seventh St. PrPB REPAIRING Of every description by mall. Amber, brier and meerschaum. Artificial coloring. Sis Sicbel C.. Sd St.. Portland. ' " " v MstssMtaiMsJi gfcWr 1Wh -A.MIhiMTII ill1-OTMijt.il $30,000 STOCK OF RAINCOATS Tremendous Bargain Event for Today, Friday and Saturday. Open Saturday Night to 10:30 225 MORRISON STREET 225 MORRISON STREET Goodrear Co., selling direct from maker to wearer at a saving of 30 to 40 per cent, makes these sensa tional price offer ings. Whypaymore? lip fit fefisL Ladies' Rubber ized Slip -On Coats, values to $15.00, at $8.60 Ladies' beautiful Silk Waterproofs and. Oravenettes in the greatest profu sion of styles ' and material effects. Values up to $35 at $10.90, $13.50 AND $17.50 $12.50 to $15 Mens and Youth s Raincoats In neat gray, and dark mixtures, made from well - wearing: fabric, silk Venetian lined, spe- tf'T QfJ cial at q.U Special for Men and Women, Latest E n eT 1 1 s n isoveity ijuiiuuu v on 16.00 value $13.90 at tyTthf LADIES Just received, new shipment of imported English Coverts and Aquiscu- turn Raincoats; very pest, munuo in Portland; these are $40 to $50 garments; special for Thursday, Friday, Saturday (quan tity positively limited), at Goodyear Raincoat Co. 225 MORRISON ST., BETWEEN FIRST and SECOND INDIVIDUAL Private accounts of men and women, as well as commercial deposits from firms, corporations and banks, are welcomed by this institution, where all funds intrusted to it for safe-keepmg are protected by large resources, carerui mauymou, "u the strict supervision oi A HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT STOCK OflFered Subject to Prior Sale IN THE PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY COMPANY - - 4a Only S160.000 or inis uniy io, r- " , stockTaranteed against ,0? BanPklant !oVFrbuonce onground adjoining Swift Company'. plant. Portland, Oregon. ' For full particulars and SLibscription blanks see or write E. C MEARS E&SSStfiS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY. Bell Ringers For Large Apartments, Small Dwellings, Elevators, Eta Connect direct with lighting circuit. No more batteries always reliable. PRICE. $3.00 AND UP Western Electric Works 61 Sixth Street. Portland. Oregon. Phones. Main 1696; A 1696 The Utmost In Cigars The Optimo is the finest cigar that can be made the utmost in cigars. For our experts in the fields oi Cuba, buy us the choicest tobacco grown the cream of the season's crop. And our exclusive methods of ripening the leaf develop its fullest aroma and flavor. A free-burning, strictly Cuban hand made cigar that will delight you. Try it today. Optimo Cigars At any good store From 3 Ior25o tie THE HART CIGAR CD, Distributors. Portland, Oregon CHRISTENSEN'S SCHOOL for Dancing, Deportment and Physical Development Chrirtansen's Hall can be rented, flrst rlass affairs only. For terms apply to Mr. Chrlstensen. office at hall., comer Eleventh and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon. Phone, Main 6017. A 4080. Raincoat KfUi-s' f U- 1 :-flSj&i;.'.i F ' 'f 1 iitiy Priestly Combination Raincoats and overcoats, finely tailored; sHlk Venetian lined, hand-jadded shoul ders; values up to 22.50. til RQ Special at f 135 Slen's Very Best Grade of Genu ine Prlestlv and Kenyon Cravenette Rainoroof Overcoats, with or with out military collars, spe- 11 A 7Q cial to lay 817. oU ana. . . .-r OF PORTLAND 1 JUCi bO CUltL Aiuovur $26.50 ACCOUNTS me tmicu "i" v.a v. 1 a rmA In Portland. ..JrW. A 1 subscribers ;t voirlv. All subscribers ror the "Metropolis Trust & Savlns. Why Not Be Up-toDate and Use a SANITARY DESK? All Price From $22.50 Up We Will Take Vour Old Ielc l Trade and Allow You Ha Full Worth. The largest stock of office furniture and eafes in the North west. Agents for the worlds three- largest manufacturers. Send for catalogue. Kly-Norrls MaDRanme Bank Safe The Strongest In the world-' NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO. PORTLAND, Sixth Ankeny Sta. SEATTLE, 307-11 Third Ave. S. CCHWAB PRINTING CO OSOLICITS YOU PATRONAGE a47i STARK STREET M. I k 'W SjHi3TtMwryj Vt" '