THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TIIURSDAT," OCTOBER 21, 1909. 10 ASSESSMENT HELD SI 70.000 TOO LOW Equalization Board Startled by New Complaint on King's Heights Holdings. OTHERS SEEK REDUCTION Pevcnty-two Objections to Figures on Tax Roll Are Added to Those Already Filed for Consideration. Seventy-two protests nt property as Mtsments for the 1P"9 taxroll were pre sented hefnre the County Board of Equalization yesterday. And while 70 of the protests were based on effort to secure -reductions, two asked increases ' which, if allowed, will more than bal ance all the cuts asked for to date. Members of the hoard fairly gasped when Increases involving $170,000 were asked on King's Heights proptry. The requests were presented by the King's Helchts Realty Syndicate and by B. GiMner and associates. The Increase asked bv the syndicate !s from IBr.Oot to $154,000. C.ildner and associates want their property assessed at a total of :o.0u0 instead of the pres ent total of $10.0(10. The syndicate Is controlled by Dr. J. R. Wetherbee. T. B. Wilcox and J. C. Alnsworth and It Is represented that the lots are worth from $20"0 to KO.ono apiece. Gildner and 'associates represent that their lots I should be Increased from $2?00 to $5000 'each. Many Causes Presented. The applications for reductions were based on every manner of cause. Re- ! moral from the city, destruction of ef fects by fire and denial of ownership, were the principal causes asclfmed. The day proved one of the busiest the board lias yet had and the Indications now aie that there will be a tremendous accumu lation of complaints by the end of the week, when the books close. The Northwest School Furniture Com pany disputed the possession of $20,000 In merchandise, money, notes and ac counts. An inventory was submitted to jihow that the. firm's worth is but $17,- Sil. Mrs. J. R. Wyatt objected to belni? assessed $14,150 on her home In East Portland. She Insisted her home is no tetter than certain neighbors have on which they pay less. She also made the notation "should be assessed to Wyatt, anyway. Am married now." Four thousand eight hundred dollars Is the reduction In personal tax asked by the Wiley B. Allen Company. It was denied that any such amount as $5000 ever occupies the company tills, the sum tisually on hand being not more than $200, it was alleged. As to an assessment of $1000 on the stock of drugs of Frederick A. Bears estate, a petition was submitted by F. Beal asking a reduction to half the amount. Mr. Beal alleged that he waa about to purchase the stock lor $500 and didn't think the assessment ought to be more than the transfer value. Wants Cut Under Cost. I. E. Staples, living on Kelly avenue, west of Milwaukie road, objected to an assessment of $500 on household furni ture, representing that he had removed his effects Into' Yamhill County. M. C. George, on behalf of Jennie R. George, protested against an assessed valuation of $2000 being placed on prop erty in Carter's addition. Admitting that the Improvements cost $2300. he sug gested that $1400 would be a fair sum to place on the assessment roll. Just what process of reasoning was utilized In arriving at that conclusion Is not ex plained in his communication of protest. Ernest Miller represented that his per sonal tax was based on an assessment about four times too large. Instead of $4700 he should have been charged with $1175. so he swore. W. Jaques, 260 Bast Thirty-fifth street. Insisted that his house hold furniture isn't worth a cent more than $100. Instead of $20, as assessed. 6. Steiner was perturbed at being assessed I10K) on his house, when it only cost that amount. He thought $60 would be plenty. B. Gildner and associates were really Indignant at the assessment of property Dn King's Heights at from $1100 to $2650 a lot. and demanded that the assessment be Increased at least 100 per cent. Un doubtedly they will be obliged. Right after this astounding petition appeared R. A. Proudfoot to demand that his as sessment be reduced from $4500 to $2350. W. Hosea Wood admitted that there used to be a house on his property In West Portland. The house was worth fully $0. But since the last time the Assessor was around the structure has been moved to other parts, and for that reason Mr. Wood asked to be relieved' from paying taxes on it. Sold f nder Assessment. William W. Robinson said there was a very good reason why he shouldn't pay on an assessment of $400 for household fur niture at his place at 49 Twentieth street. The reason was that . he sold the whole layout a short time ago for $175. He asked for a reduction to that figure. P. Sharkey. 53 Union avenue, declined to pay on a $300 launch, explaining as his reason that he owns no launch, never did own one and never expects to. Henry E. Dosch had the same kind of a com plaint to make on an assessment of $100 for horses at his Hillsdale place. . The Pacific Baptist Company was at a loss to know why it should be assessed $225 or any other sum. inasmuch as the oftlce and headquarters are located at Mc Mlnnville, and the only function of the company In Portland is to receive mall here occasionally. P. C. Randall insisted that his assess ment was exactly seven times too high. He was accredited with property worth $4Q and swore everything he has Isn't worth more than $50. Seeks Cut of $10,000. Fred C. Myers thought $1100 too much on his house In Arbor Lodge, because there isn't any plumbing installed. He asked a reduction to $t)0. His complaint was followed by one from Samuel Swlr sky, who asked a cut of $10,000 on his old house on fractional lot W, assessed at $1'3.0"0. Anna Rains had contracts to show that her flats on Missouri avenue cost only $4ooo. She was not willing that they should be assessed at cost value. M. J. CNell called attention to the fact that his house in the suburbs burned down In August, and that the insurance was $1X0. He objected to an assessment of $1700. Barbara A. Bailey was sure her furniture wouldn't bring more than $50 at auction, so she wasn't willing to pay on an assessment of $250. Because of having sold his auto for $400. Richard Martin. Jr.. Insisted he oughtn't to be assessed $500 on the machine. Cummlngs Merrill once had $500. but he didn't think he ought to be assessed on the sum any longer, since It is tied up in the defunct Title, Guarantee Trust Company. The People's Loan Cfflce represented that it shouldn't be VESSEL THAT WAS RAISED FROM BOTTOM OF COLUMBIA, AS IT WAS BROUGHT INTO PORT LAND HARBOR. r & Jl r Hi k 'if . - 1 -9 r: isviKv. "tjM(f--. 1 r- t Kvr , -T-T'r. -',T- - I -XoaV - 1 r - ..-.t? : A - .-.(.-ivws,,' I, i ------ - -jrtvr-r-t, -xt-BjSk THE BEST REMEDY I) AM F.I. KER SIPPORTRD BY BARGES OF COLUMBIA CONTRACT COMPANY assessed $250 on notes, saying that notes are held against the company but not by the company. Max Loewenson presented a list show ing that numerous properties in his vi cinity are assessed at 60 per cent of their real value. He said his property in block 252 cost $25.o, and that the as sessment Is $17,000 or 68 per cent of the value. COURT INSISTS ON TRIAL Quiet Settlement of Gambling Case Is Prevented. Settlement out of .court of a complaint against H. A. Hogsted. accused of con ducting a gambling game over the War wick saloon. Fourth and Washington streets, was prevented yesterday morn ing by Judge Bennett in the Municipal Court Hogsted had been arrested upon the complaint of Clarence Darrow, a contractor, who alleged to District At torney Cameron that he had been en ticed into a poker game in Hogsted s rooms and "fleeced" out of $100. Upon Darrow's admission that he had been gambling, District Attorney Cam eron ordered Darrow under arrest and at the same time sent an officer to take Hogsted into custody. The case came up on the court docket on two mornings but was continued each time beoause the defendants always pleaded that they were not ready for trial. During this period, Hogsted returned Darrow his money. Hogsted's attorneys appeared in court yesterday and asked to have the case stricken off the docket be cause the victim had been reimbursed. This was refused "by the Judge, who set today for hearing and announced that both men would be brought into court under arrest If they failed to appear. KERN AT URYDDGK Wrecked Steamship Towed to Willamette Iron Works. VESSEL IS IN BAD SHAPE BAD WEATHER OFF COAST Steamship Fair Oaks Encounters Gales North of Cape Blanco. In command of Captain O. Johnson, the steam scnooner Fair Oaks arrived up yesterday morning from San Francisco. The craft had a hard trip from the Bay City. After leaving the Golden Gate the vessel encountered fair weather to Cape Blanco. After that southeast gales buffeted the vessel about in no easy manner. On the trip up the river the wind and rain vtre so heavy that the boat was anchored. The Fair Oaks was formerly the Robert Dollar. She was built for the Dollar Company, but waa sold to the Slade Lumber Company. She was damaged about three months ago by striking on tho bar at Grays Harbor.. STOCKHOLDERS WARNED. United Wireless Stockholders Are Warned Against Vicious Statement. Stockholders are cautioned about plac ing any credence In vicious and unsup ported statements by parties whose mo tive in discrediting United Wireless stock la for the purpose of obtaining said stock for personal traffic The United Wireless Company has not authorized any ex change of stock with Clark Wireless Tele graph Company, either on a basis of 16 shares of Clark Wireless stock for one share of United Wireless stock, which the Clark Company's agents offer, or any other basis of exchange whatever. F. 8. Stewart. Fiscal Agent, 410 Corbett Build ing. Portland, Or. UNITED WIRELESS Stockholders are urgently requested to Immediately communicate with us. as we have information of the utmost Im portance to Impart to you at once. 702 Oregonlan hldg.. Portland. Or. " Was Sunk by Steamer Geo. W. Elder on Morning or August 18 Off Light at Waterford Was For merly Lighthouse Tender. In tow of the G. K. Went worth, the tug Daniel Kern has arrived at Portland and- as soon as possible she Elder was In charge of Pilot W. H. Pat terson, who was later suspended by the inspector? for carelessness. The Daniel Kern was formerly the lighthouse tender Manzanita. A partial survey of the vessel as ehe now lays shows that she Is badly bat tered up aft and that the timbers are opened up to well amidships. The en gines are practically uninjured and It will require very little work on the part of the machinists to put her In shape for service. The work of raising the vessel was done by the Columbia Contract Company, owners. An arrangement was entered Into between the owners and the In surance people before any work was done and a settlement effected. STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Name. From. Dats. Rose City San Francisco In port Arso Tillamook. ...In port Sue H. Elmore. THIamooK In port Eureka Eureka In port , Falcon San Francisco Oct. -1 Alliance Coos Bay .... Oct. -i Henrik Ibien. ..Honckonr Oct. 4 Geo. W. F.lder. .Pan Pedro.. .Oct. Breakwater Coos Bay Oct. 2 Kansas City San Francisco Oct. - Roanoke San Pedro... Oct. ol Selja Honckonc Inaen't Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Date. Eureka Eureka Oct. 21 Argo Tillamook Oct. 21 Rose Cltr Ean Francisco Oct. -22 Alliance Coos Bay Oct. Falcon San Francisco Oct. -4 Breakwater Coos Bay Oct 27 Kanus City. .. San Francisco Oct. 29 Geo. W. Elder. .San Ped Oct. 80 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...Oct. 80 Kenrik Ibsen. . .Hongkong. .. .Nov. 1 Selja Hongkong.... Roanoke .San Pedro Nov. 2 Entered Wednesday. Northland. Am. steamship (Erlck son) with- general cargo, from San Francisco. Fair Oaks, Am steamship (John son) with general cargo, from Ban Francisco. Hoqulam. Am. steamship (Rel nertsen) with general cargo, from San Francisco. Rose City. Am. steamship (Ma son) with general cargo, from San Francisco. Catania, Am. steamehlp' (Canty) with fuel oil from Gavlota. Cleared Wednesday Hoqulam, Am. steamship (Relnert sen) with ballast, for Aberdeen. Catania, Am. steamship (Canty), with ballast for Port Costa. Hebe, Ger. ship (Pertnlen) with wheat for United Kingdom. will be lifted on the Oregon drydock for repairs. The Kern arrived with a barge on either side and in a badly dilapidated condition. 8he has been on the bottom of the Columbia since the morning of Au gust 18. when she was struck by the steamship Geo. W. Elder. Preliminary arrangements for the lifting of the vessel will require five or six days and it will be the first of the coming week before the craft will be out of water. The Daniel Kern was engaged In tow ing rock barges between Waterford and Fort Stevens. On the morning of August lg she was struck In the stern by the Geo. W. Elder off Waterford light and went down In 10 fathoms of water." The TTTTTKTTf99 Every mother feels a great dread of the pain and dan ger attendant upon the most critical period of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother's Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great pain and danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despond ent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother s Friend. "It is worth , its weight in gold," says many who havp itcprt it ' 00 Pr bottl9 l nave useu n. drug 1U)re containing valuable Information of In terest to all women, will be sent free. BRAD FIELD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta, Ga. To Install Wireless on Catania. Wireless will be Installed on the steam ship Catania on the present trip to San Francisco. With one or two exceptions all the oil carriers operating on the Pa cific Coast are equipped with wireless stations. The addition of the telegraph to the Catania is another move to the front in maritime circles. The Catania was formerly a transport and at present Is In command of Ceptaln Canty. The steady run of the oil packets makes wire less an absolutely necessary part of the equipment. For Women-Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Xoah, Ky. "I was passing; through the Change of Life and suffered from un.JiBA'"i-;r, ?"; neaaacnes, nervous v". 4 prostration, and loVa i hemorrhages. Compoundmade me well and strong, bo that I can do all mv housework, and at tend to the store and postofflce, and Ifeel muchyounger than I really am. "Lvdia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound is the most successful remedy for all kinds of female troubles, and I feel that I can never praise itenough." ilES. Lizzie Holland, Noah, Ky. The Changeof Life is themostcritical period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain. Womeneverywhereshouldremember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Eound, made from native roots and erbs. -For SO years it has been curing women from the worst forms of female ills inflammation, ulceration, dis placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari ties, periodic pains, backache, ana nervous prostration. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is tree, and always helpful. It will able." be replaced as soon as practic- Marine Notes. The steamship Catania sailed last night for Port Costa in ballast. With lumber for San Francisco the steam schooner Olympic sailed yesterday morning. With passengers and freight for Coos Bay ports the steamship Breakwater sailed last evening. The steam schooner Tamalpals sailed for San Francisco yesterday afternoon with a full cargo of lumber. Commander J. M. Ellicott, V. S. N.. Inspector of the Thirteenth Lighthouse District, left yesterday lor a tour Inspection of lights on Puget Sound. of Hercules Takes Flour at Tacoma. J. Walter Ransom. local agent of the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company, left yesterday afternoon for Tacoma, where he will look after the loading of the Norwegian" steamship Hercules, which" will carry flour from that port to Vladivostok for Kunz & Albers. For merly all flour for that firm was dispatched frcm Portland by Henry Mett, but the recent fire which destroyed the Portland Flouring Mills plant forced the Hercules to take cargo at Tacoma. ( Xotlce to Mariners. Commander W. G. Miller, Commander, U. S. N.. has issued the following notice to mariners. It affects all sailors en tering the bay of 8an Francisco from the north: 'Notice is hereby given that Duxbury Reef whistling buoy is reported missing. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, Oct. 20. Arrived Steam ship Fair Oaks, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamship Catania, for San Francisco; steamship Breakwater, for Coos Bay; steam ship Olympic, for San Francisco; steamship Tamalpals, for JSan Francisco. Astoria. Or.. Oct. 20. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M. Rough; wind southeast. 36 miles; weather, cloudy. Ar rived down during the night steamers Roanoke. Johan Poulsen. Arrived down at 9 A M. Ship St. Nicholas and schooner C. S. Holmes. Left up at 12 noon British bark A Hair. Arrived down at 1 P. M. Steamer W. S. Porter. i San Francisco, Oct. 20. Arrived Steam er ASTincion. from Portland; steamer J. MarhofTer. from coos Bay: steamer Hyades. from Kahulul; steamer Dakotah, from Ma nila; steamer Admiral Sampson, from Seat tle; steamer Chehalls. from Grays Harbor. Sailed Steamer Camphill. for v'omox: steamer Cowrie, for- Hongkong; steamer Hilonlan. for Honolulu; steamer Buckman, for Seattle. Tacoma, Oct. 20. Arrived Steamer Gour ernor. from Seattle. Departed British steamer Carlton, for Europe; steamer Seward, for Cordova. Ala-ska, via Seattle; steamer Tallac, for San FranciBco. Yokohama. Oct. 20. Arrived previously Kumeric, from Seattle, for Manila: Oanfa. I from Liverpool, via Singapore, juanuK, oil., for Tacoma. Seattle. Oct. 20. Sailed Steamer Bertha, for Valdes. 8:00 A. 5:02 P. Tides at Astoria Thursday. High. low. M 60 feet ll:10 A. M 7.4 feet M 4.3 feet I AM A SPECIALIST FOR MEN Call Today IP YOU KEED ME. I CAN AND DO CORE FOREVER VARICOSE VEIS l 5 DAYS NF.IIVOIJS DEH1LITY In SO DAYS OBSTHUCTIOXS in IS DAYS BLOOD POISON In !H DAYS To obtain these quick results you must come to this office, as it cannot be done by mail. Do not forget this fact. I always do as I advertise to. Write Today IF YOI7 NEED MH. f Men, You Can Be Cured, Made Strong and Vigorous Young and Middle- Aged Men, Are You a Wreck or a Man ? NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through nervous complaints and blood diseases. If you have any of the following1 symptoms, con sult me before it is too late. Are you nervous, weak, specks before your eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys. Irritable, palpi tation of the heart, bashful, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow checks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, dis trustful, lack of energy and strength, - tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc? If so I can promise you a per manent cure or no pay. Moderate Charges Fair Deallne, Faithful Services and Lustlns; Cures are r e s p o n slble f o r m y .immense practice. Call! Quick Results Lasting Cures Reasonable Fees You May Pay as Able, a Benefited or When Cured BLOOD DISEASES Treatment for only a short time cures rash, swellings, sore throat, pains, aches, removes every sign and symptom It stays cured and I can show you the treatment Is not ordinary mer cury and potash, like other special ists elve you. Get the best. NERVOl'S DISEASES are a form of diseases that cause more young mon to fail in their chosen paths of life than any other ailment. It weakens the spine, sometimes causing; paralysis, many times the brain, making It Impossible to con centrate the thoughts and obtain the proper nerve supply required to carry out any line of action. I cure. If not Incurable, or no pay. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION FREE BLOOD ANALYZED CHEMICALLY AND MICROSCOPICALLY WHEN NECES SARY (FREE). We hnve added to our office equipment, for the benefit of MEN niT m FREE MUSEUM of Aaatomy and sjallery of scientific wonders. Man know thyself. Llfe-slme models Illustrating the mysteries of man, howiua- the body in health and disease and many natural subjects. Men make no mistake when they come to us. We give you the re sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best serv ice that money can buy. If you are ailihg consult us. MedVines fur nished In our private laboratory from $l.o0 to 6.B0 a course If vou cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours 9 A. M. to g P M dally. Sundays 8 to IS only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE aoi MOAMSON ST, BET. FOURTH ANp FIFTH, PORTLAND, OR. DM AT $1 Cured Forever by Electricity If you are In the clutches of this dreaded disease. Rheumatism. I want you to consider first before you take drugs for your trouble. Think of your past ex perience. Think of the drugs you have taken. Think of the little mite of relief for which you paid dearly. 'What's the use of destroying your stomach trying to reach the trouble with poisonous concoc tions? Use Electricity two or three hours a day for a month or two and it will cure you forever. It will brine back health to the lame and feeble and is a positive cure for Rheumatism. A Free Book on Rheumatism ..... . . , ...n.e.r rt t'nfn nH other Get this book at once ana learn nu u. .u.- .tu.. troubles. It tells a good many plain truths which every 'i" 7""" ought to know. It not only tells you how to cure yourself of all forms of rheumatism, pains in the hips (sciatica) lumbago, but : It teaches you how to get a quick and lasting cure for all Nervous Disorders Constl patTon. Weak Kidneys, Failing Memory and all evidences of a breaking dWIt' cures when all else has failed. Our arguments are Pl,j svstem is good, but we know you haven't time to study proof and we give you that and lots of it. which you will find ir i th book When your own neighbor, tell you we cured them you will know we did it. Send for this book today. Fill out the coupon. DR. S. G. HALL CO. 1314 SECOXIl AVENUE. SEATTLE. Please send me. prepaid, your free, 100-page, illustrated book. NAME ADDRESS . Eeal Thorough and Permanent Different doctors have different Ideas In regard to cures. Some call a suppression or symptoms a cure. They dose for drug ef fects and claim that nothing more can be done. But the real ailment remains, and will bring the real symptoms back again, per haps the same as before, but very Ukely leave tho patient In a much worse condition. I claim that nothing less than complete eradication of the ailment can be a real cure. I treat to remove the ailment, and not mere ly the symptoms. I search out every root and fiber of an ailment, and I cure to stay cured. I want every man who Is afflicted with any special ailment to come and talk with me confidentially about his case. A word of suggestion will often aid a patient to get on thf right road to a quick anS lasting cure If his case is taken in time. Ever i allmen ts that have reached an advanced tage -'e A readily to my medicines ana distinctive methods of treatment. DR. TAYLOR, Tho Leading; Specialist Specific Blood Poison No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but harm less, blood-cleansing remedies that remove the last poisonous taint. Varicose Veins A b s o 1 u telv painless treatment that cures completely In one week. Investigate my method. It is the only thoroughly scientific treat ment for this ailment being employed. Examination Free I offer not onlv FREE Consultation and Advice, but of every case that romes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without charge No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about his trouble. If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open all day from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., and Sundays from 10 to 1. 234ZA Morrison Street Corner Second Street PORTLAND, OREGON Obstructions My treatment is absolutely pain less, and perfect results can be de pended upon In every Instance. I do no cutting or dilating whatever. Contracted Ailments Be sure your cure Is thorough. Not one of my patients has ever had a relapse after being dis charged as cured, and I cure In less time than the ordinary forms of treatment require. The DR. TAYLOR Co. "CLEANLINESS" Is the watchword for health and vigor, comfort and beauty. Mankind is learn ing not only the necessity but the lux ury of cleanliness. SAPOLIO, which has wrought such changes In the home, announces her sister triumph HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH. A special soap, which energizes the whole body, starts the circulation and leaves an exhilarating glow. All gr oan and druggists. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills, and best only reliable rem edy for FEMALE TROUBLES. Cure the most obstinate cases in 8 to 10 days. Price fz per dox. or 3 for 5; mailed in plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE. 311 Alisky bldg. Young Ming Chinese Medicine Co. Wonderful remedies from herbs .and roots cures all diseases of men and women, consulta tion and pulse diagnosis free. If you live out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank. 247 Taylor st., bet. 2d and 3d. ySMWsMDBg " STO-NIGHT M EN THAT ARE AILING, NER- LA VATIC Attn PTIN l yjvu mv nun DOWN COME TO ME AND RE CURED I See All My Patients THE DOCTOR Personally. THAT CURES. I hire no substitutes and have no medi cal company. FEE FOR A CURE is lower than any specialists In the city, half that others charge you and no exorbitant price for medicine. . . I 'am an expert specialist, have hart 30 years' practice In the treatment of diseases of men. My offices are the best equipped in Portland. My methods are modern and up-to-date.- My cures are quick and positive. I do not treat symp toms and patch up, I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, remove it and thus cure the disease. I Cl UK Varicose Veins, Contracted AllmenlM, Piles and Specific Blood Pol son and All Ailments of Men. tiniE Oft '0 PAY I nin the only specialist in Portland who makes no charge unless the patient Is entirely satisfifd with the results accomplished, and who srlves a written guarantee to refund every dollnr paid fop services If a complete and permanent cure Is not effected. sVIP'TVI Visit Dr. IJndsay's private 1V11-1i Museum of Anatomy and know thvself, in health snd disease. Ad mission free. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. DR. LINDSAY Office hours ft A. M. to 9 P. M.; Sun days 10 A. M. to 1 P. M, 1284 Second St., Cor. of Alder, Portland. Oregon. E. Rlnehart, of Boise, Idaho, writes: Drs. Tee and York cured my kidney and atomach trouble, from whih I had suffered 12 years, after doctoring all tha time and fretting no benefit, b fcldes apendinif thousands of dol lars. For the good of tha pub lic". I write; If you are a lick person, rail on or write Yee York Chinese Medicine CO 1X2U- Mr IHtr. n