Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 19, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Pc. States. Homo
Main 70TO A 603.1
Main 7070 A 0!S
Main 7O70 A oOM
Main 7070 A 0f5
Main T70 A 09S
VTln 7070 A Ot5
Wildings.'.'.'.".'."'. '. ". '. ' lilaln 7070 A BOSS
Cttv i.'iMj'at!oB.
Vtniflni Editor
8unda ETdl'or. .
C n m p.-a I n IE - R oo m
City El!ior
BCNOALOtV Theater tl2th and Morrison!
The miurical coir.edy, 'The Three Twins ;
tonight at 8 18.
Wahln;ton Oeorse Facetl In I"
Ceat John fjanton.'' Ti.nighl at
BAKtR THEATER iThlrd. between Tatii-
hlll and Tailor) Donald Bowles In in"
Prince Chap." Tontght at 8. IS
CRPHEIM THEATER Morrison. bw'?
Blith and Seventh) Advanced vaudeville.
Mi;lnr at 8:15. Tonight at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Washington. between
Seventh and Park) Vaudeville de lux.
1:30. 7:30 and 8 P. M.
ANTAfiES THEATER (Fourth and Starkl
Continuous vaudevilla. 2:30. 7:30 and
:30 P M.
THEATER Seventh and Alder
Athon Stock company In "The Flagship.
. Tonight at S:1V
War THEATER (Park and Washington)
Motion pWturea. 1 to 11 P. M.
MrNisTiRS MiCT Today. The Sle an
nual session of the general association or
Congregational churches antl ministers of
Oregon will meet with the church at
Eugene this afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
Rerrcsrntatlves from the First Church of
Portlantl have been selected are: Rev.
Luther R. Dyort. D. D.. pastor: Rev.
Guy K Dirk, assistant pastor; delegates.
B. P. Huntington, R. A. Sessions. George
H Hinies. Mrs. K. A. Frailer. Mrs.
Eunice YV. L.uckev. Mrs. H. S. Gilbert
and Mrs. George Broughton. An Interest
In programme has been prepared. In
addition to the minislery of the state who
have a prominent part In the exercise,
address-s will be made by Rev. Sidney
Strong. D. D.. of Seattle: Rev. H. M.
Tenney. D. D., of San Francisco, field
se-retiry of the American board for the
Pacific Ooist. and Rev. H. H. Wilton, of
San Francisco, field secretary of the Con
gregational Churcn Building Society for
the Pai-ine Coast.
which is being made in Bast Eighth
street, between Kast Morrison and Bast
Washington streets, is being completed,
but there is considerable settling of the
embankment. In the center this has
rone down from thre to five feet, but
the work 1 progressing rapidly and will
probably br completed within ten days.
East Aid: r street, between East Eighth
and Fast Seventh streets, will be the
next fill n this part of the city, and
whrn thin is done, the broken sewers for
this district may be restored. The pro
position of councilman Kubli to till Bast
Ninth trcM. between Belmont and Bast
Washington streets, has received much
en'-ourag ment and will probably In? un
dertaken. This fill Is urged for the rea
son it will dispose of stagnant pools now
covering the vacant blocks on Bast Mor
rison street. Forfeits 'Baii. Because
she failed to appear in the Municipal
Court vesterday morning. Mrs. B-?rnice
Thunsdale-. living at the Knickerbocker
Hotel. 'i Sixth street. forfeited J25
posted Sunday to answer to the charge
of lifting the lid. She had been arrested
by Patiolman Flack. The officer, dressed
In plain clothes, had learned upon the
treet that a woman was selling beer at
this hotel. Flack thereupon called upon
' Mrs. Thursdale and without formality
ucceeded In buying a bottle of beer. It
cost him SI but this price she said was
the prevailing one for Sunday beer.
Watered .Milk Brings Fink H. E.
White house, charged by Dairy and Food
Commissioner Bailey with selling watered
milk, pleaded guilty to the charge In
Justice of the Peace Bell'a court yester
day morning, and was fined $25. He be
gan to sell milk for the first time Fri
day end .was arrested the next morning.
B. J. Hands, pleaded guilty In the same
court yesterday to the charge of selling
butter without a brand, and was fined
826. The charge against him was also
filed by Commissioner Bailey.
A Class In 'sight-singing and ear-training
will meet Wednesday, at 8 P. M.
Especially Intended for the young women
desiring to study the rudiments of music
or to learn how to sing. The class for
choral study, of part songs and cantatas
meets the same evening at 8:30 o'clock.
A children's class will be organized Sat
urday, at 11 A. M . for the study of
rrthm and songs. Apply to T. W. C. A..
Seventh and Taylor. Louise Heilman,
Instructor In T. W. C. A.
Funeral of Thomas C. Hirsch Hblx.
The funeral or Thomas C. Hirsch. who
died October 15, at the family resHdence.
107 East Twenty-eighth street North, was
held yesterday afternoon from East Side
Funeral Directors' Chapel. 414 East Alder
street and the remains were cremated.
Mr. Hirsch was 60 years old. and had
bet n a resident of Portland one year.
Miss Marie Hirsch, a daughter, survives
Emerson Club to Meet. Visiting Uni
tarian women, as well as other women
Interested, are invited to the regular
meeting of the Emerson study class of
the Unitarian Women's Alliance, in the
church parlors, on Wednesday at 2:30 P.
3i. A paper on "Emerson the Poet" is
to be read by Mrs. N. J. Eevlnson. and
other topics relative to Emerson will also
be treated.
Special Services Planned. The Vol
unteers of America will hold special serv
ices at the Mission hall, at 32S Burnstde
strtet. next Tuesday and Wednesday eve
nings.' On Tuesday night Captain and
Mrs. White, of San Jose. Cal.. will con
duct the -neeting. On Wednesday night
Rev. S. G. Bettes. known as the cowboy
preacher will preside.
Flaws Found in Ring.-A. Tocjiio. a
Japanese contractor who got Into diffi
culty over failure to pay for a diamond
ring, declares he. was not arrested as was
reported, but was sued by a local jeweler
on a balance due of 850. Tochio's defense
Is the ring developed flaws and he re
fused to pay the balance on that account.
Rose Scx.iett to Meet. Tuesday night,
October 19. the Portland Rose Society will
met in tlw assembly hall of the Com
mercial Club, at 8 o'clock, to elect offi
cers and to consider ways and means to
further the objects for which the society
' was formed. All Interested in rose cul
ture are invited to be present.
Mjor darn-hart Cremated. Funeral
services for Major William H. Bamhart.
who died Friday afternoon, at the
Swedit-h Sanitarium, were held yesterday
afternoon, at the Portland Crematorium.
Rv. W. A. M. Brock officiated and Mrs.
Kathleen I-awler Belcher and Miss Grace
Kemp furnished music.
A Meeting or the Multnomah Chap
ter D. A. R. will be held at the home of
Mrs. E. A. Sommer. Oregon City. Wed
nesday, October 2rt. at 3 P. M. Take Ore
gon Citv car at Bast Morrison and Water
streets.' at 2 P. M.
Wtll FJrw.t Garage or other brick or
concrete buildlns. cor. 50x100. 14th and
Flanders: long lease. E. J. Daly, 222
Failing bid. .
Mothers to Meet. The Council of the
Oregon State Congress of Mothers will
meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock, In the
City Hall.
F. P. Young. ladies' furnishing goods.
iw location 2So Morrison St.. Corbett
bide;., between Fourth and Fifth.
"LxrrKRTS' pure gold seamless wedding
rings, all sizes; engraving free; price, 8i
to 812. t?2 Washington street.
Council Crest Amusement Park open
entire year. Attractions will be operated
subject to weather conditions.
See F. P. Touno for good kid gloves.
2f) Morrison St.. bet. Fourth and Fifth.
Ehlpherd'a Springs. Dr. W. 1. McNary,
medical d'rector; E. L 8hijherd. mgr.
Wtnkoop. the roofer, removed to 647
yirst street. Telephone Main 3633.
Assessments Ark Acceptable. Assess
ments for the Brooklyn s"wer nre general
ly satisfactory to the property owners.
It is sai-1. All were notified of the
amount of their assessments and oppor
tunity was given to make objections to
the City Auditor, but comparatively few
fuund any fault, and most of these be
cause they did not understand how the
assessments were made. Property direct
ly on the mains was assessed the highest
because there are no laterals to lay, and
those over 100 feet away are assessed for
the mains only. There are portions of
the district where the assessments are
onlv a fe dollars per lot. but in these
districts the properly owners will have
to ray for extension of the main conduits
and then lay the laterals, which subjects
them to three assessments. The average
assessment in tiie Brooklyn sewer-district
with laterals completed will be 876 per
lot. It Is estimated that by the time all
extensions have been made and laterals
laid in the district, the total cost will
foot up to $1,000,000.
Competition Leads to Blow. W. Mar
gullis. a saloonkeeper whose place of
business Is on Burnside street between
First and Second streets. arrested
yesterriav afternoon for assaulting S.
H. Goldblatt. Margullis conducts a lunch
counter in his saloon. Goldblatt rented a
place directly across the streets from
Margullis to open a lunch counter. Yes
terday Goldblatt went over to Margullis'
saloon and looked around for a few mo
ments. Before he got out Margullis spied
him and. according to Goldblatt. without
reply to his salutation smashed him in
the nose.
One Suite Left In The Oregonlan bldg.,
very desirable office rooms. Call early
at room 201.
Competent dentist wants position. A 4T3,
Vaudeville Houses Offer
New Bills
Body Will Arrive Here From Reno
This Morninjr Well Known
Throughout Northwest.
Colonel Frank V. Drake, who was Judge
Advocate-General for Oregon under tje
administrations of Governors Pennoyer
i ''' .-j
If , . i I
t - v 1 t
1 - ; I
i V-i
a .VsMWmOBaTOa f
Colonel Frank V. Drake, Well-
Known Lawyer and
Man, Dead From Pneumonia.
nonla. t
and Lord, died of pneumonia in Reno,
Nev.. Saturday night, and his remains
will arrive In Portland this morning. Ar
rangements for the funeral will not be
made until after the body arrives.
As a mining man of much experience
and as an attorney. Colonel Drake was
well known In three states, Oregon, Cali
fornia and Nevada. He was one of the
original locators of the famous Comstock
mine, near Virginia City, Nev. He was
later the owner of - the Nelson placer
mine, near Baker City, in Eastern Ore
gon, and more recently he has been In
terested In mines near Bishop, Cal.,
where he contracted the Illness that re
sulted In his death.
Colonel Drake waa a native of Belve
dere. Hi., and was nearly 67 years old
when he died. When 16 years of age he
went West to Nevada for his health, ac
companying an uncle at the time, and his
life has since been spent on this Coast.
He came to Portland In 18S2. where be
remained until about three years ago,
when he became interested In California
mines, and has been largely In that state
When Colonel Drake's body arrives
this morning It will be accompanied by
his son. Dr. J. Francis Drake, a dentist
of this city. who left for Nevada
Wednesday to be at the bedside of his
father. Another son. Frederick H. Drake,
clerk In the United State Court at Butte,
Mont., arrived yesterday morning from
the latter place. In addition to these
two sons. Colonel Drake leaves a widow
and a daughter, Virginia Drake, who is
now at home In this city with her mother.
Senator J. F. Drake, of Nevada, is a
brother to the late Colonel Drake.
Willamette Lodge, No. 2. A. F. and
A. M . claimed Colonel Drake as a mem
ber before hts death, and It Is understood
the lodge will take charge of the funeral.
The body will be taken this morning from
the train to the Holman undertaking par
After the fire The Portland Restau
rant. 305 Washington street, being
closed for a few days on account of
fire, has reopened for business. Prompt
service and quality the best.
Mrs. Cochran will continue her re
markable sacrifice sale of hair goods at
the Needlecraft until November 1.
Aune. Columbia Bids;.. Main. A 16SJ.
Seattle Party May Climb Mc-Rinley.
S BATTLE. Wa6h., Oct. 18. Steps are
being taken In this city to organize a
party of amteur mountaineers to climb
Mount McKlnley, Alaska, the tallest peak
In North America. "The ascent of Mount
McKlnley Is quite feasible, if undertaken
by a properly equipped expedition. There
must be at least five men. all experi
enced. The route of Dr. Cook Is best, by
steamer to Tyonek. on Cook Inlet, then
up the Susitna River In a power boat.
The Ice fields on Mount Ranler begin at
8000 feet, on Mount McKinley at 2000
We have more safes and vaults in
daily use than all other companies com
bined. We guarantee our safes to be
superior to all others. Portland Safe
Co.. agents for the Herrlng-Hall-Mar-vln
Safe Co.. manufacturers of the
genuine Hall's Safe Lock Co.'s safes
and vaults, 92 Tthst.
Rork Springs Coal.
The best house coal. Liberty Coal &
Ice Co.. exclusive agents. 25 North
Fourteenth street. Main 1662 A 3136.
LIKE unto a combination salad, the
bill at" the Orpheum for this week
gives us a palatable mixture of many
things. The stellar act Is that of Min-.
nle Seligman and William Brfimwell. in
their original playlet, "The Drums of
Doom." which possesses more plot and
human interest (abused but needful term)
than many long drawn-out plays. Miss
Seligman Is a consummate actress, who
makes us best realize her worth In her
emotional work. As the wife of a po
litical boss whose release from prison, or
whose execution. Is to- take place at mid
night. Miss "Seligman Is a faithful ex
ponent of her art. Mr. Bramwell wins
favor, too, in his capital and distinguished
Portrayal of the Western Judge, with un
usual power of oratory.
Despite the fact that many folk cavil
at the tabloid drama In vaudeville, say
ing it has no place In a bill that should
be all amusement, still a general consen
sus of opinion Is that these dramalets
are educational If good, and present In a
few minutes, sandwiched between acts
that .produce laughter, as much ultimate
enjoyment as the longer plays, which too
often are not as well staged or presented.
"The Drums of Doom" is above the
ordinary and well worth seeing.
Also gathering laurel leaves Is Fraeuleln
Katchen Loisset. who looks- every inch
of her name. She is a chanteuse (which
Is not a wine, although It sounds like It)
and sings herself Into the good graces of
her audience, accompanying herself on a
guitar. Flaxen-haired, with a thick braid
that looks to be all her own. of cherubic
proportions and abnormally healthy look
ing the fair Fraeuleln sings a ditty about
her pigeons in which the birds themselves
are featured prominently, flying about
through the air to return and perch on
their mistress' hands and head. Also In
troduced in the scheme of entertainment
the Fraeulein's act provides Is her huge
white bulldog. "Honey." with heavy
jowls and an almost human look of In
telligence. This canine, who preserves an
air of bored indifference. Is made to as
sume a series of types which are ludi
crous, and Include Li Hung Chang, a
sailor, a tramp, the Fraeulein's pros
pective mother-in-law- and a German stu
dent. The Misses Blandish are two slender
maidens who dress beautifully and sing.
Their act might be said to be of the
short and sweet variety.
A comedian who really comedes Is Lew
Wells, a rotund gent whose monologue Is
full of new quips and bonmots. His
saxaphone contributions are subordinate
in the act. for It is as a monologist that he
puts big, fat, long, waving feathers in
his cap. His Infectious humor and spon
taneity of manner are as refreshing in
their difference to the orthodox run of
monologues as a green oasis in a hot
desert. His song "Prunes" Is great.
The Bootblack Quartet is an exponent
of harmony and fun. These four chaps
are disguised as wielders of the blacking
brush, and Incidentally they warble. One
of their number, the pseudo-messenger
boy with a most life-like laziness, is the
best of the four in his enterprise of
amusing an audience.
Eva Mudge Is a dainty bit of temlnlnity
who answers to the name of the Military
Maid. From a particularly effective stage
setting of trees, tents and bushes this In
teresting damsel makes entrances and ex
its, and with each coming and going she
changes her costume and song. Her act
Is especially good, the changes being
made rapidly, and possessing a wide
range. The list includes a sailor. Red
Cross nurse most demure, a fluffy ruffles
edition in" red. a knight of the King's
highway and her last appearance Is "Her
self." In which she sings "I Want Some
one to Care for Me" in such an appeal
ing manner that we all wish we could
apply for the Job.
"Three Bounding Bounders" present a
remarkable series of springs and Jumps,
which border on the sensational In the
oaring and astonishing feats performed.
f ERT SWAN wrestles with a strug-
Lf gllng, maddened alligator as big
himself in a narrow glass tank as the
climax of the exceptional new bill which
opened at Pantages Theater yesterday.
He deftly holds the alligator's mouth
tight but a thrilling element is added
by the possibilities, for if Swan's hold
ahould slip, rt's not hard to foresee
there would be a real survlval-of-the-flttest
The alligator act is billed as the fea
ture, but there are other turns that
might well lay claim to that position.
There are scrral of the alligators, and
one of them Is trained to do various and
sundry weird stunts. Swan also gives an
exhibition of diving and endurance tests
in his swimming tank.
Canaiis. as a magician, appears on Inti
mate terms wlift the occult world and
many of his tricks are as new- as they
are astounding. For a neat novelty danc
ing act. one of the very best acts seen
here In a long while Is afforded by
Ramsdells. There are two sisters and
their brother, and while the brother is
not much to look at the sisters have
something of a monopoly on good looks
and all three are dancers of the first
Acrobats no longer get an engagement
unless they are good. But it is seldom
that acrobats of the cleverness of the
Lulgi Pacaro troupe are seen. In their
hand balancing they introduce several
feats that border on the impossible.
Four singers who Btyle themselves the
Still City Quartet have pleasant voices
anl render a happily chosen programme.
Yule and Simpson are satisfactory in a
mimic comedy act. In short there is
not a single second-rate act In ' the lot
and the week's offering can readily be
THE feature act at the Grand this
week Is "A. Bunch of Kids," In
which Will Rosslter presents two young
comedians and song writers. Will J.
Harris and Harry I. Robinson. There
are nine people In the personnel, and
the scene Is laid at Uncle Hiram's farm.
Here the eight youngsters and their
host make merry with a picnic In honor
of uncle's birthday, and Incidentally
the Fourth of July. The little maids
are pretty and dainty, and the act
pleases. Harry Robinson Is seen as
Algy Mllllonbucks, a lad of Bostonian
pedigree,' with an acute attack of en
larged vocabulary, while Will Harris
portrays a little East Side Yiddlsher.
Izzy Hockolowltz. and adds an Interest
ing feature by his dancing. Colin
Reed is seen as Uncle Hiram.
Vleing for honors with the kid act
are the gymnasts. Lavelle and Grant.
One of these twain (unfortunately the
bills are never labeled so one can tell
which Is whloh) Is a herculean wonder.
The Stelllngs George and Bella are
artists with aerial chapeaux. Hats, hats
and then more hats, which they non
ehalently dissect and whirl through Space.
The act Is unique and presented In an
unusual manner, not a word being spoken
by either of the performers during the
headgear stunt.
"The Pantaloon Skirt" is a farce In
which Helen Beresford. Ulric Blair Col
lins and Josephine Oairmont are fea
tured also a bifurcated garment of
checks appears in the title role. The story
Is the moth-eaten fable of the husband
who Is Instantaneously cured of a hanker
ing for a style other than that affected
by his own wife. The fair Helen appears
In the garment of dissension and hubby
is straightway horrified. The part of the
French maid is painfully exaggerated and
her voice is a cross between the shriek
of a locomotive and the fire chief's auto
Josephine - Ainalie Is a relief. She Is
.lere's a' thought
that will save you 2.
Tb,e Gordon De Luxe $4.00
MOTHERS should teach
their little ones the daily
use of some good dentifrice
and by so doing spare them
much pain and annoyance
Tooth Powder
cleanses, preserves and beau
tifies the teeth, prevents tooth
decay and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
big and wholesome and has a melodious,
well-trained voice. Her song. "Father
Brings Home Something Every Day," was
received with enthusiasm.
Al Spaulding and Leonore Dupuee are
billed as "The Strollers." After seeing
the act one can only wonder why. oh,
why they couldn't have strolled some
where else.
Fred Bauer Is in good voice this week
In his selection, "Good bye, Girlie, and
Remember Me." '
But It From 17s.
We Can Sire You Money.
Good, fast color. English gloria,
Paragon frame Sl.OO
Rustpioof English Gloria, finest
frame 81. SO
Hercules rust and wlndproof . . . -S2.00
Ladies' Directoire Umbrella S1.50 "P
Full-length, gold and pearl tape
edge, silk Gloria S3. SO
Tape-edge real silk warp Gloria $1.50
Pure silk, red and blue, Prin
cess handles $2.25
An immense line of fine ladies'
and fe-ents- $5.00 to $20.00
We Have the Largest Stock on the
Coast In Thla I. Inc.
Let I s Cover Yonr Umbrella; Make It
Good ai'New.
Glorias $1.25. $1.50. $2.00
Silk, all colors.. $2. 50. $3.00. S4.00
All goods our own manufacture.
Rustproof, wlndproof, folding, detach
able, self-opening umbrellas.
Exclusively Umbrellas.
812 Washington, Bet. 5th and 0th.
Be Sure You Get
An Optimo
For the Optimo is the best all-Havana
cigar if s possible to make.
Made by the most expert cigarmakers
from Cuba. Of the choicest, richest
Vuelta Abajo leaf, bought by our experts
in the fields.
And mellowed by our exclusive methods
that perfectly develop the rare flavor of
the'rich tobacco.
Ask for the Optimo insist on it
. Cigars
At any good store
From 3 lor ZBo up
THE HART CIGAR CO, Distributors, Portland, Oregon
Do something new and
original something that
will create enthusiasm
among your customers, and
attract them to you.
A splendid way is to write
them a personal letter at dif
ferent intervals, communi
cating some item of mutual
typewrites personal letters
faster than 200 typewriter
Exclusive Agents,
Fifth and Oak Sts.
Is Ivory a toilet or a
laundry soap?
It contains such good
materials and is so per
fectly made that there is
no better soap for .the
toilet and bath.
It is sold at such a
reasonable price that it
can be used in the laun
dryparticularly for
washing colored goods
and articles of delicate
texture; linens, laces,
embroideries and things
' of that sort.
Ivory Soap
994o Per Cent. Pure.
Why Not Be Up-to-Date
and Use a
All Pricei From $22.50 Up
We Will Take Your Old Desk In
Trade and Allow Von Its
. Full Worth.
The largest stock of office
furniture and safes In the North
west. Agents for the worlds
three largest manufacturers.
Send for catalogue. Ely - Nor-ls
Manganese Bank Safe The
Strongest In the world. '
PORTLAND, Sixth Ankeny Sts.
SEATTLE, 307-11 Third Are. S.
F. W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
Main 165
Phonen Home A H65
First and Oak
Just, arrived with a carload of horses
and marcs from the Plateau Farm, of
Hay Creek, Gilliam County. Or. These
horses are gentle, broke farm horses.
A good prospect for farmers. There are
a few mares in this lot that are in foal,
weighing from 1100 to 1S0O lbs., age
from 4 to 8 years. At 505 Albina ave.
Take L car.
FInaers roughened hy needlework
catch every stain and look hopelessly
dirty. Hand Sanalla removes not only
the dirf. but also the loosened. Injured
cuticle, and restores the lingers to their
natural beauty.
falfa and Stock Growing Section.
Rich, deep snil Irrigated. E'
pav7nent Write for booklet. IRRIGATED
LAND CO.. Crocker Bide.. San Francisco.
"THE" Route
Kansas City, St. Louis
and the East
is via x
0. R. & N.-Union Pacific-Wabash
"The Safe Road to Travel"
Leave Portland on'The Chicago
Portland Special" via Cheyenne and
"The St. Louis-Colorado Limited"
A new electric-lighted observation
train tosSt. Louis via Denver and
Kansas City. Dining Cars meals
a la carte. Service "Best in the
Electric Block Signals. Perfect Track.
For further information address
C. W. STINGER, C. T. A., O. R. & N. Co.
Third and Washington Sts., Portland, Or.
lay State Paint"
Fisher, Thorsen & Co.
"The Big Paint Store"
Jobbers and Manufacturers. Everything in Paints. .
Bell Ringers
For Large Apartments, -Small Dwellings, Elevators, Etc. ," "
Connect direct with lighting circuit. No more batteries always
reliable. 1
Western Electric Works
61 Sixth Street. Portland. Oregon. Phonei. Main 1696: A 1696
Good Results
are not slow coining if
you once start a deter
mined system of saving.
Commence nest pay day
by depositing a portion
of your pay eheqk with
this bank. We will ren
der you all the aid possible.
0 paid semi-annually.
Small check accounts
cordially invited.
Everything obtainable
in up-to-date banking.
Open 8 A. M. to 5:30
P. M. Saturdays 8 P. M.
$8.50 Per Ton
Main 1225.
Front anil Everett.
A 1225.
for Dancing, Deportment
and Physical Development
("hrUHnen' Hall can he rented, flrnt
claes afTalr only, for (ermi apply to Miv
Christensen. office at hall., corner EleventR
and Yamhill streets. Portland, Oregon.
Phonei, Main 6017. A 4680.
HlUUflUl Habit Positively
Cored. Only authorized Eeeler In
stitute In Oregon. Write for illus
trated circnlsr. Keeley Institute,
71 E. 11th JV Portland. Oregon
Special Sale
1 Desk
1 Arm Chair
1 Revolving Chair
$60, $75
Glass & Pmdhomme
A5-67 Seventh .
Goodyear Rubber Co.
ei-:t-S5-0T Fourth S Cor. Pino.
$12.00 Full Set
Teetb, (6.00.
Crowns and Bridge
work. $3.00.
lioom 405. lekum.
Open reaina 'X1U T
Of every description by
malt. Amber, brier and
meerschaum. Artificial
coloring;. cl( glrbel
Ce 82 d ik. Portland.