Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 19, 1909, Page 17, Image 17

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English Demand for Oregons
May Have Opened.
Itumors Are in Cirrulation jt I'ur-lia-os
for Korciicn Account.
KaMern Traders on the Bear
Side Wheat Is Steady.
The loea: hop trade as interested yester
1. In a numlitr of rumors of expert buy
lnc that were In circulation. The rumors
Trera not verified, but as It ! nlitn. time that
ths foraun demand should materialise. In
view of the crop statistics, tha rtorts wera
taken by lome of the dealera aa correct.
Last rear there was a little export buytnr
just after the announcement of the English
irovarr.ment a crop, figures. In October, but
tha main purchases were not made until
tha first week In November. Thla year
thera wou:d aeem to be (tood reason for an
eariXr openinr of the F.ns'.lsh market, and
aa thera la now a fairly representative line
of Oreiron samples at London. It would oc
casion no aurprlea If buylnir should be very
ahortly prosecuted with vle;or for the Eng
lish market.
The top dealers have been closely watch
ing Joan Carmlchael. t.f Salem, tha agent
of the principal English firm, and when a
report came down yesterday that bis buy
era had bought two lots In the Newberg
portion at around 2l cents. It was taken
for granted that tha export trade had
opened, though there was no confirmation
of the news. It was reported from Lafay
ette that Albert Bllllngton had old his
entlra crop to Hugh Nelson at lO-a cents
for export purpceen, and It was believed
thla may have been or.e of the lots above
referred to.
Henry L. Bents, of Aurora. Is another
export bnyer who may be operating quietly
for the London market. It was aaid he bad
secured options on two Sllverton lots, ag
gregating ITU bales, at 2 cents.
There Is very little business being done
for Eastern account. Oscar TVeldner bought
X bales from Nelson, at M'-Minnvllle. at
25H cents.
There appears to be an efTort made by
soma dealers In the East, who have evi
dently sold short, to break the Pacific Coast
market, but they are not likely to succeed.
A large California operator Is also trying
the same game with the old rejection dodge,
but he Is finding It an up-hill process.
Private cables yesterday reported the Lon
don market firm, with an upward tendency
and half the English crop sold. The As
sociated Tress' London quotation on new
Pacitlcj was Kntf l.V shillings per hundred
weight, equal to '.Tfi 32.14 cents per pound
there. ,
x1rmnra in the Country Offsets Weaker
Eastern and Foreign Advices.
So far aa Eastern and foreign advlcea wera
concerned, the wheat market wsa not In such
god shape, yesterday aa at the cloae of last
week, yat the oountry markets were atlll Arm
and a good demand from California helped
to hold prices up.
Cargoes wera easier and fully 6d lower, the
London rabie of the XJsrchama Exchange
quoting TValla Walla for shipment at 39s
to 3Sej 3d. December options at Liverpool
closed Id lower than Saturday and March,
wheat Si lower. Prices at Chicago wera off
nearly a cent. '
There Is a difference of opinion among lo
cal traders as to tha amount of wheat sold
for Eastern shipment. While soma place tha
total at close to 3.000,000 bushel, others are
unable to account for over 1.000.000 bushel.
Some of the Portland Br ma that were cred
ited with being ln the business deny baying
sold s bushel of wheat to go East. It la not
doubted, bowever, that a considerable quan
tity of wheat ha been sold to Eastern buy
era by dealers at Spokane and other Interior
Tha weekly wheat -statist of the Mer
chants' Exchange follow:
American !lbla supply
P.uhe.s. Increase.
October i i1 ;.o;.ot a.r.3.w
October . ... ..4i.4IO.ox 4.M.1.000
October 21. 1i-T 42.B1 , .2.JO
October 22 IP" 37.le.VO 04 V
October 23. lie 27.a-7.npO ..W!.0"0
October 21. lie -4 24.eOS.t--0 1.230,000
October 1, 1W-1 .1KV" 1.4S7.i0
October 2 V"1 ..2T.S;.4.t 1.1-43.100
Octcber 21. lfl 39.3v3.nOO l.lC.wo
October 22. liO OS.SIG.OOO 1,335,000
Quantities on passage
Week end. Week end. Week end.
Oct. 14. Oct. B. Oct. 17. OS.
xor Bushels. Busbels. Bu!nel.
V Kingdom. . . 12.7J-0 ll.M-).r-fl
Continent 18.32s.000 1S.70O.0O0 14.4U0.ov0
Trtae 29.040.0iO 27.-XXOro S2.OXX00O
World' shipment principal exporting coun
tries (flour Included)
Week end. Week end. Week end.
Oct. 1. Oct. a. Oct. 17. -r-S.
From Xluseis. Kuhel. Bushels.
T- ft. and Can. 4,f"W.-XJO 4. l.' 4.4SB.O0O
Arsentlna i'..i l.Sst.fO
Australia 13-i. 2-0.00O "-'R.OfO
TanubUn Pt. 472. 4H6.oi.-i 1.MO.000
Russia 1.1O4.0-") Tna.t-) 2.S40.00O
India 20.0OO 4O0.0V0
Totals ... ..13.110. o: 13.411.000 1O.8J4.0OO
Local receipts were reported by the Mer
chant" Bxchaaa-e:
Wheat Barley Flour Oat Hay
Monday l.v 21 1 14 IS
Year ago US IS 4 2.1
Total last we-k ...47 lt-O 63 3 0
Other Fruit in Light Supply and Dull ro
tators are blow.
A car of California Tokay grape was re
ceived yesterday and they sold well at $l.lo
1.25. Local Concorda and other basket grapes
wera in fair supply and moved at old price..
Other fruits were quiet. Four cars of banana
arrived and will ba put on sal this morning.
There was a fair supply of vegetable, in
cluding small shipment of sprouts and arti
choke. Northern California celery will move
In car lots next week. A few sack of new
California walnuts were received.
The potato market continue a dull affair,
so far as the shipping demand Is concerned.
Buyer are offering cent In the coun
' Proline Potato Growing; in England.
Consul Frank W. -tahln state that, accord
ing to a Nottingham newspaper, an English
iH'tato-grow lrg contest In lerbyshire ha re
sulted la a yield of 229 pounds from 1 pound
if seed, cut Inlo SO sets. There were 53
competitors. The second In rank raised
pounuo from 1 pound. Tha avenge for the
whole 63 compeiitur was 100. pounds. Last
year. In the same locality, what wu called
world' record" was estabiUhed when 2"4
pounds of potatoes came from a pound of
seed 25 poun-ls less than this year's yield.
The competition are held under the auspice
of a garden association, whose object is to
promote and improve tha production of vege
table. a Bank Clearings.
Hank clearings of the Northwestern cltlts
yesterday were as follows:
Ci"arings. Balances.
Portlend IM.83
Scatt; 2..-.4l.;.t'4 L'ii7.0.-
Taioma 1 1..1.447 r.!.4S6
Spokane 1. t:'.U.I'44 !5.0o7
.Kegs are- One Cent Higher.
Tl"a continued evarcity if ranch eggs and
tha Improved demand hae sent the market
up another cent. 35 cent being quoted yester
day on strictly free-h stock.
There was not much poultry on hand, ine
Inquiry was light and price were unchanged.
Butt-r and cheese were firm at the old quo
Grain. Flour. Feed. F.te.
irupiTjnrk nritpj: Bluesleiil. J!fil."2;
club. l2--: red Kuasian. 9-c; Valley, 82c; Fife.
lc: Turkey red. lc: 4"-roia. hoc.
FLOCK Patents, 3 10 per barrel:
straight. 14.33: clears. M 3.".: exports. 3.0;
Valley. 4.00; graham. wnoio w ne-n.
quart, rs. 1 4 90.
BARLEY Feed. 26.5C27: brewing, -T-3
27 Tj tr ton.
i,TS No 1 white. 2Sfl2R!H) per toa.
.......i- M.m.-Ui t.lfi ner ton.
I tilt . - . - -. - - - .
MlIliTl"KF3 New crop bran. 56 per
ton: middlings ::2; short. a7.50: rolled
b".r.":-. ... vr,M. .11
IT oer t-n: Esstern Oregon, Jlft'tfl!:
airsita. -
grain hay. I144J15.
IHilry and Country FTodura.
BUTTER City creamerj. extras. 3:
fancy outside creamer j, per
pounn: store. 22'4i24c. (Butter fat prices
averaka IVjo per pound under regular but
ter prices ) '
Eci,;s Oregon. 34i3.c per dozen; Last
arn. at-'c-lc pir doxen.
POlbTKY Hn-.. 14fl4'c; Springs.
Tic- roomers. HflllV: .lucks. l'tfl6Y;
geese. lOc; turkeys. 16J 17c. squabs. l.u
t? 2 per doxen. , a
CHKESi. Full cream twirs. 17-41? 18c per
pound: young Americas. lSV'Srllc
PORK Fancy. 8c per pound.
VEAL Extra, lom 11c per pound.
Vegetable and Fruits.
FRESH FRCITS Apples. 1.00jj2.00 per
crate. 10l2Wc per basket: easaba. tl.i-lrl .V)
per dozen; quinces. V'
rle. JlwiH.Co per biirre;; huckleberries, loc
per pund.
PUTATOES Buying prices; Or-gorw i.0 V
6Sc l,er sack: sweet potatoes. 2c per l-Mn-1.
TROPICAL fKllTS Valencia. 3.iu.
i&..riul. choice. X.VuO:
lemons, i.-i--. iuh-w.. - -
grapefruit. ,3.i0j 4 per box : bananas. 5 it 'AO
per pound: pom-granni--.. i .jrv - -j
SACK VKHETAULES Turnips. i5cfl
per rack: carrots. 1: beets. 1.25; ruta
bagas. Jl 25 per sock.
ONIONS New. S1.23 per sack.
VKfjETXBLfclS Artichokes, hociel Por
doxrn: alib:ige. l'.l'c per pound; cuull
llower SfKiitl per dozen; celery, .rjy mc
per dozen; corn. Sib 125 per sack; egg
plant, fl 23 per box; garlic. lOc P-r poutul:
horseradish. Ull per dozen: peppers
Be per pound; pumpkins, llfec; ra-llsl-es.
l."c per dozen: sprouts 8 u !c per pound;
squash. lfrtflc; tomatoes. 50$ HOC.
Groceries. Irrted Frnlts. Et.
ERIEU FKUlf Apples. c per pound:
Beaches. 7teac: prunes, Italians, &)4 9
c; prunes. French. 4tSc; currant, un
washed, casea. Vmc; currants. washed,
case. 10c; figs, white fancy, 60-lb. boxes,
tS,c; dates, ISHic
SALMON Columbia Klver, 1-pound tails,
$2 per doxen: li-pound talis. S2.WI; 1-pound
nals. S2.10V; Alaska pink. 1-pound talia.
0c; red, 1-pound tails, SL45; aocke?aa.
1-pound tails. 2.
COFFEE Mocha. 24 e 28c: Java, ordinary.
17tf2uc; Ccsta Rica, fancy. 18020c; good,
16Ul.Sc; ordinary. 12H&ltic per pound.
NUTS Walnuts 14'(j lV- per pound: Brazil
nuts.. 13 & 14c: tllberts. 16c; almonds. 16c;
chestnuts, Italian. 11c; peanuta. raw. SSio;
pliK:nuls, lviil-c; hickory nuts. 10c; cocoa
nuts. SI. 10 per dozen.
BEANS Small whlta. 7'4e; larg whits,
tSkc; Lima, 5ic; bayou. 614e; red kldnay,
4Wc: pink. 4 V c
SUGAR (Jranulated. J6.05: extra C. $6 55;
golden C. 5.4a; fruit and berry augar,
S0i; beet, 5.5; clibea (barreli. 6.60;
powdered (barreO. 16.30. T-arms. on re
mittances within IS days, tieduct 14c per
pound: If later than 15 days and within
SO days, deduct He per pound. Maple
sugar. 15 18c per pound.
SALT Granulated. 113 per ton. fl.Sd per
bale; half ground. 100s, 7.50 psi ton; 60s,
$3 per ton.
HONEY Choice. 33 2."g8!iO t,er case.
But Millers Show No Disposition to
Restore the Old Rates Wheat
Is Less Active. .
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. IS. (Special.)
Wheat was not as firm hera today, dua to
a subsidence of the demand from Cali
fornia and from the milling trade and $1.0J
waa the top quotation on No. 1 milling
bluestem. with sales also made at 11.02.
No true has been 'reached In the flour
war. Th-e demand for flour la not aa brisk,
aa most Jobbers and retailers are now heavily
Oats are steady. Hay receipts were heavy,
owing to shipments now arriving on Gov
ernment contract.
. With i50O packages of grapes In today,
the market waa weak. Concords sold oft to
10 cents.
Thera seams to ba no bottom to the po
tato market. Taklmas have dropped to 1.
Ranchers are now burying stock In the
White River Valley, rather, than ship at
going prices.
Eggs wra scarce at 46 cents. More or
ders for turkeys were placed In Oregon
today for arrival the last of the week.
Hens and springs were In light supply and
cleaned up.
Price Paid for Produce in the Bnj City
. x- rmvcism Oct. 1. The follow
ing prices wera quoted in tha produce mar-
've'geVab'les Cucumbers. 40 63c: atrlng
beans 4ijc; tomatoes. 23(i.ic; garlic. 4
5c; green peas. 3fe6c; egjjplant. 407sc;
kMi'llsiurfsBran. 128 BOS Jo; middling
S30 3o if 37.50.
Butter Fancv creamery, 34c; creamery
seconds, smc; fancy dairy, 27 He.
Poultry Roosters, old. 14 a 5; young.
IC 50a ; brolk.-rs. small. St150: large, 44
3; fryers. 3-; hens, tOfclo; duck,
old. $43; young. 16C8.
Ecu Store. 47c; lanry ranch. 5.HC
1-I,eese New. lOCltK:; young Americas.
""Say Wheat. $ir21e: wheat and oats.
tl417: alfalfa. TSitfK: stock, 7j 10; bar
ley X10fel2: straw, per bale. 30'u-Oc
Fruits Apples, choice i1.? i';20J c.0J!k"
mon 4f7.'.c; bananai-. 7.-cj$3: limes. o
8.50; lemons, choice. $3.30&4. common, yiit
3; pineapples. J2.23 jj 3
Hops 1SH25C per pound.
Wool pouth Plains and San Joaquin.
8$ 10c: Spring Humboldt and Mendocino.
13 wise , ,
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. $1.00 1.10,
Salinas Burbanks. fl.2a4il.4v; sweets. fl.2a
tj 150.
Receipts Flour, 447S quarter sacks;
wheat. 70 centals; barley, 675 centals: oats.
112". centals; beans. 11,131 sacks; corn, J10
centals; potatoes, 241-2 sacksi bran. 1-1-4
sacks; middlings. TV sacks; hay. 121-4 tons;
wool, litis bales; hides. S.25.
Dried Fruits at New York.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18. Evaporated apples,
steadv; prime fruit for November deliv
ery, tic: fanry. l-nitjllc: choice, 0y'jc;
common to lair, OSWS'uC.
Spot prunes, scarce and firm: California,
2li-u7c; Oregon, Oto Wc.
Apritots. Arm. choice. llOH'ic: extra
choice, lliiftimc: fancy. 12jl2Vic.
Peaches, strong: choice. SVi'TiVic; extra
choice 0?it0c; fancy. 04rl)c.
Kntsins ore unchanged; loose muscatel. 3
tjf4Sc: choice to fancy seeded, 4etiltf;
seorllcss. S'iSSic; London layers. 51201)
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Oct. IK Coffee futures
closed steady, net unchanged to flvo points
higher. Saks. 24.7."-0 bas. Including Oc
toter. e.lHic; November. o0."c: Decvmber,
Aloe; March. 6.25c: May. .20f0 30c: July.
0 33c; September. O-ooa 0.4oc. Spot, steady;
No. 7 Rio. SSc nominal; No. 4 Santos, 8
&Nc. Mild, quiet: Cordova ti;llc.
i;:Ilrnr Raw. .steady; fair iTtlnlng. 3.77c;
centrifugal itl test, 4.27c, molasses auirar,
3.32c. Refined, sle-juv; crushfil. i. 8jc; pow
dered. S.'jr-c; granulated, o. 13c.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. IS. Cotton futures
closed barely steady. October, 13.57c; No
vember, l3.iSc; December, 13.(J4c; January,
lit. 71c; February. 13.73c: March and April,
130c; May. 13 84c: Julie, 13.7Sc; July.
Hi. 77c: August. 13.44c; September. 12.37c.
Spot cotton closed quiet; mid-uplands,
IS. Me; mid-gulf. 14.20C; sales. 7100 bales.
Flax Seed at Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 18. Flax, 1.67i.
Frequent Fluctuations in the
Stock fvjarket. .
Operations in Hawley Securities Are
a Feature of the Trading, but
the General List Does
Xot Respond.
vpiv vom.' n.-- 1 k The freouent fluc
tuations In the price of stocks today gave
the marRet-an appearance or gn-ai iocguii
lty and feverishness. The high opening price
nt ih inflow at outside buvlD orders which
accompanied them afforded an Inviting oppor
tunity to sell stocks arm ini was urn u-
vantage of.
r-t, ,-.,- 11.- , ,A..w nr the rfttv the mar
ket underwent many vicissitude. The con
spicuous place taken by the stocks associated
with the as me of Hawley and the compara
tive irresponslvene or tne general ni 10
these movements was one ground of suspicion
which caused free selling of the general list.
T1 . ,wA UlMn-pl Kaiujs &
Texas deal last week wa the ostensible
ground for the concentrated movement In the
Hawley group and the attention u an.ra.cieu
n An,n,a.i.i hv iha sunnosttton that o Dera
tions in the Interborouah Metropolitan stocks
aero from the same eotirce.
The profeealonal element deduced an infer-
' . I .rnti..r. In the loan
crowd. In which United State Steel figured
as collateral, mat mere nm un-- ......
liquidation going on In that security which
1. traA mi.hi nmm from Informed In
side sources. Hence the free selling of that
stock which followed and wnlcn causca a ue
cllne of almost 3 points. This movement
carried with It t'alon Pacific. Reading, St.
Paul and tha etocka which have been most
affected In sympathy with tha prolonged risa
in United State Steel.
Tha securities connected with the copper
Industry were a strong factor In the early
market. Tnls strength w accompanied by
i , v. . . 1 . Af the metal In London and
by a rumor from Paris of the projected forma
tion of a syndicate ot American vujiim
eets which would exercise a closer control ot
the production and price of that metal. A
later reaction In the London copper market
and report from the domestic trade of de
clining consumptive demaads. In faca of tha
record rate of production, left those securities
vulnerable to the reactionary Tendency of the
whole market.
The tone of the money market waa easier,
following the strong bank statement of Sat
urday. Money loaned on call at below 4 per
cent for the first time In two week. Foreign
exchange rates were atrong.
Considering the wide price fluctuation dur
ing the day, final .changes In stock are sur
prisingly small.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sale, par
value. f3.513,0O0. United State bonds were
unchanged on call.
Sales. High. I.ow. Bid
AIIls Chalmers pf' 2.20O Wis 62 . j-JJ4
Amal Copper .... 77,loo M .IJ
Am Agricultural .. 4oo 4ii, 46 s 48
Am Bet Hugar .. W 4 4iMi 4. 4
Am Can pf 2u0 k2 bl "J.
Am Car ec Foun. S,4ts 1., Khi
Am Cotton Oil .. 7,500 --in
Am Hd & Lt pf.. .00 4-V
Am lie Securl fJ
Am I.inseed Oil .. 3K) 1-H 1- 1
Am Locomotive .. t4 0o W bo
Am Smelt A Ref. 20.200 !. 1H
do preferred ... i-.-O 112- 112 11;
Am sugar. Ref... 8oo I80J, IJt'Hi W
Am Tel & Tel.... 1,300 142V, 141. 142
Am Tobacco pf .. JoO HjoV.
Am Woolen 3 3. M
iSf M:n..Co: i?;J S
Att0 iC'.::: ?;
Bait & Ohio 1,100 117 110H 110
do preferred "J
Bethlehem Sleel S
Brook Rap Trart.. 7.6-'0 78 .84
Canadian Paclnc
Central Leather .. 17.1XO 4 47k 4b
do preferred i,?
Central of N J sl ',
Che & Ohio .... 29.600 4
Chicago Alton .. 4.600 70)s tW 1 t.j4
SS Vw!:- 4:300 i" 1
C, M St Paul.. 22,3.10 lolV. l-9 W lo-)
C. C. C i St L... . 77 .1 ....
Colo Fuel & Iron. MK) 4S 43 44
Colo Southern .. 2--0 53 W o-ia
do 1st I-ref. rre-I y
do 2.1 preferred ;-.:: .11;
Consolidated Gas.. 70O 144 142 J, 14.1
Corn Products ... l."0 22 Vt -
Del & Hudson 0 If" (4 ISi IWl
DR Grande... .-.) 41.-, 48J- .
do preferred ... 7-0 Ktl JVt
Distillers' Securl .. 2-) 3H li
Krlo 8.7X 33 34'i 34-Si
'do 1st preferred. 8.80O 401, 40
do 2d preferred
General Electrlo .6.-0 ltM 104 1041
Northern ptT. 3.3.KI 1W4 14H lt
Gt Northern Ore 4. 2,2-0 M , . ,?o
Iilii. in.r.l . 4",0 131 '.4 l.l0'. 150
Interborourn Met.. 60.400 18-, 1H JSJ4
do preferrea ... 00, i.-v 1
Inter Harvester ..... '
lnter-Marioe pf . . 700 23, 23 23H
Int Paper l'J4
"centraV:::: -7o0 "jo" 30
K C Southern ... 1,800 !4
do preferred ... 2"0 71 U .1
I.ouliile Nash J .000 1V' 1M
Minn & St 'Louis. 1.4--0 30 5314 64",
M St&SSM. 1.1"-' 141'4 138 IJWi
Missouri Pacific .. I.80O !'j J tli
Mo. Kan & Texa 88,C) Boo 4U-j,
do preferred ... l.MO .8'.i ;7Va 'M
Xattonal Biscuit .. 2 H
National Lead ... 1,4W S(-i 8S 88 J,
TKl.ffwW 137; iiiii 13
X Y. Ont A West. tX-0 48' 4,' 4.
Norfolk WW... 1.400 lli Mi 8fl
North American .. 'K 7!U 7"i -fl
Northern Pacific .. 3.400 152 151?d 152
pacific Mall 3-4
Pennsylvania U.XX 14R4 47t4 147
Peopla-s Gas 1.000 115 116V4 IIjH
P. C C ft St I -'lr
Pressed Steel Car. 1.300 49 48 48V
Ry Pteel Spring.. 90 471 47 4.
Hearting .......... 93.800 M5H 162'a 163i
Republic Steel ... 2.100 47 4B 4
do preferred ... 3o0 lWr, 105S 10o-
Rock Inland Co.. 23.100 41 39 4(1
do preferred ... 6.B-1O Ttl 78H .
St L & S F 2 pf. 1.0'X) 58 5 581J
St L Southwestern 2.900 St 30 30-4
do preferred
Southern Pacific'!! iV.ioo isoTd 128T 129i,
Southern Railway. 5.2-0 31V, 30'-i 31
. .... .. uii T UtilA
U(i preierreu ... w
Tenn Copper 5
Texas A Pacific. 3.20 3li5, S.ii ob
Tol. St L & West. 2.900 64 52'n 53
do preferred ... 2.700 71 09 .0
Union Pacific 103.40H 20614 2"34 204 H
do preferred ... 5.-0 104 1 03 . 104
V S Realty S.O M 83 82 Vi
V S Rubber 60O 49 49 49
U S Steel 259.110 93 90 U 91V4
do preferred ... 2.800 128 127 12RH
I'tah Copper .... 8.-0 481, 48 . 48
Va-Caro Chemical. 700 47', 47t 4B
Wabash 2.3l 20 '4, 1U 19v
d.. preferred ... 1.700 50 49 49's
Western Ml 2."-,
WMInihoiOT Blec 5O0 86H 884 84
Weetern Union 400 78 774 77 '4
Wheel L Erie 9
Wisconsin Central. 100 52'4, 5214 52
Total sales for the day. '1,051,100 hare.
NEW YORK. Oct. IS. Closing quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.100iN Y C G 8s.. fll'4
do coupon 100 North Pacific 3s. 72
TJ s 3s reg IOI !- North Pacific 4s.l024
do coupon. .. .101 'ilUnlon Pacific 4s. 102
TJ s new 4a reg.HO'-j Viscon Cent 4s. 94 54
do coupon. .. . 1 1 7 Mi I Japanese 4s 86
D & R G 3Vt. 81 HI
Money. Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK, Oct. 18. Prime mercantile
paper, 5ir5i Pr cent.
Sterling exchange strong with actual busi
ness in hankers' bills at f4.S34 8310 for
e-dav bills and at t4.8R4K for demand.
Commercial bills, f 4. 824.82"4.
Far silver, 50 c.
Mexican dollars. 43c.
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds.
. , .. nn nail A-m IS.'. OtlAlt nAI rlllt' 1111-
Ing rate, 4 per cent; closing bid, 8 per
cent: offered at 3 per cent.
CTi 1 .. .. n I - . . AO l.i , A Al Tier
1 iiue n'oi.i . ...... , . ub j , w ,
4 Per cent.
LONDON. Oct. 18. Bar silver. 23Hd per
Monev. 2Ufi2 per cent.
' The rate or discount in the open market
for short bills is 3 per cent; for three
months' bills. 3T4 per cent.
. . . n . .--TE-r-'". n.i ifi .merlins, on
a. r -i ' 1 - v ' ' r . . . ' ' "
London. 00 days. f4.83i: sight, fi.86.
MlVSr Darn, .io's
Mexican dollars. 43c.
Draft, sight, 2S4c telegraph. 5c.
BERLIN, Oct. IS. Exchange on London,
20 marks 44 pfennings for checks. Money,
4 per cent. Private discount; 3 per cent.
Stocks at London.
LONDON. Oct. 18. Consols for money,
K2 9-1I1: do for account, S2 11-lti.
a ma t foTioer... Ms Mo K & T
.-o -i
, 7.-.
. 51
Anaconda 1 N. Y Central.
Atchison latilAonum vei.
do pf 107 I do pf
Bait at Ohio !20!Ont & Western.
Can Pacific 191 H ; Pennsylvania ..
I'hea Ohio 92 Rand Mines
thl Grt West... 14'Reading
I'. M. S. P l.V-H ;Southern Ry...
De Bers 19 do pr
I r G 49'South Pacific...
do pf 88 (Union Pacific.
Erie :'." do pf..
do 1st pf SO U. S. Steel
do 2d pf 42 do pr
Grand Trunk... 22 Wabash
111 Central J o I ao pr
L & N 3S'4Spanish 4s
Dally Treamnry Statement.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. The Condition of
the Treasury at the beginning of business
today was as follows:
GoTdcoln""0 t872.7,0.869
SiMver SoWr... 4S!'"'S
Stiver lollars-bf 1SS0 4 CM -")
Silver certiHcates outstanding.... 486.I-S3.000
General fund
Standard silver dollars In gen-
. eral fund ,?'2?:'"?
Current liabilities 10o,,3..S07
Working balance in treasury oi- ....
flees :7,927.12
In banks to the credit of th
Treasurer of the United States 3.lJo.S0B
Subsidiary silver coin ia.423.43S
Minor coin li'x H
Total balance In general fund... 90,039, 76S
Every Attempt Made by the Chicago
Bulls to Iiift Values Meets
With Failure.
CHICAGO. Oct. IS. Wheat prices suc
cumbed today to the colossal world's ship
ments. Bullish speculators crowded the
market up, advancing December am
May ? c, but wre not able to hold lt at
the top. the near month dropping to '4o
below and the more distant futures falling
c under Saturday's close.. The bearish sen
timent which counteracted a temporary ad
vance was largely due to tha. spectacular
world's shipments, which broke the record
at 15,104.000 bushels compared with 11,712,
000 bushels a year ao. Lower foreign
cables reflected the Immense movement and
heavy domestic receipts In both the North
west and Southwest added their quota to
the bearish trend. Most of tha bullish work
was In May, with occasional excursions Into
December, which, however, closed at the
low point of the dav
Light receipts, large cash sales and
scarcity of old 'corn offerings gave an up
ward trend to corn, December closing
c higher than Saturday.
Oats responded to conditions in the corn
pit. December closed firm at an advance
of c with more distant futures unchanged.
Lower prices of rive hogs governed the
provisions market. Closing prices for Jan
uary products ranged from 7 'Ac lower for
pork to 5c lower for lard and ribs.
Open. High. I.ow. Close
Dee 1.0.i 1.064 $1.05 1.0o
May l-0 1.07 1.05 1.0b
July 99 .99-4 -99 -99V4
Oct SO
.60 .60
.5S .r.9
Ieo a" "
... in, .6lT4
.611 .lil
July'.'. - so'4 -60
Dec 39 .40 .39
Oct" :3:S
Jan'. 18.30 18.40 18.30 18.30
r,. lz.'.-o n.u
Nov! It. 75 11. SO 11.75
Jan 10.90 10.97 l"-0
0c, 1115
Jon.'.'.'.'.'. .67 9.67 6Z4 9.62
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 241.000 bushels. Primary receipt
were 3 302.000 bushels, compared with 1,....
000 bushels the corresponding day a year
ago. The visible supply of wheat In the
United States decreased 2.55S.000 bushels
for the week. The amount of breadstuff on
ocean passage decreased. 600.000 bushels Es
timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
cars: corn. 225 cars; oats,. 269 cars; hogs,
12.000 l-3.o Receipt,. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 2..10U
ivht bushels 21-7.600 -Il.SOO
Corn, bushels
Oats, bushels 2S X
yarier'b'ushels!:!:::!!l!700 11.260;
Grain and Produce at w York.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18. Flour Receipts.
37-78 barrels. Exports. 21.134 barrels; mar
ket firm with a moderate trade. Minnesota
patents. 5 30 K 5.60.': Winter straights B 20
5 4KC- Minnesota bakers. 4.0O4t 4 l8"c ; ir.ter
extras. 4.4O4.-J0c; Winter patents s.i.ofi)
5 75c: Winter low grades, 4.30S4. 80c; Kan
sas straights. 4.U.".& 3 i
When Receipts. 333.3O0 bushels; exports.
T"7 31S bushels; spot market essy. No. 2 rod.
SI "2. nominal domestic elevotor and nom
inal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth.
1.15. nominal f. o. b afloat; No. 2 hard
Winter fl.22. nominal f o. b. afloat. In
re-pons-! to bearish statistics and weak ca
bles wheat had a lower opening today, but
recovered on strong commission-house buy
ing of May and the Jump in corn. Later
the market fell oft again on the visible sup
ply Increase and a poor export demand, clos
ing jic net lower. December closed
1.12; May 1.12.
Hops and petroleum Steady.
Hides and wool Firm.
Grain at San Franeisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. IS Wheat and
barley Arm.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping, f 1.72 1.80; milling.
J Barley Feed, 11.4091.42; brewing,
,lOa'ts Red. 1.65 l.i-V white, $1.57
12: black. 2.402.75 asked.
Call-board sales:
Wheat No trading.
Barley May, fl.47 bid. $1.4S asked.
Corn Large yellow, f 1.706 1.75.
European Grain Market..
LONDON, Oct. JS. Cargoes, easier, Walla
Walla for shipment. 39s to 39s 3d. F.ngilsh
country markets, 6d to is dearer. French
country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL; Oct. 18. Wheat December.
7s Bd; March. 7s 8d; May, 7s 7d.
Weather, cloudy.
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18. The visible supply
of groin In the "United States Saturday. Oc
tober 10. as compiled by the New York Pro
duce Exchange, was as follows:
Bushls. Increase.
forn - 3.24:1, 578 POO
Outs " 13 380.90O 70.000
n" ..; 6117. 00O 54.000
Barley"! 3.977,000 370,000
Grain Markets of the Northwest.
LEW1STON. Idaho, Oct. 18. (Special.)
Wheat Bluestem, 82c; 40-fold, 77c; club,
75c; Turkey red, 75c; red .Russian, 73c.
Oats $1.05.
Barley Feed, ft.
TACOMA. Oct. 18 Wheat Bluestem.
fl.OB; club. 94c; red Russian. 92.
SEATTLE, Oct. 18. No milling quota
tions. Wheat Export, bluestem, 9Sc; club, 89c;
Russian, 87c.
Receipts Wheat, 23 cars; oats. 4 cars;
barley, 4 cars.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 18. Wool Firmer: terri
tory and Western mediums. 24(c29c: line
mediums, 23g2c; fine. 14 20c.
Hops at London. t
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 18. Hops in London,
Pacific Coast, 6 GsSf7 10s.
Fancy Lot Moves at Stock
yards at $4.75.
Brought In by Kidwell & tonergitn,
or Baker City Hogs Again at
8 -Cent Mark Monthly
Stock Report.
Kidwell 4 Lonergan. shippers of Baker
City, deserve the credit for shipping In the
best lot Of steers seen here in a long time
and have the added satisfaction of receiv
ing the highest price paid for that class of
stock in many months. Forty-four steers
that they brought In, averaging 1410 pounds
In weight, were sold at the stockyards yes
terday at f4.7.V
The cattle market all around showed more
strength than usual, cows selling up to
$3.50. The arrival were heavier than they
have been recently, the quality was better
than the average and the demand for the
best stock was strong.
A- lot of. 148 fancy hogs was moved at 18.
the first that have sold at that price for
some time past.
Sheep held their own with no change in
the general range of quotations:
The receipts over Sunday were 617 cat
tle, 6 calves; 231 hogs and 20 horses.
Shippers at the yards yesterday Included
B. Clabourne, of Hansen, Idaho, with one
car of hogs; Kidwell & Lonergan, of Baker
City, nine cars of cattle; J. H. Thlrman. of
Shanlko. 11 cars o cattle; Umatilla Ranch
Company, of Echor two cars of cattle; W.
H. Harris, of The Dalles, one car of cattle:
William Kurtx. of The Dalles, two cars ot
hogs; B. A. McCause, of Pomeroy, Wash.,
one car of horses, and J. J. McCause, of the
same place with a car ot horses.
The day s sales were:
Av.Lbs. Price.
227 J8.00
12tl 3.S".
1410 4.73
1030 3.30
into 2.00
r,n 3.00
10HH 3.2.1
.... S7.-i 3.50
14S hogs
57 sheep
44 steer
12 cows
1 cow .
8 cows
0 cows
2 cows .
10 hogs
: !.-. 7.00
Prices oiiote'd ' at' ' tlie" "yards yesterday
were as follows:
CATTLE Steers, top quality, $4-0
4 73- fair to good. fJlM.iS: common. $3.50W
cows. top. f3.23-S3.50; lair t? rood.
S5i3.10; common to medium. $2.oO i.T-.
calves, top. $3 ra 5.23 ; heavy. $3.504; bulls,
$26 2.2.1; stags, $2.503.60.
HOGS 'Bent, 8; fair to good. V-09
7 75- Mockers. $C,(tt7; China fats. 7.50&S.
SHEEP Top wethers, 4.25; fair to good.
$3 756 4; ewes. 1. cent less on all gradea:
vearllngs. brst. $44114.25; fair to good, f.J.oO
(83.73; Spring lambs, f.ilgj.oO.
Lively Monthly Report.
General Agent D. O. Lively, of the Port
land Union Stockyards, has Issued a re
port, on the first month's operations at the
new yards lt follows:
The Portland Union Stockyards have been
fn business a month today. business has
grown and shippers realize that they now
have a market for all the caule. sheep and
hogs thTy ,,-nn produce. There are n ne
commission' Arms doing business at the
acat'tle Receipts for the 30 days were 562T
he:vd. The market has shown tone ana
strength throughout, with the demand for
toppv fatted cattle active and snappy. Thin
stuff" has fcund ready sale but shippers will
be making money for themselves it thej
will flr.lsS their cattle better The market
for gocd steers in around $4.40. 1-air to
good $4 00 to $4.2.--: medium or feeders, $3
to $3.50; strictly good cows. $3.60; medium
and common. Irom 2.50 to 3 00; bulls, from
$ 00 to $2.00. There is a strong demand for
lbrht calves weighing under 200 pounds,
with a ready sale at $5.00 to $5.50. Medium.
4'sh6ep-iRec'eipts for the 30 days were
15 839 head. Market, steady and active.
There has been some business done In feeder
sheep and there is a good chance for money
making in this line. Fat sheep and lambs,
are Bcarce and In high demand. Quotations
at this time are: Hest ewes. 4 to $4.-.-,
fair to good, from $3 50 to $3.7..; wethers,
t.4.25 to $4.50; fair to good, $3.. a to 4;
lambs, from $3 to S.50. ... ,,
Hgs The feature o the market has been
hoes.' The receipts for the 30 days were
8554 head. Four times that many were
wanted. In the last two weeks Sound pack
ers bought 40 loads on this market and the
rest went to local buyers. Competition has
been strong. There Is a big chance for &
hog stocker and feed business. This market
must have more fat hogs and the farmer who
do-s not contribute to that demand is over
looking good money. Prices have ranged
aroung $8 for tops. Thin hogs have sold as
low as $3. Eastern markets are showing a
lower tendency.
Owing; to Poor Range Prospects Growers
Will Thin Out Their lruve.
WALLA WALLA. WaSh.. Oct. 18. (Spe
cial ) Indications are that the local live
stock market will be flooded with cattle
and sheep within the next few weeks, ac
cording to reports brought from the winter
range, which are to the effect that owing
to the poor Winter range which is prom
ised this year, hay will have to be fed
during the most severe weather. As hay
is sefling for a higher price than ever be
fore in the history of this section, many
otockraleers will thin out their sheep arftl
cattle. ,
Stockraisers say the Summer range could
not have been better and that all stock Is
in first-class condition. The grass In tha
mountains was unusually good this year.
The limitations placed upefn the number ot
animals allowed to graze on the National
reserves by the Forest Service prevented
the range being eaten off.
Reports brought to this city are that
very little rain has fallen on the lowlands
and foothills, where the stock Is now being
driven for the winter.
Eastern Livestock Market.
CHICAGO, Oct. 18. Cattle Receipts, es
timated at 13.000; market. 5c lower. Beeves,
46 8.70; Texas steers, $43; Western steers,
$4 "5Sf 7 40- stockers and feeders, f 3.109
5.20; cows and heifers, $23.U0; calves, 17(1
" Hogs Receipts, estimated at 28.000: mnr
ket. slow. Light. $7i7..".; mixed. $7.25iyi
1.80- heavv, 7.137.S5; rough. $7.15 J. 7.3j ;
good to choice heavy. $7.35(q.7.S5; pigs, Ij W
(0 7; bulk of sales, $7.40C7.73.
Sheep rieceipis, fsuniaieu in
ket. weak to 10c lower. Native, $2.4040
470- Western, $2.U04.73: yearlings. $4.40o
5..'!5: lambs, native, $4.25167.10; Western,
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. 18. Cattle Re
ceipts K3.00O; market, IOC lower. Native
ticers. $4.2.(,8.&0; native cows and heifers,
$2So03.25; stockers and feeders. $:).2."i(tf
6 50; bulls, $2,7544; calves. $3.504i8: West
ern steers, 3.73(S:o.50; Western cows, f2.u
Hi 4.23.
Hogs Receipts, 10.000: market. 101S1..0
loner. Hulk of sales. $7.20(S'7.50; heavy.
$7.23 7 00; packers and butchers, $7.25tl
75.-: lignt. $7W7.45; pii;s, $58.30.
Sheep Receipts. 15.0OO: market, loc low
er. Muttons. $404.75: lambs, $3.S0-S17; range
wethers and yearlings, fl(&i5.2.; range ewes,
3 0 4.25.
0MAHA. Oct. IS. Cattle Receipt. 9300;
market, steady. Native. $4.7."!j8; cow and
heirers. f.Vno; Western steers. $3.50WS.25: can
neris, $2,054(3.25; stockers and feeders. $2. ..--9
5.25; calves. $3.75&6.75; bulls, stags, etc.,
'"HogsRecelpt. 2500, market 10c lower.
Heavy. $7.87 V:6 7.45: mixed, $ light,
$7.2387.40; pigs, $ti.50gi; bulk of eulea, $..35
Sheep Receipts, 29.000: market steady to
lower. Yearlings. $4.70(65.30; wethers. $3.90B
6.50; ewes. $3.754.25; lambs, $o.25&.SO.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. IS The mi-ket for
standard copper on the New lork Metal
Exchange was dull today, with no sales
reported. All positions closed at ll.-A 31
12.00c. The London 'was easy; sr.ot,
57 15s; futures. 53 15s Sties there in
cluded 700 tons spot and 1400 tons futures.
Locally, lake copper was quoted at 1.4.00i
13.25c: electrolytic. 12 00 to 12.8uC : casting.
Tln was "firm but quiet; spot or.d October,
.10.37 fi 30.73c; November 30 4u :.0.6. ;4c:
December and January. 30.7..(fj) .0 S.ic 1 ha
London market was easy: spot. !. .9 bd;
futures, 140 13s.
Lead quiet, but a shade higher; spo,,
4S-4.30 New York and 4 25 U 4 30 East St.
'Louis. The London market was a shade
lower at 13 5s. , , ,
Spelter was unchanged at 23 5 In Lon
don. Locally it was firm aad higher; spot.
National Bank
Weliafe several good issues on hand. Buy direct,
from contractor and save broker's commission, j
317 Beck Building, Portland, Or.
Made in any amounts for long periods
s t TT: A. ss yr.4.-A
Timber Lands.
Releases of timber Irom the mortgage e
any time may be arranged to - suit , the
needs of the borrower.
408 Marquette Building
Downing-Hopkins Co.
BoDKBt and sold for cash and on tuarKla.
Rooms 201 to 204,
6 10ff6.23c New York, and 8.10 bid East !
Eastern Mining Mtorks.
ItOSTOX, Oct. 18. Closing quolations:
Ariz Com
Butte Coal. . .
C'al & Ariz. . .
Cal & Hecla.
Centennial . .
Copper Range
lialy West...
Franklin ....
r.8 I.Mont C & C
bi 14 Nevaia
44 ;U Old Dominion..
'JS Qulncy ........
,.".5 'Shannon
3! (Tamarack
. su
. 1.-1
. 11
. H1
. 55'..
. 4:1
1 l.
SO jTrtnlty
V.'t;nltfil vopper.
lli'iir. S. Mining..
l).i 1. s. JU....
Greene Cananea. lO'tUtah
Isle Rovale 24 S Victoria ...
Mass Mining i Winona ...
Michigan 11 14 Wolverine .
Mohawk 5U North Butte
NEW YORK, Oct. Is. Closing; quotations:
Alice 175 ll,eadvine jon
Brunswick Con. 5
Com Tun stock. 2
do bonds 2'1
C C & Va 17"
Horn Silver 70
Iron Silver 105
'Little Chief...
Istaniiard 50
yellow Jacket... 145,
Dairy Produce in ihe Kast.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18. Butter Firmer;
creamery specials. Ill M (fr :tlic ; thirds to ex
tras, 2tl31c; process, S;te$27toc: Western
factory, 2JV4S25c; imitation creamery, 20
to li"c. , ,
Cheese Firm; state full cream speclnla.
12U'3'l"e; fancy, 10c; common to good, 124
ri."'c; .iklms full to specials. 6ftl4c.
EgBs Firm; Western extra firsts, 20V4
27 Vi--; firsts, 255?2Gc; seconds, 2:iV4'924c.
CHICAGO. ' Oct. IS. Butter Steady.
Creameries. "20 ft Mr; dairies. 2:iS2Sc.
ifgs Steady. Receipts, 55.(0. At mark,
rases included, 18c; first, 2Jc; prime firsts,
2'cheese Very ' firm. Daisies, 15j1ic;
twins, 15 4! 10c; Young America, lCtolSc;
long horns, 10 jilo1;".
To Madeira. Spain, Mediterranean, orient.
Costing only oo and op,
Iarludlnc all exponses, for 7 3 dart. '
Cruise Sept, White Star Lins, Seattle or Agents
The steamer T.REAKWATER leaves Port
land every Wednesday, P. M., from Aln
worth dock, for rth Bend. Marantic d and
Coos Bay points. Freight received until 4 t-.
M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first
class, 10; second-class. Including berth
and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third
and Washington street, or Alnsworth do:.
Phone Main 263.
Far A.nn'nlilU MttlrT Slid
fjjan. 20, 1910
xx . .... . r
TTfl )a.
Kew Tor. Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis. Philsdelphis. St. Louts,
r i.- ..w. rArnntAinl Unntr' 1m1 Air-DU.
Couch Building -
All Modern Safety Devices (Wireless, ata).
London Paris liumtmrg,
tMncin tl(new)Oct. 30ltKals. A. V.. Nov. 20
liluc'.ier Nov. . 3 Pennsylvania. Nov. 27
tAmerlktt Nov. Oj'Waldersee. ... .Dee. 4
P. orununew) Nov. 17NVmerika Dec. H-
tRlts Carlton a la Carte Restaurant.
Hamburg direct.
fT" A V 1 Gibraltar. Naples
A X .ca.xj X amiOcjiou. calu Azores
B. S. MOLTK1S. 'Oct. 21. Dec
S. S. HAMBURG. Nov. 18. Jan.
Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere.
Hamburg-American IJne. 1H0 Powell St.,
bun Pruuclsco, and Local Agents, X'ortland.
4iicua ftoout Uli. trip hi true S. ti. Mripa:
"I want ao to tell you that thla Uip u up to,
not belter than, any ship 1 havo aver
known, and othr paesengera aJd tha same.
1 think it It wura widely known tlxat auch
a good uhlp were on tha line tha company
would have more passengers than they could
TAHITI and return, $125, flrat class; WEL
MNOIO.V, N. Z., and return. SOL11I
bKA 1LVN1)S (nil of them), threa months
tour, $iou itook now for jalllngs ot Sept.
11, Oct. 17 and Nov. 22.
Line to llnuuii, $110 round trip. Ballings
every 21 daya. (KEAMC 8. 8. CO., 7J
Market street, San Francisco.
Visiting all Cae loterestiac countries 1st trip cf
Its kind eTer undertaken.
Leaves Jm York, Jan. 3?, into
BV S. S. ltl.l lit HKIl (12. COO tons.)
81 Days' Unration. Cost .lr( o
Side trips csa be arraaffed at all sorts.
Also cruines to the West Indies sod Orient.
For Eureka, San Francisco and Loj
Angeles direct. The steamships Roa
noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at
3 P. M. Ticket office i:)2 Third, near
Alder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314.
H. YOUNG. Agent.
From Ainsworth Pock, Portland. 4 P. M.
h.S. Roo City. Oct. Nov. li.
S.S. KiinsuH Cily. i't. 21. Ncv. Ii.
From Pier JO, Kiin PiHiicisco. U A. M.
Kunsas I'lty. Oct. I".. Nov. fl.
S.S. Itose City. Oct. .10, Nov. 1:1.
M. J. KOCHK. C. T. A.. 112 3i St. J. W.
Runsom, Dock Aitent, Ainsworth Dock. Main
0-: A nil?. Phones Mwln 218: A 1 L
Offers the unsurpassed in Luxurious
and Comfortable Ocean Travel
Par s-a rrTsfat 70 000 Inll itrlTnell
"CARMAN 1A wovemoer o
rrtxweoiai aa nr m raws
r A nnNf A lVov.27. Jan. 8. Feb. 1 9
r l- rr:
CARMANIA" Jan. 22, Mar.
Largest triple-icw turbine ia the Wafld ,J" i
tttlTVatiOnt SPJ!
. . x : w