16 , TIIE MCfflXiyO OREOayiAX. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1909. 42 COMPLAIN OF BIG ASSESSMENTS Board of Equalization Meets to Scan Fixed Values of Property. TAX TOO LOW, SAYS ONE Western Cnion Telegraph Company Asserts Worth in County Is $26,- 908, Instead or $43.395 Ir- vlngton CInb Iemur. The Multnomah County Board of Equalization convened from 6 A. M. to 4 P. M. yesterday, and will he in session every" day until October IS. Yesterday 43 persona presented objections to the assessments upon their property. ' The Western Union Telegraph Company was the most Important complainant. As sessor Sigler's deputies fixed the value bf the Western Union property at W3.395. but the company makes the assertion ' that !t is worth only KS.W. or 116.397 less than the assessment. Company officials assert the corporation's poles and wires In this county are worth $10,45. Mrs. V. Llnd objects to an assessment of :5S0 on lot 13, block 20. First Addition to Holladay Park, although she admitted yesterday that she paid -o0 for the property two years ago. Carrie Clark objects to the "large In terests" being assessed on a lower sched ule than the small home owners. "The Interests are not assessed at anywhere near the market value of their holdings. she complains. Her assessment of $6775 on property and Improvements in King's Addition she regards as excessive. The Merchants Savings & Trust Com pany gives a long Uet of lots in Irving- ton, mostly old race-track property. The '.assessments range from J.oO to HOCiO a lot. The bank makes tha statement that this 'Is 1250 a lot too high, except on East Eleventh and East Fourteenth streets. where It ! alleged the assessments are $150 too high. Walter A. Goss. W. M. Cook and W. F. , Woodward, trustees of the Irvlngton Club, want the taxes paid In former 'years Upon the clubhouse remitted, as I they say It should have been exempt. "They say the club Is about to reorganize fwith 150 life members, and will maintain children's playgrounds. The club will (then be under the "church and fraternal : society act," they say, which will ex empt It from taxation. Dr. S. E. Josephl was assessed t2X) for lev horse and wagon. Ha says he did not own them March 1. The Columbia Chair Company wants its 'assessment of merchandise, money, notes land accounts reduced from JWO to $1200. J. B. Ztegler. who owns property on Holladay avenue, makes a complaint against the local streetcar company. The (Portland Railway. Light & Power Com fpany derives all the benefit from the lm provement of Holladay avenue, he says, while the abutting property owners pay ft or It, and are then taxed for Increased jproperty valuations. He says his quar ter block is assessed at liOO, 1XK more Hhan last year. He thinks It should be only SW. W. F. Shumway makes the objection that his assessment la not high enough. LHls personal property assessment Is '.). He says he has two horses worth 100, which should be added to this figure. ESCAPED TRUSTIES CAUGHT "Pair Captured at Kalama Now Se cure With Bail and Chain. E. L. Blddle and Fred Sledow, the -trusties who walked away from the Coun rty Jail last Wednesday when after rempty garbage cans, are at Kelly Butte, jpsecured with ball and chain, and as sisting other criminals in breaking rock. 'The two men were captured at Kalama hast Friday morning by Sheriff Camlne iaipon information furnished by Sheriff Stevens. Immediately after the escape, Sheriff Etevens sent circulars and photo Tgraphs to important neighboring points. When Sledow and Blddle were ar rested, they said they were not ac quainted, Sledow saying he was from Tacoma, and that his name was Otto Jlhine. Blddle was thereupon released, .but upon communicating with Sheriff Stevens, Sheriff Carnlne became satisfied Hie had released the escaped prisoner, -and recaptured him. Deputy 8herlffs .Leonard and Phillips brought the men back to Portland, HE ASKS $20,000 FOR ARREST Man Acquitted of Theft of CO Hogs Sues for Damages. Because he was arrested in Oregon City last March, and charged with steal ing 20 hogs belonging to John Rometsch. (Augustus Walker has brought suit against Rometsch in the Circuit Court to recover $20,000 damages. Walker alleges that he was taken be fore Justice of the Peace Sampson and charged with the offense, afterward be ing brought to Portland. He was obliged to furnish Jii'O bonds to secure his re lease from jail, the prosecution being Afterward abandoned. This part of the transaction he thinks worth $10,000. In April, Walker's case was investi gated by the grand Jury, and an indict ment against him was returned, but he was acquitted of the charge in Septem ber. His false indictment he considers worth another $10,000, making $20,000 in ell. 921,626 SOUGHT FOR BALM Man Hit by Mail Wagon Alleges Carelessness by Driver. Jacob Kilthau brought a $21,626 dam age suit In the Circuit Court yesterday morning againsts Peter Schulderman. Kilthau complaining that he was knocked down by a mail wagon at Third and Washington streets on April 2. Kilthau alleges that Schulderman was driving westerly at a reckless speed along the left side of the street. At the time of the accident, which oc curred between 6 and 8 P. M., Kilthau was waiting for the steps of a streetcar to be cleared that he might board the car. He failed to see the approaching wagon, which, he says, bowled him over by hitting him on the right chest and shoulder, breaking his hip bone. His loss In wages was $1620, he asserts. FRAUD FASTENED OV LAWYER Judge Morrow Holds Attorney Parshley Gave Lease Illegally. Deciding that when A. W. Parshley, a local attorney, conveyed to Mrs. Rose Cady a lease to the Griffin rooming-house without the consent of the owner, he committed fraud under the law, Ctroult Judge Morrow decided against Parshley last night In tha suit which Mra. Cady had brought against the lawyer. In hln opening statement of the case yesterday morning Attorney John F. Lo gan mid the court that when Parshley leased the house to Mra. Cady he took all her money but 8 cents. 8ae had 1419.08, which she had earned by working aa a cook in an Idaho railroad camp. Attor ney 'Logan (aid he discovered later that Parshley took even the 8 cent. J100 being for the lease, and the tlS.tfl to apply on the first month's rent. Mra. Cadv's suit was brought to re cover the money she had invested. She alleged that after Parahlay gave her the lease H. D. Griffin, owner of the house, objected to the transfer on the ground that Parshley had.no right to make It The house Is located at lio Sixth street. This is the case over an argument of which Attorney I-ogan and Attorney Harry Yanckwlch created a stir in the courtroom when Yanckwlch made a re mark und-r his breath and Logan re sented It. I'OLICKMAX WI.YS DOG CASE Jury Deems Suits of Mrs. S. It, Adams Over t'unines a Faree. A verdlc". in favor of Palrolman W. V. Teevli was returned iast night by the Jury In Judge Gnntenbein's department of the Circuit Court wliich has been trying the $7000 damage suit 1-rought by Mrs. S. B. Adams, proprietor of the King Hill Kennels, at 630 Washington Plreet. Th? Jurors regarded the suit as a farce, and noted the sudden change in the nature of the cases from the Collins' murd?r trial, on trial a few days before In the same courtroom, to the suit over Injured dogs and Injured feelings. Henry J. Ottenhelmer and W. E. Tobln were originally parties defendant to the suit, but a nonsuit wap allowed regard Ing them. Mrs. Adams said the trio broke into her establishment in searching for a Scotch collie dog. that they kicked a black cocker spaniel dog to death, and that she fainted during the performance. Th publication of the story In the news papers, she said, greatly damaged her business. Judge Gantenbeln could not re fraln from smiling when one of the wit nesses shed tears In telling of the death of the black dog. DEATH LAID TO CHAUFFEUR John Robertson Indicted for Killing Dolly Ferrera Holland Freed.' A manslaughter charge was lodged against John Robertson yesterday after noon by the county grand Jury. At the same time this Indictment was returned, a not-true bill was returned to Presiding Circuit Judge Bronaugh against Harry Holland, who was with the automobile party on the fatal Joy ride of September 19. when Mrs. Dolly Ferrera was Kinea. The Robertson indictment charges him with having involuntarily killed Mary Alice De Martini Ferrera by driving an automobile along the county road at such an excessive and reckless rate of speed that in trying to round a curve the ma chine was overturned upon the young woman's body, suffocating her. The wit nesses examined by the grand Jury were: Anna Meyer, Eva Meyer and G. B. Con stable. Husband Charges Desertion. Alleging that Minnie Jones deserted him although he always provided her with a good home and ah the necessi ties of life, James O. Jones has brought suit for divorce. He asks the court to give him the custody of his two chil dren, and to annul his wife's dower in terest in his property. He says she left him a year ago last month. They were married September 21, 1904. Beer Bill Bases Suit: That Charles Downing bought beer and other liquors of Welnhard's BTewery. and failed to pay a balance of $397.18, is alleged in a complaint filed by the brewery company in the Circuit Court yesterday. The original bill for June and July was $2316. It is alleged that only $1919 was paid. PLOT ALLEGED BY WIFE 6 AYS TXSAXITY CHARGE IS SCHEME BY HUSBAND. Mrs. Eva L. Simmons Accuses Spouse and Railroad Man of Conniv ing to Get Her Land. That her husband connived with an O. R. & N. right-of-way agent to defraud her of her property by preferring an In sanity charge against her, la the allega tion mod-e by Eva L. Simmons In a peti tion on file in the County Court. She asks the court to declare her sane, as she says she is well able to attend to her own business affairs. She also prays tha court to restore to her the property to which she says her husband has wrong fully secured title. In December, 1906, asserts Mrs. Sim mons, while she was sick abed. S. W. Simmons, her husband, and J. B. Eddy, a railway right-of-way agent, started proceedings by which H. S. Simmons was appointed on December 30, to act as her guardian. At that time, she alleges, the railway corporation was desirous of securing a right of way across her prop erty. Further Mra Simmons complains that her husband later falsely represented to the County Court that her property was of less value than it really is, thereby making It possible for the guardian to act under a small bond. A complete in ventory of her estate was never sub mitted to the court, she asserts a part of It being sequestered. In the following year the husband brought suit in the Circuit Court to secure half his wife's property, and she complains that al though notice of this suit was served upon her guardian, he did not appear with an attorney to defend it, but al lowed to gj by default. The woman says she did not know of the suit having been started. H. S. Simmons, Mrs. Simmons' guar dian, filed with Judge Webeter yester day a report In which he says he has on hand $579 belonging to her estate. She has been maintained by the sale of her real estate, he says, the money having been collected by her relatives, and used without passing through his hands. He asserts he has no expenditures to report. Timepiece at Xorth Pole. PORTLAND. Oct. IS. (To the Editor.) In yesterday's Oregonlan. George 8. Shep herd Is absolutely correct in saying- that either explorer could sit in his cabin In any part of the world and prepare figures to Drove he had nailed the Stars and Stripes to the Pole. But Mr. Shepherd is some- whet In error .when he remarks, "as the question of longitude Is eliminated, the chronometer Is dispensed with." and In the next sentence the word "noon" Is used. This term presupposes a watch, and only on the locfltude of that "time" Is it noon." the apparent altitude of the sun Increasing every minute of time from Its first .appearance above tne norison in Aiarcn till June 21. when the spiral turns down ward. An explorer without a watch with a S4-hour face would find difficulty In getting o(t at the North Pole. D. w. "Can be depended upon" Is an expres on we ail like to hear, and when it is j ... Mv,af.ttAn with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that It never falls to cure diar rhoea, dvsentery or oowei complaints. It is pleasant to take and equally valu able for children and adults. HOGHETAKESWHEAT French Ship Clears With Full Cargo for Europe. VALUED AT $1 A BUSHEL Export of Wheat in Excess of One Million Iluohels for First 1 8 Days of October Shipments for Month Will lie Heavy. With 1"9,"0S bushels of wheat, valued at $109,708. the French ship Hoohe. Captain Auffray. cleared yesterday for the United Kingdom for orders. The vessel carried the second cargo of grain, the value of which has been placed at $1 a bushel, to clear during the present season from Portland. The Nederland opened up with dollar shipments last Friday, when she cleared with a cargo valued at $210,043. Wheat shipments (exclusive of flour) now amount to 1.078.2io bushels. Adding the barley and flour, the exports to for eign countries for the first 18 days of the present month amount to 1.365.432 bushels. Before the end of the month the figures will be nearly doubled. Within a few days the Norwegian steamship Hercules, operating for the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company, will be due at this port from British Columbia. The vessel has been discharg ing railroad Iron at Prince Rupert and Is now on drydock at Esquimau. The Her cules will take out. a large quantity of flour which will help to swell the export figures for the present month. She will be followed by the steamship Sella. Grain shipments for October will run well in excess of 2,500,000 bushels. As compared with the district of Puget Sound, Portland is far in advance in the foreign shipments of foodstuffs for the season of 1909-10. Concert is Planned. The regular conceit Tuesday night at the Siamon'9 Institute. Front and Fland ers streets, will be glveri this week by Miss Madeline Bernaye, teacher of music at St. Helen's Hall. A number of the staff at the hall will assist and Fred Croutha will render two solos. 3. Parks, of the ship Xeotpfleld, who has an ex cellent voice of great power, will also sing. R. 'W. Hastings, treasurer of the Institute, will -preside. The concert begins at 8:15 P. M., and all are Invited. Daniel Kern Does Sol Iteach Port. The steamer Daniel Kern, sunk by be ing struck by the steamship Geo. W. Elder on the morning of August 18, and recently raised by the owners, has not yet reached the drydock. It was anj nounced Saturday that she would be placed on the dock yeBterday, but the work proceeds slower than was anticipat ed at that time. The Daniel Kern was formerly the old lighthouse tender Man ranlta. She was sunk in 10 fathoms of water off Waterford light. Knglneers Back From Copper River H. Hoffman and Sam Shaver, two Columbia River engineers who have been running on the Upper Copper River dur ing the Summer, have returned to Fort land for the Winter. Mr. Hoffman was chief of the Bteamer T. J. Potter for many years. He left the service of the O. , R. & N. Company to go with the Guggenheim interests. Sam Shaver was formerly with the Open River Transporta tion Company. Annual Survey of Willamette Begins. Assistant Engineer Schubert will begin the annual survey of the Willamette River between the mouth and the lower end of Ross Island this morning. The tug Arago arrived up yesterday from a survey trip on the Lower Columbia. 8he will be used to make the soundings on the Willamette. Coos Bay Is Lively Port. MARSHFIELD, Or, Oct. 18. (Spe cial.) One day last week was a record- breaker for the number of vessels In Coos Bay harbor. The steamers Alli ance and Breakwater were both in from Portland, the M. F. Plant and Eureka, were in from San Francisco, the steam schooner Redondo was load- Greatest Nervo Flo. 2. n r t HIUB MB i Y" mm --. It i Jfcfi mm . I have irlren nnrsonal Inspection to the working of M. I. S. T. on tho human system, and must say that it entirely meets with my professional sanction. D. H. LOOMIS. Late Demonstrator of Anatomy. Philadelphia Medical College. Wt Guarantee M. I. S. T. No. 2 will Curt or Wo Will Refund Your Monty RHEUMATISM, no matter how long standing.. Any casa of Inflammation of the Bladder or Enlarged Prostate Oland. no matter if the patients have been for years forced to use a catheter. BLOOD POISON IN ANY STAGE. ANY CASE OF DIABETES. In addition to the above M. I. S. T. No. I has cured many eases of Paralysis. Locomotor Ataxia, Spinal Trouble and apparently Incurable diseases of the nerves and bas removed from the system cancer and cancerous growths. M. I. S. T. has been on the market for over to years, and has cured thousands of sufferers. It is prescribed by leading pbyslolans all over F tasaa. .ia lately REE S3 Remedy for yourself, we will send you one week's treatment by mail FREE, only asking that when cured yourself you will recommend it to others. Write confidentially to our medical de partment, firing symptoms. II per box, or six boxes for $5. Address H. I. S. T. Co., Toledo, 0. ing M (. jruner nuu . t,i,ww,w. -. was loading- at the Simpson mill at North Bend. The steam schooners Carmel, J. Marhoffer and Excelsior were loading; at the Smith mill and the schooners Esther Buhne and Bertie Minor were loading lumber at the rail road wharf in Marshfleld. The gasoline schooner Wllhelmina was in the bay from nearby ports and the new gaso line Schooner Oshkosh was taken out for her trial trip the same day.- ' Astoria Shipping News. ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 18. (Special.) The British steamer Hazel Dollar cleared at the Custom-Housa today for Tslng Tau. China. She carries 150.000 feet of lumber loaded at Tacoma. S.221.0S9 feet loaded at Llnnton, 69.156 feet loaded at Goble. and 235.440 feet loaded at Astoria. She also took on as fuel the coal that was recently discharged here by the schooner Churchill. The steamer Yellowstone, which sailed Sunday for San Francisco, carried a cargo of 120.000 feet of lumber loaded at Rainier. 375,00) feet loaded at St. Helens and 305.000 feet loaded at Oak Point. The steamer J. B. Stetson, which sailed Saturday evening for San Pedro, carried l!8.0OO feet of lumber loaded at St. Helens, 306.432 feet loaded a Goble and 279,858 feet loaded at Rainier. Marine Notes. With fuel oil from San Francisco, the Associated OH tank steamships V . 3. Por ter and Catania arrived up at Llnnton last evening. The steam schooner Wasp, with general cargo from San Francisco, arrived last evening. . The Tillamook steamship Argo, with passengers and freight, reached port yes terday. From Alsea Bay and Taqulna. the sloop Condor Is due to arrive today. , With plglron, coke and firebricks, the British bark Altalr, from Tyne June 11, arrived at Astoria yesterday. She Is In to Meyer. Wilson & Co. The steamship Tltanla shifted from Irv ing dock to Montgomery No. $ yesterday morning. The French bark La Roche Jacquelin, from Cherbourg May 19 with general cargo, arrived at Astoria yesterday. She Is under charter for grain. Captain George Tyler, formerly running out of Portland in the coasting trade, and now in business at Newport, Or.. Is visit ing friends in Portland. Harry M. Montgomery. Deputy Col lector of Customs, has returned to Port land after a short vacation at Seattle and Puget Sound ports. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, Oct. IS. Arrived Steam ship ltoe Cltv. from San Francisco; steam ship W. S. Porter, from San Francisco; steamship Arfro. from Tillamook; steamship Wasp, from San Francisco; steamship Cat ania, from San Francisco. Astoria. Or.. Oct. 18. Condition at the mouth of the river at 6 P. smooth; wind, east. 1(1 miles; weather. raining. Ar rived in and left up during the night Steamer Argo. from lllianiouK. .srrivi-ii :13 and left up at 0:30 A. M. Steamer Rose Citv. Irora San Francisco. Arrived at C:ao nnd left up at 8:30 A. M. Steamer W S. Porter, from San Francisco. Sailed at i:.10 A. M. Steamer Wellesley. for Redondo. Ar rived at :20 and loft up at A. M. Steameer Wasp', from San Franci?co. Ar rived at 111:30 P. M. British bark Altalr. from Newcastle. England. Arrived at 1 P. M. French bark La Roche Jaiueleln. from Hull. Arrived at 2:25 P. M. German ship Parnassos. from Santa Rosalia. Arrived at 11:80 A. M. and left up at 12 noon Steamer Catania, from San Francisco. Arrived down at 3:43 P. M. Steamer Whittler. San Francisco. Oct. 18. Arrived at 6 A. M. Steamer Kansas City', from Portland. Sailed at 1 P. M. Steamer Geo. "W. Fen-n-lnk for l"nhimhl River. Sailed at 2 P. M. Steamer Yosemite, for Columbia River. Arrived at 4 P. M. Steamer Falcon, from Portland. Arrived at B P. M. Steamer Yel lowstone, from Columbia River. Victoria. Oct. IS. Arrived Dutch steamer Kederland, from Portland, for St. Vincent. Tacoma. Oct. 18. Arrived Steamer Tal lae. from San Francisco and Portland. Coos Bay, Oct. 18. Sailed Steamer Eu reka, for Portland. Hankow. Oct. 18. Arrived Oct. 14. Brit ish steamer M. S. Dollar, from Portland San Francisco, Oct. 18. Arrived Steamer Tiverton, from Ludlow: steamer Col. E. L. Drake, from Soattle; barge 8, from Seattle; Bteamer Quinault. from Grays Harbor; steamer Kansas City, from Portland; Bteamer Redondo, from Coos Bay; steamer G. C. Llndauer, from GrayB Harbor; Bteamer Eliza beth, from Bandon; steamer Hornet, from Grays Harbor; steamer Daisy Mltcholl. from Willapa; steamer Falcon, from Portland. Sailed Barkentlne Arago, for Honolulu; Bteamer Geo. W. Fenwick. for Astoria; steamer Yosenttte, for Astoria; steamer Nor wood, for Grays Harbor; Bteamer F. S. Loop, for Portland. ' Tides at Astoria Tuesday. High. v Low. 4:00 A. M 6.5 feet 9:20 A. M 3.0 feet 8:20 P. M S.2 feet10:20 p. M 0.4 foot Probate Court Notes. The fourth semi-annual account of the George Myers estate, over which a will contest Is pending before Circuit Judge Bronaugh, was approved by Coun ty Judge Webster yesterday. George T. Meyers. Jr., the executor, reports the receipts since his last report to have been and Blood Tonic No. 2. the country. It is pleasant to take and abso lutely sare. it never increases or aimiuisnca wo wwtfu vg heart. If yon are suffering from any chronle disease you are urged rrite to us. no matter bow-many doctors or Kinasoi meuioin h. ft-t1 .lihni.mllsf WIT. OTTARAWTF.R TO CURE YOU the value of this Ores How to Make Better Cough .Syrup Than You Can Buy A full pint of cough syrup enough to last a family a long time can be made by the recipe given below In five minutes, for only 54 cents. Simple as it Is, there Is nothing better at any price. It usually stops a deep, seated cough In tw enty - four hours, and is a splendid house hold remedy for whooping cough, colds, hourseness, bronchitis, etc. Take a pint of granulated sugar, add H pint warm water and stir about 2 minutes. Put 2V4 oz. Pinex in a pint bottle and fill up with syrup. Take a teaspoonful every one, tw.o or three hours. It keeps perfectly and the taste is pleasing. - The chemical elements of pine which are very healing to mem branes, are obtained in high pro portion in Pinex, the most valu able concentrated compound of Norway White Pine Extract. None of the weaker pine preparations will work with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex or can easily get it for you. trained honey can be used in stead of the syrup, and makes a very fine honey and pine tar cough syrup. $5821.52, and the disbursements. J1913.SO. At the last report he had on hand $12, 934.59. He now has $17,842.31. The estate of Harry T. Butterworth, the St. John jeweler who was shot and robbed, was closed by order of Judge Webster yesterday, and Mabel Butter worth, the widow and administratrix, was discharged from ' further responsi bility. Judge Webster signed an order yester day admitting to probate the will of Kilts Q. Hughes, who died August 27. The Judge appointed Maria L. Hughes, the widow, administratrix, to act aftr filing a $5000 bond. The personal property of the estate Is valued at $20,000, and the real estate at $5000. BECK WILL PROBATED ESTATE EXCEEDING $60,000 IS ACTED OX BY COURT. Ten Relatives of Woman Get SI 00 Each, Her Jewelry to Sisters. Husband Main Devisee. The estate of Carrie Rosenblatt Beck, worth over $60,000, was admitted to pro bate In the County Court yesterday morn ing by Judge Webster. The will names Emanuel Beck and Samuel Rosenblatt as executors, to act without giving bonds. Their appointment was confirmed by the court, and Gus Rosenblatt, Frank Rotbohlld and Bam Beck -were appointed appraisers. Mrs. Beck died October 2. Her prop erty consists of an Interest In the Rosen blatt estate. She bequeaths $100 each to the following relatives: Ella Elsenbach, Flora Rosenblatt, Millard Rosenblatt, Martin B. Bichel, Stanley R. Blumauer, Jean L. Rosenblatt, Bertram Levy, So phia Beck, Alvln Davis and Julian Strauss. With the exception of her Jewelry, which she gives to her sisters, Mrs. Beck gives all the balance of her property to shapeliness. All of this can be avoided, however, by the use ot Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the danger of child birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical p.v,h withnnt nain. It is woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and per bottle, uur iitue dook., liyji telling all about this lini- JiL mem win dc sciu ucc. irHnsN IT l -aa-IrvH THE BRADFIELD RCGULATOR CO. fQ? feLl Qj rtiianio, ua. 1 want you to can aim imvr: d Vlu rVwif. bennu"?te n'bl T'pr'oveto ei?erv'manUtrhaty0IUhveI a" lire ana wonderful cure for AILMENTS OF MEN. show vou whv I can an; no cure ras anei an umci. i,. .......... My" ew System Treatment restores nervous men. ' BLOOD POISON', Sores. Ulcers and Skin Eruptions, Poisonous mat ter in the blood scatters the Reed of disease through the body, causing nustular eruptions, pimples, rashes, sores, ulcers, falling hair, sore mouth and throat, impaired vitality and strength. Neglected or improp erly treated cases generally end in Ataxia or sudden Paralysis and the existence of the unfortunate victim is sad indeed. Our Xew Svem Treatment forces out the impurities and soon all signs and symptoms disappear completely, the blood, the tissues, the flesh, the pores and the whole system is cleansed and purified- VARICOSE (or knotted) Veins is always a serious condition. The imperfect circulation causes reflex complications, steadily lowers the vital and nerve forces. Our New System Treatment has cured many suf ferers. Patients notice improvement from the very beginning. No cut ting or detention from work. DON'T LOSE YOUR GRIP ON LIFE. Many men are now suf fering from sedentarv habits and dissipation. Their strength and vital ity are falling and will soon be gone. Debility and weakness soon de stroy your happiness and your future life will be misery, distress and failure. Our Km Svatein Treatment restores to perfect health as nature intended. Associate ailments of men quickly cured by our new Oscil lator Treatment. DON'T LET MONEY MATTERS OR FALSE PRIDE KEEP YOU AWAY FREE MUSEUM FOR EDUCATION OF MEN Men make no mistake when they come to us. We give you the re sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best serv ice than money can buv. If vou are ailing, consult us. Medicines fur nished in our private laboratories from 11.50 to to a course. If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. Sundays, 9 to 12 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 291 H Morrison St., Between Fourth and fifth, Portland, Or. . , PERFECT CURES FOR Different doctors have different regard to .cures, some can a svinptoms a cure. iney uuo fects and claim that nothing more Rut tin, ral ailment remains, bring the real svmptoms back again, per haps the same as before, but very likely leave the patient, in a much worse condition. I claim that nothing less than complete eradi cation of the ailment cau be a real cure. 1 treat to remove the ailment, and not merely the svmptoms. I search out every root and fiber of an ailment, and I cure to stay cured. Pay When Cured Varicose Veins Absolutelv painless treatment that cures completely in one week. Investigate my ,method. It is the only thoroughly scientific treatment for this disease being employed. Obstructions My treatment is absolutely 'painless, and perfect results can be depended upon In every Instance. I do no cutting or dilating whuiever. Specific Blood Poison Xn dangerous minerals to drive the virus tn the interior, but harmless blood-cleansing remedies that remove the last poisonous taint. Contracted Disorders Be sure vour cure is thorough. Not one of my patients has ever had a relapse after being alscharged as cured, and I cure In less time than the ordinary forms of treatment requile. EXAMINATION FREE I offer not only Free Consultation and Advice, but of every case that comes to'me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without charge! No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about his trouble. if vrm cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open all day from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M., and The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234V2 Morrison St., Cor. Second, Portland, Oregon her husband, to be held by him until he dies, when It is to go to her brothers and sisters. Samuel Rosenblatt, Louis Rosenblatt. Hannah R. Blumauer and Lillle R. Sichel. Besides the real es tate Mrs. Beck gives her husband all her silverware, her engagement ring and the household furniture. Beach & Simon and Beck & Roecker, local attorneys, probated the .will. UNITED WIRELESS Stockholders are ' urgently ruquested to immediately communicate with us. as we have information of the utmost Im portance to impart to you at once. 702 Oregonlan bldg., Portland, Or. vNot a minute should be lost when a child shows bymptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. Every woman covets a shapely, pretty figbre, and many of them deplore the loss of their girlish forms after marriage. The bear ing of children is often destructive to the mother's relief derived from the use of this a. .i.c..... . - -- , ; vj I CAN CURE QUICKLY, SAFELY AND PRIVATELY FOREVER VARICOSE VEINS BLOOD POISON TISSUE WASTE ME ideas in can be and will DP.. TAYLOR, The Leading Specialist. FREE MUSEUM A 10,000 EDUCA TIONAL EXHIBIT OF THE HUMAN BODY I.N WAX REPRODUCTIONS. TIIE LARGEST AKD FINEST ON THE COAST. FKEIS TO ME.V. Sundays from 10 to 1. THAT ARE AILING, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN COME TO ME AND BE CURED I See All My Patients THE DOCTOR Personally. THAT CURES. I hire no substitute and have no meii cat euinpojuy. FEE FOR A CURE Is lower than any specialists In the city, half that others charge you and no exorbitant price for medicine. I am an expert specialist, have had 80 years' practice in the treatment of diseases of men. My offices are the best equipped In Portland. My methods are moderir and up-to-date. My cures are quick and positive. I do not treat symp toms and patch up, I tnoroughly examine each case, find the cause, remove it and thus cure the disease. I C17RE Varicose Veins, t'ontrneted Ailments, Piles and Specific Blood Poi son and All Ailment of Men. CUHK OR 0 PAY I mm the only specialist In Portland who ninkes no charge unlrss the patient Is entirely satisfied with the results accomplished, and who gives a written guarantee to refund every dollnr pnld for nervier If fi complete and pcrmnnent cure la not effected. iiT7T Visit Dr. Lindsay's private V1E1I Museum of Anatomy and know thyself, in health and disease. Ad mission free. Consultation free. If un able to cail, write for list of questions. DR. LINDSAY Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. ; Sun days 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. I28Vs Oecond St., Cor. of Aider, Portland, Oregon. Sickly Smile Wipe it off your otherwise good looking -face put on that good health smile that CAS CARETS will give you as a result from the curt of Constipation or a torpid liver. It's so easy do it youH see. 15 CASCARETS 10c a box for a week's treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller in the world. Jduiiou boxes a month. do For Dyspepsia Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles, digest what you eat. and diifets it completely. It Is guaranteed to relieve you. and if H fails, your money will at once be refunded by your dealer from whom you purchased it. Any drutrgist ID sell Kodol to you on our guarantee. Kvery table spoonful of Kodol digests pounds of food. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Bavin and Cotton Root Pills, and best onlv reliable rem edy for FEMALE TROUBLES. Cure the most obstinate cases in t in in riavs. Price 2 per box. or 3 for $5; mailed in plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE. 311 Allsky bldg. WONDERFUL KEMEOtES Krum herbs and roots, oure cancer, nervousness, ca tarrh, asthma, coughs, la grippe, lung", liver, throat, kidney and stomach trou bles: also all private dis eases. No operations. Wa cure when others fail. ConjHiltation - free. Young Ming Chinese Medicine Co., JIT Taylor St., bet. 2d A 3d M EN lol - h gj lp s K