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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1909)
,14 TO EXCHANGE. le'VA'-RE ranch. Clark Co., "Wash., to ex change for Portland rmptrxy; ranch Is nlce- . ly situated; aoout 20 acre ciwrwl; old h-ue and barw: ino aborted bearing fruit Trees; rear large market: ha R- F. D., near milk rou' and phone; fin for dairy, r? k or app:s: beautiful trm throuirh it. m lncumnranre; value give full desr:ptun and ca:fon of what you have to trad. Adiress AF 462. Oregonian. FOR PALE OR TRADE. T rrM. highlv improved, 6 miles east of Portland, J.1 worth of Improvements, fruit oi ail kinds, house, barns, chicken bouses, ere ; land cleared; on carline; fine spring water; price, f (mh: terms. PEM.ER9 RE ALT Y CO., 303 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 749S, A 7650. MLHT sell quirk. r will exchange for Port land prnpert v, mv $13.onn equity in 2ftO-a-re farm in sight of Forest Grove on 1 ua'atin i:ivr; nweuing, 1 um . -pigments, orrhard. about 4 J acres beaver j -ij-l - .:n.wt- Kilan.. nlard and iIH. ' ' ' 3 Hill"".. 1- " - it cultivation. Owner. 51 1 Board of Trade GROCER Y. Take :n 60 daily : good a,e: ail equip- rrtnts: can't be better; would take acreage a part rv KASTRRX EXCHANGB. 223 Morrison St. A 307O. M. 3022. I WILL consider Portland property for S5 cfs. 3. cleared and in a hig h s'ate of ru'tnaiion, bearing orchard of 14 acres in apples, the entire tract Ifes level and nn ' rountv roads close to Portland; good buildings, place mu?t he sen to be ap-p-eeiated: AE 59:. Oregonian. FOR ex.-hang-. a newiy equipped reMurant, will seat pfop'e. w ith 1- finely tur- -:hed rooms; liens to -sell nar beer: 3 yea.-: want house in Portland or farm near thre. Address palace llesiau rant. Tiliamook. Or. WILL rxrhare mv qultv of i:'n in --r-vm house and nrn"" 'ot. loo 125 feet, for small rar.rli or a'-'capf about same m rue; pric 4 !H. 512 Gerlmger bldg. Vain 7673. . !' At'RfcCS Tit'amook dairy land, valued at it 2 ". for residence property in port land. Add res Owner, p. O. Box 332, Tillamook, f'repon. Pt V KtS Til'amook dairy land, valued at JJ.'t'Mi. fo- resident a property tn Portland. Address Owner. P. O. Hui 352. Tillamook, Oregon M'ANT small grocery stock in exchange for m efiuiTv In fine residence near Laure! hur?t trait; equiiv $1 balance $2M0; easv pa ment. M 4'19, Oregonian. 5-PPFX;ER auto, best repair, exchange for lot -r lumber. A 2841. Holbrook. 'ouch bldg. A VINE timber claim to acres. Coo Coun tv. to exchange for Portland home. Owner. 1015 Board of Trade bldg. So AT.E3 unimproved. Hood River. $4Mn. or will fin prove 10 acres $500. for city property. C 4 7, Oregonian. A NEW modern ti-room house to exchange for close-in farm; hus Is near Killings worth ave. AE Z'J oregonian. CLOSE-IN Bandon lots to trade for room-tig-house. ;;i4 Gerllnger bldg. FRl'II LANDS. CHOlt'E orchard land on railroad near Scap poose. subdivided into 1 -2-5-10-20 avre tracts and sold for $40.00 per tract. Inves tigate and apply for particulare a: 428-42U Henry bldg. FOR S.VLE. Horses, Vehicle, acd Hameea. FOR SAL.K or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagon, to rent by month rr year: we also rent any kind of a rig for businea purposes. day. week, or month. Phones East 72. li 1363. Haw thorne Stables. 42o Hawthorr.e ave. BUGGIES, harness and wagons at cut prices, good, guaranteed. well-knn buggies at $57.60; big sales and small profits. The second largest stock of goods in Portland. C. I- Basts A Co.. 3-32S . Morrison at KORF&S WANTED Want to rent work teams with bj the month. f-T leveling new :a-e track at Twelve Mi.e Houe. Merriii, 7th and Oak. afternoon. WANTED Team of work marr. 12W to 140 Va. each: would take geldings if cheap. Merrill. 7th and Oak. afternoons. WANTED To trade, a 120-lb. horse, for a top buggy; must be first class. 5"6 Albina WANTED A good saddle horse, will pay 4ood price. Call today. Julius Knispel, ;;d t- FOR PALE One span well mnuhed horses. lbs. ; young, sound, true to pull. Phone East 4n4. JL ST arrived, a carload of horses, at 505 Al bina ave. DO you want gentle horse, good buggy cheap? Call 2T2 ritark. HCilERT HALL. :0 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles: iow rates on business rigs. H RSE3. mares rigs and names of ali kinds for sale. '4 Montgomery. pisuaos, Org-an. Musical Instruments. PI A NO Party leaving for old country, wishes 10 sell high-c!as piano cheip. cah or terms, or might store with respon s bie person for on ear. A 464 Ore gonian. FOR SALE By owner. Chlckering baby grand piano, absolutely new . worth $--5imi; ill sell for J.'-oy t-ash. Addrcaa 85 N 15th. Main 124.V No agents. FINE Hallet & Uavta piano to rent. 431 Mor rison, cor. 13th. Automobliea. Ml" ST e!l my 5-passenger automobile at once; largest cash offer wid be accepted; the ma crine is complete, glass front, top. lighie. new tire, tools, etc. Owner. 343 Yamhill at. 15 H- P. four-passenger car. perfect condi tion: beat buy tn town. $40. 95 East 27th street. Pi ERCE-ARROW, recently overhauled. In quire ol t ouch bldg FOR SALE Keo delivery car; cheap. Call 244 2d at. SEVEN-PASSENGER Thomas Flyer forsale or exchange. L 409. Oregonian. Birds. Dog, pet Stock. FOR SALE CH EAP Thoroughbred pointer dog. l year old; trained for upland birds. Address A. J v 'oiling. 10;h and Mala. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies. Inquire Mrs. Osgood. Home Bakery, llti Philadel phia street.. St. Johns. Or. M Iscellaneoas. SPECIAL OFFER We have 100 second hand sewing machines that must be sold t his w eek regardless cf price, to make room for carload: 40 drop-head, all makes. White. New Home. . Singer. Wheeler & W 11 son. Domestic and Standard. Do not forget the place. White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washington, cor. llth- H. D. Jones, proprietor. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 20 to 0. fully guaranteed ; easy pa ments; rentals, $3 pr month. Pacific stationery & Ptg. Co., Sj;: 2d si. FOR SALE Beatt dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at Ion est market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451, A 5445. NE propeller hull. 52x12, new, staunch build, suitable for tug. cheap Inquire Sample's Shipyard, foot of Belmont st. FoR SALE Motorcycle, J or-, single. Indian; magneto. H. - P.. g-d condition, only 15o. V., Hatch. 811 Lnlon ave. N. FOR SALE cheao. Nstiona! cash register; total adder with tape. Call 523 N. 24th t. C. H. Fink. 500 BCSINESS CARDS. SI 25. Ryder Pt. Co.. 357 Burnaide st. Main 5534. TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt, absolutely guaranteed, all bargains. $15 to 4i5. North west Typewriter Co.. 320 Abington. M SS70 FOR SALE Steamer Star. Inquire Star Sand Co.. office room 201 Board of Trade bid. FOR SALE A Fisier'a piano and a new sewing machine. Inquire at 388 3d st. 4S-HORSEPOWER. 4-cyefce. 4-elinder en gine complete. Call 5?-28 Henry bldg. EXCEPTIONAL MOTORCYCLE BARGAIN, 124 3d st. TWO -H. P. direct-current motors. Port Und Linotyping Co.. 66 Union blk. WANTED M1SCKLI-4NEOVS. HfGHEST prices naid for cast-off clothing, shoes. ha:r. Jewelry and furniture. 6S N 3d Main 024. 5'OT cash paid for your furniture; prompt atLaoUa always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED MISCEtLANEOTS. 5HOOTIXO privilege and board for 3 or 4 days wanted with farmer or hunter who could care for a man and his boy; will give references and pay liberally for en tertainment. Address T 465. Oregonian. WANTED Mens cast-off clothing and shoes; we aJso buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 47 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272. HORSES Wintered in first-class shape, guar anteed to turn them over in first-class condition. At E. B. Turners Training Stables. Country Club. Phone Tabor 198. WANTED Business buggy. side spring, rubber tired, good condition; must be a bargain. Address J. F. Frank, Station A. city. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we buv all kinds second-hand men s and ladies' clothing. E. 1051. 94 Grand ave- SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get leaa. Phone A 2445. Main 051. ROLL-TOP DESK, table and chairs. Give description ; state price; must be cheap. AE 42. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND furniture and household goods. W'oodard's Auction House, 201 d. Highest prices paid. Main SOTS. B 10o4. ANT ONE having a -Western Vapor F-th" for sale, phone A 2734 or Main 240. FOR office, railing, counter, shelving" AUn cabinet, with lock. Clyde. Main 5o5S. WANTED To buy second-hand furnace. In good condition. Apply 272 Washington st. WANTED 4-lnrh thick concrete blocks tor facing concrete wall. 5 HaM st. HELP WASTED MALE. WANTED Men who think they could sell real estate If they had a chance with a rood companv and with good property. We want men who are willing. We will show ou how. Ask for Mr. HIckok. t'olumbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg-. 54 4th st. FIRST-CLASS ladies' tailor who under stands cutting, fitting; and alterations: must be sober man, with references; best of wages paid, or will let work on com mission. Electric ' Cleaning Works, ZSZ East Main St.. Ashland. Or. WANTED Young m-n. h-net and Indus- incus, to prepare for Civil Service positions; clerk, carriers, railway mail. etc. ; thou sand appointed: good entrance salary, with promoter. Csll or writ. Pacific State School. McKay bldg. MAN AND WIFE for general work on a i-acre country home, convenient to city ear'.ine ; good home for couple who will make them ?le useful; gie phone number. M 4t', Oregonian. YOL CAN make several hundred dollars In a . . , 1 . ..'Hr. oMIItv ttfaf proposition In civilised world touay: you may worn ail or pare nine. .rtuu. Oregonian. WAXTBl RpMable agentA to sell Honolulu holce suburhan property: imerai lunmnv ron- best rfervnce. rquired and exchanged. Adlr?g Kalmuki Land Company. Honolulu. T. H. WANTED First-class specialty salesman to canvas principal buiidinge? with office ne ceity : big eller: liberal commiwlon. Western Specialty Co.. 537 Worcester blug. WANTED Experienced oil engineer; nipht po sition : anewer fully, age. aaiary expecieo, reference, telephone number. Address J 45H, Oregonian. WA NXED 250 men to wear my Priestley Cravenette Raincoats, on sale at S12.7. worth Rpiece. Truly Warren, room 315. Oregonian bMif WANTED Bttshe'.man for hjgh-srade cloth ing store- steady Job for right party: wagca $1S to 2i per week. Clark Kirkman Co.. Walla Walla. Wash. RAILWAY mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, examinations Portland. Nov. 17. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, dcpL 424 G. Rochester, X. Y. WANTED An experienced man. to do shipping and porter work in wholesale liquor house. Apply Sol Neuman. at the Oregon Hotel. THERE la a large demand for firs-clafi piano-tuners. For particulars, write West ern School of Piano Tuning. Pocatelio. Idaho. WANTED An experienced salesman to sell the capital stock of a life insurance torn pany ; salary and commission wilt De paid. Address p. O. Box 642. Portland, Or. WAN-TED Manager for large farm in Wil lamette Valley. Inquire 420 Abington bldg. SALESM EN. all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Abstract Co.. 408 Commercial Club bldg. WA NT ED Pick and shovel laborers. $2.25 per dav. Inquire foreman on Job. Pacific Electric Engineering Co.. Oswego. Or. MOTION picture operator earn 25 weekly; learn In short time; easy inside work; les sons reasonable. Particulars, 52ft1 Wash. BOY wanted to learn hardware business: state age and references. Address AG 463, Oregonian. "WANTED 1 first-class coat operator, steady work guaranteed. Apply Crown Tailor Shop, 4th and Stark ata. WINDOW'-DRESSKR for men's clothing, bat and furnishing goods; first-class man wanted. Y 472, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS coat-fitter. Worrell's Sample cloaks and suits, Li4 6th St., cor. Alder, -opposite The Oregonian. A-l BOOKKEEPER, lumber experience; one that can use typewriter preferred. 32Sj Washington st.. R. 21. WANTED Live agents to sell photo con t ract s ; good m on ey- maker. C. Elmore Grove. 3t Washington st. WANTED Bill clerk by Jobbing house: mut write good fluent hand and correct at figures. Reference required. W 472, Oregonian. WANTED First-class colored barber; fam ily man preferred. Wra. Jackson. 12 Yakima ave. WANTED Tailors tq work on ladies jack ets; stead v work; good pay; can call Sun day. J. K. Stem & Co., 420 Wash st. WANTED Young man. big money while learning; small capital required- Call 326 Washington st. room 416. WANTED At once, t manufacturing; Jew elers: must be A-l. W. F. Ross & Co.. 264 Morrison St., Portland. WANTED Man to farm 10 acres finely cul tivated land, close to city. Apply to AL 463. Oregonian. GENERAL ranch work: Jnside work for worst weather; good wffges. Frita Fall man. Toledo. Or. WANTED Experienced young man to travel with vaudeville sketch. Call at once. Vi$H 13th at. WANTED Boy of 17 years of age or over for running pipe machine and learn steam fitter's trade. Apply at 32S Glisan. JA PA NESE boy for furnace and to clean Saturday mornings. Inquire mornings, 6U3 Marshall st. BOY wanted, IS to 20. Call 4l2 Wash ington st EXPERIENCED salesmen for domestic dept. L. Shanahan, 144 and 146 3d st. SALESMAN will find good position at 414 Rothchlld bldg . BOYS wanted to deliver directories. Home Telephone Co.. Park and Burn side. EXPERIENCED ladies tailors: steady place to right party. Hoentg. all FMedner bldg. PHOTO COUPON agents, best offer; good money. Davis. 142 Washington st. SPINDLE-CARVER wanted. Call Carman Mfg. Co., lSth and Upshur. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big waa;s; permanent. 215 Commercial block. 25 PICK and shovel men wanted at 6th and Nehalem ave.. Sellwood. MAN to paper 6-room house at once. Phone C 130S this morning. WANTED Experienced plumber to go to country town. Call S4 Front sL WE secure positions tor our members. Special membership. Y. M. C. A. UPHOLSTERERS and couchmakers wanted. Cannan Mfg. Co., 18th and L'pshur sts. PHOTO coupon and portrait agents; fine offer. Hubner Studio, 719 Swetland bldg. PHOTO coupon agents: something strictly good. Cutberth. photographer. Dekum bldg. WANTED First-class window trimmer and ad writer. Apply at The Sllverfield Co. WANTED Teams to haul crushed rock In city. Phone. Woodlawn 1547. or East 371. PRESSER wanted at CIS Washington st. WANTED assistant cutter on overalls. 75 1st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Four TniMwrights. city. $3.75: man to run sticker and small scroll band saw. $3; mill tallyman. $2.50. small m11: rough carpenter. $2.50: planer feeders and lumber graders. $2 25 up. Two farmhands. $35 and board. 1 Large List of Other Work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 13 X. 2d. St. COPPER RIVER RAILWAY, Cordova, Alaska. CAMPS RUN ALL WINTER. Steady work. 2000 men now at work; want 1000 more; teamsters, tracklayers, rockmen, tiemakers. tlmbermen and laborers; big wagee; good camps; commissary stores; anip every week; boat sail from Seattle every week. Fare from Seattle to the work. $15. M. J. Heney, 514 Coiman bldg., Seattle. THE successful salesman is a man who mould.s people's opinions by the sheer force of argument. The succeaefui salesman believes in the thing he sells and gives sane, sensible, convincing reasons fr thoe belief. If you are a man who can make people see things from your own ancle, we reed you. A.-k for Mr. MlHs. Columbia Trust Company. 54 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. MEN wanted, younar, stronjr. good vision, account increasing business on all rail roads, for firemen or brakemen; experi ence unnecessary. Permanent positions; $75. $100 monthly. Promoted to conductor or engineer. $150. $200. State age. weight, height: send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. A THOROUGHLY reliable live traveling salesman who is covering Oregon. Washing ton and Western Idaho at regulax intervals and who has aome knowledge of the elec trical bueinew can secure a high-grade, permanent and profitable side line on com mission or partial expenses and commission by addressing P 405. Oregonian. IO.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks, help to secure positions; graduate earn from $ 15 to $25 weekly ; expert instructor ; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 34 North 4th st Portland. Or. WANTED Steady man to check goode. etc.: will pay $4 day now and increase w ith in terested heln; rmall investment required. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. MAN on small dairy, must b good milker, ltcht work, good heme. Frown's Dulry. Wllisburg. opp. Woolen Mills. Take Sell wood car. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Woman with executive ability to take full charge of an offico; good proposition for right party. It 00m I Chambers Bids.. 25i Alder St., near 3d. GERMAN or Swedish nurse girl for a baby two years old. Sellwood 310. Call morning, or after 2 o'clock. EXPERIENCED alteration hands wanted, ronts and skirts. Swan & Winkler Co., 415 Washington. LADIES at ncma day or evenings, applying transfers) on porcelain, $1.50 tiox. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. GIRL for nousework. no washing, smaH family, good home and good wages. 4'J1 Davis st. YOUNG LADY teacher, country; good pay. "all afternoon today, room IS, 2113 Vi Pine street. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; good wages. Apply mornings. 741 Irving street. WANTED Experienced cook and second girl. Apply ruorninj-s. l'J3 North --d at., bet. Johnson and Kearney. WANTED Good finisher and button-hole makfi- on men's coats. Call phoenix bldg., f3 5th st. WANTED Schoolgirl to assist with house work. Small compensation. W 40y, Ore gonian. WILL give general office experience to sten cgrapner who wants practice only; give phone number. K 467. oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. EXPERIENCED curler on ostrich feathers. Apply Pasadena Ostrich Feather Works, 575 Washington St. WANTED Ladies, we trim, remodel bats, curl plumes at half price. Model Millinery, oT " amhiir. WANT ED -A jjood cook and a second girl in family of three. Call Wednesday morn ing. 202 King st. KINDERGARTEN teacher for Southern Ore gon; splendid opportunity. Apply Y. W. C. A., 10-12 and 2-4. WANTED Experienced girl, cook and gen eral housework ; no w ashing ; references. 71 Marshall st. Phone Main 408. WOM EN and gfris wanted to work in fruit cannery. Apply East th and Division. Holmes Canning Co. WANTED Women to do chamber work afternoons, few hours a day. )2 N. 6th street. WANTED Girl for light housework: two in famil. 71o Johnson st.. cor. 22d at., apart ment No. '. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; m u st be a g 00U cook. 161 14th et.. cor. Morrison. GOOD girl for general housework. 14th st., 4 in family. GIRL for general housework, small family, 627 Hancock st. WOMAN to take care of Infant. 352 Jackson near Park. PRIVATE Iftseon In shorthand and typewrit ing; expert method. 3o4 12th. Main 681)0. GIRL wanted for light housework. Inquire 450 K. Mill or phone East 1127. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. b2S Kearney at. , COMPETENT girl for general housework. 662 Mjriie st. Phone Main 3665. GOOD reliable woman, for general house work; good wages. 4S5 E. 20th st. North. GIRL wanted to do general housework. Call 4U2Is Washington st. WANTED Lady presser. permanent posi tion, good pay. Call 496 Washington st. WANTED Experienced alteration hands. New York Outfitting Co., 165 lat. WILLING girl to help with light houae , work. Inquire 450 5th. GIRL for general liousework; small family; good was. S12 Overton. V ANTED iilrl for general housework, good wages. TSv Kearney. x WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook; family of 3. iiSl 12th st. GI RL or woman to trim men's hats; one with experience preferred. 249 Alder st. GIRL wanted for general housework; adults. . 223 N. 21at. GOOD girl for general housework, 2 In fam ily. Apply 2'ls Park st SINGER wanted for moving-picture show; woman who can play piano. Main 1513. GIRL to assist in housework. 2 adults; sleep home. Call after U:30, 271 Market St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 632 Hancock at., Irvington. WANTED A girl for general housework. 709 Kearney at. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 563 Johnson st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 427 Main St.. between 11th and 12th. GIRLS wanted. . Apply Troy Laundry Co., 201 East Water st. 5IRL for general housework; family of 2. 5S0 1st. GIRLS WANTED Appiy Standard Factory No. 3, Grand ave and East Taylor. GIRL for general housework. 735 Glisan. Main 9566. EXPERIENCED jlrl for general housework, good wages. 393 14th St.. cor. Harrison. WANTED Experienced cook, 1S5 North 25th st., corner of Johnson. EXPERIENCED wa!trefc. Palace Restaurant. 129 4th st. WANTED 3 experienced plrls for dipping chocolates; good pay. SS3 Burnslde st LADY cashier for doll-rack: $1.50 per day. 273 Couch. Apply 11 A. M. and 12 M. . GLRL Xor general housework. 593 2d at. HELP WANTED FEMALE." GIRLS IS tt 20 years of age to work In fc tory: good wages. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-Neville Co. 6th and Davis sts. COOKS. $35. $40 to $65. Chambermaids. Waitress. Companion. ft Girts for genera! housework. $20 to Family co-k. $40. Oth"r positions. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO Ladies' Dept.. LV: 1 - Morrison. WHY serve six montl s tedious apprentice ship when you can learn either millinery or d ressm a k i n jr in that many w e Us " Come now and finish before holiday trade commences. Boston School of Millinery & Dressmaking. 274 Williams ave. GIRT.S to place linings in jackets; also girls assint tailors on ladies jackets; Rlrls having had experience in men s tailoring shop preferred. J. K. Stern & Co.. 42y Wash. st. COMPETENT girl for general housework: must be able to cook ; good wages; 4 in faniilv. Applv bet. 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. 7l4 Glisan; also 2d girl wanted. WANTED 10 ladies hats to trim 50c; your old hats rcblocked into the latest shapes. Hat Renovatory, X. E. cor. 6th and Alder, basement. A A NT ED Demonstrators; 3 young women of pleasing appearance ; must have long handsome head of hair; good wages to light parties. Address R 452. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced hands on ladies' jackets; must be good seamstresses and understand alterations. Eastern Outfitting Co.. Washington at loth st. WANTED Neat girl to wait on table and assist with housework; no cooking. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3264 Wasnington St.; Room 307. ttain SS36 or A 3260. GIRLS to work in candy department. Ap ply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. GIRL wanted for general housework and cooking;: small family grown people; wages $30. 570 Hoyt st. $25 PER w eek can be made by a' lady of some acquaintance, helping us sell real estate. H 406. Oregonian. , , a . WANTED Refined, capable woman for re gponaihle position. Viavi Co., 600 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAKE money writing stories; pleasant work for you; big pay. Send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate. San Fran cisco. 0 COAT, vest and pants operators wanted at once; wages $22.50 and up; steady work. Fashion Craft Tailors, 909 C St., Tacoma. Wash. &TUPIO Music. German, French. English literature. 452 Morrison. Main 20i7. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offeis good po s tion to A-l instructors. 514 Swetland bldg. SITUATION' WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks, EXPERT bookkeeper desires position in or out of city : at present employed by large wholesale grocer ; expert on state ments, collections, railway claims, etc-; best of references. . AK 462, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. knows city, would like a po sition as collector or driver; needs it. too; references or bond given; no soliciting. M 471, Oregonian. SOBER nd ambitious young man. with considerable experience, desires position as assistant bookkeeper or general office work. C 473. Oregonian. AN ACCOUNTANT and office manager, 10 years experience, possessing executive abil ity, desires position ; can produce results If given an opportunity. N 474, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wishes position as asst. book keeper or shipping clerk, wholesale house. Y 471. Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer desires position. Satisfaction guaranteed. K 455. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN. 28, wants position as clerk In general merchandise or grocery store, coun try or city; 3 years' experience; references. N 472. Oregonian. WA NTED Management of ranch. stock preferred, highest references. Employed at present. German, married. K 402, Oregonian. WANTED A position by reinforced con crete man as superintendent, having long experience and best references. L 466, Oregonian. ERTCKLAYER on boilers, furnaces, fire places, etc.; No. 1; references. Phone E 3S04. City or country. 374 E. fcth st. EXPERIENCED man wants work around private residence or hotel. L 467, Ore gonian. A GRADUATE licensed dentist would like position with a dentist in the city. Phone Main WOO. BARTENDER Young, competent, stranger in Portland, wishes jTbtitlon; references. X 467, Oregonian. YOUNG man. experienced, want a posit! yn in a hotel or restaurant as waiter. N 466, Oregonian. YOUNG man experienced in groceries and cigars wishes position delivering and col lecting; best references. L 46S. Oregonian. BUTCHER All-around man. wants position In country shop; best references. X 466, Oregonian. WANTED poe-tfon as railroad foreman; 8 years' experience. P 450, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position general housework. Y 474. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants position as general housework- Y 473, Oregonian. BARBER first-class, wants 'steady job; no bad habits. X 471. Oregonian. GOOD Japanese cook wants position, small family, city or country. G 469. Oregonian. CARPENTER and builder, day or contract work. Address 48 Falling. Woodlawn 1236. WANTED. POSITION Japanese, good cook, hotel or restaurant. N 471, Oregonian. TWO young, experienced men, want Janitor work. A 470. Oregonian. HOUSE and window cleaning by O. A. Thompson. Phone Main 5S64. GOOD Japanese wants position do any kind work. N 470, Oregonian. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS hare brought thousands to Port laud this Fall, some who will want to rent, most of whom will want to buy. Your announcement of desir able propert3 on these pages will reach them all. Are you selling any of these strangers? If not, it's ten to one you've failed to advertise. SITUATION WANTED 31 ALE. Miscellaneous. REFINED, energetic, conscientious young man. with four years' experier ce in of fice work and soliciting, wants a god connection; excellent references. B 474 Oregonian. HONEST, single man. desires a position as clerk in grocery or general merchandise store In country, city or town; ueed to coun try trade and all-around man with eight years' experience. M 467. Oregonian. MARRIED man (German wishes manage ment of ranch, experienced with stock, orchard, general farming; references. Em ployed until November 1. B 463. Oregon ian. YOUNG MAX would like position on private place; can take care of horses, cows, etc.; also knows how to drive; understands Eng lish French and German. Address Michael Anthony. 208 Davis St., city. YOUNG man wants position to learn the grocery business ; speaks German. Eng lish ; wholesale or retail. G 468, Ore gonian. BRICKLAYER and plasterer wants charge ot estate to do jobbing only; ma teria! must be furnished ; reasonable rates. X 474r Oregonian. SITUATION" WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes a po sition ; have had 5 years' experience as private stenographer in an insurance of fice : best of references furnished. B 470, OregoaL&n. COMPETENT young woman. 10 years ex perience in general office work, billing, etc.. w ants position ; good at figures; ref erences. AM 456, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY not afraid of work wishes position as bookkeeper: can operate type writer; references. Main 64 6, ask for bookkeeper. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion; am willing to work and very rapid on typewriter. K 469. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and steno grapher desires permanent position, city; references. H 404. Orcgonban. STENOGRAPHER Young lady, experienced, wishes position; $4L; best references. X 46S. Oregonian. BY stenographer, accurate and rapid, with experience; willing worker. Phone A 5446. YOUNG LADY assistant bookkeeper desires position. L 461, oregonian. Dressmakers. GET orders in early for flannelette gowns and aprons; all sizes and kinds. Phone East 4642. Call mornings. MAKER of gowns, etc.; prompt service; prices moderate. 44 East 7th South. Phone East 2410, B 2676. STRANGER In city would like to make en gagements by the day. plain sewing and mending neatly done. Phone Main OoSl. DRESSMAKER wishes to go out sewing by the day; tailored skirts and shirtwaists a specially. Main 2920. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mra Angeles, 326 H Wash. St., room. 210. LADY wants sewing by day from to 3. Phone Woodlawn 1515. DRESSMAKING engagements by the day or week. Phone Main 29S3. PLAIN sewing done by th-a day. Tabor 1580. Nurses. WANTED By an experienced young lady, position as "r.urse girl in respectable family. X 470. Oregonian. LADIES sick nurse. Phone Sellwood 1452. Housekeepers. REFINED widow, capable woman, desires position as housekeeper in widower's family. A 467. Oregonian. YOUNG woman desires a home in private family, housekeeper; moderate wages. N 46o. Oregonian. A WIDOW of ability would like position as housekeeper In rooming-house, hotel or widower's family. A 4t0, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wishes care of room ing house for rooms. G 474. Oregonian. Domestics. YOUNG lady wishes position at general housework and paid by the week. K 470, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. LACE curtains washed and stretcher. 40c a pair: 5 years' experience. Phone C 1658. East 5337. LADY will do laundry work at home, laun dry prices. Mrs. Sullivan. 76th and East Clay sts. Call and deliver. LCE curtains beautifully laundered; fine sun-drying grass-bleaching facilities. Ta bor 1630. EXPERIENCED and competent cook wishes engagement for reception and clubs, etc. I06 N. 16th et- Home phone A 34i0. WOMAN wants work by the hour. Phono A 3271. It ELI ABLE woman from the East wants day work. Phone Main S.199. WANTED Work by the day or hour. Tel. Main 22S1. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees; outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory. Address Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Or., via Hillsboro. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weeklv selling choice nursery stock out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. Agents, big money made selling our nursery stock: great demand, fine line, cash com mission weekly. Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. AGENTS WANTED Big money. Room 23. Raleigh bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WE will rent your house tor you. What have you to offer on Ease of West Side? All rents guaranteed In advance. National Realty & Trust Co., 3264 Wash. st.. room 616. WE are in touch and keep within touch of hundreds of homeseekers, if you have a house or flat or furnished rooms for rent give us particulars. Robb & Patton, 00 3th st. Main 6476, A 1476. RESPONSIBLE, refined small family would liko to care for furnished house during Winter months: pm-ty going south or east could feel perfectly safe in leaving with such ten.aits. L 474. Oregonian. 1 WANTED By gentleman, wife and 10-year-old daughter, 2. comfortable rooms with board in private family ; location 1 Sth to 25th, Washington to Overton; references. Address B 473, Oregonian. WANTED For cleaning and dyeing works, cottage or store with some ground; must be central; East or West Side. J 40S, Oregonian. WANTED To rent two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, by widower and grown daughter; not too far out. Ad dress A 471. Oregonian. WANTED 2 or 3 housekeeping rooms, pri vate family preferred; references. AB 471. Oregonian. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. M 451, Oregonian. WANTED By neat young man, flrst-class board and room ; north of Burnaide at.. East Side. AB 470, Oregonian. WANTED To rent. 5-room cottage, on Eaat Side, close in. M 466. Oregonian. WANTED Location for select private dining-room. M 473, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington elegantly furnished rooms; all modern con veniences1, pienty of heat; $15 and up. FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and Eleventh. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 hi Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estet. NICELY furnished, comfortable rooms, $1 60 to $5; tree phone, lights, hath, etc; No. 2 N- 14th. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3. $4. $3 per week; transient THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, heat; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. THE COUGHLIN Neatly furnished rooms. 5 Uth bL, cor. Stark. FOR, RENT- Furnfcued Rooms. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New modern, fireproof building, steam heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buv, and it doesn't Lost any more than some cheap loagms-nouoc. nice large office on ground floor; avery- this first class: rates. o0c. jc anu i per Gay; $3.50 and up. per week. Call and se. us. 12S 6th sl North. Homelike Homelike Homelike THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde Street. "IN THK HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redecorating, refitting and refurnishing, all for your benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABl'NDANCE. A delightful Winter home at reasonable rates for those who appreciate clean Iineis and comfort. THE MOODY HOUSE. "Mi and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk Washing-ton and 3d; just completed; new furnl& hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy; single rooms or suites; permanent and transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phone A 7731, M. 8039. HOTEL ANTLERS, Corner :0th and Washington Sts. New management; THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.30 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. FRANKLIN HOTEL, cor. 13th and Wash ington bis. Most elegant furnished; free telt phone, hot and cold water in every room; shower baths and tub baths. Come and see for yourself. Rates $4 week up. HOTEL, EUCLID. 1STH AND WASHINGTON. New, modern. elegantly furnished rooms, with or without private bath; per manent Oi- transient. HOTEL NORRIS. 1324 17th cor. Wash. ; new building, new ty furnished ; every room light and sunny; hot water, steam heat; low prices. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th. flrat-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. THE MERTARPER, 126 13th, cor. Washing ton, brand new, handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water in all rooms; very reasonable terms. HOTEL LENOX, cor, 3d and Main sts.. fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite the Plaza. Furnished Rooms in Private Families. FOR KENT Desirable, lar.. litrht room, nicely furnished, modern conveniences, ex cellent location, clo.-e in; references. 303 12th st. Phone A 3040. ONE nice front room, with alcove, with two beds, for $10 per month ; one small room for $6. 50 Taylor st., walking dis tance. NICELY furnished room, private family, close; gentlemen preferred; $7 per month. Main S3S0. NEW and neatly furnished rooms, hot and cold water,x walking distance. Call at 215 13th st. 303 12TH ST. Desirable, light rooms, $3 to $4 w eekly ; gentlemen preferred ; refer ences. M. 7327. 213 13TH Nice, clean, furnished rooms; modern conveniences, suitable for one or two. DESIRABLE room, strictly private family; modern conveniences, walking distance. Main 1)002. FURNISHED room suitable for 2. if desired; 10 minutes' walk from P. O. ; bath, phone, heat. 226 12th, near Salmon. $12 Furnished room on second floor of modern, steam-heated apartment. Phone M. 7394, Flat D, 46: Jefferson st. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; gas. bath, phone, 2. closets. H2 Taylor st. CLEAN front room; good heat, light, phone, piano; reasonable. 68 12th et. FURNISHED rooms. 75c per week and up. 407 Stark st. Phone A 3CS2. LARGE corner room; hot and cold water, 1 heat, large closet. 542 Morrison. PLEASANT front room, small hut cozy; bath, heat, close In. 632 Flanders. FURNISHED room reasonable, walking dis tance. Main 0 1 2. NICE, welt-heated rooms, every convenience. 3d st. Phone Main 5221. FURNISHED front rooms, furnace heat, 30 16th st., near Washington. Phone A 2840. $8.50 AND $10 month, two fine rooms, good location, close in. 452 5th. NICELY furnished rooms for refined gel tie men. 384 Park st. LARGE, well-heated rrom; every convenience; walking distance. Main 3312. 361 10th. Rooms With Board. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished ; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the mini mum of expense. If you want the .beat in the city for the money, call and iu spect ; dining-room in connection. HOTEL SARGENT. One elegantly furnished suite, with pro vat e bath, for rent, after the 15th of October. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne ave. PORTLAND Women's Union, 2 2d year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary. 510 Flande-rs st.. Miss Frances N. Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange, lbO 5th st. Mrs. M. E- Bretherton, supt. THE MANSION, beautiful grounds, elegant ly furnished rooms, conservatory, billiards, table Doard, $3.30. 5th and Jefferson. FOUR 6-room flats. Just completed, modern conveniences. 1S7 Whitaker. 1 block from S. or F. Car; adults preferred. ROOM and board for two employed people; walking distance, reasonable. 624 E. Mor rison. THE COLONIAL, 163 ar.d 107 10th st., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. THE CALVARD Take W car at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097. ROOM and board, for 2 gentlemen. 54 N. 16th, cor. Davis. Rooms WUh Board in Private Family. TWO pleasant rooms, eit her single or en suite, with board in modern private home; 7 minutes' walk from center of city; very reasonable. Main 4304. BOA RD and room for two gentlemen or couple, heat and light, very reasonable. 723 Hawthorne ave. B 2207. NICE rooms, with good board. modern home. 62 Lucrctia st., near Hill Hotel; gen tlemen preferred. Main 3643. LARGE front room, neatly furnished with board for 2 or 3 gentlemen; icasonable. 540 Yamhill st. NICELY furnished rooms w ith board, suit able for 2 gentlemen or man and wife. 460 Taylor st. Phone Main 756G. NICE single room with board. suitable for gentleman; references requfred. 2S1V Park. A 261 S. FRONT room with board for 2 gentlemen, good home cooking, home comfort, easy walking distance. East 5418. LARGE front room with board for two. 89 E. Sth N. East 722. LARGE furnished room, with board. 615 Morrison st., cor. 16th. 520 Room and board for 4;. heat and phone. 695 Everett st. ROOM and board. 149 15th st., between Mor rison and Alder sts. Phone Main 3412. Apartments. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair street, near Washington Wili be com pleted October 1. A fw three-room apart ments left; they possess every modern convenience including wall teds. gas ranges, refrigerators, etc.; location and surroundings unsurpassed. LAURETTB apartments, high class, new brick building, steam heat, hot water, flre less cooker, private hall and bath, one 3 rooms unfurnished, 5 minufes from Portland Hotel. 11th, near Salmon. THE STANLEY. New apartments, first-class service, rea sonable rent. Cor. Washington and King su. FWt RENT. Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th ano Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison it., new brick build ing, completely first-clas, furnished In i 3 and 4 -room family apartments: private bath, reception hall, steam h?at, hot water, elevator, free phone. compresed-air clean ing, janitor j-erviue; some unfurnished; rent eiy reasonable. 3-ROOM completely furnished apartment, with private bath (furnace liat froe; 10 minutes ride on Ml. Tabor carliue. sur roundrd by beautiful lawns and flower gardens; a model home for couple without children. Apply 16i East 33d. cor. 13el. mont. NICELY furnished 4-room apartment. 171 King Kt. Main 8000. Fluis. FOR RENT 0-room flat, with all modern conveniences, most up to date fiat in the neighborhood, on Water street, near cor ner Gibbs and Water streets; key at drug store, comer Front and Gibbs. or tail at I. Gevurtz & Son, 173-0 First. MODERN flat 4 rooms with 3 extra sleep ing rooms upstairs adjoining. Near 23d and Washington. Call A. M- and. even ings. Main bOSS. FOUR or 'five-room fiat, furnished or unfur nished: Central East Side district; u-.t lioor Healy bldg.. Grand and East Morn Sin; modern conveniences. E 1741. FLATS. 73m and 733 Hou st.. near 6 rooms and bath. Inquire 132 6th - -Main 6274. MODERN" 5-room. walking distance. 174 Vs East 2d North. Woodlawn 362. ONE furnished, one unfurnished room, mod em. West ave. and K. Burnside st. $2$ Swell corner flat, walking distance, very modern. Main 7 1 12. MODERN upper 6-room flat. 7So"ra Kearney, near 23d. Key at 712 Kearney. LOWER flat, furnished, no children; refer ences. 263 7th st. Main 1030. MODERN 5-room flat. 200 Vi Halsey St., near Steel bridge. $20 per month. 3-ROOM flat for rent. New, modern. 313 Stanton st. NICE upper flat of 4 rooms and bath, un furnished. In fine location. 70S E. Burnslde. UPPER 5-room flat. cor. 22d and Kearney. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. -Newlv rurnished for housekeeping, in cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot wafer, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms 2 50 week up, best in city for money; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "S" of lOth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. ON EON T A, 187 17th, near Yamhill; take W. car at depot ; furnished 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week $5.50. by month $20 and up; hot and cold water, baths and phones free. Main 4607, A 4739. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631H Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. S $ month, 3 for $12; cottages $lti, $20, $26; fiat, 4 rooms. $16; unfurnished house, $10. 364 26th North; "W" car from depot, on 3d or Morrison to 26th. block north. 461 EAST Morrison, cor East 8th; com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. THE M1LNER, 350H Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences. $1.25 week, clean, turn, housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car. $1-50 week, large, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman. SWELL housekeeping rooms In new concrete building. Phone C 1342. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. TWO nicely furnished sillies, fine river iew, high, beautiful, scenic, bath, phoie. gas, wa'king distance and near car; rent S12 and $ 13. 564 East 61 h et. Phone Sell wood 1100. TWO sunny furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranRe, bath, electric lights. In pri vate family of two. Walking dfstance. 555 Taylor st. LIGHT housekeeping. 2 roon.s. partly fur nished. $20; pertnanent tenant desired ; no children. 5S1 East pine t East 5S76. TWO housekeeping rooms, sink In kitchen, pantr , nicely furnished ; walking dis tance. 235 12th st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms dow nstalrs; gas, bath, reasonable. fil2 Front. 2 CNFLRNISHED housekeeping rooms for rnt at 650 Couch at., between 16th and 17th. NK'ELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 and 3-room suites; also single rooms. 3SU 6th st. THREE front rooms, verandn, furnished or not; bath, phone. Call after 3 P. M Main 216J. FOUR nice large rooms with piano, only $25. walking distance. 5M Taylor st. Call after 0 o'clock. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, $18 492 Clay. THREE nice housekeeping rooms. $13 month. Tabor 865. ONE LARGE, neat, well-furnished housekeep ing room, $12. 334 Park. Houses. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house. large lot planted to fruit and flowers; on Wil lamette boulevard, overlooking the river; only C'O. Devlin & Flrebaugh, 611 Swet land bldg. MODERN 7-room house for rent; first -class condition. 430 Oregon at., near E. 7th. Very accessible to town and three car lines. Inquire 8-83 E. Taylor St., cor 20th, or phone Tabor 1800. MODERN 5-room bungalow: gas and electric lishte, gas stove, steel range, fireplace; al mt completely furnished; new carpets. Wff yard, nice residence district. B 2237, 50 East Soth. A. NICE, modern house should have modern TuiniFhings throughout : Eastern prices and easy terms at Caief Bros., 360-370 East Mor rison st. YOU will go away satisfied and well paid if you call on us. HA KTM A N & THOMPSON, Rent Department. Chamber Com. A MODERN j-room upper flat, stationary wood range, gas stove and water heater. 61 'a E. 6th st. N. Phone E 5432. FOR RENT 5-room cottage. bathroom, cellar, walking distance, $13. Call 120 2iid at., corner Glisan. 5-ROOM cottage, unfurnished, modern, close in 446 East Harrison st. Inquire 415 E. 8th st. . FOR RENT Fine 7-room house, new. Irv iiigtoii. 6S9 Broadway, bet. l&th and 21st. Phone East 3691. 9-ROOM house, 2 lots, vory pleasant place, free water rent. 'I'll East 49th st. Phone Tabor 63. $30 Modern, brand new. 7 rooms and bath, f iirnace, etc. , on Hawthorne ave. Inquire. 2I1 Glenn ave.. Hawthorne car. SIX-ROOM house on Weidler srt.. near Union ave Inquire H row 11 Bros., Tailors. 241 Alder. Phone Main 8744. UNKURXLSHED houses may be furnished complete by Calef Hvcf.' eawy rent plan at Eastern price. 3t:o-37o East Morrison at. MODERN" houee. 6 rooms-; furnace, two fire places, double lightinK. Kart 12th. near Stark- $'10. Apply 3ni Dekum bldg. FIVE rooms for rent and part of furniture for pale for $33; rent $8. Call 234 Madison st 6-ROOM houee. modern and in first-class condition. Apply hl Front, cor. Whit aker. ELEGANT S-room house, corner C3d and Glisan st; perfect crder. Inquire Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second st. 3-ROOM cottage, modern, hot and cold water, nice lawn. 734 Commercial st. phone Main 6016. $S 4 rooms, graded street, 2 blocks cars Apply 4.VJ Magnolia. Woodlawn. 5-ROOM. modern cottage. E. 30' h and Hoyt. Phone East 331 or East 5 8 ROOMS on carllne st 820 Corbett. Furnace, bath. Phone Main 1410. NICE modern 6-room house, reasonable rent; close in. Phone East 3304. 6-ROOM house and bath. 19th and East Davis, $18. Phone East 1351. 9-ROOM residence, 792 Love.loy, near 24th; $55; &ri5tocitlc neighborhood.