J4 . THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAy, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1909. J IOR gAL- I HKI.P WANTED MALE. f HELP WATED MALE. HELF WANTED FEMALE. glICATIO- AXTED-rEMAUi. f FOB BENT. . FOB REXT. 1 . I " I I " N 1 Furnished Booms. I HomrkPcpins Room. V Honrs. Vrhlrl- mud Himw FOR SALE or rent 3 te.mi wtth goos. Dk furnltur. wairoiii. to rnt br monlh or year: lio rant any kind or a Tig for bukllirn pu.-po.ea, day. waek. or month. Ph"nea East 72. H 1X68. Haw thorne Stables. 4-0 Hawthorn ava. 2 BROOD mar, for ml, one with a mark c' 2 IT. bred to I.amtrt Boy: the other one 1. a 12-ib. mare In foal by an 1M00-Ib. fcotue; will n-har.e for a family home or own. K Kt isth . Woudatock car to oladatone ave. A FISH carload of horww will arrive on WediKjfUy. the 1 3th. Including marea and horses. In welht from IK to l.uo. In iw from 4 to 7 years old. 505 Alblna ave. Take L. car. BE.T pair of farm chunks In city, weigh 2iV?n. sound and true; guaranteed every ay: pair or arm m.rtrs. uirm ' " i two Percherons; cheap. -94 Mont- by gomery at. BUGGIES, harnem and wagons at cut prices, good, guaranteed, well-known buggies at J.'.T 50: big sales and small proms. The second largosl stock of goods In Portland. C. L. Buss & Co.. 320-3S E. Morrlajn t FOR SAL.E3 Team horses. and 10 years, ham and nearly new buckboard: price lii; will sell separate. Inquire 385 fcaet PIr.e. irnR SALE Span of horses weighing 1" lbs ea. h. 5 and 8 years old: wrk single or double; leaving city: must be ld. call at Fulton grocery store. ' Ti-E HWE 12 head of good draft horses. 1 good farm team, weisht t X 200; on. delivery horse. G. K. Howltt Co., 14 80th St.. Montavllla. PAIR of horses, weigh 31X lbs., good true pullers, with heavy Boston backs; bar gain, or will hire to responsible parties. in4 Montgomery St. FOR KALE Team of sorrel mares. and 7 years old: also good harness and BpIH!L wagon, cheap. Front st. r. Feed Stable. -4S MCE bay mare years old. weighs 1110. s-mr.d. gentle: suitable fer any purpose. 5th and Montgomery sts. FAIR of good workers, weigh 2000 lbs. with heavy team harness. JJaO. Montgomery St. FfaBoa. FOR SLE New J2.10 Hamilton piano, cheap f..r cash. ,W 443 Oregonlan. ONE good upright piano for sale, cheap. .Jail 3o9 Market at. FINE Hallet Pavis piano to rent. 452 Mor rison, cor. l.'lth. Automobile. CHAI.MERS-IETROIT 30. 1!09. Just good a, new In every particular. All com plete. 11500. G 447. Oregonlan. BRlfH runabout for sale: A-l condition. In quire of Hew 4 O'Brien. 54-56 Union ave. North, cor. Davis. AITOMORILE for sale. !0Oe "model G" Franklin; nno condition. Jl.WO; will trade for real estate. Address O 4S7. Oregonlan. 7sn j-passenger car. top. wind shield, etc. ; guaranteed to be In perfect order. 4i0 East Burnaide st. iK SALE Reo delivery csr; cheap. Call 244 2d st. 51 lscellaneeus. f FECIAL OFFER Wa have 100 second hand sewing machines that must be soid th's week regardless of price to make room for carload; 40 drop-head, all makes. White. New Home. Singer. Wheeler Wilson. DomeVtic and Standard. Do not forget the place White Sewing Machine flore. 420 Washington, cor. lUh. H. D. Jones prop. LVDY leaving city wishes to sell magnificent black long-hair lynx fur set. open rug niufT and shawl, with beautiful heads and talis: like new: latest style; 112. I need not say It is worth S0. at least. F 440. Oregonlan. AV A No. 1 family cow. big milker, cheap, or will take buggy or chicken. In exchange: If ou want a g.-od row. don't mlew this one. "! East 2Sth a:. Woodstock car to Glad store ave. 1 VPEWRITERS. all MUM. 20 to 1U0. fully guaranteed; easy payments: rentals. IJ per month. Pacific Statlooerr Ptg. Co.. 203 2d at. FOR PALE. 9x10 Tacoma loseing engine. , ' RAIWAT EyflPMENT.CO.. 74 First St. FOR PALE A betutiful eeaiskln coat, bust measure 42: worn but short time; can be eeen at siore of G. P. RumeiilT Sone; price much reduced, FOR SLE Fixtures of a first-class barber shop; must be sold at once. Phone Main S25. 101S Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Thoroughbred English setter t year old; pVease give telephone number. B 455. Oregonlan. FRESH cows. Jersey. Guernsey and Jersey UurhRin: very reasonable. 5 E. 30th. Hunnyslde car. TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt. aiDsolutely guaranteed, all bargains. $15 to tlij. North west Typewriter Co.. 329 Ablngton. M 38i0 ONE 35-H. P. portable boiler and engine; good condition. Columbia Brick Works, Gresham. Or. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. nr and oa wood '.it lowest market prices. Hoover. 813 Water it. Phone Main 745L A 5445. GOOD pasture for stock. 2 "4 miles on Cor nell road, at the Mllner place. M. New. AIREDALE pups. Inquire 254 Ford St., between 1st and 2d or phone Main 190. XrEW Brussels rug 9x12, half price. Call 605 Commercial block. - 4 ROOMS nicely furnished, complete: bargain; owner leaving city. Phone Tabor 1207. A CARLOAD of Concord grapes. Dickin son Co.. Oswego. Or. Rural Route No. 1. BOO BCSINESS CARDS. 11. 25. Pyder Pt. Co.. 357 Burnslde st. Main S538. . FOR SALE An old house to be taken down, j For particulars inquire 2921, Clay St. , AT 211 First St., furniture sale at 1 A. M. by the Ford Auction Co. ' FOR SALE Neat houseboat, r looms. 1250. Phone Exchsnge 19. FOR SALE Steamer Star. Inquire Star Stand Co.. office room 201 Board of Trade bidg. WANTF4) MISCKLLANBOVS. INDIAN RELICS Stone arrow points, bas kets, curios, works of art, antique sliver, old weapons, wanted by Nathan Joseph, doing business 30 Baker St., San Fran cisco. Cal. Now staying at the Calumet Hotel. Park st., Portland, for 4 days only. Anyone having such goods to sell enclose their name and addness In an envelope addressed to Nathan Joseph, at the Calu met Hotel, with phone number, so that he can call and see them. After 4 days, ad dress San Francisco. INDIAN RELICS Stone arrow points, bas kets, curios, works of art, antique silver, old weapons, wanted by Nathan Joseph, doing business 30 Baker St.. San Fran cisco. Cal. Now staying at the Calumet Hotel. Park St., Portland, for 4 days only. Anyon-e having such goods to sell enclose their name and address In an envelope addressed to Nathan Joseph, at the Calu met Hotel, so that he can call and sea them. After 4. days, address San Fran cisco. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272. WANTED To care for several children; best uf home Influence; also taught handwork of every description; references. P 454. Ore gonlan. . HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni tures w.s buy all kinds second-hand men's and ladies' clothing. E. 1051. 4 Grand ave. WANTED I'se of horse for Winter: two hours' work a day; good care. Address California Grocery. 11 KilllngsworUi ave. SELL Tour second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get Jess. Phones A 2445. Main 951. "WANTED Showcases, store and office fix tures, pool and billiard tables, howling alleys, eto. Phone Main 845s. WANTED Second-hand road roller: give full description, conditions and price. Ad dress J. L. Mara, La, Grande. Or. 6ECONT-HAND furniture and household goods. "VVoodard's Auction House. 201 2d. Highest prices paid. Main 8078, B 1034. WANTED Office desk .and chairs: give description and price. AN 453. Oregonlan. SPOT rash paid for your furniture: prompt attention sJways given. Phone East 10&7. HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers and met als. J. LT4, 1S Columtla St. 11. 111. COPPER RIVER RAILWAY. Cordova, Alaska. CAMPS Rl'N ALL WINTER. Steady work. Snoo men now at work; want looo more: tesmsters. tracklavers. rockmen. tiemakers. tlmbermen and laborers; big wsgee; good camps: commissary stores; snip every week: bout sal! from teattle every week. Fare from Seattle to. the work. I5. M. J. Heney. 514 Coimaa bldg., Seattle. , A ST. LOflS MANUFACTURER Wants to secure six men for state agency for a new line of goods, men of selling abil ity and capable of employing and manag ing; salesman can secure a permanent and paying business; a small amount oi cash htr sample stock necessary. See Mr N. P. Daiey. room 511. Hotel Norionla, from 1 to 6 P. M. MEN wanted, young, strong, good vision, account Increasing business on all rail roads, for firemen or brakemen: experi ence unnecessary. Permanent, posltlonsr 175. $HM) monthly. Promoted to conductor or engineer. 150. J 200. state age. weight, height: send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonlan. WANTED Real estate salesman. Reliable salesman 'of thorough experience In handling high-grade, improved city property. w to $lo(0 per month would be realized by the man who knows the hue-lnees. Address me at Cornelius Hotel, "giving full refer ences, age, experience and length of time In city. T. A. L. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade la eight weeks, help, to secure positions; graduates earn from SIS to 25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write ft catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, it North 4th su. Portland. Or. CHINESE INSTRUCTOR. China is wide open for trade; any young man wishing to go there for that purpose and succeed, com and learn the t'hliicse language. Rev. Fung Chak. Chi nese Instructor, 51 3d st. North, room 08. WNTED At once, experienced shoe, sales men. Roberts Bros. WANTED Toung man with little money as partner In fine real estate office: am alone and tired of hired help; experience not necessary If you are willing to learn. Swetland bldg.. room 610. 122 3th St. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE Requires competent salesmen for the men 9 furnishings department; also men'e clothing: can also place a number of young boys who desire to leaxn the business. Apply 8 A. M., Sixth floor. WANTED Five more men to assist us In selling our three suh-dlvisions. Will pay the highest commissions and fnrnish daily names to call on. Fruhauf Realty Co.. Ablngton bldg. ' ARCHITECTURAL draftsman wanted, must be a good designer capable of doing per spective work. In replying, give full par ticulars regarding experience, salary, etc. Address S 453. Oregonlan. WANTED Coatmaker: also good all-around tailor for Washington; union wages: plenty of work. Apply D. B. McBrlde & Co. WANTED Reliable man used to farm j.roduce; will pay good salary, also share profits: small tnvertment. required, particu lars 417 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Tailor: a good coatmaker for Montana, one who can do cutting and fit ting; will pay a good salary Hie year round. Apply D. B. McBrlde &. Co. . WANTED Men of good appearance to show city property. Only those who want to make money and are good hustlers need apply. 318 Abington bldg. Earn$15to33week, watchmaking, engr'g., op tics; learn In few months; positions furnished or start business without capital. Watchmak ing School 325 Kearney st., San Francisco. THERE Is a large demand for first-clajsa piano-tuners. For particulars, write West ern School of Piano Tuning, Pocatello, Idaho. WiVTKn Man to take ud oartlallV estab lished tea and coffee route; one experienced preferred; references required. Grand Union Tea Co.. 448 Washington st. . MAN with business experience and handy with tools can get partnership in very profitable established business for small amount. Apply 267 Ankeny st. BOY wanted for accountant's oflce. Reply in own handwriting. giving references. Good prospects for advancement. P 457, Oregonlan. TOKNll man. IS to 20. minor offit-e work, wholesale house, opportunity state age. experience, references; phone number. Y 45U. Oregonlan. WANTED 500 men to attend my sale of "genuine "Priestley Cravenette Raincoats," worth $25; on sale today at $12.75. TRULY WARREN. 315 Oregonian Bldg. WANTED Man and wife to take charge of hp ranch; must understand rarm work: will lease for 3 years to right party. Address Aurora State Bank. Aurora, Or. WANTED An experienced salesman to sell the capital stock of a life insurance com pany; salary and commission will be paid. Address P. O. Box 642, Portland, Or. WANTED Two boys over 16 as check boys and to learn telegraphy. Apply chief op- erator Western Union, 5th floor Worcester bldg. WANTED A first-class coat operator. Apply Crown Tailor Shop. 4th and Stark sts. Steady work guaranteed. MOTIOX picture operators earn $25 weekly: learn In short time; easy Inside work: les sons reasonable. Particulars, 526H Wash. MEN 12.25 per day clearing land. Call this A. M. at 711 Rothchlld bldg., cor. 4th and Washington. FIRST-CLASS bushclman and presser want ed; wages no object for good man. Ap ply 2!5'i Stark St. WANTED Two good tailors, first-class pay. E. EJ. Krauss, 403 H Main St., Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Brick and shovel laborers; $2.25 oer day. Inquire foreman on Job. Pacific Electric Engineering Co., Oswego. Or. WANTED Boy to learn drug business; must he 16: steady position and advancement for bright boy. Call 374 Morrison. WANTED Competent carpenter to finish dwelling by contract. Woodlawn 1236. 48 Failing st. Job at Svth and Broadway. TWO experienced men, lunch waiters, from 11:45 to 1:15. Auto Rest., 528 Washing ton st. CARPENTERS wanted. 5 good rough car penters; come ready to go to work to 11th and Hall st. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Abstract Co.; 408 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Man for ranch work, $2.60 a day; board $4.50 a week. Call 319 Lum bermen! bldg. WANTED At once. 3 manufacturing Jew elers: must be A-l. W. F. Ross A. Co.. 264 Morrison St.. Portland. , - EXPERIENCED Helper on cake; night night work. Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett. WANTED linemen and inside wiremen. EaMern Oregon Light A Power Co., Baker City, Or. ' STRONG BOY to work in hardware store; $2l month: state age and references. X 424, Oregonlan. SALESMAN will find good position at 414 Rothchlld bldg. BAND SAWYER wanted at "Enterprise planing mill. 306 East Yamhill. AMATEUR boxers at once; good chance" for right boys. P 459. Oregonlan. MANDOLIN-PLATER wants gultar-plaver that can sing tenor. AH 457, Oregonlan. PRESSER on ladies' skirts; must be ex perienced. J. K. Stern Co.. 429 Wash. st. EIGH-CLASS hustling sslesman: big wages; permanent. 215 Commercial block. BOY wanted, strong boy with wheel. Ap ply H. C Brown A Co., 373 Yamhill. CONCRETE and mortar men wanted. 49th and Belmont. MAN to cut and saw 10 cords of wood: good wages. phone A 3979. CARPENTER wanted, good finisher. Green, Water and Glbbs sts. WE secure positions for oar members. Special membership. Y. M. C. A. FIVE first-class musicians at once. Nation al Theater. 127 7th st. FOX lathe hand on brass; also apprentices. 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Baker boy with 1 year's ex perience. Phone M. 6087. i j I i BOTS 16 to 18 year of age to work In fac tory; good wagea Apply at once. Amea-Harrla-Nevllle Co., 6th and Davis . WANTED REAL ESTATE Man who knows the rental business and. 1 acquainted in the city. PRUDENTIAL ADVERTISING CO.. 213 Wash, st., over Public Market. WANTED Young man to show property or make himself useful In ojfrice; experience unnecessary: small capital required. Call 3264 Washington St., room 416. WANTED Young men to study wireleew telegraphy: railroad telegraphy. railroad wires in school: dav and evening classes. Oregon College of Telegraphy. 83 5th St. PHOTO coupon an portrait agents; fine offer. Hubner Studio. 71H Swetland bldg. WANTED Dishwasher. $10 per week. Peer-' less Cafeteria. 104 5th st. PHOTO COUPON agents, best offer; good money. Davis. 342 is Washington st. WANTED Errand boy. Lewia-Stenger Bar bers' Supply Co., Morrison and 10th sts. WANTED Boy with wheel. Jonea' Book Store, 291 Alder st. WANTED-Derrick rigger, 514 East Oak Phone 10S7. EXPERIENCED tnllors wanted. Goodnough building, sixth floor. MAN to run gasol'ne engine and help around building. East 11th and Pine. DELIVERY boy wantei d. 16th and Glisan sts. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE Requires competent t-aleewoman for suits', waists and millinery: can alto place a num ber of young girls who desire to learn the business. Apply 8 A. M.. Sixth floor. WANTED Immediately, refined mlildte aged lady to travel, making deliveries and collections; salary, commission- and ex penses: must have $200 cash. 302 Com mercial block, 2d and Washington sts. GIRL for general housework; must be good - ccok: good wages; family of three,- no children: modern. convenient 7-room house. 800 Northrup St., cor. 24th. WANTED Demonstrators: 8 young women of pleasing appearance; must have long handsome head of hair; good wages to right parties. Address R 452. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced hands on ladles' Jackets; must be good seamstresses and understand alterations. Eastern Outfitting Co.. Washington at 10th st. WANTED Woman to help my wife with hoiieework; 8 miles in country. Call Joe Gentcmann, Hotel Tenneseee, 4th and Madi son. WANTED A capable woman to tako charge of home and take care seml-lnvaild. 920 E. Main, cor. 31st. GOOD strong woman to help in boarding house, permanent position to right party. Phone B 2606. A GIRL for housework, family of 3, and take care of baby; good wages. Wood lawn 1027. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Call mornings. 1069 Thurman St., cor, 32d, Willamette Heights. ELDERLY lady wanted to do- plain cooking; small wages; good home. Call after 5 P. M., 313 Hancock St. GIRL wanted for general housework and cook ing; small family grown, people; wages $-'10. 679 Hoyt St. A MIDDLE-AGED woman to take charge of house for room and board. Tabor 796 fore noons. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.50 tioz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 43& Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 692. WAN1ED Experienced operators on over alls: also lcarnera; paid while learning. 7J 1st st. WANTED A competent eftfldren's nurse; must be experienced and have city ref erences. Call C 1306. 691 Hancock St. WANTED Neat girl to wait' on table and a.ssit with housework; no cooking. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. WANTED 2 girls, good plain cook, other for second work: 2 In family. Apply forenoon, 434 Salmon st. STENOGRAPHER who can assist on books; mention salary wanted; beginner pre ferred. AJ 459, Oregonian. - GIRLS to work in candy department. Ap ply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. WANTED Young girl to care for baby af ternoons. Apply mornings, room 226 Hill Hotel. 23d and Washington. EXPERIENCED saleslady for drygoods and furnishings; city references required. Alexander, 23d and Thurman sts. WANTED Refinea, capable woman for re sponsible' position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. EXPERIENCED alteration hands. New York Outfitting Co. 1S 1st st. A GIRL for cooking -and general housework: good home: good "wages. Phone E. 1652. GIRL for housework, assist with cooking; small family. 321 6th St. A YOUNG girl to help with housework; 2 In family. Apply at 7ul Hoyt st.. in mornings. GIRL for general housework, 4 in family, wages $30. 586 Tillamook St. GIRL for general housework. 425 Tillamook street. WANTED Talented girl partner for vaude- ville. W 455, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED waitress. Palace Restaurant. 129 4th st. WANTED at once, lady compositor. Ad dress Enterprise, Whjte Salmon, Wash. - WANTED Girl for general housework. 245 North 22d st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Inquire 2.13 Washington st. GIRL for general rtousework; small family. Take Broadway car. 725 Weidler st. WANTED Girl for general housework. B 2512. HOUSEKEEPER for widower with 2 chil dren of school age. B 458. Oregonian. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply forenoons. 296 Tillamook, GIRL press feeder to feed small platen press. Address F 459, Oregonlan. COMPETENT seamstress to help on ladies' coats. 346 Alder St. Mrs. Zeitfuche. LADY stenographer wanted: Remington ma chine used. C 456, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED fur finisher. Apply 9 to 11 A. M., 806 Dekum bldg., cor. Sd and Wash. WANTED neat girl for general -housework in small family. 622 E. Burnslde st. GIRLS- WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 3. Grand ave and East Tavlor. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework in family four adults. 565 Hoyt. GIRL for general housework: small family, S5 Glisan St.. telephone Main 4208. GIRL or woman, assist oaring for child, light duties. Main 6419. 462 6th. ' GIRL for general housework; good wages. Apply 729 Hoyt st. GIRL to assist at light housework. 18f lrtth st. North. GIRL for general housework. Call A 2233 or Main 2233. COMPETENT glr! for light housework; good cook; 3 In family; $25. East 5312. GIRL for general housework. Must be good cook. Family of two. 819 Overton st. GIRL for general honswork. 580 First st. RELIABLE nurseglrL 806 Marshall it. GIRLS 18 to 20 years of age to work In fac tory; good wages. Apply at once. Ames-Harrls-N'evllle Co.. 6th and Davis at. WANTED First-class Jacket and skirt hands for alteration room. Bartholomew Company, 400 Washington st. SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly experienced and competent. Wanted In a number of our departments; permanent positions to the right persons. OLDS. WORTMAN KING. JACKET, SKIRT AND GOWN WORKERS. Permanent positions to experienced and competent workers. Apply to Mrs. Rich ards, in charge of alteration department. OLDS. WORTMAN A KING. WANTED at once, experienced salesladies for hosiery and knit underwear department. Roberts Broa., Sd and Morrison. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, 32614 Washington St.. Room 307. Main 81-36 or A 3208. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. MAKE money writing stories; pleasant work for you; big pay. Send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate. San Fran cisco. COAT, vest and pants operators wanted at once: wages $12.50 and up; stoady work. Fashion Craft Tailors. 909 C St.. Tacoma. Wash. STUDIO Music. German. French. English literature. 452 Morrison. Main 2097. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert. $6 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. FISK TEACHERS" AGENCY offers good" po s tlon to A-l instructors., 514 Swetland bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG married man. steady, good charac ter, wants position with wholesale or re tall bouse; can show Al record; used to of fice work or can give conscientious service in stock work. M 453. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS lumber office man desires po sition: familiar with export business, good accountant and capable of handling cor respondence. Address X 447, Oregonian. POSITION by Eastern man. thoroughly ex perienced in grocery and genera! mer chandise; city or country: speaks Ger man. X. S. Berg. Portland.- Oregon. STENOGRAPHIC work evenings or type writing done at home. Call Pratt, Main 1263. MEN'S furnishings; experienced young man desires position; reference. AN 450, Ore gonlan. - - YOUNG man would like work of some nature during evenings; experienced stenographer. T 455, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN must have position clerking, Electing, office work, etc.; good reference furnished. Phone Woodlawn "92. CLERICAL work; young man; experienced; wishes position; reference. AM 453, Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Position as Inside electrical worker, conduit and wiring a specialty; capable of taking charge; sober, married, ' SI years old. In or out of Portland. O 459, Oregonian. CARPENTER Good mechanic wants steady work during Winter; can dn inside work as well as outside; will go anywhere. AN 451. Oregonian. POSTTION WANTED Swedish speaking carpenter, finisher, wants position; knows his trade. Can't talk English. Call M 6236 63 N. 3rd St. EXPERIENCED Japanese, gentle and hon est boy. wishes position at housework, starting to work from next Monday; wages $30 and up. E 455, Oregonlan. MILLWRIGHT, carpenter, electrician, wants permanent Job, young and absolutely re liable:, any distance; state pay. Address AB 432. Oregonian. CHAUFFEURS Position wanted by first class driver and repair man. Can handle any high-power cars. Address J. Enves, Hotel Rainier. JAPANESE boy wants position as school hov, or country. J. H., 121 15th st. North. Phone Main 9361. POSITION wanted by young man of ex perience In mercantile business; will go out of town. AH 459, Oregonlan. AN all-around grocery clerk, sober and good habits. Phone Main 1817 between 8 and 9 A. M. GOOD carpenter wants employment by day or contract, all repairing. 374 2d St. C. Hansen. Main 2220. BOY, 19 years old, would like to learn the grocery trade; steady Job wanted. F 452. Oregonlan. TEACHER, gentleman, wishes princlpalship or good rural school: best references; stato salary. S 452. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED elevator boy would like po sition. Phone Seliwood 1063. AD 458, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hardware man wants posi tion in this territory with local concern. AB 449. Oregonian. TWO flrst-class painters, want work by . day or contract; only good 'work done. 275 heeler St. WANTED position as railroad foreman; 8 years experience, r- too, oregonian. JAPANESE, good cook, wants position In private family. R 456, Oregonlan. JAPANESE fcov wants position to do house work. W 458, Oregonian. REGISTERED -assistant pharmacist wishes position. AB 447. Oregonlan. YOUNG man "wishes position as porter, -Nick Brown, 137 is First St., cor. Aldor. A NO 1 packer Wants work at a decent salary. Phone woodlawn 4W4. EXPERIENCED hotel bus driver wishes position. O 458, Oregonlan. CsRPENTER and builder, day or contract work. Address 48 Failing. Woodlawn 1236. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG lady wkhee position as bookkeeper; . can operate typewriter: references given. Phone Main 646 or A 2046. Ask for book keeper. STENOGRAPHER Competent and experi enced ladv stenographer wlghes position. 138 .East 68th st. north. f T01'VG lady desires position as cloak and suit saleslady or millinery; experienced. P 451. Oregonian. YOUNG woman desires position in office; ex perienced in clerical work. P 452, Ore gonlan. ' BY good stenographer with some experience at moderate salary- Phone A 5446. BY youhg lady, position as assistant book keeper or office girl. N 453, Oregonian. Dressmakers. GET orders in early for flannelette gowns and aprons; all sizes and kinds. Phone East 4642. Call mornings. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs Angeles. S2tm Wash. St.. room 216. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day or at home. Main 8193. SB-WING done. 104 11th st. PLAIN aewlng done by the day. Tabor 15S0. EXPERIENCED German, nursery governess, city references. St. Louis, 245 fr v. asning . ton. Main 2039. RKTTNF.n vounr ladv position as govern ess or nursery governess, best refernces. D 45.1, Oregonian. MIDWIFE or- graduate obstetric nurse. Phone Main 2547. Honse-keepers. WIDOW would like position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor witn goou nome excellent cook; very capable. F 457, Ore gonian. HOUSEKEEPER'S position In widower's good home, by reliable woman: neat worker: no objection to one child. v too, uiwniui- NEAT widow, girl 3. housekeeper widower or family. St. Louis Agency. wa.au lngton. Main 2039. A 4775. POSITION as overseer, housekeeper, middle aged lady, single. L 4ot, uregonmu. . Domestics. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants posi tion. Inquire Young Women's Christian Assn. Hours lo to 12. GIRL wishes place, general housework: ex . . , 1 utt "in penenceu coo, now EXPERIENCED girl wishes second work In family of adults, am -.h. urenunittii. first. CI. ASS cook wants position; board ing-house references. AH 455, Oregonian, WASHING. Ironing or cleaning by day. Phono Main Siuu. Miscellaneous. LADY would like position as head waitress or cashier in restaurant; years of ex perience; willing to devote all day to business. Aid t.U, ji eBVJiiim. TWO ladies want positions cooking In lum ber or mining camp; one excellent cook: both willing and capable. AB 445, Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS demonstrator would like po sition, experienced ana capanie. Atv. tot. Oregonran. POSITION wanted by experienced waitress In lunchroom or care. Room b6, Alimer mag Phone A 1644, Main 4521. f.vpfrifvcfd woman wants washing, iron lng. cleaning: no half days. Phone Main 459S. . FAMILY cook. $40; hotel chambermaid practical nurse, housekeepers. St. Louis, IMS1.! Washington. .Main -uj, a tiio. P.F.KINED vounr woman, good seamstress, wishes position as lady's companion, city or country, fnone Main li-tu. LACE curtains beautifully, laundered: fine sun-arving grass-uieaciung iai.-iiit.ioa. -labor 1530. WANTED Position in bakxsry; city refer ences. AH 456. Oregonlan. WOMAN wanted, washing at home. 466 East Alder st. LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered, 40c pair. .Taoor iaf. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED. Wanted two or three first-class life insur ance men for city work. The very best agents' contract will be given rignt par ties. Popular plan -or insurance contract. Apply 9 to 10 A. M., 619 Marquam bldg. WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees nntrit furnished: cash advanced weekly good territory. Address Oregon Nursery company, urcaiu, ui., v ia nuuuuiu. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stocK out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. Agents, big money made selling our nursery stock: great demand, fine line, cash com mission weekly, baiem Nursery t;o., baiem. WANTED TO KENT. I. a nv wants flrst-class room and board in refined private family of adults, no other hoarders: will pay well for satisfactory accommodations in gooa resiae.nee ai trict; references exchanged. B 456, Ore gonian. WE will rent your house tor you. What have you to offer on East or West Side? AH reitts guaranteed In advance. National Realty & Trust Co.. 32614 Wash. St.. room 516. WANTED by responsible party, furnished home: about 7 rooms: for 4 to 6 monins. Kings Addn.. or Wash. St.. to Lovejoy, 2.1th W. O 452, Oregonian. REFINED, companlonablo lady, engaged through the day, desires modern rurnisoea room in private lamily. auorws 1 Oregonian, or telephone Main 4S07. WANT office and reading rooms for Painters' Union on West Side. B. A. uneyne, ousi ness agent, 40 Grand ave. WANTED Housekeeping apartments by re fined couple in elegantly furnlshod -house. W 459. Oregonlan. WANTED Room with sleeping porch accom modation by business man. L 457. Ore gonlan. Tvu or tnree nouseseeping room?, auuurus, WANTED at once, furnished house, centrally located. Phones Main 7640. A .5289. 241 North 15th St. YOUNG man wants room and board in prl vate family within 10 minutes' walk of Postofflce. Y 456, Oregonlan. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and Doard. 31 4i, Oregonian. GOOD room and board for mother with young baby, s 4&0, uregonian. FOB BENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL ANTLERS, rorner toth and Washington Sts. New management; . THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde. THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and confortabie; rates reasonable, free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. if ti r? tj A DTfiV iinrl Alflor nPtv ma" A I J. Cj w- " agement ; newly renovated tarougnout; 1 0 outside rooms, steam hoat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running1 wtiier, ov iy , public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL El:CIvlD. 1STH AXI WASHINGTON'. New, modern, elegantly furnished rooms, with or without private bath; per manent or transient. HOTEL NORRIS. inu 17th cor. Wash.: new buildine nrwly furnished; every room light and sunny; not water, sieam neat; iow pr.ues. HOTEL BUSHMAHK. 1 Washington and 17th, flrst-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2G17. M. 5tli7. THB M ERTARPER, 12tJ 13th, oor. Waehing ' ton. brand new, handsomely furnlsned; every modern convenience; hot water In all rooms; very reasonable terms. HOTEL. LENOX, cor, 3d and Main sts.. fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason, able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite the Plaza. rWO connecting rooms and a single; sunny choice location; housekeeping allowed. 67 N. 20th eU COTTAGE for rent, partly furnished; nearly new. 544 E. 14th. W. W. carline. Adults only. THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington stj., elegantly furnished rooms; all modern con veniences1, plenty of heat; $15 and up. Fl'RMSHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill .and Eleventh. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. S2hk Stark, corner 0th. Mrs." Maud J. Estes. NICELY furnished, comfortable rooms, $1.50 to $5: free phone, lights, bath etc. No. 2 X. 14th. NICE, large rooms, suitable for two; all conveniences; close In; $:j to $l per week. Aater House. 7th and. Madison. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral.. $3. $4. $5 per week; transient. THE FAN DOM, 7i;iVa Thurman st., cor. 23d. Reasonable rates. . HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 3C5 Stark, cor. Park. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New. modern, fireproof building, steam heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; every thing first class: rates. 50c. 75c and $1 per day; $3.50 and uq per week. Call an set. us. 12$ 6th st. North. THE MOODY HOUSE, 3d and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk Washington and 3d; Just completed; new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy; single rooms or suites; permanent and transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phone A 7731, M. 8639. FRANKLIN HOTEL, cor. 13th and Wash ington fcts. Most elegant furnished; free tolt phone, hot and cold water in every room; shower baths and tub baths. Come and see for yourself. Rates $4 week up Furnished Rooms in Private Families. WELL-FURNISHED front room in new and modern house; use of piano; reasonable rent; walking distance. Phone East J 203. SPLENDID furnished rooms; electric Ushw, .steam heat, hot and cold water, cln$t to business center; very reasonable. A 520. $4.(M PER WEEK; newly furnished front room, suitable for two; ?;t,50 for one; walking distance. 294 11th st. LA RG E f urn ished f mn t roQm, a Icove. bay window, balcony, modern conveniences, mill able for one or two gentlemen. 210 11th. FURNISHED front rooms; furnace heat, art 16th at. N. Phone A 2S40. Call mornings and evenings. LOOK who's here! Nice parlor, also bedroom with running water; home comforts, free phone, ga. 391 Seventh st. $1S Newly furnished lage front mom; heat, light: suitable for two; close In. Mala 7815, before 1 P. M. 606 FLANDERS, bet. 14t.h and loth, neatly furnished room $t per month. $8.50 MONTH Fine room, bath, good loca tion, close in. 452 6th. A LARGE alcove room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen or a couple. 195 13th. CLEAN front room; good heat, light, phone, piano; reasonable. 26$ 12th at. NICELY furnished room; phone, bath; $3 -per week. . 286 Ciay. FOR RENT 2 furnished sleeping rooms; walk ing distance. 431 7th st. LARGE corner room, hot and cold water, heat, large closet. 542 Morrison. SINGLE rooms, $6 per month; aleo house keeping suite. 389 6th st. 565 IRVING: cozy, sunny, single room; mod ern; walking distance. Main 63Hy. CLOSE IN, v walking distance, 529 H Couch, bet. 15th and 16th, modern, neat and clean. NICELY furnished room, all conveniences. 192 15th st.. near Taylor. Unfurnished Rooms. LARGE unfurnished room for sWping or light housekeeping. 13th. Main 764S. Rooms With Board. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st.. near King, brand new, elegantly furnished : every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience" and excellence, the mini mum of expense. If you want the best In the city for the money, call and in spect; dining-room in connection. HOTEL SARGENT. One elegantly furnished suite, with pro vate bath, for ront. after the 15th of October. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne ave. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use or sewing room ana n brarv. 510 Flanders st. Mis Frances N. Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange, 1S6 5th st, Mrs. Ji. Hi. isreiiierion, supt. CHOICE rooms in up-to-date newly fur nished flrst-class boarding-house; parking location. 374 ra.rk. at. THE MANSION, beautiful grounds, elegant ly furnished rooms, conservatory, billiards, table ooard, $5.50. 5th and Jefferson. THB COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th St.. cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. THE MORRISON, 538 Morrison; American plan; rooms $10; hot and cold water. THE CALVARD Take W car at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097. ROOM and board at the Sterling. 535 Couch. Rooms With Board in Private Family. ROOM and board, modern home for two or three middle-aged business men. Nob Hill, near 22d and Washington. References. Main 5643. ROOMS and board; home cooking; walking distance; bath, heat, phone; very reason able. Call 327 W. Park st. A VERY pleasant front room, suitable for two; also smaner room, monern conven iences; terms reasonable. Main 3280. LARGE room with board, suitable for 2 gen tlemen; home cooking; central location. 195 11th st. $20 Room and board for 4; heat, bath and pnone. oyo jverett ei. $22 Pleaeant back parlor, furnace heat, for two; $w. .t jaain si. LARGE room with board for 2, employed. 447 Mam st. NICE room, new house, walking distance good meals; reasonable. Phone Main 2219. ROOM and board with heat; clean and reason able. 725 Hawthorne ave. B 2267. Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison St., new brick build ing, completely flrst-class, furnished In 2 3 and 4-room family apartments; privats bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air clean ing, janitor terv.ee; some unfurnished; rent very reasonable. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair street, near Washington Wili be com pleted October 1. A few three-room apart ments left; they possess every modern convenience Including wall teds, gas ranges, refrigerators, etc.; location and surroundings uusurpassea. LAL'RETTB apartments, high clas. new brick buiidlnfi. steam heat, not water, nre less cooker, private hall and bath, one ', rooms uruurnished, f minutes from Portland Hotel. 11th, near Salmon. WE WILL build and lease apartment- house for satisfactory tenant on choice of several locations on favorable terms. Apply to Mr. King, 325 Failing bldg. THE MORTON Finest 3-roora apartment in the city, heat, hot and cold water; janitor service; rent reasonable. ONE nice apartment, 3 rooms, bath, both phone3, $30. 6.4 Marshall si. Plats. MODERN flat 4 rooms with X extra sleep ing rooms upstairs adjoining. .Near .ia and Washington. Call A. M. and even ings. Main 8988. PRACTICALLY new modern 5-room flat; will be ready Thursday, uot. la; rent .iu. Call 532 20th st., Portland Heights. Phone East 4036. FLATS, 73114 and 733 Bovs t.. near 6 rooms and Datn. inquire us tm Main 6278. SWELL 5-room modern lower flat, walking distance, 1 MJ r-asr. 1 annuii. near .ou, a.ii 171 East 23d. Phone East 594S. FOR RENT Modern 5-room upper flats. In ton ave., near n'Jiuny ; icm. Apply Wakefield. Fries & Co., S3 4th st. 'LE YS NT four-room, also two-room ; mod ern, walking distance. 2331a Hall, fore noons. FT'RNISHED six-room flat. Call 273 Colum bia st.. net. aa ana tn bis. MODERN upper 6-room flat. 7SO Kearney, 01,1 h'av t 712 k'pHrncv LOWER flat, furnished, no children; refer- C11LCS. Jtr"0 NKTE upper flat of 4 rooms and bath, un furnished, in nne location, ids nurnsiuR, SWELL upper corner flat, walking distance. $27.50. pnone Mam di-. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE very nice large, modern housekeep ing rooms. 000 st. 6WELL housekeeping rooms la new concrete building. Phone C itf4i. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall -sts. Nw!v furnished for housekeeping. In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reeeptfon-rocm. all free; furnished apartments 15 per month up; ninKle houfekefping rooms 2 50 week up. best in city for money; short dis tance from t'nion Depot. Take of 16th-su cars north, get off at Marshall st. ONEONTA. 1ST 17th, near Yamhill; take W. car at depot; furninhe 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week $.Yr0. by month $it and up; hot and cold water, baths and phont-s free. M:tin 4('J7, A 47;9. WELL-FURNISH ED hfusol;eeplns-nioms; 2 $9 month; 3 for $12: i"tt:tses. $16. $!:; Hat. 4 rooms, $16; unfurnished houe. $to. 364 26th North. "W" car from lpot, on 3d or Morrison to 26rh, block north. THE HOWLAND APARTMEN1P. 6.11 14 Washington, cor. 2ttn Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranpes, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. 461 EAST MORRISON, err. Kast &h, com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. THIS MORNING. One dandy tv.-room hu.ekepplng suite; $20. JeiTereonian, M4 Jefferson. VH E MILXKR, 3.rf u Morrison, cor. Park home apartments, all conveniences. NICE-L.Y furnished housekeeping wilte, also single sleeping room. 4M'a Washington t. $1.25 week, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 2"3 stantun, U car. $1.50 week, larRe, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath, gas. 1S4 Sherman. NICELY furnished housekeeping euite. also flngie sleeping- room. 4MU3 Washington Rt. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. SCITE of furnished rooms, suftuble for housekeeping; bath, elect ric lights, steam heat, etc.; flat 7, 494 Morrison. No chil dren. THRKH or four connecting housekeeping rooms, first floor; best of furnishings. 4."0 Hall st.. bot. 12th and 13th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, well furnished, clean, $14 suite up; 16th or 23d -st. car. Inquire 38S North 24th st. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, private entrance; gaa range, hot and cold water. 4S4 E. Ankeny. LIGHT housekeeping. 3 rooms, $15 month, no children. f.Sl Kant Pine st. Phone East 5870. J. C. Marshall. 2 NICE furnished housekeeping rooms; 5 minutes walk from Postofflce; reasonable. 809 7th st. TWO nicely furnished front rooms: sunny, hot air, running water; very pleasant; $27.50 per month. 831 7th ot. 2 NEATLY furnished rooms with llirht, heat, hot and cold water, gas, bath. 54 N. 20th st. Phone Main 7472. 3-ROOM apartment completely furnished, modern conveniences; no children. 1ST East 14th st. Call mornings or evenings. TO small family, dining-room, bedroom and kitchen: bath, electricity; by a Gorman lady. 927 Williams ave. $16.00 3 furnished housekeeping rooms tn cottage; gas range, bath, yard. 610 First st. FURNISH ED Housekeeping suite: all con veniences, walking distance. IS" Chap man near Yamhill. THREE .nicely furnished housekeeping rooms In private family. 409 College st. Phone M. 7333. FURNISHED room for light housekeeping, for lady ; $2 per week. Phone Seliwood 833. PLEASANT rooms, suitable for two, En.?t 27th at., near Clinton. Phone Seliwood 832. NICELY furnt&hed housekeeping rooms. CaH 269 7th st. 2 OR 3 unfurnished rooms, near N. 2nd and Quimby sts. Phone Main 6947. FOUR h'-ueekieeplns rooms, well furnished i cheap rent. 860 Colonial ave. N. EJ. 3 NICELY furnfshed modern housekeeping rooms, ground floor, $20 month. 692 Front, TWO rooms, all conveniences, for adults, 346 Hall. Pbone Main 4943. Houses. WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furni ture. Buy it judiciously and the savings will exceed vot-r moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses In the city In less than two years. Lookers are shown the same courtesy as buyers. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO., Grand Ave., Cor. East ytark St. East Ankeny, Montavllla and East SIda line cars pass our door. WHY RENT? With our organization, eliminating mid dlemen's profit, we can build you any priced hotue for cah or on easy terms and save you money; plans and estimates free; a postal will bring full details. R. BAILEY. Pomofflce Box 473. HOUSES. Nice, modern 5-room home on S. Main, and SOth; rent reasonable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. TWO acres, with house; barn, chickon-house. line for garden, cow. chickens, East SM. near carline, $10 month; snap. Apply .M North 20th; W car from Depot, on 3d or Morrison to 2tith. block north. NEW 6-room modern cottage. $1.V00; 0-rooin apartment. $10.tH: established hotel. -3 rooms, partly furnished, $Tt.oo; all on car line. South Port laud. -'. H- Pigg-dt, owner. 14 Mulkey bldg. FOR RENT Modern S-room house. large lot planted to fruit and tlnwers; on Wil lamette boulevard, overlooking the rlt:i; onlv $20. Devlin & Firebaugh, 511 Shet land bldg. FOR RENT In Irvington. R-room house, new, modern, furnace, gas and electricity; pice garden. 401 E- 20th et N. Main 36S1, A 3681. LARGE 10-room huse, just completely re painted and tinted ; large pleasant grounds: rent $25. 227 East 4lth st. phone Tabor 523. BUNGALOW 5 rooms and bath, new, strict ly n odern: 3firh nnd E. Main sts.; rent $22.50. Inquire Main 2240, or 2'0S. or call 515 Oregonian bldg. SIX-ROOM hnu.se on Weidler St., near Union ave. Inquire Br-wn Proa., Tailors, 244 Alder. Phone Main 8744. 1-K0OM house and barn, with 3 lots, close to carline. V. Schmidt, lu5 Grand ava. Phone B 1557. $20 Nicely furnished 7-room house with bath for rent Nov. 1, at 646 Tacoma ave., Seliwood. Apply 345 Morrison. 5-ROOM cottage, unfurnished, modern, close in. 446 East Harrison st. Inquire 415 E. 8th St. FOR RE N'T 4-room house. East Side, $12. Call 5u5 Lumberman's bids. Phone A 4647. FOR RENT Modern 4-room bungalow. $1.1 per month; no children. Williams Invest ment Co . 621 Corbett bldg. FOR R EXT $15; modern 5-rooin bungalow. 305 Marguerite ave.. cr. uncoin. 0111 w in land blig. FOR RENT 4-room house, $10; 5-room cottage and barn. $15. H. HATFIELD. 105V4 4th St. MODERN hoiw 6 rooms; furnace, two fire- p::icef. double lignum, i-fi i.'in. near Stark; $30. Apply 3oi Dekum bldg. 6-ROOM house, modern and in first-class condition. Apply 821 Fron cor. Whit aker. FOR RENT No. Market street Drive. Inquire room 40. Washington building. 8 ROOMS on carline at 820 Corbett. Furnace, bath. Thone Main 14IO. 9-ROOM house; gas. electric lights and fur nace. 58 Llia ft. $20 5-rootn cottage. 446 11th. Inquire 449 11 tn si. FOR RENT Nine-room nous Hams ave. Phone tt L'40. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, new. Sunn side. Phone Tabor &60. 6-ROOM house, near West ave. and Haw thorne car. $10. Phone East 6203. Furnished House. -ROOM houre. furnished, including plano elegant i 1st rict, close in. M. b. Rent cry, Stearns bldg. FURNISHED house to couple; nice homo place, on carline; can make $1 above rent. O 4o0. Oregmlan. MODERN 6-room house furnished complete, 644 East Ash. Phones ii 1283, M. 8U83. Tj