12 TIIE .MOUSING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1909. The.. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN AT LAUEELHURST? If not. go and see it. See what are its possibilities under an intelligent programme of development. It will impress you with the fact that at least one residence section in Portland is being developed in a manner befitting a growing metropolis, and you will also be impressed with the fact that you should own a part of it. This property is located in the very center of the residence section of Port land, and it is distinctively a residence section. One of its great charms is the fact that it is removed from the dirt, noise, dust and smoke of the city. In selecting a home, you should bear in mind that Portland will never be any smaller. It is growing larger year by year and will continue to grow. The most desirable down-town residence sections are daily being assailed by the march of commerce and by the requirements of business. Stores, flats, boarding-hcuses, warehouses, factories, and even livery stables, are crowding in upon what have heretofore been regarded as -desirable residence streets. These accompaniments to Trade's unfeeling train cannot be kept out. because these streets are in sections which have not been sold with building restric tions, limiting their use to residence purposes only. Very different is the situation in LAURELHURST. Our property is sold under the most rigid building restrictions, and can be used only for residence purposes. A person.. is safe in building a fine residence upon property thus hedged about with re-' strictions and limitations. The design has been to stamp LAURELHURST as purely private residence property of the highest order, with the retirement and privacy desirable in an ideal home, but withal in close touch with the pub lie and in easy reach of the city. , Think This Over and See Laurelhurst Without Delay SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to those who will commence building this year. To visit LAURELHURST, take either the Montavilla or the Rose City Park cars. Both lines run through the property. Office on the ground at East Glisan and East Thirty-eighth streets. HENRY BUILDING ' Phones: A 5234, Main 2565. IS FDR EXPANSION Mayor Simon Believes the City Should Annex Suburbs. REACH OUT ON ALL SIDES Declares Action Should Be Prompt. Thinks It Would Be to Advantage Both or City and of tthe Outlying Districts. Mayor Simon yesterday declared him self unequlvocaily in favor of the an nexation of SU John, Lents and all that portion of the district adjacent thereto, Linnton. Riverside, and any other terri tory tributary to Portland, and said he hopes action to this effect will be taken at once. This is tne first indication the Mayor has made as to his attitude upon this question, which just now is receiv ing great attention by various business organizations and citizens in general. 'I am highly in favor of the annexa tion of St. John and the other places situated near to Portland." said Mayor Simon. "1 can see no possible objec tion to the taking in of St. John, in par ticular, either by the people of St. John or of this city; it naturally belongs to Portland, and. in my opinion, should be come af an early date an Integral part of Portland. I also favor the annexa tion of Lents and adjoining territory, commonly called the Mount Scott dis trict; Linnton and Riverside, and earn estly believe that It would be to the advantage of both Portland and these other places If this is brought about. If they come Into the city they will, of course, be entitled to Bull Run water, police and fire protection and lights. It would be necessary to install those things gradually, and that would nat urally be understood; but I believe that, eventually, it would be an excellent thing." Seneca C. Beach, supervisor of the Federal census in this district, with headquarters in. Portland, started the agitation for annexation of the. various places near Portland, and the Portland Realty Board also strongly favors such action. Rose City Park, a portion of Monta villa and some of the Mount Scott dis trict was annexed at the last election, adding several thousand to the popula tion of Portland, and it is the belief of those who have expressed themselves In favor of further annexation that Port land is entitled to the prestige that would come with it. In-order to annex any portion-of the territory under discussion it would be necessary for the City Council of Port land to give Its consent, and for each of the places concerned to 'vote on the question and declare by a majority vote for the plan. This might be done at a special election, to be called by the Mayor and Council, and this is made the more probable because of the fact that there Is a strong demand, led by Mayor Simon, for a change in the law relative to the laying of water mains, for which such election may be had. DAILT METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. Oct, 18. Maximum tempera ture, 66.7 decrees; minimum. 63.8 degrr ml Addition -with Character Co. 522 CORBETT Phones : Tth-er reading: it 8 1 M.. 8.3 feet; change In last 24 hours. rise. .3 foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 6 P. M.). none. Total since September 1. 9i&, 1.1S Inches; normal. 3.37 Inches; de ficiency. 2. 19 Inches. Total sunshine October 12. 4 hours. 36 minutes: possible. 11 hours, 6 minute. Barometer (reduced to sea-level), at 5 P. 31.. 30.16 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P. M., Pacific time, October 13: a ?2 STATIONS. State Wtatbar Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops. . .. North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Hoseburg Sacramento Salt Lake San Francisco. . Spokane , Tacoma Tvtoosh Island.. Walla Walla Blaine- Marshneld Siskiyou To no pah Kaittpell 74'O.OOj 4;N sl'O.Ool 4 NW T4 iO.OOj 4 X M'O.OOl N (W.O.OO K' W fit O.UO lS.t-'B S8 0.O4I 4!S 72 O.lUMlrtSW err'o.uolio ntv seo.ool 4 SB 74:O.0O 6 N S60.00I 4'S 72 O.OOIlmN SS'O.OO 20 W Clear Pi. cloudy iClear M'loudy JPt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear IClear !Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear IClear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy I 64 0.00 10-SW 62:0.O2, 6 W 64 T. llOS T4 0.0OI 6 SV eo'O.OOl 4 SE Cloudy lear Cloudy Clear I 6 0.00ilOXW 7o:ooi . .X'alm 7O 0.0OI 4 V I 60.00( 6 SV iClear IClear IClear Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A hieh pressure area f considerable strength Is central this evening -at sea off the Wash ington coast and the rains have practically ceased in the North Pacific Statee. During the last 12 hours only light amounts fell in Western Washington and nofie was reported in the eastern part of that state or elwwbere in this district. The temperature on the Pacific Slope has remained nearly stationary. The Indication are for fair weather In this district Thursday, with nearly etationary tem perature. FORECASTS. For the 28 hours ending midnight Oct. 14: Portland and vicinity Fair; westerly wind. Oreg.n and Washington Probably fair; westerly winds. Idaho Fair. EDWARn A. REALS, IV-'r'ct Fre'-nte- Blanche Bate at Bungalow. David Brla.sc is presenting the famous and charming American actre, Blanche Bate, at the Buniralow Theater. Twelfth and Morrison street, tonight at 8:15 o'clock and every night ?ht week, with a matinee Parurday, in her latent dramatic success. "The Fighting Hope." Miss Bates ts rurrounder, by an excellent company of players. Portland theater-goers are offered one of the season's moet delight ful plays by Miss Bates. Seats are now selling. Las of "The Rlnmast. Tbnlsrht will witness the closing performance Af Olive Porter's strong play of Wall street financial intrijrue, "The Ringmaster." It ii one of the meet powerful plays ever offered In thie city, and the Bhuberte are to be thanked for giving local playgoers the oppor tunity to witness It. Neritifl and Erwood at Orphenm. Nevlne and Brwood oeoupy a few hllarioufl moment on the Orpheum hill this we?k, with what they call "A Lot of Little Bits and Some Dancing." They open with some clever impersonation and follow with a routine of fat dancing that establiehes a precedent as well as enviable reputation for ..both artists. Matinee daily at the Orpheum. The Sunny rjOde of Broadway." The brightest, frothiest and merriest mu sical show that has come along this season so far Is 'The Sunny Side of Broadway." Boyle TCoolfolk's great song attraction. Every one speaks of the pretty chorus and the beau tiful songs and the comedy Is furnished by Max Bloom, the clever Hebrew impersonator, and two wild Irishmen. Fstotaire Offers Jack Oliver. To the enjover of mirth and melody no bet ter tip caa b given than to see Jack Oliver j Amusements What t- T-i am A .Mil Bmr- BUILDING A 1515, Main 1503. at Pantagres thie n-eeR. He Is a truly funny t man. in fact the funniest colored man to play in Portland vaudeville for a long time, and his imitations of various characters are the talk, of the town. ; Miss Fay at the Grand. j At every performance given at the Grand ' this week the theater is crowded, for Anna Kva Kay is the headline attraction. This la ( the first time thla world-famous and wonder- lui menial leirpatn usl 111m HrpcaiTu ireio . vaudeville. Miss Fay is not a spiritualist medium, but a clever and skilled scientific manipulator. COMING ATTRaCTIOSS. The Great John Ganton" at the Portland. Out of SO attractions offered by the Shu berts to Russell & Drew, for the opening play at the new Portland Theater, the man agement selected "The Great John Ganton." with George Fawcett In the stellar role, and the theater will open in a blase of glory Monday evening. October 18. "Tnree Twins Next Monday. Beginning next Sunday night. October 17, and continuing the following six nights with special matinee Wednesday and Sat urday, the attraction at the Bungalow The ater will be the big musical comedy sen sation, "The Three Twins." This has been the most pronounced hit recorded in the last year of musical plays and Portland is get ting the original company. Kitchen LolMet at Orpheum. Katchen Loisset la a, charming little Eng lish singer who comes to the Orpheum next week. She ppssas a. youthful and agree able voice and among others sings a song of an enchantress of pigeons, holding on her shoulders several superb birds, who, with certain passages start to fly around their mtstreFS. She also introduces a wonderful while bulldog. Ticket for the Glravson Benefit. Next Monday night the opening of the Donald Bowies engagement In "The prince I Chap" at. the Baker Theater, will be a bene- fit for William and Mlna Crolius Gleason. I1 Tickets are being sold to everyone who de sires to see the attraction, and at the same time assist these two popular members of the old Baker Stork Company, as Mr. ! Gleaon In lying very 111 in an Oakland hos pital. There IB no advance In prices, and Manager Baker has simply donated this one night of the week for his former character people. Boxes and loges have all been dis posed of to well-known society people as well as hundreds of seats and the affair promises to be a great success. Tickets are on sale at Power? A Estes drugstore, by Mtss Genevieve Thompson. Mrs. Preston Smith and many others who are -interested. IXmnld Bowles All "fxt Week. All next week at the Baker, commencing Sunday matinee, the much talked about en gagement of Donald Bowles In "The Prince. Oird." will take place. This Is Bowles' farewell to the drama, as he goe upon the Orpheum circuit next month. Tickets for "The Prince Chap are selling rapidly. Next H'eek at Pantagee. One of the best bills to be presented In local vaudeville for mny a day will be offered at Pant ages next week. At the top are Bert Swan and his wonderful trained alligators, an act Imported direct from the European concert halls, where it has been the topllne attraction In the past season. New Arte Booked. Among the acts booked for the Grand the coming week will be Will Rossi ters Bunch of Kids In a miniature musical comedy; the S tellings, comedy hat throw era; Helen Beresford & Company, presenting "Polly's Surprise." and a number of others. The confirm? bill will be especially strong In the musical and singing department. I 'ink Tea Matinee at lyrlc. "The Flagship." which Is being presented by the Athon Slock Company, at the L,yrio Theater this werk, Is pleasing large audi ences nightly and bids fair to be one of the most popular plays the company has as yet presented. The regular pink tea will take place today. 8 tar Theater for Pictures. At the matinee next Sunday the Star Theater will again be devoted exclusively to high-grade motion pictures, songs and acts that blend attractively with this form of amusement. The shows win be run con tinuously and the programmes will be en tirely changed Sundays and Wednesdays. The theater has been brightened up. made more comfortable than erer and the man- ,t . t,r mrnt mrvtpm 'Baa Meets all trains. F. J. Richardaan. Centrally Located Modern r -'J--. Imperial Hotel Headquarters "There's a Reason", Seventh and Washington PhiL- MeUchan & Sons, Props. Look Distance Phone In Every Room. Rates $1.00, THE PORTLAND PORTLANO, OR. FUHOPKA' PTAN MODERN RESTAURANT coer ores mtluox boxxabo. HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARE STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotef. Rates $1 per Day and Up EUROPEAN PLAN WRIGHT - DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. BEAUTIFUL GRILL ROOM European Plan Rates to Families Our Bus Meets All Trains Sample Sottas wttli Baths for Commercial TraTelen. MODERN COMFORTS MODERATE P"8lrVIWa C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. THE NEW SBWA ED Corner 10th and Alder The leading hotel of Portland; opened July, 1909. Modern in every detail, furnished In eleg-ance. Most beautiful corner lobby In Northwest. Commodious sample rooms. European plan. Rates J1.B0 and up. 'Bus meets all trains. W. M. SEWARD, Prop. aaement will fruard the oharacter of enter tainment with extreme care, making the gtar In all respects an acceptable theater for ladles, gentlemen and children. PIONEER EDUCATOR DIES Miss Clementine r Rodney Helped Found St. Helen's Hall. Miss Clementine Rodney, one of the founders of St. Helen's Hall, a school for Birls in this city, died yesterday morning at the Good Samaritan Hospital. She was one of the pioneer educators of the state, having? come to Portland in 165. She was accompanied at that time by Miss Mary B. Rodney, Miss Lydla Rodney, sisters, and Henry Rodney, a brother. The school was started by the sisters shortly after their arrival, and flourished successfully under their direc tion for many years. , Mary - B. Rodney married the late A Poor Weak Woman As she is termed, will endure bravely and patiently agonies which strong man would give way under. The fact is women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most experienced medical advice fret charge nd in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for many years and has had a wider practical experience in the treatment of women's diseases than any other physician in this country. His medicines ere world-famous for their astonishing efficacy. s The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and deli oate women is Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. SICK" WOMEN WELL. The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition' of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above. HOTEL PERKINS f Fifth and Washington Sta. In the heart of the business and shopping district. The . . . . . . 7 and nr-to-dat. hntpl in the Northwest. with private bath, en suite and single. Large itnd moderately equipped sample-rooms. The Perkins Hotrl Grin announce matte daily daring- lunch, dinner and after the. tneatcr, bj the famous Markee Orchestra. Rate SI and op FEBJKXNS CO. I Q. SWETUiXD, Sec'r HOTBL Pres. Improvements $1.50, $2.00 HKADQCARTSRS I FOR TOURISTS and COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Sperial rates made to famille and sin gle gentlemen. The management be pleased at all times to show rooms and sire prices. A mod ern Turkish Bath establishment In tne hotel. H. C. BOWERS, lanaa-er. PRICES inTv"" Bass rfcn f Sjg THE CORNELIUS 'fThe House of Welcome." corner Park and Alder. Portland's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel, Elegantly Furnished Rates, $l,OOand Up Special Rates for Permanents European Plan. "Bus Meets All Trains. ' M. K. FOLEY, PROPRIETOR. HOTEL LENOX CORNER THIRD AND MAIN STS. European Plan ?o,uygn,ul!IShed Re. $1, $1.50, $2 " Private Baths. Phones in every room. Bishop Morris. Mrs. Morris survives Miss Clementine Rodney, as do also Miss Lydia Rodney and Henry Rodney, who are residents of this city. Miss Rodney was SO years of age and had lived for a long time at 122 Twenty-second street North. The funeral arrangements will he o'clock tomorrow afternoon from St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Twenty-first DIED. - RODNBT Entered Into rest, October 13, Clementina Rodney, born in Philadelphia, daughter of the late Henry Fisher Rodney and Mary Burton Rodney, of Lewes. Del. Notice of funeral later. Phfladelphlt and Delaware papers please copy. LAXT In this city, Oct. 13, at 806 Everett St.. Roy Wilson, beloved son of Wilson and Jeanette Lant. a?:ed 2 years, 1 month and days. The remains are at Finley's parlors. Funeral notice hereafter. ROBISON- At Hlllsboro. Or.. Oct. 13. Kllas W. Roblson. aged ."7 years. The remains are at Finley's parlors. Funeral notice h erea fter. pis AMUSEMENTS. nwT'm.Tj-m a V ntir Tknt.r12tk dUlUAL,UW ,sdM.rrl..s Phones: Main 117 and A 4224. TONIGHT 8:15; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY David Belaaeo Present BLANCHE BATES IN "THE- FIGHTING HOPE." Prices: J2.00. $1.50, $1.00, T5c. SEAT SALE TOMORROW - 7 NIGHTS BEGINNING NEXT SUNDAY Special Price Matinees Wed. and Sat. AT BUNGALOW THEATER The Big" Musical Sensation "THREE TWINS" Evenings, $:.00 to TSc: Matinees, $1.80 to SOc. BAKER THEATER Main 2. A S360. TONIGHT ALT.. WEEK. That Niftv Sone Sho. "THE fit'NXY SIDE OF BROADWAY With Max Bloom and Forty Others. What Is a Pazzaza Plant? TCveninJts, 2fc U $1.00: Sat. Mat.. 25c, Mo. Next week, starting Sunday matinee. Donaia Bowies in "The prince Chap. MAln 77M OT A D TU17 TFD WMhlmrtm A 70S5 UlrtiV 1 U.urtl till and Park Sts. Russell A Drew, Managers. LAST TIME TONIGHT. Sam B. & Lee Shubert (Inc.) Present THE RINGMASTER Original cast and production. dlrct from Maxtne Elliott Theater, New Tork. Prices 11 to :5c. SEATS SATURDAY PORTLAND THEATER Grand Opening Washington and 14th Sta: siium. OCT. 18 Matinees Wed. and Sat. . Sam S. and Lee Shubert (Inc.) offer GEO. FAWCETT THE GREAT JOHN GANT0N Direct and intact from the Lyric Theater, New York Prices 50c-$1.50 Bargain Prices Wed. Matinee MAIN 6. A 1020. Matinees Ex. Sundays and Holidays. NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-T5S Week of October 11. Mile. Biancl. Kene Walsh and Melrose. Hal Godfrey and Com pany in "A Very Bad Boy," Mailm's Mod els, "tieneral" Kdward Ia Vine. Patsy Dcyle, Paul Nevlus and Buby Erwood. Fic- tnres. Urciiestra. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of All Nations. N. Sehllzonyl and His Band of 2S HUNGARIAN HUSSARS 25 MIXTON AND DOIXY NOBI.KS Cordua and Maud, Naples Trio, Leo White, Lester as3 gnannon. Jack Oliver, antage- scoDe. Popular Prices. Matinee Dally. Curtain. 2:30, 7:30 and 9. THE GRAND WEEK OF (KTORRR 11. ANNA .fcisle Creftey & co. i oiby and May EVA FAY TYoltel and Riure Bttndy and Field 1-TfHl Bauer G ran datscope TU a llniA sWsi-v nftv a t 9 L- ftfi 1 "h; A II V ae.lt. ETvening performances, 7:30 and 9:15; life and 25c. Box seats, 50c. LYRIC THEATER Phones Main 4M. A 1026. Prices, 30c, 20c, 10c week Commencing Sunday Alatmee, uct. lu, "TIE KINGSHIP," First time In the West. The greatest nautl cnl rtramn of the dav. presented In "the Athon Way." GOLD WATCH JIVEN AWAY FRIDAY NIGHT. Matinees Sunday, Tues day. Thursday and Saturday at 2: IB. Every evening -at :io. miru uae tue i-rnoi BASEBALL Recreation Park. Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. VERNON vs. PORTLAND OCT. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, IT. Games begin week days 3:00 P. M. ; Surruay. Z:30 r. M. Admission Bleachers, 26c: Grand stand, SOc; Boxes. 2ac extra, unnaren. Bleachers, 10c; liranusiana, -dc Ladles' Day Friday. Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednesday. AUCTION SAIES TODAY. . ... . .i u.,..aa 1 Pnrl, t. At tiaKers Aucui-ii i.v-mj"--, ; --, , Furniture, carpets, eic. aaia at " Baker & Son. auctioneers. 4 1 i" aprond St.. near Main. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. KLTNERAL NOTICES. CARLSON in this city, Oct. 11. at the Tnm v residence. .., r,cicu o... ..ii. D (;arlson. beloyed daughter of Mrs. i!...,t vf I'Hrlsnn. sister of Esther. wrhrt and Edward Carlson, aged '20 rears 8 months and 3 days. The funeral vitl km htld at the chaocl of the Portland Crematorium at 2, P. M. today (Thursday). Friends Invited. n-uT-rc 11 rslrtenre. Lfi2 W'eldler t.. Oct. V. . i -11'..l. A OX .,Aa.c Q months, beloved husband of Mrs. Ellen White. Knneral will take place from resi dence Friday, Oct. 15. at 8:4f A. M.. thence ,,. univ R.isrv Church. Bast 3d and Clack amas sts.. at ji A. M.. where requiem maws n'lll be o?r'i. in.i mn. ..... oi..j Cemetery. Friends TesncciruMy invuea. MIDD1.KTON In this city. Oct. 13, at the residence of his brother, D. W. Middleton, 1037 Belmont st., Frank J Middleton, ucrFH 3tt vears. 4 months and 3 da.ys- . Funeral seiices will be held a Finley's chapel at a Y. M. inoH-y i inumaaj j. Friends invited. Interment Rosa City Cemetery. T-nwK-ATWP Friends are respectfully in vited to r.tlond the funeral services of Vj-s. Caroline LohKamp. at Zeller, Byrnes Company parlors today, Octc'oer 14th. at 2:30 P. M. Interment Columbia Cemetery. OLl.EN'BECK Funeral services of the late Henr- Ollenbeck will be held at Holman s Chapel at 2:3 P. M.. today (Thursday). Friends lnvitea. initrmeni, rtiver view Cemetery. RODNEY The funeral of the late Miss Clementina Rodney will take place from St. Mark's Church. Twenty-first and Mar shall streets. Friday at 2 P. M. Dunning-, McEntee & Gilbaugh, Funeral Directors. 7th and Fine. Phone Main 430. Lady Assistant. On ice of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 220 3d St. l-ady Assistant.. Fnone M. 5U7. J. F. FUNLEY & SON, 3d and Madison, Ladr attendant. Phone Main 9. A 150. McENTEK-EKICKSON CO. Undertakers j lady oshlstunt- tuv Alder, m. uias. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S- Unnntnr. Inc. K. tt'i. a XOZ5. 7,t:IXIB-BVRXES CO. Funeral Direct ors, 272 Kussell. Both phones. Lady assistant LF.RCH Undertaker.. 420 East Alder. PhonfS East 781, B 1888. Lady assistant. fa . ft MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA 1.0DGE. No. 114, A. T. A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) evening at 7:30 ''clock. Masonic Temple work. E. A. leftree. Visiting brethren wilooms. Br order W. M. FRED L, OLSON. Sac. WASHINGTON LODGB, NO. 4. A F. AND A. M. Special commun ication this (Thursday) evenlnn. f:30. K 8th and Bumslde. T. O. di--Kree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. HICHARD30N, Sec. OREGON COMMANDERY, NT) 1, T. Stated conclave this vn- '0 In nt 7:3 P. M. . Vtsltlnc Sir KnlgM oourteouiv lnvitea. W. S. MACRL'M, Keconlftr. MACCABEE DA NCR Tonlffht t K. of t Hn.11. llth und Alder streets. Slles or chestra; best floor In city. Friend" Invited if. j. A a ut,Kbu. captain. THE FRATERNAL, UNION" OB AMERICA will frive a masquerade bsJl In TV. o. v . Temple, Oct. 19. Prasp's orchestra; rood prize. Admission 50c; ladiea 2.V CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effort Noveniner 1, 1808. Daily or Sunday. Per IJne. One time bame ad two consecutive times x-o Bame ad three consecutive tliues. joe ume ad six or seven consecutive times, .ooo Uli words count as one line on casta ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement Is not run consecutive times the one-time rate applies. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other clasauloa lions exceptine- the tollowlna: Situations Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For R.nt. Kooms. l'rlvate Families. Rooms and Hoard. Private Families, Housekeeping- Kooms. Private Families. The rate of the ahove classification la 1 cents a line each insertion. fleu Inch. TO OCT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore gon inn nil) receive copy by mall, provided mn'iclent remittance for a dfinit number of insties Is sent. ArknowlMlsmrnt of ucb remittance will be forwarded pro mot lj. On chare of book advert ! merit s the charjre will be based on the actual number of lines Bpneartiia: In the paper, recardioM of the number of words in eacn line. In caae box office addresn la required, ne re;nlar form riven, and count this a part of the ad. Answers to advertisement will be forwarded to patron, provided eLf-od- dreflned stamped envelop am fuxniahed. A rerelnt will be clven for all Datd-tn- advance advertiMnff. The Oregon. an will not undertake to correct errorn or rerun a monaj unlesH this rewlpt Is returned. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main SO. bECREl'ARX. Mala IN. HUMANE Or Fi CI H. East 77i. NEW TODAY. IRVINGT0N AND H0LLADAY HOMES 100x100, 8 rooms, a corner, and a beauty, $12,500 100x100. " 7 rooms, a comer, on "B" car," 911,000 100x100, '7 rooms, inside lot, fine locality, $8500 50x100. Corner; fine house, 98500 CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Hawthorne Park Home $4800 Elesiint larxe 6-room house, has 1 fireplaces, furnace, full basement, ga and electric; lot is 60x100, north front; plenty of roues and nice shrubbery; streets improved; cement sidewalks, and the very best neighborhood on the Kast Side. On Kast Taylor, near 14th; $000 cash, balance can be arranged. You could not buy the lot and dupli cate the house for less than 5000. If you want a nlco home at a bargain. Iook at tnis toaay. n win not ihsl Grussi & Zadow SIT Board of Trade Bid., 4th and Oak. City bmits, two greenhouses, 170 by 130 and 100 by 20 feet; private water works, 4000-gallon tank; fine location, good soil ; 7-room modern honse. This is a good buy, and for a short thus only. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO, 14 Chamber of Commerce. Why Pay Rent? BarBaln -room bungalow, modern; electric Ilgrht and gas; Dutch kitchen: paneled celling in dining-room: wooa life: full basement; tinted walls. All new and in good neighborhood; M00, $100 down and 1 25 per month. The Stewart Co. Ask for Tabor. B09 Swetland Bids. GET BUSY! An elegant lot only 100 feet from Vary Washington Street On terms at the low price S5000 You can double your money on this lot in a single year. RABB & PATTON. 90 5th St. Will You Buy Now? or wait and pay twice as mucn ror those fine lots on Mount Tabor, ad joining the new city park grounds? 50x147. $550: J25 down, $10 per month. Take M. G. -Mount Tabor car to end of line. Webb, 341 Sherlock BJd. $16,500 Fractional corner on 24 st., close In, with three-story frame building. Pres ent income 76 per cent net. c;eo. d. schai.k. Main 302, A 2302. fl4 stark St. SIIVF.It HILL WALNUTS. Thomas Wlthycombe has walnut groves, wltji a speculative value of thousands of dollars per acre, which he sells for a few hundred, and easv payments. See htm at 21 Hamilton Building, Portland. Or. GKORGB BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bids;. Phones Main 8871. A 4018. FREE! FREE! Valuable official maps and Dooaiexs on luano lanns. call nr write. 1 Mair & Prall, 2 Lumbermen's Bid. 1 A Acres f