Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 06, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    . -A.
Passenger Trains Come To
gether Head On Near
Farmer City, 111.
Conductor Is Kendercd Unconscious,
but Recover and Stampers, to
Telejjraph Office, Wlicre He
Gives News of Disaster.
FARMER CITY, III.. Oct. 6. In a head
on collision, three miles south of here, at
1 o'clock tontKlit. between the State Fair
Special from Springfield and another Illi
nois Central passenger train. 12 to 15 per
sons were killed and nearly 50 Injured,
several perhaps fatally.
The wreck occurred on a curve while the
trains were runnJjK at a high rate of
speed. The northbound train was heavily
loaded with visitors returning home from
the State Fair at Springfield.
It was some time after the crash that
word was sent by telephone to Clinton. A
special train was made up and with all
the physicians available left for the scene.
Conductor Misreads Orders.
The wreck was due to Conductor Dun
can and Engineer McCune. of the special,
mi-reading orders received at Kankakee.
Conductor Duncan was rendered uncon
I (clous and It was over an hour before he
rws able to walk to Farmer City and
' tell the story of the wreck. Four pas
I enger cars were completely wrecked.
Miss Clara Watson, who Is known to
i have been killed, was the daughter of
t John Wateon. one of the wealthiest land-
owners In Dewltt Count-. 9lie was In
company with her brother-in-law,
( Thomas Bateman and his son. Miss at
jnon was 56 years old. Among the In
ijured are:
Some of Those Injured.
Frank filcKlnley. Farmer City; B. K.
iHarne!-. Farmer City: Darius Walters,
'Farmer City; two Misses McCord. De-i.witt-
Thomas Batcman. wife and eon.
Fanner City; Jacob Ross, Gibson City;
I rnjnMnr rbnrm A. Carpenter. Spring
field, seriously Injured: William Jones,
farmer, of Farmer City, seriously In
jured; Conductor Clark, Clinton, both
Jegs mangled, probably will die; En-
: tfineer .McCune, Dotn legs oroKcn.
The engine and two coaches of the
northbound special were telescoped. One
of the coaches was reduced almost to
i kindlingwood." The uninjured passengers
' were busily engaged attending to the
' wants of the. Injured. The surgeons
dressed the wounds of the injured and
' they were removed to Farmer City.
Christian Scientist Says Xo Member
of Church Obliged to Stay In It.
PORTLAND. Or.. Oct 6. (To the
Editor.) Your editorial comment in to
day's Issue of the recent reported action
of the Christian Science Church in drop
ping a member whom it is alleged was
teaching doctrines contrary to those
promulgated in the Christian Science
text-book, is Interesting, but is an un
fair estimate of the situation. .
I do not know more of this particu
lar action than was stated in the news
Item, but generally speaking. It may
be said that without regard to the
prominence of an Individual, such ac
tion devolves upon those officers au
thorized to maintain the integrity of
the movement.
In the denomination you are discuss
ing, this authority is vested in the
Christian Science Board of Directors of
the mother church in Boston.
The right of a person to think and
teach anything he may desire is not
disputed, but it should be expected that
In departing from teaching consistent
with that declared Jn the recognized
text-book.' connection with , the move
ment founded upon such teaching
should be severed, and the use of the
former name be discontinued. Failure
to recognize the necessity of so doing
must receive the attention of some
authority; otherwise a chaotic condi
tion would ensue
I fall to see any trace of ambiguity
in Mr. Farlow's expressing the hope that
the church of which the Individual is a
member would treat the maiter in a
Christian manner. They may be relied
upon to do so. and could hardly be ex
pected to do otherwise.
The question of a successor to Mrs
Eddy has afforded some speculation to
those outside the movement, but no in
dividual could succeed to the position
he holds as the discoverer and founder
of Christian Science, and the naturally
regarded leader of the movement.
Referring to the Sunday services,
your designation of, the effect of the
lesson-sermon as a '"stale repetition
hammered on the ear" can hardly be
the result of attendance at these serv
ices. Unbiased visitors frequently re
mark, as one (did In this city recently,
upon the close interest of the congre
gation In the reading of these ser
mons. No one Is compelled to attend these
services, and those who do should be
able to determine the effect. Yours
Committee on Publication for Oregon.
Million Dollar Minlnjj Case Is Coin
promised in Iowa.
COCNCIL, BUTKSla.. Oct. 5. The
$1,000,000 Doyle-Burna mining suit, which
has been In the courts of this state for
several years, has been settled. In the
district court at Glenwood. Mills County,
where the case wa.s .to have come up
again next week, a stipulation was filod
today, signed by attorneys from Council
Bluffs and Denver, representing the liti
gants. Each side Is to pay Its share tf
the costs in the cas. which amount to
many thousands of dollars. The terms of
the settlement are not divulged In the
J. W. Maloney. of Pendleton, is regis
tered at the Perkins.
Mrs. W. F. Miller, of Marshfeld, Is a
guest at the Cornelius.
D. M. Stuart, a real estate dealer of
Astoria, Is at the Oregon.
Oscar Vanderbllt. the Hood River apple
man. Is at the Seward.
K. Dent, of Feattle. an Insurance man.
Is a guest at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Berg, of Heppner,
are In the city and stopping at the Cor
nelius. C. H. Iohn. a merchant of St. Helens,
is registered at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kellcy. of Kansas
City, are guests at the Nortonla.
W. P. Ely. a newspaper publisher of
Kelso, Is registered at the Imperial.
W. E. Anderson, a capitalist of Van
couver, B. C is a guest at the Lenox.
E. H. Rorlck. a physician r Fayette,
Ohio. Is stopping at the Perkins, ac
companied by Mrs. Rorlck.
B C. Cameron, a business man of Far
mlngton. Wash.. Is at the Nortonla, ac
companied by Mrs. Kelle.v.
H. C. McAllister. Master Fish Warden.
Is at the Imperial, after an inspection of
the salmon hatcheries on the Columbia.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander .McLaren, re
cent arrivals from Wisconsin, are at the
Seward, and expect to make their home
in Portland.
Miss Josephine Kearney, who is at
- .,, v-.- Vnrii wishes to announce
she will be" at home to her friends Octo
ber 10.
Dr. J. F. Reddy, formerly connected
with the Pacific & Eastern Railroad. Is
in Portland from Medford. He is stay
ing at the Oregon.
Will Test Xew Impost in Courts and
r refer Income Tax as Hit
ting Big Fortunes.
DENVER. Oct. 5. Active opposition to
the corporation tax was launched' today
at the opening business session of the
American Street & Interurban Railway
President James F. Shaw, of Boston.
In his annual address today declared that
the constitutionality of the tax would be
tested. He held that the tax imposes an
additional burden upon the holders of
corporation stock, while It does not affect
the income of bondholder's.
Mr. Shaw advocated the proposed
amendment to the Constitution giving
Congress the power to levy a tax on In
comes, holding it as more Just and more
likely to reach possessors of large In
comes, while not materially affecting
others. The present sentiment Indicates
the adoption of resolutions against the
corporation tax.
Mr. Shaw's address emphasized the
maanitude of the street railway industry.
There are 2.V) companies in the United
States. 35.000 miles of single track and
75.000 passenger cars. Ten billion pas
sengers are carried each year. The gross
annual Income from the companies is
J444.O0O.oriO and the par value of stocks and
bonds J4,OO.O0O,.
Politics of the session is beginning to
attract the attention of delegates. It is
asserted by many that President Shaw
may have another term as head of the I
organization if he desires it. Unless he 4
should express a wish favorable to such a
move, Arthur W. Brady, of Indianapolis.
Ind.. first vice-president, will likely be
honored with advancement to- the presi
dency. The million-dollar exhibit of heavy ma
chinery, streetcars and appliances Is the
center of attraction, and daily thousands
view the display, which Is housed in a
temporary structure occupying the streets
for two blocks adjoining the Auditorium.
comer has soft snap
Land-Fraud Artist Does Xo Work,
but Enjoys More Privileges
Than Trusties.
United States Marshal Reed has issued
an order giving to Horace Greeley Mc
Klnley. the notorious conspirator In the
11-7" land frauds, the privilege of taking
a steam bath at a bathhouse across the
stet from the County Jail every day.
McKinley Is allowed an hour and , a
quarter dally for this purpose.
McKinley vaa examined by Dr. A. C.
Panton. at Marshal Reed's order sev
eral weeks ago. The physician reported
the prisoner anaemlcally inclined, which
resulted In the order that the prisoner
be allowed to take treatment. Dr. Panton
explained last night that what he meant
by 'anaemlcally was that he found the
prisoner quite pale on account of his Jail
confinement. Further than this the phy
sician refused to discuss hie report,
saying he made It to the Government,
was paid for It, and could not make It
In spite of the grand jury's Investiga
tion of the matter. Marshal Reed'sNjrder.
giving McKinley the freedom of the
County Jail, and the grounds surround
ing the Courthouse. Is still In force. But
although his privileges extend farther
than those of the ordinary trusty, he is
not obliged to do the work required of
the others. Neither is he compelled to
take his rations like an ordinary prisoner,
as he eats at the same table as the Jailer
and Sheriff Stevens' deputies. His wife
has access to his quarters at all times.
McKinley 's term expires November 6.
Chicago Woman Hastens to Bedside
of Mysterious Sister Supposed
to Be 111 in Portland.
CHICAGO, Oct. 6. (Special.) The re
ceipt of a telegram calling Mrs. Neva
McCuIloch, 4345 Grand boulevard, to a
sister, ill In Portland, about the time a
suhpena was Issued for her appearance
as a witness in the divorce suit of Louis
E. Randall, against Mrs. Hannah Randall,
caused complications at the hearing" of
the divorce case before Judge Dupuy In
the Superior Court today. '
Mrs. McCuIloch. who Is the wife of
Charles A. McCuIloch. general manager
of the Frank Parmalee Transfer Com
pany, Is said still to be In Portland, and
Mr. McCuIloch appeared in court on a
summons to explain why his wife had
left Chicago, September 23, the day the
summons was Issued.
Mrs. McCuIloch. It Is said, accompanied
Mrs. Randall to a Summer resort at An
tloch. III.. In 1904. where they are said to
have remained during July and August.
There, it Is charged. Mrs. Randall was
much in the company of. George W.
Trumbull, of Chicago, who Is named In
Mr. Randall's bill.
Mr. McCuIloch told Judge Dupuy he 'had
received the telegram calling his wife to
the bedside of her sister the evening of
September 22 at his office, and that she
had started for -Portland the following
meaning, the day when a Deputy Sheriff
called to serve the summons.
Mrs. McCulloch's lawyer and her hus
band refused to give the name of her sis
ter In Portland.
Congress Must Solve Clearing
House Certificate Prob
lem Next Session.
TaTt Goes on Record as Advocate
or Proposition Commercial Pa-
, per to Be Accepted as
Basis for Money,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5. The coming
Congress must meet a situation borne of
the panic or 1S07. when the issue of clearing-house
certificates was necessary to
supply sufficient currency to meet the
demands of business Interests of the
country. The temporary legislation en
acted during that critical period must
either be supplanted or re-enacted into
permanent law, it was stated today, and
foremost among the various projects
stands the proposed National central
bank. It Is the common belief that It
will form the basis of the curative leg
islation to be recommended by the
monetary commission snd President Taft
in his recent Boston speech signified his
favorable disposition towards the project.
A bank of the people and for the peo
ple." is the definition of this institution
made bv George M. Reynolds, president
of the American Bankers' Association in
his Chicago speech. He pointed out that
the people were to be stockholders, for
anvone. would be privileged to buy the
bank stock Just as he. might" a Govern
ment bond. A small interest on such an
investment would be guaranteed by. the
Government. Political control of the
great bank, would' be made difficult by
the life appointment of the officers. It
Is not intended that the central bank
support the credit of the Nation.
If the- -National Government needs
funds, if it spends mora, money than It
collects bv taxation, it must continue to
borrow money by the sale of bonds. The
single purpose of the projected bank
would be to safeguard the business in
terests of tlie people in their private, re
lations. If there were need for more
money for business purposes the bank
would supply It by notes, and If there
were a plethora. In dull times, the notes
would be withdrawn rapidly.
Governmental assistance to the Insti
tution would be limited to the deposit
with the central bank of all Govern
ment funds now In the National banks
The existing banks, it Is hoped, would
find their compensation for the loss of
the funds In relief from their present
burden of carrying the whole weight of
responsibility for Increases In the cir
culating medium and In the fact that the
central institution wouldnot receive de
posits from Individuals.
The question as to how the business
man is to benefit by a central bank is
sought to be answered by the. state
ment that the project Includes a pro
vision for the acceptance of good com
mercial paper as a basis for the issue
of money. Such paper would - represent
actual transactions between solvent con
cerns and would be redeemed whenever
the transaction was concluded.
That this plan will meet with prolonged
opposition when laid before Congress
cannot be doubted, although the Admin
istration desires to have the matter re
garded as non-polltlcal.
Prohis Must Do Work All Over
Again at Goldendale.
GOLDENDALE, Wash., Oct. 6. (Spe
cial.) A petition which has been cir
culated around town for several days by
the temperance people, asking the City
Council to submit to the voters of the
town of Goldendale at the coming city
election, the question of whether or not
the sale of Intoxicating liquors shall be
permitted within the limits of the town
of Goldendale. by special ballot, as pro
vided for In section three, of the local
option law passed by the last session of
the Legislature, was filed by the Town
Clerk late yesterday afternoon. This
morning it was discovered that the peti
tion was two names short of the 30 per
cent of the signatures of the votes who
voted at the last general election, as is
required by the law.
The petition filed contains 88 names,
snd the records at the Auditor's office
show that 297 persons voted at the gen
eral election held last Fall.
The parties who circulated the peti
tion attempted to withdraw it this morn
ing and get more names, but the Clerk
would not allow them to do so. They
started out this afternon to get a new
petition signed up.
The law requires that the petition be
filed in the office at the Town Clerk 60
days prior to the coming town election to
be held December 7. and they will have
until Thursday, October 7, In which to
The temperance people state the peti
tion filed was signed, freely by citizens
on both the wet and dry side, and they
expect to have no difficulty in getting
a new one filed in time.
The cause assigned for fallOre to get
enough names on the first petition is
that they took the- vote at the last city
election as a basis to work on. Instead
of the vote at the general election.
Montesano Structure "Will Cost
$134,000 .When Completed. A
MONTESANO, Wash.. Oct. 5. (Special.)
The Board, of Commissioners of
Chehalls County, at their regular meet
ing today, let the contract for the new
Courthouse and Jail to be erected In this
city. The new structure will be built by
Sylliaasen- & Sando. of Seattle, and will
cost J134.000 and Is to be completed within
a year. . ;
The new Courthouse 'will be erected In
the center of Flrpt street, that street
having been vacated by the city for that
purpose, and will face on Broad street.
It will be one of the finest structures of
Its kind in this part of the state and will
be built of the famous Tenino stone.
Work will commence within a week by
the successful bidders. There was a wide
range of bids on the Job, the , difference
between the highest and the lowest bid
ders being 190.000.
Wholesale Firm Loses.
Damages of J360 and costs have been
awarded J. F. singer by Judge Gatens
in Singer's suit against the Pearson
Page Company over a horse. Accord
ing to the testimony the wholesale firm
bought the animal from William Cle
ment 'in 1908. singer alleged he also
bought the same horse from Clement
In. 1908. for 190. The company re
fused to submit its books for the
court's Inspection, and Judgment for
Singer resulted.
. . ii
Beautiful, Exclusive Apparel for Horse Show-Specially Priced
For Wednesday and the balance of the week we offer exceptional values on ladies' high-grade wearing apparel
and millinery. Note these values:
Beautiful Evening Dresses ,
Radically Reduced
A fortunate purchase from a well-known manufacturer
enables us to offer most tempting reductions on a limited
number of high-grade beautiful New Evening Dresses in
the latest styles and' colorings. ALL OF THIS SEA
EXTRA SPECIALS prevail throughout our NECK-.
DEPARTMENTS all at radical reductions.
Defends Wehrung Against All
Acusations Made.
Head of Oregon Commission Said to
Hare Offered Bribe to Portland
Man and Official Investigation
Is Being Strongly Hinted.
Petty politics and grievances on the
part of disgruntled employes are
ascribed by Edgar W. Rowe, a member
of the Oregon Commission at the
A-T-P Exposition and owner of the
postal card concession in the Oregon
building, as beipg the direct cause of
the rumors relative to graft and mis
management on the part of W . H.
Wehrung, president of the Commission.
Mr. Rowe denies that any loose
methods have been used by the Com
mission in the conduct of its business.
He further avers in an emphatic man
ner that the Oregon Commission is not
in sore financial straits owing to the
misapplication of funds, but. on the
contrary, it is in. better circumstances
than several, if not all. similar bodies
at the exposition.
That Wehrung has managed the
Oregon building conservatively and
judiciously was the supplementary
statement made by Mr. Rowe to his
corroboration of the statements made
through the press by Mr. Wehrung.
"Bugaboo," Cries Rowe.
"The whole thing is a bugaboo," de
clared Mr. Rowe. "Political enemies,
combined with disgruntled employes,
caused the rumors which reflected on
Mr. Wehrung's character and manage
ment. It is merely a case of a porter
and a Janitor trying to talk about the
business end of an office with which
they are unfamiliar. We have suffi
cient funds on hand, and every cent ex
pended and disbursed can be accounted
for without the slightest fear. As-for
Mr. Wehrung and his various methods
of management, I know he will have
no hesitancy in producing his books
for public perusal."
Mr. Rowe was effusive in his denial
that any attempt had been made to pad
the pavroll and that any employes
about the Oregon building were receiv
ing any salaries beyond their actual
worth. That no underhand methods had
ja hv Wuhrime or any of his
colleagues in the distribution of "cer
tain priies ' am pnvueBc ui
been offered in the Oregon building
since the opening of the Exposition is
also the belief of Mr. Rowe.
"We can show a clean sheet when the
time comes," he said. ' I might say. too,
that at the present time the Oregon
buiding, from a financial standpoint,
along with the Commission, is in far
better circumstances than several sim
ilar build.ngs and bodies on the
grounds." he added.
Proffered Bribe Hinted.
. nr ,Via ripnfjilii strenuously
made by Commissioner Rowe and Man
ager Wehrung or any uncanny meiiiuuo
comes another rumor to offset their
contentions. One citizen of Portland
who is salfl tr have Knoweiage 01 mt
Internal workings of the Oregon Com
mission' and the management of the
Oregon building Is said to have commit
ted himself t such an extent that Mon
DAME FASHION has approved that the finishing touch to a costume
or a suit must be a FUR. For Horse Show week, commencing today,
and the balance of the week, we have made a radical reduction of
And other leading FURS, in COATS, STOLES, THROWS, NECK
PIECES' and MUFFS, Take advantage of this remarkable offer.
SAVE ONE-FOURTH of the cost of your FUR and buy now.
aster Wehrung inevitably must become
the subject of an official investigation.
The substance of the rumor is to the
effect that Wehrung indirectly proffered
a bribe to a prominent business man
of Portland to "keep things under his
hat." Itfhas also oeen asserted the man
approached would not accept the com
pensation offered and stands ready to
tell of this before an Investigating com
mittee. -
Taft's German Speech at Salem Has
Possible Explanation.
President Taft's mistake In thinking the
residents of Salem Germans and his sub
sequent talk there on the great good be
ing done by the industrious Germans In
this country was probably due to the
fact that In the Taft party from Portland
to Salem was Colonel B. Hofer, president
of the German society-of Salem. Colonel
Hofer probably said so many things about
the society to Mr. Taft that the execu
tive gained an impression there were no
other residents m Salem thaVi Germans.
On Saturday, in the parade, a special '
automobile was set aside for the repre
sentatives of the Consolidation of the 28
German-speaking societies of Oregon. This
arrangement was made at the request of
Otto Kleemann, who is president of the
organization and who received the de
sired permission from General Beebe. In
the car - were Mr. Kleeman, Gustav
Schmoerr, vice-president of the consoli
dation and president of the German So
ciety of Oregon City: Florlan Fuchs, sec
retary of the consolidation, and Colonel
Hofer, a trustee of the consolidation.
After the ceremonies in Portland Colonel
Hofer accompanied the presidential train
as far south as Salem.
Jealous of Alleged Attentions Paid
Wife by Dusky Cavalier.
Charging John BInns, a negro, with
making disrespectful advances to his
wife, Tony Fltzsimmons, an Italian
laborer, shot at Binns with a 32-callber
revolver in a corridor of the Woolford
tenement-house. Union avenue. and Bast
Washington street, shortly before 12
o'clock last night, the bullet taking effect
in Binns' right leg. Fltzsimmons then
fled and la being sought by the police.
Sergeants Kienlen and Smith and Pa
trolman Wendorf hurried to the scene
in the police automobile a few moments
after the shooting occurred. The bullet
did not strike the bone of Binns' leg but
made only a flesh wound which, while
painful, is not -considered serious. The
wound was dressed in Binns' own apart
ment as it was not thought necessary to
send him to a hospital.
Fltzsimmons lives In the house with
his wife.' They have been there but a
short time. It is believed his name Is
ficticious, for he appears of Latin, ex
traction, which is belled by his name.
t .
Ambulance launches comprised one of th
Innovations of the Hudson-Fulton celebra
tion. ,
Madison St.
CU Boren Ave.
8 !'
Dnlte i Wireless
The Highest Grade Erery HoJsra Coarealeaci
Centrally located and commanding s view of th
Olympics, Cascade Mountains, Mt. Rainier and
Pucat Sound. Auto-'Bus meets trains and boats
on direct carllne to the A.-T.-P. Bxposjtl.
J. S. McTERNAN. Manacec
Cor. Fourth and Morrison.
'4 OFF
Send for
Parisian Pattern Hats
One-Fourth Off
For today and balance of the eek we place on sale
beautiful PARISIAN PATTERN HATS, at prices rang
ing from $15.00 up to $75.00. ALL AT ONE-FOURTH
OFF. Buy. your new Fall hats now at this great saving.
Beautiful Dress Hats V Off
We place on sale forWednesday and the balance of the
week 150 of cur high-grade DRESS HATS, ranging in
price from $12.00 to $25.00, at a saving of ONE-FOURTH
OFF from regular prices. Take advantage.
-I Hi safe la
D-S-GoV-lnspcfrtcd Est; 838 O
Demand This Brand
Sweet, juicy ham; crisp, delicious bacon
are Autumn breakfast favorites they de
serve their popularity. Whether you work
with your brawn or your brain; your mus
cles or your mind, you need good, whole
some, nourishing meat foot. To get the
Demand This Brand
Portland, Oregon
Our New Fur Stylebook Free.
"Well that feels better".
Ever say that when you
take off your shoes at night?
It's a bad sign means there's
Something wrong with your
"Next time you feel like say
ing that, just ask yourself "what
is that shoe they say ' Makes
Life's Walk Easy?"
Next morning look for the
Crossett dealer. He will sell
-you shoes you can wear all
day and be sorry to part com
pany with at night.
$4 to $6 everywhere.
North Abington Mass.