Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 06, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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Details Are AH Arranged and
200 Horses Are Quartered
at Fair Grounds.
Oriental Building Will Be Brilliantly
Illuminated and Heating Plant
Has Been Installed Judge
McDonnell I Hqre.
VThen the Portland horse show opens
In the Oriental building on the Lew's ana
Clark Exposition grounds tomorrow af
ternoon, not a detail will be lacking to
make Its success complete. The entries
are more numerous and of higher class
than In either of the two former shows,
the big building is splc and span and
provided with every accommodation for
a large crowd, and Interest In the event
Is general. It is certain that the three
day society event will be all that the
Hunt Club, which has It In chrage, could
hope for.
All of the outside entries have arrived
in the city, moat of them coming on. In
a 14-car special train which reached here
from Seattle yesterday morning. Every
one of the 20 stalls provided at the Expo
sition grounds Is occupied. In the past
the stables, which were then smaller,
were adequate to meet all demands, but
this year It has been necessary to quar
ter some of the animals down town. Most
of the horses quartered at the Exposition
grounds are from outside cities which In
dicates the fine showing that will be
made In the ring.
Electric Lights Installed.
T. O. Downing, who Is In charge of the
Oriental building arrangements, has the
structure In perfect condition for the
show. Workmen yesterday completed In
stalling the electric lights and no expense
has been spared to make the scheme of
Illumination all that could be desired.
Long strings of light bulbs are suspended
everywhere and there will not be a shad
owed spot In the entire structure. A
very agreeable feature this year will be
the provision for steam heating. The
heating plant has been Installed and heat
will be turned Into the building today so
that when the crowds gather tomorrow
they may view the horses In perfect com
fort. The clay and shavings on , tho floor
have been well packed and a better track
. for Its purpose could not be secured. An
extra long runway was laid out yester
day so that the horses In the high Jump
could be given every opportunity to set
a new Pacific Coast record. An agree
ment has been reached by owners of the
high Jumpers that the top bar of the
barriers shall be chained In place so that
there can be no question about the rec
ord. This will add an element of consid
erable danger. High Jumping Is always
perilous and chaining of the top bar
means that the horses will have to clear
the barrier, when they attempt it, or take
bad falls In which the riders will run
considerable risk.
Attendance to Be Large.
The sale of seats has been more than
satisfactory and It Is certain that there
will be large attendance each night and
good crowds also In the afternoons.
Practically all of the boxes have been
reserved and the other seats are In good
demand. It Is not believed that the rain,
if it continues, will cut down the attend
ance to any appreciable degree. Awnings
have been stretched around the entrances
so that all may enter the building with
out getting wet or muddy. Automobiles
and carriages can go to the doors which
la another very convenient arrangement.
J. O. McDonnell, of New York, arrived
' last night to act as Judge of the show.
. Mr. McDonnell has had much experience
' in Judging horses and members of the
Hunt Club feel very fortunate In secur
ing his services. Mr. McDonnell will
. visit the Oriental building today and look
' over the horses that will be on hand for
the usual practice this afternoon.
, pogs Which Took Prizes in North
Will Contest at Salem.
SALEM. Or., Oct. 6. Special.) The an
l Final field trials of the Oregon Field Trial
Club will be held In this city tomorrow
and Thursday, and some of the best dogs
In the west will participate.
Among the dogs that will start are
Ehaeta Queen, owned by J. E. Terry, of
. Sacramento,' and Rex of Salem, owned by
Homer H. Smith, of this city. Shasta
Queen won first place in the Pacific
Northwest Club Derby at Ladners Land
ing. B. C, last week and Rex of Salem
won first In the British Columbia all-age
stake and second In the P. N. W. all
age stake.
There will be about ten starters In the
derby here tomorrow, and probably six
in the all-age events. The trials will be
held near the Savage place, about three
miles northeast of the city. The officers
of the club are: President, Will Llpman,
of Portland- vice-president, Paul Hauser.
of Salom; treasurer, J. R. Baker, of
Portland: secretary, E. A. Parsons, of
Portland. All are expected to be present.
Several Xew Marks Hung Up at Mad.
ison-Square Garden.
NEW YORK, Oct. 5. Four Indoor rec
ords were broken tonight at Madison
Square Garden at the conclusion of the
annual Indoor track and field meet of
the Amateur Athletic Union.
The most Interesting contest was the
600-yard run, won by Melvln M. Sheppard,
of the Irish-American Athletic Club. He
defeated Harry Gisslng, of the New York
Athletic Club, by two yards. Sheppard's
time was 1:14 3-5 or 1-5 of a second bet
ter than the National indoor record he
established previously.
In winning the final heat of the 150
yard dash, J. J. Eller. of the Irish-American
Athletic Club, made the distance In
15 4-5 seconds, bettering his time of a
year ago by 1-5 of a second.
Ray C. Ewry, of the N. Y. A. C, hung
up an Indoor record of 14 feet and 1 Inch
In three standing Jumps. C. W. Hep
peny, of the Montreal A. A, won the
pole vault for height with 11 feet 6
Thinks He Can Now Ofrer Purse Big
Enough for Jeffries.
LONDON. Oct. 5. Hugh Mcintosh, the
fight promoter, left here today for Paris
to try to arrange a meeting between
James J. Jeffries and Jack Johnson for
the heavyweight championship of the
world. He said he was now in a posi
tion to offer a purse that he thought
would satisfy Jeffries.
Jeffries arrived in London tonight and
will sail for New York on the Lusltanla
Sunday. Jeffries says he did not meet
Hugh Mcintosh.
Baroness Virginia Captures $10,000
Prize at Lexington.
LEXINGTON. Ky.. Oct. B At the
opening of the Fall meeting of the
Kentucky Horsebreeders" Association
today Baroness Virginia, by Byron-Review,
was driven to a hard-earned vic
tory. The value of the stake was
$14.000.' and the winner's portion was
Referee Runs From Mob,
N MEMPHIS. Oct. 5. Bob Moha, the Mil
waukee boxer, gave Jack Robinson a
thorough beating in their eight-round oout
last night at the Phoenix Club, but the
referee declared It a draw. A demonstra
tion followed from nearly 3000 spectators,
but Yank Kelly, the referee, escaped from
the arena before the enraged fans could
make trouble. Moha had Robinson on the
mat eight times for the count in the last
Enthusiasts on Way From Coast to
See Big Leagne Leaders Bat
tle for Championship.
PITTSBURG. Oct. E. With the aim
of having the distinction of seating a
greater number of persons than has
ever attended a game of - baseball, the
management of the Pittsburg National
League Baseball Club Is busily perfect
ing arrangements for the opening of
the world's championship battle be
tween the Detroit Americans and the
Pittsburg Nationals here next Friday.
At Forbes Held 000 additional seats
and a false fence located some dis
tance from the present boundary are
being built.
From present Indications It is be
lieved from 75,000 to 100,000 persons
will attend the games here Friday and
Saturday. Spectators are coming from
Portland, Or., San Francisco and Den
ver. There will be delegates from all
the cities embraced by the major
More than 200 newspaper men from
all parts of the country will be here
to write accounts of the battle. In ad
dition more than 100 telegraph opera
tors will be present. It Is said $200,
000 already has been placed by Pitts
burgers and a greater amount Is said
to be awaiting the takers. The betting
is about even.
Mustache Is Tinkered
Out of Business
Alex Cralb, Well-Knowa Teleg
rapher, Yield to Temptatloa to
Fix Things Does It Effectively.
IF Alex Cralb, one of the old-time teleg.
raphers of Portland, had not yielded to
the Innate desire to tinker with things
that has been his unfortunate penchant,
he would not now be mourning the loss
of the beautiful hirsute adornment care-
fully nursed and protected and fondled
with pride by Alex for many years.
Sad Is the loss of that mustache; sad
der still the way of its losing. Mr. Cralb
Is at the business end of the telegraph
wire In one of Portland's papers during
the day. Along with the screwdriver, the
monkey wrench, the oil can, the hammer,
the nails and various other. toote which
may come handy sometime and are con
stantly at his right hand, la a small mir
ror. When there is nothing else to fix,
Alex gazes in the mirror. Yesterday he
decided that mustache needed fixing.
Along with the other equipment la a pair
of sctesors. Snip! went one end of the
mustache. Too short. Snip! went the
other end. Also too hort. Snip, snip,
alternately went the ecissors. and soon
there was no mustache.
Ghastly with the horror of hie deed.
Cralb hied himself to a barber and had
the Job completed. Now he mourns. Will
he quit tinkering? Not he. He Is only
waiting for, another to grow, when he will
start In to train It after the inspiring
fashion adopted by the Kaiser.
Suit- for Bridge Site Begun.
The agitation over the new Broadway
bridge, and the unsuccessful effort ot
the city officials to secure the water
front property occupied by the Albers
Brothers' Milling Company at what they
considered a fair price, has led to a
condemnation suit In the Circuit Court.
The property which the city asks a
Jury to condemn and assess the dam
ages, la along the river at Seventh and
Kearney streets, on the West Side. It
is described as lots 1 and I, block 318,
Couch Addition.
Oregon Man Made Timber Cruiser.
Washington, Oct. S. W. C. Bennett,
of Portland, has been appointed timber
cruiser for. the land office.
TEAMSi GIVEN HESTlll ' r " : "
Rain Spoils Contest With Sac
ramento Players.
Senators Enjoy Vacation, buf Home
Aggregation Is Disappointed In
Not Getting Chance to Climb
Higher in Percentage Line.
Yesterday's Besulta.
San Francisco 5. Loi Angeles .
Vernon T. Oakland 1.
Standing of the Club.
S? I8 If
Ban Fran. 19!2824
Portland . Ml fcl 18
T.n. AnilB 1V17I 21
li.'t. lift 12111
Oakland . 13il3U8lB
tr Oil l.t'in
- 1 1 1 I
Lost ...B8i748601114llB:M8
Although delayed several hours by a
freight wreck In Southern Oregon en
route to Portland Monday night, the
Sacramento ball tossers arrived Just In
time to play a regular game had not the
rain god butted In and put the ground in
such shape a game was Impossible. The
result was the visiting players Becured
a most welcome vacation while the home
guard, though more or less disappointed,
was satisfied to have another . day of
The postponement of yesterday's game
means that another double-header will
be furnished the fans on Sunday, when
the Portland and Sacramento teams will
engage In two games for one admis
sion. Captain Charley Graham, the foxy
leader of the Senators. Is elated over the
showing his team has been making of
late. He says the Sacramento team has
played better baseball than any other
club in the league In the last few weeks.
Since their last appearance In Portland,
the Sacramento players number several
new faces. Myers, a clever youngster, Is
playing first base instead of Arnold
Gandll, who has been doing duty in the
outfield, while. Darringer, a diminutive
chap. Is playing third base In place of
Heiney Jansing, released. The Sacramento
and Portland clubs, weather permitting,
will open the series on the Vaughn
street lot this afternoon.
Vernon 7; Oakland 1.
OAKLAND, Oct. 5. Vernon captured
the firet game of the series from Oak
land today by a score of 7 to 1. Tonne
son was pounded In the second inning
and gave way to Bolce who failed to
stem the tide. The score: R. H. E.
Vernon 0 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 17 9 1
Oakland 00 0000 1 00-1 6 2
Batteries Brackenrldge and Hogan;
Tonneson, Bolce and Lewis.
San Francisco 5; Los Angeles 4.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 5. With as timely
a hit as ever happened, Tennant won the
13-lnnlng game for San Francisco today,
the score being 6 to 4. Beall and Nagle
were fined $6 each for talking to the
umpire and were compelled to leave the
grounds. The score: R. H. E.
San Fran. ..02 1 0 1 000 000015 14 4
Los Angeles 000100003000 04 8 6
Batteries Butler and Orendorff; Dur
ham and Berry.
'Boston 5; Brooklyn 3.
BROOKLYN, Oct. 5. The Bostons cap
tured the final game of the series with
Brooklyn here today. The visitors ral
lied In the 10th and scored two runs.
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Boston 6 10 1 Brooklyn 3 9 Z
Batteries Richie and Rardon and Hun
ter and Marshall. Umpire Sternberg.
Pittsburg 5-7; Cincinnati 4-4.
CINCINNATI. Oct. 5. The season of
1906 was closed today, Pittsburg winning
both games of a double-header. Scores:
First game
R.H.E-I R.H.E.
Cincinnati ..All 1 Pittsburg 6 8 2
Batteries Rowan and Kennlck; Adams,
Leever and Simon.
Second game
Cincinnati ...4 8 2 Pittsburg 7 7 1
Batteries Bushelman and . PaiAtls;
Maddox and Simon.
Chicago 6-S; St. Louis 1-4.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 5. An eighth Inning
The Open Air
Plunge Bath at-
Largest in the World
The original of thla picture,
and of four other bis BA
OfEAN features, together
with the rrhitert'a pinna
from which thry were drawn,
are on exhibition (his wrrk
In the window of the ! K
(ill! Company store. Third
and Alder.
-.w.v. i mi n k mill .in .ill f niinnTiranliVhirfriamri y,l HU.i.j-s-'X'''' rtfTiirtrsisf
rf , iiiMiiaiiinriMTinwftitiwiii wu-ntivwitwmn w.hiimhv --
The Great B.y.lde Plunge. 600 by 1000 Feet. Only the Half of the Enclosure IVeare.t the Blhboue Cmn Be Show.
In the Picture
Salt water, straight from the sea, yet 20 degrees warmer than
the surf! That is one of the advantages of the Plunge Bath.
Here is the reason : The tide recedes 2500 to 3000 feet
from the shore on the bay side of the peninsula. The sandy
beach is consequently warmed by exposure to the sun and air.
As the incoming tide, right from the sea, flows over the beach
the sands in turn warm the water. The average rise in tem
perature is 20 degrees.
At a sheltered point the Open Air Plunge Bath will afford
a swimming place absolutely without an equal. The inside
dimensions are 500 by 1000 feet. The depth varies from two
and one-half feet (safe for the smallest child to learn to swim)
to four feet. Through the center the depth is four to eight feet.
This tremendous excavation in the sandy beach is part of
the work for which the $40,000 dredge, now in operation 20
hours daily at BAYOCEAN, was built.
Around the outer edge a' concrete wall will provide spots
for restful sun-baths.
A large proportion of the water will be changed by every
Ideal swimming is thus provided at any hour of the day.
Four hundred dressing-rooms will accommodate the bathers.
One floor of the bathhouse, including a separate fresh water
plunge and several showers, will be exclusively for women. The
men's floor will also have a fresh water plunge and an ade
quate number of showers.
The casinos of the Southern California resorts and the great
Sutro Baths of San Francisco have been studied by the de
signers of the Bayocean Plunge Bath, so that it incorporates
their best features.
But no place can duplicate this Plunge Bath, for at this
peninsula only is there so peculiar a combination of physical
The Plunge Bath is as much a part of Guaranteed BAY-.
OCEAN as the hotel, the water or the paved streets.
416 R. A. Long Bldg., Kansas City, Mo
421 Columbia Bldg., Spokane, Wash.
2J0 State Savings Bldg., Butte, Mont.
901 Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.
rally in the second game gave St. Louis
an even break with, Chicago in a double
header here today. Scores:
First game
Chicago 6 18 liSt. Louis .-..1 5 2
Batteries Pfelster and Moran; Raleigh
and Melter, Phelps.
Second game
Chicago 3 5 JlSt. Louis 4 1
Batteries Hagerman and Moran; Har
mon, Melter and Bliss.
Football Player Dying.
POTTSVILLE, Pa., Oct. 6. Robert
Milllngton, halfback of the Pottsville
high school football team, is dying as
the result of injuries received In a foot
ball game at Shamokln Saturday after
noon. He received a kick in the abdomen.
Nearly 40 0 Entries Made at Burns
Since July 1.
BURNS, Or., Oct. 6. (Special.) The
past three months have brought a large
number! of new settlers to this part of
Oregon, as 'revealed by the quarterly re
ports of the local United States land
office Just completed. Since July 1, there
were 30,244 acres entered here under the
homestead laws; 20,209 acres under the
desert land laws; 8111 acres under state
school scrip, which costs JS.75 an acre;
1482 acres under timber and stone laws;
619 acree with railroad scrip, making a
total of 60,614, representing nearly 400
entries, and the large majority of these
are In Harney county, as the search for
such lands was stimulated by the opening
of the Carey lands near Burns on July 1.
A remarkable feature of the late move
ment Is the taking of so much land at
J8.75 an acre. During the last month
alone, over 4400 acres were taken In this
way, and nearly all In this county.
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Multnomah . Starts Campaign
for New Members.
'H500 IN 1910" IS SLOGAN
Frank and Mose Are Selected to
Compete in Wrestling Matches at
Portola Carnival Smoker
Draws 800.
"Fifteen Hundred in 1910," was the
battlecry adopted by the members of
the Multnomah Amateur Athletlo Club
at the first formal rally and smoker of
the season held in the gymnasium last
night. The battlecry does not mean
the club haa not that many members
now, for Including Intermediates and
Juniors, the famous Portland athletlo
Institution has an enrollment of nearly
2500, but the campaign launched last
night is to Increase the senior mem
bership to that figure.
Last night's smoker was one of the
most enthusiastic rallies ever held by
the club, and was marked by boxing
and wrestling contests, speeches by
prominent members and the serving of
a luncheon prepared by Tom Richards.
The club members who spoke In
the Interest of the campaign for a larg
er membership were J. F. Ewlng, presi
dent; John F. Logan and H. C. Camp
bell. On motion of Mr. Logan, the
club unanimously voted to have a set
of i resolutions of sympathy drawn up
and sent to Judge George H. Williams,
who was compelled to miss last night's
entertainment through illness.
- ' Club Will Pay Dues.
President Ewlng took occasion to an
nounce the plans for a contest whereby
the club expects to have 1500 senior mem
bers enrolled by December 31, 1909, and
the plan Includes the offering of prizes
for those securing the greatest number
of new members.
To the member who shall have pro
posed the largest number of accepted new
members between now and December 31,
three years' dues In the club will be paid.
The two members who bring in the next
highest number of accepted new members
will each receive two years' dues. Two
more members who bring In the fourth
and fifth greatest number of new mem
bers will receive -a year's dies paid by
the club, while the two members who
Introduce the sixth and seventh greatest
number of members will each receive six
months' dues. The announcement of this
plan was received with enthusiasm by
the 800 or more members present.
Mat and Ring Bonts.
Last night's boxing and wrestling
bouts were heartily appreciated by the
club members. The wrestling match be
tween Mose and Franske was to decide
which of the boys would represent Mult
nomah as the second wrestler of the
team to be sent to San Francisco for the
Portola contests. Mose beat Franske In
an exciting and Interesting match In
which both showed great Improvement
over last season's form. Edgar Frank
defeated Kllleen in another grappling
bout which was also Interesting. Frank
and Mose will be the wrestlers to go to
San Francisco, while Olmar Dranga, who
boxed three rounds with Professor Dan
ziger, will take care of the boxing hon
ors for the Winged "M." Richie Hewitt
and a lad named Van Kirk boxed three
most Interesting rounds, and the three
round out between C. C. Ralph and De
Voe was also entertaining.
Tonight will be aquatic nlsht and tho
swimmer who will represent Multomah at
the Portola aquatic events will be se
lected. Professor Cavlll announces that
he wants all of the entries In tonight's
events on hand by 8 o'clock sharp, for
the swims are to commence promptly at
the time set
Seconds Drag Former Lightweight
Champ From Ring in Boston.
BOSTON. Oct. B. Young Corbett of
Denver, former lightweight champion,
was dragged from the ring by his seconds
in the fifth round at the Armory tonight
after Dave Deschler of Cambridge had
sent him to the floor In bad shape.
Close and One-Slded Matches Vie in
Championship Race.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 6. Close and
one-sided matches were equally numerous
today in the first round of match play at
the women's annual golf championship.
Three of the four British visitors had
easy , matches, so their quality is still
unproven. Miss Vlda Llewellyn, of Chi
cago, Western champion, narrowly de
feated Miss Georglana Bishop, of Bridge
port, who won the National title here on
the same course, five years ago.
Belmont Cnrd Deteriorates.
BELMONT PARK, N. T., Oct. 5. An
ordinary card was run oft here today.
The crowd was up to the average. The
Corinthian cup steeplechase flld was re
duced to two starters and Vlthalm was
returned the winner.
Crystal Made Takes Feature.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Oct. 5. The feature
of the Louisville Racing Association
races here todr.y was the Oakdale Handi
cap at six furlongs, all ages, won by
Crystal Maid.
New York While a Pennsylvania Ball
road train was maklnr 50 miles an hour
with seven coaches of paaaenKGr from thl
city to Philadelphia, a pilot wheel of a lo
comotive picked up a rock from the tone
bullasted track and hurled it throwth the
cab window, the missile striking Kr.glm.-er
William Cooper on tho head and knocking;
him unconscious.
Sincerity Clothes"
for young men are
smart and refined too.
Good taste never runs to ex-
tremes and good style is after
all no more than good taste A
possess fitness but their fitis just as noteworthy.?
It's a perfect fit. That's because they're made '
of London Shrunk fabrics. The shrinking keeps
the cloth from warping, just as seasoning keeps '
wood from twisting. You can be sure that
Sincerity lapels will always be as flat and smooth
as at the dealer s, and Sincerity collars never '
pull away from the neck. To have Sincerity
Clothes this perfect we must lose fifteen per
cent of the materials, but we thereby kep your
good will. It's to the milPs advantage to make
the' least wool into the most material', it's to
our advantage to make the most value make
the most customers.
tCtttw tlathatt 6 Hstttsr Co.